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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1894)
Wfa 'BtmmL WtLf Democrat. $1.75 per year a aavancc, . z.oo at eno 01 year. Miss Gussie Lsyton, of Portland !a in tne city lor me Holidays. Ira M Turner hag purchased the Boyes urea maraet on erry street. MTBd MfB Rohert TTnalnn nt fVr.l iis, are in me city lor Christinas. fc - - v VUI mown or so ago, has returned home. .Prof- White, the efficient principal of the Tangent public schools is in the city. Dr John Geisendorfor, of Arlington, arrived in Albany this noon for the hoi idaya. Mi Orva Turner, eon of Mr Dovnes Turner, ot Pendleton, is in the city for the holidays. License was issued today for the mar riage of "Wm A Mathews and Louis A Fairbanks. Jf'iss Mabel Bronner, the Kindergar tener, went to Portland this noon to spend the holidays. . County Treasurer R G Brown, is in Albany visiting relatives and w ill Christmas here. Prof. C. W. Mullin the popular school teacher of Jordan is in the citv swnriJiw - m uuuuay vacation. r n 1 . . . 'r 1 tni -raw nas a erupted a posi tion as engineer on tne west iue, and will move with his family to Portland to reside. Frank Hastings and H W White came in from the Santiiam mines Saturday evening by way of Sweet Home. There was a foot of enow at the mines. Messrs Knox BaightanJA J Anslyn arrived in Albany this noon from their several months residence in Missouri as happy as two school boys at being at home again. - - " J A Gross and wife after spending several days in Ashland for their health, returned to Albany Monday. They will move to Ashland to live. Ashland Record. The Salem Statesman's type-setting machine made that paper say recently, in speaking of the death of Mr Koch : "He was one of the oldest and most re spected citisens of Seattle, a nervy scoundrel," which beats a blunder In the Democrat a few months ago License wa3 issued today for the mar riage of Mr W H, better known as Jack, Warner, and Miss Bertha Kiefer. The event is to take place tonight, when the fcaopy couple will begin housekeeping at once on Ferry street, between Second and Third. The Statesman, a few days ago stated that Mr Allen Cook, of Salem had gone to San Francisco, and was there to be married to Miss Grace Bashnell of this city. This is news to Miss Bnshnell who has heard nothing of a wadding in which she is to take so prominent a part. The Ktatesman evidently was mistaken. Eugene Register. WrKDnnsirk. an Aihqnv hanker in th city on business. M r Cnsick says that the residents of Albany feel greatly encouraged by the sale of the Oregon Pa cific to. Bonner & Hammond, who ex pect to extend the line far enongh east to tap the populous plains of Eastern Ore gon. Oregon ian. " Evangelistic Services CosTnrcsD- as naa Deen announced uirongb tee pa pers and irom tne pulpit tbat the evan gelistic meetings held in the United Presbyterian church would close tn Sabbath evening. Many persons have looked with regret opon this step, as the last few evenings have been attended with special results, and the interest manifested on Saturday evening, canted those who conduct these services to pan se and reflect upon the expediency of closing. It was thought when these meetings opened that the time was very onpropritions, yet notwithstanding all outside attractions, the Lord has aignally blessed the preaching of His Word to the conversion of souls, and to the uplifting of His people. Therefore, after considering all the obstacles stiU in the way it was decided to continue the services for a time t least. Last night's results proved the wisdom of the decision as four souls were born into the Kingdom and others are almost per suaded. Services will resnme Tuesday evening at 7:30. Let all who can come. What Will Be Dose. A good many think the sale of the Oregon Pacific to Hammond and Bonner shonld be con firmed. It probably will be. It leaves certificate holders out; but it looks very much now as if that was inevitable. :Mr Bonner one of the purchasers states dis tinctly that it will be the policy of the new owners to. keep np tne road and ex tend it into Eastern Oregon. They rid icule the numerons rumors about what they would do if they once got hold of the property. The O P is too valuable a proposition to be dropped. It is bound to go eastward .and it looks very much as if the nev men would get it there at a nick as any body. The sale will come np for confirmation before Judge Fnl lerton at Corvallis on January 10. A UxcbuaL. Result. The Eugene Rezister tells of the following interest init medical case : Mrs Alice Miller of this city has been troubled for a long time with a cystic ovarian tnmor, and has been confined to her bed with the same for fifteen months. Dr Brown has been attending her, and wanted to per form an operation'to remove the tumor. but she would not permit of it. It grew to an enormous size, and be cave her medicine which had a Undency to de stroy the tumor, easing her troubie as much aB possible. Auout a week ago the tumor bnreted and the fluid passed out through the natural channels, and the enlargement due to the tnmor