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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1894)
raorrat VOL XXX. ALBANY,OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1894. Entered at (fee Albany. Or., Kcn-CIii Hall Matter! st I TEH xmmjia.raMUfccM east rrrlelrsi SO 10 wgbts for Infants and Children. I " CHtnh Is so nil adapted to chlldrsu that reomoMBd It a. superior to any prescription V) aio." n. A. AXcmxr, JL D., Ill So. Oxford Ct , 3roUgm, N T. Th was of 'OMtorla U so tmlvarsal cad fls r jrlta so well knownvluU it seams a work t n, wrerogaUon to endona it. Fair are tsts ' 'tesnfsaB: families who do not keep Caatoria In msj- reach." Casus iLuem, r. r. , New York CKy. Best Work PRINTING Office Stationery A Specialty Give us yoar Patronage. P. J. SMILEY ALBANY. The Oregon Vltn it: home SALEM - - trie Gray 9ocl, corner Liberty and MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem Will soli 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 pe. ere small cash payment loo? tims on balance or particular Albany Begins the fall term Wednesday, Sept 12, 1894 Send to Rev E N Condit , President, for particulars. As Many Founds for a Dollar, and every thing else as cheap, as at any store in Albany, at Julius Gradwohls New Store. at the corner of Second and .your groceries and crockery MILLER r3 IRVING Undertakers and W rE KfcEP constantly on hand a full coffins. Also burial lobe, and w'.ilcn will be sold at The Lowest EMBALMING n,! proper NO EXTRA, CHARCfc FOR ALBANY - - MASONIC iiiTili veil Dwknt. ai: . - MlfSV sati l-Tli Kor sale In Albanr.Ore., b7 J. A. CVM7iZ.!iiV".''f?pm-S:VeMao' 'w ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, Castorls cure; Colic, Oon-tipatkirt, Sour Stonca, Tjiarrbcaa, EruetaUoa, Kills Worms, gives sleep, sad pronintes di gastlon, "Without Injurious rnoficcliea. "Far petera! years I ham recommend) . jour Osstoria, and shall always continue U do so as It has invariably produced bonafiola result." Eovna F. riinw, M. P., JZtk arct and Rk Av New Yuri C Uy Taa Cssrrara CoauA.vr, TT Vcbsay dnuser, Kaw You Crrx. & Promptness OREGON. Land Co office at - OBEGrO. w State street, branch office fn Portlaww.'r) College of Sugar. Ferry ware. sti sete. Call their for mbalmefiM. line of metallc, cletto and wood caskets and suns, in rrewcwui, - ...-.. , Living ProaVtav care of the dead ep-rtlaUy HEARSE OF SERVICE TEMPLE - - OREGO. L Manhood. NlafttJr KBlssloaaT N.rvona- of avlther mmx um of ti))win ontiiati oratlm ""X'S'LVKSarapnon or iBauHtr. Can he carried ia With a a onerm saw rtVM br fall 'mMwIlca! Book mmpt aaalwd 'aiu say . AAUArtl, UrUff.tfi Ol Tin. aliNDCBQARTKN. The annual meeting of the Albany Kindergarten Association was held last evening at the Presbyterian church. Tbe report! of the president and treasurer showed that though there had been discouragements the general progress of Kindergarten sentiment had been marked. The asso ciation is determined to push the work begun. With the directors elected to fill the terms just expiring the fallowing will conetitn'e the board for the ensuing year: Mrs W H Lee, Mrs Wm Vance, Miss A Mart, Mrs Dr M as I on, Mise Helen Crawford, Mrs J K Weatherford, L H Montanye, G W Wright, MrsGmick, Rev Little and Mrs hash . The kindergarten school nnder Misa Mabel Urouner, though small, shows the traits of the kindergarteners' splen did talents. Miss Brouner is fully com petent to conduct tbe school in a scan ner second to none in tbe state. She la a young lady of fine moral and intellec tual attainments, and any children plac ed under ner inst r notions will revive tbe attention they need for their ad vancement. A meeting of the new board of dim-tors will be hel 1 at the residence of Mr Wm Vance on next Tuesday evening, when officers will be elected. NlNETKEK T EACH KltS - That IS UC number appearing before County Superin tendent Rutherford for teachers certificates. Here they are: C F Bigbee. Sweet Home. J F Blanchard. Jefferson. J B Coney. Khelburn. X M Clem. Albany. J K Calavan. Jordan. Delia Dickinson. Sodaville. Q M Devaney Scio. J J Ellyaon. She! burn Isabel ti rover. Jefferson. F M Guard. Brownsville. Elisabeth Illig. Lacomb. Mrs Mary K -never. Scio. Mary Miller. Sodaville. E A Neal. Brownsville. A R Waters. Harrisburg. A L Weddle. Sweet Home- F M Xagle. Halsev Mary Potior. Staid. Mrs Vena Kern Waterloo Easily Bilked. Complaints regard ing th methods of the range people now canvassing the state have been numerous. Tbe man wbo prefers to patronise foreigners to hie home dealers deserves no sympathy, bat we publish a complaint from Oregon City to shew the nature of the swindle : "Victims of the home-comfort wrought iron cooking range aw indie are numerous in this county. Eighteen farmers at Molalla koiHgbt the ranges at $72 each, giving notes due November 1, with the under standing and verbal agteement that any length of tune to rait the convenience of the soaker of the note would be granted by tbe company even six or eight years, for the company had plenty of capital and never disposed of its pa per. But the notes tamed op in the hands of third persons, and must be paid, and there is trouble. Half a dozen farmers were in town today to see it the grand jury would afford