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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1894)
i r m o r rat VOL XXX. ALBANYORKGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER IGf 1894. Entered at Ike Post Oltt a Albany. r.f Second-Mass Mall Kaflrrt mis A M ttim.. Publishers and Frasrrlelarsi SO 15 Eights for Infants CMtorla is so troll adapted to children that ipmirwad it as superior to any prescription Vtma" It A. Amm, M. D., 1U So. Oxford St, Srooktyn, ft Y. The se of 'OMtalk 1j so universal and (a a" rtta so wall known t hat it sewms a work st, wrerogation to ondorw it. Feu- are the "fBt families who do sot keep Coatoria ta easy roach." KsvYorkaty. Tmt Csrrarn The Oregon Land uc Vltr. irs noma office it SJhJLsXIM: - - uie Gray Blocl., corner Liberty anj -j ItTA KEs a speei?.l! of Svmnyskle tracts ve-ar Salem Will sen 5, 10 or 20 acre lot- at $50 to $60 pf. ere "mall cajli pivment Iop ti to? . balanse or partionla Best Work Promptness PRINTING JOB - Office Stationery ft Specialty Give us yoar Patronage. P. J. SMILEY ALBANY. Albany Begins the fall term Wednesday, Sept 12, 1894 ?end to Rev E N Co.idit , President, for particulars. As Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every thing else as cheap, as at any store in Albany, at Julius Gradwohls New Store at the corner of oecond and your groceries and crockery FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers - - anl - Eiiibalnies). t ITE KIlEP constantly on hard fiiH V V conins. Also btitial io't and r;h'ch vill be sold at Tbe f,own( EMBALMING "d the pi -.per NO EXTRAr CKARCi FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE-' ALBANY MASONIC Power, Uaadacba, WakefalneM. Lint, nets, bTOTer ?rJ?lsrl?n' .H4 I' HU IO -r-. mi .wuj , Foruleln Albany, Ore., by J. A, CLMMIMjH, and bjr UOlXiEH it Mcr'AHUM). Urufiglitf. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Froprietor, and Children. Castorlav eurcj Colic, Constipation, Sour stctwtca, rlarrhcea. Eructation, KUla Tonns, gives slfj au rrumatca d! gostios. Without Injurious riK'iccttoa Tc reran years I haw rceonur.eudW your 'Ovrtoria," and shall always continue It do to as It has Invariably rrodoood bonwflcia losulu." Eavur F. Fjuuw, SI. r., :ii fiirwut ard Kl .-.w, Sssr York My Ookfaxt, ?7 Mrajuv Stukt, Xnr Yoaa Oti-r. - ORilGO State street, trarch office rNsrttnwt. - BOO OREGON. College Ferry stiaet. Call Iheir for ware. line of r.eta!lc, clotn and v.ood caskets and suits, In i rcacciotn. nn,nnr,ii Living Profit. care oi the dead a socially TEMPLE OREGOJ VERVB IBM." his wundtrf ul remedy Memory. LO00 of Brain lT?r"t exoewlM dm of tobacco. odIuxd or itlm- SwJtSiSSSLilX bj UPJ1'1- Witha order w JnnrtllHr.;oniU:ilDtionor nunltv t'mn ha nsrHnd In Wrllu f,,r frUI. M.M,.1 Ji....U. . T-m saaww. tin it hv THUES'OAY COUNTY COURT. (J. N. nuiicsn, county judge; J M. Wilen and J. W. l'ligh, Commissioner .) Tho plans for repairing the Kantium bridge at Sweet home were received nnil placed on file. Continued, bill ol J 1 Tilloison, bridge, $S7.50: Oregon ngt Anderson and Sharf, m ;0; J M Wiley, $12.95. Bill oi A H Martnm. $2.50 disallowed. In the matter of bounties it was ordered that hereafter no bounties be paid on any scalps except coyotes, which will be $2.50. Bills Allowku. G C Cooley, aid Mrs Clark W E Savage, aid Cook family . . B White, aid Kenoworthy R C Kemp, aid Belf Mrs Elizabeth Oaooea, aid self. Mrs Sarah Mines, aid Robeit Gil back, aid Mat tie Taylor, aid P M Smith, aid O Walsan II Bcker, aid Veil family. .... Mrs G F Juukfy, aid T W Cnrren, aoct roads Tra n & Whitney, printing S W Ross, meet C H T L Dagger, printing E F Box, miscellaneous John Combs, sheriff Crook Co. . . N P Pavne, incidentals Ir J P Wallact, acct insane J M Wiley, roads M Shackleford, insane acct - H Kudd, miscellaneous Glass & Prudhomme, books Work on Bear Creek ditch Inquest J Bachman Harrisburg Lumber Co Albany Iron Works, roads .$ i 00 . 10 00 S (JO 5 00 6 00 5 00 6 00 . U 00 . 2 00 S 00 . 8 00 . 45 06 ' 60 2 20 2 00 2 00 . 45 93 5 00 4 00 4 00 16 l 73 25 . 16 50 . 5t 6! 6 75 10 35 Oregon aist Peter Chance Jos Kelso, bounty . 12 50 W M Conner, roads H B Mayer, roads I 50 . 28 00 64 00 SO 75 14 50 22 60 14 00 5 SO II 25 5 00 GO 50 16 75 10 00 26 50 10 00 54 64 tf C Harkuess, roads Matthews A Washburn. C H... Hart A Dannals, C 11 Albany EL Co Trilea A Miller, incidents IT J Jones, miscellaneous J D Barkhart aid J A Albert . . James C Blunt, bounty C V Watte, printing W H Sloper, roads ... Mrs Mary Davis, acct poor Oregon agt J M Moore X Needhaoi. postage. P W Spink.roade PG Morns, postage WC Miller Co, roads lobn Hutchsns. acct roads. Martin IV sen, janitor W F Pf akins, assessor J A McFeron. salary X Needham, " D F Hard man, J X Duncan. P G Moms, " A R Rutherford F M Redaeld 3 25 27 65 12 27 40 25 105 00 $166.65 . 166.65 . 150.00 . IOO.Ui . SM 5O.00 , K3.35 66.6T. 6.35 5.75 4.55 3S.05 37.05 15.00 4.00 . 1S3 65 7.75 27.00 14.45 . 10.93 22. 00 . 39.00 5.00 30.10 . 18.00 62.80 20.00 9.10 7.50 4.00 HOO . 60.76 27.00 13.40 . 12.00 . 