The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 30, 1894, Image 4

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    0. R, & H. CO.
K. McXEILL, Receiver.
low kates to all
eastern icities.
For full di tails call on
Gkx'i. Pas . Aoahi
hoaK Osta. H C Payne. H C Ru RaceiTara.
Pullman Sleeping Oars,
Elegant Dining Oars,
Tourist Sleeping Oars"
St Paul
Grand Forks
Helena and
it in
New York
Boston and all
Points East and Souti
For information, tinie cards, maps and
tickets call on or write U G Burkhart,
Agent. A I ben , Or.
Or A D Charlton. Agst Gen Fasa Agt,
Portland, Oregon.
Southern Pacific Co.
Exprra Tioins laav Prrtfautd Daily
Sna-j J IMiiCM t. IHSV, '
rii. Fl rjTUmm " AT I ICW
Sri E Altr.nT V 'i, !
19-.4S m I Ar &ui Fran-ia. t L T? T u
a . -t :rr H - all tOa m ftm
tllr. t vb a7 'n :lui'J. also Tan -hI
.lilsy,Hirrtsb i-g, Junction
trnr,. eligini ail all stations
taaascx MU. ILT
Oa l PortlmiKl
:! I l Albany - tt
.Mr I Ar Rossbwr LITi
:MsriLx 'Ibaxy fP'S"
flOiAr latanon Ll
:2r.rL. Albany Ar :We
nininor Cars on Oed-n Route.
lli.-J.rrt to alt fwsil
Ve( Site MvlOn.
CTtsr rsri.A
II ail iaaiu.T (txoept Suooay
cr(- rnai Mm 'Eie.-p'.8ni.It .
fctflr I L Portland Arl:tA
T:t6 r I ar SIsMsSpHtS lyls.teas
TTtrotai?:! TicUetw
M ll "'it 'n lbs Btstern 8tit. Ctnad
Bump can b ilb'etasl t owt rve-. from r V
rravk. Arswt Albany.
. KOCHOir B A"-"-
v.r 4't P r..
IMrt'ar.l 0-i-
; ( rs VAHTEDOiiScaarvandOomi anon
Hv (Jan. Hamilton, his literary execu or
wi h b c-) r.ii'n of '.i fa niiy, and (ui
Mr. Hfnif.'. Complt Woik , ''TwKllI
Y AIL". OP 'oIOKE8l," rl lii ltcr ho-",
'PoLITH-AL OlHCUSSIOHS " Ou r..rpfClai
or BS 3 BSHT sklliko bo U in Mm mar
ket. AKP .Ioran of Me.,tooV 112 orden
from rut 110 cll; genf profit gl'.SS 50
Mr- B.llsrd ofO. took 15 ordrr. 13 Sasl
I5u i, in I day; profit $20.25. K N Rior
..f Mjii took 27 order in 2 dt;.: profit
$47.25 .f 1'striHge of Me. took 43 orden
frNM M oalls) profit $75.25 H A Pa'mer
N. I'.'k. toot 53 oideri in 3darr; p.'ofi
'S.25. Kxclub'VB TauKiToar ien. I
awirh tomake LARUE MO Yrit
iliatelv for termi to
hcilonrv Rill fiib. Co.,liorwichXonn
laV jSEi UhL Jm
For A
fJOTPl stunrer and n hone.t opinion, write to
tlmia atrli-tly oonfldentUI.
bbvmbdbiduw dhide mull
. r. . n . .. www hi, IMU UVKTIT Oil
experience In the patent buainesa. Com. junioa.
tiona dtni-117 connoentiai. a 1 1 nndDook of In-
I oonoewilng Palest sod bow to Ob.
I Swat free Also a Mtilnraa nf Bwhtn.
Lain thom I
leal wid atentlOa book aent fna.
I and i
PAtsnti taken ttaronh Mann ft Co. reoaira
apeclal mitloe In the MrlentlBc Awierleaa, and
""in urvuictifc wuiy uciuru ui panncwitn
enet to tb Inventor. 'J'liln iplendld paper.
I waenif, elenantly Illustrated, baa by far the
irculatliin or any aelentlSo work In tba
wm.iL 9J a year. Sample oopiee aent free.
linlidlna KdlUoo, monthly, SUOa year. Singkt
eqplea, 'IS cc.iu. ery number contain beau
tiful plate, in colore, and photof rapha of ne t
boaaea, with plana, euai.llng builder to ahow to
larajt aeearns ana Becure oonumeu. Addrea
Lvn.t A ia ai iuuk. aei jski
At Your Door.
A true Improvement always receives
a welcome in the average American
home, the most home-like home in the
world. The coal stove, the gas, the
water, the sewing machine and the
clothes wringer hnvc found an entrance
everywhere. Another candidate now
appears. It is
the new vegetable shortening and sub
stitute for lard. Thousands have found
this as great a blessing as its predeces
sors. It is now at your door. Will you
accept its proffer of better cooking in
your kitchen, better food on your table,
better health in your household ?
Cottoleno Is sold in S and 5
pound pails, by all grocers.
Qet tba genuine. Mado by
The N. K. Fairhank
ST. LOU IS anil
CblcsA-e, Baw lark, Bestoa.
Weak and
Weary Mothers
I Puny, Pindiing
a Children.
Sulphur Bitters
Will make them I
Strong, hearty
And healthy.
mm ftjieivt
Band 3 2 -cent vtmmps to A. P. Ortlav & Cow.
, mar mm mcaxai work utad
In Your Own Locality
matie easily and honorably, without capi
tal, during j v.i r spare hours. Any man.
woman, boy, or girl can do the work hn!
liy, without cxtricnce. Talking pa
necessary. Xothin; like It for mo?y
making ever offered before. Our workers
always prosper. Xo time wasted ,a
learning the bu.-iiicss. We teach yea in
night how to succeed from the fir
hour. Ton can make a trial without ej
pens to yourself. We start you, ftarnisV
everything needed t carry on the bus
acss successfully, and guarantee yv
against failure if you -rut follow ouf
simple, plain instructions. Reader, it
you are in need of ready money, am.
want to know all about the best pay in 2
business beforu the public, send us yo"
auidress, and we will nail you s dp 1
meut giving you all the parUculsrs
TRUE tft CO., Box 400.
Augusta, Maine.
Oni, Mais., January 1st , lWt
fesm. 8. C. Well A Co.. Le Rot. N.Y.:
OssTurxs I hare tried manydifferentkind
1 medicine wuaoui receiving any Benefit , and
aad aiven up all hoDes of any cure or even re
lief. I was troubled with constipation for year
until I was a total wreck. Finally it ran into
iucuui,inui,iitt uwicr irnuoie, ana nave neen
confined to the house (waa in bed for eight
nonius; tor two year. 1 nave been uning yoar
kabl c-urrsB Boor Tea, and find that it ha
done ma more good than anything I have ever
tried. Yon are perfectly at liberty to use my
ome a a testimonial, a I am glad to know
mi 1 nave oeen me meant or .-ilevinir other
Very reipectfoJly , ilrj. W. P- Wobusji
fS3f a"'
-1 1- 1 ii r-i
An agreeable Laxative and rTKSTZ Towia
Bold by Druggista or sent by mall 25c, 60c
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
VA V .The Favorite TOOTH P0V5Z2
lX VP H.faf fortheTeethand iireath.iac,
Foahay & Masoi, Agesta.
