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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1894)
ft Mflt. Wbbkly Democrat. $i 75 per year n advance. $2.00 at end ct year. BUY JEWEL STOVES AND RANGES OF MATHEWS & WASHBURN Hurrah for Prune. Messrs H Clay Humphrey and Sherwood Burr, prom inent citizens ol Eugene, were in Port land yesterday on business. Mr Huru- piiroy had bten engaged extensively in tht hop business (or s 'vera! rears prior tothiSj "but," he says, "the situation is aawi. cry liromisinir. nelorp the nrannt year hop culture was a Browing industry in Lane county, but a few seasons like the present will kill the business. As a matter of fact, Lane county producers are now turning their attention to prunes. The Oregon prunes seem to be finer than any other, and to bring top prices. Several carloads have been sold at Eugene during the past week at prices ranging from 5 to 7 cents. My brother has a young 46 acre prune orchard, upon which he realized this year $8000 clean profit-pretty good for hard tiroes. Others can do aa well. They are begin ning to find it out, and a boom in prune erowing may be looked for." Oregon ian. Some year hops will be away up and then every body will wish they had a nop yard. At present though prunes are decidedly on top. A Live Contest. -The question of who will succeed Col Lovell of the 2nd regi ment is one in which Albany is interest ed, naving a competent sad popular candidate for the position. Vh Tele gram says : Court martial orders No 1 have been issued from the adjutant general's office dismissing Colonel Lovell of the Second regiment from the service of the state. An interesting con est will now ensue in the Second regiment for the successorsb i p. The avowed candi dates are: Major George 8 Yoran of Eugene, the present in command ; Major iD C Sherman, junior major of the regi snent, Salem ; and Major George TTelfer, formerly major In the First regiment. Major Teller is now located in Albany, and the officers of the Albany company, recognizing his fitness for the colonelci of the Second regiment, are straining every nerve to secure his nomination and election. Major Yoran has many friends in the Second regiment, and during the time he has been in command baa shown marked aptitude as a military officer. Major Sherman will be hacked by all of the old boys meaning the G A R ele ment now in the National Guard in the state . The contest promises to be moat interesting. That Halsey Fioht. The editor of the News tells about hie recent fight, evidently rejoicing at having secured a good item : It is with regret that we chronicle that tt,e, the editor of this pa per, was in a personal row Sunday even ing, in which we got a bruised eye. the dark-blue color of the braise being dimly visible on the eye yet. While we do not honestly believe we were to blame for tbe fight, we are extremely sorry we were not big enough to whip the other fellow, Joseph DrinLard. We opened np our heart and made the citr recorder a present of $5 the next morning. Dr Michener kindly loaned aa half of tbe V ; had he not, this week's News would have been issued from Sing Sing or Joliet. We would alvis all who are thinking of fighting to be sure you can whip tbe other fellow before you start in. Profit by our bitter experience. That Hat Pnc. The head and a piece nearly an inch and a half long of the bat pin swallowed by Baby Cannon a few miles south of Salem July 2and, revealed itself a few days ago through the ordinary course of nature. It will be remembered that a five-inch piece of the pia was taken from the child's aide the 21st of October and now the head baa been passed off, so tbe child will be all right. "The head was of Iron instead of glass aa reported and its weight carried it through .the passages easily. Statesman. A Teachers Local institute will be kic Id at Waterloo, Linn Co, Oregon, begin ning Friday night, Nov 23. and continuing through the following Saturday. Al! teaetterc and patrons of the vicinity are cordially invited to by present and take part in tne discussion. Tne present ab sorbing question of a change of text-books will be brought up for discussion, aa well as many other Interesting subjects. Let as many as possible attend and make the institute a success. A R Rutherford. Co School Sum. Foot Ball. The State University baa secured a Seattle man to coach thir foot ball team. The team will p'ay Pacific University at Portland next Sat urday and propose to win. They will have their hands full. Tbe great game of tbe season will be tbe O A C agt Port land at Corvallis on Thanksgiving. The O A C propose to win if there is such a thing; but will they. The Man about Town is not yet prepared to say. No Wonder. Buying snppoenas of witnesses is not always a fat thing Among others who speculated at the recent term of the Uircuit (Joint was Mr rhil Cohen, the vetenai First street merchant To day Phil settled up at the Clerks office and found tbe bills had been cut down , which heliw to account for tbe blue con dition of the atmosphere around the Court House to day. A State Convestios. The Young ' Women s Christian Association of the colleges of Oreon will hold one in Al bany on Nov 23 and 25. Entertainment for the visitors is being secured. Dr Wallace, of Portland has consented to give tbe opening lecture. The subject will be, "The Pre-eminent Importance of tbe Spiritual in Culture." A traveling man at the Pendle'on Hote stated to an East Orefonian reporter that in Chicago one firm has 4751 houses for rent, while other firms J tag a com mission and renting business have large numbers on their hete. He attributes it to tbe natural and evitable reaction from the boom during the World's Col unibian Exposition. The same gentle man alleges that 51 wholesale clothing houses liaje gone out of business since the big fair closed. Hot Oaths and warm rooms at Vt ic shaving pailor See my novwliies in me tine ihoe. S E Young. E OR RFN T. 8 room co.taze ti n tratly located. Call on X04 K liu The Peninsnlar stove, Cook and Heating, the Best on Earth, For Sale by Stewart & Sox Hardware (o HIGH WAY ROBBERY. A Lebanon Man Robbed and Thrown in tne Ditch for Dead. A highway robbery and attempt at murder occurred last night at Lebanon which caused great excitement. The particulars given the Democrat by Hon M A Miller, who was in the city during the day are as follows: Mr Jos Buhl, formerly in business in Lebanon, who owns a hop yard near the city, which he has had leased, was returning about i o'clock to Lebanon from a trip to it His course was along the path leading from the Masonic cemetery through Mr Jonathan Wassom's pasture, used as a public