94.60 E Proptt Albany Dressed Beef Co Ben C Irwin Co. stationary W Moore, deputy eneriff R Rutherford tiregon agt Merley Mites A: Nutting, printing n m t lickmger. (poor acct B TilloLson, bridge , Jno Waters, roads M King, deputy heriff V Standish " C Q Morris ' - G W Burkhart - " John I'sher, acct poor .... John Cox and Henry Myers D i Hardman. as deputy recorder. W E Sayaire, assessor acct amer Brw. reads rain a: Vv hitney. printink Read. Peacock Co. poor acct w I'ueh. roads Jennie Larew. aort poor Cohen " "ortmiller A: Irviua; C H Sawver Bros M Waters W Pugh Meston. Dygert; Co, bock FKaociot'H Cocoar A terrible story of the fate of two small children cornea from an isolated district north of an- couver. i wo ctiiidien aged and o years respectively, of the name of Brewster, were playing in a field, not far from the bouse, when they were attacked by cougars and killed. One of the bodies was almost entirely eaten up. Nothing but the skeleton, with some pieces oi flesh etickioc to it, wa left to tell the child's horrible fate- The other body waa only partly destroyed, and the mutilated remains were found "some distance from where the other skeleton lay. The country is said to be infested with cougars, and even older people are afraid of them. Several are often seen at a time. Muchly Sued. At least one editor is having his hands full of experience. The Statesman says: Tbe W W Kimball Co.. a corporation, ha- commenced an action against L H McMaban for a recovery of a piano leased to turn on December is, inu. or for the sum of :575. thn value thereof if it cannot be delivered, for 255 damage for t he detention of the riano, for $50 Ikiui dated damages for the breach of said lease contract, for expenses incurred in traveling and endeavoring to collect the rent without suit, which are about fso, and tor Sio at torney's fees and costs and disbursments A Cool Headku Cook. A dispatch from Xew port states that Saturday, at 4 :30 r. m . in scnooner i.uuan .ma name. from San Francisco, was crossing the Siuslaw bar under sail, when the heavy sea frightened the man at the wheel so that be let go of tho wheel and ran forward. The vessel broached to and dinted water. The i-ptain and one man were washed over- txurd and drowned I heir names were not learned . The crtw were panic strit ken The cook, the only cool man on board, then took the wheel, riirhted the vessel and steered her safely in. linn Upa K ('Vinnitrfrlin in nrfeudpnt of ihp Pnlnmhia 1 Winifieratir eluh of INirtlnnil. and wa not defeated for the office as a Portland par stated and the ItKMoraAT copied . co Pinti r- IsM'r Much -II J', it i good deal these days, lwoof tlit.n make i and ten . That's more. Go to Parker Bros with these 50 cent pieces when you are after groceries, produ ce and baked goods ana you will una tne Investment the best to be secured in the cl'.v. Blest be the ties that bind GjocS treatmen, fresh goods, and an expert baker 0O9S tne uusiness. Don't Forget that when you buy Scott's limul sion you are not getting a secret mixture containing worthless or harmful drugs. Scott's Emulsion cannot be se cret for an analysis reveals alt there is in it. Consequently the endorsement of the medical world means something. cott's 'mulsion overcomes Wasting, promotes the making of Solid Flesh, and gives Vital Strength. It has no equal as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Scrofula, Anaamia, Ema ciation, and Wasting Diseases of Children. Scott&Bowns, N. Y. All Druggists. DOc-aadtt A FATAL ACCIDENT. This noon Mr Wo: rell, residing in the eastern part of the city, was riding on a wood rack in the western bart of the city, when in some manner he fell oil" the high seat to the ground, striking on the back of bis head and neck. Ha was picked up and taken to his home and Pre Mas ton and Dayis called. He was found to le injured in a very serious and probab ly fatal manner, l-roin his neck down he was paralysed. The indications were that he would only live n short time. Mr Worrell is a man highly lespected and news of tho accident will be generally regretted . S. S. Convention. Following is the program for the first annual convention of auxiliaries of the C W B M ai.d S S of the Third district of Oregon : Til L KteDA V KV (NINO. Devotional service. Readings from ''Missionary Tidings." Short talks by volunteers." FHIDAY A. M. 9 :30-levotional service, The Albany CW BM President Addreis of wel come by Mrs G C Myers. Response by theCorvallis President Personal ben efits from Missionary Work by Mrs Gilt of Scio- Reading from "Tidiogs" bjr the Brownsville President. Committee woik by Mrs II A Denton. Juggurnaut by Mrs Canter. vridav r. ;. 1 :S0 Devotional service by the Leb anon President. Ketrospect and Pros pect by the District Manager. A Mis sionary Potato by Miss Bertha Powell Dutv of Officers by Mra Fisher. Model Auxiliary Meeting by Mrs Fisher. Every member present will participate in this meeting and make an ottering of at least 10 cents for tbe Brown Fund. Subject, Thanksgiving. 7 :30 Ducussion. "Reasons for not Be ing a Missionary." Cbilden's Rady Mrs Fisher. bt'NDAY SCUOOL DAY, SOV. 17. 9:30 Song Service. Add reap of Wel come. Mrs Nellie 1 Myers. Ktsponse. '-he.Supt. Lebanon School. Appoint ment of committees py Superinteadent. lue delation of the S S to the C t, II Mai shall. Uelation of S S to Temper ance Couse, Sup'l Holly S S. Relation of S S to Day School, Hiram Tvree. Diffi culties in the Way of s'eachers, Bertha r jweli, 1 :;!0 Praise service by . C Myers Business, reports, etc. Our ' .real Needs by J G Cherry. Teacher and the Les son by Sup't Brownsville S S How to increase interest and Attendance by K H Gabbert. Committee work by Luio Burnett. Model :Kec:tation, conducted v F A Powell. 