The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 01, 1895, Image 2

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    war 5TTTTITITm I
loawill at least find some original
tuoagrit in this column. Whenever our
shears are used yon will see the marks.
Every dog hi his day. While the state
legislature is in session the Democrat
will make a specialy in its editorial col
umns of live matters corning up for consid
eration. That is the province of a news
paper, and It will be our aim to bs up with
the times.
Tbe more this senatorial farce goes on
the more people are convinced that there Is
only one way in which to elect a U S Sena
tor, and that Is by direct vote of the people.
The pub Ic has a right to a say In the mat
ter. The people of the United Sjates are be
coming sensible. There was a time when
a man could nuke a baboon of himself, and
entering the lecture field reap a fortune)
but, alas, the day is gone. Breckenridge
went to the wall as a lecturer and was a
flat failure. His notoriety failed to do the
rest. Now ex -gov Waite is a back num
ber. 1U laMed just three days at a public
lecturer. Let the good work go on.
Times are certainly setting hard when
items like the following appear In the pa
pers: . James Powell, better known as Whiskey
Jin, tnd Jim Morris, two eld men who
nave represented Gervais at the connry
poor tarm tor some time past arrived ia
town Wednesday. They represent that
they are dissatisfied with the cooling and
quality of food provided for them at the
poor farm. They will no doubt be return,
ed in a short time.
An interesting thing about the Oregon!
an is its way of saying a thing in a man
ner to indicate that it is settled and does
not need to be discussed any more, a sort
. of a magnificandoodanbandolittle dispoai-
tion of the Question. The Democrat ad-1
mires Mr bcott $ vigorous, pointed style. 1
h'.s telling sentences, beautiful periods and
sententious cotuas; but it does get weary at I
his arbitrary style of talking as if he knew I
it all, and all other men were ignoramus-1
63. I
The expense of the State Board of Equal-1
iiahonfor 1S94 was 13.200. For 1893 it I
wjs $3,425. The amount of increased I
revenue which the board saved the state ia I
1S34 wan SIM 24. In rvrhor word .if
had been no Board of Equalisation the I
- state would have had $11,124 less than she
gets this year. So it is plainly seen what
a terrible expense the board is to the state.
Circular. Tes but the taxpayers bad
H pay the $11,124 extra. There's the rub.
" A new law is thns stated by an exchange:
A justice of the peace hereafter, or as
soon fia tViA npw law ia annrnrwl Kt lha
covernor.- shall reonir the r,rivat Dm-
cutor in a criminal action to give security V ?rssioo. is at ine very .u
for costs and disbursements before filing or dUo ol hun Ba'are- Pr"sPrit ''
receivwg the complaint therein, in the I
amount authorized in civil actions, and I
n, ti,;. to. tn i
owine to the fact that many IrresDonsible
parties are repeater! instjlnHne actions
on frivolo-s pretexts, resulting in needless
Jiybould's eHate was appraised at $So,- . The editor of the Democrat 1
mirvels at one man accummlstinir that I
mnountof weahb. " L;l ns do a little figur
ing, use man can live without work on
t e interest on $io,ooo,hence Mr Gould's
property was sufEcieat to support without
labor 8,ooo men and their families. There i
f nothing right or just In It ; bat how it can
te prevented is more than the Dkmockat
cat state this Tuesday evening.
Senator Cogswell, the democratic wit,
hit tbe long-sdnded talker of Marion coun
ty a hard blow yesterday in tbe midst of
the latter s prolonged speech nominating
Mr Kiocaid, when be arose and suggested
the 1 oibility of the candjda'e being dead
befo'e be wa fully nominated. Statesman.
Perhaps Mr Cogswell didn't see the
point; but, the Editor of the Democrat does
without a telescope. The speech was long
winded in order to give Representative
Scott time to reach the capitol and vote
against Mr Dolph.
An exchange says that a wagonmaker.
who has been dumb for years, picked op a
hub and spoke. Yes, and a blind carpen
ter on the same day reached out for a plane
and saw; and a deaf fannar went out with
a dog and herd; and a noseless fisherman
caught a barrel of pike and smelt; and a
forty ton elephant inserted bis tongue in a
grate and flue; yes, and a dog walks off
wi'h his coat and pants; and just last night
we noticed a bedbug listening to the bed
tick. Yep, and some men in the woods saw
the trees bark. Another man was aston
ished by seeing a borse fly as he was pass
ing along tbe road.
Tnt Democrat is opposed to the Reilly
fundiag bill, because it relieves the Cen
tral and TJn'on Pacific of tbe payment of
an immenae sum which they owe the gov-
er men:. It ia in fact one of the most
co os ,1 fcteaU on '.he lace of the globe.. A
debi due tbe government sbculd be paid
just 3g quickly n if it were due 'ah Individ
Udl, and yet it locks very much as if Mr
Hun ing on were 10 be relieved of millions
upon millions. The Ho us; if getting ready
to pass the bill and tha Senate, of aristo
cratic monopodia, will pass an j thing ol a
8-:it8! Jis'urt-. - '
4 rs-port comet from CUckamas county,
says the Portland Sui,th's a legislator who
s h id returned Son eaduntered a large
f . c of v-ry anry constituents. They
Collected aiound liiro and demanded to know
why h r-ad vtola'ed -Ms specific pledges
a?d ni;ieireen'ed item by voting for
Daih. finally he told them that he undex
s uod I h umUhed much of last spiing's
Zi npain fund and was therefore entitled to
r;e'ecttun. Fortunately he was not mobbed,
but wiih some difficulty succeeded in mak-
ing Ms escap; and left the locility.
" Lat is about is' high an idea as many
men have of their ob igitlocg to lhe public.
"They seem to think that party service is
i the on y consideration. .
-.Senator Raley has introduced raher a
stringent ' tramp'' tiill.and the many tbous-
ands ot idle men who cannot get rfjik mav
is well commence to get oil the ear,h, for
any tntn who i4 no!. lou life, e 1 u;h ta
hold a fat position i can Here i by Mr Ra
ley a tramp, vagrant or a loafer. Budget t.
- Now this is of cou'se an ' exig 'ration .
Thete is no question, though, that very
stringent laws are need t J to do an with
,fhe professional tramp nutgance. There U
a g nns hobo, who is in every tense a pro-
feitt.nil ; hs Is a professional regirdles of
rtork. If there was work fo' 3 thou;
and - men ' at ?j.oo a day and on'y
five hundred men to do !t and he one
of them he would tramp. This It the klnil
ol ra-m Mr Raley probably intends 10 reach,
ifso let Mr Raley alone. -He's all right.
