The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 09, 1894, Image 2

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    Hie gemorvat.
The Fine Worsteds.
In 1893 there was imported more than
$12,000,000 worth of finest worsted cloth,
iuch as diagonals and other similar goods
commonly known as coatings ot the first
quality. The duty exceeded $12,000,000
and was almost equal to the value of the
cloth, being equivalent to 99Vi" percent ad
valorem .
American manufacturers v ho hava here
tofore attempted or desired to undertake
the production of such goods have been
confronted by a tariff tax ot nearly 60 per
cent on the fine foreign wools used free of
tax by the English maker. That tax has
now been removed. The Wool and Cotton
Reporter of the 25th inst. says:
' The determination of the worsted man
ufacturers to put the industry on the best
footing possible, and to take advantage of
the very latest devices to improve and fa
cilitate manufacturing, is evinced in the
recent orders which have been placed in
this country and abroad for worsted ma
chinery. H is reported that foreign man
ufacturers of worsted machinery have re
ceived large orders from this side for pre
paring and spinning machinery. Domes
tic manufacturers are also experiene'eg a
rapid and large expansion of business,
orders coming in freely. A large number
of foreign manufacturers are beginning to
realize that the only way to hold this mar
ket is to locate plants here."
This indicates that American manufact
urers are laying plans to supply this mar
ket with worsteds as good as the best thst
are imported. The heavy tax on the fine
wools that are required having been re
moved, they enjoy the freedom which the
English maker has enjoyed, can select bat
they need from the wools of the whole
world, and can freely make such combina
tions of differing grades and qualities as
have been made by those with whom they
intend to compete successfully. To utilize
these changed conditions, they need the
latest and best machinery, and they are
going to have it.
We expect that as soon as the Industry
shall become adap'ed to the new condi
tions, American manufacturers will pro
duce worsteds as good as any that are made
in any other part of the world and will
supply the American demand for them.
Already, it ill be observed, the English
manufacturers begin to see that they can
keep a part of the American trade on'y by
buik'ing and operating factories on Amer
ican soil. This development of the Amer
ican woolen industry will be one of the fruits
of the tariff legislation of the Democratic
Party, and it will be accompanied by a
large reduction in the cost of these first
cms goods to the American consumer.
Who Will Be Senator?
Tnis question is agitating the minis of a
great many people in Oregon jus now
Some months ago It was conceded on all
sides that Mr Dolph would be his own suc
cessor. But now a competitor has arisen
who may make a great deal of trouble for
Mr Dolph. U is a significant fact that the
ground upon which Mr Fulton will contest
for the seat of Mr Dolph is not upon the
quea.ion ot the's ability or general
fitness tor the place, but on the contrary,
the contest will be upon an issue or policy
that la regarded as vital. Mr Fulloa will
ask to be elected upon the ground that he
Is In favor of the free and unlimited coinage
of silver. As all know, Mr Dolph Is un
flinchingly opposed to this policy. This
difference ot opinion between these republi
can leaders Is as rcdUally antagonistic as
any that exists between different political
parties. The problem In the contest is
how manv irec silver republican members
of the legislature are so pledged to Dolph
they cannot now desert him, however much
they might desire V vote lor a free silver
candidate. This statement is based upon
the claim made by free silver republicans
that a majolrty of the republican members
of the legislature are in favor of free silver.
A stumbling bl-ck for republcans in Ore
gon is the darkness and dpubt through which
the leaders of the national republican party
are groping their in search of the
attitude the party must assume on 'he silver
question in 1896. The republicans of Ore
gon are expected to initiate the policy and
campaign of tSoo. Can they now safely
elect a fret silver man to the senile upon
a distinctively free silver Issu?? If 'h'f
do so will it be fo'lowed by a free silver
plank in their platform to be a 'opted at
their state convention to be held in the
early spring ot I896? These are very ugly
dilemmas for that nartv to be Disced in. If
the issue is made direct, and!ed
by any other const delation or pledget, there
could be no doubt as to the election of Mr
Fulton. A large majotity of all parties in
Oregon are in favor of an enlarged use ot
silver. In fact it is within the bounds of
r.-ason to say that a majority of the people
are in favor of the free and unlimited coin
age of silver. Biff powerful influences at
hime and more powerful ones from Wash
ington wii te brought to bear to prevent
the electiec of a fre; silver senator. Re
publican leaders In the east will not permit
The Flection.
The Name of China.
As has been predicted in these columns
a number of times, the elections have gone
laraely republican. To the ikmoceat
this is no surprise. The long, disgraceful
struggle in the Senate last summer, termi
nating in a surrender to the sugar trust,
the disgraceful and criminal character of
the whole police force management in
New York city uader Tammany, the
bitter feuds between leading democrats
and factions all over the count ry the blind,
misguided conclusion arrive:! at by thou
sands all over the land that the democrats
are responsible for the hard times, tell the
whole tale. It Is a repetition of political
history over and over again, it is amus
ing now lo hear many republicans say :
"Well, the democrats are dead and will
never be able to make another fight.'They
are wiped from the face of the earth and
will never appear again," and many other
similar expressions. the men who say
these things are mere superficial observers
and never learn from experience . They
are ihe same unthinking persons who are
easily led to believe that the coming of the
democratic party into power waj the cause
of the hard times now prevailing. But
Intelligent, thinking people are not thus
misled. Students of political history have
nly to look back to ll72 when Grant swept
the country baring hardly a vestige of lie
democratic party. Then this same class of
mea were baud to or tbai "ineuemo-
cratic party was dead and
make another contest." but in a brief two
years that same dead party came up ag
gressively and swept the country :n l)74
and elected a president sn 1S76. In 1880
the republicans carr'ed tbe country and
eiected the president when the same old
cry was heard about the democrats being
dead. Hut this same prty was resurrect
ed in 14 and tlee'.ed a president In that
yer. in lew tee repuuncan? swepi ore
country again, electing Harrison, and
again the cry went up that the democrats
were dead, and so gloomy then did things
look when the republicans began to admit . ourbomes
the territories for the sole purpose of
strengthening- their foothold that many un
thinking democrats were led to believe
We speak of "China" and thc"Chinese",
little thinking that the natives of the Flow
ery Kingdom nevor hear those terms until
after leaving the place of their birth, or
coming in contact with some traveler.
They have many names by which they
designate themselves and the land which
they inhabit, but "Chinese" and "China"
are not nmong the narober. The most
andent name of China is Tien lUa, which
signifies "beneath the sky." Since the
present ruling house took control of tke
Empire in 1650 the name of TaTslngKwob
baa been applied to the Kingdom as a
whole, and Chung Kwoh to that portion
known to American readers as the "Mid
dle Kingdom."
fi"vrs Drmocrat:
In every household journals, newspapers
and magazines are sure to accumulate. In
one of these papers "devoted to the in
terest of the home, I read this: "A good
way to utilize old periodicals, for you can t
self them, is to make use of them. Tha
neat housewife can always keep her kitchen
table dean, by having a few papers lying
on it. When these are soiled from "dish
iag up" etc, they can be burnt and replaced
by fresh ones, in cleaning a room news
papers can be placed on the couch, over
the cloth-covered chairs, the tables, and
the curtains can be pinned op in them.
