The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 23, 1894, Image 4

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    Truths ?as Sick.
SPELLS depend on Sulphur Bit
ters; it never fails to cure.
DO YOU SUFFER -with that
tired and all-gone feeling? If so uso
Sulphur Bitters ; it will cure you.
Don't be without a bot
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ful skin. Sulphur Bitters
If youdonotv. i:hto L
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suffer from RHEUMATISM, uso a
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Are you co,stipateo7 ir so,
Sulphur Bitters is just what you need
Poor, weak, and weary mothers
Sulphur Bitters will make them
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Cleanse tho
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Rely on Sulphur
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Send 3 ?-cent stamps to A. I. OrdwaT A Co.,
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Southern Pacific Oo.
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i ) irj t xialau l iajlot.
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Di.iinir Cars on Ogckn Route.
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mam raani vaiLT 'Exc;p. Suaday .
tS8 ra
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to all filnt In the KMtern Shim. cf
Knroi.1 ran ba oblainad at oweat iSBxa Irom t
rratfc. Arent Albany.
. KOBHLBt E P. &0"SrV
Uanaeer Vset O F. J
Port' ltd Orso
In Your Own localety
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tal, daring your spare boors. Any man.
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making ever offered before. Onr workers
always prosper. No time wasted la
learning the busiaess. We teach yea in
a night how zo succeed from the nr
hour. You can make a trinl without el
pen; to yourself. We start you, furnisV
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you are in neea oi rcaay money, m
want to know all about the best paying
business beforw the public, send as yo
audress, and we will mail you a tU..
meut giving yoa all the particulars
TRUE & CO.. Box
Augusta Maine.
foriagvtUa if br Ja,ar f'rf,iirpft or (o'fla-rptlaa
aa arxuaJ slaatka, 4raiM, tataora. a r. 4tUUf, alaa
!. laarir, raatl"at kidaay, n-r aai HaMtr
"Mf mtr Wk. tuaaama-rv aeiay. fria! 1!) aaaltft
aia.T 'a glatric UaH aouuif. .. 4.WI fmmmtft$m aar
l wtaat y. aa: glm a ewrranl thai U MkaVMi" fait ay (hi
irrr or a farfcli ,oiM, and will rp ail f faaabava
.:.:' or ra. Taaaaa ada braa eur4 by ibta jar--
i MNM aAar all otfctr raa4ta fand. ul wp
tifa huu.irtda f laailaawalaU in taia aad fMrl oiaar atata
Oar fmmmt ml l-atO: BUM 1 MM' fU M '.Klr. ta
i p-fat Utoo m-mw ofTa V weak an.) KKC WITH A LI. RKl.Th
i. a il. an4 if raaa -t rHift CI ARtSTVKbia CtotHf 1aa.
i.-i far itlaatratad Paiofblats, na..pJ. awaira), fra. Addrear
! Caveut andTrade-MtrkiobUinandiill Pa4V'
ient b-j r.e.s conducted f'r wocrTC rets, t
JOun orrtcc is Cppositc U. S. Patcwt Orrcc
J and we un cure patent io lc lime Luau .hoe
IVrVMf ff'a Washington.
J aend m jdel. drawioft; o photo., wrtn deacilp
i''rri. V. c advise, ii ;.jtcr 'at-'-r. or not tree of
Our fee not cue tii! pr ten;i&ecured.
a rr "HovtoObt i Pauota." wtth
J coat oi wue in the V. S ana jOrcigucoantrtca
scr. tree. Address,
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Xnrist apou having the genuine.
Jr. Price's wrem Baking t.-uTvucr
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digestive organs loudly protest
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the new vegetable shortening, is
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this new and wonderful food
product the disagreeable effects
of lard-cooked food are altogether
avoided. The features of econ
omy, convenience and adapta
bility, emphasize the above, and
demand the attention of careful
housekeepers to Cottolene.
Sold Id I and ft pound palls by all
tracer If ads only by
The N. K. Fatrbank
CalcafO, 5w lork, Basts.
0. R. & R. CO.
K. UcNEILL. Receiver.
fall dttaila call oo
or uaua:
QwVt Pa- Aoai
Plait ri AND, OR.
hat f :;:. u C Payor. B C Kmc.
Pullman Sleepin? Uars,
Elegant Din; 2 CaTS
Tourist Sleeping Oars
St Taul
TO Grand Forks
Crook ston
Helena and
New York
Boston and all
Points East and South
For information, time cards, maps and
liaise Bi call on or write C i Burkhart,
Aaeut. Albany, Or.
Or A D Charlton, AaH (ien rasa Agt,
Pertland, Oregon,
Savannah, N.Y., March iSth, 1894.
Mossrn. S. C. WEU3 & Co..
Le Roy, N. Y.
Gentlemen I was pronounced by my
home physician as having tubercolosis,
and I went South without any apparent
benefit I was recommended to use
Shlloh's Consumption Cure, and
its results I we bean wonderful. I
cheerfully recommend it to any one
suffering from lung tronble.
Jamfo W. Goss.
IN A PATENT t fart
zparttmoe In tha
i(l an honest opinion, write to
woo bare bad uearl
TTeatf' nni nM
uooa mncur oonodeotlal. A II ua
formation coaoerolna Patenia and :
W tO
and iil.aill. . t . ' "
"Ran na rree. aim a estate
.! alin... iiif 1
Patent" taken throuah Mtuin A Co. reeein
?flt.1l.,n, 'he ntfflr AmertTaa!
)SJS ?,H?ilt, "tSS.'r before tha public Jrttb-
on, niontblr. I
L KTirr nnml
Plates. In colors, and ph
f ne-.i
Highly Significant.
Senator Sherman of Ohio, in an inter
view with the New World anent the late
elections, gave out the following signiBcant
"The landslide that has given the Re
publicans control of the House by an over
whelming majority, and perhaps the Sen
ate by a small majority, is so widespread
that I believe the cause was widespread.
It lias seemed to me to be a protest against
the acts of Democrats since they have been
in power and a return to the Republicans.
However, I am not inclined to claim that
1 he victory will be permanent.. The peo
ple my become as displeased with the Re
publicans before many years and adminis
ter to them n crushing a defeat as they
have administered to the lmocrats this
'I would certainly not attempt to fore
cast what is to come of this revolution.
