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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1894)
liiahts Dcmorrat. VOL XXX. Entered at Ike Pest OOlce at Albany. Or.. tttnt-fliu Mall Malten ALBANY.ORfcGON, FR1DA1, NOVEMBER 30, 1894. TiTE rTTIC,f-allll-ers aad Proprietors! NO 17 for Infants " eaatoriaUso wail adapted UctUdMa that Iresomnnmd it as tsiparior teany proscription V to to It A. AaoucJL D., lit Sa OaXord St, svookryn, X. T. "Ths of 'Oastaria U aa utdvarssl and is sr rtU so well known i hat It seem a work rvwerocatioa to endoraa it. F.w ara t ka ' -ndkjdit families who do aot twp Castor's w la easy roach." Cisuw JUrrrx, D. IX, Now York City. Tax Cawr-aoa Best Work PRINTING Office Stationery ft Specialty Give us your Patronage. P. J. SMILEY ANY, ALU The Oregon With it; home SA-LEM - - wise tsTwf Block, cMurr Libert and 'IMTAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract pear Salens 1" Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 pf. ere small cah payment long tirii on balance or particular As Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every thing else a? cheap, as 'at any store in Albany, at Julius Gradwohls New Store. at the corner of Second and Ferry your groceries and crockery ware. FORTMILLER Undertakers WE KfcEP constantly on hat d a full coffin.. Also burial lobes and which will be sold at The Lowest EMBALMING and " proper NO EXTRA liffll FOR ALBANY - - MASONIC NEW : FURNITURE, KSY STORE iSNOW FULL OF PIK3T-CLAKS FUBNITURE, CONSISTING lt a of bed room et. chsirr. 1 ciiDgte, BOTTOM Ll lilnl.. .iV,.7.I,r'"I.","-P1'7 If.2J.aTi P"bo tor M. by mall prepaid . With a Sr. Irnairl.l. J. A. CLMMlNUB.Ta07liOlI ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY j. JOSEPH, Proprietor, and Children. Castorta curej Colic, ConitlpaHon. Bour Stoctch, I'larrhooa, Eructation, Kills Worm, gives sloop, an-i promotes dl gottioa. Without Injurious m.V ;or.: "Pot rarer! years I hare recommends your ' Co-tori,' and shall always continue u do To as It has Invariably -s-owuced benedcla iSGultv'' Emrot F. Pani-n--, M. P., l-th ticket aaJ ft a Aita New Task City Cowiorr, TT Mrsuuv SntasT, New Yoxx Cnv. Promptnesj OREGON. Land Co office at - OJRliJGi-O. ' Sute street, branch effice in PortlaH,t sheet". Call their for & IRVING and Em bal inert. line of metalic, clotn and wood caskets and suits, in I rcadcloth. ' ! 1 n i . n I. .ting Profits. care of the dead a specialty HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE - - OREGCI etc., which I will sell at PRICES. Titos. Brink. 'fhtp. siaas.K This wonderful reined r "inori, lxxsor orain Kailtsloas, Hanroo. Mzeanaed urn or sum- cameam order wa THUESDAY Lin At Indepsndbnce. A very lively affair oceurredin Independence yesterday. A trial was in progress before Justice Irvine in which Hem Hayden and his sous had oaaeed to be placed under arrest two Jorditn boys, for assault with a dangerous weapon, they having In a quarrel, it seems drawn a pistol. During the course of the trial Clel Hayden came innr.d, walking up behind one of the Jordan boys, drew a pistol. Some one threw up his arm and the bullet went through the stovepipe and lodged in the wall. Ben Hayden then jumped on tbe boy, and, with the help ol otucers, at tempted to overpower Clel. About this time Bill Hayden came on the scene, with a pistol ia his hand. In the the mean time, the crowd had rushed out of the building, and the door not being large enough, they also went through n large glass front. Bill Hayden was tackled by an officer and several bybtanders, and, after a sttugg'e. the pistol was taken away and he and Clel were taken to the county jail. In attempting to put them in, Tom Lowry. and Marshal Williams knocked him down, and then locked him up. A large crowd witness ed the whole affair and the frantic ef frots of those in the courtroom to en-ape was the subject of much jest. NotIsdicted. United States Marshal Grady, who went to The Dalles last n'.ght to take into custody Klein. i-avage and tiibtons, implicated by Kleins' confes sion in The Dalles express robbcy and the previous robbery of tbe poetoffice at Tbe Dalles, this morning telegraphed I'nited States District Attorney Murphy that the Wasco county grand jnry had exonerated Savage and Gibbons of com plicity in the express robbery. I hey will be drought to Portland bv Marshal Grady on the United States charge of robbing the malls. In the state courts the testimony ot an accomplice without corroboration is not sufficient to con vict, but iu the United States courts Mem's coniecsion. it believed by a jury, would be sufficient for the returning of verdict of guilty under the United States laws. For several days there has been an impression that the Wasco county grand jury would fail to indict Savage and Oibbons, on account of the lack of testimony corroborating thecon fession of Klein. Telegram. A powerful newspaper syndicate has been formed which proposes to give tbe northwest the beat newspaper it has ever had. The start has been made by buying the Pasco News at $35,000, tbe Spokane Review at $1 10,000, Sheridan Sun at fSOOO and offers are now pending for the Tacoma Ledger. News end Union at pool prices of $190,000, says an ex change. The Milton Eagle will be bought later, and thus the syndicate will control tbe leading papers from the great lakes to the Pacific. Among the organizers of the syndicate are Col F I Parker, F. V Smalley, Alfred Holnian, N W Durham and H G Guild. F G Hull oftbe Eagle will also take a hand as soon a he convinces his foreman that the proper war to run distribution roll ers on a Campbell press is "katty wam pus." and not straight across on the roller rack. Athena Press. When tbe Democrat is reached we will sate right here that any offer of lets than ? 