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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1894)
o. a & N. CO. E. McNEIIX, Recoivor. TO THE EAST uivks niK ciioica o TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES RE AT UNION NORTHERN PACIFIC VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AN'P ST. PAUL VIA DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY low hates to all eastern kttie-i. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAS . . FOR . . . SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on CcRRAN & MoN'TKITII, Albany, Or, OR ADDltkSS: WHHURLBIjRT. Okn'i. Pas . Aou t PO HIT AND, OR. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE. Next Session begins the 17th of Sepleav uer, m, Tuition, free. Board. 2.60 a week. Five Courses: Classical, Scienlifir, i-it erary, English and Business. DORMITORY-. The Boarding Hall for young ladies and the boarding Hall for vonn&r r rntlnmm will be under the personal supervision of Mrs Munra, a lady of refinement and arge experience, for catalogues, address J J Walton, Secy Regents. 'Teaching is tne noblest art but the orneot trade." TE NTH ANNUAL SESSION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL lOIMOnVORECOJ This is it. This is the new shortening or cooking fat which is so fast taking the place of lard. Itis an entirely new food product composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re fined beef suet. You can see that (si&fene Is dean, delicate, wholesome, appetizing, and economical as far superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow dip. It asks only a fair trial, and a lair trial will convince you of its value. T ... ... ... nnnnln. Bold In three and flvo pound pauia dj aui grocers, bhb oj THE N. K. FAIR BANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and Chicaao, New York, Beaten, 5?n. BAAt . . -n Ladies. The Secret Of a Fair Face Is a Beautiful Skin. Sulphur Bitters Will give you A lovely Complexion. A training school ior teachers, theory and practice combined. Strong professional course and wel equipped model school. Thorough preparatory and academic course. Normal Advanced Normal, Business, Music and Art Departments. Light expenses. Board and lodging, books and tuition not above $150 per year. T The town of Monmouth has a beautiful Slid I f 1 1 111 I Irwiaflnn I .1 I . of the W lllamette Vallev twelve miles south west of the State Capital. It has no saloons. The Normal School diploma entitle one to teach in any county in the state without any further examination. Grad uates command good positions. Expenses. Tuition per term of ten weeks; Normal $6.25; Sub-Normal to; Commercial $6.25. Board and lodging -Hoard at Normal Dining Hall $1.75 per week ; furnished rooms, with fire and ght, (rim $1.00 to $1.25 per week IouPnK in private families am ;.!.C0to $3.50 per week. A ifalif v and trrnwth I. n-o .,i .u lfnnd tl e work of the Normal School. ne ctm:i) year promises to be one of he best in ita history. Catalogues cheerfully sent on applica tion. Address a . ... P L Campbell, President, or W A W ax.v, Secretary of Faculty. dchq j j-croi r?.mpa t A P. invir potion, aU...forlielacaicaU wo: . No Repudiation. The Kepubic's contention that the Hnal yis of e ection figures made by S a'istlcien Waiv indicates a large aay-at home Re publican vote is borne out by compari son of the returns of the Cotter rfTtsionnl elections ot 1890 with thooof the elections of this year To summarize comparative results without noin into statistics, it is enough to say that the gain in the Repub lican vote of this year over that of two years ago is less by 40,0u0 votes than the falling off in the Republican vote of 1890 from i be vote of 1 888 In other words, while the Republicans cairy the elections of this year by pollin not more than one-tuird cf the total pos sible vote of the country shown by the cen sus, they still fall short of regaining the vote tney iost in 1890, when McKinleyism, the Sherman bullion purchase law and the other iniquities of the Keetl Congress were so emphatically condemned. A Demociaic adniinislrx.ion has re peuled the Sherman law atd the McKinley law. Trie Democratic Pres. dent and the Democratic Congress have been in agree ment on these lines of action. The Dem ocrat in the Reed Congress were united against McKinleyism and bulionUui. Mr Cleveland was elected as the avowed enemy of bo th. H's pledge and those of his party on lines of hostility to these Republican measure have been redeemed. And that work has met with approval of great bodies of Republican vot ers, who have signified a alien: approval of it by not going to the polls to resent it. It is inconceivable that more than onehalf of the 5,000.000 nonvoting citizen should be Democrats, when the Democratic vote reached a total of more than 4,000,000 and the Republicans failed to rMrai.i the vote they lost four year ago. A natural inquiry arising out of the ar gument is. why, if the Democratic policy it not disiasteful to Republicans, It should be distasteful to Democrats. There ire two answers to !hls question- The Inaction of Congress and the protracted and at Umea disgraceful discussions in tbat body around points of well settled party policy One of the most serious qaesllo.ts, after ail, which the new republican congress will have to deal with is the tariff ques tion. The leaders of the parly made promises for much higher tariff rates than was provided for in the Wilson bill. This was done to secure the active, enorgetic aid of the protected monopolists of the coun try to carry the late elections. But the sober second thought has taken possession of the mind and iudaments of these lead ers and they will hesitate long before they trtm our ragular CvrrmpoiuUiit. Washington. Nov. 26. ih&i No messago ever written by President vioeiunu was more attentively listened to than Ihnt sent in today. The general top ic treated by the message, including the foreign relations of tho government, were all that, any democrat coa'd desire, and the financial recommendations cannot be fully understood until considered in connection with Secretary Carlisle's annual report, to m. sent to congress tomorrow, which con , I iuiunun, w lull COn- relegate the country to McKinleyism. The ! 