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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1894)
(flic etuoaat. Witches and Plants. In all eounfiles in which the witchcraft delusion now exls's, or in which it prevailed in former limes, we find folklore stories connecting those mysterious bogies with the plants of ihose particular regions. Een the great Shakespeare causes bis witches to discourse learnedly on the diabolical properties of "hem lock dlgg'd P dark" and of "slips of yew silvered In the moon's eclipse." They are supposed to have had their favorite flowers as well as plants, and In l'.ncland at the present time foxglove Is spoken of aa 'witch bells" and harebells as "witches' thimbles. The common rag wott is well known as the "witchea' horse," the tradition being that they mounted rank trrnwths of that Steele of weed and "rode B ' the skies," just as the dame wilh the point' ed hat rides the broom In the familiar pict ure. In Germany and throughput northern Europe it is the belief that Witctet float from place to place on bo- s or hay, com posed largely of witches' blossoms and "devil snike." this last being a species of dwarfed slough grass. St John's wort, which is now so popular for shoulder and buttonhole bouquets on St John's eve, was formerly worn for the express purpose of averting the craf'.s acd subtleties of the witches, bogie;, ghosts and spiiiis which the European peasantry believed walked abroad on "that night of witching mysler tea." The Wonderful Gulf Stream. The readers of The Republic are well aware of the fact that the Gulf Stream is an osn current of varying; widths and ve locity of flow, but there are few who know that it is really an ocean river. The name "Gulf Stream" as applied to this great ar tery of the deep was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin, because it was known to ha'e its origin within that portion of the Atlantic Ocean called the Guf of Mex ico. This great ocean river is more than 2,000 times larger than the Misslssipr River, and continually runs in a regular path, winter and summer, just as land streams do. Three miles an hour is about the average velocity of the Gulf Stream though at certain places its speed is won derfully increased, often reaching 50 miles in 60 minutes, this phenomena in no way depending on width or depth . Where it passes through the Tuca'-an Channel it is 90 miles wide and 6.000 feet deep. At fiat point the velocity is only one fourth of a mile an hour. In the Straits of Bern ini, where its whole volume is confined to 50 miles, and a depth of less than 3,000 feet, the speed is five miles an hour. Where it comes nearest the Florida coast it is only 39 miles wide and flows at the rate of 12 miles an hour. There Is an interesting little bit of his tory to account for the jog in the southern boundary of Missouri, whereby the coun ties of Pemiscott and Dunklin project be low the parallel of 36 degrees and 30 min u'es, which forms the southern boundary of the State west of the St Francis. What is now the State of Missouri was organ ized as a Territory in 1812. When the bill for the organization of the Territory was up in Congress, a certain wealthy and in fluential Democrat, whose name is not at this moment recalled, ov.-ned nearly all the land in those two counties, and. as the Ter ritorial government of Arkansas was not yet formed, he was anxious to have hia lands annexed to Missouri. He did not wish to Be left out in the cold in an unor ganized territory. He therefore made strong appeals to his friends in Washing s' n. and by his exertions the original bill was amended so as to take him in. Tbe bill, as first introduced, provided that the parallel of 36 degrees and 30 minutes should be tbe southern boundary of Mis souri throughout its entire extent, from the Mississippi west. Secretary Carlisle has decided to accept the Stewart syndicate bid for tbe entire issue of $50,900,000 bonds. Tbe figure offered by the syndicate was 8117,077. The following official statement wast made at the treasury: "The secretary of tbe treasury has accepted the proposal of John A Stewart, president of the United Sta'es Trust Company, and his associates, to purchase the entire issue of tbe 5 per cent bonds, amounting to 850,000,000, at $117,077 and accrued interest from No vember 1st The proceeds of the bonds un der this bid will be $59,517.62 greater than they would be if the other highest bids were accepted. A very important advan tage : the government in accepting this bid ia the fact ihat all tbs gold will be fur nished from tbe outside, and none drawn from the treasury. It is also more conven ient and less expensive to the department to deal with one party rather than with many." The Rai!av age, in ar. article on wages of Railway emplo)e, laje that fifteen rail way, operating mire than one fourth of the mlxage and employing one-for.h of tbe men, pay in salaries of over $5,000 the sum of $1,205,151 per annum, and a lo'al a mount for all salariei of $io7,888.6t. The lottl number of employee is l7o)56, and the average salary ia $632.19. A Mif higm woman proposed marriage (o a backward suitor, an' later declined to be accepted. Toe min has brought action for breach of promise. The Incident shows thit g'adjally the problem of woman's sphere is adjusting i'.selt. England is de'ig'ded at the way Japan has snubbed (irebam. Only a little while ago Jap in snubbed K 1 gland similarly, and misery hate to be a'one. Mr. Price' Cream Baking Powde A Fare O'oe Cream of Tartar Powder. Comfort, Cheer, Contentment. These three C's are in valuable in life. To make sure of them all, use AHcock's Porous Plaster whenever you have a lame back, sciatica, stiff joints or any similar painr ache. If yon Always insist upon having "all coca's," you will never be disappointed. AHcock's Corn Shields. AHcock's Bunion Shields, Have 00 equal as a' relief and cure (or corns ana ouoincs. Brandreth's Pills are a safe, reliable remedy for bilious headache and similar troubles. Lett-Hnnded Redemption. When the music teachers and quacks lected in Missouri over such men as Uland, Clark and others of like prominence, make answer In the next House, the 40,000 Mis souri democrats who remained at home on election day may have some conception of the enormity of their mistake. The St Louis Republic in analyzing the result says : 'Missouri redeemed! By whom and for what ? Republicans could have redeem ed nothing if there bad been anything to