them relief or satisfaction. There were numerous pur chasers of these wonderful ranges through the Molalla, Marquam and the Scott's Mill country. The aame kind of ranges can be bought here for $50 . " Maxrsa Mosey Mr A Root, of Mo hawk, was a caller Saturday. He has recently returned from Josephine county, where he baa been engaged in mining daring a part of the rammer. He west there tbe first of AuguaUand commenced work in old claims, mining in a rough way, and in about three months work cleared lfU above bia expenses and coat of living, and has provisions enough on hand to last him several weeka. He has been working bard, and baa demons! rated what can be done by honest effort. Un bis return home he at once settled up a number of accounts standing against him. and placed himself square with tbe world. Bia mining operations have been carried on at Whisky Creek, and he will return there in a few weeks to continue work . He haa been struggling along on bis claim on Mohawk, but finds that mining even in bis crude style pats much better. Register. That Excraaiow. For the benefit of those not folly informed aa to the object of the excursion to Corvains on r ndy even ins-, are would aav that Deoutv Su preme Commander eme n Lam neon haa recent 1 v organ iced a Hive of L O T M at that place, and that tbe Knights and Ladies and their invited friends in Albany go to Corvallis by invitation of the Knights and Ladies there. Tbe opera house haa been secured and good music will be in attendance, and an ex cellent program rendered. Free to all going from here. No lodge work will be gone through with. Respectfully, K O T M and LOTH, Good Fob F Co. The members of F Co of this city propose to make their armory an attractive place this winter, one where they may spend evenings in an enjoyable and beneficial manner Already target practice has begun and ia indulged in Tuesday evening The hall is well fitted for this. The greatest attraction, perhaps will be hand ball, basket ball and ball. Tbe two first are proving attractive games every where. The latter needs to backing A good deal of spirit is being displayed by the members and tbe course taken is one that will not only benefit tbe com nan v but the members individua'ly Capt Overman is using his beet effrr's to . t C t -.. - l ; .1 Mvlal nnA malatarv ooting. Frukis Sold. After a considerable time the dried prunes belonging to Hot ris Humphrey and tbe Eugene Canning Company have been sold and the money aid. Tbe purchasers are r A uook o., of Portland, Oregon. The prices paid were : 36,000 lbs. Italians, at C ta ; 15,000 lbs. French, at 6 cents, and 3.000 lbs of Slivers, at 6 cents. Aa w be en the 53 000 pounds of fruit brouzh $3.aj 50. The entire lot will probably be shipped next Saturday. The same firm also purchased (ieo M Welder prunes, 2,600 lbs; price paid private. Committed Suicide. Mr Wesley Downs committed suicide yesterday at his home on the farm of Mr Alexander, near Scio, by shooting himself He has bad tbe farm of Mr Alexander rented . He left note saying be was tired of life. What's The Matter With Scio. We hear that S M Daniel's cash store is doing a lively business. He certainly must be selling goods at very low prices, other wise people would not buy so liberally aa we hear tbey are doing. We notice also that ho is not afraid to advertise and let the people know be has something to sell and wants their trade. s Heals g I Running S. Sores. Cures the Serpent's Sting. CONTAGIOUS In all It ataa-sa comnlttel y BLOOU PUISUN MUM sots and ulcers - eraaicai eradicated by 8. 8. 8. Ob- yieia 10 11s naanng powersi poison and builds up the system) ttiM go the 4mu ana lii traaustacij id tremors A nluMc craaUH SaiAlled ttt SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlaata.Qa. SUDDEN DEATH. Heart Disease Takes Mr Ben Bren ner from our Midst. When dinner was ready at the home of Mr Ben Brenner thia noon, Mr Bren ner waa not present, so Mrs Brenner went to the door and called him. Not responding she went out to the barn, where she was startled to see her hue band lying on the barn floor with his face upward, dead. Her cries brought several neighbor to tbe place, among others Dr Watt who examined the body and pronounced Mr Brenner dead. His" face waa black, and he had undoubt edly died from heart disease, with which he bad been affected (or a good many years. Mr Brenner came to Albany from Bohemia in about 1865, clerking in this city for awhile and then moving to Brownsville, where be was in business for a number of years, then returning to Albany where he has since resided, with out being in business other than attend - ng to bis property, oi which ne owned the store occupied by Ignats Fox and the three residences on Third street, between Ferry and Broadalbin. The deceased waa a member of the I O O F of Brownsville and the A O U W of thia ity. He was about bO year of age. He leaves a wife, five children, other rela tives and manv friends to mourn bia death. Funeral services will be held at the family residence tomorrow afternoon at 30 o'clock under me auspices oi ine A O U WandlOOF. BURGLARY AT WATERLOO. $345 Taken from Ex-Mayor San- foru s Cupboard. A peculiar burglary happened yester- terday afternoon at