The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 25, 1895, Image 3

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    Wkkly Democrat. $1.75 per year
a advance. $.oo at end of year.
Public School Libraries.
Here are reasons why the public school
juvuiu iinva b 1 1 urary ;
Boys and girls who have few if any
books at horn will have an opportunity
to read good books and thus perhaps ac
quire a life-long love for them.
A single book of our library may serve
. arouse me latent powers of some boy
?l g- ..,ad thua 111 aie a red-letter day in
their life.
Even a little book on science or biog
raphy may be the means of furnishing
cuujb urignc pupil wiui an agreeable and
useful hobby.
Good books may be powerful means
to arouse the ambition and to mould the
character. No one can estimate the in
fluence of -a well selected school library
with a sensible teacher to advise and to
It can b made very useful for consul
tation. It cin be utilized every hour in
the day for reference in evcy branch of
It will be useful from a purely senti
mental point 01 view. Many of the pupils
will look back, especially upon the first
reading of certain books, with love and
Yourazhool library will stand as one
of the bulwarks to stem the tide of bane-i
iui oooks and sensational story paper,
which tend to destroy all that is sweet
and good in literature.
Young people can be taught through
the school library that tha tm n nf
books is not simply to be entertained.bnt
to be tanght, elevated, and inspired by
them. Through it they can learn what
books in their remnant of reading time it
is most vital for them tc know, in brief.
to obtain the greatest good, from even a
ama-i norary isspues a complete scheme
At the Christian Church. Good
audiences were out to hear Elder Lister
Sunday morning and evening. During
ne morning service me subject was
"lbe governments of God" towit: The
Patriachal, the Aaronic Priesthood and
tha Christian Dispensation. Ha plainly
ebowed that one form of government
gave way to the succeeding one and from
Pauls argument to the Hebrews and
other scriptures he showed plainly that
the Old Testament ia done away with so
far as offering the terms of pardon. We
must look to Christ to his teachings as
found in the New Covenant, tie aaid
that the Bible is a book of order and in
order to understand it we must study it
like any other book in iu right divisions.
We must know who is writing, to whom
it is addressed and for what purpose.
The meeting promises to be one of un
usual interest. AH are invited to come
and study the Bible together. Ihe
music will be good. Come.
Thk O. P. Appeal. The Times saya:
Though th appeal bas not vet been per
fected, the first steps have been taken to
appeal the confirmation decision to tbe
supreme court. The-notices of appeal
were actually served on interested at
torneys before the confirmation was an
nounced. Whether they were made in the
hope of deterring Judge Fullertou from
confirming the sale, or whether tbe case
will actually ba carried to the supreme
court remains to be seen. There are two
notice8,and the first is signed C C Hovue,
Jim Westfal, H F. Merrill, and CC
Hogue, as trustee, with Kelley and Curl
attorney; the second notice i& signed
by Toe Dunham, Carrigan Hayaen Co.,
Banford, Bennett, E C McShane, E F
CTeary, Thomas Pavy, W M Hoag and
Wallis Nash, with Wallis Nash,atlorney. ,
Dos'r Wast Division. A gentleman
from the Forks says there are three
names on remonstrances to county
division to one m favor. Quite a num
ber signed the petitions thinking it
would help kill the Brownsville move
ment: ' -but' when the remonstrance
came around they also signed that, in
one case where there were fifteen names
, on a petition a'.l but three changed. The
petitioners have offered to withdraw
their petition provided the remonstrators
also do; but this the latter will probably
not do. Division is not wanted any more
in the Southern part, particularly along
tbe S P.
Gca Accident. John McGee, Jr.,
came out from Blodgett Saturday, and
reports that a son of James Rodinson in
that vicinity received severe injuries k'ri
day from the effect of the breech of a shot
gun bursting and its contents exploding.
He was out bunting and the cartridges
n led are supposed to have been filled with
dynamite, which suddenly exploded se
verely injuring bis face and taking off
clean one aide ol the rim ot bis bat. it
ia believed I hat one of his eyes is so se
verely injured that he will not be able to
see out 01 it again. Uorvailie Times.
A Saw Bask. The Statesman says :
Tbe Capital National bank of Salera, at
its annnal meeting, declared a semi-an
nual dividend of 5 percent on its capital
stock oat of the earnings of tbe past six
months. The report of the cashier shows
that this hank has returned ia net earn
ings to its shareholders since its organi
zation nine years ago $79,516, or $4,516
more than 100 per cent on its entire cap
ital stock, a result as complimentary to
the growth and prosperity of tbe capital
city aa to the management of the bank.
Tbe Tittel Sisters presented M'Liss at
tbe opeia bouse Saturday night to a fair
. sized audience in a manner that baa
made the troop popular, sustaining tbe
reputation already held by tbem. A
sacred concert was advertised Sunday
night; but upon complaint being made
it wai not permitted.
Oregon is thi Lead. Mr N N Bash-
- or, on Saturday, exhibited at this cmee a
ripe tomato which he plucked from a
rite in his garden tlx miles notth of Leb
anon. There axe (till two on the vice
ripe. Oregon is in the lead again.
Cherry Pectoral
80 says Mr. T. M. Reed, a highly
respected Merchant of Mid
dletown, 111., of a Young
, Man who was supposed
to be In Consumption.
"One of my customers, some
oars ago, had a son who had all
the symptoms of consumption.
The usual medicines afforded him
no relief, and he steadily failed
until he was unable to leave his
bed. His mother applied to me
for some remedy ana 1 recom
mended Ayers Cherry Pectoral.
The voung man took it according
to directions, and soon began to of
lmDrove uinu ae uecame wen
and strong." T. M. Heed, Mid
dletown, IU. -
"some niiio ago, a- caugnt a el
severe coia, my mroac ana lungs
were badly inflamed, and I had a
terrible cough. It was supposed
iuai jl wm a victim ui consump
tion, and my friends had little
hope of recovery. But I bought a
bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
took it, and was entirely cured.
No doubt, it saved my life."-.
I. Jokes, Emerts Cove, Tenn. ,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Received Highest Awards
With this issue FP Nutting assumes
the sole proprietorship of the Democrat,
Mr T J Stites retiring on account of hav
ing been appointed postmaster of Al
ba oy. The present proprietor has been
one of the publisher's of the paper for
over twelve years and has been connect
ed with it for over fourteen years, an
assurance of the polby of the paper in
the future. It will always be our en
deavor to publish a live, clean newspa
per, one for the people. All papers speak
for themselves, and so the Dkmocbat
will do.
A Pessimistic Address.
Judge E C Bronaugh, of Portland, ar
rived in Albany Saturday evening, cn
his way home from the 0 P confirmation
at Corvallis. Upon invitation he de
livered an address at the U P church last
night on the "second Coming of Christ '
a very pessimistic ettort so far as the
present time is concerned :
Judge ttronaugn said that it miKut be
strange to see a lawyer in tbe pulpit, but
he believed a lawyer bad as much right
to be saved as any one. He said in the
beginning tiiat no man knew just when
Christ would come for the second time ;
but there was no doubt it was near at
hand, and would occur before th end of
this century. He based bis predictions
on the 12th chapter of Daniel. The first
kingdom referred to in tbe dream of Neb
uchadnezzar, represented by the head of
gold of the image, was that of Nebuchad
nezzar, tbe second one of silver that of
the Medea and Feraians ; the third king
dom, one of brass, was that ol the Greeks;
the fourth that of the Roman Empire,
tbe iron kingdom ; the fifth one or iron
and clay, is the democratic government
Df the present day. Tn his judgment the
fifth period began in 1805. The speaker
gave illustrations to show that this was
an era of clay. At the end of tbe age
there ia to be "the roost fearful war and
slaughter tbe world ever knew. Our
head and feet are about tbe same length.
