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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1894)
Rights fmorrat VOL XXX. littered at the Pest Otoee at Albany. Or . at rrotid las Hall Mallei t ALBANYaORkGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1894. Maw 1T1TEA A 9tTTISC,FaMUher aid Frearleterss MO lQl M IBI MIMl ,., .. -i in, -i i i simiiismiii t W",lt,IWMM,M,lll'MB,,lM,-M JMMMMJ-MnilLUJLIII II 'gWBTW aSBSSafcSSSSB Jb.JL.lJea3r I A rKlUHTr tiL EXPERIENCE. for Infants M Caatorla is ao mil adaptad U obildta that re-ximnwod it as suparier tsaay prassn;tisa Vviteoe.-' n. Jl jLeaxr,. P., Ill So. Oxford St, SraaUyn, K. T. The M of 'Qsstoria U so universal oad a a- rlu to well kn.wa v aat It seems a work t rx lereragatisa to enderse it. Few ara the VssnBBJsVt families who da not keep Cut. Ha C ta c&x reach." i- imw JMurt, Lr. hK, Yerk CSsr. I Tkk Csaeraire The Oregon vVltn its home i5-aAj. .JrD IMC taetsi) Clod., cornc Li erlt .-.ij !t u K.s a sisMtalh if m- - VVH cll ". Ill : n re t.nall cajii ; i et l o.- ii-ti'nl.t "9 As Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every thing else a-, eitejavp, as any store in Albany, ut Jnfiijs findvolds New Store. at .lie coiner of oecond and Perry si ?ei . Calltheir for .your grocer :es and crockery ware. NEW : h LJPN1TURE, V SroUE tSKOW ULt. 9 i ,f im... sen-. lrii, it.t..r. !-., BOTTOM PRIISl Off Mm) A Specia'iy Give uc: y oar Patronage. P. J. SMILEY AID ANY, wmm mm Undertakers -:- and - Itoibaliner. Wt 'titEP LCMalnllj h iiai.ti r full coffins. .f 'u-ii: i ,..t f. pr hVH vil be solr li fotr5t( KM1 le proper '?.o?J? MMI F0R ALBANY - - MASONIC ir. ueuiuh. VL' 1 FilTsTlUpr.lUwra;pcV.0A:iVre" For sale In 1 MANHftOn Deoinni-nTowrg.r'l ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor. and Children. C a. tori a eures Oolie, OmJMm, Sour 3toiweh, Tsiairaaea, Eruetatloa, Kills Warns, gives sleep, and promotes dt Cestiea, With.ut Injurious snedlebt'oa. "Far rerera years I have recontraeauVe1 your ' Oassarla,' aad shall always continue u do fx as It has tavariablr rvauced benelkla tosnlts." Edwtk '. Iuu-, M. P., Ui : --ajt ai Ttk Nw Tot City Oojctakt, TT Kswaav Sraawr, Haw Toaa Cm. Land Co office at Slate street, branch cTice tit I'nrtlai. ft ,,;nrai t Ss'ero at-re lot- at $:50 m. r?0 pa in'; - ti "i? ,n baiait ISST-CLAMS FUP.MTU:;'. .I'NSfSTlxo r.liicli 1 tnll ell .-t PRICES. Prom tiiest TING 1 OREGON. line of VMStXht, cjotn )ni ood casket fnd xt'tts, ir viort'Clol)-. i f rt ara.i 7.ivlMK roH. cr re of Hie 'err' r -ievIpflj'. HEARSE OR SERVICt v TEMPLE - - OREGCJ i..l rn.f.itr . 1 . .... -uu b nmMemorT.jjOuoijtmn uttnt. which 1 ad w 1 n s m iTJTtTT: ., JJ??f " ot tobacco, opium or Um .t pocket. IpS? Do" forSa k?2J2R rJnnltTi.'.n earned In (lTt n written murZJijJlTn,VyM- With a ft order wo Mrs Tkakk. The United Pretby'.erlan church was well filled again hit ntltt 10 hear the gospel . Mrs Peake selected as her tc , "Thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their tins." As one of those who have been saved from the power and pollution of sin by Jesus she preached iiim in great power and earnestness. Mrs Pealee knvwg little else than Christ and him curclfied. Sre hag sn exceptionally clear and logical mind, wlitch shows the culture of schools.readlni! and travel; but her mind is now entirely devoted to the one thins Jesus She telles upon the Bible to prove alt state menls. Her shots last night were of this character, Jesus saves the lost. The lost described by Bible statement and lnci uents. Jesus saves sinners. Who are sinners? Those who sin. What is sin Here site started unn common nround which all agree to and consti jcted a oihli cal definition of sin in an ever ending circle which at last included the entire race, and many received new ideas upon that familiar subject. Jesus saves sinners of course by his atonement The fact thatjtsus cornea between people and their sins separating; them as (aras east is distant from west wss a comforting pre mentation in view of the comprehensive definition of sin. Especially when she teached the climax of God's goodness in saying that he wilt remember our sins no more for Jesus' sake. Several decided tor Christ. A deep spirit of earnestness prevades these meetings. The Bible readings at 3 o'clock are growing in favor Those who want to understand the teach Ingj of the God should n ot fa'.l of this opportunity. N kw Weather Service. Mr F M French, local displaytnan for the weather service lias begun receiving from the government material for the new ser vice, which, will begin in a short time when Albany will be the distributing point tor western Oregon south of fort- land. This means considerable work for Mr French. The weather prediction lor the next day wr.l be received about u o clock, when the report will be etaruped from a case of logotypes upon seventy six already addressed postal cards, which will go to the offices reach ed by the S P from O-egon Citv to Kose- barg, and on the O P. which will require he sending of about i.tM poetal cards a year. The cards when received are placed by postmasters on a prepared r-ortt in a conspicuous place. Albanv being the railroad center every town will be reached during the afternoon. Bfttek Kivek Service. T W Lee, water man, B Campbell, freight agent. W E Coman, traveling freight agent and J H O'Neil. traveling passenger agent of the 11 K . were doing Albanr tester- day in the interest of that company : The company is now running two good boats, the Modoc and 1.1 more, and gives