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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1894)
Mt Mtmumt Thj Nicaragua Canal. The prolabie value of the Nicaragua Canal t commerce may bo best judged from the facts and statistics. It is gen erally said tbat the Pacific coast will be especially beae6ted. But what beneBts the Pacific coast by shortening the water route t the East and increasing compe tition with the railroads, thereby reducing freicht charges both on land, and water, benefits all the country. . New York Is 14,840 miles distant from San Francisco by way of Cape Horn. The canal would shorten the distance to 4,946, airain'nff or 9.S94 ariles. The distance from New To k to Honekong by Cape Horn is 18,180 miles; by the Cape o Good Hope, 15,201 mi'fls. By way of the cans! it womd be 11,033 miles, a saving over the shorter cape route of 4,163 miles, New Orleans is now 15,052 miles from San Francisco by way of the cape. The canal route between the two cities would be 4,047 miles, a saving of 11,005 miles. San Francisco is now 150 miles nearer tolivcryool than to New York by the Cape Horn route. The canal would save OUfornia traffic 6,996 miles on a voyage to Liverpool, and New York would be nearer than Liverpool to the Pacific me tropolis by 2,743 miles. The benefit of this change would not be whol'y with the Pacific coast. Liverpool also would gain important advantages through the canal. It would lose its advantage over New Tcrk. but it would be brought nearer to Melbourne by 392 miles, to Yokohama by 3,929 miles, and to Hongkong by 1,265 miles. It is estimated that the Pacific coast ships about 1,800,000 tons of wheat -and flour a jear to the Atlantic ports and to Europe. It is asserted that the freight charges on this by reason of the canal would be '2 a ton less than now, which would be an annual saving to the wheat producers of the Pacific coast of $3,600,000, for the price of wheat being fixed in Lon don the wheat grower of this country pays (he freight charges. Tie value of the canal to commerce is beyond question. If the canal shall be built the United Sta'es wilt become much more compact for the purposes of eommerce. The redpetion of rates of freight is bat an incident of ihe saving of time. At present Eods are carried from Ne York to San Francisco by regular freight trains in from twenty-five tc thirty days, by s earner !n from forty-five to fifty days, and in sailing vessels in from 110 to 120 da s. Lower vessel freights and shorter t,2 will inevitably bring down rail road freihrs. ' Rev. Sam. Jones. An amusing incident occurred at the close of Ram f n&, sermon at Palaski,Tennessee, t. e o her day. Stepping down from the pjlp't, f jUiog his arms ov;r bit breast and looking -ol-mnlj over the audience, tbe grrj- r :vaiitt taid: "I vi .ut i'.l ihe women in this crowd who ha v.- i.ot -poksn a harsh word or harbored an unk nd ibcagji1'. towrd their hosbaads for a mea t oast to Stand up." One old vman)appareatly on the shady aid: of 6-, stood np. Come forward and givi ms your hand, sai the preacher. Tbe wuman did so. , "Now tore ard Ut tUs audience see the best looking on:an in tbe country." After :aklng her sea: . tbe rsviyalist ad dftssed .be m;n "N jw, I want all ihe met in this crowd who have not spoken a hart word yi har bored an ankind tboug: t toward ih?ir wives to stand op." Tweaty-feveo great big, strapping fellows hopped out of the aodienc: with all the alacrity nf champaigne cJrks. "Com; forward and give me jour hand, my dear boy." Jones gave each one a vigorour shake, alter which be ranged them all siJe by aide in front cf tie pulpit and facing he aadi- ence. He loosed them over carefully and solemnly, ai J thao, turning rund to tbe audience, he said : ' - 'I want you all to take a good look at te 17 biggest liar In the S:ae of Tennes see." A g far as is known swallows' migratory fights are always carried on by day. Tbe fact that, though warblers and other mig rants are constantly found dead around lighthouses, having dashed tbemse'-ves against tbe windows of the lanterns, swal' lows havs never been known to meet their fate In this way, furnishes strong presump tive evidence of this peculiarity of the swallow ir-ce. Enormous numbers of robin congregate nightly in a marsh near St. Louis. Every winter's night the trees are laden with the birds at roost. At daybreak they rise to gether in a dense cloud, and in a few min utes the place is deserted. The birds fly to their various feeding place, fifty or' one handrcd irnbs away, and return every eve ning to tbe common shelter, as long as tbe cold wea' her lasts, In the public schoo's of France 21 2 per emt of ths pup'ns are shortsighted, of Germany thirty-five per cent., and of the TJn'ted Kingdom twenty per cent. Lack of execlee seems the chief cane. The winter days in Sweeden are only i'i hours Ion?. In the northern part of the peninscla the sun does net rie once for two months. This is made up bow ever, by tbe suany summer. In the north the san docs not set for weeks and weeks, an endless day. The moat: glorious sight of all tbe nortb'and is ibe midnight sun. - Tb reijbns of tbe world which have the greatest rainfa l seem to be the regions where the largest number of thunder 'orni occur. Thus , along the equator fifiy to one hundred, or over, thunder storms occur annually. The Presbyterian church la Pennsylvan ia numbers 91.000 communicant 200,000 Sunday school scbo!ars,inJ 1,170 ministers. Tbe churches number about 11,000, , and , gave last yar $3,000,000 . Mr VVGifford Nasnpropotes to reane ; K "i lessons on ths pianoforte. in Albany on Thursday aficnoon, and Friday morn . ing of each week. He yVl be found at 1 