The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 18, 1895, Image 2

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    Undcrdraining for Farm and '.Gar
- The whole question of benefit derived
tro-n tile drainage i due to three Import
ant factors thai go to make up the Hfe
heal u an J growth of all our cultivated
erjDS. When Ithese three are told, the
whoii- secret of micccm in drainage
pMSrd. ,
it ex.
Fut The drainage relieves the soil Of
all surplus water.
S rond In time ol drouth, It supplle
n needed moisture.
T ird It forma (subterranean passage
i rough which and by which the soil i ae-
a d
AH of our cultivated crop are ure to suf
fer, either from an overabundance of moist
ore, from a lseV of moisture, or from a Uck
oi air :- ' '.
3y the diaiaage you get rid of one and
supply the !otber two. My observation
duiing the last fifteen year that I have
given Borne thought to trie drainage is, that
without exception, each year our farm crops
have been shortened on account ot the pre'
ence or lacK ot me presence oi one oi mm:
three factors. Any soil that will hold the
water until it injures or destroys the life
. a plant, will also, in time oi drouOh become
baked and hard, so as to injure the growth
of a plant. No air can enter such a set
when full of water neither can it eater when
it becomes baked and hard. There is but
little virtue or plant food , in a dry clod
or a baked soil. Ia clay soils not under
J rained we are working at a disadvantage
an! loss, caused by either of the extremes,
too wet or too dry.
The wily way to brine onr cUy land un
derlaid with stiff clay, under the entire
: control of the farmer or gardener is to tUe
When these lands are properly drained,
they become our most reliable and desirable
lands; every load of manure put on such
lan i produces an effect until literally worn
oat there will be no leaching as is com
mon to lands underlaid with sand or eravel.
1 he advantages of tile drains gt are not a
question of opinion, theory or doubt, the ex
perience of a century proves that drain tile
- ia the best improvement a farmer can put
oa his premises. I: deepens the soil, im
proves its mechanical texture, and prepares
it for the roots of graving crops. It length
' ens the season at both ends; it renders the
soil "fit for cultivation earlier in the spring,
and, by keeping it dry, wards off the effects
of frost later in th: fall.
Our seasons and the weather of late are
inclined to gojto extremes. When it is wet it
is too wet, and when it is dry it is too dry
scarcely ever just right for the farmer
whos: land is not drained, he Is ia a con
stant worry, he dreads '.o see the second
rain cloud tp roach, as he well knows
another heavy rain means a week or ten
days oat of the corn field, and , the weeds
soon to be his master,
- j .. --w tf i i i -
farmer, look for one whose farm is well on .
derdrained, be hes no complaint of the sea-
son or the v eat her, scarcely ever experien
ces any incoovlence from too much rain, he
is delighted to see the pearly drops course
their way downward, laden with the ele
ments of plant food to be deposited In the
soil it. its downward coarse to the tile.
Air, vapor, light and heat are furnished
us free in abundance. If our soil is not in
a condition t- utilize these elements to the
Ixst advantage in our growing ops,tben it
;s It ft for us o make it so by artificial mean.
Moisture stored sway-in any subsoil is
naturally drawn to the surface of the soil in
dry reasons and through a vaat number of
minute pores it passes up and into the at
mosphere quite rapidly. This is commonly
. spoken of as evoraUon. It can be arreted
by filling the pores with particle of soil,
which is done bv breakina th: emit oa the
surface, and then evaporation is suspended.
For this reason we hear the tift repeated
injunction: Stir the soil as soon after a rain
as the ground will permit. "
If we see a plant whose foliage turns y;l
ley or drops off, or which bi's to crow, and
whoee whole appearance is unthifty we are
aimo-t sure .o find the trouble to be the roots
and not nn'rcquently ibe cause is want of
The distance between drabs depend on
the depth, to a great extent. In clay soils,
three feet is a good average depth, and for
ordinary farm drainage may be pat two
rods apart- In black, loamy so-i, with clay
scbwil we.J down, tbey may s be fort to
, fifty feet apart.
, Drainage for the garden. "Well, wliat
s'aaUI say?" This is the Eden of the
houteho'd, to this we look for our daily
ti jle snppiy. If yon want the richest and
best, if you want it crisp and juicy, if yo:
want it to respond to the touch of the
gardener, treat it as your friend, give it of
your best, feed it and It will feed you, de
fend it from its greatest enemy
minister to it when it cries oat for moist -
. nre and air. Bat how shall ' I accomplish
Perfect cultivation U good, in fact it is
indispensible, bat perfect Ullage cannot be
done in a wet and water-waked soil.
j Drainage for early vegetables is indispen
sable. Therefore,, to. ob'aia the best re-
snltg, we would say, put in your drains not
more than sixteen feet apart. From a pa-
par by F W Everal, read bjfo'e tha Cj'um
. bu Hort. Socoiety.
The Pope recently gave oidcrs for Iht
cons! i action of bis tomb. Piofeuior Lnc
chetti is to attend to the architectural part,
and Eugenic Maccagr.i i! be the sculptcr.
The tomb will be in the ba'ilica, Santa Ma
ria Maggiore. VI was ibe last Pope
buned tittie.
The Journal of Coumerce, basing ita cal
culation on t e estimate of conitrvativ- ur
d .wiiurs, fixes the ani.ual fire lusifrcm ia-cciidij-i;m
ia the L'rited States a d Caoata
a: f 39, i r IS tent t f ibe whole.'
S hero spinntr accord ng to the Mnu
fdC n er,' Kccuid, hive aliout $!0S. ei i i co ton mills, conlaioing 70,000
lu Jim and 3,000,000 spindles, and are end
K :temills to the cottoa ins e..d of the
Co ior to the mills.
AccurJing to' figures pu lUbe I by of S tisii:s, the immigration
ih Uf:iied SiaUs for eleven months of
),tr 1894 his been less than half as greit
... I f the same period of 1893 ir 233,891
c iu. a-ed wiih 486,276.
The sale cf wool at Boston airce Janu.
i 1 1894, aceorcing to tbe Woil and Cot
ton Repor er, amuont to 141,738,000 lbs
agamt 124,171,000 Iti In 1893.
A French railway has lilely arransd
i's telegraph lines so that at a pre-arranged
t;)a! tho wires are switched from the tele
gr. p'tic instrument to telephones, thus en;.
bling tie ojeraiors ei her to talk vcbilly
or 10 communica'e by the telegraphic code
a' will.
Karl's C over Root,the great blood pur-'.fi--r
gives freshness and c earness to the
tomplexion and cures cot stipalion, are
oc,i.oo Fo. hay & Mason Agents.
Russia's Aristocracy.
