Rights fmoftat VOL XXX. ALBANY.OREOON, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1894. Ealered at the ro.i ee at Albany. Or , at nrrtid-rim Hall Mallei t .hti.E A M tti tern blither aad Praprletsrsj SO 14 THUESTDAT RITD-cVY" 1 f for Infants " Caaterla Is ao well adapted to djMM that 'repmowad it as superior to any prescription vim team." IL A. Aacaxr. K. IX , lit Bo. Oxford St, Sraaktyn, N. T. The on of 'Oasloria Is ao unrfartcal aad a a rita ao well known t hat it aeema a work t rvnrerogatioa to endorse It, Few are the ntiNMSSri families who do not keep Castoria to easy ranch." Caaboa Kan-re, D. a, Xstt York (3ty. The CxxTAca The Oregon . ine Gray Block, corner Liberty and MA KES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem Will sell 6, 10 or 20 acre loU at $50 to $60 per ere 3mall cadh payment long tiaio on balance or particulas Best Work Promptness? PRINTING Office Stationery A Specialty Give us yoar Patronage. P. J. SMILEY ALBANY, Albany College Begins the fall term Wednesday, Sept 12, 1894 Send to Rev E N Condit , President, for particulars. FORTHILLER & MING Undertakers - and - Enila Inters. WE KEEP constantly on hand a full line ol me la He, cloth and wood caskets and coffins. Also burial robes ard suits, in I rrsdfloth. 'Slit ltl whicb will be sold at The lowest Lavlag ProSt. EMBALMING nd "ie proper care oi the dead a specialty NO EXTRA, CFf.Ct FOR ALBANY - - MA80NIC As Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every thing in Albany, at Julius Gradwohls at the corner of Second and your groceries and crockery MANUnnn afiO T.,. u,iu--J,l.-V'.Y"" . 1 i7Trriv7 laLlAnil.1sn'11"" Tor sale In Albany wrw m k. is w usr ut uTvreiiruim.wnHUisiiaiswMw. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, and Children. Castoria cans Colic, Constipation, Sour StonJtch, Dlarrhooa, Eructation, Oils Worms, gift sleep, and promotes dl cestion. Without Injurious medlosrion. "For rveeral years I havo rooummaadoj your 'Ostoria,' and shall arwav-; continue u do oo as it has la variably produced beneflda result,'' Enwra F. Fure-., M. r., USKh irset and T'h ivi, Kew York Cry Coerraxv, TT Ifcuaav Sraaxr, Raw Yoax Orrt. Land uo State street, branch cfloce 'n Portland OREGON. HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE - - OREGOf else as cheap, as at any store New Store. Ferry stiset?. Call their for ware. DeaTADent I remedy es Hrmorr.lxxaor Brain yineae, ixm auanood, Nlcbtly Kmlaaiona. Nervous. J power In Generative Organ, of eltherir o.tiSS neompttop or Insanity. Can be carried In . UL woubko, opium orauoa mail pre uaia. nun a oraer w E Chicaoo. Tit ASKsiiiviNd Coming. President Cleveland gets ahead of Gov Pennoyer t lua year and appoints Thanksgiving on the fifth Thursday of November. V hat will Sylvester do? Here is the procla mation. The American people should gratefully reoder thanksgiving and praise to the supreme ruler of the uni verse, who hsa watched over them wiUi kindness aud fostering care during the Tear that has passed ; they should also with humttity and faith supplicate the father of all mercy for continued bless-, inns according to their needa, and they should, by deeds nf charity, seek the favor of 1 lis giver of every good and per fect gift Therefore. 1 U rover Cleveland, presi dent of the tinted Sta es, do hereby ap point and set apart Thursday, the 30th day of November, as a day of thanks giving and prater to be kept and ob served by all the people of tbe land. As Oregon Tvra Warn. Matliias Jensen, of Astoria, has just finished the model of a new typewriting machine. The invention is made on nearly tbe same principle as the old Remington, with rollers to tarr. and hold Die paper and an inkatrap to ink the types. It ia operated bv an ordinary penholder, held in the ordinary way, and the characters represent ng the types are marked on a i late so closely together ' hat a "poin ter," to which the penholder is joined, can be conveniently placed in any letter by the simple n otion of the fingers, while the hand itself is at rest on a nxed plate. The "pointer" is so connected to a type wne 1, by man of sprint and levers, "hat when ; laced apt roximately near to any character on the plate a correspond ing type on the wheel will be. in proper position to be accurately copied on the paper by a alight downward pressure on the i.euhnlder. The machine is a rare combination of Mrength. simplicity and i " - 4 . L T , l i-guiut --, lu i ii v-ui'-r say can r.e sold at a profit lor $10. It will weigh less than eight pounds and ia not more than one-quarter tbe s:xe of an ordinary typewriting machine. Th OUMBiaW Fabty. The party of surveyors engaged in making a survey of the Willamette river preliminary to ex tensive improvements are now working a thort distance above Corvallis. The government has appropriated $13,000 for mis work, and doubtieaa they win man age to consume the balk of it, if not all. At thetrate thev are going it will take all win'er to get to Portland. The dis tance by river to Portland from thia city ia 176 miles -Eugene Register. The survey is considerable of a farce, aa tbe