The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 04, 1895, Image 1

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Entered at the s)mee at Albany. r., ma aeceadClass Hall statist!
TITIS at SITTISti.rablUbcM and rrsgrieisrss
a ii in . ii
s- w an .. .w, ,v ..w--,-a.,N -.-,
for Infants
- Castwria is to well adapted tochildran that
womawad it aa strpartortoaiiv praacriptiaa
UlSa Oxford SI, Sroakrrn, If. T.
Th. was or 'OaslortA tt so unrrarad and
K V -Tit bo well knoirav k&A It seems a work
t n, merogatioa to wdoraalk Fswarwth.
ncH&3)l families lrbo do not kenp Castoria
Nf tn t- reach.'
- . Cicuia&urnr.IXkX, ' ,
. ... Kew York City.
Tma CaarrAcn
Best Work Promptness
Office Slatlonery ft Specially
Give us y oar Patronage.
j , i Sl 8 Lan IS
Ttie Oregon
With Its borne
SAT .F!lvr . - - -
iae Gray Block, comer Liberty and
"AKES a specialty of Suunyside fruit tract, rear Saiem
'ill sell 5. 10 or 0
-acTAnmall carfh Davment lor
for particular. -
Undertakers - and ; - Einbaliners.
rE, KEEP constant) t on hand a full
coffin. Also burial lobes and
which will be anld at
Ike Lswett
EM B ALMJ NQ an1 thc proper
. .exes
AS Many Pounds of Sugar.
for a Dollar, and every thing
AlUnr aL
in AlDailJ, at
Julius Gradiohls
New Store.
-at the corner of Second and Ferry -your
groceries and crockery ware.
of bed room sets, chaiir, IcuDget, te., which I will sell at
anln S loan
-S I?" B?0EeV. WIPr
lav, J&a. W -
kMu.iuuuri,iti,uii. In plain wrapper. Addreu a EUVS SElu li.. m.,,ht.,,,i. r'Ji7.A.r
- - "Viv lt a. vuuuiub,
rOPUl. In llkan K 1 A IM'IMii.r.,,
and Children.
Caatorta curs.: OoUo, Cnutipatiug,
Sow StorMck, trtarrhcea. Eructation,
Gib 'Worms, (Was slp, and promotes di
goBtioa, ,
Without Injurious macioatkMi. ,
- . . . .
j "For fevenj years I nave recoraraeadM
your 'Outeri,' and shall alwoj continue V
do as as It baa Icraziabl jroiiieed boneflcla
Enwnr F. Funics, U. D., ;
3i aad T!s A", a, Knr Yui City
Ooxrkxr, Tl KtswAV, Saan, Raw Yoas Ctn.
Land Co
office at
State (tract, branch cffice In Portiae
acre lota at $50 to $f0 per
tini? .vn balance. Write
& Mil
line of metalic. clotn and wood caakeU and
aplta, in Droaocioin, wnn.tMnmnc,
Idvlag PrwHta.
car be dead a specialty .
else a3 cheap, as at anv Store J
Btisete. Call there for
Tbos BrinliV
, Proprietor,
DrernDrni iim.
rower. Boadaelia.Waksfii nan. Lot Manhood. Niihu ili2JZZXZ
of powerlaQanerattTaOrgaos o( either sex earned
1,1 r.'TfJr . ',T? "IT or tobacco, apt am or sum.
nianu,woleblsdtolBSrailtr,Consumptlonor lntanltr. Can he eirrlnd in
ooi.e for US, b mail prepaid,
with a S order we
aTarte le enre er refa4 tke aaoaer. Bold brail
Write for free Medical Book sent seal
. . . . . . . . . " . ' i umi..
ug if uuwu MCH AUliAHU, UmSgiSla.
What Was Doss. Tbe Rairload Com
missioners are trying to make out that
they have done great work. In their re
poitthey say: The advance proofs of
the teport ol the state board ot railroad
coniuiiseionert to be submitted to the
legislature at the coming session have
been received fr.ui the printer. The re
port will be published sometime next
w.ek. Mexsrs I A Macruin, chairman :
J o ddv and 11 BComnson. com mis
sion! and Lvdetl Baker, cierlr.iu their
report says: ,JMucli more Iias been ac-
couip lelied the hist two vests
than cool.) have Lren doue, had not the
unprceoentfd wave of business degress
ion swept over she state ard country
g-nersl!y. In ls93, the failioii off oi
frei::ii and pas enger bnsint-ss was
simplv marvelous. In 1SH. it was still
gieaier. Ol the ruilroads operated with
in the state, four are in the handj of re
ceivers, and the accounts of all show a
a large deficit. Kot withstanding the
earning of the various railroad compan
ies have been decre-taioa steadily the
past two yars, ye; considerable concess
ion. iv- . en -e'"iril from all the
pi4i:.ji roadd ! vy of material re-il-iO
'on in ireitnss on (he lemlim Dro-
ducliois ut the siaie.'' . ,
Mits Pkajcs spoke last night to a fair
sised audieuce notwithstanding the moat
inclement eatherot the winter. "Be
hold the ncan full of Leprosy" was the
text, which was bandied w ilh eloquence
and ornte discernment. Leprosy is sym
bolical of sin. Like it only God can ef
fect a cure. Like it it comes from with
it and works out. Like it it developes
slowly. Leprosy makes a man an out
cast; sin is filling the world with out
casts. Like leprosy sin is contageous
and spreads. The leper knew he had it
and wanted to get rid of it. That is a
step in the way to get rid ot sin. Christ
laid his band on the leper and he was
healed. So He can lay the band of love
on your sin and make you clean. Be
lieve and ye shall be saved. Hear Mrs
Psake tonight and tomorrow night and
do not miss tne 3 o'clock Bib'e reading.