Is not complete
without an ideal
CtlTiIilaei ctry eiemcnt of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
j Inrltt upon having the genuine.
t. v ice's -ream flaking Qmilii:
Most Perfect Mode.
rv xui 11 ua
English Workmen's Diet
and wage.
No one can study the welfare of the o
in(r clastes of Britain without being im
pressed by the fact that they have shared
in the advance t'nat has been made in th
feeding, clothing and housing of the na
tion generally. The rrosperous decades
of this century, the larger wages, and he
adoption of free trade have brought better
food within reach of tbe town artisan
better in the sense of greater variety, and
in tbe amount of animal food procurable.
In many instances, however, they are for
saking the simpler foods, aud are content
ed to live upon article which tickle the
palate more than did the plain hut whole
some food of our fcrefathera. The preson
diet may be moro varied, and more easily
digested, but it is not necessarily better fit
ted for making muscle. Deaidos, even In
o-r food, the tendency of the age is toward
refinement. Wo seek for articles that
please the eye, as well as stimulate tbe ap
petite. People, for example, must have
their Hour beautifully wui'e. but, in order
to accomplish this, the miller has, by means
of improved machinery, to remove from
the grains of wheat the rich nitrogenous
cells thai lie underneath the bran that
part of the wheat grain, in fact, which is
richest in proteid or nitrogenous material.
In bread atoue. which forms the staple diet
of such a lari-o number of people, there is
lest with everv meal a lartre amount of
highly nutri-ious material, simply that the !
sense of sight might be gratified.
There is stealing over this country u
widespread change in regard to alimenta
tion. Wherever wages allow of it, tbe
coarse but wholesome food, characteristic !
of a previous age. is less partaken of. Tbe j
reduction ic tbe rriee of tea, for example, '
has allowed of its entrance into the cotter's
bome, and tea with bread and butter now
toofreouMdlv renlace. Lhe milk and oaten
porridge of past days. In Scotland, a few
years ago, oatmeal formed, at least, two of
the meals of the day frequently a third.
either in the form of brose or porridge with
skimmed milk. O! late, there baa been a
change. The consumption of bread made
from wbeat 's increasing !n the cottei'
family; the stronser foods are gradually
being disregarded, and money is spent on
tinned meats, jellies, jams, etc Shep
herds and hinds, in many parts of Eng
land aad Scotland, are less paid "in kind"
than tbey were; they have, therefore, more
money to spend, and, as thi.i has a larger
purchasing power than formerly, little del
icacies and luxuries are, today, more sought
af or . If this is true of the agricultural
laborers, much more does it apply to the
town artisan. With bim.te tendency is
distinctly toward a redaction of coarjpe food,
and a substitution for it of the lighter, if
not less nutritious articles of diet procura
ble at his own door, and requiring little
cooking. Contributing to this i the lack
of knowledge of cooking on the part of the
wives of many of our workiugme.i. Tbey
don't know bow to cxk. Take for ex
ample female workers in tbe textile itdn'.
tries of Lancaih-re and Yorkshire. Many
of those enp'oyed work all iLiy long in toe
factcry Wfore and .tf'er their marriage, and
tme, therefore, little or no opportunity of
learning cooking. Among ihe well-paid
working dare, there i, p report local ly,
M waste than there i among tbe wealth
ier sections of the community, and until '
women reaHxe the va'oe of monty. aad i
learn l.ow to tk, r.ot amply B chop or a
piece of meat (ftr that i whit tbey gener-
ally mean by cook ing. but bow to u'iliae
the residue of previous meal, and pertlc-
ularly how to cook serve to be great-
4 advantage vegetable, the loilsr. tbem-
selves cannot be said to be receiving thei
proper food, nor a proper equivalent for
the money spent on necessitifs.-Thoma.
Olive. M. D., in the Fortnightly Kevlew,
London, ij. tober.
Needs a Delicate Touch.
Few people outside the jewelry trade
have any idei how the brilliant they bay
and wear are lastcned into their et'-iog,
and a great many retell jewelers who have
sold jewelry for years are equally as igao
rant, savs the Pittsburgh Dispatch The
art of setting jewelry is comparatively
sim.e, the sk.U cf a seUtf depend' ag 00
hi knowledge of the strength of material
and the delicate touch required, which caa
only be gained by year of practise. There
are cnty four distinct methods of stitiog a
diamond, though mountings ate mad: which
involve two or more of these methods.
The most common 1 the clamp, or claw
etting. Tnis come to the setter with every
clamp as straight and equate as a fence pick
et, lie embtds this mounting, whatever fc
may be, in warm thella: on ihe end of a
atlck (six Inches cf a broom handle I gen
erally uied) leaving tbe setting exposed
tiiU cools sod holds the delicate pieces of
ewtlery firm in all parts. He then, wi'h s
thin file, sharpens all the clamps, bringing
them up lo a tharp points. Then with a
scraper or giaver shaped like a cbiel(a1 of
his cut icg tool ar; miniature chisels wf
dtfierent alsape), he dig out a bearing or
shoulder fur the edge of the stooe on the
iaside of ea;h c'.amp; he now, wiih a pair
of sharp -pointed pliers, beads ihe clamps
Inward or outward as they happen to req'tire,
at'ii the store wlil just squrei: in'o ihe
circle of c'amp;.
Then the alone ! pressed firmly down
until the edge rests squarely on the beating
of each clamp. Thl leave the edge of t'ie sticking u; pat the eie itone.
The -itxt step is to juli all these end over
the edge ond h them light. A push
ing tool is u'd for thi, a piece -f toft tee
about three Ir.chet lonjr, filed to a small
SUlare rnd an ) filled I" a run U l.andl.
When the clamp ae all fiiro In
their j
places ihev are lulijhi-i ut a f '.tr leim
The clamps rc trii: med u a point wiih
three cut, two on the sides and one on top.
The setter cut away from the st-me, and
must be careful not to dig too deep In o the
gold, or be will push the whole clamp away
from the stone; then io in ike a good job
the sione must come out and the clamp be
bent inward agaia. Some who manufacture
he finett goods Co rot believe in brlghi-cut-
tinc tla.npB on ring, as the shsrp edge
eft re very severe on glnyes worn ove-
them. A -?l'er employed by these firmB
merely fi e ihe clamp to a poir.t, and lh
polisl orbulTs it round on i op when the work
get it last aafch.
Tom Wutnon, populist candidate from the
10th Georgia district, has rcrepted Repre
sentative Dlick'sofTer to Ket'.le the cor.tro
verty of whthsr a populist or I'rmecrat was
elected Nove'n'Tr f, hl by Ihtir ISJ ig the
thing over again.
