The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 28, 1894, Image 4

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    "Teaching is tne noblest art but the
corriest trade."
A training school for teachers, theory
and practice combined.
Strong professional course and wel
equipped model school.
Thorough preparatory and academic
Normal, Advanced Normal, Business,
Music and Art Departments.
Light expenses. Board and lodging,
doors ana tuition not above $lou per
The town of Monmouth has a beautiful
and healthful location in the very heart
of the Willamette Vallev twelve miles
south west of the State Capital. It has
no saloons.
The Normal School diploma entitles
one to teach in any county in the state
without any further examination. Grad
uates command good positions.
r,xpenses. Tuition per term of ten
weeks ; N ormal $6.25 ; Sub-Normal $5 ;
Commercial $6.25. Board and lodging :
rsoaroat normal uimng Mall $i.7o per
week ; furnished rooms, with -"fire and
ght, frcm $1.00 to $1.25 per week.
caru sna lousing in private families
cm $3.00 to $3.50 per week.
Vitality and growth have alwavs char
t rized the work of the Normal' School,
h e ccming year promises to be one of
he best in its-history.
Catalogues cheerfully sent on application.-
P L Campbell, President,
or W A Waxjj, Secretary of Faculty.
Oregon ; Pacilic Railrodd.
BA8 CUBS. teeelver. ,
Direct Line-
Q i!i.k . isy itch
I ot Freight Kates.
frith steami - Homar T
qairjaaaiJn Fnaeisco.
r noa sa ruxcooo
Hoaax sails Peby IOth llrch 1, lt'SX, and Si t
nva TtQmHi.
Eoaurtt sFbi5th mUrAI, tT.aodKlh.
fhs Company reweryos the rignt t
nange sailing dates wUhout notice.
For freight and pas-ten ;cr rt tes PP'
to any agent.
CBarleeJ Hondrra. San fc Co. No t 08
Market St Saa Fttasia C -Ctajkretcivtr.
CorallU Orjgoa '
E. McNEILL, Beceiver.
AND " ' , AND "
low bates toal1v
eastern ictties.
ocean ste4mer3
For foil detail call on
Ccksan' & MoVTElTif, Albany, Or,
GaVt Pak . Aocn
Is not complete
without an ideal
Ccmbines every element of
beauty and parity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, hedth
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
XsdsS ttpaa taviaj tas gscuine.
I t
JCaveutf and Trade-Marks cbuicad, and all Pat
Sent rA;.e-3COdducted for MoejiiATr Sees.
JOun irnct i CP(oeiTE O. S. PaVerer omet
J and we can secure patent ia lens time Uian ittnt
5 rrm-jte frwn Washington.
f Send trjdsl, diawutg or' photo., wrta deaerip.)
JSon. We ad"ise, it pateniab's or not, free off
i charts Our lee not Cue till p- tent it secured, j
t A, How to Obf 1 Patents," with
5 cost ot cr.-ue in the V. S. and Meigs countries
!'. bee. Address,
f AN rEn. To exchange nursery
v f stock for r. fr:od 1 on work borse
lo weib from 120) In 13;)C lbs APP'V to
Browie 1 a Morri-nn at the Albany
Nnr-r-i ie
If you must
draw the line
and have, like thousands of
other people, to avoid all
food prepared -with it, this
is to remind you that there
is a clean, delicate and
healthful vegetable short
ening, -which can' be used
in its place. If you will
- ' USE
instead of lard, you can eat
pie, pastry and the other
" good things" which other
folks enjoy, without fear of
dyspeptic consequences. De
liverance from lard has come.
Buy a pail, try it in your
own kitchen, and be convinc
ed. . Beware of imitations.
The genuine is sold in 3 and
5 pound pails by all grocers.
Mads only by
Tha N. K. Fall-bank
ST. tons a ad
Cktoa,New Vrk,
B laau
The Vitiated
When you see
Its impurities
Bursting through
The Skin
3 In Pimples,
z And Sores.
Rely on Sulphur Bit
ters and Health will
a follow.
Send 3 &eeat atamn to A. P. Ordwm- ft Cn..
Beaton, Mtm , for beat wdjcal work pablKheat
Savannah, N.Y., March iSth, 1894.
Messrs. S. a WELLS & Co..
Le Roy, X. Y.
Gentlemen I was pronounced by my
home physician as having tubercolosis,
and I went South without any apparent
benefit I was recommended to use
Sbiioh'B Consumption Core, and
its results I've been wonderful. I
cheerfully recommend it to any one
sn&enng from lung trouble.
" Jaste W. Go S3.
FromTerminalor intsrior Points th
Mn Pad MM
la the line (0 take
To an Points EAST ani SOUTH
it to the niXIXG CAR IIOITTE.
It rnna Throich VESTIBTt
ia be Tear f
of Dininz Cars Unsaniasscd
oilman Drama tcom Sleepers
Gf Latest Eqaioment-
mvti ti-i.inilt'iin rj b)'h i.tvt
1 1 f l- I' 1 1 f r (i l Ur nt Pief or
i u 11 1 j! i. tiiikot-t. v J
4 Jmli'imL'a) camastiiiT iti
ai iims, airoromg: Direct an a
ufliawrraptga Samoa.
Pnllmai Hleoper reei-rations c'.. it
-c:nr,l In ad Txnce th rough any
ogent of tha road.
fHRODGU rtCKETS to and from U
ooints lu Amorlcu Eogland and
Kurope can te purchawl at any
ticket ofllca of this corjppap--Full
information conRernlng rolos,tlmo
trains, routes and other Jetuls faro
lsbod oa application to any agent, or
Aseistant General Pasaentror Agent,
No 121 F-rst St, cor. Washington,
, Portland, Qiexon,
a 8irir.airl, lojjl'aeat.
VIHmra vnuuat UC1cIk u! Wettmrm mnltlu froa,
.ur(uUon ot brUa, serf Wntl,uvtH at lb4tKtrtM
t-x.BlexbAMUa, dra, Ice., a rtoui drbitltr, ,lul
m., ta.suor, rf eutl'a, kldse?. llT.r and bladder,lMlNu:lc. iambro. Kitttoa, (iiml l!i-bltk.
eltrie b.11 Hgun l7wdAjl l.rtnni u,a
il .Uicrt, u! (Ire. esrtaol tbt to iailaatlr hit b, (be
orr or w. f.rf.U t,uu, ud IU Kn .11 it tbt ibax
Ihuhhhw,, bT bm cornl hr ihi. .r.
'ou. l-,d(Uii ft all ker rardle falltd, ud .
ne booar.d. r (ntlmonl.lj in tlit. ud my lbw .;.
