The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 08, 1895, Image 3

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    lite IbiMaat.
Paxly, 1 ct a day; 25c per month; $3.00
)vai, m nuvance- auc per montu not
in advance. Br carrier. 10c per week. 10
per cent added if allowed to run over 8
Wkski.y, $1.25 Jn advance; tl-50 at end
Of Tear: lil.7.'i tnr tuwin1 turn-. ')flll f.ii.
third and proceeding years, when not paid
i" "1va"ce. viutw or nvo new suoscriuers
rcr o.uu.
After Moxet Money, what won't a
rnan do for it. The Eugene Guard tells
this : A few days fines the treasurer of
the Congregational church, while hand
ling some money, let a to piece drop to
the-floor. Unfortunately said treasurer
was standing near one of the registers
into which tha coin naturally dropped.
The next morning two boys were dis
patched to the place and on taking down
the pipes the coin was found. Of course
the loss was spoken of by several and
became generally known, but the fact of
its being found had not been mentioned.
Well, to end this story abruptly, the
next night some person entered the
basement of the church and took all the
pipes apart and laid them, on the floor in
their search for the V, but not finding it,
went away leaving the pipes scattered
all over the basement floor.
Revival Services Closed. The revi
val services that, during the last three
"weeks, have been conducted in the Con
gregational church in this city by Revs
Poling and Clapp were closed last even
ing. Xu ring these services a remarkably
deep and intense religions interest has
prevailed. Members of all the various
denominations in the city have contrib
uted by prayer and song to make the
meetings a euecess. There have been
thirty-two additions to tbechnreh About
twenty-three on confession ot faith and
the remainder by letter. Rev Mr Clapp
. 4a Si mmt Pqrnou Mliainna K-n1ra anft
all seemed to regret that he could not
remain lenger, as the lellgioua fervor
manifested on all sides seemed to be os
the increase rather than subsiding.
Faost Mr Bonn kr. Mayor S H
Friendly this afternoon received a letter
trom. Mr E L Bonner, one of the par-
haters of the O F R R, dated at the
Fifth Avenue hotel New York. January
27. Mr Bonner says Mr Hammond or
himself will be here within 3J days to
look over the ground and to confer with
ur eitisens over the extension proposi
tion. Eugene Guard. Which confirms
the report heretofore made that the new
proprietors propose tapping the valley
towns with the Oregon i'acigc, undoubt
edly eventually reaching Portland and
connecting with the Astoria road, and
then when the extension :a made over
the mountains having a complete line
. from deep sea at Astoria to ths est.
There is a big idea in the fact.
. At Bkowstilli. Some six month
ago nine jtsoy amun, son ot w a smun,
enjoyed excellent health, but today is an
invalid. One day last fall after "he bad
been playing and running, a severe pain
truck him in the leg below the knee.
In a few days the member was fright
fully swollen, and has steadily- grown
from bad to worse, until it became nec
essary to remove a portion of the bones
from the affected member. Yesterday
afternoon an operation was performed.
A piece of decayed bone about two and
one half inches in length was taken out,
as was also a number of smaller pieces.
Perhaps a Libzl Suit. It is stated,
and upon rood authority, that Represent
asive Cole will demand satisfaction of
Earvey Scott of the Oreeoniau for un
kind, ontrue, malicious, malignant and
uncalled for remarks made of him. The
rumor may be without foundation, but
it wonld strike pleasure to the hearts
of thousands to know that Scott had
been called to law for his arrogance and
assumptions attitude concerning the sen
atorial contest and, in fact, most any
other question he takes sides with.
: Post. '
Died. Mrs Fhilpott died at her home
several miles east of Harrieburg Satur
day morning, after an illness of several
months. She is the mother of five chil
dren livicg, focr of whom were by her
first husband, Mr Macy. tier children
are Mrs Grimes, living near Harrisbarz.
John Macy, of Cobnrg, George and Clar
ence Macy and Miss Clara r nil pott. Airs
Philpott was a lady highly esteemed by
all who anew her.
"Want Lowes Salaries. The com
mittee of 100 of Salem have passed a res
olution asking the legislature to fix tha
salaries of Marion county officials at the
following rates : Sheriff, 1 ,800 ; sheriff,
z aeputiee, $z,uuu; clerk, i,sw; clerk, l
deputy, $1,200: recorder, $ 1,200: record-
the assessor to appoint his deputies and
their compensation to be fixed by the
county commissioners' court. While
the legislature is at it it should modify
the salaries of Linn county officials, not
to take affect though until the present
terms expire. The recorder, for instance
should get 51Z0O with 600 for a clerk.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Prompt Action Needed.
The report of Capt Symons, of the U S
corps ot engineers, is attracting attention
ana causing general comment.- It is a
slam on the Bay and the whole Willam
ette valley is affected by it. There are
reasons to believe that the report is
made for personal reasons, that the cap
tain has an animosity for the Bay, or per
haps owns property elsewhere, which he
wishes to benefit. While he declares
that Yaquina is unworthy ot further im
provement he favors appropriation for
other places affected by the same alleged
drawbacks. Again his report is full ot
miatatements which it does not need an
engineer to detect. He declares the jetty
,bo7e high tide. It is not yet. At high
tide the water rushes through the rocks
in streams. His theories in reference to
the extension of the jetty in connection
with the reef and the workings of the
eddies are undoubtedly wrong and made
as an excuse. The whole business bristles
with prejudice. According to his own
report the jetty has added six feet to the
depth of the water. While bars are
washed in the tide out would soon take
out ail the sand if the jetties were prop
erly extended, and several more feet
added to the depth ot the water at the
bar. So plain is the case that there is
something behind the report that there
should be a prompt investigation of the
matter. Messrs Hermann and Mitchell
should be given the true condition of
affairs and the report withheld for San
investigation by unprejudiced experts.
Yesterday ws trie anniversary of Hor
ace Greeley's birth.
A new bill in the state legislature abol
ishes free scholarships in the O A C. It
should pass.
One of the building features of Albany
this year will be a handsome residence by
Mayor r linn on his pleasant block on 5th
street. . ....
The Willamette river promises to be
filled with steamers the coming summer.
An item elsewhere shows that the S P
appreciates the fact.
One of the tool bill of the present leg
islature calls for a branch insane asylum
in Southern Oregon. One ought to be :
built especially for some l the members
of the legislature.
' Mr Frank Simpson, of this city, ts now
at Fresno, Calif, working; for the torse
man Monioe . Salisbury. among the
hones on the string Is A'lx with a record
An item in yesterday's Oregon lan states
that the committee on counties would re
port in fayor of Calapooia county. Even
should the house pass the blil tt could not
go through the Senate.
Mrs Lillian M Watson was fined $50
and costs for contempt of court at Oaven
oort, Wash, last week, for marrying
within six months after being granted
divorce, contrary to the statute and the
special instruction of the court. The
same law prevails in Oregon and is violat
ed continuIly
A Sodavi'le correspondent of "ie En
gine Guard says: Mrs McCartney ha
sued Messrs Dr Jones and J P Chesher for
damages for taking the bell off cf the C P
church In this place, she having bald a
mortgage against said church at the lime
the bell was taken.
The entertainnuntto be siveu Frtdsv
night bv the WRCIi being looked for
ward to as a ereat treat. Mrs Reillr. of
Salem, who Is already in the city, will be
the central figure In the program, an as
surance of something first class.
