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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1894)
(The ciuaft;tl Wkki.t Democrat. $1.75 per year n advance. $2.00 at end of year. jvtonsrnDsr BUY JEWEL STOVES RANGES OF MATHEWS & WASHBURN A Stolwc Harness One Mr Simon, a teamster, lived in East Eugene last spring. A tramp came along and stole a set of har ness from him. The tramp sold the harness. una Muneti in 11 sues, to one Mc rarland tor I . McFarland sold the har ness to Mr Eli Hangs for 11.50. Mr Bangs fold to m Parsons the same harness for eo.w. Mr farson traded the same hor nets to Robt Blair for a light harness. This week Mr Simons who hus been away from Eugene since last April returned to Eugene and happened to recognize his har ness on one of Blair's teams. Blair gave it up to the owuer and got his light har ness back from Parsons. Parsons got his $6.50 back from Bangs and when McFar land pav8 Bangs the $1.50 everything will be right again and McFarland will be in the soup for the ttamp is gone these many months. All parties are satisfied as each had the use of ths harness almcst long enough to pay for it. Eugene Journal. No Horse Market. J W Howard, of PrineviMe,says that there're more horses in Eastern Oregon than human inhabi tants, and that they are running wild, nd in many instance are unclaimed. The horse 'market is utterly demora lised, according to Mr Howard Several years ago there was more monev in horses than cattle, but during the past five years a great change has taken place in these conditions. Now there is scarce ly any demand whatever for horses, and the breeder in Eastern Oregon has turn ed his attention to other pursuits. Ex. As people can't eat bicycles it is safe to predict a sure market for hogs and cattle a while yet. A Patent Ticket. A San Francisco dispatch says : 'O A Harp, of Junction City, Or, and E T Wangh, of this city both of whom are railroad ticket manip ulators of much experience and skill, have invented and patent' d a mileage ticket for passengers, which is adapted for all local business on any railroad system. The passenger who desires to go to a place fifty miles distant buys a ticket good for fifty miles. The name of the station is not on the ticket. In fact one feature to recemmend the new idea is that it does away with the necess ity of printing a great variety of tickets to suit the needs of any system. It saves money for printing and alto saves clerk hire. The ticket agent 3 generally think well of it.'' To Look at the O P. Several rail road men were expected in Albany this noon to go to the front of the O P on an inspecting tour. The party will prob ably be up tonight, and will consist of Hammond and Bonner, the men who have been talking about building a 1 ail road from Astoria. If they build it the way they are building the Astoria road the outlook will not be good. At the same time they have a good reputation and the Astoria fiasco may have a good excuse for it, though it makes as weary. Come on gentlemen, the O P is the best railroad proposition in the west. That's Sothxso. With a slight pres sure of the finger on- a spring in the Echo-Leader office, a splendid stream of delicious mountain spring water, equal to the nectar of the oriental gods, gushes into a glass, with a pressure of 15S fee fall. My', but is it not glorious' Cottage G 1 oye Leader. That's nothing In the Democrat office, with a slight pressure of the fingers, a stream is turn ed on fresh from the very toes of the 'Three Sisters. When filtered and soak ed in ice it is fit for a king or Seal Dow - Assaulted as Officer. Deputy U S Marshal George Humphrey was in Cor- vallis yesterday, where he airested Oscar Hodgkin on the charge of assault ing a U S officer. The officer was A B Milloy, though he gave his name as Chapman at the time, at least that was the name in the papers, evidently not desiring the notoriety the contest with Hodgkins gave him. The defendant famished bail. y. M. C. A. F 001 bail. The young men of of the Y M C A interested in foot ball met st the gymnasium Saturday evening and organized formally, Mr Carl ton E Sox was elected captain and Mr O McFarland manager. The team proposes to begin regular systematic practice immediately- The lady who engineered the Kir nets. in the inte est of "charity," was paid $1,000 for her few week's services- j The Committee of One Hundred should send word to other cities to redact her salary. Welcome. The newspapers who did the advertibing were requested to give bottom rates, if not for nothing, for charity's sake. That is the way it goes, in Albany as well as in Portland. A Dress will make a splendid Christmas present for your wife. You can get the proper thing at Read, Pea cock & Co' at an extremely low figure for cash. Easy to Take And Perfect in Their Action, AYER'S PILLS Never fail to relieve Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Headache. "I have proved the value of Ayer's Pills in relieving dyspep- 01 sia and headache, -with which complaints I was so long troubled 0 that neither tne doctor nor my. 0l self supposed I should ever be ol well again. Through the use of the above medicine I am better than I nave been for years." A. Gaskill. Versailles. III. ol "I nave used Ayer's Pills for 1.1 vears as a cathartic in liver complaint, and always with ex tremely beneficial enect, never bavins had need of other medi- rine. I also give Ayer's Fills to mv children, when thev reuuiro an aperient, and the result is al ways most satisfactory." A. A Eaton, centre uonway, a. u. "Having been severely afflicted with costiveness. I was induced to trv AVer's Pills. Their use has effected a complete cure, and I can confidently recommend them to all similarly afflicted." C. A. Whitman, Nipomo, CaL AYER'S PILLS Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S PAIR ooeooooooeoofeoooooooooot SK- THE Y. W. C. A. Saturday Afternoon The praise service by Mis U Hansen, of Salem, was very profitable, she read the 142 Psalm as t e scripture lesson. The Bible study led bv Mrs McCreary of Salem was very interesting. She proved from the Bible that Christ does not unlyhold the place of friend, brother and