1 .200.000 will be rejected. Still Economizing. Every tew days new reports ol economy on the part of the S P are received. Tbe Grants Pass Courier says: Tbe railroad company is economizing in tbe matter of locomotives and crews. Instead of a 'pusher" to each passenger train between here and Wet Fork, a "hog" engine will take the train clear through between Rote burg aad Ashland, thus dispensing with two loco motive crews. It is thought that En gineers Porter and Waite will be the ones to take t e long runs. The round house is to be closed up and the tank will be filled at stated intervals by a section hand running the engine. Akothsk River Boat. The steamer Gray Eagle, which ia being bnilt t New berg, is 110 feet long with twenty feet four in.-h beam- She is a freight and passenger boat, with a draught of fourteen inches. The owners of this new- boat are Captain Carey and Engineer Kemp, of Corvallis. The engines and tbe boiler in the Gray Eagle, are what used to be in the Aneita, the owners of the Gray Eagle, having purchased the Aneita and having transferred her machinery to tbe new Doat. 1 ;ie is the same rua ohinery that was need in the steamer R C Young, which, will be remembered, waa burned some time age, at Dove's landing, in order to eecrre the inturance. She will be ready for work in about three weeks and will ply on tbe upper Wil lamette Jon rxal . Seas os I' iter . An Astoria dispatch says that in a short interview with Mr Karr, representing Chicago capital, this evening, he states that the road is sure tc ko. as soon aa tbe preliminaries re garding terminal and shop grounds are settled. It is also understood that at soon aa everything ia settled, Mr Karr will start arrangements for the manu facturing of tin p'ate here. Aw Albany Mas Got It. J B Tillotson of Albany, the successful bidder on the Waldo bridge, went ont last week to be gin construction He is rare of finishing the structure by the IStb ol Decembe though he has until the 1st of January to do it in. After the latter date he is to pay $10 a day for each day a delay. The lumber will be obtained at Bennett's mill. Grant Pass Courier. Collar Bone 3rokex. A Seventeen year old son of Mr Abraham, living 3 miles across the river in Benton county, had the misfortune to have a bone fall Vitb bim yesterday breaking the right collar bone in a serious manner, tie was brought to the office of Dr Uaston who ret and dressed the broken bone. Excursion.-The 1 O O F of this city wi'l give an excursion to Jefferson next sturdav evet.Ing. The train whl leave Albanv at 6:30 o m. Special work will be done with the I O O F o Jefferson, after which the excursion party will return to Aibsny. Ah me 1 hers of the order Invlt ed. "A oM m thcbilLVaad never exoell oA. " Trioa and proven" i.-: tho verdict o f millions. .Simmons Livor Regu lator ia the Bettet to!ilv Liver VtA Kiduev icilicine to which you can pta your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etabla, act ing directly on the Liver (i n d Kid- Than Pills oera. Try it. Sod V-y all DruggiBtu in Li'-uid, or in Powle tol taken dry ormadcintoa lav IShi Jtlng ot Liver M:-Jlc'aej. " I Imve itnctl yoiirKliiimmi I.tver i: go-hit,,- unit i-an i-ii:M li-ntiouKly say it l the kiiiiiof all liv-r i.ieilii lues, 1 consl.ti'r It a niedVim' ''. 1,1 Itwlf. tlRO. W. JAOkv r .Twootria, Washiuguiu. c U -" ted o Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. ru i 11 1111' en i i:t wi a The Pacific Young Women's Christian Association under whose direction the Third annual convention of Oregon . - --- - - - V. i I. "m " u ui(iuii.niuii niiuiujr.iwiut mi ;iij women what the 1 Aii u A undertakes for voting men. Hie work upon Hie contt was Crtal liihed in 1890. Miss Corabel Tarr then occupying the position of International Secretary, traveled throughout the coast studying the held and tbe needs of both cities and colleges for this definite work (or young women. The result of this visit was the formation of a Pacific Coast Y W C A with representatives from the various states, the central committee being located for the time in San Fran cisco. Under Mrs Edward Thomson the chairman of the coast committee, the work waa rapidly developed, centers ot work were established in each state. As the work strengthened a call was made for a traveling secretary to give her e n tira time it developing the work and ex tending it to new places. Miss R T Smith, of Salem, Oregon, waa chosen to fill this position and the few months she was able to give the work waa of valuable assistance to the association, she visited throughout tbe entire coast. Later Mr Mott the International College Sec Y M C A, Mrs Dummett me-uber of the committee in Portland, and others rendered valuable aid. to Jan I8t3 Miss Km ma iteeaer was sent to lake charge of tbe coast work upon application to tbe Internatianal committee and has since been with us There are now 28 associations upon the coast. Three of these, Los Angeles, beattle and Sacramento, are in cities and the remaining 25 are in colleges ten of this number are in our own state and will be represented at the conven tion to open t-iidaj evening in the l'ret- bjteriau church. At least 75 delegates are expe:td by the Albany College Association which is entertaining tbe gathering. At tbe annual meeting last year held in Salem, a northwest division of the general coast committee waa formed with head quarters located at that city. Miss K Galbraith of klbany