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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1895)
W. Dbmocrat, $1.75 per year n advance. $2.00 at end cf year. COUNTY COURT. W-.N. Duncan, county lnd; J V. Waters and J. W. Pnh, Commission.) Bills alio wed: Oregon agt Edward Close. B L Hamilton, road supervisor. F M Hazen " " A. W Steward, " " OBntler, lan Mctireger " " M Achiaon, W A-Saltmarsli. " R Wilson, ,. Austin Reed, EL Bryan, " .. Ubbe Peters, " " .. D D Hackleman, .. C M Irvine, " " .. J H Scott, " .. Frank Kirk, " GBSplawn, ' HC Davis, " Scott Ward, ' J A Bilyeu. " CW Yates. " " 40 95 S 00 Si 00 46 00 26 00 60 00 130 00 20 00 36 00 12 IS 33 00 22 00 132 00 16 00 SO 00 32 00 24 00 38 00 44 00 70 00 46 07 210 00 13 00 IN Smith, acct roads Oregon agt Frank Martin, The following additional road nper- visors were appointed : H;nry Cyrus, Crabtree. R W Wilson. Halsey. F M Kizer, Rowland. L Overton, Brownsville. R L Hamilton, Crawfordsville. d Nichols, Rowland. Wm Summers, Halsey. .... J Clark, Lacomb. W A Trites, Albany. George McUargne, Brownsville. O C Carlton. Lebanon. Solomon Bradshaw, Mill City. Ubbe Peters, Albany. Court adjourned until Thursday, Jan 17th. Mrs Raymond and family went to Portland today to reside. Several Albany men went to Salem to day to look after the State legislature. License has been issued for the mar riage of J H Little john and Bell Haltron. Rev Driver went to Salem today look ing as if he would really like the U S eenatorship. - There are to be three weddings in Al bany this week in which prominent and popular young people will take parr, to wit: Edgir Blodgett and Miss Msmtie Simpson, Thomas Thomas and Hiss Ella Risley, and J B Conn and Miss Anna Babington. The Journal says that Judge and Mrs C K Wolverion gave a delightful dinner to a few of their close friend, at 'the Hotel Willamette recently, at which the following were present: Judge and Mrs BS Ban, Judge and Mrs FA Moore, Mr and Mrs Allie N Moore, Judge and Mrs GeoH Burbett, and Mrs P 11 Burnett, and Mrs P H Raymond. Aa elegant dinner was served in a dozen courses, and the table was artistically decorated with ve'low chrysanthemums. Beauti fully designed guests cards, with quo Utions from James Wbitcomb Riley, ac companied each by a rare boutonaire. were at each plate. After enjoying the sumptuous repast, the party repaired to the parlors end indulged in a season of musical and conversational pleasures. The residence of Charles A Grove was recently burnej in Portland. Mrs Grove Is weH known in Albany. All perrons interest ad in a creaxery are requested to meet at the court Lome on Wednesday, Jan 16th, at I o'clock. A cheip store that started to do busi ness In Albany without advertising only remained here about a week. At the annual e'ec'ion of the Albiny Brewing Co Wm Faber was elected presi dent; Kola JJeia, Vice-president and J A Wilson, secretary. It requires four flea power to run a Seth Thomas, or one-hoise power to run 270 watches. French, the jeweler, sells Seth Thomas-watches. Administered. The Salem Journal says: roe retiring attorney Keneral is Hon Geo E Chamberlain. Ore gon's first attorney general. He was ap pointed by Governor f ennoyer. May 20, 1891, and elected on the democratic ticket in June, 1892, receiving a majority of about 700 votes, when the republicans carried the state by 8000 majority for congress. Mr Uhamberlam was sup ported by many of the leading republi cans of the state. The Capital Journal openly and editorially advocating his election. He has administered his office in an economical manner, bordering on Jefferson ian simplicity, never charging the state traveling expenses of his office for five years not exceeding bis salary over $150. M'liaa ia thn nlav in whinh th IfltA lamented Miss Annie Pixley made the hit of her lifetime. It is a western border drama that abounds with humor and pathos, so minutely alternated that the play is on a continuous alternation of laugh and cry. The characters are all true to nature and can be seen in any western city at Ihig day, bandied as it is by such an able company as the Misses Tittell have associated with themselves a grand revival of this sterl ing play will be on Friday evening and Saturday matinee. A ikt Disah, After much unavoidable delay Aunt Dinah's Huskinir Bee h ready to come off next Monday, the 21st, at the opera house. Admission 15 eta. A taste of Aunt Dinah's supper. 10 cts. Miss Betsey tries her best to catch Josiah; and the small boy looks on and laughs. AH""! A Hit! A Palpablb Hit! M'LUs at the oprra house has been greet ed by crowded houses all through South ern Oregon and enthusiastic applauds.ara is most assuredly the only dramatc tit at before the local public. Grand family matinee Saturday at 3 o'clock. - Ladies who wear ii to 4 shoes w 11 find it to their interest to ca I V Klein & Du- bruille's where some great bai gains wiii be offered them. - ASSIST NATURE . a little now and then . in removing offend ine matter Irom tne stomach and bowels and you thereby avoid a multitude of distressing de rangements and dis ease, and will have less frequent need of your doctor's servici. Of all known I agent for this pur pose, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the best. Once teed, they are al war iai favor. Tfaair aecondarv ef fect i to keep the bowels open and regular, not to fur- ' tber constipate, as Is the Vfsse with tier pills. Hence, their gf!a8populanty with sufferers from tiabitual constipation, piles and their aitendantaiscomfort and manifold deraagremeots. The "Pellets" are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. No care is required while ustog them: they do not interfere with the diet, habits or occupa tion, and produce no pain, griping or shock to the system. They act in a mild, easy and tmtural way and there is no reaction after ward. Their nelp lasts. The Pellets cure biliousness, sick aad bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness, or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, or ayspepsia. windy belchinsrs. "heartburn." pain and distress after eating, and kindred derange ments 01 xnc uvcr, aunpaca ana Dowels. In proof of tueir superior excellence, it be truthfully said, that they are always adopted as a household remedy after the first trial. Put up in sealed, glass vials. therefore always fresh and reliable. One little " Pellet" is a laxative, two are tnildy rathartlc. As a " dinner pill." to oromota digestion, or to relieve distress from over arinr. take one after dinner. Thev are 'tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will reaauy tajee mem. Accent no substitute that may be recom mended to be "just as good." It may be the dealer, because of oavinar blm a better profit, but h ia not the one who needs help. : Dr. Price's Cream baking yowu.. World's Pal Highest Me4al and Dlpir" 4) A BIG CONSCIENCE. Making restitution for past sins ia be coming fashionable, and the Times' Monroe correspondent relates the follow ing remarkable case: A few days ago Ueorge Uotlee, or Monroe, received a letter poet-marked "San Francisco," of which the following is a verbatim copy : San Rafael, Calif , Dec, 1S-J4. Mr Coffey: Dear Sir: I having heard that you live at or near Monroe, 1 traveled in your Elace about thirty years ago to your oaee and there was nobody at home. 1 1 wanted some bread, then I took come cr your money. 