The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 28, 1894, Image 1

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Entered at the Pit wMee at Albaay. Seesaw-Class Mall Hstleti
TITU at CTTIie.PaMUkers aad rorleerst
NO 21
I Hi
i hi hi
n -
1 "
p. '
! t
oo:Vfroi.frnVYi a wnimsi .. ,....,) ",.i.oj,- .i-.n,r jSsS
for Infants
' "CeetealsmwenadapWUcMdroBtkat
'remmwM it aa superior teeny presu't, Uuu
n. 1. Inc, X. D.,
tU So. Oxford St., Sroekljrn, K. T.
Ytevseof tWkerto fa so universal aad
M ST Srta bo wen knowny Aa it aeema a work
Ovorerogaiiontoeadoraett. Pswareteie
W fa ey reach.""
Caxuw JLurrrs, IX D.,
New York CSty.
Tks Csrraira
Best Work
Office Stationery A Specially
Give us yoar Patronage.
The Oregon
With Its home
vne Gray Block, corner Liberty and
AKES a specialty of Suimyside fruit tracts near Salem
Will sell 5, 10 or 20
-a3re small caah payment
far particulas.
Undertakers and - Embalmers.
rE KEEP constantly on band a full
coffins. Also burial robes and
hicb will be sold at
The Lowest
EMBALMING an be proper
AS Many Pounds of Sugar.
for a Dollar, and every thing
in Albany, at
at the corner of Second and Ferry stisete.
your groceries and crockery ware.
o bed room sets, ch.irp, kooges, etc., which I will sell at
i-ower. neaoMea; Wake
.4 ;;s,"Wf iSSa
AJrli.ll IWMfc wpuuu wrapper. AUureilsajssivjBEEJ..MaoulcTBmul J'KirTr
- - , , , ...
and Children.
Castorla carta Colic, Osaoflpattan.
Sour Stoawtca, Karrhosa, Emctstkm.
SOla Worms, clvea aleeis ant Tomies B
Tttheut Injurious medieotk.
""Far twoarel yean I have recomnmemW
your 'Ooetorta,' and shall always continue v
da es as It has iaTariably pcokoeed beneOciS
Iinrn( F. Piaaic, M. I,
12Mh Ut as4 t!B ivi. New Turk City
Cowaht, T7 Kuuiy Srasxr, Saw Tobz Cm.
Land Co
office at
State street, branch office to Portlaci
acre lots at footofoo pr
lonz tims on
balance. Write
& mm
line of tnetallc clotn and wood caskets and
suits. In broaccioin, laun.casnrncrc, cc,
LeTlag Profits. '
care of the dead a specialty.
else as cheap, as at any sto:e
New Store.
Call there for
fhosa Brink.
mine... mk3T "rnia
vf uvuuig m MUAJUiAAU, uruggiM.
alve a wrlttea cuarotet " order wo I
nggnu. Alc for it. take no oth7. V A. tZtZZSZJZZrs?'."! PJ. M
Couldn't Bit There. In sending his
regrets at not being present at the Port
land exposition J Watermelon Redmg-
ton, tne veil known newspaper man,
amoug other things said : ''Portland is
a live town. It was not so live when I
first struck it. When 1 first paddled up
the Columbia In company with Christo
pher Columbus and Joe Meek in one of
Chief Concomlv's war canoes, we met
Judge Deady and Elwood Evans drifting
downstream una Cottonwood log and
goinc to hold court at.Cathlamet. which
was then booming. We inquired for
the month of the Willamette, but tliev
told na there was no such river, bat that
wnen we got within J miles 01 the
Cascades, it we took the water-trail to
thenght, we would be in the Wall-!
mut river. Mr Columbus was then
gathering epecimns for fats bis Xcost
lion at Chicago in 1893, and John Minto,
the pioneer discoverer of Skemeketa
prairie, gave bim some fine samples of
Oregon fiee-trade wool. Portland bas
changed some since then, and I have
read with regret that its bank surnlv of
specie bas dwindled away to $4,000,000
1 hops and trust that the newspaper
men ot rortiand wui at once increase
their bank deposits and brim the figure
to the old time amounts of 120,000,000
as they used to stand wben Sam Simp
son and One- Inn Brown were Tanning
cen iioiiaaaye uuiieun ana daily de
positing the cash receipts "
Will it Go. The O P sale on Satur
day will be watched with great interest.
The Times gives the prospects as follows:
it is currently believed that Hammond
and Bonner of Montana, will bid on the
road, bat whether they will build east
ward or move it down to fill their Astoria
contrart is veiled in mystery. B B Jack
son, three or four weeks ago in Corvat
lis, and a week ago in Portland, repot d
to be at the bead ot enough capital to
make a good bid, bas made inquiries of
the right persons for information that
leaves the inference that he might take
a shot at the propert?. A tetter received
in this city this week f-om W T Scbe
nok, once with the O P, bat now assist
ant chief engineer of the New York
Central, with headqaartera in New
York city, states that be has informa-
i on iii ai there is certain to be a sale of
the uld road this time, lawyer (iood
fellow, of San Francisco, with Wallis
Nash, visited Corrallia several days this
week, and wben asked gave out that be
aas the representative of certain certifi
cate holders. For two days be searched
O P records in the court house, and this
leads some people to think be may have
the road knocked down to bim.