Al banv four tripe a week, to wit on Sun day, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The gentlemen reported that the river service would e greatly helped by lights on the river, for which an inspection will soon be mane. The gentlemen came up on the Modoc last night and re turned today. Mr C G Kaw lings is the local agent and is doing some good work for the company. SraccK rr Rich. The Fossil Journal telle the fallowing about a gentleman, well-known in Albany, who recently left here for Eastern Oregon : Foteil Journal: W F Magee. of Mitchell, publiaber of the new Monitor was in town a couple of days this week visiting his eiter. Mrs Williams and Mrs Stokes. He is a steady young who baa made some money in the sneep business, i ncky Mountain mith talked Mr Magee into going in with him into the newspaper business and that talk cost Magee f 150. l.e hav ing to pav Rockv's board, K0 saloon bill during the few weeks they were partners, and $50 cash to get rid of h:m. It was the biggest stride Rocky has made for manv years, and as we go to press word comes from Antelope that the aged typo is rolling 'em high over there. Assessment Elevated. Although notified, the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. failed to appear and show cause wbv their assessment should not be raised. 1"bere- fore the county commissioners court has increased their assessment on the main line of their track in Lane county, 40 65 miiej. from $3,500 per mile as assessed, to 4.XX. This will increase the total aaiBM able property of the county $X.37h. Last year the company paid on the track at the rate ot ,40U per mile. Eugene Uaaru. Buy ast a Stayer. The Eugene Guard says: daniehi suiton, aged 14. and V in Huntley, aged lb. who were brought here from Drain by Disciplinarian F N Bryant, of the State RefoJin School, are still here and will remain until Mr Bryant returns from Hose burg, where he went yesterday to look tor young Shorten, another runa way. The Lots were found nw Cotnstock. Two other escapes, Wilbur Duvey and Pat- sey JUooney. are said to be in Lane county, but no trace of them has yet been found. Accidektally Shot. Connie White, a eon oi Robert White, was accidentally a ot by a gun '.n the bands of Prof Jewett. They were passing through a gate, when the gun was discharged bv the hammer hitting thegae. The bullet struck young White's shoulder and came out in the back The wound is probably not dan gerous, the accident happened near Harrisburg. Basket Ball Team . At the last meet ing of the F Co a basket ball team was organized consisting of the following persons: olodgett, N Stewart, i Stewart, Bloom, Phillips, Fuller, Love, Morris, Stellmacber, and Turner. Wyman, Ktraney and Mitchell subs. Thy now stand ready to meet any team in the city the Hodpital Corps prefetred. Game to be played in FCo's hall anj time before 13th of Dec. J R Stock man returned this noon from an extended trip over the Sound country. The Portland Snn says : J R Stock caan, manager ol the Red Crown Rolling Mills, of Albany, hat just returned from a trip to Victoria, B 0, in the interest oi his firm. Mr Stockman says there is a de cided improvement in business at Vic toria. Wheat, he savs. is beinir shinned east in large quantities, and the market is much better, with everv nrosoect tor a decided advance in price in the near future. Wheat, lie says, must come up still higher, as most all the Eastern Ore gon crop has been shipped. In the University notes the Eugene Guard save : Seth McAllister, who has so acceptably filled the position of assistant in analytical chemistry for the past two years, has been elected to the position . This is a just compliment to his ability and the news of his appointment is re ceived with pleasure by his numerous friends. ThOaSe Pimples Are UU-tale symptoms that jyour blood it mot right full of impurities, causing a mmgtsh and unsintly complexion. A few bottles of 8. a. 8. wilt remove all foreign and impure matter, cleanse the hl"Od thoroughly, and give a clear I and rosy complexion. It is moat effect ual, and entirely harmless. Chas. f leaton, 73 Laurel Street, Phila., says: "1 have bad for years a humor In my blood which made me dread to shave, as smallboilsor S Dimples would be cut, thus causing sharing to moyance- a Iter taking three bottles any face is all clear and smooth as it should be appetite splendid, sleep well and feel like running a foot race all for toe use of S. S. S. Treatise or. blood and skin diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Ga. u Ir. Price'K Cream Baking Powde a l ure Oreoe Crsam of Tartar Powder. (J. N. Duncan, county ludirc; J M. Wsters . wit j . . " snd J. W. Push. Commission. .1 Lk AICOK . -W J I urnndge has sold out I Bill of Wm Brenner, tlS. 35 continued. Also of Stafford & Gonett, $21 .60. Petition for appointment of H H Chance Justice of the Peaci not granted. Petition of J W Gaines et al for county road granted. Bill of John Schmeer, case Frank Peck, $25 dismissed. A J Jaringan was appointed jus.iceof the peace for District Mo 9. Upon ballot a free scholarship was granted Miss Lulu Lindsey to the Agri cultural College. The following bills were allowed : G C Cooley , aid Mrs Clark $ 6 00 Aid Cox family 10 00 Aid Ken wort by family 10 CO Aid K C Kemp S 00 Aid Mrs Elizabeth Osborn 6 00 Aid Mrs Hinea 5 0J John Usher, janitor 10 00 Aid aiattie Taylor 12 00 Aid Orin Watson 5 00 Aid Mr and Mrs Barnard 6 00 Aid Mrs G F Junkey 8 00 Aid Henry Meyers 5 00 J A Met eron, salary sheriff 160 65 NNeedham, clerk 166 66 D F Hardman " recorder.... 