... ,. nt-
A uig discussion It gUIUV V" u
forma upon the subject of divorce, on ae-
vinnf t fli a .vlfatna luxftv Of t lift IftWI
then The papers are well filled on the
topic. Below we give a couple views of
prominent people somewhat differing in
the matter. The first is by Dr M M Gib
son, known by quite a number of Albany
people, having been here several times
I am opposed to divorce on any grounds
accent scriptural. I stand upon the
ground that the marriage relation is the
most sacred that exists. The home must
be protected and kept inviolate even at
the personal self-sacrifice of both parties.
If any change be desired, I favor the grant
ing of a bill of separation, but never dl-
rorce, except the most conclusively proven
case of violation of the seventh command'
In that case, and that alone,,. I would
permit the reoiarrlaee of the offended
party during the lifetime of the offender.
But I am cautious even in making that
concession. I believe that the fence around
Latrlmony should be built as high as the
,, nf 3ictt ith - knothole for
escape, l place niyte.t unquaimeayr in me
front rank in this movement to abolish di
"I cannot help but feel proud that this
great wave of reform which at present is
sweeping over our land emanated in the
first instance from the church. 1 sincerely
hope that the churches out here will take
op the work and accomplish as practical,
far- spread results as they have in the East.
Assuredly no community needs It more
than does ours."
The second is by the welt known Sarah
B Cooper:
"I do not think the churches will ac
complish anything practical or lasting in
that direction. I believe that there are
other grounds for divorce than those laid
down in the Scripture.
'The reform in the moral tone of our so
ciety will not come through the church; it
will not come tnrongh the law courts; it
will come through the higher and nobler
chancer of the people themselves, and un
tU it does come in that way, it will not
come at an
"When moral principles have been in-
stilled into the minds of children from
b&bynood by their mothers then we will
have a race that will not need divorce laws
of any kind. I have not given the matter
sufficient thought to make any pronounced
statement, but 1 am very sure that Script-
Dral reasons are not the only ones upon
bich divorces should be granted and thai
reformation, when it does come most
strike deep into tbe character and life of
,ne people
Tbe present hard times era was bound to
come, ia fact a coming for some time, and
would have teen here just the same if M
Harrison had been elected Instead of Mr
Cleveland. It would have been a good
thing for th: Democra'ic patty, for then
; the Republic!. would have hai to take
t the consequences. Rest assured of the fact
" " -,wr P"PT-
extravagance, men oecorne .ntoxw...
ed witn me spirit oi me time, tsoora tot-
,ow booiD' "or;gage follows mortgage.
ntxi ne" we Konn coming; now usien so
w lin8 resulting trom tne eo.ia?se.
imow, op jumps . me posiucai S-i
- i -. i . . . i i . , . i
wiinoui an nonci nair in ni ceaa. no
I Ail!f,illv in4 k-nftwinolr tieoina tn maonfae
ture campaign thunder and Using aU the
blame of the collapse to partT unfortunate
be,B ,n PO when tbe cjclone struck.
That is the way it eoes, and the floating,
vacillating element ia mankind follows the
tide. , ,
An Illiterate Governor. j
"He can't write, he's a democrat," is an
old saying; but of course it is only a joke.
As a matter of fact the democrats are ex
cellent penmen. Some of the finest pen
men in the world, men strikicg a true line,
and making a curve with the correctness
of a Spencer, or running a flowing, smooth
hand as plain as the boms on a cow. If
we may judge from the following from the
Philadelphia Record it is the republicans
who cannot write:
"Delaware inaugurated a governor to
day that can neither read nor write. For
the first tlm3 in the bh'nry of the State
there was no inaugural address, and this
set people thinking. Joshua Marvil was
tbe republican candidate last fall and was
elected. He is a business man of good re
pate, and worth at least $150,000, which he
made by hard work and shrewd invest
ments. Marvil can sign his name. Know
ing his weakness, he secured the services
of N P Smithers, a leading lawyer, as Sec
retary of State, and Smitbers will virtual
ly be the Governor."
Our winter weather is a subject the res
ident of the valley is always glad to dis
coss. He it proud of Webfoet climate.
Several Albany men have rent flower
picked from tbe open air back East to their
friends in order to show to them what a
glorious climate we have. Well, we have
when presented in comparison with that
of most other countries.
A n Albany minister recently preached a
ssnnon on honesty in busines affairs that
was full of cream The necessity of carry
ing ones religion in'O business was urged in
manly and outspoken language. The result
of dithones'y was pictured in plain figures,
showing how it reaches out and affects tbe
church, friends and everybody coming un
der the Influence of it. Murder wilt out
and so will , dishonesty. A rran canpot
live a dishonest life" without i.s cropping
A ride into Eaitsra Oregon on the Oregon
Pacific will be one of Ibe novelties of the
next few years. It is interesting to " con
tiuiplate the fact that Albany will be the
distributing point for Eastern Oregon pro
ducts. Other'ciiess will talk; but the cem
city of tbe valley already hat tbe road,
which Tnakea it nine to one in lit favor.
It may be slightly chilly in Oregon these
dosing days of January; but pick np the
paper and read the Eastern dispatches if
you want something frigid. There is a
wide and very emphatic difference between
26 degrees above zero and 26 degrees be
ow zero.
' Don't you think timet are looking up a
little. There certainly it a silver lining to
t te clouds, ad, legsrdlets of the predlc
t'on of long faced pessisn'.tis, mark the fact
that tome day the sun will shine ou"; in i s
WecCer One Hundred Dollars Beward tor
ny case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Cni-. C -rr
k.J. Vij '- '.C, props., Toledo, O.
Wo tLe nutlerstirned, have known F. J,
Cheney for the last IS years, and believe hint
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obligation;
made by their firm.
WETftTBtTAX, Wholesale Dnijmrists.Toledo.O.'
Walking, Kinnah&Mahvin, wholesale Drug.
fista, Toledo, O,
Catarrh Cure fs taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Price 7Se. per botUe. SOU
by all DrugjriAU. Testimonials free. - .
Marriage and Divorce.
j u! . "nello,
there; J N Dotph s name it Dennis,
An exchange tayt that Dinger Hermann
has been lying wltU his ear to the ground at
Washington In order to hear what Oregon
said on the senatorial question.
We need cool beaded people nowadays.
A man writing from Silver Lake says if
the people had kept their wits all would
have 'jeen well; but they lost their lieaa,
and forty lives paid the penalty.
The Smiths in tbe state legislature are
pretty badly confused on the senatorial
question. Three of the Smiths are voting
for Dolph, two very sensibly for Weather-
ford and one solidly against Polph .
