The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 15, 1895, Image 4

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    hot f OVsoj, E C Pavna, H C Rout v Recetrtra.
Pullman Sleeping Oars,
Eleg iiit Dini g Cars,
Tourist Sleeping Gars'
St Paul
Puluth i
Grand forks
Helena and
Washington -Philadelphia
New York
Boston and all
Points East and South n
For information, time cards, maps and
tickets call on or write C G Burkhart,
Agent, Albany, Or.
Or A D Charlton, Asst Gen Fass Agt,
Portland, Oregon,
to the EAST via the
Urion Pacific System.
Through Pullman Palace sleeper
Tourist sleepers and Sew Reclinin
Chair cars
Trains heated by steam and cars light
ed by Pintsch Light.
Time to Chicago 34 days, time to
Kew York days, which is many
hnrs quicker than all competitors.
For ratee, time tables and full infor
mation, apply to
Cckrkx & Monteitit, agents, Albany,
Or. Or
R W Burros. CE Baowsr,
Gen'l Agent, Diet Pass Agt
135 Third St, Portland, Or.
Is cot complete
without an ideal
I foxvtjxtl.
Combines every element of
beauty and parity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible, A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate. .
Insist ctra having ths gaauiae.
Send for
Catalogue '
Street Railway Time Card
Th car i!l leave corner of Firs' in)
Washington streets is follows:
7140 a m for Lebanon train,
8:15 " " Orohan's Home.
15:50 " " N00.1 train going aortb
13:15 P m Ir noon train going south.
1 " ' Lebanon train.
1.30 " Orphans Home.
i. i
9:55 " Overland train going south
For 0 phan'a Home on Sunday car
leaves at 2:30. 3:30 and 4 30 p m.
The car will also meet all incoming
trams on the Oregon i'acinr railroad.
fAMM tnl 0.1 liflUU MftrUUS 1
prompt rawer anil an honest opinlonWrita to
M li S N dc CO., who bin bad nearly fifty yearaP
experience tn the patent boaineas. Commmitcm
tiona strictly eonfldentlal. A ii and book of In
formation concerning Patenta and bow to ob
tain them aent free. Alao a catalogue q aaaeaan
Ical and acientlflo booka aent free.
Paten ta taken tbroneh Mann ft Co. reeetrs
pecial notice In the McientiOe American, and
tboa are brouctat widely before the public with- "
oat coat to the rnrentor. This aplendid paper.
i"! weekly, elegantly illnatrated, baa by far the
laiaeat circulation or any adentice work In the
world. S3 a year. Sample copiea aent free.
Building Editioikinontbly, S2J0 a year. Single
copiea. tlS oenta. Erery Dumber contain beau
tiful platea, in eolora, and phoUxrrapha of new
bouses, with plana, enabling nmldera to ahow the
latest deiiimi and secure contracta. Addreaa
liUfiii & CO, NEW KOUK, 361 BbOADWAT-
A t'. 1 oorpa of inatrnotcav
Coo rata ot tudy arranged tm nsMtrv
f 11 frstles ofstudontw,
i Wa tuaucementi cftttd to itudtM,
from abroad.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
Weakness, NerTouaneaa,
ueoiiity, ana all the tram
01 erua irom early errors or
later exceaaea. the resulta of
overwork;, sicknew, worry.
etc. H uli strength, uevoi-
opment ana tone given to
every orjtao ana portion
of the body. Simple, nat
ural methods. I mined l
eto improvement een.
Failure imposeible. K.00O referencea. Bouk,
explanation and proof mailed (sealed) free.
Your husband will notice a great
improvement in your cooking, with
Your house will not be filled with
the odor of hot lard, when
ev a. eBBae
Your doctor will lose some of his
Dyspepsia cases, what ,
Your children can safely eat thej
same food as yourself, when r
Your money will be saved, and
. j ...
your cooKing praisca, wncn
Yqvl USegOLgNE
Famous cooks, prominent phy
sicians and thousands of every
day housekeepers endorse it.
Will you give ita trial f
Bold tn SanAS pound palls, ty ail giooeraj
Made only tyv
The N. K. Falrbanit
sr. jjovn ui
few Yorky
0.1 H. CO.
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
great mm
For tall details ca1 pa
Ccran & Moxteith, Albny, Or,
ob addriss:
Obil Pa . Aoljii
POltrl AND, OR.
WLL drive tie humor from
your system, and make your skin
clean and smooth. Those Tiist-les and
fl Blotches Trhich mar your heautr are
TD u 1. laaraflicae? ai rrs . ,
fl They can be remored in a short
great blood purifier. Sulphur Betters,
"Why enJfeT -with BoHa? 'Whyr'.ve ft
with that terrible Headache ? Why S
lay and toss cn that bed of pain
vim Khtur.miiMT 1. se iui- r
phur Bitters. They will cu you
where all others faU. The aose is
saiall only a teaspoonf xC TRYJT
and you will be satisfied. The young, n
theagedandtotteringaresoonz.ade &
well by its use. Remember what C
you read l.rrr it may sare yorriife, E
JlI you are Buffering from Kidney E
jswc&se, suu w lau to live u viu ap, gj,
use Sulphur Bitters. They never fail F
to cure, uetuor your IJruggliL.
Sulphur Bitters will cure Liver
Complaint. Don't be discouraged;
Send 3 2-ccnt atamna to A. P. Ordway & Co.
An AffrAMhlfi Tainllua md wmt TVmrm.
Bold by Drupirteta or sent by mail. Sc.fi0o.
U per package. Samples tree.
The Favorite TOOTH rW!)S8
r'ot.her & Mason, lger.t.
- wv&auie aaa aarau
Druggists and Booksellers.
Apei.ufor John B, Alden'a publics yorjs
raich we sell at
publlaher'a prioaa wif
ALBA IT llltr.W
rice Pnstdent .
.. 8. K.YOUNO
ntAFSACTS A OENERALbanklng-bnaioawJ
ACCOUNTS KEPT sublet to check.
BIGHT EXCHANGE and UI Taphlc tranaf r.aold
new iora, Dan xranciaco, vnjeao ana riuand
lO OitOriOHf ADS on favorable ermi .
Touae E ,W Liaacos'
.Bladi, Ii. Fuaa;
- Edvass 1 . 801.
TRANSACT general Baukinr niinfm
DRAW SIGHT ORAFTS on Kew V..rk, 8a ft
aeoand Portland, Oregon.
LOAN MONET on r.pprovad frcnrHy
RECEIVE denoalta aubject to check.
COLLECTION!) mail on fcr'KU'v.o I'm..
tHTgRESTnald r, isf ".;.!
OUND. V Ltwellvan eftter. CjIi
t OA Aroli'bald'a and tcoure property
aV niOaV mi 1
Site Jemorat
It has been learned that boom rhymes
The tariff revenue has been increasing
so fast as to stagger republicans. They
don't know hat to think about it.