river men know completely jest where improvements are needed to make the river navigable. and instead of the survey tbe improvements should have been made at once. A Wkktchkd Stot. The Corvallis Times tells the following actual exper ience : There is a $750 mot-tea ire on a certain Corvallis home and it falls doe in Fehrnar- Th. lnKltnU. . .. ' red by piecemeal, supplying funds to a worthless son- Tbe money went through his hands for whisker, carousals and es capades that kept bis mother in a state of constant woiry and anxiety. Two years ago he straightened up and mar ried one ol the fairest young girls in the county, but soon lapetd back into bis shameless habits- By and by the vaga bond became a father and tlx months ago he skipped out, leaving wife and child to tbe care of the world, and his old mother to worry and fret over tbe debt hie wretched career bad crea'ed. Wne re he is now. nobodv knows, and few care. If there is no hell there ia need for one, a place into which, headlong, this enrse upon his family might be pitched. Stopped His Paper.- An old sub scriber came to this office a few days ago and with some ill humor "stopped his paper" because the East Cregonian ad vocated the repeal of all laws for the col lection of debts. . It is hardly necessary to say that this subscriber is a money-lender and looks upon the repeal of the collection laws as a discontinuance of the special privileges which they give him. Pen dleton E 0. It does make a person sort of mad to see a paper advocate so untenable proposition continually; but the sensible man is not going to jump out of his boots every time be sees an item taht doe n't suit him. The Pendleton E O at leaat ia original. Here is what it says about a recent event s Tbe express company wbicb waa robbed some time ago at The Dalles will get all of its money back and the robbers will be punished, but tbe people who are robbed daily by the express company will not recover one cent of their money and not one of tbe guilty will be brought to justice. B S Pague said the weather would be clear yesteidav and it rained, then he id it would probably rain today, and it has been clear and delightful weather. A little ingenuity will enable a person to tell what tbe weather ia going to bs from Mr Pagues forecasts. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and eijoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products v the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellenco is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently caring constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable Bubstance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50 cent bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. enly, whose name ia printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. as mi i awXwaaW m Bran aistswsaa. ill s W-J.HILV'H 'tia..... 71 IP 1 1 1 nlfssniifi ) fiU 1 1 lilVlsf fLvESiBSLSBaBt a ' Us CURE. It Is an agreeable. Laxatl vo for tbe Bowels ; can bo made Into a Tea for use In one minute. Prion 25c , 60c. and 81.00 par package. MVMg An Elegant Tou.it Powdssj HU for tbeTeetb and Ureath-26o. TODND, A ladles handbag, probably X aroppea irom a wsgon, in this city. ai: at uemocrat oracc lor ine same. ""sssVt i'V I JssbsY!SBBS BBsr I ikv. . " j A LIVE WIRE Death at Salem Morning. Causes Thin Another terrible electee wire accident occurred in Salem thia morning. O Henselman.an employe of the electric light company went into the cold r tor age room ofCrowa meat market to attend to a wire. About S o'clock he was fonnd lying on the floor dead with a wire on top of him. The situation showed that he had taken hold of the wire witli his left hand receiving instantly a fatal shock. The fingers were all burnei off the hand, presenting a terrible spectacle and the clothes were badly burned in places. The body was taken charge of by the coroner and upon examination a verdict was found according to the facts. Mrs R I. Thompson and son. of Port land, are in the city the guests of Hon K A Irvine. Mr Geo T Cox, of Gates, waa in the today on his way home from a trip to aalem. A birthday pa.ty was tendered Miss Lena, daughter of Mr r J Miller, last evening, in honor of her eleventh birth day. A pleaaanttime was bad by about tinny children. Dr An nice F Jeffreys returned yester day from Scio, where she waa called to se David Myers, father of Ron Jeff Myers, who has been very sick, but was much improved at noou yesterday. aaieni statesman. Rev J L Parrish ia now confined to his room at the residence of his son, Samuel B Parrish, at Portland. H haa been there since Friday. Ha is in his 89th year and is quite feeble. Sa'em Inde pendent. Last evening a Uolloween party wai given by the Kpwor.h League a: the ret idence of Mr Arch Hammer. In keeping with the occasion it was a very live a! fair, enjoyable in all the details. Among the attractions waa a shadow scene, Mary Jane and her beans. Miss Artie Huston represented Mary Jane, Mr Collina B kins, ber father, and Mr N 1 Newport aud r rank hiking the beau a. Ureal amusement was the result. A lunch of apples