, 1 in M I " - ' The io cents a week daily it being appre ciated by tbe public. Portland's tax U 10 mills; but while that is high tho city is fortunate in having a low county tax, the city and county being almost one. There are plenty ot men in Oregon who wish thoy bad never heard ot such a thing as insurance stock. Talk of your East India bubbles, there la not even a rain bow color In insurance stock in a small insurance company. "If my employer does not retract what he said to me this morning, I shall leave his store." :" "Why, what did he say?" "He told me to look for another placo. Harlem Life. The editor of the Democrat is opposed tj whipping except in extreme cases. The school teacher who cannot govern except witn tile rod stoaid be snipped aaa give plare tor one who can. " There may be cases where whipping1 is justifiable, but every little offense such as poor lessons is not one ot them. The care should be a willful one. xKew York daily papers are full of illus trations of the great Brooklyn strike. ' It haseviden'ly been the hottest and most bitter in the history of any American city, not excepting Chicago. What a depress ing thiiig a strike is, and when it is ended there will be a big loss to everybody con cerned. Of all times these are the worst for strikes. The only clerks needed in a state legisla ture are the engrossing clerks and a few others: Fifteen could do the whole busi ness easily, but our legislators have to satis fv certain obligations so they scratch each others b icks anl appoint clerks for every thing that oflers an excuse. Legislators who bave favored these steals ought to be ashamed to Icwk their constituents in the face. People nowadays are making the best of things. From the boot black to the farmer they are accepting the situation, and, in stead o lying down and expiring from loss of "grip," are gripping lighter to every thing that offers any advantage. The wise farmer is producing ' wheat at the least possible cost and is cultivating as well. while the merchant is allowing no stone to resiaia unturned and is using printers ink . judiciously and cons'-ant'-y to est his share of what business there io. A man came to the back door for some thing to eat and was willing to work but could get nothing to do. After the man had left the editor read the following item and thought of the difference in the financial stations of men in the world: Willie K. Vanderbilt has given to th wife from whem be is separated an income of $250,- ' 00C a year and the use of two palaces, one in New York and one In Newport. For himself he has taken a suit of rooms at the Metropolitan club which cost him 112,000 a year, but which he doesn't use, because he has returned" to Europe to hunt for pleasure there. Yet the pair, to whom money is no more than dirt to most peo ple, are not happy. Mr Dolph and Mr Scott have been act ing as if they thought they were tbe only people in the world; but they are not; an o'her people have been heard from, and they think juet like tbee men. The Moqui Indians of Arizona, who live m '.be high table lands, believe that they are tbe only people in the world outside of the four companies of the United States cavalry that they saw about two years ago. The old chief Soloma was taken to Wash ington in 18S9, and when he came back and told about seeing thousands of white men and maty tall buildings, he was be lieved to be insane. He was put in a hole and kept on a low diet until he ad mitted that the Moquais were the only peo ple on earth. If we keep on we will have to admit tome day that Mr Scott is the only man in 'be world or be driven out of Oregon. But really Mr Scott does possess energy enough for two men. Harry Scott makes some terrific efforts to hit txervboiy who disagrees with him. How he slasnes right and left, making the the wind wiiistle; bow he prances up and down- giving an exhibition tbst would make a circus clown ashamed of bis profess ion. But he does exert bimseif to hurt some one. Bat no one feels it much. His lasb is cade of mud and only spatters; but it is a peculiar kind of mud. There is pep per in it; but no one sneezes; there Is asi ficetida in it. bat no one leaves tbe room The tnath is, Oregonians are nsed to Mr Scott and don t care much what he does Pacific Coast people grasp everything about the Nicaragua Canal with avidity. It means so much for this coast that a man must be blind who will oppose it. . Aa eastern exchargs says: , The early completion of the Nicaragua Canal is of the greatest importance to this country. It will give s coi'rol cf markets of the East, and then with a liberal policy towards silver it wiil furnish a market for our surplus silver product, Tbe cotton re quired for Japanese cotton mills continues to be purchased io London and Liverpool. Until we have tbe Nicaragua Canal the ronte by the Suz Canal U shorter thin it is from this couny- No 01. e doubts that the Japanese would gUdly buy of us if we could make it their interests to do so. A very careful review of the wheat crops of tbiacountry and of the world appears In the Sun . Conceding the crops of 1891 and 1892 to be even larger than most estimates, the Sun shows from a review of the amount used as bread and reed and that exported that tbe surface of those extra large crops has at last been exhausted. We have used within the past six months at least 50,000, CO'J bushels of wheat as food for domestic animals, hogs, cattle, horses and poultry. Besides the visible supply amounting to 83,000,000 the Sun estimates that there re main in farmers' hands 138,000,000. This will not supply us for the. next six months and furnish as much for export as from July 1, 1894, to Jan. 1, 1895. From 10 to 20 millions o heat will probably yet be fed to stock, aa there is profit in it at the present prices of corn . VV ae coming to a time when any failure of the wheat crop, such as occurred in 1893. will leave us not enough wheat for our own ue. It is ' rea?onib1y certain, now that farmers have learned how to make a profit, by feeding heai to stock, that it will continue to be co fed, even though wheat goes much high er in price than it h now. All