parent but also of bridegroom. A very well prepared paper on Alaska was read by Miss Ella Macey, of New berg. Miss Effie Price the international sec. gave an address on Students and Mis sions; she especially spoke of the Volun teer movement. This most excellent ad-1 dress was full of useful and interesting information. An interesting discussion followed on this subject, in which Mis Brooks, Mian Keeder and others took part. Prof Lee gave a short talk on Associa tion Literature and Records ; he placed great emphasis on keeping cUar and in telligent records 01 the organisation. A short discussion followed A in excellent piper on Physical Cul e entitled, The Gospel of the Body, tu re preparea ov miss uunn, 01 l'enn. was read by Miss Ethel E Redfield, of Albany college. A number of practical question on Y W C A work were discussed, among these were those, bearing on Bible study, spirit ual growth, social life, mission study. Miss E K Price the international sec. of the Y W C A spoke on The General Secretaryship, a Professor for College Women, in her animated and interest ing way which makes all her talks so pieasing to the listeners. the chostng of the next place of meet ing; was left to the executive committee. The reports of the different committers closed the afternoon session. Satcrdat E vi niso. Notwithstand ing an abundance of webfoot element the college chapel was well filled. A song service lead by Prof Lee opened ths exercises A short devotional service consisted of scripture reading by Rev Abbett, of the M E Church, and prayer by Rev D C McFarland, of the M E Church South. Five link in the association were pre sented: first, the College, or the College Association, by Miss Maude Wilkin, of the State University. A carefully pre pared and well presented paper on the work of the College association in the cause of Christ, bringing out the value of the great conbination of muscle, intellect and spirituality in christian labors. His Emma Reeder, the accomplished coast secretary spoke of the City and Coast work, giving a clear idea of the new and important effort being sent forth for the young women of toe city, the physical', social, educational!and spiritual departments being plainly explained and illustrated. Miss E K Price, the general secretary. spjkeon the work of the international and world's associations. In a matter of fact way that held the closest attention of the audience Miss Price explained the plan cf poshing the international work, illuminating with the spirit of her enthu siasm the business like topic discussed. fresident f U Campbell, of the state Normal School delivered an address on "Higher Ideals", replete with logic, con cisely put iilnstratious and thorough analysis of the subject. He would have the young people painting the best pictures, singing the best music, living the purest lives, making the best use of o'r talents, always doing our duty, look ing towards the advancement of our Lord and Master, ihe progress towards this ideal is sure and certain. Doing right, living right, leving man and lov ing God these lead'us towards our ideal. Greeting were read from the inter national committee, and Pacific Coast committee. Sckday. A fruitful personal blessing meeting at 9:30 lead by Miss Reynolds. of Salem, and a woman's meeting at 3:30 lead by the accomplished Mies Brooke of , Forest Grove, were well attended bv the delegates. In the evening the closing exercises were held at the U P Church. Miss Price delivered the address, a lucid nata tion of the history of the YCA work will! personal experiences anu uuecrva- tions on the wav. M was listened to by nearly one thousand people, one of the largest audience ever congregated in Al- Poling: sermon. Rev A S Copley: thanks ban y. The farewell service conducted ! giving offering; prayer, Rev J I Abbett by Miss Reeder was one of the most en-, joysble of the convention. Resolution were adopted with the usual thank to nearly everybody for favors, including the Albany newspa pers. State Teachers' Association. The executive committee of the Stato Teachers' Association have determined to hold the annual convention of teach ers at Portland, December 26th. 27th and 2Stb. The committee extends a cordial and earnest invitation to the teachers of Linn county to attend and aid in ad vancing the interests of "the public schools. The committee on transporta tion will secure good rates over the rail ways It is requested that all teachers of this county, who will probably attend the convention send their names to this office. A R RcrseajroBD, County Superintendent. Monmon'h defeated the Salem Y M C A at foot ball Saturday 1 1 to 6. Newspaper correspondents In Japa n arc not permitted to go to the seat of until the war Is over. Croik county has just let the contract to G E Waggoner for making a county map at the price of $300. "Com Husking' Bee"at the opera house, by bet local talent on Friday evening Dec 6. This will be a great treat. The Medford opera house ha ben leased to Cha Damm.the bill poster for two year at $20 a month. There will be a special meeting of Beulah Rebekah Lodge thi evening at 7:30. All members are specisily invited to attend. By order rf N G. Ducks are getting close. Yesteiday the Man about fown ssw one crewsmg on the pond In front of the Conrt House. A stone thrown at it tent It flying up the Willamette. The foot ball game at Corvallis on Thursday between the O AC a fid Port land, promises to be about as hsrd a fight as that between Yale and Harvard. It I reported thr.t merr.bei of each team have said that they would win or die In the atlemDt. Another hari time will be at Eugene between the University and Forett Grove team. Judge Wolv.