and nuta waa appropriate, and games were played of a timely character. BASKET SOCIAL The basket social and entertainment given by the Degree of Honor, A.O U W at the opera house, last evening, waa a pleasant affair containing many features to make it enjoyable. A proa ram opened the entertainment. An opening ode was sang. when Mire Berdie Anslyn delivered an eloquent address of welcome, Edna and Emma Hill rendered a piano duet ; Mrs Craw was beard in a recitation, Mrs J A 11 y m an in a piano solo, blanche Oird recited "Brave Jennie McNeil," Emma Warner and Clarence Craw upon singing M,n,!' were encered and responded with sweet Miss Lena tereck recited. Mirs I Lillian Btenner rendered a piano solo. Lora Purdom waa beard in a recitation; C H Hart, received a warm encore and answered with "Sweet Marie," Miss Lillie Crawford recited, when Dr Hill gave a short talk as a prelude t: the event of the evening, introducing the Irish auc tioneer, A D Barker, just from Crk,wbo auctioned the baskets off. upon which about $SO waa realised. Much ia'erest and amusement waa created by busting fnr partners by aged photograph. The Man a boa I Town obtained an old fash ioned photo of a aood looking young lady of nineteen, with curls banging promis cuously. Upon investigation the picture was found to have been taken twenty five years ago and waa carried a vear next to the heart of '.he present G. C. of the K. of P. of Oregon, previous to bia uniting bia fortune with tbe original. Sociability followed and prevailed gen erally, when an adjournment waa bad at a reasonable hoar. The coming vear will see the biggest Immigration to Oregon m Its history. yesterday at Salem sh three year old son oi B N Case, the engineer ,fotnecl of Albany, waa drowned in the mill race." According c dispatches there wil be a big immigration the coming year from South Dakota to Oregon. About 115 left on Twsday for Eastern Oregon. Hallowe'en was again celebrated In Al bany last night. The boys of Albany celebrate on two nights, ao that If they miss any gates the first night they may complete the job oo the second trial. Speaking of hard time-, a truckman af firms that he haa hauled from the 8 P depot to one of our local grace.' y and pro vision men 82 tons and 640 pounds of freight during tbe mor.th ol October. This would seem to indicate that some trading is going on here Hght along. Eugene GuarL The output of prune in Oregon and Washington this year. including the Italian and French varieties. Is about 60 car loads, of 24.000 pounds each , and as they dry away about 3't to one, tblt represents o-er 5,000,000 pounds of green fruit. With a good crop next year, Oregon and Washington should produce for shipment at least 100 car loads of dried prunes. The Best These Mr J G StutU, sup ported by tbe best company of players that has ever visiteed our city has been delight- ng the patrons of dramatic art for tbe past three nights. Mis Maurice Bertram! in"La u :t.." I - t A 1 like looking on a matter work from an old master, one could look and wonder, yet never tire. Miss Alma in the role of Mar guerite is an excellent impersonation, which fully displays the genius 01 this charming actress. Tbe entire company is composed of first class artists. and they gave a penormance rar superior 10 any we nave bad heretofore Ban Diego, Cel., Union At Albcny on Friday and Saturday of next week. Fees Or Cocimr Officials. October showed considerable of an increase in tbe fees of the county officials. They were aa follows, as displayed on the receipts of the city treasurer : County Clerk $382 80 County Sheriff 195.12 v-ounty Kecorder. 170.60 748 4 Trill fees $240.4 A Wonderful Discovery. No disease Is more common among the people than scorfuis. Handed down from generation to generation. It Is found In nearly every family. In some form. It may make ls appearance In dreadful running sores, In swellings In the neck or goitre, or In eruptions ot varied forms. Attacking the mucous membrane It may be known as catarrh, or developing in the lung It may be and often Is the prime cause of consumption. In whatever form scrofula tuy mans fest itself, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is its Invtt erate foe and conqneror. This med'clne nas such powerful alterative and vitalizing effects upon the blood that every trace of Impurity Is expelled, and the blood la made rich, pure and healthy. Wlmt'a The Matter With Sclo. We hear that S M Daniel's cash store is doing a lively business. He certainly must be selling goods at very low prices, other wise people would not buy so liberally as wo hear they are doing. We notice also that lia is not afraid to advertise and let the people know he has something to sell and wants their trade. The Chickebihg a.m;;tii v. Habdman Pianos. The Wiley B Allen Co, 211 Firs St, Portland, have the exclusive agency f 0 the sale of the above high grade pianos vy ny not uuy me oest . write tor Cash or installments. prices jr. Price's Oaklng Powder Meet Perfect Made. Two Hoi' M km The Sua tells the fol lowing, part of which happened at Albany: A singular scene took place