together the wheat out'ook, judging from these facts U good enough so that farmers need not look entirely blue. . T,dl a who wear i 10 4 shoes will find it tJ their interest to cail at Klein & liu brui)6 where some great bargains will be off.rrcJ them. , If Oregon can only manage not to etect a Senator it will be a good thing for the state. One Senator if enough if the other man t to he Dolpb. ' , Washington's birthday U approaching. Some live thoughts on the fathtr of our country should make ns all better citizens. A (cw days ago a pot of gold containing $60,000 In coin, was dug up at Greenville, Mas. It is now in order for everybody to hunt for pots of gold . That Is the wsy mtndo. ., , Mr Symon, well, we'd like to say some thing pretty mean about him; but, for his government position he would hardly be worthe notice. Let's see. Hasn't he had considerable newspaper notoriety some where else.' Men who know of Symon don't speak of him as they would of a brother. The Democrat lus received a copy of ths house calendar. There are about 80 pages to It, whereas 40 pages would have done the business just as well. It is the went padded thing ever seen. The oew state printer, like Mr Biker, evidently in tends to make all be can out of the effiw. This kind of business should bs stopped. Taxes are high enough without paying for blanks. In recording the sudden demise of Wild Goose Bill with his boots on, we trust ou' esteemed eastern exchanges will no'e the I fact that he belongs In the hijbly civilized and Christian state ot Washington, and was not a bad man from Montana. Ile'e na Independent. Whenever Mr Bonner speaks there Is al ways a sign of forward movement on the Oregon Pacific A gentle ma a who met Mr Bonnet says that he told things in private that Indicated much more than aaythlog he said is public That his desire was not 10 disappoint people ; but to do much more than he promUed. ' , One of the great questions of the future to settle is that In reference to tramps. The fact is brooming apparent that the - profes sional tramp must b: dealt with summarily. There are a good manv things to consider about tramps. The row who is purely the vtc'.lm of the hard times should be treated well. The question is, who Is he! Will any one but a genuine tramp . travel over the country. A. tolling stone gathers no moss, and the man whs wanders from piace to place purely for employment mus. be short sighted, or he would know that he could never accomplish anythiog. The United States after all is a country t i be proud of. Bead this and then never doubt that tnU country will bold its own among the nations of the world The aggregate products for 1394 of six leading European nations, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain and Rou- mania, per reports to Washington Agri cultural Department, were 980,013,967 bushels of wheat. 1,230,402 904 rye, 1.5S0. 566,031 oats and 472,743,025 barley. Pro duct of corn not given, except Italy, 64, 763,000. The United S'ates raised in tbe same year more than half as much wheat and 42 per cent ot the total ot oats. The East Urrgonlan is opposed to spscia! lepiala'.ion in the favor of newspapir. The E O is right. The paper thit can't exist itbout special legislation should suspend. Any bill providing for payment for tHe publication of county court proceedings is entirely oot of place. Such pjoceedings are news and it fa the business of the news papers to publish aes. Anything that is an advertisement should be paid for- That is business. There is a class ot hilf starr ed newspapers that are everlasting! want ing special privileges- Let them earn them. The press does more for tbe public fan aay other agencv. It helps build op ciliea and communities. It is a great factor ii development of the people. The newspaper deserves a liberal support and should re ceive it by such liberal subscriptions as it deserves and bv the hiring of its ad vertising columns, a bosines proposi tion. Is He Dead? Great interest is boing felt in the fate of Frank GLenz tbe daring bicyclist wco passed through Albany in November 1S92 on his trip arturrd the world. The Repub lic save: Bicyclists aH over the world have been wrought up for tbe last nine months over the possible fa'e cf Frank G Lenz, the plucky Pittsburg wbeelman,from whom nothing has been beard for nearly a year Hones for his restoration to friends and family have about vanished aa the months have rolled by without bringing any word from tbe missing cyclist. Two years ago a magazine enraged him lo tour around the world. His. departure was heralded throughout the country. He was occasion ally heard from through the publication for which he. attempted hie perilous trip, but less than a year ago he disappeared and has not since been heard of. Lenz Is supposed to have met bis death cr been lost somewhere in Turkey. Before accepting the engagement it was agreed that tbe periodical should take out an insurance policy on his life for $10,000, payable to his mother. This was carried out. Mrs Lenz. mother of the lost cyclist, lias called the attention of the magazine to the insurance palisy, bet the insurance company says proof mast be famished that Lenz is dead before It will honor the poli cy. - . Beyond the writing of several letters, asking for information, the magazine has apparently not exerted itself to any extent in locating Lenz.. Pressure has become so great in Pittsburg, however, that it is re ported that the magazine is at least mak ing a direct effort to locate tbe wheelman. It is said to have engaged an agent at Con stantinople to go oat on a tour of investi gation and learn definitely the fate of Lenz. The portion of Turkey into which Lenz penetrated, atd from which be has never emerged, is populated by the fierce Kurds, and uprisings among this people are of fre quent recurrence, and it is surmised t"at the bicyclist may have met death at their hands. W L Sachtleben, the St Louis wheelman, who, with his partner, wheeled it around the world, returning only a few years or so ago, has been in communication for sever al weeks with the publication which sent Lenz on his fateful trip, nnd says that he