College,' representing this city upon tbt committee. This committee baa the directing of ihe work both in Oregon and Washington and has already proven valuable in developing tbia field. A large future lies before this great north west country, and tbe northwest com mittee desire through careful study of beld and advice of friends here to tbe work to a high standard. hrinir: Much I help is anticipated in the coming of Miss E K Price, of Chicago, who now stands J at the head of this woik in this country and Canada. The International Asso ciation ia to be congratulated in having yonng woman of such beauty and strength of christian character, as it leader. Miss Price i an inspiration wherever she goes, and the coast is fortunate to be privleged in having a visit from her. After tbe Albany convention, Mies Price visits each college of the state then joining Miss Hed?r in Seattle, where will be held tbe rirst convention of Washington. Dec 7 9. All friends of yoang peoples work should be in attendance at tbe meetings which are open to the public. Friday evening Rev Little of tbe United Pre- Djterian church delivers the opening itddreee, Mies Price alto appearing on t he program The entire program will appear in Friday's paper, and prom ises to be strong throughout. A Co.iege foot ball learn hat been or ganized with C G Nixon as captain, R A Met u-ley, mai.agrr and J r A'terr:t tresa-.irer. A M C A team it being gotten up; bu: ha not yet htcn organis ed. A coopte bate been in the c-ty several days raiting money, or tr)lcg 10, on the rcligso- racke'. It has net tet been ascertained for certa-n whether it is a genuine case or a fake. Mr Chat Melzgar, t ie fireman, iaform the Dkwcrat that there U talk ol a big tit einan't bail on New Years nighl. The matter will be brought op before a meet ing of firemen to be held to-night. One firm of Ashland butchers s'aught- sheep ever month and are ahead feed- j Ing tbelr winter supply of stock, having 3ootontof hay for that purptne. Mi chel', correspondent savs: Grain U selling here at the mill for 60 cent, at John Da 40 cent, at Marvtville wceat. r lour here Fossil rlour an inducemc who mean There will be an rfort made during tbe next session of the Oregon legttlatuie to have a new county carved out of the east ern part of Crook, the north end ot Gran:, a por ion of Gilliam and the southern cor ner of Watce Louotle with the town of Mitchell as toe county teat. Thi propo sition was before the last session but failed. The widespread tecognidon of (be kin dergarten is one of 'he established fac's. ia which the c'ote of the century may re joice. With it advent a new 'era of pro gress arid joy in learning was opcneJ up before tbe school chili One of the greatest gains for human!' in ur time t the increasing Interest and sympathy with the child's nature. Ex. Mr Ed Hall, the insurance man, wa. in the city today. Mr Bachelor, the oldest jewelry drum mer on the road, was in the city today. Mr. Ida Buell, of Portland, came np this noon, and is the guest of her par ent.. License, have been issued for the marriage of C M C Foreson and Martha N Bosseman, and Urville Cunningham and Grace Wood. Mr Robert Hendricks, the popular and competent superintendent of the reform school and Mrs H were in the city thi. noon on their way to Eugene with a boy who bad been discharged during good behavior. Married. Mr J P Schooling and F r. Jarvi. Hayes were married at Harris- uurg Sunday evening. Mr. Hayes ob tained a divorce from Mr Baye. at tbe last term of court in thi. county Eu gene Register. Ladies Day Auction. We will give a special auction for the ladies next Friday afternoon commencing at 2 o'clotk, and will offer tho following lines of goods: Muslins, calicoes, table linens, towels, toweling., hirtingi,liannels, ginghams, outing; flannels, dress goods, etc. Also a complete line of ladies underwear, censisting of gowns, cbeinifte, drawers, corset covers, etc.ladies andchildrens wool en and cotton underware, hosiery, shoes, artics, rubbers, giovei-, mitts, laces em brorderies, ribbons, etc. We mean bus iness. The entire stock will bo sold at auc tion and private sale as f.i.-t as possible. All goods eod on their meritH and we guar - antee everything to bo us reprcseatotl. Ladies do not miss this opportunity to buy goods at your own prices. Auction every SuUmlay afternoon at one o'clock. Will also take farm produce in exchange for goods, such us eggs, dried fruit, ail kinds of poultry, beans, potatoes, green apples, dressed veal, pork, anil any other farm produce that can txi turner! into money. IIhk salo will con tinue until tbe entire stock is closed out. GW SIMFSON Mimic v to Loan. We are prepared to make loans on good mprovrd firms In sunt to suit, of from i.TOO to $10,000. Curium A Mom kith l)Ltvji i?B:;il fr$l. ). Let everybody come to th Star Bnkcry and get 40 loaves of fresh bread for fi.oo cash. C MkYSR, 1 telling Iji J4 co per .barrel. -te "J ' ' is ael ing for coper barrel; "f0 1 ??? A'bT cMJew- mfor tome at thi place, ammP?? ia wesen aannews. vt ni- tn rrt ,hrir Knur Fx I StDftV t mveTKltT anu Ml t. a ' HtV, .- m ... , 11 Ilia Hands Flu. -Tho Lebanon Ex- . ... .