the resi'len ;e of Mrs Willis Nash, corner . . of Fourth and Montgomery street", where t rm can be ascertained" and arrange , mens made. Mr W Gifford ' Nash has lecentlv returned from a course of nearly four years study at Leipzig, Germany ; one vear in the conservatory, and the rest of he time as a private pupil; of Herr Pro feseor Kruse. . Thb Latest JN'kwh is tnat Julius Grad. vohl ia doing business ia bis new quart ers, the old Post OiSce and Odd Fellow's building and Opera House, and to irive an introduction to ms new store, lie will sell the folio wing goods for net cost only. 1 box full weight Savon soap 85 eta, 2 ixfis French sardinaj 25 c?. Oysters 10 cts T can, Arbincte and M coffee 25 cts fb,r u an o;d r sroou gold aa low a? 4 S3 on tuts oit. any McKinlcyism Done For. The World's declaration shortly f er the late elections that the -W W wa.iI.i ..a lnU. . il,A f IT t nUv tar) it & I wui uu uy mc --. an issue, nor attempt to re-enc. u tbe twice-condemned and disastrous measure, is justified by current events. I The. action of the Republican Conines-1 ional committee at its meeting in Wash- ner . 1 1 ington latt week is almost universally ap- oi, . i nroTpd bv Uia mnuliliran nolllioiana and I newspapers of the West. Tho extreme OTotectioniats of the nartv. represented I bvMr. Boutelleanrl the friends of Mc- Kinley, were unwilling that headquarters - B Ubi ai Washington and " .nr.., Vrrrr : ...If i. r - - - thev could control it. They were dis- pleased with the ' utterances of Chairman RWlr tranrotect on. B( ; member from Maine said in effect that any republican who criticised the McKinlej bill waa a muirwunio and a traitor. The members from the West beyond Ohl antagonized this position squarely. They interpreted the recent elections as being "not only the deathblow to radical free trade but of radical and unreasoning pre tection as well". ,. , , .. , 1. The result of tbe meeting, according the Chicago Tribune, which has sustained for Chairman Babcock and the moderate re- I .i - t ri.. antbnr. I lH.uuw.os. ized to keep headquarters open until the adjournment of cong.-ess, at which time 1 ihn rmnhlin mrmlwrs will be en- tne new republican memoers wm u w titled to representation. l ne ou liOUlS urooe- veaiucnti approves tbis action, it says; fnllv for nnnblicana to deny that tbe Mc-1 Kinl a waa lareely responsible for the dpffa' in imand 1892. fc I r 1 Snoakinv with a knowledge of toe " est, 11 savs that "at tha cresent time the propor- 11 . -,m:m r.nMula vhirh nn at 1 1 uviicyu ii framed on tne aiciviniey unea wou-tt o is somewhere about ten to one. And it 1 closes a strong article with the emphatic declaration that "tne isssonor is ana i 1892 can never hs repeated, fox no repub- lican congress will ever again frame a law v , u.rt.u. i;nA " Uil iUVU.US'VJ IIUVSi , . . u.j it me aetnocraw ot toe n and honor enough to pass we suppiernen-1 tary bills now before that body, especially j the one repealing toe Sugar Trnst s duty, I it is improbable that the tariff it sue would n, liLrf. in the l nl election, . O At any rate McKinleyism ia dead. New York World. . What WU1 They lo. A subscriber of the Dbmocrat living nsar BrowLSviile asts If the "members of ths legislatnie from Una county are pledg ed to the reeoactmenl of the mortgage tax law and tbe law allow log deductions for indebtedness." Yes; In tfceir county con vention the repuKicans adopted the follow ring platform : "We condemn the present assessment law of the slate of Oregon 1 legislation ia favor of the rich anJ aga-aM the poor and demand its repeal and the reeaastment prior to the meeting cf the legislature in 1S91. We believe the right of all tax payers to deJuct indebtedness within tbe state of Oregcn from thelr assessment to be an inalienable right and one guaranteed by tbe constitution of the state, and, therefore, demand the rcenact ment of a law providing for the decocting of sdeh indebtedness." This resolution was by tbe candidate" of the party and H Is fair to assume that every member will uie his be.t powers to enact a law to secure dedcc-lons for indebtedoest. . .Te resolot on adopted on the subject of the mortgage Ux law was as follows: "We condemn the act of the last legisla ture repealing what ts known ar tbe mart gage tax law and demand the rtcnaetmePt thereof." Both of these resolutions are emphatic and unmistakable in declaring the altitude of the republican prty and its candidates for tbe legislature on fiese two questions. The pledge was made la good faith 10 tbe people by the par?y snd its candi jaies, and, notwithstanding subscriber says it is "wide ly circulated tnat most of them wi'l oppose the reeaactmeot ofth; two laws in qa-s-tlon.' yet they are hono'able men and it u only fair 10 assume taat tbey wUl make their pledges good. A Great Success. Tbe recent change made by tbe Ne York Weexly World in issuing two papers a week in place of one is meeting with great favor. The people appreciate tbe change, and a'e taking advantage of it.' Wbjr pay a d.j:Ur a year for a weekly piper when yon caa get the New York World twice a week for tbe same price. Keep ix-formed of what is going on in ibe world and particularly In your own country. Congress is now in session. Etery move ment will be of great interest. Keep abreast of tbe times by reading the T lce-a Week World two papers a week 101 papers a Arrangments have been made by wbich we can furnish the Weekly Democrat an! thTwice-a-Vce'k New York World bo h for fa 40 a year. Take advantage of this offer and get your own local paper and the Twice-aWeek World at this special rte. Tbe county in which Milan, Teon, is situated contains three very odd families, believed to be the