highway for pedestrians, but not for teams. Mr Buhl reached the bridge across the ditch from the Santiam, a small structure with out railimrs, when two men confronted him with sacks over their heads and boles cut for the eyes. One of them cried "atop,'- and without any warning or request to throw up his hands he was hit with a club on the head about three inches above the right ear. That was the last he knew until became to in the water of the ditch, about three feet deep. He atruggl ed a moment and then succeeded in get ing out and walked to the boarding house of Bnd Thompson near the paper mills. He had had $210 in paper money in his inside vest pocket, which the robbers had taken. A silver watch with liia initials on the case was found. These things indicate that after oeinir robbed the men threw him in the water and that he did not fall in as he evidently had not struggled after being hit. One of the men was large and broad should ered and the other smaller, both dressed in dark clothes, but without any thing particular about them to characterize tbem. A young man named Bartlett who stopped near the bridge a short time before 6 o'elock saw a man stand ing behind a tree and made some remark which was not answsred, indicating that the men were waiting for some particu lar person. Tbe opinion t Lebanon seems to be that the act was committed by some one residing in that vicinity acquainted with tbe fact that Mr Buhl sometimes carried money. The fact that, they gave him no time to voluntarily give up his money indicates that tney were afraid to be inspected much . It was Mr Buhl's intention to pay the money out in a few days on an account. The young mau was around Lebanon this morning, not having been seriously injured. The two robbers, though un doubtedly thought that they bad killed him. Mr Bnhl was in Albany Saturday when he was paid about W'-O by Mr Wm Faber for hops. He had been to the hop yard on Sundasmo divide with bis part ner or lessee, and was returning to Leb anon with hia share of the money in his pocket when the robbery occurred. It ;s possible some one who knew he had the money while in Albany followed him up. A S Brasfield, of Yaquina Bay s in the city. Miss Ora McFarland, of the O A C. spent Sunday in Albany. Ltenee has been issued for the mar riage of t barles Ensley and Susan Smith Uncle Billy Wright, of Salem, is in tbe city today with a bucket of horse radish and big tandle of ce'ery. Rev D Pobling was called today by tel ephone to Independence 00 account o' the illnees of his wife. Mr T L Wallace, of Portland, is in the city in the interest of the Portland Cof fee and Spice to Dr W H Davis went to Portland this noon with D C Schell, who will be plac ed in a hospital for examination. we are requested to state that the Walter Parker indicted at Oregon City for stealing a grubbing hoe, is not the Waiter Parker of Parker Bros., of this rtty, who sell 40 loaves of bread for 1 . Judge Hewitt went to Corvallis this noon to hold court, in place of Judge Fullerton, who has been kept at home on account of the illness of his mother. Judge Flinn and Judge Strahan also went to attend court. Miss Elsie Joye, who has been a resi dent of Oregon for about a year, the last three months being in Albany, left this noon for her home in Chicago where she will continue to reside. Miss J jye's uncle, B F Ricbobon, is one of tbe prominent railroad lawyers 01 that cily. Mr and Mrs D W Allingham of Ma toles spentTbnrsday and Friday, in Prine ville. From Mr A we learn that Mr A Coolidge of Silverton has purchased the Mat Hoover ranch on tbe Matolei. He also infotms na that all the beef in the Black IfuUe neighborhood was delivered last week. Mr w H Davis the purchas er, intends feeding the cattle at Oak Grove for spring market. Prineville Review. Thursday evening of this week a little dinner party was given at the home of Oh let Justice K b Bean, on r.ast court street, in honor of Associate Justice and Mrs C EWolvertor ,who have lately came from Albanv 10 make their future home in Saieto. The event was not literally a mum affair, for a most pleasant social hoar was spent. The borne waa tastily decorated with magnificent crysanthe mums, the favorite flower, of which the hostess is a successful grower. Salem Journal. Mrs D Van Horn and daughters will roon move to Portland to reside. Mi J N Hoffman requests the Demo ca at to state that he is not a candidate for marshal as reported. The revival at the Evangelical church continues. Good interest and good at tendance. ay meetings Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursdav at 2:30 p m. Come all. A game dealer in Portland says more birds are sent him than he can dispose of, and he now has In cola storage frorr. 7000 to 8000 pheasants, quails and other game ' irds. That shows what kind of slaughter ing is going on . The effort being made by Prof Tyree to obtain a public school library is one deserving the support of our citiz;ns. Tne enrollment is now over 520 and such a library is needed in the in'ereat of the progress of education. Herman Sirhel recorder of the AO U W of this city paid a bentficary claim of 82,000 to Mrs T H Glaze Monday. Quite a substantial proof of some of the benefit derived fiom being a member of that organization. Prineville Review Unless the nails In the sidewalk are driven down Aldany Is liable to have a damage suit on Its hands. The little man with the Wizard Oil Co. is having hard work to dodge them with his coat tails and If he doesn't lose the appendage it will be a wonder. Has a Parkhurst arisen here? Doc'xjr Wallace, pastor of the First Congrega- ional church, vif.ted all but one ot rort and's gambling houses last evening, and ourposes the inauguration of a war unon this t pedes of vice, looking to its exter mination. l'ortland ,x. '1 he Oriental Tea Co'npanv's store was closed by Deputy Sheriff Proast, of Al bany, today. Tbe trouble, as we learn it, w;iu?er men mammy lopav a dim mat wan owed by them to a Portland firm, thus this procedoie to clo e out their business. It to thought an 1 we hope that they will soon be able to make arrange ments to reopen their s'oie, as Hilsey cannot get aio.ig without a grocery . News. List or Patents granted to Pacific states inventors this week. Reported by C A Snow & Co, solicitors of American and foreign patents, opp U h 1'atenl Of fice, Washington, D C. T M Anderson, New Whatcom, Wash, clothes-rack ; R B Bain, San Francisco, Cal. grocer's shipping or service box or create. L L Bettys, Oakland, Ca), at tachment for locks ; W H Cole, Portland, Oregon, boot jack attachment; L D Craig, San Francisco, Cai, shoe-lace clamp; G A