-rton spent Sunday in Al bany. Judge Hewitt ha located his law office in tli P O block. Wm M Hoag was in the city today. Han Francisco i now his headquarter. Horace Pennoycr, a son of Governor Pennoyer, died at William College on Saturday, of typhoid fever. C W El'iia and family started for the Willamette valley via The Dalles Tueedav of thi week, to visit with friend and relative. They will be gone about a month. Prineville Review. C W Watts left last night for Le laaA in losenhine county, after Alma Mor ris, wanted in this coonty for killing deer fnr their hides. Mr Watts recently inaiie a trip to Fosters, but Morris had gone to Southern Oregon. Fnllnwinir are the cointnittes-s for the Nw Year ball: Arrange ments-W W Kowell, A L l-imb, M D m.iiiina W H Warner. James Shields J W White, John Stewart, Ben Cbdan. Al S'.el'macher. Horn vi.n..,.r. fn K e n. R Wyatt. Wm Richards, O Clelan, l r reerksen, Frani Danna's. Reception W W Bowcll. Di M H EUi. L Viereck, W W Conn, Chat Met7.g3r. StitxiRO at Cost. Felt hat 2 50 3nd7Scen'. Nice" v turned h' $:.Oo. ! Ca'1 n'i he onvjnc-d. Mes l"H N HorF.HA. If 1 be I fail i fa'liig Did ard turning Ijrav, f ie glancU' f 'he skin need 1. mg anrl cl.)'-',.l th htst re-nedy a (1 si mutani t H-"- lair Renewer. The Lateht News in that JuliuB Grad wohl in d'mir business in his new quart ers, the old Post Office and Odd Fellow's 1 building and Opera House, and to rive an introduction to Ins new store, he will sell the follow inti (roods for net cost only. 1 box full weiirht Havon soap 85 cts, 2 oxes French sardines 25 cIk, Oycters 10 cts r can, Arb ancle and M coffee 25 cts B,r , d all otb it goods told as low as any use on this oooet. THESAA" A Y. M . C. A. Appeal. Tho conference of Young Women's Chtstian Association, just hold in this city, will long be remembered by those, interest ed in tho welfare of young people, as an es pecially interesting and profitable one. The public meetings were especially adapt ed to arouse public interest, not only in the Christian work among women, but that among men. Who that listened to the stirring, eloquent words of Afiss Fii;e Sabbath evening, but felt all his noblest and best emotions and resolutions fuily aroused. The impulse was stronir to sro out and do personal workfor othars-to save tho youuk' of this oitv from Groin? to ruin There is no special work organized yet in Albany for women and, perhaps, there is no immediate need of it in a city of no larger size than ours. But there is already start ed and maintained in Albany a definite work for men and boys, that the directors would be only too happy to extend to much larger dimensions. What Miss Price said about the fourfold aspect of the work among young women, is perfectly applicable to young men. The Y M C A wants to help the young men of Albany physically, social ly, intellectually and spiritually, much more than it is yet doing. It is hampered by the financial side of the question. In order to raise money, it has to resort to en tertainments of different kinds from time to time, besides occasionally seeking sub scriptions from friends. The time has come when it is very much in need of mon ey, to pay interest on outstanding; debts. It is proposed to work up an entertainment. "Allegory of the War 111 Seng, to raise We want to meet Wednesday night in the Y M C A gymnasium, entrance on Second street, with full attendance. Tho committee has a rousing report ready. If the majority faror something else than toe Allegory, the committee will gladly accept the change. Let all the singers of Albany rally about this good cause just now. Every one acknowledges the evident need of the Y M C A in our city, that it meets a felt need, that it is doing a good work. tV ill the good people of Albany combine in carry ing on this noble work? Yes; even enlarg ing it, freeing it of debt and giving it finan ces enough to hire a fully trained secretary, to devote his entire time to it. and thus make it most efficient. Who will be the first to respond? W H Lee. The Soldiers Home. The first inspec tion of the Oregon Soldiers' Home by & United States official took place last Satur day. The inspecting officer was Colonel E F Brown, who has been engaged in that department of the government for the past 24 hours. He was pleased at the state of affairs existing at the Hjme. and high ly complimented the officers for their suc cess in managing the institution, tie found everything in first-class condition, but was not accomodations for more of the old vets. The annual meeting of the Oregon Sold iers' Home Commission will be held one week fro'u to-morrow, at which time officers of the home arj elected as well as of the commission. PUvndealer. Col Brown has been engaged in the department pro bably for the past 24 years instead of 24 hours as stateO. ESCAPSD FROM THE REFORM SCHOOL- Garfield Sutton, of this city, and another boy escaped from the reform schocl Sun day night and came south. They were seen at Jefferson with a couple of tramps. Assistant Superintendent Bryant came to Albany on there tracks and was here to-day. He found the tramps answering the de scription of the ones who were seen With the boys, and interviewed them: but thev claimed to know nothing about the mat ter. It is thought they went to Browns ville, where one of Sutton's sister former ly resided. Aa the boy would hare been sent home in a few weeks his escape was a sur prise as it will brobably mean his continued residence there for some time longer. OsTsM Thaxesgivcg Services. The union Thanksgiving services will be held next Thursday at 10:30 a m at the First Presbyterian church. Following will be the order of exercises: organ voluntary end singing of the doxology; invocation. Rev Riley Little: hymn, by the congregation; scripture lesson, read by Rev C H McKee; anthem, rendered by the choir; praver, D . I - I , " . f nv jjir arianu: ovmn, conamnrauon : reading of the proclamation. Kev D Y hymn; benediction, tier fc. K fnchard. The offsriug will be for the benefit of the Orphans Home Good Price fob Wheat. We take the following item from the Long Crces Grant county. Eagle, of Nov 23: "Tom and Yes Hinton returned from John Day Monday, where they have delivered 200 bushels of A 1 wheat, receiving 60 cents per bushel therefor. The boys have "00 bushels in freigat to John Day." If such prices prevailed here things would boom. Eugene Guard. When they did prevail farmers held for more, and 60 cents was then considered about as low as 35 cents is now. A Bullet M abk The times ia cred itably informed that a certain Corvallis man wears the mark of a pistol bullet ? & abdofflen; Md U.1 ',r Aim ! ll?,e ,h!:,rb? fff" I week sgo, and it was a woman who handled the gun. It occured in a house of lost modesty, which may account for the fact that tb story baa been so tardy in leaking out- Times. Fob Killing. Oeeb. Deputy Game Warden C W Watte returned from Jose phine county today with Alma Morris, who was arrested on a warrant, charging uiui wiiu unuig ueer tor weir nine. Morris was placed in the county jail pend ing examination. Mr Watts went to Sweet Home this afternoon after witnesses, upon his return Morris will be given an examination. Operating Around Albany. Thoe wrought iron range inert", the paper have been advertising so freely, are now oper ating around A'bany . Ac least one range wa disputed of to a Benton county farmer across the river. Don't be fooled. If you want the be&t ranges on the best term come to Albany. There whlbe two atseu ments in the A OCW order for the month of Decem ber, making 17 for the calender year 894. Our citizens are urgently requested to eend donations for the Orphan Home to Knapp Burrell A Co's lie tore Thursday. Licence has been issued for the mar riage of Lewis McCoy and Ethel Lewis and Neil Loftin and Lillie L Sloper. Urn. A. F- Lanier Bosh's Mills, Ohio. Strained Nerves Palpitation of the Heart and A General Break Down The Cood Effect of Hood's was Marked and Permanent. " C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. "Gentlemen: X wa taken down sick last December, and bscamo vary weak with nervous trouble, palpitation of the heart, snd a general break down. I had a good pbyslolan, but lin gered along, getting no better. I could alt up only about halt a day, until ths lath of March, when I concluded I would give Hood's Sarsapa- Hood's'Ciires riliaatriaL When I had used it a short time, I could get up and go all about tho bouse all day. I hav never enjoyed perfect health, but am now taking my fifth bottle ot Hood's Sarsapa. rllla, and know It ha helped me woaderfully. I have used Hood's rills, and think them ex cellent." MBS. A. E. T.AJUEB, Bulb's Mills, Ohio. Hood'a PHI. act easily, yt promptly and efficiently, ou ths Uvex sad bewals. It. Tangent. Taxuknt, Nov 26, 1894. Mr Geo Holt took a business trip to gene last week and returned yesterday Eu- Most all the farmers are busy butchering their hogs and getting ready for the ap proaching winter, A birthday dinnor was given to Jimmie Jenks on the 21st, a son of Mr Floyd Jenks, it being his 5th birthday. There were several of his relatives present and a good dinner was served. We hear of two or three more weddings that will take place in the near future. An Epworth League was organized at the M E church with 14 members and officers were elected on last Sunday. Fol lowing are some of them : President, L B Luper; first vice pros, John Spark? ; secre tary, Miss Bessie Settlemire. There will be a series of meetings com menced at the M E church south cn next Saturday evening, conducted by Rev I) C McFarland and the presiding elder, Rev Reagan. Uncle James Morgan is getting some what belter than he has been for some time. Now as your correspondent is going to Lebanon for some time we will bid the Tangent people one and all a hearty good bye until we return. Youxo America. Grange Items. RUtttrs ttttnocrat: The regular meeting of Tangent grange was held on Nov 24. There was a fair attendance and we hod an interesting meeting. Bro and Siitsr Freerksen, of I falsey grange were with us and assisted in the work. The committee appointed to exemplify the unwritten work performed their duties to the satisfaction of all. We also had a thorough drill in tho third degree work, besides some other necessary drilling. The question of ths reduction of interest was pretty thoroughly discussed, and we are well satisfied that interest is entirely too high, for there is no business which is paying any where near 10 par cent It is well known that fanners are not making expenses let alone being able to pay a hih rate of interest. A the price of every thing else has been reduced inter est should also receive its share of reduc tion. The question of the road tax of the citizens of Albany being worked entirely within the city limits was thought to be impracticable, for there are too many roads centering in Albany for the few residents who live near by to keep them in anything like passable condition. v expect to mate the meetings of tin grange of especial interest this winter by having differeat exercises during the day, and we are giad to see the members take hold of the work with so much pleasure If each one will take hold and do th?ir duty we can build up our grange on a solid foundation. The question of the rbanire of school books received its share of attention. This is an important question to every one who have children to educate, for the purchase of books to many in this state is a heavy expense. There had ought to be a change in toe law in regard to this matter, so the business could not be monopolized by the book concerns as they are. At our' next meeting we elect a new set of officer and it is important that every member should attend so that there can be a good selection bbbbbbV 1 ... iri 'jni Tfitn rill be held at Ccr unlit after thr foot Tk,U. bail game The Homer tailed to-day for elan Fran cises) Among the pastenger was Mr W F Crosby, who went to the Bay yesterday noon. Levi P Morton spent $iy 7n to be elect ed to an office paying 910,000 a year for a years. Net earning for the full le- , $210 - The Union Thanksgiving services will be held 1 nis year al the Presbyterian church, at 10:0 a m on Thursday. R;v A S Copley will deliver the sermon. Both the Go'ernor and Secretary of State are out of the state. A Salem piper says C W FultOL, president of the tenaie, would be acting jottriwr in case cf aecrs slty. Robur mutt be a good snow town. The Plaindealer aavs: Notwithstanding he "hard time'' the Slut'x combination had good audience at every performance. They gave performance on five r.ighu, and the receipt aeraged a little over $100 each Light. E W Hadlev, in a big two column ais nlav advertiement offers hi residence In Cor vii it for sale at 2$ per tent leas than cost. "The houte was built