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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1895)
, M. CO. K. McNEILL, fcejeiver. TO THE OIVES THE CHOtCK 0 TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUT ES CHEAT UNION HGHTHERH PACIFIC VIA via SPOKANE KINNEAPOilS DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW BATES TO ALL eastern :cmE3. . OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 D.WS SAN FRANCISCO Kor toll details, call on Cirbyn & MosTxrrn, Albany, Or, OR ADDR&.13: W H HURLBTjKT. Gbm'l Pas . An ski PGR IT AND, OR. DOLLARS PER MONTH In Your Own Locauty maiie easily and honorably, withcat capl tal. durin your spare hours. Any man woman, boy, or girl can do the work han ily, -without experience. Talking pa- necessarv. ' Notions: like it for mo:r making ever offered before. Our wor leers always prosper. No time wasted . ia learning the bnsraess. We teach yea In a night how to succeed from the fir . hour. You can make a trial without el pens to yourself. We start you, furnisV svcrytniug needed ti carry on me oust tc3s siecessfully, and guarantee yv iurainst failure if Ton ut follow nl - simple, plain Instructions. KeadtP, it von are in need of ready money, aw. want to know all about the hest paying business before the public, send us ro - audress, and we will mail you a CUV ' meat giving you all the paracolars ITIUE. & CO., Box 400, Augusta Malna. Oregon ... Pacific. '-'I COtS rtACS. : eeelver Direct Lire- Qui..!: is., itch i I oh Freight Kates. - nasea lr itii steuna qcua aa 1 it t Fraveisco. Homer betwwa T f ton aa rsjisriioo,. HonM3iiuFtb7 80th JCrchi, 11 S3; mod rwi Tiara. HKB-rri sF.bijth JtiA T, 17, aid 27th. fb? pompanT reserves tt ngnt t satigv sailing dates wHbout notice. F-.r freight and paswnjer rlea apply So toy Agent. Chsrtai J Raadrvs. 8b ft Co. Kb ! oS MarkH S: Sao FraaM C Caik iccttrer. Coryallis Orrjon l?heimatTsmi . . Lumbago, Sciatica Kidney Complaints, Lame Back Acs En. SLOSH'S ELECTRIC EEU With Electro-lrfajcnetJc SUSPENSORY. WTT1 cure w rt boot wnwitetoe all Ti il m nantttog frntQ OTer-taxatiooirf brain nerve forces x cxeemesor ind rtvoa, u Derroas debility, gicrpwuie , lanpior, rbmmatian, fciditcr, Irrer ad bidd-T eompiunt. bMck, lumbagu, aeiBUcA. all female complaint. rnm ill fcr&ith, ete. TU iertnc Belt etrntauva ewUrfsl hmrwoau over all ether. Current i Imwtuf tcttby 2erer or w fcrfeit f,MLo. sn4 will eureaiiof th aiioro dif-sases or bo par. Tb-u aaoG L-e been eurvd br this marvelous inremoa a trr cUwr rvme-Iii utsL and we pie haaimiM of Uilirawii: in Chs and ever oTber etste. Oor rww-fal lciymr EUfiTRJC CraPKS&OCT, tba booa ever off'-rcd wealc men, rtfKK liaal Sc-s. UiKillk and TtarM Ovarrtli &! AcLil avKaimaOt V4Ur ni for i:.(Ui:U Pacihtet. aiiauk-d.seaietfxy SAfiOEM ELECTftSC CO.. ALBANY COLLEGE. Send for Catalogue S Gff ICECEH R&ISIHQ PAYS ifyoa use the Petalnoi fncnbiitora Brwtlcr. ak Eioney while ouiers are r-asting mechanically the bt .wheel. Prettiest model. we are PaciSe Coast A stents. Bicycle cata- logue.tntiled&eejrivea full deseriction . price., etc.. aoekts utahted. PZTALUMA DTCUBATOK CO., Petal uma,Cal. BaajicH Hocsb, 131 6 Main 6C, Loa Angeles. FCSHAY & MASON )r, gisi8 and Booksellers, - U for John B. Aldec'a pufclVj-'Jors m rh we 1) at pobliaher' rrioM wii 5.00 loS'S-oo PEE DAY at nome euing Lightning Pla-eran4 platinF jew e ry, watche., tah'eware, etc. Svery house has good needing plating. io f x pcriencejno capita'; no talking. Some a?n-s are mak'ng 2$ afajr. . Permanent o't.on AdJees II K Deino & Co., Co in'j'.i Onio. -. :i ; ert gri tv IBEASE o?r- r 13 the Tvoatu vo bt3iftfj of say utber brar.. Kob f WIt OF ajcio, ' T 0I0, OBEGOU, f, i, it ir ., , J UVKK A J Jon EA&" t Pi-.-,. ..-J Cijf- .. . a . a.i R lmebyo!Jprocrsses. If? Catalog te! is alt about Pa!fe I g Jlad describes ey J Hlostratel 1 1 p tiuitl- E-ct!i for th?gi Catalogue f The "ERIE" 1 Steir " for alTcaoKa burfcom. RUE STORY: Off O LEK i til Omy ltfc'lrtKl $J,ortemtl of ntoo muck inefin front fod coofctsf fv Ur&. food cooktct la DoYOUuceGrrounal TOE N. K. FAIR8ANK COT1PANY, ) ST. tOCIS ad , CUcaujtw, HcwTaa-k, hex F OAs j. H C rvu, H C Ra Reooirera. ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. 11 J Pullmaa Sleeping liars, Elegant Dinig Oars, Tourist Sleeping Oars St Pant Minneapolis Doluth Fargo, ; TO Grand Forks - Crookston Winnipeg Helena and . Butte THROUGH TICKETS '( TO Chicago . Washington " ( Philadt"phia New York Boston and all Points East and South For information, time cards, tnspVand tickets call on or write C G Burkhart, Agent, AiDanj, Ur. Or AD Charlton, A as I Gen Fass Agt, f ortland, Oregon.- Truths Sick, i For thosa DFiTwt v nit inno R spEI-t-S depend oa Sulphur Bit- b ters; It never fails to cure. V DO YOU SUFFER whh that tired and all-gone feeling? If so use Sulphur Bitters; it will cure yon. Don't be without a bot tle. Yon will not regret it TRY IT. The Secrct of a fair face is a beauti ful skin. Sulphur Bitters If you donotvriihto I 1 mokes both. flsnirerfrora RHEUMATISM, use a ei bottle of Sulphur Bitters; it never w uiru. - Are you constipated? it 8nIphnrBitters ia just what yon need " Poor, wer.k, and weary mothers "s r-uf.y, fiNOLlNQ children. auipnur iiittcrs will make them strong, nearly, and nealthy. Cleanse the vitiated blood when you see lis laipuntk bursting uuvugu Liit; B&m in Kely on Sulphur Bitters and health will follow. PIMPLES. BLOTCHES AND SORES. Send 3 S-eent stamps to A. I. Ordsrav & Co . Boston, Hauler bet rueUcsU workpablliaed "Savannah, N.Y., March i3th, 1894. Messrs. S. C. Welw & Co.. LeRoy, N.Y. Gentlemen I was pronounced by my home? physician as having tubercolosis, and I went South without any apparent benefit I was recommended to use Shiloh's Consumption Cure, and its results twe been wonderful. I cheerfully recommend it to any one suffering from lung trouble. Jake W. Goss. HUM COLLIBJAIB IHSTIiTO ALBANY, OREGON A f 1 corps of lnatructos ..ASiCAL, SCIENTIFIC LITERARY COMMERCIAL AKD NORMAL CLASSES. f oorsf.a ot r4udy crranged tm msion . SfeciaiiuaucemtnttcftrtdtoittulCH' from abroad. .J W. VVatVK A CO.,BABiaEB - OF ALBANr, ORKQOS, . TSArfSAvTa general Bauilnpr tutness. Ii RAW SIGHT DHAfTS on New York, Ban Fr aeo and Portland, Oregnn; LOAN MONEY oa approred sreniitv. RKCEIVB depoai ta subject to chsek. -COLLECTIONS made on larorabie itorma; INTEREST paid on tlm darioal II Strike Profits And Losses. In hit review of (be atrikea of 1894 in Pennsylvania Governor Fattison eays that all except three failed to accomplish their purpose, while the Iom of profits, to employ ers is estimated at only 10 per rent of the loss of wages to the man. ' In the presence of figures like those strik ..... 