lal'ert.heavieat and light est families in tbat state. The first is composed of four persons father,motber,roa sod daughter the range of height being from 6 feet 2 i.iches to 7 feet 8 inches. The heavy family Is composed of father, mother and daughter, and their united we'ght is 900 p.iund. The fea'het-weight family is composed of 10 persons,, father, mother and eight child ren, the combined weight of the 10 being but 513 pounds, so average of a Iractlon over 51 pounds. The jaw bones of a whale are sometimes twenty feet in length, and tbe mou'b when wide open is twe've by eighteen feet. The throat, however, is so small as scarcely to admit a ben's egg. The whale gets bis living by s'raining tbe aninia'- culse and small fish out of the water takes into his capacious mouth. R mn be slow work; but tben, he has plenty o time and nothing elae to do, so be at'ends to his eating so regularly tliat be of'en ac cumulates a ton of o'l in his bulky system . Herbivorous animals do not eat all of nature's menu. The horse refuses lie water hemlock that the coat ea's with avidity, and on (he other hand, tbe goat refuses some plants that are eaten by tho sheep. Tbe tobacco plant Is avoided by all savf V ye V "i-tn, an 1 Hie lob'eco worm. Some botanists say that no plant is absolutetely poisonous, bnt only reUtive'y so, being harmful to onty err sin ar.lnialH. Observations and calculation' "lisVe led Mr A Mallaek to conclude that I needs dj not see well, eper i"y ni a ditan-e. T'eir Composite eye, however, has an advance over 'he simple eye, in the fart ih t "there is hsrdly any pac'icl l'mit In 'he riearnes Of objects It can examine '1 he fcar insect ' eye examined wculd give a pi.ture shout a ' good as if executed ia . rather coune wood work, and viewed nt a distance of a foot. 1 this view, was "a dec-ded irrmpu ioriway. toe extension or tne u r into 1 Thomas Tougue is using ins tonrme and s notfo- .... .i . . vor4nie to tree silver, ana jet put a pin in tact tbat Uoipn will be swallowed. Mrs VV B Rice arrived from Portland Sunday to spend the holidays with , i i i , i uisuw, wno D. to own w wiin iiiHir irr it ill i r m run in. rsi r li mi turn u m. -a atWdinir school. Atdilanl Tirlinn 1 I The came of foot ball between Stanford I and Chicago at Ban rancnco yesvwuay i oemonsiraiea ine lac. uiu uw i. f..l 11 1 II.. UAiKA In emus ao 3 mo'n. me ,lueT.. R..,l.0O. " IU KOUI -v.. . i..m.V....- would easily defeat Chicago 24 to u, pron-1 Chicago 'd,feaU Stanford 24U, 7. .Y Vr..: " d" ' i...:. apunM i u " I Oregon papers almost universally favor I tne COnurniaUOn or uie I snie. xi-cy I- .1 . 1L. kl IL.I 1 I oeuev inai i " w wrai. turn. wmi w lnn nn M. At the same time all recret the fact that it is disastrous to the interests of holders of rereivers w titijates. The road has been offered for sale enough times al ready. If there were any better bidders they should have been on hand at the sale. 1 judge Fullerton. it may be predicted will I Inyi any further delay, and will be SU8Dicion8 0f any movement tending that I r - asiern yregira wm giw lu.w-i. mi im- peius nouung eisu ciwiu o.. 1 . a dtspaVh from tugene to tne cieni 1 loumai maaea live reaumg: iqo ue 1 v. . Rfii. p:.: h, :B I Uae oounty. claim tbey know nothing! erature. hitherto hlled by tTot Hawlborne. 1 j0 return for political services performed I K Ihor Mnl aman rr- Xi A fwrTitrmM(l. I T riirj" I n uweiYT w uwn uwiw wiuiuu, w- tnitntinn with tb frionda here, and tbe I people ot this county did not know it until I 1 : . t . 1 : . 1 , u i , wn . i 1 " puoiiMicu ura wiin. 1 1 worked up by regents residing in other I countiw I I nm m mwbi, n lu''" JjA A. oarn. r tne journal uiu iiBir"."." r.uic, uu Iks a Sl I An exchange complains beeaase so maeh s, Ni) aboat Christmas Eve and nothing hoat Christmas Adam, Tt ia iwnorte.1 that Governor Pennover haa sUted positively that ha will liber- at W W Saunders on the last day of tha month. His future will bm watched wth interest. Us is to leave tha state His old fiancee now resides in Idaho It will be of interest to know whether marriage will follow. It is probable Saunders could n it obtain half a dozen signatures to a pardon in Albany. ine jenersno netWHyv. nv petition i is being nrcnlated for the pardon of u 1 F Ru sell. Linn county's defa<inat I school supt't. and is being numerously J ainea ne neview aoea nor ibvot par- donipg criminals, as a rule, bat if the governor mast exercise his power in that way, give each men a- Kusseil, In whom there is yet the makinit of a use ful citizen, tbe tntit. and keart the murderers and morphine fiends confined. Cao'ain Sweeney. US A. 3n Diego Cat avs: -Shiloh' Catarrh fif medy is the nrt tedxtoe I hive ever found that woa'd do mi any Ojd." Price JK. Yoo An If you taae yonr washing to tbe Albany "-team Laundry. If yon don't yon are not. Something ia the matter of ton. Ho can you so to a Chinese establishment with a first-class s'eam laundry in the city. Don't do it. Be all right by quitting it. Pappose yoa do make a few crriu; what dors it profit yon. with the Chioene smell and larking disease around, t'atronise lite Albany leam Laundry. Xew Bt-rruER Saor. Boyes Bras, have I opened a meat market adjoining tbe O V temple on Ferry street and will sell first eiasa meats as cheap as any shop in Albany, (jive us a call. ffaan Bafcy wae sick, tt ear her Caatarta. Vfn-al aba was a Caild, b cri for Outcrla. Wb aha fcecame Him, & clunjf lo Caatarta, WWea aba bad CUktrao. she gave then Caatoda. tTaoonra imTAvios. Wooden, Tin, 'Silver, Golden) Common every day. r-nruar. r. Price's Cream DakJng Powde A Fatw O Craw a Tartar r,aai See- my novelties in mens fine shoes S E Yotrxc. Go to Tarker Bros for your grocerj-.. Broadhed jamuwn) dra.s goods stjli.h. well finished, serviceable, cheap, at 8 E Young'-. J W B"ntley will repair children's shoes atier "chool and have thcro ready for the cexr day. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awarded Cokt Medal Mdwtaur Fik. San Francvca. Alswar stark Vnear, 366 Oau, f! f"onr, 3.0O. - alter. 200 Ergs. sac frd, 12 to I V n Tork ham.12to (6c, V lOe; . II to 13o hay, baled, -o aloe 25-r. Ar-nlna (. OFFICIAL OP WORLD'S FAIR AWARD TO Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. John Boyd Thacher, Chairman of the Executive Committee cn Awards at the Col umbian Exposition, writing from Washington, D. C, to the Price Baking Powder Company, says : " herewith enclose you an official copy of your award, which in 'due time, will be inscribed in the Diploma, and forwarded to your address, unless other wise indicated by you." Thus are the honors awarded Dr. Price's Baking: Powder at the World's Fair fully verified. On the other hand the claims to awards at the Fair by a Mew York Baking Powder are proven wholly false. Official records show it was not even an exhibitor. Was it because it contained Ammonia ? SUFirel Bis Bed. Midford, Or., Dec. 25. Yesterday morning a man, apparently drunk, got off the south-bound overland train and failed to get on again. It was soon dis covered that ho was insane, and he was allowed the freedom - of the city until late at night, when he was taken in I charge by City Marshal Churchman and locked up. About 5 o'clock Uiis morn ins? he Bet fire to his bed.and it wria with difficulty that the fire department was UUCTle mm bax i-iusciboo, doc. sj. The Clitt W-. . . house caught fire tomcat, and. as the nearest fire engine waslocated four miles y,. !,. . ,M ,,, , . ( mi Hal Tim Am MimtnAriAiwI -alu-tiit tt IA 9 , k , , f , oecn aescroyea, anaai w:du uie enure structure was itone. me Cim house was a world-famous re- sort, as it overlooked the Seal Kocks.and iivui uiv uuBvcaaiuua in auuivu ntM C.n Vh..ium'. Sutro, San Francisco's mayor-elect. A toalh rarcllaa Tragedy. Uxios, S. C, Dec. 25. A sensational and fatal triangular street shooting oc curred today. Kenturegory and Jack Crawford, two prominent farmers, came to town and succeeded in accumulating a large quantity of Christman "jag." Uregory was locked nn for drunkenness. vt nen no naa regained 111a sobriety, be I w raiww, sua at once iiinni in on anouier ceit-urauon. inia time ne too Crawford with him. and Gmrorv insiat- ed on hunting np Chief of Police Culp, whom be declared be would do op, nen uwy saw vuip, umrory putiea a M '.. V i.A muLt i.;it;n. him in tho thich. Ouln returned the died immediately. Crawford, who win ed in the shtoUng, was hit twice, and VI 1 1 11 m tmmr.m rmmmmM Sas F usasco, Dec. 25. The Chicago .. : . . . . - i . . . , umerBiij luoiuau team snowea van f ornia how Uiey play the game in the The men from U19 world's iair city dallied with the experts from Stan' ford university, and won as they pleased Ufi ., T Vil . , onty managed to score at alt by a nuke. The snap and vbu with which the Chi cago boys played was a revelation to people out here. laaac Salem, Or., Dev. 253. V. L. Arrington, the defaulting treasurer of Douglas county, was releaa F released from the peniten Ion. lie had been in pruwn one year, being receivea Peoem- berSI. Kick Jonea and C. 11. Caldwell, lifetimers from Pouglaa and Jackson connties, respectively, were also pardoned. law rrtrc4 BasaS Soith 15 end, Wash., Dec. 25. At the citr council meeting last nii?ht. the offer of the First .National bank, of touth Bend, to take IJO.000 in citv bonds, bear- in 6 ner rmt inlrrt t K,'. suae cepted. The bonds wew voted to fund tie general fond warrant ludebtedne. A Star War. QrmiAS, Ga. Pec. 23. The Uvea of seven negroes have been taken in the last 24 hours in revenge for that of one white man, and, unless all signs fail uteriv, many more lives are in jeopardy. Two hodiea of determined men, between 400 and 000 in all, each men heavily armed and each body about equal in numerical strength, separated by less than a mile of country, is liable to clash at any time. That is the spectacle pre sented here in Brooka county to-night. One body ia made up of stern, deter mined while men, bent on revenge for the brutal murder of one of the best citizens of this county. a BU aaaraa. Lojtoox, Dec. 23. Report from various parts of Great Britian show that the gale is abating. Tbe storm rasred with great fury all day yesterday. Tele graphic communication with Scotland is completely interrupted, while the wires in the midland counties and Ire land are more or less damaged. There is scarcely a town of any site but reports personal causalties and damage to pro perty. Manufacturing towns in the North and West suffered badly. Roofs were torn off and chimneys coHaped, crashing through adjoining buildings and killing and injuring a number of working people. About 100 have been killed in all. Will riay rrl stats. Sax FaAri6CO, Pec. 23. The mem bers of the University of Chicago foot ball team arrived by today's overland train. They were met at Benicia by representatives of the University of California, b tan ford and Reliance foot ball teams, and escorted to this city. In the language of the Chicago boys, they have been having a piumc so far, al though an attempt was made at Keeping in training en roate. Manager A. A. tagg, who has charge of the Chicago earn, says his men are in fairly guod hape for a battle oa the gridiron with be Stanford boys. Tae Saaw Blarka4e. DrxsMcis, Cal., Dec. 23. The saow blockade waa raised at noon today, and passenger trains are moving, but are a few hoars late. The great rotary snow plow haa