The people finished the Republicans In
1890 and 1892, and now they have chang
ed. To say they cannot or are not likely
to turn back again Is to make a stronger
statement than I would care '.0 venture. I
do not regard the present resuH as an in
dorsement of the McKinley bill or a de
mand on the part of the people for radical
tariff legulation . There will undoubtedly
be some members wLo will regard U as
such, but 1 hardly believe the party will
enter into any extreme legislation of this
"1 would not favor any great increase cf
du'ies. On the stump in the campaign I
said very plainly that 1 vas a moderate
protectionist and wanted such duties
as would insure a very lair rate of wages
for the workingmen of this country. Some
nrolectionists would have foreign goods
absolutely excluded by a hiirb tariff. I do
not believe In th's, as it would give a mo
nopoly to cur home manufacturers and
bring on contents between capital and labor.
1 believe in o placing duties as to allow
beilthy foreign conipeti'ion. IflsboulJ
see ihat any duty was making a monopoly
I would lake that duly off.
"I do not know exactly what to think ot
the result of this election as it bears on the
silver question. 1 believe the silver senti
ment has grown much stronger in the West
and South, but in the East, generally, and
in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois in par
ticular. H is weaker than it was either In
1890 or 1892. What hearing this may have
on the campaign for President in 18 I
could not say, as I never attempt to make
any prophecy in politics."
John Sherman is right. He and the
leaders of his party at e by no means agreed.
It is safe to say that .seven-tenths of the
republican party believe the result of the
ate election was an endorsement of Mc
Kinley ism. John S Herman says emphat
ically it was not. In the face oi the over
whelming defeat of the democratic parly
the Democrat expressed tho belief that
McKinley ism was dead. It believes so yet.
It is significant that John Sherman should
say that the republican victory, notwith
standing its overwhelming character, will
not be permanent. He would not favor
any great increase of duties, be says. The
gauze Is not dense enough to hide his mean
ing. The words of the interview are in
tended as a warning to republicans to re
strain them from setting np the scheme of
McKinleyism as part of the creed of the
parly. The most significant statement
made by Mr Sherman is this: "I believe
in so placing duties as to allow healthy
foreign competition." So far as democrats
are concerned, the embody men t of that
statement into law would permanen'ly set
tle the tariff question. But Sherman will
meet a vigorous protett fron. al tie pro
tected interests of the cian'rv. Thers are
squalls ahead.
It thoald be borne in toIdJ that the new
coagres-.jutt elected, will not convene and
orgin.zat.tij the fiitt Mcnday ia December,
1896, saote than a tear j et The old ron
grs will rme. h; first Mood ty ia next
month and coatinoe ia etiton un'il March
ath "ben 1 he terms of all the lower houe
members wili expire at wrli as quite a
number of Senator. If, howfrer.betwMn
the 4.h of Msrcn, next, and the first Moo
day ia December following, the presides!
sboo'd find it ntcesaaiy to call a s, t lal
section of coegre, the new congrets, just
elected, won',1 me. d organ. 1?. S.ill
further, there on b: no legitla'io.i in Con
gresa which does not meet the approval of a
dsmocrati: preddeot until at least the 4h
'. March 1897.
The Bureau of S atlstics gives the follow
ing table of Import and domestic exports of
the United Slates for the month of Septem
ber, 1S9J. and for tne nine months of the
present calcn-Jar year :
iSoJ. 1894.
Exports of mer. . . $jj oj6,7oS 159,038,863
Imports of .tier. . . 9,3',3I2 53,589,510
Exports of gold . . 1,436,862 240,849
Imports of gold - - 6,674,895 704.390
Exports of silver. 4,72,082 4,003.184
Import of silver. 1,914 789 1,527,47a
The export of domeitic merchandise for
the las, nine month amount to $576,047,
022, igalast $403,24173 for tbe same time
ia I893. The import of merchandise dur
ing the Mae month of 1S94 amounted to
S3 59.738, and for tbe same Hin: last
year, 625-3J5,37i-
During the nine months of 1894 th: excess
of gold exports over imports was $72,603,
32?, and of safer, $25,581,589.
At the recent annual session zt the Fsr
mra' National Congress, ahich met at
Martinsborg, W Va, there were two signifi
cant incidents. A determined effort was
made to put through a resolution favoring
the free coinage of silvei by the United
States alone, ft was debated at consider
able leng'.li and was finally vote J down by a
decisive majority. What makes Ihi action
all the more significant is the fact that the
organiz. ion has heretofore favored free
sliver coinage. At the recmt session, it
reverse! It former declaration and pro
nounced emphatically again! unconditional
free-tilvetlsm. Another thing which tbe
convention did,wi',l attiact much comment.
Last year i demanded a duty 00 wool.
Judge Lawrence, of Ohio, the great chair.
plcn of tbe wool tariff, was present tl.en,
and bad tilings all his own way. This esr
Judge Lawrence ws on hand again, and
made a set speech in support of a rt?stln
tion calling for a relmpotition of a duty on
wool. He was llrteaei to with respectful
atten bn, bat when the vote wa. taken . the
resolution was defeated bv a vote of iOj to
87. The campaign of edncation Is evident
ly going ahead and doing its work in most
satisfactory fashion.
The Bessemer ore production of lbe Lake
Superior district will be the largest ever
achieved, and the total productioi it ore
for tbe oason will reach 7,250.000, gro"
ton? by the close of revigation.
All the Reading collide started up on
October 27 on full time to run until the end
of November. About 10,000 men retrained
If the I. air is fslllng o:.i and turning
gray, the glandaof the ki i ne;d stimu
lating snd color-food, and the best remedy
and stinsutani I Mill's liuir Its newer.
Go to .''aiker Kio
Th, ij.
t roast nodes in tbe oity at Oomai
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Goldeii
Common every day.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powvfer
Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Francises..
You Ask.Who Will Be Senator?
Bdi'xn Dtmocrat:
Had the election come off in September
last for Senator, the old time mce'ing of
the Legislature, Mr Dolph would have been
unanimously chosen. What has occurred
since that time to change this Condi ion of
things' Kealiy the lint thing li at has
caused speculation on this subject was the
alleged interview of a reporter will. Jjdgi
Lord, our Gov. elect, in San Francisco.
When tne news came to this city this wri
ter was told by a rrpubllcsn that a free
silver coinage Rcpu'jlicai. would be seat
out to interview Republican members of
the Legislature in favor of Judge Lord for
Senator. Hence a Lord sentiment was
createt . longue was making a still hunt
and Fulton was not behind. Now, so far
as Judge Lord is concerned, those who
know him best do not believe he tavora the
fiee coinage of silver as popularly stated.
