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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1894)
cwocat. Give Them a Clianco. A vigorous effort will be made by the Icad irg colored men at the labor conference to be held in Denver next week to have the word "white" stricken from the constitu tion of the labor organisations. The Christian Recorder, the organ of the Afri ca il E church, contains an open letter to John Burns who has come to ihis country from England for the purpose of attending the conference, to espouse th" cause of the clorrd men in the fight for equal rights. The leiter says in part: "In the name of the rights of labor, we ask you to make some notes for your coun try men at home concerning more than 800.000 workmen in this country, who suffer the greatest injutice at the hands of organized labor in the United States. In the name of there colored workmen we urire you to report upon the conditions which exist in this country and to recom mend that (here be no co-operation on the part of B'iilsh trade unions until Ameri can trades unions shall give all workmen in this broad lnd an equa'ity of opportu nity. "The people for whom we speak, sir, are no' foreigners. They are not Poles and Huns and Italians, whose condition has al ready provoked your compassionate and fraternal interest. They are amonir the first coiu?rs. They arrived with the other J first families of Virginia early in the 17th century . 1 heir great and on ly crime con sists in having been bom black. "I'owderly made a magnificent stand for jjstice at Richmond, and his influence be gan to wane Iron that moment. Mr Gomp erg has attempted to do something, but be stands almost alone. There are a few lead ers like tbese, who, unable to inaugurate an agitation for equality, would welcome from you a fraternal word of warning to the effect that they who would demand their rights must respect the rights of others. The Democratic Opportunity. There is certainly omething patriotic and statesmanlike in the utterances of Senator Turpie on the question of the election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people. That a senator should arise in his place and advocate a method of electing sena'ors which aoald result in the retir ment of more than one-half of that body permanently from politics Is an indication that the cause of the people is prospering in the face ol apparent defeat. When that day shall com; that the p.-op'e may elect their own sena'.oiial represeratlves, then wdl come the day when S ate Legislatures will have time :o consider the affairs si slate, and then wi'.l the scandals of legisla tive ;e-&iocs have lost their most abhorrent f ,-atures Turpie assumes that much of the scandal is unfounded, but that the fact that the present system of election gives rigs to scandals is argument enough in favor of its abo'iilion. Thia measure which is to be cans'.dered by the present Congress is by far the m jsi important and far retching meas ure, the one wWci will ha7e the most per manent effect opon the history of the nation ct any consideration . Ail others being o mere comm. rcial import are overshadowed by this, h'.;h means a most important in n ivaiiun upon the form of government as e- abashed by our forefathers. However much we may adore their memory we can not I ut admit that in establishing the upper house of Congress and the methods by which Us membership was l Uosen, they were influenced more or less by the tradi'ioo of the tovernment Jrom which they had but recent) sepaiated themselves. When the people are permitted to vote apo tiili amendment to the constitution, then will occur the finpl test which shall drscl M wt-fch of tbe two clastes of modern soc Sty predominates, the democratic or :he pluto.ratic, those wbc believe in the Jconlrol of it e State by tbe people, or those who believe in the control of the State by wea.tb If the Democratic party shall succeed in presenting this question to the people before It passes from power, then i: will have re deemed in the eyes of the people much of tie prestige which it has so recently lost. Duties. No one can choose his duties. He may accept or reject these presented. There is no third course. He may hu: bis eyes and try to persuade himself that some thing more pleasant, and not those pain ful, diilcult things, are what is required of him . But it will be of no use. They will remain duties just tbe same. If tbey come to him in the order of God's sill, h's only hope of peace and true prosperity lie in manfully performinc tbem. He will not escape by feeling the pain or the trouble from which be shrinks. This inevitable to every one who lives. But be may very eisily escape tbe consolation, the high sup port, ibe gloriout thrill of joy, which come only I j him who stands manfully in the place allotted him and holds till dsith the p--st to wh;ch be was assigned. Before smart people in Congress defeat tbe income tax lar by defea'ingan appro priation for its execution would it not be well to provide some method of supplying the deficiency In tbe pub'-ic reven-es which would reeu't from tbe nuilifkatian of that law? The present Tariff act was passed with tbe aumptlon that a certain part oi the revenue was tc bo rai-ed from an in come tax. The people who would now pre vent the collection of that lax are evident ly actuated by considerations of the pri vate pocktt rathir than of Hie public Treasury. .Snakes b ve tbir usefulness In the world. They are the c. vengers ol swamps and morasrs ailf other animal of lze are unable 'o p?,,e ? or exist. It is In the tfOpice, of Cmrs-, thit eroent c .icily abunJ. All tns.te are of tropical origin, but ionic peci have ,prea! into cooler latitudr. .1 very exl c mn'ri.-. here are no n Lea. Omlrerv 'o'be popu'ar lefT'f, iber.- a't som.- n aS in It! n.i, bu' Ihey are vr-v Tr: riici rSM bo u ora-IZid l Nc V'uik sn as 'l.ttion known a I he Nitionil wh 'e.-.' I.J nb r Dailers' A.socia'ion, ihe ou roi I. of a voluntary u-si-i I'to 1 previ 011 ' 1 ei e3S fa aaaw SWrths. The capi al represented is upward of $30,000, 000 , il .ing a buslnrts of $75,000,00) a year Mr II 0 Havemeyer ritceives a salary of . $75,000 a year as President o tbe Sugar Trait -urd $25,003 a year as trustee. Do bis stop with the shut down, like tbe ages of his laborers? ''Uere. B II," irap2d 'he m.m on tbe giound to the man who was jumping on bis s'ossach wiib a pair of beavy boots, " a'li't fair This is nothin' but 8 fight; it ain't no footbs.ll game!" Tl.r Cm idlan troilt returns for ine first 4 mon n of th;: li I ye ir en le ' Gto'ier 31 low a SSfJtoe of $4 313,642 in exports and !cc ine of 5.441,603 irapj-ts, or a to'al de-line in foieign trade for the 4 months of $8,744. 