on the south bound train of the Southern Pacific at a station in Marion couaiy several days ago A gentlemanly hop inspector boarded the train, and after being comfortably seated offered hu mileage; book to the conductor, who was arranging to take off the mileage when another hop mm snatched the book out of the conductor 'a hand and claimed it as bis property. It appeared that both men were in the employ of Hurst Bros, of Sacramento, and an now drumming this state for hops on commission. Tbe ab stractor of the mileage ticket evidently was on too. as he made use of an unusual amount of expletives tad statements de rogatory to the other man. Tbe nam.? of this man was ascertained to be Bot tarns He was attired in a suit of the regulation dude style, pants a la Angiatian aud bis mustache waa curled several times. After a while the discharged man paid his fare to Albany, where both atajat over night, the discharged man omg quietly to bed ; the dude doing the cocktail act. On Tuesday evening, when the south-bound train ar rived, another wordy war took place be tween the two. It a poo .in jealousy of po sition was the cause, and falling market had contributed to the downfall of one of the employes. 0m Sea Lions. The Astoriaa talks in an interesting manner on sea lions If the following is true we propose a fight between a sea lion and a Chinese pheasant: "It it said that the sea lions on the rocks near Elk Creek are becoming more nutnerou from .tear to year. Ihe heavy storms of the past two weeks have proved disastrous lo one colony of big fellows, sere-al carcasses having been washed upon the beach. They were evidently killed bv be ing thrown violently against the rock by the terriffc eeaa. The nttive sea lion of this coast is about twice tbe sixe of tbe fur seal the old mcle being from ten to eleven feet in length, from eight to nine feet ia girth. and weighs on an average 1200 pounds. The females are not quite half as large, in actual bulk, as tbe males. Although cow ardly in their disposition toward man, tbe males are among themselves the fiercest fighters in the world It is hard to obtain an old specimen whose neck is not cris- crossed ail over b bng, aSM gab. or old scan, made by the powerful teeth of jealous rivals.'' Bia Waves. Attorney F.A E Starr recently received a communication from North Beach that convinces him that Fa'b's tidal ware prophecy haa in a as fa an re been fulfilled, a' though the profeswor evidently not his datea mixed a little, and tbe great wave did not put m an appearance on schedule t me. Sin Stout, hose hotei is located several milea above Tioco. wrote him that the tide recently rose to the very door of her house. The tide waa higher, she said, than she had ever known it to be. and as sbe has lived on this beach over 20 years it most have been a whopper. Mrs Stoat's hotel is perhaps 60 feet above the level of the a. Sun. tn s waves ate ',10 reported at Sa- quina Bay. A V'tATUEk PuEDicnox. Prof Fos ter tats the next storm wave wilt reach the actbc coast about November 4. cross the western mountains by the close of the Sib, the great cento! valleys from the 6th to the no. and the eastern states about the 6th- This disturbance will be at its great est force in the eastern state about the 9th. and tbe cool wire will be most sever in the Mu&uMppi valley about tbe san Cool waves will cress the western tains about November I and ?. tbe great central valleys from the 3rd to the 9th and the eastern states about the 5th and 11th The first half of November will be gener ally stormy with indications of an early winter thai will not be realised, for N o vember will average warm and dry. The PnurEsexw Mad. Hera is the way Halloween waa celebrated in Eugene The students of the State Cnirersilv last night duly celebrated Hallowe'en. Thi morning Professor Condon 'a gate waa found mspended in the air at the top of tbe flag pole in treat of tllard Hall, while several gates were in tree, and a wagon contain ing about fifteen or twenty was apon the lawn. Several of tbe rxofeasort who had the misfortune to lose gates wen quite wrath y. As a general rule very few gates in the city wen disturbed. Mayor Friend ly took the DceconUon to have the citv Da trolled by two horsemen, to see that no great damage was inflicted. A J t-av's V Earner. The coroners jury ia th case of Urorwe Hense'man. killed at Salem by a lie win. found the fol lowing: Tbst the deceased came to his death on tbe 1st day of November. 