'air.s the details of the plan for a reform of llilV ftfter I ha I,.t : IL. t I 1 1 currency of the country which the day after the late elections the Democ rat said that notwithstanding the tremendousness of the "landslide". It did not mean that the people desired a return to McKinleyism, but on the contrarv we gave it as our opinion that McKinleyism was dead. I here is no doubt tbat John Sherman and many other republicans, if not openly, are secretly opposed to any at tempt to re-enact the McKinlev law. re garding it as disastrous both in a business and par y sense. The St Louis U lobe Demo crat one o! 'he ablest and most courageous republican papers in the west nas the fol lowing to say anent this subject: The Renublicana v. i I n.ui.r (rmi.i . - other McKinley la. Senator Sherman and Representative Rpa.1 in ...:., terviewa a few weeks ago, were reported to President so tlronzlv endorses in his aaaa. age. What will be the result of these financial recommenda.ions it will be im possible to say until ihe sentiment of the democrat has had time tob;come ap parent. Speaker Crisp looked quite as good natured when hs wrapped the House to order as he could possibly have looked had a majority of the House been as fortunate as himself in getting re-elected, and bis own re-election to the Speakei ship been as sured Indeed, the most noticeable fea ture on the democratic side of the House, aside from the entirely too numerous empty chairs, was the prevailing good nature of those who were defeat,) l..f have said that nothing like tho tariff of t month. If the rennbllcans exneeted fn - IroO would imn ha trvico.1 I' sequenlly denied saying this, but the de nial was in such a vairue and mianinH manner that Remthlinikn. im t... lieve the reports to havj ben substantially correct. Those sentiments undoubtedly are heid by every representative Republican in uw luumi;, me xucniniey law, which made advances in duties already adequate, was the armies! hlnn.L.r --' by the Republican party. It will not be repeated. Reasonable protection the oro- teciion which offset the lower wnges of the Old World is nil that .(hit ill.- in. - - vuvut.Alia k. The thing called McKinleyism Is so dead that HO Gahri,.' trumn a,"ll ... sound Its resurrection. This sentiment will continue to crow and will be predominant within tk three years. ho array ol long faces they were disap pointed. There have been a number of informal conference of democra' I Representatives for the t.-urpoe of discusc I irg the probability of reaching ao agre- mtnt on a programme for the cession, and there is some talk of holding a joint can- The oyster anpper on Thanksgiving evening was well attended. "'vln theM?,y; '""'"veducka abandoned wahl Z,J'a??et custom of wearing kJ 1 " th.e'r 106,7 19 U on account of the tariff or the game law ? so wo kT ,anxiou8 'roni Halsey, ett lla? m Ur nfW8.Tn for the lt-' est my News, ha informed us that veSr Tm "d bSedMd ,or bout ev ' i,V"? e.0? NYe Bftw vultures nymg in that direction. COIlnlV I'h.rL m 11 . . attende.t;;7trpprhe7ea ,8nuly mZrtJSLVf. JS,f'', ot f-''odville, was visiting friends here last week Mr. Wl.ii. - .--. ... D " I'Jioriiand toav. Hon voyaue. - J W Kllison nt BttmAA ......... man a saw mill last week and wanted to ""I OI lumber frr.m Ki.n. A. b.. man : hut 1.i..A nj .iTTl . centlemen "w 01 n,ete I 11 t'liivtnn i,l lv., .. i. n.M on A Smith one day last week. amen. Obituary. inJbi? ,T,ec'Pl 01 'lie Yale-Princeton lOOt IJAII ffume u...... .. I., ... w',- ....... m. 1 V, auuui 01 ,WV. 1 Dll places the game almost on a par with a 1 f "uaiiciaiiy . A lew Treats-. Washington, Dec. 7. The convention between the United States and Japan. XI.. fu. ... w-i. rr"." ?aio yesteraay, supplants 1.. ' 1, "y . "ays: 1,ie papers c treaty ot 1858, n which Japan was i Ile" TeVT!in that 8n orSa dea,t with " harbarons nat on JSd tolen from a Po'k county church. That that of 1886. by which the United SuEt s nothing. The Empire City peer le. in 'ireat Britain France . . wiifcfll 1 us county, claim a whole church was lands esteblishe! Japan's ctistems tariff Marshfield and now it is stated that the ! Btatea will recognize the exclusive Wwer neople of the latter place are watching ! of the JarneacTgovx-romet adJurt its ' the bell as they heard that it is to bi customs tariff a I tlx and publish i StOien and nut nn ,.,,,, Pi, I- vf uf .tjt , i ..: . . "t anu eHtarjiisti w . utm. "vwh aprxjrtaining to foreign com A nninber of boya about town made ud a nuran nf -, I ..... .v. - - w -- ' awui. v.. , CU U1UQII18 ago and forwarded the same to the Hon- r orTronblr. Denvb, Colo., Dec. 7. There i a feel- would be an excellent idea tain that there are ix or more democratic Nna'on who would not pledge tbemae'ves. Like numerous other fake stories, that ai setting that President Cleveland was of fended with Admiral Walker became of the report be made on affair mil.-.;: The coiporaiior. is oneu bv stocihoki r ' oas been disproved in a striking mmntr ho tie bound together onlv bv the in bT 'ne official Of der piacinir Admiral Wa!k- of the Mock-ledger. Tne s.e repreasnud I " at lh head of the light House Board a The Rational Preventive of Labor Toubles. Died of old age at her home in Alsea, Kenton county. Oregon, Francis Shne, wife of John Turner ;iate, on Nov 22nd. MM. Was born in east Tennessee on the 22nd of March. 1817, came to Mi, eoun with her father, Dr Jacob Holland in the vear l.Lt ... :. .. i-t ' I Mate the 2rd o( August, 140, came to uregon witk her husbanu and family in tbe year 1850 and settled In Linn conntr 8 miles south of Albany, where mff hiiuwh uitir oonation land c.'aitn. "'J'ovto io ooniiier. llrM.m . .. . -. . , " -. . ...wij ,u i rrrt , ro.urucu 10 uieir oid Home in 15. re moved to Alsea, Benton Coin 1871 where they resided until the time of her death. -ov :nu, ibuv at the an of 77 v-r. ."