has entirely disappeared and there is a good prozpect that the lady will not be troubled with it any more. ADiactsstojr. Tallman Literary Soci ety last Saturday evening discussed ihe (Question: Resolved. That U S Senator rsnouid be elected br popu'ar vote. Af (firmative.F M MfcUiland E E rlanemsck. Negative. Prof Sevan and r K Frost (Oueitson was decided In favor of affirms 4ve by a unanimous vj'.e. Criri'-traa tree el Tallroan to night i J a gcoJ pro gram U prepared. Ivy Poisoning Eight Years of Suffering Perfect Cur by Hood's Saraaparllla "a Z. Hood Co., LowaO, ltass.1 " Dear Blrsi Ws have trtsd Hood's Samps, rilla mi find It to be all you claim lor it. Mi r wtts wa poisoned by ivy when a young woman. and for eight years was troubled every ssasos Hood'sCurcs with tbe breaking oat sad terrible ttcbingand burning. Ithouihthers wasas bad a ease as anyone ever had. She was Id this distressing condition every year until aha began to take Hood's Sarsapartlla, which has effected a per. feet euro, without leaving any sears, and she baa had - . . No Sign of tho Poison Since-. She is well and hearty. I have taken Hood' Sarsaparilla alter the grip with good results, and have also given it to our four children. "Pa art all pictures of perfect health and owe it to Hood's fjarsaparUla." J. C. IaZXAir,Van da$!"fa. it ran deelds to take Hood's Sarsnpa. rilla do not Se induced to buy any other Instead, Hood's PUIS are hand nude, and perfeot In proportion and appeiiranca. 860. par boa. Will Make Things Hum. The Corvallis Times says : Mr Bonner, the man who made the only bid is an elderly man of perhaps sixty, who came to Trie Dalles, Uregon, in tne year its, and resided there for several years. Later he drifted north-eastward to g ow up with Missoala, Montana, where with hie partner. A B Hammond, he is the owner of vast property including a three story brick block in the heart of the city, and saw mills at Bonner, Montana, thut cut SOO.OOO feet of lumber daily. His firm built five branch lines of - railroad feeders tor the Northern Pacific, aggre gating about 250 miles of line, and next April will begin the construction ot a railroad from Goble. where the North -ern Pacific crosses the Columbia to Astoria. Mr Bonner spends his winters , in New ork city and the summer sea son in Missonia, where he has a very tine home, tie said that in case his people became the owner of the O P. that all its operations would be looked after by Mr Hammond, whom he declar ed to be a much more active man, re marking in conclusion, "If Mr Ham-' mond comes down here and takes hold of the road he will make things bum." it the sale is confirmed, l shall be here again in April, and then I will go on an inspecting tour through eastern Oregon and if there is promise of business the road will cross the mountains, and be built just as far as tbe business will justify, to transcontinental connections if need be.' Mr Bonner laughed at the report afloat to tbe effect that his peo ple wanted the material in the roadbed of the O P to use on the Astoria-tioble road. It the sale is confirmed the creditors of the receivorehip will receive practic ally nothing for their claims. Since the road went lato the hands of a receiver in October 1S90 a debt of something like f .,115,000 has been piled up against it. About $300,000 of this amount is in re ceiver's certificates issued by Col Hogg, $-31,000 is in certificates issued during the Hadley receivership and the balance is in pay rolls, vouchers, legal expenses personal claims, etc Employes in this city, as well as at telegraphic points along the line are innifferent about the confirmation. For a Creamery. J A ArchiboTd is working up the creamery proposition to be submitted to oar citizens. He is posting the follow ing notice through the city and county: On next Thursday, the 27th inst, at one o'clock p na, there will be a meeting held at the Court House in Albany for the purpose ot taking steps to organise a Co-Operative Creamery Co, at or near Albany, for the manufacture of batter and cheese. A proposition will be made by Messrs Cased y & Stephens, repre senting Baker & Hamilton, of San Fran cisco, to build and equip a plant for ns that will ntilize the product of from 1, 000 to 1,500 cows. A factory complete in every del ail; something that all peo pie for miles aronnd would feel proud of Furthermore, a factory whereby we can market all our products of. the soil we own for cash, and that cash comes to ns every 30 days. We will start the sub scription on that day, and hope that ail will take a small interest and make it sure to go. We want the farmers to brirg their wives and daughters out next Thursday, the 27th, at 1 o'clock, p m.and let tnem see tbat home made butter has been an unusual lot ot extra drudgery and that can In very few instance be sold at any profit. The skim miik is used in profitable cheese, an article that will pay tne running expenses ot tbe factory. If you don't believe it come out on the above date and we will give you a piece to try, tbat is made in your neighbor hood. Remember we want tbe women folks to come and eat and