The queen has made a speech to par-
liament. Though short it ma; be guess
ed it was written for her.
The young men are taking the DtBO'
trat. Thev find it mere loimaiuy to
a . . 1 A
pay ten cents a week.
f.aatrm Oresaa Deople think they are
entitled to one of the Senators, and why
not. Now Portland hogs the whole
The name of Cooper, of Benton.will go
oiling down the ages besides that of the I
lost sheep. He came baca to the people
and to star.
A ilmmmer who has been over the
coast says limes are improving rapidly
I Thank yon, Mr Drummer, encouraguient
is what wa want.
At a small church in Spokane there
have beeu 50 conversions in two weeks
and meetings often continue until after
I t,'c ock in the morning.
A till in the Illinois legislature pro
viiles tor the abolisbing of hig 1 bats at
the theater- Both high bats -ind high
prices should be abolished
The Governor of South Carolina is
only tlurty-ona years of age. We know
of men thirtc-one Tears of age who
onght to be in short pint so far as sense
is concerned.
When it comes to winter weather
Oregon has outdone itself. We are proud
of the weather of the past fear months ;
pmicularly after reading the frigid
items from he at
Waid McAllister, the leader of the
cc'.ebraVd 0 Udrad. The matter ia a
set ions one, and not a funny affair, as
sorts surmise. Mr Vcll"t;ster was not
the kind of man maoy imagine.
Tbe New Yrrk legislature is a regular
i anti-body. Acti-foxing bills, anti-jock
ey bill, anti-racing bill, ami-trap shoot
iog bill, anti-bicycle, anti-eporta, anti- j
everj thing is the rule.
What will Mr Breckenridgedonext for
notoriety tbe Dimociat wonders. He
had a scandal, stumped a state for re
election, tried to lecture, had a public
fight and challenged a man to a due L
Now if he would only fight tbe duel and
be kind enough to be killed be would do
the country a great service.
Ex Governor Patueon. ot Pennsylva
nia, has been nominated for mayor oi
Philadelphia. He has as good qualifi
cations for being president probably as
any man iu the United States. and bene
there will be 00 mistake made in elect
ing him mayor of tbe quake; city.
The fact that the deposits in savings
banks for ISM show a decease of over
$40,000,000 from those of 1893 should not
be interpreted as indicating increasing
depression, for tbere it an increase of
more than 126,000,000 over tbe total of
1892 and of more than 2U,000,000 over
the total of 1S90 rays an eastern paper
The San Francisco Star gets hilarious
as follows: Hurrah for Governor
Ball! Hs bi beeu io offisj not
mon than ten days and has done more
public good . than bis predecessors ac
complished in ten years. He is brainy,
and a man of courage. He is a whole
L:xow committee in himself.
Here's something from an exchange
the Democrat has been wanting to say :
"Don't ask the editor to suppress any
item of news. Some other paper will
get it, anyway. Next week something
will happen to your neighbor, and if be
asks to have it suppressed you will be
the first to jump on tbe editor for 'not
daring to say bissoul was bis own.' Take
your own medicine-"
So far, only 350 Japanese have been
killed in the war now going oa. Tbe
Chinese couldn't shoot straight enough
to hit anybody, and run too fast for tbe
Japs to take good aim at them. Ex.
Tbe newspaper bluster about this Jap-
John war has been sufficient .o bave
caused the death of 100.000 men ; but
only 350 Japs have turned up their toes,
and probably not over ten times as many
Chinese, hardly wrrttt mentioning.
Most petitions do not amount to much
but that 00,009 petition against the
Reilly funding bill spoke in tones of
thunder, and they were beard. The San
Franci'co Kiammer is entitled to si at
credit for the persistent manner in
whicb t upheld tbe right of the people.
The unemployed of Stockton wi'l be
put to work if pairn? soui' 01 the prin
cipal strcjts. Tha :s a .)-id idea, but
in Aloany there is not moiijili of an in
come to pay the rupmog expenses, to
say nothing of smdi l:ixurie as pave
ments. A young ma? wl.u owe nobody says
he has couie to the conclusion that the
men most to be respected in any com
munity are I lie ones who pay their
debts ; not that it is wrong to be in debt,
but if you are, rurtle until you are out of
debt. Don't have th thought that you
owe a man who is entitled to the . money
weighing your mind down.
It is very significant o' the feelinjc in
Congress that the Senate Committee 00
foreL'i. a Hairs has approved, without dis
sent, an amendment offered by Serator
Morgan of Alabama to the naval appro
priation bill, adding $100 000 for ihe
dredging of Pearl Harbor Bay in the Ha
waiian Is'ands In the committee dia
cueslon it was distinctly stated that this
appropriation was meant to serve notice
that no other occupation of 1 'await than
oar own would be tolerated by our Gov
ernment. Senator Morgan took the lead
in expressing this opinion. He has nev
er failed to give notice of his disapprov
al of tbe foreign policy of the present
administration toward Hawaii. The
committee has as yet takeu no action on
the proposal to modify th& treaty 10 as
to allow a British cable to be laid to
Necker Island. The twill probably be
refused until the supremacy of the Unit
ted stated in Hawaii is assured. That
can only he a question of two or Ibron
years at fatherest. Ex -
Or, Priae' Cream Bcklng Powder
World's Pair Klneft Award.
Joe Simon Las been mentioned as a
compromise senator. Save the people.
Old John Bull is trying to get a slice
A'.aslta by monkeying with the sur
veying ot the tines. Uncle Sam will let
Johnny B. know what is what If he fools
too much with-our Alagka.
The deadlock is thoroughly establish
ed. Dolph men are getting desperate
rant and declare that the next vote will
settle it; but It doesn't. On the fight
goes, and the deadlock doesn't collapse.
The Dkmocbat believes thoroughly in
advertising and hence It frequently ad
vertises the fact that advertising is the
proper thing.
8t.okane is having a new city di red
ely, and the fact is being revealed that
i in eignteen months nearly half the peo
ple of the city have changed their ad
Hon. 0. F. Paxton, of Multnomah
county, in leading hi delegation lor the
division oi unn county ,uis wrmer nome.
displays less sense man a nve year oia
boy should display in such a case- If he
will come dp to Albany we will see that
his father gives him a good spanking.
A bill in the legislature provides tor 6
per cent interest. As a matter ot tact
that is all one can afford to pay ; but the
truth is tbe rate doesn't always regulate.
The editor ol the Dsmocbat knew 1
money lender in a 0 per rent state who
made 24 per cent right along summer
and winter. r
All thtee parties declared In favor of
aSoluhiog tbe railroad commission
The few democrats in the Irgielaturs are
ready for tbe business at on?; but the
republicans seem to have forgotten thei
promiaes, acd even ii they abultrli the
comm ssion the? are liable to provi'le
for something else.