and gro-anu laid out for a permanent home and with no idea of telling. It is the most complete home In the county." The fare from Albany to Corvsilis snd return on Thanksgiving will be onlt 50 ! cents. As the freight will be held tor those attending the foot ball g'me it will enable out citizens to witness one of the livett game ev:i played In Oregon. Ltst evening about one hundred per In the carnlv.rhat I. to be held at the "Pera houe in Iec met at the Y M C A son who are going to represent character gymnasium, and ditcussed costume, pro gram and therand march of characters, all were enthusuttic snd the event prom ises to be a great social tucctu Read Dickent, in order to recognize vartou character repreented. Messrs Sam Mar and George Alford. of Harruburg, are in the city. Mrs Peak, formerly an actress, will bs rin a two weeks revival service in tb U 1 church beginning next Sunday evening. Mrs Phoebe Woodford left today for Al bany, where for a month the will be en gaged in stenographic work in the law office of Wallis Nah . Corvallis Times. Hon C B Montague, of Lebanon, was in the city yesterday visiting his daughter. Dr Clara M Davidson, and will proceed today on a business trip to Vancouver, Wash, where he has large property inter eats. Salem Statesman. Mai Jas Jackson, of Portland, recently in Albany, has been appointed aide tie camp and assistant inspector general tor I iregon. by Commander -in-Chief Lawler, of tie GAR. 1 Mrs W T Wyman went to Corvallis to day to attend the funeral of Mrs Albert, a sister of Mr Wyman, who died in that city yesterday. Mr Wyman is in California. and hence was unable to lie in attendance t the funeral. It is pleasing to be able to note in these days of poetry and song, that Mrs J B Lee and W S McFadden have had platted and located College Hill addition to tlie citv of Corvallis, consisting of twenty block) and covering sixty or seventy acres. Corvallis Times. Mrs UIC Averill, ho diftle,t Browns ville had been married three times, twice to M E ministers. She was the mother of twelve children, eight of whom are now living. She bad also fifty-three grand children, forty-one great grand-children and two great great grand-childien. She wa a member of the ss h church 55 year As the shadows close down Thanksgiving evening the wedding bells will jingle, and a pair of well-known Corvallis young peo ple will link their fortunes for time and eternity. The affair takes place at the resi dence of Hon lieortre Waggoner, and hi accomplished daughter, Miss Jessie, will be the bride, Henry Allen will be the groom, and so far as can be learned several friends will lie invited. Times. Chevalier DeKontski, who i to enter tain a Salem audience in the near future in the interest of the new gvmnamuiii. was formerly a student and fellow-composer with Mozart, Liszt and Mendelssohn and to day the only rnrvivor of that great school of composers. The chevalier, now iu his eighties, still boids the office of Court Pian ist to the Emperor of Germany. He is pending the winter in San Francisco. Journal . If you ned s good medicine to purify your blood, give nerve strength snd build up vour entire system, tske Hood's Ssrss parllla. It prevents ickne by making pure blood, HooJ's Pills cure nsute, tick headache, Indlgcilfon rnd biliousness. 25c. ( He ip Shoes. I carry a large line of La lies Kid Shoe, solid throughout, sole letlher Insole and counter, atyllrh, patent tl,everv par warranted., $j.oo, $s.y. Try a pair, jou lake eo S E Young. Thr. bot rnait 'Xitira it, tho tsj t Com ad SB yrr P st class Photcgraphs from 50 ceuts .atTinkle. Exlra fine Mantello City Cotineil. Tcksday evening, Nov 27 . Present Recorder, Marshal, and Council msn Pfeiffer, Uurkhart, Walters and Mar shal. Councilman Burkhart In tho chair. The following bills were ordered paid: C 0 Lee, $7.50; B F Purdom,$4; A Saylor, 18: P W Spink, I!; Huston & Co, fjl2.50: J N Hoffman, $44; Pacific Mattress Co, $4; Stewart Sox Hardware Go, 1.85; S E Young, t4.30; C W Watts, $10.80; Hop kins Bros. tiii.'2r: Matthews & Washburn. $9.25; Santiam Lumber Co, $41.90: N J Henton. 135.70; Insurance on No 2's En gin houss,$17 50; Freight on coke, $24.10. Further time on petitions ror street work, was granted. The committee on health and police, re -ported a nuisance at 5th and Kailroad streets, and also one on Win L Vance's property in the rear of his property on Second street. The iuarhal was directed to give notice for the abatement of the nuisances within ten days. Petition of John Schmeer et al represeat ed that street known as Salem roud was impassable and asked that it be improved by rilling in so as to be in passable con dition. Referred to the committee on streets and public property. A communication was read from W C Tweedale declining to accept potation of councilman. Saloon bond of Harper Crnnor wax ap- oved and license granted. Complaint was reported from J J Gra ham that water in laiteral ditch was wash ing away bis property along Baker street, north of First. Referred to committee on streets and public property with power to act Upon motion a notice was ordered given the Ditch Co to put Ferry street in as good condition ai before recent repairs within five days. A nuisance in the shape of some hog own Oil oy I'ninamen. in uic city limits ln the eastern part of the city was reported. Councilman Pfeiffer reported the rinding j of No 2's enirine cold. The chief engineer was requested to givei..jrt a - to onditi.