skim milk cbeeese and talk creamery with pa. bj order 01 Uommittee. A MERRY CHRISTMAS. The Wm M Hoag was In the city today It is now running lor the Onion Pacific. According o cuMorn nc paper will be Issued from this office Christmas evening. You can get eggs at Julius Gradwohl's for so cents, cheapest piace in the city. That's enough tur egg. P J Smiley has enlarged his job offices and now use two front rooms, three In all. in th Flinn block. He has one of the best job offices in lht valiey. A Slskoyou dispatch says: Tbe snow fall here during the last five days meas ures exactly nin'y-tix inches, and traffic on the Oregon division of the Southern racinc railroad ts cotnplete'y blocked An Albany man who has just returned from the middle east and who has been 11 over tbe coaat.taT the Oregonian wno leaves this for anr other state snakes a b!g mistake. That Oregon is the best of anv of them. At (he annual city election cf PrineviKe the following onager were elected : Pres ident ot tbe council, W A Booth; alder man, Med Vanderpool, S I Belknap, E J -X vhite and Frank Frine; recorder, M H Bell; treasurer, -John Templeton; City Atty, W A Bell; Marshal, Joe Dobson. Old fashioned trees will prevail in tbe festivities to-night. The Presbyterian, Cumberland Presbyterians. Cnlted Pres bvterians, Congregatiopists and Baptists will have a iree.aod the Methodists a fire far as reported to the Democrat . 10 morrow night the U r Mission school will have a tree; each with appropriate exercises. Kept His Wobd. A year ago Uncle BUlr Wrieht. of Salem, attended tbe Oujreyational school in this city, and offered 1 to every member of tbe &choul who attended every Bundiy in the year. Yesterday be was prsent at the school to keep bis word. It only cost him 51. He baa made tbe promise several time. and tbe most it ever coat bitu at one time was $3. Probate Record. In estate of Sarh Averill bond of $3000 aonroved. . : . In estate of P H Wigle petition for order to sell real estate set for hearing on Jan 12. In guardianship of Lewis Cox 8th annu al account filed. In estate of John Pagan W C Morgan was appointed administrator. Bond tlSOO. Appraisers appointed, towit: S Fromao, M Scott and frank Fro man. Thu is a great scheme, this running hol iday editions of newspapers by women. bo do all tbe work, rustling, etc ihe Examiner started the ball rolling, and the Salem Statesman follows suit, a'i for charity ostensibly, but really simply a news paper scneme. The Weather. ror Wednesday aiternoon end lot ri- dav, Dec 26 and 27, fair, slightly cooler r Id r rench, dijpiayroan. r HIS is a ear - Ot ecocomy When every thing mutt be made to count. Pardcular! in buying Chrie'mss pres ents; but a year can only be closed - well, even a quiet one, by remembrances for ones children and friends. Foshay & Mason, As in the past, will lead with lht. larg est assortment of suitable Holiday goods In the cftv. They have a f plendit! Un of albums, toilet cases, r,;jnrfard and o.iirr t-ooks lor old ana young, B!o;es, peri'jmes, and many novelties- rnces win suit tne tim.:s atdfcc made tIsfactory to every body. II. Ewert. the Albany Jeweler. . Choice atscrtments of Udfes and gents wa'.chcy Prlcts lower than ever. ' -r Drop into French's jweiry tore m;d spend a fetv nnutc , looking at the display 'lot. Christmas ' gooJ. If vM) CJi-t yoi nothing and -u wf! b; rriJ'.;e Mricuir.o. . . - . ... I have mor.-iy in loen-rt K "d ,".ra land fn Linn and Beaton counties in urns not over 3vno. No de.ays 111 fur nishing the coin . . Call unCG Iim ka""-, Albany, Oregon. Alto money to lon 011 city properlyjin any amount on long (ir at a low rate of Litereat. SOME CHRISTMAS GIFtSj We wish every body a merry Christ mas, particularly if they deserve it. If they do not deserve it let them put thmselves in the right condition. We would like to present the following pres ents: . To Uncle Sam, an antidote for bard times. To Oregon, a reliable immigration, better prices for cereals, more confi dence, and more business. To Portland, her long sought govern ment building. To Salem, another state building and a cure for lying. To Corvallis. a sure rnle for winning at foot ball. To Eugene, another chair for her University. xo tioseburg, a bill for an extension to her Soldiers Home. To tbe Santiam mines, a live mining excitement with a big pUnt in operation and millions of gold in sight. To the Oregon Pacific, a rushing ex tension into i-astern Oregon. To Newport, some big sums er resort hotels and thousands ot visitors. To the farmers, 75 cents for their wheat. To Albany, active business, broad faces, a railroad to Astoria, more fac tories, more relf supporting people, few er growiers and tuckers, and less moss. Christmas Rhyme Folks. For Little BV WM BAWSOS.' We sat by the Christmas log In the hall, as we'e sat before. And the winter's wind was sighing. We wsre talking of little friends N hen we thought we heard at the door, or the old year then was dying. A rusthngr o strange, very strange, The fire wouldn't burn at all bright. And voices we'd not heard before, So hollow and fearful, and then. strange footsteps, now heavy, now