A Linn county man to the penitenti
ary is brooding ever what he will d
when begets out. With hisnaTsfor
integrity and honor blasted he s con
tetnplating with uneasiness the future
Go where he will the fart will sometime
be known that be was onre in the Ore-
con penitentiary. But a n:an can cut
live it by tbe strictest kind cJ a '.ife.
Smith, ot Josephine, will come nearer
having earned his money than a ay man
in the legislature. He has introduced
twenty-seven bills, tro resolutions, one
concurrent resolution and tLree house
joint resolutions.
Notwithstanding all
this prodigious work bmith is a sma)
man physically. If be doesn't needthat
branch insane asylum it will ba a woe
Colonel W Seward, Webb, who has
been appointed on tbe staff of Governor
Woodbury, of Vermont, baa a beautilul
new uniform. The colonel is rich, so be
did not mind paying f 1500 for it The
braid is frold and the lace came from
Paris. The sword is even more dacxling
It baa a Damascus blade and a diamond
in the hilt, and tbe colonel cheerfully
paid cut $2700 for the pleasure of mak
ing all tbe other colonels green with
envy. , la case of a strike oa the New
York Central, Colonel Webb wid scatter
opposition with the magulficense of bis
presence. Ex.
The Tacona News holds up iu bead
and says:
With the facts ot 14 before us, it
lot-leal to arrive at tbe conclusion tbat
1335 will witness the development ot
healthy busineea growth. e bate
learned some useful lessons during tbe
past couple of years. We Lave learned
that w are Dot an exception to the opera
tions of economic law. High protective
tariff; currency tampering; tbe artificial
restriction ot commerce: all of wbicb
bave claimed the attention of national
legiatalioo.have given us a bitter expert
ence; but one, that in its bitterness has
really been productive of good, in that
it has awakened ui Irom a dream to the
actualities oi living lite. Henceforward
there la bnt small doubt but tbat Con
gress will recognise tbe loud voice
tbe people, and shape legislation toward
the preservation of the nations credit
to the end tbat the eenerai good shall
rise superior to party aggrandizement.
Anew bill introduced in the Kew
York legislators not only forbids any
person to engage in pool-selling book
making, 4c, but it makes it a felony for
auy one to aid or abet or in any way as
sist them in doing so, which means tha
every parson who puts down a bet
oTeiS to do to is liable to a heavy fine cr
imprisonment for not more than tw
rears, or both. It is not likely ibat
many persons will be found who witl be
willing U run such risks to gratify the
liking for speculation. Gambliug upon
the future price of stocka is also provid
ed against, and almost every form of
speculative investment except insurance
is forbidden under very heavy penalties
Pool-rooms doiog a so-called cooimistioj
busineis ara expressly mentioned, thus
extinicuishiog the last hope of those en
gaged in tbe busiuess apart from the
tracks if the bill becomes a law. ,
These are days when rustle is needeJ.
The town that emeiges from the present
era with colors flyinn must get up and
get acd not sleep, i he following frum
the Pendleton E. O. is highly colored hut
it is good : A commercial trave!ert who
was at the Hotel Pendleton a few days
ago, fired he following answer to a re
porte, wheu asked what he knew about
packing houses: "What is my opinion
ts to the advieability of immediately es
tablishing a packicg house in Pendleton ?
Well, I will tell you. You have now an
opportunity not easily obtainable, and
which once suffered to go by default may
not readily present Itself agsin, and it
requires no prophet's tongue to say tbat
you may regret missing the golden op
portunity. Long ere the fast printing
press shall be rust, long ere the wind
shall play aeolian music through thedis-
used telegraph wires, long ere the incu
bator, the bicycle, the trolley car, and
other evidences of effete civilization have
played their little part upon the stage of
tbe world's history, and sank into in
nocuous desuetude forever, the people of
Union or some other wideawake and
promising city, shall hove grasped the
golden plumb; and sitting under their
figurative viue and fig tree tell their
grandchildren of the fortunate Rip Van
Winkle sleep of ostrichlike security on
the part ot Pendleton which enabled
them to steal a march on a community
generally awake to its own interests."
The State Legislature bat hardly done
a commendable thing except to not elect
Dolph. They have done more fool
things than any legiwlatiue iu the histo
ry of Oregon, and still haven't done anything.
These Saturday nights come arauud
like telegraph poles as one travels cn a
fast going train. It you look back over
a wook you do not see much, but how
the ears change one. These days we
are looking ahead for prospects. Two
mon may discuss the matter and one will
say they are bright, and the other that
thure is not a good sign ahead. This
evening it seems to tbe Editor ot the
Dimocbat as if thers was much to offer
encouragement. Several years ago
man back east probably known as a
crauk. published a pamphlet of prophe
cies. In outline be showed how the
periods of depression appeared and dis
appeared periodically with intermediate
eras not quite so bad. lie figured out
tbe present hard times to a dot and de
clared that in the latter part of 1895 and
in 1806 they would improre rapidly until
they reach the greatest era of prosperity
the United States has ever known.
1900, when the downward courso will he-
gin to be rnn, for human weakness will
crop out and extravagance and boom
spirit will agaia obtain. Not because of
the prophet; but because lie has so fig
ured out the problem the Editor of the
Dsmocbat believes these things. Bright
en up your tools for good times will
come, and when they come beware of
the ides of the downward march towards
another era of depression.
The past week has been tedious with
the use of the word Dolph. It has been
spoken 1,C75,2,815,289.05022 limes
more cr less. It has been uttered in de
rision and with anger; it has been men
tioned in a J mi r Lou ; but all tof ether
has been bandied a i'.hout gloves. Tbe
senatorial queaiion is no nearer retlled
than a week a . Tim Liau couatjr di
vision question iiae been rucg into it in
rot tea manner purely for political pur
pues; but uiuiuer am out, and tbe
game aid not or..
T .rough the East have bn rating
fierce, iiearilc aloruis, sweeping
through the cotUjc of the hsif carved
Nebraskaos and iiieilirig around the
gables of'he ri ii New Yorker, cold to
Kockeleller on his 1Q.OOO a day income.
CJ.d la the laoorn.n fortunate if be
makes i0,0(.O ia laeiily j ears, but the
tuiliijoaire caa Jum i-jr the Urui and
hide irout its Geice&ets while the pour
must si.iver friui iutuftL-ie ncy cl gsr-
ujeut food ar.d It. limes ie, KockeiViier flic u Id divide 19,'AiO a
day among t,l0 i men and live ua f 100 a
day until limes get better. O.i.ior 4ran4
men, nnselfixh io their love fur mankind
who will seek to ale via to the distress of
tbe world while at low ebb. Tbe rising
tide would brio them grsa'.er proseri-
Wa&hiiauton Letter.
Fraaa cn reffuUrGafrwipaadcet.
Wasuisotos. Feb 4 , ISj5.