Some, from whem the JuJge may take in
spiration to a certain degree in administer
ing the gubcinatorial office are very em
phatic in their s'atement that ibii forcing
Jndge Lord to the front, as a free coinage
of.silvV lesder. is not only premature, but
pernicious. Judge Laid hss never given
a prepared or pronounced opinion on tbs
subject. He had abundant opport-itdty for
daing so if he was so dipocd. When he
was a cindidate for Governor. Gov IN r.ooj
er made the Issue wilh Mr Dolph, and
advocated lue doctrine of free coinage ofjfu8,to harnl0DiM tber will find that th.
silver with greafsvigor. lhl was done not ;
only for bicttelf, but for the populist candl
date for Gov. as well. Judge Lord
8 ;
silent pa the subject and we venture to say
no one who voted for him knew a hat bis
ninlnn 1 1 u irni in IKks r. t r ? I- n ! T. I
11 1
was known that his party is divided on the
question, and he was sapp-aod to entertain
the same view with Mr Dolph. we
remember that either Mr Tongue or Fulton j
made free coinage of silver speeches ia 1
that campaign . Mi Dolph did trot by speech
at letter define Li position at nat time on '
(he silver question. It cannot be said that
the result of the electron wa a verdict a
galntt the free coinage of diver for that
question went by default, so far a the re
publican party was concerned, it was
policy to dodge ihi. questloa. lor taking 1
either side ouU have Involved the repabll. f
can party tuch a fight of that
u woatu mm njre twin iiaeit. .-.ow , Biter ;
the ('.ectioa the republican free sliver :
coi'iage element wants to mearnrw lance
with the gold advocate of the same party .
We predin It will amount to nothing. The
republican party ttae and nattossl U now '
well in the hand of te enemies of free
silver coinage, a power that will no: go I
duwa. However much we would desire to '
see a free coinage of silver law passed, we j f.mrleen democratic Coorremen and that , V H Co! well. J V Pipe and S C Whit
da not believe a senator with such views H leUhiiufe would be democra'ic . : more loed on Oct S. in Santiam dutrict
will be chosen in January next for Orrcoa. Utoi, elected bat . single democratic Cow-1 mm;n3U,h ol lUmUU 0n mmit of
TTf r "I?'! ' greMm"' iU 1 V H Coi-ell. ! V Pir W F Read and
; " Ft"- - mm
ver anbjecf . or any otter wlthoos first giving
it such careful aad thorough exsroioaiion
inav rm T.ews, wna:ever taey migni wr.
oa d t; tree irom doon:. rree coinage
advocate will get 00 corn tort from -.he
Republican party prop . r. It wa a strugg'e
tor the frte coinage reptjfricsn tr get aj
thadow of a plank oa free coinage over is ,
Washington for their ptat'orn, and not htm
Stall It had b.en once strangled. Mr U jlptl '
kaa ihe advanlair of In iofluMire uf the re- '
pjoixtn power at wattungion.ana snouiu a
Republican President be c'ected in 1S96.
be could reward tsith ease and assur
ance. Dolph s general uodetttaad this.
is wcsaictcu vj eutasr 1 emu pwuu-
ciacf, if this silver question i made an
issue in the next presidential campaign the
Republican party will then feel the hct-rors
of a greater defeat than that which the
democratic party has met with this month.
And now to your question we answer, that
we have selected two Republican candi
dates of congressional experience for sena
tor-, first, Mr Dolph. second, Mr Herman,
with Mr Doipb in the lead. Gcbwex.
Owing to the illnee zt Second AuuUnce
Postmaster General Neitaon. tha report of
b'-s office is made by ireorge F Stone, who
is a-' me in his :ed. The report deal
with that branch of the postal service which
looks after mail transportation. For the
star service it is shown that th;re are 19, -
37-j ro-tea with an aggregate length of'
251,587 sniles awl the total of miles travel -
ed I 1 1JU70.3- at an expense of 5.M. -
866, and an estimate for next year of 5.-
S72.000. Consideration i oeing gives to
tbe feasibility of utilizing electric and other
rapid motor street car line to facilitate tbe
transports' ion of mai! in important cities
between main offices and branch office and
to aad from tbe main station. Tha cost of
the railway mail service was $3,212,356.
and an estimate tor next t ear Is 93.205,000.
Railway poUoffice clerks cost $6,878. 19
and the estimate for nest year i I7,:tr !.
000. The total number of p'eces of mail
bandied was 10.532,234.255. in which but
1,281,094 errors were made.
Attorney-tieneral Olney has ordered an
important decision Involving an interpre
tation of tbe "most favored nation clause"
in the treaty between tbe United States
and Prussia. The question propounded
by '.be secretary of tbe treasury wa
whether "Salt imported from the empire
ef Germany is dutiable" under paragraph
608 of the new tariff act, which provide if
alt Is imported from any country, whether
independent or a dependency, which im
poses a doty 'on salt exported from tbe Uni
ted States, there will be levied upon such
salt tbe rate of doty existing prior to tbe
passage of tbe act. Tho attorney general
holds salt imported from Germany is le
gally dutiable. As far a the "favored
nation" clause is concerned the same argu
ment will apply to beet sugar.
There is nothing sensatioasl In the state
ment tbat Assistant Secretary 1 1 am I in has
been designated by tbe president to act for
I tbe ' montb" M cre,ar of lbe
treasury in the absence of Secretary Car-
lis'e from the department. The designa
tion of Hamlin to act as aecretsry is a con
tinuation of tbe custom which has prevail
ed in the treasury department eyer since
Carlisle has been secretary. Each of the
three assistants serve in that capacity for
half a jear in rotation, and as acting sec
retary they sign all papers of a routine
character, thus relieving tbe secretary
from this onerous duty.
The secretary of th8 treasury hag been
informed that the present currency of
British Honduras was demonetized Oct.
25, 1894. The demonetized coins will be
redeemable at the rate of fifty cents for
currency for each dollar of demonetized
currency. Gold dollars will hereafter be
ths standard coin of Honduras. Hitherto
the currency ba been tbe silver coins of
Central and South America. The effect
of Ibis action, therefore, is the demoneti
sation of silver.
The Metho list Misslonsry Society reports
receipts for tbe month of September of
$219,, 161 against $161 :oi2 for September,
'89. This makes the total receipts for 11
month $896,661, against $906. J05 for the
preceding yesr.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
i World's Pal Highest Medai aad WptrV
Washington Letter.
jrcra cur regular Currespoiulsnt.
Wastiinotow, Xot. 12, 18o4.
The democrats are a a rule standing up
well under the load of defeat which has
been piled upon tha shoulders cf the party.