..1CHUu.uj, man -no attends ; and 8 months. She was the mother of 10 p edge mm sen to stand by whatever ! 'ft'11 children, four of whom survive programme the caucus adonu. If n'.A. ! f?'r- The oldest son, Thomas Benton could be aeenred from . ...i. w known in Linn Co in an early - in uuiinrj to coQirot both Houfe &nJ & f? lic. --ete j ingatmUiUry headauartebU diligent inquirhas I aVm SLS the reason wbv Th i.. ... .v.ti" I 'L " ,?n.l:rH a"'1 cowboys in South- a. w ;.l off a. tbey-wou hae teen"h.d ! wlJ ? T they received ttc-.ts.-Kugene Reguter. ; tie in SanunTv? 'ZrV w'uf b? a ! if1 jo. Military authorities! ThatOovenor Pennoyer tnowi.rmlalJ' the right in j UUe in selecting Rosebud as the site for " j 7 ? UJ tnat trooP ' tbe soldiers' home ia evidenced by Col. ! the Ml r.m Fort Ln to prtect I Brown's remarks. Daring his recent ' fJL iS ,0,fflcer8 are Uxkil & or- visit, he stated that the site and location lm mediately, of the Oregon aoldiera' home was the' ni.d .1 ul,a equal of any in the V S. The Colonel j Salem Or Dec 7 T u baa been connected with the service for ! ,1 . . '-Today has been ' nearly a quarter of a century and during ww i'. T5"-""?? ycara. There that lime, b.a vi.:.t .n, i . S3 wa 'd and ram a 1 tbe atWr.. in U 8. His opioion, therefore counts for ,- cUKa"d M.w on the hilhj surround much, and in giving it he natd a high ! .V.T Tening about 7 o'clock gale tribute to the whole of Oregon and ,1 ?1 'eVhe Clly- but did no matamal Douglars county -Rose burg Piaindesd- 57fe' Tbe steamer Hoag was blown er. her moorings, and narrow 1 v esaatp- I ""J uoom near Ijv. -', T,It. Torturing Disfiguring Skin Diseases Instantly Relieved by CDTICURA the W ureat CURE Los Angelas, Cal., Dec. 7. J. H.Con- As Uie Man about Town is wearing ont bis pair ol tan shoes be rnnaii.r. U - - w mm I 7 f mm . A A- 9 Jl fmr? Mme "Dd be following! rad attempted suicide this moraine bv from the very critical Aatoria Bndget: taking morphine. He ia now fe?52 bar what von w nn mr..,. -a g.a. I l Z.Zt.7J- Zl. e now inicnti- can ma. Unshoe, popular for winter gambling prompted tU t Hewaa1 CnT,.,.;; s. ey to t, lormerly a prosperous merchant at Hel- ' IWUI tnem (nat,, Jiont., where he has a wealthv few favor in connection with rain brother in ,i.. i u: " weauny . d.p ,,..) i. v- . ' Tbev have a sort rir-lm..l..n,'.l Senate that . Calif. Sept 2.'th. tU The anrvivino ! o'-em-bot-haven t a-black-pair' iook . III! Wl gill. Cctictea. .... ;.r.-: nr: aTi turtztxt, !esjua ia ante nf uaal scala, ad na a the hair. Ctmcraa i-a"-, tbe i:.)y inflicted toOet aaap. at india-eo.-kWe ia cleaati. - uwi sarfaccs. Cm RaaoLTEST, the n-w W00.I and akla pon Ser and paiat of hsraor reaaediea. rlnia,, he blood of all ia purities, aod thaa nuns tneeauae. Ilmct Urmcrsa Esamioeaa -try buroor of tbe akin, acalp, and blood, witk toa. of hair, from pimples to scrofula, front iulzzj-j to age. Bold Uirawkoot ua nrid. t ; tr,2fc.; EiMtrm, II. Form townl 1 ... 1. r HuMmi. ... w ... a ci... . 1 ti uui h cer-i . .1 ui . sir, i itf a, .nrs , , . ....... .u,. , .-., t.,.. , . iuvujm o. it v anion, of Altea. N P SUte, Tan- S . "'m wl,n De 600,11 aul his tr.e recent election in Valier precirfrt gent and Mrs Mary McLagon. of Prine- ! , t?P.ln.'" trousers, as he can his thu county, was r5J. or a little . . i - . .1 llaUIUI mm 'tm trm 9 .laaaiu L. - ' j . - . - - eased religion at ttie j ZZZV . . 7. c 1 ny- eacn vote eaui. Only five voted, . ....... . ., JL1JUH, Ol ville. Or. She r-nniaa.l r.!;.;. age 14 proved ab vears. mhi.-h hr ,.! mainuintd until death. Fatal Accident. Ymt ivA, Or., Dec. . Veaterdav at 4 o'clock while hoisting a hearv mast for th' ri.-u .l.-r,-,.L- ,1.. MK1. 1. t The recnt Salem election wa cettain IT hot. Tke Journal publishes the following letter it hat since received.: k. . w . j," . . . r. . i . . "7 . ' "c new oernca, itie cable broke, in- inyolvlng charees affectinc the intuit, of 17 . Z u"'0"' M" m"- , , T - officer . stautly killmg Wrn Moeier, one of U,e party leaders, had a trrr.nrlnn ' e '"'P0 of ll eo.poration e W aa uaairahle under tbe gove-n- woramen. m nee other, having narrow i r .. ... -i,W!b carniae o dividend!. The ine rreiurn: iiiiit a in hir. a ; " c... u.n inspartv spirit ot HemecraU I a: ... . .j , , . - - : . ,. i tne nave one ejr o-vra to the aod la fostenngtha of tndiffereoce eUiniotu WOlkraen em , (J ihe oo common at best in all off vear fcleclior.a ... . . ,. . - . (, uvea who J liunjiti tin to :he among partisans of the party in power. demaau 0 .j,,, .m T 1 UIS leel ilif nrodnnxf lh ,... I remocra.ic voter,. " represent, rhe, do t rta,,: the haeaan n-. ., , . t..uu uctui aairn wuii ineir e.n- There was another data of Democrat 1 .i . ... . . .. . not small in the aggregate who were not Z?TE SSS,' 34 !mt"1hafe!t Urge, the salaries of ,U prdeet , V"d 10 P0" 'bC ,ht -r-T b. inr rr.; but the ordi- Sem hg r,r"- "remplo,eeobtlin,,, acres. Hearo- were the men who had been disappointed in i.g8 deriiae. u, cot i made m the salarv of '"VM ine , ,n and follo'r- the omceis.but ihey ar. inst.ucted to era tiiev mnl.l nuiim Tt.. i. . I I tion board. A IM.M) M,i, Kot Worm, Dec. 6. The eaat bound which certainly j. evidence that way': ' Texas A Pacific paaeameer train , k-m attacked Krv Mr up at a trestle aewn mil- . " Priae, Ccncnu, a tni Coa., Bat Proprveton, Boauau Bow to Can- gkia Mai in,- nailed fnw. Pjits h From Term i tc in M Mn itt HiiiiMi! .he Hate t take To 2 Mils EAST ai SOUTH Control. The mar. wKa la I ... . .. . . .. j:. . i . " .Kae. in o'.Der nordr. .he emrtovee of i ,oc wB taev certain v cannot iusua w:m (.onzre. I.' sjlishe.1 to nrr . - ' - ! . ... - TT. test bv staring ,r hm. i . " BOO:r ,r,e lomnuiiou or an Wwmm an apprcpraVon to put it ino rf. n!nv. u. at. me- VUt ,De ma" wi0 ""Ptojer .ith .bom he neve-, ia i M- There i. rean. too. far the behef ' ? Tl n -a iu Ua t tj m OH (I V tlftnM ft e..l. B- I moreconcmg th.ZuT 5 52 MattieSee T, .. m-a-u .