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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1894)
Weskt.t Dkmocrat. $1.75 per year n advance. $2.00 at end of year. Z How It HarPKNkD. Saturday evening the Democrat mentioned an accident to Mr Alex Brandon, the particulars of which had not been received. Mr Bran don was attempting to put a halter on a young colt on hie farm near Plainview, when the colt turned and kicked Mr Brandon hitting him in the face, crash ing the frontal and nasal bones. He ..was taken unconscious to his home and iTMastonof this city and Dr J B nenry sent for. They attended him as soon as possible. The brain was re lieved of the pressure and the wound dressed. Mr Brandon is lying in a critic al condition. His recovery is an uncertain event. He is a pioneer of Linn county, an ex county commissioner and a man of sterling worth . His friends will uni -versally hope for his speedy recovery. Wdi rl just received from Mr Brandon is that he is improving, and is able to talk and recognize those around him. A Wonderful Difference. The fol lowing should make Oregonians think they are the paradise of low taxes: Washington raises $7 of state taxes where Oregon raises $1, and Spokane county raises proportionately $40 where Multnomah county raises $10 of taxes lor county purposes. At first it would seem that this wide difference would al most be impossible in states lying side by side, with resources almost identical. An intelligent idea of this difference, however, can be had from a study of the governments and statutes of the two states. Geo W Belt formerly district attorney of this district said on the sub ject: "Our taxes a:e something stupend ous and something mast be done for re lief. By all means let something be done. We can't stand the present con dition of affairs much longer. When taxes get to be five pei cent of the real value of our property we will either -have to reduce them or leave the state." All Day Prater Mkktinq. To morrow will be a day of prayer at the United Presbyterian church beginning at 10 o'clock and extending to 4 o'clock. 10 11. "What means this service.-' Rev J T Abbett, leader. 11 12. "What wilt thou have me to do?" Rev C H McKee, leader. 12 1. "Our responsibility for others." Rev E R Prichard. leader. 1 2. Prayer for the unsaved. Rev A S Copley, leader. 2 3. The Spirit and the individual. Mrs Peake, leader. S I. Answered prayer and testimo nies. Rev Riley Little, leader. All christian people and those inter ested in religion are invited to attend all or any part of these services. Dratii ry Culori jo (. r tome time past, the six-yes old on of George Lyons has been suffer g rom hip joint troubles which finally bro e into a tun ning sore, the bones l com ig decayed. As a last resort in ei eav ring to eave the fellows life an opei tio 1 for the re moval of the diseased ort n was performed- It was done l On Paine & Kuykendall, assisted by Dr T W Harris. When the operation was a tout concluded it was noticed that breathing had stop ped. Artificial respiration was at once resorted to and kept up for ac hour, and heart stimulants were also administered, but all to no avail. Death from chloro form is comparatively rare bat its use is always accompanied with some risk. Eugene Guard. How Ha Was Killed. The Toledo Post gives the following accouut of the death of Wm Hosier, mentioned a few days ago: Wm Mosier, an employe at Pioneer Rockquarry, was crushed to death by the fall of the mast for a new derrick being erected at the quarry, on Wednesday. The mast which did the work (a log about three feet in diameter) was being hauled up a steep hill-side when the rope broke, the men all jump ed ont of the way of the log which was descending to the railway track below almost with lightning rapidity, save Mosier, who was caught between the mast and cars and mashed to death in tbe twinkling of an eyr. White vs Metzoab. Fire matters are assuming some of their old time liveli ness. At tbe regular meeting of Albany Engine Co No 1 held Thursday evening Mr J W White, one of the moat active members, paid the president, Mr Charles Metzgar, his compliments, and was fined 50 cents; they were repeated with inter est and another fine imposed. Amotion was made to make the fine 5 a hen the trouble was stopped for the time being. This noon Metzgar and White met in .front of the Rasss House. The latter tootinued his remarks of Thursday even ing, when Mr Metzgar sent out one of his famous shoulder shotaand Mr White sat down on the sidewalk. Farther trouble was prevented by friends. Next Saturday. Considerable in. terst is being taken in the con ing fcot ball game between the Salem Y M C A and the Albany team, at Salem on next Saturday. The Albany boys are practic ing daily on the college campus. Mr George Washburn will plar fall back, Marvin Turner, right half back and captain, Sena McFarland, left half back and manager ; Walter Biddle, quarter back ; Rocky Willis, right tackle ; John Talt, left tackle: Herbert Shannon, right end ; Angus Graham, left end; Frank Wood, center; Nixon, right guard ; Louis Dyer, left guard. Jiff by Odds. The matter Df select ing a state flower is again oeing agitated. ' At Hood River some two years ago the state horticultural society selected tbe ' Oregon grape as being peculiarly fitted .for this p. ace of honor, but now some of uhe esthete want something else. If it is absolutely necessary that tbe state have a sower all its own, we suggest that stick by the Oregon grape, unless iDdeed Jeff Myers can be persuaded to accept he position. The Dalles Chronical. Councilman Iv'ein, of Salem, is in the city. Thomas Monteith, postmaster at Al bany, was an overland passenger for home last evening after a pleasant visit among friends here. Salem Statesman. 