3'S- StoixiN'i at Cost. Peji hs an.) 75 ce !'. Nicety turned h'i Cati nnd te c"iivinced. t ;, 50 OO, Mi Jims n Homuj mm The World's Money. The director of the mint of the United States, in his annual report, just publish ed, gives tables that show the volume of mouey in the principal countries of the world. Ho slates that since his lat report, there has been an increase of $64,000,000 in stocks of gold mouey, $124,000,000 of silver money and of $13,003,000 of un covered paper money. It may be useful to explain that "uncovered paper" means paper in excess of the coin reserve held against it. Thus our gold or silver certifi cates form no part of the uncovered paper, because for each dollar of them in circu lation there is a gold or silver dollar in the treasury. To count these and the gold and silver reserve held against them would be misleading, as bath can not circulate at tbe sacie time. The following table gives the gold and s'lver in the various countries: Gold. Silver. 625,300,000 112,000,000 492.200.tXX) 215,000,000 54,900,000 30.000.000 15.000.0lX) 3,000,000 166.000.OiX) United States.. $ 626,600,000 United Kingdom 550,000,000 France. 885.000,000 625,000,000 Germany Belgium Italy Switzerland Greece Spain Portugal . . . Koumania. . . 55,000,000 06,000,000 15,000.000 500.000 40,000,000 3S,900,0O0 15.000.000 8,000,000 1110.000,000 27,600.000 7,630.000 6,500,000 14.200.000 i Kiln no. i rLsMjOQO Servia 1,900,000 12l.000.lXX) 56,500,000 1,900,000 4.800,000 5,400.000 4S.CO0.lXX) Aus.-Hungary Netherlands. . Norway Sweden Denmark Rus and Fin'd. 455,000.000 Turkey 50,000.000 , WkVan Australia ioo,uw,uuu Egypt Mexico Central State. South 120.000,000 15,000 000 5,000,000 50,000,000 Am. 100.000 8,000.000 Am. States . Japan India China Tbe Straits Canada . . . Cuba Hayti Bulgaria. . 40.000.000 SO.000,000 W.OOO.OOi.) 88.300.000 950,000 000 750,000.000 115.000 000 5,000.000 1,500.000 2.900.000 6,800.000 14.000,000 18.000.000 2,000.000 800,000 Total fei.965.900.000 M.M5.TO00Q8 The uncovered paper in these countries j amounU to $2,570,900,CXM) of which the i United States has $475.000,000 -more than any other country, except Russia, which has $550.(100.000. Great Uritaia nas $1 13,000.000 of such paper; France. SS.- j 500,000; Germany, 88,000.000; Spain, i $107 .000,000; Austria-Hungary,$146 300,- ' 000, and Itely. (107,000,000. It appears, therefore, that Russia, Austria and the Cnlted States have almost half of the un covered paper of the world. The director estimates that since his last report tbe un covered paper has been reduced $40,000, -000 in Austria-Hungary. $22,000,000 In France, $20,000,000 in Russia, and $50,- 000.000 in the South American stales. SumnarUed the report shows that the ' world's sapptv ot sold monty is a little j lets, and of silver money a li.Ue mote, thin four billions, the siiver exceeding the go d by $90,000,000. The per capita io the sev- oral countries is as follow Uni'ed StaUs $25 7 United Kingdom 19 90' France 36 70 Germany . . iS 78 Belgium Italy Switzerland Greece 25 oS 9 60 16 96 20 6S Spain Portugal Roumania J5 36 34 Seivia 3 95 9 9 5 53 6 55 3 33 it 36 8 3 a 9 JS 8j Austria-Iiucgarv Netherlands Norway Sweden Denmark Ruasla and 1'mlan J . . . Turkey Australia Egypt Mexico Central America States. South America S'ates. . Jpan China The Straits Canada Cuba 19 85 4 7 7 3 78 17 22 4 09 2 08 3 26 IO OO 12 19 i Hsytl . . 4 90 Bulgaria i... t 76 Of all the countries France has the lara- ett circulation per capita, aod nearle fwc - thirds of it is in gold. Belgium com-! m-ra next, with nearly an equal division among the forms of currency. The Ne herlanls.l'oit ugal and the I'm tj States have each near ly as much as Belgium, but in Pcrtugaj nearly half the money supply Is in uncover ed paper. Great Britain has a small frac tion less man JO per capita, more tnao " of which is go d. Bulgaria has tbe smallest raoey supply as compared with population, and nearly all of it is silver. It is worthy of remark that the iow percentages are most'y found In the countries having the silver standard, each as India, wi:h $323; China, with 2.' S, ann Mexico, with $4 71. Oregsoian Popular Science. A wound made by the tooth of ihe cobra species cf srrpeot is a mere puncture ar.a causes little sael'ing. The person is killed by paralysis of the nerve centres The danger of ihe rattlesnake bite, oa the Other band, is from mortification of the in jured part, which may proceed so far that the flesh actually putrefies. In regard to the mammoath remains of Canada and Alaska, Dr G W Diwson n !is that in the northwestern part of the con'i nent they ate abundant ia, if not confined to, tbe limits of a great unglatwtcd area there, comprising nearly a'l .Vasia ao I par of the adjacent Yo'.ikou di-trict of Canada No mastodon bones have ben reported froi. this region . The toad ii a higher animal 'had she frog became it gives birth to li'tte air bii-iiibing toads, whereas tbe frog lays eggs tha' pro duce fish-like tadpolei Ba' the fio is in certain respects the m i wondcrfu' -;re iture intbe world. Think of a ieye'a'i'e-eatirji fish gills that turns i.ito an a i-brrath-ing land annua', developlni; tea b and be coming a carnivorous quadruped. Tna I he life history of a fro For eyery degree ot :eir.prra-ure of the sir there 13 a m.iximu'Ti ii-ni-. ol Water vaj.or to ibe cnoi: inrli whijii the air is cpa' le t-f bea-ing. So, tor, for any given q-ian'i'yuf vapor p?r cu'.lc in-h, there is a Usptrataws at whicS he air -will Iu d estactty so mac 1. TnU is uj so calle.l painl of sa uration R:dace the lemperatme tlow that point, aod (be vapor begins to condense, ani as sume the (ortn of dew,fo,mi.t,v. poi orrai Osc of ihe most noteworthy tff.irts In ibe direc'ion of increasing our export iron iraJt is that made by Whitney & C j.jf N -w Vjrk the export agents ot the .H.niioi Howard Iron Company, al Btss-mer, Ala, further re 'erred to in our market report, Tbe firm recently sent an sigeut ta Tkio, Japan ad bid o "i i i d 1 f . - 1 , o . toss trl Utst-dsva pipe for the Tokio water- works, lJ sfzl' varying from 9 to 33 inches. Il -ieoforr such contracts have fallen stall B'.gtrh or Belgian birlders. This time, huwcvr the price msdt: for the American