-l . . ! was yesterday between Inland and L . . ,ocin " Merlin, a few miles north of this city. unpen win refute to apprc- ; in company with . M. Wwt, she wa priate the moaev needed to put the income tdr'v'ns '"m Boeeaburg to this city, tai intoopera-ioo, for the very .imole i When "y the descent of Smith s reiwafhat ir-.,r,n. there beingno brake on the wagon. . ,, " ; " "rponows meiioraea were uable to bold it and, ot usat tax in either &ecat or House than : anally becoming unmanageable, began there e e when it wa incorporated in tbe ' 7 ron- w"t quick! v thrown out, Uriff till. That is the immnn bul u,c woiaan suyed in. until the vlewoftbe matter if ti, T" . iiorsea ran against a Urge rk tree,, reck- ' . 01 ,b mt'' If the opponents of ing ihe wagon and breaking the woman's r- ivs vciya - 1 M-vsa- 5T. PAUL and CHICAGO PiO CHANGE OF CARS.; JaVJ wiuaji ne nas a rvr- .r.a itmi.:. ..... ..... .. .: " ".u.. evmiaci, ueiort .torn m ha nj voice, aa arry u to toe poll. fmm , ., . . Tt ..A a a . - as . asv . j - ( ; . . j I, There ha. been no repudiation of the He U siasply . tool .onh v dolUr. a Democratic par.y or ,U policies. The Be- werk M he nMdrJ J , publican, mto control 1 Congress b .., fre.lng oHoyahv jIp .Jer si" " T. "nl " " Tot 01 confiuon,? I i, , eaav ,o com ..ehead cvuniry cenind them. Lei o see how far. that lack of i. . .. L,..... inw .nnarmrl..; i-. i 77 im.l... ...L . .... I . . w ...... r i -irr-"7-" c im. iu ue tiwi jq under such cirCKO.iances.lher m-i ...... ' . .. . I : ... that Senator Hill, who led oh t .nin.. tbe iDotne Us in the Senate, will not only ' eftae to aid in trying to defeat tbe aporo- : priatloa bat will himself vote for it. at he ' i on record aa epposiog any aad all at tempt to embarraa officials by witb-ho J Money to Loan. Ve arr f.mrH In am Am 1. n. mrorrd faraM In am to uit, of from a,ooo to 3 10,000. CuaaAwA' Mont.ith. Holt r Krm - Von - ' ' ... v v i , .... i, a imup mvfn - 1 Oraunisins very acaadeioaa way in at 5 :50 PM todsT. S.i S3-. !s,3,t rA CTE. S3 lJ'! Lb! llTli d -thelrThiZd ; ?uanvl&rAlXt' Catholic villian. von nlH r-r, ' t,M. i?.. 7 . " vif Wear 1 . leart mug. .lint that i. all you .re goodfor. detained To or 15 abates dariirlihSo 7ae. ToT -onM k. I:.,"! :a!1 S!.-" ed men wUh tar and f,.U.ere-vo scrub. . t, Jding up n6 ch a dirty low down cur aa Dillv for When ther flnhl JJFT ' thatTadtr SS?tf rotte1 1 PfiTisaS : rpitTcS- JURIST SLEEPW6 CARS. pur. awieruw KOtae ot enm-, r. Inal action. Thia ..... 1.. ! BosnraG. Or.. Dn-. ft u. r-.,.-. i frowned down It is ac outrage V Such ; ?f Porthvad, aad Sam Sraead of Rose- i SUlhr a-.ll.ln. - . I hnr k.J . ' ci asaaa. - fr i,.vi.,.,,pi lume .it r- . uaimw escape irom dnth 1 Judge Shattack in the circuit coart yea- jywterday, about boob. Smead waa drir- r ia V mnrnin. l.n. A A. .1 - . ' m?tk. im ... ont jof George v.. Kinsel. -Port and Son. ! to Coos count v. When YhrJTr Ztl i 1.4 . ar 11 ; 1 1 1 ' " l al 1 1 l 1 ar tl 1- I IS'. -f Inlaoce- unceiUla - wtw..Hi.rci.i,' , . ,,. .. IV. . .. a . .. I "Rvuiir a la-uiuiidui. aaminisirarinn 1 .u. .: . , .. ,.,,.,. I a ic iMnai it a coia S- L-u s Repub ic. aheei on the on H.i ,.i mth!y wage on l lie other?. .4 rc-tYi.4 . sVa. 1 c 1 a A lax to Star. ants, a i-.v. k. j-h. win- --av.a w U'g . ! niff f-a-an A . ; . aw.a sV IS I . . a -t-.-ailUU;itn:a,,flf,tle lOCOmC 'HI S-a... A a . , ... j,"- tvihlri Nllllll flUJDF RepreaenUtive Cconer. of Fia Ikuk. the proper way to 811 the office of post matter U to have h.-ra elected br ih of hi town or towaabip, aaj he proposes 10 pota t j.i providing tberefor. I.1.1VC, of Bread for I.OU. Let ererrbodr come to "hj Star Baktrt nd tret 40 of fresh bread for i 00 cash. C Mar;a. -. iuihwu . ua. The aarr.e might be aaij in a lees degree of a good many other coon ties in Oregon. Tb Meta Post it nuking considerable of a ttu over a yoong man who was eo -pi io two yoang women at I game 1 1 m IK mm - '-- -V " M afUUIiaV. t m 1 , V . of Chi- ! r. ', " . ..i- was4jr77T- : Savavnah, N.Y., March iSth, 1894. Messrs. S. C. WEI.LS & Co.. Le Roy, X. Y. Gentlemen I was pronounced by my home physician as having tahrrr,lr...c and I went South without any apparent benefit I was rt-n-,m(.nj.j . Shilob'a Consumption Cure, and its results I've ben wonderful. I cheerfully recommend it to any one suffering from lung trouble. Jason w. Goss. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica. Kidney Complaints. i-amo tsaCK, dtC 'llili1 J.'i.i . I1' A LADY'S TOILET la net complete without an idtal noMPtfx.ou U POWDER. if 1 I POZZONI'S afi1SE Combines everv rfmonf v...viik Wl beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, hedth ful, and harmless, and Un i J rightly uwd is invisibk. A most ' delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. taM apoa having the gaaaino. tWEmwregj Dt5uSJ9?fa!,s ELECTRIC BELT Wl IietroaKntlc SU8PCNSonv. Wm JT.J '" orrraxaUoBTchrafaS.SrrLi." rrnUo. M orrroua ilabf.iT - m't ttUTTwrfal laiarm. EUxittlC St'l-K,0KV arV f& ifTSSJawaasi, ao ti - a A ana. 'J1" .auuoa, r. a. DB" aTLBOTRIO CO.. 17nratrmtC I'O KTltAJSfS C VllliiJJMiPafail" j'r-:fra (ATEtfTPAHMTS BE8T il?flUVfEKT3. Till enro WlUuat IM WfTII ElECThQ WnCKEln; SUSPEKSOIY ir..twaa rnaltlai rrta. j 'eaiuiy a ui reeJ of tbe teveaue it will yi:d. In principle is iu.t. It wilt omreaa aoncanl relieve nuny. Jio Republlcaa leadu of prcminente veniuitd .0 denoaace It during the la-e canva. At for the vcice of lise people, wha: ara, the veidict in the State .hoe Democratic Senator and RepretenUtivct oeclaicoeo and voted agaiait the iocome tax? Senator Hill was th rait: bifer and per.Ittent opponent of ibit jut Ui. Senator Murphv jjned with him and iaiis ed lu heroaore upon M-Kinleyizir,g the Wiltoo bill for tbe ben . JtclMiowo home and rocket. If the people of New York approved nf thl course ot their .senator they took a queer wav of ""Wl " n Durying Mr lull n :der rso' e than 1 50,00c majority. Senalor Smith, of New Jeiaey ' himtelf member of ih.t plutocratic data that believe in taxing everybody rather loan h.eif. araa likewise very hottile to the Income lax New Jrrey rrpi-diated h;m by mare than 0,000 uujo'lty. Seaator Biice, of Ohio, wa a leaaing pirlt in the .orobice of faUe Democrat! who beid op ih0 Wtlsoa bill and tried to tkfeat the income tax. Ohio served "utij 10 nuii on trice oy a mamn to tie Tin. th. h. 1. ,j , , "egarre6ne-areteresien iK toaut that ibe D:mociat weieglsd to stop count- rl.n .k.