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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1894)
SUMMONS. tn Ih' Circuit Court for Mm Count y, State of Oregon: J O Bushnel!, V Fra. k l Wood, M W Murray and Sarah K Murry, Herbert Ameg, L W De-oe and John Robaon, t opat inert doing btis Inepe under the firm name of Plaintiff Deyoe At Robson.and the ban ilam Lumbering Company, a carporation, Defendant. To M V Harry and Sarah E Murry, two oi tlic above named defendants : IN ilu- NAVE OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff In the aove entitled ciuse now on file with the clerk of the above entitled court on or before the first djy of the next regular term of tl;e ahove emitted court next Ijllowins the ex piration ol '!.e time prescribed in this order for the publication of summons to it: On or before the 2jnd day of Ociober. A. I)., '891. and you are hereby notified lha If you fail o appear and answer said com plaint, as hereby required, the plalnti will take a judgment and dece: again vou as prayed for In his coiu;lalnt towi " For a judgment against the above nama defendant, Frank D Wood, for tn sum $i04t.C7 with interest thereon from the 1st day of August, 1894, and far the fur her sum cf $:oo 00 as attorney fees, and or a decree of the above entitled court orecloslng the mortgige cxicuted by the dtfendan'. Frank Wood in favor of the plaintiff above named upon the following describee reaapioperty. towi; Lot Num- j bar Three in Block Number Seventeen In the cliy of Albany, Lmn counly, Stale of 0egon. as (he sa'me appears upon the maps and plats of said city non? on file ia the office of the Recorder In said Lin county. Oregon, ar.d for an order diret ing thai said premises above described Ur sold as bv law directed, and the pro ceeds arising" from such sale be applied, First-. To the payment of te costs rnd disbursements herein, and the attor ney's ftes. Second: To the payrnnnt of the plaintiff's claim, principal and interest in full, and the over-plus, if any there be any, to be applied as may be directed by this'court, and that th3 defen -dact Frank D Wood and all persons hold ing under 1-i.n be forever barred and fore closed of all right of redemption in cr to the said lands above described. This summons is published In the State Rights Democrat by order of the Hon H H Hewitt, judge of the above entitled court, duly made in Chambers at Albany, Oregon, cn tha 9th day of August, A. D., 1894. WEATHERFORD k WYATT. Attorneys for plaintiff DH. SAKDEN-8 ELECTRIC BELT tATESTPATOITS WITH EUCTrQ BEST MPiravEaEirrs. MACXtllS S'JSPEKSORY -I I care WltBam Sasrs Wiilmi iwlUn fr - jn:jr.n cf Svaia. ara tergat.criMi, ar taaicr.i,a. rin: nkiiMu. Sralaa. laasea. airwaa 4b,.:iT. ; -. . ... r rtnuli. iiiwr. "' aaa aiatlrr '.I .H tKL IllSljaa, IHIUlM k its T i rririf MTMhi rfiaSaiBil hmMk ... --. . 1 fftras a nrmiltal u Uitut.j !t : bt I! rcr or w, forfctt I.SSB, mmt wS eaa. HI of ISe atan I nmi ar a par. TBsaaaals Lava Seaa carra S- Ul .jar- - la -atSsa ator all after raaaadlaa 11 wa. aaa : tf fcaaartAi af lartlraaalaU la lals aa4 mr, atBar atal araawfal IBrBOSIB EUlTlIt StartSaoBI. Ik . Iwlast fcaaa a-er aSS V aaaaawm.raEl Wmi ALL atlTS iiiaaa4rlffraaaatisairrtetaBasTSXBiaalaS.Bara. S BMli far lllasualad Pswpaiata, MaiLd. imI,. fraa. asanas - AJIDBW BIiECTRIC CO., - . PORTLAND. O".".. iLPWIT OOLLEBJATE ISSTITUTI ALBANY, OREGON 1S1, 1892 tm Term eae4 Seamaker Sir A ft. 1 corps) of instructcSr .J iS.CAL, SCIEKTiFIC LITERAB. COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coarse ol study arranged a i lf grades of students. Sfmxiai tnauctmrntt eftrcd to Umii rows abroad. "T. CLB FIT B f OVwIT U'T8 V! aktedod Saiarv and OomnLttaion THE ONLY AUTHORIZED crapliy of -JAHSS B. BLADfK , By Gail Hamilton, his literary executor, with the co-operation of bia family, and for Mr. Blaioe'a Complete Workr, ' Twenty Teaks or Com,kes," and hi later book, "Political Disccasioira." One prospectus for theae 3 eest sellixo book in the mar ket. A K P Jordan of Me..taok 112 order from fi rat 110 calla; ageot'a profit f 1960 Mm Bsllaid of 0. took 15 ordera. 