chine is tpe noniest an dm, T Ml NMTAL SESSION isTATEiSIAL SCHOOL MK0BTII0RF.G05 A training school for teachers, theory and practice combined. - Strong professional course and well equipped model school. , Thorough preparatory and academic course. Normal, Advanced Normal, Business, Music and Art Departments. Light expenses. Board and lodging, books and tuition not above loo per year. The town of Monmouth has a beautiful Mid healthful location in the very heart of the Willamette Valley twelve miles south west of the State Capital. It has . no saloons. The Normal School diploma entitles one to teach in any county in the state without any further examination. Grad uates command stood positions. Expenses. Tuition per term of ten weeks ; Normal $6.25 : Sub-Normal to; Commercial $6.23. Board and lodging : Board at Normal Dining Hall 1.75 per week ; furnished rooms, with fire and li'ht, from 1.00 to $1.25 per week. Board and lodging in private families from $3.00 to $3.50 per week. Vitality and growth have always char caterized the work of the Normal School. The coming year promises to be one of the best in its history. . , Catalogues cheerfully sent on applica tion. Aaoress P L Campbell, President, or W A Wass, Secretary of Faculty. THE CREATEST Blood Purifier KNOWN. "Pits Great German Medicine is the CHEAPEST and best 12$ doses of Sulphur Bitters for $1.00, less i nan one rent a dose. It will cure the worst kind of ekin disease, Don't "ever take BLUE i rom aco;nmo3 p:a- PILLS, or :e on tue face to .iat awf;J disease. mercurv.they iitjil JFULA. la are deadly. all oases of such, stubborn, deep Put your trust in Sulphur Bit ters, the purest i seated Uise&ses. and best medi fcalphar titters cine ever made. is the best med ! icme to use. ! Don' t wait an- Is vour TONGUE COATED with a U til tomorrow, try a bottle vellow, sticky sub stance? Is your TO-DAY. Breath foul and of fensive? Your Stom ach is Out of Order. Use Sulphur Bitters immediately. If you are sick, no matter what ails you, use Sulphur Bitters. Don't wait until you are unable to walk, or are flat on your back, hut get some AT ONCE, it will care you. Sulphur Bitters is THE INVALID'S FRIEND. T7 'fill V'W V Seix! 3 2-cent rtamtw to A. P. Onhnr A Cn Boston, Mass, for beat nwiical work published "X has F Oi'iji. H C Paras, H C Kaurj, Keceirara. ORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. If 1 s ' Piillman Sleeping liars, Elegant Dimg Cars, Tourist Sleeping Oars' St Paul Minneapolis Dnluth . Fargo, TO Grand Fork! ' - Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS,, TO. Washington Philadelphia New York Boston and all Points East and South T -JFor information, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write C O Barkhart, Or v'OCharltia, Ast Gen Pass Agt, P-irtfand, Oregon, A..- JUL- i Is not cr!ee without tn ideal. -if I ziorirs Ccmbmes every element oiM I v Etauty and punty. It is beauti- S fy'rgLff othing, healing, hedth- u nn, kja narmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most I '.-IT 1 J- 1 1 . ST' ci uc auu ucsiraoie projection ' 1 'i3 face in this climate, i r IS FOB SALE EVERYWHERE. TULTXD.A Lewtjlyaa setter. CH X -t O A Archibald', and secure property rt !nnd, Oregon. A. P. Araitrontr. Prin. - i"ol:C4PrTAi,Bi;.CoLuaij,Salem. Orecea sou.tsm of ttody, tome rata of luiUoit- :'i?ines3. Shorthand, i.' Hfr. 'finnaAth.ip.and Eitfliih Dtpartmtr-l i.n'j iiioui-hnut the yej-. Student idn' .1 truism J I. e1 yi ; : : U ti:HaRea "Tate a ?iole and put soma dough around it, then fiy inlard.' This simple recipe has brought thousands to grief, just because of the frying in lard, which ad we all know hinders digestion. In all recipes where you have used lard, try the new vegetable shortening and you will be surprised at the delightful and healthful results. It is without unpleasant odor, unpleasant flavor or unpleasant results WithCoTTOLENB in your kitchen, the young, the delicate and the dyspeptic can all enjoy the regular family bill of fare. cottons is tout in a ana a pound palls, by tUl ocrs. St sua genu mi asaua J THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and Cttea, Row Yerk, BmM, OR. SR. CO. E. McNEILL, Ee;iver. ' TO THE E A GIVES THK CHOICE OS TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UfllOn NORTHERN PACIFIC VIA VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA AND AXD ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW BATES TO ALL eastern KiTiEi OCEAN STEAMER LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5" Dvs SAN FRANCISCO For hill details call on Cckrax & Mostkitii, Albiny, Or, OR ADDRkRS: WHHTJBLBLUT. Gbm'l Pak . Aaan PORtr AND, OR. Savaxxah, N.Y., March i3ti, 1S94. Messrs. 5. C WELLS & CO.. LeRoy, N.Y Gentlemen I was pronounced by my nome pnysician as bavin? tabercolosis, and I went South without any apparent benefit " I was -recommended to use Sblloh's Consumption Cure, and its results live been wonderful, cheerfully recommend it to any c suffering from lung trouble. Jame w. Goss. W B BI1LYEU attonwy a Law vnd SoIIdor ia Chnery. Col 'ioM mad on aU po'.nta. Uiu ntotiatd oa nbla terma. Albaajr Oragon f OMTA1STE HACKLEHAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon IIMI C0LLEDIAT2 IHSHTUfi ALBANY, OREGON A (c 1 corpa of inntraotcav .JoS!CAL, SCIENTIFIC LITER ARf COMPERCIALAND NORMAL CLASSES. toursca 01 xtudy arranged 1- u-n H grsla of student. afloat tuttHctmrntt eft td to mtudt from abroad. CHICKEN RAISING PAYS if you use the PetalnmS lacnbatora a Brooder Make money while othera are wasting time by old processes. Catalog tells all about it, and describes every Illustrated Catalogue i Fa EE. . 