The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 01, 1895, Image 1

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"P ly W I '-V ly ly Irtliy.fc
Eaterest at th rst Otee at Albany r. acettClass Mall Batten
r. r. aTTTMS, PaklUber sad rrrfc((
NO 55
?- s - t r "W w i - k a b i
for Infants and Children.
Caaterlaisuv adapted toahDdMB that
recommend It aa superior to any prescription
VkMn." It A. JLacaxe, X. D-, "
111 So. Oxford St, SrooUjn, X. T.
"The was o? 'Oaslcria ii so lotratsal and
4 sr fita ao wellknovmviatlt seemsawwk
t srv Brerogation to endorse it. IVir ara taa
'HfUflBl fiuailifls who do not keep Cutoria
' Cablob aUxxrx, !X
Kevr York City.
nsist on
I in packages
Costs no more than inferior package soda
f never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is vni
lf versally acknowledged purest in the world.
Made only y CHURCH fc CO., ICew
Sola ay tracers evety waere.
, 1 f Writs tor iraudlaaw Book at vetfaaale Beeipae-T&EK.
"Best "Work
Office Stationery
Give us yoar
The Oregon
With Its home
SAT .EM - - -
uie Gray Block, comer Libert and
Jll'A.KES a specialty of 8unnyside;fruit tracts near Salem
Will sell 5. 10 or 20
asra small cash navment Ions tirxia on balance. Write
for particuias. -
Undertakers - and -- Embaliners.
C t TU KEEP constantly on hand a full line
W eosfins. Also burial lobes and suits, in broadcloth, nstln, cashmere, e'e,
whleb srUI be sold at
The IO neat
EPVIBALMING nd lho proper
bed room sets, cbsirr, lonoges,
4m JOSEPH, drains and long
br over exertion, Tonthralei
Blanu. wblcn K'a:
Test pocket. SI per box,
u to
- -j,wpewfc x pernox, vioraia. or man prepaid.- vritnaa oraer wo
yT!l?s!. jBlrTfetve written loirnMet ear or rafuna the Money. Sold by alt
ii Tsr .wrui(ifiL. jih ivr it. teao no utuur. w nio loriree Medical dook sent OBaieu is
kuuuttSAnu uiMiuin. inplaln wrapper. Address XasVJEal (!0.,MaouloTemple,(3UCAM
l'orausuiAiiany,ur.,By j. a. iujuuxiuisanaoy uuuuj&o sicgAitiiSMJ, vruggisis,
Caatorl cores OoUc, Oonvripatlop, f
Sow StooiAoa, Marrticea, Eructation,
Kills Wotcm, gives sleep, and rromotc dt
- gestfoa, .
"Without Injurious taedtcttioa.
"For gnat) Tears I bars reoarumend
your 'OvSori,' and shall a!wya continue W
do os as it haa Invariably proiaced benefida,
Eora F. Paaunc, M. D.,
ISSi Uvci aad 5th iv. Xerw Vet Osy
Thx CsmAxra Oomtaxt, TT McaaaT Btbsxt, Krw Teas CM
of imitation
trade marks
and labels.
ft Specialty
Land Co
office at
OEEOO. w -
State street, branch cfficc tn Portlantf
acre lots at S50 to loo per
of tnetalic. clotn and wood caskets and
Living Profit.
cre of the dead a upeciattj.
ate., which Iwjljsellat
Thos. Brink
i This wonderful
guaranteed to cure nUnervouiidlaeaMa.such as Weak Memory, Loss ot !
Power, Headache, WBkefulneM, Lost Manhood, Nightly KmlMlons, Nerwu-
of no.
war In Generative Organs of either sexcanseA
, Tonthral errers, excessive nee of tobacco, opium or suov
murmur, uonsnmption or insanity. i;a d
nox. ror lift, bv mall dkiu
for SIS. by mall pre
A Meteor. A Urge majority of the
citizens of Eugene and surrounding
country beard a rumbling noise about tt
o'clock yesterday morning.and thete was
much curiosity as to what caused it.
Many at first thought it was a wagon
rumbling over a bridge, but that did not
seem possible. Others tboughtit thun
der, though it did not resemble that verv
closely, others thought it an earthquake,
and others thought there had been a
heavy explosion. Frem what we were
able to learn yesterday it was undoubted
ly a meteor that caused the disturbance.
One gentleman in this city says he saw
it, and it passed over the city from the
northwest to the toutheast. It gave a
dim light, ar.d the rambling noise fol
lowin it lasted several seconds and
could be heard to die away in the die
tance. Partita at Coburg saw it. Eu
gene Register.
Is Hk A Bilk. The Democrat recent
ly published an item from the Eugene
uuaraaoom one John Kenebam. Here
is another one on the same subject:
John Renebam, who, according to a
letter from the marshal oi Albany pub
lished in a recent isoe of the Guard,
was branded as a fraud, making a spec
ialty of bilking K of P lodges, writes a
letter from Grants Pass denying the
charge, lie claims to be a genuine
Knight, out of work and in bad luck,
and i now stopping with Wilkins Bros
at the Redmond house, waiting for
somMhinn to turn up. He refers to
Thomas Gibson.CC and F W Carroll,
P C of Alpha Lodge, as to whether he is
a genuine Pythian.
A Remo.nstbasck to county division is
being circulated in Albany and signed
by probably everybody solicited. Our
citisens area unit on tbe suliject- Were
county division put to a vote in the
whole county, as it should be before any
division is allowed at any point ot a
state, it woa:d be defeated iu all prob
ability four to one. Petitions are poor
criteriona. People sign them right along.
where they would do the oppoeite upon
a secret ballot. We want no division.
and the remonstrance to one should be
so emphatic as to leave no doubt on the
A Courageous Act. It was a sad
looking sight to see Mr Scott lying on a
stretcher to cast his vote against Mr Dclph.