Russia possesses 650,000 noble without
counting 350,000 whose titles are not he
reditary. Among the Ku sian nobility
there are many of foreign origin. The
Russian social code recognizes four cate
gories or estates (soslovii) that is to say,
nobles, priests, town dwellers and peas
ants. The character of their employmen
distinguishes tbesa classes from one an
other. Each is dependent on the czar for
all its privileges, and the. emperor has ab
solute power to change the condition cf
his subjects from a high to a low estate.
None of these classes possess either a his
torical, a political or a social individuality.
The Rimian aristocracy is deprived of
political importance, and It cannot boast
of such chivalrous qualities as distinguish
ed the French nobles. .For the present it
lacks sufficient good sense or education to
play any part in public life. Russian ar
istocrats all desire to be considered as di
rect descendants of the Bcyars, merely be
cause is pleasant to be such, and thus get
a position of social superiority. Their
ambition goes no higher. The Boyar?
like the feudal western landowners, are the
descendants of the men who of old com
posed the Russian prince's army. The
members of the Russian aristocracy have
in a great part regained tneir places at
court, so that there cante encountered
most of the old historic names. Children
of both sexes inherit the titles of their par
The Russian aristocracy is distinguish
ed by overweening pride and haughtiness,
and at the same" time there is often united
to this, In a bizarre contrast, a certain
snobbishness. Access to the circles of
high society is very difficult. It is only
possible to penetrate into them it welt
born and well connected, fbe Russian
rarely abandon their tit'es, being too proud
of them to quit them easi'y. A marriage
between ' a poor gentleman and a rich
stranger, or vice versa, is considered in
this country as a shameful mesalliance.
and the couple would not be received
in the aristocratic salons of the capital.
Tolstoi, as well a Prince Mascheresy
director of the newspaper Grajdanlne, has
eiven in hi novel. very exact and graphic
descriptions of Russian high life. But
ith all their innate pride the Russian
great folk have never looked npon work as
degrading.. Thus, if need be, they will
adopt with ease -and without mauvaise
honte any offices, any public charges.
There is at St Petersburg a prince who
serves in the' custom house, and many
nobles and titled men become professors,
schoolmasters, even actors. In a pastry
cook shop at Moscow some princesses -of
high blood serve behind the counter.
Others will become governesses, compan
ions, housekeepers, telegraph clerks in
fact, will adopt any employment that may
turn up.
Senatorial Auction Blocks.
Advocates of he legislative csncas as a
means of electing United States Senator
are doing much to force the ealy adoption
of a sixteenth amendment to the Feden
Constitution, making Senator elective by
the people of the States. .
The betrayal of the people of Nebraska is
the first lesson of the new jer. Ia tliat
State the peop'e expressed their pot-i'Son
to railroad government by the difeat of the
railroad candidate for Governor. Tie caa-
ens has just declared that O.e general solici
tor of the Union Pacifi; shail go to the
Senate from Nebraska.
West Virginia will 100a elect Stephta B
Ellin. There is talk of Elkina' defeat, tu
it will result in nothing. Ettins is proba-
hl w . well aMurftt nf his eW4ua nm at
Stewart of Nevada was when, jus! before
his first election to the Senate, he was aeked
to explain bis evident confidence in hi
incces. S ewirt said that the election was much as wai the span he was driving
and fur which he ha paid a fancy price.
And Dolph, tco, the ideal railrcad and
corporation attorney will represent rai'iosds
ant corporation instead of the masses of
the people.
It is as true now a when Lincoln fir?
told tie story which ha raised into prov
erb that the man on trial for hog t'ealing can
trust a jury of men who hnve had seme of
the pork.
Ho long can thi Condi 'on continue?
Englishmen are agitating for the abolition
of the House of Lord as being an obstruc
tion to popular government But the Lords
do net boy their stats in the expectation of
selling public rights to private interests as a
means of making office pay more thn it
has cost. It is strange that any honest
American, in view of past and present ex
perience, ahouM d.itnd the senatorial auc
tion blsck.
Every cloud may be regarded as the top
of an invisible warm column or current
thrusting its way into a colder body of air.
Among the indications by which a cloud's
height may be gathered are its form and
outline, 1's .shade or shadows, i-s apparent
size and movement, its perspective effect,
and tbe length of time it remains illumin
ated after sunset. By tbe last method some
clouds have been estimated to be at least
ten miles high. Careful measurements of
c'oud velocities at Blue Hill Observatory,
Massachusetts, show that, at tbe height of
fivj miles, tbe movement ia three times
farter In summer, than at tbe r-arlb's sur
face, and six times in winter.
Robert Louis Stevtnson fold a Wa'ting
too writer that bis story of Dr Jekvll and
Mr Hyde" had for its foun-tat oa an inci
dent related to him bv a London doct jr who
made diseases of the brain a speciality.
None of bis work was sbsolute Gc'ion, and
most of it had a basis in actual experience.
"I do not believe," he aid, "that any .nan
ever evolved really good story from hi
inner consciousness unaiJed by some per
sonal experience or incident of life.
Certain tables of longevity just published
lo England by Prof Humphreys Iravi the
who'e mitter pret'y much In the dark Of
the 824 cases in which t"ie suites have
reached age varying from eighty to ovtr a
handr;d jearg. were mill eaters, and
only on:tent appear ti have hal robu.t
appetite. a c'tass, were found
to fall beloa the average age. The, usual
directions for prolonging life by diet, sleep
and exercise are not strikingly coi.flrm.d by
these tables.
, 40 Loaves of Bread for $1.(10.
Let everybody come to thj Star linkrry
and get4o loaves of fresh bread for ft.oo
C Mnvra.
D; G vV Mdston, physician and surgeon
Calls answered promptly In city or
country, - . "
Wooden, Tin,
'Silver, Goldeu"
Common every day.
1 IVntley will repair children s shoes
a er school and Save them ready for the
rent day.
Salem, Jan. 14 8o5.
Editort Dtatocrat:
All day Sunday and at night there was
an uninterrupted buz in ana in rront or
Hotel Willamette. Candidate from pages
tj chief clerks, hung onto the coats of
members with great tenacity. The R. R.
Cpmmissionera will seek a re-election-
Many of tno old clerk are on hnd and
among them not mentioned by the press '
Glenn V Holuian, reading clerk in the
House Ralph K Moody, ion of Governor
Moody, is mentioned for thief cbrk in the
House. From the familiar names and so
many of '.hern who are candidates for po
sitions which 'hey have held heretofore it
would seem the sign waa not right wnen
they were weaned o years ago. They do
not slay weaned. All the applicant for
Sergeant-at-arms of the House are ex-
members of it. And among he applicant
generally are old members of either bodies
There are quite a number of candidates for
R. R . Commissioner aside from present
incumbents. The most absorbing subject
is that of Senator. All the cndidatei are'
here, and the contest Is bitter. While
true tsy it will be Poiph or Lord, Fulton
and Tongue are making the fight. One
prominent republican predicts that Geo
W McBride will enter the race for Senator.