Once In a while a democrat is found who
takes a gloomy view of the future of the '
party, but as a whole they believ e that the
setback Is temporary and that It is tracea
ble almost entirely to distention in the
party, which kept good democrats away
from the polls, and that the defeat will re
sult in bringing about action that will re
move the causea of democratic indifference
in time to present a solid front to the enemy
In 1896 and to win back the ground lost
this year. Much wl'l depend upon the
spirit in which the democratic Senators
and Representatives return to Washington
for tho coming session of Congress. If
they come v ilh vindlctiver.ess 'r
hearts and revenge in their minds, on nc
count of personal wrongs, regardless of it
effect upon the future fortunes of (he dem
ocratic parly, there will be no harmony,
but a repetition of the criminations and
recriminations which were a feature of the
last session of Congress and which disgust
ed so-many democrats who had a higlter
regard for the principles and success of the '
party than for the triumph of any individ- !
ual or combination of individual. As
one democrat very aptly puts it: "Mthejof
! present leadert of the democratic party re-1
-.u fie of th, Mft who i.b f..
! harmony and par'y ssjeeKs above every-
l,,, .'.n t.. km In uUl :
."' t .nun mww iu r ' -it icutici W LIU
rill harmonize.
Senator Sherman,
who was as dtnen in
republican campaign secrets and expect a-
(ions a any man, does not hesitate to ex- matters appertaining to the San tiara dis
press bis surprise at the result of ihe dec-; Xru i- both ,n holding and working claims
tion . He says that the moat expected was "i"1 locatin Mw dlHn,:
that U republicans would .rjeceed in elect- , m, M""n ,Mlil!nK Co de-
11 t .l 1 . .. clare by their wfretary their intention to
ing a small majority of the bouse. If the, hod and work their claims, the Bonina.
winners were surprised it is eisy to im- ; The Albany, Lincoln. Monarch. King and
ajine that the losers were tno'e so. .
Senator Faulkner, chairman c-f the dem
ocratic campaign csmmittee, wisho it to
be distinctly understood that his ante
eiec'ion claim, that the democrat would
retain control of the Hou. was a bona
6de one, made upon information obtained
from dgmocra!, who he had every reason to
suppose were acturateiy pos ed upon the
.jiualinn la tlwir miwli,. Sml.
To j
give an idea of the class sf democrats upon
wham be relied for iaformatioa be cite
Illinois, what Hoa. William K Morrison. ! 11011 hold and work the LxcaUior, liamp-
kasbeen a prom.nent democrat since MVf!" .TTl.. . u M
, , . . . . ,. R B tannoa.pramdent of tbeoaid Moun-
WMoIde-ougutovote. Mr Morrison alter UiD xml ,ry Uukh corat)Uda(id GoW
being 00 the umn n .hat State for weeks j Mlning Co .Waarsainlen ion to
informed Senator Itullntr that the State hold and work the3acnof iitaeer mirw
wcutd certainly elect twelve and probably
as. m Senator dc not mean by this j
j to cast any aspersion upon Mr Morrison
j ,tj loe other democrat, wbo furnua.J the ,
( C0Lamiaee tbe nformHion upon which hi
rlain.. .mal ml. ,n .k-l
this wa owe of the year when the leader
of the party were not posted as to tie in
tentions of the voter, lie believe them
to nave been as honest ia their reports a
be wis in bis c'aims. bat be doesn't fancy
bcine considered a tainbaw chaser.
President Cleveland ! n working epos
. bU annaai roetwsge to Congiesa, wnarb u
j exrected to bt qUe long thr year. While
n,t ,.s ,0 make ,he positive tvmen,.
I tae exce'leat reaawi for the belief that
a.. L. i.-f-i-. ,L. .,, j .
tne oclwl lit trie messag- will 3eal very
i rigor outU alth tariff reform and will make
; it perfectly plain that tha Preside'. teUeets
lw defeat ef the democratic party wa
for what was done in that direct Jbr Con-
gre but for hat was not done, an j w il
- ,
urge In no un.Um language .bat the O-
mission of he law 'ea.ioc. by the paJ.g
of the free taw material bill by the Scsa'e
j which te c panel by t Howie at tha last
! session. It is not believed that aaihing
that the Pre. ideal Can sly wl.l raase the
Senate to pass those bids, became the dtm
j ocratic Senators who struck the tee raw
s matrrial fea'ures, with the exception cf
woo;, cm' or in oriraaii w uon Mil wi
" not you for them; bat the President car-
least put himself on record as b-lieviog.
1 common with mast democrats, that
pledget upon which the party was put into
' power two year ago ought to be kept befo-e
: pany lose, control of Conea. an 1
j be'iere he wili do if.
Not Ii icouraged.
A reception was gives ts Repfea:tivc
William L Wilson at the 1 rensant hoalL in
Bovionon Wednesday. Mr Wilm-i ssaa
tn-rodnced to the assemblage by the il.n !
, ... ... 7.
John W. Ccr oran, 1Ed said 1. part:
"I do not feel and 1 am ute I Ir I lUI j
lets thin ever before aiy special -eason (
o be cart down by I he wh nnevpect- !
Si reverte of elwiow day. I a sure I;
have not myself any fueling of ,'efondra ;
cy concerning my own candidacy or the!
geaeral result... regard, the fa.eof the Iem-
ocratic patty, for ih;s reison: Daring tJxf I
past lo je-ri we have taken up great issae
aBdh.vef mjhtitout . no other !
Iisue w:i en fouel t ou: In the I !-.-. of
polbies. We have aaeraded in placing on
thes'a'o-e books cf thscoaniry not so good
a law it are oogh: lo have pat there, bat a
law a 10 ehote pcimaaency I have no sort
of doubt. Whatever we have done will re
main. I do not believe we will ever go
back to hat th- president bis apt'y calied
'mad puiUction.' When people begin to
realist ia own b me and living tie
bsnelicant work of the democratic parte.
believe thev will come back to sustain us
For this reason I am not ca it doan bv the
result of Ihe election. We have impy irt
cranicred, first, a hard Bjnt cf all rar ie,
and, second, an lmnossitle fight with that
which tbev call 'haid timet.' This was not
a deliberate condemnation of our pry and
what it ha done. The ki- cane from the
heel of the Amer'can people. Then wa
very little brain in I . 1 admit that some ol
our work hss been done in a bungling man
ner. Hut in a popular government.