13 Sea) Russia, in I day; profit 926.23. E N Rice of Maa. took 27 ordera in 2 dayi; profit $47.25 J I'atridge of Me. took 43 ordera from 30 call.; profit $75.25. E A Palmer N. Dak. look 53 orders in 3 day a; p.'ori .25. Exclusive Tekbitoet given. I 3 wish to make LARGE MOkKY writ . nadiatelv for terras to ucllenr v Bill Pub. Co.,Xorwich.Conn ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue Address, REV. E. 3. COJiDIT, Albany, Oregon 120 DOLLARS B AV PER MONTH In Your Own Locality mniic easily and honorably, wltbcnt capi tal, during your spare boors. Any man. woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand ily, without cxjierience. Talking un necessary. Nothing like It tor mo?y making ever offered before. Oar worker always prosper. J'o time wasted ia learning the business. We teach yea Ic a nlht bow to s-uccecd from the nr. It. .nr. You can make u trial without ej penaa, to yonrself. We start yon, fnrnlsV tverything needed tc carry on the boy fXjB successfully, and guarantee yov asainst failure if you .ut follow our simple, plain instructions. Reade?, ) yon are In need of ready money, am want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us yn' aad re, and we will riiall you ft meut giving you all the particulars TRUE & CO., Box 400 AuguiBtav Malndu . ir j cotLG- I'. itUut't, (irrgon. A. P. Armrtronjt, FHn. tr i.!( MrUool; I 'apt r al hv. Cul( i Haicm. 0M$Kk courwa of study, bau. ram of IrjifJoa business Hhoi'Lhunu, Tfrivrit'ttjr . 'tHHA.tiiif,am Fttgtisk Drtmtr tU'lu 10 11 tbrouil:i't tht v;'. Htudvott vim t MN ' ;roia vlttivr n-hool (r AXLE -I I.T THE WORl.rj. Cta ulaaqcalltoaarauiiatirpaaMa, actually iniT , 'jvo boxna of ay j-har l-r-" Kok , atiioat.uroa:T-riiik(ariiijiHaV . 5 c e LEwr dka rxnno zhieaajLt. ' FOUND. A iadlea I and ha;, pnbab'y drrtpptd I'o 11 a wagon, In (hit city. Call at IVmocrit office for ibt same 2X-DLBK iilZEB "fhercTs nothing SO GOOD 2& Btfolena The new vegetable shortening. Wherever introduced, it drives lard from the kitchen, and indi gestion from the household, jit has been tried by every test, and has met every requirement. It is as much superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow-dip. The only question now is, will yeu give your family the benefits which its use bestows? aX asaa In composition, in healthfolness, in flavor, or in economy. Its success has called out a lot of imitations and counterfeits made for the sole purpose of selling in the place and on the merits of Cottolene. Avoid them all. They are made to sell and they are a sell. Get the genuine Cottolene. Sold In I and S pound paDas, atadaoalyny T The N. K. FaJrbank Company, ST. 1VOV1S and Ckkaf,IwTrkli Tlioa F OakM, H C Pmyne, C Rjuss HeeciTer.. N ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. IT Pullman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Ding Gars, Tourist Sleeping Oars St Paul Minneapolis Dolulh Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crook aton Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS if in TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia New York Boston and all Points East and South For information, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write C G Burkhart, Agent. Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton, Asst Gen Pass Agt, Portland, Oregon, "Teaxhing is toe noblest art sorriest trade." bat the TENTH ANNUAL SESSION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MftOCnotECOK A training school for teachers, theory and practice combined. Strong professional coarse and wel equipped model school. Thorough preparatory and academic course. " Normal, Advanced Normal, Business, Music and Art Departments. Light expenses. Board and lodging, books and tuition not above 150 per year. The town of Monmouth has a beautiful and healthful location in the very heart of the Willamette Vallev twelve miles south west of the State Capital. It has no saloons. The Normal School diploma entitles one to teach in any county in the state without any further examination. Grad uates command good positions. Expenses. Tuition per term of ten weeks ; Normal $fl.2-" ; Sub-Normal $0 ; Commercial $6.25. Board and lodging : Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.75 per week; furnished rooms, with fire and ght, fnm $1.00 to $1.25 per week. caid snd lodging in private families cm $3X0 to $3.50 per week. Vitality and growth have always char- tcrizf d ti e work of the Normal School. he coming year promises to be one of he best in its history. Catalogues cheerfully sent on applica tion. Address P L Campbell, President, or W A Wasx, Secretary of Faculty. An ajrvAMhlA TjiTaHtm .nil Kpa-JB Toawl Bold by Druggists or sent by mail.26o.,Ba and $1.00 per packago. Samples free. ITsfl Uftfl i-ayonta raHCT8 POTSII AU ItlW for tbo Teeth and lireat 3,860. OapCalst Sweeney, L'Ji.A Ban Dieeo,CaL, SETS: "Biilloh's Catarrh Itemed y ie tbo flrst xoodlcrne I have ever found that would do ma any good." Price 50 eta. Sold by Prugajsta, SHILOH'S cure: This On eat Cotjoh Cttk promptly fltwes where all others falL TorConsiirptioa!tha so rival.- hag cured thousand,, sua will otm Ton, It taken ia time. Mo S6 c'.t, CO c'.l, KM, $5.00 to$t5.oo PER DAY at nome selling Lightning Plater and plating jew elry, watches, tableware, etc. Every house has goods neeoing riating, no ex I,.