Holiidge, Tacoma, Wash, bedclothes holder; R W Jessup, Los Angeles, Cal, separator; C Keller, Danville, Cal, Can-opener; H II Love, Sacramento, Cal, ventilator-car ; C Lusher Pasadena, Cal, sash balance; C Meier, San Francisco, dredging implement; O k oneur, Yuba, Cal, carburetor; J Nor- bom, San Francisco, Cal, concentrator; E L Ransome, Oakland, Cal, mold; J J Rinn, San Francisco, Cal, tent-fastening, H Schaake, San Francisco, Cal, crin ping machine for can-bodies ; J M Schlesing er, San Francuco, Cal, lace, veiling, or ribbon bolder. r. Price's Cream Baking Powdei A Pure drape Cesara of Tartar Powder. Gambling in Portlahp. The Port land ministers are nearly all preaching on gambling, in verv different ways. Dr Wallace is doing it after U19 Parkhurst style. Here are some of his remarks: "Is there gambling in Portland? Soma time ago I noticed in a raper that there was no gambling in Portland, but rumors that reached ma indicated that gambling did exist here. Subsequent observation led mo to the conclusion that gambling establish ments not only existed but were also openly run. The chief of police, upon my asking him, informed me that he had no knowledge of there being any gambling in Portland. I thing Mayor Frank made a great mistake when he appointed as chief of police, a man so innocent of the ways of the world and of this city, as the present chief. I have read the story of the Babes in the Wood and I feel that Mayor Frank should appoint a guardian or a protector to care for our chief , for some bright morning we may waken up to find that the wolves have devoured him and our police force is without a head. With some other friends I started upon a tour of investigation, ana visited eight gambling institutions of one sort and an other. 1 designate these places that the chief of police may know their location and that all who see young men going in and out may know they are gamblers Two Portland Failurks. Arthur Kohn, the Morrison-street clothier, has tiled a chattel mortir.ure in tho count v re corder's office to Jacob Strauss for the ben efit of the following creditors: Mrs Lillie E Fuller, $4200; Sarah Kohn, $5000; M Abrahms, $1200: the Merchants' National bank, ,S000:and Whnllev. Strahan & Pines. illegal firm. $300. Tho chattel soavtaua stated that the instrument was executed for tho "safety of the uaalita nrmuv.1 ami if covered the Kohn clothing store, the boarding-house, the Vendome, at Thirteenth and Alder streets, and Mr holm's residence at 15 Thirteenth street Mr Strauss was named as keeper of the property, and he is to enter at once upon bis duties in dispos ing of the propeity to satisfy the claims. Ihe Kohn store, at Second and Morrison streets, was attached today by the sheriff upon an action brought in the state circuit court by Mrs Mary E Mulkey for $1500 for rent ot the store. Other claims will fol low. Sichel & Mayer, the tobacco mer chants, assigned Saturday for the behetit of creditors, to Auirust Oberdofer. The comp any's assets are given at $43,657 S3; lia bilities tOO, 700.57. The principal credi tors are Esberg & Bachman. whose claim is $7000. Telegram. A Good Record. The following from the Corral lis Times tells about a man well known in Albany, one with a rec jrd that includes important Oregon history : Judge F A Chenoweth is in attendance on the circuit court for Benton county. Ha now lives quietly on his farm in Kings Valley, and though he is 75 years of age and his hair and beard is as white as tbe driven snow, he has within a few weeks split a thousand rails, hauied them out of tbe mountains and added them to tbe fences en his farm. Until 1852 tbe territory of Oregon included in its borders the region that is now the state of Washington. It was Judge Chenoweth who moved on the floor of the territorial legislation of thai year that what is now Washington be set apart a separate territory. The opposition to this measure was led by tbe late I C Avery, but tbe measure was carried, and Judge Chenoweth waa shortly after ap -pointed judge of the territory thus created. In the winter of 1854 be was speaker of Washington's first legislature, where be was intimately associated with G & Mc Clelian. subsequently oommaneer-in-chief of the Union army, then an engineer on tbe staff of Washington's first governor I L Stevens. In 1862 Judge Chenoweth re turned to Corvaliis and in 1866 served as speaker of the house of representatives. Manslaughter. Tbe trial of the case of the State vs Lorin Parka-, indicted by the grand jury of Hainev county for the killing of Bod Hosard.tbe murderer of Till Glaze, took place lat week in the circuit court and resulted in the jury bringing in a verdict of manslaughter. The Bums News savs of the case: "Many ladies at tended the Parker trial several days; be ing the first murder case ever tried at Burns, made it of absorbing interest to even those not particularly concerned for the welfare of tbe young man accused. Tbe Burns church was never before so crowded as Wednesday evening by men, women and children to bear tbe argument in tbe case of the State v Parker for kill ing Bud Howard. This case has occupied the court from Saturday 9 a m. to Wednes day 10 a m, exclusive of Sunday. Jury re ported at 9 a m Thursdav, a verdict of manslaughter; recommended to the mercy of the court.'' Parker resided in Lane county for several years, prior to his re moval to Eastern Oregon. Some Things to Lbarn Learn to laugh. A good langb is better than medi cine. Learn how to tell a story. A well-told story is as welcome as a son beam in a sick room. Learn to keeb your own troubles to yourself. Tbe world is too bnsy to care lor your ills and sorrows. Learn to stop croaking. II you cannot see any good in tbe world, keep tbe bad to yourself. Learn to bide your pains and aches nnber a pleasant smile. No one cares to bear whether you have tbe earache, headache or rheumatism. Dont crv. Tears do well in novels, but they aieout of read life. Learn to meet your frienps with a smile. Tbe good humored man or woman is always welcome, but tbe dys peptic or hypochondriac is not wanted anywhere and is a nuisance as well. Detroit Tribune. A PoSTLAND HOMITAL WiS L L Hamley "Out Worker" of Portland Meth odist Hospital will speak at the M E church this Tuesday evening at 7 :3) o'clock. Tbe rates at the hospital are as follows: Private rooms, 91 50 to $3 per day; wards, $7 and $8 per week; county patients. (7 per week ; special nurse, $5 per week; use of operat ing room, $5. "Things needed at the hospital.' "Free transportation tor all Thanksgiving offerings." Old cotton and linen for bandages, table linen, table cloths and napkins, towels, sheets, pillow