Ost Successful Celestial. The fol
lowing from the Dalles Times Mountain
eer show what wonderful birds the
Celestials are for spreading out: The
MoDfrolian pheasant and California and
Oregon qcail which were let loose on
Fifteen Mile creek two years ago have
multiplied wonderfully, and the? can be
seen almost any Lour in the day. They
have not been molested since they have j
been tnrned leose, and sporting men of
Dafor have not disturbed them in their
haunts. In a few Tears Fifteen Mile
creek will be a paradise for game, and
nimroda will have plenty of sport in that
7icinity. Some of those interested in
irame, among: them Johnson Bros and C
t Balch, at uulur will send to Iowa for
some Bob White quail this winter, and
let them mingle with the former deni-
sena ot tne woods and glens around
Fifteen Mile creek. The sportsmen in
that neighborhood have imported doss
and other means for royal bunts in the
future, and they are good shots.
Wnii Mr Kash Said Wallts Saio,
at present an attorney at Albany but
formerly vice president of the Oregon
Pacific railroad, was in the c:tr vester-
dav. He thinks the sale ol tbe Oregon
Pacific will not be confirmed todav and
savs that, should it be. there is a prob
ability of tbe purchasers transferring a
considerable portion oi the rolling stock
to the Astoria road when completed.
Tbe Oregon Pacific baa about sixteen
locomotives, a couple of hundred freight
cars and a large number of passenger
coaches. It would require only a small
portion of these to carry the traffic over
the Oregon Tacific as it is now conduct
ed. Salem Statesman.
Xoihisq Dose This was tbe day set
for canvaseing the votes on election of
school text books for six years to come.
K Li towards of the American Book Co,
and otber agents of tbe publishing
boasts are in the city to await reeultO'o
action was bad on tbe school book mat
ter by the State Board of Edocation to
day. Tbe board bas named Attorney
General Chamberlain to give an official
opinion on the law. it is enderstood
that one of tbe slate board holds the law
unconstitutional and wants a legal
opinion on that. If the ma'terof selec
tion goe over unti. the legislature meets
tbe law will surely be repealed. Journ
al. Bcildixq Kailboads. It is fun to see
our exchanges build railroads. The
parties who are to build tbe Astoria
railroad, says the Tillamook Headlight,
have just bought the Oregon Pacific
paying f 100,000 for it. The Oregon Pa
cific extends from Yaquina to Albany,
and eastward into the Cascade Moun
tains. It will be built on through East
ern Oregon, and to some transcontinent
al connection, and it will also be con
nected with the new road to Astoria,
giving it a terminus at a good t arbor.
Astoria seems to be in a way to get good
railroad connections with the balance
of tbe world, and it is iust possible that
the new road will soon build a connect
ing line from Albany to Astoria through
the Tillamook country.
Tuiir Work Dose. Tbe State Board
I of Equalization bas completed it labors
and aa usual has mixed assessment rolls
until bardly distinguishable. The proper
time for tbe boards to meet is before tbe
assessments are made. As equalized
the aggregate, raise in assessments is
$3,748,214. The raise in Linn county is
f 518,559. 124 per cent was added to
tew a lots in tois county, in Marion 15
per cent; lands, improvements, railroads
I and telegraph lines were raised 6 per
cent. Tbe state levy is estimated at 4
A Valuable Mmiso Process. The
Grants Pass Courier says: According to
I reports brougot in by one of tne miners
lof Mount Beuben the chemical process
I for working refactory ores.wbich was be
ing tested bv Mesrrs Beardsiey ana
wetherellon tbe Copper bum mine on
Mount Keuben. has proven a success
They have their three-feet pan in oper
ation treating tailings. It is reported
that as a result from les than 48 hours
run they cleaned up $600. TbePlar
Mining Company will soon have their
machinery in operation on the Star mine
on orave creek.
-An IsrciDEKT. A particularly sad thing
in connection with the Silver Lake tragedy
was tbe case of John small, a well
known stockraiser of Lake county. Mr
Small had juist started east with a band of
horses and bad reached Burns, Harney
county, wnen he beard that his son was
one of the victims of the fire. He started
to return immediately, and in 19 hours
covered a distance of 200 mila on horse
back. . He arrived iust in time to see the
uuues ui mi ion laid n rem. in uin common
gTajre with the other victims. Sun. -
v Your v
g Heart's Blood g
Is the most Imnnrtanf iur nt V
your organism. Three-fourths of tf
JL the complaints to which the sys
V tern is subject are due to impuri- V
fore, realize bow vital it is to
V Keen It Pure V
V For which purpose nothing can
IMVVVa 1 II llllfjUllUCwf -a-
V cleanses the blood thoroughly v
w i .1 1 ui.i: v
mm suu pmiusup UICACUCIA1 UCAIlll,
V OorTiestlM as Blood sad Skia diwMS suiud
Fra toaey sddreu.
Mrs Nellie Brush and son, of Portland,
are visiting Albany friends. -
Rev D II McCallagh, of Meharaa, lias
been in the city for a day or t r o. j
License has been issued fcr tbe ' mar
riage of A F Reid and J Wilnon.
J II Burkhart, of San Jose, arrived In
Albany this morning on a business trip,
lie reported four feet of snow at Sissons.
Miss Jennie TLompson, now a lesi
dent of Portland is in the city on a,
the &ueet of her father, Mr Uufus
Thompson. .
Will Headley and family have been
over from Albany spending the ho Ways
with bis brother Cat and family. Dalian
Mr John Gore, of Ellineburg, Wash., a
former resident ot Lebanon, is in the
city and will visit relatives in this coun
ty! Mr ffm M iloag is evident!" not very
much excited over the O P confiimation,
or he was in the city this afternoon at
Attorney General Chamberlain spent
last night in Albany. He was accom
panied home this noon by Miss Eva
Cowan who will visit his horce.