Ir Cat 11,11 ostlma'.ei that 23,000,000 re
giout service, not counting the Sunday
Schools, are held eery tear in the Uaited
Stales, and that 10,000,000 sermons are
preached In 165,000 places of worship.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal atstj Diploma.
day morning, at 10 o'clock, Nov 17, IS94,
at the home of tbe bride's mother, on Cnl -apooia
street, in Albany, by ilev K K
Prichard, Mr A J Comstock and Maude
P Van Horn. The ceremony was perform
ed in the presence of only a few relatives
and friend. The groom is secretary and
manager of the United Carriage Company,
ef Portland, a live business man and a
gentleman of excellent reputation, while
the 'irida has been a popular resident of
Albany for several years. May happiness
snd prosperity ba their future. Mr and
Mrs Coniiitock left on the nocn trtin for
their homo in Portland.
PARKER. -On Friday evening, Nov
10, 1894, to Mr and Mrs Virgil Parker a
boy. All doing well, and tbe big brother
is hilarious.
Salem was visited yesterd by the
bead officers of the Oragon Pacific rail
way, known as the "Webfoot ronte.''
Mr Clark, the receiver, came to look
over the situation in traneral and to twt-
j tie some business matters that have been
1 hanifimr irre for &mtn. lima Ua .
companied by General Freight and Pas-
senger Agent J I Bergia, and W F Cros
by, who is located in San Francisco and
who has charge ot the ocean department
of this important line. All three of these
officials say that they are well pleased
with the approaching outlook for the
road. Receiver Clark was aaktd if he
thought the road would be sold next
month, as per order of the court, and he
said that lie was of the opinion that sub
stantial buyera would be on hand and bid
tha road in. He would not talk very
much on this particular theme however.
At the present time the Hoag ia under
lease to the O R & N Company at a
rental of $15 par day and this ia better
fnr tha Oritrnn Parih than ti ha nimr.t.
ing me crau a; a loss to themselves
Tha Ststera is in shape for active freight
service on the river but she is In no con
dition to carry pastngers. It may be that
this boat will ba placed on the Salem and
Corvallia an. Receiver Clark baa dent
in at rated the fact that the road can be
,,-ia.ta In n .ml if lta mil nl.ou.) n I
full sway of this property the general
opinion is thai he would make a greater
success of the undertaking: than he lias
in the past. To him this valley is in-
"ebtetl in a great measure lor the manner
' iu wiiicu uc tias ur'nigi mm ruau out. 01
i the demoralized condition, into a state
order that
is cousin many eastern
roads to look this way. Mr Clark is ably
aestsieu uy ir nergin sou air irosoy
These gentlemen left last evening for
Albany. Salem Post.
I - . I I . 1 o ! 1 . a r I
The ratiwds in trip rminlvr aWLn nitirw
show considerable activity recently in
teen of the Gulch, hciipae. Morning Star.
r.venicg star, yae
iieen of the Gulch and
hit Prince
Geo B Whitromb publishes the fact that
he has done $200 worth of work on bis 20
acre placer claim: Santiam dial.
A L Hcrekcr declares his riirht to land
for water war, Santiain district; also U W j
White. 1
11 v w,i.. 1 , . , . - c I
tiamdi.tnrl. .li! in 1X54 Inraiad
Oct HO I M j
, . . . . . . . - I
kw IlenJrie. nnMUiant Canal lurk tiolil
and Silver Mining Co. sleclares an intan-
owned by the cosnp&ay.
g C Whibnore. nave located claims
the Bonania mini, Saniiam iHstrict
John Tway lccatetl on Nov. S, tbe Tway ,
mine in antiam district on Canal creek at
! I"-P a .v-. "
f : . t T--. ' ..i.
Ja- il CoUin located on Nov. 5. tbe Col
lin mine on the canal fork, near the Port
land gulch.
To tb people of Albany greeting, grace
and peace be multiplied onto yon. Tbe
ilmutenal Associsiion of tiie city have
: revolved upon a religioa canvnas of the
' town, and fully believing in ilka power
I rj I nn i 1 1 HMnTmnntlr aaiee.J In ask
cl IbT 'eST 'JhyTpT-"
icj M a belidng hand and asslet as in
1 . , r . . ,
! OWr wot oy puo'tsnisig trie puut ut oar
operations. Plan. 1 1 1 Every borne it
' to be viaited, every individual seen as
In. iuMih! i-'.Tha rit haa been
Jirided into loor parts. iiTo each of
these two parts two pastors have been
' assigned. Xow, let all tbe Lords people
1 cooperate w:th in this venture m bis
M nJ we Ul ht iDdalf
( (Dca o mH others, for our only parpow
is to do good as in US lies. Signed
order ol the kstotuation
I C 5cFBA3is.
Died At Rtwcbui-g.
Roveborg. Or.. Xov- 16th II 5 Cook,
aged OS yem died suddenly this morning
3 of heart trouble al his room in the
1 al e
Van H oaten House. He owned a large j
farm and stork ran:h 10 mile north east of
lakiand. He caree to Boa bars over a
month ago for me:tical treatnaent. Ke was j
a grand anuv man. navuag ssrveu as a pri ;
ate. Also captain of a boat on Erie;
, - .... . ?
Ai the sneriai uieetintr of tbe City tVc.n
cil last night an ordinance wa paired
authoriring the purchase of lumber for the
r plank ing of the steel bridge. The co. -
tract for the lumber will he let by the com -
roitte on street an.1 public property.
.V?0 . n'T V .
of the lommille on streets and public
property and Councilman Whitney wa
appointed a mem her of it in place of I) C
Schalt. resigned,
of " B J1
A l";ikir Arroacd.
SjUJBIf Or., Xov. IT. J Rolnnstcin,
ui,or w broughl k mon,in? by
Chief Minto from tbe south. He is a
great fakir bavhlg jwindled many young
?!n on .',lU club ,1C,C?-(rx1,
Siu m "0 earn, iir a puuvi m j-.i.
The trial wi'l occur Monday liefore Judge
Kdes, and he wiil probably receive a long
niltlllwl It, as there
are n extenuating
A Paying Mine.
Special to Paaseaati
CtytTAtiE GaoVB, Or. Nov 17, J H Mc
1 iee is in from the' Hohemia mine and re
loru Un Annie mine in tu.i opTration .it
' and night Taking out about WOO in gold
: iwr dav: also Ihat the other minis are run
ning in full force.
Br waCeala I sseaet.
rwNcrmts, Nov. 16. l)r James II. Mc.
Cosii, tho venerable ex-president of
Princeton university and a leading edu
cator of the age, died at 11 P. M. tcniglit.
He had been unconscious nearly all day
anil died in that coudition.
ac HKBr
I'aiker Bros, grooer.
If w cream cheese just received at Conraj
ftf tyers.
T J Smiley job printer, Flioa Block, doe
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
eigai at Julius Joseph's.