Our PrMf ! UrauKD SLKIIHU' SlHI'SkKUIir, (I,. bMn .T.r ir.ry. rat n,l'tn WITH ILL Hill 1
.!,'? "i " trtiunataTitiiiiu.uD.T.
bud for Uluttmud PuapblM, mlM, wM, rrw. Addrm
eAiwxjniw biuuctrio oo.,
si- -e ", PORTLAND. OPS.
' :
vJ 1 ; - " Jf
She Jmaraat
'Brigandage On Our Railroads."
The recLt epidemic of train robberies,
including tLe successful effort near Fort
Worth, Texas, last week, by which the rob
bers are reported to hove secured a large
sum of money, gWea point to tbt article
with the aboo title by U10 Hon wade
Hampton, United States Coramissioter of
Railroads, in the current number of the
North American Review, in part as fol
The epidemic of train robbery seems to
be spreading over the who'e country, and
no sectiou appears to be safe from tho at
tacks of the lawless desperadoes who CO m
mil this C'im-, and who, i. many instan
ces, add to ih?ir atrocities the crime of
murder. No one will deny that it is the
duty of the Government to protest the lives
and property of its citizens, to see that the
transportation of tho mails is unobstruct
ed, and to guard against al violence that
jeopardizes any of thfse objects. This be
ing the case, it certain! is the duty of the
Government to take prompt and active
measures to pu. & stop to these cowardly
and murderous crimes, perpetrated by
thieves and essassins.
Now what measures can be adopted
which will best meet he ends desired?
Recently there was a meeting held in New
York, composed of many of the presidents
of express companies, and this bodj ap
pealed to the Government to take steps to
protect the railroad trains The opinion
among tbee gentlemen was uniulmoui
that the Government should adct meas
ures by which the railroad robbers should
be pursued and punished, and I was pro
posed to urge Congress to pass tite bill pre
sented by Representat've Caldwell, of Illi
nois. The chief object contemplated by it
was to fix the punishment to be inflicted
upon all persons guilty of robbing or in
terfering tnaHcious'-y with any interstate
trains. The bill looks to the punishment
of the criminal chiefly, and not to tLe pre
vention of the crime, and while It is de
sirable that prompt and adequate punish
ment should be Inflicted oa the outlaws
vho commit these flagrant outrages, it is
still more desirable that some means should
be found to prevent a recurrence of them.
The railroad official, as also 'he presi
dent of tha express companies, appear to
have come to the conclusion that armed
guards on the trains are inefficient, if not
useless; but it strikes me that the presence
of even two determined men, properly
armed, ou'.d add materially to the sale y
ol passengers and train. Ot coarse the
expense attending the employment of a
large force of armed men would be too
great for any railroad to incor.and it would
be impracticable for the Government to
furnish troops for the purpose of acting as
guards. In all the cases of train robbery
of which I have seen a-coools. access to the
express car nas been attained by tue rob
b;ra through the doors of the car. Ac
cordingly, if these points of danger were
adequately protected, the robbers might be
foiled. An eipres car can be made in-
Tjlnersb:e U firearms, and able to repel
a ly attack sae by (be nte of dynamite. If,
t wiefore. eery car bad, in addition to its
orlinary door, an independent one made
of strong iron graticg, which could remain
closed should tbe outer door be broken in,
any robber making an attack would le
confronted with a serious obstse'e in the
shape of the iron door, should they suc
ceed in forcing the outer one. Let every
express company "place one brave, deter
mined man. in addition to the ordinary
messenger, who should be of the same
c'jsrac'er, in the car, and Ut each 'je arm-
el with a repeating shotgun, each carry
ing seven rounds of buckshot cartridges.
Ia addition -.0 tbe means ol protection al
radj raggeted,!ct me mrsboa aooliiernd
that is the use of Soe,s trained to follow
men ; and wbi-e on this subject le. a.e correct
a misapprehension prevalent throughout lbs
North, that these dogs are bodbounds. I
doubt if thers arc ha:f a dczrn bloodbounls.
ia the United States, cr test any has ever
bjen used ia the pursuit of fugitives, except
in the fable cf "Unc e Tom's Csblo." The
dogs used are the ordinary fexhoiBds; these
will Io!lcw a trail. but ther will not attack
the fugitive. Tbry.only indicate the route
of flight, so tbat parties following can come
npwilhhlni. Most ot the penitentiaries In
the South keep these dogs, at do the manag
ers of convict Aurns sad camps The hounds
now used tor tracking men, wnen properly
trained, will take and follow a trail 34 hours
old, and in some cases even a colder one.
If, in these parts of the country where rob
beries of trains occur most frequently, a
C tuple good dogs couid be kept at ea:h of
certain selected stations, even if the dla
aacebetweea sucb points -ere hundreds of
mlies, whenever a trsia is held Bp the dog t
eauld be summoned by, wire and In a few
h3ars they would be on the trail of tbe rotn
bers. .
Costly Insolence.
A want of politeness is a disadvantage
at St Peterabnrg. In one of the principal
Streets in that city H a large froltshop be
longing to a very sery wealthy merchant,
who, besides selling fruit, keeps an elegan
rcsturant in the same building and occupy
ing s position directly behind the shop.
Two yoong olTiceri of t-e guard the other
day entered, bad lunch together and after
paying their bill hot) went 00L They hsd,
however, only proceed! a short distance
when one of them missed bis poefcetbock,
sod thinking that be might hare left it la
tbe rcsturant where be and his friend hsd
lunched returned snd asked politely if any
one bad seen it. The proprietor himself, a
millionaire, came on the scene, snd after
giving expression to some objectionable re
marks said that It might well be doubted
whether the oung officer possessed such an
rticle as s pocket book.
The officer complained to the police, and
ultimately the matter icached the perfect,
who, regarding i las an insult to the imprrt
1 uniform, caused the rcsturant to be lock
ed up at on:e, the doors sealed and prohlb
its the proprietor from longer citering to
the public taste, . '
and all mothers who are nursing;
babies derive great benefit from
Scott's Emulsion. This prepara
tion serves two purposes. It
gives vital strength to mothers
and also cnz-Iches their milk and
thus makes their babies thrive.
' Scott's
is' a constructive food that prT
motes the mrikinq: of lica3uh.r
tissue and bone. It is a worssfcar
fulremedy for-Emasiatlon, Corwsal
Debility, Throat and Lung Comolaints.
Coughs, Cclds, Anaemia, Scrofula and
Wasting Diseases of Children.
Stndcr Pumphltt tn Scttfi Emulilon. Fitm.
ftcstiaEswne, N.Y. AU Druggists. 60c. and It.
Painted And Dyed.