Time is thus saved in removing furniture
mi .-I,'.. ininir ilavs. rir in the extra bruali snl
would never ' scrub from exposure to the living uuti.
1 nere were a uunoreu ana one ouier m-
vice for old papers, enumerated by this
ingenious writer, and yet the most im
portant one. "in the interest of the home"
was omitted. People rarely stop U think
(until the fact is brought houv to them),
into how many families isolated on country
ranches md homesteads, no reading matter
ever finds it way. The men jianago to tret
a look at the county papers, when tney ride
weary miles for an occasional mail, but tha
women and young folks of these homes get
nothing to while a war the lagging time
when work is done, and the child is too old
for play. Many are hungering for "some
thin .nice to read": What hundre.1-
weignla ot good reading matter come wu
ofuu hardiv glanced at oy me '
Tasnntaaj a Downfall.
Nkw Youk, Nov. 0. Tammany is de
feated. The majority of 60,090 usually"
Milled by that organization in New York
city has tiec-n obliterated and an onnuai
tion non-partisan majority of 40,000 to
50,000 has been piled up, making the net
opposition gain 100,000. Never since
1871, the rear in which the revelations
concerning the operation o( the Tweed
gang were mane, has there been mich an
opposition against Tiiinniany, and the re
turns tonight show that a severe blow
has been struck.
add Wettest.
San fuAMcaoo, Nov. 6. If the incom
plete returns are any indication, Juh. H.
mtdtl will be the next governor of Cali
fornia. He will go out of San Francisco
with nearly 10,000 majority to meet the
gains of Kates! in the country. The in
dications are that the republican state
ticket, with the exception of Estee, is
elected. The republicans will probably
have six congressmen. The election of
Maguire, democrat, in the fourth, is con
ceded. In the lir?t district Barbara is
leading Geary by a small plurality.
ST JACOBS OIL is tbe Perfect CURB for
U. 8.
for Publication
"The simple believe
every word ; bnt the
prudent man looketh
well to his going.
Prov xiv, 15.
Land Ornce at Oacuow Cjty.O
Sept 27, 189
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of hi
intention to make final proof in suppor
of his claim, under sec 2301 K H and that
j said proof will be made before the Keg-
iuu:r ami iveceiver u n'i i nice at
uregon tJity, Ur, on ov 21, 1894, vu
liouert M ro
8 W
iu B, u d t. lie names the following
w iiiH-s.-M-H 10 prove ins continuous reei
dence upon and cultivation of said land
viz Luther C Ives, Peter M Perry. George
Sowers, J J Ryland, all of Detroit, Or.
Of eensible styles, choice
patterns, made out of se
'erited materials:
Popular Science.
B ' lrg seniority. In the bright light thus
Oklahoma Must Come In. i "bed by past experience it is not difficult to
see that the average voter is almost part
In Washington they are beginning to de- i finding out. The is no cause for true
bate the constitutionality of declaring m.r J democrats lo be disheartened. The issue
.1 1 : ,k. T.,rimr and in send-1 upon wUich Cleveland was e ee'ed. i Mc-
lnr of trooos there to supnrest la; lawles?
o - .
that the democratic pirty had won its last Wlu heap up their old Journals in tke gar
victorv. But how strange the mutations rets, never looking at them again, till a
t ir. 1 r. th cumin- house-Hitting occurs, and. then they too
of pelitics. In two brief years th country , SSw to the flames. There is
was swept by the democrats In the l on- j mocn in periodic literature, oir child -
gressional elections and two years there- j , papers, Minday school leaflet, our
after, Cleveland was fleeted president by a J church and religious taper, our Joujnalt
01 iiwionn uuu vuu km - ww uwnei
Experiments have been made in planting
wet wheal by Washington farmers, and it is
has be;n found that not more than one-third
of it will grow and that which does grow
yeilds a weak and inferior sui t.
In a somewhat speculative conclusion of a
recent paper, Mr Preece mentioned the ef
fec s of an aurora on telephone circuit, and
stated that it was not a wild dream to say
that we miy hear on this ea- th a thunder
storm In the sun.
The allowance for teicreraturs in a steel
tap: is dstirmincd by two-lairds of the differ
ence between the temperature of the air and
that at which the tape was s'aaiardUed.
The difference Is the number of thousandths
ol a (cot to be allowed for each too feet.
Vaccination theatehs to become a ur.iver
si! prices in the ingenious bands of Con
tlnen'al savant'. Inocu'ation against snake
bite is the latest production ia this field,
brought forward by Messr Phlsalix and Ber
rand at a recent meeting of the Academic
des Science.
A la'e theory of catching coil is that
when one enters a cold room, after being
heated, the bacteria la the room flock to the
warm body and enter it through the open
pores of the skin- The author ot the theory
asserts that he ha proved hy expeiiment
that bacteria in the neighborhood of a
warm body move toward it.
According to Mr Henry G.nre t of the
United S ales Geological Survey, who has
just published the results of his calculation
of. the average elevation of the United
Siate'. this average is 2,500 feet a little
greater than the esttmatod mean height of
of the land uf the globe. The lowest stats
is Dela ware, which is only sixty feet above
sea level, and the highest is Colorado
6,800 feet, though Wyoming is oniy one
hundred feet lower. Florida and Ixnnuana
ome next tu Delaware, at ihe bottom of the
list, only one hundred feet above the
sea, on the average.
nes now and for some time past prevailing.
But the question is not the practical one of
situation. The entire army of the United
states could not ran down or kill the gangs
of outlaws who for years past have inaie
thil tountry the scene of their operations.
Nor could the troops put aa end to law
lessness. The conditions make the discus
sions of such a question useless if not unin
Population will drive oai lalesne-- and
promote order. And there can be no doj v.
that population will quicklv follow the es
tablishment of stable government, which
would be the result of incJrporjting the Five
Nations with Oklahomi and ihe admission
ot the territory thus create' as ane rtate.
The immense resources of Ihe country can
justify but one opinion as lo the influx of
papulation and capitil which woald quickly
follow statehood.
Oklahoma must come in.
KinUyism) is settled for all tim. Repub
licans will never attempt to reeaact the Mc
Kinley law whatever power they may have
to do so. Other issues will arise, the de
feated party will be purified bv !a defeat,
and in the near future it will V asserting
Its right to victory again.
Hill Defeated.
Nkw Yokk, Nov. 0. Tlw republicans
have carried New York state for govern
or bv estimated pluralities ranging from
laojdooto i."o,ooo.
The scene on Ncwspaiicr row at 8:30
tonight, when it was conetled by demo
crats that Morton had won the govern
orship niul SMroni the mavoraltv, was
one of the greatuet enthusiasm.
Oa (.'agreaaaiea
Haw Yokk, Nov. 7. Itetnrns received
up to 2 o'clock this morning indicated
that the state congressional delegations
in the fifty-fourth congress would stand
as follows : 105 democrats j 109 republi
cans ; ' populists and 57 doubtful.
la lUlaal.