7 Address, Prof VV W Porell Prohatc Record. Will and codicil of Oloey Fry. Sr, ad mitted to probate. Olney Fnr, Jr. ap pointed executor. Cncertaking U N $36,000. Bond Had and appraiser... Ja son Wheeler, X P I'ayne acd Jas Hunter, appointed. Henry Owen appointed admr of Lewi Long. Bond ". Bond filed and ap praisers appointed. Inventory : personal property S33.'. 45; real. 4o.40. Petition to sell real r.roperlv granted. In es'ate of John Brown, inventory filed; real property, ll,934.50: personal 8,377.80; total $ 19.432.) Exempt personal property set aside for widow. In estate of Nancy Marks, bond of 8500 approved. In estate of Lvd'a Morgan. J W Mor gan appointed admir. Bond 89.00), ap proved and appraisers appointed. : in- entory filed; real estate . .192 50: per sonal property $I9i.7I. In estate of Hugh Brown, inventory filed; real property 8500; personal, $14. 446.76. In estate of J Needham. final account et for Dec 8. In estate of Pearl & Brandon, bond of 83000 approted. Final account in estate of A Dodse set for Dec. term ; in estate of Caas Cusic for Dec. term. Mrs Amajda Kesler, of Newport, is in he city visiting friends. Miss Ada Williams returned this noon from an evangelistic trip to Dallas Mr Adam Appeal, the Portland Agri cultural implement drummer, has been n the city. A R Tuilah, F A Blayelea and F D Williams, three wealthy Englishmen of London, have been in the city looking round with Mr Wall.s Nash. Hon C K Wilkinson. of the custom of fice, Portland, returned from ngene. here he had been on account of the death of bis brother. Misses Bertha and Ftta Jonea.two pop ular young ladies of the Waldo Hills ar rived in Albany tbi, noon on a visit with Albany friends Mrs Nelson, nee Rvan. nee Davenport. of Portland, formerly of this city, who as been given considerable prominence on account of several unworthy husbands is in the city. Tbe board of trustees cf the Jefferson institute have added another teacher to the faculty in the person of Prof Geo M rani, wno is welt known in Marion and Linn counties as a tine penmau and an ex-teacher. Mr Cart Denton, of Salem, is in the city and will display the merits of the wonderful C hase Piano, at 11 J Jones, being exhibited by Mr Anrys for the ilev B Allen Co until tomorrow noon. The instrument is exciting great admir ation. Special prices will only b; given Fiidayand Saturday. React Dickens so a to e !' to cues in the characters and get a souvenir. A rran and a bear and a barefooted woman leading a monkey was one of the sights cf the day. The proprietor of the cheap photo tent. at Eugene, was arrested and fined $5 for scattering bills on the street Sunday school snd missionary conven tion at the Church of Christ in Albany, on the 16th and 17th of November. Every body invited to attend. A Cottage Grove boy has thlrtv hens. which laid 354 dozen of eggs from Jan uary I, 1893, to August 30, 1894, worth about 7o. The en'lre cost of feeding was Is 7S- And yet some people claim that liens do not pay. Nine bids for carrying the icail from the Eugene postoffice to the depot have been forwarded to the department at Washlugton. The price formerly pil.i, 3oo, has been very low, but It seems there are plenty of men willing to take the job. Eugene Register. Junction City held her annual city election Monday. There were two tickets in the field, and the following ticket was elected; Councllmen, Frank Say lor, W C Washburne and Jacob HuO; recorder, b Hsndsaker; treasurer, J M Beebe; mar shal, E J Meats. The mayor holds over this year. Mrs Lilla Shetton, of Union county, hag succeeded in having the decree of divorce between herself and the late Judge Shel ton set aside on the ground of fraud. It is soldoss that an action of this kind occurs and the lesults are peculiar. Mrs Shclton Is thus made the legal widow of the judge, and toe second wife, never having been a wife, Is not a widow at all. As IroENiUH Laddrk. Mr E E Ham- mcuk.of Tallmnn, returned home today from a t"0 weeks sojou'n in Portland, where ho has been m the interest of bis fruit ladder. In this he and his partner MrCruson undouptedly iuivo 11 tine thing The arrangement in ingenius. You get on the ladder, turn a erauk and raise yourself to any desired height, up to a piek:ng ele vation of at least eighteen feet. A plat form upon which to stand and place a basket makes fruit picking on a modern tree a very easy thing. For painless dentsl work c.U on Adams. All work guaranteed. 1J FEIDAT Lebanon. Mrs R C Miller and daugh ter Nona went to Forest Grove yesb'nluy Miss Miller will spend tho winter there with her brother Charley and study music. Mrs Miller will visit her son a few ,hi;s and then go to Portland to jmy 11 vUit to her daughter, MrsC I Montague. W B and John i'onaca shipped &00 bushels of potatoes f'r Sun Francisco, Monday. This makes two carloads they have shipped, und they have on hand five more carloads, and win m.iKe anoiuer ship ment soon. Hoi. J K WeuthcrforJ, Tli Kuv and one of the proprietors of the Ashland" wool, en mills visited Waterloo Saturday and re mained over night. Hon O B Montague and Dr Foley accompanied them from this place It is the intention of (be VV D Co to start up the mill the hrst ofsJanunry. Advance. It is reported that two of Albany';; mott substantial