The friends of all candidate are very en
thusiastic In behalf of their respective can
didates. Dolph has added to his staff
some prominent attorney from Portland,
whilst Fulton and Tongue have a score of
active generals constantly ia the field
Dolph 's men ro'y on the statement that the
last election settled this question in favor
of DjIpIi, as Dave Logan raid on all oc
casions when haranging the multitude on
a proposition that "That question was
fought cut by the war." As in the case of
Logan it would take more than an arch
angel to tell what "was fought out by the
war," a well as what was settbd by the
vote in Oregon at the last election, any
urther than it was given to lwat Pennoy-
er. After all it looks as if Dolph was the
"bird in the hand," whether the peopte ap
prove or not. His opponents are worker
and their force is by ao mean lacking in
activity and generalship. The fight will
last until the caucus settle the case.
Hare the candidates come before a joint
convention of both House and each give
his view on the money question? 'This
would do, if it would not enlarge the
structure of the bedlam of which they are
now possessed and enjoying.
The report of the life Siving Service
shows that 3S0 vessels in distress have been
aided and that out of 4.Co4 person oa board
of them, only 61 were lost. The estimated
vxlue of be vessel was nearly $10,000,000,
of which $?.&tg.0OO was saved; the cost of
he service was a litfce o?er el ,250,000; the
number of disasters by reason of storm
was greater than ia any previous year since
the introduction of the present svstem.
The Siberian railway ha now been open
ed to Omsk, 2100 mile from St Pe-obir,
and frU possible to go frnaa one place to
the other in 4 day. I buitdinj pirt of
the line the men had otten 10 carry thesr
food W-th llem, and aoicclime had -O be
lowered in bss'tcts ia order to prepare the
track. Ia draining a brg 6 miles wide
bo-.h engineer and mea had for son: time
to live n ha s bat-t on pi'.e whUh could be
approached only ;n baia. M'xqoiloet
were so Dleatifal that h workmen bad to mask of which 4000 were bought for
tie purpose.
In a recent add res before the Royal Me
teorological Society of London, by it pres
ident, the speaker described various bal
loon observation on temperatures at high
altitudes. In 1850 Barral and fiixio found
the temperature in a cloud at an elevation
of twenty thousand feet to be 15 degrees
F., and cn emerging from it, three thou
sand feet higher, the mercury fell to 53 dt
grees. A short time ago, a balloon with
out aa aeronaut, kut with a set of self
recording instruments, registered 104 de
grees at a height of ten miles.
The earth on which we live travel at the
rate of eighteen milts a second. Although
Jupiter ha a giant buik.yet it turns round
with wonderful quickness. Instead of lafc
iog twenty-four hours, a our earth does.
he turns round once in a little less than ten
hours. The days on JopHer, therefore, art
only about ten hours long. I a bis won
derful journey through space, Jupi
accompanied by hia family of five moons.
As a cation, Japan Is a child oi the nine
teenth century. The progress of Christian
ity in Japan is one cf the marve: of mod
ern church history. The first five years of
fai'hful Christaia struggle produced one
convert. In 1S72 was organized the first
Evangelical Church of eleven members.
Now there arc 3O5 churches with a mi
bersirp of 35.534-
The county elections throughout Georgia
show heavy Democratic gains everywhere.
Many counrit which were strongly popu
list in the two last elections returned to the
Democratic fold The negroes in many of
the counties voted rolidly with the Demo
crats. Out of 130 counties ir. the Stale the total
number carried by the Populists will proba
bly cot eceec'filteea at the most.
-Two fct stare tbe public of Oregon ia
the face. One Is that at least of the
republican voters of Oregon are la favor of
the election of a senator who favor tbe
free and unlimited coinage of silver. The
other tact is that Dolph, a gold standard
man, will be elected.
Hovrs Tnlsi
V,'e effer One Hundred Dollars Seward for
4ny case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Ball's Catarrh Care.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props. , Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J,
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
end financially able to carry ont any obligation
made by their firm.
WestATbpax, Wholesale Drarirista,Toledo,0.
Waldixo, Kixham & Mabvik, Wholes lo Drue
fists, Toledo, O. "
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act
in (r directly upon the blood and mucous sur
face of the system. Price 75c. per botUe, bi4
by ail DraefcTsU. Testimonial free.
feriLL is Tkadk. The report, so in
dustriously circulated that the old hiyb
priced combination had frozen at out is
false. We re still in the trade First St
opposite the Suss luiise, and a good
many people know we tell the best meats
for the least money. To our old cus
tomers we say don't be deceived by alee
reports but send in orde:s as usual. To
others we say try us und be convinced.
SaktiamM eat Co.
Whsn the Chinaman the w iter
from bis ugly nozzla squlrte
' )n the surface of your collars,
On 'he bosom cf your shirts,
fll o i'y thought of you
U the money ho will (jet,
: Ry spitting op the linen,
Till he know he his It wot.
The A";inv S earn Lau.-.dry use
M mpener
Dandruff forms when the glandt of the
kln ire weakened, and If neglected, bald
ness U ure to follow. RalP Hair Re
newer i the best preventive,
n 1 Ti! 1.1. 1 FHT.TinT nBTrvn I f ?Cr 3. n II f r-rx1 S .' ,-(. 7 fT7rjr -mrL,T-. s. ; " mmwmm
The Legislature.
Capital Salem, Or., Jan 15th. Second
days work of legislature is interesting.
Several minor resolutions are passed. 1 wo
or three of tho member are developing
into first class kickers and raise their voices
in opposition to almeat every move that is
made that requires expenditure of money.
Committees are to be appointed to investi
gate the books of tho Secretary of State,
State Treasurer. School and University
land commirsions, the manner in which the
reeent school book deal was completed, the
affairs of the penitentiary, anyluin. and O
N G and adjutant general thereof. The
officers have been elected and appointed
LobbisU are hard at work and Tonmie.
Fulton, Dolph tactions headed by these
generals in position are rustling now as
never before. F.vervthintr promises an in
teresting term as 111st enough kickers to
make lots of fun. House crowed up ttair
and down, loint committe appoint! by
resolution to wait upon Gov-elect and in
form him that they await bis pleasure.
Inauguration to-morrow, both houses in
joint session in representative hall, out
going Gov's 111 fa sago mainly statistical.
Lords is as vet unknown Quantity, but will
contain 8,000 words and will be delivered
Weduesday forenoon probably. .
The Legislature Meets.