1 At- - era are Ukety to grow unpopular in me United Stat.s as they have already done in England. But in the mean time this is unmistakably an era of strikes in the United States, and it ia likely to continue until the lesson of experience has been learned . According to the United Stales labor re- pons there were oniy J,au important .a S J T 4 A strikes between 1796 and 1880, while in the ensuing five years there were 3,902, in volving over mi lion and a quarter o men. The Pennsylvania figures - of lcse $1,- 325,423 fo." the men as against oily $181,- 651 for the empbyers of that Sta'e seem out of all proportion, but there is no reason to doubt tbsm. The economic probauiu ties are all in their favor. : Under the system of organisation now in vogue among manufacturers output is sys tematically decreased In order to Increase prices. As far as strikes limit output in a market controlled by combination they fall in with this system and increase man ufac'urcrV profits on goods already in hind. Thus while the workman's loss of iges is total as sons as he stops working the profits of the combined manufacturers still go on. ' Of course this would not be the ca? if there were competition among manufactur ers. A striae in one factory leaving com peting establishments in operation would cripple the factory subjected to the strike, but were by fust or other form ot combi nation the manufacturers abolish compe tition the strike is often to their advantage. UnJcr the Red Flag. De TocqueviHe defined a plutocracy as a government of wealth, where Ve officers are pat op at a sort of auction.'' 1 his sy tem is not miiiga ed but ra'her aggravated when the auction lis avoided throueri the action of corporations and ambitious mill ion a ires in purine op the Irsisla'ora In ad vance. Ose or the other of these plutocratic methods of acquiring a Seoatorship has been adopted by (he Republicans' ia several of the Stages wLich they carried at the last election. The red ft'g or the mortgage foreclosure symbolizes their procedure. Ia Ntbtaska the Republican legislative caucas has unanimously coroina-t d John M I Thurston lor Senator. Hr is he general I solicitor of the Union Pacific RaKresd. In other words, he is to be transferred from the lobby to the floax of the Senate to "loo after the interests'' of a corporation that ts ia default of millions of dollars dus to the United States. This 1. the use w'.iih the Republican party in !?cbr&ika make of its recovered power. In New j'r;y the Pennsylvania Railroad is using a pliant Republican Legislatare to make a (miliar transfer of it. lobby 11 and ajer.t Sjwe'-I to a seat ia the Senate. In West Virginia the corpora-ions and corrnp- lloniits are preparing I? pot S eve Elkla where he can serve them and himself best. In Delaware Gasman Addicks woald have foreclosed bis mortgage on ;he Sena torial seat if Tte World lad azt txposed him. In Michigan and Minnesota brains are contesting with barre's for the Sera or ships, with the bjrrelt r'hr ahead Reillf, the sho t atgMet aed . cona:ience less Republican poli-ictans are rarling the Democratic campaign tor nest year ia fioe shape. Sugar Beet Culture. A movement is on foot to establish a beet sugar factory in Council Bluffs acd develop the sugar beet culture In this locality. If the test made by H C Graves & Son la to be rel'ed on this locality affords a good opening for sugar beet culture, as It (eaves no room for doubt as (o whether it can be produced at a profit. According to the statistics furnished by Graves k Son, from I4J4 acres of sugar beetf, $1,317.46 in net profits were rea'axsd. to which should be added, on the borne proposition, the freight charges from here to NorfC'Ik. Neb., amounting to t$6.?l. This would make the net profits, without allowance for trans portation, $2,224.17. or 153.61 per acre. To this should also be added, in consider ing the home proposttlon.the sum ot 195. 82, the smount lost by shrinkage In transit, thus bringing the net profit basis up to about $'jS per acre. Any one familiar with farming will at once conclude upon seeing these figures that sugar beet culture is far more profitable than the culture of an other c alive product. The showing made is certainly very encouraging and it ought to serve as an inducement to capitalists to embark in the enterprise on a broad and substantial scale. Not only should we en deavoi to develop tbe culture of sugar beets but we should endeavor to enlist capital in the construction of 8 sugar factory and sugar refinery. Council Bluffs Globe. The ?ioo,oco,ooo gold reserve, about which so much has been tetrd la'ely.ia not specifically authorized or enjoined by any s:l cf Congress. By the retamp-.tun act of 1875 the Secretary of the Treasury is reqnir jd to take measures to b prepared to redeem in cola outstanding Treasury notes of the United States, tut i!e smount of coin to be kept on hand fr tl rt purp.oie is not stated. In order to be read 1 at any and all ti.nea to red se in in go!d the $346,000,000 of greeo backs a gotd reserve ,,f loul f 100,000,000 (s necessary and sufficient jnt it Is not sufficient to re-ieem on . demand both 'he greenbacks and the $150,000,000 of Sher msn coin notes of 1890 (or the retirement ol which no prov:tkn was cude when rnly the purchasing clanse of the Sherman buti- an purchasing act of 1890 was repealed by Congress at the extra session of 1S93. If those Sherman coin notes of 1891 eie out of the way it would not be in the power of the golJ grabbers to hsrass the Treasury a they have .been doing during the past ' year or longer. . ' The income tax takei in ail per 100 s la the civil, military,oavy and other serv'ce or em ployment of (he United States who have more than $4,000 a year. Tney must ail p;y a tax of 2 per cent on the excess above that sum.'