The gentleman was very sick, but he came
all the way from Linn county in his si;k
bed to protect a farther reign of Dolphism.
It was a sad sight, but it was a brave and
l-oourageoos act. If Mr Dolph cculd have
leien it, it would have tangfat him a lesson.
Alter sernnsr Oreeoa tweive Icntr rear in
Itiie capacity of senator, the sad commaa-
l tarr is witnessed ot seem? a brother reDub-
Ilican coming ail tta wy from Linn
county, rhile . hardly able to stand, to
throw bis vote against Lolph. Lven Har
vey Soott might have his heart melted at
the significant spectacle. Post.
The church was crowded last niaht. Mr
Clapp selected as a text the words found
in ha 12 and 2, "I will trust and not be
afraid." "We should not trust our fears,
doubts, or feelings, but in the Ird
Jesus Ch'iet. Men often 'ail to be saved
because they trust in those tbincs which
are false and without foundation. We
should trust in God and not be afraid of
the world's laneh or sa tain's power or
I our own inability to live the Christian
life. Have faith in God.' Service a
again tonight and tomorrow night.
At the Chkistiax Chckch Latt
night Mr Lbter preached on 'The Good
Shepherd," with an Illustration on the
black-board. Me said that they that en
tered not in by the door were thieves and
robbers. Heaisosald that when Jesus
died he said, "It finished meanlnz all i
that was said bv the prophets about him
had been fulfilled. He also said that
I Jesus was trie door by which we may en
ter me loid. The sutyect this evening
will be "The Work of the Holy Spirit to
Conversion "with a scriptural Illustration.
All are Invited to attend these meetings.
Asornta ckkaxiby xsrmca was held
at the court bouse yesterday afternoon
too late for the Democrat. The Co-operative
system was chosen and stock placed
at toOW in shares of X. Committees of
three on incorporation, and one of six to
solicit stock were appointed, as follows:
N" P Payne. H Bryant and Thomas Fro
mcn. on incorporation and E W Loons v.
1 H S LasseH, H Bryant, G L Bees. C H
i Walker and fas Hunter on soliciting
stock. C L Shaw was appointed to ob
tain all information possible and 21 F
Payne to visit a creamery in operation.
Goa Up. Royal F Baker, one of
the veteran rest estate dealers of Ya-
quina Bay, was in CorvaHis over Sunday,
lie is very much elated over the Oregon
Pacific sale conSrmation. and is now
more enthusiastic than ever over Ya
qnina's future. He thinks bay property
bas advanced at least a hundred per
cent since Judge Fullerton confirmed the
recent sale to .Bonner & Hammond.
Corvallis Gazette.
At a Ptnunt Judge Fisk informs us
that a 1 per cent premium ia now being
offered for county warrants. They are
a good investment at that rate and should
have been at a nigbwater mark all tba
time for the last few years. The con
servative and economical management of
county affairs during the past bas placed
iane county on a unsocial basis tbat the
people can be proud of. fengene Guard.
In this county 3 to 5 per cent disco oat is
Look Oct. Bots. The Marshal Is
after you, and this is what it is for. A
number oi the boys of the city have been
in the habit of banging around the
depot; jumping on cars and running
aronnd in a very careless manner. The
Marshal proposes to have tbis stopped.
tiereaiter it win not be allowed, farents
are requested to lend their assistance;
but in any event there will be a quietus
put to the practice.
A Laxlau. The Eugene Guard per-
pretrates the following : An Anti Slang
League has been foimed by the young
ladies in Albany. Oregon, in taking tbe
cbair. tbe president said : "iow. ladies.
let tt be understood that we mean bus
iness. Let na show tbe people of Albany
tbat this society is a jaliali 1."
A Moment's Delay
s painful In a case of toothache, and so, a l
you note, bants Ciaus didn't watt an In
stant, but resorted to oar toothache drops
at once. Of course, he was at once reliev
ed and able proceed about his gracious
business as pleasantly as before. Don't
tool with fire or toothache, but'drop It at
once. Our prescription department Is
unsurpassed In the country. The prepa
ration of medicines Is our speclslty. We
supplement the skill ot an eqpeit pharma
cisi witn a stock ot absolutely pure and
fresh drugs, which commands the praise
ana cor.naence ot all local physicians
We also carry all the standard medi.rlne
and a full line of toilet and manicure
articles, which are just the idea for holi
day gilts.
Yob cannot
hope to be well
If you are troubled with
vonr blood Is bad. X ttm boHVx nf 8. S
ythoroughly cleanse the system, remove all I
ypuiesaud buUd you op. Ail manner of ble
Shy its use. It Is the best blood remedy on earth.
VI housamls who have used it itav mo.
"My utuod ni badlv poisoned Utt year, whlcn got my'
(Twhottr syucm out of order difested end co,t.n! tourcc
Aofsuflc-nng no appetite, no enjoyment of lire. Twottotllea
j?iyJT5WfcW orougHM e right out. ITtere Is so beuet
9. v. Viyi rcuedv forbtood difteese..
I . it. ft JOHN GAVIN. Uayton, Ohio
Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free.
swif i sraunu u., Atlanta, Us,
For Wife Beaters.