lijcht, iiniigouum oangcilue door. And then all tor awhile was still. w vuu-es, no step, no sound ; And we trembling crept to the fire, For we knew th olil mf iinn And wou'd soon be laid in the ground; We claep'd onr hands and got Hither. Fo; 5n Ue next rocro we could hear The niacin? un( Oh! was it a coffin we heard T And then, oh ! har.4i 0.11 The sound of hammer, of knocks. ne treniDied, not a finger we stirred. For we heard some one heavily breathe. As it 'twere an uM man 1in The patter of feet, then the lid rast tbe Ball door the coffin was borne " heard sobs and some one crying au me yuie log suddenly slid. The out door was closed with a bang, e screamea ana rushed on: to bed. And both lti asleep crying, With Uie clothes pulied over onr bead. Ana areamt ot tbe o.d )car dying:. But oh ! broke a lovely morn, Tbe birds were merVilv ainoinv In a sparkling raiment of wnue The new year so bonny had come. And the joyous bells were r.nKlng ; " o eiapp a aaoas ana were wild with delight. And threw open the folding doors And offered oar thanks on high. That so bonny a year should have come And we all of nswifhed irom our hearts That this one might never die. And we'd always find it a borne; With plenty of laurel and flowers. And holly with berries so red, And we'd have the mutletoe bongb. And we'd take good care Like the poor old year, The new one didn't go dead. For we'd keep a good lire, yon know. And plenty of nice things to eat And some of papa' hoe old ale-. And we'd give it bis big top coat. And grandma should knit it some eocks. Ana whenever we tbongbt it looked pain Pnt onr mufflers round its poor ituoat; Then send for good old Dr Xobie, He'd soon make it better, we know, He d soon make it laugh so heaty. And Hector, you know, moan't bark. So we'd get Tom to take bint below; And then we'd have such a nice party. When the new year got better and strong e'd have all onr old friends again. And dance with ah, we shaat tell who Then Katie, wont we be to glad, Yen know pa eaye, "there's nothing in vain," And yon see, Katie, now vu proved true. Iben let's sine to the bonny new year, A new song to the bonny new year, That came in its raiment so white, And wish from oar hearts oa its bead May come no sorrow, nor tear, Ihat ita days may be merry and bright. Albany, Ore, Dec, 181. Face powders at Fred Dawson's In first class jeweicrr, waicbeg, clockr, sliver ware, gold headed canes, etc, Wii and Stark take the l-ad. Prescriptions filled at Dawson's You can buy Christmas presents fram a5 cents vp. at F M French's jewelry ttore. Silverware, spectacle, Cocks and optic al goods. II Eweut, jeweler, Hi.ii'k' rrhitfs U DKtKCKlKtS. llANlKER:;.;r.- at S E Young's JtWKLRY, LSiri lsdirs novelties. Oianr.ortd goods, li Eweit, jet.chr. Tbe largest And btt Slock i t HOLIDAY GOODS. In Altw.y At FOSIIAY it MASON'S. PRAISE, ONLY, 7BOB AXX, WHO USB AYER'S air Visor "Ayer's preparations are too 6! Trell known to need any commeru i dation from me ; but I ieel com- Tipllfi to state, for tho benefit of X others, that six years ago, I lost o nearly half of my hair, and what J was left turned eray. After 5 Avar's Hair viiror several a months, my hair began to grow 01 again, and with the natural color J restored. I recommend it to all J my friends.'' Mrs. E. Fkavk- o uiTTSFR. box soSl Station C. Los o Angeles, uau Ayer's Hair Vigor ! O! rKETABKD BY S nn n avrn . M I fnaTI tw V O tin, J. lh 4ltn a vu,, wniiUf awn 0 eoooooooooooooooooooo00l WEIDlSrJLSr) "2" A Christmas Trip. It is only a small trip lo Portland and return in the tame day. People make it right along, and yet, a day spent that way is equal to several ordinary days. At least that is the way it seemed to the Man about Town who celebrated Christmas by doing Portland. Here is about the siae of it; riot nn a 3:30 o'clock upon information the night previous that tho train v ould probably be on time, loot tne motor to the depoti train one hour lutet waitnd an hour, train hour and forty minutes later. Waited sleepily until 7:40 when the train departed, Ex-Oovcrnor Moody, with a stove in his hat on board. Needed it for a fierce frost and big fog prevailed. Never opened his mouth on the senatorial ques -tion. A young Lutheran preacher and the conductor discussed warmly the question of taxation ot church property, leaving it as tbey began. Portland at 11 and nothing had happened heaw enough to drive a nail. A lunch at "The Hill," the swell boarding house of the city, Ex-minister to Turkey, D P Thompson and family being among the boarders. A hunt for Albany peocle; but everybody celebrating Christmas. Three acta of Rider Hagarus "She" t.t the Or phcum, a spectacled spectacular affair, in cidentally Will Davidson, Al lioenicke, Will Ktece. Ueo Humphrey, Judge Strahan Ri. hard Conn, Bert Veal, Frank Ulodgett and Wm Wolf former Linn county men were met. The Oregonian building in all its cold and marble grandeur was inspected in solitude without a sign of appreciation on tho part of the Catonic editor in chief. Wonderful building. Wonderful Scott! A warm greeting was given htm at the home of young men. the V M C A rooms. by the