may be engaged to search for him. If negotiations are successfully doted Mr Sachtleben will leave In two weeks. If an agent of Cook k Sons, already near the scene of disappearance, has been secured it is hardly possiblo that. Mr Sachtleben will go. The rum"r that T.z htm keeping bit wbere-b 'ii f : uv -rose of stim ulating interest in a forthcoming book to be issued by the periodical is not credited 40 Loaves of Bread for $1.00. Let everybody come to hJ Si:tr IS k' n and get 40 loavis of fresh hrea.i for ft. on cash. - CMkycr. In the U S Senate there aie 47 for coinage ot silver, and 39 against it. Let the Pacific railroads pay what thoy owe the government.; They are no betier thsn people in debt. . The picture of a degraded queen may be seen in Hawaii, where the ex.qusen if that Island is under arreit on account of the recent revolt. ; , The Portland Sun. an independent pa per says: The republican party of Oregon is being wrecked and ruined by Us merce nary and avaricious 'bosses." aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . At least advertise on a small scale, If on ly an Inch space. Let your name appear io your local papers. The outside wsrld judge of the business of a city very much by the advenlsmontr in a paper. The Democrat wouid lUe to have some one step forward aod say what has become of thi' biir beet sucar factor that was to be started with a rush, and for which every town In the valley v as rustling. We dont need to go out of Oregon to gel cold weather. While it U mild and serene in tuts glorious valley, the ther mometer never having reached 20 degrees above aero this winter, just across the moun'clns at Burns the mercury recently dropped to 57 degrees below aero. Ugh! The present state legislature, now over half exhausted, promises to adjourn with out having done an; thing. Iiaif the men in this boJy would not make respectable city councilman. Some cf them evidently never went away fron. hore before and seem to think they are out for a lark. They will have just sense enough to go home after the legislature adjourns with a pen knife In their pocket and a waste basket in their hand This is decidedly an era of cranks, that is, of men doing thing of a peculiar char acter for iio'orieiy. We refer to such fei 'ows as J one, starting naked, going around the world ad making $5000 in a year Rapport, just in the ci'y, going around the world on foot, never touching money and paying his way by manual labor, and many others of a like iik Bright fellows, per haps, but decidedly of tbe flighty cbarae ter, men of immense cheek, and yet fall of daring. Some one asks, what good d they do any way, and do they deserve th encouragement they receive What do you think about i' i Albany is all right socially. We have a bole beirted, agreeable people. When you her a person complain at the socia bility of cur people, put it down that the trouble is at home. There is a class of people who want to be taken op and chock ed under tbe chin ar.d patted on the cheek and have their fingers squeezed at tbe first meeting, or they will complain at the coldness in society. Keep jour eye on such individuals. They don't deserve much encouragement. The person who is all right and doesn't want to know everybody the first hour wiil have no trouble in find ing plenty of warm friends. There were men in Portland Monday who were positive Mr Dolph would be elected on Toeaday; but their claims were in keeping with the whole Dolph cam paign; it has been one of bluff, blow.biust er and braggadocio: but the bubble is be ing beautifully bursted. henever a rep resentative geta among his constituen-s he must base an immense quantity cf sand to vote for Dolph. One wou'd think from the dispatches that the people were for Dolph in different places; but many of the dis patches are decidedly of the fake order The OvstocRA-f is not worrying over the matter; it is a republican row; tot we do like to say thing in urder to be in the swim. James Miller, a Canadian, is in Portland selling pamphlets on his peculiar view itbout ire end of the world. He has been doing some figuring- as follows: Tere yet remain Ere years before we reach the 19 b century, and bet 103 years to complete a fuil dispensation of 2000 yea a since the birth of Christ. There are but three dispensations, and we are ap proaching tbe conclusion of the last one, according to the following figuring: Tak ing one day as 100i years and dividing that cay into 12 hours, we find that we are now living in tbe third wach of the ll'h hour of the sixth day ince tbe creation of man. At the conclusion of the third dis pensation there will be a geceral gather ing of tbe children of Israel, who will cleansed of all imperfections. After this state of affairs people will live 1000 years bifore dying, and all business occupations will be conducted upon the strictest rules of justice. The Cause and Cure. If any one imagines that Coxey is dead he is decidedly mistaken. Mr Coxey rc cently lectured in Cleveland to 500 peoi1 01 the caute and the cure. At a matter if news we give bla cause and cure for tbe present time. W lien tbe shops were closed 4,000,000 men were made idle; 15,001,009 peiple stopped consumption because they could not sell their work for money wherewith to purchase the producs of the oiher 55,000, 000 people. Tbe deman I creates the price, doesn't It? Well, if this one-third or one half of the demand is cut off den't ou brin ibe price down? Then why are the farmers kicking against So ceot whrat. 