Special return on wheat fee 'ing t Mr-
mal Indicate 40,000,000 bushels nlre.tdy
consumed, and 6-,oo,ooo lo 75,000.000
ikely to be feed from the present crop. The
larger quantify Implies appr'ixlma'ely no,-
003,000 bushe s a lhe yeai: exportitble
oU, ii'cluding surplus fr.nn last tear, half
of wWlch Is arealy exported, lotetlor
millers, having difficulty in securing home
supplies are looking to other ceot-rg.
WILL a STARK, the jewelers
Sioux Superstitions.
To the Sioux of tbe past, religion was
truly a mystery. From the simple groth
of the blade of grass to the complex phe
nomena of the thunder storm, all life,
power and strength were Interpreted as the
physical actsof unknown coils. The (ireat
Spirit, writes Lieut William II Wassell in
Harper's Magazine, in a name given us by
the interpreter, for the Sioux had no con
ception of a (ingle spirit, however great,
capable of ruling the universe. Light
ning was the anger of a Uium'er god, an
awful bird, whose structure varied from
wings containing only six quills to wings
with four joints each, according to the irr.
ogina'.ion of the medicine-man. The
moving god, be whoso aid it was difficult
to invoke, was too subtle to be liken! to
any known fonu, but ho controlled the in
tellect, passions and mental fai-ultlcn, ab
stractions for which the Sioux has not even
a name. The Hayoka was the contrary
god, who sat naked, and fanned himself in
tho coldness of a Dakota blizzard, and hud
dled shivering over a fire in the heat of
summer, who cried for joy and laughed in
his sorrow. Rocks and bowlders were the
hardest and strongest thing-, hence they
belonged to the oldest gods smaller rocks
were fetiches. On the barren buites of the
Dakotas may be seen many a crumbling
pile of atones erected In by-gene days to
propitiate an unknown god. Many a for
gotten chief has gone to tbe highest bill
when his son was sick, and amidst fastings
and incantations reared a mound of little
stones in tbe hope that his loved one's life
wiKhl sPred; AmJ UH another relic
of tbe savage belief of the old Sioux is found
on the bodies of the warriors themselves.
Take almost any man who' is thirty jears
old or more, and be can show you long
scars on his back or breast, and dozens of
smaller scars on bis arms, all inflicted by
himself in fulfilling bis vows to the sun.
The sun-Jance was one of the great relig-
l0M ard poHitol events of the Sioux life.
Whol ullages assembled and feasted.
1,11 li,- -r.r.h, t.tA ,n,l . 11 1
., ., , . . . j
le s rength they were fo need so badly in
the a'reegth they
- i
the coming test of endurance
vm uc my-
pointed day none but virgins were allowed
to cut down aad trim tbe tree that was to
be used, while only chief and warriors of
exceptional bravery were allowed to carry
it to its place in the center of the village -Here,
with mysterious pipe-smoking and
unintelligible incantation, tbe pole i
planted, ropes of buffalo bide having been
fastened to it top, one rope for each wor
shiper. Tbe men, already half dead from
exhaustion, are then brought out and laid
on the ground around the role, always
ready knives thrust through tbe muscles of
their chests or back, and in tbe holes thus
made wooden skewers thrust, to which are
fastened the loose end of tbe rope. Tnen
round and round dance the worshiper,
their eyes fixed on the Hazing tun, while
tbe jerk, jerk, jerk of the bleeding flesh
beats a s'ekesing time to tbe hi-ya of a
Dakota cng. K Heads and relatives, men,
women and children, gash their arm and
brews' t" stimulate the dancers and keep
up their cocrage. V?nen tbe flesh is torsi
, , i ' i j t-i- i I
part toe oancer is reieaseo us tw ,u-
nneu. mm bravery, uu mannooa unqoew-
tioneu. j cese aa a inTutanu o urr mon
strous rus'.cms were whit the early mi-
' lonary bad to combat,
Stay At Homes.
Hie otBcial vote of Missouri for judge of
the sarreme coart, the head o( 'he tte
tlciet is as follows: 3lck .'lietei 336.-7:
j Robi3. (Rep 3l9 Ml . Jant Pjp)-
a66. K3blaon (Pro)J,oSQ. ancrson Sot
UbK , jTj. ?iUr,iy for Roblasoo fKepj,
Ccmparrf with the vote cast two
,go the Detnocmt lost 4i.Ssj aad the
iVofcibhio,,.., , The Ktpobicatu
I p,ined , 9I? ,Bi Ihe Pop.iiw;, ,,,,,
I There ,fe , I$ . , u,,, ,.d
( ibf ufl ,Q lhe j,.,, bf the ,
no:ne re ,, .,- to ..myTbe
j Republican g.ln are'age 16 to ibt courty
made op almost entirely from the loss oa
the prohibitloa to e. Tbe popa'wl gained
one vote In tvtry 4003 vote cast. The
total vote i .".S.oio snor: of two yrar ao
! The official return from Penasrlvaniatbow
that thj aggregafc vote polled for Governor
was 951,886. of which Marines (Rep) re
ceived 574.8i. Singerljf (Uem 336,404,
Hawiey (Pro) 13.443, Aiimao iPto; 19 564,
and Grundy (Sac Lab) 1,733. Hatiings's
plurality it 3t,397. The total vote is 50, -U4
shoit of the total vote two rears ago
Upon lhe reorganization of the preseat
Georgia legislature Speaker Fleming ap
pointed on the Temperance Committee men
who are known a determined fenemie of
the liquor traffic. They have resolved to
! report for adoption what i known as the
Bash bill. Tnis hill provide that It hsli
be a felony for any citizen of Georgia lo
engsge in tbe tale of liquor.
In place of the present method of Sliuor
selling It Is provided that there shall bs
, establUbeJ in each county a Stat dinper-
sary.sapervisid by a discreet man who shall
keep a record of all liquors sold. It it aV
provided that there shall be a Stale inspec
tor who shall test all liquors offered for
sale. This officer will be clothed with the
moat despotic right to inter upon property
for f urpoaes of investigation an- to deid?
contraband giods.
It evident ihat ihe election of a Uoited
' States senator bv die leelsltture to meet
next January i to be a ontiated one. Ii
will oe free s'lver or to silve', Mr Dolph
representing the opposition to silver.
There Isscatce'y enough of stiver sentiment
among the republicans to elect a senator
bke Tongue or Fulton, but the friends of
silver are much stronger than at firs', they
w:te suppose 1 to Tne most arden: st'ver
men think i hey ari l defeat Ilolph.
Alreaiy nea'lv thirty notices of contests
,v defeat I republican candidates for con-
I grts hsve iieen filed beforo the national
' comniittee. . The scheme of itnseatinif
d.-mocrats who were duly elected tbat held
such high carnival under the Keed congresi
I to be repeated In the new congress that
mee's next year. Then enough republicans
were sea ed to give the Keed party a ma
jority in congress. N w twenty-five demo
cralt will lone tluir teats that republican
may draw ths nalary.