At Hodges & McFarland's may be seen
smalt bedroom set male from a maaie
bed slat. It is complete in Its makeup
and displays fine workmanship. An in
teresting thing about Uis the fact that It
was made in the county jail by Mr Frank
Peck, arrested tt r stealing a horse from
John Schmeer, and entirely with a jack
R R Rvan. owner of the Willamette
Truck and Dray Company, has beeua
action against the Southern Pacific Com
pany for $11,000 for injuties sustained at
the depot on January 29th, 1S94, which
necessitated the amputation of his right
leg ana otherwise injuring him. Mr Ry
an's attorney is H I Bigger. Joumtl.
The four or five Inches of the "beauti
ful? that is with us at the present time,
became so packed, f 1 oxnn, thawed eut,and
frozen again, on our sHewaias dunns the
week just pasted, as 10 almost require the
use of skates in order to "fetch up" at the
place-jou start for. Bumped beads, and
damaged heels have been quite common.
x rineviiic review.
ueneral Lord Wolseter makes a ' most
important contribution to the literature of
the China-Japan war. Ia an ante I; for
the February Cosmopolitan, be discusses
tne situation and does not mince matters
in saving what China must do in this
emergency. Two other noted foreign
authors contribute inleresiiog articles to
mis BUTOoer. ttosua Maun, Ue famous
Parisian danseuse, gives the history of
tbe ballet, and Smile Olliver lelis the
story of the fall of Louis Philippe. From
every part of the world, drawings and
photographs have been obtained of the.
tnstnimen.s used to toil ore poor humanity
and appear a Illustrations for a clever
article, by Julian Hawthore, entitled.
"Salvation via the Rack." Mrs Reginald
an noven, Anatoie r ranee, w 4 '.lark
Kmaell, Albion W Tourgee, and William
Dean Ho ells are amon? the storr tellers
for. the February number of The Cosmo
The following trom the Eugene Regis
ter is full of Interest. It ia particularly
of importance, as there are other claims
in Oregon of a like nature before the gov
ernment: A check from the government for 13,
680 was received here yesterday morning
for the heira of Joseph Bailey. This
case has quite a history.
Joseph Bailey waa a pioneer resident
of this county, and during the Rogue
River Indian war started to California
wkh his stock and effects. When in the
vicinity of Canvonvil'.e he as killed by
tbe Indians and his property taken and
cesuoyea. lie leit a wiie, out no cnua
ren. Cattle at that time were worth
about $150 to $200 per head, hogs were
ortb (40 a head, and flour was worth
one dollar per pound, and others in pro
portion, ao mat ins loss was quite heavy.
About thirteen years ago this case was
taken up. testimony was taken, and tbe
claim was presented to the government.
Since that time it has been going through
the necessary processes.and an allowance
of the claim, which was $15,180, was ob
tained. The fees 01 tbe attorney at
Washington, who rrjsecuted the claim.
were taken out, and the heirs received
the balance.
Mr Bailey left no children. His wife
married again, and died several years
ago. The heirs of Mr nauey are his
brothers and sisters, of whom there are
several in this county. Of course they
will claim the money, but there will also
be other contestants, we understand
the man who married Mrs Bailey will
pot in a claim for a part. When Mrs
Bailey died aha willed some property to
some children who were relatives of hers,
and ws understand they, too, will claim
a share in the money. So it promises to
be a warmly contested case for some time
to come.
t '
Blood Poison
TMven Out of the System by
tkeTJseof v
Ayers Sarsaparilla
For five Years. T waa a went O:
nff PrP1 frnm O. ttisia naraiafanf. Oi
medicines I took being of any d
help whatever. Honincr that ol
change of climate would benefit g
mp I went in O.nha r T'l,l., 1
and thea to Saratoga Springs,
. wnere i remained some time i
dnnfung the waters. But all was Si
no use. ah last
bv several friem
fcarsaparuia, 1 began takinsr it. i
At last, betas advised
nd8 totryAyei's j
beean taking ir.
and very soon favorable results St
were mamiest. xo-aay j. con- oi
elder myself a perfectly healthy o
man. witn a gooa appetite and !
not the least trace of my former j
camDiauiU' iu zlix in v 7 npmiii va
and especially young men lik !
myseir, jl recommena Ayers sar- rj
sanarilla. if in need of a nerfectlv X!
reliable blood-purifier.rt Josb A
A. .tscoBAB, proprietor Hotel
ViUWtl iW iivav, t7B&- J
7The QrirorinAnll
m Admlttad for Kshihitina ?
ooopgooo eeeeeeeeee o e p e 9 o
Ia the senate : Raley's bill creating
the sixth Judicial district, McAKster's
creating the eighth judicial district, and
Gowan 'a creating the ninth judicial dis
trict, were all read third time and oassed.
Deaay introduced a but providing for
state to levy, and Fatterson one for ap
pointment and compensation of deputy
assessors. .
In the house the bill proviJiug for a
moral director of the asylum waa recon
sidered and the bill nlaced in its reralar
order. New bills : Long tor 6 per cent
interest on unpaid state taxes. Paxton'e
bill repealing the jute mill act was
passed. David's bill panishingebarivaris
waa referred to judiciary committee.
Thompson's bill allowing private citi
zens to serve a summons was passed, al
so bchelbredes bill punishing trie sale ot
liquor within one mile ot the soldiers
TaE B inc. est span of horses sold in
Corvallia for a long time were purchased
by a Seattle horse dealer the other day.
Tbe team was sold by Henry Dunn, and
the two animals weiahed 1.760 an J 1.-
853 pounds respectively. The price paid
is said to have been less than n.0.-
Corvallis Times.
Mr ueoree Conner, ol JtQeraon. was
doing Albany toda7.
Dr Cox and R N Thompson, of Browns
ville, were in the city today.
Mr N P Payne has returned from
creamery trip to Washington county.
Mr Frank Reiner ,of Portland, a former
Albany boy, spend bunday in this city.
PB Marshall went to Portland yester
day morning ana will return this even
las Muirar. who has been in Salem
for several weeks, returned home last
Ur Bert Veal, now with tba O R & N
Co., of Portland, spent Sunday in the
city. .
A T Buxton was chosen from the O A
C to go to Forest Grove at the inter
collegiate oratorical contest.
W B Fry. of Saa Francisco. C A Chsn-
dier, oi.rortlaod, Singer sewing Ma
chine managers, are in tbe city.
Miss Campbell, of Corvalils. who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs E TJ Will
returned home today.
Mr Carlson, of Halsey. was in the cilv
last evening, and after ginning up broke
a winaow out oi ike i- ox's store.
Mr Frank Blodsettcame no from Port
land a iew aaysagoana is connned to bis
fathers borne with rheumatism.
The family of Mr Proebstel. the bic
cle man, have arrived from Vancouver
and are now located a block south of the
Dkmockat office.
Mr Ben Barker and family are now lo
cated m Portland, the former having
been placed on the freight running be
tween junction ana rort land.