1 could neer pay you as I was too poor. Now I sold my chicken ranch . I send you f 200 in a bank check on a Fugene City bank. I hope you get it. Please forgive me. 1 could not do it sooner. - " I remain yours, T. B. At the bottom of the letter and in one corner was written, "Yon can exchange this al Fugene City,' and folded inside was a handsome draft issued by the bank of California instructing Ladd and Tilton, rorwana, to pay ueorge v-oney VAX). Mr Coffee has received his money and of course, has with all hit heart forgiven Mr T B. Mr Coffee has no idea of the man's idenutv. lias but a taint reccol lection of having had money stolen from hie house thirty years ago. Corvallis nmes. A School Entertainment. ! On Friday the 11th W 8 Sanford and bis pupils accompanied by a number of the patrons of Diet No 27 visited the school taught by F M Mitchell at Oak Creek. The visitors arrived at 11 o'clock and received a hearty welcome by Prof Mitchell and his pupils. The bell was rung and all present fonnd comfortable seats, and quite a thorough drilling was given the scholars by the professor, when an adjournment was taken for dinner. The dinner was furnished by the enter taining; school and it was an excellent repast to which all were invited to par take. Dinner over order was again restored and the exercises of the evening com menced, which consisted of songs, read ings, dialogues and recitations by the pupils of both districts. The exercises were very interesting and all did their parti well. Complimentary remarks were made to the pupils by J H Scott oi Dist No 27. He explained his -visit to the mute school at Satem-, and how the mute children were taught to read and write and the manner in which words are indicated to them by eigne. He al so explained bow knowledge s imparted to the pupils of the blind school. The remarks wete given the bet of attention. Mr M B Case next complimented the children upon the thorough manner in which they did their work. Al Perry spoke highly of the way those present bed been entertained. His re marks were so impressive or from tome other cause that the team belonging to Mr McFeeley broke loose and ran away. No particular damage done. A rousing vote of thanks was tendered by the visitors to the patrons, teacher and pupils of Oak Creek for the pleasant manner in which they ha I been enter tained. If the schools throughout the entire state would visit some adjoining district once each teim I think it would be to their advantage, for they would become better acquainted, which won'.d have a tendency to remove their embarrassment so they would not 1 in constant dread of appearing in public. A Ytsrrom. Albany Public School Literary. There is no institution in which the city ia more interested than the Public Schools. It is certain our school ought to have a library. If by the appropria tion ot a reasonable amount of money in this direction the school can be made more efficient, then "we think it the part of economy to do so. At this period of I their lives is the time to cultivate a taste I cows . 30- of cows milked 27; No.oftwo for pure literature and a desire for more I vear-olds. 10. Total. 37. Delivered to extended readings in history, biography. I geography and naturatyiistory. During j scnooi days is tne formative period ot a child's life and such reading matter should be furnished as will not only supplement the studies in school, but will lead outward, onward and upward in the great fields of literature and science and therebr give gigber ideals of life. The teachers ot Albany, led by Prof Tyree have subecriptijns in books, labor, and money amounting to $175. They have now on bands $100 worth of books and two good book cases -manufactured Ly the Spgar Pine and Lumber Co. The people of Albany should encourage this undertaking as it is for the betterment of the young morally and mentally Forgot Their YeU. The following little poem was read by a yonng lady at the college recently. Though it is bard on the freshmen we give it entire : Give os your yeil the Sophomores cried, as tbey tbeir time were biding. Til the Freshman girls and Junior boys Grew weary of confiding. Then came a sound, a faint small sound Like a distant far off yell. And those who listened knew it was The famous Freshman yell. Tbey yelled for love and not for fame. Forgot-was Freshman glory. Tbey ye'.led to please the junior boys, ibis is the reeb man-story. Then loud and clear the Sophomore yell Kang irom tne bopbomore quarter And tears enffased the shining eyes Ot the lunior class reporter. And brilliant Fosbay's eyes grew dim As be thought of bopbomore glory And gallant Williams begged them not To tell tne Freshman story. And ne'er again through that great ball Was heard the Freshman cbioso And they've forgot tbeir Freshman yell And all their Latin lingo. A Challenge. The Democrat is re. quested to notify the member! of the Hospital corps that they are challenged to olay a game ot Indoor bare ball at the armory on Thursday evening.. N?w,come to lime. Reading Matter on Hand. Quite an assortment of literature, of one kind and another, has been gatnered np and deposited at the Y M C A rooms. Any one wanting something to read, cither from town or conn cry may call there for it "Friends havincr more readinir matter than they care to keep, remember those who would value it, before tbey consign it to the waste paper basket. They can leave it with Mrs Chamberlin, close by on Ferry Cl 1 -1 1 l i - r l -1 . - 01, who wui arrange 11 lor aaa louuon. Instructions in Violin Playing. Prof