Salem, Or., Jan. 14th, a,p m. The
House cf representatives opened to day
at 11 o'clock. Major D C Sherman open
ed the assembly. Ueo T Meyer was elect
ed temporary Chairman and Maj Sherman
. l4. I ...... .( C.
was at pointed on credentials. House ad -journed
till 3:30 p m'. It went Into cau
cs at U o'clock- The placet over run
with applicants for office. There are
14 candidate for page. In the lower hou
and only three can go in, la the
Senate Jo Simons la to be speaker. The
Fulton, Tongue and Dolph factions are
hard at work. Favor seem to be with
Fulton and Tongue, though both sides
appear confident. Nothing ot tftcortance
will transpire to dav but election of ml lor
officers. Thecapltbl U6lled with poliilc
ians who have axes to grind. The Wil
lamette Hotel corridor i th headquarter
and h lammed nightly. The greatest In
terest Is centered in the Senatorial fight
and the i.ett few day may decide It. It
is reported that Dolph and hi faction
threatened to speed one hundred thosand
dollar to secure vlctorv. Uusv times In
The cauca nomination were a follow;
Speaker, C E Moore ; President Senate,
Joe Simon; Clerk oi the Houte, Rilph
There is a young lady in Astoria, nine
teen Tear ol age, save one ol the seaport
paperi.who Iiae nevr tasted salmon r
fish oi any kind. She savs it makes her
"squirm" to think of a fishy fish.
A letter from Jack Hill written from
Preacott. Arixona, to lelative in New
berg aaya be found a city of 3000 inhab
itants with 32 saloons and 16 preacher.
The man who don 1 carry a gun is not
in touch with existing conoH'ons. He
got a job immediately on his arrival,
with a hardware dealer. named flu! who
baa lour clerks of the same name, none
ot whom are related. Newberg Urapbic
The East Oretronian put on a smile as
follows: The people of Eastern Oregon are
pleased wrtn toe pros pec's ol uus section
ibe Astoria railroad, tae ."v icarairua can&i
an open river to tbe sea and migration, all
promise exceptional beneiitj to uus seeuon.
there is a good time coming!
Ho'sr cuincidno? multiply. Fourteen
year ago Z F Moody, afterward governor,
was speiaxef me uregon nonte 01 repre
sentatives and Charles B Moores as chief
clerk; now Charles B Moore ia speaker aid
tuiph t. Moody, toe governor s aoa, u
chief derk. Statesman.
The first senatorial canons will be taken
tomorrow night. Tee Mas about Town
predicts, as heretofore, that the contest
will end in the election of Dolph. and that
the first ballot will settle it. U will be
swallowed mot and ail. Fulton will go
back to the roaring sea and Tongue will
stop wagging. Were Vi people to vote oa
tbe question it would not be thus
Whether a person like to see hi name
in the paper or not depends oa what it is
about,' la this connection it may be re
marked that tbe Dexotiut intends to pub
lish tbe police court oes. Tnu is eener-
aliy done without comment; o it is eay to
see how one name can be kept cut of the
papers. Keep away troni tee recorder
Ibe vote on I S secator will occur 00
nextTnesdav at 12 o'clock. Tbe matter
though, will t settled in caucus before
hand. The contest is undoubtedly betireen
Dolph and Pulton, though. Governor Lord,
Tongue. Drivi-r and 0 W Mc Bride are
mentioned. Tbe fiirht is perhaps the hot
test senatorial contest in the history of
Oregon, and there are strong signs that
money wilt be spent in the tight, gold, big
lumps of it in circular form, not silver.
some say 50 big piec to a man. If so
times ought to improve.
laker Base.
Chicago, Jan. 15. The transcontincnt
al lines ha va" adjusted all their differen
ces, with the sole exception of the Union
Pacific boycott, and there is a chance
that it will be out ot tbe way before the
end of the week. Th Canadian Pacific,
Great Northern and Northern Pacific
agreed on divisions on Pacific coast bu-
1 , i- 1 ...
siness, sou ait me iiues nave agreeu mat
the old round-trip rates of f 104 from
Chicago to tbe coast, and 190 from M
ram to rortn racinc coast poinu, eball
Saved Our Boy
A Clergyman's Statement
Cenatlttrtlonftl Scrofula Entirety
"Ok I. Hoed A Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" Gentlemen : Wishing to tell what Hood Sac
tapaxljla has done for us, J will ay that years
ags.w aad a beautiful boy barn to us. When
about six months eld he took a sore mouth.
Everything that was known as usual remedies
In sash cases was used. I had two doctor but
sfl to 00 benett At the ags of U mouth ba
lieathei kis last Thus we laid
Our Darling Child
m toe grave. On Aug. , tsst, another boy waa
bora unto us. At the age of two months fia b
aapM afflicted with th same disease. I believed
the boy's treabl was constitutional, and not
Simon sore mouth. I procured a bottis oi
Sood't Barsaparllla and comment d to give It
Wsnlarly to botbmother and baby, aad ooea
slonly washed his mouth wtUi a syrna et back
brash root Improvement began at Once. W
Bav succeed In eradicating Ine scrofulous blood
from the system and to-day we are blessed wfta
a nice, fat bafcy bey, eighteen msnta eld. He
Is the vsry
Picture of Health,
an Ills aad full ef mischief thanks to Hood's
Barsaparllla. I am a minister in the Methodist
Protestant church. I am here to back what I
say and I am In no way Interested In aay profit
In the mattar, except it affords me maoh plaas
urate reeonunsnd Hood's Sarsaparllla to all as
a safe, tare remedy. Even my wife, after
Asking Hood's became h sal thy and flesky aad
aa tha bloom of girlhood again. Wa bavsnsed
only three bettlss, but I kp itm th boose."
Bar. J. M. hn, Brookllne Btatlon, MIssonrL.
K.B. Be rur to get Hood's and enly Eoed't,
Meod'kS Pills cur Constipation by reitor
IntthapeMstalttfl action of th alimentary canal
ratal Expiation.
Buttb, Mont., Jan. 10. Fire broke out
last night in the Rovnl Millinz Com
pany's warehouse, and spread to thel
rwenyon-uorneii wareuouoe, in wuicu
wore stored several carloads of giant
jwwder. Just as the firemen were clon
ing in around the llninir cars an explo
sion occurred, killing a number of nre
tnen and npectators and maiming many
others. The firemen who had escaped
immediately rallied, and were beginning
another attack, when a second explosion
more violent than the first, toak place.
The people in tho vicinity were thrown
a block around looked like a great battle-1
111 nil uiruuuonii. una ine streets iur nun
Held. Debris was thrown high in the
air. com inn down half a mile away. 75
were killed, in all.
r-erler Kelgat.
Paris, Jan. 15. It was announced this
evening that Cosimir-Perier, president of
tnejrreucti republic, find resigned 111s
"The resignation must have been on
account of the failure of the president to
form a ministry, but it is entirely unpre
cedented that a nreaident should resign
for such a cause. In France the presi
dent ia a sort of constitutional lung.