--.. . .nl.l . no t.11,1,,., C,,.. I illTs. - .tin , b r- v P.,m... ! ositlon Address II K Delno & Co., Co- mbus, Onto. (pttoiene, r aaflSniXaTS LSLa.EsXuGjasfasB The Wheat Crop. Kvtrbody Is always interested in the wheat crop of the world: at least nearly everybody is, and is possibl'ities are care fully wntchrd and estimated every year. It is a crop that has more effect uj-on the conditions nf trade than any other, and anything regarding it is bound to be of general interest. A statistician of great ability, the Hun garian minister of agriculture, has made a forocost of the wheat crop of the entire world, with the following resul': He es'ima'es the crop tins year at 2; 467.S01.C00 bushels An immense amount, surely, and an inuease over 1S93 of 1 000,000 bushels. Last year Ids estimate was oalv 1 000,000 bushels out of the way, which Is pretty close work In a trantac'ion cf this kicd. Aii the countries of Western Europe are imporurg of wheat, and these cointrles will produce this year 838,277.000 bushets of wheat themselves, an 111. 'ease over last year of more than,ooo brshels. France expects th; greatest wteat crop ol years, ar.d estimates it at 354,625,000 bush a't. Italy expects I20.2a8,oo.; Germany 102,132,000; Spain 98.S86.a01; Great Britain 60,995.000; Austria 42,400,000; Belgium 21,277,000. It is ex ccltd that tlie t xporting countries will produc; I.629 524,000 bushels, and the agg'egate p duction of the world Is csti ma'sd at 167,000,000, bi.she.s above the ay. rage yieli of the last lea Tears. AH the important (.'porting countries show gains, sive inuta, ana a sa;ul reduction is expected there. T he estimate of the exporting louoltics gfvos the I'niud Stale 4-S. 527,000 bushels; Russia snd Pohind 365.'; Indls, 258, 167,000; Hungary, 151,098,000; Argentine Republic, il7,5oS,ooo; Canada is given 42, 555,000, and Australia 3,895,000. In regard to the surplus for exportation It is est mated that the United State wllt bare about the same as last year. For the last fiscal year we exported 163,000,000 bushels. This inc:uded the quantity a .l , lha n.nrbAt, a This was much larger than the estimate. The estimate of 71,000,000 bushels availa ble tor exportation this year will no doubt prove to be a great deal too small . It Is expected that Russia will have 141, 000,000 bushels for export, and Argentine 73.000,000 bushels. This makes the latter a strong rival of this country. It ia estimated that the to'al surplus will amount to 443,000,000, and the deficit in supply 364,000,000, and excess of supply over demand of 79,000 000 bushels. If this turns out to be so the wheat growers of this country will bars to de pend upon enlarged conditions of barter to create a demand for the wheat They will have as competitors Rossia, India. Austra lia, Canada and the Argent ice Repub'ic, but the enormous consumption in this eountry of articles manufactured in Furore will demand a Urge exportation of wheat in pa.' nent thereof. Some Uses Of Charcoal. A leaspoonful of pjwdered tbarcoa stirred Into a glass of old water and drank by a person sufferieg from sick headache caused by a disordered stomach will often afford ielief. It absorb tje disturbtog gases and relieves the nerves. It will often allevia'e consth ation and disturbed condi tion of tie bowels; alto it is a corrective of heartb-ra. Charcoal Is an excellent ingredient in poultice which are applied to malignant ulcers and old sore. It is a good applica tion to the dressings of wounds when the flesh is torn Or mangled. A thin, flat piece of charcoaf bound tight ly on a superficial burn will relieve the pain almost immediately, aad is very healing, if the barn is each that k can be kept In place. It is also a disinfectant, purifying offen sive air by absorbing obnoxious odor. It should be placed on trays In sack rooms where the character of disease and condi tion of patients render the air especially impure and unbealthfnl . - A special from Washington say.: "Pres ident Cleveland on his way to Washington from Gray Gabies will slop in New York tot register, and on the day of election he wil go toN:w York and vote the state tisket hesdel by Oavid B II. It and tbecliy ticket heided by.Xaihin Strauss. This informa tion comes direct from a mem'aer of the president's cabinet, lie says that the presi dent is anxious la l ave Senator Hi 1 elected governor of New Yjrk th s tall, Thl same member of the cabinet said he believed the president weird also take occasion while in New Yor to let it be ki own that he sincerely desires the election cf Senstor Hill and Mr Strauss. The quan'ity of food prjrluct raked in the Southern S ates increases each year. It is conceded that more Southern planters will feed tttetf stock and their families from homt-ratted food next winter than at any tine since the war. Tnis statement