Mies Tompaint, a Kentucky girl, who
wa once Secretary of the Southern Expo
sition held at Iulsville, nnd later purchai
Ing clerK for the United States Supreme
Ccurt, has Iwen appoints I Assistant Mar
shal of the Couit, a position never before
held by a woman. Mi's Tompkins in not
yet 35 years old.
A Wonderful Discovery.
No di-e Is mote common among Ihe
people than scoifuia. Handed down from
generation to generation. It is found In
nearly every family, in some form. Il
v ' make Ms appearance In dreadful
ru 'nifig tores. In awellingt in the neck or
goitre, or In eruptiann ot varied forms
Attacking ifcas mucout membrane It may
be known as catarrh, or developing In the
lungs It may he and often It the prime
cause of consumption.
In wnatever form scrofula msy mana
test Htelf, Hood' Sarsaparilla Is It Invet
erate foe and'eonqneror.- This medicine
has such powerful alterative and vitalizing
effects upon the blood that every trace of
impurity Is expelled, and the blood Is
made itch, pure and healthy.
Washington Letter.
Krcm cur regular Corroiiunt.
Washington, Nov. 19, 18o4.
Tbe democratic Senutors and Representa
tives who have been in Washington since
the election have wllb one or two exceptions
talked in a manner that indicated the prop
or spirit. Their greatest desiw, they have
said, i to allow the past to rest, and to
have the democratic party take a fresh
start by getting together in Congress and
adopting soa-e legislation that will help
the country and incidenta'ly tho democrat
ic party, In 189C. Just what legislation
shall be uc'ed upon i a question that will
determine very soon bow deep this anxiety
for party harmony gees. The i lea 1 have
heard most generally expressed by demo
crats is that Senators and Representatives
should not tumult themselves to tbe sup
port of any particular tariff or financial
legislation until after tbe recommendations
on those subjects contained in the Presi
dent's annual message to Congress ate
made public. That should h-ave tbem
uve to accept tho President's recommenda
tions, should they be of sucb a nature as
to be acceptable to tbo democratic part; as
a whole, which they are almost certain to
be. With the democrats in the Senate and
House acting In harmony much can be ac
complished in a legislative way during tbe
three months of the abort session; without
harmony there is no hope of accomplish
ing anything and would not be even if the !
session were to he three times three months i
Since Pcideat Cleveland announced
(hat bis annual message to Congress would
(PS thin important financial recommecda
t'on. baaed upon Secretary Carlisle's an
nual reprt, democrats have been greatly
Interested in learning the nature of Secre
tary Cailile's report, but it i as yet a se
cret, cot fined fo these who have promised to
keep it un'il tbe report and the President's
message are made public. Secretary Car
lisle has not been in bis office for several
""' f- upuu m- .ei-uri .1
his home where be is free from inte'rut
u ......, '
fin, ii ...i,i ii, . ii,. . .... a i .
,k,. al,.,.. .1. mm I... II.. 1 l
..... . . ..v-1 mj ... IKCUtu ,
eueil 1
in our present financial system. Although j
Seaetary Carlisle bat always been known press Company. Tbey retumetl "not
as a friend lo silver, no ore. who will tell. lro biU" M 10 Halph Gibhms.whi wis
ba. found out what part ailver U to play In ch,wl wiUl lht "me oSetue
the proposed new ej stem.
A laborious attempt is Ujing made by
certain parties to hare it appear that Pre-
latent Cleveland has exceeded bi constito-'
tu nal authont in dealing with the pro
Japan and thini. Their who's story ." '
built upon a false foundation Tbey say'
thai President Cleveland ha offered to act
as mediator. He bit done nothing of tbe
kind. At tbe request of the Chinese gov -
eminent be directed Secretary Gresbam to
ask the Japanese government
if it would
f Jrab'y consider a proposition to have
the I nited Spates ar: as rueCiator in order
to put an end to the war. It will be dim-
cuU to make sensible neop'e. who are coon
principle! OMWsed to war. be 'eve that the
('resident exceeded bi ajtcoi Us
in thus
trying to end a war between two natioe
,b,ch w , M ,nfaj,
j friendly we re with Japan may l judged
Irom the fact that a new treaty bas just
been concluded with that country.
There is little danger Ihat tbe republi
can of the seat House will car . y out ihe
threat made by some member of their
Congressional campaign committee, to
throw out tbe entire Virginia delegation,
which is solid'y democratic. Tbe deme-
crat would not ask anything better than j
urn actios bv the republican House. It! YorAacAu.R1a.1r
would cot only aivp Virginia so: idly dera- ? H you Uke your washing lo
ocraliclntiiwouldUiouttlasaaKlof,h,.Ai,My Steam Laundry. U yon
. . . t , idon tvou are not. Something is the
demccraiK vote ir. other j9te. The lead- J ro,Ut.r c woa How en too go to a
e-- ol the republican party are too shrewd Chinese establishment with a n rat -class
to pot such a club at that would be in tbe ' steam laundry in the city. Don't do it.
band, of tbe democrat. boever much the J? a!l :',,lt b? frlU"
. , do make a few cents, what doe prjfit
republican contestant from Ihe irginla yoo, with the Chinese smell and lurking
Dislricts aiay beg. ' disease around. Patronise the Albany
!;mocrtic newspaper correspond. sis team Laundrr.
who area a m'e great aduitez cf S;cre- ' "
larv Carli'eiive tees la hj-. w.Ut wiih
ibeir edtiot cvtr since that bond ise was
- B
aaounced. Uecause the had on he prreoo-
, ' ,
al authority ol Secre'ary Carlls. sect out
me potititp siatemtnt tnat there swaaad !e
no immejlate issue of bond. Tha: Secre
tary Carlisle had a good reason for throw
ing the boyaofl the track by teeing ihem
up to wifhla lorly-elght hours of tbe tstse
ot a call for bids that
bond wwaM be
issued it certain, but to da'e none of h a
newtpaper fnenda ! ave bten able lo find ou
toaeertaia'r what it ways. Speaking ot tte
bond I 'sue, present indications are that the '
amount io be i;iued $50,000,003 wi'.l be ! Curtsr Me srs. Brick ii Ketchum de
aubscribed for two or ihr.e times over, sire lo inform the pub'.ic that they are
ThU is gratifying to desaocrats.whetber tiey ! prepared to supply all kinds of first case
apf rove of ihe ioe of boadt or oof, as it
Indicates la an indisputable manner tttS coo
fidtnee felt br tapitat in the sdm'oiatra
tlon. Some democratic member of the
Hou r? oo'a'jly Hooker, of , and
Hai'er. cf Texaa, are criticizing ibe ad
mir.isiraiioa In laasing bands, bat lhe
general ImpreSM-n rs no heaks action wi'l
be lakrn on tbe ubject by Congress,
T o Point.
Sjmc t oar Republican friend, wh3 are
more given lo shouting than lo thinking are
s'ill hi a -lout over the enormous majorities
obtuinwi hy their party in tbe late election.
