The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 09, 1894, Image 4

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    hot F Ottes, H C Payne, II C Rous), Receivers.
Pullman Sleeping Oars,
Elegant Dining Oars,
Tourist Sleeping Oars
St Paul
TO Grand forks
Helena and
New York
Boston and all
Points East and South
For information, time cards, maps and
tickets call on or write C Q Burkhart,
Agent, Albany, Or.
Or A D Charlton, Asst Gen rass Agt,
Portland, Oregon,
FromTerminal or Imjrior Points th
Pacific RaiM
lathe llae to lake
Tfi a! Points EAST ani SOUTH
1st ike Year to
mrmsl ofDininf Cars
Usui Rrawitf RtJOB Stows
Of Latest Equionent
8iv. is
w 1 i 1 1
ail T i i
s ,' i 1 1
v i -'' ' A I nil in
- a aolsiisi r b -h fres
1 1 1 f r ti it i Jrs of Fir, or
i,, tirtxa:. and
k Uir, 11)11 t 1) H193tU(Ui
al linss, atTording Direct an fl
Unint8rrapt9u SarTica.
Pullman sleeper reservations c'. b
tenured In advance through any
gent of the road.
THROUGH TICKETS to and from at!
ooints ia A morion England an.l
Kurope can ba purchased at axy
t icket office or this eoippac.
Full information concerning rotes, time
trains, routes anl othor let ills faro
fs-ba-J oa application to aay agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
No 121 fret !, cor. Washington,
Portland. Oregon,
3 Birk-iir., losallagent.
Uf 1H(.
Southern Pacific Co.
Bxpreai Trains leave Portland Daily
oath rspa jvlt 1. luSa, Tsiorto
7ur. a. f XT PjrUaad Ar fcto a
Bra I l Albany lma
1Q:6a m Ar San Francisco L t fa r
e , , 1 1 . , 1 1 t . all stitlo from
il i v'biav lajiusivi. ls Tan
iil ."l sissy, Hirrlsbi'g. JntwHion
Uslaf, eiigsu, ail H stitlons
stT!ttrTM niland i33tmta.
39a I L Portland AT ' eir
KttralLv Albany t'lliJ
SOrt) Ar Boaabvr L I " M
SMSlU "ar.T fl1"
Ml I Ar babaaon Lt 1 SO a
:r.rall.t Mbaay Arl :2tr
:0 a a 1 Ar Lebanon Lr I "SSr
Diiine Cars on Ogim Route.
Alta-.tteA la all TkraaizlB Tralae
eTeal aide slvll)B.
Mail .saisbaut (Except Sonoay
: SO a a
!:15 r a
l 6 r
1:00 tsai SAH.T 'ExcjptSandey.
:Wra I
MS ral
Ar I a a
Lvl S.Mab-
"Tftf oixpfh Tickete
ttallpi'nt In the Etetern StAai, Ccoad a. id
Eorripe cai hi cb'tlned at owest n'.e. from C V
Fraak, Arent Albany.
Wanacer Ves t O V. nJ
Port'ind Oresfon
Blood Purifier
WHY SUFFER with that chronic
dliu-aee? Do you want to die? Sul
phur Bitters will cure you as it lias
V amis.
why do you suffer with that
Ynii need not if you uso Sulphur
Bitters. Thi.-y never fall to cure.
Operatives who are closely confined
In the mills and workshops; clerks
who do not have sufficient exerdso,
and all who are confined indoors,
should use Sulphur Bitters. They
will not then be
Is your Breath Impure. Your
Stomach Is out of order. Sulphur
Bitters is the best medicine to take.
Sulphur Bitters will build you up
and make you
At. Ilirt rluwn of rnmnnliftnil Kill.
3 puur Hitters shouia be used,
Bend S 2-ceut stamps to A. P. Ordwrnv Co
Boston, Stats. , for boat medical work pntslarmd
iisHouiD use.
The new vegetable shortening.
It meets the most exacting re
quirements, and b beside entirely
of lard, long known and
long suffered. Now deliverance
has come. With Cottolene, good
cooking, good food and good
health are all assured.
But yon must be sure yon get
and refuse
Beware of imitations made to sell
on the merits and popularity of
Refuse them all, and your grocer
will then understand that you
know exactly what you want.
Thiswill bring yon satisfaction
and save you disappointment .
8oU Id lands pound
Made only by
ST. LOT" IS and
"Teaching is tee noblest art but the
sorriest trade."
A training school for teaclTers, theory
and practice combined.
Strong professional coarse and wel
equipped model school.
Thorough preparatory and academic
Normal, Advanced Normal, Business,
Music and Art Departments.
Light expenses. Board and lodging,
books and tuition not above $150 per
The town of Monmouth has a beautiful
and healthful location in the very heart
of the Willamette Vallev twelve miles
south west of the State Capital. It has
no saloons.
The Normal School diploma entitles
one to teach in any county in the state
without any further examination. Grad
uates command good positions.
Expenses. Tuition per term of ten
weeks; Normal $6.25; Sub-Normal $5;
Commercial $6.2-5. Board and lodging :
Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.75 per
week; furnished rooms, with fire and
ght, from $1.00 to $1.25 per week.
oard and lodging in private families
om $3.00 to $3.50 per week.
Vitality and growth have always char-
terized'the work of the Normal School.
he coming year promises to be one of
he best in its history.
Catalogues cheerfully sent on applica
tion. Address
P L Campbell, President,
or W A VfAXS, Secretary of Faculty.
-Next Session begins the 17th of Septem
ber, 1894.
Tuition, free- Board, $2.50 a week.
Five Courses: Classical, Scientific Lit
erary, English and Business.
The Bearding' Hall for young ladie? and
tbje Boarding Hall for young gentlemen
will be under the personal supervision of
Mrs Mucra, a lady ef refinement and org
experience. For catalogues, address
J J Waltox,
Secy Regents.
Send for
Addreso, REV. K
Albany. Oregon
Savannah, N.Y., March 18th, 1894.
Messrs. S. C. Wells & Co..
Le Roy, N. Y.
Gentlemen I was pronounced by mv
home physician as having tuberrolosis,
and I went South without any apparen:
benefit I was recommended to use
Shlloh's Consumption Cure, ant?
its results t tve bean wonderful. 1
cneertuiiy recommend it to
suffering from lung trouble.
any o:it
TAKeta W. Go-
Caveuts and Trade-Marks cbtaleze!, a.-id all Pat
tnt b-asuiess conducted for Moc.katc rtee.