genial new sec relay and Mr Dumuiit, A crowd of voung men were having a so cial feast Notwithstanding the hard times the displays of holiday goods was large and elegant. Tbe display of meats at one market was simply enormous, one would judge enough to supply Albany with meat for a year, among other features being a bog weighing 1061 pounds and two black bears. The Man about Town believes he slate the truth when be says that Portland has felt the hard times more than any other city in the state. Tbe blow hat been ter- rinc it is Dei wr not to narrate- out sue will recover snd continue the leading city and metropolis of that part of the U S. extending frcn San Francisco to the North pole and from tbe racinc to Denver and fct Paul. At 6:15 in coin nan v with Prof Lillv Robertson, of Taooma. Dr W Kirk Price, of Seattle, and Dr J Terrene Tate, of Portland, the Man abeot Town started for home, making the trip kisurely hemmed in by umbrageous walls of darkness Ihe principal events were several heated dis cussi Dns between the conductor and a wo man who waa trying to pass her dangbter looking to be eighteen or nineteen on a half fare ticket, which she failed to do.and several men settling tbe labor question. Perhaps one is not sleepy when Albany is reached after eighteen boors of wakefut- CnRrvru is K'v x. The bells rang cot merrily on Christmas Eve and many chil dren ere made happy. Christmas trees now are devoted almost entirely, as they should b. to the children. There was a time in Albany when from SloOO to YJ0O0 worth of present were pot on a aingt tree; bat now the a'rankement is much more simple and appropriate. PreaenU for older people are given mostly at home wnue tne children rasa: nm at tne tree. Beginni ng at tne eastern end of the city tbe Cumberland Presbyterian 8 8 had a tree end Santa Clant, O w Willis, with s lire coon on bis back, at the Christian church a tree, at tbe Baptist church two trees and a manger, at tbe Evangelical church two trees, at tbe M t. church two trees and. a fire p'ace, with Earl Abbett as Santa Cua , at toe Catholic church high rum at mid night, at the Presbyterian charch a tree, a teUure of the exercues being tbe receipt of telegrams from Santa CUua announcing his coming, at the Congregatioual church a very pretty pine tie, at the U P church a tree, at all the churches appropriate ex ercises. Tat Evaxgsustic Services at tbe United Presbyterian church began again last evening with a large audience and most satisfactory results. Eight persona gave themselves to God, and others arose for prayers. Tbe sermon was well cako- lated to araoe tleepinj souls, to a sense of the price paid fur their ransom from sin. I ecus C hrist was neb. thoogn tor yoor sake be became poor that ye threngb his poverty might be rich."' Most eloquently did the speaker plead with those who had not been redeemed throagn toe riches 01 Hi grace, to lay hold noon the present OFportuniry. Service this evening at 70. Ail are cordially invited. Lome. WitisTBiWascs. A train wreck occurred near Tbe Dalles yesterday morn ing. Tbe west bound paaienger ran into a freight, telescoping several car. Tbe engineer of the freight Joe Reedy, was killed. A Democbat man rode in tbe next seat, in tbe overland frets Portland last sight, to a lady who was on the pass enger, and reported the wreck an exciting one in which she and her two little chil dren wore stirred up in s lively manner. One child's bead was bruised some. A Paralittic Stkoks. Mr Wm Rum Bangh,excounty commissioner, was on hi way d)n street yesterday from his subur ban home, and was passing ibe residence of Mr Ben Johnson, when taken with a paralytic stroke. Dr Wallace oat called and Mr Rumbaogh was ttken ia a hsca 10 hi home The stroke ts oniy a partial whl.e scr 031 1 not thought to be dangrus. Attention, Hospital CoRi-t The Hospital Corp. Second Reglment.Oregon National Guard will iwmbie at the Ar mory this Wednevlay evening, Dvc i&'.h 1894, at 7;3o o'c'ock for quarter Inspec tion and muster. By order of Surgeon. J Van WitsoN. Acting Hospital Stewa'd. TnE UusKiwo Bes will be presented at the opera house next Friday night by local talent. Thi will be full of fun, old fahioned, but lively. There will be some thing in it to interest every body. A geauine old faxhioned busking bee with songr. love rooking scene, etc. Do cot mis it. Ralhbone Sinters, Lady Maccibrea, l.'auglitert of RebeLah, Ladies oi Honor, Hitter of the Eastern alar, .You are all Invited lo call at F X French' jewtlhr store atd examine tltos emblem pin snd churrcs. They make very nice and approprliie CbrUtma pres ents. Don't B Afraid To Send the Children when you want anything in groceries from Parker Bros ciore, Tney will be waited upon just as promptly and just as 3? "cartf u)!y if you ent youiself. They will get just a much for the money. Reliable grocerle, fre!i nroduce, ; and first class baked goods. Gilt decorated 'draper crepe. laies novelty for drapery,- al S E Young's Thost gold sprctaclc and evceliisnes for $3 at French' jewelry store fill the bl 1 for a Christmas remembrance Kid glove are always acceptable Christ iriss present. S E Yountt crile a large line 01 1 entemerl and roster brands. What would be better for a Chilatmas -nreient than s pair of fine shoes, S E Young carries a large line of. them for men, women and cit'ldren. A table eei, c'orli nd i.apklnr, of fine llnan m,t.. .,.