- 1. .11.. ll ., l..ll.vMi" Mr 1' l tf't M " fcuc 1 uiiii:;, ot MOHion, mush, rsnwwi nying visit j ue- duv ot last week to oib uruine in-law. II F Bod-vell, of Waterloo, and then went on to San Francisco to accept an miroitant position- with the 3 P Co. fie came through via the CP Railway and say times are improving iu the,iuid thinks times will soon be Ix-'ter on the Pacific fOHht. Mr Vininp is an old railroad man, having been general indue manager of the Union Pacific for about 1 1 years and has held many other important railway posi tions under Jay Gould, Sidney Dillon and others, besides being chairman of the Trans-continental association fer about three years. He is also interested in a large Perfumery ft Extract factory in Bos ton, and was looking ever the ground in the West with view of establishing agencies for ttieur goods. a He also has orders from a Bostoa. syndicate to inspect the Oregon Short Line end probably the Oregon Pacific, and will no doubt, return to Oregon shortly to wok over and make hu report. Important Decihox. One of the most important cases before the present term of the circuit court, was the case of Mr Friendly against tbe creditors of the estate of Max Friendly. Mrs rnendly's complaint alledged that cattle that belong ed to her had been dii-pcsed of during the period from 1888 to be Max Friendly and that the proceeds from the sale of such cattle was a part of the a?u of the estate of Max Friendly, and asked that her claim be placed on an equal footing with other claims against tbe property. The aw gin as well as the creditors fought the case. The trial was by jury and tbe verdict gave Mrs r nendly a claim against tbe estate in tbe amount of $!.h8, which claim become a bonefide indebtedness of tbe estate and subject to tbe same rights as other claims. Corvallis Time. Death or Ollie Huto, tillie Huston, tbe we'l-known gambler, died in Scio on Nov 19. at tbe age of 22 years. 4 months. 12 day. Dm Press says: While many pec'.ie mar ohinff to the habit and associations formed bv him. all knew him to be obliging and generous. Popular among bis associates, his early demise will cause a feeling of sadness to many of tbern. When we think of the faults and frailitie of humanity' and how prone we all are to do evil we should extend that mantle of chanty to othere. evea aa we VWH hut it extended to as. A Miraculous Fxafr. Last Thurs day afternoon as Edward Reach was blast ing stump on his place above Willamette Falls be put a beav charge of giant pow der under a large stump. After waiting some minute and tbe charge failing to ei plod? he proceeded to investigate matters and leirn tbe cause. No sooner bad Mr Beau h reached the stump when the charge exploded, throwing him several feet into tbe air and when he reached the terra Sima once more be found himself just forty fe-t from where he started. No damage w- done except a badly burned face Oregon ''it Express. From Wealth to Potmtt. There it an old lady at Philomath, write Jacob." who about fifteen rears ago left an estate worth in tbeneigbtarb)d of $20.tKO. with an iedebtednns of something like 3.000. Today tbe inheritance is all gone and for money borrowed and treat in extravagance. She pat what remaining property she had oat of her hands to avoid making obliga tions good and new it it rumored, the may be turned oat of boose and home. Sorely tbe way of tbe transgressor is bar 1. Cor - ralli Times. bio Pat. Tbe professor in tbe O A C receive tbe following salaries : Bio. $2,650 and H0 for tecreUrr: IXcner. fVrchtold. Sneil. Corel I. Washburn. Shaw. French. Craig. Horner. Brtstow. each f L O0. Fulton. $1000; Coate. 4TJ00 Mr Callahan. 1900: Tbomps-a. fcreman. 9ti Kmmett. merbnical. 1900: K K I'm bar. 1. carfnter. ITS); Clark. nriUing. fl.230; Pemot. photography. f9W. The Prugram. Following is tbe MTVisUn for iht ILIT annual cooTatioa of tbe Youoc Wtx-n i'),"tin Association vhich cootcom in budat iwesixg. at rirst iTesfytenan cauri. 11 opening vson ami reoep- J" w " J nee . : W Mng Jx-rvice. l T0 Lee. A,ij,T. .tUeJs Chicago. 111. Opassiag address. Rev Riley LittJe (pastor l V church. Albany.) Ke ception at college (far delegate.) Saturday Mor.mso at Albany College. 5 -00 Organization . Prayer semje. Bible reading. Mrs M McCrearv. Slem. Report. Papers: 1. What we shall expect of tbe College Y M C A girl. Mis Fh-rence Mc Kercber. Pacific Iniversity. J. Bible Study, Miss MnsaGeer. Willamette I'ni Tersity. 3. Gospel Meetings. Miss Winnie Hkeitn, Portland University. 4- Business Mwtings. Mks Belle Lincoln. State Nor mal School. Elements of Strength in ' tor Associttion Work. Mis Kmroa Reeder. Systematic Giving, Mis Eme Price, Chi cago, III. Sattrdat ArTERwooKat Alba-iy Col lege. 1:30 Praise Service. M its M Han see (Chairman N W Pivi sion Coast Com.) Kible fctudy, Mrs M Mct"rearv. Salem Alaska. Mis Ella Macev. Pacific I niver sity. Students and Mission. Mi- Eflie I"rice. Asseciation Literature and Reconis. Mrs J A Dummett, Portland. Paper. Phys ical Culture, (prepared by Mi - M iKinn. Penn. State Secretarv.i read bv Mi- Ethel E Redfield, Albany College, yuestion box. Businert session. The G.-neral Secretar.- ship a Profession for College Women. Miss Satt'rpat Evesixo at Albany College 7 :30 Song service, leader. Pref W H lee Albany Colk-ge. Five Link in the Asso ciation : The College. Mi Maude Wihrins. State University. The City and Coast, Miss Emma Reeder. 1'o.nt Sec'v. Interna tional and World', Miss E K Price. Ad dress: Higher Ideals, Pre PC Campbell, State Normal School . Scsdat MoaxiNii at Albanv Col lose 9:30-Meeting Personal Blessing, leader, Miss .M Keynolds, t.-Uein. St xnAT Akteixoox at All-anv College 110 Younir Women' Meeting Isa-sfir. i.. . s . . Miss Helen nrooics, rorest urove. Buxoat BVaUrnra at Inited Presbyter lan church. 