Our ornte is Opposite U. S. PaS-cnt Ornce
aad we can Aecure patent iu leas tioie tuau those
remote frrira Washington.
Send nudel, drawiog; or photo., with descrip
tion. Wa adriaa, U patentable or not, lrae oi
charge Our Ice not due tnl p lent is secured.
a rsunHLtT. "nowtoObe- 1 Patents." with
cost of strne In the U. S. and Assign countries
sent free. Address,
Ore. PAVcarrOmec w-mikgtoh. bV. e
vawyvsy viw w-svs A
assxsxsW 3sai
if be tmmt
St ro nutli of the Swan.
We all know the tradition about the
power of a swan's wing that it blow will
break a man' leg. I questioned a man
who hat much to do with swans about the
credibi'ity of the tale and he told me that
he, for one, was ready to believi, and
thought that auy other man who had re
ceived such a blow from a swan's wing as
uKsuffered would be likely to believe
't a'a , s tg McMillan's Magazine.
He was summoned from his cottage by
the news that one of the cygnets was in
trouble. A boy htd been amusing him
self with the elegant sport of giving the
cygnets meat attached to along stung
When the cygnet had swallowed the meat
well down the boy would pull It up again
by means of the ttring. It was great fun
for the boy ; and the cygnet was unable to
express its feelings intelligibly. On the
occasion in question, however, the lump o'
meat stuck. It would not come; and the
boy, (earing the consequences, had let the
string slip, and bolted. The cygnet did iU
best with the string by swallowing sever
al yards of it, but began to choke before it
got to the end. At this juncture my friend
was summoned to iU aid, and simulta
neously, as it appeared, the stately parent
of the cygnet, who was smimmtng in the
pond close by, perceived that something
was amis? with its offspsing. It swam to
the bank atd commenced making it way
to the yt'uug one's assistance.
But the swan's inched of progression on
Uad is as awkward and slow as on the
water it Is graceful and swit't . The swan
herd was the fint to reach the cygnet, and,
soon seeing the trouble, bad calculated to
remove it before the parent came np with
him. But his calculations had underrated
the length of the ttring or the pedestrian
speed of the swan. Just at he had suc
ceeded in extricating the lump of meat from
the gullet of the distressed yeuogder the
old bird caught him a blow with its wing
on that part of the person which it most
exposed to attack when a man is stooping
over and the onset it made from behind
He was k necked over on hit face, and, con
tinuing the impetus received from the swan
by scuttling over the grass on hit hands
and knees, was able to escape from the
bird's fury, which was toon trsntferred to
solicitude for its little one. Bat the blow
had been sufficiently powerful lo make the
sitting posture uninviting for several days,
and to incline him to give credence to any
legends about th strength of a swan s
Millionaire Paper Tearers.
Visitors lo toe New York Stock V vchaage
r--Qutnt'v comment on the fact that the
floor of the large board room is ihitkly
strews with tin pieces of pa(er. Each
broker carrier a small memoranuii pad,
aad at he becomes excited he tears off
page atd procecdt tj convert it into the
Urges, number of infinitesimal p:ece of
wLich Lis finger are capable. Soaae un
c:rumo-.! o-ivoo rvoaets will destroy
two or -r.r.e pals a : i ia t manner
Henry Clews is a tbeless paper leaver.
When lit is business in bis office
his hands are restlessly re.-iucic2 paper to
snoaflikt. ahkh t-e throws into the air
and aauhrs ai'.b apparen' inlcrcl aa they
scatter OVC the floor ana the furniture.
He probaMy tears up mo:e psocr, and tear
it finer, than a-ir o-.her man oi Wal: s'.riti.
Jay Goald aai also scmesihai addlcteJ lo
the habit of paper leariag, although like
his fiiend Rusaell Sage, be fol-e 1 it
twisted it aiH played ith it for quite a
while before dcttioying it. John II Inman
tears op a great deal of piper ahiic Lalkiag.
(jsneral bamuel Tlsomas nat only tears it
np, but frequently puts it in his moalh and
chews It in an absent minted way. J
Pierpont Morgan will carefully make rib
bsr.s oat of a sheet of note paper while
meditating open some financial problem.
John D Rockefeller, h:n in erc:ei is
conversation, wiil raise figures, letters and
fantastic characters on hi; p id. Wtea be
fills a page with character! he will tear it
off, crumple It up and throw it awy and
then begin on aaotber page.
Where Was Eden Located .'
Toe location of the earthly Paradise, or
Garden of Eden, it still a matter of dis
pute among Orientalists snd Scriptural
scholars of highest reputation. Some have
endeavored to locate it by the fruits and
mineral productions named in the biblical
descriptions as they appear in the second
chapter of Genet's; others by tbf rivers
mentioned in verses 11 to 14 of the above
mentioned chapter. The weight of inves
ligation and tradition incline to an agree
ment that the Tigris and the Euphrates of
modern geography are the third and fourth
rivers mentioned in the biblical description
of th garden. Those who agree so far
differ widely as to what rivers should now
be regarded as the ancient Pison and. Gi-
bon. The Buddhistic scbo'art, although
tbey reject our Bible in the greater part,
incline to the opinion that the Pison is the
sacred G.inges, and that the Uibon Is none
other thaa the Nile. As to the last it is
altogether pro'jab'e that tbey are correct
on that point because the biblical account
plainly ?ay that Gihon "con.pasaeth the
whole land of Ethiopia." Seme Investi
gations affirm that Eden was a spot of com
paratively small area iocated on ilit table
lsnds of what is Armenia, from which rite
the Tigris and tt.c Euphrates. A few
scholars of distinction argue that the Ada
mic Paradis: was located ia Africa, In the
vicin'.'y of the Mountains of the Moon.
Still another school of Orientalists locate
the celebrated garden in the vlcini'y of the
ancien. city of 3abylon.
You will notice, bowevet, that none of
these theorists have been able to get the
four rivers men loned in the biblical ac
count properly located; neither have they
found a place where one great rive' "sepa
rates into four heads." This being tbe case
it is hardly necessary to a Id that the exsct
location of Eden it a mystery that will
probably never be solve I.
A b u t o' I loo pounds of dynamite lo
twenly -seven hotet was made recently at a
quarry near Provt.lence, K I, blowing off
the face of a clifland about io,
ooo tons of stone, some of tbe blocks weigh
ing nearly tvtenty-five tans. Th holes
were twenty feet deep, and the work of
drilling said to have cost $i,ooo. wit $$o
store for the explosive.