J B Eddy, who would like to saccsed
himself as R ft Commiseioaer, waviatbe
city today, lie is already too fat and
should be drepped with the office.
A ' Anrys manifrer ' of the Sa'em"
br.xnch of the Wiley U AilenCo., was in
Albany to look after the interests of the
bouse at this place.
Several stadents 'ol the college gays
Miss Mamie Cundiff, professor of elocu
tion, a reception at her borne on Wash
ington street, on Tuesday evening. A
pleasant time was bad.
F A Turner, cashier of the State In
surance company.went to A I ben y by the
forenoon local jesterday to look after
some businesa for the company. Ke
will return today. Statesman.
S T Kortbcott leaves for Albany on the
overland tonight, where be wilt meet a
numborof mining men from Southern
Oregon, and tbey will discuss the advis
ability of opening up a number of new
reins lately discovered. Air Aorvneuit is
largely interested in tbe mines in South
ern Oregon. Sal m Poet.
The Degree of Honor last evening belJ
their regular meeticg. They were great
ly surprised at the entire abssnce of
men. Later in tbe evening this was ex
plained when Brother Barker called and
envited the entire company of ladies into
the rear room, where several of the male
members were awaiting them, with a
bountiful repast gotten
np by them,
Tbe occasion
at Portland.
spread for the occasion.
proved a very happy one.
Fifteen Inches of snow
Everything blocked.
The Wert Side boasts that there Is net
so empty house in independence.
Salem has done away wlih tbe office of
dty attorney. Albany had progressed
that far over a year ago.
Another attempt to hold ireamery
meeting will be made at the Court Hoote
next Saturday at i o'clock.
Several Albany young men are making
desperate effort not lo smoke cigarettes.
It ia to be hoped they succeed.
A FeUch. Medford's Istlor. won $550 to
the las drawing of the Li'Ue Louisiana
lottery. He held ioar ticket and won
three prises. But where be won Ibouiam.'
T he O P train f 10m the front had not
reached Mill City this afternoon. It was
evidently delayed by anew. A there are
no wires beyond tttat place the cause la not
The Guard says: The matter of con
firming or rejecting tbe recent ata of the
Oregon Pactnc railroad to Mr Bonner will
be beard by Judge Fuliertoa at Corvaliis
Thursday afternoon. The people of i-ane
county nope it may be confirmed. 1
Mr Ed R Huston, recently whh the!
Farmers and Merchants Insurance Oo.has
purchased a half Interest In the grocery
store of MrPerrv Conn, and the firm name
now Cocn tc HuaUrn. Thia will
make a pleas nt firm which to do
The Brsdstreet mercantile sgeecy re
ports 10S4 failures In the Pacific s:ates and
territories for the year 1S94, divided ss
follows: CaUfornlaSiy.aWlsf J.as674;
liab'lidea. t6.lt6.S2: Oregon n9, aaets
$562,116: Uabiiides $870,925; Waahingtoa
IO; atsets Si.3ic.soo: Uabi.Hlea 2.0ol-
Governor Pennoyer; president ; Wallia
Xaah.secrerary; I K Weather tord,treaur-
er; ai.d Protestor E B McElroy. J T Ap
person, W A Sample. T W Davenport
and John Cb?rne, of the board of regents
of the State Agricultural College of Cor-
aillis. held a meeting of that body In the
executive office at Salem vesterday after
noon. 1 ne naanciai anaira 01 um college
received some inveatigsiioc, and other
routine work was transacted. The presi
dent of the college. J M Bio, wss also In
MrriopOLTTAX. Albany is geting
metropolitan. A new acquisition to the
city is a regular car inspector. A , man
at tbe depot examines every train that
comes to tbe city and sees that every
thing is in good condition. Tbie ia tbe
result of the recent change in running
trains on tbe Lebanon and Uregooian
branches. Another result ia tbe ad
dition of four families to tbe population
of the city.
A Res aw av, A lire, though abort,
runaway took place en Broadalbin street
tbis afternoon. r Clarence Stockton's
team became frightened near the ware
house of 8 E Young and ran north drag
ging Mr Stockton until a collision took
place at Mr uonrad saeysr s corner,
knocking the top of the beggy off and
breaking tbe tongue.
A man came into The Dalles flaturdav
from the country with a band of cattle.
owned by another pet son, aao 4iicr sell
ing them lor f 403 gsmbica neany an tne
amount awav at a crap game running in
one of the saloons. Thc owner of the
band Is trytng, by legal process, to secure
his money with lair hopes ct being sue
The Independence West Side gives the
following: It is not the purpose of this
naner to undulv criticise uovernor rennoy
er for his rather free use of tbe pardoning
power which is vested in hint by virtue of
his office, but the turning loose of the bom
lcide W W baunders to again prey upon
society, although it be Texas society, is in
excusable anl utterly unwarranted under
tbe circumstances. Saunders was serving
a life sentence for murder in tbe second de
gree, and it was only through all kinds of
iesal tricks and iugglerv that his dock was
saved from tbe hangman's noose. The
killing of Cambell is still fmh tntbe minds
of tbe people of Oregon, and there were no
extenuating circumstances connected wiut
the murder, it was cruel, wanton snd pre
meditated murder, inspired by jealousy
the basest of nasaions. The safetv and sa-
eredness of human life demands that such
menas Wirt Saunders should be kept be
hind prison bars.