Geo W Scoring a violin teacher of superior ability, and a performer ot hlgb excellence is desirous of securing a num ber of pupils in this rlty. It is lmjiortant that those desiring such instructions will please notify E if Wills the musts dealer at onco. I can cheerfully recommend Prof Sebring as a thorough Instructor. J v I'oung. Faster of Cong. Church. The Weather. Wednesdsy and Thursday, raln.sllghtly warmer. Klvar, 13 eei. F M French, display man. i Don't Trade with Conn & Huston Unless vou want eood groceries and produce at the lowest prices and first class treatment. You can get them there. They are open early and ls'e to serve the public, and a trial will convince any, one of the fact, At Cost For a Short Time, In order to make loom for new goods ladles muslin underwear, consisting o night-dresses, chemise, drawers and cor set-covers,alsO white apronr,and children ana imams messes. These are good standard goods, bought direct from the manufacturers and are marked in plain figures. Samuel E Young. A PECULIAR VERSION. The Grant Courfly News contains the following version of the capture of the counterfeiters, a very visionary affair, evidently manufactured, as the part played by the diamond wearer was un doubtedly done by an unostentious young man at Lebanon, Charles Fresh: The United States secret service of ficers are not a political body or their work could not be as successful as it is. For three months there has been one at work in Albany, and he was thought to be one of the most pleasant gentlemen that ever visited that section of the country. When he first arrived there he was taken for a gambler or card sharper, but as re apparently got robbed more than he robbed any one else and always "paid his way,' the real estate agenta began to talk with him. He said that he was not after realestate, but was a miner who had made a stake, and after ne nac got tr.rough with it would go back on the Klamath and clean ud an other good six months' work. After a month he knew everyone in town and became familiar with most of the county, aa he always wanted to go out on hunting trips. On these he would be gone some times for days, and finally, about a month ago.lie bid all his friends good bye. temporarily, and said that he was going to Lebanon, 25 miles east of there, here he could get more sport without going so far forit. . Bis associates had not been good in that town, and though he spent his mcney freely, he wore too many diamonds for the people to believe that he was all right. Now Albany knows that he waa cap tured last Saturday at Lebanon with five others in a counterfeiter's den, and as sisted United .Siates Deputy Marshal Humphrey to arrest the makers of spur ious coin. He has now disappeared,and will never be heard of again in that sec tion of the country, as there ia enough evidence in the hands of Humphrey to convict the entire party. Two Divisions. A meeting will be held at Halsey tomorrow to consider the county division question. The Dsmocbat is informed a majority of people there will be opposed to the move. They would get no benefit from it- With the county seat at Brownsville they will be worse off than with it at Albany so far as that is concern ed, and this may be said of Harrisbiirg and other plaon along the S P. Besides there is a general loyalty to old Linn, one of the best counties in Oregon, and as they study the question tbey will learn that there is nothing to be gained, and much to be lost The division question crops out today in another quarter, but an old oac. The Dem ocrat is informed that petition were brought into Scio yesterday with one thousand names for the establishment of Santiam county with Scio as the county seat. A remonstrance will . be circulated and no doubt will secure a Urge number of signers. It ia said Senator Johnson will champion the move. ine result will be the defeat of both moves. Linn is an economically raanaoed county, the taxes are about the lowest of any county in the state and her people in the sections at interest will not as a body support any such move There is a strong enough element with the spirit of old Linn at the bottom to defeat any suA move ment from whatever quarter it may come. Do Creamekim Pat. The following ia reference to the Coos Bay creamery is time ly and full of interest in view ot the sub ject bow before the farmers of this vicinity: 1 he annual ropott ot the tool bay creamery shews a very handsome profit for the past year, out all sections ot the state are not so well adapted to creameries as is the coast . During the year nearly $20,000 was paid out for milk, and 7,29 pounds of butter and 50,046 pounds of c beese were manufact ured. That it is also profitable to the parties supplying milk is shown bv the fol lowing report of J A Yoakam's herd of dairy Coos Bay creamery company. 24101-5 lbs milk; received fr-im creamery, $1633.18; fsom milk sold in Mrrshfield, $154.75; from cream, $6.W; from butter sold on Coos river, $9 00; from butter sold in MarshSeld. 897.40; two hundred pounds of butter used at home. $40.00; sold '2 bcifer calves at $5 each. $110.00; sold 2 boll calves at 110 each, 820.00; raised 10 better calves at o. 150-tO. Total receipt for ls&i.$21 15.33. Making for each cow an average of $57.12. Has the Blues Rev Hays, of the Pomeroy Independent hat a few friends in Albany who will regret his blues. Be says: The editor these days sits in his chair and meets obligations by pulling his hair and wonders in amazement at coming despair when all his bills must be met by fool nvana nr fair; and all in all he foels vprr blue and to meet next bill be can't tell what to do. for if he dan his subscribers he kicks np a fuss and be never hears the last of the biir words they "cuss" as they damn him and the paper as an old blunder buss, cut there s a good time coming when the editor can tell all be knows of Heaven and Hell, for he'll be in tie former as snug as a moose and they in the latter. a quite different house, as it is made to bold all the good and the other is when they burn no wood, as the smoke of tbeir torment ascends higher and higher, they wurrfe and squirm tn the coals or the hre because they paid not the editor and called blm a liar. A Swimmiso Game. As it is some time since the Democrat has given its readers an item on football we present the following from the bngene Guard: Jbe came between the L of U third team ana the public school first team Saturday after- noon, was a hotly contested one. vt ater stood over the grounds several inches deep - 1 i . . . L .1 V .