slips, quilt, blankets, bed spreads, fruits fresh, canned and dried, jellies, vegetables of all kinds, batter, eggs, chickens, wood, hay, grain, single harness, single buggy, furni ture (bed room sets,) deeds of town lots, deeds of farms and $10,000 in cash. The Wizard Oil Co gave an entertain ment at the opera house last night to a good sized audience. It was a refined, en joyable affair. Tbe last part particularly is exceedingly laughable. Mr Gallagher does the funny business in on artistic man -ner and Mr Sullivan the 40 inch man is alone worth more than tbe price of ad mission in hi athletic exhibition, a very novel affair. The company will be here all of this week. It is not often so much fun is had for 15 cents. A Wool Center The Salem Journal of yesterday says that Thos Kay, of the woolen mill, today went to Albany and will visit Waterloo and Brownsville before returning. His company contemplate? re moving from Waterloo to tbe Salem mills a mammoth steam wool washer, capable of cleaning 5000 pounds per day. They also expect to increase the scouring facili ties of these mills and make Salem a wool centre by buying, handling and storing large quantities here. Tom Kay was in the city yesterday. Mr Kay has secured control of tho Water loo mills and will lx-jrin running them in a short time. okllinu at oost. felt has J5, S and 75 cent. Nlce'y turned hits $t.oo, uaii ana oe convinced. MksJoiim N Uopfma; Bw'j. . Vmreia 1 44 p.rlora. siiviq ail I ai Fresh buck wlieat 'flour at A B Mcll wain's. If you wtot a riit smokr oall for Joseph wnite latmr oyarc, Maple syrup In glass bottles and by the can at A B Mcllwain's, cheapsr than any oiner nouse in Albany. Keep your eyes on the L K B'aln Co s sdvcrtiement on the adjoining page. Albany Saras'. Vnat, SI3 Oats, 32c Flour, I8.00. 'J utter, 203. EggN, 18c.; Lard. 12 to lVc Pork hams. 12 to 16c, shouldr,4to!10c d. II to 13c Hay, baled, Votatoes,$26. Apple ,.4r Dense fogs are prevailing mornings. License has been issued for the marriage of Edwin R Cummlngs and Addle W Qourley. Ben Hayden, the well known lawyer and statesman, pays taxes on $16.9)0 in Polk county. The largest chrysanthemum tn record was 13 Inches in diameter. See If you can hunt up one half aa big. The men who robbed Jos Buhl near Lebanon aie probably among those work ing hardest to find the robbers. James A Campbell, at one time a resi dent of Eugene, has been re-elected a fa ice judge oi Sin Francisco. The ladles of the M E church wilt give a chicken pie tupper 0.1 Wednesday even ing, Nov 21. The signal light at the S P depot ex ploded last nignt, causing little damage though making considerable of a light for a few minutes. A burglar last night entered the vsrd of J O Crswford and stole a couple suits of underwear belonging to Mr Crawford and son Bert. There Is $1,081,888,19 in the Portland banks. That doesn't look very bad . Just put more of it in circulation and hard times will not be heard of. The c:Vm city election Is becoming somewuat lively already, ihe statesman Is openly lighting Tonv Klein, a former live business man of this city for r'nomi nition. Eleven thousand and four hundred dollars is the amount of delinquent taxes In Lincoln county for 1894 ti shown by the roll just turned over to County Clerk Jones by Sheriff Landis. Sheriff McFcron returned from 1 Leba non to day where he had been to Investi gate the Buhl robbery. The club with which Buhl was hit was found but no re liable clue 10 the robbers. John Klckard's sale of horses ha ve already passed tne $1,000 maik and will reach $1,400 before the end of the season. Perfect horses generally have a market, even when from abroad there come re ports of whole bands going at from $2 to $io per nead. Corvallis Times. On Sandar morning Dr Hill found a hat floating down the Santiam ditch. At anything that falls in the ditch Is easily gotten oat the query Is as to how this hat got in It. As no suicide hat been heard of up the ditch and It was before the recent robbery It la probably only an estray . Of the tlx deaths upon which A 6 V W assessments were paid last month five of ihtw were vHlcnt. Two were from drowning, one railroad accident, one crwhsed by machinery, one pit ml shot and the sixth tubercoloslt. This should con vince Ihe most skeptical of the uncertaln- y of life and the tmpoilame of insurance. Prater. The fo lowing appears In ihe supreme court proceedings; H C Chamber lin, re spondent, vt. George L Hlbbard antihe Savings and Loan society, a corporation, appellant ; appeal from Multhomah county ; argued and submitted. G G Uatntnant, attorney for appellant; F L Keeaan, at torney for rerpondent. F C Rankin and wife, of Eugene, are in the city. Miss May Fulton is the new editor of tbe Pendleton Tribune. Mrs Eugene Lafoiest is visiting friends in Portland Ex-Sberiff Jackson, of H alter, has been in tne city afternoon. J A Dammit, traveling YMCA secre tary, ts in the city this afternoon. Ex-County Clerk Sutton of 1-ake Coun ty, has been in the city on business. Prof McKee, of the Occident, of San Francisco, was in tbe city this forenoon. Judge Fullerton went to Corvallis this noon to relieve Judge Hewitt in tbe circuit court. Thomas Monteith has tendered hia resig nation as postmaster of Albany to take effect Dec 1. Mr )ohn Usher returned this noon from Portland where be has been in tbe hospital for several weeks. He is nearly recoveied in health, feeling better than for several years. Ed Gav. who 1 ft a short time as for Texas, is back in Oregon already . A very short time in that state was all be cared for. He thinks Orecon ood enough fcr him . Junction Times. Mr A E Ketchum. Mrt Walter Kebhsra and daughter Lottie, aad tbe wm of Mr Sam Mullen left this noonlfor Salt Lake City where they will spend tbe winter I he tnp is made principally for tbe benefit of Miss Lottie, who has nearly lost her voice. Mrt W H Morehouse, mother cf George Morehouse, who waa killed by the gun Imp in the store on East Sixteenth stree:. has returned from San Francisco where she was when the affair took place. At that time there was a report to the effect that Mrs Mcrehoose had separated from her husband. She was deeply mortified on ber return to hear that this report bad been circulated, and denies that sack is the case. She went to California on business, and will shortly leave for Eastern Oregon, where her husband now is on his farsa. Oregonian. George Humphrev, deputy United States marshal, passed through Pesidle- ton on the evening train Miadar with five prisoners from Oanvon Cits- E. Hicks, John Wash, H. Jewett, Thomas Morrison and M. J. Chambers. These were charged with interfering with the passace of the United