They are going for wife beaters down
in California pretty lively. The subject
is worthy of the consideration of the
justice seeking legislator. There has
been wife beatiug in Albany and there Is
said to be a man in Albany who whips
his eighteen year old daughter; well, he
is little better than tbe wife beater, and
if there are to be any laws let them
cover both cases. A punishment fitting
the case is bard to select. The Portland
Telegram dirensses the whipping post
like this: Police Judge Campbell, of
San Francisco, who, by the way, is an
ex-Port lander, has sent to the California
legislature a bill providing tor a whip
pimr post for wife beaters. Why he
prescribed a whipping post in preference
to any other obsolete instrument of tor
ture is not stated, nor ia it clear. While
the bill itself is indicative of the i ni po
tency of ordinary tine or imprisonment
to suppress wife beating, there is noth
ing to show that application of the cat-o-nine-tails,
tbe knout or the bastinado
to the husband's back would be more
effective. It would be giving him a dose
of his own medicine, of course, but the
man who ia brutal enough to 'beat a
woman is usually equipped wit h a brute's
disregard of the humiliation that would
be the whipping post's principal claim
for adoption. 11 Mr Campbell aim is will
find the whipping post trivial and insde-l
quale in comparison t some other re- i
sources oi tne past, mere is ice mumo
screw, the ducking stool, the pillory, tbe
gauntlet, the bilboes, the rack, tbe
wheel, the dipping in boiling oil, any of
which means oL' punishment would he
more efficacious as a deterrent than the
lash. If California decides to give
savagery aa inning she should not stop
ball way.
.Mr Scott Went to Salcru.
A PaxocRAT man met lion J H Scott,
of Tangent, at tbe depot this noon, on
his way to Salem to vote for U S senator.
V r Scott ought to have been at heme in
bed; he has been having a serious dose
of erysipelas and it was all he could do to
get around ; but at the earnest solicita
tion of friends, he got up and went to
Salem this noon to cast his ballot against
tbe gold bug. Though 12 o'clock is tbe
hour lor voting it was to be arranged so
it would not be taken until Mr Scott
reached the capital city.
There seems to be quite a discussion In
Salem anions' some over the origin and
existence of the devil.
Word received ttom Detroit lst night
was tnat Danlelson and Merrtlesupposed
to have been lost, bad returned home all
The Ladles Auxiliary wl.l meet sFn-
day at 3-30 In the Y M C A room. Aa-
thor for the month Is id Carl:oo. sev
eral pleasant features will be introduced.
Fran a Marshall, recently Impmened la
the county jail for assaulting Mrs Aiphine,
has Dcen held tor the grand jury in Bea
ton county for indecent exposure to school
children. Marshall's record Is a bad one.
In the whole United Slates there is less
wheat In the hands ol farmers than usual
at this time of the year. This Is probably
net true of the lliametie alley, la
Albany pailicuiarty, there Is probably
The Southern Pacific didn't have an en
gine for Mr Scott to go to Sa"em this
forenoon. Ceitalnly not. The Southern
Pacific wants Mr Dolph elected, and Mr
Scott is anti-Do!ib.
Wheat la worth k cents per bushel In
the Rogue river vaUey cow just about
the same as It is selling for at San Fran
Cisco. Few tt sny valleys la Oregon cs
show a slmillar slate of affairs. The
farmers get the benefit. The tucal carket
regulates It there.
The Multnomah de'egalioo in the state
legislature have Introduced abi'.l solely la
the interest of the Uregonlsn, evidently
Istdog to give it a rocaopoly in thai
co'inty. It should be set down 00. . It is
time the legislature gave smaller concerns
chance. The Oregonlan actually evi
denlly wants at least ail Oregon If n;t the
Children pUying at San Luis Fotosi
discovered a cavern and several men ex -plored
tbe cave, revealing an Iran chest
filled with Spanish gold coin, amounting
to over (250,000. It is believed the moaey
was placed In the cave by the t ranctscao
Mr Frank Power, of KaWm. ia in the
Miss Bertha Dodder went to Salem this
noon on a visit.
JC Ward was yesterdsy appointed
postmaster at Kingsley, Wasco county.
License was issued todav for the mar
riage of Oscar Monroe Aplet and Bose
Olive Miller.
Mr 8 H Bryan, of Tangent, will leave
on next Monday for Trinidad, Col. to re
side, at least lor awhile.
Mrs Johnson, of Weissr, Idaho, who
bas ben visiting her sister Mrs Anna
Babington Conn, left for ber borne this
Mrs Phoebe Woodford closed a suc
cessful course of penmanship lessons to
class oi twentv-n ve at Aioany i oesaay
night, and expects to return to Corvallis
mis weea. lorvauis uazciie.
rIG Hodes passed his 47th milestone yes
terday, and throughout the afternoon the
dutch" bad a high old time, lmnv
seven years ago Mr Hodes landed in Cor
vallis. and throughout the whole ot tnat
time, except a single year, bis gun store
has occupied tbe same room. Lttrvaitis
Charles Hodes. of this city, bas been
appointed deputy supreme commander ot
tbe Maccabees lor uregon. it ia an non
orable position and Charles is to be con
gratulated . He ex pects to leave in a fe
davs on a tonr of official visitation ot tue
lodges of bis jurisdiction. Corvallis
Col Frank Parker, of the Walla Walla
Statesman, passed over tbe O P tbe other
i . . i . tit i f : 1 :
uay witn iwo v aauiogiuu ibiuiucs, w
whom be bas leased two of bis Lincoln
eoontv ranches. Tbe families will go
into tne stock, iruit ana asiry cosiness.
Many strangers are moving into Lincoln
county. Corvallis limes.
The Statesman of yesterday contains
the following personals about Albany
joe ruein waiaown irom Aioany yes
J K. WeatLerlord of Albany was in tne
city yesterday.
Miss It F Hall was a passenger lor ai
banv last night.
Wallia Niih. an Alhanv attorney ana
ex-vice president of the Oregon Pacific
railroad, was a spectator at tbe capitoi
Dr Mas ton went to Portland this noon
to take out the stitches made necessary
by tbe operation upon M P Taylor, of
Corvallis, Tecently performed by him,
mention of which was made yesterday.
The Times speaking of the operation
in its issue of yesterday says : A letter
from the bedside of M P Taylor received
yesterday announces that the subject of
the surgical operation mentioned in the
Times last issue, is much improved,
with good chances of ultimate survival.
A letter from Dr Frank Cauthorn states
that the operation upon Mr Taylor was
one of tbe most desperate operations
ever attempted on the coast. It included
the removal ot 37 inches ot intestines,
and for the sake of the family as well as
in the interest of medical science it is
to be hoped that the operation may
prove successful.
