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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1894)
Rtohts VOL XXX Infants Cotrtorlaisso woU adapted UoU:la that "Mnnad It oa peri art any prascrlptioa es tntc no." j i. x. Axcrnrr , St. 1'., Ill Bo. Oxford St, 5roaU-a, N. Y. Th as of 'Oastorfa 1.; an universal and ts a" -rlta so well known i hat It seems a wrk n, onu-o-ratiaa to endorso it. Few are ta ' i3S$.i". families who do not keepCastcria $' tacncjr roach." Cmuoa ::. v. D. iK, Xot? York ay. Thh Cxktavr for Best Work Promptness PRINTING Office Stationery fl. Specially Give us yoar Patronage. P. J. SMILEY The Oreqon sVltn its home 3.ijJv5: - - Liberty and ialtv of Will sell 5, 10 or pa ere 3mail cadU piyrnent lona ti ;i on balance or particula9 As Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every thin" else as cheap, as at any store in Albany, at Julius Gradwohls New Store. at the corner of oecond and Ferry your groceries and crockery ware. FORTMILLF.B ! TRViNC lTnleitn!ier -- and jr. h f EP rcni, , , . . it a K r EI rnt: i tfit A le 1 . vv -a liVh trill '.- vid .it 1 !. . i-tst T m EXTRAS ALBANY - ClfCf F0R - MASONIC NEW P Y SroKIi iS f.'OW FULL :V ?IR of i-eii nioni tets, chair', Itiuigta, el BOT" ffuaruutyufl t . , . jrowitr. liontche. uioiim. wi.icn ii'.i, Ki T"t ItiK-klt ISl. M.r ArTXuesi.M.. For sale In Albany, Ore., by J ...)., ,i. joMi:iii. A'turutb Entered at the Past Office at Albany. and Children. Castrrla oures Colic, ConjUpaUon, !5ot.i. ;onich, I'iarraOKs rructatioc. Kill "Tores.-, jvtu sleep, cat i una a'. gost'os, VTOAout taJupMB tnokr:ra "For "-rfr-ral Tears I hare. reooramanO- Tiiup ft.'t,iri ' .-iM ultra . cor.'..: ... U j do no as It ha inmriablr rrodocad rr: liwis F. Pitior, at D., : inset aw! Tth .' , Bmt Cu; CoxpAyr, 77 Minut&v Stwcst, Kxw Yobk Omr, QI.SGON. Land Co office at' - OBiJGO State street, branch effice !n Portlanv Irmt tracts- rear oa;eir acre lot at $50 to ?60 pe sheet, fall their for Knabalmertt. Mr.e el it etafic. i lot ti ttil. in I m i li-'l t, nC r. nnd ca i t .rd vlutr I'roKtu. r.xtr lit Til.- r1.-a,l 3 . ... HEARSE CR SERVICE , TEMPLE - - OREGOI UPN1TURE, T-CLASS FUBNITUKK, P.. uhich I v. ill sell st '( iNMSTIKO PRICES. TOREDi "XEBTE SKKIISI." 1 i! wunderful reuie1j' BS,S-S ft V-M Memo ry, ixssoriirsin ct Mnjibood. Nightly Knil-slons, Nervous- br emazarUpn, ynuthrui errors, eicecslvo usm of tobucen.oiiluui orstlro- inrtnt'lty, f it18tHr,uttii or Insanity. I'm !.. ciirrlfMl In l.iir SfnrSS. ..... II ........I. f Win, .SI .r.1... wta IlVf a rll .i-i. uiisniiilris In rnrr nr rrfosd thr monry. Holil by all t for il, taso iiootlirr. Write for fren Medical n..nk sunt w-ub-d ai EUt vlCfsststss s:ss.. Uimmil''i'.,iil!.ii-.('iiii'Ai:n. A. TMll.V,!J,nii.lby llOLKJKB McKAHl.ANI). Drurslsts. CiQAR FACTORY Proprietor, Or., as rcconci- Hall Mattel i niiOAVNEl) WIHLK HINTING. Nick Sprciigcr jr. Loses Near this City, His Life Wednesday afternoon Nicholas Spretigr r jr went joo$e hunting ruling a horse, fiia destination was to be Horse Shoe bake ami the liar in the Willamette near it, ub'ut three: miles west of Albany. Wednesday Bight his Jofr returned home, and not re turning yesterday the youn-r man's father went up the river to hunt for him. His horse was found near tlio lake, with the fuddle on but bote stirrups pone, th bridle hro-en. the lu'toi tied around the ban of the saddle and the horse well cov ered with water and mud, indicating that he bad had a struggle in the water. Mr Spreniicr came to the city last night and organized a party wt id; left foe the scene of what Wits undoubtedly a fatal accident in MOM form. Kver. thing indieUed that young prenger was drowned in the slough lead ing into the Willamette Tracks were traced to the bar, wliere lie tied his horse and watched for giv.e. then returning towards hotiitt. A low bridge without rail ing crossed the slough, and is now three feet under water. As it was dark, prob ably shortly after 6 o'clock, he undoubtedly missed the location and went off into tho water A s--tn cuing party of about fifty men with tive or six boats and hooks, con tinued the search during this forenoon. At about 12:30 o'clock this afternoon the body was found at the bottom of the slough in ten feet of water about ten feet above the bridge. U was brought to the home of Mr prenger. The deceased was a bright young man of splendid habits, a perfect gentleman, genial and upright. He jras a member of the Presbyterian church, and was univers ally beloved by not only hi3 fallow mem bers and parents, but by all who knew him. The community loses an exemplary young man. He was about 19 years of age. Funeral at residence at 1 o'clock T M to-morrow. Positive Assurance. The Time of Corva'iis s.i)s that aeentle man who desires his name withheld, re ferring to the railroad situation this morn ing said : "I have positive assurance that there will be a bit! taste for the 0 V at the comicg sale. Tho people need noi expn.