As Old Wat. There is a cbesnnt way
ot escaping from cars that it seems
sheriffs conveying prisoners to the pen
never learn. The Register says: A
prisoner being taken to Salem bv sheriff
of Jackson county escaped from tbe of
ficer at J auction Uity yesterday morning.
As the train was leaving that city be
asked to be allowed to go into tbe water
closet, and bis request was granted. lie
at once climbed out ot the window, and
the train was at tbe time just leaving the
eity limits. Tbe officer did not learn of
his escape for some time. W oid was
s?nt back to tbe officers to look ont for
him, bat nothing In the war of search
coo Id be done until daylight, several
hours after the escape. They f-iund tbe
man's tracks and followed them tbronsh
the city and ont some distance oo the
river road, and the man seemed to be
running, and going south. He bad no
irons on and could make good beadvar.
and there is a possibility that be wiil
make good bis escape. Officers in this
city were notified to keep a lookout for
tbe man.
Aaorr Time. It is understood that
representatives of the Southern Pacific
Co were in Salem yesterday intervieaiog
tbe business men reiativ tn that com
pany's making a low freight rate of ten
cents per hundred, regardless of classifi
cation, between this city and PorUacd,
they baving a rpcci&I twenty cent rate at
present and a first-class rate of 33 cents.
the ten cent rate will be named for a
year providing tbe merchants will guar
antee at least one-half of their business
to the railroad company. Statesman.
fbey had better come to Albany also.
This move is on accrunt of tbe immense
business by the river steamers. The 6
P should give Albaav a ten cent rate :he
year round.
A Good AcDiEJiCB greeted Mrs Peake
last evening. Nigbt after nigbt tbe peo
ple bave listened to her earnest exposi
tion of "The Word," with untiring in
terest. Twenty or thirty bave taken
their stand on the Lord's side, but wbo,
except God himself, can estimate tbe
tar reaching influence of these meetings?
" lio caa kdow ot tbe hearts that bave
been touched through the presentation
of the truth : of the burdens lifted; of
faith strengthened ; of souls that bave
been lifted up into closer communion
with God. Truly, such results cannot
bees imated at this time. Subject to
night "Tbe Toung man and bis mother."
Come and bear. Bible reading tomorrow
at three o'clock. Subject a resuming of
the "work of the Holy Spirit."
Removed a Caxcib. Tbe Times,
Philomath correspondent sends the fol
lowing concerning a former Aiban man
r or a long time Jo Mitchell has been at-
flicted with something that puzzles a
great many. Doctors handle it only to
aggravate and make it worse. Alter all
others bad failed, Dr J L Akin was con
sulted, and at once pronounced it a
cancer, and said he could remove it. He
was given the case about two weeks ago.
and yesterday the 13th, the cancer
dropped out. roots and all and in a short
time jo Mitchell will be a new man.
Plenty of Bbar. lrael ration was
in town Friday with a wagon load of
bear skins which he sold here. Tbe
Vara were killed this fall np in the Big
LSutte country otr towards tbe head ol
Kogue liver by M- Patton and his
father-in-law. C F Ediuondson. Israel
is a great stickler for true fish and game
storif s and he wouldn't venture to guess
at tbe exact number ot bear hides In the
lot, but remarked that the sport bad
been pretty good this rear, though the
fur was not so valuable as in some other
yeais. Ashland Tidings.
Another Steambb. F J Smith, ot the
steamer Altona. returned from Albany on
tbe overland this morning. While look
ing np the freight business in the pres
ent territory ot this popular little cratt,
be called on tbe people ot Albany witn a
view ol extending the route to that city
and Ss well pleased with tbe outlook for
basin iss at that city. Post.
Aver's fills, being composed ot the es
sential virtues of the bett veeetsble sperl
ems, without sny of the woody or nbrous
material whatever, is the reason why they
are so much more effective and valuable
than any other cathartics. Tbe best fam
fly pybslc.
Are occasioned by an Impure and !nv
povertshed condition of the blood. Slight
impurities, U riot corrected, develop into '
serious maiaoies, suco as
an other troublesome diseases. To cure
these is required a safe and reliable rem
ady free from any harmful Ingredients,
and purely vegetable. Buch li7mm,'4
it le moves all impuritiear (I 1
from the blood and thorough-""
Iv cleanses the system. Thousands of .
uses of the worst forms of blood dis
eases have been
Cured by S. 8.8.
Send lot out TrutiM nailed ttm to in J sddmt 4
Mr Will Burkhart, of this city, a grad
uate of the Portland liminees College
has accepted a position with Hodges A
Met ariand as book keeper and telephone
Miss Pet SUahan and friend came np
from Portland this noon and are the
guests of Mai Canterbury. They inform
ed the Maj that they bad come to stay a
year, a tact their friends w 111 La glad to
David Link is now stopping at Aurora.
Oregon. He still makes regular trips to
Portland every few days to have his eye
treated. Still his eye is improving
right along, although slowly. Eugene
Married, in Eugene, Oregon, Dec 19,
IS9 1, at 8 p m, Mr D L Butler and Mrs E
K Lucaey. Tbe ceremony was per-
lormed by uev w m h uiioert. it wss
a quiet afYair.only a few intimate friends
of the couple being present. ouard.
J A McKeron bas been in Portland at
tending tbe Sheriff's convention.