nM' are figuring on opening a bank in this city. Lebanon certainly nteds a tank and we would be glad to see some good man open one. It is rumored that Lead, Peacock A. Co intend purchasing the J M Ralston center jot where the livery stable formerly stood, if they purchase it they wiUvtit up a fine brL-k on it in the near futore. Express A Tn hi vino Bcsisks When in Al bany a few day ago. we called at the Red Crown Mills in that city, and foani the.n full of bnsints While the price of wheat (31centrper bushel) is very low, nevertheless a number of farmers were selling, and the n ilia were running at their fullest capacity. Mr Mockman. he manager, informed us that during tne month of October just passed, that over 5J00 barrel of floar were manufact ured by them. This represents about 2000 bushels of wheat. He farther stated that the demand for their flour was in excess of their ability to manu -facture it, bat that the margin of profit, at the present price, waa so small that the just about realised expenses. Scto Pi ess. It Dids t Wock Orer a vear ago Mr and Mrs Robbins separated in California Tbe latter, a woman of excellent charac ter, according to reports, came to Albany, where sbs bought property and settled with her daughter here for a' permanent resi dence. They are highly respected by all knowing them. This morning Mr Bob bins arrived on t-e morniur train, hosted up Lis wire's residence, walked in at the back door.unannoanred.took tbe key to the front door, and said be would take charge of the premise. Mrs Robbin, very prop erly notified Chief of Police Lee. who talked business to the man. and be left the boos and steered for a lawyer's office. which indicate lewal trouble in tne matter. .Mrs Kobbibs has charge of ber home and proposes to continue at th? bead of it . Later.- Mr Roobina took some good ad vice and wtnsibly purchased a return ticket for California. Aojot aED at Once. Tbe foilowi ng appear in the ci'y council rroceedins cf aNaktn paper: "Alderman Albert brought up the matter of tne violation of the gambling taws in tnis ritv at present sav ing tbe matter had Ueen brougtit .o his mind very often lately, until be is now satisfied there is more and worse gambling going on at present thsa ever before. Marsbal Mtnto being called on. did tot think the things were en the increase. Alderman Duncan spoke also of tne amount of gambling going on and said the talk was universal about open games being in full bla.t. Mr Albert i.ror-J It at he would go right there and lien with the officers and locate some of the gambling games. On motion council adjourned.' An aggravating feature of tbe matter is the fact that none of the paptrs gie tbe result of the adjournment Toxioht The wrk of the Stotla com pany here on a former occasion left behind them an exellent reputation for the com pany, and when they open their doors to recene tne public tonight, on a return trip, our peo; le are fally aware that they will be treated to first class plays and work, and they should have good booses. To- night tl.' v produce for tt.e ntM UN fSM I fretty comedy drama entitled. "From lorida to New Mexico." There i room for great display of natural art and ability, anj each individual is well adapted to his or her pa't - Hcbieu Alive. An old man ntued Newt Miller while digging a well on an island in the Willamette below Wheatland was buried at a depth of eight feet by the caving in of the wr.ll. Help was called ami after digging tor one hour and twenty minutes the man's bead waa reached and he was found standing with his hands at bis sides and his broad brimmed hat pushed orer his face - The but ied man was still alive and in twenty minute more tney had him out Marion County Recotd. I'rTni Saxtiaii. Recently an item was published about an organ being stolen from a church in Polk county Yesterday a greater feat was rrf miied at Detroit. The city's opera house was taken from its foundation and carried off into tbe mount ains. A couple flat cars were ued for lb? purpose. A tree fell across T II IVGue's house at Green Basin completely demolishing it Mr Lee Faircbild. the humorist, who accompanied M M Estee, republican can didat for governor, in his tonr of Cal ifornia is well know in the Northweai. Those who read his ncnsnse in the de funct Weat Shore wilt easily understand Estee's defeat. "A? oW m the hil la'" and never excell ed. "Tried tu.'l profen" : the verdict o f million. S i in tn o n a Liver Regu lator is the jr-v m l:ilor is tne " 1 1 V Liver jctlicine to which you can pta your faith for a c u r . A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on" the Liver n n d Kid- Than Pills ev.