A family dinner was held today at the
residence of Mr W H St John in honor
of the 82nd birthday of Mrs Fannie
Chamberlin, mother of Mrs St John, Dr
Cbamberlin and Mm Wane Mead. An
82nd birthday is one worth remember
ing. ; '
County Assessor ueatcina came over
from Albany on Saturday, and went
in tbe afternoon 00 a two or three weeks
visit to relatives in the- vicinity oi
wood. Mr Deakins has o late hau quite
serious heart trouble. Jnlis visit is being
made far the benefit of bis health.
At thk CaaisTiAK Church. Mr
Lister hss been reqaested by seversl per
sons to cer.tlnue the gospel meetings, as
so-ne are expected to make "the oooa
contefsion' Tne subject lor tonignt wui
be "The Saddest and SweeUft picture of
all Literature' The house was i till last
night and one responded to the invitation.
All are cordially invited to ariend.
A Pertinent Inquiry.
Albany, Or, Feb 4, IS85.
Editor Democrat:
Beinir a policy holder in the Northwest
Fire & Marine Ins Co and seeing a notice
m the Dailt Dsmocrat that the company
had suspended, 1 am naturally somewhat
concerned as to what shaDe nolicv holders
are in I have watched Use Oregonian
closely and have not seen any mention cf
the failure: although it is potaibie that 1
overlooked it, but if not why is it that the
only paper published in Oregon of wide
circulation, and the one to which we all
look for general news, should not notice
such an important event, taking place in
our midst, particularly when such informa
tion might be the means of policy holders
protecting themselves against a possible
loss after their premiums are paid. It is
only justice to tbe Uregontans many pa
trons who hare built the paper op and
made it what it is, to investigate tbe com
panies affairs and cive the true situation.
- 1 . . 1 . 1 t 1 - : t
ane company may oe soivem, ana i cops is
is. If so the policy heldcrs should know it
and rest easy. If not they should by all
means be informed of the fact for their
own protection. Poucr Holdeb.
Brownsville Items.
Evervthinsr in this bunr ia for county
division. Day talk, night talk, home talk
ana street talk.
If there is any one in Oregon who is dis
satisfied with the weather for the past
month we wonld like to correspond wit
that person.
Miss Belle Brown, a former resident of
this place, died in Portland last week and
was brought here for burial, the latter 00.
cumag yesterday.
Quarterly meeting was held in tbe M E
church in this eitv Satnrdav and Snndav.
Presiding Litter John Parson being present.
Rev H B Bworthy, ot Woodburn, spent
Sunday with mends here.
The woolen mill is receiving considerable
wool now and tbe management expect a
large amount of work in the near future,
saying nouing aoout present oruers.
W J Moore, who cut his foot quite 1
verely some 3 weeks ago. is strain able to
be out in the land ot the living.
Hon J K Weatherford. of Albany, paid
our city a business trip ona day last week.
A petition is now being circulated for the
purpose -t having Aorta Brownsville
and Brownsville united under one charter.
JS early all are in favor ot it, and it is a
more in the right direction.
A FArn.BE. The question of navigating
tbe Willamette to Euirene i not vet settled
and probably never will be. The Guard
says: Geo Craw today received a dis
patch from the Oregon Pacific railrsad
agent at Corvallis saying that tbe steamer
Eagleite was unable to come up the river
further than that point. The message did
not give the cause, but it is the supposition
here that the boat did not have powerful
enoufirh ensrines to stem tbe current. Tbe
goods at uorvaiiis tor &ugene win oe
shipped by rail- It is to be hoped that
merchandise for this point from San Fran
cisco will come here over a branch of the
O P R R before this time next year.
Linn County Council.
Sand Ridge Grange Hall, Feb 2, 1805.
The Linn County Business Council P of
H met in regular session with the above
named grange.
For opening exercises the 'grange choir
furnished some choice music-
On good of the order Bros Train, Reece,
Bridgefarmer talked on ssveral subjects to
the point.
Tha resignation of Bro N P Payn as
agent of the Linn County Business Council
waa accepted.
Bros bridgefarmer, Reece, Springer,
Kreerkson ana others spoke in fayor of the
Lower Columbia Fire & ltolief Association
of its benefits and tbe promptness of its
paying all losses.
Bros Voorhees made some explanations
in regard to the fire company which was
satisfactory to all concerned.
The council elected Bro U L Rerse as
agent for the coming year.
The president named the following com
mittees for the coming year; Legislation,
M 11 Wilds, J II Scott, J Clem, J W
Swank, Henry Freerkson. II Wigle, H B
Springer; good of the order, S A Dawson,
S S Train, John Laubner, Q L Reece and
S S Meyers; finance committee, J W Reece,
Will Parker and M B Case.
Bro Settle stated that a Farmers' insti
tute will be held at Lebanon, Oregon, the
27th, 28th, and 1st of March, 1893. All are
cordially invited.
The council resolved itself into an open
meeting so that all could hear Bro Voor
hees in his talk on the grange question.
The day was very propitious and a large
crowd of grangers and non grangers were
present during the day. Good harmony
prevailed throughout the exercises.
Bro Voorhees took the floor and gave
quite a good talk for the benefit of all pres
ent. There were a good many things said
of vast interest to the farming community
that those that do not attend tbe meetings
of the council miat. We think the day
was well speat.
The usual vote of thanks was extended
to ths members of Sand Ridge grange for
tbe use of their hall and the sisters for the
sumptuous repast furnished ftr the day.
ne next meeting ot tne council will be
held with F&irmount eranire the first Sat
urday in March,
aiusic by the choir. Scainc.
W H Raymond came no from Salem to
Mr Hanry McElmnrrv went to Salem
this noon.
Miss May Day went to Portland today on
a several weeks visit.
Mr Dr Gaff, of Portland, passed ud the
road for Oakville today.
Mrs 8 S Train and Mrs A B Woodin
went to Salem today to work for an appro
priation of at least (3000 for tha Orphans
home at this city. It should be granted.
J F Allphin of Albany, who has been
the guest of his old time partner here, W
Smith, returned to his home on last nights
California express. Salem Statesman.
Mr John Toft, an old f-iend of the
Shultx Bros., has been in the city having
a couple spans of big horses for his farm
nineteen miles this aide of Portland. Mr
Toft was a drummer for a good many
years but retired for the life ol a farmer.
Mr II M Grant, former manazer of the
Northwest Fire Ins. Co., which recent
ly suspended , has ken appointed mana
of the Western Assurance Co. of
oronto, British America of Toronto and
American Fire Insurance Co. of New
lorkforthe Pacific coast. An inouirv
elsewhere in reference to the Northwest
is to the point.
A farewell party was liven at T M Mi
randa's last evening to Mr and Mrs Chit
wood who will leave in a few days for
Nebraska. A sentlemaa who was present
says it was a two story affair, enjoyable
from beginning to end. Astmptaous re
past was served, particularly appro priais
on account of the destination of Mr and
Mrs Chitwood. Those present wean?: Mr
snd Mrs Chitwood, Mr and Mrs Robert
Brown. Mr and Mrs John Uamber, Mr and
Mrs f T Miller. Mr and Mrs JJeranda, Mr
and Mrs Drais, Mr and Mrs John Joees,
Mr and Mrs C Sylvester. Mr and Mrs Hub
ble. Mr and Mrs Bray, Sir and Mrs Ed
Trine, C N VTestbrook, S W Reece. Bi ice
Mchinley, Mrs Livingston. Mrs Worrell,
Mrs Evans. Mrs Quimby, Mrs Carmen,
Misses Clevenger, Sue Brackearidge,
Hettie Drais. Lou and Grace Trine. Ada
Flickenger, Mary K-iniston. Millie Miller,
Phennie Dalrvmple, Halts A mo. Ethel
and Mollie Bray, Lixxie Marauds, Grace
ant?, rear! utinfwon, riertba and AUie
worreii, Kuda ixmgb&ottom, .Messrs James
Loogbbotiom, Will Amos. Eaunett and
I rank Gildtrtkeve. Joe Trine. Johnnie
Hoffman, Tom Heffroa, Charley Meranda.