7:.gJ Hevotioaal eivus Address, Miss K K Price, tienercl Sew tary International Committee W C A. Farewell service. Miss Emma ReeJer, Pa cific Coast Secretary. A Drkdm will make a splendid Christmas present for your wife. You can get the proper thing at Read, Pea cock it Go s at an extremely low hgtire tor cash. Coughing. For all the ailments of Throat and Lungs there is no cure so quick and permanent as Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil. It is palatable, easy on the most deli cate stomach and effective. COl Emulsion stimulates the appetite, aids the digestion of other foods, cures Coughs and Coltls, Sore Throat, Hronchitis, and gives vital f.trength besides. It has no equal as nourishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcomes Any Condition of Wasting. SrmJjr PtmJkUi en Staffs l-'.muisien. brr. Scott d Downs, N. Y. All Druggists. GOc.andSt. 1 - - - - - - - a U. 411.. a. 1 ivvuieinucr nsiis auction r nuay anei- I noon and a general auction liaturdiy ! af 'ernoon at W C Davis' store. All Interested In Y M C A football are 1 ..II..' t.. ........ .1 . ' " h i Hie fgt nilIl-!U in 11 mof- i row tvei tng at o'c ock. The fit.le'h anil vi rary of Hie Congre gations! church in Oregon Cit.t, a'so In j the state, will be observed next (Sunday, i J A Cochran tnd M S Cochran, of Mc- nllr.nvllle, iuve made an assignment to H B Tingle. The asset are $12,171 ; llablll tle, ft 2, 244. E C Klrkpiirlck, the hop buyer and a former printer, sued Hottt Proa, at Salem, for I227, his commit sion for buying hops, and recovered the entire amount. TheGer-al Str says: There is no dentist in this town and a good opening eais'.s for one. Pass the word around. Also a tinsmith would do well here; ditto a $25,000 bank. Ti e match shoor between Sky Meets, of Harriaburg, and Billy Martin, of Mc Mlnnville, was taking place on the ba'j ground this afternoon . The motor wa conveying passengers to an-J from the grounds. '1 he Udias of the Congregational church will hold a parlor sale al the reddence of Mrs C O Lee on the 5th f December and in the evening a social to which the ptib lie arc invite . The coupty assessor of DougU count wa formally notiSeJ bv the county court j mat no aenuty wouia oc allowed or psid irom Mov 24, iVt to March I, iSas. Jfo monkey business there. The postmaster at Toledo ha forward ed hit resignation to the der-artmer.' at Wahlngt..n,and the-eby hang a tile. The onir ctnoiajie tor tin p. see, so lar at re ported. It Editor Stewart uf the Toleda Leader Times. A Willamette valley farmer complain because hi potatoes have only yielded 500 outne t per acre, lie thinkt he ought to have had 1000 buthelt pjr acre, but he should remembei that a half crop Is a good reu;i in a etr 01 general hard litres Ex. t . a .... L'ucKt arc it. tea too now ; tut they are bard to find, though said to be around in good sized bands. For a few rears they ha been somewhat scarce, which an Albany man account for bv sarin that they have been going up the Columbia into tbe wheat fields of Eastern Oregon. Cold weather up there will mean n.enn of ducks here. A the ritr election draw near there teems to be more Interest taken In ah the newlr elected efficers will b?. The following-named person hare been tnoken of: For Major. Hon M A Miller: record er, A F Stowe. W M Brown and J E Adcox ; Marthai.F W Morgan.loe Smith. O W Taylor und Phil Ritter. For coun cilman we have not been able to find anyone willing to acc-pt Lebanon Ex. pre. Welcome Turner who has been work- ing'resr Jiniber met with a pretty ricut accllen'. Thursday night of last week. He let. through a culvert in the railroad, near that puce, falling a distance of abrat four feet and ttrikiag on the back of his head, and a dot was formed at the bate of the brain. He was In a precarious condition but it coming around all tight . Lebanon Advance. Mr Billy Mack the baiter, went to Port land tun noon. Mr Rosa Humphrey i in tbe city carry- ins one of kit hands in hating been smashed in a rvrent mec:dn' in bis w mill. Geo DRidinger. tbe bridge contractor. ha completed bis work si PiddV and Iats Creek, and came down to Ro-eburg List night. RosrlMrg Plaindnaier. H to Tar lor. for tbrae nun a dm mber of tbe Berkley foot ball eleven is in Cor ral us. coactung the U A L for tbexr great thanksgiving game Mr Aigina Martin, of Allanv. past de partment secretary of tbe regon W R C. visited Corvalii Friday and inspected Eilrworth enrp of this citv. t'orvalti tiaavtte. Mr Miiler. representing Soragne's Col lecting Agencv. 1 in the city. The Mas abou. Town once resided in th town in New York State there Mr Miller was bmugrit up. and torn pared memorandums with him Mr J A Cumuingt drug 4ore present tropical and pleasing appearance to day. A heaithv banana graces tbe boat of Use store, a tine specinvn of this beantitai plant. It was raised by Mr van Horn. U is learned today that Perry Raymond ill be acanidate for Alderman in tbe first ward, and that be will make a content for tbe nomination against Geo G Bing ham. Salem Journal. F F W-.i'.is left toda for Ca .fornia to travel for the Carriage Factory Betakes itb him a very tine rig in which be will travel over tbe state by team Corvallu Time. Forroerty with Staver k Walker. Mr Edward B Holme, who was Mis Nellie Wolfe, formerlv a resident of Sbedd, and daughter of Rev Wolfe, ha sued for a divorce. November 26th, P5. be wa married in Corvalii to Edward B Holmes, b whom she wa deserted about Mar 1st, 1 t -s mm' sues for a divorce and asss tne coort to compel her husband to support their seven year old sots. According to tbe Sunday Welcome. Barry Waite, tbe spiritual medium who was recently exposed in this city and Sa lem, was formerly lohn King, who gave public seances in Portland, and offered to make mediums out ct a number 01 nis t x lowers. provided thev put up enough tnon- ev in advance. Tbe money was paid and tang skipped