190 00 IN Duncan " judge 100 00 PG Morris treasurer.... 8S 35 A R Rutherford " supt 60 00 F M Red field " deputy clerk. 83 35 Q E Propet " " sheriff. 6 65 Glass A Prndhommi', books, 6 50 nr w u Davis, acct insane 00 Oregon agt laderaon and Sharp. 38 80 tieo Henshaw, roads 1 Oregon agt Walter Downs S8 R 0 Wjgwle. roads 4 J L Berry, bounty 2 J B Tillotaon, bridges 125 Aid r K Robinron 10 Sloper A Co. roads 8 P W Morgan 23 R M Moses, roads 0 it Kutherford, acct supt 51 I E R Wair A Sou, roads 2 j Aid Mrs M Davis 14 D Burkbatt, acct poor B Mellwain, aid poor 11 4 51 31 22 50 1 85 Wm Flickinger, acct poor. . W w Crawford John Fields, lumber Albany El Co - P! Morris, stationary Wm St John, bridge 4' M Head, Peacock A to, i d htutna Coal 9 00 17 99 I 25 5 90 6 00 6 00 12 93 54 00 H B Moyer, lumber Stewart A Sox, roads A R Rutherford, postage Marv Flee man. acct poor O P Dannals, roads M Wilev. acit roads B M Pavne. sundries . i Kecter. acct roads. (36 50 con. Ben C Irwin, looks . SO 37 00 30 40 35 75 54 10 7 SO 14 80 5 40 5 si i 11 68 18 30 25 96 7 51 12 95 47 30 4 50 3 66 213 on 870 17 7 11 to 31 50 3 00 j 15 19 40 4 0 29 55 12 50 18 60 12 60 13 40 14 10 ben C Irwin. Books Oregon agt Frank Peck Oregon agt R H Chaplain Harnbuig Lumber to II iiiu. fWl, ., A McEeron. loard and staticnaiy C L Morris, deputy sheriff Matthews A- Washburn. C H Port Hospital, poor r. Moatague. reads Albanv Iron Works, bridges Senderi A Sternberg, reads .... II Carson, roads W Young A Co. roads ? W Spinks. lumber V blandish, deputy sberta tiles A- Nuttiag. printing Coon A- Rueltoer. bridges CruuieA Davi, roads W A Kimsey. oada D Hardman. deputy receirt'er w it alu. prtnuns L F S.nitb, election C Crown, poor acct M Poison, janitor WCroton, roads Ladies Aid Society, poor G G Belt, roads R C Watson, poor W Pugh. per diem M Wallers, per dwm M Walters, bridge R N Thompson, of Brownsville, wrs in the city today. J K Weatherford and J A Crawford returned from Portland last night. Mr Mack Monleilh led this noon for Prineville to begone eight days. Mr and Mrs Chaa Pfeiffer and Mrs F H Pfeiffer returned last night from a trip to Portland. Mr T K, proprietor of the Salem Woolen Mills, was in the city this fore noon. Mr Alford ol the custom office. Port land, was in Albany this noon on bis way home from a trip to liaisey. G W Mayen, of Harrisburg, lost two lingers by an accident, with a moulding machine. Dr Mackey dreeeed the wound Sam P Lock the rustling six foot insurance man. ot Portland, is in the. city. Mr Pollock is local agent lor Mr Lock wood's company, the Northwest. Mr Alex Dumond left this noon for Saolt St Marie, Mich., where he has a position for .the winter. Mrs Uumond will reside with her sister. Mr. Omar Hendricson, in Pendleton during his ab sence. Mr and Mrs Trimble, and '.wo child ren, of Pittsburg, Penn. . arrived in the city this morning, and ere guests at the Wallace farm in Polk county. Mr Trim ble ia assistant chief engineer of the eat Pennsylvania railroad system, and making a tour of the West. Mrs Trimble is a daughter of Dr and Mrs A M Black, and a sister 01 Mrs K B Wallace. They will remain about a month. &a- lem Journal. The Salem Journal notices one of Linn county 's senators as fellows : Sen ator Johnson, et Linn county, ia in the city for a few days. He is a rising in telligent republican .rom tna ions 01 the bantiam, a native oregonian ana a successful business man. Mr Johnson nrobablv the youngest man in the senate, but he ia a quiet and determined rustler, of a family that have made an mpreseion upon the history end devel opment ol our own state in whatever they have undertaken. A pleasant party was tendered Mr Hugh Fisher, the Sweet Home merch ant, last night at the home 01 his lamer Mr ETT Fisher. A good sized com pany of young people spent several hours with much enjoyment. The company was entertained witu various games until about 11 o clock, when a delicious lunch was served. About 12 o'clock good nights were said, all having passed a very pleasant even ing, but all regretted that Mr Fisher should return to Sweet Home this morn ing. The following were present: Misses LiTlie Hart. Laura Chambers. Mae Pol lock, Pearl Vance, Maggie Chambers, Emma Cougill, Minnie Reiner, Ollie Baltimore, Edna Breckenridge, Gusste Reiner, Emma lones, Orpha Fisher, Nora Fisher. Messers Clem Irvine. Collins Elkins, John Conktin, Will Lyon, Walter Peacock, Elliot Irvine, . lUidd,n M Newport, Earl Fisher, Hugh Fisher. A S Powell si lpped no hogs lo Port land yesterday. Seyman Meyer has opened a restaur ant opposite the Russ House. Thi. a srrall amount a imtll amount of snow fell, and this afteri.oon contiderable more. Enough to make the ground considerable white. Mrs E E Parrish has sold her millin ery goods in this city to Mr Harry Ber nard, of Chicago, who will take charg of the store. At the recent election In Harrisburg the following officers were electedi M W Canter, Mayor; Damon Smith, treasurer i Wm McDona'd, marshal; E E Upmeyer, J J Baker, J C Sar-m, T J Stephens and L Douglas, conncilmt n. Frank Bryant, disciplinarian rt the state reform school, came down lo Eu gene from Drain this morning, bringing with him two boys. He went to Rose burg on this afternoon' local. Guard. This indicates that Gar Sutton and his companion have been arretted. Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Francisco, Lebakok. W J Turnridge has sold out his store at Sweet Horn to Mr Glass, of Crafordsvi!le. and moved back to Leba non. The case of J A Sturtevant vs J M Rals ton, as Bank of Lebanon, is now being tried in this city befonj the rderee, J Fred Yut.