The Appropriation! Bill
Washington, Jan. 15. The aundry
civil appropriation bill for 1896 w aa com
pleted by the housa appropriation com
mittee toclav. It rarrii-H 38t0.021. be
ing 7,843,793 less than the eitimate.and
ffStt.2-15 more than tho appropriation
lor the current vear. . Among me post-
ollice buildings appropriations are the
following: i'ortlaud, Or., fioo.ow; tan
1 rancisco, fou,uuu, ;
Sacbamkxto, Jan.15. The governor
todav had an opinion from the attorney-
general, statin e he had the power to re
move from ollice any member ot tite
board of San F rancisco police commiss
ioners. He immediately removed Moaes
A. Uunst and appointed Stewart M en-
BatlMtac la I Jafc.
Boise, Idaho, Jan. 15. The ballot for
United States senator today resulted
House Shoup. rep.. 11: Sweet, rep.. 13:
Robert S. Browne, rcp.,1 ; Heybnrn.rep.,
2; llaggett, 0; 1'lui ucgan, Uuui., 1
MelalaifatM It
feroKAXf, asn., Jan. 14. A serious
split took place in the First Methodist
church tonight, when 70 uicmbera re
solved to withdraw in a body and organ
ize a new church. A few months ago the
Ret. Henry liasmtM, pastor, was called
to the Grace Methodist church, of Port-
land, and the Kav. Mclnturf, of Eugene.!
Or., was caStad to sake bis place in Spok-
ane. lie continoea to draw arowae
houcee aa his predecessor had done, and
resolved to baud a saw church imtnedi
atelv. He wa resisted in this move
ment by the element who believed it un
wise to build in the times, and to
night's p!it is the result.
villi !(
V asiuxotox, Jan. U. The outlook for
some sort of currency iegislation at this I
session 01 congress wis xiooimier tnu
evening when the senate adjourned, pos
sibly, man at any tsme up to the pmmt.
It ii more thin likely thai Jones will not
introduce hia! measure at all,
for he is said lo be very much discour
aged ovvr the result ol the conference
he today held with tbe oontcndtni; ele
ments of his own party, and the silver
republicans. .
e .
Los iaix, Jan. If. The riigiake eoUi-
err, at ilanley, was flooded tlJa ntorn
ing while aboct 240 euin ra were at work.
Tho water came from a part of tha mine
wnic lias tuxn ciok-u lor tome Ume. it
swept through the workings with tre
mendous fore, carrying with it timbers.
can and took. Tbe men nearest the
shaft were rescued, and others Bed to re
mote workings where iht-- would he
above the level of the good. Although
cut off from the 'iafw, it is thought that
about 140 of the men were raved, and
that the rest were drowned.
Caesttf by sVaUiwU .
Pattos, N'eb., Jan. 14. A result of
the deiitoiiAj and the he) plea situation
among bundml f etartring people John
llama and. w ife, living a few miii-s in the
country committed aun-ide and the t'odv
ol their newly-born tabs waa found with
its parent tome time after. Mr Harris
was lying oa the bed, entirely node, with
her throat cut from ear to ear aad the
bed clothing saturated with blood. The
husband was loan 1 on the floor near by
wiUi hia throat cut.
TNllk (Mil
T.u-oma, WabM Jan. 14. The new
county officers; througbunt the state took
office today. Kins county's (Seaulcl
populist county treasurer-elect, J. W.
1 . - . . . - ""'-V. . V , I ,JT I, ) V
AW.OW bond, and has to nolineJ the
commbioners, who will appoint some
one to feu the office. There being a re
publican majority of the commissioners,
a republican vriil doubtless be appoint
1. A ahtae.
PuiLAosxraiA, Pa., Jan. 14. The
count of 50,000,030 silver dollars, which
for months has been going at the fnited
State mint, waa completed today, and
resulted in showing a fehortage of 17(50.
Superidtendent Ton nscnd, in order lo be
sure there has been a lom. will have
three or four men examining the vault,
to ascertain whethrr any pieces can lie
at aatesst.
SA1.KM, Or., Jan . 13. The county com
missioners decided Saturday to fix the
tax levy for the current year for Marion
county at 13 miiii. Two hundred jury
men were secieeiod ior tne year.
The Committee of One Hundred met
saiuruay, nine members beina niwent.
and instructed Uie legislative committee
to have tells introduced Into the legisla
tive atxiliahing the oftiean of attorney
general, state superintendent of public
instruction and superfluous district
judges; also to reduce salaries and abol-
su tecs.
ailll Aaalker Bill.
W'akhisotox, Jan. 13. The probabili
ties are that the beginning of the w cek
will see the introduction of etill another
currency bill iu . tlie senate. Jones of
Arkansas, wlio, at ilia critical ftage of
the tariff legislation, took that matter in
hand and harmonised the different ele
ments so as to bring dofihite resuiu out
of a decidedly chaotic condition, ia the
anthor cf the new bill, and he comes to
the front this time aa a compromiser and
Fcrsaer Sfaef 1ST r tteataa t eaaty .
Tacoma, Jan. 13,-rJ. P. Stewart, vice
president of tho Ptiyallup Loan & Trust
Company and vice-president of the Pa
cific National bank of this cily, died of
apoplexy this morning at hia home in
Puyallup. lie was 61 years of age. He
was stricken Saturday afternosn on the
Big Flood
Cheuaus, Wash., Jan. 13. Owing to
heavy rains and melting snow the Che
halis and Newaukum rivers are now all
over the bottoms in this vicinity. The
railroad tracks of the main line and South
Bend branch are several inches under
water. Tho lower partoJ the town is
submerged and many families have been
compelled to move. There ia two feet
more of water than last vear, and the
water is higher than since 1807.
Ml Break.
Oregon City, Jan. 13. Mort Green,
held to the grand jury for passing a $S0
Confederate note, escaped from the jail
here this afternoon, noon after 5 o'clock,
by tearing a hole in the ceiling of tho
jail and the floor of the recorder's office,
immediately above the cage in which the
prisoners nre confined at night. Thia is
the third jail delivery by this route.
Green himBelf did the sanio trick when
confined here last Bummer.
Fast Ikalfna.
Minneapolis, Jan, 13. Jolin S. John
son broke the world's mile standing-start
record in hia race withQstlund, the Nor
wegian today, making a mile in 2:45 flat.
Ostlund came in 30 feet behind. John
ion's best Heard for the inilo previous to
this was 2 : 3-i.
SI, so.
Maw'a the time to have It done. Wo
vMI pat 1SSS "O. J." ellaehrr tiro
with vvo4 or aleel (eopvrr plairdi
riasa am roar "old wheel" tor
We will hay e a foil line of RAM
BLE RS tor how you in dot time.
overman scars
In The Grip Of Plutocracy.
John M Thurston is to be sent to occupy
a seat in tbe United State Senate, not be
cause be represents the people of Nebraska,
for he does not, but because he is a pro
fessional lobbyist who La been of great
service to corporations interested in using
the law-making power of !h people for
their oaa enrtchmeat.