-. Tryil, So' d by all Druogista in Liquid, or in Fowde. t-j bo taken dry orraadeintoa teA. The King oC r MaJIdnes. '1 tsava nwad yourSlmni(sI.lverH,(rQ Into" mill can 'iist'lctiliouily say II Is lbs kllik- of oil Hv r iiicdli-liK S, 1 coiisblerlt 1 rnedleino rt.est 'a itself. Oko. W. Jack . Tiie.mii". Washington. s ,-rv: '- PACKAQR-via W Ut 'od. on wrapiwis nyiwasitr jBr-r-wS : '. "twwwG rirafaJjjnMKKLJUaJl: SSXSBSjSjgSwgSSaSSJJW -An BOM Iby Pruggtttaor $1.00 per packasre. Baraplea free. Dr G W Maston left this noon on a busi ness trip to Portland. . Mr G '! Ilaber, of Forest Grove a former Albany capitalist, is in the city. J M Ralston nnd family returned this n on from a trip to i ortiand. W H Raymond, special agent for the iiardian. was in the city today, and re ports busy times adjusting Icsses. Chos Rawiings, of laibanon. is visiting EugenC lie is the o-vner of the water anJ and electric light plant. - -Eugene Guard. I'r F. O Hyde, who has lieen contemplat ing for some days, removing his fa.nily Irom this plte. to 1 tinier, commenced re moving bis goods this week; but after sntMs chungtl bis miii I and will continue to reside in tkio. Press. Mr II Worrell, injured yes'erday by fil ing off the high seat of a wood racW, was alive this afternoon, and thoh there were almost no hope of his recovery, he was ap parently a little better. The accident hap pened just aross the river in Benton county . On Fr'day last. G L Put'uei'and returned from Iu visit to Oakland. Oregon. With him came hit father who has resided in that locality for a number of year. He has disposed of his property in llouglas count. and intends to make bis future home with bjs son George. Scio Press. It was reported that Frank Tivey and Miss Eliaa Wallace were married last Sat urday at Albany. Tbe report started from Uie fact that Mr Tivey went to Albany and accompanied Miss Wallace to Lebanon and as Mist Widiai spent the night with Mis Emma Tivey it gave more credit to the marriage. As it was the regular night for bond nrat tioe tbe bovs thought it would be nothing more than right to give Frank and his bride a serenade, so they proceeded down there and piayed some of their choicest selections. Tivey appeared on the scene and took it all innocently in and carried the joke on. But on Teesday morning Miss Wallace returned to Albany and tbe question is cow. are they married, or not? Express. Mark Ellsworth, the actor, born in Eu gene, is now in Virginia with the celebrate-1 Warde-Jamos theatrical company. Amongst other sights in the "old dominion state.'' Mr Ellsworth mentions in a private letter that he visited the celqnited Episco pal church, built in Norfolk in 17.59. Im bedded in it brick walla are a number of British canon halte that were fired during the war of the revolution . In Richmond, court noose square, tbe young traveler mentions tbe finest statue of George Washington thai is in the world. In the same city be saw, in St lohns Episcopal) church built in 1?4I, the exact spot where, Monday. March "JO. I, ,5. Patrick Henry made that wonderful speech, ending with the immortal words, "I know not what others may do, bat as for me, give m liberty er gne me death-" Eu gene Guaid- focne fine ttout are being caught In the ditch. There were practical y no election beta tn Albany tl.i year Thecty council probably order the tee1 bridge plaeked at one of the next meetings. Mercury will get ia front of the sun tomorrow morning; but U wilt take a tele scope 10 see the sight. Rev W A Willison.of Portland, sn ei prefcrhcr. has teen senter.cco to ttie peni tentiary for elgMten jean for forgery. William Schubert, a n' ve of Austria, aged Jx committee) s-ici ie yesterday 9 orni ig st ?;3o o'clock at isk creek. II miles east of Rmcburg. The fine vote received b Budd in Cali fornia for governor, it la scaled on the streets, it largely due o the tact tarsi he received throag'i the columns of the Ex aminer an endorsement from Judges Tha yer, Sirahan and Stearns. Thrss geolle men, it is tald, telegraphed to the paper named, unsolicited, an endorsement of Mr Budd during the heat of the campaign. Sun. 1 he following have been mentioned lor Marshal in the coming c t election: C O Lee. John Jon, Wm N Ml'ler. W A Mc Clain, J N Hoffman, O W Burkhart. C G Hayne I R WCsoo. and Harlan HuUrart., The nineteenth Oregon news-taper tc succumb to the inevitable duilng the rear wtasthe Lafayette Ledger, which gave up the ghost last week with this obi-nary notice, in big display type over the title of the piper: -Dead not gone before goae behlod.- A change ha ben made ir. the express runs oa Ike railroad which reduces the force oi messengers in the service between Portland and Ashland Only six men do the work now, each one running a ttip on the overland and Rosebur local alter nately. The express messengers are re quired t? handle all the baggage as well . The athletic committee of the V M C A held a meeting last eveaing and made preliminary srrargrments for the winters work. A meeting of all young men in terested in athlccc will be held st the rooms tomorrow night at 9:o o'clock. Hand bail, basket ball and a class In central athletics will probab'y be inaugu rated. As Excellent ParoajtaxcE. A good sized audience greeted tbe Stuttz com pany in "From Florida to New Mexico'' last night. They were repaid for some of the best dramatic work seen in Albanv was the result. The pl.