redeem. They did not even get out their vote could not even persuade themselves that their candidates weie worth support ing. "The whole story is that a fraction of tho democracy of Missouri had a cliort pe riod of coldness; at whose consequences it now stands aghast. Francis M Black is defeated and Waltour M Robinson, whese full name nine-tenths of the lawyers in the state could not remember, Is elected. hat kind of redemption is that? Richard Bland, a Missourian of international repu tation, is succeeded by a doctor who is in significant in his own profession and a non- enlty in politics. Champ Clark the most successful young orator in the house, retires and a music teacher goes where practicing the gamut is out of order. The connec - Hon of such a word as redemption with such events is a burlesque. "Is Missouri a protectionist state? Is it weary of strict and economical home gov ernment, of low taxes and honest public sea-van's? The question answers itself Missouri is no more a republican, no more a doubtful state, than it was in 1872 or 1892. When the democratic voters who never vote the republican ticket come out aa they will in 1S96 and thereafter, the re publican accidents of an extraordinary year will return to obscurity. "Treloar, Crowther, Hubbard. Flory Robins have redeemed nothing. They are no more than the chips thrown on the shore in a storm. By a decisive majority Mis souri has been democratic in thought and act since it was a territory. Very likely isn't it, that Missouri democrats have join ed a party which is bossed by Filly and Eph Houston and whose candidates are so small in comparison with the offices they are to fill that even in the presence of dis aster the democracy is amused at the spec tacle? "Filieya assortment of politics, gold bugs itinerant doctors and piano players are in. Thsy are enjoying their surprise. But they are not qnite feather-heads enough to suppose that they can stay In for another election. They ought to be thankful, but they have nothing to brag about." Losses and Gains. The full returns of the recent elections show some remarkable results for an "off year.'' It appears that In several of the most populous States not only did from Jo te nearly 50 per cent of the Democrats stay at home, but coniiderable numbers of them to give greater emphasis to their dlspleas are, voted tbe Republican ticket. Ibe following figure show the loss and gain in the total vote compared with 1892: Item. Loss. New York 113,466 Pennsylvania l2i.Sa Indiana s3.7,,s Minnesota a6,7&1 Missouri 41 .851 Wisconsin 4,1,065 N ew J ersey 58. 000 Connecticut 16,600 R.p. 0ia 77 700 57. '57 a7.89o 21.678 2.723 "S.V77 4.000 7230, The Democratic loss it. in round number, one-fifth in New York, '4 in Penne) Ivania. 1-lo in Indiana, nearly $ in Minnesota. in Missouri, in Wisconsin, ' in New Jersey and 1-5 m Conneciicnt. These are great losses, but relatively not larger than the Republican party has sus tained when the tidalwave v a running against it. That party lost in 189) com pared with hs vote in follows; New York (vote for Congressman), 227,000; on State officers: Obio,53,ooo; Michigan, 64 ,000: MassachuseUs, 52,000: Missouri, 54,00c; Illinois, 48,000; Indiana, 49.000; Connec ticut, 11 ,ooo. Apart of tbe Republican gain this vjir is due to the fact that the driftwood the flioatiug vott always goes with the tide, and also t the fact that Harrison did not poll his full party vote in 1892. As true and as philosophic a remark as hat been made in telaUon to thii result was that of Chairman Wilson, when sked if be thought the tidal-wave would be perma nent. "About as permanent as other tidal waves have beer,'' was his reply. Tbe new Tower Bridge of London is paved witb tbe wood of the eucalyptus tree from Australia- The blocks are about tbe size of building bricks, and ibeir top sur face baa beveled edges, thus affording horses a foothold . They are fastened to gether by means of pegs put through them and fitted into corresponding holes in the adjoining blocks. This wood is a dark, mahogany color, is very expensive, but beayy and durable. It was laid accordin g to tbe Duffy patent system with special machinery. Wood ia replacing stone pave ment in many of the London streets. If a can of milk is placed neir an open vessel containing turpentine, the smell of turpentine It soon communicate) 10 :be milk: The same result cccurs cs regard to'jacco, paraffin, aafe'id ', camphor and many other s'rong smelling subs ances. Milk should also he kept at a distance from every volatile tubtance, and milk which hag stood in tick cha'nhers ahoull aevir be drank. The power of milk to disjuise Ihe taste of drng ss potassium iodide, opium salicylate, etc. is well known. Serum for the treatment of diphtt-eria has been obtained so far in France from old hack horses. The French Government no- proposes to give the Pasieur Institute tbe first choice In the selection of borne condemned as no longer fit for tbe French cavalry service. It takes from 6 to 18 months to prepare a horse to furnish tbe serum used in the latest cure for diphthe ria The offhial statistics of the number of suicides ir. I'aris during 1893 has just been issued. 1 be total number of self murders was 953. Of Ihe total, 2ji drowned them selves, 1 13 used guns and revolver, 98 of the shots being is the he id, 71 s'abbed themselves to death, 62 used poisons, 4 asphyxiated and 77 threw themselves fiorn high buildings, mo.nnrne tr, e'c. The re mainder are put Join In a !u-inrsjlik t man ner aa "unctni)'fi"A." There is more Catarrh in section of the country tban all other niaw uut tnevther. and until tbe last few years wu supposed to be sncuraoie. ror a grunt many vcurs doctors pra nounced It a local disease, ant! local remedies , and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable, eel not haa proven catarrh to ne a constitutional disease , and, therefore, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co. .Toledo. Ohio, Is the only aonstitutional cure on the market. .It is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspooa fktf. It acts directly on the blood and mucous aarfaces of the system. Theyotfrr one hundred Basilars for any case it fails to cure, fierrti lor tatisalan and testimonials. -Address, F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0 HT&vld by BswRgis, 7Sc. Standard Oil Men Indictee. The Grand Jury of McLennan Co. Texas hs relumed an indictment against all the officers of the Standard Oil Company from