- 1 . ia places, sua it wjeroea urab uits uw-wiu man in a rcnmmaire was completely cover ed But this and the fact that it rained hard all the afternoon didn't dampen the enthnsiim of the platers or spectators in the least, ine game resulted in a score 01 14 to 8 in favor of the U of O boys. The public school boys are now confident of wi&nine the came with toe urain normal school team next Saturday. About S00 people witnessed the game. . A Stro.nq Axd Popi'iAB Trio. Char lotte, Essie and Minnie Tittell, the favor ite young actresses will open an engage ment bete next f ndav and balurday mghu and Saturday matinee with M'lisa and the cnanning comeaietta in one aci my incies ill followed by Augustus UaJys domeoy drama Froo Frou in 5 acts. ENNIS. NesrSbelburn, Linn county Oregon, on Sunday, January 13. 1895. of neuralgia of the heart, Belle, wile ot J c Ennfs, aged about 38 years. Toe deceat ed was a sister ot Mrs vr Ford-Warien of Por'Jand, and TUman Ford of Salem. Ckayoas. Until farther notice Craw. ford & Paxton will give you one doz finest cabinet photographs and a H life ,,ze crayon or indtsn ink f ortrait (tor 10 x 30 inch framo) for the extremely low price ol $4.50. Work the finest ana nest miae. Call and sec lamp'ei at galiery. 1st street Froman b ock. Maccabec pins fr 75 cents at French's ewe'ry siore. Don't Forget that when you buy Scott's Emul sion you are net getting a secret mixture containing worthless or harmful drugs. Scott's Emulsion cannot be se cret for an analysis reveals all there is in it. Consequently the endorsement of the medical world means something. Scott's Emulsion overcomes Wasting, promotes the making of Solid, Flesh, and gives Vital Strength. It has no equal as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Scrofula, Anaemia, Ema ciation, and m m Wasting Diseases of Children. 8osttaBown,M.r. Ail Druggists. BOe-smltt The Legislature. .The senate was organized permanently in toe atternoon by tee election ot Jos Simon as president, who received IS votes, Huston, 7j Vandorburg, 3; Walter St Clair, ucos, chiet clerk- assistant chiot clerk, A W Severance, Tillamook; calender clerk, J M Stott. Multnomah; reading clerk, J i) Huntington, Harney; wrgmnt-at-Rrms, C B Crosno, Lincoln: doorkeeper, J D Irvine, Linn: moiling clerk. L If A meson. Multno mah. Masters Moss, Newman and Kalli- way were appointed nnaros The usjoI rules in reference to Hills code and open ing with prayer were adopted. In the boise the permanent officers elected were: Speaker, C B Moores; chief 'Jerk, Ralph E Moody, as stated vesterdav: assistant clerk. A V R Snyder: rendinir clerk, Geo R Hughes; calender clerk, H T Met lellen; sergeant-at onus, M L Wiluiot. The appropriation bill was ordered re- ijorted two weeks before adjournment. The usual motion in reference to provid ing newspapers for members was tabled. A committee ot hve was appointed to bx compensation of clerks, but a resolution providing for number of clerks was tabled. Her Pa Objected. The Democrat several days ago men tioned the issuing of a licence for the mar riage of E C Russell and Miss India Howes, both of Sweet Home. The case has developed into an interesting one. Armed with his license Mr Russell, a gen tleman about thirty years of age, returned home. Miss Howes is twenty years of age: but her father, Mr Geo W Howes, objected to the muTiae, and when Mr Russell call ed for his promised wife the father refused to permit the marriage and bad his daugh ter locked in the house in order to prevent the marriage. Mr Kusseli immediately came to Albany and had a writ of habeas corpus issued out of Judge Duncan's court directing the rberiff to bring the person of Miss India Howes into bis court this afternoon at 2 o'clock when judicial con sideration would be taken of the matter. The deputy sheriff failed to appear with the young lady and the case &a continued until her arrival. Crawfordsville. Mrs Elizabeth Cox died last Saturday at the residence of her son J C Cox, at this place. She had been aa invalid for several years. Her children were telegraphed for and most of them came. She will be buried this (Monday) evening. Mrs Cox was an estimable woman and highly esteemed by all who knew her. We have bad much bail weather though now bright and clear. The Railroad commission claim to have brought about a reduction in freight. Let us tee about that. Before the time of the commission we paid 'JO cents par hundred for freight from Portland to Brownsville. Now for the same freight we pay 30 cents per hundred. How is that for redaction? Abolish the Railroad commission and every other useless parasite from the pay rolls of state and county. Wesley. Probate Record. , " m In guardianship of Earl Brown, report of sale of personal property approved. In estate of Wesley Down, administrator was allowed 30 days in which to filfliis in ventory. In estate of C O Patton, final bearing set for February 9. In estate of Henry C McBrile E Badger wasappoined executor. In estate of D V Michad, bond Eled and approved. In esiaia of H A McCarbsrv. petition for allowance of $100 to widow filed. In guardianship of Leander Jones, cita tion ordered isned for guardian to appear. In estate of Sarah Averiil, inventory and appraisment filed; real property. .53; personal property , f 1 1 15 . 1 a. In estate of F F C raft, fifth account filed. In estate of X C Meyers, Jefferson Mey ers was appointed executor. In guardianship ot Nary I einer. 