The Lowest. The tax levy in Linn
county is the lowest of any county in Ore
gon yet reported. People crying for county
division should keep this fact in mind.
H ow would thev like to pay over 20 mills
instead of 14 these hard times.
Or, Prise's cream Bsunz Powder
World's Fslr IBgbsst Award.'
The Democrat has already
y mentioned !
led by Dr 0
isted by Dr
.1 il I
the operation recently performed
w Maston ot mi city, assist
trank Cauthorn, of Portland, upon llie
pa sou of M p lay lor, ot Co.-vallts. The
operation was performed at the Portland
Hospital one week ego yesterday. Tte
case is one that deserve more than a mere
mention, for the operation was one of the
most wonderful on the Pacific Coast and
probably not excelled in extent in the
United states. Dr M anion returned last
night from Portland, where he had been
and bad removed the stitches from tbe
wound, and left Mr Taylor in excellent con
dition, happy at so favorable a result after
so desperate an operation. He brought
with him the tumor that caused the trouble
and tbe resxted intestine attached, a sight
of which only increases ones surprise at the
succewful term i nation of the operation.
The editor of the Democrat assisted in
measuring the intestine, done with a st)ut
tape, and saw the figures showing the
leiifrth of ink -tine S'wwved, 4-1 inches,
inaieodoftn MH.-ut-nv as repeated. After
measuring, the intestine was inflated show
ing the true situation and relative positions
of tumor and intestine, and verifying the
fact of the impossibility of removing toe
growth alone. The whole will be placed
in alcohol to preserve it and it will always
speak for itaelf ia connection with the
operation. Tus care was Dr Maston'a and
the operation was performed by him,
assisted by Dr Frank Cauthorn. cf Port
land. The work was done in the presence
of several surgeons of Portland and the
Senior Class of the medical department of
the VV iUamette University. This opera
tion reflects great credit on the surgebos
performing it, and tbe Democrat Like
great priile in fiivinz tbe fact in the case.
as the principal in the cae ia an Albany
That's V.'hat. The man who told the
following hat a pretty fine conception of
things: Will the merchant who is wise
ever cease to advertise lev wben the
trees grow upside down; wben a beggar
wears a crown; wben ice forms on the sun;
ben tbe sorrows weich a ton; wben
secrets women keep; waen gold dollars get
too cheap; when fieh furir to snstm:
hen girls eo back on cum: wben
small boys hate a drum; when politi
cian scheme; when mince pie make
pleasant dreams; whtvi its fun te
break a t&Ab: wben all lawyers tea the
truth; when cold water will make you
drunk; wh-n vou love to sme'l a
skunk; when young people ccaie le wed;
ben the human race is dead: when the
drummers have no brass; wben these things
come to pass, then perhaps the man that's
wutj win Degcci to aarenise.
Turee Cities. Spokane is making a
big effort to overcome the effects of tie
greet boom which dropped and hardly Mt
on low death rate, high birth rate and
largest majority of girl babies, and if tt
doesn't Innir immigration what wtil. Here
are the figure:
Seattle, r-o Filiation, d-ib. 4n :
datlh raJe .7!per 1000; birtb.32I male.
9 female; tetal, 10; birth rate, ;0.16
per iO0"9:
rorUaml. population. nj.OJO: aeaibsu
$36; death rate. 10. per 1000; birtU.23
males. female, total. 44T; birth rale
.06 per 1000.
rnokaae, ttonoJaiion. SO.OM: daila.22t:
death rate, 7.4 per IOC); births.3X males.
It femaka: total. 41S: birth rate 13.9 cer
Worse Tiuue HtaE Sous Albany
people :eem to think we are ganT behind
Snancially; lit ear I he fsgnres were ahrait
$10. Kad he following about Tbe
Dalles: An examination of the financial
statement rtceetly prepared, shows that
the city is going 'into deH about f&XfQ
more each year. The outstanding warrants
now amount to gxO.3lS.4u, which, with
estimated accumulated interest ef t-VXX.
makes the municipal debt over $-Vi.(W)
This it exclusive of tbe amount of water
bonds outstanding- The aas.ed valoa
lion of city property for 1 S3 is 11,152,344.
and althoagn no levy has been made, a 3
null tax, which is tbe maximum rate. ul
doubtless be made. The city pays 92T00 a
year for its etectn: lights, but as this
mount is in warrants drawing t per cent
it makes a yearly amount of nearly XX1.
Ectebictedejct Xow. Mr Charles
Clark was ia the rrty today. Mr Clark is
now tupenotendeel ,h Oregon l aciac.
having retired as receiver except in the
settlement of mviver's amount, on last
Saturday, wben Sheriff Osborn signed a
deed transferring the plant to Bonner A
Hammond, and tbnoe geutiemen then be
came owners, and it is safe to predict will
remain to- Mr Clark is the proper man
for tbe position, and will 11 it with credit
bould it ever I extended to I bicago. 1 ne
Democsat would be pleased to see Mr
Clark wperintendent of a road named
The Albany & Chicago B. ft.
Ock Streets. A person to be disgusted
with tbe streets of Albany needs only to get
just outside of the city where the roads are
solid and traveling on easy, smooth, tiling.
Inside the limits there is simply a tucces
sien of mud noddle. Mud. niu-i. mua.
Our streets are certainly not very creditable;
bat bow they can be improved except lj
paving is not known. One way is to raise
the center as suggested by Mayor rlinn,
and this will come closer to it than any
cheap system. Something should be done
to place them in as good condition at least
as the country roads:
Ax Oreoox Coscerx. Dr Lamberson,
of Lebanon, is proving a rustler, one of tbe
kind Uie Democrat is a ways glad to see
in a community He has recently organ
ized the Anchor Medical LO ana win
manufacture tbe Liverine, a medicine
made of Ore.n roots, barks and herbs
The medicines will be mads np here in
stead of tbe barks being shipped awsy as
heretofore. The public will watch with
interest the success of this Li verine
Help Tiiem Oct. A second movement
ia being made in Albany for assistance for
the Nebraska sufferers. Tbe evidence is
conclusive that all is needed that is sent to
the western nart of the state, and Oregon
in her greater prosperity, backed by her
sore crops, may well send aid to the un
fortunate people ot a state where crops are
always an uncertainty.