Cuicaoo, Nov. 7. Tanner, the chair
man of the republican state committee,
said, at 1:30 A. ML:
"We will have 44 majority on joint
ballot; Cook county bv 20.000 plurality,
and Illinois by 12";000."
Illinois, MinneaoU, Michigan and Wis
consin hare all gone republican.
A Kit,
possessor whose name is cn the wrapper !ls-w YoaK, Nor. ."'.A snow storm at
simply because he has a surfeit of rood j Hartford. Conn ..this owning developed,
tuirg. ann uiereiure juitj '" """l at o cluck, into a uiiuani. Telegraph
Ihe 5re. Some of the acvutualative sort, ntl ..n-tratexl and
the city is almost entirely oul off from 1
communication by a it-. Information as
to the extent of the damage is unobtain
able. Oat T wards Pefclas.
tsOnxBt, Nov. fiy A rttattgliai dispatch
mvs the t . uw srwaae under lieaseru'i
Ms lliir M.
gonCitv.Or.on Nor 21, 1M, rte r
wrt M Poe, ii E No 10811 for the N km7!??i 2TL
r H J& W M and lot 1 ij SSltJXX& "a
5, U 5 fc. He names the following , ' HL tkM ... 27
Notice for Pubiicauon
US Lasi OmcE, Okecos Cm, Or
Sept 27, 1894
Notion is hereby given that the follow
log named neuter has filed notice of L is
int. n tion to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof wilt be
made before Register and Receiver V 8
Let,d Offieo at Oregon City, Or on Nov 21
itm riz Liu her C fvee Pre D 7B for
tasKKHVlBWiSE I and lot 2
eej 18 TIC 8 R 6'E.He names the following
witiieaaesfo prove bis continuous residence !
upon ana cultivation 01 said land viz- j
J Ryland, t M Perry, J l8chnt II, 3 w
altlson, all of Detmit- Oregon.
!n tU County Court of 0 Stale of Orrgon
for the County of latin :
William Rombaagh and D W Rumbaegb,
copartners Basis tha firm nam of Ram
bangb k Son. Plaintiffs.
K 8 Fry. nefeadait.
To K B Fry. the abovt, waived defaatdamvt.
f In the name of tke state ef Oregon too are
1 1 ; 1 1 . ,
art on nr before the first Monday, the 7th
day of January, 1693. tee said day being toe
Q st day of tha regalar term of said court foe
said month la this ooun'.y and ia case you
shall fall to appear sod answer, tlx plain
tiffs will take judgment against yea for
twenty two dollars ia U 8 geld coin with
interest thereon in like coin at tea per cent
per annum from January 17th, 1890, and for
the farther sum of ten dollars a reasooabU
attorneys fee. sad their costs aad Jia bora
men U of thii action to be taxed. This
summons is served by publication by
order ef Hon i N Da scan judge of said
county, which order bears date Nor 6, 1894 .
.Dated Nov 6, 1894.
Mo.itz.vt a 6c Haceiemas,
Attya for plaintiffs.
Our Personal Guaranty
Is back of every Garment, Hat and Shoe
and behind ua tbe millions of the manufacturer,
N oticef or Publication
U S Land Office at Okeoox Cirr, Oa
Sept, 24, 1891.
NoUcj ia hereby siren Okai the to! low
Ing naired settlor bas filed notice of hla
inteutlon to make final prool In support
of hla claim, u ne'er see 2301 R 8, and thai
aid prool will be made before the
Countr Cierk of Linn Co. at Albanr. Or.
on Nov 14. 1894. riz: Rands: L aae, H
E 10747 for the E 'A S E Set land W
Msaasaas at ! Will pnetta as all cowrts ef the
Stat, flinissl atuetioo jpi-m to anttsn la prnb-A
ladtoto'lsetsows. orflCS-la the Fuaw ateaf
kUortwj at Law sad Sosidi ia raws nary. Cell
Albaaj, Oraca
aW '..Sec 12. T 10 S. R
namea tbe f of owing witness j
bis continuous residence opo
ration of, said land, viz E V
Roe, Edwin V Smith, of Bar
Jacob uppiiger, of Detroit.
K. He
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon.
Attorney at Law, Albany Or.
R. J. L. HILL,
rlistkaan aad Jass". OFFICE Cerwa
Far-? suusss, Albaaj. Onawa.
when tlwre are eyes. iiril in the suoun-
tain solituiles. that it wauUl gladden and
It is proposed by some ladies of the city
that an effort should be nvade to gather up
some of these "wasted rwourses." azd send
them where they will do good and be wel
come Hot'SEKKEl'IUi.
See Our
The Wane-Earricr.' Iisw
the Ierrossin.
The Agricultural Department at Wash
ington has reports from Europe 'hat there
is a great increase in the use of American
corn for feed ins horses and cattle. This
U not what is wanted. Tbe value of corn
as stock feed has always been admitted,
but the mass of European people believe
that it is fit for nothing else Indian corn
is a better food than a large proportion of
the peop'e in central Europe are using, and
if they will tubttitute it for their present
rations it will increase tlis demand. Just
now, however, it is not needed to have a
larirer demand for corn. There is a short
crop in this country, and Its price for an
other year is likely to be as high as the
price of wheat.
Even wealth has its burdens. It is said
that Rockefeller is expected to pay an in
come tax to the general Government of
IU&225, assessed on $125,000,000 worth of
yroTer'y. The Jay Gould estate is not ex
pected to pay more than $80,800; Russell
Sjge, $!to,000: Cornelius Vanderbilt, $81,-
000; William K Vanderbilt, $75,960; John
Jacob Ador, $50,000. The Government
evidently thinks It worth something to be
Lll McMahan. in his "Waa.'- is
authority for the statement that tbe
governor, on a salary of $1500 a year.
makes $3.W, the eecrtary of state, a .th
a salary of $1500 makes $17,000; the
. ! slate treasurer makes $30,0C0 to $40,000
""'"B ; . Tear : and tbe superintendent of pub
lic instruction $3iX0 above his ronstito
j tional salary .
Ibe wage-;
depression. The Telescope talis of a couple recently
T-e prtstel teal dUtrrs of
j e rr.rrs dating the business
j. rat as i
propo-tl .w to tha? of other peiiod
extensive s to nake us despair either
ouiro n tmuie cr ot mat r-i ntc couairj-. on it ; the tinra dar lie inveaugatea
-h ki msWxiiv of laloamr ieoole ia ! scrap bucket lo see how wastefel
the varied industries of Masuchuiclt. as
ting have ve aa'.sd Chi Ijsn Citei.s
and now ocenpr a uiauntaia fsa-ss on Use
high road to Vvking. trdens liare Iven
; given the tnililary comtnandcrs to de
fend Teking al all liazarxu. The Japati
ese army is marching northward, aim
ing to get behind tieneral hung's army.