1 uiui-ic nrccra xor in.) poultry business. The "ERIE" mechanically the best 1 wheel. Prettiest model. We are PaciSe Coast Agents. Bicycle cata loguc,maiLediree,givcs FETALUmA ntCUB ATOR CO., Petaluma.CaL Bmamch House, 3t 8 Main St., Ios Angeles. Strept Railway Time Card The car will leave corner of Flrs m I 7-40 u I' l UUiwu tram. : 8:15 " " Orohan's Home. U 11:30 " " Nooa train going nort " u:i5 p m for noon train going south. -1 " " Lebanon train. . .1:30 4 ' Orphans Home, t 9:55 Overland train going south. xorutpnans Home on bundar car 1 leaves at 2:30, 3:30 and 4 30 pn. , ; The car will also meet all incoming tra-ns on the Oregon Psclfic railroad. C G Bur khaht. jf?wV ST irrs . i Pen Ann oyer is what one' paper calls him; but why not leave 'he man alone. He is out of politics now, and. personally, no .ie can meet hiui without being pleas es with the acqunin'ani'fship. There !s one redcauitng feature about be present State Senate. It Las a mem ber uo' only g 'inR by ibe good old honest n-ime of Jobn Smith, but at well wbo is a democrat, a combination thai should be irresistable; but, it is to be regretted, Mr Smi'h u not in a position to run things himself. The Salem PiM gives the si'uation like this: The Oregon Pacific sale ha seen con firmed. Peruaps this is the best thing that could be done. If the new owners will only go to wurk and put the road in good order, and prepare for its extension, all will lie well The most regulable thing about the whole business W the number oi poor people who will lose their wages by the confirmation, of the sale. But it is probab'e ihat they would not have got them in any case. Next Tuesday will btjin Chinese New Veii. There ll be tome noite. But the wr between Chins and Japan has reTCaled that the Clone make more noise than tSe; do execution. Let hen pop their 6recrack eis, here, they ought to be a' lowed to pop something In sew oi itulr egreKions failure to make anything pop around the Japs actos the big ttrtam es oi us. The opponents ot tte income lax hare two strings to their bow they are working the Senate t-i prerent tbe making of an ap propiiatlun to make the law effective, and they bare resorted to the courts, securing the ablest a'torners passible, where the fight will be to have the law declared un constitutional. It it the old etory wealth seeking 10 evade a jui proportion oi th expense of govemoacnthe benefits of ahlcb they are most interested In. Ex. It is truly pathetic to see wlia wUat vim and vigor the poor mil'ioiialrcs attack the in come tax law. Tbey think that it Is an oat rage that they should be compelled to pay a share ot the burdens of taxation. Why in deed shuu:d tbey ? rVere not the shoulders of labor built for jus, surh load? Then why force these rich nabobs to go down into their pockets sod pay taxes? Truly such a thing is too plebeian for the rich to think about much ics set upon. And they would invoke the courts to help them out. Do they think to bribe justice and escape lbs will of the people. The income lax law i all right and asks for only wlai is jrutly due the government from those who reap a large benefit from it Ex. F A Mxire, who has received such a flattering vo'e for U S Sena'or is the man who once ran for supreme judge and was elected He is by far the least able of the members of the bench. In fact the other members are bead and shoulders above him in legal attainments. In the interest of Oregon the Dvmocrat dislikes the idea of either Dolph or Moore for U S Senator. It dislikes the idea of any republican fill ing the position; but as the fate will that way let it be a man more nearly of the people. He should not only be all right on the great financial issue of the dsy, the free coinage of home produced silver, bat as well a representative man. FoJton, in this respect, is the best man among those rushing forward for the place. But there are better men than Fulton. From Legislator Down. It is said that when Mitchell was elected one representative refused $5000 for his vote. Not many men would do that; but this man undoubtedly did do it. How many men these times would refuse less than that. What will not a man do for gain. let him pause, though, for murder will o-t, and eventually the man who sells his vote will sick into a political grave. His jig is up. Circoscstances will make him suspected, and the suspected man will always bi in a dilemma which way to torn. He will no longer attract attention. Were he to pick his teeth w ith a cro w bar the public would not look at him. He might ran like a grey hound and no one would care for his speed. Ha is gone tip. The public hasnonse for the fellow wbo will betray the interests entrusted to him. The great need of the day is trustfulness. Even now, said" a man the other day to the Democrat Editor, the young maa wbo can be relied upon will find plenty to do. He is wanted. Business men are after those who will work for their Interests as hard as for their own. Look into any field. That is the calibre sought. Any sign o unfaithfulness will create a distrust that cannot be overcome. Look out. Ton can not afford it just from a financial stand point. The legislator who takes $1C00 for his vote will lose foOOO by It, and what is greater w'll lose bis own respect and those around him. Oh, the agony of a guilty conscience. Money thieves are not the only ones. The legislator who represents himself and not his constituency is little better (ban the one who takes the 81000. The selfish person anywhere Is a moral thief. The bootblack even is better for bis unselfishness. The Future. The Clarkesburg, West Virginia, News, which comes to the Democrat office, ta'ks out in the followng emphatic stylo: Another year and the great campaign of '96 is upoo us. The fall of '94 must not di-pirji the veterans of Honest, economic. common government. We must fight and our ngni mugi be tor principles, ss well sal Cor true blue men who will through thick and thin make Democratic principles oper ative, ani carry them in:o active legislstion. The Democratic party Is nothing if not a rty ol principles Whenever it has pois ed ss anything e se. It has been beaten and rightly. The campaign of '96 must be fought out on more sggretaive and positive mts than that of '92. " Good t was and is the Chicago platform, It can consistently be made more radical wi b reference to the tariff legislation of the last thirty years, but yet peifectly conservative with tre ancient creed of antebellum Democracy. . The mon- poly vampires must be given to understand that no quarter will be t-ndcred th;m. It J one of ihe unwritten, yet, inalterable dt- ws of 1 lie American people that financial bloo'l-.ucklng must very, very soon come to a stop. - ': The recent temroriiins with Protection only means more decisive action in tbe fut ure among the rank aad file. It means that the ttaders stml and set in closer sympa tiy. ' rv -;r . . ", , . Yoo Ab Ali, itt :1 It yov -ake your washing to ths Albany &toaiu Laundry. If you don't you are not. Something ia the matter otou. How can you go to a Chinese establishment with a tirst-class steam lauurirv in tno city. Don't