The first empire, that of the Babylons,
was 91 years of length, hence tbe last em
pire will be about the same and the world
will end 91 years after 1805 or in 1896
According to this reasoning tbe less of
the image must have been illproportioned
to the rest of the body and in a common
man would be about seventeen feet long.
The speaker appealed to the audience to
be ready when ever the times comes.
Then he pointed ont according to the
word" of Paul tbe signs that these are
tbe last days, such as disobedience of
children, loss of affection, lovers of pleas
ure more than of God, tbe increase of
crime and rascality, the presence of Jews
everywhere, gold and silver heaped np
and rusting. The bard times be de
clared to be here to si ay, and he couldn't
see any prospects of rood times until
Christ comes.
Hon M A Miller went to Salem this
noon. .
Mrs Online is in Eugene on a visit
with her son Ralph.
Mr and Mrs J F Hendrix returned to
their home at Harrisbnrg today.
Mr Lyle Rice and wife, the Ashland
operator, passed through A It any today
tor Portland.
Mr C D Kennedy, the former Orexon
Pacific conductor arrived in the city this
noon from The Dalles.
Mr Percy Yonng left this noon on a
trip to San Francisco and Palo Alta, go
ing by way of Yaquina.
Dr Sommerville, of Umatilla county,
is in the city the guest of his sister Mrs
N A Blodgett. ..
Miss Mary Hoffman who has been at
Mt Angel for a year or two baf returned
to Albany, perhaps to remain.
Mrs Jos Martin, of Tacoma, who has
been in the city several weeks visiting
her sister Mrs I Fox left for home re-
Mr Geo Lewis, a brother of Mrs I
Beam, and wife have just come to Al
bany from tbe east to reside.
Tbe Misses BaM have rented the store
room adjoining F M French, recently !
vacated by I Fox. It is being improved i
generally, and they will move into it in
lew days.
Cbaa and Sam Shortridge, who lately
purchased tbe San Francisco Call Tor
$360,000 were former residents of Salem,
living their with their sister, Mrs Clara
t-oltx, tbe now famous female lawyer ot
California. Her husband in the early
70's was a grocery clerk in Salem.
The Salem Post says : Misses V innet-
ta Asbby and Winnie McAfee were pas
sengers on the 11 :17 to Albany where
tbey will remain a few days visiting
O D Glover went to Albany today on
tbe 11 :17 train to spend a couple weeks
bis parents, who reside at that place.
At a meet ine of the stockbo'ders and
directors of the' Salem Woolen Mill
company held recently,- Thomas Kay, Jr
was elected aesistant mauager and as
foonashezets settl d down here alter
the return from California he will travel
m the interest of tbe mills and his father
will devote himself more to the direction
of affairs in and about the mills and
home office. Salem Statesman.
There are nineteen members In the
house who have not yet Introduced Till.
Lonesome men.
The overland was eight hoars late to
day, arriving at about 12 o'clock. A gen-
Hem an who came through on the train re
ported an immense snow storm at Sistonc.
Saturday afternoon all the property of
George P Warner, of this city, was sold
at sheriff's sale, as follows: The Ruts
House to to Buckner Bros, of Splcer. for
$4,377; residence properly on Ferry
street to Comad Meyer, for $1,643.
Friday afternoon a carload of wheels all
the way from Dea Moines, Iowa, pulled
into the S r Depot lor Corvalii. it was
for tha carriage factory, and came over
the S P via Ogden and Sacramento. The
freight charges were S242. Corvallu
An eastern man hag figured ont tbe
following aa the conduct of ladies upon
being proposed to : Out of a hundred
cases eighty one sink into the arms of
gentleman, sixty eight rest their beads.
on gentleman's breast and only ont
sinks into the arms ol a chair: eleven
clasp tbe:r arms around the gentleman's
necK, six weep tears ol joy silently and
iorty lour weep tears aloud whatevei
that means ; seventy two have eyes - full
01 love, ana nine oat ot a nunared rash
from the room and tell everybody. Only
fonr are greatly surprised, and eiichiy
seven of a hundred knew that something
was coming. . r ive gigme hysterically
. '
sou one even sneezes, vniy one ol
hundred straggles not to be kissed.
wmie eix kiss genneman nrst. It we
believe tbe statistician, one out ot
hundred women will say: "Yes, but
aon't te a 1001."
They Gar Staated. The Ashland I
Tidings gives Mr and Mrs Gross the fol
lowing gooa starter in that city: The pa
pers were made out today by which H D
Parker transfers his ownership of the Ash
land Depot Hotel furniture, fixtures and
good will to A F Shultz, and the proprie
torship and management of the hotel was
assumed this afternoon by J A Gross, so.
lontr and favorably known as the proprie
tor of the Depot hotel and eating house at
Albany. Mrs tiroes Das' haa long experience
in the hotel business with her husband,
and will fill the position of landlady of the
hotel well. The furniture in tbe house
will be added to and a lunch counter for
the accomodation of passengers On trsins
will also be conducted in tb3 hotel. -
A Scee Siax . An Albany man gives
the following item to the Dkmocbat: A
man with a high collar and short neck
who bad allowed his whiskers to grow
went home and told hie wife that he had
been mistaken for Governor Pennoyer.
How was that. Well be d been down
street when a dozen men . rushed madly
up to him and asked lor a pardon, xhis
was before the legislature met. - :
Died. Mrs Jonas Davis, a pioneer resi
dent of Linn county, died at Shedd on Hon
day, Jan 21, 1895, at the age of abeut
ntty-nve years, she leaves a husband and
feveral children. Mrs Davis was a woman
of splendid character, a true wife and
mother, and the family have the sympathy
ui iiu in iiieir greai loss.
-A GbeJlT State. Chicago Israelite
Oregon s salmon fisheries produce about
w,iwu cases a year, ana its wool clio ex.
ceeds 16,000,000 pounds. There are 25 000
square miles of pine forest, and the annual
goia yioia exceeds l,ooo,000. ,-
(J. K. Duncan, rnnnt
sod J. W. Pugh, Commissioners
J at. Watsra
1119 tax levy for 1895 was placed - at 14
the bill of the Foster Mill Co for 9.16
wxt roaus, was continued.
C Oakley bounty S2.50.
Bills allowed: .
Jwn.Withers ,oad upervisor I
J M Ware, "
H L Lassell, "
W H Niccolson, """
Oregon agtJcff Hannah.......!!!
Wm Brenner, deputy sheriff
G V Standish, " "
W E Chandler, ' - "
Oregon agt Walter Bass
Thos Fronton, road supervisor ....
Richard Warner, road sup
RG Watson (Jo, nidse...,.