They o.erloo 'he imlh that BC bigger
tb? majorities the ino-e certain it i; that
the I (Sail is not a p4ry Humph. A scant
majo.i y on a fu'l vole would show an
incre. . in K -publican strength. A gria
msjori'y on a tiant vote abowa sis-ply the
absence from thr po'ls of mo-e Iemocra"ic
htn Rrpubliran voter.
The ii fuial o' liemocrats in t numb rs
lu vo'e is a dlstirc; r?biuc 10 Iheir parly
nnni;m .n'. It mis Intended, It was intel
ligent, If was dt srrved. Hut It did not mean
that tne dia,1 jawed D.-mo r.its sr- Repebll-
cans. i ne grnlor the the ciearc
the proof.
Another point wlrrh evidently bas not
occurred to lb: unth nking shouter U In
Co mcctioo wish Republican gains at the
South. The fact ihat aeveral Southern
States have btrtn catiled against the Demo
crait some of Ihtm by Republicans
roves thit the belated blooJv-hlrt shak
ert have 1 Ither mlsie presented t e facts or
talked igoorantly In aa ing that there are
not fair el.v.lons t the South that the
negroes are intimida' a 1 or the vjt-. mis
counted .
Tennessee, North Caro'ina, Sju'.u Caro
lina, West Virginia, Missouri, Maryland and
Texas prove that the solidity of tbe Sout!;
depends upon the free will of the Southern
voters, white and black.
It Ii jutt at well to stick a pin in these
point In paing.
The otTuiu) canvass of L' Angelt coun
ty, jjt completed, gives Kstoe a plura'ity
of 3,6'6 The Officii I canvas has now
been icported from every county in the state
except San Franiisco and Humboldt. In
cluding the unofficial figures fiom this: two
ciunties the result shows: BudJ, 469
Eglee, 110,226; Budd'a plurality, i-M",.
(Hadgtone U proud of his Scotch ancei
try. The family line, on hia mother's side,
traces back 10 King Duncan and is con
nected with tho genealogical tr. e of King
James I. His father's peop'e were sub
tantiat folk.
I'rohatc Record.
4th annual account filed in the guard
ianship estate of Helen Spencer.
In KuardianahiB of Ellis Riaebart et
al, F M Kenhart was discharged and
bondsmen exonerated.
In estate of Olney Fry inventory filed:
Personal propeitv $10,100; real property
$1320.14. Total $17,480 14. An allow
ance of $13.05 per month was granted
the widow.
In estate of Laura Kmlline Tavlor, In
ventory filed : Real property $275.
In the estate o! Ben llrenner will was
admitted to probate, each daughter re
ceiving (50 and the widow the balance
Inventory- filed : Real estate $3000 and
personal property $1360. Total $41)50.
Mrs Sarah Urenner executrix.
In estate of Thomas Morgan, petition
to a 11 personal property granted.
In guardianship of Karl Hrown, Eliza
beth Mover appointed guardian, iiond,
( ai d of Thanks.
To W W Rowull, C W Watts. W H
Warner and Will Whit, who had the
matter in charge, and toall others whoso
very liberally and gratuitously assisted
us in our hours of need we heartily ex
tend our inc-re and heartfelt thanks.
Should any of the kind donors ever be
so unfortunate as to be placed in tbe
same situation may they receive the
tame assistance that was given as.
Mas Milloy ic Family.
On the home farm southwest of Scio, on
November 18, from an abscess in the head.
Miles Hale Kelly died at the age of 26
years, iu months and ll days.
Tbe deceased was a young man of ex -ceitent
character, an t generally popular
mid well itijil fli roil trKntit Itm r-iktiiiiititiitv
1 The atjacess or tumor that caused his death
had been troubling him for ebout a month,
but be continued to be around and attend to
business until within four or five days
before hi death. He leaves on aged motner
three brothers and three sifter to mourn
bis loss. The funeral occured on Tuesday
morning, conducted by W W Richardson
n the Miller iemetrv. and attended lit a
large concoum? of relative and sympathiz
ing friend. Svio Press.
T-a ISMieliswata.
Tut D.'.lles, Or., Nov. 23. The grand
:-, ,rtri' in.lij-fl I-p.,tilr IT I,.in anil
otii Savage for robbing the Pacific Kx-
sec atxar
Paiker Bros, grocer.
Hi w cream chcaee jut leeeived at Coarai
Srt eUas work.
Smok- the celebrated Oavana MM 5 mo
eager at Jalies Joseph .
j Fa'.roeia borne tadaatry by smck iae the
! brtl white labor cigan, saanafacteraa
i 7 ' P'
Danger Frum (latarrh.
The most Importa"! feature about
nnmi comn ains ca arrh in the
i head. I its tendency to develop Into aoase
, :"'" .""' """
' laaaa imm h nrhiat luKn nr haaa I, rr
i liable to lead to broncbia or consumption
that destroter which causes mare death
jt this country than any other disease
A catarrh originates in Impurities in the
blood, local app lotion can do but little
good. The omason sense metnod of
reatment I to purify the blood, and for
hts purpose there I no preparation
upcrtor ta llsod's Mtrsaparslia. The
owertji action A '.I is medicine npon the
lood expels every Impurlly. and bv so
on ; cars catarrh an.: g 1 re- health lo
! eailre organisn.
' s- m noveltle in ms fine shces.
S Yocxc.
j ,
; Mr Oiffurd asnpro,-v es t ren-nc
lesson .i tba pU: Aibans
on Ttiurvlay alie-noon, and Frdar morn-
ingofeac w.-ek. He will be found at
ibe resi-ienrc ol Mr, Willis Nash, crr.ier
. n . a M. . . .
y. rourtn ana .Montgomers streets arc
term can le ascertained and arrange -
' roents made. Mr W Uifford Nash ha
i rrtrT1lIT rrturncu irom a course ot ncany i
squs years vnav wi ucisg,ver niany . wit
ear in l?.e converva'.orr. and the rest of
) the
i ;... . n.; , .(!' rJ ll ... sr. .
: feasor Krausc.
. 1 meai as incw as sow aa "y uiisri tat
1 prices as low as any
Osve them a call.
i Cr
Ii'r MfCH Bat It a gJod
!m th)sa dtv. Tvofth; n mske
St 1 ij :i Tn ' more. Gi to
P irker B'M with thjse 53 cent pieces
h;-i you are after grocer'es. produce
eaj 'used gooisan you will find thi
I tvjs'.ment Ihe bit to bi s -cured it
the cl".v.
Ulest be the ties that bind
The pe jple lo this store.
G J,r:- n :u . trash J. ad
a ekaart btk;r do-t the business.
rattagM isvrrAVioJfs.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
0T - : : . .
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
Awarded Goal Medal MUwiawr Fair. San Fraooan.
L at kiwi t3w 10 th aisy t O nuad
(attilnh care Is toi'4 n a guarartec. Il
cute Liclptenl Consumption. It Is the
best C im' l-iire. Only one cent a Jose.