0 Scherlburg. at one time a resident of the jail at Hillsboro and afterwards in the insane' asylum for a while, is now a lieutentant in the Japanese navy, his mind being all right. Mr and Mrs Jos Britton, of East Pales tine, Ohio, are in the city, the greets of Rev and Mrs Riley Little. They are on their bridal trip. Mr Britton is an uncle of Mrs Little. He is one of the unfortu nates who manipulates printers ink. The Albany Social Club will give a social on Christmas night that will be novel. Each gentleman will draw a number and take the young lady holding the corresponding number to lunch, pay ing for her according to her bight. G B Height has returned from the Bay, Mr WN Miller, who was with him, writes that there has been a tremendous storm there, and that the cottage on Nye Creek in which he was temporarily living was trembling like a cat with a fit. Allan R Slauscn, well known in the Northwest as a newspaper writer of muck note, is still in Washington City, where he is reporting the proceedings of the senate this winter for the Washington News in addition to his work as corres pondent of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Ex. Dr Collins, a graduate of the American college of Dental Surgery, of Chicago has formed a partnership with Dr Littler of this city, making a strong and reliable firm, whom the public mav have no hesitency in patronizing. Dr Collins comes well recomnended with six years of experience. The Cottage Grove correspondent of the Eugene Register says : Our genial lawyer, W H (jooper, who opened an office here this fall, went to Albany Sun day, returning Tuesday bringing his family with him. They are keeping house in Mr Stoffers house and wiU make a fine addition to the society of our town. Joaquin Miller, the Poet of the Sierras, and George Partington, an artist of note, have engaged passage on the next steamer to sail (or Honolulu. They have been engaged by Eastern publishers to prepare a history of Hawaii, to be writ ten bv loaoutn Mil'.er and illustrated bv Mr Partington, and it is their intention to remain in the islands several months. Maj H M Thornton left on the over land this morning for Syracuse, N Y, where he will reside with a daughter-in-law. Maj Thornton formerly resided at Danville, Pen n. He was a resident of Albany for ten years, always boarding at tbe Revere House, where he had the same room and the same place at the table. The Democrat predicts his re turn to Oregon after one winter in tbe east. The uncertainty of life has been brought very forcibly to the mind of the Man about Town. Three weeks ago his cousin, Charles Pike, of Rochester, N , was an example of health and physical perfection. For ihree seasons he had held the champion amateur athletic medal of that city of amateur ath'etee. He was taken with typhoid fever and died in a week. Besides h:a prominence as an athlete he was a member of the republican cuun.y committee, and an employee in tbe Water Works office. ihoueh unknown here ot course. THE DICKENS CARNIVAL. Electric Lights. The following list shows the number and cost per month of electric lights in the principal cities of tlw Northwest. A pe rusal will he of interest and an eye opener in many respects, and certainly whon com pleted no one can accuse Albany of being extravagant, many cities no larger nor wealthier spending several times as much tcr electricity. i umber. Astoria 3 Baker City 48 Olvmpia 4( Walla WaKa 34 Fair Haven 38 Everett 38 Puyallup 33 Anacortes 2i) North Yakima '2t Port Townsend 55 South Bend 21 The Dalles ...20 La Grande 20 Eugene 26 Albany 13 Moscow 16 Colfax 13 Mt Vernon 13 Pendleton 15 Hoquiam 19 Dayton 13 Rosehurg 14 Pocatello 10 ....8 ...10 . .387 . Gil ...12 .200 Boiss City. Walaee Tacouia Portland Oregon City. . Spokane Seattle 123 New Whaieom 100 Midnight Service. Hiilsboro 11 Teko a 4 Forest tlrove 16 Silverton 3 Dallas 18 Ashland 21 Oaksdale 14 Prica. $11 00 11 00 11 50 11 50 10 50 11 50 12 00 12 00 12 00 11 00 13 50 12 00 12 00 10 00 10 00 11 50 16 00 15 00 18 00 12 00 12 50 13 94 13 00 12 00 10 00 IS 00 9 40 9 50 8 00 10 25 9 00 10 00 10 00 S 00 8 00 7 50 7 00 9 53 order. Piek- Kcsoluticni of Condolence. Hall of Y MCA Albany College, Dec 11, 1894. Whereas, It has pleased the All-wise and Supreme Ruler of the universe, in His providence, to call from our midst Nicho las B Sprengw, our esteemed and Moved member; be it Resolved. That the sincere and heartfelt thanks of the Y M C A of Albany College be extended to the bereaved parents and reiativ,'-; tr;i-ting that in tljts sad hour they may look to our Heavenly Father, the Shepbeid and Bishop of our souls, and receive that peace and comfort which He alone can bestow. Be it further Received. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the min utes of our association, a copy be rent to each of the Albany papers for publication, and a copy be sent to the bo reared family. J E TORBET, ) E Stewart, t Committee. Bert Wight ) in a pes- The dress rehearsal for the Dickens Car nival held at the opera house last evening, though only part appeared in costumes, speaks for the success of the carnival. It promises to be one of tho greatest carnival treats in the history of Albany. In the grand march nearly 150 characters will bo in line. There will bo Mr Welter and his crowd, David Copperfield and friends, Little Nell, Martin Chuzzlewitt, Little Dorritt, Mr Dombey, our Mutual Friend and Nicholas Nkkieby, and their many constituents. Ifwill ue interesting busi nosd hunting out the prominent characters so as not to get Utrah Heap and Ham Weller mixed up, nor take Major Cottle for Stiueere, cr the Marchioness for Maggie. This is to excite the curiosity shop of your brain. It will only cost 15 cents to go, 35 cents for three nights; children 10 cents. Following is the program for the open ing night, Wednesday, Dec 12: Fnosc Pickwick Pai'br3. The Pickwick Club-Called to Address to members by Hon Samuel wick, interruption by Mr Mutton. Hunting Scene members of Pickwick club, Winklo accidentally shoots and slightly wounds Tupman, who is carried from the field. The susceptible Tupman and coquettish Misi Wardlo. Interview in the arbor. The avowal of love. Discovery by Joe. the fat boy. Course of true love is not a rail way. Pickwick and his landlady, Mrs Bardell Informs her of his intention to employ a manservant. She misunderstands, imagines it I proposal. Faints. Untimely entrance of her little son, also Tupman, Winkle and Snodgrass. Mrs Leo Hunters breakfast youth and beauty of village present. Introduction of Pickwick and fo'Iowers. Mrs Hunter, in character of Minerva, urged to recite ode to Expiring Frog, her own composi tion. Beautiful! Touching! So Pathetic! Sam Weller in love. Pretty maid. Mary. Indites Valentine with assistance of Elder Wellers tender sentiments. Middle aged lady. Double bedded room. Pickwick get in wrong room. Discovery. Surprise is mutual ; apolegic in vain. Flees from wrath of enraged maiden lady. Christmas ete at Mr Wardles. Grand time. Every body happy. Mistletoe from ceiling. Ancient vustom. Pickwick em braced by your.? ladiea. Is envied by all present. All jollity and mirth . We won't go home till morni ng. From David Copprrfield. March of characters. Music by Copperfield orchestra David happy home tableau . Piano solo by Mrs Dt Strong. Peggottys boat house punt. Vocal solo by Agnes W icktiold. Betsy Trot woods home tableau. Wedding scene tableau Micawber denounces Uriah Heep punt. Reconciliation. Dr Adams returned this noon from a trip to Portland. Attorney General Chamberlain, of Port land, is in tbe city. Mi and Mrs C E Smith, of the Le) anon P O went to Portland this noon. Judge Chenowith, of Corral! U, went to Corvallis to day to argue three cases in the supreme court Mrs E E Parrish went to Salem lb is noon after her sister-in-law. Mrs Webster, who is greatly improved in health. HOME AND ABROAD Killed a Couoak. A correondent of the Salem Journal says: L M Ornsby, of Silver Creek, is tbe hero of these part just at present, and the cause of his glory is the killing of one ot the largest cougars ever seen in the state. For several weeks past sheep men have boen pestered nearly to loath by the depredations of a mountain lion or cougar of tremendous size. The beast would roam about and take his pick from among tho choicest of tbe flock and retire to feast at his leisure. Party after tn..p firmbl Willi tilt PXtlfPSR tllimnui of running the intruder down but they were , s"r,s fault always unsuccessful in their efforts-. Mr, Instead of as Ornsbv was one of tho heaviest losers and determined to do away with tho pest that was so destructive to his property. For two long weeks he watched, waited and trapped but at last he was rewarded and on visiting his trap tho other morning was de lighted to find the lion there, safe and sound. Before the animal could be killed ho succeeded in "doing up'" two tine dogs. Reached Harrisbuiui. On the local last Saturday afternoon ti man and woman nrrived in Harrisburg who arc very poor specimens of humanity, seperiallytpBaHtn. It is a combination that is hard to linflsi stand. The man is an able bodied man, yet he prefers to "beat'' his way rather than earn his living by some honorable means. We learn from a prominent citizen of Al bany that while they were in that city the went from houre to house, lgging fur Kmnotliinir tn eat. Thev had two small .... V , ,, . . . I . . . . ' . t .. children with them waeu tney arrived in nunm writing it icoks as though we Albiinv who were about famished, but were nnht be going to have a tin days of nice taken by Mrs L K Hlain, president of the usins ior a change Ladies Aid Society, and placed in the or- Itev McKlrov and wife, of Philomath phans' home. When they arrived here j and Rev Morrow, of Jefferson, are holding tbey had evidently trade a raise as they a protracted meeting at tbe school house, had money to "blow" for beer. There is J They report very good attendance consider a place for such people and they should be i ing the rainy weather and bad roads, thev The Dickens Carnival to night. Grand march at 8 o'clock. Mrs Ohas A Riley the talented elocu tionist will appear at the Carnival to night. Secure your reserved seat for the Car nival helore It l too late. 137 s tickets have already been sold, It Is an interesting fact that though ii.ere is probably over S300.000 in all the banks of Linn countv, only $30,193 Is given in to the assessor, This Is not the stated yesterday the assess nn-ni ior las: yesr was: (insa value. 19.- J76i9'7i exempiions $684,057; net taxable property, fo.saj.syj; foils, 2,605. the reduction this year ts $1,122,690. The Postal Telegraph compsnv see ns to be extending Its lines. Monday at New York the property rights ot the unticu L.incs lelegtaph company were sold for $30,000 to a representative, ic is said, of J W Mackey. A ununified specimen ot a cat was found under one of the old buildings being torn out on Ninth street to make room for the Conser brick block . It Is well preserved mm wuuia ao credit :o any museum. It should be sent to the Smithsonian Insti tute. Eugene Guard. Are you interested in Potutocdom. ut there. That place is the workhouse. The Salkji Team. The Journal gie the following as the makeup of the Salem V Mt'A team that will play Albany on next Saturday at Salem: Babcock. c; Gil bert, r g; Judd, I g; Keene. r t; Chase. 1 1; Evans. re;Jessup. 1 e; Holman, b; Coleman, r h b; Olfnger, I h b; Paige, captain, f b. The Salem team has the ad vanUge of having played five or six games, j alout the house me was piaved EnU afternoon with the V illamett. so that tbev i!l enter are of the Evangelical persuasion Ed Snyder had the misfortune to get belated on one of the islands down oa tbe Uantiaui tbe other night, consequently be took squatters right to a small piece of land, and made the best of it till morning. Harry and Frank Thompson sold the remainder of their potatoes to Chas Smith, of Jefferson, consideration 26 cts per bu. L Thomnunn i !.! tn nn ..! f w WS UU'l Mevokiax. Mr Nicholas B Sprenger was born in this city Jan 2nd 176 and died Nov 28, 1894. In his death the home lost an affec tionate faithful son and brother and society one whom it regarded with confidence ao'd ' r.K ! -'t in t K otfthvtlvvwim m rt . 