County Clerk Keedbam is also in that
city attending a .County Clerks conven
tion. As these are the first conveutions
under tbe new law they will be Import
ant ones tor tbe ofSsers interested -
J W Huff, who resigned his position
as conductor on tbe overland train be
tween Portland and Koeebnrg. bas been
succeeded by Pat Tynan, transferred
from the Rotebarg-AshlanJ ran, and W
ti Jeruieson is promoted from the freight
service to tbe position vacated by air
Tynan. Guard.
Ma. Holcomb, ot , the government
works, at Yaquina, was in the city yes
terday, and, probably baving noticed by
the assessment roll that Lincoln county
hail th lawMt hAMM nf an rnnntr in
Oregon, took home a bobby iiorte. It is
possible be has some youngsters awaitiog
The roceter fair at Mr Wallis Sab's
given by tbe Ladles Uaild ol tbe Episco
pal church was a pleasant anair. A
splendid repast ot mince pie and other
delicacies was served .games were played
and the company was favored with a
couple solos by Mrs Teifer and a vocal
and instrumental solo by Mr asb. ail
of which were greatly appreciated.
Mr Tom Wesllake. a son of Hon
Cyrus Weetlake of San Joae. is in tbe
city. Mr Wesllake was one ot the Al
bany boys in its early history, tie left
here nearly twenty five years ago. and
this is bis first visit here since then.
After so many years a former Albany
school mate accosted bim on tbe street
by his right name withont knowing ot
his presence here. Mr Weetlake is now
mart ied and resides at Weier, Idaho.
.Thomas BelL of Corra lis. has ln ent-
ed a boiler cleaner ahlch It said to be la
genius and valuable. j
Mrs G C Moon has accepted the state j
agency for the Beauty Wonder, a splen
did conpStxicKi substitute lor cumetics.
See add elsewhere. i
ttisaery Interesting fact tKat the
bead oEce of Vie Albany Water Works is
la CcttiUU. A meeting of the directors .
was held there yesterday.
Dr DA Paine, of Eugene, w'U be a
candidate Ltr appointment as supctaien j
dent of the insane asylum under the new
la two daysthe fourth O P s!e takes j
place.. We ahall see what we sh'r,
but we whl not 'op t-oplng until the
hammer strikes the block.
Tbe Astoria a man seems to be watch
ing Albany. He says the slow waits
has come in again in Albany, and if that
don't bring tbe young men to time be
fore leap year, tbe girls are going to do
sometbtn; heroic
Harness and DatUson. ageots ol tbe
State Insurance Ootnpaov, have received
no-Ice that tbe scboot nous. In the uaw
ley dUlrict, eight mile west OL Monroe
was dtrovMl by bre Saturday night.
The building was erected last summer at
a cost 01 e7 It InsareJ tn the state
for 400 Cor v si is Times
The following from the Sa'em Post
howa how little the editor knows about
rooster socUbr: The latest fad at Al
bany is a "Rocster sociable.' The pa
pers fall to give full particulars but the
dea la to get all your neighbors tn and
sell tnem all the old roos'ers you can
scare up. The chariubie Inclined may
donate their purchases to the preacher.
rhe next deal will perhaps be an "oid
hen" s!uinr.
The governor ol Oregon Is allowed
ti,$no a vesr, by the constitution, yet he
pocaeta 93500. so It ts sau. I he secre
tary of state is allowed fi.joo, but he
makes over 1 10,000 a year. The state
treasurer make considerably more than
the secretary. The superintendent of
public Instruction ceta $ iooo above hi
contlllullonal salary, and the public print
er, wen it is not etactiy Known now
much he does get, but it is somewhere
between $2,000 and a year. Can
the state stand this? Will Ve new legls-
ature alljw It to go on t Vie hope not.
A yooog man stepped into a drag
store yesterday, and while there was
seized wiUi a sodden fit of sneecing.
" Yon 're catcbi ngacold, young man,"
said tbe proprietor. "You bad better
take something at once ana nip it in the
bud. Here is something that is simple.
and is reliable for incipient colds. It is
my own discovery. TaVe about half a
teaspoonf ol of laudannm and dilute it
wish aa equal amount of water. Then
thoroughly saturate a piece of absorbent
cotton with this mixture, and, holding
tbe cotton to the nostrils, draw in a dsep
breath. Tbe liquid will pass through
tbe nostrils, down into the throat, and
can then be discharged. In five minutes
tbe cold will bave been conquered.
Rathsoke Orricaas. At lbs regular
meeting of tbe Rath bone Sisters tlm fol
lowing officers were elected for the ensu
ing term: Mrs Alice lticnarus, r j;
Mrs Mary Kelley. M E C; MrsJg'.ia
Farrel, E S; Mrs Lura Haigbt, E J;
Miss Lizzie Karrel, M of T; Mrs Msggie
Will. Mof B&C: Mrs Lizzie Wood. M
ofT; Mrs Bertha Gotlieb, P of Ti Mrs
Laura Ilurahart. u -of O 1; .Mrs Mary
Allen, Trustee.
A Cohmo.1 Arraia. It is - probable
that John Morgan, of Plainview bas bad
more runaways than any in Linn county.
He bas been banged np from head to
feet: but bas alwava come out alive
Yesterday be bad anouier ot nts 01a
time experiences. While on bis way
home and near tbe Burkhart property
adjoining Albany bis team ran away and
down the embankment tipping Mr mor
gan out, but not injuring him nor the
outnt, very fortunately.