do it, li all rivlii. hv nmttinir it ttnnnu.... do make a few ceuts; what does it profit ! you, with the Chinese smell and lurking disease around. Patronize the Albany 'steam Laundry. Dolph Against the Field. ' ' A hot, fierce fight it going on in the Ore gon legislature, for the U S Senatorship. The contest is an interesting one. Mr Dolph it prancing ahead of all contestants bucked by year of favors extended a certain trac tion of his constituency, lie is making the race of his life. The veins srs standing out on hts forehead like whipcords, as it were; and evety muscle Is strainer! to the utmoit. Will he make lif The people don't want him, for ihey know Mm to he an ariitocrst who csres ss little tor '.he labor ing man as the dog for the cat, snd that he represents only a few of ths people of his state, lie msy be ss frigid ss the north pole, personal!) ; but tbey could stsnd that If ho was only looking si their interests Tbey cannot be hoodwinked after seeing him arm in arm with the grest trutts. mon opolies and gold bugs of the country. Their eyes need only hive bten ha'f open to have sised up Mr Dolph. Tbey have done it thoroughly, snd the result is tbey do not want him. With a perils ency that Is commendable only lor Its seal, he ia be Ing foicsd upon the people. While drawing $10 a day as Senator he it ct home running hts own campaign. How much boodle is being inlrojjced into the game no one knoAS, though many hsve done plenty of wild figuring on the subject. It i proba ble a goodHeal i being used. If so votes will be high when the niclat moment comc. Some people suggest that the few sud populists in the legislature should unl sn- defeat Mr Dolph at once. A much rs the public would like to see Mr Do'ph de feated they should do nothing ot the kind Let the Republicans sett e it themssive There was a time when several D.-mows did it, and were honest in their Vi'f ta" they were working for the beat.bui personal results alone never ht e justified It andtho e who did it have slwsys reaped the cooe- queocet. Gold. The world's production of gold wa 1122,875.236 in 1391., 11,419,563 in 1892, 1155.521,700 in 1393, and for 1S94, it is estimated to have been not less than $175,- 000.000. The United States is the large produc er of gold. Of the world's sepply in 1893 this country yielded $35,955,000. Austra lasia $35,6Sa.600, Africa 129,305,000, Kus sla $26,454,00i. Ko other country sup plied as much as 15,000,000. India and the Guiasas nearly reached that figure. The largest sum ever produced ia this country was 165.000,000.1a 1S53. Tbe average for the twenty yers after the dis covery of gold in California in 149 was t50.000.000. The total production to the present time has been nearly t2.000.000,- 000. 1 he following from the Salem Post is at least worth reading. The DsmockaT edi tor has not yet ihormghiy digested the sub ject an i so gives the Item without comment "No appropaiattoBS for schools other than common schools" rccorr.ended M Penaojer. And he was right. When the ata'e gives every boy sad girl the advan tage of the common schools it has dose its dV.y, and should do no more. On this b. ds is puVic ednca'ioa equal. BeTor-d that' says the Oregonlaa,"it It favoritism." The state has no business to make erne man s"i a docter and another's a physician, and this one a teacher or a dergyroaa or any thing else. Let every child have a good English education, and if tit parents want him to know mote than this, let (hem pay for it. Tbe acsesameet on tbe big stocks of mer chandise in Portland ia worth noticeing: The great siry goods bouse of Lipsnan, Wolf t Co. was returned by tbe county assessor at $15,000! But this was so rot tea a piece of work that a newspaper agi tation of the subject resulted in the county board raising it to ioO.OOO. The stock carried by Llpman. Wolf & Co. is proba bly worth anywhere from 1350.000 to half a million. Tbe assessment of the Meier and Frank Co., O'.ds & King. Prager Bros, and Goldsmith Lowenberg tc Co. was equally ridiculous says a circular letter sent out by the state board of equalisation ie their own behalf. There art very few consistent legislators. Many of them are regular Dr Jekylls and Mr Hydea. Among those who are consist ent in tbe present legislator it is probable none is more so than Hon E. Qofer of the Salem Journal. Mr Hofer votes the way be has talked. He is very democratic io bis behavior, and if be keeps up bis rec ord will not leave the capitol with any thing to regret, nor even a waste basket, ss much as one is needed in a newspaper office. Keep track ofyaur children. If tbey are worth bringing up at all, tbey are worth bringing up well. Some people seem to think they will come up them selves without any attention. But the weeds must be kept out of tbe garden or there will be no "truck" at the barves season. Cstl Brown, rusjor-general in Cotey's army, hss gone to work. Gone to woikl Can this be possible. It cannot be suppos ed that this waa what Miior Brown was after. The Democrat extesds him its heartfelt sympathy. This bank examiner some legislators are talking of foisting on the people is to re ceive, if the law is passed, (3000 a year and $500 for traveling expenses. This take should be set down on. This legislature was to c'o away with these useless red rib bona. The Corvallis Gazette is proud because of its opposition to Dolph . That Is right; but netrlr ever paper In Oregon is in the same boat. The Oregonian and States man stand almost alone In his favor. The creamery move Is assuming sn si- pect that it encouraging. Let it be establish ed right and thero can be no question but wbat the cream will rise snd the cheese- come. A state senator in Minnesota broke pledge to Lis constituents, and received this message. ''Slippery Sam. your name is pants." The senator sued the Western Union for libel, and secured $10,000 dam ages. While we art looking out for new Indus tries we should not lose sight of 1 tacking astablishuients . It is time we quit eating eastern packed goods. An exchange says ex-Governor l'ennoy er's mouth will iiave no successor This is. unkind. Kaep everlastmgly vcitising. - at It. Whair Ad- -Pianos .abdOroajis. Save small! deal ers and a$rent commissions by baying from the rViley B Allen Co direct. In- nfwmtion "li0refor priW j Satu. Jay Night. This is Saturday night. Another week has gone. How fast tho weeks