Another evidence of the fact that "mur
der will out" was presented In the splend
idly written "firemen's story." After
eighteen years it Is learned who cracked
the bell. It is now in order for Mr Wood
to investigate the matter.
The Democrats in the present state legtt
latJte are behaving themselves remarkably
well, and besMct are having more fun than
all the o'-her members put together. When
the s'aio legislature meets in two years
there iU be more than eight to answer to
the roll call.
If all the appropriations asked tor tor
purely loca' pu'poaes In the t'a'e legislature
were granted the state wosld be bankrupt
el. From every quarter of the stale comes
a request for money for a state normal
school or ttmelhing of that chiracter.
The democratic members of the legisla
ture are now giving their complimentary
vote for U S senator to Hon J K Weather-
ford of Albany, one of Oregon's most
prominent and reliable democrats. It is a
pity that the state cannot b represented
by such men. Jacksonville Times.
Astoria is not only a railroadless city;
but it is a peculiar municipal corporation
and has peculiar people. Recently they
arose in arms and Insisted on the Salvation
Army leaving. Now the Chinese are mak
ing tb'ng lively with their bomb and
crackers, and not a word it said. Dr
Bushons ask In astonishment: "Are we
Christians or are we heathen."
A gentleman stated that be had been
bilked bout a hi'.t dczea times within the
past fiv: years by newspaper. lie pail
year in advance for the Weealy Pioneer
about a year before i. went fluey. He got
about three copies of tbe Weekly CoUm
bian before it died, about four of the
Bulletin when it pstered out. Ireland's Ex
press hi paid for and it croaked before he
over saw it and he paid a year's subscrip
tion to the Weekly Examiner just before It
parsed in its checks He says be does not
proposs to take any more chance on Infant
newspapers. Astoria Budett.
Moral: Subscribe far the Dkmoceat,
established over thirty years ago. The
wise person tikes the old established pper
became It is a fixture and can b: depended
The Welcome looks at Ire matter just
abrat a te Democrat did several days
The very few Democrats In the legisla
ture all senators, and all but oss hold
overa will do well to keep clear of the
Republican row. It is not their right.
Even if by combining with the anU-Doiph
Republicans and PopuUct. they could elect
some other Republican senator, it would not
be wise to do tw. If the 71 Republicans
out of 90 member in the legislature cannot
elect a senator, let the state go without
any ; perhaps it would cot be a very great
loss. Or if they can elect one, but
after a fierce fight, let then ;bt. . The
fiercer Use better for tbe Democra's.
Young Men.
The young men are the life of a country;
they put electricity into tbe affairs of a
state; taey push things in county matters;
they are in the front io city maneuvers;
they are in the center in society. ' All eyes
are on the young men. Tcey are expect
ed to do something because that is tbe way
they are built. Tbe possibilities of the
young man are immeasurable. Does be
accept the chances and move forward in
the traces, with bis nerves steady for the
emergencies that shall confront him. There
are many young men who meet the sitna
tion of life and do their doty, brave heart
ed men without a sbirk in their system;
high foreheaded fellows, with clear eyes
and firm lips, with mouths free and
tongues unbridled; men who can face tbe
world by looking one in the eye; honest.
upright, reliable men, who, whether labor
ing for wages or doing business for them
selves can always be found advancing, and
whose Influence tends only to make others
advance. If interested in politics they will
make a clean record.
then there 13 the young man built up
on uncertainties, who can't see a week
ahead to save him, he hat no appreciation
of his mission in life. Perhaps be thinks
he has no mission. Be begins when a boy
walking crooked and keeps it np. What
ever be goes into be scents with his taint
ed character. Down be coes, . and tbe
world is full of young men absolutely
worth!, u because of inherent weakness,
and because of association.
If there is one who reads this who bat
chosen 'he objectless path, let him tarn
and be a live, truthful man with a purpose
in life, not a vane on a steeple.
The Mortgage Tax Law.
The Timet It pleased to learn tl at an ef
fort it being made ti tha legis'sturs to re
enact the mortgage tax law and ouipel
foreign money loancrt to pay their just pro
portion of taxation. The first bill in that
line het been introduced by Senator Cute
of Lincoln and 3enton. It provides that al
mortgages, deeds of trust, contracts or other
obligatians whereby land or real property
tltaated in this ttate it made tecuiity for
the payment of a debt, together with such
debt, shall, for the purpose of assessment
and deemed and treated to 'and
or real property. All mortgages, deeds of
trust, contracts or other obligations where
by land or real property it made security for
th: payment of debt, together with such
debt, shall be assessed and taxed to the
owner of such security and debt in the cojo
ty, city or district in which the land aff.ct
ed by tucb security 1- situated.
A debt secured by land or real property
situated in no more than one county in
this ttate shall, for the purpose of taxation,
be deemed and considered as indebtedness,
and the person owing such do'a shall be
entitled to deduct the amount actually ow
ing on such debt on lbs first day of Jul)
of each year, as appears on record in bis
county, from Iiis or their assessment.
If you need a gooa medicine to ourtfv
your blood, give nerve strength and bul'd
up your entire system, take Hood's Sarsa
parilia. It prevents sickness by making
pure blood.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, tick headache
ndigestlon and biliousness, 35c.
! t- a.t. ' x-i-!T. m. n-rtn - iT1 -r" ffTarTBwewW'..; .-."i I ' " C m&fmfmmmmmwmmwmam
a. w ii ri v i 1 1 m it ia in ri 11 n i 1 1 i i i r s
Gained One and Lost One.
Salksx, Jan 2f, 1896, 1 :40p m. Voting
for Senator occupied about twenty minutes
and resulted as follows: Dolph, 42; Her
mann, 10: Weatherford, 8; Lord, 6: Hare,
10; Lowell, 4: Barclay 1; Williams, 5;
Claud Qatch, Mayor of Salem, 2; Mooro, 1.
Dolph gained one voU, being that of
Cooper, of Benton Co, and lost that of
Davis of Umatilla, who voted for Lowell.
Coon and Scott were paired again,
Another Gun Accident.
Euokhb, Or., Jan 30, 1:32 p in. Floyd
Barron while out hunting last Monday af
ternoon eighteen miles west of here in
drawing a gun over a log it was accidontly
discharged and the bullet passed through
his heart killing him nearly instantly.
Young Barron was eighteen years of age.
Lane county will thus be seen to be keep,
ing up its record of having more gun acci
dents than the rest of Oregon combined.
