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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1895)
). it k I CO. K. MeNEILL, Kejeiver. TO THE GIVES IHK CHOICB O TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN PACIFIC VIA VIA - DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY SPOKANE MIKKEAP8LIS AND ST. PAUL LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN ICIT1FA OCK AN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS roa .. SAN FRANCISCO For tall details o!l on Cuxbas & Montkith, Albany, Or, os address; ' . WHHURLBllRT, PORT! AND, OR. Poor Weak and Weary EVSothers 9 Raise 3 Puny, Pindling Children. Sulphur Bitters Will make them Strong, hearty And healthy. i: & !Vind 1 S-eent stamnt to A. P. Ordwav & Co- fty, Ifaas for beat nedieal work pahiishnl has F Oi'iM. H C Parne, B C Roos Beeeivtn. ORTHERN m PACIFIC B, R. IT 3 Pullmaa Sleepins: Uars, Elegant Dinig Gars. Tourist Sleeping Cars- St Paul Minneapolis Dnlnth . Fargo, TO . Grand Forks Crook a ton Winnipeg Helena and Bntte THROUGH TICKETS.ii.t TO Chicago Waaliington Philadelphia New York Boston and all Points East and South For information, time carde, maps and tickets call on or write O G Barkbart, Aifent. Altmn7. Or. Or A D Charlton, Agst Gen Fass Agt, Portland, Oregon. , -. DOLLARS PER I.10NTH in Your Own LocAurf made easily and honorably, without capi tal, during your spare hours. Any man. woman.boy, or girl can do thfe work hand ily, without exjerience. Talking ra necessary. Nothing like It for moy .naking ever offered before. Our worKera always prosper. No Mrae wasted is learning the boshjess. We teach yea In a night how to succeed from the flrtf hour. You can make a trial without ea pense to yoarsclf . We start yon, fnrnisV everything needed U carry on the bus Ccm sriccessfully, and guarantee yo fiftainst failure if yon at lollovr ou' pimple, plain instructions. Reader. 1 yon arc ui need of ready money, arx, wnnt to hsosr all about the best paying business befor the public, send ns yo" audress, and we will mail yon a tii-s. Kent giving yoa all the parocularJ 1RUE& C0., Box4009 . Augusta, Malnd. Street Railway Time-Card The car will leave' corner of Firs' laJ Washington streets as follows: 7-40 a m for Lebanon train. 8:15 " " Orohan't Home. - ' 11:30 " " N00.1 train going north ; 11:15 p m for noon train going south. 1 " ' Lebanon train l;n " Orphans ITume. . 4" " ' ': - - 9:55 ' Overland train going south. For Orphan's Home on , Sunday car leaves at 2:30. 3:30 and 4 3 p nr. The car will -also meet all interning trains on Ihe Oregon Pec'.fic railioad. C G BUBKHAHT. Portland, Orfrffon. A. P. Armstrong. Prin. auch School : CprTAL Bus. Colm Salem, (trrvrr. hame cou.-wa of study, taiue tMH oi UliUoa Iinsiness. Shorihand, Tyfirwrhiwr, Pentaxhifi, and K-tglifk Departmtr i at-ln wt3ion throuGhm-'1 tbe veu;. Students a'itt. at Atiy time. u lotf-ia ituiu cltiicr acaoot. fr Mi The new vegetable shortening:. Wherever introduced, it drives lard from the kitchen, and indi gestion from the household. It has been tried by every test, 'and has met every requirement. 1 It is as muchsuperior tolardas tha 'electric light is to the tallow-dip. The only question now is, will you give your iamuy tne Denena In composition, in healthfulness, in flavor, or in economy. . Its success has called out a'lot o imitations and counterfeits made for the sole purpose of selling: -in the place and on the merits of Cottolene. Avoid them all. They ore made. to sell and they axe a sell. . Get the genuine CoxTOUSNS. , 6oU la S ud I papod PA. Mad only by T The N. K. Falrbank Company, ST. LOUIS and Calears, " tw Tart, aston. Oregon Pacitic CBAS CLABK, t eeelver . Direct Lire- - Quick iSH-tch I om Freight Kates. nnj:U i; ith steam, Homer betwsea T qnlnaaal in Frrieo. aoa sa naxcaoo Ham salts Faby Xh Mux S, WJt, aad Homers s F.b iV-h atsrjfe T, 17, aad STtb. ps rtmmissf iWBRrrca the nznl 1 ',.,. alllns rint-oa without notice. -For freieut and paanenxer rale appl to any agent. ChartesJ HsBdrra. 8on 4 Co. So 1 e S Marx S; Sm F.-:ioj Cs CVark recdTer. Corranis OT.-jow Savaxxah, N.Y., March i3th, 1894. Messrs. S. C- "Weias & Co.. Le Roy, N. Y. Gentlemen I was pronounced by toy home physic tan -as having tubercolosis, and I went South without any apparent Denent , 1 was recommended to use j Sluloh's Consumption Care, and its .results l-ve been wonderful. I cheerfully recommend it to any one suffering from lung trouble. - " J.til5 W. C-OSS. "Teaching is tee noblest art but the orrieet trade." TENTH ANNUAL SESSION STAIENOSIM. SCHOOL MO 310 1'TIl OU EGO) A training school for teachers, theory and practice combined. Strong professional course and wel equipped model school. Thorough preparatory and academic course. ... NormaL Advanced Normal , B usiness, Music and Art Departments. Light expenses. Board and lodging, books and tuition ; not above $150 per year. v' j The town of Monmouth hasa beantifu and healthful location in the very hear of the, Willamette Valley twelve miles south west of the State Capital. It has no saloons. r -The Normal Hchool diploma entitles one to teach in any county in the state without any further examination. Grad uates command good positions. Expenses. Tuition per term 'of ten weeks; Normal $6.23; Sub-Normal $5; Commercial $8.25. Board and lodging. Boardat Normal Dining Hall $1.75 per week ; furnished rooms, with fire and ght, fitrn $1.00 to $1.25 per week, card end lodging in private families $3.00 to $3.50 per week. Vitality and growth have always char tered the work of the Normal School, he coming year promises to bo one of he best in its history. CatalogttBs cheerfully sent on applica tion. Address 'PL Campbell, President, or W A Wann, Secretary of Faculty. . OlllClCEri RHS1HQ PAYS if yon use tbe Petatfuaa. lacauasera m Brooders. Make money while other are wasting tune rry 01a processes, old processes, iff P ru escribes every Vj 3 Illustroteil 1 1 reeded for tneJE Catalogue Ul it, aim desu article needed poultry business. The "ERIE" mechanically the best wheel. Prettiest model. 'We are Pacific Coast Agent. Bicvcla cata- kwue.maUedlree.eives tall description .pricee. etc.. aokitt WAirrBS. FETALUMA DtCUBATOS CO., Petalum,Cal. i Bramcu HotjbB, a3i 8 Main 6t-, Los Ancelea. FOUND. Y Lowellyan rette.