It is expected all foreigners will be re
(itireted to have IV king within a fort
night. a Br antra
Olvuiia, Nor. 5. The 10-year-old son
of A. Wright, tiring near this city, was
instantly killed this afternoon. The boy,
with an older brother, was in a wagon,
site horses of which became frightened
aan electric car. Before the driver
could obtain control of Uie frightened
animals, the little lor was thrown from
the seat and the front whevl paaatd over
his head, cru.hirnr it and causing instant
Crl VAls' fffll.s
ml hs not been ojl of all i married in Linn countr- who part-d on
ST ' 1 . a m .a a . . S ,
or M me I jurtn cuy i n me secooa uav sue j
or i..k...i !k. .... .if. to i..k fr ttaa A5. r.. av. .The follow ing
. UUaUMsU W wa v a - - - .
m wearina the nailor carpet cat br walk- tickt-i wa elevtevl at ihe irai citr
me l elect ! n today :
sua I CYrtincilnsen. F. W.tio.lfrev. McKinler
'was. This was um macti lor rer ana . .Miu-neii, s . s, . niuinenana i.t. in-
I.a .tiMAlrs,! th. nirln.rtiiin Ihe
we'! as in her manufactures, a-e nti lirr Man about Towu saw the couple, well
Notice for Publication
U, S. Laso Osrii s, Oaaoos Crrr Oa
Sept 24, 1S4 1
Selic sss hereby giren th t Use fallow!
j tag ssamaa ssuier has nied nouee or nis I
1 :nTeniion to make final proof in auppoil j y
vh uia Li.'iii. uooer sec ssus a a. aasa saas
i said proof will be made before Use 1
Counts Clerk of Line Co. at Albanr. Or. t .s asstsarsU
wh . . u . ii.icvf, vsx ausa uwy ust sa r. -so , m rrx,
1745, for use S H of S W , and 8 US K , .
Bae 14 TMS. R 5 V.. He names the!
i I lUowiog witnasaas to prove hla eontia .
uous rsm ience upon anl eu Uration of,
; said aod. via R L Case aad Jacob Oppli I x
17.' o ' T; -a 3m,ln aasai - ff . oic-Ut.r. w ns.
-- s. A Wosvr PoJe. W
i UtaMirMrfta state Sswsial ataeatiaa ta
feaaoaa srsssews
A dispatch from Pittsburg Pensylvania,
Tbe highly projected manufacturers of
this hotbed of protfe'ion are taking a hand
in the fight against Congressman Wilson,
of tbe Second West Virginia District . It
was arranged a few days ago tnat the
Americus Club, to which most of the pro
tected manufacturers be'ong, would go to
Morsrantown Nov 3 and wboop things up
for Dayton, Mr Wilson's Republican an
Wben Chairman McGraw, of Wilson's
campaign commii'ee, heard of this be tel
egraphed the Pittsburg Democrats to send
down their Kindall Club to counteract the
influence of tbe Americas Llub. Ihe Ran
dal! Club consented and is to act as escort
for Bourke Cockra.i aad vice rresident
Stevenson, who are to speak at Morgan-
town and Fairmont Nov 6
When Dayton's managers learned of this
they sent the following to tbe Pittsburg
Republicans: "We want your club for
Nov 5."
Accordingly it is now being arranged to
send down not cniy the Americus Club.but
the Tariff Club, too. Tbe protected man
ufacturers will drop business Nov 5 to strike
a telling blow against Wilson on tbe eve of
tbe election. The Americus Cinb is keep
ing tbe ires hot trying lo get ex-Speaker
Reed tr cancel his engagement for Nov 5
and accompany it, thus counteracting tbe
influence of such heavy-weights as Cockran
and S'evenson.
going to the almshouse nor to-iftg the ceat-' advanced in years too, the day before the
or part of their usual iuccmr a. ) The marriage, and one woald have judged
. , . . . from actions tha- they woull lire to-
cheapest labor suffrrseaost -:.rethe m u , hnaind years ; tnt ycu can t
gia between incoie and neceasary c-st mo,! Bl ways sometimes tell.
living is smallest, and ignorance is content
to live slovenly and from hsnd to atouut. j A couple sign in Albany have gotten
Yet even la the lowest-pai l inJaslry of the d up so that they now read l 'Smoka
State ia the cottoa mills, where a lower j riine.
class of operatives art fonr.d, aid the eraa : "
- , j. ,,. ..j The Sal-ra ln..pnlMit pot. it like t hi-:
nja pri'T are wom:n and c Mi jren, aed mote , v- i .
. ' , 2 . i TnASKsr.iviro. November 29.
has two from a family are usually at wek ; ( i,.,pjan
the average annavl earning in iSoj were "Thankagivir.g. the last Thursday in the
$343 6o for earh individnal Tben, in Ihe I month " Pennoye.-.
.cr of e-ploy-ent. the picture I. a. a ; t
together a dark one. l-or in the month of
greatest iileness ia Sptembrr
The question of the election of a United
States senator by tbe legislature which wil
convene tbe first of January, is being qaiet
ly bnt very earnestly discussed by the re
publicans. Tbe announcement of C W.
Fulton as a candidate in opposition lo Sen
ator Dolph nroo the lone issue of free sil
ver has created quite a commotion among
republicans, and especia'ly is the Orego
nian wrought up about the matter. It is
well known that that paper is bitterly op
posed to any farther enlargement of tbe
use of silver. If Mr Fulton were wise he
would plant himself upen the platform of
the free an 1 unlimited coinage of silver,
theproduct of American mines only. This
would secure approval from two-tbiids of
the voters of the state Mean-while many
voters In Linn county are curious to know
how the members of tbe legislature from
this county will vote, whether for Dolph
tbe monomctalist or Fulton the free silver
I tr loured that every man, woman and
chu t us tbe I'niled S ates eats an average
of fuw and a In If bushels of wheal a year
In Hit foim oi bread or breakfast cereals.
1 iiesjries supported by
Facts are invincible.
Porous Pltister
is, without doubt, the best
external remedy for strains,
sprains, lame back, sciatica,
and congestion of the chest.
Always Maks Burm ana net ihe gnu!fw
Alllock's. Never put up ih an imitatiua.
Allcock's Corn Shield.
Allcock's Bunion Shields,
Have do t :uJ m m relief and cure (or corn
avnd buniuna.
Brandreth's Pills
IVrmisslon has just been atked from the
Rwis Government to build an electric rail
road to tbe summit of the Jungfrau, one of
the highest of the A'p. Until recent'y the
ascent of this monn'ain was deemed Im
possible, and many lives were lost in the
attempt. Even now it is attempted only
by expert climbers, and occupies two day.
Almost the entire line will In wi hin the
zone of perpetual snow, una much of it.
therefore, must be tunnelled or protected
from the frequent avalar.cbej. An isolat
ed rocky prominence. 200 fee' below tbe
top, and freo from snow, will form the ter
minus, the rest of tbo journey being- made
by oleclr'c elevators, probably through a
shaft The lower end of t'ue line near (he
Wciitfern Alp, is already accessible by
racr-- nr n rarw.uis.
A diapatcb from Pittsburg Pennsylva
nia to tho New York World says;
The Carrie Furnace Company has ad
vanced the waqeti of the day labr rer from
$1 l).r, to SI 20 per day
i Is bHfevea t bnt "Ihi-r employers who
buvn n-ci paying ies llian 4)1 N for day
lau-ur will 'estor; the price to what it was
before the panic
TLi is the mt ml advance in wages
which has occurrod in Pittsburg this year.