Tnv remarkable statement is made on
competent authority, that the average a
mount of friction or power lout by overcom
ing friction In machinery and mill wjik is
fifty per cent o; the gioss power, the lost
occurin'i at the lubricated xurfac:. The
power tleuisned to dries Hi- machinery in
uch an establialimen uas been found to be
variable to the cxieot ot fifteen or twenty
per cent by change of temperature from
heat to cold, as from anmer to winter.
Filction has been lenuced fitly per cent by
chmginy lubricints.
Maole avruD In class bottle and hv the 1
1 - j 1 n - j
cn al A B Mcll wain's, cheaper than anv
j other house in Albany .
Old Records Preserved.
In a small reliquary in the archives de
partment at the State House have been
stored for several years the original manu
script of the records of the Governor and
Company of the Masxachueotts Bay, in
New England, dating from 1627 to 1GS6.
These documents furnish the most reliable
facts extant of the early history of Massa
chusetts colony. The use to which they
were subjected, coupled with the natural
decay of age, imperiled their preservation .
Mary of the rare pages were colored with
time stains, and to crumpled and worn that
it was feared they would become disinte
grated. The problem of preserving these
priceless records gave rite to no little con
cern, and antiquarians and others fruit
lessly attempted for year to devise some
plan or means of saving the rare docu
ments. The queition has been settled.
The records comprise three bound vol
umes, but the leaves had grown to frail and
nsubstantitl that, for yea's, permission to
examine the documents has only been ex
tended to persn.8 who cou'd furnish some
special reason why they should be allowed
to inspect the books. The records were
printed some years ago under the editorship
of Dr Nathaniel B Shurtleff . The edition
was In five volume', and it was distribu
ted among libraries and historical and an
tiquarian societies. It has long since been
out of print, and copies of the edition are
comparatively rare.
The process of preserving the original
manuscript is the outcome of years of study
by F W R Emery, of Taunton. Ttic paper '
or document, after beimr cleaned or brush-
sd, is washed on both sides with a trans- i
parent, adhesive solution. Sheets of im- 1
ported white silk of the most delicate fab- i
ric, large enough to give an ample margin
or border io surround the document to be
preserved, are then placed on each side of
tbe record and pressed. The pressure
causes the silk to adhere closely to the doc-1
anient, which it then treated to a coating
of para nine for the purpose of bringing out
and making more legible toe writing there- j
oa. This process seals the docament per-
maner.tly from any danger of disintegra-'
tion or fading of the ink, and alto it a pro
tection against insects or mice, which
might prey upon the ancient records.
The old records of Bristol county have
been treated with the process, and City
Registrar Whitmore is employing it to
preserve many of tbe records of the early
history of Beaton. Tbe tttata rssords can
be handled bow without fear of seriaat in
jury resulting, and J J Tracy, chief ef the
archives division, at whose snggestien the
work was done, feels that the documents
will endure for all ime. Many of the
pages are composed of detached fragments.
which were gathered and patted together
by Mr Emery with infinite patience. In
many instances tbe writing is indistinct
and illegible, but this is due to av.
In restoring these records, silk of the de-
script ion given has been exclusively em-
ployed, but many of the Revolutionary reo
ords, in a less advanced state of decay, and
not so valuable from a historical stand- '
point, have been restored by placing the
manuscript between pages of fine tissue
paper. Bos' on Transcript.
Foliwisg are a few of the sayings of
ale Liver Wendell Holmes:
Ii ts a capital plan to carry a labl.t with
yon, -nd, ashen you find yourtel fc'ati.ous.
take notes cf your own conversation.
A aucceaal al author mast b; careful or be
trill Imitate himself. After one has pat a
shot through the Urge! he will lose his
labor If be through the hole.
You know what Wordsworth 'e not tuns of
common life poetry are. They have of. en
led him into beautiful sod ilit!c trodden
paths. Stilt 1 caanot but think many of hi
solemn-ties on trifling subjects are not much
more than parody walkinir backward. A
man may tip soch nectar through s straw
but not if be dips it into bat'ermitk.
A man cannot alway tell whether bit
deu are stolen or not. We take a though t
that wc !oe aad nurse it like a babe in oar
bosom, and if it looks pretty when it has
grown older, we flatter ourselves that it ha
the family countenance.
A bad satire, made Bp of prejudice and
personal feeWng, is a terrible thing for the
ill nalnred will love it for It malignity, aad
the envious applaud it for it audacity .
After all, common sense is better thai
erratic genius. I pique ayse'f o the fol
kowinz practical rcma-k. One should never
buy right ana left, because If on; ha one's
leg cut stT, the odd shoe will b- of no ue to
Curiousi Fact's.
The largest photograph ever taken was
seven feet long and four feet two Inctes
Tbe temperature at the bo torn of the For
man Mine In Virginia City, a dep'h of t,
10 feet is 110.4s.
Tbe Chinese have a god for every disease,
ev:a for childhood t tfflctlons, like the
mumps and meatls.
The smallest bird is an Hast In iia hum
ming bird, whlck 1 hardly larger than en
ordinary horsefly.
Fort Garhmd, Col, It believed to be tke
dryett apot in the United States. The
rainfall there it only tlx inches 1 yetr.
The Italian Consul, at Uodeux, ha tel
ephonic connection with the opera house at
Bordeaux, a well as with that in Paris, and
be says that he hear the music from Paris
(375 miles) as distinctly s that which
comes to him from s distsnce of on'y a few
blocks, .
The water works of Denve-,Co', are re
markable for their use ot woolen pipes.
These are 3? to 40 inches in diameter, built
o! staves of Texas pine banded with iron.
S nee 1 8S9 over sixteen miles of this pipe
hst been laid. It will stund ibe piessure
due to a head of 185 feet, anu is mu:h less
expensive than iron.
Most substances occupy a less space in the
solid than In the liquid state; some, however,
expted on tnlidifying, and water, belongs
t the second and smaller class. An obvious
result of this is that tcs floats on the lop of
water, and another result known to us It
that, when water freezes in a pipe, the force
with which It expands on clianglng to it.
solid condition is very apt to burst the pipe,
with -ITects which are often unpleasant. on
the arrival of the thaw. Thi expanding
force is of extraordinary magnitude, and
hollow bombs made of ttronsr and thick met
al have been burst by being first filled with
water, and then thrown out into the open
air on a frosty day.
Kx-MinisbjrTothroraysttiat be never
knew an American whe on meeting tbe
Czar was not Impressed by his stature and
bearing. But though a man of remarka
ble hysique he always had ths appear
ance of basbfulnets, and like many phys
ical giants his mind moves slowly, but
when once made up it Is not easy to change
For the absolute monarch of 100,000,000
people he seemed modest and rather retir
ing See my novelties In men fine shoes.