-t however, that it will be a fancy price. Men who think ot buvicg ine piowrtv are de terred from paying a fancy figure by the realization that there must be an enormous outlay of money in an extension of the line oofore the property wid puv ?rooa intere--t on the investment People from whom have assurance that there will be a bid have plenty ct means, and it tbey secure the property their first move will b? to ex- tendit."' The same p&rtv expressed a belief that there was an influence in the abroad, that, for selfish purposes, opposed a sucoeMfi:! sa;e ot the property, aim re ferring to the Hammond Stone trip over the OP. Mr Stone was seen by a Times man. tut deiiined to say anything further than that his colleague Mr Hammond seemed very much pleased with the prop erty. It has only recently leaked out that when tiie court met in Corrallis last August to fix a date for the sale of the road, that a telegram was received in this citv from these parties request iiig the court to poatpene tee sale to as late a date as possible. There is no doubt but these people are collecting icformation cton w h:ch depends the question of whether or not they will make a hid at the approach ing sale. LvjisGEUSTic Mirasni.-A series of evangelistic services will begin in the I tiled 1 rebvter:an ecurih on next bas- UAth evening. These meetings will be con dotted by a lady va.niaaliat tf Fan Fwn- cueo, Mrs 1 caries i'eaji. twelve years ago Mrs Peak as an opera singer of ooo- siufnt.'ie pr'?aiDrr.ct:, ner ricu iwutiv voice won for her th plaud'U of many who hetud her. When Mr Moody held his first series of evangelistic xueeiuigs in San Francisco some ten or twelve years ago, Mrs Teak was secured to assist in the chorus, composed of three hundred voices. liefore these meetings closed be was con verted, gave herself wholly to the Lord. and fpve up her profession. She showed her sincerity by contacting herself imme diately with the Lt I' P chorrh of San Francisco, cf which Dr M M Gibson, whom ir any of us know, was pastor. Since that time she has been one of his most efficient helpers, devoting all her talents as a sincer and speaker to the Master's use. L'nring these years of service, the ha de veloped such ta'ent in conducting public meetings and in winning souls to Christ that at Dr tiibson's earnest solicitation she has given herself to evangelistic work. She has held most successful meetir irs in San Francisco. Oakland, San Jos and other places in the Presbytery of California and comes to us with the highest rccouimenda- ttons. rhe public and all inter-tod in christian work are cordial!y invited to at tend tboe meetings. Secretary Pain of the Salem Y M C A snent last niirbt. in Albany, and while here made arrangements for a football game at Salem on Dec. 15th between the Albany Y M 0 A, and the Salem Y M C A. Skin Eruptions and sitailai annoyartces are cused by aa impure blood, which will result in a rr.orc dreaded disease. Unless remove!, slight impurities jriTJ develop ir.t.a Scrofula, Ecze ma, Silt fifteen za i ether serious r;iult3 ct 51 liar -a suffe Bad Blood vc; f or scitj': ti-.' tblofd troobtr, for vt:-ii I ek rraoy rciwdjr.-j i jt id roo no eood. 1 lavi luw" trssji now taken (otir botiiui ot v .r.t v !r: 1.1 rest: its Am enjoyinrr ti c uejt heaitn 1 ? v-t - r - . ; . ' rtained twentv poord; and my friends '.av they never saw m! as well. 1 am f.!ititr quite like a new dan. JOHN S. EUEL1N, C v. c:: .. . Vtnungt hz VVaUnnKf.c. D. C. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Disease mailed free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Allarfo, Ga. le mw run RSTHSA htx. Mi rttwAr lVf dtMssV-5 sf Ikg C'sisUi-U r.oaTT Or list, : - b of or T .' .-,. ' . '. '.r . sua, -.5.. kiB ts L MM iatt-raaJx. ic A3 PHEVEKTIVE bfi.'U tr it U lr.pe3U tococtrtwl any v ?rjt. -tl fj hui in ih caM mt U-e !rc-av1y V-itviTi.t knuctlm . 7. : vs , f -nOTTlw-ta. asrxi ui re (st-sratsv H IT C-I BIS te 0 cara- l'r'' 1 y r' I019 Tsar st--sTs V-i--,." ww- w sf. 1D VO'J iSN-rw" DB. 9 ELIX i.Z GajfJ'J STEEL BHD PEHHYR8YBL PIUS arrt tho ori-jlnal and only B "lI.Nf'H, nnfennd ro linhlucnrn on market, t'rico S1.1J; Bout by ia:l. Oenuino culd only by J A rummtng, sole ngent, Albany, . IAGKBURN & 30MES ATXOEWETfl i-T L A."W, All I" oattan will r-iwivo protsipt at Ofiiw, Pint NvtioasJ Hank Ic-ut'OU. buiulintf, i ; stain H C WaUon Luther Klkins WATSON & ELKINS TTORWETB LTV Office First National Hank buildin-; Business entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention. A L BAN Y, O til (i O N , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, aMMBMaawaaeMatasastataswasMaiasaeMact-.rCTaasMMsseje Mr II 8 White caino down frjm tho mines yesterday. Miss Nina Galbraith, who has been teaching a successful terra of school at I'ooria spent Thanksgiving in Albany. Mr and Mrs N L tialloway spent i hanks- giving with in Corvallb. AlViuiy friends, but mostly I A Perry left this noon for llruitt, forty miles east of Kllensburg, where he is inter ested in some mines He will won out ol sight during the winter. Mr (J W Wright desires us to s.iy that his time is taken up with t!v study and practice of the aw, and that he is neither desirous of. nor would he accept, t he noui.