5c,SOJ,andwt,oo. Foshiyj Mason agent.
Karl' Cover Root.the great blood pur
ifier gives freshness and c earn? to the
complexion and cures constipation, 25c,
50c, 1. 00. Ko. hay & Mason Agents.
Mrs T S Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn.
ya. "Shlloh Vjlalizer 'aved my life.'
onailer it the beat remedy for a debi I
led system I evj.- uteJ."" For lvsp
a, Liver or K'duy troth's it exce
Ice 7; cmU. Fji't t a 1ii.ii, t : 1
D.' G vV Mas'on, physician and surgen
Calls answered promptly In c'ty or
J Your J
! Heart's Blood J
Is the meat important part of
W your organism. Three-fourths of 19
X the complaints to which the eys- X
tern is subject are due to impuri- w
tie in uie asajsja. loucanjinere-,
fore, realize how vital it is to V9
Keep It Pure
For which purpose nothing can
equal tsKU It effectually re- 9
movesaCaBasSalalt impurities,-,
cleanses the blood thoroughly W
ki,IU. .V.. 1 K.Tl.i: W
mmu uuuun ui uie bcuciai iicanii
Our TrcillM oa Blcwd andSklndlMSM mallad W
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Attutli. 6a.
j the city
I (J to "arler B,o
Chinamen who are familiar with tbe
Mongolian pheasant at home, claim fiat
in time the bird will become so plentiful in
Oregon that it will not feed enough in the
9111 neius but will attack the gardens.
:. That tniirht lift true in nhiiu arhsn.
they shoot with mo aunt: hut not in Ore
gon, where there is lots of powder and shot 1
unii nunureus 01 croCK w ing shots.
in aiiiieareri. This waa
roiled, when an ineription was found like
this "Holidoy Gift at ." It took
over a column to tell it, and while quite a
ehektnut it is considerable of an advertise
ment. nrmlnU. iw.. .. ; ,u I
0 mted States who is thankful the did not
marry her first love, savs that Boston lour-
nal : When she was a young girl she met
uu a nan 10 menus, a weoiogieai atuoeni
the girl. I-ater on be airain iillcd another :
young woman, and although she forgave i
and eubsequenlly married him, he has
never.been anything more than an ordinary
country clergyman, whom tbe first girl
could not regret. She has since married
and her prtsect name is Mrs Grover Cleve
land. An Oregon paper thinks it is posted and
says: 1 or a man' birth look to h' linen
aad finger nail, and observe tbe inflection
of bis voice. For bis taste study the color
of his tie. the pattern and hang of bis
trousers, his friend and bis rings, if any .
rw uis propensities waiK around auu iook ,
carefully si the back of his head, and re I
member, girl never to marry a man whose j
neck bulges ever so little over hi. collar.
If you want a succeibifal man, see "hat be is j
neat in his attire, and has a neat foot he
about Rpvprill VAnnr, ,,,!. .,4 ,.;i.. -1. 1
incr .r fi.f 7,1 .o7.Y I llt!Ved that both sides suffered heavily.
VhitE inP. 8 a"lm T Ig?L thina'sloes, it is said, exceeds that of
ehthltlSf MkJtLsS? f0Und7 Japan, for, undisciplined as the cmper
end wa 1! IE; or's soldiers were, they tought with the
end was a ball, which was broken, and a ,lMr..rtlr, ,t tuL. J 8
t, n :
will move quicker and pet over obstacles j they were erected without police permis
t . i. i a i . -I-,, i . : . t .-
, u an m,iumu wuu uuu uicr uis uwa
toe, and trips up other people with tbem. '
too. For hi breeding talk sentiment to j
him when he is starrinir and aak him tn '
carry a bandbox down the public street, '
when you've fast had a row. To test bi :
temper, tell him bi nose is a little on ane i
side, and yon don't like the way hi hair
grows, an J if that don t fetca him nothing ,
will. ;
j rennoyer of Oregon says be has a
j warm spot in his heart for Tammany.
Pennoyer has also a soft spot or two in
his head. Chicago Tribune.
mwmhwn ' ' - " " "j.,v i . va w
readers much on this school book change
business, principally because there has
been no necessity lor it. Tbe change
will not bi made. and. at least tbe
I superintendent of this counlv will vote
against it. borne papers have had little course. Cherokee Bill was sees six miles
else (or several weeks, enough to make north of Muskogee. He had two Win
one weary. x cheaters and two six -shooters. Lou Cook,
queen of the outlaws, and sister of Bill
Disco-raeed with the botinew. of rais- nd Jim Cook' " in Muskogee.
ing wheat, Oregon farmers are at a loss
L . , , , . t I
sw snow sun to turn tneir nanus to
next Iowa has given them an object
lesson in ihritt that they thouid not lose
! sight of. The total butter production of
'bat sute for tbe rear !! was t3J.78.-
I ,5- The magnitude of these figures is
amsr;ng. Tnev represent more wealth
than ihe whole eoid nrodnction ol the
rnited Sta!M for tho Mnw vmv. wl.irh
was 433, 175.000. Under tbttslimu'oc to
her busmen of this immense income,
there was but a single bank failure in a'l
Iowa, during the late panic With a
country euually adapted to butter, Wil
lamette valley farmers are in position to
walk abreast of their brothers in Iowa.
Conallis Time. Ye, bot Oregon has not
the market that lowa'pofiaeaees there in no
excuse though for Oregcoiant to eat Iowa
Sotrs one says tbe man i rich who ha I ""P-m 1Tlat ei-mi-w ea harbor o
00 debt. Some of tbe richest men. then. nber 18, a-vtdenUytUmaged bv
are poor men who keep even with Wmi " 'Js F.! beacW,
world at all event., rain or rhino. there lng no docking facihues. he is
I therefore now usele-.
Gcvernor Penaoyer. who has not said j WASutxtrros, Cov. 22. There is no
"ythicg for several day, iha fUured oat . ionp.T lnr that the bids for the
that japan to! J I leseUad to mind hi own ' n,-w r.f .-.nd w.U f.r -.t rh.
bosne, irl hence is quite iJei-1 at the
ccniitkc of mSain.
An ,tern sporting ,wqr whose circu -
li : .. , ,"!?: .
Irring to'-treT adverTg b
sending notices to the press oBenng a re- i
ward of Wd for th; rec very of a stolen
heavy weight championship belt.
j There 1 silver lining to things. Tbe
seotiuient in Oregon is a silver one. and
! yet loiph who made one of tbe hottest
I I J 1 i - 1 a..
gold bog speeches will be returned to the
Senate, or the Man aia-nt TYiam hi nnt
felt of tbe1gisLit:ve jMirse correct 1 v.
c.i .. 1. .u- i.t , -
..,.- ,5 ui .. uii mi ivaa in sjaas
gon. but tbe best of her size on tbe Pacific I Lovnox, Xov. 22. A Yokohama dis
coatt. She -hould maintain her good name patch states the Chinew IVi Vang squaj
by electing on'y good men at the coming j ron attacked and shelled the Japanese
city election. Journal. Albany is also j troops who were marching upon Port Ar
thc nest town in Oregon and tbe best for thur. The troops had taken t road near
her sixe on the coast and should maintain 1 the coast. The Japanese fleet came to
her good name by electing only good men ) the assistance of the troops, ami a des
at the coming election. perate fight took place between the war-
I ship, the result of which b not known.