! This includes ihe Piesirlent and Judge of ibe Supreme iCour. The only persons exempt arc Snti, municipal and coun'y nflicris. Thursday and Friday, rain, nearly tta tlorary tcmpcratuie. River, 13.5 ft. i. - .. KarlV Clever Roat will purify your, clear yorr complexion, regtilate your bowels ari't make your head clear r.s a bell. S-. S 'C. and'ji.oj , - Lv'ies who ucsire to ord-r Delsarte Corset or walit, o.-.sqlf adjusting corset from MrsTalt, may leave orders with Mrs Howlmd 01 Broadalbin K between and sr.d 3rd St. Allison the Favorite. - The Reed mn have been bsvlng things nearly their own way ever since congress came together a month ago. Harrison has pwcMcslly no folio ulnar ia either houss of congress and the cause ot McKlnlcy is especially weak became of the (set that the men who are his managers an 4 Iradera are among the no'oroutly'Mght wtihU" otthe party. But Reed, while preferred to Mc- Kinley or Harrison by the representatives and senators from the MiisiMlppi valley, is not satisfactory t them. They wot a western man, and thrrs are indications that an attempt will be made by them to rally around Senator Allison of Iowa, The Iowa man has been on both alien of the silver question, and, while he has not said just what should be done, his public uttersnces all convey the Impretsion that lie believes that "something must be done for silver." This will be satisfactory, in measure, to the extreme sliver republicans of the silver raining states, and will cer tainly secure their votes as aeint any cif the candidates from the east bow seriously suggested. The movement toward Don Cameron never had any bottom, and since the election all talk, even of the silver re publicans uniting for the Pernsylvanian.has subsided. Again, on the tariff question Al lison while he voted with his party, has been moderate in bis expressions, and U generally considered a moderate protection ist. T'ie republicans whs da not believe In the revival of McKinleyitm Rod in Alii son a msn much to their liking. In short, Senator Allison has record that would stand the wear sad tear of a campaign very well. He has been on all aide of many quettbnt, and r.ever very hard or pro nounced for anything, He I eminently re spcctable bat not at all brilliant. As a well known republican expressed 1: ''Allison is an edition of Harrison without the brains oi the ex-president for HsrrUoo is smart. He had a way ot cu'.tlng the throats o! his bs:fiieeds and I think Alii son would about match Ben in that.. Success Of Anti-Toxinc. The good results obtained throogh (he use, of anti-toxine are shown in a practical way by a comparison of (he statistics of diphtheritic morality in Paris, where (he efficacious serum (a thoroughly used, with these of Hew York. In the latter city, according to figure given by the Herald, nearly four hundred persons died of diphtheria in tbe ten weeks from the 1st of Ostober to tbe middle of December, wbil in Paris, where the pop ulation and hence the death rate are f.ra' er, the number who died ot the disease In in the same time was only sixty-five. The statls'ics show that during tbe first aii months of the present year the dipb then tic death 111 . In Kew York numbered mre than fourteen hundred victims, and there Is no reason to believe that it will be ten in the first half of the coming year. unless tbe ravages ot the disease ore check ed as in Paris. The results attained abroad prove con clusively that (he . remedy will ave life wherever there is hope cf life. There at necessarily many failures, but the statis tics show that the success has been wonder ful. Tbe failures are usually due (o efelsy in applying the treatment. The great obstacle which physicians have o confront ia the difficulty in procuring the In sufficient quantities and cheap, ly enough to make ti available for prompt application. So long as it is high ia price patients will put off taking it until a! I other remedies have failed. when it Is like ly to be too U'e for even tbe anti-toxine to save. The experiments being made in Cleveland are watched with icterrsi throughout the entire coan'ry, and if they are soocessfol and there is no reason why tbey should not be the making of anti- toxine wi I become common inthiscouo b7. ... - To Stamp Out Consumption. Now that a )t'ematic ((Tort is planned to stamp on'- consamp;ioa e roast begin to realise that cm failure to make tbe attempt eiilier s a reflection apon oar civilization. i Cor.iurop'ton Is a veritable epidemic, al ways present to stoare nt. It kills nearly 100,000 peop'e in the United '.Slates every year. That Is more thsa cholera, ye'Iow fever or sma'l-pox sver killed in any 1 er. Yet while we spend millions in qauao tine acd other preventive measaies to et cape those dlscaws, we sit down cooteaUd ly and let consumption range all pans ol the country yesr af-er year without the smallest effort to prevent. There wa excuse for tha in the List gen erallon, when consumption was sopf osed to bean heiedhary disease. There en be none whatever now that we know it to be a disease propagated solely by Infection acd know precisely how It is emmunicated from one person to another. This drea-I scouige, more deadly than any other with which we have to deal, cculJ be Gbally eradicated within a single genersiion if proper means were used. To neglect such means is as great a shame to oar civili sation ss wont J be a neglect to provide sewers orto segregate small-pox patients. How youthful the United States aie n comparison with other nations was illus trated In the life of the late Miss Emily Gerry, who linked tbe days of Independ ence with the present times. She was (be daughter of Elbrldge Gerry, signer of the Declaration of Independence, Governor, Vice-President and from whose name the word "gerrymander" was made, and was ninety -three years old, Laving been born when her . father was rifty-teven. Mis Gerry was deservedly proud of her ancest ry. She was noted for her wil snd clever ness and for her strong memory. , In an article on drinking-water in inu