Waterloo. Kx Mat or Santord left bis home at noon, and went into the country leaving bis wife and child at borne alone. During the aliernoon MraSanford put the child to sleep and lay down herself. Mr San ford returned borne at 4 or 5 o'clock. wb?n his wife and child were yet asle p, and at once saw that some one had been in the house disturbing things. He had deposited $345 in a cupboard aa a bank, thinking it wm well concealed, and of course looked to see if it were intact th first thing. It waa gone, bia wordly aav- ngs having vanished Mr anforJ was awakened; but the child did not wake op until late in the evening. The indi cations were strong that they had been chloroformed. There waa no clue t the burglar. It waa a daring broad day light affair. Another warning against trusting uncertain places for keeping money. DALY AXD THE OREGON C.IFIC PA- It is said Marcos Daly proposes to bid for tbe Oregon Pacific when it ia offered for sale for tbe purpose of using it aa a part oi tbe soast extension of tbe Butte, Anaconda & Pacific, recently brill be tween Butte and tbe redaction works at Anaconda. This road if as built with tbe intention of extending It to tbe Pacific The Railroad Gazette ears the comp any is making preparations to begin ttork early in the spring on a line into tbe Bitter Root valley This line will probably follow the Northern Pacific raivey acroaa the Bitter Root range, and atrike the Snake river in the vicinity of Lewiston ; thus saving the long circuit ous root through tbe Kootenai country. hbould their line be extended at all, it will probably be to a seaboard connec tion. From Lewiston, the moat feasible route would be via the Oregon Pacific and l r Daly and hie associates ill find tbe Oregon Pacific a valuable piece ol property. L nder the man gent of Receiver t lark tbe fact baa been conc'.us-irely demon strated that Uie traffic receipla will pay operating expenses, and keep the road ia repair. At present the earntogs of the road average about f 10,000 a month, and are increasing right along. By extend ins tbe line a tew miles, the traffic would be doubled with no increase in operating expense. Then tbe road would net 1120,000 annually ; or 6 per cent interest on an investment of 2,000.009. The average cost of building and equipping a road per mile is 93V,t0. At tins rate tbe 142 miles ol uregon facmc lrac ia worth $4,260,000. To any transportation tine seeking a western or seaboard con nection, this route haa innumerable ad vantages, and Co such ought to be a good investment at 1,000.000 or fco.oou.ow If purchased without a view toward ex tending it, it ia worth $2,000,009. aa it ill pay interest on such an Investment. Telegram. Today is the Isst day on h ch Chinese pheasants may be sold. Aunt Diash's busking bee is being ar ranged for a date as near Thanksgiving day ss possible. The program Is almost complete. Odd Fellow are requested to meet to morrow as 1:3 o'clock at their hall to attend the funeral of our late brother, Mr tierj brenner. The of the Cascade mountain via the McKenxle route is repotted free from snow. This is unusual for this season of the year. Guard. The Thot Kay Woolen Mill, of Salem, pays taxra on $46,000. A Bash leads the personal list In Marlon county ,the figurea being gi 93.499. W A CusKk pay on $17.59; A Klein on $8,690 ; Jeff Meyer c.o4; State Ins Co, $10,200: Estate R ii Wallace, M,3i8- 1 W Cook, of Woodburn has a patent clothes Ilec invented by him, which Is so consttucted that the clothe' can be placed on the line in the house, moved into tht air and brought back without going out doois. He clstms to have soid $10,000 wjrth already. Mrs A Root, of Mohawk, haa demon strated what women can do. During the past year, beside tending to chore and housework and looking after her chil dren, she has made and sold 200 pair of glove, which netted quite a handsome profit. Such thrift and industry deserves reward. Mr Otto Salnger will close his store in Albany and move to Portland about Dec 1st. Mr Andrew Skaar returned today from Gates, where he has iuat painted tl: new Congregational church, lie leu on the noon train for Jefferson after his family. Tbe Record is pleased to state that Homer Davenport, Silverton'a illustrious son, now engaged by the San Francisco Examiner aa staff artiat, la appreciated bv that enterprising journal. The ex cedent work whlc 1 he produced daring th late political campaign led them to raise his salary. We are informed he now receives one of the best salaries paid on the coast for auch work. -Marion County Record. Todav at 3 o'clock Mai Frank Uodg kins, of this city, was married to Mis Addie C Jennings at the bride's home Jennings station, near Oregon City . M Hodgkine, with his oldest son and daughter. Rev Lawrence Sinclair, th officiating clergyman, Ex Gov and Mrs Z Moody, Judge and Mrs IS Uonham and Hon and Mrs t: B uooree, compos ing the party from Salem, left for Jen ninas tbia morning, the patty will re turn en the overland train tbia evening and Mr and Mrs Hodgklna will be home to their friends in the residence opposite the state house on Court street Salem Journal. The Chickbimo and tub Hardman Pi sw The Wilov B Allen Co. 211 Fir St, Portland, have the exclusive agency f o the sale