-. Call at O A Arch -bald's and secure prop erty fin : . ,r-"i Elites jar tT aStaa aaa mm $ The" esrth' attraction ot ferity -i t'.tonger in oceanic Island than in the in terior of continents, a remit it it suppose', ol tlie greater cooling of the crust under the ., the average density being thut made greater t'lan on land, notwithstand ing the lightness of water. Senator Dawson has Introduced bill providing (or allowing deductions for In debted nets when the tax paver It assessed. ly. Now, let the Senator introduce a bill rere ading the mortgage tax law and work with zeil to secure their passage, and his work will receive the approval of the people oi hU county. Coffee has been found by a German in vestigator to posefs marked germicidal properties. Pure coffee of the ordinary strength in which it is utilized as bev erage killed choler bacilli In three hours and typhus bacilli in twenty-four hours The ant i-bacterial substances seem to be developed in the coffee bean by the roast ing process. In congress yesterday the I oue ways and means committee decUed to report to the house Wilson's bill to remove the t 10 ot a cent per poand differential oa sugar imported f rum countitcs having expOf I bounty, which has elicited protests from Gero.any, Austria and other nations, and the rtpeal ot w hich was recommended by the president. No act ten nt taken on the bill to increase the tax on beer That simple pressure when 11 la very great and long continued, is capable of pro ducing effect ordinarily obtainable only by beat has been shown in many ways, POUbly by the experiments of Spring; the Belgian chemist, who demonstrated aeveral years ajo that two or more metets could be forced thus to form an alloy at a, temperature be low their fusing points, and that chemical combination could be icdnced by simitiar methods. . Judge John if Elliot, of Arkansas, to charging the grand jury at Arkansas City In that state rpoke af the recent triple lynch ing of Luke and Richard W a.hington and llenry Clay Robinson, all colored, tar the brutal murder of R C Pxtton, a prominent shite merchant, and demanded a rigid in vestlgalioa. He emphasized the fact that justice would have been meted out by 'he court had the Uw beta permitted to take Its course, and denounced the action oi the mob in defeating the end of justice. The Orennian Is much shocked because the republican paper in the state that oppise the election of Dolpb apply such epithets to him at "cold," "an Iceburg," -'a mooJy aristocrat he has "a stony face,1 and "aa Arctic demeanor," acd is frequent If referred to as "hi whiskeis. These people, the Oregoni-n should Jinow, are safely intrenched In this cojise, behind the a Moilous example of the Otegooian itself i Let one sIcd a moment aad call to miadV the course ot it.e OregonUa ta appljing to ClevcUad. Wilson, Pfler and o-bers whose conr,; it ,lid not endorse and be wiil nnd I atai.Ie ius'.ifi.-ailn let the course of those papers ia the example of fb Oregonlan itwlf. By i'eewn coorte that paper esrorped fn.m in:erro ine artobiect)on to or cntkism of, the tonne of the npoblicaa papers that oppose Dolpb. The highest railway bridge of any kind in the world is the Loe River viaduct on the Antofagasla Railway, in Bolivia. South America. The place where the structure has been erected is over the Me'-o rapids in tbe upper Andes, and between the two tide of a cano.i, whicb 1 titua'ed tea thousand feet above the level of tbe PaaiSc Counting from the surface of the stream to the level of the rails, this celebrated bridge is exactly six hundred aa thirty-tlx and and one-half feet in height. Tne length of the principal span is eighty feet.and the distance between abutments (total length of bridge) is eight hundred and two feet. The largest column is three hundred and fourteen feet two inches long, and the bat ter of the pier, what la known to bridge builders as "one in three." Trains Croat tbe bridge at a speed of thirty miles an hour. Christ Will Come In April, 1901. An English scriptural prophet, figuring from the writings of Daniel, and the book of Revelations, give tbe following as the coming "prophetic events" which widtake place between January 1, 1895, and April, 1901, the date he has set for the end of the world. If tbe first is fulfilled you had bet ter make arrangements to square accounts by All Fools' Day in the year last above named: Ascension of 144,000 living Christians to I heaven without dying on March 5, 1893. A scion of Napoleon will massacre 10,000 Christians between Augnst 14. 1897. and January 26, 1901. Christ will descent? to earth, and the millennium begin first week of April, 1P01. A. New Cure For Appendicitis. Of lalo years a fearful dread has gone abroad that every one who eat't fruits with small seeds in them is pretty sure to run the rik ot ding a fearful death by appen dicitis, or be forced lo underga a danger ous operation. So strong has this dread taken hold of the public mind that thou sands refuse to eat small fmi's when seeds have to be ea'en with them. Grapes are always pitted by them, and blackberries, and even raspberries, with their small, in sidious seed', are taken entirely from the bill of fare The fact it that appendicitis occurs very rare y, and the percentage of p:op'e , who eat fruit with seeds in them that are caught is insignificantly small. When the complu'nt does seize one it it not necessary to resort to an operation, except in eeyere casee, nor is it absolutely neces sary to die- The latest and most success ful cure it to administer internally from ono to two ounces of tweet oil every three hours until the pain and fever are relieved. Tbo seed which causes the trouble irritates the muscular tissue to that congestion follows, and this may soon cause inflammation of a very serious character. Sweet oil, admin istered in time and faithfully, allays' the inflammatory condition, reduces tempera ture and relaxes the tension of tbe muscu lar coating of the intestine ;tnd appendix. Besides that it take seed or all foreign substar ces wlib it, ard effect a complete cure. Ibe patient thou hi ho kent In bed and poultice should bn applied very hot over ih3 tet of p-iu. Yaukee Blade. A butterfly supposed to be thousand' cf jrjars o'd was found dormant under a ; rock in California and removed to tne Smithson ian Ins ltuilon. When discovered.its wings were fcrolr3 Vlveld. ' and thrr-s Wfre wrinkles In lt an'ennre. , The fly eater o( Cuba can iv s iu a work ing thimble ' '-, ' ; '' ' :- ' Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder . Awarded Ootd nudal Wdwinter Fair. San Prandace. The Issue of Treasury Relief. Whether the President la accurately re ported or not, the statement attributed to him at to hit extra session Intentions indl -cates what ought to be his policy. The relief of the Treasury Is not a patty but a national necessity. II this Congress cannot or will not provide fsrlt.there should be no Inst of time in 'summonlr.g the next Congresa to do to. 1 he protection of the Treasury and the national credit it tiiuch loo vital a matter to be trifled with, and to postpone it will be lo trifle with it reckless The matter is perfectly simple. The rev enues of the government are temporarily insufficient to meet Its expenses. The re lalt It that the gold reserve is constantly depleted and must be frequently renewed. The only means the Administration hat of doing this is by the sale of 5 per cent bonds of long term, thus increasing the national debt in lime cf prace and rendering the In crease one that must endure for many needless years to come. It Congress will not proviJe a better way the Administration must protect the national credit in this way. It the Demo cratic majoilty In ibe present Congresa vill not do a duty to obvious and t j Imperative the matter mutt be referred to the Republi can Congress whkb is to succeed it. But In regular course that Congress would not assemble until seat December and could not act for at least a year to come Meantime the national debt mut be largely increased, and worse tttll this ques'ion, which has fro per ly nothing to do with, par ti: mutt Invariably entangle itself with thepartisan Issues of tbo next Presidential election, wit's the probable result of post poning the relief required until 1897. - This Democratic Coegrct hat the power- the obligation and the opportunity to act'- If it fails it will confess lie Incapacity and discredit its patricwicra. In that event the President's duty will be clear to call an ex tra settlor. i March and to ask the Repub lican majority of the Fifty-fourth Congress ta do what the Democratic eaahrty of t Le c ljhylhlrd Congress failel lo do. The power and tbe responsibility He wt-h Congresa. The country watts to see If there arc enough of brains and leadership there to meet the emergency. N Y WhlJ. The ssurce of the Mississippi River bat long been a question that perplexed geog raysie'a almost a much at tbe old ques- i on t the source of the si Kile 3 Atterleaa proUesa hat si last been to'Ttd. Dr Elliot Cooes has returned from an exploring expedition intended to solve this perplexing problem . It has been sup posed that the source of tbe Mitsiatippi River was in the meet northerly of the lake which are so numerous around its bead waters. Bat Ir Coue finds that there are still more northerly feeders of these lakeland the largest of these be has traced to its source. It is a small spring sending forth a stream eight inches wide and two inches deep. But now that this source of the Misisippi ha been discovered, there conns alu the knowledge that the Missouri is really the larger and longer river, and its source it the one that ought kU give name to the giant stream that divide oar country into East and West, but unites it North and South. Tbe Mississippi above St touts u shorter than hat been thought, while the Missouri is longer. There two riven, with tbe Ohio and ibe Arkansas rivers farther scu'-b, drain aa empire de- fined to be richer than any like client cf territory on this plancL Tbe demand of Canadian seal poachers for $125,000 damages for injuries done them by stopping their illegal work may be less than the count would award, hnt we ought not to asrume this. Part of thi claim is ia excess of ibe value nf vessels seized and .'.(kin forfeited. Ia other words, we art) to be cabled upvn to par dirxaget to the poacher for in jury to a bosincs which the commission decided was always illegal. and which is strictly prohibited for the future. That part of the poachers' claim we thould fight a long as possible. Tbe Government has some dignity to maintain, and it cannot be altogether governed by a question of dollars and cent, as an indi vidual citinn might be. We ought not te seek peace by conceding o-r liabilities to damages on tbe points wherein the com mission decided in our favor. On these points we should probably win a second time. If the compromise is made it thould Include only pay far what cor crotsert act ually seised and destroyed. Uatsiu at Clay bas engaged a govern st to give his young w'fs lessons in de partment, music acd the ordinary branches of learning. Mrs Clay Is only fifteen years old sttd has little more than tbe rudiments of an education. She hat had abcolu'ety no advantage of society. Mis Martin, tbe governess, ia expeded to make a finished lady of he, and for this she U to be paid a liberal salary. The Clay live a retired life at White Hall. Mr Clay ha been visited by none of the neighbors, and neither she nor ber sged huskand leaves the house. Tboy have few servants. The young wife has been at tending to the cooking, aa she did before hr marriage. Gen. Clay is as devoted lo era ever. CTbe beneficial effects of filtration of the water tupply, says the Medical Neat, Oct 9 seem to be strikingly shown by tbe experi ence of Girard College. Philadelphia. This is loca'ed in the district which has been for some years supplied by direct pumpage that is, the Schuylkill water Is thrown directly into the pipes. The typhoid death rate for 1393 was quite high in that dis trict, although apart from the bad water the sanitary conditions are very favorable At Girard College, however, there Is bat little of the fever in a population of over 1500. All the water supplied to Ihe insti tution Is thoroughly filtered. The anti-toaine for difhlherla vat suc cessfully used on a seventeen-ytar-o'd ltd st New Haven, C last Sunday , HU condi tion was critical before the remedy wat ap plied, and the physican telegraptiod ta Mew York for a supply of antt-toxine. The pa tlent recovered with marvelous rapidity after two applications. The SU'e Board of Health of Connecticut has appointed a sommiitee to ask the Legislature for $15,000 to establish an antl-toxine station. A vibrating helmet for the cure of ner vous headaches hat been dovlsed by a French physican. It Is constructed of strip of tteel, put in vibration by a small electromo tor which makes 600 tutnt a minute. Tl a lensation which it described si not anpleaa ant, produces drowsiness; the patient falls asleep under its Influence and awakes to find that the ptln hat ceased. The custom of holding funerals at night it eald to be growing steadily in New York, where there appear to be no Uw lo prevent them. In Boston there it so ordinance Which prohibits the burying of stiead body at any other time than between sunrise and sunset, except by special permission . ' In Corinth, about the time of Christ, figs brought two cents. 