oat . The following account i given of a wed ding at Tangent recently noted by tbe Hsmccrat: On Nov 21st at 12 o'clock at the ntfidr-nca of Mr J II Simpson Tangent, by Re C G Harmon. Mr Cba P Bryan and Mi Ollie Simpson were uni ted in marriage. After tiie ceremony performed, an elegant dinner was served, about thirty i-etng present who were very highly entertained. I be bride wa dressed in a beautiful peirl gray suit adorned with a pure white bridal veil. Quite a number of handsome presents were received in a way suitable to the occasion. Tbe day wa considered by all a very pleasant and delightful one. Mr and air bryan are among our most popular yonng ptople. They have the best wishes of a friends for a long and happy life. Iiost of Lin cr Patkkts granted to Pacific state, inventor, this week. Reported by C A Snow & Co, solicitor of American and foreign patent., opp V S Patent Of fice, Washington, DC. E L Brown, San Francisco, CU. pen holder. K A Cooley, Cloverdale, Cal. box wiring or hooping machine. M M Cope. Noyo. Cal, saw handle. C R Eraser, Sen Francisco, Cal, can labeling machine. V Fulton, Enterprise, Or, Sliding gate. J W Himee. Blma. Wash, trace hook J Hcp kirk, San Francisco, Cal, reversible driv ing gear for cars. K D Hume, Gold Beach. Or. carrier for can making machines. A F La Shells, Biggs. Cal. railway rail. F B Long. Los Angeles. Cal, pianoforte and agraffe therefor. 0 Van Gcstrum, Portland, Or, garment securing device. A Man Lost. Corvaluh, Or., Nov. 23. Information ccmes ffJin the Summit, this county that John Henderson disanpeared from lus homo about ten days ago and has not been seen or heard of since, lt is be lieved that he is loot and ha. perished in the mountains. Tho whole country is being scoured by his neighbors, honing to find some trace of him. Hi. wifo is prostrated. A Minino Item. lt is said a nuni'ier of miners from Sweet Home are making $1,125 per day pdacar mining at Oomca 1 bar on the Santiam above that place. A number of new mining claims have been taken in tho QuarUvilT. district, lt is aico said on good authority that tbe company which has the Albany Mining & Milling Company's mines bonded is arranging to engage in active work in the spring, m irdwi Tirana. - J Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Reoort ABSOLUTELY PURE SATTJUDAI" THE Y W CAS tion was opened in the Presbyterian church last night with a good attendance. The following delegates bad arrived dar ing tbe day and had been royally received by tbe committee of bright young ladies from the Albany College: State University at Eugene, Misses Ina McClung, Roberts, Gertrude VTidmer, Kate Patterson, Maude Wilkins and Mir Carson; Willam ette University at Salem: Misses Helen Matthew. Bessie Shepard. Edith Friuell. KeUsuca Beldarehe, Flora Jones. Nellie Clark, Grace Pohle, Musa Goer, and Ida 1 oder; Polytecbnique Institute, Kalem. Edith Field, Lena Laundrum. EsteilaTay- 1 . . e . rw . - , , j - iot, maggie nammer. i-icnet. if race '23?' -onal 25" ;rar y-Sff- Ilebecca; oman()Ileff of Will- ry j 1 Vrr" na Hom-r. Mr Power is a competent, relia- Unrv UoVNAMa V.w1 1 -a rH l.aiipMMiif .st a ... w mm. . Z-J ' ;; , , - u M 1 1 i t?-- ti-r'' R.11. 1 ;.i. v.... r-i. ukmJFiiasmm iv.'. li. sj.j Hovl Ml Mill Mi.n;., ....1 ruwv 'rvdi r Ti hii Mace;. Lola Hunt and M.nle Gardner; Forest Grove: Helen Brook. Florence Mc - Kercber. Ida EltU. Winifred Marsche. Ora Beall and Bertha Tongue. Others are Mr. McCreary af Salem, and Miss Reeder ot San Francisco A total of 49. Miss Helen Brooks, of Forest Grove, presided at tbe opening meeting, with much grace and dignity. A song ten i-e wa lead by Rev Pnchard with Prof Lee at tbe organ. XI : . . 1 , - 1- . 1 . g a . bus .vuoie r o . prenoeni 01 me Aii.-any Y W C A in choice words welcomed tbe visitor to oar city. She was responded to by Miss Helen Mathews, a bright and sensible yonng lady of Waigmette, in smooth words welt seasoned with truth. Miss Price, general secretary, not having arrived, waa of coarse not beard as expect ed. Rev Riley Little delivered tbe own ing address, selecting for hi topic the motto of the Y W C A. "Not by might nor by power bat by my spurt smith tbe Lord of hosts.'' lt was a well arranged, forcible effort and made a strong impres sion. Af ; r timm t-v-r. tm sMaB-ma satj members of tbe College Y W C A adjourn ed to tbe college where a delightful recep tion was ten Vre- i ine de-egate. one roll of life and social actit ity. A sumptuous re cast w- terved in the commercial room that did credit to tbe taste of tbe Albany girl. Sattrdat Uoraisg At 9 o'clock to day the Y W C A was formally organized tor tbe business of tbe convention, with Miss Mattie Hansel, of Salem, a presi dent; Mrs Angelina Wateon. of Moo mouth, secretary; Miss Maude Wiikin. of Eogene. vice president. Committee were appoint ed. A prayer service was followed by a . . , re : y Mr- Mil lJ, ol IMasw. Mis Price general w-retarv, was re ceived by Prof Young on behalf cf Albany and tbe iissociaUon. and by members of tbe delegations. She lespooded in a man ner that brought her do to tbe hearts of the psssjas SawSat, Encooraging rerorts were heard from tbe different asoc -aliens. Papers 'rere called f r and read br Floreaoe Mc Kerr her m "What we shoal J expect of tbe CoUece Y W C A girl.'' a sensible effort: by Musa Geer on "Bible tody." with excellent -nggestions; by laiv HopEins a faier prepared bv Winnie Skeltcci of l ort. and Cniversity on iospet Meetinrs" and bv Miss I Vile Lincoln on "Business Meetings." Miss Reeder. of San Francisco, spoke 00 'Elements of strength in oar association work.' ia a manner that