"Teaching is tne noblest art but the sorriest trade." TENTH ANNUAL SESSION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MOMOITII OREGON rj . ' f : . A training school for teachers, theory and practice combined. Strong professional coarse and wel equipped model school. Thorough preparatory and academic course. Normal, Advanced Normal, Business, Music and Art Iepartmonts. Light expenses, Board and lodging. lwks. and tuition not above f lot) per year. The town of Monmouth has a beautiful and healthful location in the very heart of the Willamette Vallev twelve miles south west of the State Capital. It has no saloons. The Normal School diploma entitle one to teach in anv countv in the state without any further examination. Grad uates command good positions. Expenses. Tuition per term of ten weeks: Normal 6.2o: Sub-Nornial $: Commercial $6.35. Board and lodging : Hoard at Normal Inning Hall $l.o per week ; tarnished rooms, with hre and ght, frcm 1.00 to $1.25 per week oard and lodging in private families om $3 .CO to $3.50 per week. Vitality and growth have alwavs char- terized the work of the Normal School. he coming year promises to be one of he best in its history. Catalogues cheerfully sent on applica tion. Address P L Campbell, President, or W A Winn, Secretary of Faculty. 0. R A N. CO. E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE EAST OIVIS THE CHOlCS OS TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL eastern icrngi. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAS SAN FRANCISCO For fall details cal1 on OB ABBaajK W n HUni.BL KT. Uir'i. Pa- . Aitwi P(lin AND, OR. Will cure The worst cases Of Skin Disease From a Common Pimple On the Face To that awful Disease 3 Scrofula. 1 Try a bottle a To-day. Rerwl 3 2-rrnt stamps to A. P. Ordwty & Co., Bostcu, Mass.. lur best .nodical work published 1LPASY COLLEGIATE IH8TITUW ALBANY, OREGON 1SQ1, 1892 rat Terra opened SeBteasfeer Slfc A f C 1 corp. of Instructors, .JUSICAL, SCIENTIFIC LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. 1 urse or Htndy arranged c ni ' irods ofstndents, S "in inaHcemrntt eftti to atudi n from abroad. - I V. UHIT t oit P'.i Hand. Oregon. A. P. Armstrong. Prln. i Srhool : Capital lies. Culux :, Salem. Oregoa 4iuic courses of study, earns rates of tuition 0 ti si ness, 8 h or eh and, 'fifrtre. Vett'tiA-ttnip ,and Enelith Dtfiartmtt i yy In p-jffiua tlirrru;huut the ywv. Htudt-nta ivlir. M n tluj i'f'.Vmtm tiiiut either tcboul tt J rl ' IT -i I ( It de 00.,84XH KKN OP AL.BAMT, ORRflOSi, TKA:A0Tarenral Banxlng uslnesi. nitAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Nsw Turk, Ban r? sco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONET on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subject to check. . 111, 1.B'-riONS made ou farorabU .terms: ll ft ilEST.paid on that depori Dr. Price's Cream Biking Powder World-3 Pair Highest Medal and Diploma, WW Your husband will notice a great improvement in your cooking, when You use QfiLCNE Your house will not be filled with the odor of hot lard, whtn You useQfiLENE Your doctor will lose some of his Dyspepsia cases, when You useTotENE Your children can safely eat thej same food as yourself, when ' You use (Selene Your money will be saved, and your cooking praised, when You iB.5Efetfwg Famous cooks, prominent phy sicians and thousands of every day housekeepers endorse it Will you give ita trial ? 8old In 3 and S pound pails, t y aU grocer Made only by The N. K. FalriMntt Company, sr. torn ud MUlMWI Y orfc. Boston. EAST AND-SOUTH: THE SHASTA KOUT OK THE Southern Pacific Co. Kxpresa Trains Mass Portland Dally sjaathi wwrnr 1. is, ' nrY! : up. 7 L PjrtUad r 1 ) lO-.ar I L. Albany t v I 10:46s a t Ar Sxu Fnufsseo ! I 1P r " a, ..'tits ! H stitlo M from t V' i V " ilusivj. alsoTan i.l y.H irrlsb irg. Jnnetion rSign ail ail sUtions ktiiarc nilau 1 i3stoala. aeasatrM mr., xn.T 40 r a I At Roaebore . t I MIM :00iiUr behaooa t- I .STralUT Albany Ar .ar Hikr Lehaaon Lv I -' . ' ' PULLMAr BUFFET SLEEPERS. Dininir Cars on Ogdsn Route. SEC0ND-CLK5S SLEtPWS CABS Alia -lied I all Thrawak Tralaa ATel PMHi .... rtrrwF.e rouaD am .-sitaius Haii .aA.aaaiiT (KxeeptSooaay :SU a US r a Port'anl C, mi'iis Ar lit F jj r tm Ar Taan saav 'Execs'. Sai.day . 1:4 r a Lt Ar Portland McM.onvtf: vr a. ISSrs Lt s.'4 a Vtrouph TicltetM .11 aiinl in h Et!rn jtO. Ctnads a.'rt Blmsa can oa co ainsi ai owm i- c-d uoa . m rtMk. Arant A.baoT- , KOCHL.EE E r- ROOERq Vanacsr Vss't O W. aj rotv.J Or.ro" Otis, Mass.. January 1st. 191. steasrs. 8. C. Wells A Co., Le Roy. N V : QairTLSaraif I hare tried manydifltrent kinds f medicine without receiving any benefit , and aad given up all hopes of any core or even re lief. I was troubled with constipation for years until I was a total wreck. Finally it ran Into rheumatism aad other trouble, and have been confined to the house (was in bod for eight 'aontaa) tor two years. 1 nave been using y RasL's Clovke Roor Tea, and find that it gone me more good than anything I have ever fried. Yoo are perfectly at liberty to use my Same as a testimonial, as I am glad to know that I have been tbe means of relieving others. Very respectfully, Jra. W. f - Wocaa. W COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a )!f1j!sM dcW0..whobft read urrflk7MilS expenenee In the patent busioess. Comrjanlea. tlons strictly confldentlal. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patent, and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and sdentlOo booka sent free? "aw. Patents taken tbronah Mosa A Co. reeefvs special notice in the Hclentinc Amerlcnn. and thas are tavaght widely before the poblio with out coat to the inventor. This splendid paper, lamed weekly, elegantly Illustrated, baa by fart hi largest circulation of any scientific work In tha wof.d. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly. tm rear. Blnza eopU tlfnl lea, '3 cents. Every number contains beau- plates. In colors, and photographs of r . bonaea. with plana, enroling wen aes. lateat lens and secure contracts. Address nuiiaerstosDow -. 1. - .-- S A ix- ait yo:ia. 301 Buoaowa JOJtx. BAJTDEW'rJ LEGTRID BEL JIVESTPATCMTS WITH ElECThO' MACHEHC SUSPEKSORY BEST laiPROVEMEHTS. mil cor. Wilton! Hk .i.O'.n of bl.il, aerr. SjSVaVSSaaa. or asHswellSa re.'ilMnr free. s .frxu.i .xDaaMleB, ani.a., mw., b mo, d.Mlltr. .Irrp-..-., t.Bgoor, rl.oK.tl"., kidaor, llr.r .&S blitlrr uorij'lafod, IM btek, lomb.o, tei.ty., gcocrol 111 fae.l.B. (e 1'' Is electric bU eooulti, tToiSrenil lirr.,,i, o.., .11 otb.re, (I.e. . eorrcot that tt la.tAntlr rclt b, tbi oe.r.r or wo forfeit SS.UOO, oo4 .UI eor. All of the .bov, di.,e. or AO aa. TbouaonS. 