30 Washington Letter. Frsm esrryjular Correspondent. WAsnixoTOW, Jan. 14, 18o5. UI10 rainbow which your correspondent thought lie taw through the clouds in the democratic sky last week was amirsge. There rift In the cloud. .nd tan- gutne democrats thought the rainbow was juat behind and that the Ions storm wot over; that the tun was again about to thine upon a united democracy. But evenwhile rancmtuliifinna mor lislnir xrha.nmd tha - - d rut wat closed, darkness asaia prevailed. 1 and the storm desnon wat again supreme in the black and lowering clouds which throud (lift futnrunf ill a damneratifl Dtrtv. Sectary Carli.le wat ntlurally diatp- , a . . ... . l u pointed that forty-odd democrats thould nave jotnea with the recubiicant ami pop- uiittt to prevent Lit currency reform bil from reaching a dit vo-e in ihe House c. t , , , , , , wiwr 11 nau oecn approvta oy uvmucrwuc caucus, but he spent no time in "trying over spilt mlik" hi isn't that sort of a ws n. .1 . k-t.,i. . ., .. .... . iu wurs tu iFcerrain me reuaun iur lum democratic opposition end wbelher it wat possible to overcome It. Hit investigation -.,i 1 :. . k-i:. ,,-.,, encouraged him to believe that a currency oiu can yet be pawed and ne it now en- KKed in perfectinir it and expects to tub- mit it to the House committee in a few I . - - .:.i. j..:,..- nnM..t eV iys '"t - r- I in watumeiesxantwerioiuenew ot wall btreet rumor concerning setretary 1 Carlisle's rcaignatlon. Democratic Senator. s'ao trying to arrange a currency reform bill that can be passed, and tbe .senate t inance committee, preBtiog byibe experience of tbe House , . , . . . Banking and Currency eommtUee, which reported a bill before ascertaining the sen- timent of a inaiorUy of the House towards I :ti . i nn i,;n nnt;i it - -i i one that it certain to past the Senate, if that is possible- I Certain Senators are waatiag valuable t;m. t. i .r. .nnnr;. I . f . W " is no prooabi'ity ot meir succeas, out en if the appropriation failed, the tax would till be collected; tbe only differenoe being that with the appropriation made the tax wilt be easier collected. The suspicion it gaining ground that the real object it sot to defeat thi appropriation bat to kill time and thus prevent other tgialaien. The Hoot Kara! Commit' basla ttritar tjstjt-I ft ft Utiifesg ft Wtr-ethlp rcojieJ by ttatkuf Herbert shall be presided fr in the Naval Appropriation bill shortly to be reported to the House. Again pressure it being brought to hear upon Prestder-t Cleveland to tend a special message to Coogre, urging the necessity for financial legislation at th? prevent tion, but he ha not yet cocsented to do to. because be ha not been convinced that it would do any good. A number of minor official connected with the Land Office may toon find ibem- selves dropped from t'ee'e Samuel's pay roil, because of their bavicg engaged ta a little srhjrce to raie money to pay the e peosea of a lobby which was to try to defeat the hgt'atim necessary to carry out Sec retary Smith's recommendations conoern- ing changes in the Land Otfi'. The Sec retary ha publicly howa bis disapproval of the scheme, which ha only lately brought to his attention, and intimated that be thought the ffaod of the service de manded the d'smissal of those actively en raged In working it up How tftt'e It take 10 build up a Wash iigtow smtatioa my be ja-4gei from sum pxpie seeing, or pretending to see. ia d'ntrrr given to Joe Jencron, the acor, by Secretary Larrion!, a few cv.-oirrgs agv. movent! lor a n3w-rartiio financial bill in Congre. The only reaon fur such belief was Ihe ariecdaace the dianer of a nambcr of prominent republican's and dem ooat, including Secretary Cariitle, attor ney Geaeal O'ney, Chairman Wilson, Sen ator Hilt aad Kepresrna lr EvtreU among tbe democrat, and Ex-speaker Reed. Seea tor Morrill, Shctrnaa and Hawley among the Republican. It teems a piy to destroy such sa interesting s:ory, bat it can be slat ed open the very best authority thst the guest at thi dinner were, usual ia sack cases. Invited becsae they were known to be persoodl friends ot toe guest cf honot Mr Jeflefaoa aad no: wi h any IJea of snaking the dinner a Isxtvi' In the Congress lioeal sit sa'ioQ. Cnr of the Eye. Mother J do not always realise how im portant a part the eyes play lo tne genera heal h of their children. For examplr.tnany would never cosrect a atoraaci trouble, naasea an! appirent Indigestion with an imperfect ejt focus, but ocu'iste meet these case every dav. Lste'ya young woman has been rel'evtd from all the svmloms of nersou pros tra! ion by a ptlr of carefully selected g!ac. A chi:d of tea suffered persistent ly ith a headache just over the eyes: tonics were prescribed. Sod she wa taken from tchool.sil to no ports', till her sight wss teste I. There was the irouLle, and sp :cuclci were the remedy Every mo'he' s'iculd mskc a few rul.s in thi matter alw no transgression uf them. Ih no, let childten read in he owrateg k(tra th alaava has beaa wasrre4 atom it eye. Never read by a failing light. If study nitisi go oa by gaslight, and this should not be allowed if partible lo prevei I provide each ch;ld with one of the '-heap brown or green cardboard shades to be had from ttalioner. A yel'ow shaJe should cover an electric light used to retd by. Do not allow children 10 fall into the essv and Injuriout habit of rubbing the eyes at any unusil sensation In them. Give them tbe old rule rub the eye with the elbow only, because you cannot . .. t At the Bombsy Zj-j'oilci! Uirdeni the skin of a tea serpent sixty-four feet in length i on exhibitior. Bhdt n by developing about tbrre timet tt much horse power per pound of weight at man. Pottagt stamps sre gummed by a stare n paste made from potatoes. Special announcement. Owing to the Increased demand for Crayon Portraits I have decided to put In a portrait and frame department, so It will not be nen. esiary to send work to Chicago cr San Francisco. I have a skilled artist to assist in finishing my crayons, and positively guarantee satisfaction. Tinkle the pho tographer. Don't Trade with Conn & Huston Unless you want goud groceries ahd produce a, the lowest prices and first class treatment. You can cct them there. They are open early and la'e to serve the piiouc, ana a trial will convince any one of the tact, Albany Marls net, 30o Oate, JOo -Flour, $9.00. Butter, 20?. . Egaa,S5c.: Lard, 12 to lie- Pork hams,l2 to tSe; rhonldere,t,r010ci te. it to ISo. Hay, baled, "otaloe 21K A ! ,, 1 ' J ' ' ' M THE SALE CONFIRMED. Bonner & Aammond Now Own the O. IV - CoRVAtus, Or, Jan 19. The old 0 P it told and out of it misery and everybody he" a look of satisfaction. Judge Fuller- &i!S $i00.Oi1Q. . Attornevt Nash and ttVnr!