Arab girls before they enter the harem
and take the veil are a curious sight to be
hold. Their bodies and faces are dved a
bright yellow with turmeric. On this
ground they paint lines with anti
mony over their eyes. The fsshionable
color for the nose is red. Green spots
adorn their cheeks, and the general aspect
ia grotesque beyond description.
My wife tells me that the bells in the
su'tan's harem are also painted in this
fashion, and that they also paint gloves on
their bands and shoes on their feet, and
thus bedizened hope to secure the affec
tions ot their lords. At Sbief the men
would not allow my wife to approsch or
hold any intercourse with the Arab women,
using opprobrious epllhets when she tti'd
to make friendly overtures, with the quaint
resuit that whenever Mrs Dent advsnced
toward a group of easing females they fled
precipitately, like a flock of sheep before a
collie dog. These women wear their
dresses high in front, showing tbelr yel
low legs above the knee, and bog behinl. !
They are of deep blue cotton, decorated
with fine embroidery and patches of yel
low and red sewed en in a pattern.
It is the universal female dress In ITad
ramut and looks as i? tbe fashion had not
changed since the days when Hasirma
veth, tie patriarch, settled in this valley
and gave it Its name (Genesis x, 28). The
till, tapering straw bat worn by these
women when in tbe fields contribu'es.with
the majk, to make tbe Hadrami females as
externally repulsive as tbe most jealous of
husbands could desire.
Good When Tou Find It.
Judge Caldwell of North Carolina was
s'ow to see (be point cf a joke. On trying
a case on one occasion the solicitor called
ia vain for a witness named Sarah Mooney.
As she did not answer he informed the
cour. that be could not proceed "without
ceretLony." The bar laughed, but the
judge looked pa ailed. Some weeks after
when at borne the point dawned on him,
and he bmke into a loud laugh. Upon his
wife inquiring tbe caute of bis merriment
he explained that the solicitor had called
Saitie Mooney, and when she did not ans
wer be had said be could not proceed with
out ceremony. Tbe wife said she did no
see the tint. The judge said it had taken
him three weeks to find it, but when she
did see It, it would be very funny.
A Wonderful Mirage.
The people of Belleville, a Utile village
oi 150 InhaUtantt situated oa tbe St Law
rence river nearly 300 miles from Montreal
were recently surprised by a beautiful mir
age which bung over the town for neatly as
hour. It was Use imsge of a six story brtck
building and was so clear cut and well de
fiaed that the co'or of the bricks land mot
urcouad bs plainly distinguished. Every.
body ia the tittle village gathered on tbe
river bank and wa'cacd the beaatiful visloa
as It slowly failed swsy to the noithwsrd.
Whether the original of , the mirage Is
buildioes-iuated la Mon'rtal, Caebec or
some city ot New York state h.a sot ye
been determined and probably were; will be,
owing to the de'.usive character of sack
. A conference was beld at the tressory dc-
psmnenvbetwesn ; Secretary Carlisle and
Chairman Springer, of the bouse coasmttec
oa banking ao.1 currency, relative to amcc i
Ing the Cartls'e currency bill now before
the house. Tbe subject was gone oee f"l"r.
and, as a resuit of the talk, Sprger wfl t
propose a number of amendments t remove
aome of tbe object iocs advanced sgsinst lbs
bill. One objed ice is that under section 7
some banks miy be permitted lo take a
circulation of 90 per cm of their capbal
stock, while tbe bill limits the circulation to
75 pecea: of the capital stock . This woo! J
be remedied by requiring the excess to be
returned by a deposit of greenbacks under
the existing provisions of . the law. The
time In which lbs banks will be required to
eamply with the new law msy be e tea lei
fc two yeas. The house may Ex by
amendment the time to a mote remote date.
The bill will be mace clear that btlthoiders
of national bank nates will be protected
during ft time tbe old banks are conform
ing to tbe new Uv. Another amendment
will provide that the government will receive
old no'es for internal taxes, cancel them
sad issue notre under the new Us. It i
passible that tnese and other amendment.
that tne democratic majority of tbe banking
ensmhtee may agree of on may be embraced
la a subctitai which c n be presented be
fire the five minutes debate begins. Sucb
a substitute, embodyiaj all tbe arccadmente
and improvements suggested by debate is
thwght to be more desirable than having
tbe original bill patched from end to end
with amendments. The conference did not
bring out any consideration of the three
important amendments which bsve been
urged on the floor of the house, viz: Toe
iasue of bonds to retire outstanding green
backs; the elimination of state basks and
thelimibngof a bank's liability for losses
to other banks to I per cent. As to the
bond Issue to retire greenback", ibis proba
bly will be offered by sreeadment, bat It is
believed the feeling against the bond issue
will defest the amendment. The eilmina
tlon of the state banks and the limits of
liability win also bs presented ss Independ
ent amendments. .
It apptsws from a special report to the
stale department from United States Con
sul Smithere, of Hiogo, Japan, that there
is very little danger to be apprehended to
the United States of an Influx of Japanese
cheap labor. By tbe new regulations re
cently issued by the Japanese government
the Immigration companies are required
to secure the approval o! tbe countries to
which tbs emigrants go, and this can be
withheld at any time. . The , Meiji Emi
gration Company, established a'. Hiogo in
1892, with the object of sending emigrants
to work in the coal mines of Britbb Co
lumbia, has been unsuccessful in that en
terprise, and ?o tne emigrants shipped to
Victoria have been sent, to tbe United
States. '
A Chinese agent In Washington is ne
gotiating with Mendoncn. minister for
Brazil, for the purchase of tbe dynamite
cruisers Nlotb.-roy and Audrnda. Tbe
former hsn the celebrated Zalinski dynam
ite gun on Laard, which Brazil found no
opportunity touseagn'nst tbe rebels dur
ing tbe late outbreak. Great things sre
expected of it. ; If the trade goes through,
tbe vesse's will be taken to China by Amer
icans, who are expected to remain long
enough to ins'mct the Chinese - in their
The engineers appoin'ed by the War De
psument to determine the greatest pr&iicable
length of a span for s suapenslon bridge re
poit thst It K not only possible but practic-
able to build a six-track suspension bridge,
with a span of 3,300 feet, at a cort of $a3,
The lejis'atur- should re- enact the mort
gags lax law and indebtedness clause. The
people are nearly universally In favor of the
two laws. Eugene Gusrd.
Washington Letter.
Frea ear regular CorrwrpontUnt,
Wasuinotow, Nov. 26, 184.