Geo Conner, road inn
I 69 75
20 00
80 00
36 00
66 15
18 85
22 00
2 65
41 20
180 00
60 00
12 9:
3 J 00
SO 00
Jas Curtis, sup
jonn Jenkins, roads
E F Truax. road sun
68 00
40 00
Oregon agt Frank Cox
Standish & Arthurs, roads
J S Van Winkle, sundries
Hodges & McFai land, miscellaneous
I W Pugh, commissioner
J M Waters, commissioner
2d 95
4 00
19 B0
6 15
24 00
26 80
Tna IIuskiko Bfut was presented last
night at tbe opsra house to a good sized
audience. The corn was husked in the
proper manner after so long a delay. It
was a genuine old tune barn scene. All
the parts were well taken. Mr Marvin
turner particularly distinguished himself
as the darkey; Master rronk was a live
tanners boy; Capt Overman and Miss
Minnie Mcrarlnnd as the sparking couple
(the lady did all the sparking) attracted
attention ; Mr Arch Hammer was a dude
tor certain, his huinamphone was great;
Carlton Sox every inch tre college student:
Frank Elkins and Lillie Farreil represented
uia insQ proDeriy ana in sir mint was en
cored; Mr Brown did the peddling act jost
as it snouia oe done; Char lee sears was a
lovely Lord Fount! eroy, well backed by his
ma, Mrs Overman; Will Galbraith was a
great Chinaman Solos were sing by Mrs
jnguon, mw uee ana Mrs nutting.
Without Monet. A young lady about
twenty- one arrived in Albany this noon,
she had a sad story. Her husband had
deoerted her. At Medford she was pro
vided with a. ticket for R(eburg. At
noseourg sne secured a ticket she sup
posed for Portland, where she intended to
enter the hoapital, ont it only read Albany,
and she was required to get off here. She
hastened to the Court House; but Court
had adjourned, and Judge Duncan had left
the city. Tbe case was an affecting one,
and touched the heart of CoinmisKioner
Waters, who bunted np Commiosioner
Push and pro virion was made for her
reaching Portland. The woman probably
deserves help, but so many casts occur
where such people do not that one has to
! be en the alert
Large congregations have been attending
the special meetings now in progres at
the Congregational church. Lst night
Or C'lapp conducted the services and
preached on "Blind Bartlmeas ' A
pirit of earnestness and seriouanes was
manifested by a large number ot the con
gregation. The service wl.l be continued
throughout the week. Every bod r will
be made welcome. Dr Clap? will preach
tonight upon a sabiect which sboald con
cern all. Service begins at 7--3o.
Busted. Jim Wettfall requests the
Democrat to say that he Is busted, and
that the Oregon Picific did It, and this t
the reason he cannot liquidate with his
creditor!. Just gtve him one more good
contract on the ex.enion Into Eastern
Oregon and be will be all right. Jim
was vrth lo,ooo to $15,000, now be ia
financially busted. No wonder he feels
sore. But he holds np In good shape and
many a smile plays over his ieatures.
Should There Be a division of the
coonly on the south of as there would be a
hot contest for the county seat between
Brownsville and Bals?y. Both want it al
ready. That is tbe reason quite a number
of Halsey people want division; it is tbe
reason most Brownsville people want it- It
is nearly always the teams county divisions
are sought. The people seeking division
are generally honest in that respect. As
one senator and twi representative are
working for division it behooves tbe public
to take active steps against division in any
quarter. UUl una snouia be kept intact.
Deep sxow. "Rather lrp snow thst
in the SUkiyom," said a blonde conplex-
loned man to the Han about Town.
"How deep is hil
"Sixty feet-
Oh come off."
"Yes, there was a big snow slide."
This was the reaon the overland has
not yet arrived, and it is not known when
it will for certain.
A Good act. A bright son of a Salem
widow boarded tbe car that carried Jowph
Simon from tbe Salem depot to the Wil
lamette hotel. "I am tbe son of a widow
a newsboy and I support my mother.
toe lad remarkea to Mr bimn. 1 want
ja to appoint me a page. W e are poor,
and 1 desire to help mamma." "You shall
hare tbe place. Come and sea me tomor
row, was Mr fcimon s reply. Ana the
boy got the job. Mercury.
In the Christian church 5th and Jackson
last night Mr Lister delivered a discourse
on "The True Vine." He had an outline
of a vine and roots. He traced the Christ
back into tbi Old Testament as rooting in
all the Word: (1) In tbe promises to the
fathers of Israel. (?) In the types. (3)
In tha prophecies, lie will continue the
thought to-night showing "The Branches
the theme announced.
Cabd of T bases. To the neighbors
and friends who so kindly assisted us dur
ing the illness and banal or our beiovea
fahter, Earnest Stellmaker, we desire to ex
press our heartfelt thanks. May all re
ceive the same kindness and sympathy in
tune ot affliction.
Hia Children
Dime Social. The entertainment
mittee of the Y M C A have arranged to
give a Dime social at their rooms next Fri
day evening. A short program, followed
by games and a general good time will be
the order of tbe evening. Come.
At the Congregational Culrch.
An attentive and terious congregation
which crowded the church to Its full capac
ity listened to the pointed and convincing
sermon preached bv Mr Llapp last night
I' was bas ? J upon"Niaman's Leprosy and
Restoration to Health." In mak'ng the
practical application the speaker spoke
witn much earnestness and power. The
aftei service was one of spirit nd enthu
siasm. Everybody Is Inviicd to be present
at this evening's service and during the
evenings ol this week. A number have
entered the kingdom since the services
have been inaugurated .
Crayons.- Tinkle will give vou a fit
class crayon, India Ink, water color or
pastel portrait, a $4 frame, a dczen and
half best photographs, s "glass back,"
"colored photo" any st-le, all complete
tor $4.55 snd throw In a hurse and buggy,
a cow ar d a comer lot, for a little more.
uiiki worm ne will give you me Oest
bargains in crayons and positively guar
antee? better work at loer prices than
any body else; Just try hi.n once.
Hood's Pills areTrnr.t iamiiv cathar
tic and liver medicine. Harmless and
Anaemic Women
with pale or sallow complexions,
or suffering from skin eruptions
or scrofulous blood, will find
quick relief in Scott's Emulsion.
All of the stages oi Emaciation,
and a general decline of health,
are speedily cured.
takes away the pale, haggard
look that comes with General
Debility. It enriches the blood,
stimulates, the appetite, creates
healthy flesh and brings back
strength and vitality. For Coughs,
Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Weak
Lungs, Consumption and Wasting Dis
eases of Children.
Send for our pamphlet. Mailed FREE.
Scott kBowne,N.Y- All Druggists. Mc.andfl.
As several Albany people were taken in
we publish the following:
A number of person! in this city have
been taken in by a stamp game, which it
seems has netted the schemer a handsome
sum. Letters were addressed to throe
persons by one Eana Brown, saying that
she had been a cripple all her life, and that
a medical institution at Kaneville, Illinois,
had agreed to cure her if she would collect
one million stamps . She asked the three
persons to whom the 6rst three letters were
addressed to mail her tan stamps, and write
three more letters each to friends, these
friends ench to write three, and so on up to
number fifty. In this way numbers multi
ply rapidly, and a Portland accountant has
figured out that if the chain wks carried
out unbroken the girl receive more than
eleven septilliona of stamps, which amount
is represented by 26 figures, and the aggre
gate value would be $34,000. The letters
all called for cancelled stamps, but even
those have a value. A victim who took the
trouble to institute inquiries, ascertained
that there is no medical institution at Kane
villoi 111, which is a village of the most
ptimitive type. But Edna R Brown re
sides there, and her daily mail is so enor
mous that the loeal postmaster is seriously
thinking of asking to have his office in
creased in siae. Edna has a aipple sister-in-law,
but is not herself a cripple An
eastern exchange says that they have al
ready received about 15.000.000 stamDs.aud
letters pre now pouring in at the rate of
12,600 to. 15,000 per day. Computing mod
estly, Edna has received tJHJO worth of
stamps, at the current price for such, and
and if she received money orders of the
average valne of 20 eenU each, her income
is considerably over $1000 ner day.
A ouiet weddinir too dace near here
last Wednesday. A M Smith was too slv
for the boys. 2ext!