S E Youxo.
Ladies clieati shoes. Good wearers snd
very nest. Atd E Young's,
WashiaiRton Letter.
Frcm cur regular Correapoadent.
Washinutok, Oc,t. 29, I89A.
That the continued sllunce of President
Cleveland concerning tbe New York cam
paign is not pleasing to tbe average dem
ocrat it is useless to deny. True, it It not
too late for him to say a good word for tbe
plucky tight that Senator Hill it making,
but no'bing that he can now say will, in
he opinion of experienced campaigners, do
as much good to the party in that state as
a few words spoken earlier in the cam
paign would have done. Under ordinary
circumstances it would not be considered
necessary for the President to say that he
wishes to see tbe ticket nominated by his
party in any state elected, but in Ne
York, even aside from tbe known persona'
relations existing between the President
aad Senator Hill, there are pecular circum
stances which mode such an expression of
opinion desirable, not only for its effect
upon the vole cast for the State ticket but
to aid tbe democratic candidates in the
Congressiinal diUricta.
Although no stock is taken here in the
claim of the government of Germany that
its decree prohibiting tbe importation of
American rattle and dressed beef was issu
ed because there was Texas fever in two
ctrgoes of American cattle, lately carried
1 3 that country, the Department of Agri
culture has taken steps to investigate tbe
claim. If it be true, as believed, that Ger
many's real reason it to retaliate, because
of the differential du'y on her sugar im
posed by tbe row tariff, somebody Las
blundered, and toe blunder may defeat tbe
intention, already expressed, to repeal that
duty at the coming session of Congress,
Representative Davey, of L., was In
Washington on business several days ago.
says the talk about electing several re pub
lican Congressman from that State, which
republicans are indulging in. strikes him as
being very absurd. He thinks the only
district in which the revolting sugar plant-
era are numerous and influential enough to
hare even a fighting chance of defeating
the democratic candidate for Congress Is
the Second, and that the democrats wiil
carry that by a very small margin. Tbe
O her five Congressional districts, he say,
will be certain to go democratic, at usual.
It is difficult to tee where tbe 3 publi
cans are o make tbe gains necessary to de
prive tbe democrat of the present large
majority ia the Hm, wbea tbe returns
V' He Ctsftetfi etumm ssle by demeorat
ia every testjOsl of the country, row being
received by ths) democratic Congressional
campaign committer, are studied. Fiom
- Inlisna. where tbe republicans have been
) claiming ever) thing, comes the news that
i the democraU will cctainly carry ten of
j the eleven Cortrresaional district carried
j by them in 1892. and had a good chance
I to carry the eteventb; from Wisconsin,
where ridiculous claim have also been
made by republicans, comet the declaration
that the democrats wit! ts certain to carry
i nve of tbe six districts tbey carried in '93,
wifh a agbting chance ia two other dis
trict e, and from North Carolina, where tbe
republicans and populia" have fanned a
fusion which at one lime did look danger
ous, comes the assurance taat the legisla
ture, which will elect two C S. a'-ors.
will certainly be democratic, aad that the
Congressional leiegaiion will be solidly
democrat ic, a gain of o-tc member.
Senator Faulkner, who. in addition to
the knowledge be bas acquired as chair
man of the Congressional camign com
mittee, knows the district as well as the
voters personally and thorooghlv. says he
regards Chairman Wilson's ic-election to
Congress at betas well-nigh certain, aad
he would regard it as abto-nteiy certain
were it not for the fear that large sums of
money, which rerort say ha been con
tributed by the protected manufacturers
who are anxious to defeat Mr Wilson, wi'.i
be spent ia tbe outright purchase of votes
There is no law providing for a registra
tion of voter in West Virginia, con sequent-
i y there i tome opportunity lor tbe mt-
nipo'ation of a large crooked floating voce.
However. Senator Faulkner say this dan -
will be minimize! hr the. viLr, r,l
by the vigilance
the democraU. Of
course no amount of
vigilance can prevent a legal voter selling
bis vote, if be be so dispose J. but they can
be detected and both tbey anl their brib -
ers punished, and iby will be, wherever
a!l I srere Bssked.' eatd a ilsns rat esf
national reputation, "lo cnticiae the work M, r. WGifTord Naprore to resu-ne
, i gts-tnt; lessons on ths pia oforte.ln Albany
done by the Jemocratic Congressional cam- , on Tliuraday afte-noon. and Frtdty morn
palgn coramlsiee, tbla jer, I know of but ' inE 0 e4c- week. He svill be found at
one thing whh which I would find fault.
I don't think the committee in. .uade the
uslttn of tne rrpoblirans with ihe populit's
in six states it widely known in some sec
tions of the cwntry aa it should. I 'bin
democratic vctes wonld have been rnaoc In
the Mit I'e and Eislera State, If in no
-.he sec ior , by wide'y advertising the
fa- tkat the republicans were supporting
populist candidate for Congress In Virginia
North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, A'kait
(as and Texas, while members of the time
party wer- asVIng the vote ot the business
m:r. of other State on last groJnd that It
was iteoil party which believed In aa
honest an l sound financlil system. The
AmeHcan opledo not believe ia hyrocrt
cy, in poll ic or in anything else, and it
would have paid the democrats to have
thowsi up this iwpubltcaa dp'ieiv
I" he gaverntr attempts to be facetious 111
the wor-l ingot hi thanksgiving proclama
tion. But his awkward experience of a
year ago should have been lo him a solemn
warning There he rushed in ahead of the
hated C'eveland in order that his own proc
lamation might not be looked upon by the
propic of the commonwealth of Orrgor:
being tssponstve'y auxiliary to that of the
president's, but io bis undue haste to be
"over much'' wise he Issued his proclama
tion a week ahead of the accustomed date.
This time the governor is discrete as 10 the
date of his nrolsmation, but not so as to
the rr. aitcr i-ont lined In the executive docu
ment, the governor incorporates the Ixth
vers of 7th chapter oi ,E:r.liaste s in his
message: "In the day of prosperity be joy
ful, but in the day of adversity conrider.''