nutcr.a: was so much less than that taked by ' Ik. others that ii was accep'.ej a', one-, nnd the transaction is now pending in a toteims. Tne pri:e is ,U e I r.j 37 ,ioo delivered, or an average of $37 per too - Engineering and Mining Journal, The l iat Has oonc l-orth. The Sat bus gone forth to the republicans of Oregon that no man who believes in or advocates the free coinage of silver, can be regarded as being In accord with the dictum or practice o! that party, and that republicans who thus believe must change tbsjii course or find themselves outside the re, ub ican part) , no and hereafter. And who dechuvs this fiat to the republicans of Oregon? Who is it that assumes to thus dictate the course of republlcuus in this sta'er1 Who assumes to him !f the pre rogative of saying what individual repub licans may or may not believe as touching the silver question ? And who, in reach ing the ciiuiax of has domination of the thoughts of men. assumes to say that sll ver republicans mut change their course or be read out of the party V It is the Ore gonian that assumes to do and say all these things. It is that paper that declares in plain, unmistakable words that no repub lican can act with the republican patty that does not stand unquestionably against free coinage of silver. l'he attitude of the Or eg ni, in is a bold and defiant one, but at the same time tt U fraught with imminent danger to Ihe psssoetuity of its party in Oregon. If that parly in gleaned of all those who Oregon were believo in free coinatTe thero would be less than 20,000 voters left. In the chaff thus separated from the wheat would lie found Senator John U Mitchell, Congressmen Hermann and Ellis, Governor-elect Lord, Hons C W Fuiton and Thos Tonnue and scores of oilier lender nf the nnrfv liMtilM I wn ,hlrds of ,be f(,P"Wic'" P'ow of the state. ! aim it-.v. uiitstes vji auiong luc mriu . ers nnd labor people of the party. To all these people ihe Uregonian boldly and de ' tiautly ays: "You must change your , course or find yourself outside of the re publican partv, now ad hereafter.' ' In tbe manner of one who feels secure in his power, that paper tells these free silver re publicans mat they, like John Uunyan s ... ... . piigr ui, are wander ng from the way ml must get back, right qui'-k, or. rind tbem- how much better off this country was with elves out of the party Was ever any bos out a railroad. All this tickles tbe live more absolute than the boss of the repub- j lican P,rtT of 0la ? H tbe republi ca P1"1? ' Oregon fallen to such a low j estate that n has become the subservient tool and slave of one man? Will the lead tm resent this threatened domination of ' tne Oregonian ? Can that party afford to Dave 8 ana sucn a t0' WWH man 6601118 ,0 IorSet ,nat the republican party in t athi' g o.i, Maao, UaMSrua Moniana, dan, Oregon, tin 192,) and! iseyera! other states stand o.i a free silver ( p'atform Besidss hundred of thousands j of republican voters in tne otner .Utes , . . I likewise urge tbe adoption of free coinage. Are a 1 these republicans who do net seem ' disposed to change their courte to be driv ' en out of the r-; .; . ;r. party? If so. a hopeless minority only will be left. Wbat do republicans of Oregon intend to do about this threat cf the Oregonian ? It looks very much like they intend 10 yield up an abject submission to the commands of this new boss. The Oregunian is very much wor ried over the tear it entertains (bat tbe ree silver republicans will make ies" of a man's republicanism by raisin? the free coinage oas ion. We dj not si regard the atti'ude of the free silver republicans, eta Wi uad.-r-'an I the notition of Fu'ton, T..n.-,. Ml-.-t.rl t I V 1. ...i. k ., 4 . : .J4 ihey , Believe a man may be a loy republican whether he he in favo'- of, or op.-osei to tbe fire coinage cf ai.ver. But the Oregoni an is auJacioutly gull y of the verv offeose it art al the door oi tne free i'.ver republicans. Ittthefit nd only one thai re . ifw. t ,r ; mat . . ,, .1 f uo K.n, wr-o se itve in ire iree coinage . j of aiiwrr must CfSSSags ibe I courte. and j righ" quick, too.oi tbey will fin I t' emtelves outside the Republican party, now sal hereafter Fret coinage 1 e,--ti'i.-ani a ill take n"Hce from this ibat Ve? are to be raled out of tbe p-rty not only "now"' bat "hereafter.'' Hidden in this word "hereaf teri'is the Harah, aggressive threat ( of the Orcg.nian tha' wben the party has loaves &nd fishes 'o dttttibssas the: fr.e til- ,' ver reaubltcsna will find themselves outside the party. Wnt will they now do osder this threat? A'ait aad we shall se-t what we shall tee. Significant AJmi i .11. Tbe Ilerald of this city makes the follow ing significant admission: The mistakes of our financial system are so glaring, and have o prominently been the active factors in causing oar present unfortunate financial depression sad lost of protpertty.that all the aopbisiical argument wbicb can be arrayed cannot dispel that well assured fact trom toe mind of the people, and it is plainly apparent to every hones', observer that t'-e cnanglnz of thai financial policy is one Ot t tie essential issues j to be worked for, if tbe success in holding tne lead 10 the government and tbsplng a, policy of its administration is maintained. Now, if the "mistake of our financial system are so glaring, and have so promt nenlly'been ihe active factors in causing our present unfortunate financial depression and loss of prosperity. :bat alj the sophistical argument which can be arrayed cannot dispel that well assured fact from the minds of tbe people," be true, as above set forth by the Herald, what becomes of all this hue and cry in republican papers that the cause of "Our present unfer unite financial depression and loss of prosperity" a as due to democratic tariff legisfatioc? Are we now to believe after all that the ciusecf our present financial depression IS to be found in tbe present financial system the creation of wlncb belong o ihe republican parly? S I tie lleral.l plate the matter before us. Only a Sear Remains Scrofula Cured -Blood Purified by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "CL Hood & Co., Lowell, Haas. : " It Is with pleasure that I send a testimonial concerning what Hood's BarsaparlUa has dons for my daughter. It Is a wonderful msdlclns and I cannot recommend it too highly. Sarah, who is fourteen years old, has been Afflicted With Scrofula ever since sho was one year old. For five years she has had a running soro on one side of her SBb. yS.TO" ovry remedy recommended, but nothing did her any good until wo commended using Ilood's Sarsaparilltt. My married daughter advised me to uso ilood's BarsaparlUa because Hood's5 Cures It had cured her ot dyspepsia. She had bees troubled with that complaint since childhood, and since her cure sho has never been without a bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparilla lu tb house. Ws commenced giving it, to Sarah nbnut ono year ago, and It lias conquered ths running sore, Only a Scar Remaining as s trace of the dreadful disease. Previous to taking ths medicine her eyesight was affected but now sho can sco perfectly. In connection with Hood's Sitrsaparlllii we have used Ilood's vegetable I'llls, anil tin.l them tho best." Mas. Majua Giukfi.v, Xeula, Illinois. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache, Indigestion, biliousness. Sold by all druggists. MISFIT.5. It is a cold day when the Statesman men of Salem do not get a piece of the plum Mr Hendricks is superintendent of the re form school, Mr Irvine secretary of the state agricultural association Mr Davy of the local force, has been elected clerk of the state board of equalization; but they all liil their positions well. It must tie admitted says an Eastern pa per that the opponents of football present same very interesting statistics on their side of the question. Last year the Iondon Lancet reported M persons killed and 100 badly injured by this game in Great Brit ain. 1 he nature of the injuries received in tbe 109 cases reported were generally severe, if not serious. Twenty players had their collar bones fractured. 29 their logs fractured, 7 received fatal internal injuries, and several undescribed accidents were fol- fowed by death. Portland drummers say they are kicking out the San Francisco boys in the business of Oregon. That is right. Oregon should beequal to California in every respect. Portland should not be behind San ! ran cisco in wholesale business of any kind. Druggists universally say That tbe gO)d advertised the best are th ones that sell best. Merchants should take not.' A former San Francisco merchant says be did the livest advertising during dull times when it was needed the most. Put a pia in that. An old gentleman at Eugene on recover ing from a state of bibulous pleasure found his hair and face painted a glowing red That be was a spectacle worth seeing goes without saying. The perpetrators of the fiendish joke are unknown. A merchant of an Iowa town has pur chased 100 copies of his local paper for a year, to be used as a premium to purchas ers of goods. It is a good advertising scheme for the merchant and helps the lo cal paper. Ti.. 1 'ri .,... !. U.rirtW Id I. , Minim out whether a railroad would pay that coon- S tr i tv, and tt has about come to the ounolmton ,f . n . . . . M u. business. Tbcreare men here who will tell P8 m idis sar.nous.- o e. able to go a hundred miles in three hours instead of ia three days. CW Fulton is making a hat canvass for U S Senator and is satd to be vorry- iok Dolph. lie declares acording to a Baker City paper that opposition to the grsat cold bus ia increasing, and, yet, Mr Dolph will succeed himself. Tbe next lesislalnre will gulp biin down on ths first ballot. AnsVnow the organ thunders forth a' welcome loud and clear, a hundred heads . , . , , i , t . . rc turuyu t ewe tue u oeu,.., u..uesF- a ,k i -j ,!,.. .;..,,! port ber and her husband, too, in just a little while. Moral: Don't get mairied until you can support a wife. If there is any person who justly meri s all tbe hard things said about him and deserves the scorn of the women of tbe country, it is the would be masher. Uiere is "no fury like a woman s scorn is well known, and one of these mashers found : out last evening to his dttcomSturo, and profit we hope, that there is scarcely any , fW Al vne Ol Jury e-ial to a woman insulted. thee individuals accosted a lady on our acooauM a isuy on oar streeU last evening and before be had hard- iv tealized what bt.d happened bi,d happened the lady treated him to such a perfect shower of locks as -'ie was enabled to lay h. r band if tbey were all treated in an equally emphatic manner, the custom of ttrc-et j mashing would soon grow unpopular. ' Kugene Ouard. Probablv a Suicide. Cobvaixis, Ob .Dec. M. Prior Scott, ! prominent Benton county pioneer ot tS4. has lwen missing since itu n.lsaing since Saturday j w i N devh and it it aupposed thst hi body is i " 'he river eltrier troin sutcide or acci dent, tie was last seen about i o clock Sunday forenoon. He has been despon dent for some time and it is generally be lleved that hr jampeJ into the river. .Murder in First Degree. RosKarac, Or. Dec. 12. .Samuel (J. Brown who was indicted bv the grand jury for the killing of I t A- 1 1 1 a a a Fred Kincai.l, I J '-'aaiana. issi August was found guilt v of murder in first degree. Bunco Kelly Guilty. " I'oBTLASn, Or., Dec. 12.-T!n- jury in the Bunco Kellv case, broueht in a ver- ict this morning of guilty of murder in the second degree The Premier Dead Posm..i!CD, Or., Dec. 15. Tbe Premier of Canada died at Windsor Castle yes terday afternoon. GOOD EVENING. Quinine pills at Fred Dawson's Gel yoor millinery at Mrs Ashi'. Cran Berries a'. C E Brownell's. Get your Photos for Xmas at TinUes. Hot baths at Verlck's shaving parlors. Two kiaves of bread for 5 cents at F E Aliens. Frtsh buckwheat flour in bulk st C E Brownell's. 40 loa.ea of fresh bread for 5 1.00 St C E Brownell's. Fresh celery, fresh every other day at C E Brownell's. Try Cows Coffee, only Joe per ound a. C C Brownell's. Baths at Vierecks shaving and hair catting parlor. If you want s fine smoke call for Jnteph s whits labor cigar, Hot Baths and warm rooms at Verlck's shaving pailor 40 full weight loSves of r : I for a Parker Bros. Clean towl t. ierv caatomer st Wreck shaving ;: I rr. Hodge & McFarlana makrs a specialty of prescription A fine large stove for ale, inquire at Verlck's Barber shop . We sell mo.e ind better at 'he V S bakery than any olhcr house in town. You ran gel firel 011 pi.o'ofor fi .25. Haid time pilces at Ciawford Paxtors C D Van Dyke will sell you two loaves f.'VSh oread for 5 cen'e si Ihe U tj Bakery . It Is a pleasure to eat ijood bread and this jou will always find at the U S bak ery. If you want that aching tooth filled or extracted without pain call at Dr Adam's office. J "V Bentley will repair children shoes after school and have tin in ready for the next day. When you buy brrad consider quality and quantity then vou will buy set the U S bakery. Broadhe.