ot the aoove nign graue piano Why not buy toe best.' write tor prices Cash or installment. FEIDAT Mn Skipwoth Oppobkd to it E R Skipworth, a former Albany man, in an interview in the Portland Sim goes for the new salary law thusly : K R Srfipworth, a well-known attorney of Eugene, is in the city on professional business. Mr Skip worth says there is a great deal of dissatis faction among tho people of Lane and Douglas counties, in regurd to the laie law which allow the sheriff a salary instead of a per rentage- "The law is being generally discussed ," said ho, "and the people are lookitg forward to a radical amendment, or a repeal of that law altogether. "Under the present laws tbe sheriff's deputies are appointed by the county court. I called at the sheriff's office some days since with some paper which I wished to have served at once. 1 was told by tbe sheriff that his deputies were all busy, that there were several ahead of me. and that he could not attend to it at once. I told him my case waa very important and ten dered him the money, telling him to get some one to do it. No. I cannot do that, be said. 'If I should I would be compelled lo turn the money you pay me in to the county and pay the man hiied oat of my own pocket.'' Again Mr Skipworth said: "Tbe sheriff is required to pay all traveling expenses, and when a prisoner escape from custody, many time he i not caught for the simple reason that the sheriff doe not wish to pay out hi money for traveling expenses, there being no inducement offered him by the county for tbe capture of criminal. The late law ha proven to be very unsatisfac tory, and there should be soma change made." QChxap Tkach rh. The Oregon City Courier talks in a manner that should be interesting to some Linn county school director: In some school district of this county, tbe director engage teacher be cause they are cheap not becanse they are well qualified. Tbey invite bid as if for chopping wood or building a barn, and the lowest bidder having a certificate gets a job, as though the prime duty of a peda gogue were to herd children. These dir ectors are, no doubt, honest in their inten tions and mean well. Their idea i to get a cheap teacher in order that the money might last long, bat forgetting the import ant fact that a cheap teacher is often the dearest. It i far better for the children of a district that tner be instructed tor three months by a capable teacher who love hi ork than hve month by a drone who does care whether school Keeps or not. ng the teacher of this county are talented men and women not a few who are aenttons ia tbe discharge of their du ties, and in many district they are recog nized u such, bat tbey are unjustly placed in pecuniary competition by directors with teacher with little or no qualification, a though, if a fire-dollar pony was branded I with a ceruncate on his nana, be would t capable of taking charge of r. district magi A Novel feaaTD l"r . On Sunday even- ing last, while the family of W Lipebat, living about tour tmlea north ol Hiiioorc. where sitting around the sapper table after finishing their meal about seven o'clock. the dining-room was entered by two mask ed men with pistols in each band. Toe men folk of the household were ttood up in a row with face to the wall and guarded by one of the villains, while the othar made Mrs Uparhat march a boat the bund ing opening trunks and poaaibie com de posit. From all. a sum ajrgregatiag 13 or $ 14 was got. At first. Lipchai made a show of resistance, but was promptly truck ia th mouth with . pistol. This quieted him. The other man. too much frightened to promptly hold up, waa struck overthe head. The blow brought blood mtd aisahtit up the hand The '.wo boy. who had startrd to a neighbor, bad been bead up in the yaro and marched in tne room by the robber, so that all were to gether. Although tbe men were heavily masked, a finger en the pistol trigger bore peculiar scar which wa recosrnired a that of a carpenter wbo bvd. a few dr before, ceen wort ing on Uprhil houe. Becohixg a CagwttT. Ia the circuit court Monday afternoon Col. Klsay for about the fiftieth tune in bi life arose and aid: "Your honor, we began this suit over twenty year ago- 1 ne case 1 one in men as aria Armingion on og sun against Sol King, administrator of the estate of Warwick, to recover a sum of money. All that Warwick left when be died wa an In dian chum against the government, which i now pending before coner ne aw your nonor. tnat tne case ne continued. Tbe court then intimated that tbe ought to be dismissed, and the veteran baUTuner. whose hair ha whitened since be drew op tne complaint in uu shoved aura of excitement and Arming ton versus Sol King, was continued. At the next term tbe case will come op again and the tulooeJ will oe tbe.e watch ing and waiting for the long delayed pay - meat of the Indian claim, in which lie hi only hone for a fee fcr all these years guard unship of the claims of his client. That the Colonel mar live to take a judgment that will reimburse him fo.