Today J I Dolnh will be re-elected U S
Senator for Oregon, if Lina county has a
man in tne legislature that will vote lor
him that man should be left out by all
Messrs Smith, Pattison and Barton
were in Albany Monday on business.
A petition is in circulation for the
dividing of Linn county. We oppose it
Smith received a letter last week that
had bean missent acd opened in mistake a
few times it was from Passon & Son, Port
land, it seems they had sent a box of gard
en seed to A Y but as they had not beard
from him since they wrote to see if be had
received it. The letter went to Oakville,
Washington, and was opened by a man
signing himself A C Smith. He wrote on
the letter "That A Y Smith has been dead
two years." A Y thinks A C is mistaken
about it, for he feels like a very animated
corpse and he certainly it not deceiving his
mernis in uus style ust to save funeral ex
penses is these democratic bard times.
A 11 ices.
On The Southern Boundary.
Jan. 21st, 1995.
Elvin Taylor returned borne from a viit
to Portland last week and reports having a
very nice time.
Hon Jas Wilkini spent part of last week
is Salem, looking &fter sjme legislation we
Mr Williamson bas been toro'inn hia
shade trees recently, and Mr Getcbell haa
been trimming the lower branches from
Mr Mebgar. of Athena, and Mr Church
man, of Sheridan, are making a lengthy
visit to their relatives, Mr Hayworths.
Mr J K Jcne went to Eugene last Sat
urday for a few days visit..
J Matt Smith and family have moved
from Muddy station to. the Cochraa farm.
Amos Wilkins has been to the city of
.rortiand and returned home the proud ana
happy oaner of some choice poultry.
Miss Clara Philoott came heme from
Portland on account of the serious illness
of he mother, and will probably remai n
here the remainder of tbe winter, although
we are happy to say that Mrs Philoott it
improving rapidly.
Miss Lain Vanghaa has taken a class in
music tn loborg.
Frank and Effi Tatlor were vinitin?
relatives in bogene the lass ot last week.
The steamer Homer left San Francisco
wo days late.
Mr JohnLeedys saw mill has again
begun running.
Old papers is cents a hundred st this
Ufice. Worth that for kindling wood.
One of the needed taws In Uregoa Is one
providing (or the amendment ot charters
of cities without gotng to th; state legisla
ture. Bead oar editorial page. Don't skirt it.
We propose to make H a live feature in
the pper, as far, of course, as our aMHty
perm its.
The East Oregonlan editor said a citi
zen of that place rented a house for bady
purposes and the result was a spin .cd
Mr Bonner told a Crook county man
that the people acvaas the mountain
would have a railroad Inside of eighteen
months.' That is good new.
Seattle baa another industry for ttse
marketing of all kinds of fisa. This is tbe
canning of Baltimore oysters, which arc
shipped here by the barrel and find a
ready market all over the Sound. The
company has also established a com pitta
plant for curing and smoking a't kinds cf
ash found In tne Sound.
No more teams on the public square.
ft has been fenced in In order to be placed
In condition by Proetstel A; Lamb for the
bicycle track and tennis court as soon as
the wet season passes.
The Eugene public school football team
returned borne yesterday morning from
Drain in a contented and well sattsriea
frame of mind, and well they might with
the score In U.etr favor at a ra'a of iS to
o Guard.
The members of Beulah Rebekah
Lodre No 35 I O O F should bear in
mind the special meeting thia evening to
make preparations for Initiatory work at
the next regular meeting. AH members
specially requested to attend. By Older
of NG.
A dispatch tars that B R Henry, of
Yamhill county, who left a few months
ago for Honolulu, to complete arrange
ment for taking a colony 01 Uregonians,
May ar next, to a place 60 miles lou'.h-
we-t of Honolulu, la now on bis way
home. ' Much interest is felt as to the re
sult of his trip, especially sines the recent
outbreak among the natlvta ot nawail
If all arrangments are satisfactory. It is
qatte probable that a targe ca'onv will be
Mr Ed Goins, of Scio, was in tho city
Mr Sam Goldnmith, the drummer, is
in the city.
S M Daniel, Scio'a live merchant, was in
the city today.
I Hon Jeff Myers, of Salem, spent last
.night in Albany.
R W Moses, of Craw fords ville. ia do
ing Albany today. ' .
A B Riggs. the Brownsville tannery
man, ia in the city.
Ex-Collector E T Hatch and wife, of
Alaska, now of Polk county, spent Hun
day and Monday in Albany the guesU of
Hon OT Porter.
Mias Maud Sutherland and Miss Ver-
ras Smith, both of Oakland, Or., have
been in this city, the guests of H B Sac
rey. Mies Smith ia a sister of Mrs Sac-
Mr Frank Campbell, now filling tbe pos
ition of butler for Senator Dolnh. is in the
city for a few days, when he will return to
his duties on tbe senators place. He re
ports that Senator Dolnh will pass through
Albany tomorrow night for Washington,
accompanied by bis daughter, Miss Kuth.
40 Loaves of Bread for $1.00.
Lot everybody come to th3 Sl.-ir Bakery
and get 40 loaves of f resh bread for $1.00
J . C MtYZK.
At the CnBisnAH Church. Last
night Mr Lister preached on the subject,
"Tbe Branches. His subject for tonight
is, "The Good Shepard." All are '.invited
tj attend these meeting.
Rheumattstr In the back, shoulders,
hips, ankles, elbowr, or wrists, Is caused
by accumulation of acid In the blood.
Hood's 8arsapar!lla neutralizes the add
and cures rheumatism.
(1.25 A YEAR.
That wlil be the cost of the Weekly
Democrat hereafter when paid for a yea'
In advance from tne time of payment.
$1.50 at the end of a year j $1.75 for the
second year and two dollars for esch pre
vious jejr. That l, person owi.ig 3
years su,"cription,cansecureltfor4 years
being a year In advance, tot $6.50. This
will apply to the past as well as the future
A clu"i of nve r.ew subscribers may secure
the Democrat i yer for $5.00.
Moral: Don't allow yaur subscription
to run.
Tell your neighbors of the big r Juc
Hon in the price oltheDKMocRAT.Though
cheaper It Is our intention to mo the
paper better as fsst as results will pennit
That is what the Daily Dkmocrxt
will cost herefter,by advance, 25
cents a month, $3.00 Jer- 1 not
paid In advance 30nU Pr "onih.
By carrier, 10 cenU to per
cer.t added If allowed to run over three
months without payment.
The Legislature.
In senate a message from be Governor
recalling Pen n overs appointment of regent
was read. Among tne bills introduced
were: Browne!!, creating orhce of irriga
tion engineer. Report providing kr tbe
usual large number of clerks at salaries of
93 U $5 a day was read and adopted.
Urownell, making rate of interest. 6 per
cent; Ralev punishing tramps; Huston ex
empting homesteads from execution; Max
well. assisting in establishing graded school
at Tiilamook. Dawson for tbe relief of
Ida Teinpleton in sum of i-0,VX; Patterson,
making streets and alleys in corporal ed
towns incorporated highways many in
corporation bills.
In tbe bouse provision wa made lor
clerks and about aa many as usual, experts
to be allloweJ f i.LO a day and others .
A committee to prepare memorial on foreign
immigration was appointed. Committees
were appointed to examine lbe reform
school el a! and forty-four bills were intro
duced. TCEMjaT.
Among the new bills ia tbe senate were
these: Holt, creating board of equaliza
tion as to clatiti ration. Denny, miking
governor, secretary of state and -treasurer
railroad commissioners. lioiL creating of
fice of state assfcsaor and coutitating gov
ernor, secretary of state, assenaor state board
of equalization- Coon, for election of
.'nib-d State senators by direct vote of
tbe people; Referred.