Senator! Caffsry and Blanebard of La.,
accompanied a delegation of New Orleans
businces men io. a call upon President
Cleveland to ascertain bis .iews upon
the payment of the sugar bounty for tbe
yearl&t. Mtmbersot tbe delegation
were surprised and pleated to find that
the President was thoroughly poeted on
the subject, and were ttill more pleased
when he told them he wss in favor of
the payment of one-balf of the bounty
for Sr and would g'adly co-operate with
them in securing the neceesary Cjngrese-
ional legislation.
Chairman MaCreary, of the Hon
Committee on roreijrn Affairs made a
few eensible and well-timed remarks
concerning tbe disposition of republicans
to introduce all sorts of reeola -Ijcis con
cerniog Hawaii just for the purpose of
making buncombe speeches therxm. He
said that tbe action of this administra
tion on Hawaiin matters had been is
accordance w ith international taw and
with the policy of this country for
hundred years, ar.d that if a different
policy were to be followed the govern
mrnt might be called upon to tend war
ships alt over tbe world, and It inter
fere wherever there was trouble.
The dealers in fake resignations from
tbe rabioet bad at last a real resignation
to handle several days ago. Tree, it was
not a cabinet resignation, but it was
near as it could possibly have been not
be to. The Solicitor General is next in
rank to the Attorney General and draws
a salary ot oniy a lhouend leas. Al
though the resignation of Solicitor Gen
trai Maxwell wa a great surpns out-
aide the Department of Justice, tbere
was little or no foundation for tl.e scbsa
lions which have been built ep arcuad
Under the divinity which doth hedge
all legiclation concerning men who serv
ed in the US aruy during the recent
war, there ia a vast amount of cooked
ncee. A case in point ia tbe bill 10 place
Lt. Oil J. Mdiiu Cults oa the retired
net o: the army with the ank and
of Captain, ibis man, who has fur
yeara been a f I,2c0 clerk in the war de
partment and the recipient )! $20 a
month penaion, was dieiuissed from the
srmy in diegrace io 1So3, for us'.ng and
wraiug abusive language to brother ofl
err and (or playing "peeping Tom" ia a
hctcl. Yet he nos comes forwar-t, un
der the protection uf the aloreslid divio
i-'y, and a strike for Sliw a year
fjr the rest of hia hie, and the bill giving
it to him had passed ti e Senate and been
favor ibly reported to the llouae when
fveprt'eritativu liieix. of Indiana, made
thea'uove futa knon to the Hoiim.
To-day for tin- 6rtt lime since the 4ib
of March, 1803, the democrats have icss
than a msiority of the Senate. There
are now Sti Seun'ois, and the drurjcrats
have oniy 43. lieu tho two additional
republicans one each from Wjoming and
Waahington, take their s-ats, there will'o'r, the repnllicaiis havirg
40 and tue pjpulisis 5. Whether the
republican and pnpulbts will combine
to reorganize the senate it as j et
knowu, but the probobiluiei
are thai
they will, after the 4th 01
the democratic strength
fuither reduced.
Marcii when
will Nj still
The New Yoik Sunday World has be
corns so largo that the Editor of the
Dbkocbat, who is not very large, almost
baa to call in the service of a dray. Af.
ter the pictures have all been r ad and
at much of the splendidly gotten up con
tents as time will permit the paper makes
fire starters for nearly a week.
A brother newspaper man says the
Dkmocbat is the best I seal newspaper
in Oregon. This newspaper man Is a
fellow of wonderful perception andsplen
d!d judgment.
Pendletonians will pay
tax than Albany people.
6 morj mills
An Absolute Cure.
The Original Abistlne O'ntment is onlv
put u? In large two ounce tin boxes, and Is
an absolute cure for. old sorer, bums,
wounds, chipped hands and all skin erup
tions. Will positively cure all kinds ot
piles. Ask for the Original Abietlne
Ointment. Hold by Foshsv & Mason at
35 cents per box, by mail So cents.
(J. N.
Duncan, county Jndjre; J at.
and J. W. Pugb, Comml
Petition of J. II. Edward for Lridira
across Calaxoia below Sawyer Bros,
uuii, cumin ueu.
Petition for John Gaicaa mad cnntla.
ad. Bills of $10.00 allowed.
Petition of II. Errant at al for count
road granted.
TllO County Court nllnnrn..1 laal
night after transacting the following ad
ditional business:
I'otltion OI W, L. Baruhiv f..r n.nntv
W 1 t till LVi.
rvoau supervisors were appointed as
touows; S. N. Millard for diBt. 28: J.
Onmos, dist. 44 ; K. A. Murry. dist. 38;
, l). Jackson, dint. 34.
Win, St. John was allmrnd Sinn in full
uir unniHL't'H on account of acr .Irnt on
1 -
county road.
a no inx roil was OMertM turned over
10 too tmemi witti warrant to collect, as
soon as completed.
isms allowed :
P G Morris, poor acct t 18 00
G O Cooley, aid Mrs Clark 6 00
W bavage, aid Uox 10 00
B White, aid Kenwortby 8 00
BO Kemp, aid 5 00
OTLubker.aid 3 00
M rs hluabeth Osborn, aid 6 00
M rs Sarah 1 1 inea. aid 5 00
John Usher, janitor 10 00
Kobert fJtlock, aid 8 00
P M Smith, aid Watson 5 00
Mrs Barnard, aid 5 00
Mrt G F Junkcy, aid 8 00
Henry Meyers, aid 5 00
JasLarew, aid 8 00
Mary L Davis, acct poor 10 00
J D Burkhart, acct poor 11 25
Buck & Ketcbum, acct poor 2 SO
8 Mitcholl, acct poor 2 00
B F Crow, acct poor 9 00
Fred Dawson, acct poor 3 95
J A Mcl erou, salary lftd 65
N Necdham, " 104 69
DFHardman, " 150 00
J X Duncan, " hOO 00
Ptr Morris, " 83
A K Itutherford, " 50 00
FMKedSeld, " 83 3.1 1
Q K Propst. " 64 6T. j
W w t'raa lord, roads 18 88
C F Oaklev, bounty 2 50
Thomas Monteith, pestage 43 60
B W Fisher, roads .75
EGoin, acct poor 7 00
Irwin Hudson Co, books SO 70
Hopkins Bros, acct jail 0 10
Stewart A Injx Hardware Co,
roads 5 2-
Forter M ill Co. road 9 16
A A Tuwing, rebate tax 13 CO
M thackleford. road supervisor. . W CO
M A Lucaa, road supervisor 2d 00
(ieo Kowelletal, drawing jurors. 7 00
ET Fisher 13 50
J A McFeron, hoard pnsooers .. 9 2
J A Mcreroa, stationary 3 .j
J B McDowell, drawing iury 3 CO
Oregon ajrt Linn county, fee 19 95
J F iinekar.acct roads 34 54
A B McIIwain, acct poor 4 40
Wm Chriatensen, acct roads 5 85
P i Morris, mttlaneous I 65
A K Rutherford 4 IO
Aid Jones famiir 20 00
John Evans, road supervisor ' 34 00
Hvde A Tyler, acct roada 2 00
Afbany Electric Light Co 22 50
B Enckson, roads.; .2 00
S X Millard, roa-ltuperrisor-. .. .'-4 40
Jerry Shea, roads
X Xeedbam.stamre
12 75
10 00
4 85
37 OS
2 15
11 05
22 50
9 00
10 40
42 00
5 00
4 25
Oregon agt Hannah A Boss
D. F. Hardman
t. O. Sianiili. deputy sheriff
S. W. Moore,
M . Keener, and. aawesaor
J. W. Pugh. as comuuasioner . .
J. M. Waiors.
Boon Doakins
John Sohmeer. livery
1. 1 . Kopers, aoet. poor
That Surgical Operation.