11-cen wool and 4 cent cot. on? Now, what's the cure. It la contained in the two bills now before congress, and in behalf cf which I appealed before a sub Committee cf the commi'iee on basking and currency. The fi si Is the good roads bill directing the secretary of war to employ all who want woik. to improve the roads snd sDend not more than 500,000100, t! money to be issued by the government needed, each man o work eight I ours and receive not less than $1,50 a day. Well, sappoe the 4,000,000 unemployed . go to work. In one day tbey wl l create $6,ooo, 000 woitb of value. They'd exchange that for the unueed product of farms and factor ies. Pretty soon manufacturer will be hunting up their men to et them to wjrk supplying this increased djmand. They'd find them at work ob the roids; 3,ooo,-cx will go into the fic'ones and road main; i'l oot go on sofast.but the start will have been nude and tbe mosey is in cuculstion Ike other U te non-ln erest bearing bond bill His plan of currency , It based on aon-lnteretl bonds of ta'es.countics and cities, -at currency patalle back to the gov ernment through taxation at the ra'e of percent, po" annum without interest, as de- Gned in bill now htforr ways' an! means committer. The Modern Invalid Has tastes medicinally, in keeping with other luxuries A iemedy must he pleas snly geceptabie in form, purely wholesome li compositlon.uuly beneficial In effee and .ntirely tree irom every object'onablr quality. If really ill he consults a phy slcan ; if constipa'ed he usei the gentle family laxative Syrup of Figs. Smcial Dispatts. ; Several Absent. ' Salem, Feb, 0. The vote for senator today was as follows: Dolpb 30, Wil liams 9, Wentherford 7, Lord 3, Hare 10, Lowell 3 and paired 6. Lost One. Salem, Feb 5. The supporters of Dolnh who were nositive lie wnuM I elected today were greatly disappointed. The many tricks resorted to did not woik. Cooper who spent Sunday among bis con stituents reiurnea aeciueaiy anu-UoIpn and will remain so. He voted for Hermann. Dolph receivea 41, otherwise the vote was as usual. Died From Strychnine. Bablow, Or, Feb 3th. Mrs Peter, wife of Fred Peter, nroaner- ous farmer bore died yesterday from effect of strychnine which she took by mistake ior ueauuene meaicine. isccior was called but arrived too late to save life. Leaves family and small children. A Formality. Salem, Feb. 4, 1895. Tbe senatorial vote today was merely a formality. It was as follows: Dolph, 35; Hermann, 6; Williams. 9; Lowell, 3; Hare, 10; WeatLerford, 7; Lord. 4. Pairs Baker Cooper, Cartel Cogswell.Cole McCracken, Conn Scott, Paly Smith of Linn, Dawson Johnson, McClung Moorebead, Temple- ton aigara. Btcix Behalcd. Wasuixotov, Feb. 5. The debat on the administration bill to authorize the issue of $100,000,000 gold bonds for the purpose of retiring the legal tenders and treasury notes began in the house today and continued for six hours. The silver democrats and populists opposed it out right. Some of tbe administration dem ocrats, like Hall of Missouri, favored a substitute on the lines of the Carlisle bill, while Read, after a speech cbanrine the present trouble to the deficiency in the revenue, introduced a bill authoriz ing the secretary of the treasury to sell 3 per cent coin bonds to keep up the gold reserve, and certificates of indebtedness. redeemable at the pleasure of the gov ernment. Aawtker Breear, WASmsoTox, Feb. 5. The senate ses sion opened today with a very breezv personal altercation between Mitchell of Oregon and Harris of Tennessee. Tho wonts "nngentmanly" and "contempti ble" were exchanged, and for a time it seemed as thoucu the senate chamber might witness a repetition of the bellig erent scene in tbe house last week. But the conflict assumed a somewhat serio comic aspect, and the senate soon relaps- eu into an unevenuul consideratiou 01 of routine business. Ob (rax la Syria. Loxdox, Feb. 5. Tbe Central News has a dispatch from Constantinople star ingtnaa anli-ctinat tan outrage ot the Armenian type are being committed in hidon, Beyroutand Damascus, hvna, Tbe Christian inhabitants of lamascus declared that they apprehended a repiti uon ot the massacre of lot), when thou sands of Christians were murdered. State Legislature. Tbe day was pretty well taken up in the second readinir of bills in the bocse. Among- new biiis were: br Holer makine railroad passes unlawful and establishing 3 cents as the maximum passenger rate. Scott, requiring railroads to make and re pair crossings. Johnson s senate bill al lowing 1 year for redemption of property was read second time in nense; also bt bill repealing jute mill act; severU other senate bills were read the first time, among them being AJIevs raisin? sure of consent, and Bancroft's, providing far ponishment for telling ore arms to minors. Monday Zl bills baa passed tbe noose, as fallows Amending -charters of Corvalli. Wood' burn, Mt Angel, Ashland. Independence Astoria and Oakland. incorrioratibBT Gok Hill and Hubbard; authorizing Peril and scDooi district to borrow monev. rrivme ad ditional power to mayor and council of Can yon City, chancing name of East Cottage Urove to bernau. repealing part of incor porating act ot Prairie City, mating coun ty of Vernon, legalizing Astoria bonds, authorizing Astoria to erect sea wall. etc. ; repealing jute mill act; protecting fbh in Wallowa county; permitting private per son to serve summons; preventing sale of iionor within mile sf Soldiers home. The following senate bills had been parsed: Appropria'ing funds to pay ex penses of legislature; amending charter of Hilisboro, Cornelias, Fossil, Florence and Barns; authorizing Astoria to coctruct bridge ever Young's river. In the senate Denny's bill regulating marriages passed; also WcClung's bill re quiring advertiaemenU for building bridges; Dawson's bill for appropriation for Oregon City locks was read first time; also bill for protecting fish and game; Denny's bill providing for reports of ex ecutors and administrators paiaard. In the bouse several senate bills were read. New bills. Thompson, for obtain ing lands for depot and terminal purposes; Paxtou, redistrictimr state for senators and representatives; Scblorede, providing for rates for printing Ifgal noUces Temple ton's bill for creatiog Calapooia county was reported back to the bousel without recommendation, an art that means its de feat. A petition for reduction of indebt edness was referred. Lrttar Last. Foilowlpg ta the list of lettars reuiniog in tbe posteffise at Albany, Lisa county Oregon, eb 6, 1SS4. . fersons calling for these letters most give the date on which they ware advertised. Bamani, Johnny Barber, John W Garrett, Ethel Harria, W Kennedy, Ala Luasier, Will Richmond 2, E Rentz, Mary Shattatk, L O Welts, John A Thos. Mosthtu, P. M. The V earner. Wednesday