1,ato be.o cored by till. i.r ..lou. le-.dllon srtr All other r.meillea fAlicS. ooS we pre Hundreds of tbSMuioiaU In this sod ef e. r o.brr sure liar r.rf.l ISrSOtKU KLEIIKII' SI Sl'KSMIltV, th. ;reAtestsooDs-ororrs- T week roes. SHEK will. ALL HKI.i -Tesltb And Tlf sroos strcojttlt ARtMrKSDioftOtoUu Ihtrs. Sod for llltutrAled 1'Aoatlets, mailed, sealed, free, addr-a, fA.VDBlV X1XiX1CTB.IO CO., It i - - fORTLANO. OP. Caveats sndTrade-Marlts 6l.tiiir.f l. all Pat ent b-w:aets conducted fur Moe.-nsrc rtes. Oun timer is ttpposiTr. O. S. patch- Ore-ei and we can secure patent is less Uuie tl.au t-io remote from Washington. Send m jdsl, drawing or photo., will dewrlp. Son. Wo dvise, il patearao'ei or not, lree of chars. Our tec not due tu! p lent, s secured. s.,.ulr, "How to ObP l Hatollts." With cost ot sene In the U. S. and .urcigs coantri sent tree. Address, CaaA.SNOW&GO. J OP. PATCNT OrTlCC. WASHINGTON. V C J WwwwwM Vt,rAw w W r 1 L-h. U W..I tvwtvut The Income Tux. The work preliminary to carrying into effect tl'e new income tax law i going forward as rapidly as its nature will per mit, under the direction of W A I ugh, who in October last was appointed Suprr- In'emlent of the income tax A number of complicated and interest ing ques'ion-i have arist n under former laws, and anticipating that questions will arise in the future of equal importance, it is essential for their solution to understand what has been the former legisUtion of Congreis, the decisions of the courta and the rulings of the department on the sub jects of the Income tax. With this object in view, Mr l'ugti has been occupied since his appointment in examining and prepar ing a digest of the Court's decisions and the department rulings under their re- . . , i i i spective nrauirg. ne dm aio coinpareii all the former laws upon the income ti. arranged so that all the provisions hereto fore made upo.i the sme subject shall ap- Mat properly KrouiH.il, and any one at a j fiance can see the various changes nnd ; rocdillcatlons that have taken place. There have be?n several act upon the subject of the ineome lax. Tlie first was passed August 5, lSCl. Under this act, hiwever, nothing as done. The act lack ed many piovisions contained in subse quent legislate n. both ts to the subject of taxA'ion and 'he methods of collection. These were provided for in subsequent acts. The secon- act was passed July 14, 1862; the third ac June SO, 1S64; the fourth act March 3, 1865, and the fifth act Marth 2, 1867. Under the first act $$00 was the amount reserved from taxation and ihe ra'e of tax was 5 per cent on all sums over that amount. Under the act of July, 1862, the amount reserved from taxation was as fol lows: If ihe income exceeded $600 and did not exceed IIO.IW, a duty of a per centum on the amount above 600; if said income exceeded tire cum of $10,000, a duty of o per centum upon the amount exceed ing $600. Under the third act 600 was exempted and the du'y was 5 per cent on the excess. Under the fourth and fifth acts, $1,000 was free from taxation and the amount of tax was 5 per cent on the amount in exceu of that sum. Tcltq(rapn Codes. The cornpilrr of a really rellab'e and comprehensive code is met at the outset cf his undertaking by a difficulty bat so far hj? defied all attempts at solution beyond a certain point- Despite tbe fact that tbe ru e or me cao:e companies permir nim to 1 lay tinJer eontributioo eight langaases.tbe to'.a! nutaber of words that can b. bcd with safety for coiing purposas is ct.ly aboat 15.1,000. The reasoos f jr this is twofold. First , the companies decline tbe use of any code woid of more than 10 letteis, and it dangerous to employ those having less thin 7, osing to the difficult? of de'e:.ing an error in short words. Farther, thousands nay, hundreds of ihcusaods of words are rejected because of tbe similarity of the Ifjk graphic s. mbols that make up th: Ivltert. Figure are ssrely ttlegraphed. The poirioilily of ao.ing aa error iaa gr-mp of arbitrary figcres is very remote. Should a letter or two be "lumb-td"' In a code word there are various wait of correcting the mistakethe sense, tbe context and Ihe reference to ?hc coale. But these guides do not apply to tne cases of figures The tn!y remedy for a suspected error U rspetlrjoa of the mesiic at an enchanccd cast of 50 per cent Number therefore are expressed by a co e word. Errors in tl.t tarasmision of accounts of money aie very rare. A banker's cude corn ins wori for every scm cf money, from a halfpenny up to hua. d retis of thoaiands of pounds, and the au thors hare exhibited great ingenolty is making a limited supply of w. rds do very extensive service. Proper Proportions. Women who are correctly propcrtioiied and neither too fat nor too lean are few in number. It may not be amiss lo give some idea of tiie correct proportioa of the features of the body. Tbe bead should be one seventh of the body. The nose, fore head and chin of equal length . The dis tance lee! ween the eyes, the length of tb eye. Trm distance from tbe inner angle of the eye to tbe dividing line of the lip should measure from two and one-qnarter to two and one- half indies. A woman of 5 feet shoa'd "vejgb 1 10 pounds. A woman of 5 feet 1 inch should weigh 110 pounds. A woman of o feet 2 inches should weigh 120 pounds. A woman of 5 feet I inches should weigh 127 pounds. A woman of 5 feet 4 inches should weigh 134 pounds. A woman of 5 feet 5 inches should weigh 142 pounds. A woman of 6 feet 6 inches should weigh 146 pounds. A woman of 5 fet 7 inches should weigh 152 pounds. A woman of 5 feet 8 inches should weigh 16) poun Is, The Smallest Inhabited Island. The imnlest inhabited island in ihe known world is that upan whicathe famr.i Eddystanej UtaOaC is situate 1. A tim: of low t;t-er this island is but 3 feet in dianulrr; at Mgh lid: the base of Ihe lighthouae completely covers it. U lie nine miles off the Qsraish Coast anil exactly 14 from the Plymouth Breakwster. It i inhabited throughout the year by three persons. Flathoime Island, in the English Chan nel, is another miniature inhabited islsnd. It is only one-half mile in diatue'er, but is so rich In pasturage tint it supports a large family of farmers, an old man and his three grown sons. Tlisy have a Qno farmhouse and the necessary oat -buildings, and lao care for the light, which is a revolving one in a lighthouse I56 feet atovs the level o' the sea. There ate about 600,000 islands, great and small, scattered ovsr th! oceans, Njrth America alone owning 5.50a. Manifold Disorders Are occasioned by an impure and Im- ' poverished condition of the Mood. Slistht impurities, if not corrected, devslop into ' serious maladies, such its SCROFULA, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM an sjfMWfaaasaaaasAfASasssAss Tn nun thfse u required a safe and reliable rem- eay rree rrom any narmtul Ingredients. :nJ purely vegetable. Much isfSBKSf It i in o v all impuritieslKKJl fro-n the blood and thoroueh-,1,, lv tleanses th. SVStem. ThnuianriA erf . esses of the worst forms of blood dis- e.isvs nave been Cured by 8. 