Dr. Maston returned last night from
Portland where he had bten to see Mr.
Taylor, from whom 44' tnchc-s of in tea
tine was recently, and ears that
he is getting along uue well and hopes
to go home soon. Dr. Marton wishes
the DtaiotaiT to say in jmrtire to Dr.
Cauthorn. that the conception of the
removal of the tumor by reeing the
intestine orginatei wiui an.i waa pcr-
lormco ny mm wan it. Jiasion s con
sent and aisanrv. The other steps in
the operation were done by Dr. Mastort.
The Dr. also wishe to thank Dr. H. R.
Holmes for his kindms in loaning the
"Murphy button" used in the opo ration
The above operation which consisted
in the removal of 44." inches of intes
tine was excelled yesterday ia Portland
by an operation on the person oi the
Italian Marencha who attempted to
commit suicide, and is tol l by tho Ore-
gonian as follow: CStr Phvsician
heeler and County Phyknan r-mith.
ased by the rurceons of the hospital
s:a. operate! on Jlarencha, an l a.wr-
tained that his intestines were fairly
pennrate.1 with tml.ct iioie. it was
lourKl neoesary to rptnove SO inches of
intestine, and the disconnected ends
were brought topftlicr again bv means
of "Murphv luttons," a new device in
surgt'rv. I he operatioo was quite, sue-
ceeful, and at last reports the patient
was resting easily.
It is hoped by the Editor of tho Dxwo
cwat that mralom surgwns will soon be
able to remove the wliole of tho alimen
tary canal, and thereby retrieve the
Nebraska siiflorera from the pangs of
The following items are taken from the
two Corvallis papers:
Mrs Paddock of Independence. and Mr
Leo of Albany, arrived yesterday on
visit to their parents.
Invitations are out for a reception to be
given by Mias Amy Plummer in honor of
01 her guest Mis Failing. Tbe event
will occur next Friday evening.
J. Frod Yates was in Corvallis Tuclsv
on legal business. Since moving to Al
bany, he has built up a nice practice and
is doing we!'.. Fred is a rustier, has abil
ity and stay uig qualities and is fast at
taining an enviable reputation as one of
tne leading young business men of Al
J. E. Sorbin left for home last Patur-
dav. The adjusters allowed him all told
f 1,440 on hi building and fixtures de
stroyed and damaged in tbe recent fire.
If be is able to Trance money matters he
will in a short time begin the erection of
a brick building on the spot now occu
pied by the ruins.
A tatter to the Times from J. B. Walk
er, at Ogden, Utah, announces that the
u ard and James company after plarinc
to big houses all season, was to open a
month's engagement nt San Francisco on
the 4th int. Mr. Walker still plays a
minor nart. but after nlavinir temporarily
a much belter part during the sickness of
tbe regular nlavcr reeontlv, ho had the
satisfaction of a word of approval from
Mr. Ward. The company piavs a short
engaevment in Portland next month.
FRF.XCII. On Thursday forenoon, Feb.
ion-. . - J ff . r, r 1
1 , j ciy-s to ai r ami airs t ,u rrencu a
bey, Scth Thomas.
Prove theirYVorth.
That is what thousands
ol people, speaking out of
their own experience, say to
their friends in regard to
Porous Plaster
the mojt marvwlaus external
remedy known ftr all aorta
of pains and aches in the
back, limbs, eieat or side.
Be Ket Be Pmnadsd i art a
ikat. "Auesmta'-BaaarmsMacusltd.
AlleeeVa Cera Shlolda.
Allewsk'a Bsjalea Shlolas.
Mae as aaual SJJrM cur jr
Briwiflrftth'i Pilla
stand at the t-oat. The longer tn
use the strenger In their jogtston.
Of no Interest.
Salem, Feb. 9. The election today was
of no interest. Several members went to
Portland to attend the Corlxstt banquet
and several to their homes. The vota
was: Dolph, 30: Lowell. 8: Lord. 5:
Hare, 0: Weatherford. 6; William, fl.
34 ab-aut and paired.
Committed Suicide.
Pale, Or., Feb, 8. A Post reporter to
day interviewed Coroner Ketzhum at Inde
pendence immediately after his return from
uauaion, a small town Si miles from Salem,
wuere be held an inquest over the body of
newt Byron, who committed suicide there
Wednesday nigbt, and who died Thursday
A.M. Death resulted from a dose of
strychnine taken to end life and free from
paioa in fieaa caasaa by neuralgia, i ce
deceased had been a widower several years
aim luunnri unco in urooaiDir over toai
wife. Left one adopted daughter and
moderate estate.
The Senatorial Contest.
Salem, Feb. 8. The deadlock contin
ues. Tueje are rumors ot a compromise
on Simon or Hursch, but this ia not prob
able. Thovotowas: Dolpli, 41: liare,
10; Weatherford, 8: Williams, 11:
George, 8; Lowell, 10. Scotland Thomp
son paired.
Dolph not In It.
Salem, Feb. 7. A caucas was hell last
night o! Ltotpn supporters, when it was
proposed to stand by Dolph through thick
and thin, and' to elect him at once; but tne
vote to-day tells hew much they did it:
Dolph 41; Hermann 13; Williams 9;
Weatherford 8; Hare 10; Lord 4; Lowell 3;
absent, 2, paird.
Prominent Citizen Missinz.
IlaukT. Feb. 8. Last eveniog Mrs. N.
A" Jency went to church leaving her hut
bind, the well known eUirriuan at home.
Oa returning he was u'.:u: acd n lhio--
fcaj fine. tn learned of bis Tberearx-ois.
It 'a thought he waa-Jere'I away and proba
bly bod an epileptic atroke. lt't nommer
be mbms r.ear dttng aa reolt ot a saliea
tlinet ariiils in the b. j-.
State Legislature."
In the senate nrvcral ltotise bills were
read the firrt time. The bill by uhicli
the eittbtig!ir.ieiit uf a slate board of hor
licdilure a iust, was n3t.!-ilt.-rctt.
Most of the l.U-iint-v- a- routine. Clock
ing legislation teem to be the order.