-.y is decidedly thriling and one that brings out every inch of Client of th performer. Mr Frank Readick as Jack Diamond posse great genius, and hJ is well backed lv Mrs t-tuttz as us wife. Miss Millie Freeman as the old maid and hv the frontier gambler and tbe dark eyed villain. Mr Eugene Kay received a double encore, responding with "Hearts Bowed I 'own. 1 ur orchestra hrt class, among other difficult pieces presenting the over turn ot iiiiaui leil. Tonight La Bastile. will be presented - This is a wonderful piece of dramatic work. bringing in the speeches of several of tne great men of the fast part of the eighteenth century, as compiled by Mr SlutU himself . .o one should miss it. This afternoon "The Planters Wife'" was given at a matinee. Whnfs The Matter With Scto. W'e hear that S M Daniel's cash store is lointt a lively business. He certainly must setting goods at very low prices, other vise people would not "buy so liberally as we hear they are doing. We notice also that ho is not afraid to advertise and let the people know be has something to sell nnd wants their tnule. ON THE TOP SHELF of public estimation you will find Parker Bros. It has taken year of hon est dealing, a store full ot the best good a continuous round of truth telling and. above all, the right prices for the right goods to lead Parker Bros to their present proud position. Their groceries are stand ard, their produce fresh, and their Laued goods the best tn ihe msrketand 01 splendid variety. a" Shiloh'scurc Is told on a guarartec. It cuies Inclplv-nt Consumption. It Is the besl Cough Cure. Only one cent a Jose. 35c,$oc,end$ Fothay.t Mason agents. Karl's Clover Root.the great blood pur ifier gives freshness and ctearness to the complexion and cure constipation, 35c 50c, 1.00. Fo hay A Mason Agents. Mrt T S Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn. says, ".-lilloh's Vilal'ser "saved my life. 1 contiler it the .est remedv for a debili tated syslem I eve.- used." For Dyspep sia. Liver or K'dnev troub es it t XCe-.. Price 7 rents. Foshay & Mason, agents You Ar.v All Hum r If voa take your washing to tbe Aluany 'leam Laundry. If you don't vou are not. Something is the matter of ou. How can you go to Chinese establishment with a tirst-clsss sieam lauudry in tltu city. Don't do it. Be nit right by quitting it. Suppose you do make a few rents; what does it profit you, with the Chinese smell and lurking disease around. Patronise the Albany steam Laundry. ri3st I ' w CWcJL 1 'oyal sj Baking Powder Absolutely of flo?ro! . PlirCe uce Ravening gas. Royal Baking Powder, through the action of its ingredients upon each other in the loaf while baking, itself produces the necessary gas and leaves the wholesome properties of the flour unimpaired. It is not possible with any other leavening agent to make such wholesome and delicious bread, biscuit, rolls, cake, pastry, griddle-cakes, doughnuts, etc tOVAL BAKINO POWDER i sstit !)' s A Mitchell Joke. They tell quite a joke on Senator Mitchell, of Oregon. Last summer he sent a beautiful agricultural re port to an old man residing at the city of ttcantygrease. Clackamas county. It was closely studied by the o. in., particulary the part on djfeaso of domestic animals. His old cow bad heretofore always been well, but a careful study of plates in the book convince him that she had all the dis eases therein described. Hehegan doctor ing her, and as she got wme he catted in the vicinity hossdoctor. and between them they wound up the cow's career. And new the veterinary sends his bill to Senator Mitchell, claiming that if he hadn't sent the book to the old man there weald have leen no sick cow or no dead ccw. Tbe sen ator has presented the old man with a new row. bat tne bossdocter bill has been ie ferred to the night of the senate chamber, and it may be laid over under the table. Senator Mitchell fears thai tbe doctrine of will tend to ward preventing the payment of the claim. And now that Jerry Husk and One-arm Brvwn acd BtU W.-tkin- and the zar are ail dead, it may be a long while before a relief bill can be gotten through for the good do-tor. We give tbe aliove as one attempt at wit on the part of a Washington journal. i coure it u a oke. Reminiscenci.. Mr I D Miller, of Millers station, has just returned from a trip to bis old borne near alesburg. Illi nois. Me retat. - r-::..:t. f the early seUbments in that now prosper ous regino o! country. His rather and ancle setLM it that section in 1834, when there were but three or four settlers in all that region ruo-laboot While there he tinted the old bonjetstcav settled upon by his uncle sixty tears ago. In the yard stands a number of black oak trees thai he remembers distinctly as being there at the first mom n t cf his reotjecticn. The gentleman who occupies the place now showed him the dim outline of the letters I M carved in tbe bark and wood cf ooc'of those trees by hu uncle John Miller in 1SH. sixty years ago. Mr Miller says time are much Iietter there than here. me.ney being plenty at the bancs and !.an- ed open very reasonable terms. While there be bought two .botes, male and fe male, of tbe Poland China vanetv. and will enter into the breeding lacsiness here. He few quite sore the pore I ovine will be a paying one here. Wut He Ai;sEr. The Newborg lirarhic says: J H Townsend dealer in hardware, furniture and undertaking goods made an assignment on last Monday !or the benefit of his creditors. Mr Townsend ays the foreclosure of a mortgage on his real estate at Albany made it necessary for hira to take this step in order to protect his other creditors . J T Smith was named as assignee. He is a veteran at handling cot and his well known reliability ia boxinea ma'ters will no doubt make Lis selection entirely satisfactory to tbe creditors. An inventory of the stock is being tak-n and until this is finished the asset will not be nown. Hi liabilities are not yet made known, but be hopes to tav a fair per cent or his imlcftednea iu anutuer uem tie .rapnic says: j n lowrtsend tta dispose.! 