Mr W Gifford Nasn propotes to resa-ne
giving leisotis on ths planoforte.ln Albany
on Thursdsy afternoon, and Friday morn'
ing ot escn week, tie win oe found at
the residence of Mrs Willis Nssh, corner
ol Fourth and Montgomery streets, where
terms csn be sscertained and arrange
ments made. Mr - W Gifford Nash has
recently returned from a course of nearlv
four yesrs study st Leipzig, Germsny; one
vesr In the conservatory, snd the rest of
the time as a private pupll of Herr Pro-
lessor rvrause.
WsDonia iwvrrAvioKB.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Oommon every day.
Do not think those holiday goods you
s;s marked so low st French's jewelry
store are stoles goods, we guarantee the
t itle at well as the quality.
Dr. Prtce'sCrcam Baking Powder
World' Fair Highest Award.
Continued UktiIiJai. 19. The mut
ter of tbe confirmation of the 0 P sule was
continued until January 19 after a long
siege of arguments, air vtaius Nairn ap
peared as indicated by the Dkmccbat sev
eral days ago and proposed to put up a
forfeit of I5U.000 by the utile nAtned on an
agreement to bid riOO.OOO for the road. In
consideration of this the Judre properly
continued tbe case until thedute r.oine-J.
If'tho eoO.COU dep-jiit ia made another sale
will be ordered, it not uie hk to Bonner &
Hammond will unqreouonauiy be cou
firrned as indicateit by Uio remarks f
Judge Fullerton. e
Aruupments for confirmation were
uiade by Judge E C Bronaugb, Judpe
Whall-y. Gee Bingham, tl ichell, J h
tVcalherforu. Percy Kelley and, vv alii-
Suiih, while Judge nurorw maue uie . plea
for confinnstion. , The Timessayr; fudge
Fullerton briefly leviewed the history of O
P sales, and stated that tbe road had 6 ml
been sold for $1,000,000, next 00.000, and
now it only brings $100,000; each time
there was only one bidder snd .on several
occasions no ons appeared to buy tbe road
One vearaffo be bad. against bis better
judgment refused to confirm tbe sale on
. ... a i : . c
I account oi tne earnest awitii wg i ra
ulnvw. arul it araa nrtt ttulitjlf tij Mr I Sin
ner to delav matters now. be wmld
t&ke the matter under advisement ' for six
days. Mr Nash strenuously instated that
it would take longer time to get returns
from tbe English capitalists, and finally
Judge Fullerton affreed to put off consider
i"g the matter until January 19th.
What is Needed. The Eageue GsirJ
tajs "dam the sloughs. Here is what is
needed in the Willamette: A reporter of
the Guard recently inhtrviesred some of the
employes of the government ana r-boat Cor-
vaius on tbe proposiuon ( what suad ol
improvement would give Eugene fair nver
transportation. These men bare worked
along the river for a number of years, un
derstand it, and are moire competent to
judge of what is needed thaa the bigh-
prtced engineers, it is tbe expression that
if some eight sloughs or double channels of
the river between here and Hn ubors
were stopped up that boats the size of the
steamer Kugena could run to that city ith-
out trouble at least eight months of tbe
year. The manner of stopping these falsa
channels would be to go down each about
100 yards and place in piles which would
catch a.! drift, and place brush against the
same. This work could be done for a not
OTer large appropriation.
Tbeatucau "R E French k Co. in
tbe New Dr Jekyll aad Mrllyde. Mana
ges: Julius Cradwohl arranged with Mr
French and his excellent company to ap
pear here. Friday eveainar. Jaa 11. in the
subtle psychological play of Dr Jeky ll and
sir ujwe. The play is a dntmauxsuoa x
Robert Louis Stevenson's Novel of tbe same
name, a work that has catosed widespread
comment for tbe wierdness of tbe f lat and
extrsndinary psrsooitkatjon of toe two
prevailing side to every human character.
The work was such a deoartnre from tbe
common path that it brought tbe author at
once into literary prominence, and tbe pro
duction of tbe play based on tbe novel bas
alsravs great interest throughout the av
ilised world. Tbe play baa a rich vein of
ocmedy through it and in the thirl act sev
eral neat and refined specialties are intro
duced that reueves it mora ot its seeaiog
ly scobre character, white the moral of the
story is so plain and poUnt that it will al
ways sonced ia sending an audience home
deeply impressed with tbe lesson taught.
The eommnv ewrriea ita own steoei-t and
Calcium light which ia always aecewsary for
a eompiote production, tbe rrgalar fmrea
will prevail daring the engaxement
AxOTBajk.rrokuiT wwt did not keep
away tbe people aad a good many beard
Mrs reake deliver a stima senaoa oa
"Thia Man receivst siaaera d ewleti.
with them" last night at the C P church.
Christ came to save all sorts of sinners, rich
aad poor, high aad low. Ia purl are that
were finely drawn, ia dear cot lines, tbe
hraogeitst told of tee different dtaaptea, of
Christ, ia his day. with toe prototypes of
the present day. Some teen ajy morality
is enough lor them; but you ran' caitirxte
a p!om into aa apple tree, and so it takes
the spirit of God to save a man. whatever
bis rxxitioB ia life. Yoa cant come into
the kingom of God head first. the intellect
u ail right ia the service of Cbrtt? but
yoa must go ia beart - first. Ifcere is no
one so low that (Sod eaa aot save: ao ones
moral that tbey do not need a Savior.
aad whatever their positive ia life all are
saved ia tbe same way.
Te-nigbt Mrs Peake will again speak
aad Saboath aigbt the evangelistic
wui oe aeid.
The AsroaSA Boad. The county re
eorJer of CUlP county baa a big job oa
his beads. A tew days ago Sua deeds were j
tiled for record. Thev are the subsidy deeds
of property to Bonner Jt Hammond. A
careful estimate was made of tbe property
and tbe value was pUced at 2J18..&.