-. 8 ing it. s BOUm "n their refineries on account of the There were other at wo,, of W'h" Uriff Uw- Th 0"8a' h. courre, but no w.rr.nt can be drawn from " lhs Whlle 'hM lh W,l"n 'ar-ff the eltclion in an, Statt that tbe oeonle .r. w" 'e 'vorable to tbe tru.t lba di.tatt.fied with the Income tax. ft may I M:Kinley law. There hoald he hereafwr t eradtd and o-her.I improved, " PP1,,!o0 '"cw butifllnotbereoealed ' 1 con.pirator, the right, of ihe .oa- TlIT i lTft Vaettrst a at k -- j . - I M - ' .- ass .4 vi ; i viiay i - ... WV1..1115 merer or. tie is wohl 1. dng boiiness in his new quart also afroagiy f.vor of the adoption of i er. the old Post Office aad Odd Fellow's some rteta of currencv reform that ..11 building and Opera House, and to a-ive ,n . .. ,u. ,. : . ... .. . I an introduction to his ne. sii.rv 1. Kill the .pproprlaiion nevear, to iu CDliectlon T , " 1 ST .. . ',Ti " Ur amT. sell the following goods for n cost onlv tr v " ' c jiiecuon 1 aeemt bat oce tolj, ion: Mil. h. i. either that nronoaed l Wr.-... 11 .n J3i 1 JJ1 '"U' 11 nuie u nf - rj- ..r ' ' - v..w.c 1 uu .eicm soap t CU. a . " u!ni Intl. . 1 . . I ar MaaanM .r.. 1 . . .. I L. 1 . - . . C InCOTie tax It here to t ar. 'Thr I atfK-LhrMr aaaJ .1.. .1 . . I . 1J I Jat. . 1 . . - . u.i,vii wm v. nr. iowriiifr a h. t ......i. - - - -v.. .u c- ij a.. 'J-r!R Khr!Cb' "SW-dia, of the XicaracaaiJ " " j " y tbat if be could have hi. war be Tteconativ Lc.iaipiruktno,ie lU j ould make tb'rt wtAioa of (rngtrmt. abort j Locai. Tuchks lssrm ra.-A local perlo lie spell, of .oty.'.. riot,,. at t: M A memorable in the hirfory of , teactier in.iitule will be held at Tangent, Taoma news It ai not be lo-got:en th democratic par y. It a piiy tb- eire Linn conntv. Oregon. F.idcy night and that ia 1S74,, wi.hTiUtea ra a leader, be Dot more dmwt of 1 be Mate miod 'il5fi?r- ,Jx1,olhrr "- aaiJ Stb. All a . a. . i . . irri" i 11 a 1 1 1 1 11 1 si rar ins ririn tr criai'y inviOM to be present ami take vr curen Tbomncon a n n ik;. . - f . w ..... - vi. vor cago, it ha jott been learned wat engaged to seven yoong ladie at the same time, using the same dumoad r.njr for each, and hil 1 .!(. 3K.I lirn -k; 1.4 Tl. - - - -" v A IM: salsm clerk i mot emphatlcaJry "not ia 1 K.. i . . : . . ZmryS lre orer- &nad saw the .. .-.g.ppeu ana imcM the team, tree tell roaa tiae both horses' ueads killing them instant.' v. "iiii .-.. 1. WasHixcT05, Dec. . The cash bal ELEGANT DAY COACHES. illl; ! 1 : '.ii I!ii.i r i i ?J liiTC, iffordim Direct ?i A afBtissrrais. ivnti eny The Boseburg Review avt: The u.ter lmposubtUty of enforcing tne prvsent Uw tor the protertu n of game u 'ridenoed bv the retolt of a reoeot trial held u Albenv. Alma ifcanix m rr.1 f. wii: 1 f their hide, ana trvjury retKlem! a verdict .-rf n.-, .i,i ; - mm MM. ol vliioh a 10a im .1 ' ! , Zl . ' waui uie net 7",M7e- This is a lass in gold since ITrV i P01! L5SLT. The .reafurv omciaU offer no explanation of this decrease. lalrr Nimu fart. WAaiuxcTos, Dec . General Sickles onereaintae house todavabUI to es tablish a national m',1;... i . trsburg, Pa. Tlie bill anthornw toecl rvuxrj-ot war to accept from the Getrrs bnrg Btledeld Association alWw i: coaaidcraWe pa rt ...ucuriu. iue secretary ta di- UK Dan. IVTI I IT W II T nnlla I ---- IL.i - - "- owttiCUriU. i 1 H jf"- rP Wa u .- . O .- j - n't I leaves a . p "LJif" v ! . UI of Morri.- neigblKW- could have convicted ! S22 S 0?uirT all lands known as the I... I.. 1. 1 . as ... . t,t-tiVr(tnn m , , I...T AU 1 . ..... 1 wr.u aiiu ui etaoii-u a nsflnn.t na. . .-3,aaaaa - . iuiu Mv.iw is appropn- eonntiy u.ideiweot a revnlutton and became Danocrail- elettlag iSt of he io" mem Set, Of coogre.t ffo-n Ika raakt of Oetnoc acy . In 1836 Van Barean c.ttured I ft) electoral againtt Ha-nton't 6j, and in iCjo Hatrl- oa captured J34 electotal vole aad Van Dai eaaorlyoo Ihe country' hiatory i foil of example of popular icssjajoa, and the Oemocrailc party ka. turvived man oVfatx and will live 10 .io ni.ltitudn of victcnet, cnief among which wi, be th eleuion of a prea.aeot in iSob Jacktonvillc Time AS l.vlromrai kno.n a the " grapli hat been cont racted for toe Dur. poe .if recording the mo ion, in tbe cm- ach of a patient order treatment, tbe uove- w exreoed shall o;cur to nreveo: I J . L. - A a a... I u' u. me 1001 won. it it ooder.nlna- U eapected 10 favor irn-B.rKn.... .vi i.oegn noibme can be odVi.t'r .!.! -cui to umctai rction nas yet ,r a ul 1 pa; en.l'Htre it llitle room foe donb.ihat .he tio- committee wh.'ch went to CleveUoa, O.10 to Live. g.e crurge. .ga'ntt R., j 01 tuving appe inna.ed feet properly be long. -g o he gover.mon, to h . ow., uw. ' " 1 a bU'. to Wi l lr l a tenuit in ik. r..n . .1 - '"I a ni Ben toe enure - ' T ,. ' Lv: st,Jck withoot roserve at greatlv reduced ommtt.e of the Hoow take thc g ouad , prices. Ttus will be aa excellent oppor- j wre . nate l p-ovto. I. I.' I, t l.'ta , ai'v ulmi. edbvju ge KkL. hnielf ) j is thought that -e qoe.tlou of h:lher ip-oceeliDcbJ!l b.. In.U.utel m II be lef lorthe full commiitre to deride. 1 lie commi.te: will make i . report ,0 ib Haur before the ho-ida... nnler. tomrtb nc rot I in the saastasaaiavau A K Kt-TOKBrVKO Couttv Supt. .MilIinar)tock for Sale. give up mv Mtllin will sell the entire . . . . ...I? .mi ..u fin tilt-tit oppor tunity to secure stylish trimmed hats at ; your own ngutv. him by their testimonv. but tber had proo ablv killed deer during ihe dose season for food, and hence had they testified against atom be in tarn would hare "cinched " them. Tbe next legislature oou!d paaa a saw penrntting the killing of deer for food at any time. A bob was noticed in front of a Fir.