An invitation from President Bka to
visit the Agricultural college wm ac
ceptel. Among the bills to pa were:
Smith of Josephine, reducing penalty on
tax sale and increasing period of redemp;
iou to three years; Paxton, governing
supplemental articles of incorporation;
Cole regulating executors' and adminis
trators, l'axton, providing that con
tractors for public works must be citizen
of Oregon, and material?, w here powible,
must be of home produce; Card well, pre-
scnoing compensation 01 executors and
administrators; Cole, extending power
of guardians; McGreer, Dalles C'itv char
ter; mith of Josephine, providinir for
publishing of notices calling in county
warrants in a 11 -r designed bv the
county court ; hmith few settingout of
poison ror aomevue anunais; xsunn. to
secure payment for feed and care of live
slock ; Hehlbrede, pixrvidirig salarr not to
exceed tjOQ per annum and actual travel
ing expenses lor state vetennanany also
that state animal commiasion shall re
ceive do salary; Burleigh, providing for
repair or removal of wire fences in East
ern Oregon ; Lester, maintaining dyke
ami aiau; juocracaea, appropriating
flo.wo tor a new pilot schooner; Daly,
selection and sale of lieu land.
Burleigba bill providing that eoonty
school supcrintcnilents innt be gradu
ate or have certain quaUficatiotiS was
lost, senate bill amending charter ol
JSrowr-fviiie was pojed.
A night session wiu be hekl Montlav
for considering charter and local bills.
In tho senate several bills passed, one
incorporating Corvallis, providing for
salaries 01 assessors, lor nan naumery ai
TUlmook and terms of circuit court in
Tillamook. Hie matter of transporta
tion between Celiio and The Dalles pro
voked a warm discussion. Finally a
minority rep -rt of Baler, providing" for
railway Ira die between the two piace
was passed, acd the majority report pro
viding for a boat railroad was defeated.
In the house tbe Calapooia county bill
waa set f "r a hearing on next Monday.
A new 141! br Long amends the eaiafv
bill ot 1S93. " Referred. A bill ot Keyt
prohibits the display of foreign flags on
public buildings. A memorial for vaca
tion of K Is ma La reervation was intro
duced by Conn and referred. A bill bv
Hofer provides for the punishment of
bank otbciais receiving deposits wheu
bank is unsound. Ugard introduced bill
providing for oil inspector.
Constitutional amendments proposed
at last session were considered. Joint
resolution for amendment to constitution
abrogating provision which euarantees
foreigners in the state equal property
rights with cititens, adopted. Resolu
tion providing that electors must
reside 30 day in the precine". in
which they wish to vote was deieatcd.
Resolution prescribing means of procor-
cunng right oi way lor water pipes, res
ervoirs, etc., and for appropriating water,
adopted. Resolution enabling the legis
lature to increase trie nember ol justices
01 the supreme court u deemed neceesa
adorned, tenate joint resolution ex
tending the right of suffrage to females,
In the senate Huston's bill amending
the homestead exemption law pasped.
Denny's bill regulating budding and
loan associations was tart for a hearing
on Monday at 3 p. rn.
In the house the following bills passed :
Sehlbrode, relating to counter claims;
amendment of McMinnville charter;
Moorhcad, providing tbat nine jurors
mav return a verdict : reculatinir com
mi"ioners of deeds; Gee; on, sale of
projierty for taxes; Beach, amending
Sec. 2-V;i9 of code relating to school meet
ings; Daly, allowing county recorders to
take acknowledgements ; Long 'a bill,
allowing first cousins to marry was loet.
Ixical Institute at Halscy.
A local institute will be held at Halwy,
Linn Co., Oregon, beginning at 1 :30 p.
m., Friday, February 22nd, 1895, and
closing at 11 :30 a. m.," Saturday, Febru
rary 2"dnl. Dr Chapman of the State
university will give the address Friday
evening. It is earnestly requested that
all patrons and teachers of nciehborimr
districts be present. Interesting and
profitable topic re'tting to our public
schools will be discufsel.
County Superintendent.
ewmng, February 7, 1S94, at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, in Albanv
by Rev. J, T. Abbett, Mr. Thomas Wal
ler and Mips Mary Froman, daughter of
Mr. Isaac Froman, two of Albany's pop
ular young people. Thev have the best
wishes of man v friends. The bride is the
ninth child of Mr. Froman to lie married,
leaving only two who are single.
, MESPELT. At the family home south
west of Peio, of cancer of the stomach, on
February 3rd, Frederick Mespelt, aged
69 years, 10 months and 5 days. Ho was
born in Gornianv.and came to the United
States with his family in 1854. He set
tled in Bennington, Iowa, living there till
1863, when he came to Oregon. Among
his grand-children are Misses Annie and
Rose Mespelt, of this city.
CIIAMBERLIN. -. In Albany, on
Thursday evening, February 7, 1895, at
tho home of her daughter.Mrs. W. H. St.
John, of old age, Mrs. Fannie Chamber
lin, at the age of S3 years and 2 da ys. On
Tuesday a family dinner was given Mrs,
Chamberlin in honor of her birthday.
The deceased was born in Kew York
State and came to Oregon about seven
yeara ago. She was beloved by all who
knew her. She leaves four children,
three of whom, Mrs. St. John, Mrs,
Waite Mead and Dr. ChamDerUn, reside
in Albany. .
Funeral services Itomorrow at 2 p. m.
at the resitfwate of W. II, St. John.
Naw Yobk, Feb. 8. Save far the lesser
fall of snow, the blizzard which struck the
metropolis last night, and has not vet tak
en ita departure, will rank with that of
March vi. iS66. 1 be increasinflr seventy of
the storm, tbe windj-eachioz a Telocity of
70 miles an hour at noon, arid the accumu
lation of ice in the men during tbe day,
brought about a condition which has prac
tically caa-ed no the island ot Manhattan,
and with it thousands of those who daily
come from tbe suburbs in Brooklyn.
Big aamage ateae.
jACKitoavrLLE. Fla.. Feb. 8. Palm
Beach, in Dade county, was the warmest 1
point on the mainland of the whole United
States this morning, the mercury showing
85 deg. above zero. On top of the freez
ing tempera turo !at night, Tampa report
ed snow fallingat daybreak.and at 9 o clock
the snow storm was increasing. This is
unprecedented - in tbat Florida latitodj.
Tha mercury fell to 14 deg. above zero in
jacasonviiie-. Urange and other fruit trees
are probably all killed, except the oldest
ana toutrneat of them, for thaw were bud
ding and full of sap, and therefore parUc-
uiany suacepubie to cold. The loss will
aggregate many mdlions of dollars.
- Arrealeal la Catlferala.