Arrested for Libel
EfCiNt, Or., Jan. 29th. E J Fruier,
formerly of Salem, a real estate agent, was
arretted here this afternoon for criminal
libel at the Instance of N Svarverud, his
former paitner, whom he pronounced by
Implication an anaichtst and other terms,
which was published In the Register.
That paper has already apologized for the
publication, saying It was inserted with
out knowing the contents. Frailer will
be given an examination this evening.
About the Same.
Salem, Jan. 39. The deadlock contin
ues, and the excitement oser the Senator
ial contest la gradually tubidlng,lhe con
lest la becoming an old thing, lhe vote
this noon: Dolph 43, Herman 8.- Wil
liams 10, Lord S.Lowe!! 3. Hare 10, Weath
erford, 8 Bark ley 1, Moore a, Conn and
Scott paired.
iiig ixrva ill r ire., Or, Jan 23. Ihii morning
abont 4 o'clock fire was discovered in
t'earee A Clark's grocery, which rapidly
spread to Ben WolJla taloon adjoinicg
on one fide and a barber shop on th
other. The buildings occupied by taloon
and arocerv are owned by J E Sorbin ot
Portland, insured for V19U0. The grocery
stock insured lor and the saloon
fixtures and stock for $S40. The grocery
and contents are a total loss, the saloon
building la damaged so it is probably a
total loss. The content! are only slightly
damaged. It is not known how the fire
originated bat by many it is supposed to
have been the work 01 an incendiary.
Bam Case was severely burned about the
face and hands I rum an explosion of
powder in the grocery and Sol Smith
bad his leg breken by falling through a
trap door. Insurance will barely cover
the Ion. Great praise is doe the volun
teer firemen in their heroic and excellent
work in controlling and ronfining tbe
first to the buildings of its origin.
The origin of the fire is unaccounted
for. At ten o'clock last nieht Mr Pearae
was in the etore, and walked through to
the rear door to tee that the bar across
it was perfectly seemed. The room at
that time, he said this morning, was as
cold as an iceberg, and from what cause
the fire started he had bo idea. Chris
German sen walked past the rear of the
store at halt past twelve this morning.
and glanced in the window but noticed
nothing unusual inside. Many incline
to the belief that the fire was incendiary
bat no attempt is made to fix the respon
sibility. The cash register in the saloon
was broken open an.l six dollars or
thereabouts stolen bat whether the fire
was kindled to make opportunity fcr this
and kindred acts, or to cover them op
after they were committed is not known
A Deadlock.
Capitol, Salem, Jan 2Stb. The x tu
torial vote is becominr an oU thing-
Dolph, 42; Moore, 3; Weatherford, 8;
Hare.lO; Herman. ; Lord,; wtlliamt.
8; Barclay. 2; Lowell; Total, S3, ccolt
and Templetonppaired. It baa become
a deadlock, and no one can tell when it
wilt be broken.
Fraternal Notices.
Mr Elites, tbe postmaster elect, bas
appointed es-Coaatr Clerk E
Montague, ot this city, as deputy. We
give below, without Mr Stiles' knowl
edge or consent several fraternal press
notice given opon tbe report of his ap
pointment: 1 1 antes lias been appointed pjt-
m sister at Albany. Fraternally we offer
oar coc.gratolation not onl v to the ap
pointee, bat to the good citizens of Al
bany. Iron Worker.
lion T J btite. of tbe Democrat, bas
been appointed postmaster for Albany.
lis win mate a worthy official and w ill
use everv effort to pleas the public.
me appointment of Hon r 1 Siites,
editor of the Democrat, as postmaster at
Aioany, will be generally indorsed by
tbe press of the tut Mr Elites is an
editorial writer of ability and experience.
ana oeservea recognition from his party.
Hon T J Elites, the senior editor of the
Democrat, haa been appointed post
master at Albany to racceed Mr Mon
lieth, tli present incumbent. We con
gratulate Brother Stites and Albany over
the appointment. The gsmtleman will
make a splendid Kasby. Goard.
Tbe President has appointed T
Elite, editor of the Democrat, postmas
ter at Albany. This appointment is one
that reflect credit upon th administra
tion and receive tbe hearty endorse
ment of democrats a well as repubii
cans. He will make a most faithlul
official. Oregon Frater.
Hon TJ Stites, editor of the Albany
STV . A 1 t a '
Lrcmocrai, oas iatiy oeen appointed a
postmaster at Albany, instead of Mr
Uonteilb. tbe present incumbent, recal!
ed. Thia compliment to Brother Stiten,
on tha part of the administration ia well
deserved, a he ha nnuonbiedlv been
good and faithful servant to th party ol
tariff reform. Prineville Review.
T J Stites, one of the publisher of the
Aioany democrat, was in Uorvalils Fri
day, and installed tbe officers of Qui Viv
Encampment on that evening. Edito
Stites has been appointed postmaster
AiDany, ana is to oe complimented on
securing the position among: so man?
aspirants. There was considerable com
petition for the Albany office, bat Mr
Stif carried off the plum. Corval lie
lion TJ Stites, editor of the Albany
democrat, ha received a private dis
patch from Washington intorminz him
that be had received the appointment as
postmaster for that city. He is -well
qualified and deserving of the position,
and being a reliable and well known
democrat The Time is glad that he is
appointed. It is one of the few good
appointments that the President has
made in Oregon. Jacksonville Times
Cecil Rhodes and the
Dark Con-
Editor Democrat:
t rora tne time mat nenry Man ley pen
etrated amid ten thousand hardships, into
the heart of Africa in search of Livingston,
the "dark continent" bas been gathering
to itself the interest of the world. Science
to unravel its mysteries and marvels, the
christian church to evangelize its heathen,
the merchant to add to his merchondice.
Unfortunately the two latter go hand iu
hand. One missionary with his casa of
Bibles in the vessel and thousands of gal
lons of Boston rum in its hold.
For several years tbi chief countries of
Europe were prepared to sign the treaty of
Brussels to prevent tbe sale of liquor to the
natives of the Congo states, but were with
hold by this country in the person of Mr
Bayard of Khode Island. In mercy to
these natives and to save the honor of
America this treaty was U last agreed to
by all the powers.
The lost year or two fresh and valuable
tracts of the "dark continent" have been
opened out to settlement, by Mr Cecil
Rhodes, one of the greatest pioneers and
administrators of the age. He says he has
"too clear an idea of what is profitable to
sell the natives any drink whatever" add
this is bi3 argument: "We want these
natives to do our work on the line and in
the mines and do you think we shall be so
absurd as to kill them, or to allow them to
kill themselves by giving them drinks."
1.C. I
t'.'alm a VlcUry.