Once more tbe democrats of the House
are giving the democratic Senators a les
son in bow to legislate. While the ma
jority in tbe Senate has allowed itself to be
practically t'cd up by tbe minority, the
majority in the ITotisebas been doing what
they were sent to Washington to doat
tending to business. Having hesrd about
everything that could be said for and
aguinst the plan of currency reform sub
mitted by Secretory Carlisle, the House
committee on Backing and Currency de
cided thst while the plan was not entirely
satisfactory to financial extremeUts, either
gold or silver men, it as better ss a who'e
than any other plan yet brought forward,
acd more likely to be supported by con
servative men as a sort of compromise.
Having arrived at that conclusion, the
committee determined to report the bill
prepared by Secretary Carlisle without
recommendation, leaving tbe House free to
amend the bill if it sees fit.
Tbe committee on Rule has mappal out
a plan for the consideration of the bill,
which will be taken up at once and poshed
to a vote. It is slresdy announced thst
the republicans will offer two amendments
for tbe purpose of trying to defeat the bill.
The first will be to strike out the State
bank feature, which is tin feature that is
most I 'ked by Southern democrats. Tbe
next amendment offered will be one pro
viding for an immedia'e Issue ot bonds
large enough to redeem all tbe greenbacks
and Treasury notes of l$9t, which may
now be used to take gold from the Treas
ury. Present Indications are, however,
tbat tbe democrats will vote together to
defeat any and all amendments, and that
tbe bill sU pass tbe House as reported
from tbe commlfee.
Tbe Docker) Commission, which recom
mended numerous changes in tbe govern
ment departments in Washington, all tend
ing to it reduction cf expense and the ex
pediting of business, is now looking into
tbe land offices throughout the country.
Among tbe propped changes in that
branch of tbe public service may be men
tioned the suba'i'olion 0f a law e'erk for a
receiver in every land office; the abolition
of nearly tbe who's law branch cf the land
office.and making tbe decision of the Land
Commissioner final, so far as tbe depart
ment of He Inter or is concerned. At
present case may be sppealed from the
Commissioner o the Secre ary of the Inte
rior. It U claimed that tbe proposed
changes will, if adopUd, be of great bene
fit to those having business with the Lind
OSce, besides saving about S'2CO,000 a
Immediate'y ar tbe late elections
tertespocdent, more as a joke tbsa for any
other re oo. sent a story out of Washing
ton to the effect that the regroes lu'e nied
to demand I bat one of their preachers be
elected Chaplain of tbe next House. Tbe
story wa widely cromeatrd on, and has
resulted in the production of a negro can
didate fee CbapUia of tbe j3ue.althougb
there is no reason to suppose that such a
thing bad ever been thought of before that,
little story was writ'eu. There are nu
merous reesuas why the republicans ia the
next House mav hesitate about turning
that negro candidate down.
ASlhuug tha Scare bs vo-ed sgilnst
a cloture rule, the idea of ob ainiog owe has
not been abanlosed by tha e democratic
Senators who sre'anafeu for tt Senate to
t?o semtthiot aaoe tban past the epp.oj
stion bi'U st this scsaioo. Sraator est m
devoting ail the zral of a convert to tbt
idea, and Senator Hill, who bag always
laeored clutorc, ts doing Hrte tbiakieg
oa the sobiect that mav ttsalt in a ae
saait on the r"e II asy.hiag is done
it must he dose qoickty, as the coa'rol o
tne Senate will no longer be ia the hand ol
tae democrats after the varaale from the
three northwestern states, and the mixed
leslsSatare of North Carolina has elected a
u-crun 10 Senator J arris, who bo'ds hi.
seat by gubernatorial appointment. It i
expected that these four sens tore will iske
their seats before the end of January.
Since Representative Ho'msa aaaoiared
that he might write a book embracing his
OMirresslonal rec oilcUioss. slier his re
tire men I from the House, hit msd has been
filled with requests thst he do so and neatly
every member of b-lh House and Senate
has made the sam request verbally. Few
men now living could write a more inter
esting book of Congressional rem-aieeece
than Mr Holm sn, ard it ia lo le I cped fha
he will do so.
Curious Facts.
Wha'es are supposed tj live saywhtrc
froul three hand red to four hundred years
Cast-iron blocks are being tried ia some of
the mod frequented streets in Paria.instcad
of the grani'e blocks usua ly placed along'
side trsmway rails.
There are words In the Chinese langssge
that have as many as forty different mean
ings each depending on the intoaatkn used
In pronooacing it.
the nist metal bridge ia England was a
cast-iron structure, built In 1777 over the
Ssvera. The cist-iron bridge across th
Wear si Sunder.'sod wavopened in 1796.
A caiUaJ of shingles, said to be the big
gest ever kown, was shipped East from
Washington S'ate recently. It contained
346.000 shirgles, it is said, beatieg the pre
vious record by 3,000.
The members of the chorus in the Imper
ial Opera st Vienna are in no sudden danger
of becoming millionaires. Ourtng the first
two rears they are regsrded as students,
and receive as compensation. The next
throe years they get aj flaring (about f 10) a
month, to which $1 a month Is annustly
added, till, in tlttht ytais, the maximum
of i8 a month ia reached.
It has already been demonstrsted in the
case of the Yarrow aluminum torpedo boat
that meiut, even In alloy, is unable In resist
the corroding action of salt water. Tbs ex
perlmen's recently made by the American
nasal authorities in this respect are fully
borne out. It remains to be seen whether
the claim made In behalf of the aluminum
boatrecently tested in the Thames ".s justi
fied. The employment of whiskey ss sn an i-
dote in esses of snake bite teems to be near-
ing Hi end. Experiments have been Med
Ith strychnine in catei of this sort, and the
resoi.e are highly satisfactory. It is aaid
to remove all unpleasant symtoms, not only
of snake bite, but of mushroom poison. On
the pried pi of fighting fire with fiie.tbe use
of this puiioa shoulJ be pronounced suc
cess. Curious spheres, dicks and slabs of stone
perforated la the centre have been found at
Fwsmbc; snd other places on the tableland
between lakes Nysa snd Tanganyika.
The natives, who canno. cut stone, descrthe 1
uem as "works of God . "
South American whrat export! this, crop
year, it is tiid may equal 70,000, 001 or 7S,
000,010 bushels. About 57,000,000 htuliels
have gone forward frcm Argentina. ,
Price's Cream Baking Powder
. World's Pair Mahsst Award.