Mates mails. Of one thing I am certain," said Deputy Marshal I mphrev, "times are better in Eastern Oreuon than in the western part of the state. You people up here have no cause for special complaint." Pen dleton E. O. That Joyful Feeling. With the exhllerating sense of reoewed health snd strenght and Internal cleanli ness, which follows ihe use oi Svrup of Fiat, It unkown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicine and the cheap aubttitutet sometime off ered but never accepted by the well la- formed. At Cost. Mrs Parrith offers her en Ire stock at cost, oing to the lateness Of the season snd dull times. The ladies of Albany will do well to call and examine her stock before purchasing eltewncrc, at Mrs Parrlth's Millinery Parlors. Chcap Shoes. I carry a large line of Ladies Kid Shoes, solid throughout, sole leather Insole and counter, stylish, patent tip, every pair warranted. $1.50. $).oo, $). ;o. Try a pair, you take no chances. S E Young. Well and Happy Thanks to Hood's 8raparill-Duft Headaches -That Tired Feeling. Mr. W. W. Tele M Francisco, Cal. " Ons ol tin grsabjst rafstaksa sample stake Is to lock ths door after tbe horse is stolsa, er la etbsr words, to wait oakU they are tluk la bed before they do aaytttlag for the peer body. KsttHar my wits nor mysslf wsrs ml tick; I attended to ssy boslnsss, aad my wtfe to hat aeusaooU duttss daily. Sat ws had dull, asaTy ftsadaehes, and a Utile ovsr-txsrtton weald tire Saved Us Severs Slcknas Aad S big doctor's MIL It people would star rsfflsssksr that ' as eases of prtrsnUon U worth Hood's Cures well is to take Hood's SarsspsrlDa aeoordlns U dirstttens, sat W.H.TOLKS, be well Bt.,1 Hood si PUIS ears all tlvtr Ills, conttlpaasa, , JsuMles, sick nsaaaeos. inaifssBea, ol9SfESSM 'bsxsbWTn9 BaT HUNTED IN LINN COUNTY. The Sun tells the following: Messrs Al Johnson and Fred Pittock, of this city, and Messrs Jap Minto and W A Taylor, of Salem, rtartcd up the Willamette valley one week ago, in a hack, on a hunting ex pedition from the Capital city. Tbey were bent upon a little bit of an excursion to renew acquaintanceship of auld lang syne, to shoot Denny pheasants, and to shake hands with everybody they met. They hunted from Salem to Albany, and from thence to Halsey, and from Halsey they went to Brownsville. After reaching Brownsville they met with an old-time hunter, by tho name of Keene, who was on his way to the Calapooia mountains after deer, accompanied by his dogs and thor oughbreds the dogs proved to be. On tbe trip the hunters shot 100 piieas ants, Denny and native birds, with some snipe and a few grouse; bat they found complete satisfaction for past failures, when after four hours' horseback riding and the dogs were turned loose, they kill ed seven deer in Calipooia creek. Taking it all in all, the hunt was a grand success, and the only drawback was this: Every farmer on tne route, while the nortv were in the hack, suspected the mem bers of being market hunters, and in order to shoot over any farmer's place it required a half-hour's talk in explanation. When asked why such a prejudice against the market hunters, it was universally the opinion of the farmers that unless the mar ket hunters were suppressed by law, there would soon be no more Denny pheasants. Addressing, Mr Johnson, an old farmer, said: "Why, look at the thousands of birds that one of your Portland newspapers re ported the other day bad been put upon cold storage. Now, how can anything live, and grow, and become a permanent in -stitution if you continue to slaughter it. in order that ths rich might have it all tbe year round, snd a few dealers make some money bv it?'' Another old granger said to Fred Pitto.-k : "Why, do you know that those market hunters are supplying the markets of San ) rnuicisco. ot Portland and ot tne rxouna with Denny pheasants by ths thousands, and these fellows were hunting over these grounds long before your folks came?" A friend of the hunters, and perhaps the most influential farmer in Marion and Linn counties, waa emphatic in the declara tion that un'ess the market bunting of the Penny pheasant was stopped by a tpecial law of the legislature the Denny pheasant, the best game bird of this or any other state, would toon become a pleasure of Ihe past and a re ic in the show-windows of the true sportsman. Why will not Judge Denny take charge of bis proteges and further perpetuate his grateful memory to coining generations? This was the thought of the reporter of Tbe Sun. after be had listened to the stories of tbe farmers, as related by the banters, of the slaughter of the beautiful gam birds of Ibis state. Brownsville Happenings. "Grandma' Dodton, mother of Mrs S P Baroer. waa stricken with nsraivaia last Tuesday morning aad it now lying at the residence oi ber daughter in a hopeless condition She hat mads bet borne for some fifteen years with Mr Barger sad wife and of course is well known to every one in this part of tbe country as well aa the state. She it 83 years old an d most of ner long lire nas been devoted to a Boost noWe and earnest Christian career. Many an her friends who mourn at her present serious condition. Monday was a pleasant day for Rev and Mrs Spanirier, of the M B church, in this city. It waa the latter a birthday and dor ing her absence at quarterly meeting, a large number of ber friends fathered at lh parsonage and prepared a most tumpt- uvu umaer. verses ane issuiuuo io sur prise was complete At about 7 .30 in the evening the yoong people made a similar visit 1.. t:,e .-- :..v,,v BBJ tfSsw BM cms ing very pleasantly Miss Belle Barger. of Iowa, arrived in this city Saturday and wi'l make ber borne at the residence of her uncle. Justice 8 P Barwer. A W Blackburn and wife are rUitin; retatirn in Albany this week. A lively rase was tried beforv the jostle in this place on Saturday. Thursday even ing R H Chaplain, deputy marshal, arrest ed one Ira Kixer on a charge of drunken ness and disorderly condort. Friday the offender was brought before Recorder Cothow and fined 5 and cost. Being un able to pay the fine. Kiser was remanded to tbe city jail. While paMxng tbe town pump be requested a drink, which request was granted. No sooner bad ths deputy marshal loosened the prisoner than be made a dash for liberty, and then began a chase that would rival pursuit of Frank James. For three hundred yards on Main street they went with the deputy dose in pursuit finally catching the fugitive from justice. In subduing tne firy and untamed charge Mr Chaplain flapped him and for this act he was arrested for assault and battery-- Tbe case was tried before Squire Barger, with Barney Martin for the prose