Want Another Count. The Cot-
valli Times gives the following interest
Ing Information, which may be predicted
will end la no change: 'Eph Cameron
was over from Brownsville Tuesday, and
states that petitions sre being numerously
signed, ssking that the legislature form a
new county out ot s portion 01 Linn, witb
Brownsville as the temporary county
Sold His Fabm. Col. Jeff Myers has
disposed ot his farm cast of Hubbard
numbering 245 acres and valued at $10,
000, to Mr A Blosfier of this city. M:
Bloeser gave bis handsome residence
property on .Chemekete street, near the
Uapitai, In payment therefor. lie will
continue to occupy it for a few years yet.
Pikoh amd Oroass. Sare small deal
ers and agents commissions by buying
trom tne w ney a Alien M. direct, in
quire at H J Jones book store for prices and
"Too Ass!Au. Btoar '
If you take your washing to
the Albany bteam Laundry. If you
don't you are not. Something is tbe
matter of you. How can you go to
Chinese establishment with a first-class
steam laundry in tho city. Don't do it,
Be all right by quitting ft. Suppose you
do make a few cents; wbat does it profit
you, with the Chinese smell and lurking
disease around, ratronize tne aidbd
steam Laundry.
Two chimney sweepers hsve been in
the city.
The overland arrived at o o'clock this
morning, nearly five hour late,
Oregon has 13J, subo-dlna'e lodges of
Odd Fellows, with a membership of 5,300,
and 56Rebeckah lodges with a,328 mem
bers. Two cou.lns named Crickett wete re
cently married In Jackson county. Some
of the papers are making joae at their
A laboring man says he has had more
work to do the past 'all and winter than
any other fall and winter since he has
been here during four years.
The Examiner's petition to foreclose
the mortgsge on the Pacific railroads and
run them In the interest of the people,
has received 100,000 names, Oregon fur
nishing ij.ojS of that number.
Thirteen teach. rs receiving an avnage
ot 955, a month took a courts tn the
Monmouth Normal sfhaH fttttd thelr
average wages the next year al er rradu-
atlng was $76 a month. So savs the Out
The sheriffs at their convention In
Sales hare decided that tbe want mite
age. Thry were elec ed snderstandlng
tnorougmv what the law wai. and now
they are objecting.
The head office ol the Albany Water
vtork was moved from Corvaitts to A I
oany at tne meeting mentioned in the
uemocs at yesterday. This Is of course
the proper thing end will te appreciated
by Albany people.
Mr Alms Morris, recent It tried in A'.
bane for killing deer for hides, publishes
a statement 01 the case !n the Lebanon
Advance, which. If true, would leave no
question ss to Mi Morris' Innocence. Re
ferring to the prosccuilon he tats: Men
whe are thus Instigators In putttlng the
state to unnecessary coca ought to have
to maul rails sitting down a.l their litei-
A DisTCRBASCB. The good people o
Aberdeen School District wbo held relig
ious worship in the school house have been
annoyed for some time past by a gang of
persona wbo congirau outside ot the
building and witb rosined string attached
to tbe botldiag and in other ways seek to
disturb the meeting. Lat Saturday even
ing tney were making much nowe and B
Powell, one f the members of the church
went out to i if be could not induce them
to be qaiet. As soon aa be was out be was
surrounded by a mob of men, one of wbom
threw a club h;h bit htm in the fane m
nicting aa ugly wound ever bis riirht ere
and wbicb may result in loss cf tbe eve
shL He believes be bad aufSrimit ari-
dence to eU!.!iih the iruiit of JcJ Hannah
aad Monday be caused a warrant to be
ueuea iot cis arrest. 1 he constable went
out after him but be was mistimr nntil
Wednesday when be came and rave him
self up to justice Lorefee. Mr A F Stcwe
whom the church people regained to asit
in the prottcutiou aPMared for the state
and the defendant was placed under bonds
to appear at 4 o'clock t m. Thursday tbe
30th int before the court for trial. He bas
retained S M Garland aad J J Whitney as
his attorney, Ubanon Express.
SawJacx RiBntr. The Democrat
recently puUUbed an aacoant of an attempt
to bold up a train at Woodrilie in Sooth-
era Oregon. In justice to tbe great re
spectability of tots state we publih the
foiiowtng wmon ot it: The boy are
baving lots of fun aloe t the hoe over the
repurted attempted train wreck in wbicb
Eagineer McCarthy opfned op tbe throttle
aad left tVoodvftk as fair behind as possi
ble, the other nutht 1 nJr zMhU reared
on their fcuad leg wtta long; ears
cocked op in tbe air, resembling train roo-
uers iiu " iBcoeMers eieva&Mi ready to
shoot the engineer, is what "Mac" too
for burglars. He was amxUog a bright,
burning, stubby cigar with sparse firing
through his whiskers and the redaction of
tbe homing cigar through bu cab window.
with a few lack -o'-lanterns tkipoia in
tbe distance completed tbe red signals be
saw endeavoring to check bis train.
The Raltto Case. Hon G E Cham
berlain, J It WyaU and A F Stowe. at
torneys for Min M RjuVtoo. and Hon J J
hitney and John H iwmera attorneys for
j A Murtevant et at, were busy Saturday,
Monday and Tuesday takinir evidence be- Referee J Fred Yates in this city.
tt ednesdav morning the referee court re
moved to Albany and will resume tbe tak
ing of testimony there Thursday morniag.