President Rockefeller down . The indictment charges them with vio lating the Trust law of Texas, by making a conspiracy to control prices. Applications will be made, however, to Gov Hogg for a requisition on the Gov ernor of New York and other States, for extradition of the indicted parties. Some weeks ago changes were made in circulars issued by the Populist propa ganda of McLennan County that the Wa ters-Pierce Oil Company conducted busi ness in violation of the Texas Trust law and was in a coal-oil trust organized to drive oot competitors and control the price of that staple. Tho charge was also made that Gov Hogg and Charles Culberson, Attorney-Genera' of Texas, were cognizant of the Illegal methods of the corporation named and re fused to institute an investigation, not withstanding that proofs bad been sub mitted. The Grand Jury summoned the parties making these charges, and protracted in vestigation followed. Witnesses were brought from Marietta, O.. who testified that they manufactured coal oil, but were driven out of the mar- ket by the Standard,Oil Trust.of which ike Waters Pierce Company was a member. Forty pages of legal cap are used in de scribing the methods by which the Coal Oil Trust drove out competitors by selling oil below cost of production and raising the price when the competitor had been dis lodged and driven off. The men charged with feloniously vio lating the Trust law by conspiring to con trol the price of oil are John A Rockefell er, II M Flagler, Benjamin Brewster.Hea ry II Rogers, William Rockefeller, John D Archibald, Webster H Tilford, Henry Clay Pierce, Arthur M Finley.C Wells. William 1 invr. a'uiut . ih'vj.v vii,. 11 imiul r- m .j tr, . ten..L orue, v. M Aua. - 1 r. a away, J A Austin and the I exas agents of ; the Wa'ers-Pierce Oil Company. liov Hogg, wno is now in W aco. bas cemented to ismehis requisition for the i indicted parties cu side of Texas. Tbe Texas law forbidding fruits provides a term in tne penitentiary for its viol ition and a heavy fine also. One of the witnesses upon whose testi mony tbe Grand Jury indicted Mr Rock efeller andhe others was Mrs 0 C Butts, daughter of George Rice, President of the Ohio Coal Oil Company of Marietta, O." Mrs Butt is secretary of the coal oil 00m- pany, of which her father is President. . ... . 1. . , I irominent fopuiisu wno were indicted as members of the Cot. Seed T oTwhicTi; " will be they Tiust bad hoped from Mrs Butts s testi- muct X)enfa than the wild grape. result. mony to Incriminate the Governor and At- i Tea Mat Srrc. Kaarh. torney -General of Texas, but it appears j Advertising pays. An old gentleman ' t Kaaxrrscu, Nov. 26. The failure that they are both exonerated from the o ha been ruiti ing for a wife has at hut of Ule Brothers seems to be cotu charge o: refusing to prosecute the Stand- secured .ODe tliroaKh, tb 4umns of a mat tr. It was caused by unfortunate Irdoil rUrfnV !fi haTnrrt.f Jlilf was UT?? Ftu V" ! speculation in an Oregon ranch. Thev ard Oil peop e. although proof of guilt was j ft.. he ud the press and from far away 0Vecx-Senator Kelton VvS.-Cl 43 ; Ueddv. placed in their hands. Iowa comes the bride. j Campbell A Metson, and Balfouf , S C T Dodd, attorney for ibe RockefeL- J j Guthrie A Co., 90000. All they have to ers and the Standard Oil Company, ridi- j The SeatCe Post-Intclligncer aaya thersj 8Uf3r lai!!9 an interest in 100 culed tbe whole proceeding last night. ! is no more frightful abuse of the 'freedom uf !anJ ia coun?'- The san thinir has been done before." ' of the pn than the publication of an oh- rw-i, .ruw be said, "and tbe indictment was dism's ed. as it will undoubtedly be in this case. The Standard Oil Company does no busi ness in Texas, anyway, but tells to St Louis parties, who apply the trade in tha Southwest. The Drummcr! Baggage. I can tell after a iXRc'.e e iance at the . c,,fa b a drummer about how D a r I , 1. - 1 1 . ... . . .. ..U . ' . . long ..c u uceu ..c r-J, - - - ' r-r . I .,1 ,,)r.m.,-ij I r.v. rrt rltih ai - cording to the .New orK h or-c. v nen the joung man first star:s out to a grand tour of the west or south he is like'y tocar-y in one trunk enough samp'ei to stock s village store. Another trunk silt contain rW0 r,f r'ntkinv and linen rafficiant lor a trp around the woild. He will carry tmo large hand satchels one contiinins earn- pies, the other a bountiful supply of gents' furnishings and to-let articles. Two over - cors one light, the other heavy a shawl u oaxTt!c ot blanket, and a mackintosh rolled up and , .rapped,, leather hat-bo coatainiag ' - n ' -'sixer, an unsafe, a ana a cane, and a larsre w i- - . IT , - pair of 6cld'laees swung over hit ahoul ders will complete the oitltit "Six months later this toung man will have discarded one of the iruak. tbe bat box, the cane and the fieidglasses. At the end of a vrar two satchels and the umbrella wiU comptl.e his belonging. He has gradually learned that every fistc!ass hote to the country can do laundry wotk in 12 hours; that umbrellas can be hired at the check room; that one middle-weight over coat it tiffijient f jr iii'. waits; that a cane is la the way ; that ihe place for a silk hat is on the bead, or, be'ter still, that a derby is good enough; that blankete ate supplied in tbe Pullman; thru fieldglasses are only to rue on the race track, and then be hold the angel of commerce with his change of linen 00 one side and bis samples on tbe other of a single traveling bag, telling more fBssig in a day than he tornaetlv oli m a week, and not paying oat from $3 to $to a day on excess of baggage." A Bridge G36 Feet High. The highest bridge of any kind in tbs word is tbe Loe river viaduct, on the An tofagusta railway, in Bolivia, South America. The place where this higheit railway struct ure has been erected is over the Melo rapids in the L'pper Aide?, and between the two sides of a canyor, which is situated 10,000 feet above the level of the Pacific. Counting from the sjrlace of the stream lo the level of the rails, this celebrated bridge is exactly 636 leet in height. The lengtn of the principal span is &) feet. ;ni the dis tance between abutments (total leng h of bridge) is 802 freL Tne largest column is 314 feet 2 'indies lonf, and ihe batter of Ihe pier, what Is known to bridge builJers as 'one in ibree.'' The guage of the road is 2 feet 3 InrhtH and 1 rains cross the bridge at a speed of 30 miles an hour. An ImpriHoncned Monarch. Ia Peking is the residence of a mcnarch who Is still the son of htraven I j three hu" dred and fifty million human beings, whom a bare sooie of living foreigners have evci seen, and who at the end of he n net.