Sa Frakcuco, Feb. 8. John G. Man
ning, for whoso arrest the state of Oregon
nas ouerea aiiui reward was arrested on
Third stree this afternoon by Detective
Bom Whittaker. He is wanted ia Coos
county, Oregon, on cltfrze of robbery,
arson and jaubreaking. Last year he and
Charles Owen broke into the store cf the
Southern Oregon Merchandise Company,
stole a large amount of money and goods.
and then set fire to the place. Manning
and Owen escaped from jail tozether.
Owen was recently arrested ia Sacramento.
Bayteg Cete.
Xew Yota, Feb. 8 A Washington
dispatch from J. P. Morgan stated that the
syndicate sells the secretary oi the treasury
3.S00.OUO ounces of standard American glad
at about 170 ter ounce, payable in
United Sttc 30-jear. 4 -per cent bonds.
Taking '.bis as the bewis ot tbe term, the
tydiot!e will rrtvive bond to the auuout
ot 7. 0. 1 hf uM. wtsen coined by
the government, will be equal to tliS 605
xr ounce.
aaxiaa f f S". are.
LosDov, Feb. 8. Tbe Tioua cone.
spondeni ia Yokohama, after eonSrirlng
tne report wax uniaa ba-l teiegntpbed a
statetuent of her intention to f a:tr accredit
bee peace tnvoys, says that the d jromenU
will f ollow qj-Jk!. red toe oegotiatioss
proUA'jy wiii be renewed by March
Aa Aaeatica raei.
Sax r KAXcisco. Feb. 7. All bat ?C0;
000 has bra subscribed to tbe 0,000,9.0
fond ot tha San Francisco San Joaquin
Valley railroad. Tbe promoters will not
cotncience tbe work of construction cctil
the utbscnption from San Francirco
amounts to ?4,Uj.0GJ- be interior towns
of the state are expected to subscribe t-,
Xeate tate Iriilia.
WASHiscTxijr, Feb. 7. The last hope of
Gnandal legislation for the relief of the
trearury at the present section of this con
greaa went by the board when the boose,
by a vote of 134 to 161, rejected the ad
ministration s bill to authorize aa issue of
8500,000,000 of bonds. The bill was beat
en before it reached its last parliamentary
tage. This result was reached after three
days of speeches and at times heated de
bate, and at the end of a ceteii hour's set
raid aaa Pwrerty.
Omasa, Feb. 7. The storm still rages
here, slightly less than yesterday. The
mercBry stood at 13 below aero this mora -in-
la other parts of the state it stood at
from 10 to 3i below, the latter at Chadroa.
At Custer, $. D., tbe tbenaometer regis-
rai arm vzio 3 beiow this moraisg. i
i uciw u no wcreasea snowtaa, aad not as
much wiod today. Trains were all late,
seme being 10 to 15 boors behind. The
Wabaifc passenger was stock ia a Missouri
snowdrift tor hours. Tonight traSe ?a
beea resumed oa aUTulroads.
a Wialas Striae.
Gkast s Pass, Or., Feb. 7. Quite a stir
in mining circles was created a day or two
ago by the announcement of a very rich
ttnke in the old Dry Diggings mine, tares
mites east of this city, gome very nth
quarU and dirt has beea taken out, as high
as $70 per pan being realized. The dis
coverers. William Flamm, Daa Crafts aai
F. E. Clark, are down about 20 feet on tbe
lenLje, but their prospects are very fiatter
cg. rawaaaattew aSrae.
Salem, Feb. ?. W. A. Baker, ccavkt
ed aad sentenced to the penitentiary from
Washington eoonty November:), 18S3,
for bigamy, committed suicide at an early
hour this morning' by haaging. He as
cured a pieje cf rope. aad. doriur the
qigfct, tied it to a waste pipe that extended
inrooga us sen, aad. making a noose in
tbs other end. slipped it o w hia neck.
This was done by standing oa the sink ia
the corner of his cell, aad stepping off. be
was left sape&ded within three incins of
the u x.
VTlaed eat
T ' V. v . . . .
ixf.-iuos, reo. i. a otuegrani irom
Wei-lIai-Wei. dated Feuruarr 3. savs
"The Chinese Beet has .Tactically ceased
to exist, ibe iroadad Chen Yaea aad her
aster snip, the Ting 1 oen. have been tank
and the other vessels of the Chinese fleet
are within tbe nwp of the Japanese fleet
opened fire on the Liu Kuns: forte, which
replied vigorously. Tbe bombardment be
came temcc aad resulted as stated.
Very CMS.
St. Pari, Wii.n., Feb. . Most dis
couaging weather reports come from the
vteiaad -Norm weft tonight. iie
cury baa been dropping 2 deg. aa hour
since 3 o clock this afternoon, and ai 10
o'clock tonight the temperature varies from
10 deg. below here to SO below at Qu'Ap-pe-Ie,
Northwest Territory. It is excess
ively frigid all ihe wag west to Missoula,
Mont The wind reaches tbe proportions
of a blizxard at most points in the DakoUs
and western Minnesota. Pierre. S. D.. re
pcrts a wiad aa great that people were driv
en uvu un streets. A- tiedhelcl, S. D
diopatch rays it snowed till noon, when
dO-mile wind sprang up and drifted the
snow baaly. All the Redfield ta&iness
nouses nave closed.
A Xw teaalar.
WasaiSGTOS, Feb. 6 TLe democratic
majority in the senate , was eliminated
when Clarence D, dark, the new senator
from AVyomtng, was s worn into fill the
Tecaucy wiuca nas existed for two years.
uis credecUals bad previously been pre
sented. Clark is another of the young men
wuuuare recently come into the senate.
""J'y reducing the average of age ot
Chicago, Feb. 6. Snow has fallen
steadily and drifted all day, with the mer
cury near sero. the railway mail service
is demoralized. All tbe trains arriving
MnigQt were irom one t) sue nonrs late.
Most of the trains sent out tonight were
double headed. The otticials report the
tracks getting in a more blockaded condi
tion every hour, in spite of large shoveling
sranira and numerous snowplows. A worse
storm is predicted for tomorrow
TheStweea Wealed.
Sas Fhascisco, Feb. 6. The steamer
which arrived today from Hon
olulu, brought advices, under date of Jan.
30, as f illows: ...
Quiet has been autwtantiauy rostorea la
TTonolnlu. and business resumed. Military
operations ended on the 16th, after nine
daps of activity. All leading rebels have
been captured and are in prison. A mili
tary commission is at present trying them.
On the 15th inst. John S. Walker, Major
Seward and C. T. Gulick were arrested
for complicity in the purchase and landing
of arms for the rebels.
Aa Aahtaad Beebery
Ashlakd, Or., Feb. 6. Three "tougk
tourista, robbed Chinatown in Ashland
last mgoi in ooiu styie, out only succeeded
in securing about $10 for their trouble.