( . 1 ..A V V " V . V. . I.V t I U I. 111(11 't en. Jtxamtix? tho line of these goods carried by 2. e. Young. Genuine Diel Cat pet Sweeper 'a'ebyS E Yo'Uis. What would more appreciated by your wire for a CbrUtma present thin a "Superior" weeper. 1 j WILL A STARK.ttie iewele SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs Richard Conn, of Portland, is visit ing Albany mends. t. Prof D V 8 Reed, ot the Eugene school, came down una noon. Attorney Gsneral Chamberlain came up from t'ortland this noon. Marshal Lee celebrated Clrititmas by ap pearing in a uran new puuve uniiorin Charley Chamberlain, ot Portland, spent unristniai in Albany, tne guest ot Harry Cusicki Gen Comnson i in the city for the pur pose of inspecting the Hospital Corps, Kx-Sheriff W W Williams.wife and son. of Independence are in tbe city the guest of Kev D V Poling. "Uncle John.' who boa been an inmate of the Soldier Home several month, is in the city spending the holiday Mr and Mr Chos Kiefer went to Port land this noon, where Mrs Kiefer will be placed in the hospital for treatment. Mr Gene Simpson, of Corvallis, was in the city today on hi way to Hot Springs, Arc, for the benefit of hi health. MrJobnMedin went to McMinnville yesterday to visit hi daughter, the wife of one of the West Side conductors. General William Boo'b of the Salvation Army will probably go through Albany next Friday morning on the overland . Engineer Frank Craw reported to have accepted a position on the West Side will proikauiy remain in 11 prcKnv position on the Lebanon branch for some time if notfinB; Ya5?? mon . 01,1 c1u"in.,i; permanently Roy and Eluia Parker and lewie Clifton left vesterday for McMinnville to spend the holiday with Mr and Mrs W J Ortel. Paul Wallace, of Salem, and I.jle Speere, of the Albany College, went to ha- r oe thu nojn to visit with Rev and Mrs J Wilson. Mr and Mr A D Barker spent Christ mat evening in Salem with their daughter, Mr C ora Galloway, who ia greatly im proved in health. . Mr anJ Mr Leon Power and son re turned this noon from a Christmas trip to Salem, where they ate turkey with tbe former' parent. Tbe foot social given by the Albany Social Club last evening was a social sue cess. 'I he attendance was large and much enjoyment was experienced in selecting partner by the foot. HOME-AND ABROAD See '-Gale OUss Mounts" st Tinkle. Talk, and advertising is cheap but the fact can be beat obtained by cloe Insper. tion and comparing Tlnkk work with other 'Old fog) lm" and shabby work. such at ha been put off on the people toryear need protection. Only high grade work at Ttukle. The agent selling "osles Glat Mount ticket J not eli "give away beve! g!M back ploua." Goes Mount re f 2.00 each. Get cne free at Tinkle by buying a ticket of a genu That Jo) Kit Feeling. With the eahilerailng sense of renewed health and sirenght and internal cleanli ness, which follow the use of Sytup oi Fig, k unsown to the ( who have not pronrened bevond the od time medicine and the cheap ubt,tute sometime off ered but never accepted by the well la t or.t. . The Best Place. A Big SroCK to select from U an im portant thing in getting jewelry .that why you should call nn Will and Stark. Elegant sterling st'ver jewelry at WIS! a btark lo the late designs, and many ol them. ( the oet stock of spectacle and eye j gtauc in the city at Will Si Mark. 111 & Stark have the good roast suita ble tor h?idy presecu. Examine their stoca. Souvenir spoons at Wdl & Stark. Gold headed cane and roacy other thing just right for holiday remembran ce at Will & Surk. rio'UUy gooes at Hodge McFatland a below cost. While Drunk. r Ecgsxsj. Or.. Dec i;h. 3$ p rs. Ike Zumwai'. while drunk this morning.tcok a shot at Frank Citing r Junction, but r-Ud hi mark. He i under arrest and In the county jail. Went After Brow n. Eigcsk, Oc, Dec, aoih. Cocstabie Linton left here this motnlr for Salt Lake City to bring back A C Brown, wko U wanted here for larcenv. If rou need a good medicine to purtfv jour blood, give nerve strength and build up your entire system, lake Hood Sarea-parU-a. It prefent sickness by making pure blood. Hood Pi'ls care nuo, ck headache indigestion and biliousness. 35c. Elegant tc4!et rae cheap at Foshay k M stem's. A large assortment of Bibles at Foshay Si Mkoo'i, IJo ldr good, at Fchy St Msson' at hard lime price. Useful snd ornaments! p.tsent at Foshay St Mason'. The finest holiday good In the City at Fohav Maron't. Go to Fcsh'y A Mason' for jcur toll day gv d aed iou will not r-rcd to look sea here. A hot 'e ot perferr.c i altars an ppro P'iat? bo'ldsy elJt Koshay & M-"' keep the best istortment. Don tbuv ticket lor !ve awsv bevel ed glas back tihoso ' Crawford A Tt- ton wlil furnish the same tree or a frsme and colored photo if picftrred; wall for ree ucVrt tomorrow. Tooth brushes at Fred Dawson's Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder worus Fair rugtMat Medal aatf Dtptsaaa. MARRIED. WARSEU KIEFER. - On Monday evening. Doc Z4, 1S.4, at the h me of 3Ir Charles Rioter, in Albany, by Rev E It t'richard, .Mr W o Warner, tlie rustling opera house min, and Mii Bertha Kiefir, the popular daughter of Ur and Mr Kk'fcr. Only a few relatives and friend were preaeni. Sir and Mis Warner will keep fcoue on t erry street. Tney hare the best wishes of many. RANDOLPH MORGAN. On Mon day evening. Dec. 24. 