"As clA M
the hills" and
never excell
ed. '"Trioa
and proven"
is tho verdict
o f millions.
Liver Regu
tt ' . luior is the
t-ip TTP1m onlv L,vor
JLJC'i'l'ti and Kiducy
medicine to
waich you
can pin your
faith for a
c u r 0. A
mild laxa
tivo, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
end Kid
- ueya. Try it
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry ormade intoa tea.
IU King of liver Medicines.
"1 have used yourMmmonr Liver Reir
latornnd can conscientiously aay It is tbe
king of all Uv.r medlolnes, I consider it m
Medicine chest in luelf. Uao. W. JACB
Wjg, Xacoma, WasbiuBton. ' ,
tha taiap In red ens Wraps
Don't Go.
A good many people are looking towards
the Sandwich Islands, and like some peo-
nlu eaut nVintv tivaw.l t 1bmh lt.t.
,wvn,u IV..MI. V1EKUU, MllUa
they can go there and pick np S3) pieces,
The following is part of a letter written by
l'rof Kit Hadiey to his brother in Kewberg
- .1 .. .1 it....
uuu En uie suuuucn in a piain manner:
"1 urn well, in fact I feel as well as 1 ever
did in my life. The climate is so nice and
pleasant; just enough rain to make things
grow nicely, and warm enough to never
need any lire and cool enough to be pleas
ant, about like last of May weather in In
diana. 1 think tbe climate couul not -be
more perfect if it could be made to order.
Everything is growing nicely and keeps
growing the year round. It is a resort for
invalids to come to that have plenty of
money, for it takes more money to live here
man u uoes in uregon. l wouia not ad
vise any one to come here unlets they bad
plenty of money or had a place to work
befora coming, for there are about a bun
dm! men to every job now, and many idle
men here.
Mr Henry, from Tualatin, Or. is here in
the city yet The times are bard here and
1 would not advise any one to come here
tlrttt can live any other place. Tbey charge
a neavy license to canvass or paddle any
place in the islands, so no one can make a
living at it and pay license, and unless one
has money to live on and plenty of it Ore
gon i a better place for him. Mr Henry
is talking of going back to the U S soon.
Tbe climate and place have done so much
for me since I have been here 1 have made
up my mind to stay another year here in
Honolulu if eveiylhing goes well. Tbe
mosquitoes are very, very bad here and
keeps one busy to keep them eff.
What Docs it Mean.
Wasbixgtox, Jan. 22. The engineers
recommend improvement oT estocca river.
Oregon, at a cost of SCOJ0. Umpqua river
ana i aquina bay are declared not worthy
of further improvement.
Now, we would like to know what this
means. On the fate of it it looks very
much as if there was a terrific slam being
made at Vaqaina. Mr Dolph would be in
better boaness if be ware back in Wash
ington earning bis 30 a day by working
for this important point in the land of bis
constituency, than in Oregon working for
In his report Mr Syraons the U S Engi
neer said ef the Yaiuisa Bay: The amount
expended during the year ending Jane 20,
1-V4. was v,e.i. Tbe results aye
prarticaliy the same as before. Tbe ineer
tear dimppemred during the year 1893. bat
has rrformeel. It has not yet become aa
actual obstruct), bat threatens to be one.
Tbe appreciations amount to ffcd.tGO.
Dr H K Beer returned thss noon from a
trip to Portland.
II K Galbert, of tbe Coivallis Times, was
in the city fcfctoy.
K L Filr and B T Ryan, of Eugene.
wi:i open a laundry in IUebarg.
Mrs D W WakeSele. of Portland, ar
rived in Albany this noon and will rscain
here several sreeka.
Superintendent Wa'aace Baldwin of ike
Soldiers bsme, passed through Albany this
B N Thompson, Brownsville's live mer
chan;, was ia the city today boand for
Jirri Wilson, connected with tbe S. P.
D. A L., at Albany has been here for a
few days. ii rant's Pas Coarier.
Mr L E Mtlkr and a friend of Sbel
barn, were in the city today. Tbey re
port a strong sentiment against county
division in any direction.
Mr Charles BedSeld. who bas been work
ing for ti W Had. on bis rt-powd Calif
forsia railroad ! now in San Francisco
awaiting dretotwment. Like all new
railroads this ooe is meeting with its ob-
A B Seal wna in Rosebcrg last Tuesday
for the last timas a"commm--n drummer."
he having been promoted to di vision super
intendent. Uis division extends from
San Francisco north to British Colombia
and east to Sooth Dakota. Mr T W Stepfc.
en will take his pLxe. RoeRirg Plain
dealer. The steamship Alcairax sailed Iron Ya
sjulna Bay for Gtey's Rarbo mon-
The Ladles Aid ef the Christian Church
ia making preparations for an Easier ba
ar. Tli overland wi'.l go through Albany
to-night for Sai Francisco on time, and is
expected to-morrow morning through
from that point, Through tickets win
hereafter be sold s usual.
A tekgrsphk communication was sent
to Senator iJawaon to-day, signed by a
number oi prominent republicans endors
ing his action lo supporting Doiph snd
urging the continuance cf tbe fight.
The Post accuse Fulton and Tongue
with advising their supporters to go into
caucaa In order to elect Dolph. and ad
vises .them to remain heme declaring
them to be the most doplsed men in Ore
gon. Chinese New Tears proper begins today;
bat fire crackers began going off last
night. The Celestials had better send
their nowder back to China with some
bullets with it. It is undoubtedly needei
there badly.