A. large namlr ol bills were read a
second time.
In the house the speaker anaounred stand-
lag committees. Lent Smith of this county
was made chairman of tbe committee on
claims and is on tbe committees on en
grossed bills, and medicine and pharmacy;
J 11 Soott is chairman of tbe committee on
manufactures and is on tbe com mi sue on
mining. M r '1 empletoo is cn tbe mm mil-
tee on counties, commerce, and banking
and insurance.
Among the till introduced were Lbe fol ,
lowing: Smith, of Josephine, repealing
present system of adopting school books;
for establishing state Norinsal acboM at'
Ashland; MsGregr, providing for poll lax
for road work of 12; Jeffrey, creating ck
of state assessor, and creating new board
of euaJizatioa of state odkera, Smith, of
loaepbSpi presiding for persons! b ability
of stock a ere. Barleign. joint rejotaticn
providing fa foredosnre. of Pacific rail
roads mortgage; Morebead, joint rasoia
Lion providing for election first Tuesday af
ter first Monday of November. Cardwc.1,
relating to compeaaatioa cf executor and
administrators la 7 wr cent on first $1(M0.
above that to iixx), & p- out. above that
to KU00, 4 per cent, and atwve that inch
amount aa Lbe caurt may allow; Pax ton,
lien on bones for shoeing tbem.
tbi a vote ox itaxAToa. 1
Tbe vote for U S Senator cn tbe ftande
ballot was aa follows:
la tbe Senate. F-w IMrh-AI'cr. Kan
croft, Urownell, CaJlaraitb. Carter, Iawfoo.
Denny. Gesner, Gowan. Hobton. Joknson,
Maxwell. McOung. McGinn. Patterson.
Price. Sleiwer IS. For Benntt Beik
ley. Butler, CegsweJl, Iluton, McAlifter.
Ralev. Smiths of Clatsop and hbtrman 8.
For Hare Holt, King, Vanderburg 3.
In the Honse. Dolpb Bearh, LUandel.
Bridges, Calvert, Cardwell. Cieetun, toon,
Cooper. Daly. !avid. Davis. Uowlr, Keyt,
Long, McCrarken, McGrwr, Mintie, More
head. Myers. Paxton, Stblbrede, Shutrdm,
Stanley, Smith, Clackmas, Smith, Polk,
Smith, Josephine, Templet on. Thompson.
Moore 29. For Judge Moore Baker,
Barker, Boothby. Burke, Cote, Coon. Craig,
Curtis, Uatea, tfnild, Gardane. Uiilegaa,
iiofer, Hope, lter, Lyle. Pattereon. K meat-son.
Smith, cf Linn. Tigard, right,
Yates 22 For Hare Pop, Buckman.llor
leigh, Huffman, Jeffreys, Neatoa, Stewart,
Young 7.
Tbe above is furnished lbe Democrat by
a friend in Salem and is correct. Parte
it in your bat for future reference.
That Joyful Feeling.
With the exonerating sense of renewed
health and strenght and internal cleanli
ness, which foilows tbe use of Sytup o
Figs, Is unkown to the fe woo hsve n o
ynxcressed bevond the old time medic! n
and the cheap substitute sometime o B
red but never accepted by the . well I
At Cost
For a Short Time,
In order to make 100m for new goods
Jadies muslin underwear, consisting o
alght-dresses, chemise, drawers and cor
set-covers, also white apron'.and children
and infanta dresses. These are good
standard goods, bought direct from the
ananufacturer and are marked In plain
figures. blMt'KL E,
Ladies who wear a1' to 4 shoes will find
it to their Interest to cad at Klein & Du-
brutlle's where some great bargains will be
ottered them.
Prescriptions filled at Dawson's
The Vr earner.
Wednesday and Thursday, occassional
rain, nearly stationary temperature. River
F M French, dl layman.
Albaay Mark
Hnoar. M.
Oata, 5H
l7onr, as--1"
Holler. 2.1
myA fi m lb n
P rk ham. 12 to 1 6c; r on ldar,UM10c
. 11 to 13c.
Hay. baled,
"oifcioea, 2S-
Apnl, ,.
Highest Honors World' Fair.
a. wire Crane Cream of Tartar Powder. Pre!
I ftom Atnrnonla, Alum or any other adultc nt
A Mixture to
he Taken
In Small
Y M C A social Friday evening.
Have you read the editorial page.
Remember the Y M C A social Friday
evening. Good music and recitations.
Recent) j a man was In the city who did
gold wire work very well,' making pins,
Initials, &c Mr Fred Bruckmari,conduct
or of the street car, has been experiment
ing snd Is doing better work thsn mai-.y
traveling experts. He will soon take orders.
A man who was In Salem vesterday
says that when the name of Dolph was
voted for the crowd In the gallery hissed
and could not be controlled. v hen voted
against the crowd cheered.
Another man saya this is not true.
''Old, vet ever near, and simple and
beautiful ever,' singj tl.e poet, in words
which might well apply to Avar's Sirsap-arilla-the
most efttcient and sclen'.ldc
blood purifier ever offered to suSeting
humanity. Nothing bnt superior merit
keeps It ro long at the fronfj
The best anodynes aud expectorant for
the cure rf colds , coughs, and a'.l ibroar,
lung, and bronchial undoubted
Iv, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, the only spec
fic for co.da and coughs admitted on ex
hibition at the Chicago World's Fair.
mm m 1
You Can Here Keep Track of Your
Friend. '
Mr Henry Broders went to Portland this
C V Clifford, of Jordan, was in the city
today on business.
W E Chandler, of Lebanon, waa d sing
Albany today.
Judge J C Forllorton passed through Al
bany this noon.
Mr T J Stites went t Portland on this
morning's overland. 1
Rev Roland Grant, tha Portland pulpit
orator, waa in the csty this noon.
M ica Belle Martin, of Lebanon, ia vis
iting relatives in this city.
J A D intuit, trvrelitg secretary of tbe Y
MCA spent hurt night in Albany.
Mr and Mrs Mack Monteith aad Mr and
Mrs W tt Kaymmond went to PortUad this
Mr Ted Parker, awesacr of Liacola
county, went to Salem today. He wants
the assessment laws amended.
'has Daniebon and Mr Metrites, of De
troit, went to Blowout lake last Moodiy
morning on a bunt. They have not been
beard of since, and it ia feared they bare
been lost.
Ed Mills, of this city, yesterday waa
breaking on tbe West Side, when near
HiUsboro be fell off a ear and sprained one
of bis ankles. He will be laid op for a
week or two.
Senator !'obnon. Linn county's junior
member, presided yesterday for a few min
utes during tbe absence of Pres. Simon.
nd be did it in aoch an able manner as to
renect no litt credit npon Lian ooun'j aad
tbe many friends cf the yxrang senator.
In writing np tbe Hukiag Bee last
evening the Ii.vckt left tbe name first
on tbe lit, Mr bd Uiodgett and Miss Mil
dred liurmesier. who took the prominent
parts (4 lbe farmer and bis wile, for tbe
grand climax of tbe item; but neglected to
remember the fact, and mention of the
parts tbey took was omitted It i ooe of
Lbe provinces cf a newspaper to omit names
and an eaty icing to do
City Council.
Present: Mavor, Recorder. Marshal and
Conncilmen Fromaa. Hurtrn. Pfeiffsr,
Gradwoal. r&rreH and Halter.