la) inl diseases the Secretary of the North Carolina Board of Health cites numerous cases where neighborhoods almost unin habitable on account of malaria became healthy when artesian water wa-t substi tuted for that from streams or surface wells. Most aellinformed physicians are now con vince! that drinking-water is the chief agent of infection In malarial and many tf'ber diseases. ' Tbe marble belt recintiy discovered in Georgia Is over 60 miles In length, and the State Geologbt says In it the stn t" j .sus ceptible of a high polish, borne of it Is flesh color tinged with green, and some of a light gray, banded with black. It isttouht that it will be very costly to quarry it. A curious invention is an electrical letter box for private houses. ' It is connected by wire with the interior of tbe house, and when tbe postman drops a letter into its slot the bell rings inside to notify tbe fam ily of the arrival of the mail. a. , Tbe Japanese alphabet of forty-eight letters is written in four different charac ters, one of which Is regarded as specially appropriate for men and nnotber for womeu. ' Works of science, of higher lit erature and of an official nature ' are written in Chinese characters. Washington Letter. From cur njrular Corrupt adnt, Wasitihoto, Jan. 7, 18o5. Democratic skies are brighter just now than they have been for a jear. The much talked about and much hopod for getting togothrr of democrats eems at last to be ia a fair way towards becoming an accomplished fact. Tbe example of Senator Hill in going to the White House and resuming plrasuut relations with Pres ident Cleveland is being followed by lesser leaders of the party in Congress. The first result of this getting together of dem ocrats will be the passage by the House of the Car ii'e currency .reform bill, which will not be delard much, If acy, beyond the present week It was noticeable that a better and more concUiatoiy spirit was shown by all the speakers at the democrat ic caucus held today than has been exhib ited at any similar gathering for a long time, and consequently democrats are look ing forward to future party success with more confidence than the nio&t sanguine of them have felt since the opening of the present session of Congress. One of tbe most important factors in uniting the Democrats of tbe House i support of tbe Carlisle currency reform bU was the unprincipled fight which a clique of Wall s'reet bankers have been making upon Secretary Carlisle, using this bi I as an excuse, because he woald not allow them toasebim. Secretary Car -isle is deserv edly popular with democrats in Congress and out of Congress, too, for that matter and many of them determined to stand by him srd bis bill, although there are things in the bill t'bat some rf (hem do not ap prove. , Now that tbe pazsage of tbe currency bill by tbe House is as gocd as tccom- ptisbed, its fate in the Senate la being dis cussed. Few democrats are that it will even be allowed to reach a vo'e ir the Senate, oing to tbe short time re maining of the session, hot Senator Hill, who seldom express's on opinion without having good reasons therefor, thinks (ba tbe Senate will pass the- bill if it be amended to provide for tbe coinage of tbe silver seigniorage, as tbat would obtal votes enough from (he republican and pop- uli't silver Ser.a(crs to get the bill through It has been stated, although I cannot voccb for it, thai President Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle would not object to such aa amendaient to lbs bill, and it is car ta n that many dsmacrats ia both Roue and Senate would be greatly pleaxd to see the bill become a Us so amended. Some of tbe rc-ub ican kaJert ate in dulging ia a line of talk tint they will re gret inside of n monib. ' They are say ing that the oniy t'ouble ith tbe Treasu ry is that caused by a revenue Insufficient to meet the espendilur.s of tbe govern ment, and (bat the deficit is cause! by tbe new tariff law. That ia just (he U'k to S lit (be democrats, wbo know that as soon as toe Treasury teins to realize from the duty on to;ax, whifa is jat beginning to come in largely, and on tbe income tax, which will soon be coHecia'oie, toe receipts of tee govern ruent will he in eecs of the expenditures H will be amusing to see these republicans wbm confronted by their present (alk a few months hence. There is ranch ta'k ol the attempt tbat i epec(ed to be made ia (be Senate 'o rend er (be Income -ax inepcrative by dropping tbe appropriation for i!a collection, which It in the urgency appropriation bill, which has passed tbe Hot; but Senator Cock- rvll, chairman of the Senate Appropriation committee, says it is nothing but u'k acd that be i confident 'be appropriation will be made. Secretary Cariu e is so coofi-'d-mt that tte spprof-tiatoo will be mad fiat be is cow seeding income las blanks to Ihe internal revenue eol'tclors. Sams of the sauemu ntea a b aie go ing off naif ctoed were probably upoou- bie fotibe tueco. which was cu'rest a day or two ago aad ws widely telegrapbed from Wsshiaa'oo, to tbe effrc; that the admin's'.raiion ;a'awn tbe demand it bad made upon Spain to tease darcnm natitig galcs American dour shipped to Cuba, under penalty oJ bating t!v? sugar of Caba and Ports Rico shat out of the Usi:- ed Stater. The origin or oi that ramo: gat his licts exa:Jy reversed lu eaJ ot having withdrawn Its demmd u,o the Spanish govcrsmert tbe sdm:n!rratioo tasrei'crated it In stronger laagua;e, aal accomanied.i: i;h s tmUce (hat a prompt replr mast be clvca ot the Prei Jent w-ra'd without farther warning io a p-oclama tioa against the sugar sX Cuba aal Porto Rko. It has beea (nfo. malty decided by the Senate Finance eroirlttee thtt n wrtd amenlmsnu of any sort saoal J be taken up at tl! session, and (he adminislrattja thrown upon lis own resoa-rei ia tea!io j the threatened re al.lation of Ear ein nations because ot the diSerea itl d- (y oa sugar, which everyqody a Imits tn.h. to be repealed. - Coming Events. Salem, Jan 11 1895. Bd'itorr Dtrnomt: The S'sT-e House shows the sum ot the approaching legislature. Tne lobby is the place where ex.KCtanl sppalotra caa be foutd in ttttssslsg immbor.