They will return to Lebanon rit woek to
take tbe record evidence on behalf of tbe
defendant. Tbe case is a voluminous one
and it will consume in all about three
weeks in bearing the evidence. Lebanon
A New Way. Major Xewell launched
is gold-bunting rati into the water of
Rogue river but week, a short distante be
low tbe power bouse. He bas fitted te
vessel with an engine and boiler and set of
sluice boxes to wash tbe noggets from tbe
sand after bis steam pump baa socked tbem
up irom toe nea ot toe river tbrougo a
three-inch bote. Although tbe project is
purely an experiment Mr Jewell is san
guine of success, as be thinks tbe bed of
Kosue river bas Ions acted as a huge
sluice-box for an immense water-sbed
bounding in cold. He has net vet con
cluded as to here he will insert the nozzle
of bis hose and go to rooting out tbe pre
cious gravel, but thinks some still water
below a falls or rapids will be selected.
(j rants Pass Courier.
JEW lEAaa tVE. TbsIY M C A is
planning an evening of song and sociibil
ityfor Dec 3Ut, Monday tbe last day of
tbe eld year. Some ot the best talent of
the city will assist Mixed choruses, male
choruses, solos, and recitations will give a
varied program. Admission will be charx
ed, that the Association may raise money
with which to meet a pressing obligation.
Friends of the Y M C A will, we trust.
come nobly to the help at this time. - A
rehearsal 01 uie program will begin at t
p m at tbe Presbyterian church tonight.
Singers please note.
ITakmok Gba.nok No 23 P of II elect
ed the fol lowing officers for the year 1 S95 :
Master, Iron McOregor; overseer. II U
Powell: Lecturer, S A Dawson; Steward,
(J U Llavut; aanbtant steward, J Clem;
chaplain, A u Marshall ; I rea surer, M r
I'awson; Secretary. J w rrcpst; gate
keeper, r M Mitchell; pomona, barah
Uawson: tiora, Laura Aicuregor; ceres, M
JClem:L A Stewart, Harriett Settle
delegates to Linn Uounty Business Council
for 1S05, a C Powell and t M Mitchell.
Was Innocvnt. L M Curl represent
ing the stsle anJ A F Stowe representing
the defendant, went to uodaviue isgt r rt
day to try the case ot the state v
James I McAUiater,arreiea lor stssmt ana
battery committed upon nw wite. &ix
jurymen selected trom tne precinct turv
list, after listening to the case and argu
ment ol council brougnt in a vcroict 01 act
guilty. They took but one ballot, E
The UfsKtRa Bke will bo presented
tbe opera house one week from tonight by
local talent. This will be full of fun, old
fashioned, but lively. There will be eorue-
thintr in it to interest every body.
genuine old faohionod husking bee with
songs, love making scenes, etc Do not
miss it.
Who Was He. lie was old. lie wore
no swell suit. Ho would not give bis
name. He bad no money as well aa no
nam. He was hauled before the city
Police Judge. Ho said he was from Me
hama, but not one of the prominent
citizens. He got an hour to leave town
in. He left. Journal.
The Kindergarten children under Miss
Mabel Brouner held thou Christmas fes
tivities this afternoon in the preaenee
a number of relatives and friends. The
exercises weie of a very entertaining order
Christmas presents, the work of Miss
Brouner and tbe students were given. The
school thontrh not large bas mado marked
progress undar the splendid management
01 me jvinuergurtttuer.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder
Awsrded Gold MU1 Hmwtatsr Pslr. Ssa Francisco.
Accept None of the Pretended
T3ECAUSE inferior and cheaper made baking preparations are
D sold at wholesale at a price bo much lower than Royal, some,
grocers are urging consumers to buy ther.i in place of the Royal
at the satnt retail price. i 1. . . I
If ) cu desire to try any of the pretended substitutes for Royal
Baklvc Powder bear in mind that they are all made from cheaper
and inferior ingredients, and are not so great in leavening strength
nor of equal money value. Pay the price of the Royal Baking
Powder for the Royal only.
. It is still more important, however, that Royal Baking Powder
is purer and more wholesome and makes better, finer, and
healthful food than any other baking powder or preparation.
Mrs Teifer aad children went to Port
land this noon.
Miss Helen Crawford came an from
Salem this aeon for tbe holidays.
Mr Geo uettellier came down from the
front, on the U P this moraing.
Judge Duncan and Assessor Deakias
were before tbe state board of equalisation
Mr John Aaalrn arrived home last nigbt
from Spokane, where be bas bees residing
several months.
Mr J 0 Joba-,n. of Salem. 00 of the
nest tuperintendents of the penitentiary,
was in Albany today.
Mr Barnard Won tan T weat to Portland
this morning 00 a tint, and will be the
g!iest of Attosaey General Cbamberlaia.
C S Harnisb. formerly of tbtsaty. will
deliver a lector at Detroit, on Dec Mb on
UriL What it u. tU tame and Remedy."
J B Eddy, of tbe almost defunct R. R-
Cora . was ia tbe city this noon. He ts a
candidate for reelection, if the commission
continued. A tLs ofhos is nriaopally a
sinecure it should be passed along.
An Ores-ou City man lost three S3 bills
ia tbe post office, and offers a fo reward for
their return. 10 to I that be doea'nt get
tbem. That is tbe sua of tbe honesty of
the present day.