Shanghai, Jan. 29. The CliirienemiJi-'
tary and naval commanders telegraph,
via Che Foo, that the Japanese fleet ad
vanced upon Wei-l!at-Wci in two divis
ions of 19 ships early in tho morning of
January 26. Their search lights betray
ed their presence. The gunB of the Chi
nese fleet and shore batteries opened fire
when the first division was within 1000
yards of the Chinese llec-t. Tho fastest
Chinese warships aud torpedo boats dash
ed against the enemy and drove thorn off,
after heavy fighting. The first Japanese I
division sailed to tho northwest and tho
second division to the south. The Chi
nes claim that they damaged several
Hfcal r fata.
Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 29. Miss Sue
Auxer, shot and seriously injured Miss
Mary P. Taylor last night. Both are
girls of 16 and had been friends. Ti ey
were getting ready to go to church in the
home of Miss Auxer. The latter found
an old revolver iu a bureau drawer. In
a playful manner she pointed the wca- j
pon at her friend's head, not knowing it
was loaded,and exclaimed, "Your money
or your life." Miss Taylor replied, "I;
will give you neither," and Miss Auxen I
pulled tho trigger. The bullet struck
Miss Taylor in tho left temple, only an
inch from the eye and passed down
through the muscles of the neck, where
it is still lodccd. Tho ball has not been
located, but the girl may live.
The Way r It.
Washington, Jan. 29. Inquiries have
been made of the law division of the post
office department as to the legality of the
system sought fcjfbe enforced by county
newspapers regarding the collections, of
uacK aubecriptums, and the taking of
papers from the pustoifice or letting them
remain there, if the subscriptions were
unpaid. 1 tie assistant attorney-general
determined that there is no federal law
covering such casea and that newspaper
subscriptions are governed iy legal laws
uaeoiuer private contracts.
trfc BUI.
Washington, Jan. 29. As soon as the
finance committee, re-assembled this af
ternoon, Itepreaentative Voorhees, who
had his bill pr'ntod since the morning
adjournment, submitted it to th com
mittee. Separate vote were taken, and
it was soon apparent that nothing could
be done and an adjournment was taken
wiln nothing accomplished.
A Will at.tra.
San FaANCuro, Jan. 29. The ciicov-
ery was made shortly before tbe office of
the county clerk closed yesterday after
noon U1A1 me win 01 tbe late ex-enator
James ti. Fair bad been stolen, and that
in its place a lot of worthless iprs had
oeen inserted tn tne envelope thai con
tained the bulky document.
11 Ike fctflie wM actM
BiNcit akton, N Y Jan. 28. The city
IS bankrupt. The police fund wer r.n
deposit in the National Broome County
uauiK, wnicu ciosetl iu doors in last
week s panic and it now in the hands of
Examiner Van Vranken. The total
amount of the city" funds in the bank
was 101,03o5, and thia is needed Feb
ruary 1 to par policemen, teafhen and
other employes and public officers. The !
board of alderman held a special meet
ing.nnd decided to borrow monev enough
for current expenses. Broome count v is
in almost as bad shape, as all the count t
funds were on depuwit in the bank",
amounting to about 100,000. All btwi
nea in the city is practically paralyzed.
A SwtMSltat Ball.
Wasiuxgtox, Jan. 28. A substitute
for the Reillv Pacific railroads bill has
been introduced in the house by Boatner
for tbe member of the commit iee on Pa-
cinc road, who made the minoritv
port against the Keithr bill. The bill
provides for a 1'acinc railroad commis
sion to take charge of the government
aided roads w hen thev default in pt-
ment of their debts, and to control them
as representatives of the irovernment tin-
til a comprehensive plan can be adopted
by congress for settling the relations of
the corn panics with the government.
WASttrserox, Jan. 2S. The president
todav Motto congress) a message in which
he advises tbe selling of bonds abroad,
the retirement of sxrecnttacks and the
making of duties payable in gold.
4 Cattily.
Bostox, Jan. 28. Tbe jury in tbe case
of Attorney John F. Done, brought from
.ttle, Wah., charged w ith the embes
xlement of $2)0,000, returned a verdict
today findiu bini not guilty on six
counts. On the other three, the jurr
could nnt agree. It improbable that the
case w ill come up again.
rferU Ml.
Cotox, Jan. SS. Rebel and govern
ment troops had an encasement Fridav
at Pradera. The rebels were routed. The
inhabitants are depending npon the
Americans for protection. Tho I'nited
States cruiser Atlanta ia coaling here,
and the New York w expected. A French
warsiup nas oeen ordered to (Jolon.
A tieed !
Waamwrox, Jan. 27. Members of
comjreas who believe that the income
tax is an equitable method f raising
revenue are gratified at the unexpect
edly good show ine of the preliminarv
canvass made l y the collectors of the in
ternal revenue at the direction of Secre
tary Carlisle. They believe that the
greater the amount realized from thia
lax the more popular it w ill lrome,and
the more firmly rooted as a part of the
policy of the government. From the re
sults of the canvass of the internal reve
nue bureau, it appears that the income
may yield more than f jO.OOO.OOO.
Wkat Stall aw it nr.
Wamiisotox, Jan. 27. Tho president
and Secretary Carlwle pased several
hours together at the White House this
afternoon. Mr Carlisle brought with
him liu mcial data bearing on the deplet
ed treut-ury gold reserve and with this
as a basis the president began tbe prep
aration of a nusage to congress. It is
understood that it will treat principal
ly of the continued drain of the gold re
serve and remedies for stopping it The
message will, it is said, be short and vig
orous, and be delivered tomorrow.
Tke Bl strike.
Brooklyn', Jan. 27. Were it not for
tho ecarcity of cars today cne would cot
have known that one" of the biggest
strikes in the history of Brooklyn was in
progress. Church members had to walk
to church in many instances or take
chances in tho enormous crowds which
took possession of the cars. Otherwise
there was u perfect calm. Large crowds
assembled around the deoots.where mil
itary guards are stationed, but there was
no violence mere.
War ramie.
City or Mkxico, Jan. 27. Tho situa
tion is unchanged today. Both Mexico
and Guatemala are going on with their
war preparations, and prominent Mexi
cans think the outlook is very gloomy for
peace, unless Guatemala recedes from
the bold stand she has taken. If Mexi
co is pushed into the fight over the in
ternational boundary, her policy will be
as outlined by President l)inx and his
cabinet, that this ainpute and other lit
tle matters will be settled at once and
forever, and tho necessary means need to
that end.
Very Celd.