VzKja lesoiatios tbe city tax levy for
&& was ordered pUced at 8 miil on the
dot tar. to be levied epoa property assessed
at Sl.4.3.770.
Tbe matter cf seen ring a piaa for carry
ing off tbe water near the depot waa con
tinued until tbe next meeting, also that of
carrying away water oa rim ueiween
Sherman and Uak, each being referred to
the committee of the whole.
Tbe txetition of Mr M E Farreil asked
that certain moory paid by her oa street
aemenia oa property in the Thud Ward
be refunded t j her. Referred to committee
on accounts and current expenses.
Tbe ttiuin of E A 1-arker asked that
be be paid the sum of $'200 far hi salary
as treasurer far the year ISH instead of
$1C inasmuch as when be was elected tbe
salary was ). lieierred.
A commamcation from l.ounty nerc
Xeedbam notiheJ the city council that
tbe amount of the city assnsment was as
given above.
A resolution asted max u aa-esaeu :
charter be submitted X the member of
legislature from taiScounty with tbe re
quest that they use every honorable cceaa
to secure its passage.
License to sell li-iuor was granted w
RoweU npon complete execotica of tbe
Bids for dirt aad gravel were opened.
and were aa foilows: X E itt. river
gravel, 65; pit, 45; dirt, 20 cents aad
spread same. John Lear, dirt. IS cents;
it, 4V; river, west ot i-yon. mc east 01
.von. Y rank isewart, pit, STHc: nrer
gravel. 4oc aa far east as Lven; nst of that
street, Sc; dirt 20c. Cal Burkhart, river,
49c; pit. 50c; dirt, 25c. A B Morris, river,
44Sc; dirt. 23c 4 W Whiteside, river,
60? east KlUworth; west, 50c ; dirt, 20c
8 W Ross. pit. 45c: river. 45c: dirt, lbe.
Tbe contract waa ordered let for repairs of
city, to A b Morris for river gravel, for
dirt, to John Lear. , Bonds were ordered
eivnn for tlOO.
Lumber: Smith & Smith, yellow fir. at
city on board cars, (9 per thousand; where
ordered i... Continued.
Citv printing: Contract waa ordered let
to F P 8 cents acd 4 cents per
square fer ordinances, etc and to P J
inulev. tor posters at o cents per sex.
Hoarding prisoners, to C U x-ee lor 2
cents per meal.
lbe matter ot city omcera and their
salaries was continued until next meeting.
tbe committee of the whole to report then
T eatberf ord ft Wyatt were authorised
to see that the amended charter be intro
duced in the legislature.
Bills allowed, city canneilmen, $59: K C
Dannals. t25: water rent. $25.
An nnrafe flue was reported at Y M C A
bnilding. The marshal was directed to
notify owners cf property to fix flue.
Mis Tcmplton's Bill.
Thore is before the Oregon senate & biil
for the relief of Ida Templeton, in the
stun of $20,000. for injuries sustained on
the public highway. r urtber particulars
are anxioasly awaited. Who is Ida? Vhn,
where and bow was sT.e lniuretir wiiy
did she not present the claim to the county
in which the highway is situated r Ann
wers to these questions will Gil a short-felt
wnt l'ortlnnd Telegram.
Miss Temnleton is a sister of Dr Clans
Templeton ct your city, and is a resident of
Brownsville. She is a pure niimled. nioJel
veung woman: no better probably ever
breathed . But she bas oulv one leg. The
other was lost in an accident two or three
years ago in thiscountyWhile crossing over
a bridge that was defective and dangerous
she went down with tne rotten structure,
and received injuries, resulting in the loss
nf a leer The statute it so worded that a
countv cannot be sued in such a case Huit
was brought and taken to the Supreme
court, but the law could not be gotten
around. The bill is for special relief, and
if ever tich a bill were justified it is this
You Make No Mlatake
When you trade with
Parker Broa.
You get good treat-riant,
Not only to day
lint to-morrow.
You always gat good groceries.
The staple article.
Their teas and coffees are the best;
Their canned goods are fresh;
Their baaed goods,
Bread, cakes, pies and cookies,
Make permanent customer. .
4o loaeof bread
Choice pickled goods.
Fresh 1 roduce and fruits
Alwavt'in hand.
Ii you trade with Parker Bros.
You'makc no mistake.
Jury List.
The Coaaty Court yesterday before ad
journment selected tbe following jury list
for the year 1895, from which a jury list of
31 will be drawn before each term of sourt:
Albany John Fox, I M- Balaton, M B
Case, C E Hawkins, Perry Conn, Smith
Cox, L C Stratton, V T Jordan, Thomas
Hopkins, H Sbelton, J 11 Colwell. Kd
Chambers, John Propst, Richard March,
P O Anderson, II It llyde, M F Dawson,
T J Butler, Wm Fry, Collins Elkins, D II
1 Iodine, Frank Trite, Geo liochstedler, W
8 Foster, II F Merrill, A J Anslyn, Mark
Orleans las A Pugh, A Craft, Charles
Everett. J U Patterson. Weilev Milhoilan.
Clarence Stockton.
langent Ubbe Peters, I E lenk. Jos
Simpson, A J Uievins, Geo Cochraa, L B
Scio John Comtdon. T F Miller. Frank
Crabtree, J W Gains, 8 A Poind?xter, H T
Stanley, John Cyrus, J A Richardson, W
G McDonald, G W Phillips, John Con, G
v Arnold, Kouert Carey, M u GUI, K IS
Miller, W H Ramsey. H I Shore. John
Smallnicn, Wm Young. J P Crabtree, B A
roinoexter, a 1 roweii.
Harrisburg - Frank Dempsey, W M
Davidson, J E Bosseman, I' K Grimes, It
Bishop, Samuel Nixon, w alter Huston, 8
A Hulin, Wm Curtia, Robert U hits, J F
Brownsville Jode Pearl, Bert Temple
ton, D H Ambrose. C H Cable. Geo Dvson.
George Geatory, C E Roberta. George
Standish, George Stanard. G C Taompson,
Clyde Foster, vi m U Kirk, J W Wolfe,
Henry Blakely, John Montgomery, I D Ir
vine, W C Cooiey, J P Cavender, Geo SIc
Kinney, W O Smith.
Shedd Thomas Springer, J R Davis, J
B Coraett. John C Davis, W B McCormic,
I C Robnett, F L Porter, J M Barton,
Henry Freerksen. IVu. Ann is. James
Carotbera, 8 M Brownell, K Do, W A
Shelburn A,C Criasman, X B Wash
burn. CrawfordWie J II Glass. Ed MeCann,
Irwin iox, W m Ireland, George Fin ley,
Wm Robe
oster Mr Cmpbrey, Green Sptawn.
Hotly John F Barr. W ri F Hamilt
A C King, TJ Philpot. G W Colbert, G W
Lebanon C D Steen, Henry CIcun,
Frank McKnight G M -Westall. I H
O'Neil, A J Crandall. E C Roberts, John
Smith, John Craft, M A Miller, I W
Uurfchart, W L Moore. A T McCullob, C F
Moist, J W Bland, JobuG Reed
Halaey George Commons, George Sim
mons, wm aroioth. I i Carter. H S
Owens, J M M liter, J H McCullougn, Frank M hoonU, D J Hayes. B A
Stafford, T Palmer. Alexander Kirk. 8
S Leeper, X U Bateman, C Al ingham, T
v roweii, j a Merer.
Milters U Foreman. Ed Meeker. I F
Ash. S T Crook. F D HaighL
Jordan C W Richardson. Jaioea N
Campbell. M Y Eilyeu.