applies in general to the Southern Stales, bat esi ucislly to N-jrtn Carolina, whence the report coxes that there Is more horue alscd b icon and beef in the local markets han ever before in the history of the State. The friri;!it rate o 1 app'ea !rom Oregon and Washington to points in Montana. Col orado and eastwaid is too high and It will be useless to ship aov hing but fancy fruit at existing rates. We can never build np a great businesi in snipping apples oast ward until we get lower rate. The Mon tana trade i 'till opto as th: rate to points in that state are still as high from the East as from the West. The rudder of the Cunard steamship Campania consist, of a single piate of steel, twentytwo by eleven feel six inches and one and one-"ourth inches thick. It was roHe tut Krupp's G-rman gun factory. A dispatch fton P ttsbara, ay: Tne iron ao I steel mill In thl local! y a'e I g an .ri of meceitented pro. perl y. a: lhe Pennsv Ivanla steel works t e proriti (ion of rails and Bes enter steel was the heaviest la' wee lor yeirs. Tlu thre-furni cea in bl s'av. rige i nearly 3oo tons daiy. The company has contrie for Ions or more of girder rail-. All Ihe cs'-buildint; companies a St Louis- -the Laclede, the St Louis, the A mericsn, th Brow.if.! an J the St Charles have combined. There will be $5,000,000 of bondi and $15,000,000 of stock ittned to represent the combined properties. Gen Dodge it lo be present at t e Mc kinley mee'int; in He Moines. Another rlodtfe will be ther.-, too. It will be Wil liam's dridge of ihe income-tax question. This dodge amoug Republican aspirant I likely alo to be general. Mrs Parrish spares no pains nor ex pense to please the public. Aa ihe has prceured one of the fines' of trimmers f 1 . l 1 .1 : . 1 1 .,. " ""I "".."' i niuatl, irill p- r-'iate it and call and judgtt for tbem- selves. ; W ILL a STARK, the jewelers. WHAT WE DRINK. Over Six Billion (.Instfe of Whl Glasses key and 17.78S.lli!.'200 of Beer. Americans are accounted a fairly lobei peop'.e in the hurly burly ol nations, but the figures of the Internal Revenue Com missioner for the past year are enough to make a temperance crank stagger without a drop of whiskey or beer. The preacher who peruses ihem will hie him to the pulpit and teli his congregation what a nation of drunkaids we are, stupefied with drlr.k half the year and drugged with tobacco die other half. Each year we squanuer upon these inven tions of Peelxtbuh truce timrs as much money as is required to keep the great Gov ernment in operation and more than is rep resented by the circulating medium of the United States. And when the preacher ffvs to throwing moral bombs ue can load Ihem with interesting if net astounding facts, if he so chooses. We distilled last year 87,34 934 gal'ons of liquor, not inclu ling 1,430 353 gallons of b'anrlv, making in all SS,?77.i87 gallons of alcholic spirits. Expert bxrtenders esti mate sixty-Ihiee drinks to the gallon Therefore there weie 5,604,062,991 drinks produced in this country. A conservative estimate of how much was imbibed across counters is about 37, 000,000 gallons of whiskey, brandy and othtr els Hied spirits, or, in other words, we drank 6,090.000,000 glasses of whiskry, for which we paid over the bar $609,000,. 000, or $50,000,000 more than all the annu al appioprlations of Congress combined. This represents a consumption cf 100 glasses ol whiskey ea:h year for evaiy man, woman and child between the rock-bound Pacific and the storm tossed Atlantic, or, only counting 'he male adahs. 5 x glasses per each year. Of beer the figures tr tqaally rstoaod Ing. The consumption was 3:. 962 943 bar- rel, that is, 18.785,168,200 glasses, repre- sentine an expendi ur fo." this, mode of a.. .,0 I ieuion.t OII.IIM Ol aui,,. -",-' I . t 1. 1.1T...I 1 . - -' ? III CCr.'B IM1 W.11 imiaui'iui. itti buku- bo: bood of Ilo glasses are charged up in this calculation against each of us as oar annual allowance; there'ore, if we do not average oar daily glass we nay be sure that our neighbors are getting the benefit of our abstinence. By estimating this yeai's In'twal tere nue rectipts from spirits on the basis of last year's product, with the increassJ lax of ft. 10 per gslloa, the Internal tytrenue ceipta will be $97,674,005. Examiner Sugar Beet Culture. re- EJi'tr Democrat: To all thoughtful persans, the questions, "what shall we do" When will the "hard times end." and "wsii wheat ever be a better price. often recurs, and the answer generally is. "I don'i know Wheat has so long been the stap'e product of this country, that it i difficult for the farmer to bring himself to believe that the oil, climate, and our environments. ill admit of hi doing anything ia tht valtey, but gr w wheat. The writer has never engaged