- n.ition for councilman from the 1st ward. A delightful children's birthlay party was given yesterday afternoon by Miss lag Smith, daughter of Mr 1 S Smith. Fif teen or twenty boyi and girls spent several hours in a mannsr to make them thankful for a ytar. The Man nbout Town was at a dinner the oilier evening where the youngest of ten iriiests was twentv-eiuht and the oldest forty-eight. It was a pecnlar fact that seven out of the ten were natives of Oregon, iin. Mr A K McCoy ln-ing born in J84t. which probably makes him th oldest nativ.' born resident of Linn county Hoes any o-ie tnsw of anyone whoeau ante-date hint. Tho ladies auxiliary of the Y M (' A held an interesting session this afternoon. Dickens "as the theme, and he was well handled in the fallowing program: poera, by liessio Dorris. a ruiper. "Dickens Early Life." by Miss l.ucv tl.ird, reading bvOlga Hewitt, a paper. "His Literary Lifa." vocal solo, b Mrs Klnmberg. a paper by Mis Hettie Burkhart. on "His 1'nyate Life," and a reading by Dr O K Beers. The marriage of Henry llen to Miss Jessie Waggoner, oecured at the residence of the bride s parent-. Hon and .Mrst.e rge A waggoner, this Ihurs Jay evening. Ine parturi and dining room were beautifully decorated with ivy and cbrysanthetuutrs. and the marriage service wa pronounced at eight o'clock by Rev R J Thompson . I m mediately following the cenmony all pre sent repaired to the dining noru where a bountiful supper was served, and after that the newly wedded pair left for Philomath where a neat farm home was in readineis to receive them. Corrallis Times. A couple foot la' I games are said to have bo:n (-'. ed in Albany Us: night. Business on the S P at this olBce U re ported better tha f r November year. At the Busking Bee Friday Dc yth Bcbbv the smali to , is almost ano'ber little Peck, only he is, of course, good and not bad. Mis Be'scy, like other E-izas, Bctssss, and Bess, is set oa the unfortunate Jos!h. She sttl: catch him, and he von't be caugnr. "aln u the net" e'.c. Tonight the republicans wl! hold thctr city rcnvertiori and the democrats their primaries. To -narrow nlgh the demo cratic ci;v convent on wlil be t.elJ. AH ladles cordially invltd :otne lectute at the Viavi Rooms Baltimore Block, Saturdar afietr.oon, 2 .3 i o'.lock. Djc is 1894. A'ma Morr'-s, arre-eJ ts' kit.irg !er for their hides was jscing txirr.lncd lids af'emoon before Judge PoweU, m' s rae witnesses from Sweet Home. Two Wostiat FiaaT. raesday morning Hri Lincb and Mrs HankiaJ, two ladies of the south aide, asHM d ic a war of word, tongue-lashing ana abasing each other after the latest and most anuroved fashion. The w ?rd battle was brought on through a discussion of family af&irv. Warrants for each of the belliserantir disrosed !s.iies . 1 i V-ij .J. a 11 r ras piacv-o in .uare.iai I'iiH-y s nanus iwr "nice It i- sai l Uta! tfte UsaruuU at hrst thought of pssurning oa the spot, bat con cluded cot to do so. &nd proeetet! to make the arresU. Both ladies, when they con frontal the austere count en-r.c of Bee r.!- er SbeJtoa plead guilt-, aatd were Sacd aodi V. which Uiey pa.d and went on their w-y rejoicing. Scio - Press. A vceKa Case. A queer ca-o frrui Justice Service's court in Lake pneioct U reported. L K Anderson instituted pro ceedings again.-1 K II Dari! tc secure damage lor trespsus - Mr Anderson wss traccesafal in his rait, and was uilowid some o0 tlarajges. Mr David did not pt.y test amount and be was committed to jail by the justice, and was brought to Rote burg to be conhced m the coonly jail un til the amount was paid. Sheriff Cat heart refuse to rescue :r Lav.d. and last eat- staMe who brought him up thereupon re leased Lim from catoly. Ptaimiealer. iKtTiica trior, scoano. me cxvas- iis Times says: There was a bit of ser!a- tion in Town Tuesday evening. On the por hot he Occidental, within a te-t feet of where Uodglns ami Chap-nan recently pur.c'ied each other, Hon George age "o er and Mr J M Brand cngsged !a a simtlsr scrunage. Tne ball opened wi'h M Lrsnd auvancng on the ex-iai'icad Com mlssioner and declaring "-you are a din Cur," or smut 10 ibat fleet, tji coise the rontmlssiont r l once made a center rush for the enemy's territory , but filled to scoie a tooc'i itosn on acv.mnt of the very excellent inter feience of friends. Mr Braid's a'aci Is said to hire been the outgrowth of an