The Astonaa says: "A mat deal of tbe
property was rated at a price far below
whit it would bring during ordinary good
times and it is safe to say that with what
could properly be called a boom, tbe sub
sidy would bring anywhere from four to
five million dollars." Mr Hammond is
now in New Yore arranging- tbe finance,
and it ia thought work cn the road will
begin with vigor ia tbe spring. Astoria
(eple anticipate a boom when the road is
in progress.
How Two Escaped. Mrs George Wal-
Iscs of this city .received a Letter Monday
from her sister, Mlse Ktttridg, who re
sides st Silver Lake, stating that she and
her father were at the Christmas tree
services on the night ot the terrible holo
ciuet; that after the program had been
completed, snd the work of distributing
the presents had been begun, a lamp ex
ploded In tbe store room and the entire
bonding wss soon in flames, snd the unor
fell with Its unfortunste vkll.ns. Mr
Kittrldge lumped out of Ihe window and
saved himself. sr.d Miss Klttridtre escSDed
with her list scorched. The. press dis
patches still avert that the lamp exploded
in the hall, but this Is likely Imoroksble
Corvaliis Times. .
Ax Overcoat Thiif. George G Bing
ham returned from CorvaUis last night
en his way to his home at Salem. He hung
bis overcoat at tne oepoi in uie waiting
department and strolled around, miring
tbe afternoon a tramp operator nau oeen
kimnnd. He had begged 25 cents for a
meal and bought whiskey and a cigar witb
it. Mr Vandran noticed that be rjosfessed
a nenitentiarv chic, so when tue thett was
discovered he was immediately spotted as
ihn thiaif. It was learned that be had gone
on the freight, so when Uie overland went
out Mr mngnam xouowsa auer mm ana
caught tbe thief at Junction with the over
rvtnt. on. He hod him arrested and Marshal
Lee left for function tuis noon alter tne
Ob soon th a B est. A letter from Jos
Lane, at Phoenix, Arlsona, ssys he will
return tome this week. He ssys that
country Is a "delusion and a snare," very
nlflklv and oeonle dying off like sheep.
No business doing snd the country filled
nn with Mexicans and foreigners : nearly
all dead broke miners. Ssys Oregon is
good enough for him and if he once gets
back here Droooses to stay with Webfoot
as long as he lives. Gusrd.
Ayer's Pills, being composed ot the es
sential virtues of the best veeetsble speri
ents, without sny of the woody or fibrous
material whatever. Is the resson why they
sre so much more effective and valuable
than anv other cathartics. The best fam
lly pybslc.
When Baby wss sick, w gave Castoria.
Whaa she was a Caild, she crinJ for Castorta.
Woes sh became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
Wl.ea she had Children, she (Svathsm Castorta
tr. Price's cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Kziisst Award.
A private disnatch received thia afhw.
noon from Washington, announced that
T J ritiiea, senior editor of the Dxhocwat,
had been appointed Postmaster of Al
banv. A Rough Trip.
The limin fmtl. Ilia fmnt irrinJ in S I-
bany at 6 JO o'clock tbis morning, twenty
ooars uite, aiur one ot the most evential
trips in Oregon Pscifie history, ffhon Out
train Wt Detroit tt-ere was forty inches of
snow on tbe ground. The trees were load
ed down, and ss tbe train came slowly
along through the snow one could look out
on either side and see tbe monsters of the
sut-ctjmtung to the enormoaj weight
oa taetr tranches. o wind was blowing
to nd them ot their burden. Postal Clerk
Butter-worth declares that he taw twenty nr
Ihirty trees fall in this war. Tbe trr wss
aa obstruetiea rase. Front Detroit antil
out of the snow belt thirty or forty trees
bad fallen across tbe track.which had to be
cat r way. la one instance a tree bad
plowed its way right through the track.
The train men earned qttaaruple srages.
inieresung tmngs occurred along the route
to keep up interest, one being tbe burial of
u tferry with a mail sack at Lyons. It
was a great traaaformatioa when level
ground was reached and rain took the
place of sods'.
Hon S A I-awson returned this boob
from a trip to Salem.
A Pen sketch of Wm M Hoair si the
depot bote! attracted attention todav. aad
eren Mr Iloag iTnotitxed it a first rLss
job. Mr Sara Worre.1. with C E BrawieH,
wss tbe arttst.
Rev A Jack Adam has resigned as
pastor of tbe C P (Starch at this piece and
has accepted a call to tbe Presbyteriaa
charcaat Myrtle Point, Coas county.
Ibmnon bprews-
Tlie Concresrstkinal church of tbis cirv
has extended a call to Kev. II. J. Ze-re ti
er to occupy its pulpit pctmanenUv. lie
wul conduct services next tunday morn
ing aad evening. Corvaliis GaseUe.
Rev J R Kixirrratrkk. bow pastor of a
church at Selma, Cat, who baa been Tilt
ing ti children, II T Kirfcpatnck aad
airs s 31 Garland at this riare for the past
week returned borne fast M edaesday evea
iog. Lebawsa Express.
Mr Bert Westbrook. who bas been witb
tbe Albany Steam Laundry for some time,
has accepted a position with his brother-in-law.
p B Tinkle, aad will k-ra the
ptMogvapb btttineas. Mr Merrill Phillips
will hereafter run tbe laundry sragen and
do tbe nulling for the laundry
Caadv gives sway st A B Veil wain'.
Several more weddings are r early In
Msccabec ptns for 75 cents st French 'a
jewelry store.
A B Mcllwain setts t choice Cali
fornia raisuas 15 cts.
Tow can get oak and fir wood at A B
Mcllwain' cheap.
The worn so who tramned torn BritUh
Colombia south ta said to be la A.bsny.