T'ie other was a seven-cent sdvaoce to
laborers at a ton h side mill.
The I'KM'W aT recentlv ixilJisbed an
item about IlarietU the pilgrim printer
. : av TH-- t ii i T . "
sue luiiMwing irira liw.- v.u
is timely: S P Haalett. tbe
Ladies cheap shoes. Good wearers sad
very, nest. AtS E Young's.
Hot Baths and warm
shaving pailor.
rooms at Verlck s
Bsth at Vis.-e.k.
t'.iat psrlors.
shavtar sa I hai
there were
21 per cent of those at work in April the
belt month ol tiat year oot ol wJr. leav- i swatrini, 0jf
in? 7 per cent still eT.plovcu at a Hose ilon Olol
when, besides the depression in business, i piwnm pnuter. stoppe.1 tn town a cou-
. .. - -. pfe days tbe first of the week, sampling
vacstion. repair, and otSer i"ljCondon , .t. H bis proUi
special canses combined l? keep maty been lD more printing officea than any man
mills idle. And I think many will be in the United States, and is still on tor go.
turpi icd when thev learn that tbe avenge vinghero Wednesilay for southern points.
. . . ... ,. eipecting to stop at rossil, Mitchell, Long
airmber of persons at work in al. these in- j Harnl(y "
dustrles taken together in tbe last three
months of 1893, directly after the m jo'.h of j wilsaa Mscrsc.
extreme Idleness, wcie ji the number hav- P.vrkkrsbi m., W. Y.i., Nov. 6, Re-
iag employment in the last and most pros-1 ports from Wilson's district arc meager.
perous quarter of I891. In other wrd.,the All received show large republican gains.
.... 1 a. 1. ' Charleston, w ilson s home, M among the
great body of wsgc-earnirs In Ma,chn- j UntJU - so far as counted.
set:s were kept at woik wl en the depre.lon 1 Chairman McUraw announced at 8 :30
was most severe, earning in the coarse of ; that he coneiderel Wilson electel. The
the year nine tenths of what they got the j rypumican cnainnnn claims j-ayions
year before. -Samuel W Dike In Foium. j elcction ln the firet district is concedrd
bv the democrats.
Interior Office EtMntn-.
.Secretary Smith's report snbmiittd to
Congress with other things climates of nec
asisry appropiiitiont for the fiscal
1S96, and will show the following savings
al over g 13,000.000 in tKe aggregate:
Asaea:;t aaaroailated for 189s, $169,559,
950.93; for ikeo, $155,835,278.83; de resse,
Tnis saviag is made up as followi:
Decrease in estimate for fenskn., $10,
For talarirs, Pension Oflic:, decrease
For general Indian service, decrease 84,
031,641.20. For printing, etc, decrease $61,355.
For miscellaneojs purposee decreis:
$100. decrease, $14. 281, 596. so.
This decieas; U lorntwha: lessened ly
ncreasesin the(iBerjl Lind Office mak
ing a total of $4-39,035; another increise
for the Patent Office miscellaneous e: pendi
toraj of $76,584, and an Increase in salseeb
lanecus expsnses in wvi'iiil bureni uf the
department of $t 1,. 8, miking at sgg i
gate increase of $526 I J net d crcsse
of $i3,754'7l. 2n.
Ills worth noting that in th; ab vr
savings the decrease in the estimate fen
pensions in 189O is a sUcrasSS frim lit
appropriaii.m fur the current ar. Tha'
apprupiia Ijn wan maile Balsrs Ihe close of
ihe last fiscal year and srSt for $10,000,000
m.ire than the asaoarst sclually expended
last year, 'ihe eli.uate tot 1891 Ik no de
crese fiom the am mn' actuillv expended
last year, but U I me-1 on the Idea that the will be station try fr the years
1894, 1895 snil 1K96.
man: recorler, w. .Taylor: marsbal,
II. L. Kocater: tresamrer, John Weiss.
Dr. Stotl and Jake ltinsrliaiu were lied
for councilman.
Waai leaev.
London', Xov. 5. The Central News
says : There is reason to believe that
China liaa resolved to formally ask the
powers which have immediatr'cornrner
cial inlrrests at slate to stop lite war.
Tbe Chincwe minister is said to haw
transmitted lite reqoeat to the foreign of
fice in Ixsndoa this afternoon. This even
ing he started for Paris ta seek inter
views with M. Ilanotans, tbe French
minist-r of foreign affairs, and President
Caaiuiic-Perier. The Daily News baa in
formation that China is sueing fur i - ;
in fart, ha instructed Iter envoys in Eu-
Xto submit to the sower the terms
b she is willing to offer.
unter ihe ag of ecbooray and good liv
ing, If you piocuie voar soppHes ftom
our stock of prime food products. Being
dressed bacly only affects your appear
ance, but eating poor sad adulterated
groceries mav aflVt rossr Wealth to a
serious extent. WhMe-ver srtscle we seep
is ot the A 1 Brand and lie best that can
be obtateed tn market. Whether
iarsn and daiiy products, canned goo-:,
teas, cofl-es, spsce. or ansthirg else do
saeslic or imported, we have only the tet
The text interst cf purse, asd
palale ac -rved bv trading wi h us. Our
latest ar ivals are new California hooey,
bowed cider . set spiced pickles. pgs
leel and new crop ralsiis.
' Roe. of Barry. Or.
Notice for Publication.
U 8 Lan r. Crncc Oaaoa.t Ci.t Oa,
tsept 24, 18S4
No'Jea Is baratiy ai van that the follow -
leg named sstiler baa ttled notice of fata
intent loai to make fiaai proof in annport
of bat claim, under See 301 R H. mad that
said procf wis! be mads befoie the Regis
ter and Receiver U S Land Office at Ors
gon Cdy. Or, on Nov IS, lew. via -John
ts LSmUh. H B lOai. for the 8 E . 8 W
M and lot4seel8NXBW ana lot 1
see IB T 1 eg Ka E. He namei the to!
iowinz witssamas to prova
reaidence boos and eoluvation of.
land viz: Watlaea W Caakev. rhatnaa E
ef Oross-
stM ssf rsrar- "- '
HE Bier.. Or O. K Beera
Physicians a n i Surgeons
Special attenliaa given to dueases o
women. Hoa- to 10 n A St, 2 to 4 and
7 to 8 P al. Offices and reaidence Blwm
berg Building, First Street, between Lyoe
and Els worth.
T CVlt'K St 10. 8T4KI
or tuaST, osustsea.
Hoe, Sfikel Omn, James Monroe, all oft TmanaCTacwawnsl Psaxaj wajwras
Barry, ur. ROBERT A MILLER, 1 paawatQgr Mtarw w rek. sa. r
LOaJt atOStrr ia tpfri atorttT
t sasswas 1
for Publication.
P E Allen.
Mm 1 u list ratlfseata.