-j. Each side is represented by sever al attorneys. Married, at the re-idence of Ilia .ride's parents, 011 Sunday, Dec 2, by Rev A luog Adams, Mr W Harrison and Miss Mol lie E Coffelt. The young ccuple have the best wishes of many friends. Prof L Bam has traded his interest in the Mineral 'Springs Seminary. Soilaville, to the trustees of the seminary, for five lots lu Wassom c audition to Lebanon. The amount was w. Mr J M Ralston, who has been in the city this week, attending the trial received a telegram late last night from Ins brother C H Kalston, of Portland, that his mother bad taken suddenly worse. Houoi IchW, A 0 1' W. elected the fol lowing officers at their last mwlin--: Mas ter workman, Wm Robbias: foreman. H Y Kirkpatrict; overseer, G H W ilkes: record er, I K Boruui: financier and reciver. J F Myde; guide, liios Keidv; inside watch man. Edwin Palmer; cutside watchman Phil Ritter trustee. B W Crusoo Al vance and Express Tnors.otos Co hiko. Alitor Hofer of tb baiem Journal, who recently returned from the Middle West speaks in the.follow ing emphatic manner: The preu ef the tate is speaking quite freely ot the grow ing tide of immigration from the east to Oregon. The forerunners of an army of several buudred thousand people are now arriving on every train. '1 be hundreds of thousands undoubtedly are to come m the neat two years No one can doubt that BBS) population of the Willamette valltv win double within hvs years and contain a round nail mil ion at neons. The Journal sneaks from positive knowl- elge when it says thousands o fun t lies in the Hauotas. Iowa, Mmnr-ota. Nebrask Illinois. Miscoari and Kansas will come to "extern Oregon in the next six months Those state have ail been more or less atfict- ed with drough.t short crops and i a to tent bie sulering from hot weatiser the past year, in some ot them vast araas were lit rally burnt up by the beat aad drought. causing great suffering. detitu' ion and de population. The people in those sedans have food for neither themselves nor stoc. and have no .water or fuel. 1al-obt99 I n.. A cariosity in the way of a country schoolmaster is Prof John U Woods, respectable aad respected. He has probably taught more terms of dis trict school thin anv man ia America. His career as a pedasjotrae began when be waa seventeen years oW in the Henkie mill school bouse on Mary 's river. Bnt..c county, in 154. Thai was over forty vear aco. and Prof ttc-lv witliout rima si.:,e toe of a country schoolmaster, has followed the bn.inese ever since, winding on his last school in Douglas county last Friday. ne nil uogbt only in the counties of Willamette valley and be lacks oolv ten month of baring taught 1 30 terms of school of three months each. He if anxious to secure another scitooi. so that be may complete his 100 terms. He is a iTssalof and 5 years of ajp: More than to.oj has been paid him for his set vices as school nuuter. the moat of it ha gone to pay debts for indigent and unfortunate relatives Corrallu Times. N rrw n hit a s D! m th inclemency of the weather, a good audience gnewte.1 Mr 1 rake but evening. Her xubieet an one of great import. "Wiutt think re of Christ?" Sba fellowesl closely the chain of evidence taken from the testi mony of the prophets, of ILs friends and of His foee. which proved Him to be the Son of God the Savior of men. She showed His power to save, His willing ness to receive all who com c unto Him W-lieving, and lastly. He that knows Christ to be the Son of God, and accepts 111m as nis mies'tner, ant. but his upon Him his hopes of salvation, to such an one is given the power and assurance to answer this question in its lullneas. 1 he tiibte meetings are growing sn in terest and are . moat instructive. Ser vices aa usual ibis evening. C 1 so To OatWios An Albany man. Mr H M Tbott?u. will leave in a few days for Syracuse, X Y. probably to reside. He has made many friends here who will re gret seeing lnci leave . Irestr n . The fol lowing from tee Telegram indicates that while he is leaving manv will come: Mr t t CV-t. ,1.1.- V t.-t. 1 ta. 1 ' " ... u, iw lien 1 Ufa uj 1 m . received a letter this morning stating that about JO well-to-do men of Syracuse. N Y. will leave there between the l&th and 20th irtst. for this city to look into the fruit land and other agricultural opportunities offer ed in this state, with a view to investment and permanent location, if all is favora ble lo their way of thinking, they will be ti-- f--remnners al a lam 1 Dlasn bees ata tral New York, of all whom will bring- am pie means with them to oar readv cash for all they buy. A Nervt Hobo. A hobo 00 Monday morning's train tried to get out from under the coach while the cars were leaving West rorx. mis toot was caujht bv a wheel and bis toes pinched off. He crawled to the brake beam again and rode to Glendale where the train hands took him in and brought him to this city. Dr Kremer cut off the mangled toes." The unfortunate young man stood his agonies like a hero. ITse state nava the expenses. -Geants Pass Courier. "Ai etf ta UieluUn 'aad never ezaeli od. "Triaa proyen" is tke verdict o f millions. bimmoni Liver Regu- jD ij 'ator KPTTPj Lirer iiodicinc t x which you oan pm your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directiy on the Liver end Kid- an Pills tiers. Try it Sod by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to lie taken dry or made inton tea. The King at Uver Medicines, " I liuee used your Simmons Liver Ktigtt lutor and ran conscientiously nut 11 1, tna King or all llv-r menu lues, 1 cou.kter It medicine c'icst in itseir. Jo. W. JACS -r.VKRT FACKAUK-Ket. fjra TU ft The xryorlte TOOTH IW5M HlU H.U for the Teeth and Uraai,aao. Posh ay & Mason, Ageats. MmSBBllMiii MJtBF sswflrsE fyy; ijf i' Hi Mt Jones ol Berry Terribly Burn ed in a Fire. Bekuv, Or, Dec 7, 169.'