cution and A A Tussing for the defendant . The jury was oat only a few minutes and returned a verdict of "not guilty.' much to the satisfaction of all. except possibly s few who were instrumental in having tbe arrest made. When "Ralph'' goes after a man he gets biat no matter what the chances are. Mesdames E S Warren and I W Starr went to Portland this morning. Presiding Elder John Parsons was in this city over Sunday snd conducted the urn quarterly meeting of the M fc cfaurcn for the current year. Geo Drinkaxd is erecting s nest residence in Uausman's second addition to North Brownsville. John Abrama is very low with consump tion. Several Salem sports were in thit com munity last weak waging war upon the China pheasants. A. The way to reach catarrh it through the blood IW, Ureannillla. bv nurifv- Ing ths blood, removes the cause of the dicas and permanently cure catarrh. Take only Hood's. Hood's Pills act easily, yet prompt and effectively, on the liver' and botre PROJECT NO. IO. Given Away for SO Days. A B Mcllwain will give yon free of charge a 25 cent broom with every 16 ounce can of A Schilling & Co's bast Pio neer Baking Powder. Every can guar anteed. We will sell yes a Schilling A Co's celebrated Warn? Cboss Spicks cheaper than any other house in Albany, and guarantee them pore. Pskaciiino at Peoria riunday Nov to continue through the week. The P will be with ut, at quarterly meeting Peoria on 4th Saturday and Sunday this month. R A RtEAGtN P E. P A Mosss. P C. iS. Naw BuTCHEit Sitor. Boyet Bros, have opened a meat market adjoining tbe O V . I I- ' .... 1 It I II o 1 tern pie on rerry mm win sen nrsi clasa meats al cheap as any shop in AlhanT. Give us a call. When vou buv bread consider aualliv and quantity then vou will buy at the U S bakery . Dont tay times sre too hard for plci uret when you can eet Aral clatt ''lidos lor fi.l.cs dozen st Tinkles. WILL A STARK, the jewelers. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder AwirSed Gold Medl Midwinter Fair. San Francisco. DIED. PETERSON. In Alhanv. on evening, Nov. 13, 1H9I, of heart disease, Frances, wife of Mr. Frank Peterson, wred .. rwt M j 41 year. 1 ne uecvaseu was norn in Ken ton oountv. She was a woman hiuhtv re. spected, u rood wife and mother. She leaves a husband, a daughter, Mrs. Walter Bartges, and an infant child The family have tbe sympathy cf all in their loss. The remains will be taken to Philomath for burial." BUMOND.-On Tuesday morning, Nov 13, 1894, Charles Byron, the five weens old son of Mr and Mrs Alex Dumond, after a short illness, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL, H. 0. Watson was in Eugene yesterday Sn ecru ini nu. ' J o - .wiunn. Af D VS 1 1 ' 1 ( .... uiuiur anu uriac were in Al bany today on their return from their bridal trm 1.. ti,.. ..,,.i . cf)as. Clark, receiver of tho Oreiron Pa cane railrord. and Joseph Bergin, the Hiucr.ii rreignt and passenger agent, were in the city yesterday from Corvallis 1 hev wern Innkino n, i, f a - - ,r-- -- " 1 . premises along the river front. When the river uoir uobw, me inree Bisters, on the regular 1 un between tbis city and Corvallis Sit !m Hlom.. -.. . ,uu.DiuU , "OakvlIIc. Rev. P. B. Williams ill lecture here next, cainruay evening. Mr. James Allen (if ( linn r taaLV io - ing with his sister Mrs. Pattison. Sir. Ooonnt f'liml.l ll.l ... 1 1 waea. ne maim a vit,i in A , , . - . . . US IHHI - ...M Coon WM riding his wheel, he said Mr. Lrnine et.iHo.1 will, hi... Ll- wneei railed him so he had to ao back. , , . , : ' nBHM u.ui uui 111 n Charlie Davis left Oregon about a month ajro never to return will l- 1 i-1 ,; l. Iowa is too cold for him. This is generally A Florida man writei to H. M. for a few prune seeds. Mr. Stone Stone wr,t " cjjiaineu me process 01 prune culture and will send him some Scions. Th th nave all ceaed their profanity; they have been put to shame by some parties that cal! themselvet gentlemen, bat no gentleman will use profanity nor dis tuib the property of others. Amicus. A Pkixce Is Ohegok - A real live de scendant of a king resides in Portland. Hit name is James L. Ord, be is a Western . nion lineman; but nevertheless hat blue blood ic his veins. Here is how it goes genealogically. Ords father is John S. yJTU. ot rnta 'Jruiz. bis father was son of George I by Mrs. Fitzhebert, to whom be was secretly married several years when be cast ber aside for his Cousin Caroline, owge IV reigned from 1120 to 1830. Having no issue by his second wife, those of hit first being illegal on account of a muriage under Catholic ritea. he wai suc ceeded by the aoo of iieorge III under the title of Win. 1. which will show how close Ord s grandfather came to being king. Instead be was sent to America so as to be out of the way and died in Omaha, at the age of 85 years. Tbe Sun print young Ord't picture, chowing him to be a fine looking man. Y. W. C. A. Coxvcmos. Tbe young lady students of Albany college, are work ing with untiring dibgence for tbe ap proaching ttate Inter-collejtiate T. W. C. A. Convention, which is to meet in this city Nov. 23 and 26. Mist Price, the In ternational Seereterv of , V. W. C. A., also Kiss Emma Reader, Coast Secretary to gether with other prominent persons will be present to address the meetings. The attention of ihe people of Albany is re spectrally called to this convention and ail are oordial'y invited to bo present and thus manifes. their interest in this great work. The meetings will be held in the college building, unlets otherwise stated. L O. T. M. Au K O T M ArrtBTio Tbe Knights and Ladies of the Maxv-abeet will give aa excursion 00 Friday evening Nov. 16th to Corvallis, where they will be entertained by the Knights and Ladies of that place. Every Knight snd Lady and their invited friends are promised a very enjoyable time- A joint meeting of ths K. 6. T. II. aad L o. T USled for Thursday evening Nov. 1$ for the pur pose of prrfecting arrangemenbt. Pare for ths muud trip. SOcent. A L. Lamb. s1ue Lsmbsox. Sir Knight Commander. Lady Commander Foot Baix. Mr. Percy Naih. of the O. A C. foot bail team was in the city today with an arm in a sling. Tbe O A C's will play Monmouth next Saturday at Mon mouth, and will probsblv hare aa easy thing with the Normals, say 30 or 40 to 0. T: frrvat icac; the asSBSSJ Stall SI SS Tbenkssrivinej between the O A C' sad the Portlands. There has never been a goal against ths Corvallis boys on their home ground. A large n amber of Al easy people wili witness the first instance on the fifth. Rsri-xxkiNo The Bawoa. A will be teen by the Council proceeding the steel bridge is to be doable decked. A special meeting of the council will be held to rn 01 row night when tbe contract for lata -ber wili be let, probably to ths Santiam Lumber Co., which, though 10 cents than another bid, provides for dressed lumber oa oceride, which will far more than make up the difference. The present decking would have last much longer had one aide been dressed so as to make an even surface. The work will be done un der the supervision of the committee on streets and public property. 