go. Can any man analyse the one just gone. Nearly every week has Its fad or fads and this has been no exception. Has been the great center 0' conversa tion. Hit nnme has been bounced around like a rubber bail. Great Caesar; how his name has been banged. Did jou ever see a foot ball game The men line ap with beads together, the foot ball is passed back, a man takes it and guarded by sn interfet ng crowd of suppor'ers rushes like a Ne braska cyclone head foremost into the op posing line, and if tackled, squirms and struggles forward like a grossed pig, the whole crowd fe and friend upon him; and so the game proceeds. Ugh, bow rough. Well, that hardly holds a candle to the foot ball game with the name Doloh c"ur log the week that ia closing. It haa not only been bnged and jumped down into the mud of politics; but i bas been kicked high into the depths of an Oregon fog; it baa been et upon with all the energy of the masses tired l misrepresentation; it bas been slugged by the borny bsnded fsrmer wesry of monopoly and trust; by the luboring man and tradesman weaty of his gold bug efforts.atl regardless of part, some o! the tardoit smashes being made by men in his on p rty. On tbe other band a desterate in rtf rence bas lieen made by the smal ei fol'v ing coached by tbe csle ; bra'ed qu-uler bark (te iy-fiv- years be hind time) Sco't. Mod rubbed down by a Salem man; bu-Jowlv the line has been giving away. hooKn the first great rush took the Dolpbs a!m"st to the goal. But tbe fight iroes An and another week will probably see itfieer '-ban tri-r. lathe mean time Mr Dolph did not leave for Washington on the day set. CoiiTT Division. Another feature of tbe week bas been a warm discussion In different parts of tbe county upon tee subject of county division. However earnest men msy become in their efforts to secure division they should not lose their beads nor their good will towards those opposing division. Some say the matter should be one entirely within tbe proviose of tbe section desiring division; that all the petitions and remonstrances should come from within the limits of Ibe proposed count? ; but this absolutely has 00 foundation. It is a matter for tbe whole county, sod for one section just as much i anothsr. itery person in Linn county ha a sight to be beard ia this mat ter. Nail that down with an iron post The Drmocbst ts opposed to divislos in any part of tbe county, though it would not care particularly if some other county got the toes of the Three Sisters which protrude into tbe sooth eat corner of tbe county, as It would make no difference with our lasts, and would not take away from the glory of old Una, a name that bas come down through Oregon history with credit, made Illustrious by many Incidents and by men of noble mien who would al most rise) cp in their graves were there a real dar.ger of sod) a movement. Tbe member of the S'ae Legislature are in vited to consider tbe fact that counties should only be divided in plain cases where tbe situation is so emphatic that division is needed and is not Ibe mere de sire to secure a county seaL Washington Letter. Frata 1 or rctroisr Corrwt"Os4ot. Wasiiisgtox, Jan. 21, lSS. The RepubliciBS In Coogresa haveaoclh- er bad case of HawaLaa fever, brought 00 by the news ol ibe vry feeble revolt against the repablic of Hawaii, hi;h as published in SatarcUv's papers. Ia their ravings against the aCmloisirsiion the Re publicans forget thai the absence of a V S warship fiona Honolulu at tte time of tbe revolt was direct !f dte to a icq esl scale t y Preiideet IWe of, of Hawsii; also, tha: Minister Wi.'IU In his cScial dUpstch to Secret rr Greham civlnf seas of t.e re volt and its failure- Represen'alivelect FHxgeraU, wl Ms, wss probibly the first msa to Piesi dent Clevtlsnd Ibe direct question : " Will ihere be sa exua stss:oa of Congrea"? be is the first rrsn who hss asked the quest a and made koowa tbe P.esi dent's teplv. which wss ss fol'osrs: 'I hae not ye: mack dp my mlad. K nXhlsf is done at this session of Congress, sod Its best interest of the country demand it. shall not hesitate to convene Congress again, without rrgird to any patty feeling and unenfloenced by any consUieia'ioo save that of public good. The Naval appropriation hill, which has been repotted 10 the Route, carries, In a eordapce with Secretary Herbert's recom mendatlonif for the construct loa of three coast-Hne tatt;trthlps; also rrons ion for the construction of twch e tarpedo baats of from 100 to 300 tons each The bill provides thst one 0(1 he bsltle.abiie and three of tbe torpedo boats shall be built upon the Pacific Coast or In adjacett wst era, U it can be done at a fair cost. Although the re cpeair.g ot the case raises a d nbt ss ;o whether tbe comml tee on the J" llciary of the House wl.l retort that Impeachment resolution against Judge Ricks of Ohio, it msy yet do so, unlets the hearing of Judge Ricks and any witnesses be may introduce shsll put a mCra favor able asp c' on the charges sgslnst ths Judge, which the committee has once de cided were proven. Speaker Crisp, who hss not beco well receoilr, hss by advice of bis physicans, gone swsy for a few data test. v A bill was introduced in the ss-nate the other dav by Mr Ia son. oppropria ing to cne IvaTemplclon for injur ies sh received on a public highway near Brownsville. She has already had t0 salts on the case and has been defeated in both. She now comes to the legislature for $20,000 We do not know the nature of the injuries she received, but they must have been very sevwe, it they were worth $20,000. Post. They were, severe resulting In the lo'S of a leg and tho only recovered not because she did not deserve it, but on account of legal technicality. 820,000 is more than should be ssked. A mistake wss made in putting It so high and will probably tetult In its defeat. 85,000 or something like that should have been assed for. Should the bill preventing chartvaiit past the name of John Daly, the author should be a household word in everv new hone In Oregon. The newly married couple i l shout hit nsme wt h a blessing. Thi most serious time is the event under the bell of flowers snd it should be kept sacred and fcee from annoyance. Here's to Dily. Msy Dal daily dally with the go ideas of fort une, sad may sunshine fill bis pathway. Captain Sweeney. US A. Sin Diego Cat ssys: "Bhlloh's Catarrh Remedy la the first medicine I hive ever taund that would do mi any oad." Price ,c. )r. Price's Cream Daklng f ' ne4m A Fare Ofsno Cream f Tartar! , Karl's Clover. Ro t wIlT Cpurlfy ; j our blood, dear your complexion, . reg u late . .