Walter Worrell. W A Chitwood. Geonre
" 00a. Kobert tsrosrn. i red Henderson.
Claud Bray.
Fine line of
stationary at Hodges A
ao oranoes tor at eta this week at C E
The entertainment to be riven by tbe
Irish Comedy Company promises to be
great tfceatrical treat.
I would as soon think of doing bcslness
Iihout clerks as without advmitlnsr
John Wanamaker.
The case of Mrs McCartney asaiast Dr
D M Jones et at for a bell on a cnarch.
being tried in Albany to-day.
A targe number of witnesses were present
ana tne case was being hotly contested.
O S Downing, superintendent of the
penitentiary, has asked the state to reim
nurse mm 9175, expended two yeais ago
in oetenamg nimieu getore the legislative
committee 01 investigation.
About 40 citizens of Pendleton, who
jolntd the "Loyal Mystic Legion of
America, are now sorry for It, and would
like to Interview one W L Mtdtgac, the
organizer who Induced then, to do so
under false pretense, as thev claim, and
Incidentally to recovdr possession ot some
promissory notes. Ex.
Last evening a gentleman dressed for
traveling appeared at the Democrat office
and announced himself as Julian Rapport,
world around correspondent for the New
York Tribune. Half an hour was spent
very pleasantly with Mr Rapport In with h
he gave in some interesting facts. Among
others these:
With a punched stamped dime of the
realm in his pocket, Julian Rapport, New
York correspondent afoot arouni the world,
left the Frankin monument in Gotham at
12.05 p m, July 4th, 1894, to foot it around
the Globe.
Tourist Rapport in good trim reached
Albany yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Ho was a visitor at this ollice shortly after
wards His itinerary hence includes San
Francisco, Hong Kong, China, Tartary,
Asiatic and empirical Russia, France and
The trip undertaken is the result of agi
tation on the part of tbe York Press
club coupled with the placing of a hand
some wager as to Rapports ability to make
it by July 4, 1896.
Features of the contract in force are that
Rapport shall not ask assistance, shall not
work for money but suvtain himself by
manual labor. He is required to register
at either every telegraph ollice en the var
ious railway lines be traverses or with the
leading office bolder in every hamlet, vil
lage or city be passes.
While coming up the valley Mr Rapport
had a long visit with Mc L C Stratton, of
Millers, who has 5,000 bushels of potatoes
on hand, which he has been unable to sell;
and also with I D Miller, pioneer of '51,
from whom he secured in short hand several
pages of interesting facts that will event
ually appear in a special letter in tbe Tri
bune. Mr Rapport last night put ap at the Ross
House, pacing for his board and lodging
as a general roustabout this morning,
sweeping out and bringing ia wood and
doing chores. He got a share and bath by
polishing the door knob at Gaorgo Laa
areths, and left at 9:30 with a long stride
for Junction City.
. Probate Record.
Final account in estate of B W Hamil
ton set for March 5.
Jonas Davis appointed guardian of Jonas
In estate of Jonathan Needham, admin
istrator discharged.
In estate of Owen Bear, distribution re
ceipts filed.
In estate of D V Michael, inventory fi'ed:
real property I4S36.50; other 81. 56.
Ella Curl appointedadminislratris of es-
stats of Mary Holman. Bond 7O0Q.
Final beaiinir in etate of Geonre Hen
derson set for March 4.
In estate of N C Meyer, inventory filed;
real property 91650; ptrsjnal, $1594.95.
Will of H E Stover, admitted to probate.
Bond of admr. A B Jobnwn, $3000.
In estate of A B Mcilwain inventory
filed: real property. $14,230; personal.
$9295.41. Total, $23,545.41. Petition to
sell personal property pranted with order
to purchase goods and produce and employ
Estate of Jonas Dve. minor, apnraited at
In estate tf N D Jack.
Cor March 4. .
final accoant H
In estate of E L Knox. sjcntMnentarv
inventory filed; real property in Maltao
m&hcoanty $400.
Ia estate of Tennie Vineyard. I L Vine
yard appointed. Bond 44 TOO. Appniers
In esttte of Ifenrv MBride. inventory
filed; real proerty, f 1000.
Name of Vktcr Peacock chassed to Vic
tor WrighL
Name of Cel ia E Nelson ordered chaaoed
to Ceiia E Smith.
II B Sacry loft today on a trip to Alsea.
Mr W E Oriel, of McMinnville, is in the
city. - ,
0 H Ralston came up from Portland this
S G Irvine, of Newport, was ia the city
Hon O P Coshow, of Brownsville, was
in the city today.
Messrs Clark and Stone, of the Oregon
Pacific were ia the city today.
C Hall, ex-county surveyor of Yamhill
county, was drowned in the Nestucca
Mr E P Ketchum left today for Canby
where he will reside and run a fruit farm.
Rev W S Gilbert has been called per
manently as pastor of the Presbyterian
church of Eugene.
Messrs Cannon & Schilling left today for
the Cascade Locks to work on the govern
ment works there.
A B Seal, a resident of Albany during the
boom days, arrived in Albany this noon on
his lit at visit here since he left two or three
years ago. He is now cotst superintendent
for Schilling it Co. and travels from Saa
Francisco to B. C overlooking the routes of
the many drummers of the company.
Last evening a party of young people
took a bus ride to Sbedd, leaving here at
3 o'clock and returning atll:!. The roads
are in excetent condition. They attended
the meeting of Mrs Peaks and report a
pleasant experience. Those in the company
were Rev and Mrs Little. Mr and Mrs Fred
Ulumberg, Mr and Mrs E L Power, Messrs
Carlton box, Sena McFarland. and Elliot
and Clem Irvine, and Misses Ethel Davis.
Ina McCulloca and Mildred Burmester and
Mrs Nutting.
On the Divide.
Feb. 6th, 1893.
E J Willoogbby has been confined to the
house by sickness for a week, but was some
better at last account
A Mc.N'ary has been visiting relatives in
Salem for some time.
Lortn and Ollie Grimes were in Eugene
last week visiting heir brother and sisters
who re attending the university.
Mrs M J Philpott who has been sick so
long and was thought to be slowly improv
ing grew worse very suddenly and quietly
passed away at 11 o'clock Feb. 1st, and was
buried at the West Point cemetery Sunday
were was asembled tbe largest funeral pro
cession ever seen in the neighborhood,
showing the high esteem in which she was
held by the community where she had
spent most of her life.
Mrs Wanen, of Portland, sister of Mrs
Philpott was up; also T J Philpott, of
Holly, Wui Cochran and family of Browns
ville, ii r Adms and family of Crawf jrda-
Annie. Zola and Willie Grimes spent
Sodday with ibeir pirent. returning to
school MosdAy.