and Thursdsy, fair weather and colder. River 3.3 feet. F M French, dhplayman. GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) of Dr. Pierce's--ssv Pleasant Pellets To any one lending name and address lo us on a postal card. ONCB USED THEY ARB ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast .ON TRIAL. a. They absolutely cure Sick Headache, Bil lousneaa, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange ments of tbe Stomach, Liver and Bowels, Don't accept some substitute said to be "just as good." The substitute costs the dealer less. It costs you ABOUT the same. HIS profit is in the "just as good." WHERE IS YOURS t Address for Fans Sample, World'! Dispensary Medical Association, - Na. 663 Mala St., BUFFALO, ft Y. Blrjetes Prohibited. WaMtNQTON, Del., Feb. B.Rev Fath er Fylvester Jaert, pastor of the Church of the Sacred Heart, of this city, has re ceived a letter from. Konto, In which he is informed that the holy father disap proves of ltoman Catholic priests riding bicycles. The letter w as in reply to one written by Rev Jaert, seeking guidance on the subject. Eleven Killed by aa Avalaacke. CnrtiSTtANiA, Norway, Feb. 5. Dis patches from Moldo Aalsunde, Bcrgn and Chris tirm ia report that earthquakes were folt between 12:15 and 1 2 MO this morning. The damage- was not great. Eleven persons were killed by an ava lanche at Kvauguo. Very Cold Weather. Nkw York, Feb. 6. New Y'ork and vicinity were last evenine visited by tho coldest weather experienced in ten years. it grew grarually colder inrougiiout the night, and at 1 o'clock this (Wednesday) morning it has dropped to one below. At Albany and vicinity the thermometer registered from 10 to 13 below and a high wind prevailed. At Ituffalo it has been 5 below for two days. A e4 Shaw Ids- Washisoton, Feb. 4. Secretary Car lisle submitted a letter of information to the senate today, which dissipates all gloomy forebodings as to the lack of rev enue to carry on the government. The letter is as follows : 'Koplvine to the senate resolution of January 28, 18S5, that the secretary of the treasury be directed to inform the senate what is the estimated deficiency in the revenuesof the government to pay current expenses between the 31st day of December, and the 31st day of De cember, 1895, and if the f 153,305,579 99 cash balance in the treasury on the 31st day of December, 18SH .will be sufficient to meetsucfi deficiency, 1 nave the honor to state that from estimates made upon Uie basts ot laws now in torce, it is believed that for the 12 months emlinir December 31, 1895, the revenues of the government from all sources will exceed its ordinary expenditures by 22,53,023." far Iks rwicair. Washisotox, Feb. 4. The postoflice appropriation bill was reported to the senate from the committee bv Senator lilackbum today. One important addi tion increases the appropriation ot tbe railway postal car service to the extent of f 100,0u0, making the total for this pur pose J,-AA,ua, aim making it discre tionary with the postmaster-general whether the entire sum shall be nsed. The total appropriation made by tbe bill is fS9,337,3S:l, a reduction of 1105,- 6H. trrj rld. " Chicago, Feb. 4. The sharpest eo'd wave that has visited Chicago for 23 yeats made iu appearance last niht,and is sun on wttit unabated vigor. The mer cury in the office of the signal service last night tell to 13 below tero. tbe cola- eat oa record since 1873. The thermoce- tersewned by private individuals went tbe government's from 4 to 5 degrees worse, and marked from 16 to 9 below. Ik k!arr. LosDosr, Feb. 4. A Central News dis patch says 50.0(0 Chinese are encamped outside New Cbwanz. The Chinese lost men in trrwg to recapture Kin- Chow. The foreiirn settlement is beins raided by molw.and the housvs ot several native merchants have Ucn plundered. A rate! rtre. i'abis, ret. a. lire broke out yes terday in the Montoceau mince, in the department 01 me ftoane and Loire, While the miners were fighting the fire, j an explosion occurred w uicn wrecked the ; rslb-nns and entombed the miners.: Fifty-two men were ia tbe mine at the time of the explosion. Eight have been taken out alive, only two o! whom are injured. The number tif lives lost given is 41. The hodir-s s hich liave btn re moved are burned beyond recognition. alr S1M.SH.M Wasihjwtus, Feb. 4. So far as can be learned there has txwn no change in tbe bond situation. Ail officials are reticent r n tbe subject ard decline to either af firm or deny any ot the rumors brought to their attention. Tbe amount which tbe administration contemplate issuing, and mar give notice of it at any lime now, is f 100,000,000 to ran 30 years. laapattaat eetataa. Sas Faaxcco, Feb. 4. Tbe United States circu't court of appeals rendered a decision teday in the cae of tbe Ore gon ii California Railway Company and the Oregon Central Railway Companv rs tbe United tatei,tn favor of tbe railroad companies. Tr cease involves 3.iJ acres of land in the vicinity of Fcrest tirove.Or.,a!ued al8I.COtf.O00.lt has long been known as "the Quadrant case." a it eee 9tmt ArroatA, Feb. 3. I. W. Case, tbe pio neer banker of Astoria, and prominent in tbe history and development of this city, died here at 6 o'clock this evening. Mr Case was a native of Wayne count v, Indiana, and was born September 12, 1831. Leaving his home in l&iO for the Pacific coast, he arrived in I'ortland the same year. He came to Astoria in 1875. aeealaliag la CM. Ojiah a, Feb. 3. It has developed that tbe Omaha banks are boarding gold closer than ever. The local banks have nearly 1-1,000,000 and are paying it out only on specific demand. Aa Bitter as Ever- CnicAoo.Veb. 3. The fight between the American Railwav Union and the old railway brotherhoods, which ante tvded the strike of last summer and be came more bitter at that time because the old brotherhood men refused to join in the ctrike. has not been softened bv time. Today the subject was discussed at length by 200 or more kaders of the Order of Railway Conductors, and an al most nnanimons expression was found in the adoption of a resolution recommend ing that the line be drawn in the order to exclude all members