The governor seems to be hampered with
the sain short-sightedness that falls to the
lot of all those who resd the bible but
superficially and by short verses, here ore
and there one. Had the governor taken
tbe paint to read the remainder of the chap
ter from which ho makes the extract
might have been led to consider the impor
of the following: "Th heart of the wis Is
in the house of mourning; But the heart
of fools is In the house of mlrih," Again
the governor's eras might havo beheld the
following wise saying: "Siy not thou.
whst is the cause that tbe former day
were better than these? For thMl dost not
imagine wisely concerning '(.', O tbe
governor might have "contiderel'' hit own
political course in th: light of the wisdom
expressed In the same chapter of the same
Good liook as follows: "Bi not righteous
over much, neither mike thyself overwisc:
Why shonldest thou destroy thyself.' Veri
ly our governor Is unforiuna'e in hit public
Df . Price's Cream Baking Powder
WorM'a Fair Highest Medal snd Diploma.
8 Wictorwitz t Co. vs 1" AMI Co.
Recovery of Money. Verdict for plff for
Ray Hubble vs F& MI Co. Recovery
of Money. Nonsuit on motion of deft.
Plff to serve bill of exceptions on or be
fore Nov 10, 1394, and satns to be settled
at Chambers at Salem Nov 15.
Knapp Burrell St Co, vs W A Long .
Recovery of Money ; attachment. Same
as above.
In the matter of the assignment of Al
bertina Kriesel. Continued.
AlMe A MePherson vs M McPherson.
Divorce. Not suit on motion of plff.
In the matter of the assignment of
Boeniche Bro't. Claims filed in first
three months allowed. Cause continued.
G W Phillips vs U G Hayne et ux. Con-
fi rmaion . Motion to eorrf. lrr al
lowed and sale con firmed
Lottie Hunter vt A R Hunter. Divorce.
Decree granted.
Leo Gerhard and Henrv Gerhard admrs
vt Geo P and Mary M Warner. Fore of
mtg. Plff allowed $i00 alt y fee, Deft
Myers $50 att'y fee, Buekner Bros $40
atl'y fee and decree of foreclosure grant
E F Wyalt vs Martha Bobanan an.l J C
Bohanan ct al. Fore of mtg. Decree on
D M Buchner vs S Cohen and
Samuel Biasinger. Fore of mg Default
and decree as to C S Cohen. Continued as
to Samuel Biasinger.
Luella Rtowe vt A F Stowe. Divorce.
A II Logan 4gnei U.gan. Divorce
Decree on finding.
Tht Urges, stock ot custom
boots ever carrier) in Albany .
A so
the best selected tiock of
men ,
women'e.boy "a, misses and children'
shoes In all grades, at prices to meet
the times. All goods bought at oar
store that rip repaired Free of charge.
If you want your horses shod you go
to a Blacksmith; not a genera!
me r char, disc store. Why? When
You want to be shod come to the
only exclusive boot and shoe f lore In
Albany. Klbin A Di'saciLLk
Paiker Bros, grocer.
Row cream chess just leosivad at Conrad
ale jars.
P J Smiley job printer. Fiinn Block, does
first class work.
Smoke the oalebr aled Havana filled 5 essat
cigar at J alios Joseph's.
Fs'.rooias borne Industry by smoking the
islsbratcd white labor cigars, tasoafactarssl
by lo'ln Jcsssrjfc.
Money to Loan.
We are prepared 'o make loans on good
improved farm in sums to suit, of frcm to $10,000.
C uR KAN it MoNTalVH.
How to Save Monsy.
If you are thinking of purcbajung either
a piano or aa organ you can find oat bow
to save ernall dealers and agents commis
sions by calling at H J Jones book store.
Mr Frank Anrrs manager for the Wiley B
Allen Co will give you prices and terms
that will astonish vou. Cbaekeriasr. Hard
man. A B Chase. Fisciser aad other piano.
fcatey, Chicago Cottage, snd other org-m
in stock, call and see the instrument.
40 Loaves of Bread for )t.OO.
Let eversbodf come to the Star Bakery
and get 41 loaves of fresh bread (for $t 00
Ht baths at V eric a' a cbavlag par I or
I - nsrr:ali . rv. ... rir. i.a.n. nnr
pense to please the public. As she has
procured oae of the fioeat of trimmers
and hopes the ladies of Albany will ap
preciate it and call and judge for them
telves. Go lo Parker Bros
Money To Loan.
I hire maey to loi-ion good farm
land In Ltnn and Be Hon counties In
sums not over $3000. No delay in fur
nishing the coin . Cad on C G Bstrkhar"
1 Albany, Oregon . Alto nsonsy to loan on
I PPri . . """ 1 "-"
at s low rale of Lucres!
-Vishia Arl. to." finest Photo made
i only f i.$o per Jc;:n at Crawford A Pax-
! lon
The best reseat rafleo in the easy at Gonad
sryer a
the rcllen:e ot Mrs Willis Nash, corner
of Fourth and Montgomery street, where
terms can be ascertained and arrange
ments made. Mr W Gilford Nash has
recent! returned from a course of nearly
four years study t Leipzig. Germany ; one
rear in the conservatory, and ihe rest of
the time as a private pupil of Kerr -Pro
festor K reuse
Karl's Clever Rot will purify your
blaol, ctcar yot r complexion, regulae
your biwe's arM make Vvwir head clear
a a bell a;:, r. . and Iron
Shiloh's Cure, the great cough snd
croup cere, is in great demand. Pocket
aUe contains twentv-five dotes only 25c.
Children love it. So'd by druggists.
Captain Sweeney. U S A. San Diego.
. Cal sy: "Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy I
the first n.ed'cioe I have ever found that
j would do use any !." Price 5 .-
Yoo Abb All fltoar
If you take yoar washing to
tb Albany Steam Laundry. If you
don't you are not. Something is tbe
matter of vou. Hon can you go to a
Chinese establishment with a nrat-clasi
steam laundry in the city. Don't do it.
Be all right by quitting it. Suppose you
do make a few cents; what does it profit
you, witii the Chinese smell and lurking
disease around. Patronise the Albany
steam La'-indrv.
For palnles dental work c.ll
Adams. AH work guaranteed.
cn D
Whan nhy sraa sick, we rT her Oastot-ia.
When aha was a Child, she cried for Cast oris,
When she became Mat, she cturur to Castoria,
VLeo she had OUklren, she gave them Castorla
D.' G W Mas'ou, physician and surgeon.
Calls answered promptly in city or
Aloaay Market.
'Vnaa.t, Sit.
Oata, 32o
Hour, 13.00.
'utter, 200
EggB, 18c.;
Lard, 13 to 15s.
Pork -bams. I to 16c; ehoulrler,to)10e
1we. It to 13c.
flay, baled, 7
-otatoes, 25i.
Will practice in all the couit of the
i tbftte.