Mr Davenport was considerably bruised
up by bis toam running away this week.
George Cable, cf Rowland, waa visiting
in Brownsville last Sunday.
Mrs Araspiger and daughter of Harris
burg were v luting at Simy Arnrpiger last
Miss Etta Lewis, of Hamsborg, is
spending the week with Clara Phi!tott.
Centemerl gloves at 3 E Young's.
People who want strictly first class
pictures go to Tinkle-,
A large line of new style e'uting flannels
at reduced prices at S E Young's.
Old you notice that the best class of
photos sre msds at Tinkles only. See his
Now Is your last chance to secure a i
beautiful crayon portrait and frame almost 1
tree at Tinkles.
Those w!i did not ccure tickets for
Gales Glass Mounts of agent, can get
them at Tinkle's Gallery until March to.
In the Sodavtte be'l suit the defendants
confessed judgment for $50, snd the
costs amounting to about $$ havs to be i
paid by the plaintiff. 8'ie will.llicretore,
get about $15 for the bell.
Judge tshattock has aecided that where
a jury serves sll night (hey are entitled
to two days pay or $4. This is a dectsion
that will affect th whole state. It is on
the principle that one legal day is only
twelve hours.
Word comet to the Statesman that Lale
Williams, at one time s resident ot this
city but of recent years of Motcow,Idaho,
Is au embezzler of the public funds of that
place to a large amount, and Is now In
Los Angeles where detectives have locat
ed him. Ststesinan.
J G Boulln, the Lyon's mn wanted for
selling liquor without a license, has not
vet been csught. It Is thought he left
Lyons In s stage. Some o::e reports that
a friend of Boulln says tbe man who at
tempts to arrest him is liable to die.
A Pittsburg dispatch ststes that ths
Pittsburg friends of Frank Lenz have ad
vices that La Vale, the leading cyclicg
journal of France, atterl that it received
a dispatch that Lenz had been murdered
by Kurds rear Erzeroura May 7 189I, the
last time anything definite was heard from
The meetings ia the Christian Church
continue witli interest. The subject for
to-night will be "Elisha and Naaraan of
tbe Old Testament; and Jesus,the Restor
er, of the New Testament." To morrow
night the subject will be "The Baptism cf
the Believer as Commanded by ths Spirit
of God." The srgament will be carried
forward through Bible teaching subse
quent to ths cross. The ministers of Other
churches are cordially invited to attend
and hear what may be said In a kindly
way on this subject.
, - mows itasz
Wscflsr Oo Etiodna .Dollars Ssward fat
any case of Catarrh that ran sot ba eaftd by
Ball's Catarrh Cure. "4
F. 1. CHENEY tt CO., Props., Tried,., O.
Ws tha niuleraigned, bar kaowst g,
Cnsney for ths Isrt 15 km, sod betters' htia
perfectly honorabi ia all bqlnss transactions
and financial! able to carry oat say obllfsUoa
saada by their firm, 4
WarTacx, Wnoll IrnM.Totedo.
Wu!o, Kixsas kUavia, YVuolesftie Drue
rlsts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken fatsrDany, let
In directly upon the blood and mattmm snr
face of ths system. Price 75. per bottle, ikdd
by all DrucvUM. Te.tli.wmaU ire.
You Make No Mistake
When you trade with
Parker Bros.
Yon get good treatment,
Not only to day
But to-morrow.
You always get good grocerier,
The staple article.
Their teas and coffees are the best ;
Their canned goads sre fresh ;
Their based goods,
Bread, cakes, pies and cookie i,
Make permanent customers.
40 loaves of bread f too. -
Choice pickled goods.
Fresh produce and fruits
Always on band.
If you trade with Parker Bros.
You make no mistake.
Don't Trade with Conn St Huston
Unless j ou want good groceries and
produce a, tbe lowest prices and first class
treatment. Yon can get them there.
They are open early and la'e to serve tbe
public, snd a trial will convince any one
of the fact.
Go Ts 2 Bbttek. If a boy in Albany
were to stub his toes the Eugene papers
would boast that some Eugene fcy bad
stubbed his toe just a litde worse. 1 9
poonds of sQar, full weight, ia Albany is
considered a big bargain; but bear the
Guard : Aa executor's ale is beiag held at
Albany and granulated sagar. ooe of the
leaders, ismwted "19 lbs ftr fl."' In Eo
cene as hbrh as 21 pounds of this kind of
sugar is sold for ona big American silver
Ladles muslia underwear at cast
E Young's.
You will not need H cry over a
tired back if you gt your wash
ing done at the Albany Steam
Laundry, nor ever bad srodiinit
clothes when Uroutrht home from a China
man's. Stand ia with a bsm institution
that does first-class work at pri- so low
as to surprise one. if yoo woe Id be happy
end your clothes to the Mestu Lauaanr.
Money To Loon.
t have to loan on euod farm
land In Linn and Beaton counties in
sums not over $3000. Xo delays In fur
nishing tbe coin. Call on CO Burkfiar-,
Albany, Oregon. Also money to loan on
city proper! 10 any amount on lo rg t'm
at a low rate of Later est.
Special Bargains.
We are selling for a few dirs only
Men's white shirts worth $1.00 for f .50.
Men camel hslr undershirts and draw
ers worth $1 .2$ for t.68.
Men's heavy weight undershirt and
drawers worth f.JS for $.37.
On display in our show winaaws.
Come to cs for bsrrslns in all Hnei
goods as we can save you money. .
- iv u
A Close Call. An Albany man is con
gratulating himself on a very narrow es
cape, tie held 8-0UO in stocK in an insur
ance company. When he bad paid 50 cents
on the dollar, or $2500 he traded the stock
for three tots adjoining Albany, binoe
then the purchaser of the stock has had to
cay (2500 in hard cash on assessment and
the stock is probably valueless. The seller
owns three lo!s worth about $100 for which
he paid 12500. Who made the most money?
To-2iaiiT. The three young men
bound for Chicago, mentioned elsewhere
will eive an entertainment ot song and
other features at the Armory tonight,
and will sell their autographs, jno ad
mission fee.
Received $3,000. Mrs Josie Simpson
wife of the late Abner Simpson, received
a check for S3,ooo from the Maccabees In
full paymedt of the beneficiary of her hus
band, who died by accident on Dec 14th.
Tha payment would have been made
even earlier but for the fact that the death
was caused by an accident and tne papers
had to be sent east on account thereof, for
Thousands of Dollars
are spent every year by the peoole of this
State for worthless medicines f tr the cure
oi t hi oat and lung diseases, when we
know that if Ihey would onty invst $1 In
Santa Abie, the new California discovery
for consumption and kindred complaints.
they would In this pleasant remedy find
relief- ft is recomended- by ministers,
physic'" and public speakers of the Gold
en state, soin ana guiraniecu oy rosnay
3 Mason at f.50 ana ( a Dome, in re
for tJ.r.0.
Tbe most s'ubuorn cases ot caurrh will
It Dios't Voek. The CorvaUis Times
rays : The other day Marshall, the pris
oner in th county jail, awaiting the ac-
: 1 . 1 1 ' . . . . . .
uuu ui ws grsnu jury as sue April term
of the circuit court, informed Deputy
Sheriff James Skipton that there was
a plot among the prisoners in the Albany
county jail to break out, and that they
were provided with tools to do tbe work.