0 his membership er,m. heretofore a Populist paper. Co in tbe Northwest Funeral Association lo je, the new management it it renounced Everett J Townsend who rill crrv en ,1,- -n k .1 iw ik. J 1 L- i : 1 mjc unurrusaanE wimbos msnuier Hutu nss Mm TT.,.,, . l, lllnm Worrell died awhile isffre 9 o'ctoc't this morning from the effect. of the accident heretofore narrated, at his home in the Third Ward, at the age of 58 years. He lea re a wife, twe om and four daachttr--. The deceased was a highly respected mem- j wr or tne u a k and the M K church, having united with tbe latter on Thursday "-enine after the ai-silent which canseti hi death Mr Worrell came from Nebraska tc Albany a few years ago He was a worthy citizen, and an exemplary husband and father. Reaching On. An advertisement in the Jacksonville Times shows lhat he Al bany nurseries are pushing their business ont over the state: L R Warner, of Med- ford. agent for the Albany Nurtseries.whose products have gained an extended reputa tion, ha lately receieed a full line of goods in In line, consisting 111 part of the lest and most popular kinds of apple, peach and prune trees, small fruits ot .til kmd. shade and ornamental trees. ArroisTMESTs. The following appoint- msnts have leen made by the governor: Dr 1 A H I'iven. health officer at the port of la- quina: Napoleon Dvis. George K Cham berlain, If IS Coin pson, XI t nil! I Mill of Portland, and W F Butcher, of Baker Citv. were named as delegates to represent Ore -con and at the trans-Misdssippi ,-.ingress to be held at St Louis, the '-HUh of the current month. A tew data ago a 5 heir. an county farmer drove 1 hogs Kef us which weighed 4960 pounds, and eight of them weighed 500 pounds each, r or these he received 5 cents a pound, and thev were fed on damaged wheat that he :ou!d not sell at ai.y price. Thls ia a very success ful experiment of feeding grain to hogs, and one lhat will pay better fian selling hea at 30 cents a bushel. 'Jregon fceotit. Religious Services. Services morning and evening -at the Congregational church tomorrow Nov 11, 189t Pleaching by the pastor. Morning service at 10:30. The Y S C K will meet atC::10p m. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. Rev B II McKtv iastiir of the baptist church will take part in the dedication services of the new church at Corvallis Sunday morning, Mis Adda Williams will preach at the Albany church in the morning. Services in the evening as usual by the pastor. United Presbyterian: Services as usual 'oy the lastor Subicvt of morning dis course: "If a Man Die Shall Ho Live Again?" Kveninir, "Judas Israriot " SS 2:110: Junior '"ndeuvorSN'M; C K 6:.10 You are invited. Tomorro at 4 p ni the second of the " leaside Series" of meetings for men will be held at the Y M O A ha'l . The snbj.vt ot the meeting is "ietaivst liwsed. Uev S T Longhbottom of the Cumberland Pres- bterian church will sneak. A guitar so o by Mr Ohas Hart una rjiiio pieces ly tl quartette will add charm U the music. All men are invited. On account of the funeral of Mr Wor rell to be held at the M K chorch to mor row afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Sunday School will mest promptly at 2 o'clock. SHOULD be used wher- ever yeast has served heretofore. Yeast acts by fermentation and the destruction of part of CO., 10 WALL aT NEW YORK. m iansisa ts ssisswwswssasi SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr Horace Powell and family left this nexm by way of Yaonina for Los Angele?, California, wherevtney will locate. Mr DC yk'jell is lying dangerously ill at his home in this city with brain trouble acd a spinal disease, with the chances against his recovery. George Strong, a well-to-do and respect able farmer living near McCoy, in Po!k coonty. is a brother of the newly elected mayor of New York Mr Lionel R Webster, who was defeated for attorney general by Hon Geo E Cham berlain, will move to Portland and enter into partnership with the attorney general elect, Mr Idleman, which is tbe next thing to being attorney general. W I Vawter. r former Linn coonty man, succeeds Mr eb ster at Med fori in the legal firm of which the latter was member. Mr S C Whitmore.who has been visiting in Toledo, a few days, left the city on the 7th, beaded for his home in 'ermyn. Lack awaaa coonty. Pennsylvania. He was a resident of Albany, in this state, for some years, bat in 1--.' returned to hb native state. Pennsylvania, where he has been ex tensively engaged in tbe lumbering oosi netss. as well as contractor and builder, dar ing tbe !a.