8. 8. Scittl for our Trestite uiAiled free to Any Add. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Qa. he ' The Tail of a Comet. Tho tnil of a comet is not formed of the same particles which composed it yester day, or evea an hour or a moment ago It is torntar.lly using renewed at the c.oenie of the nucleus. At the long stream of black smoke fiom the neighboring facory or mill I being cons nntly renewed by fresh particles of caihon released ly the combustion Bu.nK on ... ...e iu.ni.ee ue,ow. below ,o it the wonderful luminous train of come- I tarv bodie brin.r con-tantlv replenished by piracies flying from, or, rather, driven from the nucleus by ihe intense heal of the tun. Then, again, how infinitely small and how intense'y luminous mutt these partic les that go to maxe up the tall of a comet be. This thought is (Ugetcd by ihe fact wan. ni.swop.oven ma-, .n some ! the r.uciu 01 comets allien are only a lew , hundred mhes in diameter whl have tSVOf mous Un-I ike tails stretching a.ro.s apeCC for a dbtmce exceeding 200,000,000 miles aud having a hulk exceeding I hat of the s n by more th.;r. 10,000 lime' I'rof E K Bar nard beautifully illustrates t'.e formation of a comet's lai. by supposing tntis: "Suppose, far examfle, tha' the nue'eut of a comet is composed of Ice. Then tuppo-.e the beat of the sun lobe so inter se as to rapidly melt that portion of ihe Ice globe exposed to the I eminent are put under ihe ruler. Spcak actlon of its rays, which a.e strong enough , tog of tb(J lualter ci..i, mrvici Com nwsior. to Immedia-ely convert it Into vapar which cr ivocior. who U natnral:y ma:h p'eaas as ends toward, the sun. j ,he extension, said: "V0.1 may expect "Imagine,now,a a fierce wind bloating out 1 m of ,he , fufther from lhesun.cau.ing the vapor which mee.s ,M(eMiol s jn con-erap!a.i(i lbat on,y it 10 be whj. led out into Siace behind the lhe - ,.. comrt This will clea.ly .lluslraie tne ineary 01 me io.ma.n o. a come- s .an. on.y mar urn oyceus o, me o rre. is r,ol e , and ihe vapor is nor water vapor, ne.t -e' is the force which d.hes it aaay (roui ihe sun a tierce wind." 1 he unknown toice utnteu at by .be as- tronotnrr abjve qjo ej, readiiy explain. , why a cornel's tall, as a rule paints in an ; opposile nirectlon to Vhe sun. Tbe Kuslan i astromOBCr, Breduchcn, jUiinulsbrs thiee different tvptot co.neUry tail. Tho'eom- posed of particles havirg the schciIu- gravity of hydr gen; thsse com,orf.i of puiicUs i ,iona y, found working heart and ra! for I to P11 il 11 a lvc lre nJ h.vig tre specific g-a y of hydo-.arbo- ! ht ,occw of Jfc, pg, ly. whetaer it candi- j ZS tSSSSm. "fe gsa. and a third dais nana. all .he pecul- ire, are their friends or tnetr personal j diel soon afterward in tbe receiving hos lariues pf an tqui! mixture of hy 'roeo eiemies-of ihe? party than doe Vice Pre- j pita!. Itoth legs were broken, and his and Iron. ideat Stevenson . He has been wherever ku" "tactun-d. oa 1 the fight has been the hottest from tbe b- Bco and Honey. ginmngof the csimpaign, having given op enseal Uebil.tv Uvebcowe -My i all personal plant and for lhe time placed ; professional dut'e, coafind dose to ... , . , . . . j .1 , A,t.- . . ., . ; my c&ce and steady work tends to bnag Bee. will seldom rob other luv when tu.-sse f entirety at tb disposal of the party oc jejogrji debllltv. I nd thai by its. t hey can obtain honey from Boatrs. They ! manage s, who kept him oa tbs stump judicious use of Hood's Sataaparilla 1 am dj no", stead honey because of any Inherent j continuously Such wilting work and snch relieved of this dlfficu ty . " dishonesty, nsr for amusemcet, but from she Instinct of self preservation. They never attack a colony a. st'onj a ioeir own, but a colony that I weak and usually ne that hss no queen . Where tftey do this tbe remedy lies In icmoving all the honey from tbe hire that Is being robbe I, or most of i,snd considering it as a colony !ot.ani then suppl; Ing the olhtr hive with ho rey or it rup untii they 'tiave no netesaity for robbing other colonies. A co.cny ro weaV a ' to submit o befog robbed ts stLom a o th j the trouble of trying lo save it, bat tbe honey in it may be saved, aod the brood comb, if there Is any, be put is some oiher hive where tbe colony is weak. A ('hot 11 tit Light. A sin pie and economical substitute for a night Pght may be prepared in the follow- ing way : Take some good sited chestnuts of irregalar form, and witb the aid of an ordinary neexl e riddle tbem with tine boles. Then soak tbem in oil for U hours To r.nrart r hrl rtrt iKiist tarv-i r.v I in a night light yon hare but to bore a bole in it. but not qut'e through it. and fill tbe space iih cotton thread to form a wick. Set it in a g ass o! water, in which it will nd tkat if retaliation 1 lo he ihe game ; market on Brooda! jin St between 2nd and float If von ;igM it at night on retiring I'nited ststes bold to- win -ing band. ', 3id. just south of Stewart k Sox. aad have you may count on il, ...-ing unU-mornl The annus, rrport of Gen C. Chief tiJ?Z !S ing. Tbe only precaution necessary to ' ol ' S,ncer'. 1 s A- JJ! ""- pobne. tiiea as it has redoced the price of meaU take is to make sure that the chestnut wil j bungs forasrd the rrcoi. men :atwn at least .4) per cent The manager ha -maintain its uprigfat position In the water. separate baling be p.ovkied. by nresrsc-1 his stUsfaction with present pal- lt is therefore well to choose one of i-reg- ular sharss and tn make it flrt.1 hssfot rdae- ing the wick, in order to determine ibe I bu,ia'n apparent that Ibe only wen- Kikwsss.-Don't fail to vi.it Portland exact point at which tbe latter should be ,n' " bss not long agobecn erec:eJ. , Xovntber nth, to witness the most fascin inscried. ro that 1 here ma v be no danirer i T e PrrsUent l the only ofn:la! of t'.e attntr entertain tn-nt ever given in tbe of il touching the water. The next day after tbe election Henry Wuerson. in bis Courier Journal said : Sever did a great party go ta tbe peo- . well hi presenr .dmnit. sticr. he lias P'e,Ddf !,bn,a,ir Mer, c'rrif,ioa,id. ret. 