. Mr A Jones of Berry, Or. was frightfully bun ed ktt night in his house about one mile north of I Here, lie went to bed as usual and the bouse caught tire and was burning wber. he awoke. He had to run through the fire and break the door down to get out of his burning house. On bis way out be fell in the midst f the fire, bia hands, face, back, right leg and feet are fearfully burn- eu. Alter ne got out of the fire he had to walk J4 mile to Mr E V Smith's bouse, Lis nearest neighbor, and aa it has been snowing nearlv all dav be had a bard trin of it. He was barefooted and in his night clothes and his feet were burned to a blist er. Every thing in the house was destroy ed. The fire caught from his stove No insurance. Mr Robert Glass, of Crawfordaville, has been in the city. 0 P Coshow and three other Brownsville men were were in the city yesterday. The McMinnville Telephone-Register contains the following birth notice: To the wife of O P Coshow, on Friday, Nov ember 30. lm, a girl. Mrs W 8 Thompson, of Albany, is visit-1 in; tier brother, Judge Magers. Mrs Thompson was once a student of McMir.n ville college. McMinnville Telepbone- sanpsssa, Mrs Wallis Nash last evening give 1 era! friends the privilege of an enjoyable mueicaJe by her son W (iiffo.d Nash Sr. era. classic selecuons renileml in Mr Nash's uest styie were greatly appreciated. Mr Michefltir. Stale imstirt nf IK. College 1 SI I A. of Iowa, has been in the city. He and Prof Lee. Melvin Williami and Arthur Poshay went to Salem today to .11.1 . : 1 1 n - si r 1 . ' iui v uurjre 1 m v A meeting. Mr Meltin Williams, who has aervmi thai Y M C A for several months faithfully and well as secretary, last night tendered his resignation to take effect on the loth, a committee was appointed to secure a stre Karv 1 B Fisher, ef the Hyanoelical church, today received a telegram an nouncing the death of his aged mother. Mrs Ltda Kisher. at LosaiteDOrt. Ind. She was seventy years of age. Salem louraal. Bailey Chapter of Royal Arch Masons was tinted last night by Prof I B Homer. of the O AC.OP Coshow. i M Waters. Mr Wines, Mr Swank and others from Brownsville, and others, tbeooraaaion be ne special degree work and a Lauviuet An enjoyable nights entertainment ia re ported. i"he Dalles Transcript Dart the circuit judges the follcwicgossanliment: It does n't take Judge Burnett and Hewitt ioag to rut a court in running order. The ar rived from Salem Monday at 8 a ui and at 9:15 things w4re grinding liveiv at the seat of justice Such a judicial y is a cred it to any district or any state. Mi Charles S RiWr. the acconnlirsbed el ruuotiist oif Salem, will assist in the "Dickens Carnival'' at Albany on Deonm her 13th. 13th and ltth- Albany is to be congratulated on securing this lady and she will prove a great attraction in tier literary efforts. Statesman. Rev C G Harmon, recently of this citv. baa been anoosnted nastor of the M V. church at Fails City. Polk county. The correspooderit of the Transcript savs: "The newly appointed pastor of toe M K church. Rev 0 G Harmon, formerly of Albany. Or, is with us; and will bring bis family this week. He nreached Suaduv morning am! v. nine to large congregation who delighted wito tiu sermoos AH those laaiog part in the Dickens Car nival are requested to meet at the op era house at S o clock to-night. Pro) Scanian, of Salem, will g.vf a a p:'.i mask ball at the opera house on Thursday evening, Dec 20. The Oriental Tea company , of Ha!ey . has T.aie a general assignment to W J Stewan. The assets are probaMy leaa than $1000, ia fact very little; while the .labilities are about f 1200. A J i he'.lon, of Jordan, has exchanged his Jordan pro pert for land In Morrow count v, and oolrtnpla'e removing there to with ihe opening ol the spring. Scto Presa. Mr Shelton recently ran foe sher iff on the Populist ticket. At their meeting last night Si is nom Irs ed FrcdT Blount for assistant engineer and ratified the nomination of W W Row -e l for chief. The H LCo will proVa bly nominate Merrill D Phillip for chief Engineer at their meeting to nlkht . At the recent dtv election In Sodavilie the foliesvfng orBcers were elected: Coun cfltnac, Geo Werts, M M Baal. jr. F M Graham, E G Briggs, D W McAllister: marshal, Hans Johnson; recorder, A B i iorv ; treasurer, J P Cheaeer. Prof 1 E McCausrisnd, of Monmouth, aras in the citv to day to .testify In the Harrisburg Water Ditch case, now being tried before Mr Wallts Nash. Mr Kelly, tne contractor, has sued the company on his contract, and a live fight Is in progress over the matter. J R Cartwrlght, recently ot the Popu list, Is making arrangements to statt a paper at Uarnsburg MrLatMasters and Charles Anderson are also Issuing the recent Review of Sodavilie from that lace. Harrisburg la large enough for only one paper and that with only a limi ted pa'.ronsge, particularly during tne present era. The result will be that one or blh papers will be unable to stem tne tide. M W Simpson has told ten or twelve lots within the past ten da; s to parties who will commence soon to put up neat cottages on them. A good many strang ers are curalng to this part ot the country seeking homes, several places nsve been located recently on Big hlk. and the new comers appear to be well satisfied wi'h the country. Elk City Cor Times. A mong the candidates for railroad com missioner to be elected at the coming ses sion of the leglslatuie are mentioned the names of Dr jay Guy Lewis, of Union county ; Col Jeff Myers of Sclo,Llnn coun ty ; and the present Incumbents, J B Eddy of Pendleton. 