Larwood Ariemns Gainea. Jas Craft,
Lacomb Wm Locfborough.
Mill City E A Hotter. E O Meanest.
Waterloo-O P Card. W A Gleaaon. O P
Ferguson, Martin Riiaad
Sweet Home P J philpot. Jack Mc
Clure, Riley Alley, A C Bock, Mr Hams,
CE Roaseil
Sodavilse Wm Incram. R W Fiafaar.
Cha-Hea Bogart, T J Coyle.
Plainview ScoU Ward, A P Blackburn,
Joba Morgan, J Nicholas.
A-yons w t fotier. W t lUmmer, J L
Berry, C X Downie.
Rowland M Philpot, Wm A Lane.
R&brt X MUler, Iboj Tamer, David
Kingston M S Titos, A Critman, J T
Foilia. Jos Fouler.
Crabtree Jos Freeman. Ed Yonag. L A
Successful O X ration.
' - A very serioos sargiral operation was
performed upon. M P Taylsr of thia city in
the Portland hospital Ut Thttrsdar. Tbe
operatioB co agisted in the removal from hi
aodomen of a large fibrous tumor, and in
taking it awav the re-nova! of 37 iacbes of
tbe intestine became Betenary. Three
rear ago Mr Taylor began to scSer from
tbe effects of the turncc. and dnneg the last
three months, haa bea incapacitated from
tabor, lie went to Pcwtiand last Mondar.
and at tea o'clock Thursday the surgeon
began UeoperaXsoa.whkh was not tlauhed
oatil two him later. Tbe operatioa was
performed by an Albany surgeon. wbo write
to the fanuly that tbe paiiefcl bore the or
deal a ell, and there is a chant of his re.
covery. but nothing certain abont it- The
surgeon also stated that the' oreration
showed that in a month or two longer tbe
preKsare of the tumor Skgainit the intestine
woaid interfere wita tne free performance
f their funrtiau.and would hare malted
in death. ConalUs Times-
Tbe cperatioa above referred to wts done
bv f r ti W a!atoe of this citv. assisted by
lr t Cauthom ot t'ortland. to wnom IT
Mastoa give due credit f or hh able assist-
anoe ia adjssUcg tbe Morpby button, a
contrivance for adjurting and keeping in
place the ends of the divided intestine. A
telegram to Ir Martoa this morning re
porta Mr Taylor entirely out of danger.
Paio it.-The O P paid np for to-day
uotil Tan tt. Receiver Clark paid all
claims due previous to Uec aaad and Bon
ner It Hammond from the Jit-d to jan
Tooth brushesat l .-H Dawaoa
Wtf.L ST.Vivn.t 10 jeweler
MF.XOHER.-Oa Monday, Jan 21,
ia Albany, to Mr and Mrs Saw Meox-ber
a boy.
WRrrSMAN. On Saturday evening,
Jan. 19. ISstf, to Mr and Mrs J O wnta-
man a boy.
needed firsh. no mat
ter hew Tou're tost
it take Dr. Pierre's
' Golden Medical Dis-
covery. It worka
f' wonders. Bv restor-
ins- the normal ac-
I tioa of the deranged
organs and functions.
it builds the flesh ap
to a safe and healthy
standard promptly.
pUasaatlT and nat
ural! v. The weak-
emaciated, thin, pale
and puny are raaae
plump, round and rony. otn.
effective as a strvng-ta restorer
and flesh maker ia known to medical set-
ease; this puts on hralihy flak not tbe Cat
of cod liver oil and its bllhv compounds.
It rouses everr organ of the bodv to ac
tivity, purifies, enriches aud vitalire
the blood so that the body feels refreshed
aad strengthened. If you are too thin, too
weak, too nervous, it may be that tae food
assimilation is at fault. A certain amount
of bile is necessary for the reception of tbe
fat foods in the blood. Too often the liver
holds back thia clement which would help
digestion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery stimulates, toaes np and invig
orates the liver, nourishes the blood, and
the muscles, stomach and nerves get the
neb. blood they require.
Spssrt Kami reds of Dollars with no Benefit.
M. I. CaLKHAlt of rf Sarftnt .ST., Kaxtur?,
Mass., writes ; - Alter
aanerinsr from dyspepsia
aad constipation with un
told agony for at least iS
months, tarn more taao
pleased to av that after
uatmr Dr. Vwtee's Golden
Medical Discovery and
Pleasant PellsU' Tor one
month, I was entirely
cared, and from that day
to thia I do not know,
thank God. what cmii
alieht headache i. 1 pld
a doctor oa Tremont m.,
Boston. In one day (for
hia advice oolT.l the sum
Of $10.00 Wit ij fc.r rrv, rTT TN.r
and derived no J- Cour.M x, Esq.
benefit. I (Ot more relief 'a ot Aasr fittra yoar
medicines, as far as my stomach was concerned,
than from aU the other medicine I used.
If any person who reads this is stiflering from
dyspepsia or constipation and will uVe your
aaediuoc as 1 have duue, he will never re re it."
Street Railway Time Card
The car will leave corner of Fir mJ
ft ashlngton street a follow:
7:40 am for uebanon train.
8:1S " " Orohan"Homo.
Ittjo " " Nooa train going aorti
t j:iS p m for noon train going south.
1 Lebanon train.
1:33 " Orphans Home, "
JJq.'55 " " Overland train going south.
fror Oiphan' Home on "Sunday car
leaves at 3:30. 3:30 and 4 30 p m.
Tha car will also meet all Incoming
train on the Oregon Pacific railroad.
r-"CJl AJtY
Quinine pills at Fred Dawson's
Get yoar millinery at Mrs AshSy's.' -
Cran Berries at C E Brownell'.
' Get your Photos for Xmaa at Tinkles.
H'rt baths st Verick's shaving parlors.
Two loaves of bread for 5 cents at F E
Frtsh buckwheat flour in bulk at C E
40 losea of fresh bread for $1.00 at C
Fresh celery, freah every other day at
C Brownell s.
Try Cows CcBee. only 30c per pound
at C C Brownell'.
Baths at Vierecks shaving sod hair
sattiog parlors.
If yon wast a Boa snok eall for Joseph jt
white labor cigars.
Hat Baths Snd warm rooms at Verick's
shaving pallor.
40 full weight loaves a bread for f 1 a
Parker B oa. -
Clean townis to vry eascomer st Viersck
b eviog parlor.
Hodges St McFarland make a specialty
of prescriptions.
We sell more snd better bread at the TJ
S L.kery than any other house In towu.
CD Van Dyke will tell you two loaves
fres bread kr 5 cents at the U 8 Bakery.
It Is a pleasure to eat (food bread and
thi you wilt always find at the U S bak
If you want that aching too'h filled or
attracted without paia call at Dr Adam's
When you buy bread consider quality
id quantise then vou will buy at the U
Teacher of vocal 4 id Hs'ru mental
nunc Miss Htttie M VrnCr corner
4'h and Ellsworth street.
Old sole of ladies shoes eaten off and
new half soles sewed on. making the snoea
as go jd as new by J W BenUy.
Money to Loan.
Wc are prepared to make loans on good
tn proved farms in sums to suit, of from
3,000 to
Cua a ax & MosTtiTH.
There Is na excuse for acv man to ap
pear tn society with a grizzly aemrd siece
the Introduction o Buckingham's Dye,
which colors natural brown or black.
Dr. Price's Cream Bckioz Ponder
VssrWs Fair Me. Mada! aast Ota-ssasa,
Vaeffar One Hosdnrd Dollars Beward tae
any case of Catarrh that, caaaot bt'cnsl hj
Ball's Catarrh Cure. . ,
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toted. O.