artic e fritters, for pubd cation br Mr Wagg-one;-, reflecting character of Mr B and's frtmd.t'ot f Keti blicas PatSABiK-s srerv held last evening. In t:.e arst ward 11 il ilu-l..n (al nominateil f.,r OtfnClJntan on the thir teenth ballot, defriding W F Bead and") I f 'annals . A ft .Matthews was tt-rtsm'tateo to succeed D C Schell fc the suoit term Member of flic central committee VI 1 Head. In the second aid F I .Miller was nominated for ccuncilman and S S Train named for member of tlie central commit tee. In the third ward a liveconte' pie rtiled for councilman. Jt s Klem and .1 H ilriggs each nccived the same vote 0.1 the hist '.allot, the second re-ultcd 1.1 the nomination Mr iricg. MettiUr f the n-atra committee. Jos Klein Lr-Ei) Ki-:l: sj.nk. Yesterday MU Vinnie Senders was starting . 1 fire, when she met with a serious accident. After lighting the wood as it did not barn very well she took the oil can and poured some oil into the stove with her face ov-r it. ham'::' flushed up into her face and breast, Imdly burning her face and hair and some of ber clothes, List op Patesih granted to Pacific states inventors this weeU. Reported by C A Snow & Co, solicitors of American and foreign patents, opp U S Patent Of fice, Washington, I) C. L A Buchanan, Stanford Fnirersity Cal . triturator. W Hollingsworth & J Korbel, gan Francisco, Cal machines for stretching band saws. K Jac'eson, San Francisco, Cal steering mechanism for trnction-engines. 1 J Kelly, Ios Anzeles. Cal automatic .lumping gear for wheeled scrapers, U Kewcll, San rrancisco, light ing or extinguishing strrzet-lamps. CU Mortcnson. luiu, Lai garden implement. A Reynolds, Seattle, Wash device for ro- Hhiluh's ctire Is sold on a guarart-c. It cuies tssctptast Consumption. It Is the best Couj;'' fitre. Only SM cent a Jose. r9, SOJ.aijdtf .00. FotluyJ Mxsan agents. Karl's Ciover Itool.the great blood pur ifier gives freshness and c camcss to the complexion snd cures constipation, 25c, 50c, I.OO, I'o.hay & Masan Agents. Mrs T S Hiwklns, CutUnooga, Tenn. ys, ''MhllOh's Viisllzsr 'saved my life.' onjl Ur It the aj- ro n-dy for a d:blt te l sv,'; ji I ev;.' 11 1 I "" For Dyspc a, L Ic 1 ; hs b' It eit:e .1 1 . 1, t;:i D : (5 Cal s COUMlt y M 'Ston, physician BfsstasirgCM iwired pmrnptly in elir 01 VitlHlINO INVirAVIONJ.. Wooden, Tin, Hilvcr, Goldeu Common every day. HkOLatV . Ir. Price'e Crctarri Daking Powdo A I ure 0roo C.-taru of Tartar Powder. FOOT BALL Portland Wiped thctu ound witli ' the A.C. ofO. Fully two hundred Albany people, inspir ed by a desire to sec a live foot ball game, and perhaps a genuine slugging match, won', to ('orvallis yesterday. An ideal day prevailed. It wns estimated that two thou sand people crowded the lines around the gridiron at 2:45 o'clock, when the game of foot ball between the 0 A C's and Portland I'niversity team was failed. The lion about Town in predicting that Corrallis would win was far fron the mark. The score was Portland. JK, orTaliia, 0 The Portlands outclassed tbo farmers and out played nt every part except bucaing tha line . Corrallis Inn a strong linu with a weak left and nearly all her gains were made at the center. Portlands, interference was sup erb, and her tackling quick and to the point. Portland played for the en-U and repeatedly eluded the v orvallis ends, some times for runs down the field fur a touch down. Corvallis never sho-red a sympton i of having bee-i trained for anyllnna but stnrniintr tl letuuss llsses. II - tie 1 .-. ed any tactic they wtre not used to any ef feel. Sh hard I v nlaved tlie new came It was the old game without the mass plays w ir-rea- Fort and olaien a smart. hnaSPT game, punted well, interfereii effectively and run like deer. DeForest did some womlerful work for Portland as kft guard the best foot ball of the garoe. ind Clint Hall and Washburn diatmrfaished tiiem- selvss. lVrrell and 'Butoiett lid toe best work for the t) A C's: but drbiorable inter ference and the abrence of any surprises prevented such ru.ts as almost thoentir. crowd wished. Mr Percy Young of this citv itave trreat sjiisfuction as umpir- Mr Walter Paige, secretary of Hie Salem V M C a. did conscientious and faithful service as referee, tuough the Portlands kicked lustily at some of his decisions. The game was a fair one. free from slug triosr. Only one man was seriously injured Maddv of Portland haring a collar bone dislocated in the first half, playing fully Kn nnnute afterwards. It was an inter estintr fiu-t to note that Aloanv MQbIb tea erally shoatwl for the 0 A Ce and more the orange color. At Eujjene a hard tight ending in 0 to 0 in the game between Kocene and Potest tirove. At Portland tits Smttles defeated the Muhnomahs S to 0. sir. t:itr st l esira cjsr- P J ssWktrV j b prlstts rst clacs r-rk . SsTsak th.- ssVitiritsi1 ijar at Jelias I a.renraa hocir ... . . .Mwatftl w? :- UVir it hx la ia J c;-.