-enth cemury leads un exiten. e befitting the veiled prophet of Kho'assan. He is vice regent of Heaven, hitnesH nil hut a god, and lives a prisoner's life To thl Innermost palace u , nun is aJmiiled, and the impei al aerscM and hareal art) ojiiJ.-J b a vast body of eunuchs estimited at from eight to tell thou -and. Wnen the emperor goes out nobody l allowed in the streets which are v.ry likely f.r.ved for the occasion, while die houset are hairicadcd or clssed with ma' Pisnos an i (Jhoanb. Suve Biniill deal ers ugvnti coininisxi intf by but tag from the v iley U Allen Co direct, in quire at H J Jones book store for prices and terms. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal sad Diploma. MISFITS. It is easy to Bee why so many men are out of employment. Carnegie has re cently introduced some electric machin ery, run by ten men, where it took 300 before. This is a sample. It doesn't take much to arrest a man at Cottage Grove. A cow was killed and carried off on hone back. The tracks lead towards a farmer's house, and he was arrested. Upon trial he was ac quitted, of course. They say funny things back in Kan sas when a political fight is on. For in stance, a newspaper back there, refer ring to the newly elected governor: "The reason horses do not bring more is because street cars are run by elec tricity, threshing machines by steam, and the Mate by a donkey." This will be a live winter in Albany socially. At least three big local enter tainments are on the boards, all about the same time. Money is wanted in many channels, and it is pleasant to note that times are never to dull that people are not willing to give freely, many more freely than they can afford. A Medford lawyer got tooled the follow ing way: There are two Jams boys, twin brothers, living in Medford and their resemblance, the oae to the other, is decidedly similar, so much so that At torney Parker thought one was the other j and put him to work on his city pro- perty, whereat the other one protested vigorously, but Mr I'arker declared he had employed but one, whereas he had employed both of them and didn't know it in ehort Mr Parker don't know just where he is at or at what station he'll atop at. Talk about the brutality of prize light-ins- The following items in the Yule- Harvard foot ball fame played Saturday, in which Yale woa by 12 to 4 places foot ball at the head of the procession ; the exact minute of the occurrence be ing given : 2 -7 t m C Brewer (Har-! vard) hurt for a second time, but re ! satned play. 2 .39 p m -C Brewer is : forced to retire Iroui the same br his! injuria and i Ita'tiai! itfT frvino '? -SO I.. - . .. . , ....... . , --r - 1 - -- , ortbiogton is hurt a and la forced to leave tne me. Wrightington's collar bone was broken in the first half and Hallnwell's nose was broken. There . i- , llnrnliK . . f hi .a ea luxt w t rats at 11 ea 1 f ilu ' famal .A. ; Murpbv was carried off the field on a Stretcher. Armstrong and Haves are ruled off the field. 4:J3-Hallowell is disabled and Wheeler takes bis place. Texas is having a droughL Oregon never has droughts. We den t know how any more than we do about cyclones and blizzards . Red clover has been chosen as the state a . (XT I A : . 1 - . A ""1' i everv jrarbase hip for nlUi ; H nr., IB raginckerhook into everv ashoarrd ami .1. .fik.! ' i-f.,. in. . ..I J! . f ... t i. . .... nt I... . in.. u-.-7. ""k "-'( .. .. -f I5F ' TT , upon UmiJ. tne sensitive or tne weas The folios ing from the Budget, of As- tons, may be an ail ; bat it is interest- , ing : ' By gol,, remarked "a mcabck . . o .. ' . . , . I ;, letw nlfin .till i and I hs v'nt aol'd seven dollar s worth of .l. i.-. A-w utmihin lr .'vr- I tiaes and lets neoDle know what he has I . . !. i Itut for sale, at the same time selling , . , , , , ,.- ; ..... them. I he mossoaca s oays nave gone 0y 1 a. novel method of estimating the pop" j lation of the two great cities, Cbicago and OTa. Ua OOW been settle,, in Ure I N ,h -3,,:-. c.;-,. a beer of the two cities. Last year Sew York drank 4 .660 rjanrtaof beer, wbiie Cnrcago drank 1 ""J? V . ."" ' " lurn: tahail hv Is. a t fstain nil nsjsBtts vMiirwitt n - .-mi 11 a qiHsutn ueinE ErnrraiiT sttra. We would all tike to think it would : but the public have gotten used to report-! certainties, and now keep their hopes ini.t . .u tmjJ. 1 . , ... abeyant. As good as tbe outlook 1. on I V Uie Ch'SSS loW Uf btUe ol 1 urt, nrttir tn truth r. thra i a lmn aonti Arthur was 3000 men. It is reported psmytawssMssltWsSa tUmg sent Uia . fi hu 3 ' rtion be a delay, that lav. that something will happen, bflc is t .red of beta! deceived.' and ill wait and watch Put it down. , emplhalically. that it will 1 .i ..v Hca.u something wil happen.. T PUV,1 tj0"u(rh eventual!'. The OP to eastern con nection is consi'lerabie of a railroad nec essity and Is a proposition that is bound to be grabbed up. All the same, a much as baa been said about different parties being ; after the road, there is nothing yet tangi ble in any ct the reports, rt will I a pleasant tenmnation ot a three years anxirty should some pushing men get was Vi a stu vc tcais hold of the road who will extend it across the mountains. Democratic City Convent ion . A mass meeting of tbs democrats Albany will beheld at the court house on Saturday evening, December 1st. 1894 at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of nominat ing candidates for marshal and treasnrer to be voted for at the annual city election to be held on Monday, December Itrd, 1894. War i M t.F.i!N;r The committee recommend that the various ward meetings be held on Frl day evening, November 30th, 1894, at 7 o'clock, at the following places: First Ward Up stairs in the circuit court room at the court house. S:cond Ward -In the county court room at the court house. Third Ward -At the office of the Farmers warehouse. The flrst ward will nominate two can didates for council and one member of the city central committee, and the sec ond and third wards will each no-uinate a candidate for couscil and a member of the city central committee. A Hacklbmas, John Clklak, Q W Wright, Committee. Millinary stock for Sale. As I am aliout to give up niv Millin ery department, I will sell the entire stock without reserve at greatly reduced prices. This will lie an excellent oppor tunity