-t t.f,!"?kTT " "roiog.eveing the door. a" . m Pret,T a Oat,r' said tue proir., tor. ' Tbev wii.-h ik. osiseries-, and call lor stale goods." ated to enable him la do so. Aarte.ll.ral mrmmmtmm. Losoos. Dec. 6. Lord Wutchelsea has F-nlUnai aejvs. re srattao.". ca.t' ii ma . auce .hroos of tne roaw . tHR.'CGB ricKKre fe. a ia frJ(.n ai: ootm A .iMS ic Keaarsd SB.. tan tmreMw n , dekstofticj ,h corrpa. Kail irf-r.-.iaJi . co-3rit!itg rxssvjtn irairr mtrriiai otsr- .! . fn,n rW a apphcy o to a-iy ageni. or A O CrfABLTOt, -t intii. Gstrsral fawsagr Atrsatt. No !21 rni . cor. Waah-ngtaja.. PorUauvl ti. es. ii irt, t j ?v tH. .: imsY Ataof!SauarvaBdC ! HE ONLV AUTHORIZED Cau. HAnrLTox ril 1 the o-ofK rattan. Ir. d aiar'. CmkuI . F as or Co ass. br Ltorary necc'o - U-i'y. ami fa--?..t-. "TwrvTv Mas. II. J. nwer. Ladies Baxaar. Svf in nave! i : in rrlena thee. S E Vovnc. and it chemical action being carefoll and minute y recorded by meant of e'ectiicity. Germany's Ctittle Embargo. .ttmifig masse. favjr all . . ... tne n-gar acaudal ba r.i d it head again tn.l the ame dem-jii- tor. whote name were mot: conricaotuly mi.:bel tae pieparatlon ol iLe' .og.r tclitdu of the ...iff bill a.e ajain j 6ga"ng in the rasrort In a manner that it decidedly unpleasant to democrat, -eneially. I I.e. cm :t t i .. of Senator may look at the mg-.ttr. Ma.iy democra:. a. ; , ci se:t! hi. buunet for good and by jutt natltaj all .agar on the free bt 5 C "n r ItV : : I - t i .. good Ht ; rr. ilii-n make SI ul -it;, rhvat. mors. Oo to i It vLi ih e 5, cent piece vti? i yom a s aft-.- jtjceHev produce "M I br.-a gjod i I you will Gad the i ivj.-.-nent the bt to be o -cured in tn; cl'v. lile't be the lit that bind The people to flit atore. G ! r?a. n-n . fr?ii zxjJ. and ai cs,ert b.ii-r rlr- tit. outinea. ine appearance of Hra Yang Yu at lormai dinner srlvsn bv her hn.fnn,! ih. t Chinese Minialer. in Washington tecently, wa. a most important event in her life. From the Chinese point of view this made her a very advanced woman. It wa the third step in her progress toward liberty the first having been taken when she ap-pea-cd at a legation reception, and ho ec- ond when the attended a state dinner at the White Houe. Thc DiphthcrJa Antidote. II ave.ii t.i.l Trademark! cbfi;nd. and all Pat iantl' conducted lur Moe.a.Te rets. JOon flrncr i. Ofpo.ivc u. s. paS-cnt Orrec Xaail r.u cati Mcure patent lu less ua.0 tuau ikoa. I rem -t Irwa Washington. i Send m jdel. drawing ot photo., wrta deserrp J'lon. W. ad.iae, if pateinab'a or not, tree of Jcharre Our feo not due tu! r lent i i A rataeMtrr, now to Obt i Pateota," with Icovt of u dc In the L'. S ana .reig cvustrUi fC.A.SNOWCO. r upp. pA7CNTorr.:r V'.vsHiwGTof, Va-s a-v.- k-a v . m,- t B.00"'5.oPER DAY at nome nn i.ii.tnlng Plaieraml plailir irr, iy, uiche, tau'euare, etc Eve-t ha. uood needing plating'' 4J perlencejno capital; no talking. ;.. agenia are mak'ng i5 .c-.y. Pertn.n.n' oafttM Addreas It K Oclno & Co Co mbu, Onio. ""a , nua.1 Mon. a.ii ti l.ltruk7ila7fSrli"'l '" " ii ih.r.. .. SSvT-SlIl . .TTr". '"a"""!, m stTSaSSBaS .'". "', art a.. MmtmmiZM tm7Z..Tzn ever. M,la.r i -r . asaiKUIKU riliiun a.t " . r it.-.tV.u?.t"T"D'"''l.... W K PORTLANO. Op 120 Or. Prlce'a Cream licking Powder World's Fob- ffta-fiest Award. DOLLARS PER MONTH In Your Own Locality ...a... canny anu Honorably, wlthcat canl tal. during your spare hours. Any m;'i woman, hoy, or girl can do thc work h.u.i lly, without txirience. Talklna tin neceswry. Nothing it:n Jt for . i i , i.,,,. . ir ...... . . , . . .. . v.i ii'ii.ri always prosper. No time wasted , learning the business. We teach yai It a nlllllt how to r-. .1.. C notir. Yon can mako u trial without ei pens to yourself. We start yon, furnin evorythiiiir iiei'drd ta en - ' " J v VAX, (fli.f Micrrssfii lr nnt anM..a. IZZ against failtiro If you ..ut follow out Simple, Plain Instrnr rini.u i. you are in need of ready money, im Winr. TA bMAIM nil 1 . . . J ' business befons thr, nnt.ii,. o.. .L ...... . ...... ..v., .I.U MB J ' audress, and we will mall yon a diW i' giving you ail llic paivicular TRUE tft CO., Box 4O0p Augusta, Maine A.c.lon urbn the reiorted diteoverv of Texaa fever la cargoe of American impor tations of livestock and freah meat, from (Ml country hat been revived . It i hoped that Germany will tocn become convinced tbat the inlnhition 1 at needless a it It harmful tomutua! intrretti. Tbe German government ha exceoted to that provltion of the cuotomt of Ihe tariff act which Impotet a discriminating daty cl One of the amendments to Ihe Sia o con l-io ol a cent . pound on suaar coroine from I ttitulinn nf Vn Wb j.,-.i at.. . ,vn . vm a auutneu wm ui cec- T1 P,ne an cPrt boo"1? hereon, tion probibiU tbe issue of free patses to claiming mat t, e enac-tng of such duty b public officers by railroad,, telegraph nd lnfontraveniionofarticle5and 9 of the telephone companies. treatv ot 182b, with Prunia. In the inter- mns.- ' eat. of the commerce of bo h countries, aad cienalor Jones, of Arkansas, i. right o.vid even the, ccu..bon of treaty lo- Th, Republican, in tbe We nhould be ot v oV "TmT reeal ' much fwd to 80 record for or against the Ol tf;C Htntllft an frn nAint thai . ..) n I I saw . ... Of 'he mn to whom If ilu Um hnaor air dicovtiing the new cure for diphtheria, ; Loeffler lir.t accurateiv identified the diph- j 11 : . 1 ... . wiC,.,u. ten year ago. He wa irafa ed In Dr Kocn'. .cnool of lcerlology In Berlin. Behring'. invettlgation into the nature of irnraunltv reanhr.l in the ,lla.