(....i. 1 i...j .1... 25c. 50c, and'$i.oo TWO RELICS. In clennimr tin around !. . n ofuca today two relics wore found, one Mo tormic s Almanic. printed in Portland, On, containing full information in reference to a If I ,V.,wu,n?on wano, and Montana, ,. innier, inirieenth year ol publication, and daUd 1867. It is full of interesting information . The following is about Linn county: '.ana countv is aitnnfA.i nArit. r 1 and contains a population of 7,709. being an increase of 37 since 1SW5. In 1850 tbe population pf this rrnnl. uo. .l titiA Linn county contains an area of 877 square miles, or 661.200 acres. Numlmr of i.,alt ,n 1? f0""1- 4 ! fem ales, 3, 474. Vot ers'SoO, Acres of land under cultivation, "i""' v auie 01 assessable property, iz. 500.000. During 1866 a splnndid brick court house was erected at Albany, the county seat, at a cost of $31,000. Ths DOSt OtiiFes in this pnnntv an Athans Peoria, Lebanon, fcfcio, Brownsville, Pine ami iiamsiiurg. County Officers Judire. E K Geary; Commissioners. Paul C Clover and Jason Wheeler; Sheriff. Harvey Smith; Clerk, A ousnuru; nssessor, ueorge Treasurer, James Nixon; School tendctt, C A Ffrtrwon; Surveyor. Huston; Kuperin H J C AverLill; Coroner, William LUtmr. At that time T B Odtmeal was judire of Renton county; B W Wilson, clerk; D O nark, treasurer. J C Peebles was judge of Marlon county: J J Murphy, sheriff; OeoEdss, clerk; L J Powell, school super intendent. An item says tbe Willamette Valley is believed to be tbe finest wheat growing section in tbe U S. R H Craw ford and vm Cyrus wert state- senators from Linn snd E B Moore, IS H Helm, J J A Vtorth, J K South and Wm (J Baird, representatives. I N Doloh was then a state senator from Multnomah ; among those in the bouse were loan vt hiteaker and B B Cochran, from Lane. Binger Her man, of Douglas, and V A Chtnowilh of bentoa, all well known U the VgaiocaaT'a readers. The population of Oreiron was 65,030. Linn county cast 2230 voU. Uenrv W Corbett was U S senator The other relic is a World almanac with the compliments of the editor, the famous Manton Marble, on the cover. Date 1669. 'lbs two pamphlets are preserved and may be Ken by any one interested in them The Legislature. watrrseoAr. New bills in tbe Senate: Gowan ap propriating money for graded school at Burns: Calbreatb, In reference to 00- acene lileratore and pictures : Hobeon protecting men furnishing materul lor railroads, senator aletjuin s bill ron- cerning salariee of stale omcsrs fixes sal ariea aa folloas: Governor, 15000 judges of tha supreme court. VfJOO: s reUry ol slats. fUUU: treasorwr, s40tXI brintar. S3500: achool annerinindnt. llSOO; reporter of the supreme coort. BIOOO: clerk of tbe supreme court. 13009 All feet are te go lato a salary fund, oet ot wnicu the salaries are to be paid Appropriating feee te ose'a earn use, or , . 1 . , . - i . sauiicg so sisp at in-usni mm prsviasa, la puoiababie with IZM aae, or atx months' imprisonment, or both, and for- letture of office. In the bouse 241 bills have been intro duced. Among the new bills are; Smith el Polk, for 6 per cent interest ; Onrdsns regulating fees of county assessors and commissioner . lioolbby. abolishing county assessor and creating precinct ae- seor. Imtis. ereaunz ermont county out of Umatilla ; Smith, of Josephine, amending Australian beiiot law, riotf man o,AJ for road improvements in Union and Wallowa counties, also bill establishing 8uta Normal school at Co quelle. Wright, providing (or immediate . . - . : . . 1 . . . . , coaiiracuw oi muts vrrv-roD sstiudi . Thompson, providing for asrvice of summons by any person not a party to ae ion. Dcnn.raitinsjstesdard eft such srs qualiBcauona. Mmtrom. providicjrAtimt exscu'ora or administratora may have right to raise money by sale or mortgage ot real property to pay pressing debts of the estate when proceeds o! personal property are not sufficient. Seaion, pro tecting sic. moose, dser and mountain sheep, prohibiting absolutely the killing of such animals for aale. Smith of Jose phine introduced a joint reeolulioc for committee of three on bouse and in two senate to in veetifets charges erf corruption oncwry.eic, relative to tbe election of 8 senators. Referred. In the i 'easts Senators on ioir.t com snittews were appointed. Senator Dawson is on the committee to examine tbe state treasurer's office and Johnson to examine books and accounts at the penitentiary. Among tb bills of importance were tbe following: By anberburg. to 1 emulate railroad travel and prevent tbe giving oi passes; by Holly, providing for district justices and constable in towns not ex oecdtng 3X. Maxwell introduced joint memorial for the pensiocing of all person taking part in Indian war of lMT; 1&44.155 and liti, as recorded in the otSoe of the secrrtary of tbe stain of Oregon, snd to bare same pension as granted tbe alexican war veterans. In the beuse a bill in tbe inUrest cf Portland was into Juoed autborixinir school distriajs of orS5,000 inba'Hlints to borrow monev and icsse nesotiable bonds. Peti tioo introducetl by Denny, signed by teachers and parents, asking that a bill be passed to prevent the canufactare and sale ot agarettes. k the Sesaie among the bills introduced were tbe touting: Raley, building branch insane asylum at Union; King, for constitutional amendment prpceing refer dum ana tntauve and educauonal qualia cation for election. In the be use memorial for reimbunesneot of Multnomah county for improvement of nverconcured in. introdused: Boothbv. joint memorial asking free and un limited seinage of silver at 16 to 1 and a protective tariff against foreign silver. Ciaig, on enrrvrt resolution that no appropriations ought to be asked now for state university or agncniiurai college. rreral committee reports were made and a few new bills of little importance introduced. A Tallman Party. Tali. mas, Jan 25. A surprise party and candy pulling was given at W T Cary's Wednesday eve in honor of ber daughter. Miss VaUie. Tbe candy was made and pulled by !lis Maggie ilurkhart which was perfect and praised by all. Those present were: Mr and Mrs H A Crewder, uf Albany, Mr and Mrs llildreth, Mr and Mrs Palmer, Misses