-t two years having erected, un - der contract, ever four hundred bosiness and dwelling booses, tbe receipts from which added no li'.tie to hi pile of savings HOME AND ABROAD Atheletic meeting at Y M C A ic-iight at 7 :Jo o'clock. Funeral services at the M E church at 3 o'clceck tomorrow, under the auspices of the GAR. Mr W A McOain requests the Demo - or at to state that he is rot a candidate for the office cf marshal. An interesting feature of the olav last eenln; was the performance cf the Httle daughter of Mr Jack Howard. The name of Mr W E Baker ?s given to the DsruscaaT as one mentioned for the office of Marsha!. The coantr clerk has completed a copy of the tax ro 1 for Liacoin county. Tbe gross roll amounts to $754,924 A Da'Ds man claiming to sell goods at cost polishes his cost mark, acd tei'.s peo ple to call and ngare tX out themselves New idea. A good many of the counties are abol ishing the bounties on wild animals. Linn county follows salt, with the exception of coTOlr, on which trere wt.. be a bounty cf ?3 o. H ere will probably be at aianv wild animals ktie-d. The ladies of Fair Oa Circle No 1, of tte G A R ato reqaested to men at the residence of Mr G W Kendricks. on 5U. street between Jackson and Jefferson its, to attend the funeral of Comrade Worrell. By order tit President. Considerable excitement was occasioned by theaiighting of a small meteor near town yesterday. The n.eUor was observ ed by several people and appeared to I ight . In the brash near Mrs Altree's house . across tbe hay. A search wi.I probably I be made for it. Toledo Leader- I. r Rett a ui nf D I R V R:t hit purcl.ased an interest in the Baker Epi 1 r 1 - S." r ) u.i,: ranges wm 1 1 tv 0. sh -rt lift ! Scout. i this morninir from r.ear the woolen mill onh reversl bliick , scattering some wool along the street. Mr Tom Riley verv athletically ran .and jumped into live wagon and succeeded ih stopr-inc the team. The CnicKcaiNc, aars ns" Haxdxij Piaxos Tbe Wiley B Allen Co. 211 Fir St. Portland, have the exclusive agency fo the sale ot tne a xve high grade piano; Whv no: bay toe best? Write far price Cash or installments. -Vithta -!.to," fit.cst Photo made only fi .50 per derm at Crawford a Pax tons. The creditors of the Oregon and Wash ington Commission company received the tad intelligence that said company had made an assignment. A short time ago Gerow and McDcnald shipped them $136 worth of dried fruit, and R N Shompson shipped them $125 worth, and the variout farmera of this community are out about 8"oo. lames Warren hat the company's note foi $150, having sold them a span of Brownsvitle Times. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and toads to personal enjoyment wh 1 rightly used. Tbe many 'who live he ter than others and eujoy life more, wi less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet products u the neeiL of physical being, will attest the value to health oi the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, 8yrnp of Figs, Iks excellence is due to its presenting in the form meet acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headache and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acta on the Kid ney, liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it ia perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drag gists in 50 cent bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every packages also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. W. L. Douglas C Usf? 18 THE BEST. v9f OnVbi Kosavumsa 5. CORDOVAN. EXTRA niiE" LADIES. I ru row MiAUbut W'L-DCUCLAS, BROCKTON. MASS. ' can MTe mmwrj by pnrchsLm'tn W. jL. DomkIm M0t?. ' tvertUed bort in tbe world, nd SSJBJ a . t- Ail SUC 14. , SL l..elU dl we are the Urg etvt iM)))mfactarers of the value by tnnz the name and the bouom. which proureta you ajair.fct h:h orkrf 21H the mifidlcnati r orofits. Our ahoc price cm equal evfvwi work in : . - aanl wearing "Vc h ve daeni Mid erery where at kywer price for the ralne Riwri i may other make. Take no auVstitste. tcaler crntvi! aupply you we cau. M THE L E'BLAIN CLOTHJNGCO Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Pain. Makes .Ian or Beast w ell 3. x. c vers nrrx asz ma asaSDR is said nnder potinre written stanatte, by SSllSiill is I assacts ot!j. to cere Weak Mrsaocy: laoasof Bnua asd Serre Puw?r: Lost Wtnhoiwi - aicbi Losses; tni his we Latctt or t OTvr-essstios. Vaethnsl Rrnir, w Cee oT Tobweeo. Opttaa or lj.-oor. ItcWdS vO Jsl I5wrv- - OoCBTJSDst2afB- IrfiritT and Death. By acail.fl a box:sx for tkwith wntien awarsztsw to can or reraad monrj -r tiar rears, costaininc tin oar tntaaast witk fail tawtracooBs. C cents. Om aaaaw. only aosd to each person bj oaiL J A Camming, sole agent, Albany. Brail's Bartlsii. THE KK0tD CHEaiOU. fU 1 161 S. WiSierm Arecaa. CHlCafia. Sold by a ! dreggivs. LE BBIN'SsS mz, trrsis sane Tw wmtt i-wssiw-. ,.rcuy t assy sjsbw c , " H-1--7 5 -S 4T sMmsV w be ukm T TnTj; Vlkaa a AS PREVEMT1VE SyefcwT 11 nswi 111 iniilml r IMfcCWM; Rt3 ttMW J A Cummtag, sole agent, Albany. LADIES DO IOU U50W OR. FCUX IX BRUf'3 STEEL m PEHHYBOYflL PILLS ans the sajsjlasi asd only FiUtSCK. safe and re ttahte cure on the market. Price Jt.u.'; sent by nail Uecaiae sold only by J A Camming, sole agent, Albanv, WALLIS NASH, ATTOENKT -A.T JLA-W. Will practice ia all the .vurl of the state. Office First Nat 'I Bank buiUingr.AUiaDv. wreon. LAGKBURN & S0MERS ATTOHNET8 -A.T XiA-W, All legal matters will reteive prompt; at tt:on. (tnce. First Xvtional Bank building, up stairs. H C Watson. Luther Kikins WATSON & ELKINS ATTORNEYS' -A.T Office First National Bank building Business entrusted to its will receive prompt and careful attention. Red Crown Boiler Mil's. '.incorporated) B-u t Hour ior tann'iy and baiers use BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. CSHAY MASON - . ei ts for John B. Alder, a pabitrtMora at .'fb we sail at oe y.riesw w: - -taaeaeidar" ALBHT. ORi:301 Bee; fi H NEW1 1MISW Sti Hil 11111 I I ' .. LL MS Ifsalerai. Bnu Exsue-q - 1 1 ;muT. Kswcul r SWWSfaj XcwiwItWwlBaSBr Saw. asssaasa, Oiiwl,Kwtwsj piwrdro. id41S aBtwaa. CSS '...!,: iv;