ia farming In Oregan, and it is not bis purpose to enter into the reason why ihe farmers cannot profitably con tinue in the business of growing wheat, or to disco the probability of obtaining bet ter prices for it In the future. Suffice it to say, that lilt or no profit now remain to the farmer for his season of toil, and hi investment in land, and implements neces sary to engage in wheat growing, and the time seems a Cttitg one for an experiment in some other direction . But what sha'l it be? To many, fruit raising seems to present aa Inviting field, and from present indication, the wheat fields will gradually diminish in acreage, and orchards increase aad I believe the change will be beaeficaial to the farmers and the country. Bat all farmers will not become fruit trrowers, ex cept, in to far as to sappl themselves with fruit. Some have not soil adapted to the growth of frait, and outer from the lack of faith ia the industry, to afford a profitable retain for investment, and to aU those a well as ttbe's. who with to try an experi ment, the writer soggea's that it would be well to take under consideration, the feast bility of the "Sugar Beet Culture."' as an industry which will probably be much more profitab-c than wheat growing, be sides farnisbirg emp'oyrueo'- to the wage earner. The wri'cr is swara that many objec tions can, axd wili be urged against the establishment of this venture, and it will be his purpose to anticipate, and meet those objections in future commnnications And if he shall succeed In provoking a dis cussion of the subject under const Jeratioa, be will believe 'bat a step toward the ac complishment of a design to build up this new industry at or near this point has been made. Srcctss. A'-bany, Or , Oct. 18. 1894. A dispatch from New York City say: A conference was beld at democratic headquarters today between John Boyd Thatcher. Grace and others in regard ta placing Hill s name at the head of the Grace ticket. N. Straus, Tammany can didate for mayor, objected to Hill's allow ing the Grace men to head their ticket wilh hi name. After the roafsraac to day It was said the regular state ticket will bead the Grace democratic local ticket After the meeting Grace said: "We shall strain every effort to secure Hill's elec'ion " Governor-elett Ixird by bis interview at San Francisco on lhe s'lver question has made himself a candidate for the I" nth"' States senate whether ho intended it or no:. It is well known that Dolph is a gold mon oroe'aUst of the strictest kind. A large majority of the republicans of Oregon be lieve in a much larger use of silver. Many a republican member of the legislature would have to decline to vote for Dolph were the issue presented to them in the person of Dolph and Lord. mrc'iita believe in the abolition of government; Socialists, in much more gov ernment, lhe latter believe that the slate should dp everv thing. Neither ran v has yet reached the atage of constitutive ideas; Both parties ss jet simply desire lo destroy the existing government; and ro Anachis or Socialist has any idea what is lo be don after that government i destroyed. According to a Chic igo tdltor. Levi P Morton has a separate wig for every day la the month, by the consecutive use of which he liable to make psople believe that the hair on his head is his own and that it grows. At the end of the month he lata aside the long-t.sired wig for a close trimm ed one. Chicago It the healthiest big city in the world, claims Csmmittloncr Reynolda in Ms report covering the woiU: fair year. The death rate upon a basil of a population oi 1,600,000 was only 16.9, ihs lowest of any large el'y in the world with the possi ble exception of Berlin. In ita'y the senate constats ot princess of jj raya! blood and an unlimited number of 1 member appointed by the king for life. In 1S90 there was 355 member. AVusiiinuton Letter. uur nrintlarCarrMKHiiiaiit. Washington, oa.15 , I894. Pr'id-nt vi Ian. I I as issued no order written no letter, nor salJ anything lha could be construed in'o even the wlh that federal cfli:ils sboulJ not taae part in ll e political campaign. This statement is po I iely made oniliebcst authority, notwitti standing cnn'raiy slatcments Which have emanird frcm u&ua'ly well-informed soutc ts dunng lie last few days. It :s not known how these Jialements oiiginated, but i li prulahte thai the caute was a mlscon ception uf the term prraicious political aCttrU)"on the fait of somebody. The President would consider it "pemlcicui politlcil activity'' for a Federal official to try to control a primary election or a nomi aating convention, bu: he docs not consider It "pernicious poli ical activity" for an offirlal lo speak for and aid his party after tha nominations have been made