who refuse to re nounce allegiance to the American Rail way Union. There are manv members of the Order of Railway Conductors who are also members of the American Rail way Union. " Xel let Taken. - Loxww, Feb. 3. A Times dispatch from Tien-Tsin says that the latest news from Wei-Hai-Wei shows that half the Northern forts on the mainland are hold ing out against the Japanese assaults. A Japanese ship was damaged and a torpe do boat sunk while attempting to force the northern entrance to the harbor. Japanese have captured the island of Liu-Kung-Tao, off Wei-Hai-Wei, after desperate fighting. The Japanese fleet maintained a terrifie fire on the island forts for several hours. Tho Chinese gunners responded spiritedly. Several of tho Chinese guns were disabled to ward the close of the bambardment. The forts were badly damaged. Big Boad gale. Cuicaoo, Feb. 3. The Herald's Wast - ington correspondent snds tho follow ing : 0 far aa Washington is concerned, the financial flurry is over. It became known here today that the admin istra tionhad been succesHfttl in its efforts to negotiate a hian of gold in Europe. To day tho statement is made in hitih quar ters that tho loan may be for 200,000, 000 instead of far 1100,000,000. Foreign houses are willing to take 00 ,000,000 on terms which will make tbe interest rate no moie than 3-s per cent, and pcrhane less. Though the negotiations are being conducted in New York, tho principals are in Europe, notably the house of Rcthschild. J WaasssievcraMeatOwBerahlp. 1 San Fkaxcisoo, Feb. 3. Governor Budd expressed himself as pleased at the defeat of the Reilly funding bill, Mid said : "I hope that the government will now take hold of those roads and run them at coat. I have long been in favor of the government ownership of a few such great highways acrosjjLbo country to act aa a check upon exhorbitant charges. WILL fi STARK.tbe lewelers Tooth brushes at Fred D.i tvson Curee-ST., JACOBS OH Cures Rheumatism, Nc-uralglr, fa'oi?.tlcn, Lu-noagc, 8prain8. Umleo, Bunts), . Wo -jr. tin, ....WkmV :,.QfZ !3 NEEDED o ?r el o (fi r I er a o CO O O c a -3 s $ -HH HfH -HH R-I-.P-A-N-S. ONE GIVES RELIEF. -4- RIDERS! awa tka tlaaa ta kavt II asst. W will at ISM G. at 1." cllaeavs- tire with wa4 sr ateel IrorP" plairai rtau aa rar ! vrhcvl" lar $IT.SO V a til have a full line of RAM BLERS to show oa in da time. Overman A Sears. I I TABI.IinED .IMS F H Hammer. Wlio'ESi'e CciamlssiQQ Kercbaat, 215 and 217 Davis St Cor. tommerriaJ, Sax Fb ax Cisco. Cau We pay tbe highest market price for wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap ples, poultry, hides, wool and gen eral produce. It will pay yoa to srrite n and keep pott ed. Liberal advance made 00 consignments. ( San Francisco FroJ-ie Exch. Mem uer: 1 San Francisco Fruit Exchange. Star Baken I arrraaatatalss aval ffltal HI aara) frail. -'Aaaware, 'Ural Frail. Tskaeee, , Etav, ataae Xe tsleMwTaVrt Vegetaklea, Cigar flee. Teas, mrrUc Uat ia kM la ; ana fmv7 ssr. BigitasS aaraai pne para ir 41.L KINDS OP PRODUCE. ALBANY INS. AGENCY I CAN GIVE yoa more genuine Insur ance for a ti oa than any other agent In Albany. Any .ho:l-boy who can control pre miums to the amount of $300 annually can secure the agency tor an Insurance Co., for tnat reason do nM think that every man who writes Insurance policies Is an "insurance man." Insure in the SUN. PHOENIX, LON DON, MaNCHESlER.and NORWICH UNION of England.orCONllNENTAL of Near York and have something for yosr money in case of honest loss. Notre taken on farrr? Insurance. M E bkderx, M'gr. Valley adjuster for the Sun Ina office ot London, Highest prtcejpald for; all kinds of grain. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDEkS Notice is hcretiy given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Odd Fellows Hall Bul'dtrg Asaoalatlon. held at their office in A'banv, Oregon, on Monday the 4th day of March, i8g5,at the hour of 7 o'clock p m of said day, for the purpose of elec'.lng seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and to transact anch other business that rrav come before said meeting. Dated this. the 4th day 01 F rbruary ,1894. E A Parker, Ju'.l- S Joseph. . Secretary. President, DRV WOOD. Balm. $2. rSmall fir, 2.25. Large fir. $3.00. . White Maple, $2 75. . Delivered to any port rf town. Leave orders at Ramp's qroceiy store. II Brtant. NOTICE. Parlies knowing themseves Indebted to the o'.d fir of Klein lisos, are requested to call and settle same before Feb 1st, as cn that date they will be p'aced In lawyer's ands for collection. All Aches, Stlffnose, Cuts, Hurts, Frost-bites. THAN A PERFECT CURE.. B6024 MD THE 1895 With G. Jt J.- CHmehrr Tire. dasiklvlrsilBS; d r rfsr (laird rlaas LEAD TUB UORLU ta ad.liHSil.M..(rasiki aaS aMir SStOS yrlcr. I ! naaela (wmS mr iml vtas. .............. -$IOO 1SU3 rtrn . T. . S). B-a. C7a.. 3 tsvas prim so. 4'a. Ta aa Ba. leuatUS tlwl rias) T 1895 IDEALS.. 3 CITATION fi Oaoy Comrt of tM State Orgoafor Linn Conntf. Ia tbe matter cf t-e eate of Olney Fry Sr, deceased. Citation. To Nathan 8 Fry, Eichard Fry, Martin Fry, CeHnda, ChrUiy aed Frank Smith, now residents of the gtate of Oregon, and to all others known or unknown, interest ed In aaid estate, greeting. in the name ot the Klate of Oreroo yoa are hereby tiled and requirol to appear In tbe County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the 'Couely of Linn at the c-Airt 00m thereof a Abany, In the County of Linn, on Mrsndsy the 4th of March. iSoj, at one o'clock In the atteriooa of that day then ard H ere to show caose If any eaicl w hy aa order sho-j'.d not be tamed direct ing Olaey Fry Jr esecator of said (state, to sen le loilowtng eescrttetf real prop erty be'onrlne to saiJ eatate. toait: The south ha:f ot lots 7 and S in b'oek a 01 the eastern additioa in the city of Al bany, Orrron. Probable value of I3ooo. Also lot No t la block No to in Sodaville, Una couniv, Orff 00, probable valie I300. Whneaa tbe ilaootable J N Iuncaa, Judge of ttie County Coon of the &aU of Oregon, for the Counfy of Linn, w'th tl.e aeal of said Court affixed thia i9"h day 01 janrary, 14(95. Attryr. K NacoaAw, Clerk. By F M RatDriBLn, Depot