-.i.rfrd ma,l objection on the ground that the amount n-.l ) !.:- 1 j n. 1 11 '. 1 uu, uiu uvg vgg 1 igov VDSl Will e aono, What Will Be Done? I tr-ill .1 n n . . - . ,. " That a.a u ?',u "V't unlay. Tbatuependt. If Walls Nash appears with $..000 It will not be. Will tit appear, it Is nr.t known in this city vnjaq a. a man teiearapled Jada-a Fall op ttom 46 Broad street. Sew York snai in case 01 an extension or time lie would appear and bid flW.OCO. Will he do to. If neither appears then Judge Fulterton will undoubtedly confirm the he following from the Daily MiflM,iM published at Mr Bonnert home. Is Ol IntCrett s "Whether or not the sale of the Ore f "actnc rauroaa aaa its purchase Dy Bonner and Hammond of this city will q ,(. rooat absorbing qoss- tion jn Oregon jutt now. It is also of nnutual Interest to the people of Mitsou 1. J ti t. t -la inu vicoity, oecause 01 me residence KaII. naiBl,.... a 1 I . t at. t . 1 uym (isrun cunonnu wun tne oeai in their midst. This K.. Un revived by the return of Mr Bonner. who arrived litre yeaterday alter an nceoi several weeks at points. VfiTS. 1.7-.517 and t have bought the property with tne expectation at developing it. as it stands today the propertv is of no pai ttcular value, but if tbe sale ia confirmed We shall put in enough mooer to make a railroad out of the O P.' Mr Bonner is now waiting for Judge Fullerton to confirm the tale. When that is done be ui ,.u. i I. r....;. , i ik. Drort Mr j-rrTr.;.td in tbe purchase with several railroad men of lartre experience and ample means, And when tbe sale is confirmed the con structed portioo .( tbe road will prob- aoiy at once oe pot to moron grt repai: and arranaemema made as tepidly as POMtOie lor an extension ot the road Mr Bonner is now in New York. A W 1 1 j.-Jj! Discovery. No disease U more common amooz the people than acorfuia. Handed dowa from generation to generation. It t found In neariy every iamuy. In some torm. it may mtae H aweax-aoava In dreadful rMsf , n reslkftaa i the ntxtw gsrtsre, er h rvaStost of varied farms Attacking the mucous membrane It may be known at eatarrb, or ilrreleplng ia the longs It may e and often I the prune cause oi consumption. la whatever UrTi crofriia nsy msna- fel Itseif, Hood Saruparilla ia it invet erate foe and conqueror. Thi roed'eine ui sucn pewerf ul alteraUvt and tiiailaing effects upon tne bioxl tht every traoe of impurity It eapejled. and the b-aod is made f ten, pure and hcalihy. Danger Frora Catarrh. The mist important fea'.ure m'nitt that very eoarsM coms:a!nt. catarrh ia tbe head. Is its tendency to develop into some other more serious and dangerous disease. The foul matter roppiig from the head Into the b.ochiat tube or ling I very liable to lead to bronchitis or consumption that destroyer bleb causes more deaths to tnrs country tban any other diaaaae. A catarrn originate to impuntle in tbe blood, local app'ictios can do bat little good. The comana aanae method of reatment It to purify the blood, and tor hi purpose there I no preparx Jon upertov lo Hd' SarsapariUa. The owertul actlot ul this medicine npun the looJ expels evert jrlty, and bv so otnf; carjs cttarr s aa I g-re-. heiith to he entire organism. Only one grace of Paolo at Tinkle; diflereot site from $1.15 to $70.00 per 001. csAtncU up Shiloh'e Cure, the great cough and croup core, is In great demand.. Pocket a I aue contains twentr-n ve d only J5C. Children love if. S&1 by druggist. Tha best roat mffr ta Ukl a'.y t Orwad rrrr a. First Clai. Coa vALLia, Jan. 18. The Ttule sisters played nere last nlgbi to a crowded hcise It Is uedaubtedlv the beat show that ha vtsRed this piaae tor tear. The sister are nrti ciat actor. .MARRIED. BILYEC-CALAYAN-Io Bilyeuren. on Sunday, January 13. 1S35. by EUerT P Goodman, at the rsridettee cf the bride s parents, Mr Henry C Bilyeu and Vat vVilma Caravan, all of Linn county. CON X B ABI NGTON . On Wed at e- day evening, Jan 16, 1S9S, at the home 01 the bride, in Albany, by Iter J T Abbett, Mr Joshua B Conn and Mias Anna owbington. Mr and Mrs Conn are two of Lion county's popular resident. who have many friends here and else where who ill wishlbem happiness and prosperity. They will make their borne ou ai -tou larui near in is city. The cetemoaiy, impressively performed wss in the presence of relatives and in timate friends, home useful and valna ble presents wre presented tbe hanoy couple as follows: Mr and Mrs Babing- mn. set stiver knives and forks; Mr aod Mrs Root Conn, set silver knives and forks; Mr and Mrs Perry Conn, hanging lamp; Mr and Mr N D Conn, set silver tea spoons; Sri t Conn, tvtrp pitcher Mill.- i-i silver butter knife; Mr and Mrs J L Un derwood, silver sal; and pepper set; Mr and Mrs P Y Dcncen, silver salt and pepper set; Mr aad Mrs Austin, ilase sen ditb ; Mrs KetH db, hand worked bedspread; Mr and Mrs R K Conn, set china plates; Rev and Mrs Abbett, fruit dish; Mitt Ella Vaaahan, fancr card re celver; Mr J McCbesney.set fruit dithes; Mrs aictjbetney, sola pillow ; Lira Conn, sugar shell. DIED. CCMMINGS. -In Oakland, Or., on Sat urday morning, l.m 19, IS95, after a short illness, the six year old ton of t hat Cum- mings, formerly of Albany. STELLMAKER. On Friday morning, Jan 18, 1895, at his home in Albany, afttr a lingering illness, Mr Ernest Stcllraaker at the age of TI years. The deceased came to Albany from Wisconsin ia abou l&ilO and hat lived a very quiet life, having been in feeble health. He it highly spokan of by those knowing him. He leaves a wife, eight sons, thrifty industrious citizens of 1'ie valley, and two daughters. Good at