Sheriff McFeron at Albany was informed
of tbe fact and on search discovered a
club and knife improvised into a saw,
concealed. Marshall bad served bis
time in ths Albany jail and was familiar
with the inside workings.
Low Rates. The Southern Pacific ap
preciating tbe spirit of tha times has re
duced rates on their line to bottom
figures. Henceforth tbe rate between
Portland and Albanvwill ba 124 cents
per hundred regardless of classification
on all goods except powder. On lime.
cement, nails and many other commodi
ties me rate win only be 7 ft cents.
Old, vet ever new. and simnle and
beautiful ever," singj the poet, in words
which might well apply to Ayer's Ssrssc
anlla the most efficient and scientific
biood-puriuer ever offered to suffering
numsmsy. nothing bnt superior n irit
keeps it so long at the front.
A Good Compart. The Ashland Tid
ings says: lhe Irish Anatacracv Cn
played at Granite hall Saturday evening to
a lull house and furnished mora unnn.
ment for the audience than any show that
nas oeen in Asniana tor many a day.
Kheumatlsnr In the back, shoulders.
hips, ankles, elbowc , or wrists, is t caused
oy accumulation 01 acta In the blood
Hood's Sarsaparilla neutralizes tbe acid
and cures rheumatism.
OiirBaby Boy
Suffered t intensely vfrora
Impure Blood
Perfectly Curod by Mood'
Wast Evebtthiso. SaWi pec pie
want as nearly She world as they can get it.
A correspondent of an exchange has
sirared it out as follows: Tbe governor is
a Salem man, as is the snperinteadent of
the aylum . Tbe second physician and the
two consulting physician, the engineer
sad full half of the employes of the asy
lum are Marion county people. The super
intendent ot tbe penitentiary, the second
warden, the physician and most of the
guards are also residents of that county.
The superintendent of the reform school.
matron, instructor, atgbtwatciimaa. phy
sician and some ot the employes are trom
Salem. The stsperuteadeots of tbe mote
and blind schools are also Marion county
men. and Salem physicians attend their
sick. Then they have tbe clerk of the so
pretne court, court reporter, the baiiiif,
librarian, the jaaitar, assistant janitors,
aightsratch, elevator man, assistant treas
urer, chief crk ia the secretary's oasce.
engineer at the state boose, tbe speaker of
the boose, and Holer ot tbe Journal.
BtTTEa Re.mars. Tbe Sales Post
continues iti unkind remarks about Prof
McEiroy. ooe of which we publish in order
to show how bitter a newspaper may be
come: "We tee that E B McEiroy has
gone to Eugene to take the newly created
chair 00 Etgtish litentore. Can not kin 2
be done to event this antiquated fossil
from occupying that position ? The man
bnomrs no more about English literature
than aa old gander knows about a bad
sbiilin" Mr McEiroy has undoubtedly
been a political demasogne; but, aeverthe-
less. be is perwnalty a gvnueauu. ana as
well a student. He is folly competent to
teach English literature in the taie Uci
vrrutr. In this nrsition. t hooch, he
shook! drop his partisanship; if not ' there
win ne some uve airjoog oj erezyooay.
Oca Pcauc School. Tbe teachers
and pupils of the public schools are arrang
ing tor a public entertainment on the eve
ot Washington's birthday. Feb 21. U
promises to be an interesting event. Tbe
schools are ia a flourishing condition, and
are being splendidly managed under the
efficient soperintendeacy of Prof Tyree.
lie is well backed by an able corps of
teachers. Becently there was a report of
what was declared to be an injustifiable
case of punishment by an assistant teacher,
by tbe way one of the best ia the school,
but when mvestigated it was a . very mild
affair, the reports being exaggerated, and
nothina- having- been done out wtuu was
Too Eaiilt. A case of counting chick
ens btfore they are hatched is reported. As
the nartv's name is familiar to our readers
we give the incident: It appears that Sen
ator IV!ph was anxious to curry bacK to
Wathimrton as soon as he was le-elected,
and Twiuostod the secretary of state to make
oat in advance his certificate of election and
have it ready for signature and acknowledg
ment upon the ballot being cast in tee leg
islature. He bad no doubt of being re
turned and had his private car, which is
furnished him by the railroad company, all
victualed and Beady tor the trip east
The Right or It. The Democrat
nn Wished an item a day or two aso about
a Enovne ttacer boastinsr ot sellinir irranu-
infmi Bucar at zj pounds ror a uotiar wmio
at an executors sale in Albany it was sell
ing for 19 pounds for one dollar. That
sounds well for Eugene; but se tie re, tba
The following S. 5 officers have
elected for the'eoming year:
Christian . Prof Tyree, superintendent;
Dorena Marshall, assistant; Will Meyers,
secretary; Lizzie Hunter, treasurer; Rich
ard Bhoades, librarian. Mrs Fuller, Mrs
Lister, Mm Ida Maxwell. Miss Dorena
Marshall and Mia Stella Hughe, teachers.
Congregational. C C llogue, superin
tendent ; A Browneii, assistant, AdJie
George, treasurer; Walter Peacock, secre
tary; Miss Catherine Althoose, librarian;
Miss Joyce Browne!!, organist; Miss War
ner, ebon ter; Mrs W C Bead, Mrs Vance,
Mr Hogne, Mrs Hewitt. Misses Annie Alt
hoose and Addie George, Q Prcpst and Dr
Watts, teachers.
Cumberland Presbyterian. E W Ache
son, superintendent; Clyde Bryant, assist
ant; D D Longbottom. secretary: Joseph
'1 iron, treasurer: Maud Bryant, librarian:
Grace Trytxt. onraaut; A M Williams,
chorister; A M Williams, Mrs G amber.
Nona Irvine. Mrs Beile Irvine, Myrtle
Wosiey, Grace Tryon, Loa Try on, Grace
Evaneetkal. Wilson Blain. saperin
dent; Jennie Ohling, assistant superintend
ent: Ethel Bray, secretary; Newton An
derson, tra urer; Rachel Graham, organ
ist; A S OUey. chorister; May Graham
and Moilie Bray, librarians; A a Copley,
Kacnei uranam. aiary oranam. Jennie
Graham, Jennie Ohling and Fannie Miller,
First Pretbjteriaa church. C EBrowa-
ell. mpmitnilnt; C F Howtand, assist-
. 1 1- . , it" .1.
treasurer; Ada Morris, librarian; Loots
Batlev. assistant: W II Lee. chorister: Mrs
C W Sears, onranut. Prof W ii Lee, Prof
Howtand. Prof Rutherford. Flora Mason,
MrsC W Sears. Mrs Smick. EdUb mck
Mrs Prof Uowlaad. Mrs E Thrall. Mrs D B
Moeteith, Mrs A B Mathews, Hiss Liia
(iaibratth. Mr Prof Lee, Miss Ethel
RedSeid. Mrs E E Go?, Miss Hattie Baa,
Mrs Prof FG loung. teachers.