v FIRE HISURAHCE Insure 3our property wiir; Joseph V Talt ir. Tht, Old Hartford, THE NEVT YORK L'N. ER WRITERS AGENCY, or one of the oihtr renabF Md line com panies he represents. Notes taken and plenty, of tims given for payment on farm insurance. All business plac ed with him Kill be prompt ly attended to.. OFFICE liN BALTIMORE Block, tAlbany, Or STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Kotioa is hereby given that the astasl westiegof ha atocrLcdrfera cf the Allaay Paildma aad Loaa A tociati a a ill ka held oa Friday. Feb 15, 1S9S at the hoar of 7:30 p m of said day, ia tee Bar.k of Oregon taiMing in A btny. Lino coonty, Ornraa, f-r the curnaa of rhctiea dido director ai d three audiiora lo aerva fcr tha tm of ona year eextcDaaiog from said mtetirr;, aod notil thaii sneceasora are aleatad aod qnahHed and to ttaotaet each other bast aesa aa may coma before tha aeociitioa. Done by order of aaid a asocial 100 this 13th dar of Ja-narr. 1S95. C B Wl" Jt. R RiTivr 6ec'etary. Vx rrealdtnt. ALBANY FDBMOi CO, BalUmore Blotl, . Albanr. Ore. at FURNITURE complete line of SJNDEIITAKIXG in all its branches. EMBALMING a specialty. Residence er 3rd and Cainpooia HUP WANTED! WANTED. Activk, KoKKiT Cibtu Man or Lady to travel r p1 ertir c cttah Lat ai, reliablu hoeie, alalv f(5 tnruthl aid traveling expertis, with, ittimi Idilel. iCnolcse Itfeienea aad si If sddreas a stamped advf lope. THE IHMIM.'N 317 Umafia Buiiaing, tniosgc. Swellings, Soreness, , Hoadacrto, Backache, :. so, sn-iacb. ..nit -a. et j. Slrra. aa araaa ar aSrel rim. 45. SKi-X Notice for Publication TJ 8 Land Office, Oregon City, Or Dee 18, 1894. fcntica is hereby given that the follow Inz naved settl.r has fild notice of hi intention to roska final proof in support of ms claim, ana mat said proof win b made before County Clark of Linn Co, at Al bany, Or, 00 Feb 12, 1895, via. Joseph O Gibson U E No 10947 r the lota 1, 2 ai 7 Hte 18 aed N W 1 of N W U of 8e 17 T10 3, R4R. Ha names tbe followioc witseases to provs bis eontloaoos residence apoa and cultivation of, eaid land, vis: B JMaorOe,of Gates, Or, W H McCoe-oaJ, J H McConna', Wm H Mc Bride, ail of Mioto, Or, RAMi Lata, Bgiter. Notice for Publication U 8 LASD.Omcc Oaaooar Cirr, Oa. DajiB. H94. fiotice is hereby given that tb following named aettlar baa riled notioa of his in tention to make tiaal proof ia support ot bis els m, and that said proof will be mad befora th. County Clerk of Lisa Coat At baoy. Or. en Fab 9:b. 1895, vie: John A Bleueh U E No 10074 for tbe N of N W I aaa s j ot is is j see ii t 13 B, K 9 as ssoss tne lot lowing witnesses to prove bis continuous resuienas a poo and coltrralion of, aaid Uod, viz: Gat Geis eodorfer. PtrterScbioasei, II F Halboit, H R Hchaltx, all of Alb-ny, Or. . KOBCRT A KILLER. .Register Notics for Publication US Lasp Omcc, Oazcox Crrr, Or I D27. 1894 Katie, is terebv given that the follow log rained aettler baa Glad notice of bia ia- te-.tioa to maka Ctal proof in aspport cf his claim, and that said proof wilt ba made oetora me count v Clerk of Laos Uo, at Al bany, Orecott. a Fab 16, 1&95 via: J E Yeoaah, H K No 8243 for tbe 8 E j See 22 Tp U S R 1 E. U. us 'bm fallow mg witntef to prove bis continuous resi denes npow sad cultivation of. raid land, vis: G A Downing, W L Wallace, W C C'.ark, all rf Laeotnb, Ongrs, Charles Downing, f gUytoo. Or. ROBEBT A MILLER. Register EXECUTOrS KPTICE JotIca as bareby civea was U11 aaeer- aigoedhaa ten daly appointed by the Coanty Coart of Lias eoanty. Crnroa. eascator of the last wi.1 asd testaaaent of X C Ucrv, daeeaard. AM paraoes fcaviea rla ma agairtat aaid eatala are hereby noli 6 d to preacat the aaase to the aaderrigsed at ooto, Lisa coaatv. Ur, rjaly vert aaa as by law raqairad witbia six eaaataa from tbe data of teia aotsee. Paled thia 12th day ar Jaaaary, US3 Jarrsasov Mraxa, Esaeator. Wta'berfori Wyatt, Atrya fcrEzeeator. Assignee's Notice. Notice is hereby given tLat I bare been duly elected br tbe creditors of Samuel Umatead aod J T bml'h. faaolvaa-a, ia lies of Wm I Stewart, tbe assignee am ed by said hiolvant debtors in their deed of alignment heretofore made and fikd in the office of the County Clerk of Lion count." , Oregon, and trut I have doty filed my bo:d aa each assignee, tnerejote ail tbe ci editors of aiid assignors are here by nottned and rermsreil to preet tnetr claims, under oath, to me a i thin three mootaa from the date hereof, at my resi dence In the ctty of Albany, Oregon. Dated this Sth day of Feo, 1S9S. . T I Corrwa!, Asaignee in lieo of Wm J Stewart. EAST AND-SOUTH. na THE SHASTA ROUT OF THE Southern Pacific Co. txpraai TtM rertluA aaata I rmrm m l. lavs 1 c cUr.a.Lv rjruaad axtasaa tesraiLv anaay LfIHi tfcaaaaiar aaarTsaaaca LvTSra Above trains etapa. all ataUooa from Pjrt'ao 1 to .ibay tntadva. alao Tan eat3hd i.3aiasy,flarrtbarg. Jooctioo Cay, Irving, gagane aad all atsUons trona Roetoig to aaaland meloai'e. Ian aa aaiaaay 1 11 IU Pcruaai Ar .- t:SraLv Aftaay tvlttasa asra ! Ar BiaiSns !. t taaaws saaara. IfllllU A'Xmij aNu tSaalar Saaaaoa L I a a UtrslLr Alsaay ArjasSr ttlralAr Lataaaca Llssa nUilkt BUFrTT SLEEPE2S. awr Dinimr Cars cn Ofdm Rout SECONQ-ClKSS SLElrlHS CARS aitatsa la all Taraat TraJaa 0 rat aae M Istaa ktssikj rsrrLAaa AA COstTAllAB ta raaiaaaasfi 4" 1 lra Lr Ar riiw'aaa Omia AxlttSV L.lli naanraAia aaovt OCsKSBtSaaaar. s.-traLv tMralar ISrUaaa HcMiaartta ataa lt-A a an eoiat la lbs gusisra Ssta, Ccaada a4 Bara eaa ba oauwaad as at !-. Sr C FrMk. Aral ajnsax. -. KOKRLEt p. aoenn Maaaaar at O P. aJ rVi Oraroa Fromrerminai or trrorivr Poitts th sni Pale BairaP la laa Hate ! lake To all Points EAST asl SODIH II ! Ike niXIXQ CAR RorTat. II rasia Throagtt VESTIBl l CD TRAIN. KTERI DAY f la Ibe Tear le ST. PAUL and CHICAGO 'NO CHANGE OF CARS.) omposetl d Vims, Cars Insnrpassr. nllraan Prawini Icoa Simpers Of Latest Eoaicsenh TOURIST SLEEPING CABS. But tt. osib e niirii-iie t and ia whie't 1 t an t si' 1 r 0h fre aad far ii4l tM i-Misrs of Kirs: or Saoond oi tiflewt-v ad ELEGANT DAY COACHES, 1 OnUim.Ii'ai 03ini3Uiiit:h al linis, affording Direct 83 a Unint8rrupt9d SjrYici, Pulluiai sleeper reservations eat. b aecured In advanca through any ageat of the road. THROUGH rtCKETS lo and from ai ooluta ia Anic.