all times. . , Better than anything else. Best of all external remedies Allcock's Porous Plaster For lame back, stiff joints, sere- muscles, soreness in the back, chest or side. Tha Only Bats Way, waa angering, la ta Inalu an harliic "Aucoca a." Allcock's Corn Shields, Allooctt'a Bunion Shields, Mav as equal aa a retltl and car (or com and bunions. Brandreth's Pills are purely vegetable j a safe and effective remedy for young and old. All Sizes. For Fat and Lean Peo- plc, Young and Old. Mr Leeds, the new staia riii .;.im. ly ha some favorites, a mnl swim, papers and Mr LeeJ former paper the Tidings i appeared with supplement printed luir.oauiu j.rinung omce. Mr ll it an excellent man and the matter may be all right, but it looks funny. Tbe Eugene Guard is sa crr.wdI with borne advertising that it it running an extra page. Two men alone are running half page ads. 1 bat is Lugene style and it at leant does much to make utoidr think the city is a live business center. Thi it a peculiar world. ..The laboring man workt like a Trojan and gets pay for his actual work down to the hour. Dolpb it in Oregon working for Dolpb and draw ing 120 a day for working for the govern ment and the member of the state iepula tare who adjourned on Thursday will re ceive $3 a day for Friday and Saturday and ride on free pastes. As n trial mem 'jet of tbe legislature are trying to see bow many bills they can in troduce, on almost every subject reouestsd. II there is ever a time in a man s life when he make a fool of himself it i when be get in th legislature. Tbe men who introduce the fewest bill as a rule serve their constituency best Tbe statute books of Oregon tra already full of rot. All the papers are teilinir the following: K good s'ory is told of a lazr and knua rious farmer whose farm lies along tbe John uay river. lie called at a neighbor s horse recently. "Sit don; sit aowu;" said the neighbor. 1 don t know aa 1 ought." re plied the farmer, bat nevertheless he down. After tome talk about the crop and tbe value of an adjoining piece of land, the fanner said slowly: "1 don't know as i ought to be sitting here. 1 came over to ee if 1 could get a Udder; our bouse is anre. General Lew Wallace told aa audience of Grand Army people in New York how he came to write -Ben Hur." He lectured ia the Calvarr Baptist church. Said he in part: "The opening sentence in "Ben Hur is. "Where is be that is king of the Jewsf"' This quotation is from the Bible, and. altbeoKh I was cot a student nf the Scripture prior to tbe war. 1 was much trs- preoaeii by this momentio qoestion daring my omvaJewernce after the war .and I derter- minea to write my conoeptjon ot tne wise men af tbe East going to find the king of tbe Jews " Aa exchange says that Mr Ira Smith, of Monmouth, one of the representatives of Peak coamrr. aavw taal na nmh of tKa Mate Nettusi school, at Metnonth, will an for a small approsrriattoa. so as to meet the running expense of the institution of learning. Another man i asking for an appropriation for a graded school in Klamath county. Albany thould be given aa appropriation f Jr her splendidly man aged ecUeife, just a much. A farce will be made of this whole to nets. Higher eduation u t pleadiJ thing; bet it is jor4 a splendid a thing in Albany as it i in Monmouth, unun, ivogeoe, t.erraiiu or any other town. Mr Dolph will have plenty of votes to spare next Tuesday. Six at $1000 apiece isonly Stajoo. Perhaps Uiey will not cost any thiag. At any rale the vote will show np for Dolpb. Hanker Caaick of Albany. Ex-Senator Hilton ot Tbe Dalies National bank are here in the interest of Da'.oh. It can readily be seen, that beakers -are tbe real support of Dolpb. while the support ers of Tongue, Pulton and Lord are voie- tna the eminent oi two-tbirds ol tbe voters of Oregon. Saietu Journal. A bill has been introdeced ia the lesif- latnre providing for the punishment cf parties engaged in "charivari. It should pas. As a matter of fact they can already be poai$hed for disturbing the reace. As usual tbe Irarialalnre voted 90 trpiet of the code. I I each member, at $13 a copy. $150 threwn away. Thi u economy with a vengeance. Only two members in the bouse voted against it Uofer and Smith. They deserve kg marks. Tbe aaiarr of tbe aheriff aad two dfpalies in Marion county it $5,900. and that of the assessor is $4 per day, yet the county court ot tnat county puts tocn an elastic con strucUoa upon tbe salary lawthat it allowrt Ibe theria J10.000 and tbe assessor Did you ever hear cf the "Salem hog?" Lebanon Advance. The regulalare boot without its funny tide. Here 1 one: McOien openly in sulted Senator Alley ea the hoar f the senate luesday. The latter went to him about some matter in connection with coa firmicg the Pertnoyer tegents to the Stale university. McGinn said: "Get away aad don't bother tut, 1 don't care any thiag for the Lane county delegation aay- cew. A specimen of a man half drunk and half sober, at that tage where be is very innocent and rerv sillv. a mixture cf wis dom and insanity, a conglomeration cf man and mocker, half a clown and two thirds a fool, was seen at the drot this not-n. lie sane and hummed, talked and winked, so conspk-oocifdy as to be the center 01 attraction . roor deiuuea man. Th Slate Insurance Company of Salem ia endeavoring to secure a little protection, two per cent on gross business, through the legislature. A bill hs been introduced in that buoy for the taxation of the gross re eeiptt of foreign insurance companies doing business in this state. It should be de feated. It i one of the measure providing for the robbery of tbe people who insure their property for the Woe tit of home cer aerations Pendleton K. O Insurance is already high enewfh, sunk a tax would mean so mush high insurcace. A f truwr recjueets the Piyuoca at lo pub lish the following: Work for the ployed on roadbuilding has been tried with auccee in some cities of Germany. At Manebeim work was given at stone-break trig and repairing the roadways and parks. The workmen were not placed under the direct charge of the trade, unions. Better work and more of it was done than was ex pected, and the self lespact of the men was preserved. At Cologne it was found that at soon as the city provided even very low wages several employes dismissed work in whom they would otherwise have kept In Magdeburg it was found that any rate higher than 34 cents a day would