San FBsNcnas-o, Xov. 5. Frank II
liiKild, chairman of the democratic cen
tral committee
Notice for Publication Notice for fuDlicatio11
Vmi are firs' cousin twice remove I to you
firm cust-ln's gra'stU-hlld. Crandchidren cf
first cmisins arc third cousins lo one snoth
er.andvnjr cousins chf'd Is your first
cousin, "nee irmoved.
.See my novelties In mens fine shoes.
S E Torsn.
I.Vj-.tsay times are too hard for plclutrcs
when you can get first class Photos lor
$1.25 a dozen at Tinkles.
If you want a rise amok eail for Jn
white labor ngir-,
Mr. Judge Pock
Mrs. Judge Peck Telle How
he Wae Cured
Sufferers from Dyspepsia should read Use fol
lowing letter from Mrs. n. :M. Feck, wife ot
Judge Peck, a Justice at Tracy, Cel., and a writer
eonascted with the Associated Tress: I
"By a deep sense ot gratitude for tbe great
benefit I Itave received from the use of Hood's
Sarsauarllla. I havs been led to write the follow
ing statement for tlie benefit of sufferers who
nmy oa similarly smicieu. rot 10 years 1 imro
iroia uyaiestBiu anu
Ii Is ittimaie I 0) gardeners that in l.e
Ai'Ci'ibe frixtn at s lempertlure of
2,j6 lie' iw z-ro, and ibe produ , which
can be handl d and felt, burns, so to tp-ak,
with Us excessive ol I. I''r sir csn be
prod scad in any qntntity, but its cost, $500
jillon, H like', lo prevf t large business.
. . -a-
Hsart Trouble.
Almost everylblng I ate would distress me I
tried different treatments and medlsiaes, but
failed to realize relief. Two years ago a friend
prevailed upon me to try Hood's Barsaparllla.
The first bottle I noticed helped me, so I cou
t'nueit taking It. It did me so much good that
my friends spoke ot the Improvement. I lnivo
received such great benefit from It mat
Gladly Recommend It. fc
I now bars an excellent appetite and nothing I
sat ever distresses' me. It also keeps up my
flesh and strength. I cannot praise Hood's
Barsaparllla too much." Mas. Ii. M. l'aca,
Tracy, California, list HOOD'S. s
CSLani rtl.-ie, Oregon CUT, Or
July Sl.'lsM
Nodes ia kareby given trsai ia com pi I.
wi:n m t' oviaiona of the ac; ot
Congnsaa of Jnne3. 187 en l tied An act
for ibe sale ofitmber lands in tnetate
of California. Oregon. Ssvada and Wash
ougton Tel ritorj" aa extndat to all tba
rsiiollc land luuihv art of AnsusM.
claims BtHld's pturalitv 1 iL pUsssi W Rain, of Albany, county
Ms- predict that aiisdd s ! i'-jnn uisidis oar n ei
San Joaquin vallev and t 10 "l ora bus sworn ataiemaot So MBa '
I I Hs ffsnmU at al. I - a
- t iae 1 1 1117 vsa i4U ws srwa . w ut
D 8 Lai Orrn a. Ousjoon Crrr. l.-.
O t 19. 1894.
Xotic is hrby s,o that ia enmpli
anew wita tha ps-ovssiossa of tha act t-f Coo
stress of J a"- X 1S7S, eatiUac "Aa act far
tbe ele of tins bar Uads ia tfce Statst f
Califot cis, Oregon, Nevada, assd Washiog
loa Trri o-j . ' aa emended to all tke Pah
lis LapC Slates r- e of Aagast 4, 192,
Aoor Clave' sssd, f Gnahaaa. eoaaty ef
Ma isKscsti, Statasf Oregon, tas this day
filid in thia stffica br won sUlestseat No
will carrv the
I 111 I lv 11 1 ii,..'. .;aiu t-i'lllllltl' l.v SfW' V , . . . , s . . , ... oul S S.
..i..niitv tlsss anct'oa Nc la in townblp no. 10 8 HMwlaMS, fr Oe wirehaae of U S VV '4 d h
In San KkStT Chairman 1 ' V -", fH P"of o show , W U t, f S WJ( and M 4 ,f , nrcuo.
... . , that is land soualit is more valuaole fcr No in Tcvihii No 10 Ksnee 4 K.
oiuie rep loiican stale central commit- , , " nt - . . .L:irt t d ws I . m Li t.,.h.sw that th. laad vatloo of said land via Jooa S L SRllh.
tee, is coiinde-i r.'tce s l-iur.witv wi cx-1 I .ilTL , 7-t j' iT. 1 T I- .is
liannnn ! Purncses.and io cs'.afcIKh hi ciiim ka said . SOSasM is rane ralaab for ita li-nber or
' ' . . land before Ihe Realstev and Ueceiver ol ! sSjaae thai far saBwawkssial
(ww s ... s. s-rsswes 1 officc M Orcgon Ciiy.Or. on Tuc sd.y
Saw York, No. 4. The World to- the :71b day of Nov, iS4. He names
mnm.w willisav that ilniins tkAssssasIa witnesses: Jos Whitney and V B
Lvnd OrmrE Osusoos Cmr, Oa.
Sep 2 i 1S9L
Notice ia hereby given that tba fcaltow
ing named s Hi 1-r baa tied notice of has
inicuuoo to as ilre final proof In suncort
of bis claim , under esse 1391 R 8, and that j ??''"'
said pi oof wilt be mace before toe j
Joarsty utera t Lana u. at Albany, ur.
on Nor 14. 1894, vsc Engene V Smita M
E No 19729, for tbe S E,S W '..NE1,
S V . and S X S K . Swc ItT 109 R 4
E. He ssi roes tbe fjJowing wl.auases to
arose bis cooUbuobs reatdeci oe upon and
j Uv alien of, said land , vie A J out a, of ;
Barry. Ot, bl case, DKrolt. ur, ana vs
W Osahey and J C Re of Berry. Or.
iRirr jiiTio.itt bh.
a. cTonaa
jl sr. lasgdov
raasaacra a
aooocxra arr wakiasa u
ascirr excaajsoa swat u
Sew Tort, Sam rraa
T.UXZTlOSi ClOSsa tasatwasa asms
s . a
r w
Notice for Publication
C. S. Laso Orn. x, oassoa Cm, ta.
eK 24. 1994.
Notice is bert-by given that the follow
log named settler has fi:-d notice of his
intention to ui.Ke jitai proof in support ;
cf bis eiam, undaroae S931 K S and thai,
said P'ool viil te made twfore Register
and Receiver V S Land fTl-e at sjregoa
City, Ot 00 Not 15, 1994 v i hemaa E
Koe. H K lOTiV for tte 5 la s K . Sec la
BANK Or sit IO.
scro, csnasaow.