-. 1 snskirt I rs tssns.'ai-lsid Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder -mti.i V. .14 at Jsile 1 ii flic ArOJsr.-V.-i Pa-rf.h o.fer-s her en- I'e sto-t's at c?t. oa-ln? io the .a'e.-es of the se-ison snd du'.l times. Hie U.ks of V anr wf du well to dm and exiroir.r herst-;cs t-eloee ptir-narlng eUe Mrs Pa-ti.h's Mtltlnerr Pailaea. DIED. CRABTRE .i M in Jay Nov j6 1S94, a' tbbonee-f Ml lather. Mr New- C'sotree FreJcilcV. K Cra'utree, of apoen- sssWsTsi a: the se of ti v eats, 4 month and 1 days . Tbe deceased :etre an exccl- ira- (ecerd as a Tou'C "laa o: atSe'i nife natyurr, estmp'iir In HS oSeJience and eif iaod halt's T .e rt-nj-ns were curled onToedar VCT-i.e . mon-R?jni-i tae ver Puffer I'-yr y uvei which can pw uisi I cure, miid yon sxt :c a A LaX3 I D J than pais rcv.iv I.i.c ; i V i U v' twl till tina slUi.-t P. ' : Mil KM U kin- i' r"s : p, - BottKli B -a tf 38 It ia sold on a troa-nat- by all droir frlst. at cures inciplenV Cemuxaptioa tail tha beat, Com ft n aad Croup Curo. Foshay it Haatrt, Agents. Dr II B 3: ! O K Beers Ph73iciai3anf:' Surgeons SrV-eti'- attentlM g:ven in diseases o women, 11011- 10 lo 13 A M, 2 to 4 and 7 10 8 P si OflSces snd residence Blum berg Building, First Street, between Lyon tnd Elswcnh. B AXK Ot" Sst'iU, rtto, onucosr. 1 Mvss A J Jom II MT !si tTIO.AL Bt-tK, or ALBANY, OP.EO'IN rcsldcn. ...... Vice Prosldsnt .fui'nier .. . . LPl.tVN 8, ft, vol' yo W. L.AN01 ON rRA N3A(tTS A OKNf.RAMisnstDj boatn-iif AXXtOL'KTS Kf.lM' .ublcct U ahock SIGHT KXttllAtiiiti sn.l tsl raj.!!!.- transl r, soil New Voit, 1n 1 ri-.iiiiato. einicag ana f itlml ICiOft' l ' ii jasssaws rtini , BIKlOTOS Tom K ,v .t.sac Dun, h. Kuiss Cbwisb f . Sol. T. ('..IIAC HKV, M.. Physician and Bu-xson, Ofno-lT,itts!rs nrer Iks Bank of orriron. Hottdsnro, comor 10th and Oalap jols tt. - ' . '. ... B s A Marvelous ; g I 1 i I m m fiOY SATURDAY HOME A..VD ABROAD About a month more ol Gotetr.or rennover. There will ta a special Beulah Rrbekah LuJe ihi 7t3 o'cloc. mee:lng evening Tne fight over the c!iy eleciicnln Siltm ts so hoi a caosav of the city hat been made the same as En big elections. E C "smith, a Eucene gmzir, has mad an ais-grr.ien: lor tfce beneSt of l is ar-sfl. tors. Asset 66.575; ltl.-s t9973.Cs UO net de'.y tcolorg In siring lot sour ho: May phctos at Tlnk'e's studio. Secure an early sitting, and sec new Xmas novel lie just receivc-l. A ciilaen of Buff o ro"c.f peir.u' . mi.e with tocthptck lo that cite In pit -rent of an e.ect'o-i wager, f hi comet ur,ccT 10; head el riar.nt roii: Mernhee.f F Co are doing some "i--e ;k a- l-jt right, with p'entr of tcttm they are ntesec'lne je-rne eon-.e.ts r y ciua: to luo: baU. with 'he reueh parts .tr. out ; but wU p en'y Ot ar'ivlty saa -aassstry mmu ass nitenco in umm county. U being on ver. eJ Inu a three set wesvirj; mi I which mill be in foil eiKhn be Jar.-a:v it. las Harbi.- larmrrly of ibis cunts it em-tioted ihctre. Eugene Gain!. tnetordir-s 113? Kosttiiri ts said 10 be fiited tooretfl--stn,bu! afrer.heicss ind'gent old soldiers cor tinae to rHre to IAugs c. unit, rspe-cung ta be cred for tlfchorr.. The result is that u;ir ' hare become a burden to t rc ccun! y. Yresa ha reached ite IfSal iftoit in letting xtsee lor '.he suppo't vl: s muni- ctfwl go'crnrnttnt and the city iru ees have enacted an omittance r:til'i.ig a:J Ujlres bouses and prethsslona! rnrr. to pay a quartr-iy iter.-. 5 a yes. let list, print in if rfsces and a! are la the BaJk peeacber sceminjj to be the onji neo- !c csetn-xed. fbe cmtrortioi of the Nicaragua rsnal euid re-fuce the jstanee between Pacific const ports and Ltter--oo! Over 7kx :r ::c ani o New Yos k abcat to,ooo mile. It -son'd bring our sarplut product that much nearer these markets. Tne benefit tt wou'd 1 -r.fcr on 'he Fcific ccas! cn thus be seen to be enormous, U not ortabSe of exact com put t ion. Tl ere was ar. unusuat'r large czpret package In the express car 0-1 t te east b-u-d train Mrnly morning horse, slilpped frora IOftlr.d to IVnrer, by D C Bailer, the charge being St6j He was irclln-d U take lull posaeaslon of "he car t fir;, bo: Gna:lr became quite Inettd v !:h IC. -res Messenirer Vo'ater. who act ed as ! uttler. Suo. Fob vbi. OafBANs Tea folL xiug is a list of Thaakf-riviDi -tTerio-r far the bene fit of the ttndxuu Home as farr.iitsed the DrsittrRAT by Ibe secret art of tne Ladies Aid tvtciety t Mr Gottlieb. 4 -flashes and clothing; ilopkin Bros. :l rS tea tpoon and lantrrn; All-any trrs-sed IJ-vf Co. 1 bam; Ed Schuwer. 1 drr-ssed chicken ; Mart Fayne. I tar: rloor; Mrs Telfer. clothing: ill tialbraitb. 1 ba apple; Santiaoi Meat t'o. rraat meat: Mr Go tra.-l sack ttoor; A It sfcllwain. I sack tbor-. Joba Robsoa. 1 sack Hoar; Mrs V) ni Baltimcre. - . U chicken ; Watson Eros, whole cheese, dried j .tun.