Methodist. J T Al-betL exofficio: li M
Newport. sevTetfjj of tcard ; J M PoUock,
suiennteadent; J B loogul, assistant sa
perintendeat; Jos Kabtoa, seaetary; Mrs
Ella Harkness. trvaurer; Emma Coos ill.
organist; Ella Torbett. assistant; Frank
El kins, chorister: A M Hammer assistant;
Veda Torbett and Irene Neeland. librarians;
Prof Torbett, Kev Abhett. Dr Chamberiia.
Collins Likiaa. M Nesrom. Masses Mela
Gilbert. Fannie M iller, LUbe Ridot,CUra
Gard. Mae Foilock. i anme Concilia. Era
Simpson, Mrs Dr Chamberiia and Mr
Aycrs, teacher. I
United Prosbrteriaa. E F Sox. super-1
rairaueai; 1 1. main, Bssjwuuit, .j c;
Younsr. treasurer: F P Xuttintr. secretary;
Cleat Irvine, chorister; Mildred Burmester,
organist, w ii Crawford. Mrs 5 1. Young,
Mrs K 1 aox. Mrs 1, t. issaio. Kev uttie,
Carlton Sox, Mrs Little, L E Blain, Miss
Lena McCormick, Hiss L10 lmae, V H
Stewart. Mrs E L Power, Mrs Sarah Balti
more, Miss Ava Baltimore, Mrs A K ale-
Coy, Miss Mildred Burmester, teachers..
Quinine pills at Fred Dawson's
Get yoar millinery at Mrs Asbby's.
Cran Berries at C E Brownell's.
Hot baths at Verick's shaving parlors.
Fresh buckwheat flour in bulk at C E
tVahs at Vierecaa sbavioz sad hair
carting psrlor.
II 3t Baths and warm rooms at Verick's
shaving pat lor.
40 full weight loa res o' bread for $1 a
Parker B os.
Cleaa towais to every eaasomer at Viersck
hsviox partors.
D- G W Mas ton. physician and sureeofl
la!.a answered promptly ia ear or
Prescriptions filled at Dawson's
The general merchandise stock c ABMc
Ilsrain deceased most be dosed oat at
once to settle up the estate, and ia order to
do so we will make toe prices of all lines of
goods less tsaa yoa can get them any
where in the city.
f.,e 3seaT.Wfifn"
'Sis- I
'UTKi'SJ t swj jm&Li'i r".
W-i ii a f 1 r (.r -J S3
ao- : 1
1 M
I -V i 1
Tbft extra
erduuiy Jur
jovsaacor is
tba saost
discovery of
the as. It
has bsea aa
dotstdbytha Madtnsrseics.
tine aaea of
tnopa and
Mssraa is
HaSyasi stes
tit tb dis
charge ia SO
days. Crata
I1H0G3 j
suSealy. Onf iMA m twUs e&duiseiicts
Is Is a syoiptoB t seratasl weakse
Kxmeai. Ii eaa bsacocsedia SdsTS
sty uw wqi socii, -
Theasw dlmusesy nas aad 'jf tbe BtwrM.
istsofttseidfsiBauiHaasoa sUdicat baktt.
It is the stfoagm vitadar saade. It is very
posrsffal. bat Ismlm Soid far SXOS s psck
sceorS psekses Sar SSjOO plain seakd boxee.
Wrtaea gmrsniea giveBferaea. IfyaDbny
six bozeaaad an ont csttrriy eard,fcx noce
wiil besest to yoo fie rf ail ebarzes.
Bmdftjr eirecaeasd teateoaitls- Aa-ireas
JsuacttWn SSoefcSoss, Jlmrkxt 4c EUta ata
Saa Fruclws, CsU.
' lixEiiies,
rallies ea-aliofis,KeTT-ccstwtseJjirstf
oi the eyes
and other
Hssyaa eui
I e o 1 1 i t y,
and nu,TrH
wesJc erots
Tttns In tbe
fcsek, loaf
br dav or
and bi
Oca Gaocrar JPrrr.
3 cans best tomatoes ....
19 lbs granulated sairar
25 lbs U
30" ,
30 ' roiled oats
5 sals best Peart Oil
30 bars Savon isoap. 1 10
S g-ais best pickies &5
19 os ccnuuBg dcss nsMiag ovuer
.... 1
.... 1
beass I
Boor k Shoe DEraarnxxr.
12.50 men's top sob boots per pr fl 50
2.00 " dou ble " " " I 25
$3.50 "best " " - 2 50
t2J0 ' kipshc 1 BO
n.0O " standard shoe 1 25
tl.TSladksoti grain.... 1 O)
91JO - - "
FrExrsrfixc Goods Deft.
Men's heavy gray underwear. .......
il white shirts 1
S pr men's Bockord socks
I pr men's heavy 10 ca overalls
I pr " " 9 oa
Albany Hark
ladies of the drill corps are requested to !
ba at the hall this evening at 8 p. m. for '
practice. By order of the captain. .
' Internal Revenue Collector Blackman
has received his blanks and will soon be-
! gin assessing men having ah income of
over f 40uu. au in excess 01 that amount
will cost 2 per cent.
Face powders at Fred Dawson's
speedily luccumb to California Cut-r-cure.
fclx months' treatment for $i io. 1
Money to Loan.
are prepared to make loans on good
mproved farms In sums to suit, of from
2,000 to 910,000.
For bargains In dress goods examine
the remnant counter at S E Yonnj's,
'Vnoat. 3ij
Oats, 10)
Flour, S8.00.
Butter, 200
Kkrs. S5e.
faird, 12 to lAe
Pork hams.12 to 35c; r ouldsrsJItoOOet
dee. It to 18c.
Hay, baled,
oaio 25n. ' "T;
W1TUER1TK. At his home near 8eio
Feb. 3, 1895, Isaac Witberite, aged 65
Deceased was ill for a year of conminip
non. ue wu a uroiner-in-iaw or J U
jonnson ot paiem, ana leaves a family.
Cnnmt snirar ia the Ahunsda refinery
nhfna trraaulated. susars that coul
nilv be sold for 22 pounds for one dollar
. . . 1
Our uibrcoants can lay sugar aown cueu
ar than FnwnA nenple. on account of low-
pt frniirhta from San Francisco, and of the
same quality uepeua on 11 our prices iuc
low or lower.
FaiDAt NioHT.The Women's Belief
Corns entertainment Friday night will be
for the benefit of a worthy object, and will
a biff house. Ono of the features
".O. . - P . mi . a a . fit t
will h the Kinness arm vj mra toariw
th tnlpntad elocutionist of Sa'.em
assisted by seventeen young ladies of this
city. ABOtner wui uo wi um
hv a ctiua or lima iruis. iuho 0111
vocal and instrumental selections and the ;u ix & 1 mat from besrinnimr to
nd. Admission 25 and 30 cents; reserved
seats at Hodges & Met arianu e.
rill not em
n orthodox
iu w men s overcoats
9 00 " "
2 50 pasta
a tJ
1 25 "
.54 50
. 3 SO
.. 1 75
.. 1 53
. I 00
Ine greatest ier ca the marinet for
diseases of the Liver.KiJncysaul Con
Pkasrtt to take by oil or youc. Xo
The root of the liveriae plant is Kilea-
sively nsed in Norway fer xhe cure of Pifef.
Sold by all first cLtss dreggiris.
Wholesale Maco&usres,
IbinCB, Or.
BarveyvlUe, Kansas.