! I ssat . UST
I awl ar ,,. i i , um ,..a aase
S tce is hsraby piTeo
, , - . , - - - -- t 4W. . i
and W N E hi Sec 19 l l s -t a E. Ha JMO ssiaiaws. - -
u , .v W.IV.IUE nc-a . V, I'lV,.!
hla entinuoas rs dencss upou aud catu
week it has been in communication with
Ihe chairmen of the democratic and re
publican county ci iimiitt' v.- ibrotiheut
Winn, ot Albany. L W I.aughead ol Hal
stead. C H Laugbead, of Yeqitina City,
Oregon. Any and all persons c'alming
the State. It will print a taUe giving a ' adversely the above described tends ate
rvvuii:.- ot ihe ciaims made bv Iwitb par- j recueieo io me mcir tiaims n. s.. mum
tiea of tho nnrrtnl nlnmlilv for Hill and On or before said a?lh day of Nov
Ifnstrsn. Those in.liciiti- ".-., nlin- t. ' ember. iSos . Robert A Miller
the views taken by the chairnicn of the S Register
various ds'inocratic conntv committees.
Uiat Hill will be elected' l.y 21, &VI plu
rality, while the chairmen of the repuls
lican county committees, ha"ing cliargc
of the party's canvass in the 00 counties
compnsinir the state, claim that .Morton
is to le the uext governor. They figure
that be w ill have 55,02 B plurality.
A Brave Weaaaa .
Henveh, Nov. 4. Mrs J. D. Scott.w ife
of tl' proprietor af tlse Capital Turf Kx
change, vapiiuiahei three tmrglars, who
broke in: her house last night. Dae of
the men was armed with a revolver, an
other with a sltincshot and the third
with a billy. With the weapons they
rained blow after blow upon lier head,
arms and body; but she totirfht so ener
getically and raised such .in outcry thnt
they beat a retreat without taking any
of the jew elry or other valuables lying
Tbe Bride laelaiwd.
Sr. PrntRSBi Rd, Nov. :!. Czar Nicholns
has issued the following manifesto, from
Uvadta :
"Today occiirriHl the holy anointment
of our bride, in aeeordunee with the or
thodox ritual, to the comfort of ourselves
ad the whole of RuSpia, our bride re
ceiving the name of Alix:.nlria Feodoro
vina, with the title of ntinl dochOM and
sBTpsirlal highness."
The Coals .aaa operatlna.
l'KRitv, O. T., .n'ov. 4. News came
here by courier today from Stillwater,
thats.'J. Donlap, nostmaatef at Boa
Fork, t). T., 50 miles east of here, was
shot tq pieces by the Cook gung yester
day. Dunlnp owned the store and Ihe
gang ordered liim to unlock the po.-t-ulliee
safe, whieh be refused to do, and
they chut him full bl holes. They rob
bed the etore niul pOstOtstee. OHieers are
after the gung.
Hod osn and (.asaorrali.
Nhw Yohk, Nov 4. Dr. Charles H
I'ltrkliurst today daiarted from bfa lute
custom of refraining from political ilin
custiioii in his Sunday Mertni ns and
latiiiclied into denataCaatory invective
against Tiiiiuiiiuiy Hall. The doctor aatrj
that unlssi tho condition ofsJfairi in
New York was speedily changed, Hod
WOuld wreak his vengeance upon the city,
as he did on Sodom and GontTfrah.
Terrible Aeeldent-
Tkurei.1., Tex., Nov. 4. The most dis
astrous accident in the history of Terrell
occurred at 10 :!S0 this morning. As the
result of the collapse of an awning on a
crowd which had assembled to wi&sw
circus parade, four persons wore fatally
crushed and 100 others more or less se
riously injured.
Notice for Publication
V S Last. OrFita, -vr OatuioM Crrr, Oa
October 19. 1894.
Notice is hetaty givtn tbat in compliance
with the provisions of the sat of Congrtss
of Jane 3. 1878, entitled "An act for tha
a.Cof timber laodr iu tbe States ol Cali
fornia, O agon, Ntvads, and Washington
Territory,'' as extended to a'l the Pcblic
Laad States by sat of Augast 4 1S92, Chaa
Clacelsnd, of Oresham, eoaaty of Malta
mah, Suto of O.-egon, lias this day riled ia
this ofHoe his sworn statement No 2986. f-r
tke parchass of the N K of rtioa No
10 inTownshio No 10 S. Ksnae No 4 K.
and will offer proof to show I hat the land
Rsonght is more vslusule for its !inbr or
tons thtn f S sgri)altarsl purposes and to
I stsH'nh hit claim la Iti i land I eW the
suiter and Receiver of ibis office at Ore
ou Cite, (Jr. on friday, Ihe 4th day of
anu.rv.iS9. II namsS a witnesses.
C L li -ed, if Portlsn I, Or. Caaa Tnomp.o.
tio IN.rnfred. H Ij ri. all of Niag a
Or. Anv ana all n rsoat oUuniniT C-
ve'sj-ly the above deaaribed lands are re
quested to tile their claims inalht - oftloo on
o before sad 4th day of Janaary. 1893
Wallace W Casks y Cba.lea W Coaaek,
aarical.aral psirposw .and to If"'" "T2 ..' ., -V J- -X.
tb,.h her .-lain, to said iad twfore the ' ' Y .TT ,"T ' ,' 3
R, , ., i lal'V ci'ed lo anow cause way eat 1 proof
' 8'AUr V? K'r!f ' ,h" l 0rT, cnay tot be tdlowed.
CoaCit.Or.oa Friday, the 4th dar ofj KOBERT A MILLER
lanoary. IS95. She names as witnesses: sfMtSaet
CoUiosL Used, of rVrUand, Or. Ooaa j
i- r a a i cz rs !
all of Naagara, Or- Any and a'l nersoas NOblCO IOr ir UOilCatlOIl.
rtaieatog adversely tba above deacrtbed
lacde ar reqasaled to file tber eteitv. in
this office oa or before said 4ib day of Jan
aary, 1 893. UO BERT A M I LLER,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Insure your property wi'h
Joseph V Talt ir. The
Old Hartford, THE NEW
FIELD F. & M. or one of the
other reliahle t Id l;ne com
panies he rc-presents. Notes
taken and plenty of time
giver for payment ou farm
insurance. All husiness plac
ed witis him will he prompt
ly attpndod to. OFFICE IN
Albany, Or.
Notice for Publication
V S Laxd Omce Oaa.j Ctrv. Oa.
October, 25, 1394.
Notice it hereby given tbai tba following
named settler baa filed notice cf bis iaten
tioa to mate final proof in tupsstrt of bis
claim, a d that said proof w'll b made
belote tbs Ooan'.y Cierk of Liaa eoaaty, at
Albaav, Oregon, on December S, ISsM, vis:
Sisiiisl S IXy, H E 7238, for the W I S W
i S W i N W i see 38 T 11 8, R 1 L. II
names th following to prove his
eoonnou residenc up'n, aad coitivatioo
if, said land, vis John O Buyd, H T tssv ,
L 0 nice, J jmtt I 'oarer, all of Lteomb. Or.
R A MiLRsa,
Notice for Publication
U SI. KDOtrn-a, Orksion Crrr. Oa.
0:tober 27. 1894.