1894, at the home of J W Morgan, in Albany, by Rev E R Prichord. Mr L W Randolph and Miss Sarah Morgan both of Linn county. They have the best wishes of many friends. UMSTEAD CROSS. Married Dec 25, 1894, at tbe residence of the brides parent near Hakey, Mr Howard Uniateul and Miss Mattie Cross -both of Ilalsey. HORN. HARRIS.-On ChrUtmas day, Dec 25, 1894, in Albany, to Mr Riid Mrs George Harris, a boy. All doing well with general rejoicing over such a valuable Christmus present. MOSHER.-On Dec. 24, 1894, to Mr and Mr Med Alosher a boy. DIED. RALSTON. In Portland, on Tuesdi.y, Dee. 25th, 1S94, at the home of her son C 11 Kulnton, after a lingering illnei, Mrs lplllillia RttlgtOn. ttt thO RITA Of ?S VAnra - , W ' j no ueteuMTu vnmo mm iur uunuttiiti rrom Iowa in 1547 being among the earliest of our settlers, a pioneer indeed. She was a woman univeraully respected, an exemplary wife and mother, wnoee doath will be mourned by niuny. Mr J M Ralston, of this city, is also a son of tho deceased. Mr Hals ton died in 1877. The remains of tho deceased will be UKen to Lebanon tomorrow for bunnl Oakvllle. Uur school is taking s vacation to give ins director time to procure more seat, the house is full and more coming every week. Last Friday afternoon before dismissing the school for a weeks vacation the teach ers distributed thirty pounds of candy to tne scholar present which was mors than a half ponnd to each. Tbe scholars all went home happy, with kind word and good wishe for Johnson Smith and Anna Vantis. A we saw those little Johnnie feeling so happy w thought of our school days, "those good old days" when there wo no anarchist pedagogue. We had teach et then tisat would treat ns every day of the week, not t to candy tbat was too expensive and nut were too common; but the young tree that once bore nul was the very thing, w often wished for a "pop ulist teacher'' or a "profaibitionbit" feo we envy the Jobnniei at Oakville. At a session of the legislature held here last Friday evening Ex-govarnor Pennoyer j was elected to the U S senate by a large majority. Tongue got one vote. Two sacks were required to carry the mail on the 24th. "Christmas presents." The secretary af the weather furnishes our t M with prediction of tbe weather, so we will know when to carry Our um brella and overcoat Dr V B Hamilton of Portland and 1 Attorney H 11 itiddell of The Dili, call ed on u last buturday evening. 1 bey are a noes and while tbey are her they will keep in practice of their profession, kill ing and Heectng, they will bust duck. AMICTS. GOOD EVENING. Quinine pills at Fred Dawson's Get yoer millinery st Mr Ashby's. Cran Berries al C.E Browne)!'. Oe' your Pbotwjfor X mat at Tinkles. Hot baths st Vcrick's shaving parlors. Two loaves of bread for s cent at F E Allen. Fresh buckwheat Sour in bulk at C E Brovncll's. 40 loe of fresb bread for $1.00 at C EBrowneUV Fresh celery, fresh every other day at C E Brownell s. Try Cows Coffee, at C V Brownell's. only 30c per ponnd Bath at Ticteck shaving sod hair catting pailor. If yes want a ne smoke call for Joseph s white labor eigmn. Hat Bath snd warm rooms at Veikk's having pailor. 40 full weight loaves ot bread for f 1 a Parker Bros. IJcaa towai to vary easterner at Tiarack thsTlag par Ion. Hodge & Vic Fat land mate a specialty of prescription. A 6ne Urge stove for le, inquire at Verick's Barber shop. - We sell mote and belter bread at the TJ S tkery than any other bouse In town-. C D Van Dyke wiil sell yoa two loaves fresh bread for 5 cent at tbe V K Bakery. It Is a pleamre to cut good bread and this you will aiasy Cod at the U S . bsk erv. If yoa want that aching tenth filled or ettrsctrd without pain call at Dr Adam's office. X'hen you boy br sd consider quality and quantity then yoa will buy at the U S bakery. 13 cot delay too lor. g (a silling tot your holiday photo at Ttnk.'e's studio. Secure an early aiuing, and see new Xmas novel ttr just received. Teacher ol vocal asd Instrumental tiuUc. Mis Hule SI Warner, corner fth ssd Ellsworth Ueet. O'd sole of ladle shoes taken off and near half sole sewed on. making thesnoe a good as new by J ttent.y CATARRH positively cured for $1.50. Money refueded if not satisfactory. Cal (rem 11 to 11 for free treatment lor catarrh, colds, ia srrtppe, headacee or neuralgia, at Hodge St McFarland. Odd Fel o Temple, A'banv, t?r. K Pans will make s splendid Christinas present for toot wife. Yoa can ret the proper thine at Read. Pea cock x uo's st an extremely low cgore lor caen. Karl's Clever Root wtd purity your blxJ. clear yorr ocopleiloo. regulate your bowel atvt make vour head clear a a bell. ate. 50c, and ft. 00 Dr G V