been sent to Sacramento for repairs. The delaved passengers had a very jolly time in the snow. Sleigh rul ing, coasting and other winter sports were indulged in. A Caa r rear s. Sax Fbasciisoo, Dec. 23. Among the recent arrivala in tbia city is Carlos C. Cornejo, manager of the Lower California Pearl Company, which has for eight years been taking pearls in the gulf of Cala and down the coast to tbe Guate malan line. In the catch this year were 15 large pearls, several of w hich are monsters, reaching the rare weight of 17 carats. Altogether about a teactipful were taken, amUthese Mr. Cornejo values at 80,000 to f 100,000. A riaaeer a Drata. Cottage Gbovs, Dec 23. Geonrc Gar- rontte, 85 years of age, and one of the first settlers in Oregon, died today near here, and will be buried tomorrow un der tbe auspices of the Odd Fellows, lie ia the father of 19 children. NOTICE THS ii irs a Draln. Strain, of St. Jacobs Oil Will Cure it .mswmmmmmmm F E IAUlfcS HEAD Till 3. Beauty Won ,li'r for I he complexion Is a subslilu'.e for cosmetics. Harmless, dab.tjr, pure For sa'e by Mrs U C Moos. Albany, State Agent, Agents wsned. Good pav. lirANlEl.-A wllow laxly daalia I f P'aea tn work In a tnriU fa.mii. v.a a. l.l, 1U JT, TAKES. An umbrella, Sunday nichl from meeting at Catholic churchby mistake. He turn to iK-tuocrat oihre. Taw extra ordinary Iia rriOMiat ts ha asost wand. rial dtteorrry of the a. It baa brae aaj. Aorard hf tha JCooatiaikaj, t'- rt ixm. rvuo ei alloc .Jtrrr a la lictin. of ibe ers as4 other (uta. Si na. Ian, oniM and luaa tha n!irrma. SHaiaa coirs KeollUf, "Ton-iiaa. . Kralssloaa. aaddrrajofts and mtotrf onaua, fa! ta 11 tac. low. fev sit or ttnn ssea t Esonaa) aiil ABMrira. Hraa Is sjaiy yeee- Naya atitpa of Ux 41. ebares ta SS A L05C aaai'Ui SUablskYd adrlilr. Om TOSS prtrate ftWvaraorala. Starr, it Is a snnMoca of an&tnsl wcasataa ad barrpnam. It caa be kkvk-X ta aj Vaia byUwoaaof Bodrsa. Tfcs new ctlrtWT was taada If the Srxrtsk tacaoruweldtaawwHaSsM StMical Uttttata. It b lb strorunat rltaiiaar bocl H la rrrf Bowarral. tml tksnelna. ttM fee tl 80 a taca eaotS taefcacra Sur S3.00 plain acajrd bsxnl Wraus roartalca irtvca for a csr. lfyaaboy Is mxcsaod are cn ecilrrlr etirfd, sis mora will Msat u yoa rn of ail eaarrr. Ben4fr rtrraianaad UUbkU1s. AiUrasa HCDSOW laeuiCAI. IMSTITVIK, JaarUoa ".loalisaa, .Varttat (UUa as SVasi rrajactae. CaX. W. L. D0UCLA tl 5 UOIT tST-t StST. Vw WnWla NO SOUEAKIMO. 5. CORDOVAN, fMJttKA fJMii3 CAlF. .VFIrCff&ICUaQLt 3.1? P0LICE.3 SOUS. 2V BorsScwiSrces. LADIES StK ro caTai OGliP WU-DOUOUAS. BROCKTON, MASS. '( eaa save maaar fcr aartraaala M . L. Paaalaa r.aa. Bacaare, are are lu Urged luaaafarlanrt ot dvcrud shirs ia the nM. sad gitaraal the value by stamping tbe name and price oa tae bottom, which prMccls ya against rh prices and ibe middlvman'a profits. Oar bor equal ci-to work la alyis, ray fit'mc an- arcarinir cualitie, have t--!f: .! 1 , - where at fuwer prVr for ihr v -.!! -i any other make. Tjit ro nli,-:i.: . I dealer canuot supply you, . uj. i . THE l.E'BLAIN CLOTHING CO A SUFFERING CHILD ITead and Scalp Raw with Places Size of Silver Dollar. Va rious firmed I m only caused Fresh Eruptions Applied CVTICURA. Change in Twenty-four Hours. Perfect Cure in Two Weeks. My little son, aired three, was vary mnch troulilml with a breaking out on bis scalp and behind bis ear. The places affected were about as large as a silver dollar; the flesh, sranirxl raw and covered with little blisters. The, child sullnml considerably, and was nat uraliy very fretful. 1 tried several remedies without obtaining any beneficial results: In lai-t the eruptious iicciiicd to be spreading and new plaees breaking out. I concluded to try the Cuticoha Hk.ui;iii . I washed the slTiH tod parts with the CuTirrHA Hoar-, tak ing care not to irritate the llcsh, ami applied Ci'Tionn. I noticed a change for the Wttot in the apearunce of the eruptions in twvnty Imir hour, and in two weeks tho eruptions entirely dlnappcarctl, leaving the skin smooth, and the scalp clean ; in fact a perfect cure, as 1 have not seen any Indications of any eruption or breukliig out aince. I gave tha child only a few iIohc of tho I I'Tli t BA Ru soi.vkmt. I consider your i'trTK'UR a It Kno wn vpry vulnalile. I helieva CvTK'l'HA would be exeeiicnt forapplylng to Insect bites, Whkh are vcrv snnnvlng In this country. C. A. AKMSXKOMt, Bwif t Island, N. C Bold tlirotiRbont the world. Prlfe.OoTieriu, 60c. j Soap,v6o.; Hs.olvent, tl. 1'orrsaDaua aao Cusa. Cuur., Bolt Propa Boatoa. W M liow to Curs Bvary Bala DUssao," free. I i I VD 1 ff 1 Sit- 1 W Bruise WE ARE SAILING conomy and good i; ng, t you piocure yoor supplies from our stock of food producU. Delng urcea oaaiy only anects your appear ance, but eating poor and adulterated gioctnes may sll.rt vour esllh to a serious extent. Whatever ar 'cle we seep 01 inc a l orano ana tne bet that can be obtained in the market. Whether arm and daliy product, canned goodr teat, co0cs, pccs. or an tMr t ele do- mesiic or Impored, we have only the tet inc leti inicreKt pur.e, and palate arc redy trading i h ut. Ou latest ar;lvaliaretw Caliiornla honey Icilcd ck'er, imtipicrd pltklet, pig feet tnd new crop raUins Allen. JDvmf4 A CTf A D X7" XrrOI. Jt. OlJCXiX Of UiH ASurk. Optical Specialist GraJuate of the Chicago Optbalm College. I am prepared to examine scieaUncally and accurately, br the latest and ire proved methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes toted. Ct iik liiock, Albaxt, Catnox. A Mcmtnt 'a Delay a painful In a rare o' froihs'fce,ar.d to. you note, Sarta Ciat.s dCn'l watt sa ia stanr. but reumted toojr tcdhschc drore at ore. Of course, he was at ence riev. ed