- The htd of the srverst departments are busy en their reports and crowding theomce of the taie printer. The oewly elected efficers are oa hand ready to assume their lac: n the 14th Instant. Tbe vote of Govemtt will nut I e counted before Tuesday, or i counted, out repotted lhas having the Inaug uratlon of Ihi Governor take place on Wednesday the 16 ins'. The senatoilal racke. will be transferred from PortJaoJ :o Saiem "y Sunday, to that the reception room of the Ho el Willamette ill be the scene of this tontest day and nigt. epecl aliy at night, h jn bedlam will leign Ficm indications the fight will lv very III ter, but all can ll.Utei agree it i sa'd to abide the caucus. In tbat event the crales head believe In Dolph. No one can pre dict the result. 1 here Is a reticence oa the psrt of tbe new officials In regard toapgnint mcnts that is quite wonderful . But from strong Indications El Crclsan, a former sheriff, wilt get the ptnitenilary the most Important ot the Governor appointments. The secretary of State will show hit lieu tenants on Monday morning. The speak ership will without doubt go to C B Moo'es of Salem. The senatorial Issue ca mot be made on spesker, for many will vote for Moore, that cannot be counted on for Dolph, There has been no ope", avowed opposition to Moores yet. Joe Simon will be president ol tbe Senate If he wants It. There will be a cutting down of clerks and economy is promised, (If not observed,) tbat is pleasing so far. The result will show how far economy has bten observed. It is going to be an Interesting session. SOJOVRNIR, Dr Joule' studies In mechanical equiva lents of heat brought forth the compound engine. In 1850 it required 14,S' pounds ot coal to transport a ton of grain to Europe, Now 350 pounds will cairy a ton. An inch cube 0' coal will carry a ton of cargo two mlies. In 1880 Ihe cost cf earning o bastel of grain from New York o Liverpool was tS cts in 1SS6 it was s cents. (J. If. Duncan, musty nIffa; 1 i It. Waters sad I. W. 1'uKh, Coram ualorMrs.) ' 5 ' Bill of II B Mfjyer. kid pcor $15, dis allowed; alKobillorf W Starr, aid coor 5.00. - A C Buck was appointed Jostles of tbe Peacs in Sweet Horn preclnst. Upon appticaUcn at il Bryant ounty rood granted and Viewers appointed. Petition otj antes Morgan for appoint ment as J P of Franklin Butte dismissed, there being no vacancy. Petition for bridge across Catapooia river at Sawyer Mill continued. - The following supervisors were appoint ed or reappointed: 1 VV K Potter, Lyons. : 2 P ft Biiyeu. Jordan. . ' 3 J V Arnold, Kingston. 4 LM Archambeau, Stayloo. 6 J W Miller, Sbelburn. 0 Albert Bandall.Scio. 7 Solomon Grimes, Jordan. U U W Garland, Rosa. 10 Jos Saltmarsh, Waterloo. 11 J D Wood, Sweet Home. 12 August Ash, Albany. 13 Richard Warner, Albany. 15 I) 11 Hackleman. Albany. 13 Frank Ohling, Albany. 17 Wm Looney,-Tangent. 18 J as Wallace, Tsllruan. 19 J G Weisner, Spicer. 21 II L Loasell, Albany. "22 J K Owenby, Tangent. C W Yates, Oukville. 24 John Burton, Shedd. 25 Wb Dick, 8bedd. 26 Scott Ward, Plainview. 27 V M Hozen, Sodaville. 29 J I Matlock, Holly. 30 C F E'lery, Brownsville. 31 J J White, Brownsville. 32 Frank Kirc, Ualsey. SI Frank Frisby. Halsey. 39 D C Swann, Crawfordsville. 50 J Shea, Foster. Hills allowed: Albert Randall, road tup 90 00 t It Bilyeu,supeiviror 20 00 Anstiu Reed.supervisor 12 IS WE Potter. " 31 00 M C Grimes. " 54 00 J Shea. " 40 00 Aid in makins- ont tax roll tor 181. bill 202.50 189 00 Train & Whitney, printing 6 60 w u Miller a.- hon, roods 1 isaj W T Pet assigBeer, roods 16 45 E P Weir, bounty t S 50 W A Trites, acct poor 10 00 Oregon ogt W F Maxwi.ll 18 25 P W Spinks, acct roads 1 24 J r Kosher, road II C Harkoess, roads Clara Welt, roads Gibson Myers, reads John Leedy, roads N X Bashor, roads itvgon agt J T McAllister J H Walla, poor If J Smiley, putting J A McFeron. hoaarl aris asd sta tionary Fortmiller k Irving, poor C W Watts, printing B F Craw, acct poor F E Allen, poor P G Morris, postage Samuel Poner, road 1 Hrw n ing lirs, lumber ., T A Powell, roads Albany Kl Co, CU (I Cjlardman, toads 2 m 1 o 5 94 2 10 14 It I 15 37 09 8 70 i ;o 26 JA 36 0 28 25 II 55 6 40 1 V) S 2S 23 71 1 J 15 00 1 6 E T iher. surveying 33 00 Swvr Bros, roads.... F M Rowell. elections 9 33 3 00 Locating county roads. petition tioins , A C Win lorn, reads W F IVsakin's, tiW X M Xewpcrt. rebate 1 PStuilh. roswU OTLubker.aidseU A (I Richardson, as sapemxor... F K Adams, roads - Read, Peacock A' Co, aoct poor-.. X Xeedham, postage E C Rosvts. aid p-tor Dr 1 P Wallace, acct poor J X Iruncaa. miatyi igneous G Powers, roads Martin Paulsen, janitor Klein A Dubruiiie, aoct poor.... C E Browneil. aid poor G C Cooley, aid M rs Clark .... W E Savage, aid Ux RC Kamp. aid.. Klirabvlh Oaboro-i aid . Sarab Bine, aid Aid Kenwortby family Aid Orin Watson Aid Hennr Meyers MrU F Jonkey, aid Aid Mr and-Mrs Barnard KaberO dock, aid sell Mattie F Taylor, aid self II E W'atsoo, for poor John Usher, janitor J A McFeron, sheriff. X Xedham, clerk D F Ilardmsn, recorder.. ) X Imncan,jidge A R Rutherford, sopt F M H-dtield. dsp clerk Q E Propel, dtp sheriff. S A Xickerton. see 'I roads OT Lubfcer. aid.: A L Richardson, arc't roads L Archambeau, acc'l roads Fred Rock, acc'l roads G F Herald, acct roads J BTrask aid Hcekenbury Mrs Sarab Smith, roads J Shea, roads .. . - JC Cox, roads.!.'. II B Moyer. roads... II M Traax, roads - John Wither.reads Daitfteisch A Everett, roads G W Crnson, roads I II Wiiet, roads J II Moist, roads (I E Hardman, roads Oregon agt Anderson At Sharp... J I) Burkbart, aid poor Jnlist Hamilton, aid poor........ C Meyer, mdse Miller & Headle,roads BFOskley, bounlv G W Maston, preliminary ex.... A S Powell, stock inspector A R Rutherford, supt E Uoin, poor acct... Froehay A Mason, stationary.... Wm Flickengcr, aid poor B F Crow, aid poor Albany Dressed BsefCo.aid poor. Jerry Hoy, acct roads Parker Bros, aid poor C H Hfffaar, saa soar A B Mrllwain,aia pear 50 CO 83 35 6 65 71 eo 3 W 46 00 31 25 3 45 36 00 10 Obi 4 50 1 00 2 50 27 07 6 CO 2 80 1 22 75 13 50 7 50 5 10 1 20 9 00 10 50 7 40 8 00 S 50 5 00 6 25 11 50 15 00 26 IS 4 00 11 55 5 40 7 15 II 20 1 1 00 You AsAu. If yon take your washing to the Albany Steam . Laundry. If you don't you are not. Something is the matter of von. How can you go (o a Chinese establishment with a tirst-clsss steam laundry in tho city. IHm't do it Be all right by quitting it. Suppose you do moke a few cents: what does it profit you, with the Chinese smell and lurking disease around. Patronise the Albany steam Laundry. Talk as Yt PiaaaK about '-new men" b;lng humbug and patronize older firms, just because your grsniaddy did, be an o'd fogy just because somebody else Is and yuu never will amount to anything. It's a good thing some people are that war, or Tinkle the artist would not havt time to eat . As It Is people are karntng that he Is away ahead in fine, artistic photography and hU business has been steallly increasing ever since he came here latt winter. It will pay you to see him about your photos. Tits Latkst News is that Julius Grud wohl is doing business in his new quart ers, the old Post Office and Odd Fellow's binlding and Opera House, and to give an introduction to his new store, he will sell the following goods for net cost only. 1 box full weight Savon soap 85 cts, 2 oxes French sardines 25 cts. Oysters 10 cts r can, Arbancle and M coffee 25 cts tt,r d all olb r gwdi sold; as low as any u se on tais xaH. Piakok and Oroaks. Save small deal ers and agents commissions by buying from the Wiley B Allen Co. direct. In quire at II J Joneajbook store for prices and iiformution. Captain Sweeney. US A. San Diego Cal says: "Shlloh'S 'Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do roe any good." Price 50c. Site my nove'tlcs In mens fine shoes. S E Young BORN. STEWART. On Friday morning, Jan 11, 1895, to Mr and Mrs C H Stewart, a boy. "-. - - - S3Ci3l DiSf3l& A Big Storm. Yaquisa. Jan 12, 1894. The storm is ragirginall ilsfuryon lbs Pacific Tbs stealers Homer and Alcatraz are both bar bound, ana the government work is tem po rarilly suspended, owing to tbe heavy gale blowing here. A Big Convenience. Salem, Or,, Jan. u. The Pacific Post al leegraph Co has opened on office In tne uapltsl Building for the convenience of its patrons, and will maintain tbe same during the aeslon of the Legislature. They will have a first class operator in charge. The Jenning'a Examination. Lebanon, Jan. 10, 1895, The tttmU nation of the three Jennings brothers for counterfeiting was delayed somewhat to day on account of two witnesses falling to appear on ti ne and was not begun un - itl 1 . 11 2 ... T . . . . in ik.c. u 0 niunncy c tx. urrny ap pears ior tne government and nor. j K tVeathsrford (or the defendants. Cons id erable dissatisfaction is ssid to prevail here among populists on account of thus stopping the people making more money MISFITS. All Sizes. For Fat and Lean pie. Young and Old. Peo- There should be a special law for the scalawags who insult women. Our laws should be most rigid in toeir protection. There are several young women in Al bany going to ruin cross lots; but where there is one girt on the downward pAth there are half a dozen young men. It is time for a halt. Tbe Oregon ian advertises in an eastern printers journal substantially that it covers tha entirj field in Oregon, and it is only necessary to advertise in its columns. This is not only small but it is a contemptible falsehood. The Oregoniaa baa a big cir culation and is a splendid advertising medium ; but it doesn't cover the field and eastarn adrrtiers know it. 'The Eazene Guard savs: A voansr man wbo. it is said, was formeriv a clerk in a prominent dry goods store in (his city, was a principal in a justice court trial at Pcrt- taaa yestorday. I be charge was lewa co habitation, and the yonng woman vbo was a party to tbs suit is also well known to many of Eugene's young awn. She was a wber ot a asmedr company that strand ed here last winter. Such is stage life when diverted of the gian of footlights and flashy stage costumes. Governor Pennoyer will retire from public life in a few dart, which wili be heralded with pleasure by nearly every body except people wishing pardons. The Man about lown. though toe governors wile s brother' wife's brothers wife's sister's hRrbaad has no hesitation in joining with the crowd ia chipping hands. ' Mr Pen noyer, thocjgn. baa made a natwmal repo tation, bat it is of the high bridge- jamper orxler. Be has kept the public in a stats of tension, one of constaat recti ory for some foot act that will open people's eyes Oregon will now have the opposite kind of aa adtmoistratioB. Up on Wolf ctcek. Noughts county, is anew sect who ret ose to eat anything but goats' milk, goose fat,' dock eggs and mush. While other portions of Oregon, in cluding the Willamette vslley. are cov- erd with snow we of the Umpqoa valaty are eo joying the mildest winter weather. Rose burg Piaiodealer. Completely m.naken. This part o: tie valley bas bad vary little snow. Senator Dolpb, bo is receiving $'J9 or 130 a day to serve tbe people ir steas of being in Washington attending to tbe business of the people, is in Oregon at tending to bis own badness. Any mer chant would discharge such axlerk ; bat we'll wager a box of pi tbe legislature will re-elect Do'ph. Ia F E Dunn's shoe store at Eogene is a lady clerk-. Tha Guard is authority for lb following: One of tbe lines rarrie-d in Urge quantities is the J B Lewis Cos ' Men's ResisUrs." One customer ventured to criticize their price and it almost cost him beavilv. "What do yoa ask for these "Men's Rvsisier?" he asked. "Three doiiars," replied the attendant. "Arn'tyoaa little dear?" said he. "Well." she tepUed blustiingly, "all tte young men tell me so.' One block aioce on First street was raised $1700 by the recent action of tne state equalization, la the language ot the boodUrn, "shoot the legislature Mr Hofer. of tbe Solent Journal, nays that tbe Rev Mr BanJay, of Wood bom. can pray like a boose on fir. A n.