"0. X. Hood tt Co., lowell, Msss. ;
Our Ilttls baby boy ts now almost two years
eld. Whea he was about six weeks aid there
appeared a breaking out on his head and breast.
We tried various salves and soaps, trot St
Continued to Crow Worse
And we took hua to a doctor. Be said tt was
swofula, but his treatment failed, and we called
apon three other physicians, who teamed It salt
rheum or eczema. Even thea he grsw worse.
A crust would gather on his head as thick asa
quarter and puff up with corruption. Thea it
would come on, taking ine nair with Is, About
three toon ths ago we resolved to try Hood's
SarsaparUla and Hood's olive Ointment. To
day ws sre happy to say that Burtron Is now
Entirely Well.
Ths sores have all disappeared and bis hair Is
growing nicely. Be has only taken ons bottle
of Hood's Sarsaparilla and used one box ot
Ointment. "We can now recommend Hood's Bar-
satarllla to others, and truthfully say It has
worked wonders to our Ilttls boy's ease. leave
also bsea taking Hood's Sarsaparilla lor In dig s- wjh u,Q Albany firemen. Statesman.
... m as AunlklA sinjl ssn iHSMaataa t4ift
alonf David A. Ktyo, Harreyrm Kmamj. if you want a good and .clean
Hood'. Pills ars prompt and " M M'
M sntlna. Hnia ev au aroecists. ase. --n--
The spring like days of . last week has
cacwd some of our farmers to commence
their spring plowing.
Mr E B Coney cf Litcoln coantv, is
visiting mends hers.
IV Hill called oa Geo Barton
Geo is not feeling well; but he
ploy a gold bug doctor, he is i
populist, so is lr Hill.
Our people are all anxious to bear the
result of the election of U S senator. Why?
Last June the republican party was victor
ious, it sent men enough to the legislature
to elect a senator. ow it they elect Vaipb
should the people complain he is a republi
can, tie also represents the capitalists,
bat they are also republican institution
Some of our people goto Shedd to bear
Tbe sound of tbe prnnmnar shear is
beard in the land. Tbe prospect tor a
large cropof prunes is good. Amccs.
Arthur Edwards, a native Caiifornian, !
aged 6; H K Worth, aged 22, of Pough
keerwie, N V; and W 11 Duncan, aged 22,
of Boston, Mass, arrived in .Vhany last
night on foot, on a long tramp. They pro
pose walking irem roruaud u inicago,
which they are to reach by August 1st and
to have $1000 each earned on the way.
They will walk to Eoseville, Calif., thence
turn east to Ugdeu, Cheyenne, et amis
and Chicago. They will earn money by
giving open air concerts, and in any way
that is legitimate.
Hon T I Stites received his commission
this noon as postmaster of Albany. It is
signed bv G rover Cleveland, president, and
W S Bissell. postmaster general. Mr Stites
at the suggestion of the postmaster general
will tvke charge of the ollice on the 16th of
tbe month.
If vou need a soon medicine to purtfv
yoar'blood, give nerve strength and build
up your entire system, take Hood's sarsa
parilla. It prevents sickness by making
pure blood.
Hood's PHI cure nausea, sick headache
ndlgestlon and biliousness. 35c
MrecsLAxsors Deft.
12 spools Clark's ONT Cctton 40
16 yds cotton flanceU I 00
16 gingham 1 00
1 cord oak grub srood 2 50
1 curd lane fir " 2 00
and a large assortment of ladies cloaks that
sold from $10 to f"3) yoo can have your
choice for t5. Call aid exaiuine thera as
they are worth doabie the money. Yours
for business.
II F McIlwait,
Smart) FitOMajr,
Electors of the estate of A B Mcilwain,
Coast? Warrants Bosslt u
Soil. Clcr,Basi0i Block, Altair
A Beautiful Band
presents a speelscte for oniveisal at ira-
tion. There's character in tne haad, and
the band deserves atteciion fcr that very
reason. What the har.d is to a large en
tent b the resuH cf care nd attention.
Medicines preserve t'e hra!ih; mas.-enre
articles beautify the hard. AU soch
rejulites of pleasmg palms t bat be-speaa
a character justifying prtde are shown in
our stock of toiiel and manicure articles.
It's most nowise, judging by musts, to
neat: either the hands or the heahh. and .
our stock of drug tad mectaccs cfier
the best of everything needful to pre re-re
either or both.
a Clly Sdbjkct. Mr Kelley, the
sculptor with E W Achison, next door
tUm iiEwnrsAT otltcs. has lust completed
piece cf work that speaks for his genius as
nn artist, in rlnv. Willi some common clay
gotten from the bantc ot me wiiiameue ne
h... mntlnlnd a subiect that is quite attrac
tive and would compare well with Rogers
fine specimens. It consists of a baby and i
dog pulling at the opposite ends of a doll
But see it yourself .
Coming To AuiANY.--The exempt fire
men hold their first quarterly meeting in
the city council chamber Monday night
and among other business a committee ot
three consisting ot II H Price, W U West
acott and Andrew Coss, was appointed to
look op the matter aheut giving aa ex
mminn on the river to Albany and a ball
I in the evening at that place in conjunction
' .;(!. ila Alhnnv firnnwn. Statssman.
Hlihest Honors World's Fair.
i fst;
Albany, Or.
City and county warrants booghtand
Tin rooBina andplambing.
the opera house.
Tha eeDsitnannin betw en K Veal.
Veal and S Livirgstoa ias been dissolved.
Band K Veal will coatioae the tasiBetf
Dated January 12, 1S95.
K. O. T.M
nawsaisa ai-asa Caw I n A am sssVanm ' i in IT.
T. MHall. Visiting Knigbta invited to
aKana. a ju uhhu, wm
WANTED. A widow lsdy, under 30
years ot age, wishes a place to do gen
eral housework i-esve woru i mc
Dkmockat office.
littler k Cfc, S
Good work a specialty.
os at
Cuskk Block
THUns end extracting of teeth wiil.ou
pain a specialty.
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will & Stark.
Optical Specialist
Graduate of the Chicago Otthalu)ic
College. . .
I am prepared to examine scwntiUcally
and accurately, by the latest and improved
methods of modern science, any who de
sire to have their eyes tested.
Cusick Block, Auuxt, 0ke60H.
A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.
GocKsaus for Sals. Pure bred
ockerels fcr the Albany Poultry
Yards,Whlte and Silver Laced Wjandois
snd Barred Plymouth Recks. John Bruar
Albany, Oregon, comer ath ar d R R St
Get yoar
Ferry street, between First and Second.
The best meats ot all kinds at lowest
prices always on hand, aa trial w ill
convince you.
1- a m ft 11 E AD THIS. Besot V Von-
I .der for the complexion is a substitute!
tor cosmetics , Harmless, dainty, pure
For sale by Mrs G C Moon, Albany, State
Agent, Agents wanted. Good pay.
MCOS, eppestta the E is H
f d, bia- shwts, Grm uusl, ttia-
huekwha, rye 4)f, hay, oa's,
, potatoes, a:o.
Jr. Prioe's Cream Daklng r w de
A Pars Qfaps Ceaasa s4 TartarF -
l On SALE. Some ao 1 fet-cia i s 1
p par thousand, ana
wood at f 2.&0 a cord.
soma Oik iriuo