instructed and pleats; d: aad Mis Price closed tbe fore noons work by talking on "Systematic giving.'' presenting some indisputable ai-g-urnenbi in an eioqaent manner. Tbe services tonight and tomorrow will be as follow : Haj-pv I.ndians A cvrrespondent of tbe Cor va' lis Ti roe- savs: "Col. John Mb special agent of tbe gorerccccnt. to- gmUni' with a clerk and one Indian police. occupy a s-aall room t - which outsiders are no', edmr.ted Tbe is lieeman calls out a name, and tho Indian who ays claim to it goes in and get hi check f - it makes tbe colon-1 both important aed jjopu lar among tbe Indian, many of whom in Uteir ignorance, think tbe "money come from him. it i be h interesting and pathetic to see the lame, the bait and the blind hie into the office, and ont with tbe government chec, which they eve with rjuitxical and ?uperditious enriotity. Ihe Indians are a'l wreathed in brigbt smile over tbe fart that they have picked out tbe cream of the land and are selling the mountain. to the white, for cash. It is a fact, however, that when tie- unalotted lands are opened for settlemer.t, four or five hundred families may find good homes m tbe Mletx t wenty-two thousatd dol lars i tbe amount that will be paid out. all told, ami 310 Indian will be rich. I he W iieat MaRKRT. I it I report re ceived by the Red Crown Roller Milts to dav from Portland is as follows: Exporters report considerable difficulty in placing cargoes abroad, even on a 3 penny viecline and present conditions seem to show that the markets ot the world have advanced proportionately too rapidly . Local wheat stocks are excessive and until tbe bulk is shipped out. sellers can hardly eipect to get latelv ruling price, quale Walla Walla at 70c per 100 lbs for small lots and 71 for round parcels, valley about 77'-.. to 7SJ4 for large lot. Lcst $20,000 We uuderstand that a Lane county capitalist, who has a large sum of money loaned in the Palouse, Wash. esnntv. estimates Ins loss lv depression in propertv during the past few months at 180,000. Thi money was formerly loaned at ten per cent, in Ln-e county on first -cluss si .-urita;ce. but the inducement of irom 15 to IS percent., imid in Washipg'on, not only lead this tentleiiion up to the slaughter, but also the farmers who fool ishly bcrrowed it. It served both ot them right. Eugene Guard. Chkaw S.uks The Albanv Farmers Co. of this city has just made a contract for 50,000 sacks at 4 ls cents per sack, a saving oto or cents a sack ove. previous year. lli- decrease m pneo is due to Ui recent tariff legislation and needs no argu ment to show the loneht ot it. It means about 1 4 cents fore per bushel HM wheat next year. The Latent News is that Julius Grad wohl is doing business in his new iuart ers, the old Poet Ortice and Odd Fellow', building and OiH-m House, and to give an introduction to his new store, he will sell the following goods for net costouly. 1 box full weight Savon soap 85 cts, "'2 o xe French sordines 25 els. Oysters 10 cts r can, Arbunde and M coffee '25 ctsjlb.r d all ot b r goods sold as low us unv u se on this voost. At Cost. Mrs Parrlsh oilers her en Ire stock at cost, oaring to the lateness of the season snd dull time. The ladles of Albany will do well to call and examine her stock before purchasing elt.ewhere, at Mr Parrltb's Millinery Parlors. )r. Price's Cream Baking Pore-tie A Pare Qiao Cwaa ef Tartar Pa w -tat. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs Bert Van Cleve came up from Salem this noon. Mr Clyde Hill returned thi. noon from a visit to Tbe Dalle., Rev Poling returned from Independence to-day, and will preach to-morrow. The firemen at a meeting last evening decided to hold a ball on New Years night. Miss Emma Pfeiffer accompanied Mrs W I Ortel to her home in McMinnville to day. C G Ivm asters is making arrangement to move tbe Linn County Review from Sodayille to Harrisburg, and will probably get the next issue ont at that place. It now require tbe service of four teachers in tbe North Brownsville public school, and Mrs Miehener ha been em- ' plored to take cbarpe of the fourth room. rr.. limes. i Mr Frank Power left for Newport today toaccept the position of prjneV on tbe yooag man wno will do credit to the 1 Oregon Pacific steamer. John Henderson, lost near tbe Sammit, , in Benton county, had not lieen beard from 1 --T- fwo or three shots were beard several days ago. and it i tbouebt be had i -lentally .hot himself and was firing I warning stJOta wot S'ewart ana wit: have oeen in : the city in tbe interest of Pierce, little pallet.. Golden Discovery, etc. and made a three years contract with tbe Democrat. Pierce's is one of tbe responsible firms who remit without bill and hence are friends of the nex .papers. In this respect a good example is set to snbscriben of newspaper. Mrs torn lurner, ot now Una. wa in tje city several days this week. She, in company with Mrs H A Stanard, will leave for California in a few day. Mrs Tnrner goes to spend the winter w.tb her father. wm Uocnran, while Mrs stanard goes with tbe hope of benefiting her health, and may reside there permanently Mr Stan ard will also start for tbe Golden state in a month or sis week. Brownsville Times. UO.ME AND ABROAD Being ragged it not conducive to popu larity except with chrysanthemum. Y M ' A football team meets to organ ize to right at 8 p m. AH Cdd Fellows thoald be at tbe depot at half past six sharp this evening to go to J.9erson. Mr J S Cooper lt the heaviest tax payer In Indejsenlence. He pays oa 1 29.0S0. H Hirschberg pays on $27.191 and Henry Hill oc 122,135. There will be a special meeting of