-n tneir being kept heated. Bills of police force were ordered paid by warrant on Dec 1st, Matter of stringers along center of brdge was referred to vommittee on streets and public property with power to act- The O- P. Sale. Here U another o I sale item, from the Oregonian. A tba time draw mar far the sale under the hammer of the Uregun Pacific railroad at Corvallis, there i reaton t ) believe that several bidders will be pres ent, ready to buy the property, liecembsr 22 is the day set by the court for the sale and the uncertainty attending the final dis position of thi bankrupt road will soon be ended. A B Hammond, of the wsalthy firm of Bonner. Hammond A Co.. of Mi- soula, Mont., who went to 1 aquina severAl j day ago. ha been invwtigAttnqr the pro- perry, and. it is aaid on good authority. will in all probabilily put in a bid at the sal. Mr Hammond reason for getting J control of the road are not known, beyond ': the supposition that he believe it would j be a good invert men!. Mr WJiu Nah. ! of Corvallit. who was indent ifk d with the j building of the road, u said to have fioan- cial Ucking for lU purchase. Recently a j party of Knglah genUemen made a trip over the road a hi. fmesU al On, pre f a h' -l"- of the Oregon Pacific, has come up from sn Iranruro to Albany, and it 1 believed he will also represent capital at the tale as a bidder. Right rs OsKXix A robbery oocured in Baker City yesterday a bold as any that ha recently tasn reported along the mid- 11 . 1 t . . t . .1 Aj L. . v : dle belt. About 2 o clock in the morning dJ evening. Nov , at S.15. asuttod by a party of tu men. heavily masked, and M" Majrgie Alderson. of Salem. FoUow armed with rifte. shotguns and revolver. ! ng will be the program: entered the lloul Whaner. The em-1 The Jolly Blacknmlhf Pan!, by Muse nlom n,t hnhnUn sari- r! under Edna M,u-kse and Lulie Vrnbrv. cover of arret, while two of the robber re - . . . - . . I lieved the saloon bar till and faro game of the audi, amounting to about f llf'J. whict ! they placed in a tack and departed. A fire alarm was turned in by an onWr a few mo- j ments after the robbery, which drew out a lam number of pevpie, but the robbers j had made good their escape. The Coxuco Euectiox. To-morrow . night the republican primaiies will be held : j Friday nint the democratic primaries I and republican convention; tarday night j the democratic convention. Ihe .nleu : will be on marshal Though wverai names are mentioned the Man about loan pre- , diets that the contest st the pollt on Mon- day will be between C O Lee anJ W H Huton. jutt judging from street talk. At is usually the case with councilman the nominees out better be named after the primaries, excepting t-at of Mr Burkhart IB me second warn oy ice uemorrau- air Parker will be renominated for treasurer by the republicant . and no on is yet men tioned to ran against him. Foot B.ix To-Moiutow. There will be three big foot-ball game in Oregon to morrow. The one interesting Albany peo ple most it that between the O A C s and the Portland. The prevailing sentiment here is that Portland will win. The Man about Town predicts they will not. At Eu gene the L'nivsrvity boy will contest with Forest Grow The chance are in favor of the latter. The Multinomah and Seattle will wipe the gridiron; the tip may be in favor of the Oregon team. Foot ball tbi rear ha given many surpriees. so that real ly predicting, as is always done freely in the East, is often a matter of guessing. City Boin darks. The wrd bound aries of Albnv are a follow - ttt watd. all we.t of Ferry ireet,ecept wet hs'f of , court houte: jmd ward, between rerry snd Baker street ; 3rd wsrd, ail west of Baker street. The boundaries have been mixed by same with those of the county prednctt, but are st stated.'t a chance for you to ge picture without cah. Tinkle, the photo grapher. Suy alt klndt of country pro duce and maks photograph at bardLime prices. Baby photo and family groups a specialty, copying, enlarging and view Remember when yon want the bett pho tographs at the lowest price go to Tinkle, comtr and and Ferry street, Al bany , Or . Photographs can be taken just ss well on cloudy, rainy day as in bright sunshiny westher. Cell andtee samp les That JoyftifFccling. With the exonerating sense of renewed health snd strenght snd Internal clan li ne, which follow the use of Syrup of Figt, I unkown to the few who have not progressed bevond ihe o'd time medicine and the cheap tubtttlute tometime off ered but never accepted by the well h formed. Dr- Price's cream Belting Powder vorW' Pear M' A war. BORN. PEACOCK. On Sunday morning Nov 26, to the wife of Wm Peacock a girl. FRIENDLY. In Albany, on Sundsy evening, Nov 15 to Mr snd Mr Ream Friendly a boy. MARRIED. THOMAS KICELY. On Tuesday evening. Nov 27, 18W, ut the residence of and by Rev j T Abbett, Mr James Thomas, . . s war n 7T of Albany nnu Airs Mary Kireiy, recently of town. That Mr and Mm Thomas may have a pleasant journey through life is the wish of many. McCOY-LEW 18. In Albany, cn Monday evening, Nov 26, 1804, in the parlors of the Depot Hotel, bv Rev Kilsy Little, Mr Lewia McCoy and Miss Bthel Lewis, both of Salem Albany friends will wish tin in joy and happiness. DIED. ALEXANDER- At the Howard boarding house, on High street, Salem, November, 27. 1894, at 9 a- m. W H Alexander, aged 119 year. Deseused had been one of the workmen in the state printing office The cause of his death was consumption, he having been a sufferer of it for some time. He leaves a wife and two children at Harrisburg and a brother. Frank' in this city. The remains were taken to that place last night on the overland train. Statesman. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dr Guiw, of Woodburn. a former resi dent of Albany, is in the city. Mr Tito Marshall left to-day for Idaho Falls, where he will reside with his mother. Mr Percy A Yonnsr. of this city, will act as umpire in tho O A C foot ball game to morrow. Miss Evie Vauirhn came nn from . Salem today and will spend Thanksgiving with her sister. Mr Ed Blodgett goes to Eugene to nigh to spend Thanksgiving. The Universiiy Porest Grove foot ball trams is not the onlv attraction. Mr Collins Klkins went to Orwon City land this noon to prove up on his timber land claim. Ho was accompanied by Messrs Jos Whitney and C B Winn According to the Moro Observer the De Moss family must be prospering: George DeMoss sends greeting to Oregon friends and Sherman county neighbors from New York City on the 80lh. That they think well of their lovely Sherman county home is attest by the pile of shining $20 remitted this week as payment for ths Calvert place, which enlarged the DeMoss farm to 1000 acres . May prosperity abide with all who so fully appreciate sweet Oregon. The Congregationalisls of Portland are rejoicing over the fact that General O O Howard, who has recently retired from