- . Sour and tea: Mrs Sower. large- L- . 1 : . w 1 .t ttavs..v iniurviivuaiiw; r hum airs 'raiKis lf . .7 - package of nats; Mrs Lji-. sides of bacon and 5 rol's butter: Public school, wagon load of fruit and vegetal -le; Mrs Vs ill. cash 50c ; The L K lilain Co. oreler for 10 worh of elothinc; t. has I'ieitTer. l doit cans cor-i ; Mrs Bald win, clothing: Mrs Cuml tr, clothing: S E Young. -1 sacks flonr: N ti Allen, I sack flour; II llrojer. 1 ham; IVrrv Conn. 4 ; Mr lav. J vM:. frnit ; ! Voatctth. 11 .nr; Coarad V,'.er. - sacks rl asr; Fl inn, cash $Mf K.-rtmiller A Irving, meking chair: W C T i" f liain view, .rtidt; Mis Kitervt, c.'cthinit: Mrs m Ka'ston, apple ljtithr and dried prunes: Mr t'heesuwtn, app!es: Church rttllectb-n. $!: lr Adains, iir for d.-ntal work; Tlie .St Car Co. delivering llie I'KVof.'t.vT and llerail. iirintinc: Mr IVlier. B All periocs bavin hook I longing to please re nder of ihs Cor Sec. the Krodthdiian Society will turn them imu'.t'diateh. By piesideut. L r.STKLLA ruBTia If the l.sir l frying out aid turning gray, the glands'.-! the sm need I t nu- lilinc and olo'-Oo.t.stid the Ixsl tcntedy and stimulant Is Hal.'j Lair Renewer. Dr. Price's Cream Bakine Powder World's Fair Highest Award. For ail and I.tmi quick an ic aunteats ot i iiroctt there is no cure so permanent as Scott's Emulsion cf Cod-Kver Oil It is p.tlatalile, easy on the most deli cate stoaach and ctlec.ivc. IS .mulsion "stimulates the appetite, aids the dig' .tijii of other foods, cures Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and gives vital t.pcngth besides. It has no equal as nourishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcomes Any Condition of Wasting. Scatt & Downs, N. Y. AllOruggists. 60e.an4tt as 1894. ,iM.n , vriTEft A The U. S. Government, through the Agri cultural Department, has been investigating the baking powders for the purpose of inform ing the public which was the purest, most economical and wholesome. The published report shows the Royal Baking Powder to be a pure, healthful preparation, absolutely free from alum or any adulterant, and that it is greatly stronger in le .vening power than any other baking powder. Consumers should not let this valuable infor mation, official and unprejudiced, go unheeded. t SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs C'uu f'urrea aad children ret creed 1 from their trip to Canada. J B Morin is now sole proprietor tf the Independence Enterprise. Mr August fetark, of Will ic Stark, re port a fine btuiness io fatting glasses aitd universal tatisaetion. Mr Wsa Ralston re-torne-1 Kai night f rum a several week sojourn oa bis farm at '.'lex. in Eastern Oregon. C G Rawlisirs will in the future reside in Albany. The etecrrk light and water olant is now under the soperviaicn of E R Boslar. Lebanon Advance. Mr Otto Salinger left to-day for Port land, where be will reside in the futare. He ha rmiled in Albany nearly twenty years, aid it is saf to ray leave the city without an enemy. Mr Geo W Freeman, of Portland, a former brother-ia-iaw of Albany, was in the citv today oa his way hciaie from C'orrallie. where he ha been to examine tlie revetajemt work to be done br the govern meal. Mr I U Miiier was in the city today. He states that the item rventiy in the fort -land Sua ahoof Hoip'as chance, was twist ed 00: cf shap. The Sua stretched mat tor. The facts are that Mr Miiier thinks, like the writer, tal tiolph will not only be nomiua'.ed. but witi be elected, rir-ltws of free silver Leik. Tett-r will swallow hi 31 k . Ft., r P.eev.s.i Mcsicals. - Bl ssMM sj of music loving peo- t-o st tended Prof Parrus muste-aie. at Dr Mackey's. last eref-io-. Tbe wmiai was laach enjoyed. Mitses Edna Macicev. Lotie,. tiAu tsuck and Jlasid Hol- ttrt t l- . t . .n t ;...r... n.-,-: - -t, : sTssals dipvingex.-ellect use.-.:. Mr and Mrs Area Hamiuer ous "On the Uoooht tre.?.ia ' in a 1 i-suan-r manaer. and iii Maude Hafbort "Flv Forth Gentle Derre Mies Magsie Alderaoa. a rwnx lady cf alut 1. cf S.ieta, saag vary fwt-etly in a well cootroiJ-cd t-otet, and is a piu sl displayed rare talent, executing a Beetho- vr. t-Ti".a witr. etj-resnon and roach feel ing. Trot nawsti sra heard in a tocaJ 0J0. Many ctmtpUinents were be-rtowed oa the rsMor-sers, Amrtsg these present, beside the r-erformer-e. were' President V oang of the Colsege. Mr aad Mrs Waili Nash. Mr and Mrs .-mice. Mr and Mr Train and friend. Mrs Dr Martos. daugh ter and friend. M- M Stemi-frir. Mrs Man tan re. sob aad daaafater. Mr an i Mrs Harlan Halburt. Mrs Tim Warded. Mi-s Era Cowan. Bertha Ellis. Emma Co-atrilL Mr N M Newport. IV aad Mri Macker acd Mr ac.l Mrs Man about Town. Rcligioti-i Scrviceai. There w ,'. be servk at the Coas-resa ivtwil rbure-a at 10 :3d a m and at 7 :30 in heeveninr on tom -HTow. I kutenil-cr ind. Pleaching by the '.-.r. abject for evea ing discossion : "L.