-d fjaiunstown) drra good stylish, well finished, serviceable, cheap, at 8 E Young's. Do not delay too long In sitting f ji your holiday photos ac Tinkle's studio. Secuie an early sitting, and see new Xiuas novel ties just received. Teacher of vocal aid Instrumental music. Miss llattle M Warner, corner 4th and Ellsworth sticet. Old soles of ladles shoes taken off and new hslf soles sewed on, making the shoes as good as new by J W Bentiy. In first class jewelt-ry, watches, clocks, sl ver ware, gold headed canes, etc, Wih and Stark take the lead. .Well, I must have some Photos made to send lo the folks, where can I get them the cheapest?" At Tinkles of course. Dr. Price's. Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. r-jaexo. Puggs, QT A Bad Kerorn. Seattle, Dec. 11. It has developed that John H. CoblenU, late warden of the state penitentiary, who committed suicide to escape prosecution, was known in Orleans, Nek, as , Peter Morrison Moody, where ho was an agent of the Buckeye Machine Co. He married a schoolteacher there and had three chil dren. One of his enemies was found dead in a field there and it was suppos ed that he killed him, but this was not proven. He left Orleans in 1879 and it was found that he was a defaulter to the Buckeye company in a large amount. Later ilcvelopinenth showed that lie had left a wife in Ohio. SperaUilBg la Veld. Washington, Dec. 11. Gold continues to be withdrawn from the treasury in exchange for legal tender notes. Over 2,500,000 was taken yesterday and to day. The gold reserve at the close of business today declined to $108,621,428. The general balance, which includes the gold reserve, stood at $ 135,453,000. U tVaalsa Fraud) Washington, Dec. 11. The pension bureau has received a report from Spe cial Examiner Fort Smith, Ark., announcing the scutenca of Tom Bear to six years in the penitentiary ,and of T. J. Thornton to six months in jail and a tine of $200. They were connect ed with fully 500 pension claims said to uc irauuuienl, ami the commission oi five special examiners under the super vision of Kxaminer Stockslagcr is still at work on the conspiracy. laarsr VS 1 Meats Chicago, Dec. ll.-jThe Stanford uni versity football team has accepted ths proposition of the Chicago university team and the latter will leave shortly for San Francisco, where a game will be played Christmas day. A return game will probably b played at Los Acgele on the 29th." War Bcrlarea. Berlin, Dec. II. The Berliner Tage- blatt has a dispatch from Port Louis, Mauritius, stating mat a quarrel lia i frxen out ix.-iv.cyu tc .juccu o .aua- i irascar and the irrime minister, her hus- band. Lt Mrera do Villers, the Fn-nch special envoy, lias declared war against Madagascar 'and started forborne. Meaey Srsa. EUl Fa-iNast-O, Dec. 10. The three masted schooner William L. Beebe.lum-ber-lade-n and 11 days out from Port ltlakelv for Saa Fraucisco, was wrecked n attempting to make port this morning. The vessel is going to piecvs in the break- ers on tin- ocvaa Utali at a point about ; three mile below the Cliff hones. The I ; nine? memlrs of her crew were rescued I after enduring trying bardehir Caaabttaa appw4 PrxDURUM, Or., Dec. 10. N , nrwrt in IVrtdioton One week ago tlu-rv were about ago tlwre were awmt a iotvn run ning full blast. Noariv i very gambler. whose permanent home is not In this citv. has rW to escape the experience of those who hare been arresul. It has been aHev-U that tbe officers collected blackmail money from gamb lers and prostitutes. Tbe arrests during MM were only 29. but the gamblers say 30 paid money each month. arrsle r the Js Cut Foo. Iec. 10. The Chinese are fearful that a landing of the Japanese i will le made ntar here, whence they ... . . .... ... I r . , . . i ill mllTTn IO ei-Ill-. ei. jir:. MM " ueia nuriwu t? " i-- . -t ; ' eisasrs there are iorming a volunteer , force, to further protect themselves lh? disbanded and darting sol utvir, Will he t ealeesrat 8as IWstsiOaS Fec. 10. The in ilia- j tivc was taken todav to contest the elec- j lion of James Budd to tbe office of gov ernor The proceedings were inaugural- ed bv P. B. Cornwall, chsirmaa of the j - - - ..h.n.tllM vKn lm! la ill. ; ruu- . ni.ia. v ,.-.. .... ln. ci,.rK 0 Uic supreme court affidavits aetlins iurtb that tie believes that Jlor- 1 . -. . . . 1 1 1 n M . r-ste- was a sestsuy nu ituirr- . 1 nor of Oalilornia at the last elertioa, and , frauis have roarle it appear that James H. Budd received a majority of votrt cast. Tar. Kewl Penvkk, Dec. 10. The Htli annual ronvpntit-n of the American Federation I of Ijilwor wascalbd to order by President t .ompers at 10 o'clock today. There were li" delegates present. President Khody Kenehan, of the lVnver Trades Assmb !v. .i iiv.-rvd an address ol welcome, to whirli i.omters brierlv repondtd. f 1 leaaaKa bsmsM tWlinsriv of the- almest j desperate condition of laW at the pree- J eot time. i ftsvssjraaa Kselss Sraleaeeel I The IUll, Or., Dec. 10. Otis Saf- 3(tc- was today sentenced to four years in tne penitentiary . iuir iiis v"''"-" . Frank Klein, who tamed state s evi- drnce. received 18 months. Tins com- plt-tes tlie story 01 ue l aciuc'r-w robberv. A at CLaREoRE, I. T., Dec. ts Dsfasj Marshals John Beard and Huloe, of this place, yesterday went to the Hendricks pises, four miles south of here, to arrest , Jim Price. Price rode up. dUmor.r.ted, covered Marshal Beard with his Win- t chenter and legan backing off. Heard alliglited from his horse and followed him, when Price ordered him to stop. Beard said : "Ob. I don't want you, Price," still advancii-g. Price said: "Keep away; don't you come near." nimneml ! "I nnlv want tn I I . .. I- I. wllK vnn " II.. l.n at.t.w pel behind a wagon, drew his revolver and fired, piercing Price's coat but not wons)din' him. At the same instant Price fired, the ball taking effect below BeanJ's right eve, and passing out at the bark of the neck, kitting him instantly. Price then escaped. ll C stilly. Jacksoxvii.i.k. Dec. 9. The jury in the case of County Judge Neil, for Isreaking the jail door, "after lieing out 10 hours, returned a verdict of guiltv. This is the second term and sexeiuli year nfMr Ni il's service as county judge. He is a democrat and one of the leading attor neys of the South'M-n Oregon bar. The trouble arose out of a dispute between Sheriff Patterson and IBS judge SI to the rhrht to eonvi-v iiersons to the anylum and reform school. The sheriff is a pop ulist. 