the United State army, has come to Portland to spend several months with his daughter. General Howard has been a member of the First Congregational church in this city and wilt indenttfy himself with that work largely during his h toy. General Howard holds important honorary positions in some of the national missionary institutions, and, notwithstanding his advanced age, he is a tirele-s church worksr. Sun. UOME AND ABROAD Miss Ella Stellmacher went to Corvallis Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with the Misses Campbell. The north bound overland train due to leave Albany at 4 :io this morning will not ,c -Ju o'c.oek to ml being ae- lived Kv m land ftlM ml Tnnn.l A The presentation of the "Allegory of i War in Song" ha been postponed for the ; present on account of the large number ' of other entei tain menu. There will he 1 no rehearsal tonight. The widow of the late Frank Dekom j receives 9300 a month or her support, Frank, jr, gtoo and the others $50. This i liberal for Portland; but back east Mrs i P T Barnum gel 140,000 a year and down : in Ltaat Francisco Mr Stanford twice as j much. Cap:a!n IV.hemu it advertising for bids I' to lurnbb 'he eadng-lvoue at the govern tnent work at Coo Bay with supplies. Among the article are booo pound of Bnrbsvnk potatoes, Sooo pouod of fresh j beef, 500 pound of fresh mutton, 500 ' pound of frsth port, 1000 pour.dt of first- clas butter, vegetables, etc. Thanksgiving is a iegsl holiday that requires contiderablc time to celebrate !r. trc prefer manner, and when Turkey U attacked In a lively manner a person' I hardly fit tor duty the remainder of the day. "The Dsmoc a at force wUl celebrate the day bv not Usulng a paper, which it it undoubtedly entitled to oi account of lu usual regularity Barrilila Chapter. Eastern Star, elected he tallowing officer last night: Worthy m,tron MrA g .M.-thews: worthy p.'. & i Cutick . .i,unl matron; Mrs N fl Allec: treaturer.Mr. E YV Lsngdon ; tectetary. Mia 2s.!a Winn ; conductre. Mitt Carotber; auUtant conductress, Mr FE Alien; irusttea, Mr WooJtn, Mr Train, art Ke'ley. A MrsicAL. Prof Parrin' das in the conterratory course will give a music ale at the residence of Dr Mackie on Fri- f . 1 1 1 1 B , t 1 .. . rj:,L in iwuwim, ucwer., ut mi rjuiui Smick. Flv fo-th Gentle Dove. Maude IJnlbart. Allegro Sonata No 5 l'anm'.i. Mis Haydn. Miss LaUe Men. berg. Anchored. Watson. Prof Parr in Bubbling Spring. Rive-King. Mist Edna Mackie. Vocal Solo. aeJerted. Maggie Aldersoa. PalUcca Brilliant. Bofam. Miss Maude Hulbtrt Dn toe' Moonlit Rream, Geibel. Mr an I Mr. .rrhi Rtnmtr Sonata, opo 27 Xo 2 Beethoven. Mia yaffci U demon. Neck and Keck Galon. Merer-Paid. VTTi 1 Miw Maude Holbort and Edith Smick. Oakvillc. Mr Hart r.Huroed from Portland hut week. Mr Perry of Clinton county, Iowa, is visiting with Mr Dan Whyte- Charlie Davis and family returned from Iowa last Saturday. They like Oregon better now than they did whan they left. Mr H G Smith of Benton county, called on us last week. Ralph Yanti was here the fere part et the week. While here he visited the most prominent bosines ettaUUhmenta, sooh as the Academy and Smith Cos store. Thanksgiving will be observed here try an ovster rapper given by the Women's Missionary society on Thursday evening. A literary program will be given. John Vineyard' new boy is a girl but a republican all the same. A Y Smith went to Corvalli yesterday. m comnanv with Mr 1. ha rwtuson. A 1 Jookiag "for some one to cook for him. a ladv would uit him; be must be young and handsome and must not chew gum Xeit. Aaicr. Don't Be Afraid To Send the Children when you want anything in groceries from Parker Bros store. They will be waited upon just as premp'.lv snd just a 'carefully s if jou went youiself. They will get just as much for the money. Reliable groceries, fresh produce, snd first clatt baked good. ftOsssstasssfJi ITM High Government Authority. No authori:y of greater experience on food products ex ists than Dr. Henry A. Mott, of New York. Dr. Mott's wide experience as Government Chemist for the Indian Depart ment, gave him exceptional opportunities to acquaint himself with the qualities and constituent parts of baking powders. He understands thoroughly the comparative value of every brand in the market, and has from time to time expressed his opinion thereof. On a recent careful re-examination and analysis he finds Dr. Price's C ream Baking Powder superior to all others in strength, purity, and efficiency. Dr. Mott writes : " New York, March aoth, 1894. I find Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder to be superior to all others, for the following reasons : 1 st. It liberates the greatest amount of leavening gas and is consequently more efficient. and. The ingredients used in its preparation are of the purest character. 3rd. Its keeping qualities are excellent. 4th. On account of the purity of the materials t 1 their relative proportions, Dr. Price'sCream Baking Powder must bo considered the acme ef perfection as regards wholesomeness and efficiency, and I say this having in mind certificates I have given several years ago respecting two other baking powders. Tho reasons for the change in my opinion are based on tho above facts and the new method adopted to prevent your baking powder from caking and deteriorating in strength. Henry A. Mott, Ph. D., L. L. 1 Are you interested in DRESS GOODS? IF SO write to us for samples, and slate about the price and color youprefer. WE HAVE THE Of Dress Goods in Oregon south of Portland. We are To close out Our husine8 in Albanv, and we have the goods and JLa O hrfr j3 TP" possible TRY US once and be convinced. GOOD EVENING. Get yoar milliner at Mrs Athby'. Cran Berriet a C E Browne!!'. Get your Photos for Xmu at Tinkles. The School be! ring by French's time. Hot bath at Verick's shaving pariors. Spectacle st rone! prices st French's To loave of bread far 5 cent at F E Alter.. Fresh bock wheat flour in b-ilk at C E Brownell's. 40 io.