attract laborers from other work. In the United States wages have not come so close as this to the starving point (Germany, by the way, has a protective tariff also), and it would be possible to give the unemployed work oa our roads at a living wage without meeting with the difficulty encountered in German cities. Our states need improvement of their roads. It would be cheaper for the puhiio to give to the unemployed work at repairing the roads than to support them as nowia unproductive and invol untary idleness. A Moment's Delay s painful In a case ol toothache, and so, at you note, Santa tjlaus didn't wait an in stant, but retorted to oar toothache drops at once. Ot course, he was at once re'lev. ed and able ta proceed about hit gracious business as pleasantly a before. Don't fool with Pre or toothache, but drop tt al once. Our prescription department It unsurpassed In the country. The prepa ration of medicines 1 our apeclaliy. Vl'e upp'ament the skill ot an eqpeit phsrma clst with a stock ot absolutely pure and fresh drugs, which commands the praise and confidence ot all local physicians. We also carry all the tttndard medicines and a full line of toilet and manicure articles, which are just the Idea for holi day gittt. 0r Prise's cream ttJctng Powder , World's PsJr tgwaat Award. . i TheVeatnsr. " Saturday and Sunday, rain or anew, stationary temperature. River, 8 feel. F M French, ditplayman. VODXaXI Da APJJZO a awallaa Bevelaiiea, Sax Fkaxcisco, Jan. 18. The steamer Alameda arrived from Auckland and Hydner, via Homlnlo,thie afternoon and brongut news ol a revolution and blood shed at Honolulu. Charles L. Carter, who wan one of the annexation commis sioners, was killed and several govern ment supporters were wounded. There hat been much fighting, and at least 12 natives have ben killed. Nearly 200 royalists are under arrest. Robert Wil cox is the leader of the rebels. The lighting was still in progress when the Almetla left Honolulu, January 11. but the government forces had practically overcome toe revolutionists. Crewtag Erst. W asiuxotox, Jan. 18. The treasury gold reserve was reduced by today's withdrawals to $70,712,128. The second bond issne raised the gold reserve to $111,000,000. Since November 22. when the go 1.1 from tbe second issue began to than $40,000,000 gold received from that issue, whkh1td,with rZI lociieu. li ia irnrr nasi iaa mrtwa fw,uw. Auewiuiarawaiaior export I it n. n ... . . . ' -.. cun! auy uneaainees among tne ucasury uiucibis. A asstail Castse. feACKAMKXTo, Jan. 18 Harvey Mor gan, aged 21 years, shot and killed his brother, Monroe Morgan, aged 25 years, at their ranch about an hour's drive from (Sacramento, today. The charge in the iratricide's gen blew the top of bis broth er's head off. Then he walked into his room and killed himself with the same weapon. Tbe rounsr men were ranchers ana had a quarrel about who should cook tne Dreaktaat. A aUs Slwrrtewac. At'CKLAJCP, N. Z., Jan. IS. Advice from the Fiji islands report that a terri ble hurricane swept over the whole arroup. doing great damage to shipping. Many lives were lost and s number of build ings destroyed and plantations ruined. Five churches atSoara col la peed. Tbe Anglician church was unroofed. Some of the bonded stores were wrecked, but tbe sugar mills were not injured, i A Teat Caae. Sas Fxa3bco, Jan. 18. Three Chi nese gamblers have brought suit against the chief of police and two policemen, aggregating $15,000, for their arrest. Tbey bad previously sued the police for damages to person and property lor breaking into their retorta. live Feet est tasv. Ditch Flat, CaL, Jan. 18. There have been GO hours of steadv snow, and there is now five feet on tbe level. Boots have been shoveled off to prevant esmah- isg. Passenger trains are moving slowly vt est, but not to the Last. Eotanes are working. a SMs fantl wss. On aha, Jan. 17. A petition will be filed in St. Louis. Saturday, before Judge Sanborn, looking to the foreclosure of tbe nrst mortgage on the maid line of tbe Lnion Padhc road. The mortgxjre is for $33,000,000. Tbe petition is npMeed to have been prepared at tbe irrrtanre of the trustees of the nret mortgage bonds in the office of Winalow A- Pierce .of New York. benator-elect J. M. Thurston, attorney for the Uniirn Pacific receivers, will go to (. Louis tomorrow. He will represent the government. AaaatSvent. Bctte, Mont., Jan. 17. The public funeral over the remaint of the firemen, poiicemea and others killed by Tuesday night s exr lornon will take place tomor row. It will be a gloomy spectacle. All tne nearyes in town have been engaged for the occasion, and, in addition to the public funeral, a number of tbe dead will be eiven private funerals at the homes of relative. The financial loss is much smaller than was first estim:ed, not reaching over $ IX) .000. P.kno, Nev., Jan. 17. Today is the fifth anniversary of the anew blockade of five years ago and, from present indica tions, another one is about due. It has been snowing here since early morning. 1- mcnea nave tauen and about iu inc&es remain as a reminder ol winter. Tbe enow is falling very fast. It is eizht feet 00 the level at Trockee and still piling op. Three feet aid a half have alien today. A Sew ArrwaieaseaC Sas Fkjlkcisoo, Jan. 17. All the in surance managers but two have signed the new compact of the Board o! Fire Underwriters, the successor of the Pa cific Insurance Union, which went to pieces recently, when 14 out of 13 mana gers withdrew. A new and simpler oon- emuuon nas Deen adopted. ratal S-Mwralldc. Siokase, Jan.. 17. The snewsiide 10 miles from Kaslo. B. C, killed three miners, Moore, McMillan and Charles Mitchell, owners of the Eureka mine, wno were on tneir way to the mine irona Kalso. Tbe two miners workine 00 the Silverton mine, in the a'ide'd path, are sun missing. -Saswl law raafc- Skattu, Jan. 17. Tbe identity of Paul Jones, the round-the-world tramp who is making money by traveling in stead of spending it, 'was discovered to day in this city. His real sovme is E. C Pfeiffer, and he graduated from Harvard college w ith the ciare of 1SS9. Ca-Cav rttadwleh Faaerml. Siux, Jan. 16. The remains of ex Governor Chadwick will be interred in Rural cemetrv, at Salem, Fridav after- ... . vt .. ..r . noon, iiigu .Masonic nooors will oe oe stowed, tbe services being under the Scottish Rite degree, beginning at mid night tomorrow in the