1 ... ' 1 . 1
Hammond and Ronner Get It For
ConVALMH, Or, Dec 22, 2:30 p ni. D A
Okburn sheriff of Benton Co finished read
ing the ctdor of sale of the Oregon Pacific
properties at 2 p m, when Mr Bonner of
tho firm of Bonner and Hammond having
made tbe necessary deposit of a certified
chock for 1100,000 as stipulated in the
order of sale, made the only bid of 1100,000
for the property. After calling for other
bidders in due form it was knocked off to
them ut that fimire bv the sheriff. It is
generally believed that tbe sale win not m
confirmed unless the purchaser will
assume the labor and material indebted
ness. Wm M Hoag was on hand but did
nothing except to nkve bis attorney serve
certain notices of warning of bis ownership
of some load at 1 aquina Uav.
Now that tbe 0 P is sold there will be
eood doal of speculation as to what will be.
done. Will tbe sale be confirmed? Many
will declare it wont be. If confirmed, as
it probably will be, and as lodge Fullerton
has said he will do. will it be extended, etc.
It means more probably than is now under
stood. Hammond and Bonner represent a
large capital, and they moan business, as
meir Astria contract tesunes.
Was lie Guilty?
J R Todd has been in the state peniten
tiary eleven years on a life sentence for
robbing the mails. He gives tbe follow
ing story to the balem Post, which certain
ly makes it look as if the man never com
mitted tne crime. His side of the story is
certainly iotenwtiug: "1 left Richmond,
Kentucky, tbe first of April in I bad
en my person S'JDQO in gold coin and no
little amount of paper money. I am or
was a miner by profession and fame direct
to Oregon, looking for a desirable piece of
government land. I was 32 years old
when 1 left my home. I arrived in Lane
county the 20th of Inly. 1 683. and went
from there to Cow Creek, which is S3 old
mining camp. The first thing I knew of
this trouble was. that 1 was arresVd the
morning of the i'-th of July, by F P Ho
gui, tbe ex-sheriff of Douglas ceunty. I
was at that time stopping at a farm bouse
about 75 miles from wbert the robbery was
committed, and Hogan arrested me ost the
charge of hone stealing. I was taken to
court and turned over to tbe United States
marshal, and there indicted for robbing the
United State mail. 1 rcier saw tbe
warrant for my arrest and dn not to this
time know whether there was one made
out or not. I was placed in ctw confine
ment in the Portland jail Ly the marshal
and not allowed to communicate with any
one. Ween 1 was arrested 1 bad 1 1,770.
I coal J have proved that 1 bad this money
trior to tbe time of the alleged rebbery.
The on'r evidence aninst me was that
given by a Chinaman who swore that be
had shipped SI.HtM to some place along
the line ot tli raiiron tni wdj naa not
one iot of evidence to show that be bad
made the shicment.
"I was deprived of the oprortunity of
producing evidence that would rave clear
ed me in any court of justice. My money
was taken from me and I have not seen it
since. 1 had no means to employ an st
torney and was sentenced, as yon know,
for tbe remainder of my life. I have seen
Hogan but once since tbe tune ot my
airei. He w as at tbat time passing 7
ceil donr. wbeu. having a bottle in ot
band. I reached out throucb the bars and
hit turn a very rkyy-deserred blow on the
bead. I think I can be excused for that,
for most any man would have done the
same under the circumstances.
Lkto Parssrs granted to Pacific
tales inventors this week. Reported by
C A Snow it Co, solicitors of American
and foreign patents, opp u b 1 stent ut-
nce. Washington, u l.
i A Ball. Gras ValSey. Cel. dredging
nurhine; W E Bowers, San Francisco,
Cat. manufactaring samples of hose, etc;
J U Coulter. PortUad Or. steam fruit
drier; R O Davis, &an Fraiscisee, CaL ad
justable btwck-scaffold: 1 B Hatcbinsoo.
Vresno. Cat, wraoping machine; I Mc-
Deaogfa. San Francisco, CaL car-coupling;
y R Pearson, Vancouver. Waaa, fire
kindler; A D Pbeips, Gait. lal. door-
spnne; J A tUcbaruson. Ms r rtnciao,
Cal, bsh-LadaVr; A C Shaw, San FrancMco,
lal. faoset; J T Stone. Oakland. Cal.
door til and wirglar-alarm; w an
Uirn, Olympia, W a-h, car-coupling.
sts atanr
Pa ker Bros, Slums a.
2t.w eewavm chisas jast sostvsd at Ceased
P J Smiley job printer, Fline Block, desa
bras class work.
Smoke tbs celebrated Havana 61M S seat
cigar at Jabes Joseph's.
Fat roc ix bean tadestry by smokiae the
ulebrmted wbita labor mean, maactaeterse
by Is'ios Jorepk.
Cacjtr MsaTS. Buck & Ketcbum de
tire to iform the pab'.ic that they sre
prepared to supply all kinds of first cZatt
tneaU at prices at low at any eiarket in
tbe city- cove ibem a call.
A Daxss will make a splendid
Christmas present for your wife. Yon
can get the proper thing at Read, Pea
cock A Co's at an extremely low figure
lor cash.
Ladles whoaeaire to order a Delsirte
Cornel or wsHt, or self adjusting corset
from Mrs Talt, may leave orders wi'b
Mrs HnwUnd on Broada'bm St between
aid srd 3rd St.
Captain Sweeney. USA. Ssn Diego
Cal ssys: "Shilofa's Catarrh Remedy Is
the first medicine I bsve erer found thst
would do me any good." Price 50c.
The best rnaat 0080a In tbs otty at O jS ad
-iyr .
Waaa Bay was alck. we can err Caatarta.
VTasa aba was a Caiid, sb cried for CSatoria.
Vbea she becanka Xlas. aha clunj; to Osstoria.
Wbea sks bsd OdMroa. she gars them Caatorhs
Wsouino Kvrravioxs.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
, See my novelties in mens fine shoes.
c SE Yocno. enj
Oo lo Parker Bios
Pure. Safe.
Prompt. Sure.
Pleasing. Speedy.
Porous Plaster
is all this and more, too.-The
best external remedy known
for every form of ache or
pain resulting from colds,
rheumatism or neuralgia.
newer Be Swllated wtis aar bvt An.
eocaa. B mm Jsivtd by larepromio.,.
Allcock's Com Shields,
Allcock's Bunion Shieida.
Hay. an equal as a relief and curs for corns
Brandreth's Pills
relieve lndigesUon, boweL liver and
kidney trouble, Absolntely pure?
W E Howe, the treasurer, who stole
8000 from one of the Southern Oregon
WUUWGW UM wr-Kun ihihb ion far
dence nt Salem, lie should srve bis term
out, and yet there will be nientlv of men to
sign a petition lor fcis pardon inside of a
montn. ji an men tbe omcial who robs
his counly deserves to be obliged to re
main in we pnn as long as sent ior.