Fa'.ronixa home industry by smoking tbe
celebrated white labor cigarr, manufactured
by a'itt Jorepk.
Sue my novelties In men fine shoes.
S E Youno.
When Baby was sick, w gave her faster!.
When ia was a Child, she cried for Caatoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorl.
tVUc eho had Children, she euvallioin Cukturia,
Ladle who uesire to order a Deksarte
Corset or wnl.t, or self adjutttng corset
from Mr Talt, may leave order alth
Mrs Howlindoi Broadalbm .St between
and ar d 3rd St.
D G vV Maston, physician and surgean
Calls answered promptly In chy or
Or- Price's cream Baking Powder
World s Fair H'Jhest Award.
A Nebraska paper says times are so hard
the men are cutting; off their mustasches sa
they can smoke their cigars shorter. This
is a grod suggestion to Albany men
Yt mini! county never doc any thing by
halt '4, she al way reaches for the persim
mon with a long pole. The latest sensation
is a 925,000 breaeb of promise suit. Miss
Ida Leopard, of McMinnville. sues Don
Krasier, of Caritjn, for treating lightly her
tonu nopes or a mmskbi weuuea itie. ft.
The fallowing from the Buena Vista cor
respondence of the Independence Enter
prise will remind Albany people who were
here in 1880-1 ol the time when George
Hawkins, the Englishman, held (he sack
for the boys: A crowd of our young men
went ont snipe hunting las. Monday night.
The bars had quite a wrangle to see who
should hold the sack, finally they concluded
to Itt Lester hold it. So Lester toon, t he
sack and went to whistling for snipes,
while the rest of the crowd went to drive
them in (but went home.) The poor fel-
I low got pretty cold and sleepy, but, exert-
ni)f tne pai'ence 01 a y, ntt nune; onto nis
sack and whistled. After several hours of
sack holding, Lester concluded it was a bad
ntgbt for snipes, and shouldering bis sack
be inarched off for home with a heart full
ot discontent ami a well earned night's ex
perience of snipe hunting in the wild and
wooly West,
When it crmes to nerve the women
have it. Last Monday at Bee be, Ark,
the wife of T K Ureckinndge got up, took
a bunch of newspapers, set them on tire,
and walking ont into the back yard,
deliberately set hei clothing on fire and
burned herself to death. She gave no
cause for ber raah act. The family bad
recently come to Arkansas from Travis
county, Texas.
Prof Foster's last bulletin gave forecasts
of tbe storm wave to cross the continent
faom the 11th to tbe 15th. and the next be
says will reach the Pacific coast about the
16th croew the western mountains by the
close of the 17th, the great central valleys
from tbe l-'th to tbe 20th and the Eastern
states about the 21st. Very dry weather
will precede, not much rain miy be ex
I km ted to accompany and a fall of fifteen to
thirty degrees will follow this disturbance.
A Salem bcuinesa man regularly does tbe
family washing, and he eavs it is the
easiest work he has to do. He finishes the
k. all but hinging the clothes out. and
gets over t j town by 9 o'clock in the morp-
ing, thus losing; very little time from busi-
. 1 . .
oe ap u mecu UHirenauswterj
xn "ve Uninamsn even come after
m trataa. -m ua. - otr.riaj asjuui inc.
J :. .. n.:i, U ..-
Portland members of the Bench ararmers
Club, which meets nightly at the Helton,
aad occasionally bold aessiom at the
Perkins or St Charles, have figured out tie
cot of re-e-lecticg Mr Dolph will be jsi.
000. A well known politician, when told
that, remarked: ''Bosk! it can be done for
half. There are T5 on joint ballot snd 3
wiil elect. Suppose User cost -" each.
That would amount to I7C.CO0. Half that j
amount 1 always put op by otner repabu-
an United States resxators whenever a
republican member u ready for re-election,
and Mr Dolph can raise the mrmiiwter.
However, to many railroad are in reeeiv-
; Klm , s-i vT
hand that it may prove c'lfhratt far
If the Post is correctly informed, there
are chances of a yceng man in this city
getting a good horse whipping before this
tune west week. It is said that a young
man clerking in a prominent store on Com
mercial street, has been playing with the
affection of at least two. and possibly half
a dozen yvong ladies, all at the tame time,
lt i positively known that he is engaged,
ot has been up to a day or so ago, to two
highly reepeciavble voung ladies, and the
weddiagdsy in both cases ha been agreed
upon. This much is true, enough of his
doings have come ta light if not proven to
tbe contrary with pretty strong evidence,
to canae the ckrk a great deal of tronble if
nothing more Salem Post.
Da riser ? mm Catarrh.
The most im, rtaa: feature about that
eery coearoon complaint, ca-arret In the j
head i it tendencv 10 decelop into tome'
! other more serious and dangerous dtea-e
j The foul matter propping from tfac head
j into the b.ochial tube or 1-ing tt very
1 liable to lead to broochilis or coruurnaiioc
that deal rot er which cause sfre Ceain
in thks eouniry than any other disease
A catarrh oeiginate in imparities in the
blood, local applications can do but little
goad. The enmenon method of
1 rtatroent U to pcrify Uc blood, and for
his purpose there i no preparation
npcrior to Hcod' araparir.a The
owerfttl action of thk medicine npun t ie
lood expel every impurity, and bv so
otng carl catarrh an! giver, health to
he entire organism.
Yoc Aa Au Rtor
Ii yoa take yoar washing to
ihs Albany tewm Laundsy. H yon
don't von are not. ' Something is the
' mattor of vou. Hon can yon go to a
Chinese establishment with a brt class
steam laundry in the city. Uon't do it.
Be all right by quitting it. Suppose you
; do make a few cents: what does i: profit
; you, with the l tunete rme'i ana iurxing
aiseste around. ratroni:e tne .tiosny
team Landrv.
Thk L atest News is that Julius Grad
wohl is doing business in his new quart
ers, the old I'ost Office and Odd Fellow's
l.iiililinij said Orient House, and to "ive
an int rvalue! ion to his new store, be w ill
ssal the following goods for net cost only.
1 box full weight Savon soap S5 cbs. 2
oxrw French sardine 25 d. Oysters 10 cts
r can. ArbanJe and M coffee 25 ct B,r
d all otb r good sold as low as any
use oa tnis vOtvt.