Aa exchange savs the name ot Rev I D
Driver may be presented tor V S Secator.
It wl. be a waste oi time.
There ate now about too boys ia the
reform e:hoot,t6ijoo Is wanted for the
s:buol lot the coming two year.
As usual there was mare wedJInge In
October, iJoj. than In any other month.
During at least 14 years litis has aeter
faih d .o be tbe case. October U the great
wedding month In Linn county.
Tbe Oregon Construction (., Edata
Stone, J L gmltb and F R Strong incor
potato-s, vesterdsy fifed articles. ' Stock
sj.poo.oow. Trie is the Astoria organs.
in Ion that la to ru h the conatr actor, of r
railroad to Portland.
ON Denny receiver of the defunct
Portland Saving bank, today died la the
stste ciicuit court a repot t of the coodl
tlon ot the bsnk. According to his report
the sets sre 11.965. 19a; liabilities $1,-
$4 3-3 9. Assets in excess of llabtll:les.
River t6.s above low water, having
raised 6ieet,ln 14 hours.
TnaLATtsr News Is that Julius Grad-
wotii is doing nusinees in liis new quart
ers, the old Post Office and Odd Fellow's
building and Opera House, and to give
an introduction to bis new store, be will
sell the following goods for net cost only.
t box f uti weight isaon soap &d eta, Z
oxea French sardines 25 cts. Oysters 10 cts
r eta. Artinde and .U coaee X cts K,r
allotbM-gli sold as low as any
use on taw vOost.
Piakok AttD OaQAXS. Save small deal
ers aad agenti commissions by buying
from the V iley B Allen Ce. direct. In
quire at H J Jonettbook store for prices and
Captain Sweeney. USA. Sn Diego
Cal savs: "Saitoh's Catarrh Remedy Is
the first medicine I hsve ever found thsl
would do me any good." Price 50c.
fft Ml. MI
aw vt aws 1
never excell
ed. -"Tried
and proven "
is the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Kefni--sr
m lalor ia tne
Ac s TT2 'V 'only Liver
JLjOl'I'tl aud Kidney
medicine te
which yon
can pin your
faith for a
cure. 'A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing diroctly
on the Liver
snd Kid
uers. Try it
Soli by all
Druggiata in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of Unr Medicines.
"I Imve used yotirSlmmonr Liver Rega-Into-
and run eonaclantlously say It la tu.
king ot all Uv-r meillulnes, 1 eonolJerlt a
nicidloinachostln luelf. tiao, W. JACS
arwt'i'uoonia, Washington.
sae tbe a ."'uwis i swd ws wisisai
' -
Made from the most
highly refined and ex
pensive ingredients,
and leaves neither acid
nor alkali In the food.
A Scio Teaoedt. Saturday night
I At ATA ST a tsi . a
aneruy auer mionignt, Mr I ccney, our
barneas maker, heard seme one at the front
ef bis dwelling hutue and place of brainese,
acting as though they were trying to get
in. In a short time tba party trying to
get in, went to tne back end of tbe boose
and attempted to effect an entrance. Mr
Coffey then got np and arming himself
with a revolver, wen. to aacertaia what tbe
iroub'e was. His first impu'se was to fire
through tbe door at tbe would-be boate
breaker, but opon second tboogbt conclud
ed that be might be a drunken man that
did not know what be was about. Coffey
then called out "Who is there." two or
three times. Receiving no Kspeose, be
threw open the door. He found a man
standing there and whom be immediately
attacked with a cbair striking a blow that
at hxrt looked as though be Lad given the
intruder a fiaal Quietus Tbe manual was
then sum mooed and tbe drunken maa (for
such be proved to bel taken to tbe cala
boose. Tbe blow witb tbe cbair cut qaite
a gash ia tbe top of bis bead, and be could
give no account of himself till tbe foltcwing-
morning, warn ne so exp:ained nutters,
that at tbe instigation of tbe recorder.
Marshal Uilley gsve him bis liberty. His
name sre understood was Evans. Pre.
Sons FiorBEa. From tbe report of th
railroad commissioners sf Oregon we learn
that the average Ion mileage of road in th
United States is K-1.232, aad tbe average
rate per ton per mile. Kf5 rents; on to
Oregon Railway & Navigation 'om party '1
line in 1S93 the too mileage per mile of
road was lesx than one-half tbe
average for the United States, and the rate
per toa per mi;-, 1.306 ornts. On tbe
Southern Pacific 'a lines in Oregon tbe tea
mileage per mi of road fur l"SM was 42.
aboct one-sixth tbe volume of tbe Ore
gon Railway t Navtgmfioo Company, and
the rate per too per mile. .40 cents. Tbe
difference betwevo tbe Oregon Railway A
X at i graUon Company a rate aad that of tbe
aootbern Pauhc is accounted ior oa tbe
ground that tbe voluc: of traffic of the
former is mnrh ianrer. a above set forth,
aad much of it through bruinews. And the
average haul per ton is t mile, wmie the
irerte haul of tbe la Or it but S3 miles.
A Labgs ActMEXcs beard Mrs Peake
last eight at tbe U P church. Sbe spoke
ia ber usual plain oat-rxA-. n way that
holds tbe aileoUon aad makei n"n think.
Her subject was "The wise and fooiuh "
Tbe world kas macy mea who kaowring
nothing tbey thick tbey know it ail. Shot
your ears to wicked rsea, or like Abber
you will be led to destrocOon. It is a good
tbiag to have tbecoarage of ooe convic
tion vai so tbe convictions are right. Bat
tie iicjicT it o-'icd and can't see arigtit
Tbe man who can see tbe wonders of tbe
nniverie aad sav there is no Gal is cer
tainly a fool. Let tbe wise walk with tbe
wise. If yoa would have character that
will stand build it open tbe rock. To
morrow night Mrs Peake will ck tbe
evangelistic services conducted with sacb
marked sooreas for fire week. Her subject
will be "A lesson ia profit and loss ''
Pa Jxaru. asu Ma Htdk. Rich ard E
French and company in lr Jekyll and Mr
Hyde will appear here Friday, Jan 11th.