'ence in order thai he .d hs by the democrats into the campaign just I .... . , , ended. Tbe bard time were ba enouab. I ltrii,r m,h: S" ,bc Privacy tnat cannot be but thy might have been parried. Kac tion fight among small claimants and rival place men were bad enoneb. but parties have met and overcome such obsta cles before new j but wi.h the record of per fidy and dishonor, a Cleveland aptly de scribed it, to face and defend in a band-to-hand fight with the united republicans, led by Harrison. McKintey and Reed, it was disheartening for tbe temccrai to hare to face also tbe doll self sufficiency and stolid indifference of an administra tion that made no sign, uttered no word, ard at least in the sta'e of New York, seemed 'o desire to defeat the regular dem ocratic nominees. The battle for tariff re form will have to go down to tbe foot and take a new statt Tbe battle over the money issne will coon be upon us. We shall see If there is dm.ray enough left of tbe true blue stripe to make a greatcoat good against all weather, or whe'her we must still srear a coat of many colors, covering not a homogenous party inspired by fail b and bus', bat a mere buadle of factions thrown together by the upheaval of tbs times." A dispatch from New Tork says: Tbe unprecedented slump in the price of wheat may bring woe to the farmer and speculator, but the situation is not as gloomy for I In consumers of bread, be cause cheaper wheat is to be followed by cheaper bread Tbe New York bskprs, following the commendable lead of their fellow-tradesmen of Wash'ngton, havo decided to re duce the price of bread to conform to the price of wheat. Ever since wheat began to tumble to tbe lowest price recorded in th history of trading, a reduction in the do mestic tariff of bread has been looked for, hut it was not until last week, when tbe bakers of Washlrgtou knocked off a cent from tbe price of ordinary I rent , that breadumkers in New York and other cities began to consiihv the matter seriously. The reduction in Washington has comoelled ihe New York baker to make n similar concession. Although 'bey vill maintain former prices. Ibe weight of ibe loaves is to be increased to double the present weight. One of the most popular app'es in Europe is the King, formerly called King of Tomp kins County, because it was originated in Tompkins County in New York Stale. It is a highly colored, showy variety, of bel ter quality than the Daldwin. But its de tect is in being a poor keeper, it is rure that il Is is good condition after January, and in a warm fall like the present it will u3t last so long as that. (One effect has come fiom ihe new lax on inheritances In England. Instead of be ii'ies's, gifts are bein; mad: while the do nor Is alive . From returns received from Teaat it is safe lo stite the stale democratic ticket I saf ly rkcicd by 40,000 plurality, Culber son, candidate for governor.ia ruonlng about o per cent behind his ticket, because of his free sliver views. Tbe congressional dele Ka'ion will not be solidly democratic. j Of 34 state senators, in the Mls'ouri leg 'iikvure, 18 will be detnuciatic and 16 rc- publican. T lie house wi.l stand: Demo crats, 6a; republicans, 76; populists, a. Wushington Letter. Krtia c ur regular CorrrsKi.idelt. Wasiiinoton, Nov. 5, 18o4. If any proof were needod that Secretary Carlisle was dealing with the charge that Mr Morion had imported an English coach man under contract, in. violation of the alien contract labor law, it is furnished by ! his decision, that the man is a domestic ,rvftr,t in Mr .,..., mDnv nni mr. quently provi(,iong o ,hfl luw. In order to arrive at that decision it was necessary for Secretary Carlisle to re verse previous decisions made by Secretary Windom in 190. an 1 Assistant Secretary S -auldiug In 181)1. Had he been disposed tJ make partisan capital ou'- of the cis he might have ordered ilie coachman deport ed and cited the two republican decisions mentioned as precedent for his action, ll ,a ,....,.,, . ... . . , amend that section A th a'ien contract labor law under which this charge was made, as Secretary Carlisle thinks the cour a, ami net rbe Secretary of "he Treas ury, should Kttle kecli disputed neat ion President Cleveland bas ordered another extension of the civil service rules. Thli time all clerical employes iccciving less than $900 per annum, and all messengers and watchmen emnloved under the liov- which will be perfected at app'oiching : ttwei betwean H-is Commistioo and 1 . . , f , , r.mtnU. For some reason tbe nuu.r of demo cra:k- office holders who weflt home to vote j fei below expectations, and It w'll not be : gurpiiainjr if large number of the delin- ,,.ls . v.rv dlaaairrteal,!i half hour wn their Congressmen wben Coxine fac to Waabinirton. .vo democrat comes out of the campaign higher in the eima'ion of the rank and n;,.ihe men who are always, not oeca- i good work isn't likely to he soon forgot- ! ten. Mrs CleveJanO ha accepted an int iia ion from tbe Cramp s, lbs rhi'aue'pbia shipUiildew. to christen th- Amenrsn L'oe Steamsbip. St Louis, which will be launched nest Monday. The I 'resident wi'l not be aWe to go. bat Mr, C eveland will be accompanied by a sreaH . ... . . par.y 01 frien-Js, leaving here Monday morning in a private car and returning tbe same after- SJM I I It aid nt be surprising to mem Her of the dip'omatic cv-rt should ihe relations . , " , . . ... . as. . I have mor.tr to lotion good farm betwetn this country aiid Germany becoine ; fa, UmTimi Be .ton coumle In very Both strained, if no.heg more serl- - 4um nj ovey $3000. So delay tn fur oj occurs, on account of the action of tier- nishing lhe coin Calk on CO Bui knar., man in nrnaihinns. ths. I.i.iu r. Albany, Oregon . Also money 10 loan on ' . , .., , . , J . ... . American cat lie and dressed beef without ny real exense for such unjust action . It ! k0lr that this Government ba inli- Lnvated very s'rongly to Germany that it 't ! 10 accept th ridiculous ex- j " P'- forward fear of Texas fever, s and that it bat made a protest clothed in vigorous bat diplomatic language, the matter rests at present, bat It There rill not I allowed 10 rest there. Germany may Congrrs to be used for office pu-pce by I the President The tw-reatity for such a Govemmcal aho 1 expected 10 reside in the aruc building in which he transact hli official business. The Idea i so repugnsal to rrewueni crc:as ini: aurmg an nr.t had at ibe W hi e Ho 'e. At this w.i.ing they arc residing in a own hous: on lhe ; u'k!rts of Wss'iington. the P.esUrnt ' arising to the Wniic House ev.rv day .0 traLSact hi official baslne. The Whi'e ' lloa.e should ci'bcr l the Kxrc"tlve offi.e or the P.esrdcn.' resUcnte; tt shonl I int ' be bclh Curious Fact-. The si elelon of a prehrsoiic bird lias been found in a m and in I -;t'n It matt have measursJ forty fret brtwtei the tip at tbe wing during it lifetime. Seveutee-i out of tae.ity nc I'.ansyl vania olil rt who daak water front a cer tain well he tseuytt.urg la-llehcl ! have since heer. aliacktd l.y :t pl.ol.l fever and 1.1 ' a... , -1 ' w some of them have died. A st-in bean ai-b a blue poi as; sensation of th recent Crystal I'alac show. Tne first plant was tb ained by cldent fiom a lot of French ee.l, hut grower ' as now fised the Is p-, and can the r.u.r te- procure it legularly, Whm it is sslJ that the powcful s iarci light can be seen 100 miUa away, tl.e 1 Ing Is that it reflection in ihe sk, wil Us vjsable at that distance. Trie t uiva'S'c cf the earth presents ol.jec's t sea level, like a ligbtliouie, bring; visible over twen'y rr.ile distant. A new subvanrc csl'ed "cryotase" has been discovered by a German Cbenaisi, which has tbe singular property of becoming solid when heated and remaining liquid at temperatures below aero. It is made by mixing cqua! quantities of phena1, ca.npl.or and saponior, together with a stnal er a mgjnt of turpentine. At Brunswick a lindt-n tree certainly moie than 409 years old.the D imilin Je.