Notice is hereby given that the following
najied sett'er has filed notice of bis inten
tion to mako Hual proof ia support of his
claim and tbat said proof will be made
befoto County CUiK of Linn county, at
Albtny, Orego , on Iao 14, 1894, vis: Arch
absld tt Myers. H E 7S4, for th 8 V i N
W t4. N i S W l4- and S W J 8 W J sec
26 t 1 1, 8, R 1 K He names the followinu
witoesc to prove Li oontiao mi residence
upo.i and ooltitalien of, said laad. v s: O F
C. S. l-s OrncK ar Uksoos Cmr.Oa
Sept 24, 194
Stoti3 ia beiebv givsn that tee folic w
ing namei seUler has filed notice of bis
intention to make fiual proof in support
ol his claim ander sec 2301 RMaad tbat
said proof wtl be made before Tbe Regis
ter and Receiver TJ S land Offi e at ore
gon City, Or oa Nov IS, 1834 v. a Wal ace
V Caskev. U E No 1074$ fbt tbe S W
S K Sec i)S H N K ' and X K S
sV Sec 29 T 10 S R 5 S. He names tbe
following witnesses to prove his cootinu
oaa resndeace upon and cultivation of
said lasad via Jen 8 L Smith, Thomas E
Roe, James Monroe, E V Smith, all of
that the as ear
lata of OJaa,
fit a' aceeaat
-!. iv. .iV as th a .jut coart far laee
eoaavty. Oregon, -wd tk enart a- Died
Ta iay tke 6-b day of NoTensker, 1S9. a!
the bisar of 10 e'cl ck a at for tke bearjnf
of obieetioeeif ay teaaid aexooatand fos
tkesattlissent of said estate.
WsAtntaaroais Wv avr atry far ad.
Oaacoc Crrr. Oct 24. 1894
Kotie U hcreoy piss tbai tke PP"d
plat of aarvsry of Township id Sesrtfc.
Range 8 West ha been received item tke
Surreyor General of Oregon, and oa D-ieest-W
12, 1894 at 9 o'clock a ta ef avid day
stud plat will be filed ia th s wSse and tea
laad therein embraced wi I a sarjeet he
entry cn and after said stake.
RcaaaT A MlU-aa, Regssler
FiTfa Vasjrrr, R-ceiver.
for Publication.
Land Okfke, Orkuon Crrr, Oa.
Sept 24. 1894.
Notice is hereby given tbat the follow
Ing named settler has filed notice or his
Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, under sec 01 R 8 end that
said proof will no made before the Regis
ter and Receiver D S Land Office at Ore
gon City, Or on Nov 15. 1894 vts John C
Roe, II E No 10714 for ihe N H H W 1
Sec 10 ami , s V L Sec S T IS S R J
E. He namea the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous resldeao upon and
cullivation of said land vis E V Smith, W
Vt Caskty . A Jones. Berry, Or. R L Case
Natto is hereby given that tke eadi
tijnea has been appointed by At eonatv
eoartof Lion eoaaty, tir, administrator of
the estate of Lewis Long deceased. Any
aad all person having claim against said
astat ar hereby coU'ved tn present the
same duly verified to th andsrsigaed at
Makes. Linn Co. Orece. within
moovbs from the da. of this notice.
Dated this 19lk day of Oct. 1894.
HsjtevS Owts, administrate
We Uh if rd k Wyatt, attya for admr.
Notice for Publication.
C 8 Land office at Oregon City Or.
Seid ft. I8M.
Notice Is bete y given tbat tho fo'low-
ii i
M ...... l-vi Pi-.- i ' l. to.iii 'SB nm isr oss uin noura oi
pi . , , ' . isisouiiou su uisar iiuai srsnss sis ""11" 1
PS 1 IS I SI s
Ciisick Block
Tilling and extracting o( teeth without
pain a specialty.
A MuLkli.
Albanylnsararce Agency
Wc have had over seven years caper
lence in the Home oflice and Ivcil Insnr
snce btisinest.and can guarantee Ir uranc
written by us to be properly looked after.
The following Is a partial i' o companies
represented by lit!
Foreign No-th British & Mrrcan.ils,
Norwich Union, Phoenia, London, Man
Chester, Gusrdsn, Sun, Csledoulan, Ltn
don & Lancashire.
American Continental of New York,
IA estchester ol New Yojk. The Conti
nental of New York and Manchevttr of
Englsod, write farrr bislness,taking noies
for the premium, with ample time io
payment. We respectfully solicit sn)
eGod business. Office opposite oldpos1
office. M SENDERS
ol bis claim, aud thai said proof will be
made before ihe County C ark cf Lint
County, at Alb my. Creaot on October
20. 1S94 via. William K Savaate H i
No 8142. for the lota 4 and S t
ihe SH See S5.T II S R 1 W. He names tbe
fo'lowing rttiHsses to prove bis eontln
uous lesidence upon ami cultivation ef
said laud, vis: W E Deafcin. Albany, s .-,
O H South, Laeomb, v. D R I'takii
Al ban v, or. Jam , Tucker. b,
Notice for Publication.
Land Office Oaacoti C.ty, Oa.
Oetober 12, 1394,
Notice is bby aivso that thai tuito
iag named settler has filed rotter at h s i
tension to make final prd ta nj mr' al
his claim, and that a id ptoof ail! la mace
before the Co C-er' i f Lii-i Co, at A'b.nv .
Or, on Nov 5f. 1S94. v's Li3 T ttennesa,
H K 10042 tor ih N W J4. Sec 2 T 10 8,
R S E M i'mss tH fcl'o Hag t irntsses
IO pOve his contmn his riid"icsr U ou an'
ouitivatio i "f .id u.1.1, va Newt Ltttts, $
J MjOlar , Vs Ne , Vl-: S nit. all of
Or. Price's Cream Baking owder
WerM'a P . Highest Medai and Dts!
Notice is hereby gives that th arder
signed baa been do v appUn ed, by the
Coanty Conrt of Lisa county, Oregon, ad
ministrator of the estate of Thomas Morgaaa
deceased. Ad perse lit having claims against
aid ea.ate am herebs notified to p caret
them duly verified to at st Habey, Oregon,
or to my attorney O so W Wright at Al
baav, t regun, with'n six stoat ka from tkis
the 20th day of September, 1894.
W G Ms SHtast, adnimntiator
Geo W Wr'.'ht attv for admr.
Notice is hereby f ivea '.hat t andar
tijied adrolnutrator of tbe eatata - Joa
atbao Nsedham ha ti ed in tke-aJsie of Ibe
clerk oTthe coanty ccart ft Lial ooanty,
Oregon, bis I'usl acooont a sncJjj.3iitr
ror ad tbe covrt b' fit. d tl.- tV
Decerusr. 1S94, at t m b- ji ofi -- '
m for t. , bearint .f jv.ivt ber 1"
aayihe-ele and ior th settlement of
said estate. 1 C Kskdhaw.
W,tha.folJ ajd V.:i attisfor admr.
A'l s.iuiSs 1 f gam-,
ersl, ,y. 'etc
ah, H't:v. nlrins
Oit.oi' K"ro
t'li Fun
A i prim. iod sjsed 10 Wil Bio vni
Wih 3k Liak, whose ii'W tul a- i. uois are
ru- are xntealesl ,"'a'l at Will's Ma-io
Slot -nd s Ml. Yi nr boccbi k bare b- 9
eeril d over ae ' a I - 'a (f tin- sad
we Shall deas-od ter in-' daes.