- bis pain is the wish of hu friend. AK Oaaoox Bov. la a Setter to tbe IVn-.tll.Tim. . tl' U'.lkar A ailh the Ward and James theatrical company. write from Jacksonville. Honda, aa lot lows: 1st work is a I expected, very elementary toLesrin: but I bad the sat isfact ion of having Mr We'd -II me tbe other day that 1 got all there was out of it. I promptly told him that I could do much better work if be would give it to me next year. This M'e carries one over a huge country, and, daring the first season is interesting, but. once the ground is gone over, tbe trip so the old stagers say, become a weary and mo notonous tramp." Mr Walker's stage name 1 J w Benard. His company 1 now playing in the south, but leaves soon for Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska, arriving in San Francisco for a three week's engagement late in the winter. Money To Loan. 1 have money to loan on good farm land In Linn and Benton countie In suras not over $3000. Ho delay in fur nishing the co'n . Call on C O Burkhar Albany, Oregon. Also money to loan on city property in any amount on long time at a low rate 01 i.iterest. "As Olrl M Uie hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" ia the verdict 0 f million?. S immons Liver Eegu jr , lator ia the Ac TTP V 0 !l 1 y Liver X-JW and Kidney medicine to which yea can pr.i your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg Than Pills etable, act incr directly on the Liver and Kid- uev.4. Try it Sod lv all DriiniiiBU in Liquid, or in Powde, to be taken dry ormadointoa tea. The King or Live r MrdlcWu. " 1 huve used yuurHinimniiaI,lverReirU lut'.r autl can conscientiously say It Is th ktngoialtilvr medMnea, I consider It a medicine cast In Itself. Uao. W. Jao ar-v.Tocoma, Waahtugtou. t-KVEBT PACKAOK-&4 agsjg "' red A very frosty morning. Wheat his an upward tendency, but a alow one. Regular monthly meeting of the Build ing a Loan Asaorisllon tonight, q First street Is being relieved of a surplus quantity of mud, much 10 the Improve ment of the street. A foot race has been arranged to take place at Albany tc-morrow at three o'clock In the afternoon, between El'.s worth Cam eron, and Trii of Kugene, lo be run at he tatr ground. Jamb Nj c' bouse burned down ves terisy . Nothing wa saved. That ts a heavy loss lo Mr Nye. There were no men to'.ks at home at the time of the fire. tSianvii!e N ve tost ttoo in check, which i pretty bard on htm. Granville ia a good boy and a hard workei. Cor Leba non Advance. Mr 1 D Miller, of Miller' station. Linn count r.O re. iate that while the roajoiitv of tbe legislature members-elect of Linn county are repoblicsa.the sentiment of all heir constituency 1 decide I v inclined on t.chaif of a double standard. Mr MiUer be'ieve that if Sir Doph is not nominal ed in cauca he wiii never be re-eircted to the Unhid etate senile: and be fuither U of the opinion tla Mr Oolph will nsver get the cauca nomination. sun. L M Curl went t tjarruburg on lezal burine this noon. Rev Trumbull is now pastor of the Bap tist chart h at Astoria. J Fred Yates was attending court in Corvallis thi week. DrBoshong. of the M K church, a mak ing himself the IV Parkhurst of Astoria. Mr and Mrs Reason McConnetl are home from a several weeks sojourn on their Tol edo farm C W Watts, deputy game waKeo. ha bees up at Foster to tmsl a mm for kill ing deer bit their skins. Mr and Mn Julius Haas and family. Mi Alice tirenner and Mr Wm Wolfe t up from Portland last night to at tend the funeral of Mr Ben j . Brenner. The Eugene foot bail team went to Port UnU todav to play the Port'onJ University haws. Portland will mn. The will have a strong bearing on the thanksgiving IMpa Mr Kred C Hkkok. oar depot agent. spent Sumlas in Aibany. returning to Leb anon in tbe wee small hours. Me believe there i omething in those midnight drive, but we are not going to give it away. Lebanon Eanreaa. A telephone tat sue from Bev D V Pooling at Independence bring the new that his wife. who has been dangerously ill, is better, and her Dbvsactaa aav she ba passed the crisis. Mr Pooling sill not be here to preach next sabbath. Mr W T Hoffmui u in receipt of a letter from her daughter. Maud, stating that Mr Wilson Harnett s company, of which she ts a member, would sail from Liverpool last Wednesday, on the steamer Bntannica. Tbey open an eight week's engagement at tne American theatre in .New 1 ork on tbe w . .a." sr saa Ts . Strd in.t. Tbe Wcr to her mother con tained a sprig of rosemary, which will be highly prised. It was token from a vine growing about tbe borne of the immortal hakespeare. and presented to .wis Hon man bv 3 dectndant of Anne Hathaway. ton ail is Osteite. List or pATK.vrs granted to Pacific states inventor this week. Reported by C A Snow Si Co. eolicitots of American and foreign patents, opp U S Talent Of fice. Washington, in,, 1 A Crisp A J A Stevenson. Halsey. Ore.. Imnd-cutter and feeder; 0 9 Hogue. Port land. Ore, carrier; R D Hume, Gold I teach. Ore., can-making machine, tl I .eon ard. Sarrcmento. Ca1.. circular-saw: T 1 Marshall Oakland, Cat,, shoe; j T Mc Cormic. San Francisco. Cat., union of transverse metal bars; C A Robert, Port land tire . sash-lock: A J Rudolnh. San Francisco, Cal.. gard-catalogue; H W K Strong. Los Angeles, Cal . method of and means tm impounding debris and storing water; C W Weston, .van 1 rancitco. Cat. ventilated fruit-basket. ExrBX-rs TO as Cuaso. "Jim West fall came into the omce