-'the Calhedral tree,'' has just fallen. It was 86 feet !.igh and 19 feet in girth, it is men tioned in a pamphlet written in 149a which says tnat in 1473 summer cans s early that the linJen of Urunswick was in leaf by Easter Dry. The official count of the is h Ohio Con gressional district complete gives Taylor rep 20,835, l hi Jem 10,006, Coxey pop 8, 918. Coxey's vote exceeds the csMmates of the republican and democratic commit, tees s.ooo. To prevent tin weailng out of boot soles a mw Invention is now being tested by th military authorities of Germany, whole regiment hss been provided with boots the soles of which, instead of being streughtened with Iron or alumnlum nail(tbe latter being but of recent trial), are coatsJ over with a pas'c made of linseed varnish a 11 1 iron filings. This pas e tun be a,-iplitd ss often Si needed, is chimed to keep the leather pliable and tn fjjod condition, bssides offer ing more resistance than any nun.ber of nails. For A School Library. We are making an effort to establish a public school library for the benefit of the public schools of this city. In order to form a nucleus to which we may add our own 'contributions, we have made solicita tions from various sources outside of the city ami have received some money and several lists of excellent Irooks from differ ent book companies with their compli ments. I hope it will not be presuming tco much upon the spirit of education manifested in this city, to ask the citizens thoreof to aid us in establishing one of the most potent factors in our educational system. No scho.il is well equipped with out its library, books of reference, geo graphical and historical readers, books of travel, natural history and biography. Text books are what the name implies and are net therefore exhaustive enough to furnish pupi's all the information needed upon an) branch of study. The plan proposed is to furnish one book case for each schoo I building. The books purchased are to be carefully selected by the Co Sunt, the principal and a committee of teachers The teacher of each room will act an li brarian for that room and wilt 'je held re sponsible for the care of books. Regula tions and rules ot the library wilt be print ed on slips and pasted ui each volume A careful record will ! kept a" those donating with amount given. We hope for a liberal res ponce from patrons, citizens and all those interested in elevating our public schools to a p'ain of efficiency equal to any in tne state. Re 'fpectfulfy, ItiitAU Ttbee, Supt of public rchools. J K Whitney, of the Herald, is visiting his pr rents in Kugene. Hrt .s rtareerds Howard. Waiiisutox, Nov. t. Brigadier-tien rai Alexander McDowell MeCook has htxn ap,Minted major-general of the Cni- I ted States iirniv, vicelieneral Howard, .. . a.i 1 n, . . rciirt.il, anu v oionei james n. rorsyiu, . .,' lit.. Sm.vati'Ii pnvalrv li: Im.ii ttr.w moted to hrigadier-ceiieral, to succeed McCook. General MeCook has been for the past live years in cumman-l of the new deisartmcut of Coloralo, with head quarters at Denver. A live Wire !as FHA-vost-o, Nov. 9. (jus Wales, a iraiuter, working on a building at Hush and Folk strefts, grasped an electric tight wire that was in bis way ami atU-mptfJ t. 11 UMmtm, -ig:n ure. Hood' Fill rare sick headache. Indi ' rtton- , Black Diawoso. -"What is it?'' A j igg 1at up by Klein Ihahruill for ; ladies, inens and children, fine sboea. "Contains no acids." Evsry bottle war. ! ratirfartKM 7 - i runij. iTioe c id ott w mirwiotc jt we will trive fret one 2-V- bottle with i every pair of tt. 00 kid shoes. bought at our store tor the next M days Klein A- Lr cut-11x1. -doncy To Loan. city property in acv amount on long time . , jow ra ol Ulerest . j . w n,,,, 0f Bread for $1 .(HI. i, everybody c t lo th; Star Bakery j and gel 40 Soar- of fresh bread jfor t 00 cash. C Msv-t. ' Tin; Sash am Meat Co nave opened a rrmage. and we predict for tbem a good tr.-..le N rthwest. Nearly five hundred representative cisi I sens engaged in its producti yn. 1 Railroad l-lxenrtton tickets un sale Nov. ' 14tii. Kate, cue ami ore third fare and ' jiirrae-s ticket. Ladssa alio desire to order a De.irr Corset or nal I, or self adjusting corset (on Mis Tali, may leave ordci aith M's H t ' 01 Broada'.bm St between jna o J'd l V T . Ir(, W M.on4 phi sician and surgeon. Cal answered rrnptlv in cv or COUntt x. Or- Price's cream Be Wing Potrder Mjorsd Fair M rhnt AaarJ. Money to Ixmiii. vY'c are prepared o make loan on good mprovs d farm In sum to suit, of from 2,000 to flio.ooo. CllSKVN 8 MoNTalTH. Tsssisherii Kaamlnsttiota. Notice is hereby given that f.tr the pur- ; "we of making an cxitminntion ot all per ' " "ho may oner themselves as oan.li - , . . , 1 . . 5. . .1 . ..s at.: - . I 1 1 if.n 1 - tn 141. li' . ( 1 tut. county, the 1 ounty BIMtll Mipennten.ient thcre-.f will u-td a public examination at tln- r.uirt Uouaaoi. in Albany. rginning at I 0'csOcs p in, Weanesdav, Novouil-er 14. IJM. Dated this 2nd day cf November. A. K. RrTiisaroiut. 'ounty SeboolSuiserinten.ient. Linn county, Oregon. Tiik Latest News is that Julius Ura.l- hl is doing l.usineas in his new quart ers, the old I'ltst Ollitv and tld Fellow's building and Opera House, and to jzive an intrrxluetion to his new store, he will sell the following goods for net cost only. 1 box full weight Savon soap 83 cts. "J oxes French sardines 2." els. Oysters 10 cU r can. Arbuncle and M coffee 25 cts !b,r .1 all otl t goods sold as low as any !!. on this CKWt. Mr Wtslffbrd Nastl proposes to resume giving lessons on ths pianoforte.in Albany on Thursday afternoon, and Friday morn -ing of cac week. He will be found at the residen;e of Mr Willis Nash, corner of Fourth and Montgomery street, where term can be ascertained and arrange ments made. Mr W Gilford Nash has recently returned from a course of nearly four years study at Lelpalg, Germany ; one vear In the conservatory, and lhe rest of the time as a private pupil of II err Pro fessor Krause. Go to barker Bros for your groceries. VVsJDWNQ MVITAVIONS. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. CksT'maLBT. Th.- te.J r....-t ondrHt in the oily at Con ad i.'yrr. ut.n Market. 'A lie,', 81" Oata. 83 1 four, US an. utter, Ws ICggs, IS'.". Urd. lit) lie. Pork-ham.12to 16c; houli!cr,';to;i0e; let'. II lo 13c Hay. bated. 7 s'o'atoea.iSSi. Apple .4 Ladles chca,. shoes uoo I wearers and very neat. At H B Young's. MISFITS. It is a very dismal day when Astoria is not oon.idenng some railroad proposition. The three London Englishmen who are doing Oregon have been enjoying some of the Albany prairie Chinese pheasant shoot ing, which wan a treat to them. Thsy are not up to the Oregon style of hunting, be ing somewhat lethargic, but they captured a lew birds, and with couching would no deubt do more active work. There are many rich bonanzas in the Santinm gold fields. All that is required is a little capital to unearth them. But this i coming and the Santiam will yet I i 1 01.1 m I nave a great oooui. rcutu'sman. mgr... you are. it will one day Ire the great mtninc proposition of the coast, or the writer is not good at prophecy. Governor Pennoyer lias sometimes a I'ttsls f'in all to himself . There are nor-alami-ties without some compensations. The governor was badly beaten last June, and iwo of tbe men who helped to do it was C W Fu.ton and Thomas L Tongae. They thejr denounced him a a frc ailver crank. The whirligig of time has, however, brought its revenge. C W Fallon and Thomas U Tongue are now advocates of the free silver cioso. The governor bas rea son to "rejoice" when he "considers" what Las happened. Let tbe turkey be slain, governor. Independent. It is slid that it cost? about 'JO cents to get $1 to a "bnthen," and then . is doubtful if the 10 cents is of any benefit to him. Yet millions are given foreign missionary work, while our own poor go hungry. F.x. This item going the rounds of the pre is simplv trash. It only cosU I or 3 cents to get a dollar to tbe heathn,iii fact only a nominal sum. A train, none of our poor have gone hungry because of j money give to foreign missions. Tbe men j w bo give tbe mot to missions givs tbe most also to the hungry at borne- Prejudice j should not make people unfair Tom Tongae's lapping Hie senatonal plate. Like Follon, thstj is a stiver sound to tl.e noise made. Jackson, of the East Oregonian, who is a married tran, publishes this: 'When a man i first married and any thing serious happen s, he tells his wife ail about it. But he discovers later that she does not believe a word be says, and aflr that bequits telling her anything.'' As a matter ot fact this is simply a iose. Many women will always believe ibeir i.usirands. Ail men are not liars. Even wealth has its burdens. It 11 said that Bocksfeller is expected to pay an 11:00 ms tax to the Metal govern -; rarant otl-'.2,5 asseased oa tl 3,0)0,000 ! worth ot propeity. The Jay Uoald es ; late is not expected to pay more than 9J,MJ ; Kuseelt Sage, tQ,U00;Crneiius Vanderbilt. tSl.OOO . Williasn K Vander btlt. 76 .JW0 , John Jacob letor. 50.000. ontheuxone'. " . f a IJ t . t a . I Tha Asloiia editors have been going for the Chamber of Commerce in a hot man ner. That body agreed to pay the Ore- goo tan $400 for advertising in its New ' Years edition, and as it was throwing, money aw a? l.-.al should be kept at home 1 the local papers have been making mat ter tropical. As tha Oregon tan's colic-' tnt- t.rst Itfksfcn elsiatwsv 1 : Kanr th tnUnm ; in. comment of an exchange wiH he in- (ereeling : Tbs Astoria editors will ben- eat their town a hundred times more than will the Oregcnian. One pagn of the IstUr sheet will extol Astoria, an - other page will say that Salem is lbs par adise of Oregon. Albany, Jacksonville and Pendleton wilt be blazed forth as tha Mecca of the West, and the villages of ebfoot a ilQail loom up according to tbe , ssre of the sucker's pile. The reading oablic will conclude that the wbote bus- mess is a "booaT'-eheil from Swindle- j Shanghai, Nov. 8. The panic in New j dom and that's all it will amount to. J Chwang and throughout Manchuria.con It pays any community to advertise i linues. Numerous country people are itself, but the advertising must be done j arriving at New Chang, and two-third ' n ita local paper. It wont pay Astoria j of the stores have been dosed. Chang to pay four hundred dollars to have it-1 Chie Tung arrived in Nanking last even- I sell praised in almost lhe identical lan- iag with the remains of the victorv of : gnage in wbiei all other towns of Oregon , Liang Chiang. A war levy of $3 a bead are praised. Bfn of that kind is too has 'jeen impoesed in Naakow. The peo-j costly. j pie a:il prohablv resist it. Now waith wheat y up and the times ever the cause: bat wben hi'ory is made it will be found that politics bas had very little to do in the matter. f rom the ijoks of things. ) X Dolph will not have everything hi- own way in tbe I'nited Stites senatorial contest brforo tbe neit legislatuiya. Gove.-ncT-elect W p Lord. Hon T H Tongue, and ex-president of tbe senate. Hon C W V'ulton. will be in the race. Independent. Nevertheless, notwithstanding, the Man about Town pre dict that Mr lo!ph will be elected on the ' first laallot, and it will cot be surprising if when the baJl.vt is taken things are not fixed so he will be the enly candidate, fie ha not been among his rontit:ier.. a for settling. 1 After th mornintr service at one of 1 Philadelphia's liuse-honored churches last . Sunday, a young ladv. whose face was far, I rm .;ke-,l eoev. .d.) a stewtr-antwnnlsxl nsher and said she Bad lost her rocketbook. 'lhe vouni? man searclred actively and tiersitentiy with no a. ns. . r 1 - resuu . 1 1 tew pe-p.e wen remaineu in the building were qaealiooed a to the missing purse, aad tben tbe usher, who was unmistakaltlv rattled, turned to tbe girl and innocently inquired: "'Are you sure yon didn't leave it iu your other pants lxkst? lioveroor Pennoyer ha been generally criticisetl for granting so many pardons. . nd yet be has never gTantoi a pardon without the public asking for it . The public has a way of asking for about every . ! "" ar. ( .tv P.w erar r.f - a fcll,n r.t.li, .it is. j ----- - - - - r- -- -- ion no matter what its nature; bene - the number of petitions for pardons. The friends of earn v ict can not Its bhusesl for takinsr ad vantage of the public weakness. There are cases where pardons are in order but thev are not every day ones. New evidence that changes tbe aspect of the matter an 1 an lT.iVatvita eAnisiriivi 1 f . 