St. Pacl, Minn., Jan. 27. This was
the coldest day of the winter here. At
7 o'clock this morning the thermometer
registered 20 degrees below sero. 1 1 was
excessively cold all day, and at 7 o'clock
this evenine the merctirv was still lOda-
grcss below. The cold wave extends
from St. Paul to tho Rockies, tho reeis- Uolenft- at 8 o'clock tonight being
10 below.
laow la Texas.
Dallas, Tex.. Jan. 27. Specials from
all parts of Texas report a general snow
storm all day. The fall is from six to
even inches. In Central Texas it is
Snowuifi? toniirht. Thn wontiior la nnt
cold , and the result of the storm has been
to Dreak the long winter drouth.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder
worm's fair Mlsjtittt Medal and OlpUsaa.
,1 t 1 1 r '
Wa tka tlaaa tm kavt It atasie. 't
Will act I8OS G. J." ellarkrr Urea
with. ot4 or feel (eopster stlateAi
rlaaa roar -al wheel" far
Ws .11 have a foil line of RAM
BLERS to show 00 in due time.
Overman Sears.
5 SB
o 22
r1 2
s a
Ealtisore Ekx., Albuj, Orr.
complete line of
ia all ita IctAcbes.
EMBALMING apecialty.
Easideac er 3rd ih1 CaU.toc.ia
Star Bakerj
mm r'mt, rf.cpFiEicR
uti st trclt, tasatrt
('Atissrc, Uaeeaaware
orletl rraKa, Tegelaale.
Tttaets, Cigar
agar Asleta.
itiett Trev,
Tntk.- tkat Is kapt la a taaar
nrttty aad caoeary store HteVast
aiarkvt anca paid f se
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarct'es will find the
Made from the highest cost Cold Leaf
p rown in Virginia, and are
Notice ia hereby given that I have tha
funds on hand and will pay al county
warrants stamped previous to Nov S, 1894,
interest on tbe tame closing at this dnte,
the 5Ui day of Jan . , 1895
P. 0. Morris.
County Treasurer.
The copartner hi between H Veal, F
Veal and 8 Livirgstou 'ia been dissolved,
ft and K Voal will con'itiue the bas.ieett.
VUd Jiuaary 12. 1895.
K, O. T. M
meet everv Haturc'ay r.ven nj in K. O.
T. MHall. Vial'Vcg Kulgbu iovtted to
attend. a ju Lrao, ua.
THE 1895
Wish -O. J." Cllarktr Tim. mrm
4aa.ale-lklBsr nMd mr alvei irpH'
plalvaj rlaaa LEAD THE WOHLU la
aB4.liBktapaa.arraslfc a4 baaalf.
rtMSS rlw I ilm naoaVIa Iwaoat -
mr atrrl rlaaai. . atOO
1M03 prlraa m. T, , 0. IT a. Ca.. BS
IliM nrleea ftt. t'a. U'a aarf IT.
Maale4 alei rlaaat. ........ 73
94. SO. 34-laca. nllk --C. J."
tree, oat waad or aleal rtaia
3. tM.
Xtiea is hereby gives that the asaaal
aEestiag of tho stock koldere of the Albaav
BaUdiag aad Loan Aaanciatioa will ba held
oa Fnday. Fab 13.1S35 at tha boar of 7 JO
p ta of eald day, ia the Soak of Oregoa
batldutg ia Albaay, Liaa ooenty, Oregoa,
f t the parpi ot ekctiag aiae directors
aad three aedilora to aerv for tke trrat of
eae year next eaeaiag from said attetlstf?.
aad'oau! Iheit incceaaora are elected asd
qaaliSed aad to traatcMt tack other btui
eaa aa may cneae before tbe ataccUtioa.
Dooe by e-rder cif said aaoociatioo this
19th day of Jtnaary, 1S95.
CBKm, HBararr.
Secetary Vee Preaidtat
A Beautiful Hand
presents a spectacle for univeisal admtra -tion.
There's charxcter tn tne hand, and
the hand drterrrt attention (or that very
reason. What the hand It to a targe er
lent ta the reu; cf care aad
Uedlcloee preactre the health; manicure
artles beaoiify the hard. AU tucb
requisites of pleasing palmt ha bespeak
a character justifying; pride are ttiowo ia
our stock of toliet and manicure article
It's most nowise, judging by roults, to
neglyct either the hands or the health, and
our stock of drug and medicines offers
the bett of everything needful to prese've
either or both.
to the EAST via the
Deion Pacific Systei.
Through Pullman Palace sleeper
Tourist sleepers and New Reel in in
Chair cars
Trains heated by steam and cars light
ed by Pintsch Light.
Time to Chicago 3 days, time to
New York 4t days, which is many
hours quicker than all competitors.
For rates, time tables and full infor
mation, apply to
CiBK.N & Mont kith, agents, Albany,
Or. Or
R W Baxtox, C E Broww,
Gen'l Agent, Dist Pass Agt
135 Third St, Portland, Or.
I CAN GIVE you more genuine Insur
ance for a ti.oo than any other agent In
Any ajhool-boy who can control pre
miums to the amount of ftoo an iucily
can secure the ssency for an Imurance
Co,, for mat reason do not think that
every man who wrttet po'.lcles
it an "insurance man.'
Insure In the SUN. PHOENIX, LON
of Ne York and have something for
yonr money In case of honest lots. '
Notes taken on farm Insurance.
Valley adjuster for the Sun Ins office of
London, .
Highest prlcrZpald fori all k!i:'a ol
I I :
FH Hammer.
Wholesale Commission Kerchant,
215 and 217 Davis St. Cor. Commercial.
8ax Fraxcirco, Cau
We pay tbe highest market price for
wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap
ple), poultry, hides, wool and gen
eral prouuee.
It wil! nav van to writ na aiwl lnwro twwi.
Liberal advances made on consignments.
' I Kan Francisuo Produce Exch.
Mem tier: .
i San Francisco Fruit Exchange.
Notice for Publication
TJ S Lana Office, Oregon OUy, Or
. Dae IS, 1894.
notice is herabv eivsa that th (nl'nw.
log saved scttlar hat U4 notice of hit
iaientioa to make ttoal proof ia sapport of
dis ciaim, ana mat taut proof ui ba mad
Miors ueaaty Clerk ot Liss Co, .t AU
baay.Or.oa Feb 12. 1896. iz. Joaeikh O
Gtbaoa H E No 10947 for th. lota 1, 2 and
nas is asa w j 01 H w vj of Be 17
T10 3, R4I1. Henamta tha followirg
wit c aaan to prove bis contfnooes lestdesea
poo and ealdratiofl of, said land, riz: B
J Monroe, of Uatea.Or, W H McConaal,
J H McCoan.' Wm M MeMda. all of
Minto, Or.