to secure stylish trimmed hats at your own figure. Ms. If. J. Sowkk, Ladies liazaar. When the Chinaman the water From hi ugiy nozzle squirts On the aurface uf your collara, On the bosom cf your shirts, His ci iiy thought of you Is the money hq wl I get, By spilling on the linen. Till he knows he his It v,e. The Albany Steam Laundry dampener uses N&w llUTfiiEKSiror. Royes Iiros. have opened a meat market adjoining tbe 0 V temple on Ferry street and will soil first cIiihh meats as cheap ns anyfdioi in Albany. (Jive us a call. ..toney To Loan. 1 have m"tiyto loan on good farm land In Linn and Be.iton counties In aums not over t3')Mi. No delays In fur nishing the coin . CallonCCt Burkhar., Albany, Oregon. Also money to loan on city property in any amount on long Urns at a low rate of i.iteieat. raaiia twRA.amo. Looks Warlike. Washington, Nov. 27. Aa a result of a conference at Woodlcy today between tho president and Secretary Gresham, the cruiser Columbia, which had been for several weeks at Kingston, Jamiaca, was cabled peremptory orders to proceed at once to lfluotields for tho protection of American interests. Mr Graham's vis it to tho president's country home fol fowed immediately upon an interview he had with the NR-araguan minister. All the officials acquainted with the affair refuse to divulge the reason of the hur ried orders to the Columbia or to con firm statements of trouble in Panama in regard to a refusal of Great Britain to recognize ttie Nicaraguan government. Waal ralirarala Divided Sas DiKoo,Cal.,Xov.2". At the nu t t ing of the republican county central com mittee last night, a resolution was adoot ed instructing the chairmen and secre tary to draw up an extended resolution favoring state ilivirnon. During the dis cussion, the proposition for state divis ion was given almost unanimous approv al. It is understood that San Diego has now taken the matter up as a part of a big campaign that is about to bo organ ised in favor of the division. Kced So ate WebTael. Gt THKiK, 04 T., Nov. 27. Krerything is very dry in this territory and paririe fires are dVing much damage. In Payne county, a large area was swept and a number of fanners lost heavily. John Livingood had a house, barn, fences, or chards and live Htock destroyed. the fam ily escaping with only their night clothes and several of them being badly burned. In Pawnee county, a little child was burned to death. BUIIcsl Br r Ho.baad Sax Fbaxcisto, ' Nov. 27. Thomas Russell, the expressman who was recent ly shot in the back by his wife, while engaged in sawing wood at their home on Folaom street, died in the receiving hospital today. The shooting occurred soon after a bitter quarrel. Mrs Russell is under arrest for murder. a a BartsMiaakc. O.S .to, Nov. 27. An earthquake today, lnatinr7 seconds, did creot damaire. ' l..,. ..l..,-.l. ,. .I..... f . .. . ... . " . ' . " - . UIVMI V1IUIVII WfB ..iota i.V lB. ft uuiiitii bodies has been taken from the ruins. Many persons were killed and wounded. The government is sending aid. lfec Baaats la. W asiiinctos. Nov. 2d. Seeivtarv Car- lisle todav acted in the matter of the al lotment of the $50.000 ,0000 5 per cent bonds, bids for which were opened at the treasury department Saturday. He ac cepted the proposals submitted by the syndicate represented by John A. Stew art oi the United Siaws Trust Company, of New York, and hears, to take the en tire issue at 117.077. It is the) expecta tion of the treasury officials that the de posits of gold for' the payment on the bonds will be made verv proroptlv. and : as the understanding is that nose of tbe giiil is l u- troiu me treasurv, an earlv restoration of the cold reserve to . ... ; .U mtKr, toruorrow the rumor. tliat more gold will I shiprd to New - x- 1 . ,.i . t. . : an. I that It,.. ILtnL- (.1 1 tit-lan.l .iin.-t..r i r.7 i" V i . . 7. " I have derided to invest a large sum in . sutacnpUoDjt. a Human :il3 tier cent I , AAA AAA A...A ' , , k j loan of 30,000,030 will soon be launch nere ana to ouier capitals. ! Temr sartrfcea K'J"E- Nov- M- Repeated earU.Huakes shook Resnrio and Messina todsv. The terror of the inhabitants increases. It , is wet and cold throughout the districts ' ,l 1,K II - (t vei unniimis arc nv- : iuj in me uriu?. .i anv families are des titute of he!u-r and have only the clothes ' on their backs. Relief com 111 it tees are organising rapidly and a special relief bill is in preparation for parliament. A Mara A a Fas.Mi!.'". Nov. 36. Signals of a ' southwest stonu are displayesi at Kurvka and Point Reyi-s light, and at San Fran Cisco signals are up warning manner? ; against a probable severe storm central , off the mouth of the Columbia river and ' ', apparently moving northeast. High winds ei.iftiug u the- oi:i.- west tonight an- anticipated from Point Beyes northward, with dangerous gales i on the Oregon and Washington coast. Only a ftasall la Yokohama, A'ov. 36. It is now stated van -Ht ti i i ' -u,e .a-'Sj - 10 V ' sh' j' ' held in readiness for ! 'k'" "V ' the event of the jc".,T . f.,r.. ... l? ..., Kl.l ; .i; ,.. anese taiuadron fired and sank two war- snips. Waul a Waaaaa M Little Boat, Ncv.25. A phw la hold up the eastbound train on the Kansas A Arkansas Valley railway by Uie Cook j gang. Friday night, was' disroven-d and . -r . . . i ! raico. ""i iue train reachesl a , i " IW 'ou n was naggea j by a woman, who had run five miles to ihe :7th dar cf Sov, i84. He names 1 warn it of a hold-up which had lieens witnesses: Jos Whitney and C 8 ! planned. The wife of a section bossud- i Wlnn, ot Alban v. L W Laughead of Hai led Uie watchfulness of the gang and re- stead, C H Liughead. of Yaquloa Cltv, I solved to saw the train. Armed men Oregon. Anv aid all person claiming were placel on board and Uie train pull- adversely the above described lands are of til slowly ny ine sect ion-house where the I - - '. . .1 ?.! i-i.'i..