Anaa Evins, Maggie Ilurkhart, Vallie Cary. Leena Evins, Nora Constable, Lida Jen try, Messrs Albert Drumra, Perry Scott, Charier Buckner, Kubhy Walker, Kobsui Walker, Oscar Davis, Walter IStvis, Charley J en try, Sher fey Jentry, Mr Jones, Mr Hartley, last but not least was Mr Jobn W Cary from The Dalles, a brother of W T Cary. A pleasant evening was passed in civil games until 2 o'clock. Refreshments was candy and upples. A Sckibblkh. A coat deal bas been said about broad tires for wagor.s. Ther certainly are the netd of Oregon. The following wide tire est was made at tbe Ohio state University, j An osslinary wagon with a new S-inch tire , was loaded with two ions tons. or 4.430 lbs.. and the draft was measured dynamometer. On an ordinary earth road in good condi tion and bard, tho draft was just S64 pounds. On a grass Geld it was 46b pounds. On newlyplowed land it was 771 poonds. As tbe draft of an ordinary horse 1,000 lbs. is 150 pounds, two horses could draw this load with ease on an ordinary road and a ton and a half on a grass sad, while with a narrow tire, naif as much, or a single ton, is a full load for a double team, besides this, the broaa tires roll and level a read, so that the more it is used the hetfer it be comes, while narrow tires cut it into ruts if at all soft.; "Old, yet ever new, and simple and teauliful ev;r,"singj 1110 poet, in worda which might nelt opptv to Ayer's Ssrsap arilla the most efficient and sclenMflc blood purifier ever oflered lo sutfei Ing humanity. Nothing bnt superior n liit keeps It so long at 'he front. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World - Fair Hisrhsst Medal and Diploma. DIED. KITCHEN. In Portland, on Sunday morning, Jan 20. 1S95, of appendicitis, alter an Illness of about four days, Joseph Kitchen, at the sge of 33 years. Mr Kitchen came to Oregon from England s'x years ago, residing In Albany until about two and a halt yeaia ago, When he moved to Portland. He leavea a wife and nephew In Portland, a brother, Fiank Kitchen, anJ nephew, J R Wilson, of this city. Spscial iplfc Hon J. K. Wcathcriord Honored. Salem, Or, Jan 26. Joint convention in scsion a few minutes after 12 o'ciocb 1 and immediately proceeded to take filth i ballot on senators, lfennetts r.ame was withdrawn and Cogswell made a short amce the present session of congress be speecb scoring the republicans for inability I Ran. It was, moreover, the first realiza- 10 eiect senator and nominating ) K 1 Weatherford of Lian county. Nomina- I lion received with cheers, balloting pro ceeded in a lively manner occupying less than half an bour. Not so many specta tors present today as no change in vote was 4 : , : , v Li - . . aniii.-ij'itieti. areryining was quiet, ana ordnrly. Uepr Sctt being absent. Tern - pleura, (Dolph man) paired with him. making tha total vote 64. Tbe result cf ballot was as folio t: Doloh 42. Moore 6. Hare 10. Weatherford 8. Williams 4. ISarkley Lord 2. Lowell 3. Simon 1. Tongue 1. The convention adjourned until noon Monday. House adjourned until 11 :.5U Monday. Dolph Losing Ground. 8 alex, Jan 25, 1335. -Tiie joint meet ing of the two houtes today continued tbe excitement over the senatorial contest. Dolph is undoubtedly losing bis grip, hav ing tost two votes one a bolt, the other by pairing, uooper ot lienton bolted, ana Moores, for Dolph, and Scott, anti-Do'pb, paired. The vote was. Dolph, 42; Moore, 11; ilennett. ; Hare, 10; Lord, 2; Her man, 10; Williams, 2; Los ell, I; Barclay, te The wildest excitement prevailed during the balloting today and they bad to muster more sergeant at arms to keep tbe crowd at bay. Every time a Dolph man ' arose he vas met by boots, hisses and groans and it was with great difficulty the crowd could be checked in their excitement. Dolph men conoedehis defeat. Continue! to Hang Fire. Salxk, Jan 24. The vote for US sen ator was delayed today in order to give Scott time to arrive from Tangent. It resulted in Dolph receiving 44 votes. lacking 2 of the requited number. Moore received tne opposition vote ana necre tary Kincaid was complimented with 2 Tbe joint sesaon adjourned until tomor row at 12 o'clock. Vote:Dolph.44. Moore. 19; Hare. 10. Bennett, 8; Moody, 4; Kincaid. 2; Lord, 2; VMlliams, 1- toll vote rest. Indira tions are tbat Dolph will lose heavily tomorrow. oni ber good speeches made Everybody good natured and specta tors did not lues Dolph men aa tbey did yesterday. Indications are tbat it will be a long but good natured flight and -bat Sol Uirsch and V P Thorn peon will he ia it. On the Ridge. Jan 18, US. Miea Beerel returned te Tangent last week, after finishing a four months school, but we bear aba has been engaged to teacu tbe spring term in tbe same oiainct. Irvin and HaUie DemDsvhaTe gone to Lebanon to attend school the rema nder of the winter. Mrs Phil pott ia slowlr recovering from ner long serious illness. Mr Davenport and family are all now improving. Jobn Grime, who had bia shoulder badly hurt but week by his horse falling wttb him is still confined to tbe boa: though some im proved. A McXary is preparing to eat out 2000 prune tree on bs farm. Prof Johnson is having a twelve acre orchard set out, also a three ace straw berry patch on bw farm at Muddy. Mr Locke ia visiting with relatives in t.ogene. Miss Ett -evio, of Harriaburg, will finish her ool oa Muddy this week but will o again when the weather improves. S. S. BAg Ustysniats. Nsrsr Yoaa, Jan. 25. The engagements of gold for shipment bv tomorrow's steamers agjnegate .700.000, of whk-h the La Boarrme will take 43.aXI.CM. and the LucanU, $3,650,000. This makes tbe fetal expoi is for the week $7,3X1,000, hictt 1 the largest amount chipped in any orto week eince April, 1893. roc the f Mir weeks ending iaturdar, the gold a 11 preen U- will foot up neariv $J0,tX, OX), which is greater than any month 'a exports since last June. Danger Froi-iCatarrh. The most fmpofnt fealure about that very common comp'aln. ca arrh in the bead, is its tendenev to develop Into mm other more serious and dangerous disease Toe tool matter c rot-pie; from the head into the- b.ochiaI tubes or I ipjts is verv liable to lead to bronchitis or conssmoskK: that destrovcr which causes sno'e dea'hs in this country than any other disease As catarrh otiginatet in impurities in the blood local apn tctlioos can do but litre good. The cnenBson sense mettaod ot reatrnent is to purify the blood, and for his purpose there Is no preps rt loo u peri or to Hmd's Sarsaparllia. The owertul action uf this medicine npun the looj espels every Impatity, and or so O'nr earn ca'.A'rl aai g'e- h;i!th to he entire o-gani-n. Only one grade of Photos st Tinkles ; dlflerent sixes from $ to fTo.oo per aox. CabloeU $1.53 up. ShQoh's Cure, the great couzh and croup cure. Is In great demand. Pocket sise contains twemv-Sve dttses only 45c Children love it. Sold by druggists. Trx Latest 5swa is that Julius Grad- wohl is doing business in his new quart ers, the old Poet Office and Odd Fellow's building and Opera House, and to give an introduction to bis new store, tie will sell the following goods for net costonlv 1 box full weight Savon soap 83 cts. 2 oxs 1 rvnch sardines 2- els. Oy iters 1 0 cts rcn, Ariiiails an! M ciSes 2s cts lb,T aai osvjnlt siit as toe a any mil tns.