2nd account filed. S E Young went to Portland this noon. Mr John Isora west to Pot Hard this noon. J A Gross is now on his ranch adjoining the city. Mr Willis Dorris has returned from a several mouth's residence iu Portland. County Ttreamrer N S Brown, of Marion county, dml suddenly at Salem yesterday . tie is a nephew of Jouge Lnincau, 01 uus city. Hon O T Porter returned last night from Alaska, where he had been on busineu. He left this nxra for Salem no doubt to lend a helping hand in the re-election of J . uoiph. iiiu Alice t'orter accompanied him. Mr Swart. editor of the Lincoln Comity Leaie.v was in Albany this noon on his way home from a trip to Nebraska, where be bad been called by the illness And deatn of bis mother. He reports times in Western Nebraska as bad as reported. In many place the people need all the assistance they are receiving, in fact more. He could not see how many farmers could possibly ret the teed far sow id 7 for next rear. Tbey are heart sick and discouraged. Mr Stewart is more sausboa than ever witft Oregon and believes it is the garden spot 3f the United states. Following is the program for a public Irindergartrn social to be held at the resi dence of Dr G W &aton tomorrow night - Instrumental duet, Misses Edith Smick and Maud Holbeit. Vocal solo bv Mrs Nutting. Instrumental music by Prof Lee. Vocal solo by MUs Mand IlaiberL Selection by Mrs Smick. Instrumental music by Mr Nah. Vocal solo by Mrs Langdon. Reading by Miss Brooner. Converzaione conducted by Mrs Lee. Everybody is invited. A gcod miny drummers are in the field again. The ireutar dance and school of Prof SCinian will take place Thursday night. Trade with the people who Invite you 10 do so throi'uh the columns of the local paper. Gov Lord's message -will contain 8,500 words. There are no figures in It. will be read Wednesday afternoon. There is no exense for anv man to ap oesr !n society with a grizzly beard stnet the Introduction of Buckingham's Dye, which colors natural brown or black. Dr Shields, an eminent physicltn of Tennessee, says: "1 regard Ayea's Sars- aoariiia as tne nest mood meoicint on earth, and I know of many wonderful cures effected by Its use." Physicians all over the land have made sln.ller state mants. A January thaw Is always more pro ductive ot co'.ds ar.d coughs than a Janu ary freeze. Then Is the lime Ayeri Clietrv Pectoral Is needed and provss sc extremely efficacious. Ask your druggist tor ir, ana aiso tor Ayei's Almanac, which Is free to all. Next Saturday the O P confirmation again come up. The result will be a con firmation of the sale unless Mr Nash puts up the 550,000 deposit ottered. It is sale to predict that Judge Fullirtoti will delay the matter no longer. The fir?, of M A Gunst & Co ought to be satisfied. Mose Gunst has been ap pointed a police commissioner of San Francisco, while - Henry Hausman. hit partner, occupies a similar position in this city. Portland Welcome. All of the new state officers wee Install ed yesterday with the exception of gover nor, secretary ot state ucuridc gave way to to H R Klncald ; School superin tendent McEtroy vacated for G M Irwin. and State Printer Baker turned the state priming o."Ece over to W H Leeds. 'The serylce last night at the Congre"- gatlonal which inaugurated the special meetings, to isst tor some lime, was large ly attended and a fine spirit prevaded the congregation. 1 he sermon wa up on '-The Value cf Divine Weapons" In life's warfare. A live song service will preceed the sermon to-night. All are in vited to attend and help in these services That Joyful Feeling. With the exh'.Ierating sense of renewed health and ttrenght and internal cleanli ness, which follows the use of Syiup o Figs, Is unkown to the few who have no progressed beyond the old time medlcln and the cheap substitutes torn etlmes off red but never accepted by the well . I iome Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder Awarded Gold nudal Midwinter Fslr. San Fraiussca, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. You Can Here Keep Track of Your t rlenua. Judge Flinn and daughter Anna went to Salem this noon. Mr Cole, of the Albany Woolen Mills store, of Portland, is in the city. Deputy U S Marshal George Humphrey went to Eugene today on U 8 business. Rev F II Owynne, D D, of Salem, will prench in the Presb) tennn church next Sunday, morning and evening. Miss Merrill, of Portland, camo to Al bany this noon to attend the funeral of her niece, Margaret Merrill- Mr G W Wriirht returned todav from Roseburar. where he has been in attendance on business in uirouu court, ana in the Li b Land ofhee at that city. Mr Richard Conn, of Portland, came nn from that city last night to attead the wedding of bis brother J B Conn, and Miss Babbington tonight in this city . Dr Maeton was summoned to Portland this morning where ho will perform an important surgical oieration tomorrow at ten o'clock, at the Portland Hospital. He will return on the overland train tomorrow night. MARnilD. Mr Edgar Blodgett, the popular electric ian with Albany Electric Light Co., and Miss Maggie Simpson, niece of Mr 0 F Simpson, formerly of Eugene, were united in marriage on Tuesday evening, Jan 15, 1895, at the residence ol Q W Simpson, ' Rev Riley Little parfcrmimr an imprexsive ceremony in the presence of a few relatives and intimate friends. They are among our best young people and deserve the best blessings of a happy married life. Mr Thomas Thomas, a faithful and pop ular engineer on the Oregon Pacific, and Miss Ella Risley, daughter of Mr N C W Risley, were united in marriage last night at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev MclCee. Mr and Mrs Thomas have the best wishes of many friends bee and elvewbere. At Oakrille, at noon today, Mr A M Smith and Min M A Fisher, R;v Little officiating. HOME AND ABROAD A Mixture to he Taken Doses. In Small C'l at Klein & Dubtlt'e's and for their bargain shoes. Inquire A hobo had tie fits last night on Second street. This Is a trick of hobo. It is reported that more srrrsts will P'oUablr lc made for counterfeiting, around Lebanon. I t 1 he steamer Homir leaves San Fian Cisco to-ir.orrow, and will sail from Vs qulna on Tuesday. Ia order to make room for tf rlof gocds winter uiots will he sold at cost by kCieln & DubtuiUe. The T P 8 C Eof the Chrtstatn Our;b will give a mite social at the residence of Mrs M F Rhoades, First and Msla street, Friday evening Jan 18. According to announcement on the 6th evangelistic services -l!l bee In in the ChrUttln Church Mat Sunday. A cordi al invitation is extended to every one to come and hear the gospel. The tax lew In Jackson county il be a mil's. The levy has nut been msde In Llnncuutr but U piobabiv be about 14 ri;i. perhaps leas, the smallest for many years. This 1 made pclbl by the low slate levy. There are a sood many srood schos in Oregon. One Is not entitled to support Iroo the state any more thin anoihtr. There should be no Uvoriteism. This calling certain college state schoo's in order to get their protestor fancy sslailea t the stale expense. Is all fooUthntt. Mr Henry Suesens had a bran new paste rru.h don this afternoon, turned around for a morocn;, a d on going beck lo a place he was preparing to paper om fir? street, it was gctre. That is the style nowadays. Ta the tecate of California yesteniay, a bill was Introduced 10 add a new section to the penal code, ft ptovides that "It k hereby declared to be a mldewsnor sij punishable as such, for anv a!.'