this morning somewhat hiiaiiousiy tor mm. tie neiu in his hand a small package with $1.40 in postage on it. It came from China, and ...... a. a. . , consisted of tea roots, costing ISO. For some time Jim has been afrlicted with rheumatism, and he declares this to be sure cure. Bean sick now: soon will lie web. ' If Jim drops hi cane a eseat many others will be wanting to semi to uuna lor tea root. Wont Sbll lr. Tne much talked ot question of bounding the city lo pur chase tbe electric light and water plant was brousht to rather an abrupt finish last Saturday by Mr Bawling informing the citizens that he would withdraw his proposition to sell, and that the plant waa not for sale lo the city at any price that he had sold oue-balf interest to N 11 Allen, the weHknown electrician of Al bany, and that they would hereafter mn it This was quite a surprise to many of our citisens and it is said some of them were very sorry as it took all tbe air out their sails. Lebanon Express. 50 Cnts Isn't Mt'cn But Is a good deal these day. Two of them make tl and ten $5. Thai's more. Go to Parker Bros with these 50 cent pieces when ) ou are after gtoceHes, produce and baked goods and you will find the Investment the beat to ne secured in the cl'.v. U1et be the tie that bind The people to this store. G h ! ireatmen fresh goods, and an expert biker does the ousiness. Shi'.oh cure is soid on a guarartee. It cuie InclpL-nt Consumption. It h the best Cough Cur. Only one cent a dose. 5csoc,andti.oo. Foahay'A Mason agent. Karl's Clover Root.the great blood pur ifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation, 35c, 50c, 1. 00. Foshay & Mason Agents. Mr T S Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn. aya, "Shiloh's Vilalfser 'saved my life.' consider It the best remedy; for a debll tated system I ever used." For Dvspe sla. Liver or Kidney trouble it excek Price 7s cent. Foshay & Mason, agen )OYAL Baking Pow der is indispensable to finest cookery and to the comfort and convenience of modern housekeeping. Royal Baking Powder makes hot bread wholesome. Perfectly leav ens withoutfermentation. Qual ities that are peculiar to it alone. Horn, ammo powder co., in wall sr., new-vcuc A SMALL 1 IKK. The firat fire alarm since January 2nd sounded at 10:30 today. Awhile before then a fire was discovered in the roof of the residence at Montgomery and 3rd streets, owned by Mrs Wm T Baker and occupied by Mr Melloy. A stove had been pot in an up stairs rcora yesterday and the fire caught from it. there having been afire in it during the forenoon. Tbe fire depart ment responded, and though it seemed a long time, it was only a abort time before two streams were on tbe buildic? an. I the flame were extinguished, so that the dam- age to the building ta greatly lessened. -veany mi toe tuns; tare was gotten out the building but most of the famiir's clothing was burned. The chemical en gine aia gooa work in retarding the bre before tbe engine gU water. Tbe boild ng wa insured ia the North west for $600. Tns Asto!a R:ao a Go. This is what the Son say over tbe following itsm. which we give at it ha been fully two dav since we have given an AAuria R R item: The loartette of New York and ('nieaum caoi- taiut. consisthig of J C Stanton. T Campbell. J Shafersnd II I KimbeJI.who are tbe orinapai promoters of the proposed railroad front Astoria to Portland, returned from Astoria tart evening, after a two- ' slay there. They have been there conferring with the subsidy committee of -l appointed r.y Use cstueos of Astoria in regard to the subsidies offered bv tbe As toria capitalisu. Tbey will irtnrn tonight w complete hnai urangeuseot. ina if everything is satifactorJy arranged, the contract will be doted and active prepara tions will begin by the first of the rear f or the building of the road, which will be poshed until completed. It is estimated tnat tbe cost of building this road will ieBasBarh ... tfaa itnti, srha completed, will open up Urge tracts of ffaV uable asgrtcnlturai and mineral land.-. No Mors Taiat rt The Scio Press say that the unfair tribute levied by Port land ommissinci house upon pr oduce ocn- signed to tnem by country merchants. millers, farmers and shipper of all c nas become provemai. 10 avoid paring Ibis tribute. al laniel. ct tnat city, ha CBSWaailed to maintain his own commission house in that city, and to that end has leased a commodious building ia the vionv- ltv ji Mad 100 street bruize, and win open the same this week. OS Mav wiii hare charge of it. Several ear loads of flour, oats. hay. chickens, eggs. etc. are en route. and Me-sr IVniel and Mav went down Wednesaar. Tbe venture is experimental. and should it not be a paying one. it will not be continued longer than till the first of tbe coming year. The Y W C A. The third annual con vention of the Young Woman Christian Association of Oregon wilt U held at A I ban College in our city. K - to 1 be opening aidreu on r IMsg eiening will be given by Kev Mr w aiiace, ot rort land. Rev Wallace is especially a young people's man and all member of young people societies (hoold plan to hear htm. Among the speakers on Salurvlav and Sun day wpl be Miss K k Price of Chicago, In ternational .Nvretary ot tbe c-rganixation. Pre