-tt. Special announcement. Owing to the increased demand for Crayon Pottraita I have decided to put In a portrait and frame department, ao it will not be nec. estary to send work to Chicago or San Francisco. I have a skilled artist to assist in finishing my crayons, and positively guarantee satisfaction. Tinkle the pho- Mjgrarner. Don't Trade with Conn & Huston Unless rou want good erocerlea anrl produce a-, the lowest prices and first class treatment. 1011 can get them there, iney are open early and Ie o serve the puoiic. ana a inai win convince anv one vs me urci. 1 . . - I W B-nlloy will repair children1 shoes sxter scnooi and .lave them ready for the next dav. Good at all times. Better than anything else. Best of all external remedies Allcock's Porous Plaster For lame back, stiff joints, sore muscles, soreness in the back, chest or side. The Oal Bat Was. soSsfiae. is M iassst sa aak "Aucocs's." Allcock'a Corn Shields, Allcock'a Bunion Shields, Hsvs ao sqaal as a rsttef sad curs for corns and bunion. Brandreth's Pills are purely vegetable; a safe and affeotire remesty for young and old. Passe tbe . Washikotov, Jan. 25, The bill pledg ing the faith of tha Unitrtl StatM in An the construction work of tho Nicaragua canal passed the senate tonight by tbe decinive yote of 31 to 21. It waa the ter ruination of a debate which has lasted won n euner orancn 01 congress, 01 me vast project so long and vigorously urged for a canal ioining the Allan tic and Pa cific, with the United States government standing apoeor for the execution of the work. The Strike. I'.bookly, Jan. 23. Sheriff Doht to day received a letter from President Lewis, of tbe Brooklyn Heighta road, protesting at bia failure to take proper Steps to protect cars on roads Inralvl in the county, and notifying him that he will be held personally responsible in Queens county for all danism r!nru Workman Connelly said early in the day to several reporters that the strike might be called off. Later, when asked for particulars, he replied that the strike will not be called off in anr event, and tbat ins tea1 of but 5000 being out. there will be 10,000 out soon. He denied that any strikers nave returned to work, fswrlcesi sSrswest. Losoos, Jan. 25. The British steamer EscuriaL from Cardiff for Flume, has been wrecked off Port Wreath. This ship went to pieces, and only 7 out of a crew of 19 were saved. The fishing boat Tweed, owned at Dunbar, and manned by a crew fretn that place, went down during the recent storm, and ber crew of 7 were drowned. . MxaUilesf. MrxrxrTA, III., Jan. 25. At 3 P.M. today tbe main buildings of Kenning' s Wewery were wrecked trr a boiler explo sion, i be concussion was so great that every building in tbe city waa bwdiy shaken. I ho building deatrored waa five storiee high and filled with machin ery. The force of tbe explosion com pletely demolished it. killing six men and badly injuring six others. A assail AJUr. Yosohama, Jan. 25. An official dis patch saya General Xodxrr attacked Hai Chen January 17, and adds: "There were fJU0 Chinese troone nnder General Chang on our right, and 6000, under General Twi. on our left wing. We found 21 Chinese dead after the battle, including two officers. Natives eay the Chinese lost over 100 men." Fatal SAWrwc gpasoi x, Wash., Jan. 24. Xewa of a fatal shooting acraoe at Condon's Fprr-v on the Colusttbia river, 13 miles north of Wilbur, yesterday, lias just been receiv ed. William Condon, better known u Wild Goose Bill." became involved in a dispute with a man regarding some cattle. Both men pulled their guns and commenced shooting. "Wild Goose BUI" 1 en stead at tbe first ahot. His assailant was fatally wounded, dying soon after. Won! waa taken to Wilbur bv a courier, and K. J. Keeree. of that citV. tetemoh- xl the facts to Judge Wallace Mount. Leturaws. WAsmsorox, Jan. 21. The vote on the Nicaraugua bill will be taken up ia the senate at 5 oj clock torn arrow afternoon, unless some unexpected parliamentary obstruction ia interpoeed. Ia view of the speedy culmination of the long debate there waa added interest today in the speeches and much specula tion on the outcome of the long struggle. White spoke in advocacr of the bilL Morgan, in charge of the'measure, will dose the debate tomorrow. Morgan is confident he baa a tnajoritr in favor of the U1L Attotlae War rswfeaMe M xi ico, Jan. 21. Guatemala's answer waa received this evening. The minister of foreign aSaire for Mexico ears it will be presented fonnallr to tbe cabinet and the president at 10 o'clock tomorrow. It is understood the answer is that the ter ritory in dispute belongs to her; that if any idemnity is to be pail, Mexico owes it to Uoatemala. The prospects are that war will be declared tomorrow or the next dav. A Tsssa-wesswa Talker. Sax Faixctaco, Jan. 21. Thomas Winn bas aetonkbed the medical men of San Francisco by talking after bis tongue had been cut out. Wixji waa treated at t. Luke's hospital for cancer. It was found neceesanr to cut out his tongue, and Winn submitted to the opersucm. Winn, when he recovered from toe effects of chloroform, which had been adminis tered, sat cp and said : "Doctor, I'm a brick." Urssrulit Qwtlsafc. Waahisgtos, Jan. 21. An encourag ing report of the prospects of an increase 01 government revenue is given bv Rep resentative McMiilin. of Tennessee, as trie result of a talk with Secretarv Car lisle. His statement is the first authent ic information of the administration's view of the outlook, and