--boMrJ p-ron to either join, travel wl:h, cs-op or dwell with anv cow 'pan or b-nd of Idle I . men comtulng of more than tnree per sons, which company or band ob'aint lis ahsitccce by means ol aims or solicited contributions. . MISFITS. All Sizes. For Fat and Lean Pco rdc. Young and Old. Butinees mast be rufhinir at F.utte. One merchant has had to pat on an exira force and another was oblievd to clot bis store al 6 o'clock in order to straighten his goods. A Salem paper claims Dolth is so cold that be stopped the rising of the W illauiette j oa reacbtng taJeni. 1 bat 1 tbe trouble. be will treexe out the other feilows. come, 1 though have figured out that be wont. 1 f a republican caucus settles tbe case Dolph wiu rarely be elected. II ths anu-Lnspc men refuse to go inU caucus a good many ballots might follow. Resolutions Adopted. Tasoest. Or, Jan 15. At a mass meeting of tbe citizens of Tangent and vicinity the following resolu tion were unanimously adopted : Ketoived. mat our senators scd rwre- stntative in the legislative assembly of tbe state of Oregon are hereby earnest-y requested to use all honorable means in their power io secure the election of a C t senator who is in favor of the free and un limited coicaee of domestic silver. Resolved. That we. the citiien of Tan- eent and vicinity, mret on eacn r ndav at '2 o'clock p m during the present session ot tne legislature lor the purpose 01 mecuro- wg ana recommendintr snbiecu ot wgisia tion and we recommend that each precinct in the county do likewise. Resolved. That a conv of these resolu tions be sent to our senators and represent atives in the legislature also to each of oar coun'y papers. u vv hLTOE, jobs lcper. Secretary. Chairman The Legislature. In the senatet 2 o'clock Wednesday was set for the antmration of tbe Governor. Among the bills introduced were: By Johnson repealing' the penitentiary jute mill and transferring funds to general fund; by Dawron, repealing act creating state board of equalization; by Carter, de duct ins mortgage indebtedness from taxes and assessing property as owner July 1st by Calbreaui, creating omce state Horti cultural inspector; by Johnson, exempting lands used for county roads trom taxation; by Dawson, reducing indebtedness in state from assessment; by Patterson, providing for 5 cents mileage each way for officers; by Johnson, t puis amenuuig coue; py Butler, authorizing attorneys to take ac knowledgments and ouths; by Woodward, asking conprress to reimourse romana in Hum of $300,000 spent in improving the Willamette; by Bug, repealing railroad commissioners act; by Dawson, in relation to apportionment of taxes; by Raley, to establish state grain commission, with $7500 yearly for same. Each member was allowed six news papers. : standing committees were appointed. Dawson gets places on education and ways and means, and is chairman of roads and highways. Johnson is chairman of mining and insurance and' bunking, and is on penal institutions. In the rouse the lime was taken up mostly on resolutions providing tor differ ent shite institutions. Smith cave notice of amendment of rules providing for com mittee of hve on retrenchment. Three newspapers were allowed each member. Or- Prittt'a Cream tukinf Powder World's Fair fftxbtst Award. DIED. MEBRILLOn Tuesday evening, 15, 1894, ia Albany, Margaret Failing Mmill flnnnlltaa nf Ml anil St. U l? Merrill, of scarlet fever, at the age of years, a months ana aujr. SUDDEN DEATH. Mr A Ii Mcllwaln. a Prominent Merchant Dies of Heart Disease. Mr A B Mcllwnin was sitting- at bis table at at his home in this city, this noon, when with almost no warning he fell over, from disease of the heart, and expired in a short time. Mr Mcllwain has been ill at times for several years, and was affected with heart disease, so that bis sudden death in a measure was not a surprise. A B Mcllwain left Pennsylvania for the raciUc Coast in lH52,locating in California, where he resided until 1837, whn he moved to Southern in California, doing a mercantile business among the mining towns. In 1977 be moved to Al bany, the next year erecting the brick store in which he has since done business. He attended strictly to busmets in which he was successful. His wife died a couple yevs ago. '1 he deceased leaves a son, ll F Mcllwain, of this city, and two daughters, Mrs Mack Monteitb and Mrs W 11 Ray mond. Mr Mcllwain was 7 years of age. A peculiar incident huppeued in connec tion with his death. He was raading in a pager the account of the death of Kx -Governor Cliadwick. and remarked: "That is the same disease I have,' and fell over without Other remarks. Funeral services wilt be held on Friday, arranfreiiienu for which will be made in the earning alter the arrival of the two daughters of the diseased No More Charivaris. Chief of Police Lee requests tbe Dbmo cbat to state that no more charivaris will be allowed in Albany; that any one engag ing in tbem will be promptly arrested for disturbing tbe petce. 1 bis is correct and the chief will be sutained by the public geterally. Toey are a nuisance, not only on account of the noise; but oa principle. Young people getting married need every cent nowadays for bouw?keeping, and can cot afford the $2 to $5 one costs, and the Chief of l'olioe has done right in making this order. Charirarit are often innocent affairs, but in a place like Albany where there is sickness in most parts, and where it is enough to pay for the license and minister UVy are out of place. In large towns particularly they are being set down on. Ex-Gov. CuiDwics Dead Ex Gover nor S F Chadwick died suddenly in Salem last night. He had attended the state leg islature during the day and was in his usual health. The dictated was thoroughly identified with Oreo. He was a member of the roor-titulimal convention of 1&S7. and in 1$C4 and li&S a presidential elector. He was secretary of state six years and gov ernor two years filling the unexpired term of Gov. Grover upn his election to the s-nate. He was a lawyer and be recently practiced bis profession in Salem. Gcv. Chad wick was a man of sterling worth, of irreproachabSe character, possessing far more than average ability. For a great many yean he had been an occationaT cor respondent of the Democrat, writing some very readable letters always in a fair and candid stye. ilia death will be universally ppgretled. CsaBTCa Ami: dm ext. A special