Mrs I no. lisher returned Wednesday
from Albaav where sbe went witb a young
son afSicted witb hip disease for tbe par-
pose of consulting a coder. Oervaie la-
Mr aad Mrs fobs Greea aad child term
er' y of this city, but now residing at
tleasant Home, una county, are in this
city visiting relatives and expect to remain
nntil Cbristmaa. Oregon City Enterprise.
Al Williams, la'e of Astoria, intends
starting a barber shop in tbe Titos block,
using one ball of the room occupied by
Campbell' insurance. This will give Eu
gene fix stumor establish roe 1. uo gene
Guard. . Williams once resided ia Albany.
T B Kay is making preparations to leave
this aty for r-alem, where be will take
charge of tbe Salem woolen mills operated
by bu father. He will not leave Mc M inn
r ilie. however, for a twontb or so. Mc-
Umnville T. B.
J R Teropletoa of Hsisey. the father of
isa Iva Templetoa, tbe young lady in-
iured on tbe public highway in Linn
county, by tbe breaking of a rotten bridge.
was ia town yesterday. v e aaderetaaa
be wilt ask tbe leeisbUnre to gtaat bis
daughter some relief. Express
John Atwood. cf Portland. Abner Hall,
of Union, and Mar Jim, of Portland, were
given their liberty at tbe state penitentiary
yesterday. Mar Jim, the Chinaman, was
a me prisoner, naving oeeo mi up iru
Portland about tea years ago for murder.
They are supposed to nave been pardoned.
GCCDr I L Hill and D G C C. L M
Curl, of tbe Oregon grand juried ictioa of
WO n,nignis ot ryuuaa, wu aiwii
paid Leomdas lodge o as otnoai visit
en last Tuesday night This is the first
official visit that G C C HU. has made.
and Leomdas lodge received jibe favor.
Scio Press.
Morgan A E Larwell, wife and three
children, who passed through Eugene on
Julv 4th last in a house built on a wagoa,
and which attracted cons i del able attention
at the time, arrived ia Saa Francisco Dec
17th. Tbe oouit is pictured in tne naa
ranciaco Examiner. It is likely that they
will now seek an engagement in a dime
museum. Eugene Guard.
Messrs Frank Thaver. tbe carpenter, aad
aines l.-vin, the paper banger and painter,
rho went te Phoenix. A mania, several
weeks aim. to locate, the DtntocaAT is in
formed, wilt return to All any ia a tew
dare. They evidently found more crows
than work tbere. t. t. on. tne unca
" rfv. ii . . aw . a .
mason, who went with Mr Thayer, has
had work most ot the time.
There was a large attendance at Frof,
'eanbm's mask ball last nigbt. Forty-
eight masked couples were on tbe floor in
all manner of costume, neat aud comical.
Mrs Henrr William received the Wise for
having the neatest costume, a pair ot
diamond ear run: Mr Bert Crawford
$2.50 for having the best sustained charac
ter and Mr F S Trainer an album for the
most comical character. .
fSfm m i U a
M w
the hills" and
never excell
ed. ;wTriea
nnd proven"
ia the verdict
cf f millions.
Liver Regu
jr - lator U the
Li -ftp 1 'only Liver
JLJ til C' aud Kidney
oedlcine tfl
which yon
can pia your
faith for s
euro. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid-
ueT3. Try it,
Sold by all
DruggiBta in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
Tbe Klma of Uver Medicines.
" 1 have used yonrSlmmons Liver Rerw
I emi iMiiiK-leiiilouslT ear It Is tbe
kturof all Uvt medlulnea, 1 oouslderlt a
niTleine choKt In Ueelf. Oao. W. JA0
afv.Tacoina, Washington. .
lac the . rsua 1 rad ess wiaafass
Prof J E Love, of Cottage Grove, is in
tbe city for tbe holidays.
Dr E Bovd Himilon. of Portland, went
to Oakland today to spend Cbratmaa.
Preaidetrt Uawley.ot Willamette Univer
sity, came np from Salem this norm.
Mr Harry Earr returned borne this noon
after aa abienos of several mcnths ia Port
land and Salem
Mrs Jay Blaia aad children left today for
Portland where they wul join Mr Blaia for
a permanent residence.
W A Calder will go to SpriagSeld this
evening to visit witb bis parents and shoot
dacks. Mrs Caulder will rpend ber vaca
tion in Albany. -
Prof Geo W Sefring. a violiniat of abil
ity, is visiting with Rev Poling pastor cf
the Congregational cbirrdt of this dry, and
will play a solo at tbe evening sertjoe of
that cburch on tomorrow .
Dr Bosboag. of the U E chart h, at As
tltia, is becoming quite a sensational
preacher. To-srorrow nigbt he will preach
on ' bat 1 Know aoout Daacinr: or does
not tbe Bibie Sanction Danocg. ' Ecde.
Rev O B Whitoure bas been engaged as
pastor of the Congregatiictal rhurca of this
city. Ber Mr Vvhitmore will make bis
boose ia Independence and expects bis
family here ia a few dtjs Independence
Entn ptiae.
Mr Albert A Miller of Linn county and
Miss Mand J Racey cf Jefferson, this coun
ty, were granted a license to wd by tbe
cuonry derk yesterday. Tlie to-be-bride is
aged 16 aad tbe consent of ber father was
presented ia writing aad Hied with tbe
clerk. Sales Statesman.