Macon, physician and surreon stalls answered promptly la ckt or country. Ladle wliooesre to order a De'sarte Corset or waUt, or self sdinUing corset from Mr Tall, may leave order with Utt Howlvnd on Broadalbia r t between snd ar.d 3rd St. A Temple of Art : if? Tin. ii Fj Not for a Day but for all Time Memories of tho White City are fadinff all lot one. Majestic in its beauty the Palace of Art survives to remind mankind of wonders departed. Triumphant over fire and tempest tho stately structure stands beside the lake dedicated forever to the service of the people. A a gallery of paint Ing and sculpture it surprised and delighted the nations. As the Field's Columbian Museum it will entertain and instruct multitudes in the ages to come. A World's Fair in miniature is the museum to-dayV While it lasts the public will have before them a vivid re minder of the greater exposition of 1893. It will bring back the vast panorama of Eplendid exhibits including the fine showing made by Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, The analysis of Dr. Price's by government expects demonstrated its immeasurable superiority ia leWeoing strength, purity and general excellence and gained for it the . Highest Award at tho Fair. j SAVE BY ead It XMAS THEY HAVE A VERY LARGE STOCK, ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES TO SELECT PROM. 109 Bewiri, $100. of this noer win ba ateaaed ia that ton ia at laao on dnsaid disaaa eteace has beca abia to rare ia ail la ! sd that U Catarrh. Ball' Catarrfe Oura Is tb oniy aostu.- care bow hswwa to tha soediesd I raianul. Catarrh brief a eoa utottoaal ducaas. rrqoVrra a eonaritBlfamsl losraMni aaliT. act t- fau scaiarracwrautakea lata. aesina duact) r unoa tba Siood and : ooa sufaeaa ot ta sysiaia. tfaercby dnuoyta; ue iMxnuDSOi ue ,mn.M i aaiieat m(ta br kniatiaj ana aastsuac aauira ia ptoprSoTt Esv to not covers, tbat ikff oCar "T any cm ttkat H fafSv S Ssaw. tmftm lis or I sal IsiSB j&ddreaa. W. i. CUEBTASO TksS,9. Vold by DrcaxMi. Ha. Money to Loast. vVe are prepared 10 snake lean on'good m proved (arms in sum lo suit, of frem 3,000 to $10,000. Cussaw &"VIotsith. 40 Loaveof Bread fWr f l.O. Lt everybody come to'thl Star Bsk r ry and set a iovs of fresh bread for f l.oo cash. CMivz. Talk as Toe Pteasc a boot new men' b-rinf himbug and patronUs older firms, just because your gra!sddy did, be sn o'd fogy jut beeause somebody else la and yuu never mA amooct lo anything. It' a good thing some people are tfcat may, or Tink'-e the artist would not have time to eat. As !t ia people are learning that be is away ahead in Knt artistic photography sed hi basin ha beca steadily Increasing ever since be came here but winter. It will pay you to see him about you photo. When the Chinaman the water From hi Ky ncxale squirt Cm the surface cf your collars. On ihebcMom cl your shirts, flis oly thought of yoa Is the SKroey be witl get, Bv spitting on the linen, 'Til! he kno be ha it wet. The Albany Sweats Lausdry 7 Sse daBpener. Ptasoe airo Oscass. Save small deal er snd sseats commissions by bevies from tbe iiev B Allen Co- direct. Is I quire at H J Jonea bock store for (eke and information. Tbe bast maat oaa ia tie city si Cecuad afjyara. Dandruff form when the giandsol thel skin are weakened, and if neglected, bald-1 . . .. , I . o I uese sure to iorow. nan s sewer is the best prsventlve. Parties wishing Ice Cream In anv quan li'y sive Mr Viereck a call. Cer 3r ad Broada'.bta meet. Sinac ana pis aaaMuawm PURCHASING Off- gj' BaW ifjlIBI leacock & o FORTMILLEB MING Undertakers - and - Embnlmera. W E KEEP CoastsviUv on hand a (mil coffins. Also burial tube and wMcb srUl be sold at TTsw Iwe)( EMBALMING d the proper rtO EXTRA CHAR CE FOB HEARSE 0B SERVICE ALBANY MASONIC TEMPLE OREGON. Best Work a PRINTUSTG Office Slationeiy A Specialty Give us your Patronage. P J. SMILEY ALBANY, AS Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every thing in Albaty, at Julius Gradwohls at the corner of cecond and Ferry your groceries and crockery ware. NEW : MY STORE S SOW FULL Or FIRST-CLASS TCBXITUB Of bed roon seta. chu, leeagva, iSe wbica I wi'd xlt at BOTTOM The Oregon With It vnt Cray Block, comer Liberty MAKES a specialty of Sunnysideruit tracts near Salem Will sell- 5. 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per aore email cash payment for particulars. .MANHOOD uaaaaeaa, n . uaaaaeaa,WakaIBlam. lwesaiaiaaioaBr."-.-. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J.JOSEPIIr Proprietor, ONEY YOUR ENT fin at nrH. n a.., A j suits, fa broaif loth, -aria rukm. LJvlag Prwats. care of tbe dead a specially. PromDtnesr? OBEGOff. else as cheap, s at any stoie . Kew Store. Btisete. Call there for r UPNlTUri, CONSIST! KG PRICES. Titos. Blink Land Co home office at and State street, branch effice In PorUacv per long tima on balance. Write RESTORED! WSSLSS rTat itm" aaaiaiawa. Maakood. titsbtly sailHloaa, Karroa. aw ol toaaceo. ools or Uo. lnaultT. Caa iaa do ctmw in nraoalO. WIU a m orarw apaiO. Wi f!I2.r-T tli I.IvTLlTkDO cihiT. HI. for traa M.dw.1 Book a?t aat4 WnfSH a aaaacv. Bold bj.i: Addrass JkXJKVX mtUUt .. Uoao TSBta.Caic.