4 cise can. Gt-TrtRia, O. T., Dec. 0. The town of Ingalls, in Pavne county, the battle ground of Bill Datum's men and the dep uty marshals, came near being the cen ter of another shooting affray today. Bill Dalton 1 1 n.i been viriting "friends" in this immediate vicinity, when seme mar shals came along. Bill was given the tip anil escaped through a rear entrance into the timber on foot. His horso had been hitched in front , aad was captured by the olliccra. Too uish Hum. OmCAOO, Dec. H. The freight repre sentatives cfthc transcontinental lines today decided upon a substantial adntaee in tho rates from all Eastern points to the Pacific const. The increase in some instances wilt range as high as 50 ami 7fi percent. The details of the classifica tion arc not completed, nnd will not lie made public for several days. abtrala'a Wau.a, wash., Dec. 8. The entire community was thrown into a fev er of excitement about 0 o'clock tonight, when rumors were afloat that J. II. Cob lenU, ux-warden of the penitentiary, had ended Ids life rather than face tlie hu miliation of answering to the charge of tholt of the state's property. Col. Taylor Dead. Astobia, Or., Dec. 8. Colonel James Taylor, one of the oldest and most high ly respected residents of this city, died today at the residence of hia aon-iii-lmv, J. W. White, in Oakland, Oal., at the advanced age of 86 years. Colonel Tay lor'B demise was entirely unexpected. Strains, Bruises, Burns, Wo; ..ids, ..WHA7 rVsORE tS NEEDED P E Notice for Publication U H Laud Ornt s, at Obeuok Citv, Ok. October 19, 1894. Notice is hereby given tbai io compliance with the provision of the act uf Coogr of Jane 3. 1878, entitled "An set for the sale of timber landa io tbe Bute ot Cali fornia, Oregon, Ntvsda, sod Waehinton Territory ,' ' sa extended to s'l the Pablic Land State, by sot of August 4. 1892, Chsa Cleveland, of Gresba, county of Multno mah, Sute of Oregon, has this day filed in tbi office hi sworn statement No 2986, for tbe purchase of tbe N E of Section' No lOtnTuwnahip Na 10 8, Rrng No E. uj , 0gcr , ,0 lhaW (hit B u more ,ai0B,i, for iu timber or to a tnin f 5 agricultural pur pot, and to .Miih htcla';m to ti.l land ' elore tbe egit'er sod Receiver of ihi office at Ore oa Cit. Or. oa Friday, the 4b dsy of unai'v. iS93. H nmts as toe..e. L. R i , -i Portland, Or, Cass Vhnmpeoo, Ceo Corefered, B D j lis, sll of Niagsrs, Gr. Any ana s'l p r-jos cluminrr sd C - the above described land are re veeated to tiie their claim in lb I . office on qsbefo.-e said 4th dsy of January. 1595 ROSERT A MILtEK. RgMte r n. n. iiTUE. w. n. P!rijscEit. p. n jamb ALBANY F0SK1T0BE CO, xarcoi S.l;... tlaett sWimwr WlWt Mbanr, Ore. Furniture complete line of lADKRTAKIW in all its branches. EMBALMING a penalty. Residence er 3rd and tVcria Prof. A. STARK Of Will Stark. Optical Specialist trraduate of the Chicago College. Opthalsnic ,01,4,, by tb latest and improved ruett.vxls of modem soeace. any who da tin , tbeu- tested, Cos Block. Alraxt. Oresjos. H F MERRILL. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany, 'Or. City and cuunty.warrante bought ai d so'd. J. If. aiiSTO.N. INSURANCE AND MONEN BROKER. Warrants Boogbt an Swld. Olfir.lhritoB Hfk, AftvaHT Orfgon. J C LITTLER Good work a specialty. ALBANY. HfrWk OREGON, nx idis. OssJek iti.x k tw wf wmm a Albany, Or. Filling and extracting'of teeth withon pain a specialty. J FRC0 YATFS, ATTORNEY T- A. Rooms 25 and 26, Ptmhiiii Block , ' llmny Oregon GtfOf f rd. MOON. pp. site tbo Kuss Ur bia.ihort. O-rm maal. Or- ltm buoiwhrat, rye rlaor, hy, oafs, trsw,, potalooa, etc. J KO E FI-H u T11K PLUMBKR. Tin reoliing andjplumbing. the opera house. Opjosits DR. C, U, CHAMBERLIN HOMOEOPATI Office on Ket ry St near cor 3rd St Office hours, 7 to 9 a ui. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p in Especiul attention tfivon to chronic cusa and eye diseases. Rheumatlarr , Neuralgia, Sclf.tlci, -ui.ibagc. 2 --wrBaSaaaaSawJaSaaaEaaMaSaa i. aaaSal laSaaees. JACOBS Oil Cures 3wel!lnge, Soreness, Headache, Backache, All Aches, Stiffness, Cuts, Hurts, Frost-bites. THAW A PERFECT CURE.... WE ARE SAILING conomy and good liv ing, if you piocure your supplies from our stock of pri.r .- food products. Being dressed badly only affects your appear ance, but eating poor and adulterated groceries msy affect vour .ealth to a keriout extent. Whatever ar4 cle we seep I ot the A 1 Brand and the best that can be obtained in the market. Whether farm and dairy products, canned goods teas, coffrcs, specs, or anything else do mestic or Impored, we have only the best The tett interesol purse, and palate arc rvedy trading wih us. Our latest ar-ivah sreew California honey, boiled cider, swe spiced pickles, pig feet end new crop raialns. Allen. Notice for Fuolication U 8 Laxu Orru'E, Oregon Citt. Or. O.t 19, 1894. Notice i hereby .ivtn tht in compli snoe with the proeieions of the act of Con ttresi of Junr 3, 1878, entitler. "An set for tbe le of timber Isod io tne States t California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waibmg- too territory, e extended to all the Fob- hs LnC State by act of Aounat 4, 1S92. .-luiiPviciciDa, ci vrreauain. county oi , ,1 l . . f . . m Mn'tnorcah, StsU tf Oregon, has ibis day fiitd in this office her sworn statement No 2985, for the purchase of the 8 W of H " " i of w and lot 4 of aection , rebniary. 1W3. and tbe Inrtber sam ol Ko 2 in TotrsshipNo I0S. Ksnge Xo 4 K, i One Hundred ($100) Dollars as attorney sad wi.l offer pro I to show that the Isnd : fees io thi oit, sod i jx tbe costs aod di aoght ts more valuable for iu timber or j bnraementa of tb.s -iX. ULe then farsgricaharai parpose , sod tc 2nd: fbst tbe ocsal decree may be made estabtiab ber claim lo said land before tbe 1 for tbe sale c-f the .'oi d -scribed ia the cotn Rrgwtsr and iwiver of thi office st Ore- j P sin!, tosrit: Lot one (I) ia block twenty too Cit , Or. oa "ndsy, Ibe 4th dsy of January, 1595. Sbe names a witnesses: tt Prrrtlsod, Or. Cbss Collins L IZeed, I IliMa aarill I.JIA IV.rr. tA and IT fr.rr-a all of N'lsgara, Ur. Any sod all proc c.aimtns adversely tho above described Isod are retpitsted to file their clain." ia this office oo or before said 4th daw of Jan- narv. S9S. kOBFI'T A MII.I.KR. Kegister. - -- - Nnt.inn Fnr PilViliAofinn 0 3 LisDOrnca. Ontnos Cm. Oa. October 27. N nice U hereby sirea that tbe following na-ncd settler has bled notice oi hi inter -tioo to make bssi proof ia support cf his claim and that aid proof will b made befoio County Clcrfr.of Lino coooty, at Albany. Ore-go;, on Dec 14. 