1S94, by coming ia contact with an electric win in the cold storage room of klcCrow atensloa in tb city of Salem, Marion county, Oregon. That tbe company operating said wires have not used due diligence in locating the defect or defects as tbe case may be, in their line since their attention was called to the ttai' by the embloves of McCrow A Sleusloff on Tuesday, October 90th. A Poor Stabt A boy stole a big box of cigarettes out of Will Pfeiff ers cigar store yesterday afternoon; but was discov ered and the cigarettes recovered. The stealing and the desire for the cigar ettes is a combination that does not augur well for hu fortune The stealing is bad. but cigarette smoking means mental and moral destruction . This bov should turn over a new leaf and resolve never to steal again or smoke cigarette. Ihe boy referred to above is sixteen or seventeen yean of age and has been in sev eral scrap's heretofore. It is not too late for him to mend. Peskotke's Proclvmatiow. Governor Pennoyer keeps up his record of l?ing a cranky official by publishing tbe following very peculiar thanksgiving proclamation: Salem, Nov 1. I hereby appoint tbe last Thursday of this month a Thanksgiv ing holiday. "In tbe day ot prosperity be joyful, but in the day cf adversity consider. Eccles- astes vu:14 "As old M the hilln" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Rogu lator ia the only Liver Better md Riduev jcd id a t c which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver n n d Kid- Th an Pills uera. Try it Sold by ail Druggists in Liquid, or in Powde to le taken dry or made into a tea. Tbo King of UTer Medicine. " 1 liavo need yourNlmmon Liver Kcga lato aud eau conscientiously Bay It Is the king ot all llv-'r medlblnea, I consider It a medicine eUost In Itself. Jo. W. J AO s'w. Taming, Washington. ayEVKBT PACXAQBa SO the red a I Wkdoins isvrTAVIoif. Wooden. Tin, 'Silver. Golden Common every day. gZSsT'ijXIUBY. NOTHING but Royal Baking Powder Will make the biscuit, cake and pastry so light, sweet, tender, delicious and wholesome. There are many mixtures offered as a sub stitute. None of them is the same in composi tion or effectiveness, or will make such fine fodd, or is so economical. Besides, the Royal Baking Powder is abso lutely pure, containing neither lime, alum nor ammonia. There is but one Royal Baking: Powder, and there is no substitute for it. SATTJRDAT J u-lire Burnett retnrncd Imn &Ui ttS morning and is trying tbe Bod well divorce case. Mrs Nellie Lambaon went to Corralli. today to organise a lodge of Ladies of Maccabees. Rev D U MeCullagb, of Mehama. re turned hom today after a couple days spent in Albany. Mracd Mrs Maurice Senders reinxaed borne today, the former from San Francis co, the latter from Rosebrirg. Pied, at Lebanon. Linn county. r.. Jdober S3. 19. of contra mr-lion. Fred WeW Cleivinger. aoed 19 years. 11 months and 16 day. Albert and Elmer Tamer, of The Dalles. are the latest coanctt to arrive at the pen . They get repectielr three years and a year and a half , for stealing cattle . Miss Ada William, of Albany, is hold ing a series nf sootorful meetings at the Baptist church ia this city. She is a pleas ant sasd forcible talker Dallas O'aserrer. u m Hitdretb. a fi rmer Lebanon man. has been figuring in N shooting crape at Farm in gt on. Wash Tlildretfa shot twice at the marshal and once at M I. Miles, each Mr. Barker atrora panic 1 by Miss Smith. of Albany, came' down yevterday for the porposeot arranging the boaee of bersoa in -law, N L Gal low r, wbo will move here next week. Salem State man. m Sunday morning at 1 1 oVfcck. in the Cumberland Presbyterian church in Leb- wj.A 'ack Adams a ill beotdained to Use ra ot ine ministry. 1 ne ceremony win be performed by Kev R T Ingle of Vancou ver. Rev J one of Wood born. Rev Long bottom of Albrny. and others- The step will be appreciated when it is stated that Mr Adams was at one time aa editor. The Corvallis Gazette gives an Albany moa the following "sendoff ": That foot ball croak. Jack Warner, of Albany, has the fever again. Me baa rented tbe hotel gong for the season aad will be on hand next Saturday with bis fish horn band to make music fo the O A C boys. Jack is all right and always toots his barn for the winning side- Rev E J Thompson. D P. has been pas tor of the Presbyterian church at Corvallis for eight years. Tbe membership bs grown from 19 to I-tO. During the eight yean that Ir Thompson has been connected with tbe church he has preached S50 ser mons and attended 107 funerals; united !?0 couples in marriage : baptised 41 infants and 37 adult, and received into tbe church 167 members S bv profession and SJ by certificate Tbe drowning of little Clifford Case; at Salem was a very sad affair. The Jour nal says: law dots were waving with a dog throwing sticks into the stream for him to bring out. The dog had a rope at tached to his neck, and it is believed by many that the boy was holding to the rope too tightly, and was thus palled into the water by tbe dog. The little Gaich bsy west to the boose, and when asked where hi compinton wa. answered most inno cently: "He i in the water, and he won't come out, "not realising the terrible reality. Today Is the anniversary of the biith- dsy of Wllllsm Cullen Bryant. Owing to illness MUs HcU will not be In Albany Saturday afternoon, a usual. but w i. lecture the following Saturday, Nov 10th. Rev D V Pobling. the new Congeg-.,.