and able ta proceed about his gracious buinessas p:rsant'r as before. Don't ford with fre or toothache, tut dtop tt at occe. Our ptcciip'lcrs dvpartmcat is unsdrpoard In the country . Tbe prepa ra'.loii of medicines I our specialty. U'e sopn.eicent she sklil ot an sqpeit tbarma cUt w Ith a stcck ol attoluiciy pure acd fresh drugs, wbich rorerr arc's the praise and coesdence cf all focal phJci-.n We a'.ao carrv a.l the standard medicines and a full line tit oi't ard B-aakure snlc ea. which are jas the Idea for t-oP- day ils. B.a.orpK. w. n.r:t i-r. r.n. ja mm F0BH1TDBE GO, iwcopo Wtimore'RIotk, - - llbaBT, Ore. Furniture coruplete tine of UVDERTAKIXG in all its branches. EMBALMING aaHy Reviderrtw er 3rd and CaYiooia 1 in 11 -aa-a-aaaaaaaaaaaaa J..IalliSTOjN'. INSURANCE AND M0NE1 BROKER. four It Warrant- rocrbt 'an Sold. fJ5e?,!!:lcn Blotk, Alban? H F MERRILL INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany, Or. City and county.warrants bought and s I'd. aiw4. Cusit-k Block Tilling ind extracting'of teeth without pain a specialty. GEO E FI!11 THE PLUMBER. Tinroofiinf- and'plumbing. Opposite tbe opera house. TJOR SALE. Some no 1 fencing t a 8 .- per tacnsknii, anl wood at 2.60 a cord. some oak grub M Skmdes.. F. OR RENT. 8 room cottage ren fall nn Joa Klein rally totaled.' J FR50 YATFS, -eVTXOIllTEI-Sr JT X, ' JV. Rooms 25 and 26, Strnhan Block, ' lUny Oregon littler & Collins, DENTISTS. Good work a ipeclalty. ALBANY, OREGON. Notice for Publication 8 U Lawn Crrics, it Oseuox Cm Oa. Uutbr 19, 1894 Notioa Is bars': uirtn tbat io codidIuocs with Ibit proviuoun t( iha an of CoaKrs uf Jaoe 3. 1878,ntitU-d "An tot tut th safeof imber landi in the Sutta ot Call- forols, Oregon, Navd, and WhiaiiUiD Tsmlort ." extsbdad to all th l-nbli Liand sutM by act of Aoaot 4. 1802. Cbas Cltvslaod. of Orebfttn,coonty of Maltnv man. Bute ot Ursgon, hu this day tilt A io this othee bis sworn suteoiant No 2986 for the purchase of tbe N E of rvtion No 1U in lownxnip no 1U H, Rung No 4E and will offer proof to show tbat th land loaiibt U mora valnabla for ita ti inter or tons than for agnoaltoral porpnM, and to eiMinun nudum ut t:a imna leior inc Rfg'uter and Eoeier of tbia cfEea at Or gm City, Or, oo Fridiy. the 4'.h day of lanna'y. 1895. H narotc witoaaacs I" L. Kim, of rortland, Ur. Caaa ThmnpMia Oo Corpforcd, H Djtij, all of KUgara, ur. Any ana a' I prraa clumin ac yewly the above deaenbed land ar re- qoaaud to tila their etaimaia tbii ofBo or before said 4th day of Jtoosry. 1895. KUf tK l A, R-giater Notice for Puolication U 3 Laso Orrrca, Oaroos Citt, Or. Ot 19, 1894. Njsioa ia hereby givaa that in eorapU anoa with ths provision of the act ol Con greaaofjsn. 3,1878, eotitlaa"Aa act for tbe sal of timber lands in the Stat cf California, Orsso), Nevada, sad Washing ton TarritAry,' a asteaded to all the I'ol lis Land State by set of Aagaat 4, 1892. Anne Cleveland, of Gresbaw, coanty of ki leorcab, 8tau tf Oregon, Las this day Kled in this office her sworn statement No 29S5, for ti porckaae of the h W M of H kV ' H 5 w J aad lot 4 of secUoa No 2 in Tcwcship Jio 10 S. Kaoga K 4 E. aad wt.l offer proM to show tbas the laad awa'bt is more vslaib a lor tta tltaher or toa than far agricaharal parpoaa s and tc aatabiiab hr claim to said land before Ibe J R'gi.ter and bcivar of tbia office at teo-.Ci!F.Or. oo -nday. the 4tb di Ore- day of I senary, 1595. 8h Baaaea a wi: (filial L lUed, of Portlaad, Or. Cbas Thoaspaoa, Gjo Cornferad, and H Dorna, ail of Angara, Or. Any and a l peraot eraiaiing adraraalr tha above described lead are reqatsud to nle their claic ta ibis office on or bator eaid 4th dav of Jaa- aa.y,lS95. EOBEBT A WILLEE. Begiaser. Notice for Publication U 3 L an Orrica, Oaaojs Crrr. Oa. O -lobar 27. IS94 K Mice i h-eS sivaa tbat the failowiaa ajsed aettlrr has filed tratice of aria lataa tioa to snake -! proof in sappert of hf claira and thai said proof will be mad befwa Coanty CletK ol Linn coaoty. at A'bsar, ttrrgoa.enDeeJs. 1SS4, vis: Areb- abaJi 8 SSf.ra. ft t 7&s, fr the dWJS v ."a. J y vv ii aad 5 VV 1 JJ W I 2ST1I, 8, K1E H aaea tA foliowuu witaaaja f prove Li eonUsa mm raaidence poa aad ealbvaUca of. said laad. : G M yer. Usi Pi. re. J W Piersa, Wd'.UavfC v lara, c-i uaex ran, ur. R A WtLLaa, Rcyiater EXECUTRIX KOI ICE. Notice is hereby given that, I. the tsndersigned, was on tne 10h dav of N v -ruber, 1694, duly appointed by the county court of Linn county, Oregon, tsecutris of the last will and eatarcent of Oenjamtn errcner decras-d. ard have duty qualifie-l as such executrix. All persons having claims against ihe estate of said deceateJ are hereby notified to present tcm, duly veriuea, to ne at my resHence In Albany, Or, or to my attor rev Geo W Wrfgrii, thj law crXce ip A '.ban. Or, wl'hio six months from this date. Da'.cd Noeember. iy.h, S4. -SxaaH Batxxsa, Executrix. Geo W Wright, a'.tornev for Executrix. Notice for Publication V 8 Lena "Ene, Oegoa CUy. Or LW IS, 1$U. Kotiee b htr- by fcivea taA the lol.oa tag caved wtir bas timd notice cf his leieatioa to sua Casl ptoc-f ia rapport of bra claim, aad that sawd proof will o ax't before Cast) Clrrk al Lien Cs at Ai bary.O. oa Km 12. 1S, m. Jrarph ti Gibson U K Xo 10947 for th lot I, S asd 7 See IS aad ft W J of X W i of See 17 T 10 5, B E. Ha name tae folairg itneascs to prove his eoasianoa residaae apoa aad ealtivaisoa of. said laad. !a: B J Mentor, of Gate. Or, tT H af cCoaaaJ. J H atcCoaw', Was 11 McBisde, ail ot MiaVo, Or E A Mi Lata. Brgiatar. Notice for Publication C 3 LBD Orrtca Omcox Crrr, Oa. Pwj iS, ISM. police is hrl y nea that Lb following aaased etUr haa nicd sotiet at his us teaUuo to naka uroof ta aaptort of hi eia as, aad that aatd protf t:U a saada brier th Coaaly Ceikof Lisa Co at Al- b.ny. Or, a F 9 h. 1S9S, vie John A Bietach U E No 10974 for tbe X ' of X W J and X , of N K J t 32 T 1 J a, K 3 E. H aaasea the foilowug altoessea to prove bis ceatiaeons raaul.