On the coniiary, I happen to know, that he consid ers such kid highly comnundaLlr. provided always that it can be rendered by tho Uh- Call without neglect of any of his official dudes. At this time a number of officials promincr.ily connected wilh the adminis tration are 01 t ie in various states and members of the Cabinet will make tper-ckes bciore 'he close oi the campaign. The republicans sro howllrg mad because the Tieasury ctpansecni authorued the proceeding against Mr Morton for having violated ihc ali-n labor contract law by importing an Englitb coachmin under oootract. The fact that Mr Motion 1 the republi can candidate for Gavernoi of Ne York cut no figure in the matter with the Treas u y officials The Ucis, obtained fiom man imported under contrad.aere reported j to the department by a special immigration ; agent, inc the department oidered Ibe aar . deported and that proceedings be begun agaics; Mr Moiton, just a it Would have done had e been tne canli'ate o' the lemjcrats, If he ha violated the law .as it h rl.llului e will hate to pay the lunatlv A Viail, r ill That is all there r -y , . .. . -- Is about it. The Washington Post, which l certainly neither a dc.nociatic cor a tariff reform, pap er bears testimony to the good effects of th new tariff law in the fcllawlng stroag isn guafe, iai'.s tdUotial : "The effect of the new ur.fl law altl ur.questioaably be bent- j actal. The Treasury wit: be rebablhtsted. aayniar con :.erc raaaorr 1 aao csptiai Israd frcsa Its h' itae flto useful srsf whole- " ' am PPC'"1- m "'aamui , bow imngs aoout mat city, aad Mitor Itrsd irota tu wto mmmi sra wtoif- , nlnn,og wt , tve1Hoc. ,n nevkor Jackaen. .f tha bright E O. lias come in some actlruy. hverybody with the faint- , goitre, or In eruptloos ot varied form. for bis share i'eradletoa promise to be cc. (I.bcci tf ia.clugence realties these j Attacking 1 he mucous membrane It may j the town of Pattern Oregon and her peo truth Inct'er aords, the u'tr of ! known a catarrh, or ilevetoptng fn the i pie believe in making evervthing count, that dots. t believe .hat tt, lfP "ay Se and often I. ihe prime j which is the right idea. - 1 cause ot consumption. rerullscan ataiup speaker atd editors who i whstev.r form scrofula may mans- arc s outing igs.nst tl-e new Urifl have lest itself, H-xxi's Sarsaparii: is its Inret- Governor Markham has pardoned EdV "ihc faia.cst gimrnar of icte:!igcnce," If j crate foe and conqneror. This medklne ward Stanford sentenced in February. they believe what they say. The working dcmocial In the wil: sUd co tear cvet ih:! Burke Cochran the moat dashiag orator In mat body. While no one dostts or denies Mr Cochran's girat abi.ity a. aa orator, tut : ueJency to bi eristic made hiss store j daageicus to ass cw csn parly than 10 lae eppceition. No one toali tell What be aosild do n,. wh.ber oppose or favor party measure. He aoiO resnain assay Item Watfateg'on for ex. ended periods while icnpos'anl Irgis s'ioa was peodiisg. would retain unexpectedly and without coosu ting the men who were managing dimes. raise ia'eresla ca the Doer would proceed to rostf cut one af iboac nocds of ora-oey, which he seemed 10 keep lway on lap, snd it ass just as likely lo be opposed to the prog tain marked Oct by the dense -crafsc taaaagrrs as ia its favor, in Let mote likely, as Mt Cochran appears tc use a special delight ia oj posing his party's program. Mr CocSraa has a rich wife and la raid to aspire to a seat ia the Senate. Mayb: he'U get U. some day, bat he woaldn'i if it depended upon the votes ol demcca'ic members of the preaea: House. Commissioner Lochran is pre ad of hi administration of the business of ibe Pen sion Office and we'eoecs the publication of fact about that office, but he has this to say about a statement lately given wide circulat'onby Ass'sfsnt Secretary McKee, of the republican campaign committee: "Mr Secretary McKee either imposed on by somebody or is circulating pa'pable falsehoods- He says that there were 50, 000 notices prepare J to be sent to old ss.1 diers, askirg them to show caue why their pensions should not be dropped or reduced ; that these were a'l ready to be sent, but it was determ'oed to with bold them till after j election- It is not suggested how much a glut of no'ices count have accumulated be fore there ri any purpose to with held tbera. Ike wbole story is toopalpaMy on true to deceive anyone who will consider jit a moment. No notices will be with held." Secretary Smith ys: "It i merely a campaign lie." The new received by 1 he democratic campaign committee contj.iue i be en couraging and the belief that the demo crat will retain control of the House is firm and cannot behaken 1 y republican bluffing or populist claims. Light Is Breaking. Light