- lional pastor, arrived and has taken up hi residene in one of tbe vvocdin cottage on Third street. A sneak thief entered the Ruse House yesteidsy snd stole io new coals and vests snu s wstch chain belonging lo s coupie men doing tome work on the S P switch. The freight trsln on the (J P R R from Yaqulna City wW be held at Corvallis to morrow until ihe close of the foot ball game to enable t.Kwe to return to Albany who wish to come that way . The State Polverslty and O A C foot ball teams will play In COtvallls to mor row. The Man 'about Town, tuough somen hat rusty, predicts the OA C wtil win. Though thev will miss Bloss they are somewhat stronger than last year. Kev P A Moe will have about 10,000 pounds of dried fruit on hi farm serosa the river near Tsngen', and has been offered by a Spokane firm 7 cents lor prunes, and 8 acd 9 cent for apples. Gorvsllls Time. While running s lathe st the Iron Woras yesterday afternoon Mr Jonn Hoi man. the superintendent met with an accident resulting in an Injury to one of his hsnds. which but for prompt sction in stopping the machine would undoubtedly hsve been severed. Religious Services. Rev D V Pcling, the new pastor of the Congregational church of this cith. will preach and conduct servives at 10::i0 a m and 7 :30 p m on tomorrow, Nov 4. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. Don't fuil to attend the in an' meeting o- morrow at 4 p tu at Ibe Y M C A hall. The subject of the meeting, "Setting Sail In Life, the first of the Til flat nes ot meetings. Rev Mr Abbett of tbe First M E church will be tl principal speaker. Housing music, headed by the unartette, menara, Marsnaii, steeie, ana nowiana Strangers especially welcome. The cervices at the Presbyterian church tomorrow will be as follows: Preaching at 10 :;'o a m and 7:30 p m ny the pastor. sabbath school at 11 :45 a m. Junior C E meeting tit 4 D tu. Y P S C E at 6:45 u 111. The subject of the morning sermon will be "The Bigotry of Men." In the evening the topic will be "Tbe Social Status of Yeting Womanhood." All will be made welcome to these services. Services at tbe United Presbyterian church at 11 a m and 7:3U p m. in the morning the subject will be, "Man's Way versus God's Way of Ascertaining Truth 11 Evening, "Samson." 8 8 at 2.80: C E 6:30. If yoa bave no church service of your own to attend you are welcome to worship with us. ROYAL BAKING POWDE CO., 10 WALL ST., NEW-VOftlC sTefK3r SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr and Mis Geo E Fih went to Salem this noon. Mr E L Thompson, who is in toe city, reports having sold his 1'irst street brie:, formerly occfjpied as a harness shop, to Mr McGuire, of Portland, for $4090. News reached Mr Tinkle, the photo grapher, yesterday that bis father in north Texas, bad been severely injured by a run away team. Several ribs were broken and he is injured internally. B C Flory bid farewell to his relatives and many Iriends in Ibis place last Sunday and left for Albany where he wiM attend school this winter- W wuh him much raxes in the pursuit of his studies. 80 daviile Review. On Sunday. November 4, Mr and Mrs L W Gais. of Y-!burn. will celebrate the 32nd anniversary of their wedding, and at the same time aad place Mr and Mrs Cooke Patten will aUo celebrate be first aaniver ry of their marriage. Mrs Patton 1 the daughter i Mr and Mrs Gniss. and a most enjoyable time is anticipated. Mr Patton and wife will leate Monday for California wnere they will spend s-reral months. ! ndef-miect r ormeriy of Al bany. Last evening a vers- nleasant receotioo was tempered the senior aad iaaior classes tht f V 1 ! . --- in this city. J ne happy company spent th- evening in a very pleasing manner at game, social chat, musk, aad J ia short, a dei: Joos repast was served which was highly enjoyed bv all. Math of the sprees of the occasion was doe to the fit ting preparauoo made uy Miss HIie Balti more of tLe senior ciass. aad the two Hasxs will remember occasion as one of the happiest evening of college .Uy. Fat mjess Brno laoies - A burglar entered the residence of Mr Arch Hammer last evening, probably about S o'clock, dar ing the absence) of the family .and met with a very dippointing experience. An en trance wa effected bv one of the south win dows. Another window was opened wide, ready for a hasty exit if accessary. Then the burglar began examining things by the light of matches, found all over the house. Fate seemed to be against him. Ihe only thing be took was a hand, bog with as illuminura dollar, which so disgusted him on' hi leaving that he threw it on the ground in the back yard. Kven a five cent piece was knocked off a stand without being seen, and a watch on the piano was not observed: as well as a small aawount in another room. It was a. complete failure in a financial way. The burglar was probab ly one of the tramps pas.