E Thrall retained this nojsi from bis
wagon selling residence of several months
in Missouri. He was acencapanied by Mr
Morehouse. W F Reid's old eastern neigh
bor. llCnox Haigbt aad A J Anslya are
on their way borne and may arrive any
hour. Mr I una repcrts times to be im
proving rapidly.
Mack Sommetville returned last week
from Anderson, South Calif ornia, wbere be
and John Hyde had taken 20O head of bunch
grass horses. They started trim Hunting
ton nearly three months ago, and alter
selling the borses, r which tbey reaJised
d per bead, they vuitexl many ot tbe
leading cities of tbe cast. --Uarrisbm-g Re
Ma's A WaLKxa. Judge Wallace
Xasb, of Albany, tbe refereei hefrre whom
is being tried the ce of J G KeSl-v vs
tbe Harrisbmg Water Power company,
was here oa Tuesday to inspect tbe work
dona by Mr Kelley for tbe company, witb
uieoojecs 01 aeterrainina; as 10 c-nsio
pointa of crmfliciing evidence adduced ia
tbe case. Tbe judge in makiug tbe tour
of tbe canal took tbe lead, and at tbe end
of tbe round trip tbe younv bloods were
TeatJy surprised at bet"g left ao far be
ind. Judge Nash was very favorably im
pressed with tbe company's water power
as now completed, but must have discover
ed that under original engineering it
would have been a 1 41 failure. Uams
burg Review.
Tbe East Oresonian mentioned the good
work reported from St Louis byTwinebam,
a former catcher for rendietoa. ut mm
tbe La Grand Chronicle savs: "Baseball
enthusiasts who knew catcher Twine ham
ben be waved behind the bat for Pendle
ton daring tho palmy days of the national
game in Eastern Oregon, are surprised at
tbe record be is making east, as while
here be kept himself in very poor condition.
Twinebam played splendid ball as catcher
for tbe St Louis -Browns" this last season,
and according to the New York Cliprer
has been engaged as captain and general
manager of the team for next year.
Mens Rsxiabls 1sfrhtios. Tbe
Union Scout says: We are in receipt of
reliable information to tbe effect that the
Burlington Railroad Company will expend
$2,000X00 in Oregon aad Idaho in the
near future in the extension of their road
to tide water. This company bas. we
understand, a road surveyed and located to
Snake river. In what direction the road
will go is not known . Tbe two most prob
able routes are one through southwestern
Oregon to connect with tbe Oregon Pacific
and tbe other through northeastern Oregon
to connect with the proposed Ilunt road to
the Sound country. It is very evident that
one of these two routes will be selected. If
it be tbe latter, we have no doubt but that
the road will pass through this valley. It
ia tbe intention of the company to have the
road completed within the next three
RrrcBKBD or Course The following
from the Brownsville Times is a sample:
J W Tillman and family, who left this city
about one year ago and went to lennessee,
bave returned, bix families were desirous
of accompanying them, but were unable to
dispose of their possessions, but will prob
ably come in the spring. Mr Tillman and
family think of locating in Coburg. Tbey
are now ot the opinion that Uregon is the
bast state in the union.
Building Air Castles. Today the
Oregon Pacific will be sold again. It will
soon be extended eastward over tbe moun
tains. Then Salem will get a branch of
this line and very soon will be on the main
line to Tillamook ana Astoria. iaicui
Statesman. The line will then be extended
from Astoria to the moon, and probably on
to Mars or the sun.wmcn is not yet setuea.
Noticb. All those desiring to bang
presents on the Christmas tree at the Cum'
ber land rresityterun cnurcu wurpiease
brimr them to tbe church Monday between
tbe hours of 10 and 4. By order of the
0 Loaveslof Bread for Sl.uu.
' Let everybody come to ths Star Baktry
and get 40 loaves of fresh breed for $1.00
C Mbysk.
Tbta fs the shortest day of the year.
Elegant tol'et caes cheap at Fothay &
A large assortment of Bibles at . ohay
& Masoo's.
Albany Is well filled today wth holiday
Ho'day good, at Foshsy at Masoe's at
bard lime prices.
Useful end ornamental presents at
Foshay ft Mason's.
The finest holiday goods la the City at
Fosbay at Mssoe'e."
Tbe salt of Fay and Gear, O P . attor
neys, for 18.705.50 for services, bas been
Go to Foshay A Masoo's forjour holi
day gocds aad f ou wtll sot need to look
s sew here.
The state board of equalization i-as in
creased tbe assessment on horses ia this
county 25 percent.
Tbe new weal her acrvics wrtll beg In
Mondsy. A new ag rU be raised be
fore nooi for the neat day.
A Isr; tlntrtssre tew Iciclgirg In
Rooster SocUb-'es." Mast be tough
s 3 sirs. Guard.
A bottle of perfe-me b always an appro
priate bo'sdsy gib. Foshay & Mason
keep the beat assortment,
lee Sabbath chors of the city wUI
almost generally have plain Uees this'
year with approx tale exercises.
One of :he finest holiday meat market
displays ever seen tn A lbs a t ts that of
Shuitz Bros. It "a a crrdH ia the cily.
Deep snow in the Sbkirocs ia making
travel slow. The overland this morning
failed to appear. It is twenty three hours
A 5J1 peund hog at Shults Bros is at
tracting peat attention. It wza raised by
Mr Free k sen end fed for a month by
Sb,uhs Bros.