B A Ufl-Bia,
Notice for Publication
V 8 Usr;Omci Oaseox Crrr, Oa.
Dei, 1594.
Votsee ia hereby aWeo that the fallowma
named eett'.er bak riled aotiea ot hia io-
teatioa to ataka fiaal iroo( ia tappott of
bit Ja m, and that said proof will fc made
befcra the Coaoly Clerk U Lisa Co at Al
bany. Or. s Feb 9io. 19S. fiu John A
bletaeh H fc Mo 10974 for the K M ot N W
I saa .1 a " e Dec az 1 1 &, n t
Me tsoM tbe follow teg altocaiaa to
prove hit cootiaooos reatdeace apoa rutd
cultivation of, said laad. via: G at Geis-
adotfar. Pater SchJoaeci, H F HaUratt, B
K nchoJtz, all cf Albany, Or
Ret later
Notic8 for Publication
US LasrvOmcs, Oaccox Crrr, Or
D 27, 1S94
Kotiea is be rear aires that tbe follow
iag Bamed setUer hoe Clad aotiea at his ta-
tovOoo to make tir.aJ croof ia aaccort cvf
hi aiafaa. aad tLtt aaid proof will be aud
before abe County Clerk of Lioa Co, at A'
baay, Orxoa. oa Feb 10, 1&95 vis: 1 E
looesaa. H CNoS?43lor tbeSEJ 8ee
SSTpllsElBL Bs aaaata ao follow
n w-.tneeera to provo hia conttaaoas lesi
dertee upon mod cairj ratios of, said lead.
via: O A Uoaaint W L Wallace, W
Ciark, alt mt Lacomb. Orrfct, Cbarita
Ujwelng, el" Suytoa. Or.
Notloa at barebv aivea that ths
tigaedbaa teaei dalv appotaacd by the
Coaa-.y Co-irt of Liaa eoanty. Orvtraa.
ezocator of the last wil and teeUtaent of X
C alter, defeased. All f-rtocs aaviat
rUsaoa again aaid eat ate are hereby Botifi-
a to preeeot tbe sum to the nmdtmgmta
at aese, una eooaty. Or, doly venned at
by law reqairad witbia six eaoatas frora the
oaat of thia aotsee.
DaUd tbit 12U day of Jacaary, 1535.
Jarrusoy klTavs,
VtVatberfora Wyalt,
Atrys fcr Execator.
WANTED. Acnva, EtaatT CisiU
MiX or LI.T io tratel rerititr ctk
liaked, reliable fcccte, ZkaUiy 465 aectbl
aad trarelics eitetJue. with, ;aciro
Miled. Eeckee itfeiere aad rwif arfdreeto
ata roped edr.r. THE lX)y IM- X
317 Oar aha Baikliag, Chicago.
IWinl La. Wia eractas ta al eeara at tae
sma Ssaaai ansa--a t-m ta Mill ia emit ta
aaaco.c(iM. omCB ta tae Fiaa aWe
A2oraey at Law, Albany. Cr.
or ALBaJir. osuMoa
s. a.Tori
JL W. La600-
nuiK&AC-rs a ccvtuiwig.
aoLtK irrs a err aabte-Vu .a.ct.
fUfiHT BXCaaXC aaa u Taptc sraaat r.vaitl
Kaw Tort, aaa rriadeee. Caserne aad saa
-aa' eADSaa taTaraala aratt
L. run
Keeaaa I. Set.
tT.rp-llt'rt tt 8tX3lER
or ai-ttajir, oa-teoa.
nUVSACTartv-l Baaksar saiatsa.
PEA W SIGHT DUm aa Stw T-rr, 8aa r
eeaaad PonJaaa, OraM
tO.y MONtt aa amoraa srearity. k eetwaiia aaajact to ta-J.
COLLaCTlOSS aaaaa oa avun-a u
OrTKBJCSTpaU ea lm -imxwt
Froai Terminal or iatjriar Poitts tk
lien Pacific UkiI
lathe Hate ttifMtke
To all Mils EAST aal SOUTH
It la (he niXIXG CAR ROCTE.
II mat Tkraaghi YKSTIBI L
tm tkm Tear ta
emposetl of zh Cars Urisarpaxsji
nllmon Prawins tarn Sleepers
Of Latest Ej3hm?nt
thV. ettbs er)3trcjll aad io
which a a n 1 nlj it are b )'h free
aadfaraitatd for h ill r of fir- or
Second oiatt link eta. acd
1 C)Uinn3 Lin) C3ni3c!iia?i
al linss, af ordinj Direct an i
Uaintarraptai SsrTiGS.
Pullman tie per roservatlODa oau b
eoured ta advanos through any
agent of the road.
t"H ROUGH PICKETS to and from aL
points la Amorioia England and
Europe can ta purehaaad at sy
ticket oQioe of this coir par
Fall icfjrmation eonoern!ng rutaa,tiai
trains, rontet and other details turn
labad on application to any agent, or
Assistant Go rival Paaaeoeer Agent.
No 121 Prat St, cor. Washington.
Portland, Oregon
Q Barkatrt, l09algent.
CocKiaELS for Sale. Pure bred
ockerels fcr the Albany Poultrv
YardsWhlte and bllver Laced Wjando t
and Barred Plymouth Recks. John Brusr
Albany, Oregon, corner 4th and R R St
Notice is hereby e-iyen that the ander-
tlgned, administrator with the will an
nexed, ot Joseph Sommerville deceased
hss filed hie final account of said estate ia
too office of the county clerk of Linn
county, Oregon, and the con at y judge
of taid county bat fixed the 7th day of
January, 1895, at 1 o'clock in the after
r.oon 01 said day as tbe time for hearing
and settling said estate and m hear and
determine any objections that may te
niea against the approval of said account.
T E Gbimcjs, Adrnr.
3 J Whitney. A tfy lor Admr .
tU County Court of the State of Ortgtm
for At County of Lmnt
William Kimbaagh aadDW Rumbaagb,
eopartsert abder too firm aasao of Bam
bsogb48on. Plaintiffs.
N B Fry, Defoadact.
To N B Fry, tbe abora eaued drfeadaBt.