Campbell, of Monmouth school, and Miss E Reexier, the Pacific coast secretary. These sessions will be open to the public and all citisens are cordially iuvitrd 10 en joy the meetings. Like EasTras Coiueces. The Salem Journal savs: it appears that a secret or ganization now exist in the I niversity. and bare begun their operations It cutting the hair of one of the members of the fresh men class. This worth v gentleman wa lured to the entrance of the campus last Thursday evening, by letters purported to be written by a girl. ben he arrived at tbe appointed place. h was seised by six masked men and bis growth of hair badly disfigured by seniors. v A Manning was the victim, and as yet no trace of the mis creants has been discovered. DkcIjnes Tbe city council at its last regular meeting elected W C Tweedale to fill Pie vacancy created bv the resignation of DC Scbell . Mr T weedaie. who Ts at the Bay has notified Recorder Uenton tint ow ing to bia being away considerably he would decline to accept the position. As there are only three mere meetings this year it is possible no appointment will be made. to be decided, though, by the council at the next meeting. Yket A ktij i" atku. It seems a sad commentary on the irosperity of the great est country in the l .t that freight for Eugene merchants still arrives by freight wagons as if no r.tilroad ran through our large and productive va ley. Another batch of freight arrived in wagons this morning from Corvallis. Will the time never come when we can have our freight handled cheaper by railroad tint a in the good old lay of treigutinir wagons.' im.-ird. the commentary is on the railroad that coir p-A such things by overcharges. A Kcstlek. Dr Ltniberson, the hop and commission man of Lebanon, waa over on Tuesday, interviewing our various nop growers, with reference to buving their product. The doctor informed r.s that be is now engaged in the manufacture of turpentine, oil of otxlar, oil of peppermint, etc, sample of which he exhibited that ap peared to he first class of their kind, lie purposes engaging in the manufacture of these article.' extensively in the nearfuture. organizing a stock company for the purpose.- Scio Press. Card or Thane. The undereigned de sire to extend their thanks for the kind ness and sympathy extended them in their affliction by the death of Mr Brenner, par ticularly to the I O O F and A O U W, and to friends and neighbors, and the gener- preprietors of the Revere and Bane houses (Ming tho funeral services. MRS, bKN.l. BKNNKK AND VAIIIt.Y. Money to Loan. We are prepared to make loans on good mprovrd farm In sums to suit, of from 1,000 to f 10,000 Cur ram tVr'MoNTaiTii. HOME AND ABROAD Get your Photo for I mas si Tinkles. The T M C A ia organizing a foot knfl team with which to meet the college is. .Well, I must have soma Pitsta to send to the folks, where can I gat the cheapest At Tinkle of caavr At the Building & Loan AaaecsaJsMa last evening f 1800 was iosned to Mr George Hochttedler at 63 months tntarsat in advance . Mrs Meyer mOk wagon wa pulled through the streets yesterday at a lively rate by her frisky horse. Mr Meyers aas it was not a ranawav, iv an awak fBer Do vou know t wiU uon be Christmas, and it U lime vou were thinaing about having our Holiday Photo made. Tin kle is the headquarters for fine ai.oto graths. The election t a Col to succeed Col Love! I in lite and regiment will take place next Tuesday at Palem. D C Sherman, George E Yoran and Geo F Teller re the candidates. Wealev Downs, who comrsltted :dcide near Scio, owed a homestead near De- rott. Ml tnenc were coosUerabiv or- oriaedby the ac. The Cameron-Trine foot race ti have taken place thi afternoon, the indications were, bad tailen ihrcugtt. Trine not having pot ic an sppexrance the last report. The price of wheat nas increased 4 cents being 35 cent p-op er thieg for it to do. Tbe pi ice will prob- a&iy not drop a gal a: nor ta it Stable to increase materially tor estate time . Sma 1 1 tar ar though are appreciated nowaday FoS owloe i the rr-akeup of the Will- an-e.te UnfreraitT foot ball team: Van- Winkle, center; Kawiev. 'tdi graid : F E Broun, righ'. guard; MiHer. left tackle: Aahenbrcmer, right tackle; Roonett. left end ; P L Br-jwti, right end ; Gotta, ajoart-r bck;N Swrage. ngh: halibacc; B Sv age, left halfback; Babcock, tail back lne nine tteaater Bismarck will soon yoT on ihe river. Her first work wfli be boating wheat fro Peoria to Corrailit for ihe CorvaHis Flouring mill cos-pan v. and also making connec'.ioca with tne U P at that place. As .soon a the river rises sufficient she will ply between Eu gene and Corva!:is. A D RockaieUow. of Portland, will be in charge as her manage! . Guard . At tt e city caucus Monday evening the totaewtng ticket was nominated at boda vt.le ; Couodlmeu,E G Briggs, Geo Warts Dr A G Prill, D W McCalttsier and M M Bus her; treasurer, J P Cheshire; recorder, A P Ftory : marshal. Has Johnson. The Revew say: 'The above ticket is a good one and are honestly be'iev e that should they be elected they nit! give good satis fact loo. Gold wm discovered yesterdat In a tun nel beneath the Sutra morument on Clar endon heights, ban Francisco. The tcn nei Is for a main of the Spiir.g Vsi'.ev