- hiiv lunvvairu, uut Bspej Uaw Hot attempt to hold up the train, for thev had discovered that their plans Here known. t reklag Washington, Not. 25. That she Jap anese government proposes pushing its past and presont advantages with a view 10 the canton of Peking, is not doubted here. Tin- capture of Port Arthur. hich was ollicially confirmed at the Japanese legation today, through a imtssagv from tho chief secretary, at naval headquar ters, to Lieutenant Myaoka, the naval attache here, makes easy the progress of the Japanese troops to the Chinese car ital. Ml Faaali.l Cains New Yobs, Nov. 2-1. The World of to morrow will give a list showing the num ber of votes cast by the populist party in all the states at the last general election, as compared with the same in 1891. The W-rrl.1 will also say : "lirl892 the populist party polled al together 1,041,021 votes for" president. Between 1892 and 1894 there was no gen eral election, the returns of which can be compared with the year preceding. This year the populist vote was 1,636, 000, a gain cf nearlv 600,000 votes in two years." Her Braall. New York, Nov. 25. A special to tho World from Rio de Janeiro, says : ttaly has deckled to send it fleet against tins country, it is learned, on account of Brazil's refusing to arbitrate a pending question. Though the action of the gov ernment in the case is universally ap proved hare, President Moraes will pre pare new propositions and forward them to tho Italian government. The United States may be asked to arbitrate. Jatt Llke'JIas Wotfarf. London, Nov. 25. A dispatch from Paris says that the Chinese ofliritils are telegraphing everywhere that the story of Port Arthur'8 downfall is a wicked in vention and that IIO.OOO brave Chinese soldiers still defend that stronghold A Fleedlah ael. Okoviujs, Cal., Nov. 27. News reach ed hero today of a tragic affair atQtiincy, ia Plumas county, which occurred Sun day. Nathan McDonald invited six com panions out to Rockwell Park, about a mile and a half from Quincy, for Biipper. When all were enjoying the evening to gether, some one, prompted probably by jealousy, placed giant powder beneath the building and wrecked it, killing one of the party and wounding all the others. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ST. JACOBS nil "The simple believe every word ; but the prudent man looketb well to his going. Prov xi v, 15. AMPLE Our Personal Is back of every Garment, Hat and Shoe and behind us the millions of the manufacturer, See Our THE L E FliNN. BLOCK, Notice for Publication C S Lano fBea, Oregon City, Or ' , . , , July 31, ISM i,ottof ' v eompli aace with the provision of lbs sci o! Icoo,, of JuosS. IS7H sot lled An act ! eCalifornl ?Bfrrl fnr lh. sal ofllmtMr n,l. In ina .lata. of California. Ortmon. Svada and Wash Territory as exten-ta-t to all ihs and states bv art of August 4. n W E kin, of A ban v, count v f Linn state of Orgoa.hsthis lsy h en! i in this ofBce his sworn atatemeot Xo 'J96o 'forth) parch ue of tha Northwest ' of ' snctioa No. 12 lo townahip no. 10 s range ol cast, anil will otter proof to snow that the land oought is more valuable fo Its limber or stone than for agricultcral purposes.and to establish hi claim to said land before ihe Register and Receiver of hi ntn t .rvtrnn fitv Or ft-. Tu. ti.. . requested to file their claims In this office on or betore ember, 1S94. said a?th dav of Nov- a -- a sa . ..... Robert A Miller, Register Notice for Publication U 8 Lasd Omcf, at Orkoon Crrv, Og. October 13, ISSM. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tbe j revision of the aet ' Congsiaa .f Jaoa 3. 188,eotitied "An aet for the ulenf timber laodt in tbe S'te ol Cali fornia,, N. -.!, and Washington Territory, " eatend-d to a I the Pcblic Land State hy act of August 4 ISSI2, Chat Cleveland, f Oresh .m, ooanty of Maltno mah, Sis'e of Oraon, has thia day file I in tbia office hi sworn statement No 2936 f. the parcbasa of the N I ' of ieutioo N 10 in Township No 10 8, K.nge No J K, and will ultdr proof to show that the 'and Raoaabt ia more valuable for its timber or tou th sn f o agricultural purpose., an 1 tu atah'.uh his claim to said land ' cfore the affi tier and Receiver of ibis office at Ore oa Ctt, Or, 00 Friday, Ihe 4th day of anas?. tS9J. He nsmts a witnesses, L Rted, Jf Portlan I, Or, Ones Thompson, 0o Corpfred, H Dj lis, all of Nisgaia. Qr. Any and all ) tmt cltimtrr ad- Q-scly the above descnoea lands are re veeated to h.p their claims m thl- ottico 00 qn before said 4th day of January. lSflo ROHBRT A MIIXRR, R-giste Street Railway Time Card The car will leave corner ot First ..n Washington street a follows; 7:40 am for Lebanon train. b:l5 " " Orohan's Home. 11:50 " " N00.1 train going sort' 11:15 p m for noon train going south. 1 " ' Lebanon train . 1 .30 ' " Orphans Home. . t$ ! 0:55 " Overlar.d train going For Orphan' Home on Sunday cat leave at i.-3o, J:3j and4 3i p m The car will alo meet all Inr trains on the Oregon Pacific rallroi C G Burkhari Weekly Examiner 150 per yefr F L KENTON SuBtcRirnoM AagN'i F E Sciatica, Bartache. ! JUST SO ABOUT CLOTHES Of sensible styles,-ichoiee patterns, made out of se lected materials: Guaranty 7.50 SUIT AND I SO STIFF HAT BLAIN CLOTHING GO ALBANY OREGON. WE ARE SAILING nntfer ihe ftag of economy and good liv ing. If you procure tour supplies frpm oar stock t prime fo-x! products. Being d-etaed baily only affects sour appear -aneir, but catlna.' poor sad adultc-ra ed gioctrke may sfl -t voor health to a set tuti estent. Whsirver article ore eep is ot ihe A 1 Brar-d and the best that can be obtalcJ ia 'be market. Whether farm and daiiy product, canned gWs, teas, coffees, SfHta, or sasthit g e'se do mestic or Imported, we have only ine best The te.' interests cf purse, heailh and palate ate rred br traJirag wi.h us. Our latest ar ivats are new California rtoeey, boiled ckier, saeet spiced plck'es. pg feet and trew ciop ralslos. Allen. Notice for FUDliCatiOn C S Lash Orrtcs, Ousos Crrv. Or. O-t 19. 1S94. Kotico it hereby girca that ia eosspti anoe with the provisions of the set of Coer grass of Jo-- 3, 1878, eatitlea "Aa set for the sale of timber laed. ia tbe SUUs f Cl;forni, CragOJ, Nevada, assd Washing ton T-rtit or. . ' ae extended to all the Pat he LanC State bv set ot Aagust 4, 1892, Aoae Cleveod. cf Gresbass, coaoty of Ma toe's sh. State cf Orargoa, raa thia day filed in thia office her sworn atatemeot No tWtS. for I've parches of tbs 8 W V. of N W M sTJfJ of S WJI sad Ua 4 of section No S in Te woship No 10 S. stoats Sot K, aad wi.l offer pro-f tosbow that tbs load ssaght is more vsjaahle for its timber or stone than fer agncaUnral porposs . sad to eaUblirh her claim to said land oefora the Rrgnter and ttoiver of this office at Ore goo Cit, Or. on Ttday, the 4th dar of January, i?95. She name as wire esses: Collins L of I'-rtUod. Or. Cbas Thootpaoa, ieo Corafervd, and H Doevis, all of Niagara, Or. Any sod a'-l persoaa c'arming adversely tha above described 1 land are reqatated to file tkeir claims 'iki. .s.. ..i.f.u:j llL J.. .1 lr in thia office on or before said 4th dav nf Jsa esry, 1ST5. ROBERT A Nl I LLKR. Ugister. Notice for Publication U 8 Lakd Orrics Oregon Cirv. Or. October, 25, I84. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler ha riled cc-io cf hi i- ten tioa to rnske final pro. f la tupsr. rt of hi claim, a d that said proof M1 be made r-elote tbe County Clerk of Liao c ist), at Albaov, Oregon, on lc.-mbtr S, 1894, via: SamoeJ 8 Daty, H K 723S. for the V 8 W i S W i N W j sec 32 T 11 S, R I II. It name the following witnesses to prove hi cooi-oacn. resilience up-, aad cultivation M, (aid laud, v:a John O Boyd, H T Aave. L 0 Rice, J .me 'oooer, all of Ucomb. Or h A altLRER, Register. Notice for Publication U 3 LndOffii-s, Orkok Crrr. Or Oitoher27. 1S94. Notice is hereby given Ihat the following naaiea tenter ns n ed notice ol hia intei . tion to make Heal proof in support of h-s ctaim anu mat aaut proof will be made beloia ivnoty cu-iv.of Linn eanty, at Albany, Oregot.onDeo 14, 1894, via: Ateh abaM B Mvers, h E 78S4, for 1 he S VV 4 N W l4'. N S W 14 god s W I S W J tec 26 T 11, S, H 1 K He n,m..t tre following witoeoet to prow Lis o;u u tot residence upoj and t-nlt .a i.-tl nf, said land, v 1: Q F Myera, Uvi Pierce, J W Pierce, WdltssajO Clark, el Laocmb, O.-. R A M 11 I KK, Register. J FRF0 YATFS ATTORNBT -AvT Tj A . Rooms 25 and 26; Stnihim Bio I-. tuny. Oregon GMOOS. ippnalte the Ua H is f til, b. a , h '!. Oarm niesl, O.a aam,, re dour, h.r, uals, straw, (.o'.atoa, etc- Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fsh- Highest Medat aad D!-r SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court for Li an Counly,Stale of uregon: Id equity. i) M Kachner, trustee, plaintiff vs Char i lotte S Cohen acd Samuel Bissioger, de- ; load ants. To Samu'l Biaainger of the above aimed , defendants: Yon are hereby required to' appear on the I itfa day of Marcr, 1895, that neicg the fugt day of the Mar.-b term of said court, to answer the complaint tiled against you in the shave entitled cause, and u you isu v answer ior want inerect, tne plaintiff will apply to the oourt for the re lief demanded in tho ccmplaint hereto, towi-.; 1st: For a iadnment against Charlo te 8 Cohen fur the earn of Eight Hundred and lwcoty-nve (825.00) itoltar, together vim interest thereon at tbe rate ot ten percent per annum from tbe 8th day of February, 1803, and the farther tarn of One Hundred ($100) Dollar as attorney fees in this sou, and for tbe costs and dis bursements of this silt. 2od: That tbe usual decree may be made for tbe sale of the lot described ia tbe com plaint, tiwit; Lot one (I) in block twenty three (23) in the city of Albany, Lion county, Oregon, in the manner provided by Ue. and that Ibe proceeds of said sale be aeplied to the payment of the amount doe plaintiff, and that said Charlotte 8 Cohen and Ssmnel Bissioger, and all persons claim - tog oy. tnroogtt or under then., consequent to tbe execotioo of the mortgage taed upon in the ctmplaint, may be barred and ! forever foreclosed cf all right or eqoity of redemption in said premises, and for each oioer and turtber relief aa tj this court may seem meet and equitable. This ioniu.001 ij nublis ied u7 arAtr nl Hon a H Hewitt Jde of Daps tmsst No j z, 01 eaia conn. read upon tbe 30th day of October, 1801. GaaKi9,$ir.vrsioirc Mcbpht ft Beodk Attorneys for plaintiff. SUMMONS. tht County Court of die Stale of Oregon William Rombaugh and D W Rumbaugh, copaitners under the firm name of Ram bangb A 800 . Plaintiff. vs N 8 Fry. Defendacf . To N B Fry, tbe above caned driecdast, la the name of ibe stats of Oregon you are hereby required to spcear and answer tbe eo tj plaint of plaiotiff in the above entitled action, and nor 00 nle in tbe shove entitled coart 00 or before tbe first Monday, the 7th day ol January. lMj, tee said day being the day of the regular term of esad court for said month in this county sod in case you shall fill to appear and answer, the plain tiffs will take judgment against yea fsr twenty two dollars in U S geld coin with interest thereon in like coin at ten tier cent personam from January 17th, IS90, and for j '.he farther sues of tea dollars a reawooabis attorneys fee. sad their costs sad . li Lars one nt of tart ctoa to be taxed. This earn noes is served by publication b order cf Hoa J K Danes judge of said j county, which order beaic date Nov 6. 1MM Dated Nov 6, ISM. V NTaVYE & HarsUXataJI, Attya for plaintiff 1 Notice for Publication TJ. S. isu OmcE at Outcos Crrv.O Sept 27, 189 Notice is hereby given that the fotlow ing-named settler has filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in snppor of his claim, under sec 2301 K S and that said proof will be made before the Reg ister and Receiver U e Land Office at Oregon Citv, Or, on Nor 21, 18H, via Robert M Poe, H E Xo 10811 for the B B W i4 B E !4 8 W l4 and lot 3 Sec 1 T 10 . 1; ') K. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of said land viz Luther C Ives. Peter M Perrv, George Soaers, J J Ryland, all of Detroit, Or. KOBKKT A MILLtK. Register i Notice for PubUcation vS Laso Omr-E, Ocicos Crrv, Or f Sept sr. I8&4 NoUob is hereby given that use lo'low ! ing named stactlar hras nied notice ol t is j inwnuon -.0 make final proof in support 01 nts claim, sou lass saw proof will M made before Ka later and r.eeeiver V 8 1-ai.d OfEcn at Oreaon City- Or on No- 21 1 iK4 via Ltnbt-r C Ivea Pra D 7S69 for the E H .v m t S W i S E i and lot 2 ; IS TIC S B 6 K.B names the Ic-llowirrg , wiui ea teal o prove bis continuous reaideoe , upon and cuilivatK-n cf said land v-.r J . J Ryland, P M Perry. J F Scant II, J w allison. all or Detroit- Oreepo. RORERT A MILLER. Register Notice tor Publication . Land Offic Ostsos C-tt.-, Oa. lelober 12, 1S94 Notice is bete by gives that tbe follow tag a sated settler has bled eouee of hs ia ten tier, so make dual proof st iBUHtt ol I Kt. e'aim. .a.l that k.,A mnol arill Bull the Co Cle. . t Uci l. at Alhy. jt, on not ro, ij;m. -i mmss I Heaaesa, H E lOMStor the Ji W V ee 2 T 10 8, R S E He eames the toiioaitg witnesses lo ptove hi as r t ntoo sad ca livattoa f utd an . 1 1 .'i Lewi. T J M.