1 or,.rr. the . wnortfk Hrt ii fbiiKfnl and innviAr. Man about Town feels like putting itf piiigflv and well, he discharged everv print hie regards for a young man of daty and committed to him. He was purecnaracier, asKenue as a woman. 1 conscientious, honest and painstaking " "" - uie performance of all his tasks. He origin intellect, one wno ior nearly u 1 a and even temrjerammit. I . u ...J ,n u., ....l,r His intimate acquaintances alwa s spoke j Corvallis Times. in ine niguest praise o: nis character. "Nicholas was a good boy" is tbe univer sal verdict of those who 'knew him. and his sudden and earlv departure from this 1 life bronght sorrow to many hearts, beside those of his bereaved family and relative As a christian yoontr man' Nicholas lead an exemplary life. He was a faithful mem- 1 .'ir .talc IfUrn... 1.1 c.tA . :.:: the father-in. -law : 1 TK,. ed bv the IKfeTlC AibanY team - U,d Ua" till running his has splendid material : but the handicap of : "7i.1 M "fy,-f?n . . : . . . wrv TIT L ill . I rr 11. uncci aspics ISalemseiptrienceisabigone. p 10. t 4 rv r, l . s . " F" e 10 uig aown here in pc The All Da v Priye meeting he'u in ; tatoedom yet. tbe United Presbyterian church yesterday Paul perry, of Hard Scrabble, has in was well attended, especially during the ; rested in a new horse aftomocn hours Everv church in the city r. , ' ... , .. was well represented and the spirit of unity ' JTjZjl .' m k"u and oMMaTof pur, inanifeitad. tended 11 ht ,n " a feW to draw these christians very dose together. Surely every person who participated in.. iiai Dai bid drfiance to posdtry eat this praser meeting received a rich bleas- 1 mg varmenu, at be has built a new chick ing. Mr Peaks mm last evening was i b'se on of great power and pathes. The large Quite a number of the young Uocda audience listened attentively while she pictured with great vividness the 'Suffer ings of the Lord Jesus Christ."' Truly, she had a message to deliver to the unsav ed, and she did it with eloquence and power. Services tonight at the usual hour Bible readings each afternoon this week at 3 pm. Subject. The Holy Spirit . '" ThrK.xdW Want.-It la rcpoted thousands of people will rotne to Ortgon this coning lew years. We wast thous ands of people, but e do not want thous- ans ot prop.e who reach here dead broke veara was a member 01 Uie same house hold of the Man about Town, a continual ray of sunshine among those with whom be was associated. was Ya-the John Cook, a hoy 14 vears of age, recently killed on Upper Bear Creek, quina Bay, bv shooting himself in chin. Mat Scott has just returned from tbe foot hilis with a car load of cattle, which be will ship to Portland, tie leporta snow lying on tbe foot hills. The steamer Eugene will make regular trips to Albany. Mr George Acheson has been appointed loca'. agent, and will ru6t.e for ibis excellent boat. On account of the severe storm -at the Bay the steamer Homer from salllr.g for about three day South Coast is on this side ajraitmg the abating of the storm. The firemens election was in progress '.his afternoon. The fight was between W W Rowell of No as, and Merrill D Phillips for chiff engineer, and Fred tJ'.ount and Albert bteiimaker tor assist ant chief, the later being an independent candidate. Fair Oaks Circle No 1, the Ladies ot the GAR will give a social at the OAR hall on Tuesday night the inn. A gooa program will be gien and refreshment served. Every one i cordially tnvittd to attend. Only lo cents admission. Pro gram will begin at S o'clock. The Ladies Guild of the Episcopal church are arranging ior a sociable (with fancy articles for slej on Wed, Dec 19th at the house of Mrs Wallis Nash, fourth and Montgomery. A schoolteacher near Mitlon. Umatilla county, while punishing a pupil, was at tacked by five grown boys. The teacher. Charles Howard, pulled a pistol and stood them off while he continued to give the unruly pupil a whipping. This is the same district in which Frank Fletcher and Peter Gaakell amended school the boys who murdered Chas Petrie on Llnkton mountain two years ago. Ex. Who Backed Out. of O 1 Bard well and Martha A Kiter. and George E Glass and Vesta Turner. Mias Celia Pennington, who has been conducting junior service at the Baptist Mr 0 E Brown, district passenger agent of tbe Union Pacific, of Portland, was in the city today, on business connected with his popular line Mr Tom ScneH, nephew of DC ScLell. arrived in Albany a few days ago from Canada, and is the meat of his uncle. He ber of the l?t Presbyterian church and also i formerly resided in Albany for awhile. of tbe Y P S C E. Very seldom was he ab- Pen Blevins arrived from the Willamette sent from the Sabbath 'services: By his! Wednesday, he came across the Lebanon route horse-back, and reperts the snow two feet deep on the summit. Prineville Re view. MrTiiomas Brandon, whi was in the city to day, reported his brother. Alex Brandon, recently injured by being kicked by a horse, as rapidly improving with good prospects of recovery. Ih Hill went to Salem this morning re turning this noon, after having attended a patient there. The Dr remarked that he remembers when he used to make the trip by stage in several times that length of time. License has been issued for tbe marriage Wc pePe with some money, no cneenui. consistent cnnstian me ne rec corr. memkd the religion be professed to all around him. He will not soon be forgotten bv his co workers. "Blessed are the dead which die in tbe Lord from henceforth: vea saith the has been kept SPirit xiaLt tbey may rest from' their labors three das. The j ani tir wor'8 d follow them. I Assessment. Tbe assessment roil of Linn county lias been completed, and shows tbe following: Acres of cultivated land. I92S01, value $2,475,555 Acres of unimproved land 37562) value 1.273.215 Improvements on deeded land . . Town lots 6S4.HS5 Improvements on town Iota 577,8 5 Improvement 011 land not deeded or patented 15,790 Railroad lines, telegraph line, electric lines, canals, etc 329.525 Merchandise and implements. . . Sist.SSO Money :.190 Notes and accounts 977,486 Household furniture, etc 223.9S5 Horses and mules, 8976 260,4C Cattle, 1343S 88.180 Sheep and goats, 3S926 40.