-oce apoa aad ca uvaiii a of, said Ut d. via: G at Ceis- eado.fcr. P.ter Scblosaei, 11 P Ba bul, U R SJial a, all ef Ab.ay,Or hOBAKT A MILLER. Ketisier Star Bakeri t wrfrwastaihlsi mm Flral S CCKRAD iVEYIH, FRCPR1ETCR eel rrsiita, .'wre, Orieel rralfa. Taharea, Ngar, Caftee. KI".. CaBisi ilea. Qwewanvisttr. wKta.Ble. Cig.ra Hp !. T. le.. C Taryth. tha t ktat la a -wmt variaty aad swocary stars Haat saarsat prica paM for 4.T.L RINDS OP PRODUCE ALBANY COLLEGE. Next term opens inii.2,IS95. NEW CLASSES organised in College, Ortrtal. Commercial. IVonamfnrv anJ Sub-preparatory Ceparttuents. Address F. G. YOUNG, President. HtLP WAfJTEDI WAXTED. AcTiva, Hons.t GrsTt. -MtH or tAPT to t.avel fpreteuSiBji cstah hsVJ, reltabl bocse, -.lry J63 niouthl and travelios cxpensra, with, iacira if Salted. Enclose tcfrtoroa and aif ddresad stsmped edvrlop. THB10M1M N 317 Omaha Bnildiag, Chicago obillrii ItvluR nu a u uKnni tha aerv-lce Ol a farm daMMW mldd'e aced ladyaahonsskeeper. Inqaira.t office, Harper s Weekly. 11895. Harper's Weekly is a pictorial history of the times. It present every Import ant trent promptly, accurately, and ex haustively In Illustration and descriptive test of the highest order. The manner In which, during i&9a. it has treated tne Chicago Railway Strikes and the Chino-Japaneae War. and the amount of light it was able to throw on Korea the Instant attention was directed to that H'tle-known country, are example of Its almost boundless resource. Jaltan Ra'ph, the distinguished writer and cor respondent, has been sent to Ihe seat of war, and there joined by C D Weldon, lite well-known American artist, now for many years s resident of Japan, who has been engaged to co-operate with Mr Ralph in sendlnc to Haroer'a Weekly ex clude Information and Illustration. During f 8oe every rltal Question ill be discussed with vigor and without prej- uoice in trie eaitonat columns, and also In special articles by the h'ghest authori ties In each department. Portraits of tbe men ard women who are making history, and powerful asd caustic poll'lcal car loons, will continue to be characteristic features. 'Ibis Busy World, with Its keen and kindly comment on the lesser doings of the day, will rema'.n a regular department. Union. There will be two powerful serials, both handsoroe'y Illustrated The a tocasa;, a stirring romance ot old en oats by Stanley J Whevmaa. and a novel of rew York, entitled The Son o His Fatt er, br Brander Matthews sev eral novtletlcs, acd mary short stories be popular writers. Send for Illustrated Prospectus. The Volumes of the Wek!y tegln 1 ry ed with the Number tot each setr. When no time i men. tlonej, aubacription will beg I a with the .-umocr run er.t st the Urr.e 'A reciipt ot order. Cloth cssea. for btadine. It. 00 ee by mail, poetpaid. Title-page and inaex tent on application. Rraulla'tw. atwa'i aa n ttm W-u- Mimx or umy, ss svoas raaaca af loaa. copy ta t ftaana kaoraaaa mum FiBioPiciLS. "e Tear: HAiPtS-S M4GAZQTE -at at BABPCK'S WCEKLT aUanS-SBAZAA BAKrEB a TO IXC IEOPIX ..tsa ISatae Ires to all saaamaars ia iWCaitaS atata. Addrets HARPER A BROTHERS. FOE" $N Y Cllj KOTICE'OF FIMAL SETTUJJEMT Notice i hereby girrn that the ender claned, adnlnictrator wi h the will an- aesed, cf Joseph Sommcrville deceased has filed bis final account of said estate In the office of tbe county clerk of Una coanty, Oregon, and the coanty lodge ot saw couii'y nas fixed tbe 7th day January, 1S95. at t o'clock In the after tvsoo ol said day as ibe time for hearing and settling said estate and tf hear and determine anv objections that may be filed against the approval of said account. t ttittau, Admr. J J Whitney, Att'y for Adrcr QISSCLOnOX NOTICE Tbe copai tnerihip of Hoc son tc Kntke, known as Pacific Nursery Co, !s this day diaaalTed by mutual consent, t Vf Ko'.b srhhdrawtng. W O f ludsoo cocductirig tne Postnes nnder tne firm came raying ail debts aad coUectieg an couat. Dated at Tacgen! tbia 1 ay ot Pec, iSa,. GWKctbi, VV O Hcosox. N CTiCCTOSTCCKBOLCEHS. Notice is Lerebv given thai tbe annual stock-holders mteting cf the F A M Ins Co of Aibaay. Or will be beid at the company's office ia the city of Aibaay. Or on ed needav. Jan. 2nd. 1-V4. al the boar- of i o dock r. x. ot raid day, tor tne parpoaa of electing ne-v directora of arid company to serve one year, and to transact iolA business as may regularly come before sair meeting By order of the PrendenL JUn srrsxax, bee. SOMUONS. fm A Cwav Coart afllmt Stat t O.-fflm or tic t'oa.'y of Lamm.'--. Wduaaa Rtauaaagh and D W BanibiAgk, cocaitaera aader taa hrwi naase of Kta- baaghASoa. PUinUJt. v X B Fry. TVfcadaet. Ta X B fry. tbe abor aa-wed defeadaar. ia ts ssa at u -: tt uicgsa tea are rh-by r jairoJ to sptear aad aaswer the coatka'at o: plrialta ia ta store eauticd aea. aad no, oa hi la in abosw aaiitlad eoart ar before tbe Crst Meaday. tbe ?sh day of Jaaawy. lS9i. th aaid day beta; the A. at day of tna rrcalar traa of aatd eoart for ml taoath ia this ccooty ard ra case yoa shall f. 9 loaf pear aad answer, tre plain tiffs will take adfset aeaiaat To In twenty twodoiaia C-tio.M coin wrth latrrcot theraoa ia like ea at tea per eeat paransnnt froca fspaary 17th, 1S90, aad for ih f irtbar sass of tea do iars a reaorabls s:torny fee. aai their costs aad Jisrar BHD'a of tti. attioa to l taxed. This rati mora ia sereed by bsication by ordar ii iia J X Paacaa jade cf aauf ooaaty. which nrdar twaisdaieXo C IS. Uated Nor , IS Vo..T mi