I be 101 low 10 (7 was received br a vounir
lady 01 aiem from one ot the members of
the coming legislature: "I will be over at
oaiem about January 0, prepared to endure
a sietre of applications tor clerkahin. Tbe
yoong lady who secures my endorsement
ior a position most be very homely.
Cross-eyes or a wart on the nose will not
disqcalif j. fhe must not flirt with me
that will not be permitted. I am not suit
ing myself in these requirements by any
means. My wife is tbe party to be suited,
01 courre. it will be an awful cross to
bear, but 1 mut be brave under the cir
cumstances. I trust I bare your sympathy
ia nsj cane.
Tbs Norths est Magazine tells of the dis
covery tij a m 1 ani man which will, no
doubt, make him famous. It is nothing
more nor less than a mixtnr of nowerful
drugs and has the power, when applied to
any part of tbe clothing, to disinfect the
space of four feet in every direction from
where it is located. It has the appearance
of a piece of beeswax and when placed nn-
uer a powenui class can he metn to move
and Contract and expand like some living
unng. tne discoverer tested it by placing
a piece of it on his coat lapel and going
among smallpox patients four weeks ago.
80 far he is all right and the discovery bids
fair to revolutionize the matter of disin
fection and do away entirely with vaccina
Tbs meanest man on earth was found
st the Methodist church last niaht. B
dropped a counterfeit iO cent piece into
lue contribution plate and took oat fortv
cents change in food Cain. Astoria
One bat to keep their eyes open not
to get taken ia nowadays. The Syrian
peadier who tooled people throuzh tbe
valley was a good one. He was well
acquainted in Palestine snd ejnld
laminar names in e way to decent any
lbs Eugene Guard say t: "A gentle
man called at this office this morning
snd wanted an Ashland paper, to as to
look np a firm dealins in seal ratals
tret city, at be uttered to do some busi
ness in tbat line in Jackson county
However, be could not find a tingle ad
vertisement in tbat line ot basinets in
either of tbs papers of tbat city, and bo
was ditensttd and deebved if Ashland
bsd any real estate agents they were not
of tbs enterprising kind and bs did not
cars to have sucb persons to do business
for bim and selected an attorney in tbat
section instead." He wbald bare met
with tbe same experience if he bad been
looking towards several other valley
. . ,i . . . . . -
sowns. An luem .a suggested ior bust'
nees men generally.
Evidences of hard times continue. Near
ly S40.00O was recently paid to wee a foot
ball game; as moth has been offered for
pru fijrht: a California man is building
several $ej dog booaea and Koseoursr peo
pie tiiis week paid fflJl to see tbe iurx
lan IMItt.
On beinsraaked bv a Post reporter what
be weald do when bis term of o&oe
pired. Governor Pennover said. "I did in
tend to saw wood, bet 1 don't weUeve that
1 can End any wood to saw as long as we
uy on a gold basts." 1 be sovernor
never opens his month rules hs cava
something over tbe average.
The Solo Press ravt its comnliraents fo
tbe Albany foot ball team as follows: The
Albany kickers (loot ball team) are just
ordinary common country kici-rs. not even
good as the arerase mpoim. n ben
they met Salem's aaeniific kickers mn'
who have made kicking a specialty wbo
know all the latest kicking tactics, they
were not in it, at all.
AnouVr srarnteg comes to newspaper
men wit to ne plate matter: The Budget
rays: Tne liodset reornuy printed a
"plate article which evidmuy reflected on
tbe brestftmakintr batiaest, to judge from
the amount of chin-mosie we have heard
about it since from the bakers. One, a
silly drank who works in tbe Doctor's
bakery, went so far that it was necessary to
forcibly eiVct him from tbe ofice. It be
hooves pubUttets of "scrap-iron matter
to look a lee-lie end. they are getting ten-
Brown Sentenced
Roseat g. Or- Dec. sist. 1:45, p m
1 p m todsv wss the time set for the sec
tence bring passed upon Samuel G Brows
lor murder. J-jdge Foaerton semeuced
him to hang Friday February 15th, 1S94.
between the hours of 6 acd 7 am.
Will b Sentenced.
RosEscao, Or , Dee. 20th, lg4.
Judge Fullerton today overrsled motion
tor. new tnal in Browns murder case
Brown will be sentenced tomorrow at I
P in.
NESS. He Fully Verifies a Disputed
World's Fair Award.
John Boyd Thatcher is laconic and de
cisive in his statements. Imrins the
lively campaign just closed in New l ork
this marked bim esoeciallv as chairman
of tbe Democratic State Committee.
was equally true cf him as chairman of
the r xrcuurs committee on Awarut at
the World's Fair. This is the positive
and sententious way in which Its vermes
in an official letter, tha honors won ty
Ir Price's Baking rower: "1 lineby
enclose yon an omcial copy of your
award, which in due ttme will be m
scribed in the diploma and forwarded
Thus the question respecting the award
raised by an envlont hew York rival, it
seined beyond cam. This same rival
by tha way it widely advertising sn
award for - itself. The official records
prove this claim wholly false at they
thow the Kew York pretender was not
to much as an exhibitor at tbe World's
Startlary at Crawls fans.
Grants Pass. Or.. Dec 21. Thieves
entered Jewell & Dodge's hardware
store in tins city last night, Their en
trance was effected bv takins- a nane nf
glass from a back door, and unbolting
the door. Three electric lights were
burning in the store, one of which the
burglars turned off. A YinchMter
ritie, a double-barrel shotgun and three
fine revolvers were taken, nothing else
rciug imweu. io ciews nave oeen 00-
tamed of the guilty ones.
Mr W Gi fiord Nasn prooutes to res n me
giving lessons on ths Albany
on Thursday afternoon, and Friday morn
ing of each week. He will be found at
the residence ol Mrs Willis Nash, corner
01 rounn ana Montgomery streets, w here
icrms can Le ascertained and arrange
ments made. Mr W Glfford Nash has
recently returned from a course ot nearly
four years study st Letpatg. Germany ; one
rear. in the conservatory, and the real of
the time at a private pupil of Herr Pro
teasor rvrause.
Tne Latest Ntvrt ia that Julins Grad-
wohl is doing btu.ness in his new ouart-
era. the old Post Office and Odd Fellow's
building and Opera House, and to give
an introduction to his new store, he will
ell the following goods for net cost only.
1 box full weight Savon soap 83 cb, 2
oxfts French tnrdinea 23 els. Oysters 10 cts
r can, Aroancie and u coffee cts o,r
d all otbv goods told! as low as any
u ss on this votWt.
Only one grade of Photos
at Tinkles;
$70 00 per
different s!se from $t ay to
dos. , Cabinets l, Jo up. , ;
Shlloh's Cure, the great cough and
croup cure, la In great demand. Pocket
else contains twenty-five doses only 35c.