Ladies who uesire to order a Delsarte ... . .
Corset or waist, or self adjusting corset i aire.
Irom Mr Tall, may leave orders arlth j Fort Smith, Ark., Xov. 21. At the
M't Howlsnd 01 Broadalbin St between fnited States marshal's office it is re
20J ard 3rd St. j garded as positive that Bill Cook is un-
der arrest in Texas. He is thought to be
one of the five men captured bv the Tes-
TheUhckwikoasd the as rangers at Mitchell Falls The de
Piaxos. The Wiloy B Allen Co, 211 Firs scription of the man Farris, one cf the
St. Portland, hare the exclusive agency fo . five, exactly corresponds with that of
the sate of tne aVr high grade piano i Cook. This is strengthened by the fact
Win- no", buv tr, lst
i nta tor pn3es
Cau or installments.
WbatUUhr was tick, wraw ber Oastrfa,
"Tim rtir a CMM iln 1 ill I rl OaslllaC
Wlreo ah aecanae Xtas, she tluaw to I
n-Vca a has CciMrto, aba gave t
IloffmanHousr. in Ihiaeatv. iVmiin..i.iv
I Nov 21. 18SM. Mr i,rville Cunningham and
! Um " t 1 . I L .a VI. :1
1 "ir ivui in nan isiurv,
1, sa rt ' .aa : -. m . .
lr ai in' umt'iailllg. I Hey reiUmeU
home cn this miirniniiV local. acconiDanieti
bv Miss elln Havs and Mr Charles Levis.
who came ut with them. Ihev have
host of friends who extentl theit ccngratu-
lauons. r.uene tauaru.
RICE LKRWILL. On Xov. 1..1S94
by J raatkw Cartenter of Monroe Oregon
Mr George E Rice and Miss Adie Ler
will. CARLSOX-JOHXSOX. On Xov. 18,
1864, at the residence of Major Johnson
in Albany, by Geo V Harris, J. P., Mr
William Carlson and Miss Christina
Johnson, both of Linn County.
BILYEU-SHELTOX.-On Xov. 21. tho Court House, in Albany, by
J X Duncan, County Judge, Mr Honrv
Bilyeu and Miss Dana Shelton, boll: of
Linn Countv.
LINDGREX. On Nov 23, 181)4, to Mr
and Mis J Lindgren a Iwy.
AVERILL. In Brownsville, on Nov
ID, 1 S.i4, Mrs H J 0 A vet iil, at tho age of
78 years. The deceased crossed the
plain in 184S, being one of the earliest
settlers in Oregon. Her husband sur
vives her at an advanced age. Many
will mourn the death of this estimable
DODSON. In Brownsville, on Nov
21, 1894, Mrs Dodson, at the age ol bS
years. Mrs Dodson was the mother of
Mrs S P Barger and Mrs Joe Harrison,
and was a woman highly respected by a
large eircle of friends.
Port Artksir 'all .
London, Nov. 24. A dispatch from
Cbee F00 says the backbone of Chinese
resistenco has given way ami the moun
tain passes that lie lietween tbe great
naval station of Port Arthur and Peking
now shelter the scattered remains of the
emperor's forces. Word has just reach
ed here that Port Arthur fell after a bat
tle that lasted 36 hours. The reports of
the fighting are very meagre, but it is be-
The Same aa I be Cask.
Rome, Nov. 23. A band of brigaols
attacked a tobacco store at Gaibene'.la,
near Ferrara, last evening, while several
outlaws guarded the streets in the vicin
ity. The brigands tried to force an en-
fance ,nto tbe store, but its owner and
his servants lire.1 uun at Ihem. Th
fire was returned by the brigands, and
the town was soon in a state of excite
ment. The toosin was rung from the
mB,to 0Ut of U,wn'
TrssUjr Wltk Japan.
Wasiuxokw, Nov. 23. Secretary of
State Greham; in behalf of the United
States, and Minister Kurino, of Japan,
in behalf of his country, have affixed
their signatures to tbe new treaty of am
ity and commerce between this country
and Japan. Tbe final formalities in the
execution of the instrument occurred at
the state department yesterday.
A Ut-e Caar.
Losoos, Nov. 23. The Daily News'
correspondent in St Petersburg says that
uie czar is oisptaymg unexpected energy,
It is stated that he placed M. WahLchief
of the St Petersburg police, under arrest
for three days in his own residence for
ordering tbe Countess Stroganoff
mourning decoration." remove! IWanw
, a irjj i.j, inssaaj ill' . ',ri : : . .--
paper reporters badly,
A rmUmn-
SpokaSe, Wash.,Nov3. The Browne
National bank closed its doors today .and
went into insolvency. The failure was
not a surprise, as the bank was known
to be cramped for funds. There was a
small withdrawal from other banks, but
i they are in no danger. Cashier Shaw
, outs toe
at S2I1HM- liahiliri.
1 77 ,900; deposits, 29js00. The bank
was organized in 1888.
Cleae afcs Ske aUaieiu
MrsKooK, L T., Nov. 22. Last night
half a dozen members of the fV-ik nn?
. ".. r.n,w; IHH . V11W11B UCSU
; bunting for them, but the outlaws made
tliemseives scarce. Officers who fought
with them Last night came in about dusk
aud retorted tliev had chased the bandits
to the bottoms,' and there lost their
PcsDurros, Nov. 22. An unknown
man assaulted Postmaster B. T. Isaac at
sir tonight. He used a heavy club and
beat him neariv to death. His obieet
was robbery, but no money was obtain- '
ed. Isaac was alone, at the time. Sher- 1
in H outer and posse have left to search
i for the robber.
Isaac s condition is re
He waa found covered
ported serious.
oa his head. The victim is one of the
oldest resident in tbe countv.
Ballle sais Sank.
Wjtsnrsc-rox, Nov. 22, The navy de
partment today received a cablegram
trorn an officer of the American fie t in
t mra, detailed for the purpose of giv
ing coanuenuai lUKirmation ot important
events in tbe Eastern war, stating that
the Chin Yuen, the srr-a: Chinese b:t:e-
j mmo Jnt to be U. Indeed, the icdica-
i tions are the bids alrvadv received more
i titan cover the fX1.000.Ol30 and that the
1 . LU 1 . . -
1 . , "JT ol7?w m.,m ew
ovk and other nearbrcities n
to nearly $.
- Khmattj Fau, Or.. Nov. 22,-Todav.