Hon T I Stiles, postmaster elect, on
Tuesday sent his bonds to Washington
with the following bondsmen: U M
Stewsrt. J O Wrltsman. W C Morgan. C
M Buikhsrt. I J Whitney. E r-srrtsi
snd Mat Scou. The bonds are for V9,ooo
and the justification $18,000.
"Mention was made a few days sgo of
the fxct that the little steamer Baby,'
which was tullt at Eugene by Mr Fraier,
had come down 10 Portland for measure
ment and Inapectlon. The iraft has been
Inspected by Captain Edwards and Mr
McDermait, ami granted the p rover pa.
pers. 'The Baby willretura to Eugene
at once. 'Telegram.
Representative Moerbead's plan for
verdicts of nine jurors Is this: "That in
all civil actions or suits in the circuit
courts of the state of Oregon tried by Jury,
s verd'.et shall not be required.
but nine jurors shsll be competent to
render s verdict In such suit or anion, and
when nine jurors In any suit or sction in
any such court shall agree on a verdict,
the same shsll be returned Into court as
the verdict of the jury, and thereupon the
jury ahall be discharged."
AttheCoxgregationai, Cucrch
Jr Clapp spoke last night from these
words: The Word ot the Lord has
been tried." The sneaker showed In
whst way the wordol the Lord has been
f ,.
3 In
tried, t. .nits histortesi record.
In and Individual life.
Its civilizing and christianizing power
4. As a djing pillow. Mr Clapp spoke
with much esrnestLess ana tenderness,
snd the congregation dispersed tn a sub
dued and thoughtful manner. Services
sgsln to-night, and on Sunday
At tuk Christian Church. Last
night Mr Lister preached on the subject,
of "The words of tbe Holy fcairit in con
version' and tonight he will preach on the
subiect of " l tie conversion of zaoctieus.
All are invited to attend these meetings.
On Sunday, the morning sermon will be
"The Foundation Doctrine of the hristian
Church" at niirht "The Best Evidence of
Wsooma wvitavioxs.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Goldenf
Common every day.
Karl's Clover Koot,the great blood pur-1
Ifier gives freshness and clearness to the
complexion and cures constipation, 95c,
oc, 1.00, rothay & Mason Agents.
Shlloh's cure Is sold on a guarartee. It
cuies Incipient Consumption. It U the
best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose.
1 5c,soj,and$i.oo. FoshayA Mason agents.
, -
I Dr G W Maston, physician and surgeon
I Calls answered promptly in city or
j country.
Highest of all in Leavening Power
A Mixture to
he Taken
in Small
Some Saturday night thoughts on
eaitoriai page.
The best man voted for todirl'or tO 8
Senator was an Mbany man.
Polk county goes Linn one better. Tne
levy baa been placed at 13 mills, the low
est yet reported. t
M V Bllveu so!d his hop croo this
weak, to Wm Fiber ot Alosny at 6li
cents per pound. Sclo Press.
Should the count v be divided on the
Browsviile petition we ids expect
the taxes ot Linn county to be raited from
8 to 10 mills Sclo Press.
The Democrat msn this i.oon threw a
snow ball made tip of California snow. It
was taken from the overland which ar
rived at noon four days late.
The Postal Telegraph company has
made arrangements to open offices st Hsr-
rlsburg snd Junction. The former wtl be
run by the editor of tbe Review who Is
also an operator.
There wl.l be a meeting of the members
oi Beulah Rebekah Lodge No 35 1 O O F
mis evening at 7 o clock to perfect the crtil
In corps work. Ali members are orged
to attend. By order of N O.
The Bank of Scio e'ected new officers
I ait week as follows; Pre A J Johnson,
Vlce-pres P O Srmth.Cashter W A Ewlng.
Director, A J Johnson. P O Smith, W A
Ewing, J H Morris and A E Randall.
Describing the scene tbat followed tbe
casting of a vote for Moore in the joint
session a paper savs: Cheers went op
from the gsUeries,ther was a tremendous
.album of applause from the floor and
lobtrte. and a wealthy aalem merchant
said, ! would give tjooo to be la that
msa a place tod ly .
Mrs Xel'ie Lambson, Supreme District
Deputy Ladies of tbe Maccabees, will de
liver a lecture In the Interests of that soci
ety at the I O O F hall In this city at 2
o'clock p m today Efforts are being
made to Institute a Hive In this city. enough
names having bees abtatned U apply fsr a
charter. Jeersoa Review.
Both Withdrawn.
The Demctrat is informed by a gentle
man just from Salem that neither bill for
the division of Linn cranty will be lntro
dwd at all, in fart that both have Wn
withdrawn and will prctably not be pro-
eesUd this session. Tbe opposition to
both bills h&e been strong and emphatic
In the first place they would have killed
each other, and in the second place the
people of the county, that is a big majority,
don t want any division. It is to be hop
ed the report is tne.
Waft n Passed. At a recent meeting;
of trackers and tvbool superintendent of
the state a oetmitte was appointei on leg
islation who were to prepare and intrxiac
in tbe lecttistare a toil charging toe matter
of granting trvat bars eerbacaW sns b
take the power of issuing certiacates out of
the bands of universities and colleges.
Among tbe members of the committee are
epposed to such a ehaa. as nader the
percent law giving them the power to grant
certi&ates their schools now have aa at
tendance which they would not otherwise
have. So tbe committee has neglected to
do anything, bet some of the school super
intendents are determined o introduce the
bill and will endeavor to secure its passage
and for that purpose Superintendent Steven
son of Lace eoontv, Rutherford, of linn,
and Graham, of Marion will meet at Salem
next week to engineer the bin. It is un
doubtedly a bill that sbsald pass. Regis
ter As Usual.. There is no reason lo be
lieve that the new Oregon Pacific will
leave Salea to one side. Indeed, there is
that in the atmosphere which tells us
Salem will be on the main l;a no branch
abcat it to tb sea. w ben tbe road is com
pleted across the mountains into Eastern
Oregon and to transcontinental oociwctim.