Children love It. Sold by druggists.
Peaee assured.
WssntsoTow. T. C. TW 91 r;;..
ienby cabled the at at .Wawn.
day that the Chinese eovemment hse
appointed two peace commissioners,
Chang Yin Huan and Shao. who will
irroceeaatoncern their mission from
renins; to the JananeM Caniral TV.
state department officials rrreserm the
customary reticence as to their official
anowierjgeo: Chang Yin linen's de
parture irom Peking to sue for peace.
Three Bwraes ! Weatb.
" . , . - r t -v .
rw. lai.. iiec. zi-At ton mm.
utee aftea three o'clock
lamp exploded in tbe old Philadelphia
house, known as the Sailors' Home,
located on George street, near the wharf,
Jack J-inn, proprietor of the hotel. John
oeu anu ueorge Joslyn, three of 12 men
sleeping in tbe house, were burned to
aeatn. the rest escarjed with thir
lives. The .bodies were rtia.
figured, the limbs being totally burned
off. Finn and Bell were both
war s men.
sailer aaS Sassller.
SSRIJtOTOjr. Dec. 21. Adruva from
ew errs, state that $1,400,000 in acid
today withdrawn from the nh-
treasury. which leaves the true amonnt
of the gold reserve S8.900.310. Since
December 1 the withdrawals amount to
28fii6Jia, ot which, so far as known
leas than $7,000,000 were intended for
export. Tbe cash balance in tbe treas
ury today was f lointa.
A TUUaaeas Act.
BinxiXGHAV. Ala.. Dee.
Brundie yeeterdar. W llton Bowden. 1
years on, nred s shotgun through a
window into tbe Pea River schoolhooae.
A panic followed. Teachers and xmrjUs
bleedine and screemine. nmheil rrrpr
each other, f our rmDila were falallT
wounded, rereral others received
night wounds.
QnsxT.IU., Dec., 21-Frank Tram
duu, an attorney, who was present
the Council BluSt bank when Clerk
Huntington shot two detectives snd
himself, has become insane, the attack
auiaingiuaiBi uie.ecomD Hotel en
route to his old home at Keoknk. It is
thought his mind was shattered by the
w . sue smna
The WaeftnaVel.
Losdox, Dec 20. Important dis
patches have been received here tonight
from Tokio. indiratine elearir tbat
ticallT, the war between China and Ja
pan is ended. Whatever instructions
nave been conveyed to the eommandor
of the respective military and naval forces
irom me governing powers ot the t
empires is not told in tbe advices, bot
assurances are given in quarters known
to be thoroughly cognizant of diplomatic
affairs that the emperor of China has
been prevailed upon to have commiss-
looers sent to Japan, and that these en
voys have such power of eooceteion as
wtu without docbt enable them' to bring
a boot an immediate and thorough end
of hostilities.
tats erSSMw.
AsnuLSD, Or.,- Dec 30. The heavy
storms of the past week have left lots of
snow in the mountains and high lands of
rwmera vregon and dortbern tor-pi-.
On the tooth tide of the Siskiyons,
in i e 3iocnt Missta secUon, there is a
depth of five or six feet along the rail
road. The road has been kept clear.
wiocgn, wna dock plows.
Waal a raws.
Washinctox, Dee. 30. Senator Squire
has offered an amendment to Wilton's
amendment to the army bill .a ppropriat
ing ioO.OUO to begin- work on the Spok
ane mihtary post. Squire consulted
Generals SchoSeid and Otis and found
that they had no desire to disturb Walla
n alia or ancocrer; that both these
points were especially important to the
military estabUehment. lnbots, oppo-
huou 10 nusoas amenament is that
Fort Sherman will Le abandoned.
Rons, Dec 30. A dispatch from Has-
towah, Egypt, announces that six com
panies of Italian trocpe, under command
of Major Teeseli, defeated the Arabs ves-
lero&y near naiai. a large number o
natives were kihed. The Italian force
tost 10 killed and 33 wounded. It was
composed entirely of native soldiere,
drilled and ofheered bv Italians. It is
believed thiavktorv will prevent anv
further intrigues on the part of Abrssn
ians. A CUM Baraee to BWlaw
Cnsnaiis, Wash., Dec. 30. A S-vear-
oid son of Frank Richards, of this dace.
was Duroea so ondiv vesterdav afternoon
. ... .
that he died last night. The mother had
gosje out to mUk and "eft this bor and a
hairy in chare of another child aboat 5
years c4d. Tbe children played with the
ore in me store and tbe clothes ot this
one caught fire.
WasatsoTOX, Dec 30. Advices from
the sub-treasury at jfew York, state that
s-vA.vuj in com was withdrawn today. ol
which $330,000 was intended for export.
There was also a gain of $lSd,000, which
leaves Ins true amount of gold reserr
pl.Srl. The cash balance was 15t,
A CMwee Cerek Tractwtjr.
CatnxaCasxc, CoL.Dec 19. Rich
ard Xewell, jr., chief engineer and soper
intendent of the Midland Terminal rail-
roaVi. was shot and killed this afternoon
bv W. A. an Houten, near Anaconda
City. well's private car was attached
to a work train which was stopped at the
caoin ocrupiea vt 1 an nouten ana nis
partner. The cabin is located on the
righs-of-eay, and is within six feet of
the track. eweu entered the cabin.
serving the occupants with written no
tice to vacate. A dispnte and hhrh words
followed, Newell told Van Houten to put
down his stun and fight like a man. Van
Houten s onlv replv was to aim at New-
! t . "r.u Y? . .
w b uraik wuu uib luiotgun. tne con
tents lotip'ng in the victims side, result-
iug ufiJLuy.
A ttmlU Twwa.
MnxvnxE, . J., Dec 19. Tbe settle
ment ot Halberton. in the lower
Cumberland county, was seised by Sher-
u puiuu yesteruay, wnen He made a
levy in foreclosure nroreilinm
large part of the property. The town ia
nearly deserted, only a few families liv
ing there. The clock tactorv, which has
been the chief support ot the town, has
?cn cioeeu. hearty an tne tne inhabi'
tants have moved to ew York. Thr
are 00 nouses there.
tw Aa r Thieres. .
Kassas Cmr, Dec. 19. The trial of
Montcomerv H. Lewis for embcxxlin?
$111,000 fxxm the Lombard Investment
Company, was begun at Independence
today, the time being consumed in se
curing a jury. It was Lewis who. with
H. W . Lee Russell, treasurer of the
Lombard com pan v, in 1S92, stole an ag
gregate of 1111,000 from the company
and fled to Mexico.