1 A Macrum, of Forett Grave, and H B Compso, of Klamath countv. There are many other sections yet to be beard from. Statesman. aaa or u faiksr Brcs, groeers. Hiw cream chaea just tecetved at Conrad Meyers, P J Smiley job printer, Flion Block, does first class work. Smoke the ealebrated Havana filled S oeut oigai at Julius Joseph's. Fatroniae home industry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manttfaoturtd by lu'ius Jorepb. Mr W Gilford Nasnpropotes to resu-ne giving lessons on ths pianoforte, in Albany on Thursday afternoon, and Friday morn ing of eac v.-eek. He will be found at the reslden:e of Mrs Willis Nash, comer of Fourth and Montgomery streets, where terms can be ascertained and arrange ment made. Mr W Gilford Nash has lecentlv returned from a course of nearly bar Mars s'udy at Leipzig, Germany; one vesr in the conservatory, and Ihe rest of the time as 11 private pupil of 'leer Pro lessor Knaisc. Cukap Meats. Buck ft Ketcliuin de sire to inform the pub'.ic that they are prepared to supply all kinds of first c'.aas meats at prices aa low as any market in the city- Give them a call. Wkdoino tsvrrsvioNtt. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Goldeti Common every day. v Highest of all in Leavening I Royal ABSOLUTELY PURE SOC1AL AND PERSONAL. Mue Maggie Simpson, ot r.ugene, it in the cily visiting friends. F C Stanard, of Brownsville, was in the city to day, on bis way to Portland. Geo Ridinger. the bridge buiMi.-r.wil! re turn to bis hoiae in Albany this week Jacksonville Times . I T Gregg, formerly of Salem, recently married his third wife in California. His former wives bad both died. Mr Waller Brown, of Portland, has suc ceeded Mr J W Sawden as agent for ths Singer Hewicg Machine Company for Linn and Benton counties. Hon Geo E t hamberlain was re elected president of the Columbia Democratic Club of Portland, and M L Pipes is one of the vice presidents. The four Biiyeu brothers seem to be ''in it as city oaas- on Hondas' each aras ejected to the council of their respective towns, w m in this city. J I ol Leba non, J M V of Brownsville, and Lee of Seao. Review. Prof W W Davis, recently of Albany, has located at Ashland. Penn.. where be has been called as pastor of the Evangelical church. This is his irt pastorate. Rev. Davis and family are reported to be pleased with their new home. The Independence Enterprise says: Mrs D Y Poling joined ber husband at Albany last Friday. She was accompanied by her met ber. Mrs W W Williams. We are pleased to learn that Rev Mr Poling is meeting with enthusiastic support from bis coograsration. He is worthy 01 tne es teem and confidence of his people for be ia telligent, generous and consistent christian gentleman. The Jefferson Review gives one of Al bany's new council men the following com plimentary notice: Julius i.iradwohl, who has served longer and made the best coun cilman of any man in Albany, was again fleeter! a member of that body Monday, and Charlie Lee continues to be chief of police by a big; majority. Albany knows a gtsod official. A Lottery PaorosrTir.s. The Demo crat recently mentioned bow several Eu gene men were taker, in by buying $26 worth of Honduras National Lottery, of New Orleans, tickets, which never arrived and would have been good for nothing anyway. Tne same prooosilion was re ceived in Albanv. and reads in tae follow ing green goods style: "We wish to uo some good alrertuing in oar locality, and knowing that no adTOtisnntnt com mands attention Use a Prize winner we make you this propoailion. which we trust you will keep ttrK Jy confidential. If you will get up a dub and send us by express $S wUh the enclosed order blank we will send you twenty-fire one-fifths tickets, one will be in a separate envelope, and we guarantee it will win not less than $1000 Some of the otner tickets in the will also wi- several small prizes. lure aiid send vocr oruer try express only, as we refuse u rereive arty mail. Sigeeu J U IsVnTXaaa A Co tien'l Agt. Tear Gra. Ths case of the state v. Mrs M P baker, charged with larceny by bailee of a gun belonging t 8 G Dorris, of Albany, was beard tor Justice H A John son, of Salem yesterday afternoon. The af fair ended by the defedant being discharged and the costs taxed to the private prosecu tor, which means that Sid will have to rustle for the costs or be in hot water. It seems that Mr Dorm was coming from Crook county at the same time Mrs Baker was crossing the mountains. He borrowed $5 of Iter, gave the gun as severity, to be kept as such a certain length of time. About a month after the time was up Mrs Baker sold the gun for go. 25 and sent Dorris the 25 cents. As the gun was worth about $40 be wanted it and tendered the money, but it was too late Then he had ber arrested; cutt he gun kicked backwards. H a IiOmsHM M Ihe meeting of the Rescue Hook A Ladder Co No 1 hM last night te following om crs were elected for the ensuing rear: J R Watt, president. M D Phillips, secretary. . tj E Propst. financial secretary. 8 l" Will, treasurer. Van Wilson foreman. Walter Worrell. 