The new management of tbe road is ad-
rising its friends to bold onto balem real
estate. &alem Statesman, lea, and we
will hold onto Albany real estate, too-
Wben the O P gets through to Eastern
Oregon look oat for live real estate move
Freight Rates are so high tbat in
nearly every diiection it t&kes scheming to
get them down to living rates : We under
stand tbat a movement is on toot among
ear merchants, by which tbey will change
their manner of gttUng freight to and from
Portland. Thev will haul freight by wa
gon to and from Salem, and from there on
to Portland by boat. We are told that one
of our citizens will contract to deliver
freight to and from Salem at lo cents per
hundred the year round, i be rate from
there to or from Portland is $1 per ton.
A Sao Case. On Monday J Q Linch
is fined $12.50 for permitting gambling
ia his saloon. Some cf the boys seem to
have more money than they knew what to
do with or else wanted more to make some
speculative deal so they went to work on
day last weaE, using tbe erst noor et me sa-
leon building as their seen of operations,
mucn 10 uis interest 01 uystanacrs, sou uls-
satisfaction of the council. Tbe latter con
eluded to een np matters as above stated-
A Lwcols Couost. W are informed
that D P Blue, of lamina, is working up
a colonv of California people to settle in
lincoln county. The colony will consist of
five or six families, and are expected to ar
rive in the rtwine. Ilia move is a good
one, and Mr Blue is to be commended for
his enterprise if he cames the idea to a sae
cessful termination, which he no doubt will
do. Leader.
'Cuasos Cars." Nay: Nay: Not if
UlAVI V1I3, .' - -
you cate tbe trip east via the Unit
ciuc System. No change to Chicajj
but one change to New York, 1
igo and
change to New 'ork. Boston,
Philadelphia and other eastern cities
Time three and one half days to Chicago
and four and one half days to Jew 1 ork.
Ccrren MowatTH, Agents
v nion raciuc a iv.
Albany, Or.
An lAhsolute Cure.
The Orklnal Abietlne Ointment is
put u? In large twooanc tin boxes, and It
an absolute cure for old sores, bums,
wounds, chipped hsndsand all skin erup
tions. Wilt positively cure all kinds of
piles. Ask tor the Original Abietine
Ointment. Sold by Foshav & Mason at
7$ cents per box, by msil So cents.
jr. Price's Cream Baking Pow&t
Host Perfect Atada.
Whew Baby was sick, we gave krr Castarie.
When she was a Ckiid, she cried tor Caatorla.
Kfceo she became Kfce, she cluna to Castoria.
Wfcea sk had CWldron. she gave themCsatoria
Dr. Price's Cream tiakins: Powder
Awarded Cold Medal MM Water Fair, $aa FrancUco.
Latest U.S. Gov't Report
You Can Here Keep Track of Your
1- i-lcnd.
Miss Roscoe, of Portland, formerly of
Albany, is in the citf.
Mr Charles Monteitb. of Spokane, arriv
ed in Albany this noon.
Miss Viola La port left this noon for
Salem to visit friends at tbe Mute school.
Mrs M L Dorris and Miss Tiilie Dorria.
who have been visiting relatives at Mc
Minnvilie, returned home Wednesday. In
dependence Enterprise.
Hon E B IJcElroy, who is to resume the
chair of Eigli-h literature at tbe State
University on February tas$ed Lh return
Albany for Ealem this noon.
Mr Sherman Thompson bas sold bis
handsome residence property in this city to
MrChas Fronk. the b Y agent. Mr
Thompson has rented Mr J A Grosm,eiegant
toouruan orchard and gardens and today
moved upon the place, which he will here
after have charge of.
Col Parker, of the Walla Walla States
man, who came over from the Bay. this
noon reports that logs are being rolled in
to the Little Elk against the laws of the C
S doing damage to tbe stream and affect
ing navigation in tbe Bay.
Tbis weeks Harriiborsr Review contains
th following Personal: Miss Edna
Mackey returned to her borne at Albany
but Saturday after spending a few days
with ber father at this place. B Stockman,
manager of the Red Crown flouring mills
at Albany, was ia this section baying wheat
last Friday and Saturday. Chas Canter is
spending,the week with relatives in Albany.
Miss Emma Borkhart returned last week
from a three week's visit to Albany.
Mr and Mrs J A Gross bave'things run
ning smoothly already at the Ashland
Depot Hotel. Mrs Gross gives tersoaal
supervision to th dinning rcom and kitch
en. In tbe latter department white coots
have taken the places cf the Chinee em
plored there for a long time. Geo V end-
ran of Albany has trken a position with air
Gross in tie hoe. Mr Gross' wide ac
quaintance over Oregon and akmz the line
of the railroad to San Francisc. and his
well known ability as a hotel manager, in
sure his success at the Ashland Decot HoteL
Will Carlto.
Tbe Ladies Auxiliary of the T 31 C A.
held their regular monthly Uterary Tester-
aay itn:on. it wss one ot tbe most en
joyable in tbe history of the auxiliary, and
added to th bonds that bind a good' num
ber c4 Albany ladies together. The pro
gram had til Carlton at its bead. Miss
Mildred Bormester real a well written life
of the poet. Mrs Hsrknen gave a reading
of "The Christmas Baby that was Appre
ciated''. The ladies quartet, Mildred Bar-
mester. tenor. Mrs K attic?, sooraso. Min
nie McFariand alto, and Mrs W S ihomp
son,bafa, were heartily appreciated. Mrs
Overman gave a combination ef CariLm
titles, and Mrs C II Dah-rmpie read with
excellent effect 'The Boy "Convicts" stary.