Ofiioo First Nat'l Bank building. Albany.
t All legal matters will receive nrorant at-
j .Jw06' Fir,t NUoaal W
j oUl,du,T' "P stairs.
Tlit principal contest in the coming
city election, only about a month ahead,
will be for the office of Marshal. C O Lee
and A W McClain are tbe principal can
didates on the democratic ticket ; others
will probably follow, and John Jones
offers to accept the nomination on the
republican ticket.
Capt. George Pope, who deals largely
in hops and also bas a large hop yard,
has within a year been over the hop
countries of England and Europe as well
as many of America, and is of the opin
ion that the Paeific coast hop grower has
an advantage in owning new land that is
strong and productive, also low priced.
White hop growers in Europe and even
in New York, use high priced land that
has been long worn so that it bears a
high rental and requires strong manures
to keep it up. With these economical
advantages in our favor we can depend
on it that the bop growers of the old
countries will soon be Iriven to the wall
and must find some other crop. The
ParifV coast is destined to raise the bops
of the world.
George and Henry Graftons to fill their
time during vacation and to make a little
money, set up a candy and popcorn store,
with their parents' permission.
"Now," said George, "we shall have a
good many ladies among our customers
and it won't do to let the men smoke in
"Ob, no. ' said Henry; "we'll put up
a big sign. No Smoking Allowed.
euest we'd better be a little more polite
in our notice so we sba'nt offend any of
oar smoking customers. The boys pat
tlieir heads together to invent a polite no
smoking"- notice, and at last, with a
pleasing sense of having done exactly the
right thing, hungup tbe following nea'.ly
lettered inscription:
"Customers will pleas take Notts that
if they wish to Smoke in Here ttiey wilt
bleat either extinguish their Pipes or else
Go Out-doors.
Col Hofer. of the Salem Journal, who it
visiting hit old home in lows, complains
that the little girls be used to hold on bis
laps and kiss won't permit it any more.
Noth withstanding the low prices farmers
are sowing as much grain as ever. It is
really a case of necessity. Tbe expense will
be leas than ever before.
A Mr Clock ia running' for the iegiaia
lure in Colorado. Toe nennpanen are all
making pons on her name, about being
wound up and never running down - We
pity Mr Clock, that's bow we stand on the
The Democrat, of AJbtsny. say that one
representative of the next legislature from
Astoria has already hired six lady clerks,
if this be a fact, the public should krow it.
The IVernocrsl should also name the man.
We want his scalp. Such conduct as this
will not be tolerated this year. We soar-
ante that if this basinets shall be attempt
ed, there will be socfa a war raised aa was
never before witxtessed in Oregon. The
peop'e themselves will not tolerate it. All
parties are fully aroused to the iniquities
practiced in this direction in tbe past, and
tbe fellow who brings six lady clerks, or
male clerk either, will wish that be never
was elected. Salem lrjdepeoder,t. The
Astoria Sudrett was the authority for the
item and C I Curtis was toe member.
The Eugene Guard alto bas its eyes open
and says: This morning the i 1 1 1 1 Bisiiiat
aeather bureau displayed a while flag and
it rained; at noon a blue one was run op
and immediately the ton romtnenced thin-
ins;. bat suae
A man advertises in the Etsgeae Guard
a follow: Tbe parties who carried away
gates jat for fun. have been allowed 24
hours, within which to return them jost
for fun. Those pstrtie are hereby notified
that unless the stolen property is returned
nia 2 hour, they will
! prosscuted to the fu'l extent cf the law.
of the river survey the Inde-
tot Salem sars : It is easily to
understand mhj tbe survey is now being
made, you tee it is just oa the eve of a
senatorial election. The ssstswats
a feint at river improvement and the party
will protsaisiy not reach I VvtLimJ until alter
a senator is erases. I olph wishes to
create a belief among the peejpew that be is
' btw bbjbjbj sa vrtar suuvux hT vwtr asa a, uvj ar
a friend to river improvement whether lie
it or not. it he ruccetM- uimsett tbe river
will be imptoved ia the -Sweet Bye and
People who have been over Oregon and
know tbe situation declare Albany ts have
tbe best r resnaects of anv city in tbe state
csutside of Portland. There are reason for
it. First, it is tbe center of a magmScent
fanuing country; second, it it the best rail
road center aad hence ba the best trans
portation racilities: third, it is tributary to
the fiantiam mine which promise to beeotue
tbe best on the PaciSc Coast. Everything
is in Albany's favor. The present are hard
time; bat tbe clouds will roll away and Al
bany will then posh ahead according to her
superior advantages
F E FJJndg-. who guides tbe destinies
of the Pasco News, tells as good a story as
this on himself. It appear that he wear
the title of "colonel. ' Mr Kldridge re
lated to a friend of the Eal Oregenian how
be acquired that title. He went to one of
the Portland hotels and signed his name oa
the register. Tbe proprietor came along,
looked over the list of arrival thou sett
the Pasco News man appeared like a sus
picious character. He therefor marked
before the name the letters col," to indicate
to the clerk that he was to collect" from
the jouTTsalirt and run no risks A report
er scrutinized tbe list saw ' col'" before El
tlrige's name, and the next morning ap
peared a personal mention of "Col. F E
F.Mndge. of Pasco. Wash.," beinff in the
city. "Col." Eldrielge thinks indeed that
some men not born great, or who have not
achieved greatness, have titled greatness
thrust upoa them-
m as e
rasast for two Year.
Six Fkasoisco, Nov. 2. August 11.
Appiarius, the grocer and liquor-dealer
taken into custeidy yesterday while hark
ing, snarling and oUierwise acting like a1
dog, was more violent this morning, and
was placed in a padded cell. The doc
tors have diagnosed his case as that of
delirium tremens, one of Appiarius'
friends stating that be has been in a state
of intoxication daily for two years.
Ckmr.ii. Debil-.ty Ovbrcomk My
professional dut'es con find me closely to
my o-'hee and steads work tends to bring
on general debility. I Pnd that by the
judicious use of 1 food's Sarsaparllla I am
relieved of this difficulty."
C H Mas mi, Sigln Ore.
Hood' Pills cure sick headache
gestion .
I Havk KhVKtvKti another invoice of
the celebrated Koyal Worcester Corsets
( W. C. C.) direct from tlie manufactur
ers. These corsets are constantly grow
iiiR in favor. Thev range in price from
50 cents to $2.25. I have handled them
for ten years and after careful compari
son, think tliera equal to any corsets in
the market.