1st assistant 0 M McFarland. 2nd Will Galbraith, tillerman. J Y Vilson was elected a delegate to the hoard to fill the unexpired term of Jan. Hunter, resigned. New Ixsurasce Company. Wetlnea day articles of incorporation were filed for the Fanners' Co-operative Fire Insurance Association ol Oregon City. Ore The officers ef the association a'e : ML Moore. president: W A White, vice president: O A Cheney, secretary; C II Die, treasurer. The association's system is similar to the grange. They take three tenths ol premium down and a premium note far seven tenths of cost for Insurance, which will be held subject to assessment in case of emergency. It insures farm property and detached dwellings in the suberbe of towns and cities. Oregon City Conner. LifT er Patentx granted to Pacific states inventors this week. Reported by C A Snow & Co, solicitors of American and foreign patents, opp I S Patent Of fice, Washington, D C. J Bien. San Francisco, Cal. can opener. A Kloesser, San Francisco, Cal. machine for laving cloth. H B Martin. Chine. Cal. adding-iuachine. L U Pressley, Son Framcisco. Cal. conduit electric rail way. R A Chute San Diego, Cal. bridle -bit W 11 Smyth, Berkeley. Cal. machine for making can-bodies. Ac. S Standish. Gridley. Cal. fruit pitting machine. S B Whitehead. San Francisco, Cal. training apparatus Ik Goon, CoNitmoN. An exchange boasted that the city of Florence, after making mam improvements vras onlr 119 in debt. The Brownsville Times makes this a vert- poor showing compared with that city. The Tirjjes says: "The above ia a very good record we admit, but it sinks into ulter oblivion when compared to the rtjtwtt made by the prosperous little city of Brownsville. The street have been improved, no assessments have been levied, the city does not owe a dollar and has up wards of $600 out on interest Browns vil'e ia all O K" Got au. or Tiikm.-F H Bryant, of the reform school returned home today with four boys in his charge: Garfield button, of this city. ,m, his two companions, who had run away from the school, and Thomas McKay, a young half breed boy, who was charged with killing his cousin, James Longtai. a boy about the same age, white out in a beat, at Mil'wood. la.-t summer. The cou.t at Roseburg hud ordered him sent to the school Mr Bryant is a sure catch, when it comes to runaway boys. IlKAU inji'rkd. or .Mast on receivct a diapalth this afternoon that Mr Alex Bran don, one of tie prominout farmers of the county had met .vitis on accident, serious ly injurisjT his head. Particulars were not given. Dr Maston at once left for Mr Brandon's borne near Shedd. Dr G W Maston, physician and surgeon Calls answered prcmptly in city or country. Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report Baking Powder HOME AND ABROAD . There wag about three feet of snow fell on the slskiyous yesterday. Yon can buy Christmas presents fram a5 cents up, at F M French's jewelry store. The Seattle Pest in:e l.igencer has pur ciiaseo tne telegraph, thus doing away sfitn one paper in toat city. Mr IgnaU Fox U making arrangement to move into the store recently vacated by utto samnger where he will be found in a few days. The Brownsville Times says a foot race nas been arranged between Ellsworth Cameron and Billy Kay, of Corvallis Distance s5yaids. U .kens Carnival Wednesday. Thurs day and rriday nights of neat eek Only 35 cents fr the season : it cents 1 night ; :o cents for children. Drop Into French's j iwelry store and spend a few nv.notes looking at the display of Christmas goods. It will Cast you nothing aod you wilt be made welcome. Uo not think those holiday goods you see marked so low at French's jewelry store ate stolen goods, we guarantee the nie at well at the quality. The Portland Telegram last week nub- ta s . . . sr 1 isnea se vera 1 ' ta k e ' dts pate hes as belt to catch its unsuspecting contemporaries several enterprising raspers gained the Beat, book and all. Ex. O Phi.lips was nominated for Ch!ef ansanecs by taw a k L Got, Ostli or.e assistant has been nominated. The cor. est will be between Mr Philiios and Mr Kowetl for Chief Engineer. The r e w officers of Sen are T Munkers, mayor; K shelton, recorder; X Young. aarshsl; B Goto, C S HirnUh. Lee Btlyeu, h I Shore, G W Morrow, J a Bl.yeu and A J J-ahrtson, coancilmtn. A B Madelson baa shipped 37 cars of pova ces tnis season and has two carloads on band awaiting the arris al of cars in wnich to ship them. Jefferson Review. Fol oslng are the new city officials of Wster'oa: Mayor, J F Gross; recorder, J C Huttor; treasurer, J G Gross; mar shal, T M Define; councilman, J H Tur pi". J R Bailey , O E Martin aad H G Klum. On'y lass postmasters can take stcLn0w.ed3etr.cnts of pensioners so tha t'aey can draw their pensions, f n place like Xibany the acknowledgements nave to be made before the usual bshcers. R!'