1 dU.An.t1i! rnsonnient may te meniioneti as esauipie i but mere sentiment is msuthoient. A man h?s as much ritrht to courtcou-lr r.-fur-e to ign a setition as he ha to refuso to gie .1 dollar upon request, and he will be respect etl as much by all reasonable pevple, Sii;n the petition of any kind if justice demands it ; refuse to siji n it if it does not. DIED. PIPES. In Albany, on Thursday morning-, Nov 8. 1894, of scarlet fever. Kdith, daognter 01 James and i.ott;e Pipes, aged S3 months. Reliable. Available, Invaluable. That is what thousands of people hare found Allcock's Porous Plaster to be, for the relief and cure of all sorts of lameness, stiff ness, and congestion result ing from taking cold. Imttatlana wld'-m eiual the anginal. In Ibe CM oi Allcck k h they ccrtunly J.v st. Allcock'a Corn Shields Allcock's Bunion Shields. Have no equal u a relief ani cur for conas anil Imniop. Brandreth's Pills are a safe and effective remedy for Irregularity of tha bowels. Hot Baths and warm rooms at Verlck's shaving pailor. 1 lain blee's Klerllasj. Sax Fbaxcmco, Nov. 9. At state head riuartera of each party a tllll HMllllM victory in claimed. For the first time mnce the election, the rooms of the re publican tate central committee are fill ed tonight with an enthusiastic crowd. Chairman P. B. Cornwall has returns from every county, from which he claims a minimum plurality for Kstee of from The returns of the vote for municipal officers are complete. Adolph Sutrogoes to the mayor's office by a majority over all competitors, and a plurality of 1R.128 over O'Donnell, his closest competitor. m - . . 1 ... . . . . 1 iri - resi 01 me licuet is mixed Texas S:iaJ7 BVaaeratlr. Saw York, Xov. 9. Home of the early mornini: rciorts reste:tiriif the rrtiiilt of Tuesday's election for representatives in '-ii.KruKB, nr.rcn inoicateo mat Ure land slide had aBected Texa9, were not con- mea l.y lau-r rfturni!. and the total numlr of congressmen crerJite,l to each ! ol the l.artlr-s will riot Ik- materially rhanirej from that previously anuounced. 1 . ioi.m . ii.nnu nr..l Iftfs . i v- , a ' a W.u.1-Ulin 4lt'l AW UVUlia.iaLrl Predict. Bruer Tlaset. New Yoke, Xov. 9. R. O. Dun A Co's review of trade says : Business ha9 been dull the greater part of last week, but the elections are expected to give it a sharp stimulus, in the speculative markets mere nas ueen scarcely any i movenjent,and nothing favorable to hold- ' ers. There is a decided improvement in the tone of tbe market ami a n-neral con- i lidence tliat business will now imnrnvp Three Bay, I Igbi-.g Lon'oox, Nov ') A dispatch has been published here that tbe Japanese forces have captured Talien Wan, but f 'om Cbee ' too it u reported that tbie has teen three days' 6ghting at tbe former place without aet.su e results. Fort Arthur is not expected to make a determined stand against the Japanese. The CaMlsxwta tiertu. Sax FAc:scr, 5ov. 8. Tbe result of 1 the election in California may be sum med this evening as follows : James H. Budd lias been elected governor by a plu rality of about a thousand or more. With Bcdd are also elected from the state nominees of his party, according to pres ent apiet-arancs-s. Jackson Temple, sn prcme court lustio.- for the long term : ! James A. Majruire. congressman in the 1 fourth district : Thomas D. Wells and B- H. lieamer. members of the board of ' equalization in the second and third dis- tncte, and H. 11. Larue s.id James I Mamatou, railway commissioners from the first and second dswtricU. All the rest of the state ticket aptaeare to have gone rapubiican. "a la Washisoios, Xov. 8. On the strength tt returns received up to 9 o'clock to- night. Chairman Batojck. of the reoub- ; lican committee, tigures that trie repub lication representation in tlte next noose b ,t W members. The r a aaMasajCT sitrtu U1AE Attt'rutS.41 .- autCSSaBSia. aat-n avrv claimed to U- eirrctetl, made by one additional from Illinois and three from North Carolina. The dis - patch received tonight that caused the trreatest surprise was one statins; that Kepresentative McMillin. of T-r,r.et-.-. was possibly defeated. erd Help Liscout, Neb., Nov. 8. The Nebraska i commission, appointed hy tbe gov- I f" 10 arrange aid for drought sufferers ' the western ctison ties, orpnured. today, . The mln PSlt to which the commit ion 1 "- attention is the system- a tic collection of relief at as earlv a mo ment as possible. The secretary said he had proceeded on the plan of district- ing the state and dividing the territory, regardless of religious denominations. Tae Caiaee Pa ale- . g,,, N. C, Nov. S.-emi-omcial returns from nearlv everv conntv in the state indicate that the insion ticket ' a ate, judicial and legislative pot out by the republicans and populists as elect j ed by some 20,000 majority. This gives I them the state treasurer. " C"fciei iustice. ' and two associate justices of the supreme court and five judges of the superior court. Chairman Butler, of the popu lists, claims the state by 30,000, and says the fusionists w ill have a majority ot 30 on joint ballot. Bar SestM Male. New Obleavs. Nov. S. Fuller returns today confirm the previous dispatches of the election of all sue democatic candi dates .'or conjrreesi in Lo.;;-:aji '. bvma iorities ranging from ."xxJ 10 10.000. Meyer in the first. Buck in tha second. Price in the third. Osden ia the fourth. : Boatncr in the tiitl: antl I.obinsven in the sixtl add Shejd I S l" FRASC1SCV, Nov -There seems - to 1 no doubt this evening that Cnhfor- nia has gone democratic so tar as govern- I ;d 1 1. .. . ...... .1 1 . ri, 01 aaasssxcasasX uui tne .tiuen stave will probaMv elect a republican lieutenant- governor, m.v-t o: : uitier state officers, al- publican congressional nttest a soihi renu oiican txUiTTes.ri, delegation, and a legislature which will be republican on joint ballot. Chairman ' Cornwall, of republican state committee, J is still hopeful that Estee will bring I enough votes from the countrv to over come Budde plurality in San Francisco. I S.rtss. Plarallly New rectos Yoast. Nov. 7. The total cor-j vote for governor in New York state, outside of Sullivan county, is 1,- 20S.2-9, divided as follows : Morton 11 ill Wheeler . rwr.S4t. . oU,164 .. 24 .oil . 1 v;,;; ,0 1 Morton's pluralitv I . A I Morton's maioritv . l-Jri 5S The revised total vote fr A,v,.r in New York city gives Hill a pluralitv of " Tar Issli t,At POM Smith, Ark.. Nov. 7. Jim French and three other members of the C.tk jntiHi raped three pirls in the suburbs of tH-hlatrah. 