-w way cf expressing it ad one difficult to decipher. A Sew Setseane WAsatscTos, Jan. 1 1. Senator Vest's financial bill provides that treasurr notes and gold and silver certificates shall be detstrored, and an equal amount of notes parable in standard gold and stiver coin issued. Xo coin notes of lirs? redenomi nation than 1 1 000 or smaller than i!0, shall be issued, and denominations high er than 5 shall not exceed one-fourth the total 1 T.onnt of coin cotes outstand ing at the time. Coin notes are to be legal tender fot all debts. sea car diker Bros, grosers. Kw aranni ehaaas jsat t scelvad aS Coarai afeysrs. P J Smilsy job printer, Flinn Block, doss Srst class work. Smoke the cwlabratad Havana fillo.1 5 oeat cigar at J alios Joseph's. Fa'.ronita boms industry by nmoLing tbe (labrated white labor cigars, tnancfacvarsd by Wins Jopk. Tnan Baby was stck, bwts her Caatoris. When siM was a CMd, she cried t or Cnstorta, When aba nacame Jilat, tha clung to Caxtoria. she hail CliUdraa, she gavotlmn Casoria Saturday and Sunday, rain or snow, cooler, river at 3 p ra 17.3 and tailing. The beat roast ooSra in thegdty at Gonial oloyer . Touch and Go. Touch the spot in the back, chest, limbs or side, where the pain is, with an Allcock's Porous Plaster and the lameness, soreness, stiffness, congestion, will go at once, leaving comfort, health and strength behind. ImltatlanaataaawKllaUa. Tkoetmak stays fatfau iaa ha vine taa fsaaiaa Aauaca's Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Hav as equal aa a Mtlef aad cur for catas . aad buaioas. Brandreth's Pills are a marvelous speoiflo for oases of biliousness aa'd ludigbstioti. . f xixaxia-: TetrCeM. Chicago, Jan. 11 Chicago experienc- el a remarkable change in temperature this evening. The mercury fell from 20 ooove sero at 4 o'clock to 3 below at 6 P. m. At midnight it was 7 dezreea below. At Hprinefield a like chanw was nhaprv. ed, accomfianied by snow. At Blooming- son a nerce blizzard prevails, and the thermometer regiftters 12 below. Across the line, at Terre Haute. Ind.. a like dition prevails, the thermometer having fnlt in .1 . : - 1 uuiu iv ui-gicna in atx nours. - Aa Extra Seaalsa. Xew Yobo-. Jan. 11-The Mtrald's Washington correspondent telegraphs : "I hav the biebent anthorirv (nr tho sUtement that President Cleveland will call an extra session of congress imme diately after the expiration of tbe pres ent session, if this consrreea adioums without enacting any legislation for the relief of the treasury. The president bos authorized a member of the house committee on rules, and a prominent democratic leader, to make this state ment for him." a avaaarratie 9mj. Sacbaxexto, Jan. 11. This has been a gala day in Sacramento. The oartiean friends of James 11. Budd made it a dem ocratic holiday and the ceremonies at-U-nding the going out of ex-Governor Markham and the coming in of Governor Budd were marked by a pomp and en thusiasm tbat drew the whole city into a fever of excitement. Tate It Sews. Tha Dalles, Jan. 1 1. Another county division scheme is beard of in tbe south ern portion of the county. An effort is being mada to create a new eoontv out of territory from Wasco, Crook, Gilliam and Grant counties. The new county ,as projected, would ba about tbe ( ot Sherman, and have taxable property to the amount of about $VX),000, ! than one-third that ot The IJaUes atone. law Water. GALuorouA, O., Jan. . 11. The Ohio river is still rising, with 47 feet of water in the channel. The creeks throughout the country have overflowed their banks, and every farm in the ' lowlands is cotn pletelv deluged. People at Fomeroy and MJddfeport are moving ont of their booses, seeking refuge on the hi! i tor. At Point Pleaeant tbe water is np to tbe town. a wanMteftwl Cave. Washington, Jan. 10. Surgeon Kin- yen, of the L mted States marine hos pital service, wbo has made a thorough study abroad ol tbe anti-toxme treat ment, in an address before the medical ffUeraitT of Washington last night .said: "The eftecta of anti-toxine in diphtheria cases were little short of marreloui. Since tha discovery of diphtheria bacil lus, the absolute diagocsis of the disease by microscope was possible, the germ be ing as distinctive as that of tnberculoeis." Apateaaa Mm Cnlltr. Woodland, Cal., Jan. 10. James Ap pleman, on trial for complicity in the recking of a .Sxjtbern I'rcific train near Sacramento July 11 last, during the rail road strike, sras tonight aqniued, after a long and bitter triaL One of tbe train wreckers, Samuel Word en, is under sen tence of death foa the same offense. The jury was only out 25 minutes, and it is understood but one ballot was taken. The verdict ia socuewbat of a surprise. A Btx Moras. ixxxa, Jan. 10. A terrific enow storm has swept over Vienna, leaving the city almost isolated. Railroad and vehicle tratac is reduced to a minimum. Oxer ova) men are at work dearinz the streets. The supplies of vegetaUesneatand milk nave almost taiievi. There are seven ted of snow in the suburbs. Aa Oiaaaw Mmrrr. Oaxcos Crrr, Jan. 10. Nothing has today been heard from the cf&cers who left last evening to investigate the mur der of James M. Brown, at V ilhoit, and they are not expected to return before tomorrow. 2o traces of him were found till yesterday morniiur. when tbe bodv was discovered about a quarter of a mile irom uie ooaen tne comer ol a "worm lence, covered with bnrlape and with several fence-rails lying upon it. The covering was raised sumciently to iden tify the corpse, and then replaced, and me omcera were sent lor, A rasas Walk. Ysctooia, B. C, Jan. 10. Alfred Da- gay, a tight-rope walker, attempted to wautirom topmast to lontnast on tbe steamer Islander this afternoon in the presence of several thousand people. The guy ropes were rotten, eava war. and Dugby pitched headlong to the deck, 40 leei ueiow. lie is suit unconscious, and may die. He is perhaps 26 years old, and was at tbe midwinter and Tacoma lairs. Anasker EflTsrS to be WaA . WasHtxcros, Jan. 10. Xotwithstand ing the reverses suffered bv the Carlisle cnrrencT bill in the hooso of rvnrewnta taves yearterdaj, there is to Le an abate ment in the efiort to secure enrrency leg islation. It is said by a gvctieman con versant with tbe facts that a new meas ure having executive approval willbe in troduced in the house in about two weeks. IsawantnSawsty aVrTraSeA. WASHntoTos, Jan. 9. The Carlisle currency bill, which has been under de bate in the house for two wneeks, was ijr nomioosly defeated todav. An