Ia the aamo 4 the atsta of Oregoa yoa are
borsby repaired to apcaar sad aaswer tho
eompUcnl of plaiotiff ia tka ahoye cnUtled
actios, and aor. on file ia too bor eatitlad
ooart oa or before Use first Monday , too 7th
day of Jaoawy, 1893. the said day bemg the
fi t Hay of tho regular term of said mart for
said uxoth in this county aad ia case row
shall i.U to appear aad answer, tto plaia-
tisa ws 1 take judgment agamtst yea ftr
tvrot two doilats ia U 8 gald coia with
mtare-t tbereoa in like emt as tea per cast
persut em from (acaary 1 ID, ISVO, aad fcr
'he farther rrara of Ua dollut a reaaoaabl
attorarys fee. sad their cost aad Jiabara
snents of this actios to be taxed. This
tamotoaa is served by pt-brisaiioa by
order cf Hoa 3 K Daoeaa jaifge of said
eOBBty.sbicb oraVr beaisdaieKcv 6. 1894.
Dated Sor 6, 1894.
VoaTAjrra & HarxuirAS,
Attys ff-r ptaiatifft.
tm tie Ciraul Court for Limn Commit, State of
Io taity.
D ii Bad
D at Bschaer. tratec, pUiatiff vs Char-
lotto SCobee aad 8s
astmoi B
Kteicger, dc-
To Sms-I f&aaiaser of ti 9 to . e aimed
dfeadaatt: Toa art te-y repaired te
aaearca tho tithday of Mara,l&9, that .
O rt the first day of tha Mardt terat of
saidcoert, toanawer the ecmpUiat filed
tgt;wt yoa in tbe a cure esuaed eaaae, aad
if yoa fail to aaswer for wast the:at, tho
placaUB will apply to tee eoart t tao re
lief demanded ia the ecsBplaiat kereta,
1 t: For a iadateat acsiaak Cbasiotto fet
Cobea for tbe oaat of Bts Haadred aada
Tweaty-Bve (?25.00) Dollar, tcgetber
with iBtereet tbereoa aa tbo rata of tea
per eent per saaaai f rata tao S'h day o
Fehrtary, 1S53, sad tao farthw eaaa a
Oaa Haodred (S1C0) Dollars ta attoreey
feat tatbiteait, aad far tbeeosts aad dis
baret sots of this ai-t.
Sod: rhat the anal decree ay be ssado
for tba aale of tae lot dtxeribed u the eooa
plaiat, towit: Lot on (1) ia block twenty
three (23) ta tha eat ef A&aay, Liaa
eoanty, Orecoo, ia tba staaaer provided by
law. aad that tbe proceed M aatd sale be
aapW to tae payraeat of tac ttntaat daa
plaietirT. aid tfeat said CoortotU S Ceben
aad Saiarl Btasisger, aad all pu aueie eiataB
ias; by. tbrooab cr aader taeaw sabecqaeat
to tae ozeeatioa of tae asorttge saed
spoa ia tao ettaplarai, asay be barred aad
torever foreclosed tf all right or eoaity of
rademptioa ta aud preatuwa, aed im eacSi
other aad farther relief aa t thia cosrt Saar
see at ssect ani eqaitable.
This nnuoi pablia ied vy order of
Hob H H Hewdt Jad.-e of DaparUteot Xe
2, of said ooart. eaade apoa tho 30b
day of October, ISM.
G LiEiy.SaTisioji. ilrtrHT & Bxopte
AttosaeTs for pUiati?
Notice ia berely trirea to all ahcaa H
may conccrathal tbe aadWricard M P
Frait. baa at aa rppoioted adnsnatralor of
tbe estate of D T Miesaet, dictated lata
of uoa eoaaty. Orecoa, by th- Hoaonblo
Coaaty Court of tbe teste of Orates, for
Liaa eoaaty, aad that be bas filed bia borvd
aa tac adauai-trator aod the aa baa beea
approved try aaid eeart, AU ertoea bavUfj
clauBS agaixet aaid estate are terehj rjoSa
bed aad reoaind to prveest tbe aaaae tj tba
aadeasaed at tbe cf&ea of Whitney at
Newport ia Albaay, Qn&m, or at bis rear
acaee a'ubat six auiea toath of Btowrartlie,
Oraeon.propedy yerrfid arHbia six moataa
froca the date oi thia r oticc. Acd aU par
tiaa indebted to said estate are leraited aa
stake insedrafe pa j meet of the suss ta
tie eadera-gaed.
Iited at A'bmaT, Orrjprn, Jaa 10, 1S93.
SI r Facrr. Adauaictrafer.
Whhnsv tt Kewpcrt, Attyr. for Adsa
Southern Pacific Co.
TioiawTiilaa an Titilai T l-iry
aeaaat maiiU. iy I ifj
fc lir. a. L ' Pjnlwl a 1 &5S a a
ttdra Lr aiv-r L I SJ a a
Kim a I ir Sac r LrISra
Above trains strip a. a'i tUioaa from
Pjrt'and to JViUnv irt-rmi . also Tan
ceat3hd i.Hasy,rTrrtba-5. Jnortion
Sty, trring, K.i(pa a- l ail atationa
trom Roeborg to aaa!and lacJowe
tiottsee suc,raa.T
aa lt - Pwtlaaa Ar' "ta-
KUrstlLv Aftaay Lvlrtasa
i ar Kiwalwi Lvl t
tattanv ataaca
misIlT Albaay arliaeaao
tltaalar Kbaaoa " Ll
aDralAr Uoaaaa ll W
t VTl
Dininc Cats on Osrd:n Route
Attaehasl to alt Tkreswa Trataa
ru. i -j. aMrfM.
nfiutji raaiLAxa as tatTitus
Huh laajtsam (txaept Suaaay
:a ILr ron-J Ailltar f
tdlraiAr Corrailia U1.V0
axraanruoi an.T (Elegit Snlaj.
fcteraI.T ForUaad arlfta i
t-t r I Ae Mdt-aTiLe LtI tj4a .
TtiroTitrla Ticlet
a all a-iat ta the Kastera StMaa, raaada a-4 i
Came caa aa eetia4 at ewaet rek troaa C K ,
Fraafc. Ami Aieanr.
w.KOKHLXI K f.mOOta 5,
Maaaear set O r. aj g
Pertlvut Orecow t
Insure your property wilt
Joseph V Talt ir. Th
OldHartford, THE NEW
AGENCY, D or oaa of tha
other reliahl6 cld line com
panies he rePresents. Notes
taken and plenty of the
fiiven for payment on farm
insurance. AU business plac
ed with him will be tromrt-
iy attended to. OFFICE IN
Baltimore Block,
TAlbany, Or
t If ANTED. A widow lady, under 30
years of age, wishes a place to do gen
eral housework. ave word at ibe
Doamocr at office.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
Awardsd CoU nttst M lawtaaar Fair. Saa Fraaaiaca,
r s