-CUr., Ve Neil, Mt SttitH. all ol Gate, Or. ROBERT A FILLER, Register EXEoUTRIX NOTICE. Notice ! hereby given that, I. the undersigned, was on the 19'h day of No vember, 1S9. duly appointed by the county court of Linn county, Oregon, executrix of the !xt a ill and estament of Benjamin Lr.i.air deceased, end have duty qualified as such executrix. AU persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present them, duly veHfiea, to me at my residence In Albany, Or, or to my attor ney Geo W Wright, at his law "office in Albany, Or, within six months from this date. Dated November, 19th, 1S94. SiRjui Brsnnsr, Executrix. Geo W Wright, attornev for Executrix ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE; Notice is hereby given that the under Ugnel has been appointed by Uk eeaatr court of Linn coaoty, t lr, administrator of the estate of Lewi Long decease- . Aay and ail per soia having claims against said estate are hereby noti'ted to present the same del verified to the andersigaed at Hahet, Lino Co, Oteaar, within six esoavh from tha date of this notice. Dated thia 19th day ct Oct, IS94 URY S Owis, admioistratoi . Wath if rd A Wyatt, attya tor sdn r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. No ice ia beieby tivea '.hat i' an.1 signed dmiaitrtor of tbe ettaU al Jo athan Needham ha bled io the tts e oi the clerk of the county cvurt for Ian county. Oregon, his t'nalsocouat as inch iairaatrar tor wii the coart hat fixed tLe f! day of Decembsr. 1S94. at the hoar of c cWk a si for the hearinc of ol itctisrs there to if say the'e te and for th - settlemtnt et said .state. j 0 NssnHAa, Ailuiuiatratb. Weathetfotd and MTyatt sttya for admr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N. tVe s lert hy ki c 1 that the ttl.t signed haa tvee oa'v ppju.d, by the t'oanty Coert f Lion oouo'y, Ortgon, ad amittrator of the estate of fhooias Mo.-gaa dectatied. AU per, n having claims against aul e.vite a- rerebs notifiet to Iieaeat thi tu duly veiilie,! to me at Hal e .Cregor, or to my at t Jin y Oeo W Wright at A' baas , ( Iwji n. with'n six n o ab f on tb e the 20:r,iy o Septrm' or, IS94. W O -V CKO N. ad milt .t-a'-ir Geo W Wr'-htattv ior aim. TKN POLLAKS REW.4RP We wil give $10 reward to whoever wW tire tve a th name of a customer lor a j -an r . rgse the motley to be pa-d oa a tal n made K-member vour ram- will not ba mentione.1 ta the enstoou . Wl o taks 'he a - t 1. want? Tug WattY B Alli Co, ill First it. Portland, O . H. lh 1 a M meeti everv Maturr ay oveolne; in K. O i T. M tUii. V.Ulrg Knights Invited to attend. a L Lamb, Ccm. - - ta rw I m aw HAH Attorneys si Ut Will practice In all courts of the tat. SjllSil attention iv ;n to matters in prob-t sea loco. Of mCE-ln the F.Ian block VV It BIlLYEl Attorn? st Law tad Solicit n in Chancers. Col ',in mads on all points. Ixxum negotiated on rsbl terms. Albany, Oregon fyj OJIT A Jl IE s HACKLEAW, Attorneys at Lav. Albany, Oregon. x: whits:: i Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. D R. M. I- HI LI.. rsBeMea sad Sargaoo. OrrlCE Com Tmcy street. Albany, Oregon. ISO. W. WRICJHT, ataonaty t law. sr.l Jf aj f PuWe. Will petioe!ia eoUeetwaisad aautarsla prebat omtta Ihit rstseaes. a tony. ogv. T. C. BAl'KEf , n. E. ftsnjiSBSSi east Isiiiii, OMe CpU r ta Bsnfc of Orexoa. 1MB sa DrHEB::r-. Dr iy K Beers Physicians and burgeons Special attention given to disease o omen. Hou's to to 12 A M, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P M OSce ssad redroce Blum berg Building, Firs'. Street, between L.on and Eltwcrlh. B as or mvto. aero, 'III T SATISJAL Bt.vK. or turn, ommoom . Lrun S. ,TOCSG -E. W LAS (i DOS liss ntASSaCTS A OKERaLbaaJaaalasa aCCOCsTTS SstPT sabiest to taeefc. SIGHT SXCHAJrez aa 1 1 Slew Vert, Baa T rsaeaseo. CkScac? e4 PwllsaS TiO$i fA.Oasoa tarjii ri FromTerminal or ln:3rior Pjtuts ih Mm Pact RaiM 1 he II ae te tavkst ti a nut. iast aii mm I la ttae DIM'it, CAB BOl'TE. It rassa Tkreseb TEsTIBI L- BOTRA1XSJ EVCKt DAT ! tbe Year t ST. PADL Mli CHICAGO KO CHANGE OF CARS.) mvsd of Wm : Gn BpniMl iHiua Inwiv turn ttpi (M Utnt Eqiitawrflt T0UR!ST SLEEPING C4RS. in. .1 ?s.3 ''.r-i I alia ar t. ; 1 1 4 sil I s s ar j o - ii-m sat fa' 1 t I far t i urs of fir. or ini 1 1 -. s Um;. a-. J ELEGANT DAY COACHES. U . nn L ai 3 niHttii i& al lists. affoiuiM Direct ai i Oaintarriipyd Serrica. pQl-maa eteepee rearer vatim cat. b secured In advance through any agent of tbe road. TH ROUGH rtcKETS to and from si . ooints ha Amoricss England aad Europe can be parehaarad at aay tacltet office of tht coorpar Ku'.l icfonnadoo coneeralog roles, time irsios. roots) an I ochar :u;s funs isbad oa application to any agent, or A D TrfARLTON, .seistant Gecsral P .-engsr Agent. No 131 First at, onr. tVrasbicgtoo. P .rt'and. Cieron. ? Birkairt. fo- !l City Election Notice, Notice Is hereLy given tlsat the Annual E ection in and for the City of Albany, Linn count v.Oregoa. wi.l be held on Mon day the 3rd day of December 1894, for the purpose of electing the following municip al officers, to-srii : qqc marshal, one treasnrer. one npgrtt- her of the council from each watA -tnd- ea one member ol the council fsern, the Irat ward, to serve for tbe upexpargd. teens, of O C Schell, resigned. Said electron will be heW at tar follow ing piece, nanrelv: First Ward At the Circuit Coairt raraaa, west side. Second Ward A: Council Chassi her. Third Ward At the oSce ol the Albsnj Farmers Company. The following named persoa have bees appointed by the council, jsdge and cierks of sM election. First WardJudges. W C Tweedaie, P W Spinks and I O Bashnell. Clerks, Jame Powell andC W Watts. Second Ward fodgts, FJ Miller. Cal vin Bj khart and Strauder Froman. Clerks, D S Smhh and A M Cannot.. Third Ward Judges. John Isont i ' . W H Gottra and A B Morris Cierss. W J White and A Barnes Said election wil! .-.immence at 9 o'clock ia the momtng and continue without closing the po It, unt;l 6 c'cl ck in the evening ot the aforesaid day. Given by order of the Common Council of the citv of Albany. Oregon, duly made at a meeting of said council held the 1 Jlh day of November, 1884. N J Hexto. Citv Recorder l sl(K.V Cl..HXKR OF ALBANY, ORROO. TRANSACT general BaaVn ok i v HRAW SIGHT PR.VFTS tw S V.rt. Sa F. eo and Portland, Oregar.. "OKKT on apprv-rad sreun-r SZFFlZJLi'SZ wejeet to ehS . WLUCCTtONBatad oo tstxiraKe utn. UVTrSaSST. oalg on unv aeooss .WARNING AH pitsuo. indsbtad ti. Wl 1 R at via Will A Lias, wbces notes an t vxart-s are doe, are reqaested to -ail W -U's Ma-ie Stosoand tattle. Yoeraaxu.t. have I. j n cart! d over e r.a ona . Uag h cf t:io wa S u I demaai tor u.-t dues. POULTRY MARKET AH sin s 1 f Ease, iish, ntallty, rilsm , orahs, oyste-s, et-. Ojpaajs aVsars Uoos. Ki (-'cua b . EO E FISH THE PLUMBER. Tinroofiing and plumbing, the opera house. Opposite WEATtsfcttroBD BKKUI. o a boos. . J Mm ... ,.a;J ion