We tbe suuenusncd. have know sr. J,
Clwaey tor the last IS years, aad beliere ""
perfect! Boanrable ia all riss r -t
aad BaaBe!a!7 sole ta carry oat any obEcaUaa
aoade by their firm.
WajrraTarax.'anio Dra rr1ta.Toao X3.
ajVsxatso. Kj a Xaaru, "-naWi ITtsi
rials. To!do. O.
Ba'rsCatarraCoraisfalrca I.tM,!.
fecdirtrU; epos too biood aad arawoss sor
lacc of the system. Price 73c. per t.. eai
ww ""' - . rrTSii tree.
laavos. Until farther notice Craw
ford & Pax!on will give yon one dcz finest
cabinet photographs and a V life size
crayon or Indian Ink Portrait (for 16 x 20
loch tram.:) for tbe extremely iow price U
94.5a. work tbe nnest and best made
Led and see samples at galierv. 1st
street Frosoan b'eck.
Dandruff forms when the glands of the
kin are weakened, and If neglected, bald
ness Is sure to follow. Hail's Hair Re
newer is Ue best preventive. .
When the Chinaman the water
Prom a'- agty notx's squirts
On the surface cf your collars.
On the bosom cf yoar shirts,
HI oaty thought of you
Is the money be will get.
By spitting on the Hnen,
'Till be know he has it wet.
The Alhaav Steam Laoadrv
7 us!
Face powders at Fred Dawson's
This extra
Miaary Mr
toraaauor a
the most
dlaeovery of
the are. It
hsa hsaa en-
J'""! ter the
soon of
Enrop and
ef the eyes
ad ether
1 9 t I ( onuca
4 ;
Brins .ui,.
1 gsbiltty.
I Ketioi nuts.
1 Xmissioaa.
I aad developer
I aad xetsuiW
I waak njmsa
Pains la the.
by day or
risers sts
e the dl
days. Oapmr
srnloarv. Over lOOfi Ta-fvata
It as ay ai pecan or arminai wcacacas
renaeas. It eaa ba stocosd la Sa daya
by lbs as of Bodvaa.
The new distuieis ass sasds'.-y thePreelal.
iaUofttAoM UmrrasMBCSwa Mssical lastirara.
It a the auourest vitaitaer saade. It as very
now ami L. bat oarmieas. toia for si oo a pace-
ueor packs lor . 00 (plain saaiei dcotsi.
wnrna foaranta preaioracoja. 11 yon
six boxes sod ar cot entirely curd,aLa c
will ha sent to von hwaof ailehanrea.
Sand fr elreularsand teathnonia'a. Addrass
arDtoN MEDicat. istitcxk,
JaavMSoaa atocJktoss, EUts 9ta
veompt answer aad aa hOMst opmtoB. wi
Ml S M cV t'O iu har bad Marly ah.
cxparMnrs ta the patent fcasmsaa. Commanlesj-
tionsstrtoUysoBSoantlal. A Haadbaok of Id-
rormauoa conowrnias: fa teats ana sow to 0.
tala taam sent frsa. Also a eataloaaaot merSin
leal ana sdenuss books seat frso.
FatanU taken taronch Mann ft Co. laoslia
speetal Bottostath sieteatiae Aaserieaa. aa4
tbas ara broocbt wiosty baroraUia pebnewtth
oat ens to tka tnvsotor. This sd)bi4 papar.
eaty. eMwanu y tirastrareo. bas by rar ta
Unrest eii
rcoiaitoa or any soenutw wore in
10. a;
iS a year. BaaiNa copies sent tn.
atldtne Kdluon.
ea, 3 cent. Kvary nnaabar nontaina baaa.
ftatuun, ssontaiy. asjw a year.
ttfol alatea, tn eolora, and ptKtfocraphs of a
btimta. with alana. DabltneVaildara to show I
latest daUru and secaracuntneta. Aadrsas
atlUi-s i OJw sw Xoaa, Sal. BaoanwaT-
Oregon Pacific -Railroadi
fill CLACK, receiver
Direct Line-
iSp ;tch
I oh Freight Kates.
nnsoMireitk stsaats
qnlna sal i Fraseisca.
Ilonrsr ostwsaa T
aoa aa naiictsoo
Boa a sills FDj 10th Vrch t, 11 ts, and
rka vsantsa.
Uomwsa s Fib lh alrjh T, IT, aad tTth.
rhs Company resjervoa tha ngnt t
oanie nalllag datea wlthont notice,
Fir freight and paatanjer r-te app)
to sry agent.
Chsrlss i Ilsndrva, ba) Co. No 1 e S
attfktt S: ui F.-.-ijisco Cs
0 rsocUsr. CoresliU Oregon
r ill ' .ciiSiffid
r4 .
A Beautiful ITand
presents a spectacle for universal admira
tion. There's character in tne band, and
tbe hand deserves attention (or tbat very
reason. What tha hand ia to a large er
lent U the result of care and atler.'ion.
Medicine preserse the health; manicore
articles beautify the har.d. All such
requisite of phasing palm tha betpeak
a character justifying pritie are shown in
our stock of utiiet and manicure article.
It's most onwise, judging by results, to
neglsct cither the hands or tbe health, and
oar stock of drug and medicirc effer
the best of everything needful to preserve
either or both.
OfJWUI ft Start
Optical Specialist
Graduate of lb Chicago Oj-tLa!n.ic
I am prepared to examine reteniifkalry
and accurately, try the latest and inrprored
methods of modern sciejice. any who da
sire to have their eyes tested.
Cusiek Block. Ajlbaxt, OsEficz.S
CoistT Wirrzfiis Eoilt as
Sold. 02ef,Sastcn Llwk, lltasj
Albany, Or.
City and county warranls bought and
' V JCusickEIoei
Tilling tod extracting of teeth wiil.oa
pain a epefjalty.
Cocvaarxs for Sale Fnre tri
ockereis fcr a:e,at the Albany rcuiiiy
Yards. White and bi'.yer Laced vtysrdo'a
and Eirierl Plymcxuh Rrcka. John Brl
Albany, Oregon, toriser ih and R R it
Tin rooGins ami "tJarcbicp. Opposite
the opera. boue. & S0L1ERS
All leeal nsatters will receive prornpt at-
lant-3B. Office, First vuonal Bank
buiidins. np stairs.
Room 25 and 26, Strabaa ClocK '
HCWatsoB Luther Elkins
Office First National Bank Buildinr
Business intustedto ns will receive care
ful and prompt attention.
TVUI practice ia all the il of the
Otbce First Xat,"! Bank tuiidicfc'.AUany.
G- MOO S. crprie the Ras Jl -te
feed, bia-liat. 0rB ir.el, tirs
ham kue'iwhtat, tya fl ur, bay, oats,
traw, potato, etc.
der for the coropit xicn is a substitute
tor -xwmetics. Harmle, dainty, pure
For saie by Mr G C Moo. Albany, Slate
Agert. Agtut warned. Good pay.
Parties knowing thetntevet indebted to
the old Cr of Klein Bso, ate requested V
call and settle same before Feb isr, as on
that date they will be p'aced in lawyer's
bands (or collection.
K. O. T. M
meet everr Saturday events; in K. O.
T. MUail. Y!sitrjg Knight "invited to
attend. A 1 Lamb, Com.
Office oa Ferry St near cor ?nl St. Office
hours, 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m
Especial attention given to chronic case
and ays diseases.
Red Grown Roller Hills
Bdtt Hoar tor lamilyj ladkcrs