-n.... of th0 anfjtoxlne principle in the serum and the meant of destroying ihe bacilli by tri lUing the medium In which they live. Rorjx, who experimented independently in 'he line of Behrinua diacovmv itial the practical mean of obtaining the inocu- aico serum eati v nd In otianlitiea. anJ first demonstrated that it would cure tbe diieaae in hum... 1. : uiii.. Ltdlrt who ueaire tn na a Cornet or w.ft, ot elf adjutllng corset fiom Slr Talt, may leave order. f.h M Hnwlvnd 01 Brosdalbtn - between JnJ rd 3rd St. up to hvi gone out toe nun tided ia and the fojotrr. "I wm watching for von" taid the good nalored grocer, "yen war.t something to eat do you." and taking from under the counter a basket of relics, really tjocx1 eat ing, told the hobo to fill his pockets, wnich he did with ban and left with one in bi. band, and profuse thank fcr the favor , ., . - 1 K3 or t.O!t6BXS.S r- HI. . e' ; O. IC rtV..:,Sl I .'I : ww.. .- . , . .n r. . . , , V4 uiru Kose-1 -rnumcAi. ursc jaeaosa . .,iet. . 22S ' .LorJ, Jsailsbary. whom he in-1 or lh 3 aasT saunc t . ited tt attend toe c?nress of the agri- hrt- A K P J tA .4 -le.. t-k 1 li UV callarai union. Lord Roeberv. S fro t 110 01,:-. ,.ob.190 iiJi-'w"' expressed ympaUiv with the ' B :. fi. 13 - .'er. 13 lintisli fa-taer on account of the deplor- i G.- a, id 1 tt ; nr .rit g K R able .n.. : 3 . . . 1- tt . a. , - . I remarks, however, that tbe deDression 1 f 7-25 J P.tiaJt ..f ijr ...t asrd... 6 . in 36 .-.if; i-.,; $73. 2j B A P - V. Dak. tew 33 mrrnm 1 it' taftj afa v5. Kxcxcsrva TatarrewT .. I i.h t.mase L.Pl -V t- Y r r . ediaielv for ter- tn r 7 1 ''' j uowever. l.iat toe denrvs.:..n ure enough when wveral ctiMomer. i does no appear o be cTdnelf A cone out the tsaaa aaaW in .nJ . . I !-;,i v-:.!T.L W couuned to the If the Man about Town knew as little ' about modern foot ball as the O A C' di- Biased on Thank. (riaini. k. ...I. I - .: .u I - . , . - n - w nw, uv tiu ; . '. ' .iiiu ut writfiin 1 no rnt.n .. k. 0 AC had been splendid! v trairte.1 br Mr Taylor: but they isnored his instrue" Uons entirely in the game with Portlan 1 and simply fought an anliouated muscular game, whereas they have excellent material 1 J" a th , . .-ti int... f . i". ...... iri. : . - n vwrn ' in I IJ, . ""-p j, nnslsaa foot lall l nited Kingviom. Wa.t p.a. r KaWfr. Cmt-Foo, Dec. 6,-T.;e tsung-h-ya- men BM amH to send a y;iecial am- I "acssaor to lotto, fullv aiithuiixed to ne goUate a treaty of peace. This is the re snlt of an intimation from Called State Simmer Denbv that he ami Cnited State Minister to Japan Dun, have prepared the way for direct communication be tween China and Japan. arapp.latrd. Wasrisgtox, Dec. 5. Included in the list of nominations sent to the senate to day by the president, were several who! were anrxiinted in n&a. In .:.. .1 ! . . -- ... n IIIV li ttie apjHj;niees failed to secure confirmation dunni? the laxt au;.,n Tl.:,. i:-. clud: ln" IhlVidlv. P.r,.wrt .... i T ... tt aawaa auira ... Ia;l, ci.tlcctors of customs : Brown f.w ,ul w Hfinr Bill Fn. C..TrwifJi.f i hi n c HC Ski.- rircra teams an it vast L.hin.l fin... it k. i i .i.T fiVRC r.r." "" collectors of enstam.- i'TLl to see the Corvalii team win. A eorre- ! T.ri. a riT'V . ITioma S. ....... .vici, to oe in.i-.iri Hall, Idaho, and TnaCamtr.t!s airs tk Habjmias Hum. -The VViley B Allen Oo. 21! Firs St. PortU.vl. tuva the exclusive agency fo the sale of tae a'wve higli grle pianos WilV ni" bdV tl!" b.t? W.-iU f .r . ' T . . ll . Tjl v a-sii or iiisuiiimeui. spamleat of the tl A C in the GaaeVfe gT" '!? f1"'1 CtaH Town tbe WtowUg h Te P?, 1 Ko. thrust: - Sonie member of the SievI 1 M K,amtl'. Or- ...... ti 1:1 .. ! . the A I- : Twelve ttu.da. 1 n before he trie to wnte up another football i "-""AKr' 'na- .-The storv- game. It i hoped that r.e will accept the ! " 1 1 , -!1relH county that Mrs offer, as a few more aiivitinli ... .1.. : WsCatWOOa, whose roniarkahle'm. uvioau itam wotiui nice to Kive v man atxmt t.sw. ,.. N ORTH :RN PACIFIC R. R. X Goto Parker I roa for your groceri.i. A Wonderful Discovery. 01 llic ttatute a imposes that dutv. and 1 Invite stem ion to the ac:omptniing report of the aecrclary of ta e. .i,t.ii,.:nini a AU. U.slun Of tie UUraltnna Mini in. man prutetts Prealden'.'. Metsrge. sugar Iras'. And for should the Democrais. 1 bat matter so From SuiiHct to SunrUc. Attit Is the moti wett.rn f the Ameri can leutian itlandr, in thn N0itl; Pacific SCean. I a lo.niltiide U 1S1 .w aaa 1 1 minu'es wett. Kasioor. ajon Moote island. "n las.smxi.iolclv ba. Mr. an.l It ia th. mott easlern town in the Unl ed Staica- Ita lopglluJe is 67 tl .K,et. at. The dif. erenc; In lon.ilu e !, t.-..n tl.. in places it therefore li. dti?rrr aa ,nin. On June 21, wne-n the un tela at Alia. ., 8:07 p m, it 14:14 a in of ihe next diy. the hour of tunrhe on Mcote it an.l Samuel Edisoj. of Fort GrnLinl. Mirh the venerable father of Thomas A Editon,' Is now ln his 91t year, and ia in full ejsion of a i his facoUies. The tugi.r trust is tr, incr '-i tiaa hf..rr. Congre to d.vrr that ho-i,;from impeding the .lifferenti ,lniy on Imported iefined ugar. It tbre.trii. to ihut clown all ,h. refinerie in the country. It is lhefSsine old threat of protected monopolies and should ive no attention from Congress what Mr Glads'one ha never promoted hli eld st ion the rector of Hawarden, or hi on-in-!aw, Rev Harry Urevt. I bcre h. no i iiitjie mewr 01 thr family, male or femtle who doet not earn hi o. dally bread. A p.uty t i conds'. of 500 familitt of ihe Pullman strikers will, it braid, ttslVis). a Ingle-tax colony near Bhkeley, BaMwft, county, Ala. where they have purclxaed 2,o,-,o a -rea of land. The location snlrcted Is about ten mile from the Gulf of Mexico. Th. Philadelphia L?i!eer aava that " consensu! of opinion of the woolen gooo. dealer of London Indicate h a'nu, h,., noticeable and encoui aging increase in the f exilnrt of I.I..I. ..-I.t.. ,.!. .1 .... ' . h'u. u titu l.'nltrit States lnce the pane of t:ie Annie.. Tsiifl bill." Home treatment often prevents tne necessity for hospita treatment, li v c r y wise housekeeper keeps an Allcock's Porous Plaster on hand for immediate use for congestion arisinir from taking cold, for lame back, sore muscles, sprains and all sorts of pains and aches. There ar. Inliatlc.a by ih score. He tiara ol thorn, Uet thc r.nuina ALLcot a'a Allcock's Corn Shields. Allcock" Buhlon Shields. Have no eqaal aa a rerjef and euro for torn aad bunion.. Brandreth's Pills are of great bene St In oases of torplef iivar, biliousness, aad rheumatfsxa. 