&30 Swine, 6119 12-256 necesssrlaiiy fortunes; but enongh so that they wlil be self supporting. Oon't come here 10 be supported, we are not a poor house; but come with enotieh lodiridc op n.r farms into prune orchard, and smaller wheat fields, or perhaps bet:er still with money for manufacturing. Sosic Ficiaisc. Several snen were diacuttlrg c Piracr Bios store this morr.- ing, with Chas Metisr the question of mastjiie- this vicinity expect to take in the rade at Jefferson on the Ind. I Se Vov. SOCIAL AND PfcRSONAL. Mr Hale Backensto, la the city. jf Dallas, has been Menama, is in went te Yauina to 1 Mr. Rev McCullagh the city on a visit. Mr John Holman day on basineas. Mr Harruon. who was taken to tbe asy lum several month ago returned home to day. greatly improved. r (isesta Piper, of tbe news depart ment of Use Onryoniin. came up this noon m u.ud-i use i.aranai. Ine Iegre of Hnor social hut nijrht was a Terr pleasant affair. The IV.ies of use order know how to msJre an pasa off enjoyably. Jack Roscoe. who rm-ntly left for Michi- tne 5 fine he had paid the cits on account ) fD to spend the atcter. was in a railroad of the contest with Maggie White ! t ""deot hasl and came near losing his s-igges'ed some figuring, when It wis 1 rwnrmg some serious mjunea. learned :he two fines, ooth ra- Sae A Saicru Scheme. Gross value cf property Exemptioos Total value taxable property Polls .064,275 594.115 $7. 470.1 GO 2S1 Brownsville Happenings. Why Was It that Arer'a Harsaparllla, out of the great irimber of similar preparations manufac tured throughout the world, was the only medicine ot the kind admitted at the World's Fair, Chicago? And why was It that, In spite of the united efforts of tho manufacturers of other preparations, the tlenistsnjof , the World's Pair Directors wa not reversed? BECAUSE According to Bclb 13 "Articles 1 A. ... ui. ui uy way dangerous or of otfenalve, also patent medicines. o nostrums, and empirical prepara tion, whose inc-redlenta are con cealed, wriU not be admitted to the Exposition," and, therefore BBeanu Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not a secret preparation. BecauH its proprietors had nothing to conceal when questioned as to tbe for mula Irom which it is compounded. Btcaute It Is all that it Is claimed to be e Compound Concentrated Extract of Sarsaparilla, and In every seru, worthy 21 tbe Indorsement of this most Important ol committee, caned together for passing Ol entire world. Ayer's ionry Sarsaparilla r Admitted for Exhibition AT THE WORLD'S FAIRgS ttoooooooooooooooooocoooa Last Thursday W E Martin left for Al bany where a match bad been arranged Ior him with Sky Meeks. for some rea son or other the Albany people backed oat and Mr Martin returned wratby at tbe treatment ho received. When tbe match was made it was stipulated that his exoenses should be borne by the Al bany cinb bat he did not receive a cent. McMinnville Telephone Register This la untrue. The backingout was on tbe part ol Mr Martin On Oct 7tb be wrote reterring to a proposed lour hand ed match between himself, Moore, Kin zel and Meeks, and adding: 1 don t think a shoot of this kind can be arrang ed. 11 you can fix things satisfactory with all tbe boys all right, but if not 1 will tboot k r Meeks under these condi tions: Twenty-five (25j live birds for twenty five dollars, ($25) a side, match to take place at tbe race trac, gate re ceipt equally divideJ. Your people to furnish birds. I cannot afford lo go to Albany and pay my ohu expenses on so small a purse as $2o, but as I agreed to boot Mr Meeks, I will jo under the above conditions. ''That was plain enough that Albany was to furnish onl the birds, which was done. On Nov 7th Mar tin sent an agreement ol which the fol lowing is the body : I . w h Martin have this day deposited with Fleming A Gii son, of McMinnville, Oregon, the sum of $25 to be shot for at Albany on the race track, on any day hereafter to be agreed upon, for a purse o! $50, $25 a side. Match to consist of twenty-five birds each. This deposit is made wiib the under standing that if this match does not take place, tbe money is to remaiu up as a forfeit in tbe four banded match now be ing negotiated between Kinzel, MeekB, Moore and myself, for a purse of f400, each man to shoot at fifty birds. The attendance at tbe grounds was small, the contest not having been Iver tised and Martin refused to put up the money and nowithstandtag the contract claimed expenses, evidently as an excuse, and tbe contest was declared off. A case could not be plainer. By request the Democrat gives these facts in order that the Nimrod. of Western Oregon may have the correct veraen of It. The "liveliest" thing of which we have heard since our last communication to your valuable paper is the wind. Friday and Saturday night it blew a genuine gale in this place, frightening- women and playing havoc with all movable things A W Blackburn and family will soon re turn to Albany where Mr Blackburn has secured a permanent situation. We regret very much to lose them from our city. A large number of Brownsvilleites made trips to Albany last week. The latest and best news to the people of Brownsville and vicinity is that after Jan 1st, we are to have two trains daily. For nearly n year and a half we have labored under the difficulty contingent of having only one train each day. much to the cha grin of all, and now that a way is to be made by which all inconvenience will be noviated everyone is jubilant We understand that considerable talk is going the rounds pointing to the union of Krowniville and North Brownsville. If it will only tkn a tangible form and rnate- rialisa it will h one of the best moves ever made by ixth corpvations. A .s .- Inst tf.i re jk r - ,-Kjr ".! tie voased to .f .i (in-uacd dine 4h line. 1-11 o Sf VO " " lO all 3m nnA n.ii UC-iana. Hall's Cstarrl ft Curs Is Ino only pouli o t eji litutional dim--i recitina u. coiiniiuiionai tbe D -ill' hi ' i Hi c i :i . '. ro r.ow known to ri a Demi a coo ........ H.ll'.C In : rh fur 11 Hkl'U iiiCCT- nally, acting directly upon the lood and m I cous surfaces of t.'iesys'.em, thereby destroying I tjie foundation of the disease, aipi giving tbe I patient strength bv building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The i proprietors have so much all in its curative nc wers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars I for any case that it fails to cure. Send fo list of testimonials. . , Address, V. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0. Mffkild by Drtuuists. 'ibu. OiV.OUeJJ u5 -Jtl J JtflUgMptft rp3W P1D P'PJSMV Doji't 8s), A good many men in 'Vest ern Ore?on have had the Southern Africa fever hence we pntlish the following from the Telegram: "The African gold fields are not what tbey are cracked up to be," said Ferdinand S Force, of routhern Ore., this morning, who recently returned here lroin Uape lon. L> May the alluring announcement in some of the newspapers respecting the for tunes to be made in African goidmining auracicu me to mat yet suiierticially ex plored continent. After reaching it I visit ed nearly all the gold fields, as they call fhoa '.here, but found nothing encourag ing for a poor man, or one without proper financial backing. The mines, of any im portance, now putting out gold in anv great quantities, are owned by English anil Dutch corporations, which operate their properties with negro labor, at a very low price. inesKiiieu worg in ine mines is performed by white men, whose pay, con sidering tho cost of everything and the cli mate and sther incenviences, does not amount to much more than it does in this country. "I met three or fourscore Ameri cans who would be glad to leave the coun try could tbey only find an opportunity to earn enough to pay for a steeruge passage home- I merely make this statement to warn my countrymen against being misled by this mirage. 1 would say to any Ameri can making a living in this country, 'Do not go to frica, for a fortune you'll never una i ve ueen engageu in miniugon Uie lroui n Pacific slope for 3 years, off and on, and I catarrh. am Kure that had the so-called new hldoru- Sale, Or., Dec. 11. The Post will publish today a very lengthy and com prehensive petition that will be present ed the neat legislature for prevention of the moving the deaf mute school to new home five miles cast of town. A petition is being signed by many prominent men in the city and state, and all who have children there. Undoubtedly- it will cre ate considerable comment. The idea of many is to have the new and costly mute school turned into a girls reformatory and build a new school for motes where they can leant from contact with speak ing humans. There is yet an unexplain ed mystery about location and purchase. Before the legislature closes it will be aired. Many citizens are interested and are going to eift the matter to the bot tom. There ts always a V In advertising. A Corvallis jury has sent a man to jat. because, without permission from the owner, he hunted on the "enclosed lands" of a farmer. The ladies of the Christian Church will give a m!b social at the residence of Mrs M K Rhodes 1st and Main street Tuesday evening. All are invited. horse was sold at CorvaMs by the marshal acd brought the sum of $:. per haps more than it we wocth at the begin ning of wlnler. The so-called Csrvallis Dancing club were to give their hrst party at '.he opera hov-se last Friday evening, but only two ladle grazed the occision with toe'.r pres ence. Times. The following appears In the real estate sales for Benton county in the Times; E J Phillips and t.usband lo W L. Vance, a and ten hundrelhs acres one mile north of Albany, tlb. The managers of the Dickers Carnh'a'. having been requested by many lo have reserved seats have concluded to do so. Season ticket 50 cents, single admission 25 ce-.!s. For sale at Hccges A McFsr-land's. A good rr.anv are watching to see whether Oovertior Pennoyer pardons W W Haundtrs and Prof Russell. Less than a month lengcr remains for the Governor to get in his t anion work. What wi.! he do? The Post In lis rtccount of the recent V M C A district convention savs: Mr Mlch- ener then took the fl.ior and at !ii Ir.quirv it was found ;hat Albany college contained 2C chrlstaln young men, McMinnville co lege, 1 1, Mon mouth 30, Pacific college 30, Agricultural college 30, Harrison I- etl uieao, Polytechnic InstitJte la.ano v II' amette university 50 christian young 111 n. That Joyful Feeling. With the exh'.lcratlng aense of reneued health and strenght and Internal cl'anli ness, which follows ihe use of Syrup of Figs, Is unkown to the few who have not progressed beyond the o"d time medicine and the cheap substitutes sometimes off ered but never accepted by the well informed. paid the CTty ihe re..;jired amount, would buj 40.000 cubic Incur of bread, or to speak more understanding! , 400 loaves of bread. Placed aUJe by side they wo-jll reach t !eet. 40,000 cubic Ir.ches ol bread for a Utile fun these hard limes should make a man s'op and consider. Tub 8 P asd Its Em-plotes. A dis patch was sent out fiora San Frtxciem to the presa last week staling, that a sweeping redaction in salaries on the enure S P y -tern was to go into effect oa the 1st inst.. and that hardly a man woald escape lor railroad men cm the S P lines in hrgon son't seem to know anything about a re duction, bat a tbey are paid about 10 per cent less all round lhaa like emptoyes on other divisions of the road, the Oregon em ploye don't look for any cut onu! the men on the soot are put down to their level. Ashland Hdinja. Fibemax s Election. At the firemen s election yesterday S) votes were cast. Nearly every voting fireman in the city casting his ballot. M D Phillip, of the UAL Co. carried off the tivphy. being elected Chief Engineer by 48 vo'ie to W w nosreit s 42. t l mount, of .o is was elected assistant chief, receiving 62 vo'es ami Albert Ste!k:.. - - Robheij ix TacoMA. Mt Alex Domond .. re.-e.nty - it f r M. w ... 