is breakiag In upon the benighted visions of many protectionists. The dark ctond have been snfficiently dashed away that the Herald is enabled to frankly admit that the tariff h a tax. Much progress ia made here for during many year this truth has brcn persistently denied by the pro tection party. And now comes Tom Heed ami declares that the re'uro cf the republi can party to power would not necessarily mean the re cnaciti;ent of the Mckinley law." No man can see moro clearly than he that for his patty to enter the next presidential campaign upon a platform pledged to the re-eructment of the Mc kinley law would lead to utter defeat. That party wilt not lie so nud-'cious as to pledge itself to a restoration of ibe high duties cf the McK in ley law. It would be fatuitou as tho people will promptly down the party that will attempt It. No, the day of McKinleyism i pat history and will never be repeated in the United States. John Sherman in r. speech made In Ohio a few days ago said : "I am not now and never wa nn ex treme protectionist. I believe that suffi cient duties on imported (roods can be and ought to be levied to pay ordinary expeuses of ihe Government in times of peace. No duties should be levied for protection that are not needed for revenue . These duties should be levied, so far a practicable, on articles that come Into competition with home indutries. , From all of which it will be seen that a great change ia going on in the mind of republican leader on the tariff question. It i n hopeful, encouraging sign- If you wot a Hoe amolte call for Joseph a white labor cigars, Perr y Conn. Black Diamond. You can save J5 cent a cord o a cord on all kird of wood by buying of A B klcllwaln. Ladles oil giained shoes $1.00 p at A B Mcllwain. A fine large stove for Verick's Barbershop. sale, inquire at Chikl-TraininR. A suci-essfiil kindergarten is a very desir ableaddition to any to-,vn. In any livecity, enterprise will assort itself in all the Im of action and thought Albany prove hers felf to lie abreast of any city in Oregon in educational lines. The city is to tie con gratulated ia having in its midst a real, trained kindergartener, in tbo person of Miss Maiiel Hronner, recently of Olyiutiia. Wanh. This gifted young lady received Wili .i iT u 'T5 i?" Wiitn ,nd hr W Kv?U Ug ?f I wiggin andher sister Miss Nora Smith taking the regular course in the California runuergarten 1 raining school, and having taught ever sinco graduation. She pro-1 . . m iioses to open a kindergarten in tha W O T I ' , re w a 'ght to lie witnessed in Klam U holt next Monday morning, and receive 1 r"a" n8 'ke of which is not to lie only a limiteil number of pupils. The fol-1 fjun1. probably, in no other town in the lowing is one of tho many recommenda'ion ! fountry. Within gunshot range of Main she has received from her friends: 1 htreet the swamp that forms the margin It gives me great pleasure to testify to I ,f. the lake adjoining town. and on the outer tin, ability of Miss Mabel Brouner as a K8 ot tne swamp there congregates every kinderirarLun laalaaa. s), , i, 1., -i.i d.. Heveral hunilrcd ducks of various a kindergarten here for the past two years j and has been found amiable and diligent in Uie performance of her duties. The thor- l ough work dooe by her pupils is the record of her success. Lai'Ua Goi.tba Stahr Olympia, Wash. Albany Gets It. The consideration of the bids for the new interior to the county jail was completed last evening, and resulted in the letting of the contract to the Albany Iron Works, a home institution, a result upon which our citizens are to be congratulated, ts it assures not only a good job, but the spend ing of tha entire amount at home The , bids for approximately the same kinds of i work were. Albany Iron Works, $3900; I Oillett & Herzo Mfg Co, $39.'i0; Pan'ey 1 Jail Co, $40); Dielwld Co, $4I:: Wesler. j Bohman & Co, $4300; Conkling Iron Co, $5200. Under the contract there are to be ! six cells and a corridor, o' the best fire tIy i i ..... 1 ,, Ani Da,., i,-;. t- -...I tat c1cmU uJ yml improyemsnU not included in the outside bids. nvrlatrrfl; Benllute atAHMO, III., Oct. 17.-Duriugthe production of "Uncle John Spniceby " , y. You bet they are ra-tier. at the opera house last night, Huz . ; over w Albany. Morgan, one of the leading actors, in ar-1 ranging a saw in a saw-null scene, acci- . dentally let his hand fall between the j A Pendleton paper boasts that the an saw and the log, and it was literally torn j thor of "Sweet Marie" once resided in to pieces. It was amputated at the' wrist I Pendlefxn. Next, later. A Wonderful PsbWvII'1. No disease ts more common asnon 4 the people than scorfuia. Handed dowo fron generation to generation, tt is found In y "" nan auci pciioi Biiunr sn a i a.ii.n i -11 . - a I. V . . 