1. T.. last night. After 00m mittini; the crimes, they mounted their horses and rvxie off. A nan of citizens was :tt once oiyanizcd and started in pur suit of the brutes, but as far .is heard from they failed to capture them. The Kleettaa. lrm.Axn, Nov. S. Yesterday's elec tion reports tell a little more than in creased majorities, for they show con clusively that the Solid South is at last broken." The landslide has been con fined to 110 one section. Eveu where democrats were successful it was by a greatly reduced vote. Owing to the slowness ol the returns, many elections are in doubt. This is uotably so as re gtirtls state tickets. la Wilson. Blttrtrl. Cii.viOJcsTox, W. V.l, Nov. 7. The n pnblicans are claiming layton's election tv 2000. but Senator Faulkner savs he does not concede Wilson's defeat and will not do so until the official returns are all in. Mr Wilson is resting at his home in Charleston, and is taking mat ters calmly. He has nothing to say. The Nt xl .. .cress. Washington, Nov. 7. Chairman Faulkner gives tlie republicans 300 mem bers of the house, the democrats 1-12, the populists tt, doubtful 8. By states, this would give the democrats 12, the repub licans 27, populists 1 aad doubtful 3. The doubtful states are Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming. Ia Mali.. Boisi:, Nov. 7. The republican state ticket is elected by 2000 plurality or more, and the legislature returns are still too incomplete to be of value, but they indicato the legislature will be republi can. The new Mormon vote seems to have gone heavily republican. Maple syrup tn glass bottles and hy the can at A B Mcllwaln's. cheaper than any other house In Albany . ' ITCHING AMD SCALY Dreadful Skin Disease 9 Years. En tire Body Covered . Doctors and Medicines Uselena. Gave op as Useless. Cured by CtmCXUA for $4.75. I feet rt Is my doty to ten you my expeii nce with CCTii cka Keseuixs. 1 nave been troubled lor over nine an with a dreaitfr.: rum otaaass. w nen 1 erst f-lt It, then appeared a f ftr-rU red spoU on my I . t, and it kept on : i.:.i.lineslowty. It started same on say back, be e.i my saoolden. A. lew days after as i?efc!- turned n. ,md began inc. Small scales would fa!l '.ff. ao tt eaaSSaaad etreilicz all orer my lxrly. I tried all the patent medi cine 1 cocM think of or eetfcoblof. IaJaocaaaaHad doctors. Yes, they aoehl cr-r: neios short time, but they ahravs failed. Then 1 pave It all up, tetat ne there'vraa no cure for aie. I notl jonr !.iertierot In Hie Tacoma Morig Gloh. tad tho. 1 ght I wouM try the OBSfJccRa Kr.)t rATiKvart-S of Cmrt a RiL'.Kirct!reelmeent:rely. Mr aaia Is mw a yait v. , hiv hat of a child. 1 P. 0- BBS U WhaiDf WatiiiiftM. COT CORA mm WONDERS rcr-cra r.-1 OTSts ba Soap, ezteraaDy, I r : no-aa iLt-.tiET, internauy. :,, , -ooderfoL The. are berocd all tke greatft skin cam. iiood raniaan.aasl tJOZ lczn Boa Umosbeat the wtrtl. Mas. OnnpM, SOe.; Boar. Ke.; Bi-ivrsT. tl. rr-ared by Porrrrt lrar: asru ta.x. i.'.er utmoo. "UowtoCure All tVla L..Ciuea,M nvtied free. ptm TLXS, Ids. Hi. aits, fed aad ealy sUa pre. XKZ.ua aad sataa t y tr-rrcvaa coar. WEAK, PAINFUL KIDNEYS Barkas.be, rtu Idas fains, aad a. ills -jrt. retlevea la oa iin.aia aw tottc-nra AatVPala Plaates. The ody patoiJling plaster. Sjaa. J FromTerminal or la jt it Ptuts th tWeni Paciflc Mmt la tlte Use to I sake To ti Pfliits EAST ait SOUTH It 1st Use DISISO CAR BOCTK. It rn-s ThrsMsahr VESTIRI L EMTRtlSs Pl'EBI BtV 1st Use Year It 3T. PADL and CHICAGO fcO CHANGE OF CARS.) mpmt of BiaiK Cars titsarpivH allaan !rawif ltd if Latest tkaiMKBt r0URIST SLEEPffiS tm. ' r,-tr -. enbi xc Ttm 1 a 1 J u j wa.s 1 . a ai 1 11 rj o.-u rra; ail fj-ai a i tjr a I lr of F..- or S .0 n I "Us Ueaj:, ELEGANT DAY COACHES. i Bi ttiuiiiliUi c jii33idTiaa al linis, affording Dirsct an d Hnint-arrQpk8tt Serricj. Pnllma-i sleeper reservations ca- h secured In advance through any age;:: of in toad. rHROCaH HCKETS to ana from at. r.tnt sas ausuiM .-. mm Europe (.an ba purchawsl at sry ticket office of this coos par Fall icf wrnati n eonrjernlng rtn,tiiD trains, rottmsiit other ssxutsfurn ishsvl os appltcai on to any agent or A D CrIARLTlIX, AseJatant Gecaral Paaaasijgsr Agent. So 121 r'rat St, eor. Wash njrtoo. Portland ' '?eToc. Q 8 i - i trt. sl agsat. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON- lllitM. i "ext Session begins tbe 1 .th 0 Septem ber. 1SH. Tuition, free- Boarl. ff2-50 a week- Ki e Courses : Classical. Scientific, erary. English and Bn-irses?- rXisUaTTORT. Lit- Tbe Bearding Hail for ycHmg ladies and the Boarding Hail for young gentlemen w-;.: e :r. W tee ivncasal mttnSlkm :i Mrs Maura, a lady of refill mat and arya ?vpenenc. r or catalozoes. audress J J WiLTOS, 5.-y Regents. ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: j 'v' ! pl,-onA S llJ1-ue ddresc, RKV. E. 3. CONDIT, .libsaay. A'regcr U inrs V' itponSaiarvaitaComiiiisAt. HE ONLY AUTHORIZED j. $rM of JAMB 6. BLAINE By Gall. H.vaii.roN his literary execattv with the co-oprati.. of Ida faati:y, aad tor Ur. Blatae'a Cosplte V,kr, 1 T.ixrt V ak or CoxGaxss," aod his later to.. 'PoUTtCAL Disct-ssstoxs. " On pr wrsecttvs or thrse 3 sutsr silun.i book ia tb ssssr fctk. A K P Joidaa of Ms.ook 112 ordrs from ml 110 calls; agt nt's profit $19t 50. Mrs Ballard of O. tot . 13 order. 13 Sral Russia, in 1 day: profit $26.?S. K N Rice jf Mass. took 27 tude, ia 2 lav; (,-rotit W7.25 J Patrtdge of u. took 43 1 rder from 36 calls; protit $75.25. K A rVmer N. Dak. loot 53 otd.rs in 3day; p'eti .25. Ext LVStvs TraRtTOBT eivsa. I a wish t make LARGE MOK.Ytnt . nsdiatcly for term to he Heap Sill Pub. Co. . for wif h.C tvnn 120 DOLLARS PER MONTH In Your Own Localsty made easily and honorably, vithoBt capi tal, during your spare boors. Any man. woman, boy. or girt can do tae work lvand ily, without experience. Talking un necessary. Kothing like It for bio"v making ever offered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted ta learning the business. We teach yea In a night how to succeed from the Ur. hour. Yon can make a trial without ej pense to yourself. We start yon, furnls everything ueedet' tst carry on the bus? ness successfully, and guarantee yOy, against failure If yon ut follow ouf simple, plain Instruct tons. ReSkdW, it you are in need of ready money, ar. want to ltaow all aboat the best pay ins business before the public, send us Ttv" atulress, and wo will mail yon s di. meut giving you ail the paiskulai-S TRUE ft CO., Box 400. Augusta, Maine. S45.00 to$t5.oo PER DAY at none selling Lightning Pta er and plattnir jew 'ry, watches, table ne, etc. Sve-y house has good needing plating. .,0 ex perlence;no capital; no talking. 9osa agent are mak'ng $25 at'ay. Pertnant'i' osition AtlJress 11 k )e:r.o it Co , Co mbus, Onio. MsTASTE0.e- Livary aust.le at urns If a nne corner !ot win oa given to 1 person who builsis and operate. J0' fo lwrpoa Address Sstable, m oara of Albany Dsmcaar.