: . , . . :
1 the of the state v. H
" " "" w "si - a vw a u , lV sal" SaV tlUwUi Ul
j eounty treasurer ctiargest with larceny of
i 52- Jwlge . E. Hale directed the jury
i to. "nl ,De defendant not guilty as charg-
.. in ittA in.ltM,An -1 ; .- J
, g m "e indictment, which was done.
Much interest wasmanitetedin the case
; inst ended, and a good deal of dissatis-
, faction is heard over the result.
I "? iiursra.
that the man who answers Uie name of
Skeeter is an exact counterpart of Bald
win, anas sweeter, ot tne Vook gang.
A wtghSaawe
S ax Fraxcisco, Xov. 21. Football en
thusiastic are afraid that the big match
to be played Thanksgiving dav between
lierketey"and Sanford teams, will be rvdv
j bed of much interest by the disabilities
sustained by the plavers during the prac
tice cm 'it. ota 01 Bjawwasaaw $ ptaa men.
cannot possibly take part "in the game.
Xo less than 14 men have had the lisra-
i naeaxta of their knees ruptured, and the
I team generally is badly used up.
Probablj a fake.
I Se vttue, Xov. 21. Mount Ramier is in
a state ot roiui ertiition. lhe appear-
I anc,? of summit is entirely changed
I 111.1 a ,l. , t l,aa dna.M.I In
: t-" ..jucu &u ik v-- i
. .... w. ... .... : . I. : .1. . 1
I wi"vi auuiin; uiib luiumujl.tuv ,
i air being remarkablv clear
I clouds ot black smoke
1 .- ..,..1.. . '.. 1 . .!:. i
, irom tne southwestern lart of tho peak. 1
wnerc the crater is located, coming at ,
intervals of about 15 seconds. The dome-!
like top has disappeared and been re- J
placed by a Mat top.
FWitrst la Ike WarM.
Lot tsviLui, Ky., Xov. 21. Jcdin S.
Johnson, of Minneapolis, did some more
fast riding on the Fountain Ferry track
this afternoon, lowering the mile flying-
start record, one second. tis time was
1 -47 :t-Y H l dinned 2, seconds
from the the three-quarter record, time
I'M. He rde two-thirds oi a mile.
standing start, in 1 :21 l-S; three-fourths
of a mile in 1 :2o l-o, and one-half mile
in 1 M 1-5.
Sslia Wiiwwrawn.
W HB Will III'. Xov. 21. As iar as Uie
treasury department is gold
was withdrawn from the New York sub
tlianurr tovlav. The gold resen e stands
at f";.S"4.000. Lees than iX in gold
has st far been paid this month at Xew
York for custom duties, which duties for
20diivs haw amounted to $4,701,000,
$500,000 in excess of the corresponding
lieriod last year.
New Tritrlo alliance.
St. raTKRsui'Ko, Xov. 21. The Xovos
ti and the St. Petersburg Gaaetto say
that if England will come to terms in the
Egyptian and Eastern questions, a new
triple alliance, consisting of England,
Russia and France, would bo perfectly
To be the recipient of the abuse of one
bad man is tantamount to being the recip
ient of the prtiae of many good men.
The Only Preventive
Mothy Oily Skin
It Strikes
At the Cause
The Clogged
Irritated Inflamed
For picrpUs. blarrkfcewi. rwi and ofljsV n,
ri. rourh hand with shapeJeas nail, tall ins
ta r, aii-1 Ualr bSefuUbcs it is wosdeff nl.
fcatd tknaefeoet tie world,
fc Cmxm. Cow-, iWe Prep-i
Porrsa Dwos
"Teaching is tpe noUt-st art lmt tbe
sorriest trade."
A training school for teachers, theory
and practice combined.
Strong profeiioiiil cooxae and wel
equipped model school.
Thorough preparatory and academic
Normal, Advanced Normal, Easiness,
Music and Art Departments.
Light expenses. Board and lodging,
books and tuition not above tloO per
The town of Monmouth bas a beautiful
and healthful ioca lion in the verv heart
of tbe Willamette YaUer twelve miles
sooth west of tbe State Capital. It has
ne al - mm.
The Normal School diptoms entitles
one to teach tn any county in the state
stataMMl any further examination. Grad
uate command good position?.
Expextses. Tuition per term of ten
weeks ; Norma! $L25 ; Sub-Normal 5;
Commercial 6l25. Board and lodging:
Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.75 per
week: furnished rooms, with fire and
ght, frtm $1.00 to $15 per week,
card and lodging in private families
c m $3X0 to $3.30 per week.
Vitality and growth have always char
it rind the work, of the Normal Schoei.
he cc mine year promises to be one of
he best in its history.
Catalogues cheerfully sent on applica
tion. Address
P L C ixpbixl. President,
i or W A Wan, Secretary of Faculty.
El fcEM.
Xext Session begirs tbe 17th of Septetn- -ber.
Tuition, free- Board. $.59 a week.
Five Courses: Claical. Scientific
erary. Fjigiish atJ Badness.
The Boarding Hal! for voting ladies and
the Boarding Hall for young gentlemen
will be under tee personal supervision of
Mrs Maura, a lady of refinement and arga
experience. For cafctlognes. address
Secy Regents.
Send for
Addresc, REV. E. X. COXDIT,
Albany. OregoBr
Caveats odTrSaarirchalaa.aodU rat.
. Ihm fnMfnftttl 1. T alor " Tr fxxw.
'Qua tmrr is oorrs: U.S. pfTOytex
?nJ w-t jJ5cre nateat io less Ume taaa taaset
u trcAinwtaau
iad njJet. orawunf rr pbato.. rrtl desertp-
rjon. Wa advise. U paOT "i or not. iree os
charze Our f es not 3ae tO pi ten: is seewwi.
a raamnrr. "Bow to Obe , i Patents." with
ci'isjiera the D. & aad, awaacra3ats
tat arc. Aa&est,
A CMOwU JtV afaf
; 1 v ntsais w ww uwvtfw
, a Aa. OaTcarr WASHiHCTaa aft
swwnw. w B..-,s s,is isaas
or auaaT, orbo.s
- uv Eatassvarajl
. 3, K.TOl'NO
raaSSaCTS a OaSntlUt.baaktaa-baaiaaas
aCtXHTcTS KaTT unjt to eheck.
StQaiT KICHAKO C sndtrl Tapklc trsaat r,!
rorK,aaa rrsmasco. cnicaao and r u
l-STIOSf CaOBoa tarjraM .-a
K ,W ,Laacn
I. Fuss
Bawaa I . Sox.
$8.00 ii5.oo PEU DAY at none
selling Lightning Plater and plating jew
elry, watches, tableware, elc. Svery
house bas goods needing plating. .,0 ex
perience ; no capital ; no talking. Some
agent are mak'ng $25 a day. Pcrmanen
Oditloit Address H K Demo & Co Co
mbus. Onto.
ANTED.' A Livary raw wa once
a fine corner lot will ws givwn to
any person who DUiiaa m,,".rT,
stable for this rarpose Address stable,
in care of Albany DiaocaaT.