martin of the city coencil was held last eijrht to consider the ameKdntents to the charter. They will provide 'for bonding the city for ftW.OCsj to pay off indebtedness, and providing for raytaeot of interest first, providing for road work in city limits in st.'ad of twiUide; that the city cofiert her own taxes inftead of She sheriff and thru ibe grading and graveling of stnets be let to losnest bidder. A ium meeting will be held at tbe coort houae Saturday night to comidcr the hut two amendaieoU not voted on at the special ekctioa. A Xctsv XtauT. Tbe Albany Charivari Social Dab had a picnic last night aad cut a wide swaih. Two new married coaples were visited. At tbe first sound of the bell the groom appeared an i purchased praoe at 13 a pkce. A ooaple married a few weeks ago were then visited aad given a two hoars serenade, raaaieg- a sleepless night among tarigbbors. wbea tbe music was stopped by Use police. TaEsrECtat services nv- being con ducted in tbe CoocTFalional church of this ,ro .tdd-,11? 4?-D!iiil taeimain auditoriam was nlled. V. til ye alto be II u Dioriple'r" was the U-xt chosen by tbe pastor. A dwp interest was man ifest in tbe congresaUon. and the after ser vice witnessed a funeral jparticipauon by those present. iV vices wul be conducted throughout the week. All are invited. ' Tus Soldi wis Home. Yesterday at Roceburs a special meetine of the foldiers' Home commtHionert was held at the home a fa'l board txnng present. The following officers were elected M tbe ensuing yar: Wallace Haldwin. commandant, salary K; K F Walsh, adjutant, salary Sou; ir It t liammoi. renlent f cjficjaa. taiary f:K; Mm lannte Latlirop, matna, salary, tv0 per month. If ou r.-ed a good medicine to purify jour b'-ood. give nerve strength sttd bui!d up our entire svstrra, take Hood's oarsa paril a I: prevents sick cess by making pure blood. . Hood's PI'l core nausea, sick headache ndigestkn and biliousness. j;c. The Woman's Era. - : i".:-.- rV:..-; ' ' - ii h Wm w mm Within Her Sphere She Reigns Supreme. Woman claims her own. Her field widens constantly; . Every day brightens her prospects. Her progress fore shadows the greater triumph at hand. Emancipation and equality will be hers in the years, to come. Prophetic of final victory were her achievements at the World's Fair. At her shrine there erected the nations bowed. The lesson taught at the "Woman's Building" will last "till time shall be no more."c Their enlightening influence will be felt around the globe throughout the dawning century. Only less memorable were the honors gained at the Fair by Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder The highest award conferred on this peerless prepara tion, is a fitting accompaniment of the laurels won bytha women of America. 1 Jan 2 Real Estate Sales. J C Baker to Martha Wiseman, 1)i acres 14 W 1 ; VjQ Geo Milyeu to A Ltchman, 40 acres 10 Wl 100 l. a Harris to r.icbnttn, 2o acres 10 . W l 80 Jacob Hcbraiat to IS P Wallace, 1 lot Lebanon 300 KAKatnpyto Harriet Briggs, 2" lota HarrUI.'irtr 1 Harriet liriggs to 1'errv Hide. 3 lots ' Uarrisburg ..... 200 it Uryant to wra Urookraeyer. 39 acres 10 W 2 . . 1000 I II Hurklmrt to Jacob Itotb. SCO acres 11 W a 7000 Unas Williams to hvangeline King, 20 acres 12 8 1 203 Waterloo D Co to Grate Evangelist church. 2 lots 1 H Dinwiddie to t'rank Frisbie, 2 lots Halsey 123 II Dinwiddie to 11 8 Owen, 1 lot Halsey SO M V Hogan to B II Montague, 3 lots Lebanon . 100 Fred A Bales to II M Palmer, 2 acres 11 W 4 500 B Koehler to Kate Mclride, lot I bl 77Ms8A... .... 1 A S Baker to DanMcCl'aio,'loU R, 6 and Sbl 2 Uarrisburg 3500 H Dinwiddie to 8 Davidson, 2 lots Halsey 350 E L Wheeler to John Leedy. 160 acres 10 E 3 10CO I N Woodle to J J .Vhitney, lot 8 U 47 Albanr 00 H Dinwiddie to Amelia May, 1 lot HaTeey 80 Anna llsndereon to Mrs 8 J Haight, bl 42 Goitre's ad 1 Elias Matter, to W W Robe. 2 pieces bud 15C0 E W lngdon. trusb-e to Sarah E Uerker. JZ-IW acres U s 3rd ad 1300 Prescription" filled at Dawson's Faee powders at Fred Dawson's GOOD EVEStSG. Quinine pills at Fred Dawson's Get your millinery at Mrs AsbSy's. Craa Berries at C E Brownell's. Get your Photos for Xma st Tinkles. Hot baths st Verlck's tbsvlag parlors. Two loaves of bread for C cents at P E Aliens. Fresh buckwheat flour in bulk at C E Brownell's. 40 loaes of fresh bread for Si. 00 at C E Brownell's. Fresh celery, aresh everv other day at C B Brownell's. Try Cows Coffee, only 3oc per pound at C C Brownell's. Bath at Vktrecks sbaviog aad hair eattiag parlors. Ii yes wast a Eoe asaoke call far Joseph white lab w igsrs. Hat Baths and warm rooms at Verkk's shaving pailor. 40 full wetirht loaves o' bread for tf a Parker B as. 1 1 su towais la arery custodier at Vtarack k aviag parlors. Uodge & UcFarlsnd makes a specialty ot prescriptions. A fine targe stove for sale, inquire at Verkk's Barber shop. We sell mare and better bread at the U S Ukcry thin any other house In town. C D Van 1 Him will sell you two loaves fresh bread U r 5 cenf at the U S Bakery. It Is a to eat good bread snd thai you riU a'.wart find at the U S bak erv. ' If yon want that achin tooth filled or estr&cted wi-Jiout pat.; ciil at Dr Adam's office. Wbet) voo bov bread consider quality and quantity then voa wi!l bay at the C 3 bakery. Teacher of vocal ad laslrnmental nouc Mtss Hv.tie J! Warner, corner 4"h and Ellsworth street. Old votes of ladle shoes taken off and ne? ha'f sort sewed on. making the snoe as good as new by J W Bent.y . Tou Make No Mistake When Oa traJe with Parker Bros- Too get gcoJ rearment. Not only to day But to nturr iw. You always g good groceries. The staple article. Their teas tiJ coffees s-e the best; Their canned goods are fresh; Tbe!r based coods. Bread, cake, pies and cookies. Make permane " customers. 4o loaves of br sd St 00. Choke pick eJ goods. Fresh produce nd fruits Alwaysjon hted. If you ira'e with Parker Bros. You make nonistake. Tooth brushes at Fred Dawson Tt ILU gTARS.tne jewelers See HJ!es l'a. M aits s TUHe s. I j-i"v:i- 1 w OakTille. Ackernian k Co have commenced tawing tju vun.ii mages urne more lively. A contract will soon be let for dUing the river near Corvallis. This was tried once before but the attempt proved t be a ailure; however if it ia not a success it will be the means of bringing some money into the country. Mr Barton went to Albany yesterday. I Y McCone is circulating a petition to the letrislature for the rrlief of Mi Ivy Templeton, no one- acquainted with tlie circumstance will refuse to sign the peti ticn. T) scholars of Prof Smith's school called on him at his borne last evening. Tbe people are anxious to hear from Salem everv day now. A large number of "Tbe Bon cornea to this office and 'here is always a crowd ready to call for "The Sun" as soon as tbe mail is opened. Tbe people here dont want Dotph. AxfCTS. Not A California Bear. Anvbody can catch a cold this kind of weather. The trouble Is to let go, Use the man who caught the bear, Wr advise our readers to purchase of Fo-thay St Ma son a bottle ot banta Able, the Caltlornla King of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchit is, Coughs sad Croup Cures, and keep t handy. 