-e of fresh bread for ,i.oo at C E Brownell's. Fresh celerr, fresh everv other day al C E Brownell'. Try Cowa Coffee, only 3oc per pound at C C Browne IV Spc.. cle for every one at Erencb' Jewelr re. Bath st Viereck (having and hair ratting parlors. If yen wsat a lis tm call f r Joseph s whits labor cigar. H Ji Bath and warm room at Verick's shaving pa. lor 40 fall weiirht !oae of briad for Si a Parker Bros. Clean towel in tverv eesuHUtr at Vicreek tbvio pa.-1. r. HoJgt A VicFarlar.ii make a recia!tv of prescription A fine Urge cove for ale, inquire at Verick's Barter shop. Have you seen those sterling sliver hair pint at French. From 50c vp. Keep your eye on the L E Btain Coa advertisement on the adjoining page. We sei: more ad better bread st the C S uakcry than any other bouse in town- Tou can get tint etas phoiofor (1 .15. Hsrd time price st Crawford a Pastor C D Van Dvse li! tell vou two loaves fresh bread for t ctn't t the I" i Bakery. It I a pleasure to eat good bread and thi ton wilt slway $nd at the V S bak- erv . I W Bentley will repair children thoes after tchooi and have them ready for the nest day. When you buy bread consider Quality and quantHr then oo will bu al the C S bakery. Broadherd f jaiurslowni crejt good stvtith, well finished, terviceable, cheap, at S E Young's. Teacher of vocal ad instrumental mutlc. Mi H:tie M Warner, comer 4th snd Ebtworth sttect. Old ole of ladle shoes taken off and new half cole tewed on. making the tnoes s good s new by J W Bent.y. In nrtt els jewelery. watches, clock, liver ware, gold headed cane, etc, Wilt and Stark take tec lad. fJLWe't, I mutt nave tome Pho'o made to tend to ir.e folk, wivrrc can I get them the cheapest?" At TinkU. cf course. Remember vou can buy pectaUc and eye glasses at French' jeinlry stroe with out paying a fancy price for them. Do you know it will oon be Christmas, ind it is lime vou were thinking about laving your Holiday Photos made. Tin kle Is the headquarter for fine photo graph. A large and fine stock of E snd W col lars, the bett made, in staple style, just received by the I. E Blsln Clothing Co. Al o tome of those new and tylth Udcna link cuff. If you need new glasse or your eve trouble yoo call on Prof -tark.ot Will and Stark. graduate of the Chicago Opthalmic school, who will give you the best fit to be ecured. If vou want that aching too'.h filled or ex'ra'cted without paia call at Dr Adam's offic. WILL STARK, the leweler Largest Read. Peacock Albanylnsui ance Agencv We have bad over seven years ex per lence In the Home office and local inu ance baiiness,and can guarantee It turanc written by ut to be property looked after. The following I a partial lis: of companies represented by ut : Foreign No-th Britltr. tt Mercantile Norwich Union, Phocnia, London, Man cheter, Guardan, Son, Caledonian, Lon don St Larcathire. American Continental of New York Westchester of Sew Yojk. The Cor.ti .nentalofNew York and Msnchetttr of 17 - - . I . . ... t."l"ou, wnic nrc otisanese, taking note for the premium, with ample time to payment. We respectfully solicit ant gcod butine. Office opposite old po office. M SENDERS A Pill in Time. tares many a sickness. Why be IB, when continued good hea th tan be so easily se cured? Our West's Pills prevent the di gestive ytem from becoming deranged and are Invaluable a a purgative 'and regular, and pot those who take them in a condition to run ibe gauntlet of summer witn complete sacces. A hundred and one ailments arise front neglecting to take a pill in time. Experience has shown our West Pills to be the best in use. All the standard preparations, medicine and remedies can be obtained from our very complete stock. Oar prescription department is unequalled in this part of the state. F A Cnrsrisc. The Peninsular Stove, Cook mi Heating, the Best on Earth. For Sale bj Stewart ft Sox Hardware Co. JC LITTLER Good work a specialty. ALBANY. OREGON. Cusick Block Albany.Or. niling and extracting of teeth without pain a specialty. REMOVAL NOTICE. Will & Stark Are now in their new store in the Cusick Block, where they are prn-ared to meet the wants of the public with the finest line of jewelery, silver ware, ciooss, watches, etc, in this iurt of the state. Fittinir eyes with glasses and spectacles by Prof A Stark, graduate of the Chicago Uptbalniy College, a specialty. F OR RENT. S room cettase cen trally loeatrd. Call on Jos Klein a MIDDLE AGS MAN or woman o! f fair business osnabllitr is wanted lor nerm.nrnt. salary posittoa Address ' Box D" DsMfyiuT office. FOR 8 VLIL Some no 1 fanning at 8 per thousand, aai some oak grub wood a. $2.50 a cord. M Sbmds a T OST. Oold pin with word Hilda n li.'i are 1 upon it. leave at Datst hsat tS, 1Pil jfalflBsBnlL B lUS. Stock making a big effort ean give you the k Co. Oregon Pacitic Railroad. . : eeetvee Direct Lire Qu is .tch I qh Freight Kate. v tU late 111 T 1 rnfiM, taoax sails Fer Sfltk Bbreb J, IT M. mui V Baassrs t Feb SU star A T. IT.asdSsk. 1st Compear r ji 10a tne neat t osmge sailing dates without notice. For freight and pasnzer rates atp:j to . ny agent. Caarta J Htndrr. Sa Co. 5 t oS svtRaiurnaeactOJl f ) stHs. 'tmSORia - a. B TDK. W. H. DrSDIXGEB. T. H. JAME ALBANY HI CO, COFORA! ADut, Ire. FURNITURE complete line of I 0ERT.4KIG in all its Lraaeke. EMBALMING arcialty. Residence er 3rd smdCkstiMaia Star Bakerj fwr .raw. . a st. First Sts- CONRAD fVEYER, PROPRIETOR si-el Fruit. stare, rHi Fralla. Tskaces, SCr, ratine Mem; lleeeaawau- Vegetables. Clear Tee. a vants, tan kept la rrir ani raorerr Man mw utll pre paid lor U,L KINDS OF PRODUCE. FIRE INSURANCE. Insure your propertv with Joseph V Talt Ia The Old Hartford, THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, THE SPRING FIELD F. fc M. or one of the other reliable Id line com panies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of time giveD for payment on farra insurance. All business plac ed with him will be prompt ly attended to. OFFICE IN BALTIMORE Block, Albany, Or. INSURANCE ANDMONE BROKER. CttJBtv Warrants Bought an Soli. rake,lastoii Blwk. Albany wTfgOI. H F MERRILL. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany ,JOr. City and conntvlwerrants bought and ao'd. A Babo si x . S N Steele A C y. havfor ' V sale tne bet biriii u ever offer fa be shape of a small fruit firm. a eginning to bear. If tou mean ess call and see us about it. star.