-v : I Repair.'' A w?-coni. is extended to .' . PolirT. i'.c-;.r First M E rhoreht preaching to-morrow rccrning and everting or the pastor Subjsct 10-3") a m '"The Fritnd sfcip ot Jesu," AtTupm willbeprtiach ed the Srst of a series ol sermons lo ycang pec.p:e - Subject " 1 r.; Spirtt to le Covet ed." Sabbath school at "i:30. Janior Lea gue at 3:30. Epworth League devotional rneeUng at b:3.l. All are c-?rdially invtt d J T Abbett. The men's meeting to-morrow at the Y M tl A rooms witi ba addressed bv Prc.f. r G Yocns. president of ."Ubany college. An invitation is extended to all men. Lmted Presht lenan. tertices in the -rorni'-.g c.nulccted bv the ptst-r. tixt't ject ol iiKRiirio'." The BkeSNhsa ot Pilate,' 111 the evening Mr (. Ins Prake of San Francl'co stii' itresch, etimrr.clni eeiies rl SDCeUaaa iii h will be held each erei irgduiing tht week except 'alur Jay. IJible Kerd'njs at 3 n in 1t.cMi.0n Mr Poakr t a iu.! wotltan. both in the presen'ati, 1. : t - -.- and in song Tde pub Ic ii co' dial-y invited to a'te these lucc-tlrgs. A Lost; Tel.K. The fertile Maria of th Salem I'.vst nta-i wifl -MtaTsBM after another snch story BB the foliowingt A marrievl woman or .auuhv ureas tne record tor the longest sivech ever delivereel bv a wife to her husixmd on his return late fret Icnlgf. t'umuiencing at fort-tlinto minutes i.Lt 11 p. m . Nov -.! and closed Nov ill at thirty-thr.v minu'es rad S a. m., with oul having stopped ono? to ta'e breath or refreshments. This irot" awav witli the Roseburir woman wit.t fejraerlj held the banner lor Ions talk- to her husband who was in the hbit of rvturning home in the wee small hours. Morhis A cot ITT ki . The trial of Alma Morris for killing deer for their hides was completed U'ton lutiiv row.-ll and n -urv of sr. men, this f.iret.ocn. A verdict of r.ot gtnity was brought in. One man inform tue t'KMiH-it.vr that no saw eijttu c.irv.isses near Morris' place, which lie testified to, another saw Nlorris carrying deer in on his back, it is stated that heconfee-sed to differ ent parties and it is further said lie came ti Albany with money to confess and pay his tine; but lie was ably d?fem;ed and cleared, and was likewise well prosecuted, but tho jury eiidn't look at it according to the reports given. It is rossible no one saw him skin the deer an I sell the hides. But the county will foot tho bill, nearly A I'soiii.KM. S01110 time ago ti W Jones, cf lKuj;las county, sold J 11 Short a valuable dug and airrecM to tale his pay in scalps of the first coyotes he caught, to tlie uinotint of $25. '1 his week Mr Short sent in his first scalp, and when Mr Jone pre--tented it at tlie clerk's ottice to collect the usual amount, he was informed that the bounty had barm lepealed. He is now figuring out the problem of how to get pty for that dog, under the terms of his ntsree ment. Sec my novelties !n me m fine shces, S E Yqcng. SITTI.fb.rabltsbers and Praprtetarss JLo I Citv Politics. The Democratic primaries were held last vening with the following result: In the First Ward J J vs"hitney wa renominated fe.r eexincilman for the long term and Frank Trit for the short term Member of central committee, J P Galbraith . In the Second Ward ex -councilman Julius Gradwohl wa nominated for councilman and John detail named for committeeman. In the Third Ward Frank Farreil was nominated for cr-ancilmaa aad J O Writs maa for committeeman. RUPVBUCAX COSVESTIOS. The republican city convention wa held at (he court hocse! 3 K Wratt was I e.te.i chairman. Ezra M Horton secretary 1 and v. ii ian. at-!-tait -.retary : Joan I Robiorj, F J M tiler, N Needham and H W a'den. teUm. ! The confarrt for marshal emphaciscd Us fart that street talk is not always ballots r iiu.i.3n and Jona Jor;-s were ncjiiea far marshal. Mr Huston received 61 votes, but Mr c-o-s "ari-r scored "21 better and was declared the nominee- t er ueatsnrr - 1 More was placed in Boounstiou by A B Woodia and Mr E A Paiaer bv f-r EiKs. Mr Msmm rssnaired G9 votes tut Mr Parker reverted the figures -r. . .-.- :- asM iswajiialsa. tsrui nia- jority of -J7 The ward cotninaiieAs were nliSed. Tonisrkt the democratic city convection w til be weld Thar? is oaly one cib curtate : rr : .. 5Ir U U9K a? is known now none for treaairer. Eie. . sXtTE WKkTaE& -Uttlt C Sara-airy. Sia'ioa, Albisj, Or. Month Kotttn er. !S4. Eteritioo abore tea ierel, 217.7 fact. Mean ts-aperatsr, 43 2. Departure frosn corcal, 112 Mixtmam teespcrat-'re, 70; dale, 6. Micrcara '.enspetatcre, 25; date. 16. Meat, cf mii..ta Umjrata, V Meac of din teem teaperatare, 4t No. ti r.e-i v, axiaism temper. tcrr 90 or ' l : . . Bci-asm umperatart: 32 raicisns-D temfcratare 40: '.1 below, 6. ao. times r below, 12. Total peic.i.iUtK. 74 inches. aSSaSsrSsass t .