Mr Wtsiffurd Nasn propo--es to reu-ne
giving lessons on th pla- Albany
on Thursday afternoon, and Friday morn
ing of eac week, lie will be found at
ihe residence of Mrs Willis Nash, corner
of Fourth and Montgomery street, where
terms can be ascertained and arrange
ments made. Mr W Gifford Nah has
recently returned from a course of nearly
j lUUi train. I uur at l'';, vrvi iuu j , unc
I ear in the conservator v. and ihe rest of
the time a a private pupil of Herr Pr
lessor K reuse.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment wh? -rightly
used. The many, who live I
ter than others and eujoy life more, wi .
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products t
the need of physical being, will attest
the value to health ef the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, tbe refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing tha system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
ana permanently curing eonstipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and It is perfectly free from
every objeetioBaWe substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists ia 60 cent bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the CkUifernta Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
aad being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if one red.
; fJflBBkH skxxbxw I
A Horrible BBtrher
Loxdoh, Nov. 16. A dispatch to the
Standard from Werna, Bulgaria, says
that, despite tbe Turkish government's
silence, facta have come out which leave
no doubt a massacre of Christians baa
occurred on as large a scale as the butch
ery at Batok, Bulgaria, which sent a
thrill of horror through the civilized
world. Now comes the horrible part of
the story. The governor of Bitlis resolv
ed to make an example in order to pre
vent a repetition of the revolt. He or
dered tbe troops to fire on the defense
less people. The order was executed.
and the soldiers only rested from their '
labors when 25 villages were destroyed
ami thoiitjatuis 01 their inhabitants kill
ed. Warden acaseaeesl.
WooDLASD, Nov. 16. The courtroom
waa crowded long before half-past seven
this evening, the hour fixed for pawing
salience upon w oraen, the train-wrecker.
The court called upon Worden to
stand up, and sentenced him to be hang
ed in the state prison at Fohsom Toesdav.
February 12, 1895, between the hours of
10 A. M. and 2 P. M. Judtre Grant was
much affected as he pronounced tbe sen
tence, but Worden heard his doom with
out betraying any evidence of emotion.
Worden's attorneys have announced
their intention to appeal the case to the
supreme court.
7aafsaaty AceMewS.
Vas(xcvkk, B. 0L, Nov. 16. A sad ac
cident occurred on the Sound express of
the Canadian Pacific at Btunas tonight.
John Bakhville, a news agent, waa step
ping from the train, when a friend jok
ingly pulled hie coat. He slipped, fall
ing under the wheels, which passed over
his left leg. He was brought to the hos
pital here and bis leg amputated.
SraAcrsE, X. Y., Xov. 16. Robert
FiUsimnions knocked oat Con Riordan,
his sparring partner, tonight in tbe first
round of his usual exhibition, which
closes the programme of his vanderville
show. Jacob e theater waa crowded to
witness the entertainment, and the spec
tators departed for their homes little
knew that Riordon was still unconscious.
The blow was a right-hander, and caught
Riordon epnarely on the chin. He died
uanng the night from the effects of iL
Bot-LDgjt, Col., Xov. 15. A fire start
ed last night in a sawmill west of the
mining camp of W ard. It soon
to the timber, and has since been
great damage. This morning it
intense excitement here by reason of sen
sational reports that the mining cameos
of Ward and Gold Hill had been burn
ed to the ground. Ward, however, did
not suffer, bat Gold Hill was at a later
boor this evening burning, and other
camps are threatened.
Tate Beard af CejwaUizallM.
Saiax, Or., Xov. 15. A special com
mittee of the state board of equalization
met here this afternoon. It was com
posed of A. C. W-odcock, member from
the second district ; S. D. Gibson, third
district , and George Watkins. of the
fourth district. The purpose was to elect
a secretary for the mming 30 davs' ses
sion cf the board, and to give turn the
usual instructions regarding the arrange
zuents for preliminary work. I). W. Cool
idge, of Lane countv. was re-elected sec
rvMrv. rwwral
Memphis, Term., Xov. 15. Reports
from the forest fire districts in this vi
cinity show tht while the loss to prop
erty is net great, coosioenng tne extent
of territory covered, the loss of life ex
ceeds expectatiorcF. Within 1-5 miles of
Memphis, three lives have been lost by
ore in tne past uiree Gays, aad there are
tumors of a fearful burning in Arkansas,
where five lives were lost.
Xxw York, Xov. 15. There were 125
applications today at the rabtreasnry for
snbscription blanks and Secretary Gar
lile's circular on the new bond "issue.
The officials believe that tbe bids from
the public will be more numerous than
w hen the February issue was made. It
is understood that foreign booses which
wiil take bonds will not form a syndicate,
ij , m indivjdoal bids,
WOI r Warrte.
St Prrxatsnrati, Nov. 15. Although
not officially announced, the Bedding of
the cxar and Princess Alii is Quite like
ly to take place November 23 or 2. The
t I r a . . I
Hsretgn princes are expected 10 remain
for tbe ceaebemtion. This' is said to have
been Alexander Ill's wish, hat some one
of the frequent and sodden change of
court arrangements may ore vent the ex
ecution of the plan.
May al ssas TsSets.
Wasnrytrrox, Nov. 15. Frederick C.
Waite, formerlv a special agent of the
1 1th census, in a paper before the Na-)
tional taustical Association, on the sub
ject of election certificates, asserts that
the democratic party was defeated in the
recent election by sUy-ai-tHwne voters.
Home vote has increased i.i New York
from 75,000. in 1S88, to IS VOX) in le.
and to 425,000 this rear: in 1'ennsvira
nia. from 70.000 in' 1SS3. to 230.000 in
lSSr. and 400,000 this rear Ac. A total
in the United States of 5,100,000.
Beat acM-rtraa St? le
Ross, Nov. 14. One hundred bri
gands, heavilv armed, entered the vil
lage of Tortoii, island Sardina. After
plundering a dozen families, they sur
rounded the house oi an ex-ma vor, bat
tered in doors and stole evervthing valu
able that could be carried off. Thev kill-
ed one of
the ex-ruavor's servants, who
nreti ou uiem as tney ien tne nouse. ana
tried to make off vi ith the mwev and
elrv which thev had collected. Three
policemen and a few residents of the vil
lage blocked the streets. Both sides
opened fire. The fight lasted three hours.
One policeman was killed, the others
were wounded severely and many towns
men and brigands were injured more or
less seriously. The brigands eventually
escaped with their booty.
Am a r a .
Baa FsUaBBBoo, Nov. 14. A party of
about r)0 persons, representing various
lodges of the A. P. A., were attacked bv
a crowd at Vallejo about midnight Mon
day, while on the way to a tug to return
to Ciis city. The party reached the tug,
when the assault wis recommenced,
stones and other missiles being thrown.