The program dosed wii the nsoal en joy-
aoie inouuens. 1 oen came a deacDus tsa
of deiicate sandwiches and tea in small
service, conferring great credit on tte com
mittee. - AiU.-ccaasrEt.ixE AIR.
The dime social given last r-isrtt by
MCA was tbe beguuiing of senee ot
monthly socials for the purpose of ceding
oar young men and women more thorough
ly interested in the aseociAli-n. Tbe rooms
vrere filled with crokinole boards, cLess,
bean bags, pircheesa and other games and
a bveiy time was had frora toe tergicniag i
Daring the evening a program wis readr
ed that was first diss m every detail. Tbe
college quartet. Meters McColloch. Bryant,
Aitermatt and Emmett were given a" live
encore, to which they did cot respond.
M Us Arlen Train was beard ia a recita
tion rendered with splendid enunciation.
and npon an encore, responded with a
bamorocs GAR seJectioa that brought
hern volley of arr4aose. Four col ece
student. Messrs W iliiams, Bryant, Mc
Cully and Emmett gave "The Manager
in Trouble, a comic opera affair, in cos-
tome. Bryant and McCuiiy representing
the ladies, that was one cf the best amateur
hits ever given in oar city. Ibe young
men are a soccesa. Nearly one hundred
were present said the opinion was unani
moos as to tbe success cf the affair.
Money To Loan.
1 hare money to loan on good farm
land In Linn and BeJton counties in
sums not over $3000. No delays In fur
nishing tbe coin. Call osCu Burkhan.
Albany, Oregon. Also money to loan on
Qtv properts-.m any amount on long tun
at a low rate of Interest.
Make No Mistake.
By dispelling the aymotoms so often
mistaken for Consumption. Santa Able
has brovght gladness to many a house
hold. Br lis prompt use tor breaking up
the cold that too often develops into tbat
fatal disease, thousands can be saved from
aa unrtmelv grave. You make no mistake
by keeping a bottle of this pleasant
remedy In your house. California Cat-K
ure is equally enective in eradicating an
traces of Nasal Catarrh. Both of these
wonderful California remedies are sold
and warranted bv Foshay & Mason 50 and
ft a package, 3 for $2.50.
Prescriptions fillcJ at Dawson's
Brines comfort and improvement anc
tends to personal enjoyment wher
rightly used. The many, who live b
tor than others and eujoy life more, wi
less eipenditare, by more prompv
adapting the world s best products U
tli needs of nhvslcal being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in. the
wmMiv- Svmn M Fioa.
Its excellence ia due to its presenting
in th form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanenuy curing coiisupauuu.
Tt baa riven aatiaf action to millions and
met with, the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
nava. T.iver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
8vruo of Fics is for sale by all drug
gist ia 50 cent bottlee, bat it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Ua. only, w bose name is pnntea on every
package, also the name. Syrup of Figs,
and being well infertned, you will not
accept any rubsutute 11 onereq.
W.L. Douglas
Mw JtiWiesfTrro akingv
. cordovan;
43 M fm Zhj iKWCASCl
- rxruA riKe-
Over Oft JKillloel efls wear tbm
W. L. Dongas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
TJsy gl ve tba beet val a tor tb snoaey.
Taey tal caestoen sboes la style and tit.
Taetr wearlag ejaatttae are wnsarpassaJ.
Taw price ere w,. rtaiped n sese.
Fraecti t S3 eaveal aver wtlaer aukea.
If yvr dtakrciiaX aopiy jMiwecia. bold by -
Caked &. Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly tohe Very
Seat of Pain and
' Ousts it in a Jiffy
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang; 1 Jniirrnt cortqms
-Kakev nasi Beast wrrft
A Sovereign Renec
rf tcTKroat Q-zX &zd Lvr.s.
st, X. c its; 8 ran sa rtiTt tsuu. :
Is ened mailer poeiavw vnttm oarau;e l r
aatbarisM acenta nauy. to care W eaa NeaBor; ;
Liaescet Brain and Xervw f ats. lees Haafaeou:
Qmekaase: Kurht 1 mun, I nl Dnaues: Lawa cm!
CW&desM: XervocMaewa; laasiRKSs: ail bru;
laoascet rVwwretbtioeTabvw Camaaia ciuit
erL taaeea by aver-exertwe, lootMoi knvra, t
Exeeeeavw Use of TobactKa, Opiaa ear Lujcor.
sshicfa ssada .a Stimrv. fenuiKHa. lxt&)
aria tassin oy cuuu i a
Jv t-
wfttteai imituitew
care or
IS -H?. .
aaauMe pacaaaw. coctaio in c uvw
i7 weatsL'.
On ivu
with fall inattrncuoBa, & evens.
ocMjsutd toeaca parsoa by mail.
J A Camming, sole agent, Albany.
Smo!fs iMr;
$syays tmraHw vmxt tor Xwr
. IsKJsSX CSTsUa Ktan.sisa,v w-.
swcisvl cr gewrsxl NsMr:tx. mjd j
wswtrMn, Ovac, hLiajtucy lhm.-s a- -:
1 IswT immL
1 5 1 S. Westers Avscaa, Hi-jt ;
Sold by all druggists,
L A D E R rx xoc ssT?
OR. t tUX LE BRUP'3 -
sim pd mmm fus.
aratbaoriruaal and only FSFSCH. esfsand re
hahiaenre oa (be market, rrka e eefit t
- UeaBuweua.laaiy ay .
I A Camming, sole sgenT; AlNiv'
ro i-TsB srr.
J A Cummrng, sole agent, A!l ir v .
Red Crown RollerIim
Bast flour tor familY'isd.bakera a v.
Dr. Price's Cream IiaV
World's Fair ttlsb
f Vic-
-akk aa. aiiiianafc i.eei'J
Tm "aTqa ina aae taaasa
a tt..-,.
II" M. S
3aajewawaB3sss ,hJ'-,T