The leader went into one store and asked
for some tea, but discovered about 20 Chi
nese there. He then went into a ivni re
store a short distance away and found only
four men tb.6re. Calling two confederates
insiae, mey locsea tne door and .
through the money drawer and afterward
searched tbe Chinese, one of whom had 150
behind the counter. An old man
i snocaea uown ana tne men escaped.
Dreadful Skin Disease 0 Tears. En
tire Body Covered. Doctors mad
Medicine Useless. Care op
aa Useless. Cared Vf
CUT1CTJRA for $4.73.
I feet K a nry doty to ten yon my experi
ence with CcncmtA K em El. ik. I Jurre bee-i
troubled foe over nlnn years with a dreadful
.n uueaae. waea 1 ar..
fUt ft, uxre appeared afrtr
tr. A.11 red spots on my
S-.-Mt, awl is kept ua
totalling slowly. Itetarted
tbe aaoje oa y back, be
tween my sVnMen. A
few day after tbe spots
turned traTAsd bftu lun
ine. Knarf acalea won 14
fill riff, so It cmttr.ued
rpniilins an evrrwiy body.
I inal a;l the fptmt awd
c:utM I cnukl think tit cr
ret hold of. IalanconaaltM
itieum. Xm. UMry would
enre la a tin. iw.i
tbey a! wary f&ned. 7n':n 1 rave it ail nn, tainfc
Inr there waa do en re for me. I aoticed yxn
adieniaeraent ia the Ticixwa Mormnf Gtaht,
ana though I wncid try tlie Cctkcka Rehs
ZHES. Io mj mrprtje, tSree boxteat Ccnccaji,
one cake of CrTWJt'KA Mr, and tfcre bottlm
of CtmceaA Eeoi.est cored ase eztrrely. Mr
skiateBowaSBoreand white that A acailo.
JOHX E. lXAia,
T. O. Bi IrZi, Vp'bauxiti, T. itoicgtca.
f ny" aa sad CcncrsA Soar, exieraany,
mrA , rjccaa REwtvot, rstrrnali;, dnua
I' - t-t aU aaa akia ef erry enrptioa, lmpoiitT,
ii t u-aae, wbea tae beat pfayaietana aad bca
r :u 'iiL Tbeeona rtatly eifeeted bytbeiaars
v:aij woaderfal. Tbey are beynw4 aU doatA
tut frtetman akia earea. blood purifiers, aad ha
moc teijCTltre ut btxltm umea.
Boii tbreaeot the world. Pries, CertcckA.
SOc; Soar, Ham-mrt. l. Prapand ay
rorrra Imce saw Cirsw. Cob, Boatca.
"BowlwtueAa Ua Iliaeawa," avuleaCme.
PifiPLEJ, blaeUwada, fed aaa oily akia i
Hit nulid aaa earwl -y Ccncsa &ur.
r-''xbe. Derroos pains, sad adb-
s. rriMrcea ta ooe aai-wia uy
1 Caiscwra AwI-1"wIb tlwitac.
Southern Pad 60 Co.
rrvJAX 1,
:le. a. I l.
y.V l a 1 Ar
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L i a
fas W'vnm t
A:-etrI HI -i all "t nines lrro
Krii 1 ut ! a..4;Tu-
fS-.l.1 .1 M" IflilMJ. Jiiri
C:t'-. ra. A'iC'i il ' -it-Mi
frum R-nsg to ;?-"!d iv.r i!-!!
aa 1 Ix Pontaaa r -ssr
ara I L ATWy UlUai
Sra f k.r avia'ua Lr t T SO
tasasns Taaara '
SSSaalt AAacr ar teetaa
s uae I Ar umm t ses
tFlU Albaay Ar Stfr
I r a I Ar Uaaaia L SSSr
poLUaAf Ejrrn sleepeis.
Dioinar Cars on Ogizn Rout
Attached teall TBraawfe Tralaa
jrcsl t:4e IliliWa.
ssrtSTKB r-aarfkAia aas rsimus
Ban. jAuraant (EseeptCaeiay
dlii II
IO r a I Ar
L. 1 li
mm faEi aaay Ixcspt trad X
a 1 L
Ar 1-tiS
LtU.W a
n Mbt fa ta Eaaaera Stataa.
ramai caa a tVafaad as sweet rMea fraaa C
Freak. Area Ajaoay.
. Koanxxi B f. KOOBBS
Waaarer Mat I. tl
rort-'wLa Oiaiua
per r.aOnTH
!h Your Own iVacautv
rnae easily and booirsbly, withesi cap.
taL during yocr spare hours. Any asaa.
woman, boy, or girt can do tbe work hand
ily, without exrerieace. Tsiklnf; an
necessary. Nothinr like It for mory
makingever offered before. Our worker
always prosper. No time wasted a
learning the bushaesa. We teach yea in
a mght bow to facceed from tbe tLr
hour. Ton eaa make a trial wBhowt es
petite to yourself- We start yow, ftmiis
everything needed ta carry on the basr"
Bus Bxcecsf oily, and guarantee- yv
asainst taihire if yon 'at follow oul
Mmple, plain Instructions. BearaJ. if
yon en la need of ready moaey, ant.
wnt to kcow all about the best payfee
business before she public, send ns yW'
audress. acd. we witt mail yon B i
toeut givins you all the panicslara
TRUE & CO., Box 400
Augusta Malneu
Orepn Paciiic Ba&i,
CB AS CtABX, t aeHwr .
Direct Line- -
Quick i rtitch-
1 oh Freight Ratea.
aaea lj w rta etaaaaa
raoasa rsAxasce
Haaa sails Fifty KRa XdkS,lS kl. aad
aaeFtkK SU- T IT, "rta.
Ai Company mawrca tn ngm t
eaage aalliDs; dates w-nbowt notleai
Ft freight aad passenger y-tes W)
to any agent.
Cwarlas J He4m. S-a i Ox. N.
t aa- a Si s f
eVumbagOf SclatleSy
Kidney Complaints
yams uacau CLCa
C3e SJaZErs Lr&TS!S rriT
.as an i it m MUtt. L
. an femmlM
Mno Ba
wuiW ortaVllC'r4 iM"
I kww bare csna
af i ia iiiiTTi i ma J aaanrwia
0wwa SaTlIsSil
.rr Mi.
kU(Tw scara i.'Sav. tea
Te wk wm. raa Ml
a. 1T fires attract, INAit'laJLaB CB-
Caveats sad Trade-Mark cbta!esa.anda Paa;
t b-waea conducted iucMocJwaTT SVtw. i
rs aad we caa secure paieut la kas bate taaalaass,
nwn mm n aaafcagioa.
Seed endai, arawwa or pBetOk, wita deatrlp
Oaa. We sdnee, ii caiesiaeie or aot, ftee ot,
caarf. Oar lee aot due till p' lent ia eecared.
I auMin. 'BowteObe 1 rateats," wak
eeat ol suae in tee U. & aad arega ceearnea
teat fits, Addreas.
'a-Bayfjar arSajSafiillaSBjalrsa