As the tug moved avrav revolvers were
tired and the bullets flew thick and fast
until the tug was out of range, but fortu
nately no one was hurt.
See tled aad Will BMe.
MoMtsnLta, Or., Nov. 14. Yesterday
while Uio wife of John Linn, a painter.
was engaged in her week's washing, ber
19-montlis-old child in some manner
crawled upon and fell into a tub of boil
ing water which w as on the floor. The
skin all peeled off the little sufferer's
body, anu, although the child is alive this
morning, the doctor says it is impossible
for it to survive.
An :!.
Maksufii.. , Or.. Nov. 14. James G.
West and Terry Dtdan were badlv burn
ed todav tv the explosion of 37 kegs of
black powder at the government quarry.
Thev were preparing to shoot 300 kegs of
powder, when the 87 were accidentally
ignated. Polan was brought to town
this evening, and is now in the receiving
hospital. West's injuries are slight .coui
l wired with those of Dolan's, who is in a
precarious condition.
a Tie Ye.
Miuxtd, Cal., Nov. 14. Merced coun
tv will have to go to the expense of a new
election. E. A. Hicks, democrat, and A
M Vanderlip, republican, candidates for
county clerk, each, received 756 votes in
the late election. After canvassing the
votes the supervisors today can find no
other way out oi the dilemma and order
id a new election for clerk to be held
December 20.
w hat Ike rresMeat Will Do.
Nkw Yokk, Nov. 14. It is reported
- t the president is considering the idea
'ubmitting to the country a plan for
rt rency reform. He believes the c.,r.
ency system is inherently vicious, that
responsible for the financial m
h will recur so long as it is maj '
d. The. subject will Vin silnmi...a"
taure ln
i 1L? "n t
his message to
congress a
SDread ;
the great
instantly Relieves
Skin Diseases
And the most distressing forms
of itching, turning, bleeding,
and scaly r.kin. scalp, and blood
humors, and .vril in a majority
of cases permit rest and sleep
and poinl to a speedy, perma
nent and ecct-iomical cure when
physicians, hospitals, and all
other methoc 3 fail. CLT1CURA
VORKS VcOERS, and its
cures of tori .; ring, distilling,
hum lialin ;: umor: are the
moc'. wondcnul ever recorded.
Bold thrwwlKx I O-e world. ritec,f-i-TSCTau,
Me.;Hi4r,Iic.; l-omalraco
aD t nrca. Cr . Sole Props., Boatoa. "All
about lb.- HUa ti Ood." CI pafta, mailed free.
V facial Ktescisbea, plrcplj, oL'.y. vkr
CSUa, falUa hair, aad rjnpio baby raetiss prt
TMSted asd rrsni by Cn'brsm eas
and wi-.. baf i i-te , ireaii t.A-
neva, rnffomanam, ana am fmam
m&md la mtaaxe by the Ca
tacxtr A all Fain plaatar.
fcl OESF.
Next Session begins the l"th of Septem
ber, 18SM
Tuition. free- Board. a week.
Kite Cijurses: aassicaJ, Scientific. Lit
erary. English and Bn-inesa.
The Bearding Hall for young ladies and
the Boarding Hall for young tyvstiesssfw
will be under the peraoxtal sspervision of
Mrs Mur-ra. a lady of ifSf sssit and argw
oipenence. For eaUlognes. address
Secy RegeirU.
Send for
Addretv, REV. E. X. COXDIT,
Albany. Oregon
hing is tee noblest art loot the
sorriest trade."
A training school for teachers, theorv
and practice combined.
Strong protrewiniisl ojcBJi snd wel
equipped model school.
Thorough preparatory and academic
Normal, Advanced Normal, Business,
Music aad Ait Departments.
I.ipht expenses. Beard and lodging,
books and tuition not above $150 per
The town of Moamouth hasa beautiful
and healthful location in the very heart
of the Willamette Yaltev twelve miles
south west of the Stat Capital. It has
no saloons. tffc
The Normal School diploma entitles
one to teach in any county in the state
without any further examination. Grad
uates command good positions.
Expenses. Tuition per term of ten
weeks; Normal $6.25 : Sub-Normal $5;
Commercial $x2S. Bceud and lodging :
ix.rii normal inning ttjul fl.To per
' week : furnished morns, with fire and
ght, frcm $1.00 to 1.25 per week.
oatd ami lodging in private families
cm $3.00 to $3.50 per week.
Vitality and groa th have always char-
teiizcd tbe work of the Normal School.
he coming year promises to be one id
he best in its history.
Catalogues cheertullv sent on applica
tion. Address
P L C abi-beix, PresKlent,
or W A Wann, Secretary ot Faculty.
1 rs VT A5TKD or Sauarc and CosisaisBiaat
of um g. mm
By Gail. Habh-TOJc, hi literary executor
with the 00-opcratKU) of bis family, and for
Mr. Blaiae'e Complete Works, "Twssm
Y ABS or Cosobsss" aad his later book,
"Puutical Disecssawts." One prospectus
or these 3 assT ssu.ixo books in tha mar
set. A K T Jordan of Me.. took 112 orders
trots first 110 calls: agent's profit J19S.50.
Mrs Ballard of O. took 15 orders, 13 Sal
Kaseia, ia I day; profit $26.25. E N Rica
of Mass. took 27 order in 2 dav: profit
$4;.25 J Tatridge of Me. took 43 orders
trom36 oall; profit $75.25. K A Pa! mer
N. Oak. toot. 53 orders in 3 days; p. oti
v25. Excufstva Tbbbitobx gtvea. I
a with to make LARGE MOV Y writ
. nediatel v for terras to
kf Heirv Bill Pub Co. Jorifieh.Con
s, a,vocNti
rBAKSACTB a GINRRAL taaaktaa'baelD
ACCOCNT8 KBPT sbUkI to eheck.
BIOHT KXCHANOB aatdtel Taphic traaet r, eshl
NewTork.Saa rrnajo, Chicago and rtlaad
lO AWMM SUDSoa tataraSle ansti
Tocaa S ,W
L. Fuss
Sseaaa f . Sox.
$5.00 to f 1 $.00 PEC DAY at none
selling Lightning Plater and plattap jew
elry, watches, tableware, etc. Svery
house has arooda needing rlating, .o ex
Derlence:nn ranltah no talking. Some
ammts are mik'n tic dav. Permantn
oaitlon Address H tC Delno & Co, Cc
mbus, Onio.
IXfASTEO-A Livsry sble at onci
f? a fine corner t it win 01 given
any person who boil da and ops rat
suable for thta purpose. Address StB
In cars of Albany Dibocbat.