-mg through the valley, though he mav bave been one of oar own citizens. No telling nowaday . A burglar also entered the leaideoce of Mr Ike Fox. through an open window, and succeeded in getting nothing. He was evidently after money. TheY M C A The new board of directors of the Y M C A met last evening, with the new president ? J Smiley in the chair. C C Hogue. P B Marshall and Carlton Sox were elected directors to fill vacancies in the board of directors. Th following committees were appointed: Vacancies W S Thompson. F J Miller and A M Hammer. Devotional C F Rowland. C K Sox. P B Marshall. J L Toralioeon and C W Elkins. Finance Wm Fortmiller. E F Sex and K M Ilorton. Kntertainment ti S Acbeson, O C Mc Farland and W H Le Music A M Hammer. teo Acheson. W S Thompson ami S N Steele. InviUtion W F tialbraith. and S C Worrell. Membership E E t'.off. P and C E Sox. Athletics W R Blain. F K B Wilkins Marshall Nutting. AI Sternberg and Allen Chniberlin Visiting Sick O C McFarland. E M Horton and J K Brown. IVooration K N lilodgett. O M Mc- Soso. By the season Farland and Jjhn Coacklttt. Ali.kgoht of the War ix the gnuvlest mustcale of will be the "Allegory of the War in Song"' winch the euttrtainment committee of the Y M C A expect to put on about the middle of next month. About o0 charac ters will be needed The marvelous success of this muMcale as given in Kansas City and at Chicago commends it to Albany moatcal peotde M being worth their finest efforts, and assures the public something unique and excellent in every respect. A number of the leading musicians in Al bany have recommended the arrangement of music a the finest they have ever seen. Nitne of these iHvino metat tlie 1 Ml A rooms last evening and developed plans for the affair. Anjther meeting will lie held Wednesday eveuing, at which time all the singers in town are asked to be present. Axothkr biDDEH. A dispatch from Omaha states that it was given out at the Inion i'acihe headquarters that Uiat road will buy the Oregon Pacific when it is offered for sale in a few days, and will hurry forward to co.upletion the proposed road froiii 1 '01 1 hind to Astoria. At this writing there are enough bidders to make the tale an interesting event. But will they materialize 011 Dec 2.. Haiti the actual bidding takes plaits the public will be skeptical. The outlook, though is certainly good. Burglary Down tiik Rivkr. During last night u. burglar stole a double set of harness and several bushels ef oats out of the born of Mr John Conser near Millers He was tracked to the Willaamette, the tracks showing that he had made three trips to Mr Conser 'a bard, from a boat at the river, the indications being that the burglar crossed the river from the other side of that pohd. Foot Bali, Accident Curtis Hawley, aged about 25 years, and a student at Mon mouth, was seriously injured Friday fore noon by being struck on the head while playing" football. His injuriea.ire of & very serious nature, his skull being ciushed in just behind the right temple. The game of football is hardly ever played without an accident of some kind, and every player is more or less bruised in every contest that takes place. Independent. HOME AND ABROAD 40 full weight loaves f brfad for ft at Parker Bros. No t fresh butter 30 cent per roll at A B Mcllwaln's. The best ci v sta! glass wash bnrd at A B Mcl! wain' for 35 cents. A fine looking Angry gsat has been hanging at Shuiut Bros meat market, We sell mote and better bread at the TJ S bakery than any other bouse In tows. -C D Van Dyke wriU sell you two loaves fresh bread for 5 cent at the L" S Bakery. It is a pleasure to eat good bread snd tht. you will al way tsaat at the U S bak ers. Go to Mcllwaln's and ge: a sack of these Bar bank spuds, ooiy so cents pea bushel. Try a two pousd packase erf Twin Bros truth, on!y 10 cents a package at A B M f! wains. First class Photrgraph frota 9 ceuts up -. Tinkle. Ertri fine Msnteiio per iLz When you buy bread consider quality and quantity then 701 will buy at the U S bakery. In nist clat jeweierr, watches, clock. stiver wire, gold headed car.es, etc, W! and Stark take the lead. C D Vandyke sells 40 loaves of fresh bread baked today tor $1 and 44 loaves bakeo icserdav fos ft. Farmer should not be taken In by the steel range takes passing through the country . Coe to Albanv and deal with men who are here la stay. If you need new glasses or your eyes trouble vo call on Prof start, of Will and Stark.graduate of the Chicago Opthalmic echooi, wo will give you the best fit to be secured. No matter bow many times you fail to get a Photo that just exactly tutu you. dont give up, go to Tiakles, and If hU work doot snit, ion: pay for it. The Columbia aletnocratic club was pacently organised in Port Land with Sam Wo'fe as President. Atiorary General Chamberlain was nom!sated for the posi tion of President, but eras defeated. A burglar attempted to errer the resi dence of W T Baker last night, and went so far as to raise a window, when Mrs Bakrr wbo heard the noise coughed loud enough for him tu know some one wa awake, and he departed. The miik wagon burse of Mrs We Merer ran away thia forenoon taking a lively spin east along First street chaining the milk in an energetic fashion, spitting (.orsid-rable and tipping over some. No other damage was done. 1 he Eugene foot ball team went to Corvallis this noon, fhey are a wiry lot of young men, not large, but from ap pearances have 'he grit for a good game, probab'y not enough f jr the O A C. A number of At'banv young men went to see the game. A B Mcliwain will sell vou gun pow der tea at 25 cents per pound and guaran tee tt equal to tea others are