0'. Price's Cream' Baking Powder wrM". Pair itMut Medal and Dlstf "V No dbese I more common among the pwyic 1:. .ui aconuia. iiaiitifti tiowo from Is found In neany every family, in tome form. It .nay matte Ms appearance In dreadful running ore., In swelling. In the neck or .nit.. 1. . ... . , , . s , n vtu,titjnB 01 variea lortns. vti.cKing me mucou. membrane it may or Known a. caiarrn, or developing In the lung. 11 msy -e and otten I the prime lauav: ui Lunstl mpi lori . In whatever form scrofula may mana fet lUelf. Hood' Sarsapaiilla it it Invet erate foe and conqneror. Thl med'clne has uCh powerful alterative and vi'a'.txtng effect, upon the blood that every trace of Impurity lg expelled, and Ihe b'ood is made itch, pure and healthy. Dr. Price's CrearrTiiakine, icm d i Awarded Col. Mtdal MMwbtttr Fair, San Flam : M ARK 11 1). PARKER RICHARDS. - At Hay Creek, on fata 15 ISQJ Xf I.M r.i.. , , , ' - - .v.., ... . .... , ...a, eon of L A Parker, of this city, and Miss Uer- ! iiime uicnartJs. tinughter of George Rich 1 arus both of Crook county. They have j tho best wishes of many Albany friends. .t.. - . . r: . ji wine , ... ....... 1. t.. . n.uiu- one uiai appearett in rndav s IVmocrat ! I ' : , . . Jwn K,vea wide publici- v'tAtt. 1111. itBHini 1 lariir: n o-j 11 1 " v v iiiainn in rita v trd uk game generally so btully that rea.ler ?"!n,iivahe having leen divorced from ttese i "r.rrrru "l MT Blackwood was would not know trh..ll..r it . ,u: -. .. v uinese wr or an insn wake tbat was being r- ,v,rt t A f001 hian.v hardlv knew whether the game as played was .1 'Chinese war or an Irish wake, for certain. How manv in Alhanv will nm on s- .... - j "... , .. . .... ... ... tx- 11 wl bo the means of ascertaining i - nn, v,ii tinittzs 1.1 inaKP stun . year The Man alxiut Town would be mighty glml to pay the tax if he had the Erne; that 1 the way he feel, when be 5 nt it. 1 jpt a titan nn.M ). ,.-..;, 1 1. - 7 ... . l .niii.a 11 and Uie addiuonal tax looks big. goittg to u '.ll!. The Pnlem Sin tawmian ia aian makr nil tl, -t:tt. t,. w "-a iu cs P.llllt ): 1 .1 ' a a a iiuvmi uocr uui anu in nici never wa Oblifttsti trt TliA arafa .-tfK t i rwule wherever they please. They always matter of fact, though, it would be verT ttrAoA. f L. .1.1. .aa.. . . . iviyi to. tne suite omivr to lesitle at the J-apital city where his duties are and where he is needed constantly. The Hudiret rlna and e strangers taken in by wild cat real estate swindlers. Not hi no am, I.,... Astoria mnm ll,. . ; it as. n. ...imtiers tuu while the boom lastetl five years aco ntranniai lm ll .ti n . . . ' .n i,ny LIU I HIT citv nsnasia mn. u... i ....... t . - V ".W"l OUt Ol tiie.r money ior wild-cat dens, gulches and mamea when lo rears old. One hus baad has i n i JS" cession until her matrimonial career is this mte wurts " take l fee Bo.d . Wiamwaia.1, Dec. 5. Within 1 1, i month the government will be called uo ?5 2:?.000 Paeiac railed .n.,. . , ob uie tirst pavment mail, kv ll... .... . .. rV . ...v Kv-.rriiiuem on tnese bonds. Ihey ran for long terms, which are now about matitrivl Tho nn i .- . . n vmtiM x ncmc nas "- inwury to uie cretUt of its sink ing fund $o,0r0.2o0, and the question ha arisen wUether the government not ap propriate this fund to the payrn0nt Df the w uiatumv. a Jsakgo la Trouble Jacksonviujs, 0r.t Dec. 5. The break iiigoi uie jail door yestordav by the wants limge, in t be absence of the sher iff and deputy, to secure possession of an inline man. that lm ... ;..!, . to the insane asylum, is almost the sole topic 01 conversation here. The btmleu Of opinion is verv .hviibsliv ir. k.. .... .. that the exigency was not such as to war- no... juujfo in t-Ung as ne did, and that be l omtiiilt,..! m rah .n.l ;.. it a act when he broke the jail door. X. AraalaUre. Was'iisotox. lec Pullman Sleepiiig uavs. Elegant DinVNg Oacs Tonriso Sleepiug Cars HORN'. ,FRl.T w ?,V N?,v 6- 1894- in Ibuny. to Mr and Mrs W.n Frum a girl. DIED. v . 7 f vn. no..., i.Uim.-S anil tl AS-llMiTOX, leC. 0. It it Um!nativn.t brush patches ai the wav from three ton .u . .t " 18 unuen-tood fifteen miles ,,r nf tn. L. T, ,,ls ; ,!l!,t there is no troth in the Shan dtd'nt you p;tk earlie. f hal rwm r of a 10-day 'a armisUce be- The Lugene t.uartl says that some escap ed lunuuc out in Jackson county is telliaa the silly story tbat a cottin filled with irons was shipped to Ihe Catholic church at Ku geiie, and that tho authorities seized the cothn and confiscated the guns Thc r.fore- ' tutiu erunir anit iiinnti.. iu.t ,. 1, ,i ...:it. 0...1 . u. mm the commercial traveler, that such was the awe. Seal will wear a new hat if the partv is financially 11.. ' - if twtvn t htna and Japan. Atvonlim, tn information from well-inforuied dinle utatic curies, there is reason to believe that Japan proitoses to fellow the ex ample of tiermany in the Franeo-Prus- aJU war. and nfnin ... ... .. . pvwaciuu oi cer tain ixunts of advantage in the conauer- ivl turriinn- nntll ti. . . Iuvr shall le Tald. ly VINEYARD -On Thtirsdav ev... wi" new hat if the party I . . . . . . jKtoi -SfS Uuutgir MnZ Pari ""ifeof VTas f Wil S,hld V ' K SiommiLr" a abo tthirtvi? to hear of his name being registeml at a , been tried. After deliberotina 1EmFt St Paul Minneaoolia Oulnth Fargo. TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Bu te THROUGH TICKETSitcfi TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia New York Boston an.) .11 Points East and South f For inlor-lalion if... -- ... . AgenryroT"1' B OrATlChsTrUnn a. . - Portland, ST " K umi ooLLgpiifs mmm ALBANY, OREGON At: I corps of iaatruetcA .iSICAL, SCIEMTIRC Ulimi COMMERCIAL AND NORMA1 vLASStS (arse, m nody aii.aasil ' mil giadsa ot stod.ota 5ffkf OMtHoratrat ' !a v'aw from Abroad. P -s 5 5. efn--- n. itfz- BEST KSi ' r. 3nsr aria. '.real ttir ..a-, wom aui bt liaii.tnta iygti .try, j ril MB m H. iinfaia