For exactly the same reason Stephen B
E kin, who is another professional lob
byist, i to be sent to tbe Senate from vvtt
Virginia, an J the Pennsylvania Railroad
ha apparent' been ucceful in it scheme
ibe basing the New Jersey Senatonh'p for
Lbb, itt Sewell. If tiaiman Addkk m
defeated ia Delaware it will ba becaose oi
The Wadd' exposure, and not because of
any objection from toe wbo cootrol ike
Republican ptrty.
It i tine thai the plutocratic iaflaeace
ba attempted to cootrol ibe Seea'e throogh
tbe Oemocraiic party, but with Democrats
that baa beeo the exception which has now
become the rule with Republican. When
he Standard 0.1 Company teetOeryB
Pavne to tbe Senate from Ohio, the Demo
crat cf the couniry repadiated bm and
be served hia term ncder excitant protest
from the Democratic pre. When Calvin
$ Brice through like agencWa securvs toe
accession to Payne purchased place tt Is
only that tie may become more odioas to
Vmocrats every where inaa if be ca led
himself a lie publican". Bat in tbe Kejrab
licao party there ia no longer an attempt
o resist tbe plutocratic influence. Cer-
ropt corporation areepeniy parchaaing
Senatorship for t eir kbb lata, and ae
too little regarJIai of the dscesctea of pol
itics to keep cp the threadbare but awful
pretense that their action is the action of
the people. And the indications ttrong'y
point to tbe election ot Do'ph a a choice
representative cf monopolicj and corpcra-
listing won a great victory because of
tie protect of Democrat again! pla'-c-craiic
iedaeocet in the Democratic party
tbe BepaWkaa politician are awog their
new leae of po er lo remove all douU that
tbeir triumph is I he victory of usurped
privilege over right, ef mosey over man
Dr. Price's Cream Bakinc Powder
A SOri5C
tTcsa'siw a
g fSetsrnf
arxJSort Eyeift
rat FRmnu
Baltimore Clork, - Albapf. Ore.
compMe line ot
in all its Jbrancbc.
EMBALMING aipecialty.
Resilience er 3rd and C!cptcia
.to the EAST via the
Uolon Pacific System.
Through Pullman Palace sleepers,
Tourist sleepers and New Reclining
Chair cars
Trains heated by steam and cars light
ed by 1'inUch Light.
Time to ChicRKO 3 days, time to
New York AH day, which is many
hours quicker than all competitors.
For rates, time tablet and full infor
mation, apply to
Ocrrkn & MoNTKiTii, agents, Albany,
Or. Or
R WBaxton, CEBbowk,
Gen'l Agent, Diet Past Agt
135 Third St, Portland, Or.
m )
kJ tCVrT
jth -;iy
THE 1895
. St J." IMnrUvr Tire..
dmablv-laeklHK wood or bIotI lrnirr
plfttrill rims TUB WOHLU la
p.l.llublar.lrrlt as benaly.
inoa rlre ljilel mtdla (wood
or Klrvl rlmal... . . .IOO
1NII.1 nrlrrB o. T. H. t, ll'a. Vm.. t3
I ftrlees . '. ' aad U'a.
(eaamrlrd rt-l rlnal ......... 73
1895 I DEALS!
H-lnrb. tlll "fi. A J."
mm noam" or oeel rlma
.". sr..-,. ms
I 8TABLIIIED.... ....!.
FH Hammer.
fiiotssale CommiHiios Merchant,
215 and 217 Davi ft. Cor. Commercial,
Sax Fbaxosco, Cai
We pay tbe kighesi market price for
wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap
ples, poultry, bides, wool and ceo
cral produce.
It will ray too to write 0 and keep post-
liberal advances made on consignments
( San Francisco Produce Each,
Member: i
( San Francisco Fruit ExchaBg.
Notice ia hereby liven to all whom
may coooera that the BderiiBd M
rreit, ba t ea ppotoU4 admin JStrator
th taSe nf D V Uuhad, dteraaed lata
of Lisa coeaty, Orecoo, by lie fjosira'
Cooaty lort of ts "t r Ungoe, for
Lisa county, aoa taU be ba nied km nana
aa tocYa4ar.iai.trau aad tee same baa been
approved by sud eeert. All (ataoce kavisg
tUuma agaaLtt aia aalaxe a- b ere by
bed acd retaired to pmstut U aaaaa ta tbe
aadars.gBad at tha effioa of Wbitney
Aewpart ia Albany, Ureyoa, er at bu
a coo abowt sis rail aowtki of BrowBcvtUa,
Or;oo .properly yenned srttaia HI moatna
tnxn tha date o! LbU eoUce. Aad ait fe-
oea iadbi4 la m4 antes are tnqatred to
mil iouscdlate paysoeat of tbe ssas to
tbe aedavsigsed.
IViUd at Albaay. OtJson, Jaa 10, 1S3S.
ii r Farm AdatiaUtraW.
VVbitaav Nawporr, Ally, far Aim.
SkoUe a hereby r'M that th aeecr
atfixd ka te-e d!y appratd by the
Coae:y Coart o( Liaa eoo"ly. Cregoe, a
atacetee ef Ibe tat wi.l aad teateBent of N
C Alerv. dcceaW. AD .eea bavmf
rUstma agaieat au4 etal ar bare by xXia
ed to prcet tb aam u tha aadmixaed
at Sac, Us coaety. Or, daiy verirMd as
by law jatraJ tibia six aaoBtata from tbe
dale ef that notice.
JUted tbia 12th day of Jaeatry, 1&95.
Jrrraso5 Mraxs,
Wraibcrfori; Wyatt,
Atrys ftr Ecaur.
Harper s Weekly,
w 1S95.
Uarpcr Weekly l a rictorial hUtory
ot the litre. It present every in. p ri
ant event rwornptly, rccurately, and m
hauvtlveiy tn Ploatrattoo acd d-crlptive
tevt of tt-'e Mghett orU. r.
The nsAener In which, during 1SS4. tt
ba treated trie Chicago Railway Suiae
and lb CMno-Jaoanee H"r, ard the
mount of light it w able w throw ce
Koea the Instant attention wa directed
to that Si-tie-anown country, are esamplts
of lu a!rr.ovt boundless reaoaice. J alias
Ra'ph, the d'si'rgufelied srrlirr acd cor
retponCcnt, a bttn sew lo 11 seat of
war, and there joined by C D W eiion, the
welt-known American artist, now for
many years a reider,l ot Japan, who baa
been ergaged o co-opevate wtt'i Ur
Ralph In seeding to Harper Weekly ex
clusive tnloima'loa and illustration.
During 1S95 every vital question wtil
be discussed with vigor and without prej
udice in the editorial columns, and alao
In special article by the h'gbeat authori
ties in each department. Portraits oi the
men ard women who are making; history,
and powerful acd caustic poHiTcal car
toon, will continue to be characteristic
feature. lhl Busy World, with it
keen and kindly comment on the loser
doing of the day, wi'.l rena'n a rrg '!