'Tit pleasing to the taste and death to the above comp' Sold st jo cen:s and $1 a batt.e or 3 far fj o. California Cat-R-Cure gives Immediate reiiar. yhr catarrhal virus Is soon dis placed by Its healing and penetrating nature. Give It a trial. Six rooalbs trestmeat ft sent by mail f 1.10. TJ Co Cms n has been appointed as signee of tbe Oriental Tea Co ia placo of WJ rite--art. tjhiloh't cure Is sold on a guarartee. It euies IncipUnt Consumption. It W the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. 5c.soc.andl1.oo. Foshay a Mason sgents. i7 SZ,. I W, ism DON'T WAIT For a Cold to T a into Bron chitis cr r-Xienmonia. Check it at Once with AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. "Early ia ths Winter. I tr.k a severe cokl which tlevt-lojx-d into aa obstinate, hacking rough, I very painful to endure aiiu troubling tae tlay ai;d i.igl.t, for nine weeks, in spite of nuuwrcus remedies. Aycr's t lurry i Ve tera! Win? recoottnended roe. I hegan to take it, and inside of 24 kpurs, I was relieved of the trbkimg in my throat. Before I Inished the bottle, my coagh was nearly gone. I cannot speak too highly of its exceUenee."-r-Urs. i Bosco, Eaton, Ohio. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral 3 Beceivwd Highest Awards n AT.THE WORLD'S FAIR of SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCi This erva- I Q-OahwUtOB, erdtaarv a- Jwranauw a B I'-yilaa, a T 'lln htm- I aatiooa.Xrv 1 cwstwiiebiBc f cf the ayes I aad other I m, I BttwnatnTMW Ifll son weadarfat discovery of tbe . It it) Oa au rea toned by tt KadiBt-Ktm- fefie. saea ot I iavltoimiaa I aad toots tfaa Europe aaal Nsrna ,2 1 Neeraa cores SitWs ti? rrKijSTHsa "75 1 amissions. SO40xweicm aad rsstonnT of the dla i !iai ta as M 1 ar Paiaa In Uia back. kW . oy aay 01 ISH0CK aishtsuped ;a. qnjesJy. Ottt prtrate apdoragnenta. Staae. 11 aa ajuiajuu vm Rama aad tMBmnness. It eaa be stoppsd in days brtheoaaof Hudyaa. T1M aw UMPOTery waa mmam ma . ..w. -1 . ' - mm Jt.l ,llla nowetfaL bat fcaimleaa, ftald for Sl-00 a pack- L - . - - ''-it Yin.riffl Wrlttca cuaraatee riVanftuaeortL If yeabuy six boxes and at not sottn4y cured, six a nd fur elmilanand tratteoataW, Address n wnaii aaami.av. IfcarlTTTIt JaarUaa Ktoeata-B.3iai-k.aS at EUlai oai riaauNaiaa BUY JEWEL STOVES ADD RANGES OF MATHEWS k WASHBURN T AD1KS READ THIS. Besulv Wen Jder for the complexion Is a substitute tor cosmetics. H armlets, dalntv. pure For sale bv Mrs (1 C Moon. Albany, State Ageet, Agents wanted, uood par. CATARRH positively cured tor $1.5. Money refunded it not satlsfa-tonr. Csl frroi 11 to ia for free treatment ior catarrh, colds, la grippe, headache or neuralgia, at Hodges & McFarUnda, Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. WANTED.. A (tentleman with tn ebli Iran Lvlng on a farm desire to secur the serviots ol a mlddla sra lad j as housekeeper. Inquire at cffiit IJUH SALK.-8ome no 1 1 rcla ; a i per thousand, and aoma oi grub wood at t'i.50 a oord. M EBxBBaa. Star Baker Csrnralfcla mud First ntt COMRAD fiVEYEB, FF.CPRlEltR ISALM m, (aa.e U'astsarf, Qweesswara Oriedl rral. Vegeiwlrle. Tslvtse, Ciara r tar, . Nplees. Tea. EH Ste wvllk. that is kept hi a r vartety aad ssneny atom Bkt aatrkat prie pala I jt AJ.L KINDS OP PRODUCE. A Beautiful Hand presents a spedacle for universal admira tion. There's character In tne hand, and the hand deserves attention lor that very reason. What tbe hand Is to a Urge ex tent W the result of care aad alien ion. Medicines preserve the health; aiislctre articles beautify the hard. All such requisites of pleating palms 1 ha bespeak a character Justifying pride are sboan ta oar stock of toilet and manicure articles. It's most an wise, judging by results, to negltct cither the hands or tbe health, and our stock of drug tad medicines cBen the best of everything needful to preserve either or both. J A C13IHISG. ALBANY INS. AGENCY ICAX Q1VE yoa more genuine issrr ance for a li.oo tbsn any other seen la Albany. Any school-boy who can control pre miums to tbe amount of f3oo aoouzilv can secure the agency for an luarance Co for tnat reason do not think that every man who writes insurance policies is an "insurance man." Inr-ire io the SUN. PHOEXIX, LON DON, M ANCH ESTER, snd NORWICH FNIOX of EogUnoVwCONTlSEXTAL of Sew York and bare something for' yosr money la case of honest toss. - Notes taken on fart? Insarance. X f Drj!. M'gr. Valley adjuster for the Eon Ins cmce cf London.' Highest price psid for all kie of . pal". . " Pro A. STARK W in i Start Optical Specialist Graduate of lh Chicago Orhabsie College. I am prepared to examine aeiectISeaI!y and aerarateiy, by the latest aad improved method of BrKxiern scie&ce. zjtj . who d-. sire to havse tbeir eyes tested. Cuiick Block. AlbjlST, Ci-icojt.J BI ISIIi. Coskk Block 1 Albary.O mUne end extract ing of teeth without pain a epecialty. INSURANCE ANDMOND BROKER. C.ialr sTamats Eoi;.t as Sell. vltt.Hastei BIikI, llbaBf Orrgca. . H F UERRIlt. NSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany.'Or. mdtJ ud ctQBtytOTjnats bought,, d to 1. littler & Coin, DENTISTS. Good wotk a Epeclalty. 'ALBANY. CSrwrV OREGON.! CUCKBURIJ& S0u!E3S All legal matters will r-R-eive prompt at- toucan. Omce, First Kvtional Bank buildinff, np stain. J FR50 YATFS, Booms 25 and 26, StnihaaBlodc, ' .Uny Oregon U C Watson Luther ESkins WATSON &ELKINS TTOENETT8 I. A.W Office First Kational Bank Dnildina Business intntted to na will receive caro (ol and prompt attention. VALLIS HASH ATTORNK'T JLW. Will practice ia all the iuat of the Ute, Office First Nat'l Bonk baiMing.Albacr; egon., GM0O. opposite thsKass H.ia Ised, ba',b.rta, Gorm uesl, ham J;buokwhav rv flour, bty, calf, fcaw. poUtoaa.Jote. swt ANTED. A widow lady desires a If plaoeto wcfklnapr Vato family, CiU at this otiice, a