1 -fctja ea several days in Taroroa. While there be was robbed of 35 or 530. ail the money et had with him but about fi. Be tele- graphed to A loony for mere and will ton tinoe his journey East to night. a raaixr o assLE-jjn w k lira- ham while in the hen bcese at her ho near mis cuv. on .Monday. BMS, spraining one of ber ankle in a serious manner. Be ing alone she was obliged to crawl to the boose and await ber husbands retain fro a; lbs city before receiving surgical attention. The Hot Place. A Big Stock to srlecl from is an Im portant thing in getting jewelr t.lliais why you should call m Will and Stark. E'egant sterling i ver jewelry at WW a iitarks In the latett designs, anil rnanr ol them. The best stock of spectacles and eye glasses in the city at Will it Marks. Wilt A' Stark have the goods most suita ble for holiday presenU. Examine their stock. frouvcnlr spoons at Will Si Stores. Gold headed cane and mar.y other things just right for holiday remembran ces at WII1& S-uks. Kheumatisrr In the back, shou'der. nips, ankles, elbowr, or wrists. Is caused b accumulation of acid in she b:ood Hooa s sarsaparllia neutralise the acid and cures rheumatism. flood's pilS are the best fsmily cathar tic ana Hver medicine. HarrrJcs and rtilabe. New niTCHEaSnor. Boyes Bros, have oretW a meat market : sriine tbe O tempw? on Ferry street and will ei first cjas meats as cheap as any shop in Albany 1 nve us a call. A Usase will make a splendid .'hristmas present (or vour wife. You can get the proper thing at Read. Pea cock A (.0 s at an extremely low figure ior casu. Wcsisd. Alt to know that Tinkle turning out strictly first class photos, end Is ine p ace 10 gel r.r.e picture look at his work . Tate naxos axd One as. Save small deal er and agent commissions by tuvinir f . 1 44 1, .. . , 1 , . . " e uvoi me w iiey o Alien o- direct. In quire at H J Jones book store for prices and int -niiauoa. Tooth brushes at I red Dawson' WILL & STARK .ttio jewelers DRESS GOODS? IF SO write to us for samples, and elate abcul the price and color youjprefer. WE HAVE"THE. Largest Stock OfDrefs Gocda in Oregon t?outh of Portland. We are making a big effort To close out Our busfnecs in Albanv, and we have the goods and can give you the TaCl tSfsaT possible TRY US once and be convinced. Road. Peacock & Go, City Council. Tuesday evening, Dec 11 Present Mavor. Recorder. Marshal and (.ouncilmen Whitney, I'feiffer. linrkhart. Marshall and Walters. The following bills we'e ordered paid: I Henton. I23.-J0; F Purdom, t&.lQ; Ed Iravidson. $2; George Cobb'e. 5; G MJ Knox, tlii X; H liosrtrs. 16: J White- sides. (5.60; A G Long. $1 70; J P swank, f '?; Llectrtc Ugote, 129: judges and larks of election, continued; tann Fngiae Co. $13.40; Costs Molten agt Albany. NUt; Thornton agt Albany. $46 37; Uackleman agt Albanv. W 65. Tbe claim of Mrs M r. r arreii for the refunding of 192 paid on street work was disallowed Mr I oho Schmeer. was upon recommen dation of tbe committee on streets and public pro trty ordered (riven 24 hours in which to lower his side walk adjoining his livery stable to trade and to remove his hay scales from the street. thief hcinneer tannais reported trial So Is engine had never been cote' except when being repaired, that No 2s had 1-evn coH several times, it as stated by toe engineer on account of poor coke. He re Dorted all toe cisterns working well except one at Baser and Nec-ind streets. Tbe recorder reported the regular can is of the vote of tbe city election sub stantial! r as iu'iuhed. i ise niif let : s seWSI tfer 10 PHK9D 1-27 and 12 HsckletBsns addition was re ferred to the committee 00 streets ai -. .. . ! - 4 . . . .. . . . An c.ttroction in lalferal sewer tasween 3rd and 4th streets was ordered Jtended lo by citv if in street, and by private property owner if bevood street. Anordinaec i rroer riding far tbe letting of contracts for tding and srraveiing ot streets, to Ine lowest biddr. to be paid for by property owners first, if not then by city. Don't Be Afraid To Send the Children when too want anything in groceries from barker Bros store. They wi! be wared upon jui as aod just as Jf carefuJy s if jou Tp areet yourself. They will get ios as much for the money. Reliable groceries, lrrh produce, and first clas baked goods. Ra'.hbone sisier. Lady Macca'iee. Daughters of Rebekah, Ladies ot Hooar. Riktnofthe sTasll I II 3!ar. Vou are all Invited to call a: F 11 French" jewel y siore and exa-nine those rmbkT tlnt ird ctianr.s. iner :r.isc vers nice and appropriate Christmas J"res ems. TRADE WITH US And Get One Free. MiC- SsUer aie. spectacles c o-ks and al goods. tl twaar, Prescriptions filled at Dawson's H. Evrert. the Albany Jcwv-Ior. Choice atscrtroents of ladies and gents wa'.ches. Price lower than ever. Jaw kl v . Latest ladies novelties Diamond good, ling, etc. II Ewaar, jewelir. Face powders at Fred Dawson s ,Vf wlil close out a large lot ol sundry ...i-i ...ii.ku tnr haltdav presents re- 4IWV-IC -"" - . j.rdle of cost. Hodges 4 Mcvi.anb. Ciiarran OrfK Kits. -Baily Chapter No 8 have elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Allen U Matthews. High PruMt; I It Wvatt. King; F K Allen. Scnbe: C B Winn. C of H ; I P M.ison. P S. K 0 Cusick. R AC: F.dward Wa-hburn. Q M 3d ; II H James, li M 1st V; K W Ung don Treas; II L Walden. Sec. W E Uater. Sentinel. Money To Loan. 1 have taor.ey to loano-i good farm land In Linn and lie Hon counties In sums not over $3000. No delays in fur nishing the coin. Call on CO liurkhar-. Alba-.;,. Oregon. Also mcney lo loan 011 city property, in ary amount on long tim at a lw rate ol i.itereat. Its Fame Will Live. Do you know H will s3on be Christmas, md II Is lime ycu were thinking about laving ) our Holiday Photos made. Tin- kie Is the hea -'quarters for fine photo- grai h-. You cin buy OliiiMmaa presents iiom 35 cent up, at F M Fr. nch's jewelry tore. Drop Into French's j iwelry store mid spend a few mtocte looking at the display f Christmas goods. It a III Cvst iiiu nothing and yu will be made welcome. Lidirs who aesire to order a Delsartc Corset or walt, or self adjusting corset horn Mrs Talt, may leave orders wl'h Misllowlandoi Broadalbin ' t between and ard 3rd St. do presented any advantages for a Pacific coast miner, I would have been able to grasp them. But, I tell yon, up to date there's nothing in Africa for an Ameri can " A si emergency medicine, Ayer' Cherry Pectoral takes the lead cf all other rcmcdids. For the relief and cureof croup whooping cough, sore throa', and the dan gerous pulmonary troubles to which the young arc so liable, It Is Invaluable, being prompt to act, sure to cute. Do not think thoe holiday goods you see marked so low it FreflcY jewelry store are stole,! goods, we guarantee tbe tie a well as the quality. CATARRH positively cured for $1.50. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Call 10 12 tor irec treatment tor colds, la grippe, headache cr neuralgia, at Hodges & McFarlands, Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or". j CueaP Shoes. I carry a large line ol ladies Kid Shoes, solid throughout, sole 1 leather insole and counter, slvllr-h. patent tip, everv pair warranted. $1.50. $l.oo, j ! 2 CO, Try a pair, vou lake no elm rti I r) II Young, MoCULLOCH-Wll.l.lAHY. On Wednesday. Dec 12, 18114. at the Kevere House, in Albany, bv Rev k R Prichard, Mr Oeo E MrCultoch and Miss Anna M Williaby both of Harrisburg. GLASS--TURNER. On Tuesday, Dec II, 1894, at the residence of k C Rogers, in Albany, by U W Harris, Esq, MriicoJC (Hues uml Mirs Vesta 1 urner both of t Hcio. i nmiiiiiniii iiiiiiimii 111 DIED. Danuruff forms when thrglandt of tie ' 4kln are weik nrd and If elected. ;i .li'- SSiLLit-S? H"r Re'l Dr-Prtce's Cream B.kine Powder i k.8l!0h?y to nv. i- . r-; World s Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. WHITMAN. On Dec 8, 1891, at Berry Mr Geo W Whitman, at the uge of 70 vearn. me remains 01 1 110 iioccaseil were l.M..l.l 1 1 i. 1.'. ..1 1 uiuiiuiii' i."- ' ... j ..'ii .-.iii 4 1 w mini Mich, for buna' I STATUE OP THE REPUBLIC COURT OF HONOR WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. The World's Columbian Expos ition marked the climax of hu man achievement. It will live in memory of the crowning glory of modern times. No other devel opment of tho closing century can compare with it in practical benefit to mankind. Who that exhibited is not proud of it Who that failed to exhibit does not regret the omis sion ? The former are the people of to-day. The latter are relics of the past. No honor so high as that em bodied in an award at the fair. Competition was world-wide, the fruits of ripest experience and noblest endeavors were submit ted for examination. Honest tribunals, composed of eminent scientists, examined and passed upon tho claims of exhib- . ltors. Their judgement based on inquiry and justice, proves con clusively the value of any article they commend. Their approval was stamped oa The Columbian Gallery A collection of reproductions of PHOTOGRAPHS From the WORLDS FAIR A Trip Around ihe World A portfolio of tbe photographs of tbe marvelous works of God asd man in all parts of tbe world, prepaid under the di rection of JOHN L STODDARD. Each of these beautiful volumes is 13x11 in sire vnd contains 256 full page plates, accurately and artisticail repro ducing the original photographs. Each view vividly described in graphic lan guage. The whole beautifully bound in brown cloth with cbccolate colored side tamp. With each cash purchase we give a check to cover the.amount : as soon as yon get $25 n checks we present you with your choice of the elegant books mentioned above. THE L E BLAIN CLOTHING GO FUNH.BLOCK. ALBANY OREGON. rite Great- TV Ttiis eitra- enUnarr Rt- iavenaior is the most wonderful discovery of the ace. It has baan en- OHtedbjrUia men of Europe and America. H b B? stasia stops PtiasiSwisess of the dls rriarge tn JO USrs. u tosi MANHC CcostipaUoc. Dlitfnisw, FaiUac Sn s::or.f.Xrrv oastwitchiiit of the eyes and otht? paia. -streoatbaaa. Invigorate and tone the enure arstem. Kasha a euros iieolllty, Kerronarass. Emissions. acddevelopcs. and rt-aows weak orcana Falsa In tha back, losses b t d a t o t nMKi-ppet! Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder It received the highest award at the fair from a jury headed iy the Chief Chemist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Dr. Price's was officially commended for highest leavening power, purity, keeping qualities and general excellence,'4 iMf o MVt wfrat afHSorsaments. Prematorenesa means tmposrncT tn she first i. ia mnnifwi nraRminal weakness and barrenness. It can be stopped In SO days by thenseof Hmijan. The new discovery sm iMsHlg ej SeeUil. i... nl.t amnnHaSus Hsdlcsl lastitot. It to the strongest viiaiisrr dj. " ' w powerful, but JSjKSffilSS ageorS packagv for Si.00 (plain saalsd txo) Written gnarantee svaaforaoura. Ifrrjubsw six boxes an are D.t entirety ccrvd. six mora win be sent to you free ci charges. Sender clrcnlarsand teexiroordaAcWreRi HI' U SON MEDIC A I. INSTITOTK, J um-Uou Sioehloss, navrket Kill. S San Frmsielseo, CsU. OCKIfttU rot SALkPure bred .ireU fee IheAlbanvPoultrv Yaids, White nl silver Laced Wvsndols nJ Bsrred Plymoutn kscks. Jwnor Mb any, Oregon, corner alh and K R S; T O-.T. Light oolored overcoat, black I j vol vet collar, 8mewhereln eastern part of ettf Reu m lo DawoctaT ornco, sUG (BURN & S0MERS ATTOENETS -A.T LwdVW, AH legal matters will revive prompt at- 4snt:3n. t-ithce, Hrst retionai onus IruiMiBg. up stairs. BUY JEWEL STOVES AND RANGES OF MATHEWS & WASHBURN Albany wars rtioat. Sic Oats. 3Sc flour, S. Katter, 2o. !. J8c. Lard, IS to I Fork -hams.Uto ISc. (tew. It to lSe. Hay. baled, o moss,; 25 v Ap ,. ou!(r.-T-Oc; c When the Chinaman the water From his naly ncxzls squirts On the surface of your collars. On ihe bosom cf vour shirts. His only thought of you Is the money be will set, Bv spitting on the linen. Till he knows he has it '.. The Albany N-.eam Lsuadry dampener. ue Red Grown Roller Mills. (iaoorporsted) B t fl. ur M nuh JnJ baker use BEST STORAGE FACILITIES s I WALLIS NASH ATTORN ffiY -A-T Will practice in all the coutt of the state. Office First Xat'l Bank builJing. Albany, Jregon