j; Ha-autitas. Attrs for plaurlr. Ibanylnsurance Agency Te hae had over seven vear eapet icnce in tne Home CU.ce and Irctl irrsu anre hu$Ines,and can guarantee It suranc written br us to be properly looked after. The following I a partial list of companies represented by us: Foreign No-th Brill & Mertan.uo Xorwlch Union, rherr.ii, London, Man chester, Guaidan, ban, Caledonian, Lcn don & I-ancahlre. American Conllnental of New York estchester of Xew Youk. The Cor W nen-a ot New York and Mancheattr of England, write farm businese.taking note ror tne premium, with amnle time x payment. We aOod business ofEce. Office opposite old pos'' II SENDERS FIRE INSURANCE. Insure your property wi'h Joseph V Talt ir. The Old Hartford, THE NEW YORK UN ER WRITERS AGENCY, or one of the other reliable Id line com panies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of tiir.9 given for payment on farm insurance. All business plac ed with him will be prompt- ly attended to. OJfTIUJS IN BALTIMORE Block, "Albany, Or R. O. T. M meotarvetv Paturcay evenln; la ST. O. T.MUaii. V-al'Vra Kniaht 'issviled to attend. AL Lamb, Ccta. C'cckiskls Foa Sals. Pure bred .oeserels Itr sale .at the AlhanvPoultrv Ya'ds,Yhtie and Silver traced V andots j Albany, Oregon, corner ath and R R St j and li-rred Vlymouth Recks. John Brush ('HAH Attoram at L state. Bpwaal at Law. Win wraeUa la aS ansrt af the aUaaUna rtea ta aautars la arob-te sad la 1 0 iarUooa. orrlCg la ta VJaa Mack W Atsoraay at Law sad SoHdur la Chaaeary. Cat iooa ai.ii oa all aotess. Lrnf tm sagas 144 aa Aiaaay, oragoaj 0 ITAXfB t HA OHTAIfB A Hit'KL EH AW, Attorney. At Law. af ' - j j waiTiet, ASornej at Law, Albany. Or. G EO. W. WBIGHT, auoraay at law. and Xylan fubJ. Win araetiaalia all the Qaajn of tat staaa apseaai 1 eouarvaataad sasltania bat OBUs-Bxf aoor to PatoaVsa, Aibaay. HILL. Dr H E Beer. Or U K Beers Physicians antf Surgeons Spicial attention jfirea to diseases o women, rtou-s 10 to U A m, 1 10 4 aad 7 to 8 P M. OSes and residence Bin- berg Building, First Street, between L;oa sndClswcrtn. II ask or KCIO, cro, oaasow. a tti, 'ar . J Urn .A.'aiwa S3UU0MS. In tl CircMji Cowrt for Lima Contj,StaU Oregon: I eqsity. O VI Baehaer. traatee, pUiatiff r Char lotte S Co tea aad Sstael Btster. dt feadan'a Te Sana I Btaainger ef tie abo-.e asaed defeedaata: T'a are t e-T rrtnired te appear en the nth day ii Marcr1, 1395, tkat aeiec the h-st day of tbe llarjh taras of said enert, ta aaawer the eerapUiat filed acaiaat yon in tha ah r emiLtLM eante, aad if yoa f al to answer for want la-ia f, the plasat ff will apply Hte ecwrt f tae n Isef oeausdai in the ccaspiair.t feercia. tow,.; 1st: For a jadaaaeat aeaieat Chsria'te S Cohea for the aasa af Etcfat Haadred and Twenty-five (S25-00) Dollar. Ugelhe wilh raterwat tareoa a tna ra'e ef tea per cent pe.' saaass frora the Kh day ef Pebrtary.lS33.astd tha fenhv saas cf One Haadred (ilOO) Do'Urs aa attarce fee ia this salt, and for the os sad in bararnseaU of this rslt. the naaal dee-ea ssay he amsd, for tha sal of the iot d-ieribed is the eoaa paint, to ail: Los aa (1) ia block twenty three (23) ia the estr of A3aaay, Lisa ooaaty, Orecoa, ia the auaaer prwndeti by law. aatd that the proceeds saad sale be ap'd ta the ptTaseot of the mat dn plsiatiff, acd that said Charlotte S Cohen acd 8 -mae! Buaaaer, aad all persona cUias ng by. throws b ar aader thesu ahaMjaet to tha exrcataoa ef the nortpigi seed pan ia the easBplaiet. ssay be barred and. forever fees I nasi cf a.1 right ar erraity of rwdemptioa) ia asid fjewaahva, aad for sack other aad fait her relief a t-j tbia ooart saay sees usee sad rnitah'e. Tbissawwoa pabha ied oy order af Hon H B Hewitt Jadreof Deavtsaeat e 2, ef eaid coart. aaad apoa the 30-h dav ci Oetaber, 1SL Caaaty.SiLvra o3ra.MrT tt Bavcoi Attorner far ptassti? EAST AND-SOU7H. Tit THE SHASTA KOUT OF THE Southern Pacific Co. KxfKaas Tiia PvUaaS bail; I 1 I9a trUr. a. I L tSSaa La Vtkhm a ml Iji ar 1 SS aa La 1 SS a a La i IS r a aibaay . n .-1! 11 1 j all st tti a ta from tt vibur 'sisiirr. aitoTaa 1 l '.iuy.Hirri-,hiT. J a action irr-a... iii si I a.1 MiUaai miirf ti 111 ti 1 lajlost'e. i aa Lt rssra I La ara I Ar Ar' -Sr L. ( ltrsa . L. I T 4 Araaay :le tr Saalar XII I Lr salAr ar I lam aw Lr a Ar rSr L -SS PULLUAr tour: 31EPESS. asb Diaiasr Cats oa 03 in Rotite. SECONO-CUSS SIEIFIN3 CARS AtSacaaA la ail TcraacmTraiaa ys - at-ia. BXTWKsta isrrtJtSB aa caavattaa aa waaaasJSitRztSwaaeT .v.l Le Ar ar It-tsr t-JI Owrraihs Lr axrmassTaAra saa-T ratseaptam u.r. S7Sr a I Le tatral tall lAr WeMiaaTil.. Tlirotisrla THclreti a an aw fat tha FiW.ra Saoaa, d,a at si esa a ohiaia.S at owest raws, a-ras C at rraaa. aaat Aiaaay. . KOCHLXt K p. aoon Waaaswr lal O V. aJ tXtvwU StreetRailway Time Card The car will leave corner ol First aa I r ashing ton street as follows: 7-.40 a rn for Lebani train. has " " Orohan Home, tcrjo " Nooj train going aort 11:15 p-ra for noon train ifoing soutl. 1 Lebanon train. lo " Orphans Home. at w m o:55 Overland train toing a. Fr Orphan's Home en Sunday caa leare at 230, 33a and 4-30 p m The car will also meet all Inc trains on the Oregon Pacific rallroa C G DCRKHABT mm C0LLE5IAIE ISSTTTini ALBANY, OREGON A fx 1 oorpa of laatrcctc a. .JSICAL, SCIEKTIFIC LITER AFr CQMKEF.CIAIAXD NORMAL CLASSES. ton rata ot atadw trranirK t. u All (Ttu!e of stndenta, Sf-dmt ssMTSKawsras eftud a Wsa . from mirvmJ. rturl!ni:,uil a ii!i!f two bona C! r j-5m 1 . : . si eAacttxlby bat.t-.JiTf liii.! :. t J fc GM0OS, fepposlte the Rasa Hn f ed, btaa, sh irts, G-rm meal, Gra taut, j Jdjur, hay, 0;. trav' potatoes, etc. HrKATfaEstrORD Ba.Rt.Aia. mJ faydrtaa aad Sarsn. OfflCI Cal a far -7 (sraata, aAaay, Oragaa. rrtiiaCErlrseEi