Fiction. There wiil be two powerfr.1
serials both handteme'y illustrated The
Red Cocks a., a stirring romance of Td
en dajs by Stanley J ' Whevman, and a
novel ol New Yor k, entitled The Son o
Hia Fatl-er, by Bracdcr Matthew tev
eral rwveleites, and many bort U i s
kv popular writers.
Send for Illustrated Prospect it.
Tbe Volumes ol the
Waly tegin
with the Number for
each year. When no
Januoy ot
time i mcn-
lioneJ, subscriptions will begin wlh Ike
Number the time of rc:lrt of
order. Cioth "cases, for bindlny, ft 00
each by mail, postpaid. Title-page and
Index sent -r. application.
Rrmilta-ma eboat,! be uad by P-iatorB Vnw)
Or.tcl or Ormrt, lo vwd cjic ol Int.
Kewapapors an o locnf?
iUtout Uw axprtiM order ol UArca a Bamutas
"r Vear :
, , id
4 0
t 00
Postac frea o all lafascritMrs In tbetTnlted State.
Canada and Mexico,
TOPrx City
Notice Is hereby ;t7en to thl! leiral
voters of School District Ko 5. of Linn
county, 8tate ot Oregon, that a special
school meetina of the said Dlntri.-i will
"be held at Central School House on the
20th day of Jan ISltt. at 7 o'clock p m,
lor me rollowf ng objects : For the pcr
poae of levying a tax to support schools
for tha ensuing vear.
Dated this 14th day of Jan, 1S95.
AK Bloom,
Chairman Board ot Directors.
Dist Clerk.
Notice is hereby civen that I have the
lands on hand and will pay al' county
warrants stamped previous to Nov 5, 1894,
interest on the same closing at this date.
tne o-Aday ot Jan., tsyo.
r. U. W0RRI8.
County Treasurer.
K. O. T. M
meets every Saturday evening in K. O.
T.MIlall. VlaHVna Knight invited to
altead. A L Latch, Corn.
vfvi' j'1h
fe: ...
Notice for Publication
TJ 8 Lana PflSce, Oregon aty, Or
De 18, ISM,
Notice is hereby given thai the follow-
Ine naned aattlar baa filod notio of bis
ioieotion to maka Boat proof ia sappers ol
bis claim, and that said proof will ba made
before Ccanty Clark of Idea Co, at Al
bany, 0, on Ke 12, 1895, viz. Joseph (i
Oibson U K No 10947 'or ha lots 1, 2 and
Sao 18 and KWiwKWwM see 17
T 10 3, R 4 I'. Ha names th followicg
witaeaM to prova his eootiaaooa rcsldasca
d pon and cultivation of, said land, viz: B
J Wooioe, of Gates, Or, W H McConnel,
I II McCoao'. Wm M McBrids. all of
Minto, Or
Notice for Publication
U 8 Lasd Orricc OaBoox City, Oa.
Dee 18. 1)94.
fcotic is hereby sivea that th followine
namea settler bu tiled notic ot bis 10-
tentioa to make ISaal uroof ia ssnuirt ef
bis el re, and that aaid proof will be made
nelora tr coaoty Clerk e Van (Jo at Al
bany. Or. 4 Fab 9tb. 1S95. vis: John
Bleuch H E Ko 10974 for tbe K i of H W
ana iai, dco Hi lllB,ai t.
Ii name tbe foilewtog witeemea to
prove hia eontiooona reeidenc a poo and
caltivation of, said iar.l, viz: G at Gais
eod oi ter, Paier gcblotsei, H F Helbnit, H
K. Hebollx, aU ef Alb.ny , Or.
Keg later
Notic 8 for Publication
US Lasp Ornce, Orbcos City, Or
D 27, 1894
Kosic is fceretv aiveo that tha follow
iog namad seUler has filad notice of bi ia
te&tioa to make final proof in saf ort of
bis claim, and tliat said proof will b made
bctor tbe L-oonty Uierfe ol una Vo, at Al
bany, Ore son. oa Feb 16, 18 vit: J E
Yaotnai, tt h No 8243 lor tbe s ee
22 Tp 11 JE1 E. Ha aaaaea 'ba fellow
ing w.uttaoes to prey bis conuDsau rt:
denee npoa and eeltivatioa of. raid laed.
via: G A Doasioz. W L Wallace, W C
Cark, all f Lacomb. Oncca, CcarUs
Dowsing, cf Staytee. Or.
AaoraaatLav. WUI pneoe la aS cMrrta af tba
iuu. IfaalMUnimpiMtoawun ii rnMc
aces(.iacuMa. writs ia tm roam mo
Attoraer at L uU Safierur la Chamnry. Oi
Attsrnejt at Law.'
Albany, Oregon.
Aorney at Law, Albany. Cr.
Hm. mat nurr PvhAe. Win antOm
a 11 U mm B
tarn ftmnMs, AibMy. Ora.
JUMar. Oragaa-I
Dr HE Been. Dr OK Beers
Physiciaa3 an(5 Surgeons
Special attemloa riven te dHeatVe o
woesea. Hao- to 10 1 2 A M, 2 to 4 aad
7 to S P M OrEce and reideoee BistB
berg Betiding, First Street, between Loa
and rjiwerta.
or mill, ouaosi
a. a.Toi"iio
a. w. UASooo
TkafriHial .
raASACTS A ecXKBALkmaktas
ACCOTirrs K KPT aajKt ta akvcfe
Htm Tark, Imm Ftiaiiia. Cao wm4
t r
oatCTIOSf tDta tateraVa
w Usnn
Imul. a
WAX! EP.-cm a, Eciei. t C i sit" -Mvxot
Ladt to irel rpiett-if . nt
1, ei, lel'l k tt eie, iulnv 165 wDttl
a d sravelirg exer, w h. -tre
anteL Fnccee nf.iete f sdren
am?d!vl IBklXikilM X
- SI? Osaka I eild:i g, Chicgv.
Get your
eerry street, between tint and second
The best meats of all iinds at lowest
prices al wars on hand, aa trial will
convince yon.
Insure your property will-
Joseph V TaU ir. Th
Old Hartford. THE NEW
AiiENCY, or one of the
oihtr reliable rid line com
panies he represents. Notet
taken and plenty of tires
given for payment on farm
insurance. All business plac
ed with him ivill be prompt
ly attended to. OFFICE IN
Albany, Or
Next term opens
Jan. 2, I S !)..
XT EW CLASSES oreaoiied in College.
1 ornial. Comtocrciai, ticparatonr a
SuH-preparatory Ccpartmonts.
Address F. G. YOUNG,
The copatnerhlp of Hudson & Kuthe,
known a Pacific Nursery Co, Is thia day
disolved by tnutiwl consent, O W Kuthe
withdrawing. W O Hudson conducting
the business under the firm name paying
all debts and collecting all t count.