-ca Kng'aod and Karope can ta pwrehaxatt ai ar y ticket ota hj of thia cou-pae--Kull lef rmati m eonnmnlDg r.iUrMiiua trains, roninr and othnr lot it; (nro bhad on applicct'oa to aay agent, or A I C.fARLTON, Aavistant Qeeeral PaawanKar Agent. No 121 rrst St, cor. Washington, Portland. oaSon Cr Birklttr., liMitgent. suyycNs In the Circuit Court for Linn Count y.SlaU of Ia equity. -, P BsMsbaar, troatea, plaintiff vs Char lotto 8 Cokes aed 8am oe I Biasinger, de faad'aats. To 8am a M Biasinger of the above as mad dfeodaotes Yow are tar.Kv eeqairad to apaar m tba 11 th day af Mares, 1896. that a eg tbe first day of ta Mar jh term of aaid oocrt, to answer the complaint filed against yoa in the above awtitlad eaaae, and if yow fail to answer for want thereof, tha plaint: ff will apply lo tbseonrtfnr tbe re lief demanded in the ocmpUint hereto, towrs lt: For a jadjtment against Charlotte H Cobra for the mm oi E gbt Hoadred ends Twenty-five (4325.00) Dollar., together with interest thereon at the rate f tea per cent per annom frca tbe 8: a day a Febrcary, 1893, aed tbe fsrtbsr aaat a One Haadrcd ($100) Dollars as attoreey fees ia this sait, and for the easts and du bnraemrat of this .t. 2nd: Ir-si tbe asaal decree anas- ha aaada for the sale of the lot described ia tbe eots plaaet, towits Lot ma (1) ia block twenty three (23) ia the city et Albany, Una eoaoty, Oregon, in tbe manner provided by law. aod that the proceeds M aaid sale be a, p.i. d to the payment ot the .moans dsn plaintiff, acd that said Caarlotto 8 Cobra atd 8 moel Biasinger, and all persons claus ing b . tbroagh or ander tfeeav, rabatqoaat to tbej execution of the soortgtge seed poo ia tbe eeaaptaist, may be barred and forever for. cloned of all right or canity of redemrtioa ia aaid omnia, aod for saea other and farther relief as tj this coart aasy seeos meet and equitable. anis aoauboae as publis-wd of order of Hon H H Hewitt Jade cl Department Ke t, of aaid eoart. swede apoa the 30th day of October, 1894. uaAar,fcn.vimon, Hcarev s Baonta Attora7. for plaiatiff SUUI10XS. In tht County Court of the State at Ortgon , fx the County of Limn: WiHiaat Rsaabaagh aad D W KassVaaga, eopaitsers aier Iba firm Banta of Eaa baagbaoa. nataU3a. - va K 8 Fry. Defeadact. Te K B Fry, tbe abova aanaed eVfradaat. lathe aaauaf 'he Mate of Oregaa yoa are bareby raqairai to apcear aad aaawte the eo-nflmmi. of plaiatifi ia taa areva aatitled aetioa. aad aev oa ia tha above aetitiad court oa ar before the first Monday, the 7ra day ot jaamwy, 1SVJ. toe aaid day besag taa a. at day ot taa regular term of aaid eoart tor said moatb ia Una scanty aad ia caaa yoa sft ail tan 10 appear ana anawer, tba piaaa ufla will take jsdgaeat aziaat yea tie twaaty two doUars ia U 8 geid cosa with iBtcreat tkcraus ia Lae eera at tea er ceat peraaaam troat Jastaary 17th. 1890, aad far ia fartber aaaa af tra doilns a sweaabl attorys fee. aad thair casta aaa dabara menta of tail aetioa ta be taxed. Thia ssmaoss is acrved by 4.biieatioB by order of Haa J K Daacao jadae cf aaid eaaaty, which ordar bears date He 6. lSt. Dated Kee 6, ISH. Mosraira Ax Haixxaiaa. Attya fr pUiabfa. ADMKISRUCrS K0T1CL Kotiee ia kerevy rjvra to all a boat h may eoacrra that tha awdeyaicswd M T Frait. fcas brea apnaated adabBatratar of tea astate of D V Michael, daeeaaed lata, of una coaaty, Oregca, by tba Baasrakia Coaaty Coart oa tW aUta of Oiecec, ior Liaa eoaaty. aed that aa aaa filed bis aerat aa sae adauni rraUa- aod tb aaaae aaabecta approved by aaid eoart, AU laraoas aaviss; ataima agmia at said estate are hereby awt bed ard Traaired to pmeat tx aaato to tba a&drrs-aed at tbe cfiioa af Wbitaey A Newport ta Albany, Crefaa, or at bia iiai eeaee abbot six aaiios roatk of Bi orvt, Orec n , prcr-er-'y yenSrd arHhia tax moatba from tba rial ot thia aotic. Ard alt per Sras iadrbtrd to said estate are sec;airad to make m3 eii.te payaacat cf the iua ta t: e aadt:gacd . Dtted at AiNrey, OKgoa, Jaa IStS. M r Farrr. Admiaiatrav r. Waitnv Kcwpcrt, Atty. for Adas. DrHE Beers. D- o K Been Physicians and Surgeons Special attenUaa givea ta aeaae o oosea. Hoas 10 to 11 A M, a 10 4 aad 7 to 8 P VI OSces and reaidestce B.am berg BuUding, First Street, betfreen Ljoa aod Eisarrrtli. DR. C, U, CHMIBERUli ZOMOBOPATEI STX OfSeeoa Ferry St Bear cor 3rd St. Ofe boors. 7to9am.l2to2and6to8p m KCTrial attention given ta chronic ease aad eve diseases. W JO ST AST E BACKLKHaH, Altorneys at Lav. Albacj, Gregon. B ask or u 10, aoro, rKBB-M. S rtr . J Hm A: J Joa AWaaj at ha-, aoi Koaarr Pabde. W1B aracttaaTia sU ' ai mm as at Saw aasa Saaaal aliaai' ua ivoaaa- aaar sa raas itlc a, aiaaav. Ora . FOSHAY & MASON Ureggistssad Bookseller A rwAa for Joha B. Aldea'a pab!ara40M VAicb weaaUat pobUaaor'a srioas wH ALR"T stK-- I7IRST XATIOJIAI. BAtfK, or AxaaaT, oaseoa - trtnor 8.K.TOCSO . W. LaJlttDOll nairsAcn a eulitutw ACOH JTTS UPT aaajws to (hack. SMUT aXOKAXOB aaa u JW. crsICK a( COBiX&GR TltAJrSAtTa ntm! Baakiar PBAW SIGHT D&AFTia Kw yrk. Saa Ft 00 aaS PorUaaa, Onra: lam-h in ea aptirovaa Sfeortty . RKCEIVK araiwttleesiaeaack. COLLiCTlOJiS na4 oa tarantM taraa: rXTKKEST aaid ea tuaa iaooM iST0TICE VUce is hereby given that I have the funda on hand and will par all eoaoty warrants stamped previous to Nov 5. lsH, interest oa the same closing at this date, the yh day of Jan., lbHJ5- j -P. G. Morris. Cciuty Treasurer. max Haa a w. H Mici a. vga aaa r uim araa 4 .!,tOriOXt CAOIaa tarMa anaa. Tavaa Laaaaao" Baaas. ! rsna, Kawaaa f . Sox. ASSIGNEE'S KQT1CE CF FINAL SmiEMEKT- ' Notice is hereby given that the under signed has this day tiled ia th Circuit Coart ed the state of Oregon tor Linn County his final account as assignee lo the matte: of the assignment of Hetry Freeman Pound an inso.'vent debtor and that said account will be he-.rJ and past ed on bv aaid court in t's court room In tbe coart house of L'.nn county in the city of Albany, Oregon, uaihe nth day of March, iSfi. er ao aeon ibercaftrr aa the huslneess cf raid court wM permit. This Feb era, 1895- . Watson A Euttsa, ; B H Ikvink, Atty'slor assignee. Assignee. i