Va'er Company. Tne quar z, which i pratnounced tici in gold, wis discovered by b'as'ing reek in tbe way of the tunnel. Great excitement preval't in the ne'ghaor hood over the find. SOCIAL AND PLRSONAL. Mr Otto Lee went to Salem this noon. Judge Boise wa ia the city yesterday Rev Prichard went to Portland this noon K H Gabbert. the geniaf f orernan of the rune omce of Corvallis is in the city at tending tbe Christian S S convantia. Prof F M Mitchell of th Oak Cssnk school and Pruf Sanford of th J H school were in the city today and called. License have been issued for the at riage of Henrv Ohrt and Margaret Moss. and Wm Carlson and Christina Johnson. J R WvatLa leading attorney of Albany came in Wednesday to look after soma ! business, returning to Albany next day. Toledo fort. Mr S P H an wait has been in tbe city several days tor the purpose ot instituting a a lodge of Royal Arcanum, a beneficiary organization of seventeen years standing F E Allen. J P Galbraith and D P Mason attended a meeting of tbe Browns ville lodg? of Masons hist evening for in itiatory work. A fine banquet waa given Miss Mary Fairish, the accomplished daughter of Mr K K Parrish went to Salem today, whore sue will anter the conserva tory of music for the purpose of perfecting her musical education. Uilie Houston is said to be very near death s door. He is now unable to leave his bed without assistance The end is but a question of dav. Sc. Press. Young Houston is well Known through th valley particularly among sporting taen Mis Itha Cheadle, of Albany, clot j a three months term of school this week. She has given general satisfaction as a teacher, and leave our village with good wish from alt. It is her intention to go to San Diego shortly. Detroit Correspondent Press. B F Henry of Tualatin who was in town Thursday said b had "jrrengements made to start for Honolulu next Y ednesday with a party of eight or ten. He also ba some thing like a hundred names of persons who he thinks will go later. Th rate is f?5 first class and second class. Mr Henrv is very enthusiastic for the annexation f Hawaii Newburg Graphic. The TrSCKof the I I church gave a gip olTS ipsv social last evening at the residence r Sox. A good many attractive costumes were noticeable. A series of lively games were played, creating much enjoyment. An appropriate lunch of apples, nuts and lemonade waa served and appreciated. Fortune telling by different modes, from palms'rv to snatching raisins from burning alcohol, added to the inter est. I L v vis of Brill for $1.03. Let everybody come to the Star Bakery ana get 40 1 oaves 01 rresn oread i tor ti.eo cash. G Mkyck. W. L. DoyciLAS C1 CUsfnET HTHt BIST, tsftj) Oil Waa HO SQUEAKING, 5. CORDOVAN, naatABnmiiDaur 8.1? P0UCE.3 Sous. LADIES- 3END rsa caraiMOB W'LDOU3LAS, BROCKTON, -AS3. TwU caa sawe aaasrr by (irckailiit W. I tf vcia Boe, aaWertiseai sbo in rhe world, aod narastca the value by ala coping the na anT price on tke bottom, wbick protects yaw tjasist high prices and the middle: ?in' profits. Oursfcc equal eastern work la style, . .y f.tiiig and wearing qaalitie. W-r have t where st lower price for -.ev:! :- hre any oilier make. Tak-. 110 -..T. dealer SWSMSPt upiy ;-ou. we a v.,. THE t E'BLAI". CLOTHING C" 1 Crnurh and Croup Cure. s Foshay u Mii, Ageats. Mexican Mustang Liniment for & Inflamed Udders. put RhtTMTavitic Pains, Bd-u&s and Strains. Running Sores, I nfham relations, Stiff jojrits, Harness tt Saddle Sores, ikiatka, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Imsk Bites, AH Cattle Ailments, All Herse AHments, AH Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Qaltkh tp the Verv Swant of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vrorrtisly. Mustang Liniment cooqsaers Makes flan or Beast well m new 2. t i rssrs sxsn 1x2 ssaor poaiuvc wrtttes aoaracitstv by :ts SWabr. -. c-rv V.ii llssaaSBr: loss of Brain and Iwsrs rVwrr-. Lost Mac hood: Oaieksass: Xrht Loassa: Evil DnaaK Latrk ot Oonadeoee: Sstsiwiiias; lassssnsas; all Drains. IamoT raiai iif lltuflaiaipialita Ors-ans m !: r sat hy over-cserboB. loBtarui nnor. or ve Cm ot Tobacco. Oususa aa- Laaoor. sod Death. By mail, ji a box: six for gfcv with fall inatrwsi S cecta. Oua only said to each person bj mail. J A Cumming, sole agent, Albany, Bniefs BioiiiihC8i.nj. swnli m sin mtml 1 ! ii. JLaafnsML. AmtKat for jJftWinillll. rtiCxKaasVaLVaU maH ihiii THE AR!tXD CKEMtCM. CO. I SI S. Western CWCACO. Sold by all druggists. LE BRUM'S Va tTTHlX ML Tain anxxtxT iruHtsasl AnoK to Om sjsnnt aV fckasasi s s tu t.-sra. riaa-y 0 ijv T ansns v'; c : GIS Ml AS V PREVENTIVE arBBt M fa '.aigan MSxooa. aaar aaaa, j1 law l ia aa at J A Cummlng, sole agent, Albany. L API Ea 1x1 ssow or. rcux le aa jn 3 STBL HH1I PEHHYBOYSL FILLS ar the original and only IEN0H. safe and iw liahle cmv on lb markt. Price $1.0U; sent by saail. ticEuiae soid only by J A Cumming, sole afent, Albany, Red Groin Roller Hills. aeorporatcd) Bt Hour .or family and ba&era use" BEST STORAGE FACILITIES WALLIS NASrf Will practice ia all the -omt of the state. Office First Nat 'I Bank building. Albany. Vegon. LAGKBORN & S0MERS LTTOIllSrE-X-a .A.T LAw", All legal matters will reseive nromnt at- uoti. umce, 1 irst MHional uank 3 ieung, up stairs.