Dated at Tangent this i ay f Pec,
iS94- O WktrrHB,
W O IIldson,
rB. J. t
fbTitrfaa a Isiiim. Omct-Om
Notice 1 hereby eiven that Ibe nndef -
signed, administrator with the will an
nexed, of Joseph gommerville deceased
has filed his final account of ssld estate In
the office of the count v e!rk cl Una
county, Oregon, and the county judge
of said coun'y ba fixed the 7th day of
January, 1895. at 1 o'clock In the after
r.oon ot said day a the time for hearing
and settling said estate and to hear and
determine any objections that may be
filed against tbe approval of said account.
r e tiaiatse, Admr.
J J Whitney. Atl'y for Admr.
FromTerminai or In.3rior Poitts th
Hoiten Pad ? EaliP
la tbellaie te take
T8 fl PoiEts IM aiJ SOUTH
It U the DlSflSfO CAB ROUTE.
It rumm Tbrowgl VKHTIBl ay
la the Tear f
osposd ef Kdsr Can Usssrpiuew
illau Drawiu urn Slffpsri
Bv. tta', eitbi 9irarle I end le
want im aatlt iiK are tK tt
t I fir tuiu l fjr ft ! iws of ir. or
4 fs i 1 ei tieksta. ad
1 CntUins Lla? wmtin ith
al lin0,!, afarfe Birsct an i
Ualitermptsa S jrica.
Pollma? alespar raasryatione au. b
scored In advsoee tbroogb any
agent of tbe road.
ITJ BOUGH TICKETS to ni frow ai.
Dosnia ia Amorta Eoir.aed end
En rope can 1 poird tt fury
ticket office of thia eonrper
Full icfTrmation eoocenitna r-tea.time
trsias. romea aal other Set ula tarn
labed on epptiextUn to any agaat. or
Assistant Get ral Paaawnrsr A (tent.
No 121 r-rst f. er. WaahiBctoo.
ForUaad. Oimxom
Southern Pacific Co.
Cajcas Tc iaa Pcetiaaa lwiij
aMeaj rr-mniL is '
C-UrT. Vm hiauS Ara3f aa
kMSrail" ar L ( 4r &
m Ar Sia Fnrmj ' t J Te r h
Abov trains atop sw all statioea rrona
Parti an J to Albany Ind naive, alao Taai
(eaUSaad i.aa!ey.Harriaiars;. JanrOoe
Car. Irving. Stjreae sxid ait atotioaa
trom Boieberf to Asalaad racloti'S.
' - nasp aa ur, uu
aa 1 1 FertlBB r ef
rmrm I ijt liiut U1S
air. Ar mm tl Tea
hum nil.
ttlABlL AJtay ATI lt
ll Ar I ttlmtm 11
: r I L . .Vibaaf At I Hit m
S2)ralAr IihaaM lv S-5r
DininkT Cars on Ogizn ' Route-
A flawed laall Tkrawrh Tralaa
rettTLAJia ass btau
ao muitaiHinpUM ny
-Man I Lr
tat r a I Ar
anwan vaaa uu fKxelSmay.
1-MPI Lr
ran I Ar
T1lIOttgraa Ticfeets
all sola ia Ik Esni Ssa Casda aa
aa m r- traaa
rrtHcd Oram
Mate W. aj
tlGmml?Cmrt oi rAe ,Srar mf Ocns
for tie tW, of Lm r
Wifiiaas KiakheBgb aad D W BosaUage.
copaataen WBdertba tinw tt of Ran
baagh & Sob. Piainti2a.
N ft Fry. Defeedaxt.
To N B Fry. tbe above waved deresdaac.
Ia tie nam elite state ef Oregca joe are
hereby repaired to apt er and iniii tne
eewpiaiBt of piiat:ff ia tb areve e titled
aeuoe. and wov ca tie im tbe bov eeutled
ecert ea at before tbe crstJUeeday, tbe 7th
day of Jaaavy, 1S93. ta said day beta tae
fi ;tdayef tha term of ert for
aaid month in this county aad in case ye
shag fail to appear and answer, tbe plain
tiffs wtU take jodfiseeet against vca f
t-oty two doilais is US gtld cola with
interest tbereoe ia Uka com at tee (er cent
per ano am frem Jasaary 17th, IS90, aad fee
the farther som of tea doit us a rea'orabl
attorneys fee. and their costs aad disbars
mentt of thi i ctica t- te taxed. This
HfWlBHIIlisl im m reaJ V K a Liumk aV,
- " w vv pa-miiMw vj
order of Hob J K pBeeae jad(e cf amid
ooonly, which order beaisriateNov 6, ISM.
Dated Nov 6, 1S9.
Mo XT ANT a & Haikucxas.
Attys fee plaintiff?.
fa rAe drri Cemrt for Lin Gmrn.f,SkOt
Id tqoity.
D al Beceser, tmttee, pUiatiff vs Char
lotte S Coten aad Sunael Bitoicger, de
teoriaBta To Samsel Bissiager ef tre above Bimed
dfendaats: Yoa are le-ehy rcqnired to
apaar oa the nth day cf Marco, 1S93, that
a eth firakday of the afar A term of
said eeart, to aoawer tbe ccmplaink tiled
against yea in the stave entitled cause, sail
if voa fail to answer for want thereof, the
plaint f will apply to th ccurt fr the re
lief demaaded in tbe cvm plaint herein,
lt: For a i idgaent aeaigst Charlotta S
Cohen for the asm ot Eight Haedrad and
Twenty-five ($625,001 Dollar, tt Bather
with interest thetcoo at tbe rate f tee
par oent per annum from the S'h day ef
Febrt ry, 1S93. aed the fcrlhir iidi f
One Handled (100) Do lare as attorcev
fee in thi anit, and for tbe cost mod die
tmraemeota of this n.t.
2nd: tat the usual decree n bo nul.
for the sale of the lot described ia the etim .
p aint, tewits Lotrne (1) ia block twenty
tiuee (23) ia the city of Albaav, Una
eoonty, Orrcoa, ia the thaaaer provided by
iaw. and that th proeeeds of said sale be
aepiied to the Dav moot of the sukbsI ctue
plaintiff, trd that said Coarlotte S Cohen
and Srnoel Biaainger, aad all persons cUim
iee by, throoch er endar then.. tahacaBaal
to thej eiecnltoa of the mortage saed
spon m the eanpiawt, may be barred and
forever foreeloaed ef all right or equity ot
redemption in said vremiNS. acd for "ncr
Other and farther reiief as j this coort may
seen meet and tqaitable.
This anmu.oas ia pa bits led uy order of
Hon H H Hewitt JndiO of Deoartmes No
S, of aaid eosrt. made a poo the 30th
day of tXtjber, IS&I.
USARll(,lI.V(S-ONB. MutrHT & BkCI'I
Attorney for plaintiff
FOUNP. i. Lewellran tetter. Cell
at OA Archibald' aad secure proDertv.