.e Hammers'. y came rp from the Jump-off-Joe mine' last week srith over tSoo ia old, which he took a receipt for from '.he Jackson county bank. This was the last out put of an tS days raa. Med fued Mail. Th c was a fuot race yesterday at Cor vallis I, ween Ed Lance, the champion of northern California, aad Fred Oberer, the champion runner at the late firemen's tournament at Oregon City. Lance gave Oberer seven feet the start, and came out 1 1 feet ahead. A game of basket ball will be played at F Cos am-ory tonight, A ball acd bat have been sen for and base bad will soon be played. The base ball Is a big - oft oval shaped affair that takes cor.tidetable kip to throw. The game is a lire one. Toe Degree of Honor A O T W of this ci y have elected -bt fol onto; new ofbeert: P C cf H. Mr Martha Jone: C of H. Mits Clara Warner; L of H, Miss Bertha Ketfer; Col C, Mrs L Viereck; Recorde.". Miss Maggie Barker ; Receiver, Mrs L Portiorn; Financier, Miss Zola SCc Cteia : I W, Miss Lena Myer; O W, Mrs Ha tic Mer. Religious Services. I'nited Presbyterian: Services in the morning conducted or the pastor. Subject: The Skeptiam oi Pilate. S Sat 5 JO. C E at 6 JO. In the evening Mrs Peaks will continue the evangelistic meetings. Her subject wilt be "A new creature in Christ Jesus."" In this sermon she fnves her own experience, how she became aa inidel, and how she became a christian. Having for years been on the stage, in leading bhak sperian roles, nor being an evangelist, she disss rve to be heard on this question. All are invited. Services at the Congregational church tomorrow morning- and evening'. Ser sites in the morning will begin at 10 :30. in the evening at 7 20, Preaching by the pastor. D Y Poling. Evening subject: "The Prin ciple of Sowing and Reaping--" Preaching at St Pauls M E church south next Sunday at 11 a m and 7:90 p m. D C McFarland. pastor. Mrs Peake. the United Presbyterian evangelist, will address the meeting at tha Y M C A rooms tomorrow at 4 p m. Ladies are invited to the meeting. A col lection will be taken for the inter national committoe of the Young Mens Christian Associations Let every body feel welcome. When Baby treat sick, ws gave bee Cassraarsa. VThca aba sras a Child, lbs cried fsr Owtork. wnssi she became atlas, she ctmtg to Castoria, Wsasa ah bad CaOslna, she sjevsutsaa I KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and inarevement and teada lo personal enjoyment whe rightly used. The many, whs lire ta tor than ether and life more, wi. lass expenditure, by mare promptiy adapting the werld's best products t the Meds af physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup ol Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling eeids, headaches ansl fevers aad permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with tha approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 60 cant bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. ' GsssssssBssssswsssswasssr 1 tss aHPRSsjjMSaw' NOTICE OF FINAL S!Tl Notice is hereby given that he under signed, administrator wi h the will an nexed, of Joseph Sommervjlle deceased has fil'd hit final account of said estate In the office of the counly clerk of .Linn county, Oregon, and Ihe connty jedge of said coun'y r-as fiV.d ihe 7 h day of January, saK. . t 1 o'clock in ihe after noon of said day as he time for hearing and settling said esfa'e and to Lear and determine any object'ons hat may te filed against the vprovsi of sa:d account. T E On 1 sits Admr. J J Whitney, Alt'y for Admr. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, Ml Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment nun, -Make .Tan at Beast fajTain, at: mi 1 ran uc ua as said nwasr pusatm wnttssa sasntasrtsasd aasmta aciv. to rar ' I at Brain sad is Iiss. f ! Ociestaaas: Xtafat I 1 111 Evil Ik , cocSKlssies: Myostsnssts: lassstttads: aU Oraics: Imnlri ffrssas is sithsi sea. raased by oswr-saasRaac. YaMfcbd Krron, sw rifisss t Css of Tobacco. Dssnss or trrT. srinest itssas Msssrv. (asmmsdoB. lasstsaiti asd Dssaa. By ststil. II a braTsotW flVwal la !! saaa. ccctaiairg frre dags' bras fall tzsawctkuss. cacta. Oo ociy eoMla b? J A Cumming, sole agent, Albany, BiifiiihlSigri. TKE ARJiOlD CHEMICAL fO. I isi s. ceitv. t,;rit, CHicae Sold by all druggists. LE MMI'Ss J A Cumtilng. sole agent, Albany. LADI DO IOC XSOVs OR. FELIX LE BRUH'3 STEEL mi PEHHT10YBL PUIS are the origiaal aad onlr FiESCH. safe and re- ustoM cars on tae marsss. run aua,1; sent ojr u. tjsasaiaaaaldesui bj J A Cumming. sole agent. Albany, FIRST VITIOXAL BARE, OP axaaKT, OKBOOH resUent . LFUXX riot Frsssaeat , S. K.TOCSG Xhier E. V. LaVNGDOX tSJkSSaCTS a GxVkRA L bsaMaa Vastesss aCVOCKTS KBIT subtest to check. STOUT SXCSaJ(GK usiW -rspkic trust r.eoM New Tort, Saa Franciaxo, Ctdeage sxd P'itJn t saaa ffi .bstTTioay aDEoa tatme K.W Lsassea , L. Puss Ksssael. Sex. " CUSICK dt CO..BEX3AER op acaaxr, oaasox. TH.tXSACTs feaersl BssMsB nstaess. BAW SIGHT DR VFTS 00 Sew r-rt. San Ft eoand Funland, Oregea: LOAX MONET oa appro red turority. RECEIVE deaaoeiM subject to cheek. COLLECTIONS aikla ou etriirsnie INTEREST peM est time deoosi Street Railway Time Card The car will leave corner of First n ' ashington streets as follows: 7ito a m for Lebanon train. 8:15 " Orohan's Home. 1 1 :jo " " Nooa train going 30 rt I3:i, p m for noon train going tojth. 1 ' " Lebanon train. 1 .30 " " Orphans UvMne. A i i q:S5 " '' Overland train going sr. For Orphan's Home on Sunday c leave at 2:30, J:8o and 4.30 p m The car will also meet ah Inc trains on the Oregon Pacific railroa C G Bt RKHAR-I FOSHAY a MASON trouLata aaa strait- agists and Booksellers, s cetita for John B. Al dec's publWsona e.'leh we sell at pobliabttr'a wii etsurswddac' ALUifT OBXKe WANTED. To exchange nursery stock for a good roast work bona to weigh from 1300 to 1390 lbs. ppir la Browaell 4c Morrison at toe A'bany Nurserie. ausuau fi by I pairs aPgjM Jsaansjjsjpjtj I I sU JJ'i tSp TKsm mm rt iBsii t sCm cr fjajs. jejfnjBs. lassT3aaaasnj.jjauaUssJasT wmwmammwfr sg-gTsTt.TO ws- H Ara jH9 AS PR EYE STIVE mJM W MM fss nrts,t -i iiiiiiiiia SSlaw1 wieMltea.XhSHad . nn im? ttssssssssssa fc 11 T!T ees a 1 1 tii fiSwi. w,mm