122.000 feet of lumber will be required and the total cost for matensi and tabor will be less than fl.aoo. M. out Lao Bam; ex. On last Monday Rev Potter aad wife of Toledo bad been digsing clams and on returning- to us ! city they bad to climb up a ladder fourteen feet long tn order to reach the wharf. Mrs. rotter bad leached tbe too of the ladder when she lost her footing aad fell tbe distance of the length of ths ladder breaking her leg between the knee snd ankle. Dr. Divans of Newport was called in and reduced the fracture. Sara Blowx Orun. About 3 o'clock Monday aiomingtbe safeof G. W. Grubb's store at Wilbur was blown open by un known parties who secured about f75 in cash. Flour ras piled about the safe to deaden tbe noise . Parties living near by heard the noise. Several suspicious characters have been loafing about the town and they are suspected. If you need new glstsft or your eve trouble von call on Prof stark.of Will and Stark .graduate of the Chicago Opthalmic school, who will give you the best fit to be secured. Broaihesd (Jamestown) dress good stylish, well finished, ten Icenbte, cheap, at S E Young's. A Is Mcllwain will sell you gunpow der tea at is cents per pound and guaran tee It equal to tea others are charging 50 cent for. Try li and vou will find It of fine cut quality. It la a pleasure to eat good bread this yon will always find at the U S err. snt t"" Three i Proclaim the Dr. Price's Baking: Powder. ' Scientists are devoting closer attention to food product; Recent examination of baking powders by Prof. Long, Dr. Haines, and Prof. Prescott, were made to determine which powder was the purest, highest in leavening strength, most efficient in service, and most economical in cost. They decide that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder excels in all the essentials of an ideal preparation for household use, They write: "Chicago, March 28th, 1894. We have purchased in the open market cans of Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder and also of the other leading brands Of baking powders, and have submitted them to chemical analysis, ' We find that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder it t pure cream of tartar powder, that is has a considerably greater leavening strength than any of the other baking powders we have ever tested. PaOF. John H. Long, IfrrtAwMen Umvtrsity, Chicago. Da. Walter S. Hain5, Kmk Medical College, Chicago. J Paor. Awjkrt B. PaxecoTT, Univ. of Mickigait, Ann Arbor. Did You Ever A Question The Best Are the Cheapest. Read. Peacock & Go. Cant We Trade HOME AND ABROAD Turn the ratcslt out' the familiar parUcry may be applied to microbes as well st men. The germs oi dltcsse .ha: urk to the blood are -"turned out'' by Ayer't SarsaparUta at effectually a the old postmasters sre disposed Ly a new admlnlttrattas. Many people, when s little contlipated. make the initiate of u:cg taline or other drattic purgatives. A that it needed it a mild dote of Ayer't Pills to restore the egulsr movement of the bowe t snd nat- ore will do the rest, to t v s it? the sys tem in pel feet order. There hat not been a fire alarm in Al bany since Jsnuary a, a splendid record. Often such a thing Is fo lowed by a suc cession oi conflagration, but It U to be booed (hit -revet an exception. Tne annua', meeting of the A'iany Kindergarten awxrla'ioa will be held to night at the Presbyterian church. It will be made of generti interest to the public. Election of tlx director wiU take place, sod besides s short program there will be report of the officers . A Moco, Idaho, populist ciccied the dittrlct ofiuer i:h District Judge W G ditpatch say the local county snd the exception of Pip-rr. republirsn wrvo beau the fusion ctftduale bv 03 majority. -Vaksr," s hortj brrd ar.d ratted in Lake county. th ttstr, broke the coast record for the mile aod-a-tUlecnlh jump, in a hcrdle race st Ssn Frandtco Nov leading a string of favorite from start to finish, sod coming In on the world record lime of t ;55 V Di J W taearr. a brother of Or E P Geary of Medford ha roored from Linn county to the Rogue River Vat'.ey, and is located at Central Point in the practice of bh profession. I.Ike his brother. h Is a well educated, experienced and successful physician. Athland TVJ ne CJtv Council. Toesday evening. Nov 1 J. Present Mavor. Recorder. Marshal and Coanciimen Whitney. Pfeiffer. Bur k hart. Marshal! and Waters. The following 'Hil were ordered paid: B F Purdom. 2 75; Root Brown. M: John lone. tS 30: P Riley. Train A Whitney. $7 20: I C Dicke. .75: W C Brecken- ridge. II: j M Neefey. I.H: J iientoa. IP .X. C 0 Lee. f70; l" G Hale. f; W A McCtain. ISO: lohn Joce.f2t; Electric Light Co. fl2&. r- ..- -j 1. ...1 a it l iCWUBHCI.. VflV A -- f ... . Button A Co. Also claim cf Mrs Fsrretl. I The petition of ffm Vibcj for grading; J of Second street. FJlswortb to Lyon, was not ersnted. Ihe matter ot toe improve ment of the street was referred . The Holmes note wa- reported settled. The resignation of D C -V uel! as council man from the 1st Ward was read and ac crpted. W C Tweedale was elected to succeed hini until January it- Tbe committee on streets and public property recommended ths redeeking 01 tbe steel bridge, and tbe tame was ordered. TtWridge to planked the entire length with red fir lumber. 16 feet long, 3 inches thick, aad 8 to 12 inches wide. Sids from the Santiam Lumber t o. Harrisburg Luni ber Co and Gates Milt Co were read snd the matter referred to the ordinance com mittee to draw up o'dinance and let con tract. S The recorder was instructed to give notice of citv election. Polling places. 1st Ward, Coart bouse: 2nd Ward. Council chamber; 3rd Ward. Farmers warehouse. The following mdces and clerks were anrmintad: First ward, iudires. W C Tweedale, ? W Spink. J O Bushnell: clerkt. Jamaa Powell. C W Watte. Second ,.t :.!. P J Mi I lor Ca Hnrkbart. fr clerk. D S Smith. A M Cannon Third ward, iudires, lohn Isom, Sr. W H Goltra. A b Morris: clerks, J W White, A Runes. Tbe matter of chances in city charter to be made bv the coming state legislature was referred to the committee on ordinal ce. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Scientists : 1 Superior Value of stop to consider that when stores advertise bargains, that It of great importance ss where ?et the best goods for the least here It an o'd tsyfng snd all buyers of experience are of the fact so thev deal with Whv don't you try them, and be cot. vlnced that you can get first quality an. firtt style goods at extremely low priest for cash. yos some dress goods, simethlng ysu need for loose change. We will Itsthl ;. underwear or some of y jur please you if Ttters I mm Catarrn la this section of the COSBtrV than all Olfcar diMM nn lullu. sad unt il the 1st few years was npposed ts be uxmrautc. i-or a mat manr rears doctor Baa' rears doctors pra laa. maid nmai1 ih t 1am a a local dittos and bj coaitantly tallies to can wita Btat. nDHnnaaS auaraUa tU-L. has proreo catarrh to constitutional 1, raati, run. raqulitw conatitntional MaliS Catarrh tNtr mtmj I.,.! P. J. CBeSktvAGa. . Tolada Otian. onatitotioaal enra on tbe mark. It Is takes aaicraaiiy ib ooses trots 10 drops to a toacpoos tkU. It acta dirertlr on the blood and rforof UaTtam. Tbcyogrr ono nsradrasl tWlars for any esse It fail to cor. Setil tor tarcsUars aad teattSBOttials. Address. f. i . che.vey a co. , Toledo, o. Sw-aPid br Tttagpi... TSc Ladies Day Auction. We will sire a snecial auction for tbe 'a.t .... nrt Vri.lav enaraflAa i i . , . ai ' oVIrtrk ajui will nKmr tk fnltrrwinir f lines of goods : Mnslins, calicoes. tsJbte tineos. towels, toweling, i Mi tiiij,i .flamttss gingbam. outing- flannels, dress goods, etc Also s cooaptete line ot ladies an-ierwear. consisting of frowns, chemise, drapers. corset covers, etc.ladies and children wool en and cotton nnderware, hoe err. shoes, artks. robbers, gloves, mitts, laces em brorderies, ribbons, etc. w root! bos- i ne entire stock will be sou st auc tion and private sale at fast aa possible. All goods sold on their merits snd we guar -ant errTthiajr to be as represented. Ladies do not miss this ovnortnaitr to boy goods at oar own prices. A action every stUnnlaT afternoon at one o'clock. Will a)o take farm produce in exchange for goods, sach as sgg. dried fruit, all kind of poultry. beans, potatoes, green app'es. dressed real, pork, and any other farm produce that can be turned into money. This sale trill con untie until tbe entire stock is dosed oat. G W SIMPSON. CALL AND SEE The larec. stock of ctom made boots evrr Carrie1 In Albans. Abao tne brat wlected stock of men's, aomcn's,boT"a, misses and cnt'dren's hoes In a grades, at prices to meet tne timet. All good aougnt at oar ttore that rip repaired Free ot charge. It you want lour horse snoo you go to a Blacksmith ; not a genera', merchandise store. Wh-? When You wart to be shod come to the on It eac'uttre boot and shoe ft ore In Albany. Kliis 4 Dt'sai iLLt When the Chinaman the water From his ngly ncxzW squirts On the surface of your collar. On the bosom cf roar shirts, HI oaly thought of you I the money be wi 1 get. By tpitting on the linen. Ttl! he knows he hi It we. The Albany Steam Laundry utes da rape ner. Don't Be Afraid To Send the Children when too want anything in groceries from Parker Bros store. They will be waited upon just as promptly and just as i carefully as It jou JO stent tout self. They will get just as much ior '.he money. Reliable groceries, Iresh produce, snd first class baked goods. Meats. Back Ss Ketchum de sire to inform the paV.ic that they are prepared to f apply si! kinds of first case meats at pri-s as low aa any market in the city. Give them a call. A fine large stove lor tale, inquireat V trick's Barber shop. Cran Berries al C E BrowneU't. 40 full weight loaves ot bread for ft at Parker Bros. My first Invoice of Lidtet costs snd Jacket has arrived. S E Tovng Vou can get firtt clati photo f jr $ 1 .t$ Hard time prices at Crawford a Paxtons. Get yoar millinery at Mrs AsJibv's, Hodge & McFarland makes s specialty of prescriptions. Teacher of vocal aad instrumental music. Miss Hat tie M Warner, corner 4th and Ellsworth stiect. l loan towais to every easterner st Vie reck lhsving parlor. Caps and mire cap at S E Young's. Ht bath at Verict's hivin parlor No matter how many times you fail to get a Photo that just exactly tulu yon. dont give up, go to Tinkles, and if" hit work dont tnlt, dont pay tor it. 'oaytiJi5aw, When You Write ue tasteful tstlsnery that will pleae the eye of the receiver ot your letter. The finest paper for missives of every kind ts shown in our stock, which iac'udct many diff-rent t'vlet with envelopes to match. We can paper the town with our atpley of the latest fad in stationery. Ve have all the materials for writing, and draa ing materials, too. A our stock 1 drawing buyers, because the fact Is recog ntxed that we lead in goods and price. We sponge and expunge competition with our slock of pen,penclTs,pads,erasers,lnks, blank books, etc. J A Cvaatuic so n ar.y Is to go to money? aware B R. BTDE. tr. H. DINDIXCES. D. H. J.UfX ALBAM FilMTBl CO., CO IftuT, Ore. FURNITURE txtjpletc line of l0ERTAKI in all its bran EMBALMING aeriaity. Residence er 3rd aad Caispocia REMOVAL NOTICE. Will & Stark Are now in their new store in the Cusick Block, where they are prepared to meet tbe wants of the public with tbe finest line of jewetery, silver ware, clocks, watches, etc in thit part cf the ttate. Fitting eyes with glasses and spectacles by Prof A Star, graduate of the Chicago Opthalmy College, a specialty. Weekly EsamiDe 150 per yefT F L KENTON Si'sscKSfrrox oi.T JC uu Good work a specialty. AUUSY. OREGON. aataas. Cusick Blocs. alhar.y.Or. Filling and extracting of teeth withes' pain a specialty. J. if. -faJLtSTO. INSURANCE AND MONEt BROKER. Coiat? Warrants Emkt u UU. 0.kf,l.sii !!xk, Albam Irrgii. H F MERRILL. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany, Or. City and cvnnty warrants bought and so'd. 4 FRF0 YATFS, ATTORNEY AT Tj f vV. Rooms 25 and 26, Strihau Bloc!-. ' Uiny, On goo SVT NTBt) - .0 .x.-ti'tv; curswry f sti ck wr 1 (nod . wrk hoc e 10 weicb from l?vi tn lbs APP'T ln Brow no 1 Moriin at tbe" ..lDny Nirt .'is-. f'f OS I - .. parkas cf psprrs li r.g opy of oaiv i t ooQtcf a iu sui !0ilit tv a i-tii air t ,'oorer sud sua rs to e rt d. ed. lsi sx nif ottur papers. Find' i 1 turn to llis crow and receiv . l, . ap Mi I th Rl t."rit' uc. rl or, hi if use L C.-a- d, bin ,'hrt . nam, tr-v I i-. lit potato, ass. TEN HOLLARS REWARD. -We will gtv $10 reward Is wbo-vw .. tint give a the name of a crttojier tor a piano or oriau the money to b- paid tuoo as sals it made Rmeob.-r our nau.e wiil not be mentioned to the catwmtr. Wlio tawt the c t reward? Ta IC 1 ey B Ofc all Fir.-t St, Port! nd Or. I1EO E FISH THE PLUMBER. Tin roofiing and plumbing. Opposits the opera house. asssssBVflrassstaw