Bea lah Rebekah Lodge Monday evening next. AH members are specially invited to attend. By crier t f N li. Tbe republican chy convention has been called for Friday evening, No to at J o'clock at the 'court bouse. The ward meetingt siu be held at the usual places 00 Thursday evening. The shoot betweei Sky Meek and Bill Martin did not come off vesterds after rooi as announced. After getting o the grounds Martin demanded hit ex pense and fare, which ot course was re futed, and the match was declared off. When T 1 Baford was agent at the SBets he brought some China pheasants from tte vallev and turned them loose on the re erva'ioo. These birds lived and have multiplied and there are quite a number of their progeny around the school farm and vlcinhv new. Toledo Leader. Religious Services. rr.ited Presbyterian: Tbe morning I service wi.l be conducted bv tbe pastor subj'He most increase I must decrease," I b at J:Jo, junior buoeavor Senior 0:30. tvening service under mat. age- I ment ot the V WW ex. Let's crowd the T M C A rooms again to morrow at a o'clock, the subject at the fourth in the series "Tue Lat Vovas-e Rev I V Pohling, a young man, will talk to young men. Ail men welcome. Sterv-ces at the Coneregstioni! Church moraine and evening oa to morrow. Preaching by the pa-tor. The Y P S C E meet at 6; to p m and the School at ,-J o cock. Preschire at St Paul M E Church So ith tomorrow at 1 1 m and 7:;o p m and every alternate Sabbath. Sundav School to a m Prat meeting Thursday night 7130 p m. DC M-Fariand, Tattor. Tomorrow is quarterly meeting at the M E church. lr Parson, the Presiding Elder, will be present and otSciate. Love I reatt at c -to. -sreacmn? at io: toiioweo 1 by the sacrament of the Lord's aupper Sanoav -cnooi at j :jo. junior ieague at 1 j.jw iiu bp.,,11 'v 8 1 service In the evening owing to the L nlon meeting of the Y W C A at tbe Cnited Presbyterian church. At tbe Presbvterian church preaching at 10:30 am, 8 Sat 11:45 am. Junkr C E meeting at 4 p m. Y P S C E at 6:j0 p m There will be no preaching in the evening. By request the pastor will preach in tbe morning on the subject, "Woman's Work and s-pbere." All will be made welcome to tfteee services. Price'. World Fair KNOWLEDGE Bring, comfort and im prove m nt anc tend, to personal enjoyment, wh -rightly used. The many, who live ti ter than other, aad eujoy life more, wi .-. lea. expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world', best products t the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in tbe remedy, Srrup of Figa, Its excellence ia due to its presenting in the farm meet acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headache, and fevers aad permanently curing constipation.' It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of tbe medical profession, because it acts on tbe Kid nevs, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fig. ia for sale by all drug gists ia 50 cent bottles, but it ia man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. oaly, whose name i. printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. W. L. DmiCLAS ksx CUAE1 ISTH" r?5T. 5. CORDOVAN, 4f.-lfKHJCE,3Sotts. LADIES ..nxjso ti 7t fwaawsSwMCj SgfSO rOR CATALOSue W-i.-DOUGLAS. BROCKTON, MASS. saner brnrehaalac VV. i inwisi mwesv advertised shoes In the world, and gaaractee the valae by stamping the name aad price oa Use bottom, which protects you against his'a prices sad the midd'.emaa's profit. Oar shoes equal castors work in style, easy Gitlag aad wearisg qualities. STe Teive Vucm sr.'.d e.-rr-where at tower prices for ihe value Klven '. :. any other make. Take :.o aealer cacoot supply yoo. wc ca- fuM THE I . EBLAIPJ CLOTHINGECO Mexican Mustang Liniment for Barns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang "lar or Beast well as sssd ns-nsr posatrtw written aiiiiliat b ia !t to rare Wfwlr Mi mmmm - Loasof Brain aadNervw Powsr-. Last Manhnrat, -viant lames- KvU Drsnns: Lack of xmom . all L)vaa: r rrf Hi i tiiii nil fliasni in liiln i nwr-esartwa. TewthZal Emm, or of Tobacco. Onras. or taownr. which . Him i. C iswiBjiliusi. Tnaaailj Bv oaiL 1 a boa: s-x for S: wita J A Camming, sole agent, Albany. A EiMq. WW far Tm lum erSick Tksanliii. imisalllii .. ai for Ml ikatlu B THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. ISt S. Westers rec. nifaCT Sold by ail drueglt's. n&ma.... in: tis ti Tarr sax. fa 1 X BWII 5517-1. fXiZf-a 1 1 v. awaa tvTanrwa wma si raw I fsw.fevna. tea. w boos J A Cumming, sole .gent, Albany. LADIES DO YOU KNOW DR. FEUX LE BRUf o STEEL ID PEHHIWSI PILLS er the oriarinal and ont? FRENCH, sate and ra. habssenro on uss iwarasC Price at-O); seat b 1 nail Gecaine told oalj bj J A Cumming. sole ager.:. Alar y, LAC KB URN & S0HERS ATTOa-tNE-rs jSlT X.A.W, All legal matters will receive prompt at tent;ow. Office, First Netionat Bank building, np stain. H C Watson. Luther Elkins WATSON & ELKINS TTOIWSrB-srS! -A.T L-W Office First National Bank building Business entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention. Red Grown Boiler Hills. ; neorporated ) Bk t floor ;or family and baa era use! BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. WALLIS NASH -ATTOirllSrii:"5r .AT l A"Vir. Will practice in all the -.otut of the nUte. Office First Nat'i Bank building. Albanv. r.-g-on. FOSHAY A MASON wwouiawa ana aatstt Druggisisaod Bookseller. a genu for John B, Aldeu's publkt ' lo; Mich we sell at poblianei-'a prioan t) iageaddod ALBA 7 OBEiOf1 tV'snwaaW' ioa ear save US' I nra aXB Kafir rmsmatn 8assaHM mi wlia LtswiMl cr iinl fistriiw. Goat. Kid llX law it iSS s.r,ana h w is '2, pgvtwTvE Srw I MM