Don't buy tickets for give asrsy bevel
ed g 'ass back photos. Crawford A Fax
ton wtll f orals the same free or a frame
and colored photo If preferred; wait for
free tickets tomorrow.
At a comarunicatloa of Brownsville
Lodge No 36 A F & A M. head Dec J.tne
following oicers were elected for the en
suing year. C E Standard, W M: O
Kalget, S W; John Metcalf, J W; J P
Cooler, S D;W J VTlndee, I D; W B
Blancbard, See; F M Powell, Tyler.
The greatest foot ball game ever play
ed oa the coast is soon to take place. On
Christmas Stanford and Chicago srOl p'ay
la Ssa Francisco, and on the Kf ti In Lea
Angela. On Jan t the Reliance and
Chicago will play in San Francisco and
ooihes'h the 'Berkleys and Chicago.
Theganxa will be watcned wttb grea 10
terest as showing the relative merits of
th coast and east
Talk as Too Plbasb about
men being nnmbug and ratronize
Arms, just because your grsacaddy did, be
sa o'd fogy just because somebody else
Is and you never will amount to anything.
It's a good thing some people are that
way, or Tinkle tbe artist would not bave
time to eat. As tt is people are krving
tnat be ts away ahead in fine, artistic
photography and hi business has been
s'.ealily increasing ever since he came
Here latt wtn'er. it will pay you to res
him about vou. photos.
Money to Loan.
Vi are prepared to make loans on gcod
mpruvid farms In sums to suit, of trom
x,ooo to $10,000.
Karl's Clever Root will purify your
blood, clear yorr complexion, regula'e
your bowels at.t make your head c.esr
as a bell, ate. 50c, anil Ii.oj
Brines comfort and imprsreraent and
tends to personal enjoyment whei
rightly used. Hie many, who lire 0 -ter
than others and eujoy life more, wi w
leas expenditure, by more promptly
adapting tbe world's best products t
the needs of physical Wins, will attest
the value to health ot tbe pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in tbe
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to tbe taste, tbe refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently caring constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
mtt with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts ea the Kid
neys, layer and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance. -
Syrup ef Figs is for sale by all drug
gists ia 50 cent bottles, bat it ia man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also tbe name, 8yrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
Will practice ia all tbe tuurt of tbe
Office First Natl Bank btiilding. Albany,
AH legal matters wilf receive prompt at-tepii-m.
. Office, First Rational Bank
baiidiBg, np stairs.
a C Waiaon. pother Elkias
OfSce First National B
ksiness eu ntil to a
prsmpt and careful attention.
Office os F erry St near cor 8rd St. Office
sMaSlWat 7rAfia e 1 A. I A
wv ew ui aa uu o u c p na .
upcczal ttenticm girea to chronic canef
St the original sad o!r FICH, esfeead raw
hewawtjss ssarfaa. Price tUOj seat by
ss" liwiaimeoidofclz t
J A Comming, sole agent, AJ-any,
Caked tt Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints.
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Sciatica, i
Blisters, -
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
AIlSheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it In a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mwstaag Lfadmeat cotsqacrs
Makes flast r Beast veil
Bv ssaaw a m
1 1 1-:
n. x. t wxsts Tsxrt ui xsjsx tatxxzn
is said wwaW paeurea wriitew ibiuim, by
ssKkwrhwd aeawts 00 lr. So ears Weak Memory:
sjosee awa aaa Aere ftowwr: I XaBbaoa;
aWiweBs: Ntrtt I nam; EvU Dmbk Lack C
Conadenee: ni l immii mil rwin
Losses' Power of tae6Mratiiw Oraaas ia either
. eewted b, ovsrxerboa, Yoothfal Krrorm. oc
ll'ww Caa ot Tobacco. Optam sr iaqwor,
wfejelt laeds wo atwrry. Com nr in 100. i iiiitj
aodDeatav. By msiU f t a box; u for i; woa
wnttoa aarairtee to cwro or sofand msrj.
Pr-nrlTrTirT rr-Taiaira in lan'iiMiain
wita fall instraetiii . & oesta, Owa aaau
mlTTTrl hrri rirrr-in bintail
J A Camming, sole sgent, Albany.
Ao sgTeeahle lazsttre ar-d rrrsrva To.Trc.
BoUtTDrusxistaoraect byssaiL asoaia.
sa44jQ0priecaae. 6amplrrse.
Foshay & Miji, Ageala.
jTCOlf S BKEIrCSlSfii.
Soa woat for Sre er Sick
swi,Xrye;tai" for Khw
. IXsDolm, SctJ Dn.
PWM, Iwaa, AtiS jor Alniibalio
15t S. Wester Arccae. CHISAGO.
Sold by all druggHts.
sa asaswsw;tCTM.
ffVlTX! TjVwkM.rnwb7iaiLt
"aar W oVooalaiMoa.oTSOiu.lKS.
J A Cummlng, sole sgent, Albany.
01 atvaaiiT, oaaoos
riee ProsWeat .
a. B,Toi.o
t. W. LAMtiJXlV
raaifSACTS A O KKBaALbsaktaa Vaalaesa
AtXX) NTS KBPT sab joM to shock.
SIGHT KXCHa.NGK ud tol Imuii traoot V, eM
Hew Tore, Saa yrooeiooo, (aooo aad ritUaaS
.,QJ,tOT10Ht tADKea tsvonMa ersss.
- (staastOBS -Tosws
,w Mmmm
.Basss, . ruual
e r-"'"i