It bas never faiied to attract large booses
wherever played, with aa excellent com
pany soch as Mr French bas in bis support
it cannot fail to secure tbe approbation aad
liberal patronage of tbe theatre gners ia
Albany. To tbuee who bate read Robert
Louis Stevenson's urs. from which tbe
play is Ukeo. tbe inbypretatiw will have
unusual interest. Te cast is trong snd
tbe calcium light effects aad scenery is in
artistic harmoay wita tbe requuralents of
the drama. Aside from tbe beart interest
ia tbe play, there is a stnag eotnedv
element runcing through it, that is pleat-
ant loses aad bear.
Wbksb abk Tuev, Two weeks ago to
morrow Richard Bcwea aad Jas Randall
left Eugene ia a small boat for Portland.
Tbey are tbe gentleman who bad a propo
sition before the board of trade mcentiy to
assist tbem ia getting a boat to rvu on tbe
npper illamette Arrangemeuts bad
been made by tbem to secure the lease of a
boat and thev ent down the river to take
charge. Mr Bowea wn4e to bis wife sev
eral times and in the last letter stated thej
were going down tbe ner to get tbe boat.
The last letter was written Dec 29. and as
nothing bas been beard since, their families
bare are ratber uneasy a loot tbem. fcu
gene Guard.
A Pook Eichafok, Tie tramp tele
graph operator who stole Geo G Bingham's
overcoat, yesterday, was brought to Albany
tn is morning oy aiaisnai uee, ana taxen
before a justice He waved examination.
and was held under '1'tO bonds to await
the action of tbe grand jury He gave tbe
name of W M V ax well and claimed to be a
resident of Dallas. Texas. If en there has
been an exchange for Saunders, so Texas is
worse off than Oregon, and tbe penitentiary
will soon have as many lexas vagabonds as
usual, though not as bad ones. Maxwell.
though claimed before the tbift that
he was from Denver. Color.ulo. so there is
no telling where he is from or what his
name is.
Ah Honest Mas. twenty-two years
airo N P Briras. of Corrwllis. had a claim
of $118 again: tee Mate of a Mr Hough
. . 1 . . . , l . . .
ton Ot wnicu It iidsiings wasexecuior.
Bastings soon after wen4. U Boston not be
ing able to pay the debts and Mi Bripgs
bad almost forgotten bis claim when last
Wednesday te received a check for $220
frsin Hastings, who stated that he was not
legal 1 bound to pay the debt, but sent the
Dnncipal with interest computed at 5 per
cent, tue legal rate in Massachusetts, and
trusted the settlement would be satisfactory.
IIxcb. Wdeelkh Oct. Among Gov
ernor Penaoyer's recent pardons is raid to
be Heck Wheeler, r-nt nn from Crook
county for murder He was seen the other
day in Polk Co. lit Wheeler has relatives
near here and formerly resided in Benton
county. Under the present system it is
impossible to tell who is pardoned except
by outside means, and uie caiera papers
though, rustlers mus some ot mem.
A CaANOK. Beginning next Monda
an Important change will take nlace in
the running of trains between Albany
and Detroit, Albany being made the
headquarters at night instead of Detroit
as now. The train will leave Albany at
7 :45 A. M arriving at Detroit at 12 :15
and leaving at 12 :4o. It will arrive at
Albany at 5 :30 P.M. . ,
: Saturday and Sunday, rain or soow.
cooler, river at 3 p m 17.3 and failing.
Ths best roast eoffse U tbs'.oHy at Ooaiad
stsysrs. .. -,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powd
Awankd Geld Medal MklwUlsr Fair. San Francisco.
seW J lU Iff! J IS1 Iff HUA aC
You Can Here Keep Track of Your
1- racrKia.
Mrs Wm Wolfe, of Portland, is in tbe
Hon W R Bilyeu was in Salesi
Sidney Dell will lecture oa eikrer
Eugene'jsa 14th.
Mrs Judge Wolverton came tra Lorn
Eaiem this noon.
Rev Prkhard went to Corvaliis to epead
bunday and pnach.
Miss Mabel Brooner. the L'icdergartea
er, leturned from Portland this noon.
Mrs Peake will begin Evangelistic ser
vices st liaiary oa Sabbath eveniag, Jan
Mr J A Camming retarned last ragbt
from a eojoara of several days in tbe
Mr Will Bros, of the U S army. tLe
farmer live captaia of the O A C foot ball
team, was ia the city tbis noon.
Dr Cosick. of Salem, brother of J W
Casick, of this city, ars to be cue ot six
to send a car load of wheat to Nebraska.
J M Shelley .well kaewa ia this city, bas
been re elected presides ot tbe Commer
cial Traveler's Asworiatioa of Oregon.
Mrs Dr Lee, acoom ranted by bar daugh
ter Miss Anna, and Wright aad Claire,
went down to Albany Monday to attend a
family reunion. Junction City liases.
A live dance was given last trve-strrg at
tbe Grange HsU across tbe nver. Amoas;
those present were tbe Albany Lbanvsree
Social Clab.
Dr W H Davis, of Albany, was called to
uu place last IhomUy to asrat Dr T C
Aiacsey in waiting on air i cilpoC near
this t;Uoe who is very tik Harrisborg
CW Watts, tbe Alb-nv job printer,
casae dWn yesterday, bat be didn't have
time to make but one call at our print
shop. Charlie sbauld be tbe next game
warden of this state. Jefferson Review.