analvsiA of the vote shows that all of the 124 votes in favor of the motion were cast by dem ocrat, while 82 republicans, 39 demo crats and s populists voted against it. Of tiie 39 democratic votes against the motion, it was pointed out that 24 were cast by demecrats defeated for re-election. A Big TkleC Pisrke, S. D., Jan. 9. Tha failure of W. H. Taylor, outgoing state treasurer, to turn over the office to his successor yesterday started rumors living of an in vestigation. Taylor cannot be located, but his bank at Redfield closed its doors last awning. Telegrams sent irom here hove failed to locate Taylor. Ex-Gov-qrnor Mellette, one of bis bondsmen, is on the road from Indiana, and other bondsmen are on his track. From abso lutely reliable sources it is learned that Taylor's defalcation will reach 1000,000. saeiarh KMiac. Thx Dallis, Jan. 9. The Dalles ia en joying a carnival of sleighing. Tho snow has packed sumciently to put tho roads in excellent condition, and all manner of vehicles have been placed on - runners. Several large sleighing parties have been given. Coasting has just begun, and Union-street hill was a scene of much merriment last evening. The roads lead ing into the country have not been trav eled sufficiently to make them smooth, uu niosr, 01 tne a riving is done in town. Will MTagelher. Sax Francisco, Jan. 9. The Pacific Insurance Union held a meeting todav, the details of which have not been made public, and the probabilities are that the organisation will remain intact. The members were in the mood for business, and as soon as the chairman had called them together a spirit of co-operation manifested itself, it being the cpinion of all that the compact should be held to gether. Keae la Canada. ToKoxTo, Jan. 9. Police Inspector Archibald has issued a summons against W. F. Maclean, proprietor of the Toron to World, charging him with violating the Lord's-dav act in publishing a speci al edition of the Sunday World, contain ing a story of the fire, which destroyed the Globe newspaper and several other business buildings last Sunday. Helping Xefcraakn. La Grand, Or., Jan. 9. By the ener gy ot the relief committee of the La Grande Commercial League and thegen Brositv of the neonlo of this citv and near . vieinitv. the donations of provisions tn ' the hungry Xebraskas will fill seven big lreignt cars, lutwe seven cars wilt go eastward at once. Dr G V Mas'on, physician and sargeon Calls answered promptly In city or country. ' ITCHING SKIN DISEASES ; Art IxiAtantly Relieved And 3pedily Cured By Cuticttra Remedies A warm bath with C13T1CURA SOAP, and a single application (A CUTICURA. the great skin cure, will afford instant relief, permit rest -and sleep, and point to 2 speedy, ' economical, and permanent cure of the most distressing of itching, burn ing, bleeding:, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp diseases, after physicians, hospiiiis, and all other methods fail. CUTKXRA WOSKS WONDERS, and its cures of torturing, disfiguring, hunrfiating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded in this or any age. , CtilJiaa trjcusi aw aoM rWial 1 ' rfca VI. Prfaa. CtmantA. mx.: Sour, aje.; flnaoursar. PoTrma Dart an Cm m. Cmr, So nm, Ba "AAaosas lias Wood, Skm, scalp, ana Kan, PLES, Uackanit, nd i mOf alrks i senses aad cons 7 wru aaas. aC KUSGUIaR 8TEWK3,PAIS3 af" V aaa uSarnfcacS; swaa AAV wa"" by bm trSau maw gtsrtav 'teaching is toe noblest art bat orriest trade." tha TENTH AN S VA L SESSIOX STATEROfilULSCHOOL 'JOXE3FTflOIK0) A training school for teacher. theory and practice combined. Strong professional coarse and wl equipped model scbooL Thorough preparatory aad acanemw. . covme. Normal. Advanced ormaL Cosiness, Music and Art Departments, . ljgbt expenses, isoara and Mogsng, books and tuition not above $150 per Tr- ... ... The town ol Mocmcatn itasa beanciul and healthful location in the very heart of the Willamette Valley twelve mile south west of the State CapiLai. It has The Normal School dxcloma entitle one to teach in any county in the state without any farther examination. Grad uate command good' positions. Expenses. Toitirn per term of ten weeks; Normal Sub-Normal 6; Commercial $iJi- Board and lodging : Board at Normal Dining Hall $l.o per , week; tarnished rooms, with fire and gtt, mm StJOO to fLZ5 per week, card and lodging in private families $3X0 to $X50 per week. Vitality and growth have always ehar terized'the work of the Normal School.- -he eeming year promises to be one of he best in its history. Catalognes cheerfallT sent on appiiea- -lion. Address P L CxnrKsvL, President, or W A Was. Secretary of Faculty. A MDra TOILET Jj AB DDI CVXUptCXa? Yzthoatfia ideal nOUPLiKIOf? U povrcsB. y pozzenrs Ccmbines evry element of beauty and pttritr. Xtisleantr fying, soothing, healing, hedth ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate acd desirable crotectioit H to the face in this rf?Trrt S www . vrj o son aMLt, inirsauR, -. 'gxastg-.. il,.!.. -1- SWRaflwayTtoeCard The car will leave corner of Firs ad Washington streets as follows: 7-40 a m for Lebanon train. SdS " " Orohan's Horns. " " Nooj train going aorr 12:15 p m for noon train going toa'I.. 1 " " Lebanon train. 1 .30 Orphans Home. 5:55 Overland train going south. For Ot phan'a Home on Sunday car leaves at a:3o, 3:30 and 4 P The car will slso meet all incoming tra'rvs on the Oregon Pacific railroad. . CG Be kh ait. Carear, and Trada-M arks cotahMd. sad afl Pa. J ant ewnca cxmaacSHl toe Mocn aw Pxva. andwacaaaeeurspaiaotialeasuiBS tAaaiAaasX Send rmdet, drawuac or pboto., arlta Aeaerip Bon. We advisa, ii pateaeat-n) or not, ire ot caarg. Our las do du tut j lent is secarad. , A, "RowtoObtr 3 Patents,' wk coat ot suss In tbs U.S. aad Ajregaoaanrnas seat tree. Addrssa, - , . C.A.SNOW&COJ 'npwss arrraw sv MsaSniSarVSa iaaayiW itf F OR RENT. 6 room cottage esn Call on Jos Klein traiiy located. DR. C, U. C!IAr.l8eL!?. soMosoPA'anocxsv 1 Gmes on Ferry St near cor 8rd St. Offic hours. 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to Sp m Especial attention given to chronio aMt and tyt diseases. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder WorM's Fair ftigbest Award.