1894, vix: Arcfc abaM 8 Myers. H E 76S4, for the H W i S W . N X S W t: ad S W i 3 W - 26 T II, J, k I E He osmes the following witoeare to prowe Lu eoatiaa a residence opoj and cojltvatics of, said land, v x: G F Myers, Uvi Pt.ree. I W Pierce. WiP-Uxb'C Clark, cf I.acttar, Or K a Millie. Kcc later. NOTICE TO STi)wXr.J1.3 US. Notice is hereby given that the annual stoclc-boklers meeting of the F st at las Co of Albany. Jr will 1 beld at the company's office ia toe city of Albany. Or on VVeu aesdav. Jan. ind. Psdt. at the hour of S o'clock r. M. of said day, for the parpose of electing new directors of srid company to serve one year, and to transact such business as may regularly come before sair meeting. By order of the President. J O Wkitsjiav, Sec OlSSDLUTIOH NQTICF The copa-tn-rahlp of Hudson & Kuthe. Known 1 Pacific Nurtery Co. '.s ihl day dlssilved by muiuwr consent, fi W Kuthe withdrawing. W O Hudson cooduciins- the bu.lnr under the firm name ratine s . . I II ... . ... ...u uimurig ur count. Oaled at Tangent this i' ia of IVc 4- O W Kt thi, v 0 Bnasat. WARN NC A I per..o ind oted :a Wi-1 Bins at a Will k Link, mhce n-sst.d atccuo' aie t doe. are rcejaewted toea'l at sTiii' Mo'c . Store Mid . ttie. Yocr ace. u. t- have lieeo carried cvera rwawoeah lejg'b ef t n.e we Shall drtsard ear )ot doe. TEN IXIXAS3 BEWABD -We wi tv $0 reward to Kow will firs aire o the aaxne ef a esttower for a 1 :n or Mgasi tbe money to be (aid kod aa al it made Ke or ruber yoar raw wi'.l cot b mentioned to the cattrmtr. Who take 'he next reward? Th K urv B Alls. Co, all First St, Port! od. Or ALBANY COLLEGE. Next terra opens Jan. 2, 1 $95. T KW CLAUSE fruaoircl in Cnlbvo. IN ormal. Commercial. Pteraratorv .iml SuVprep-iratory repartmonts. Address F. G. KOUNG, President. A Big Drive tnrolves a run. Horses ron on the track, but the public arc having a run on our ..... paper, ine Rii is rsilwav speed at that, and the stock's troli.e hke a limited expres trtln. Our pipers are not oniv going, but going up on the wall. Such superbly artistic patterns as we dip!av In "urpr'slngly superior ipislltr of materials, s a marvel of cheapness Come and sc. lect your pitterns and we'll transfer y.ur "Oom to the iralm of high art. j rrnnnt;, VV ANTED.A Livery :able at oore a tine corner lot will b tiv. n I any person who buitls and oi.-ate tablo Hilt Duroose AMra viatilo in care of Albany I kmockat. K. U. T. H uiept ever v Satuida.- SVSQtnsi In X. O I". M Hail. V.slntiH Knight tpvited . attend. A 1. UUCb, ( .nil. GIRL WANTED. Young gir wanted to do hoite worst in faml yf tver. Call at this ofneo. u OST- A gold rli g with grtpw hack. mid iita leit.-r-'U n 1 r retiini t Ueo i'--q s. receive reward of - 50. SUMMONS. fn tht County Court of the State, or Oregon for the County of Linn : William Rambsogh and D W Bumbaagh, copartners auder tbe firm name of Ram baoghtSon. Plaintiffs. vs N 8 Fry. Defendant. To N B Fry, tbe above na-ned defendant, Io tbe name of the state of Oregon yon are hereby repaired to apt. fr and answer tbe co-n plaint of plaintiff in ths above entitled action, and nor. on file io tbe above entitled conrt on or before the first Monday, tbe 7th day of January, 1895. th said day being the fi st day of ths regular term of raid conrt for aai l month in ihis county and in esse yon 1 nau x .11 to appear and answer, the plain-) tiff will take jndim.ent against y u fan, twenty two dollars in U rl geld coin with interest thereon in like coin at ten per cent personam f rem Jaonary 17tb, 1990, and for the farther sam of ten dollars a rea-ooabl-attorneys fee. and their costs and disbar menu of tbi i action to be taxed. is sammons is served by publication by order of Hon J N Duncan judge of said coon:y, which order bears date Nov 6, 1894 Dated Nov 6, 1894. MONTiXYE Sc Hacxlkmas, Attys for plaintiff?. SUMMONS. In the. Circuit Court for Linn County, Stale, of Oregon: SwggaJ Io trinity D M Kacbncr, tmstce, plaintiff vs Char lotte S txihen and Hsmael rJiMinger, dc- fetxlanta To 8amot Bsssioger of tbesbo.e named ; defendauta: V- u are re eby rcqaited tc I appear to the I itb day of Maren, 1S95, that f title it the fust day of the Mar.-h term cf j said court, to an wer the c-mpUint riled I acainst yoo in th above entitled caose, sod I Special attentio-i given tt diseases o if you fil to aower for wsat theie .f, the j svotnen. Hou-s lo to 12 A M, a to 4 aad plaintiff will epply to tbe court f-rr tbe re- 7 108 Pit. Offices and residence Blum lief demanded io the ecmpburit herein, ' berg Building, First Strert, between Lon towtt: i and Ela worth . l.t: For a iadsaxrot szaict Charlotte 8 i mjdct nr tfieFaBi i x.igni nnnarea snrj : r. t r . i . . . . YT a . i 1 ! Twenty -five (t$ 00) Da'.lar, Ugeth-r a itb interest thereon a tbe rare of tea ' per cent per annum from tbe 8-h dsy of three (23j in tbe city of Albany, Lum i coaoty, Urtgon, in the msoaer provided by j law. acd thst tbe proceeds of said sale be lt-D't-d U. the Dtv nice t of the amount dee plaiouff, st.i that said Cnarlotte S Cohen ato D moei nisei Offer, ana an claim- ' iog by, tbroagh or coder then., subsequent ' o lbs execution of tbe morteigt sne-1 udoo in tbe cmclaint. be barret poo io the complaint, may be barred and forever foreclosed cf s!l right or eqoity of I redemption is aid HetniK, sod far each other sod fort ber relief sa tj this oonit may . seem meet and equitable. ' This semoai u tub!uie4 by orefer r4 Hon H H Hewitt Jnd.-e raf Daaa Hewitt Jnclffe ot I2partmcrt 7o 2, of said conrt. made cpoe the 30. h dsv of October. I :F '.!.: . IL . i - - .... M-EPliV & Banis Attorney for 'plaintiff . j nental of New York and Manchester of UtlTirC nc CIUS I CCTTt CU England, w rite farm buafceseyaking no's NDTICC Or rlRAL SCI ILtlf for the premium, with ample time t Notice is hereby given that the under- payment. We respectfully solicit aai igr.ed, ad.ninittra'or with the will an- good busirteas. Office opposite oidpo' ncirt!, cf foteph Sommervitie deceased i office, has filed bit final account of said estate in j the office of Ihe county clerk of Linn J county, Oregon, and the county jcJgej of said county has fixed the 7th day cf January, 1S95. t t o'c'ock ia tbe after noon of said day as the time for bearing and settling said estate and f hear and determine any objections that may Le filed against the spprovai of said account, T E Grimes. Admr. J J V hitney, Atl'y tor Admr. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice I hereby given that, f. thr undersigned, was on the :'h day of No vember, 1S94. duly appointed by tbe county court of Linn county, Oregon. 1 xecutris of the last will and 'estament of Benjamin Brrr.ner deceased, ard have duly quaiitievl as such executrix. All person having claimi against the male of said deceased are hereby notified to present them, duly vertfiea, to me at mw resWnce in Albany, Or, or 10 my attor ney Geo W Wrieht, at h$s law cfSce h Aibant, Ur. within six months from lots ! dlle- D!ctl November. :qUi, 185,4. SiAH Bsexxir. Exeruttlx. Geo VV Wright, attornew for Executrix. I Oregon PaCitic Railroad. ,rni tic. erelver Direct Lire- - 0 U- tt is. -tch ! iM Freight Kates- charming pipers on -VhatWe are Do . Ing' i- New York societv. oasrsi; Qcias sal in ao aa rasriaro ; Haaa , w, Fbi sase Hca . If a. aad a-in ir.bMS atacA r, ir.s-a Sta. Cue: Companv orwirj to ngat t aageaaUing datea w-'-bont notice. K- r freistbt ard psnypr rttes apply 1 -e. my agent. Char' 2 Bradna. Suit Co. t OS kark.i Sas Frascisv-v C 1 r. Cea!li O.-xt.- EAST AiMD-SOUTH. VIA THE SHASTA KOUTt OF THt Southern Pacific Oo. Express Trains ieavw IVrtianJ ItallT 1 S.-rer fclir. . I to 19-sj a I to . i . a ! Ar r-r-,.a-..: Ar ; M is to 4: a a Lt ! 7.-94 r a A;Sr Vt rt!t 'a from -tin.-' als.sTan rei t i , Jnurtiiitt . ail t;i. til 11 ! i. -a. 1 I 1-1 aosasra aav , raiL :S a a 1 t.x f.a r a I L r I Ar : r- Albaas- wIlrc Ar ' . - -Lt I It' to I T 0C aas-sca. Mba-v UoKar.... Mbaar Loban.u. .19 x a I Ur r0 a I Ar : a I to aai Ar ar Li Ar Lt ! 90a ttsr WHlllAr BUFFFT SLEEPERS ASP Diiir.e Cars on Ogdsn Route. 8EC0N0-CUSS SLEtPINS CARS ttlartted al Tbrrwr Tralss le l SETS' I' K Halt ai5ir (Kx;i'souiKJ .341 a a t.ll r a I Lt Ar Port'aad CorraMis xr I r s& r to I 1H sxrsassTsais aassv (aaass) Bai ai 4:i'r a TrSSra Lt Ar Portland V.-MmnTll: I a a ll'Oll TTb-roiitrhi TicU3tw o sll 1. In th. K.stfr., Slvt. lnaila aod Kurt-po .-an ho .Aiainc! at ! "'r from r fc rmak. Arent AitKUi;--. KOSHLKt r. aOUKRS lanr W rvrVv.a Oreeon jsoKLK. talma no 1 f.n-lo a a fS i thou.ui !, mi 1 -iiirf en sjruli wood at t-5J a oord. M Simsk. FRESH BUTTER Choic; freah huttcr at A B i cents er rol'. Vclllwrlii. FOK HUNT. 6 traliy located. room ouiiage ctn Call nn lo Klein WEATfsfcUFOBD IMAM BEBLAia Attorney, it Law. Will praetic In alt courts ol th. Ml. Special attention jiven I muter. M prob-te and to to.leettosa. OrfJCE-ln tbe rJnn bloc K Bill, veil Attorney at Law uul Solicitor In Cnaaeery. -ione made on all point. Ism negotiated rable terms. Albany, Oregon Co! OHTAirB A HACKLEHAM, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. J- WHITVKt Attorney at Law, Albany. Ur. G BO. W . WKI6HT, Attorney at law. and !t tary Paode. Win practice in all tbe course o thu rtate Special -if coflec-joneaad matter, in prebate door to Poetomce, Albany. Own . USsceK Best J. Ij. hii.l. Phydd- and darweon orncB Corae r"7 at-'ss, alW.y. r.-ta-on. . Dr H E Beer.. Dr O K Beers Physiciais an Surgeons B 4IK or Ht IO. seio, oaaoow. J H IS A.M s AIbanyInsQ?arce Agencjf We have had over seven years eaprr j ience in the Hone office and Iocs i inssi ance basinets, and can guarantee Ir turanc written bv us to be proper! t looked after . ' The following is a partial list of companies : represented by at: Foreign Xo-th British 6i Mercanttlt Norwich Union, Phemix, Lordoo, Mao t cheater, fiuirdan San rtaledoi-.ian. J.n do- & Laccashfre. 1 1 American Continental of New York West cheater of New Yoak. The Cor.! II SENDER.' ' Harper'S Bazar. , r j ts 1895. egant and exclasive designs for Out- dour and In-door Toilettes, diawn froen Worth model by Saodoz and C ha puis, aye so important t -attire. These appeal ; every week, accompanied by tcicnte de ' script iong and detatts. Our Paris Letter, ' by Katharine De Forest, is a weekly tran script of the latest style and caprices ut the code. Under Mi head of New York ' Fashion, plain directions and full par ticulars are gives as to chapes, fabric. : trimming, and accessories of U.e costumes of weli-dreed women. Cnidrco' Ccthlng receives prac'.lcai a:teruoa. A fortnight! Pattrrs-sheet Supplement . enables readers to cut and make their enables leaders to cut and make their i own gown. The woman who takes ? Harper Bazar U prepared lor every oc casion in ltfe, -ereTaonious or informal, where beautiful dress is -cejutsi c An American Serial, Docto; Warrick's Daughters, bv Kebecca Harding Davit, a i strong nowed of American axe, partly laid I in Pemylvanta and partly in the far I South, will occupv the last half of the year. M r Lady Nobody, an ir tensely exciting norci, by Maartec Slaartens, aanhor of God" Foo'," "The Greater Glory," etc. will begin the year. Essavg and SSsJaal Chats, to t'lis de- par nsent Spectator wi 1 contribute her I Answers to Correspondents. Qtiestiosx rccetwe ihe personal a: tec' ion of tbe editor and are answered at the ear-i est possible date after their receipt. Send for Illustrated Prospectus. Ihe Volume of the Baxa.' begin , with the Number for January of ! each year. W.-sen no time men- tiocei". subscriptions will begin with the : Number current at tS time of recrip? of order. Ckxh os g, tor bandies;, $1.00 eaci by mail, postpaid. Title-page and Index sent ns apptcatioa. ll nasal mil I aw wd. aw I OeMa c: Bean, so avowj dsaa ' ia. kx taassM oruor ol ttaxrss a I HlRPEi.'S FBHI-jPIOiLS. ee fear : BARPtRS MAOATIKE... BA&PER-S WEtaXY . 1 o sea tea HARM.R-S1 HARPCK-S YOfXG PEort-E.. r.eM tree to alt Mfwer.fctr ia La railed Statea. aad Mexico, Address HARPER A BROTHERS. POB9S9i.H VCStj FIRE INSURANCE. Insure vour property wi'h Joseph V Tall ir. The Old Hartford. THE NEW YORK I N ER WRITERS AGENCY, or one of the otht-r reliable ( Id line com panies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of time given for payment on farr. t insurance. All business plac led with him will be prompt ly attended to. OFFICE IN BALTIMORE Block, 'Albany, Or Star Bakers sv orfr..iMlltj xsual rirwt t, CONRAD IVEVifi, FRCPFfE- CR assaesj rrc is, t'sstr, Oriesl rralia. Tobttreo , "r, oslee, Kts.. ( aui.r" - . L)BesxMvr VeealJe-i'istsirs- tptCCMS. Test sVte., ac Trrt)t1 that l ktpt Ia a far varietT and xsocwry ton Hi-ht - market pr.c paid hr AJ.L KINDS OF PRODUCE it. r Ice's atam ticking rnwslM Host Pert jet M4a.