-c-m normsJ. I -GO u-efce. G-ttatet prtc piution in 24 c-reett r Boars, a.d dale, 0.9S 2J.d. Total depth cf Birci'ted suowfaJJL 0 inches. Proraibs direction )l the wind. N, S. No. of e'ear days. S Xa. of pa. thy clscdy days, 7. N. of cloudy days, 15. No of days oa which .01 or ' more of pretrpitati n fed, 12. V4 of diss on which 04 er mete ni re ps- t : fe !, 10. Date mh ch kail fell. 0. Date oa which n felt, 0. Datt of tiocdr tor-s.0. ! of light fntst, 3, 4. 5, SO, Dates of kilning or taj-rrtotu fret D 'te cf sol-- halo,. IS. L a I sl tuner l i s. 0. . 1.22.0. Its. Joa.x B sic us, Vnloateer Observer. AJVaar Barfeee i Ck", St f "or.r, JS-'X. c-.ier, S! Is-ra IS.-, lasnl, IS to lac Pork-har; S'ito 15;, sbon: lei-ario 10: " II to 13c. " 'v , bwle-l. -e- .lews. - Apr le .. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort aad iasprereateat an tends to personal eajoymeat rifhtly used. Tha many, who live c ter thaa ethers and eujoy life nioiv. sri lass expenditure, by more promrt.15 adapting the world's best products ti the neeeis of physical being, will atte.n the Taluo to health of the pure liquid laxativa principles embraced in the remedv, Svrup of Figs. Ita excellence is due to its presonttng in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to tho taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial propertiea of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing tha system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently caring constipation. It has riven satisfaction to millions and mt with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid nevs, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Svrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gisU io 60 cent bottles, but it ia man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Go. onlv, whoso name is printed on every package, also the name. Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept auv substitute if ottered. J K. J. la. mix, Phyelcbui aad Sorgeon, OFriCX Cora Fury svrsou, Albany, Orsjrou." -LEOTSiS BELT SO 18 W. La DeyQLAS i lalaflC IS THE BIST. ta 0 ilVL HO SQUCSKINa t5. CORDOVAN, 3.5PP0UCE.3Soixs. 2M75 brr&amSwss. LADIES SENC FOB CATALOGUE V-L- DOUGLAS , BROCKTON, MASS. can save rosary by smrrhnstsz W. L. Ilaarrliia Sfcra. Becatcte, we are lUe lars;; st if. -t-.rrrs of advertiaed shoe la the -acrid. :;a ; u. nice the value by starapinz the name a.-id;,ric' oa the bottom, which protects you a&ainit hi;;h price and the middleman's profits. OursUis equal cast m work in sty', easy BUbsg 1 - a weadnx cuatities. "Ate bare ttwra axdd rs -where at wwtr prices for (.lie v .iu any other make. Tike no strUsiitiit; . ; - dealer cancot-tupply jrou, wt- cu;-.. B A THE I K BLAIP CLOTHING CD Red Crown Boiler Mil's, (incorporated) Be t Soar .or fzmtly'aid barer use BLST STOPsAGE FACILITIES WALLIS HASH ATTOHNET A.T i A."W. Will practice in all the of the stole. Office First Nat'l Bank fcmlctiiig.Albany f rf-'on. Mexican Mustang Linimeht for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, inflammations, Stiff joints. Harness &. Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy- Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment coocpiers Pain , Makes Haa or Beast w cil fgafti. xt . Tsrrs vnr"2 t " "" -rr.t;: -nartaBtatL tar onhr. to am VmI TSTiimiii i law of Brain and sans P.-sr-r- Lust Mantaod: Qmekatat: Strfct Lowes: Ent Drmrcs : Lack of 0ocaViee: Nervoost-esss; Lassnn-rde : sal Dr -. Laats of P.srr ol C-rsavasaTe Ortrsass in tbee fafwsirs Use of Tcbacnx Orecsi or laaor. which lwass .a HisetT. rv-aua-sptioo. Issuhr aad Death. Hj nali. Il a box. tx for JS;trrth tmrt--i sruararto-j 10 csre cr seftmJ rcmev. B-a-ate pacaaj-c e-ontaunip-e hre tt-ar" trswrrras-st. -ritn tall iraenstam s eot.ta. erca aasfr al to fa.-:, persoa b; : J A C-ttraing, sole agent, Albany. Altfifioifs Bromo-Cfeisry. kahssa-sVal HttkteeSM. Brsu: atsS - '"' """- f I THE Mssstll CHEMICAL f0 ISI 5. Wrstfta Rasas CH-cAtia. So'-d br a'i druggists. aMCXElk; Si-sfErsoaY asa tricsaa SW .; nliutla ir-.:a-. MM, aifwffs- s c HUM MH C-JOU.fc. ..tMerW lBPIMBajhwfie . ft : tti- 6 c.rr-et tat la r T r Uk wr-oj-f-r ot wa ff, . u4 3I ii of tW Wt ' enrtw -sy. Ttc-aaaal aT to arrvl ( Va -ar--' a- :r ,!'oo saissrr tali ether rswadi-r-a fttii-r-i ata-i s r- ji a-J r4a-s ? 1 ias lam la -a tt t at fr eih-rr rt C'. ,-ta-.iM lirOilW KLMIKH- St tli ?lt f tlto -ratf t Wsw r nm V wt-al vtrs.! C t S ! T n At! fc I -S..-A altrc-vrtit llslTlt9:asUtlUlyi. tW dstititMrsbklH, eau:at wsucvi. Irv. A,nm &XX2ZZ JmiT-i CTH.IC CO., - CRTUMiD. OIa Kimi COLLEGIATE IKStTTUK ALSANY, OREQON A 1 oorps of Instruotc.-s, .aaiSiCsL, SCIENTIFIC LI TERM? T COMtVicRCtAL AM3 NORMAL SLWSES. 1 " ot study arranged - ir-a-t Bit rai'f ofstudaut. Sftciat i... 1 : , tmA t frost airead. FOSHAY A MASOfs it. sa sirui i tLtt for John ?5. Aldac'a publtrs kca r -i.U werasllat eutbHshar't; priew- . .at-ta-sartiloe ALBANY ORC6M mm hew LiEE-i H-M .'1 Itwl