Mr and Mrs Clark Ccceland and son
George, left oa last Monday's train for
CorvailU, where tbey will spend a few days
visiting among friends and lelativea at
that pWe and Albany. To edo Leader.
Frank Stimpsoa and Jim Blackburn
came down from Albany to our Xew Tear
dance. Their experience oa the way down
was not very pleasant, but they seemed to
be "in it" after tbey arrived at tbe dance.
Jefferson Review.
' If r and Vrs E E Hammock, of Tillman,
are ia tbe city. Aa operation was per
formed c-n Mrs Hammock a few days ago.
for the removal of a canreroos tamer in tbe
breast bv IV Wallace Sbe has been feeUe
since from tbe effects of tbe anaesthetics,
but it is hoped will recover from their ef
A Mixture to
be Talvcn
in Small
Round trip tickets to f. Industrial fair
at Portlind have been withdrawn.
The tialem Statesman claims the Al
bany ex pre train will soon te pat back
oa the road.
Mr Lee Baker has soU the Harksborg
Every stable and coatee la to D McClafw.
the old proprietor,t9r the conider-Mioa of
f3oo Review.
There is sail to be man v a s'ip ixt the
cop and the Hp. Last year two licenses
were granted In this county wh. re a mar-
37 tailed to follow.
Cat J work is being done o secnte a
pardon fev Mo-wan Wassoro before Gov
ernor Pennoyer term expires, and many
think it will be done.
The S P Co made a -joiner cat la wages
ot trackmen and careaters the first of tbe
fear. Carpenters now get $.oo 10 $a.5s.
rack walkers It. so and section men
Mrs AueusTa Me'cher.aa vld ladr living
near Oregon City, Or, ouned ft,ooa tn a
tin can out In her garden to keep from
being robbed. When she went 10 ook at
tier bank last week. she . f stand the can
but not the money. Aitotter of dosens ct
cases of a poru'ut bsnk proving a failure.
Drop Into French's jewelry store sod
spend a few Denotes looking at the
dtselsy rd Christmas goods. It will
cjat ou nothing and yru wl'l be intde
Brings coxefort and improvement arrt
tends to personal enjoyment whr
rightly used Tbe many, who live or
tr than others and enjoy life more, vri.
less expenditure, bv more premptl;
adapting the world's best products U
the needs ef physical being, will attest
the value to health ot the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Svrnp of Figs.
Ita excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, tbe refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative : effectually cleansing the system.
, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
ana permanently curing wiuuuu.
It has given satisfaction te millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts oa the Kid
neys! Liver and Bowels without weak
ening thm and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 60 cent bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, w hose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, yoa will not
accept any uubstitute if offered.
$3 SHOE-
4 3 Ft! nJLc8Z1
SCno rea crrsiic .c. .
Tf." eaa save mnnrr hf jrUr .e . I,.
Ovacbie nktr,
Bcaar. we are Hie nvust: '.: .r,-
adverUAea aoes in th WorM. "4 r "
thevataeby suia..a the vast rS. i i
tk! bottom, wkia y a ;:, - -i i; ,
pncrsairf the -. -
eqoal cst-ta wot- -r. -':. , y ' -- -wearing
eatlUir . . .v f - . . ' i -
wiwre at tw r itv f i ;.f
oyothrr r-a:. V'- - r' '
Jester cariwa wi-i;
5 Mexican
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,-
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscte,
Membrane and Tissue'
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mwstaax I inirr-rwt craaqsvrrS
Makea flea tvr Beast well
woo care to pay a little more thaa the cost
wwuj uaoc cgareres wm nad tie
Made from tbe fcerhesx east Ci) tn(
growa ia Virginia, and are
tX X. C. tlif I suti A39 SU3 SSUTU57
ss aold wadar poaiora writtsa ensBtaeb br
aathoraad aeanta ewqr. to ear. sak SSfaccv;
Lo oi Braia and Isarv. Power: teat Uaaaewd:
Itiant Loam; trU Drcaaas: Lack of
; I siaiirtirla: ail J
Loaaof Puaiat oi thaGanaratir. Owraw tn aillsae
m, eassssd b, wvar-axaroaa, TeattitKl Eirors. or
1 1 111 1 Ca. ot Tobacco. Opswai or Ltooor.
arnica, saads Himry. Coosauaticioa. XBsacity
and DealAv. iSy mail tl a box; ail fur ti; antil
wttUsw ssarantaa to car. or sefaod saanar.
tjasapl. nackwaw. coataintcg ut daya' bearmeet.
with fall iawtraetioras, & earns. On. autpao
csaly sold so each paraow by maU.
J A Cumming, sole agent, Albany ,D
Uniolfs tot risers.
fegQtt frwe Vswi-ssasms. SW-lt
KntUsa laVaWfstaaB. S itWjeil gaVSi . fWVV
r feawiil ?W2rUsnKJe
Gem. avjarsj- lirilfarv Acisl ISr
.aV AMfNKVaV AnCtsloC fosT AWsiMWa
BChsjr swsaaswtM. k'Tlwm,X.5tMd&MXi.
tSt S.sysstcraavscas, CHrCASa
Sold by all druggttts.
rar aiititmaiMaiaiai
naMrrtMlins S" m
J A Cummieg, sole sgent, Albany.
Office oa Ferry St near cor ?rd SL Office
hours, 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to S.p m
Especial attention given to chronic caset
ana eye diseases.
LADIES do iau sxuvf
aTathaoririaal sad only FSESiCH. safe and ro.
hahlaeura oa Uva markat. thric tl-Uu; seat bj
mavK tioauiDesoLioalvby
I A Co sn mi rig, sole sgent, Albany,
m m new