chanting so cent for. Trv U and 1 ou will Snd it of fine cut quality. A "pass me on" Y M C A book reach ed Albany ves'erdav on Us round of all the Y M C A's In the north west. Each secretary adds something to the collection of news, making a very interesting journ al. J A Hymar, the nurservmaa, had a package of ycung prune and plum trees in the rlty today, some of which were 14 feet 4 inches tall, just one years growth, and a revarfcabie one. Mr Hyman I making arrangements for an Albany distributing orchard. Twenty three piece uf Broadnead (Jamestown) dreesgoods just received at S E Ycung'. Th tine consist ol : erge and snitings ranging in price fro.n 50c to 91 00 per yard. Thee are positively the best low and medium price good on the market to day. Call and examine Ihe Hoe. The Robinson family of musicians of Turner are In the city and will give an exhibition on fourteen instruments to-night at the opera house. Some street work shows them to be fine musicans.the young n. an playing the cornet is particularly skillful. Mr T L Dugger, ot the Sclo Pres,Scio, Linn county.paid The Sun office a friend ly visit yesterday. Mr Dugger state that budness Is improving in that section, and it It were not tor the low prices of farm products, the v farmers and business men of t.tnn county woa'd forget there was a panic of 1S94. Portland aun. Marshal Lee this moining roundsd up seventeen tramps along the river and railroad and sent them traveling out of the city. We know whereof we affirm when we state that Aver' Pills, taken promptly, at the first symptons of cotds and fevers, arrest further piogres of these disorders, and speedily restore the stomach, liver ,and bowels, to their normal and regular ac tion. Good IS ESSENTl TO HEALTH. Blood Yoa cannot Hope to be well if yoar BLOOD isiMPtma. If yea are troubled with BOILS. ULCERS or PIMPLES, S0RE5 UT UfWU 19 USBJU. asm, ibjw iMfvm -vnvnnhlv 1 tka xfjtaMIV MmtlW sail I . J J- LaJ a t - -m f 2 C C . purutes .qu utun jw up oa nwniwa w kubesate CLEARED AWAY ibvitsote. It is the twt tood remedy on t iThnuuivl-ft who Ka uamA tt s so. ll li 1 1 Mill HI II f nillll millMwi Ifii 1 TIT"" fnf ii sTailni mi ussiallli an istf if Hfc T V " lhcn u MNsn freatise oa blood aad akia diaeasas mailed i Ce. W. L. Bomu& Vw WnOLs KOb'?u:AKiwc. 5. CORDOVAN, HIOstHAOtWajXOCALF. Hfmimidammk 3.VPQLH,:.3Soiss. LADIES- SEND FOB CATALOGUE V-L-tOUQtAS. BROCKTOK, MASS. aaeeer by nrekaeiaa . I Deaglae Mhoe, --, wt .ntaw)iuuia t dvertued shots in tLe world, aad guarantee value by stasjoioa the uxt and price on tt bottom, which protect yo sjaiist high price and the ntMdUrcan's proSU. Osrtbiri equal custom work in tyU, easy flrrtaw wa& wearisg qoalnie. Vf have thewt , " where at lower pri.-e ft. th-. ay other make. Tak Sailer caamossttpp: j you, :kU. THE t EBLAIKt CLOTHINGCO COMING The only and original J G and E Alma Stuttz. Afqrtiniotll T'lieqtfc Go at the ALBANY OPERA HOUSE Friday and Saturday, November 'i aad 10. with grand Satmrday MATINEE Friday, Severn oer 9, The great, 10,000 pJay entitled From Florida to New Mexico As played by sir Frank Beadick acd company in all the principal cities m America. Keserred seats 50c on sale at tbe nanal place. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints. Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy: Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment rrinisawr Pmsn. Makes nan or Beast well NEW Sri LIT tt. S. C VISIT U VST LSZ CAT TTTiaTaTCrT is tinder positive written inun?'. hr aathoriaed aaenta oatly. to care Weak Memocy; law ot Brain and Meres Power: Lost Manhood: Qsaekaass: Nit Los; Evil Dream: Lack ot Confidence: Nervooseees; lawairade: all Drain; Lose ot Power ot the Geaeraiive Organs ia either sex. caused by overexertion, YcathhiS Errvirs. or rvrssnws Use of Tbhaceo. Oi mm nr lan:;r which leads ,o Masecy. immpttoa. Lasasity and Death. By mail, tl a box ; hi for JS; with written snaanustee to cure or reftutd money, tjampto peckav. contairirg SJW ihljii'lliaweiiilil With fall instructions. S3 cent. One aua ocLy sold to each person by mail. J A Gumming, sole agent, Albany, Binoirs M$-tel8ii. Sic. ' FjSaaatluaM, ral NeoraUia: aho toe Ki.., Kiaaey Diawoen. And I ta. AatMke. tor AWuhoU- i ruv. M JaSSSSBI THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. IS1 S. Wester tr. je. CHICA60. Sold by all druggists. IP Mill'8 Sa, lrl a MsaMMCw t (bart or nsjssMUa, MMsMsssts. 4 if is.-;v.-t.t c-i- GIG WmssImmI M t AS A PREVENTIVE y eSSer aa M lawabSifclv aar vaaanal aa : Sal le ta awe at ttaaeatraalrtso.trattvil i aaaa. Sala, !- r, I 1 w.-r tax. r e faLaaSNTf. J A Cumming, sole agent, A:b2rt)-, LADIES D SOT SNOW OR. KEUX LE BRUP'3 STEEL HID PEHHYBBYSL PILLS are the original and only FIENt U. safe and re. liable cure on the market Prion tl.UU; sent by uaaU. Genuine sold only by J A Cumming, sole ager.t. Alhanv, FOSHAY A MASON wwsaauu aaa aaeaii ArsAfficfiianii Kitiikauslr A pei. ta for John Ft. Aider's puoifv .c a SJileh w sU at ptjhliaher'a prie v iwasaawsMtdact ALRaVMY. HltmOB 1 mm can ISpl-o lataaisaiwa. aw M(wraai vr Bli, 1111 I, Goot. IsewCa. Aajrai i EtinwjML