I carry lines of Ball's Health Corsets,
K. & G. Corsets, also Ferris' Waists and
Ball '8 Waists for ladies, misses and chil
dren. Sajstkl E. YoiMi.
Cheap Meats. Buck St Ketchum de
sire to inform the pub'io that they are
prepated to supply all kinds of first cass
meats at prices as low as any market in
tbe city- Give them a call.
lont say time are too hard for picture
when you can get first class Photos lor
it. i.e. a "dozen at linkles.
Choice Crawford peaches by the box at
the Post Office grocery.
Dr. Price's CreanTBakkig Powder
WorM'a Fair Highest Award.
H C Watson Luther Kikins
JrV.TTOaa35TB3"Srf3lf-eVT L-eVW
Office First National Bank building
Business entrusted to us will receive
prompt and careful attention.
Anatsser Japanese Vlelary.
Losnox, Nov. 2. The Japanese lega
tion has received a dispatch stating that
1 teld Marshal Yamagata has captured
Fung Whang Ching, a city in the Chi
nese province of Liauting, near tlie Co
rean frontier. The Chinese defending
the place fled toward Mantien Ling. The
Japanese victory is an imnortant one.
It leaves the Moukden road open to the i
Jaiianfcse, and the Chines are not
to offer further resistance to the advance
of the Japanese army. Marshal Yama
gata is expected to be within striking dis
tance of Moukden November tbe 10. It
b ueneveei that the city is held by a very
"6 us uiuraineu ana poorly equipped
Tke sew Czar.
St. Pt-TEmiBtBfi, Nov. 2. At 9 o'clock
this morning the imperial heralds in
bright uniforms, attended by troops of
trumpeters, announced the death of Al
exander III and the accession of Nicholas
II. Throughout St. Petersburg todav
the accession of the new czar is being
ce ebrated, as the festival for this event
takes precedence of the mourning cere
monies. All signs of public mourning
will ba withheld until tomorrow.
BveU Callli
Pobtlaxu, Kov. 2. Colonel Samuel L.
Lovell will today cease to be a member
of the Oregon National Guard, if the sen
tence of the court-martial before whom
he was recently tried and found guilt v is
carried out. That body found him guil
ty of the larceny of state funds tea the
amount oi $l,7o 48, and Governor Pen
noyer yesterday indorsed its findings,
snd directed Adjutant-General Mitchell
to execute tbe sentence at the earliert
I-"--' moment.
The Dai i Hi, Or., Nov. 2. Frank Klein,
who confessed to the Pacific express rob
bery cf two weeks ago, was taken to Port
land today by Sheriff Driver. While
there, be will make a statement before
the United States authorities relative to
tbe postorfice robbery, in which he is al
so implicated. Ralph Gibbons is ont on
heavy bonds, regarding the latter charge,
wane ravage is still in jail.
Satw Yoba, Nov. 2. A special to the
World from Mexico save the severest
earthquake since 18-37 occurred at 6 -.34
this morning, lasting two minutes. Three
shocks were felt. Considerable darnace
was aone. several hocuses and
have fallen.
Tke t aa r
S?t. Petebabvbg, Nov. L The angel of
death, in the shadow of whose pinions the
autocrat of all the Bassias has been ly
ing for many days, today beckoned arid
tbe soul of the man who had in his hands
the lives and destine of million, upon
millions was borne awav. Calmiv aad
peacefully as a sleeping 'babe, he
bis slightest word, could have pi ringed
Europe into a war, the horrors of which
defy description, fell into the dreamless
sleep which he feared not.
Nrw York, Nov. 1. The Herald's St.
Petersburg correspondent telegraphs a
"1 have had an interview with a Bos
sian high pertxwage, who is intimate
with tbe cxarwitch. He assured me that
the new ruler would make no change in
Kossaa's foreign pc'iov. Should there
be any change, it will be exclusively in
domestic affairs, for the new czar has
mucn more uoer-ai views Loan is
ally supposed.'
HvATrsvttJJt, ild., Nov. 1. Edwin J.
Gott, son of the ss-cretary of state, is
dsns' iusibIt ill from the effects of haviing
by the student of the Maryland State
Agrie ul tarsi College. Last week the
students organized a mock trial, convict
ed Gott of a crime and sentenced him to
hanging. A rope was placed axonnd axis
chest, and he
:t :.An;
hangjrrg from a
bmsssstsBB Ibs .. ra':
hoars. Several ste-
dents are kept in close ctrntinement.
awaiting the result of Gott's iUneee.
Sx Fbasc-isco, Nov. 1. After being
oat all night, the jury in the case of
Charles S ws-enev. formerlv one of the
beknorn baseball pitchers in the coon
i . .T" "
. l"- charged with killing Cornelius lic
Man us, in a saloon row several months
ago, brought in a verdict of manslaught
er this morning.
Shanghai, Nov. I. The Japanese are
reporte.1 as baring taken a seeond fort
at Port Arthur. The general attack is
expected tomorrow.
The famous rebel chief captured and
execuiea at v ucrtang, while actively or
ganizing a retieHion, confciaauJ -he names
oi his scexsnipiices. whicu i;:clude the
provincial judge at Hupue.
WismscTON, Nov. 1. A deficit of
$15.(NO.000 for the fiscal vear to date, as
com reared with a deficit of P&JMBJmWtmt
the corresponding period of the last fiscal
year, is shown by the treasury officials
statement of receipts and expenditures.
issued today, for tVtober and the pre
vious months ot me nscai vear.
a atrase SLaa
PaixcETOx, Ky.. Oct. 31. News reach
ed here todav of the lynching of Eddy
Martin in Crittenden county yesterday
by a mob. Mart in was seized by a d eat
en or more men, who asked for informa
tion cf Bill Goode. the lawless pauper
commissioner of Crittenden county. He
was also asked about the latter's crimes.
especially that of horse-stealing. The
mob told him thev had come to hanc
mm, uui ii ne would turn state s evi
dence on Bill Goode he would be spared.
Martin said:
"If these are the onlv terms, gentle
men .let the hanging proceed. Bill Goode
has been my friend and I will shield
The mob quickly did its work and left
the body swaying from a limb upon a
lone country road.
A TrrrlMe
Brraxr, N. s. W.,Oet, 31. The Union
Line steamer Wairarapa, bound from
this port tor Auckland, N. 7.., was wreck
ed Sunday evening oa Great Barrie s
island, otl the northwest coast of New
Zeland. The night was verv dark, and
the officers and lookout on toe steamer
were ignorant of the proxiniitv of the
land until the steamer struck on the
rocks. Altogether. 1 1 1 of the passengers
and S3 of the crew were drowned. i?ome
of the survivors have arrived at Auck
land, but tbe number saved is not posi
tively known.