Serve sn Blabs,
Oc.vla, Fla., Dec 19. William Jones,
a negro boy, aged 16, was lynched near
here vesterdav lor ravishinjr Miss San
derson, a white girl, ased 13. The negro
was taken from theotiicers by a mob and
suspended from the nearest tree. The
girl was terribly injured.
A rwr Bask.
Siocx City, Ia., Dec. 19. Two masked
men went to the house of John Collins
last night, and at the point of guns made
him cive them $4100 in gold he had con
cealed. He kept the money in the house
because his wife, who is suing for a di
vorce, and alimonv, has attached all his
property she could find.
A Sew t)rder.
Bitfalo, K. Y., Dec. 19. About 25
delegates, representing as manv lnd
ot Knights of Pythias, met at the Gene
see hotel last night and formed a new
order, to be known as the Improved
Order of Knights of Pythias.
Broad heed ( lamctownl draaa irooda
atylUh. well finished, serviceable, chesp
I W Bntley will repair children a ahnea
sfier chool and have them ready for the
cext day.
D.- G W Maston, physlctan and turpeon
Calls answered promptly In city or
country. 1
1 fe jL
Hea4 and Seadp Saw wfth
Places Size of Silver Dollar. Va
rious BesneeUns only easmed rresh
Breptloss Applied CXTICX'KA
ChaBge in Tweaty-fbwr Honrs.
Perfect Care la Two Weeks.
Kt ifttJo no, a-f! tfcnw. was w-y amdi
with a t.-rjVim; am on tk svaiw
km ear. ptarm aSoe-ed werw
a:xn aa ianrs in s r.'iver d Kbj; tne fteaa
ara-l raw an4 eMtred wttb little Muter.
eJ ild n11?T'ji u'tAitieTalAj, ac4 waa nas.
wnliy -TT fr-.;sl. I mA kicoI r iiM.ltr.
wiio 4tuMur.:nc say fcerKAdal rcwalu; iw
lart tli eru,iutt MiutA to b afgadi;
and rtKw phv- lreaWiu mat. cObetarM u
Uy th Cnact a Krnrjn. 1 wxaae thw .
affn4 part w ub tlM Ct; nrrat r..p, tak
3C care wot ut Irrsute tbe Cab, aiut xiifittA
CxTUxnx. I MKked a eb3r for tee better
ta tbe appearxare t1 ibusemtAtons ia twenty,
fmr boon, and in r-r.t week tbe eropiram
entirely lwaT pear4. bearing Use afcte smaatb :
asd tbs aeap Oraa; ia tat a frfeet eerw,
a I ha, hoc aen mnj mdicauon f mtj
erptioa or bmkinc act lim. I ost. tbe
ebiid only a few rime, of tin Craci aa kaw
o(.rz3T. leowaiueryoarCCTVtrKA Kcaav
n very yalwabkn. I beibrr. Cmct'SA
oal4 beezeetient lorawptytce ta tmert, bitew,
Wbieb are verr ann'inar IB tc enwatry.
C A. XiMaTtUiXQ, gwUt laiaad, 5. C.
Sold diiuaawmit ibe world. Prle.Ct,'is- aA,
SSc; Soar.Xie.; Kaocyxvr,tl. rWrtsalmce
a Lwaa. uoar., ex
per r.".orjTH
In Your Own Locauty
msoe easily snd bonorabry, wtthcat capi
tal, dorina yoer spare boors. Any 1
woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand
ily, without experience. Talking- sub
Becessary. KoUdog like it for mo;y
making ever offiered before. Onrwortexw
always prosper. Xo time wasted a
learning tbe boshaess. We teach yon is
a nigbt bow to succeed front the Cr
honr. Ton can make a trial w3boal rt
penstoyoarself. We start ytm. fanus
everythins; needed ta carry oa the bww
ta successfully, and guarantee ye,
against failure if you 'at fo'Jow of
yoa ere In need ef ready money, ant
want to know all about the best partus
bostwess before the public, send as ynTT
aadress, and we will malt yoa a
nest giving yoa all the pamcslus
Augusta, Maine.
Ltnnbago. Scl&tlca.
Kidney Complaints
Lame Back. &Gk
cs. uzzivz Eucnis tm
S4N, MWLwl Paaiseac..
ko. ITS Ftrm btnri. J-KTaAJaaS Ctv
boaFObtaa. 8C?. BCsVwa afcaaavnna,
Pullman Sleepin? Cars,
Elegant Dini g Cars,
Tourist Sleeping Oars
St Paul
TO Grand Forks
Helena and
New York
Boston and all
Points East and South
For information, time cards, maps and
tickets call oa or write C G Burkhart,
Agent. Albany, Or.
Or A D Chariton. Ast Gen Fast Agt,
Portland, Oregon,
Druggists and Booksellers
Acetdsfor John B. A Idee "a puMW 'tor
ka we sell at pcbllaer piea.w -
Send for
SS.OO to ti e.00 pee rv
selling Lightning Plater and plating jew
elry, watches, tableware, etc. Sverr
house bat goods needing plating. i
perience;no cspiul; no talkinsv Sauiw
agents are mak'ng $15 a day. Permanent
astttott Address H K Delno & Co, Co
mbus, Onio.
ClitOICEn HUS1.-3 PalYS
if yoewse tbe rstatwaS
lfbatara S BraaScia.
stake money while I
wners are wasting I
tune bv old erocnews.
Catalrujt.ll. .U .Km.. I L 1 AS Paw
tt.ariddacribMnrTv i V Illustrated :
article needed Ha- tbei Catakjne
poultry basiaeaa. ruem.
nerbanicanr the beat
wheel. Precise -lw.
nr. Padnc Coast
Amata. Binrcls) eata-
fttl1ctfiliJtriM I if b&.
MTAtOMA ntCrjSAToa IetsJmssaXat.
BsLawoa Uucu, aj a Mia St-, Lea Amjrelea.
r. tr Ke n secern tiaiaiig trwave
Hart Perfect llnis.
MPMnuTSat :
ri' lrSavrSr?atoSrMiar?iJ
a til fcyar. ac Tsm imetrm Scfi aaan
i.J asMMMMa alt wdMK. cvras m
I lySaaSy Bnar nr w tmU. t l,Wm.w an4
w. i.i aot aw a-ira Simw mr a car. 7
n. ha Sam cw bv taaa i ai I. iiw
.Sot- aa Mbv t.vftn tiM. sad wm SawaSaWJ.
ov r. aias i i m surraac sai i sai . Ckw
,r C!W4 wna awm. raia waA
.ii imaaiusTiiM.wia
1? r.-Tra,-i-
v" wSswaw