Methodist church. Friday at 2 :30 P. M. the grand lodge of the state will nav an official trihnte in the same church and attend the funeral in a body. Letters and telegrams, bear ing teeumony to tne universal love and esteem in which he was held, have been pouring in on the Iamuy since hts death Will St rraweemsed. Sas Francisco, Jan. 16. United State District Attorney Knight has concluded to proceed with the case against CP. Huntington, for whom a warrant was asked for the issuance of an interstate railroad pass. Knight is preparing all the facts in the case, and willl refer them to the attornev-sreneral at VaRhnHn for investigation and instructions. Knight sava Uuntintrton ia not tlis nnlv railroad man in CsJiiornia accused ot is suing interstate passes, Aawtaer etanltee. S.TTUt, Jan. 16. J. B. Libbey, who was first deputy under Jacob Jenn treasurer of Island countv, is a defaulter in the sum of SthJO. He hoodwinked the county commissioners when they exam ined his accounts. He has lived in the county SO years, and held numerous of fices. Jennehaa niadogood the short age from his own fortune. libber has not been nr rested, ACrtss. Loxdox, Jan. 16. The Pall Mall Ga zette says : "France is now in the throes of the in oft menancing . crisis since the downfall of the second empire. The re-, public has proved sterile. France would prefer an effective autocracy, but where is the pre-tenderT The Napoleons are in visible, Count De Paris is dead and the Due d' Orleans is deplorably indiscreet. lit Vated haws. Wasuixotox, Jan. 16. After a debate covering over a week, the senate today voted down Hill's proposition to refer the legality of the income tax to the courts, only five senators joining with Hill in supporting the proposition. But the vote was not taken until late in the day, and up to that time there was a spirited debate, that the Hill proposition had called out. - Iw Senator. . Helena, Mont., Jan. 10. The legisla ture met at noon today in joint session and in the presence of 5000 people Lee juanue ana xnomaa ii. v&ner were duly declared elected United States senators. Both responded with speeches. Ladle who wear to 4 shoes will find it to their Interest to call at Klein tl Du brullle't where wrae f eat bargains will be oflered them. GIVEN UP ALL HOPE Eezettva, Turning to Blood Poison. Treated by Specialists Beven Month without One Particle of Success. BODY RUNNING SORES. Condition Terrible. Life a Harden. Tried Cli'llCTJBA In Three Day At tends to Business. Cure FerotwaeaC la the Trlnc of tsoi I took that Creadfal sklw disease, Eezetna, which tarncl into Lbxai yuiwm 1 CJtHasviited toa beat kaowa s(Kialiau ta tbt. erty. Tney rrearea m lot SVBca nwiitlt tml I neer derireu a lartiet of pwtl (ma aar of tttesn. fChr t'l K.irtt it srw a a bnf cure. 1 wao emrrft with sore froaa bead foot; I bad run ninir ail over aae, aoma nt tbem a Urge a a los of joor 4 tTirta. It rA4 Hi hcareila of dotUrt with 1b ro 1 ca-ii thecal a. Mf eomirrioo wra tarrtbie, t. HI0 sw alwaoat a tardea (, sa I crabi sue nr, Jtt'l drink, or arp. I wa multowaiBaadbad Z"lTi1A llJl ?rV cral memn. l v-nt r.rt!;o! I 1 the first doatt cf your f'rnrcaA Besot- yr. -at v-rall3CrT!'5r-doe bottle at fnnrji llK-.LVtvr I wu a aw anao. . Ia inc Z, f bi.a vl H L U tTTSCTra sod Cfnv A Ut.;i t-T taa aa.ed nt 'roattaa k . .Wh. Tita two rears aco- Iwaatee to scr if it tart tca t'.rt-n out cf any system, asd I ea say I fcs.o Bcver fcad ar.y t wbi siaca ffir tvrJ . sa--j- ilL9. IHlnJ, gold tVostVt th raCCTarcaa. Se.; o.r, tie.; Ki"e." 1- J-rras Wss Cai. I oar-, no 1'sucaiese, Batoa. f-ItowtaCaeiiaClata,"' auOed fraa. FI.K3, btackaeada. red. vobc. chapped, and auy asaacoieo ay Nervous Irrr -'y relieved fcy a Cwts cara riastcr, hscias tt vs- Muscular talisai tbe nas-re ta Weakness l"aJJrW f Caveat ndTcsdewMacieatasd.BadaI Pa. laattaaaoaoaceas asocjaarw pxaw. tOvw Oaweesa 0oaiTt-U. . Warcary O (aadaCMexBrwcotat.laSlsss tsaa 1 V adise, fat tvatavrafrM ar as rte aa was Owe t. Am Seat as a waaaaanxy. rio w vi a " i th U.S. aad Mwaacaa tantias. Addreas, c.A.srJOVco. . tv.e ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Send ibr Catalogue nheumatisTTif Lumbago. Sciatica Iney ComplalntSa, Lame Bacx ic . cs. sj:ei'$ electsis ezu k With Eh suaptrjtaonv. t n in Srt acaeL.wSaPaa.aet. SAMOCSI CLCCTtrtO CO-, ka. It Vara SMrnn. roJrTVlAB Cf JKST SATlGalAL BUK, or ALBAST, oaaoon raASTSACTs a oksixal - "i AOJOCyrs rt swajats ta shar aaCaTTEXCSASCKaadtat Taaasc traaaf r, WMd Kaw Vera, San fi laLlau. Casoaja aad ratiaad .O -MCTIOn CADtwa fasaralt arasa W. CUSICK X '! -XSIER or A-BAJIT, owreaoa,. TIAWSACTs saiiial naatrsr P SAW SIGHT MLAfT. aa 5aw T, Saa l eaaad rwrrtaas. Oraraa. -OAJC MONET aa aaarard arcarky . BCKfVB daocaiai aahf-n ia eaark. Ce-Ua-TiOXS aA .caM .Sanaa. OrTES-STaaid ea, maa-aaai ' POIZQNFS Ccmhincs evtry element oi beauty and parity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing-, he!th ful, and barmlefs, and when rightly used is in?isible. A most sielic-te and desirable proJcxiioa to tbe face in this climate. Xsrisl cpea iaTiac tht cntsiat. IT IS FS! SAII nirHE. arg-sr'". Tw1! micas FOSHAY Jk MASON .yeaiuu aaa aaaan DrGggistsand bookseller. A ceaJa for John B. Aldec'a po &Uf 'Sora sraicsi we sell at pnbl inker's )rie a satSeaddot ; - ALRsIl HetlO ' B AKK Of HCIO, - SOTO, OSUMQS. '. Seo, w, WKierrr, Attorasy at law. ana Sniu. w.u win ln.H all thaooarta ot Uua tat Spe-iaJ attaut oa -jtaat eollacsioasaad saattarsia nnhat Osaca-Kaat door ta rsatodV, Albaay. Oca. - D u. j. u mix. Phreklaa and dmrraoa. OITiCK Csra rarer straata, AJbaaj, Oraaoa.) , - . Dr H B Been, ? Dr 0 K Beers Physicians and Surgeons , Special attention., given to diseases ov arotnea.-. Hours to to t A iw a 7 to 8 P M. Offices sncT"ve! jiu . berg Building, First Street,"belycti, andjutwcrtn. 3 reas aaa cures sservoa pain. MB j 11 a 'mJttiBkSSiJm!!!SlSi. mrameai IS a.aiBti. c TiM . XL Baa'EVtfaa w ai 1 aw aa acaera. rarsa ai tiilnllyhahy aaarar ar wa SaeSeK r,Saa.l. and r 11IS nl rtn li 11 In a a 1 Hi, Thaav aaaca 1 .a am ea i a hy baa awreew in i aJarjiainuatj. d - a.- Inua Oar r-.jaa I , i aucnac Has a1- sal. ta r- aj s 1 11 awe a.,,a : an. ysxs mii mm. aamaa, l vaa C i: isaMswt ,, - riaarrawtsss S. S.TOCSO 3aaiar .... B. T. LaS-OOS Yeese L Lasaaca swan. t. Fun bwsaaf.Se. (llsAlaS ils sot; CQIEpTetS . Iv3 vtthott mn ideal .POnPLEXIOHH j U WWEQU 111 onvaaaa . i HVSB ' tissm- ustl A l wr9al