shows the re ceipta from the income tax will greatly exceed the estimates of the department. ! assvke Csawm. Pn-rsarsM, Jan. 24. The Carnegie Company is said on good authorirv tq be contemplating changing tueir Homestead steel plant ot admit of manufacturing cannon to compete with the Bethlehem works and even with the great Krupp himseli. Secretary Lovejov practicsaiy suuuiieu tue correctness ot tne Story. MeeUsg r aseawseraU. BALsat, Jan. 23. The executive com mittee of tbe democratic state central committee bas been in session in this cuy iot swo oaya. mere were present D. N . Sears, chairman ; Napoleon Davis, secretary; committeemen M. A. Miller, B. Huston, W. G. Weetacott and W. " . aicuuire. m tuie tbe mceUngaof the committee Have not been open to the public, it has transpired that the subject of discussion waa the retention of repub licans in office be democratic appointees. It apjiears that the committee are de termined that certain federal positions now held by republicans shall be tilled uy uemocrata. BtgCaawkUag Tacoma, Jan. 23. The PuvaUun and Black river Indian tribes are participat ing here ia the first that haa occurred for over 30 years. The siuc una oeen in progress lor IS aavs. ana 13 apnarentiv half finisho.) vv. eiue tias a certain number of chips, which are hid, the opposite side guessing where one odd chip is. The Puvadlups are .ka.J 1 r . . ... iiatmg Bvoreu oi out ot a possible w) points. The braves on both sides are bettintr heavilv . - w v. . suuuuy, uoreee, cows ana Ulantets TswJilcaragsui Bill. Wasuixutox, Jan. 23. After discus sion upon the financial bills was ended in the senate today, UieKicaragua canal bill waa taken up and Turpie reeumed his speech against the measure, Turpie 'e remarks became very rersonal at one point, and he arraigned Morgan, who is in charge of the bill, as chairman of the committee on foreign relations. A tsalesasaai Last. Fkksno, Cl. Jaa. 28. W. W. Gibbons, traveling salesman from Loe Angeles, is missing and it ia believed he haa been murdered near this city. About the middle of last November, he left Kings burg with a team, tor Fresno, and haa never been heard of. The team was his own. ilia family, in Mmneaota.are con ducting a search. He was seen with a considerable sum of money in Kinga burg and, although lie did not carry this money with him, it is supposed some ono thought he had it and waylaid him. A Big AalverUaeaaeal. La Guards, Or., Jan. 23. Citixens here feel a just pride that the seven car loads of Grande Konde valley flour and provisions recently forwarded from La Grande to the hungry Nebraskas is the largest relief douation yet shipped from any section of equal population in Ore gon. . . Jska Baallk KUtcw. Spok akk, Wash., Jan. 23. John Smith was felling a tree near Welsh, 25 miles from here, yesterday, when a failing ' branch struck him on the head.crushing it like an ercshcll and killini? him in. ' Btantly. He was a brothur of Mra Judge i Cartwr.ght,oi this city. .. j BAD COMPLEXIONS Dark, yeUoW, cUy, toothy skin, pfns'ogrirses, sedges, dry, this, an failing bair.aad slaspt baby bkaolsbes pnrrealtd Kid eiusd by tne cetebraaed 9 ITie most efleTetldEpurtfTtE sad besotifjrlcg aortj ta the werist, as wen as paucstsvl ssreeeest tortoet, batn.asol sszscry. Is sssobscaasw It strikes at tJkeCACsx of sons eassv plezioaal statfigcrxtiasBt, viz.: tbe clogczs. Pruia), zsatrraTZB, ovTBwosxz9,orsLCOnsa FQEZ. Bold Bsiwisbnt lbs srertd. Form Dmrw asr Cars . rar-.soss towpsMsmss. pos. mr a . . ..... m . . . . Um. ! I? mT ttm Oregon Pacific Raihodd. .cats CLAB5. I eeelser Direct Lire- - Quick is, itch I om Freight Kate. sui; s ilk stssaii ssasssiiu rrMeisc. Eawassiisrbr Mb Mrfrk I, 11 IS, sat rasM rssjraa. Baaur ss s rib Stb Sis' 7. 17, mU TT. fhe Company iwsjusiaa the ngsst t .nga eaUing datea sHJoot sottoa. For freight and pmamafer rates apply to toy agent. CbssasJ Bissm. Sm ItXS.t S Mark js Sa S 3 aas C s C ark rscdrer. CwTaQs Orjgae S20 DOLLARS PER LsQNTH !m Ycur Own Locauty msue easily and boooraily, wiliest capi tal, daring your spsvre hours. Any rrns woroAn, boy , or girl can da the work hand ily, without experience. Talking a necessary. Sothing like it for moiy inaJting ever onered before. OurwutKesa always prosper. No time irasted a ararntng the bosiaess. We teach yea is a night how to succeed from the c hosr. Too can rrake a trial wShevxt ej per to yourself. W start yoss. fuxniaV ererything iieeded U. carry oa the bus sm e hrrmfn'T anrl snssnirtM ts . agaiitst failure if you al t olknr ocj simple, piala tsasTwstans. Reswlr?. if you are in need of ready vnossry, am. wttat to ksravr all aboot the best paylnsT business before the public, seed ns yo aasdress, and ww will Wiait you a sbwv merit giving yoa all the tnicu!ars 4nUas WU. DUAlWl Augusta. Maine. Rheumatism i , Uimbago, Sciatica Kidney Cornplalnts ume Bacxe dux CS. HZlVt ELE3TEI3 EELT ff". 1 bkH iwr ocj-ti wr. rsxa sal asjas. sy r u. -J uumos s ss s. SSaseV SfSSIrL.4hicit 1,1 1 I il ris AMOCSJ EtECTHiO CO- ka. its rts-M au-crt. a; iajlsi c j ALBAKY- -COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue FOSHAY A PAASON siiiasaia saw imii Druggists and Booksellers. ceuta for John B. Aldec'a psblirv to .leawsaUat pobUsaer'a piiemm w sMtaaeswt.lai' A IB A IT OKCVOfS Dr H E Beers. Dr O K Been Physicians and Surgeons Special attention given to diseases o women. Hours 10 to IS A M, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P M. Offices and residence Blum berg Building, First Street, between loo and EUwcrth. jQB. J. L. HILL, rVrsriaa and Ovttam, OmCK-Ooraa rr-7 scrsau, Alhsaj, Orwroa. SJv Careois, and Trsds-M mrks cbearns. aixi all Pas. : Zl fZifJP'V1 asKasiku sbsss rtfad w-Bg or rioH, wrta oWrtp- S adroa. U utectaM. or Bocusa ol sbarre. Our fes not dus tul pr IrM s seenrai. A Panasucr, RowtoOtxr a Fateots." witk 25 SL; iith v- iwwesasalisss :C.A.SNOW&COe !Os. Patvsit Orret. ssaHmavoai. S. c B ahk or NCIO, a cio, oaseow. shlsr... J Mesa: .wills t)Oa Q.EO, If. WRIGHT, aaatssrs U psobasa OBScalv? to PosSorBoa. Aloao)-. On . Or. Price's Cream BaiJnr PowthL' W-rW. FaL KlgatAIfw" mtl at assssssssswaw sr sww7awasa s AsWSSasSK m mm ssaiaaissssas 1 1 w sssxkttwiaiiCstaS.SS E?i ft s s. Tsa tom Bea saiui yiiisisn s in mt a2i ears. etna w 'T "Vnt r fcrSnt as.SSW.Stt. as5 HISS k-Shm CBlsSbt a,Bll'iW ftss sB oshts 1 WW c . ubna, aa4 . w w kaacaas SS ISSSnWMSSSMUMu. Mil i