Will Carvj s. i .
New York, Oct. 31. At democratic
headquarters, the managers said that the
canvass shows a 65,000 majority for the
democrats in New York, and 11,000 in
Kings. They add, of course, that the
republican majority north of the Har
lem will not reach 40,000. Governor
Flower, a most astute political observer,
says 30,000. This will give Hill a clear
majority of 35,000.
raa't Sake.
Losnox, Oct. 31. A Tien-Tsin dis
patch says : The Peking Murcury learns
the emperor is angry at the existing con
dition of things, and will personally in
vestigate. He is summoning all officials
before him. He wants to know why a
small country like Japan cannot be ex
terminated. '
A B at accident
Scraxton, Pa., Oct. 31. An express
train on the Delaware, Lackawanna &
Western railroad, northbound, -running
40 miles per hour, dashed into a coal
train on an open switch at Foster, 27
miles north of here, at 1 o'clock this
morning. Three persons were killed and
a largo number injured. The train was
a through one from New York.
1 reach risads.
Paris, Oct. 31. The heavy rains of the
last few days have caused floods in the
north of France. In the departments of
Pais-de-Ciilaia du Nord thousands of acres
are under water. Many villages have
been rendered uninhabitable, aed hun
dreds of peasants have been driven from
their farm a.
the great
there is
ft:- all
Effi:. id with
in a single
application of
Ct-nce-KA VTotnu WoTOras, asv4 Its cures
T locmnne;. disngnrmg. bamU launs; hts-
rrsrira are mc tuml wwieii"
80U lb roo shoot the srorid. Price. Cental BA.
sv., ,, - , Hxaots-ssT !. Fcrrrka Dssas
saw i sis Coer , Bole Pwcersetore, Buaaoss.
- How to Cure Avery fatin Hast est," teas.
iiTOky fif JA10S G. BIiAIHP
By Gail Haxiltos, bit literary exeeator
with the co-opcrAtoc of his Usui y, aad for
Mr. BlausV Complete Works, 'Twxttv
Y aba or Cewoasss," d feis later book.
I Political Dfccsyaa. On prosfscctas
1 for thssi 3 bov sbluso books ia Use mar
kt. A K P Jordan of Me., took 112 order
1 from first 110 calls; agent's profit fUrS.50.
Mr Ballard otO. toe 15 orders. 13 esJ
Sossis, in 1 day: profit $28.95. E N Bice
of Mass. took 27 ardere ia 2 days: profit
ft- 25 J Patndge U Me. took 43 orders
from 36 ca.l'.s; profit 575.25. E A PsJssssr
N. Dak. took 53 order ia 3 day; first.
3.25. ExCLCSTs-B TurATTOkT Liven. I
a wish to make LARGE llCK.Yirit
. narliate'y for terms to
kleir Bill Fab. Cw.,lnr.duftii
toitc.ooPER DAY at masil
selling Lignuilng r . er ana piano- jew
;e"ry, watches, tableware, etc. Every
! house ha poods need in plating, -so ex
periccce;no capital, no talking. Some
agents are rcak'ng t-i a day. Permanent
ositaoei Address H K Demo Co., Co
rn bus. Onib.
1S91, 1892
A fx. 1 corps) of i
.jtosicAL, saatrinc uterabt
of Kocty uranged s- a-e
i of acudent
tfotd ssva.
Its r o v aj r at
In Your Own Locauty
ma..c easily and honorably, withe ot capt
tal, dnnng your spare hoars. Any teas,
wosnac.boy. or girl can do the workhaace
Iry, without experience. Taiking aa
necessary. Nothing like ft for moy
making ever otfereci before- Ourworkera
alwavs prosper. No time wasted ia
learning the bosrses;. We teach yea ic
a night how to succeed from the nr.
hour. Ton can make a trial wShotit ea
pemw to vooTself. We start you, fUmis)
everything necvVed tt carry oa the bear
Mae successfully, and guarantee yv
against failure if vou .-at follow out
simple, plain instructions. BetscW, it
you ere In need of ready rnewey, as,
want to know all about the best paytns
business bef oca the public, send as r
airdress. and we will tuti I yon a dev
xneut giving you all the particulars
TRUE A CO., Box 400.
Augusta, Maine-
jr. ... snrS.el IfrsSld
wriuein of SJs. eisii tseeeaaaeeaeeser laSSseesi. is.
es iMsl ee mile. rias. Ii siiiaw Ssatasr. .p-
kass.r 1 1 kltass. Sse -' -- -
i im tal eMSsiss i.saSuSaTlaii i isiiiu m
e (isae s nenai teas le tasteaUj tstt s. sts.
fsreen ,. sal mat swaVtir ts.
huieaw. Tt its '-jb Issea tsr S. lSi -r-
s-nirlia eftse est esaer esssiSlne taliWa. see
li . s.sore. t ssaMjiMleisla sSAsea sars .ease ss
wriwim Mmiv .(.mi i un Mmipm, m.
iM.l ton t-sr sOWsC assA asa,tACS wrtB AIA BSB.IS
Mm im essweea
I ureaett: Sil AksSTaxB ia wssl n.,v
ita iei iMsasss!
rasseAMa, assliss. esaass. Is AASrssa
c ocx.
OltT LAN D . O-d.
. rvirthusa, Oveceev. A. P. Arassxteasf. Prla.
Sraach School : CatiT4i, Ba. cohjk s, galera. oeerca
same courses erf stastv. same rases of laiuaa
Kusiufss, Sitortliand,
lyAewritixf, J-'mmmm jjA , W uft&i ZV i esse. '
seri'iseassoa uissnwi laeyesr. sewi.
si any Usee. cataJrerw re
Red Grown Roller Hills.
Ba t Hour ;or faraiiy aad baaera use
nr an
ww a tlae corner lot will no given to
any person who statists and operates a
stable for this purpo-e. Address Stable,
meare of Albany Obocbat.
CAW lBraaj srrtsTto
lK rTrasSessissir?
rsssi?ssiTl "eiMlsi'llA"1i?
Sf isTsSsseaswtAo s), , rijs7Asessa!''aM
xBsst jar Imertt yi beforiswihc wtta.
ssTASa"yar. sss3aSKSisk
ssxstatssst w-"- ssssstssw. CSs vase, (kaxeks
rswa stsVsssst
Ntixad tv-sr-e-- -