1 .a... , , Mmnurila. is exorilcd and Ihe' b'ood is made lich, pure and nca'.thy. I Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder : WoritTs Fair Hegheat AwanL 1 Mr W (,ilTnrd ash prop.Hes lo rriQxc 8,v,ng 'eou on ins piasoortc.iri csintsny L 1 lhe residence of Mrs WlH.s Nash, corner o. ro-.m ana ouigomrrv .exT, wnerc ,t,an "S r "8 menu made. Mr W G.fford Nash f.x, tecentlv rroed from a of neatly 7-- a-J - ',' a . sear in the conservatory, and lhe rest of he time as a private pupil $ Herr f Pro fessor Krause. That Joyful Feeling. Wilh lhe etbllerating tens of renewed health and slrenght and internal cleanli ness, which toilows the use of Syrup of Figs, I unkown to the f) who have not progressed bevond the old time metiic'ne and Ihe cheap substitutes sometimes off ered but never accepted by the welt ia-for-ned. New Price List of Groceries. iq lbs C Sagar f ifi lbs Gran Sugar 18 lbs Ext: Suaat 4 Ibe Arbcie Cofle? 5; Gal Peari Oil Red Crown Snow Flake F3our 1.00 i 00 00 95 75 Co Go and . Jefferson Flaur Acd afire assortment of stap'e fancy groceries at A B McIlwaix's. Money To Loan. I have mo-ey to loanot good farm land In Linn and Be Hon counties tn sums not over $3000. No delays in fur nishing the coin . Call on C G Bur knar, Albany, Oregon . A'so money to loan on city proper! i in any amount on long time at . low rate of laleieat. You can get first .:laj photos for $1 . 35 Hard time prices at Ctawford a Paxtor.s. -VLhta Arlslo." finest Photo made only $1 .50 pee dcz.-n at Crawford A Pax- tons. Get soar millinery at Mrs Asbby's. Seethe fi.50 Cabinet Photo at Tinkles. Hodgcs& Mc Far Una makes a specialty of prescriptions. For pair lets dentel work csll on Dr Adams. All woik guarantied. It will astonish you. what a good look ing picture you will make, it you have Tinkle make your Photo. Doa'i be fooled by peop'e who say that Tink'e does not make the best Pho ioj. Try him ence ana you will ar be is away ahead In fine work. CALL AND SEB The largcs: slock of cosrom made boots ever carrleil In Albany. Also the best selected :ock of men's, ssomen's.boy's, misses and children" shoes In all grades, at price to meet the limes. All goods bought at our store that rip repa'red Free of charge. If you want your horses shod you go to a Blacksmith ; not a 'general merrhardlse store. Why? When You want to be shod come to the onlv exclusive boot and shoe store In Albany Klein A Dt'srai iLLE. How Abe Yoca Etes. Prof A Stark, of Will A Stark, ia nowprepated to ex amine scientifically and accurately by the latest impoved methods of modern science all who desire to have their eyes tested. Prof Stark has recently graduat ed from the Opthalmic College at Chica go, and it thoroughly equipped for the delicate and important work of fitting the eyes so as to be relieved of strain and the vision assisted. Do von need glasses? Call on Prof Stark and learn about your eyes. Do your old glasses tire you? Call and secure some that will rest you and help your eyesight. Knit UndekwxaiT. My siock Is com. pjcte In fine, medium and cheap graces. The belt values I have ever nad for the prices S E Yot no. Wil. & Stark keep up with the tlmesin the latest styles of jewelry. You will not mis tt If you call on them for anything n the jewelry inc. Hot Bath and warm room at Verlck't shaving pat lor iwas Ladles cheap shoes Good wearers and very neat. Atrt E Young's. DIED. CALLAHAN. In McMinnvilte, on Oct 16, 1804, Patrick Callahan, of brain paral mkt aged 06 years. Mr Callahan was ta en sick on Sunday evening and toon lost consciousness. Me was born in Ireland on the 26th day of March 182S. He leave three children Miss Nellie, of Portland, James, f Albany and Thomas of Corvallii, all of whom attended the funeral held from the Catholic church in this city on Monday at 3 p tn. McMiun-viiisT.R. MISFITS. a man in Clackamas county has lieen selling Japonica plants at $1 apiece. In two or three days the plants die and ther are found to be the salal bush varnished. Some people evidently like to be fakad. These are days when people need to keep their wits about them. 1 he Dallas Transcript gets off the fol- sowing 011 01 goouau vice ana sound logic: "8-PFt your business men and in leturn let them support you. This is reciprocity and it is business " ' " 1 : 1.11 a 1 , " . . . . JI"' - They feed unmolested for several P0" m. ,nere " an ordinance against shoot- "' or me cuy umix Tlie following from the San Francisco Kxaminer would indicate that the paper has atjieaat one very sleepy reporter: "William P Lord of Salem, Mass, one of the Supreme Judges of the Bay State, arrived hero yes terday. He is at the Palace.'' When it comes to "hoofing it" Cor valis maidens are strictly there. Jat for exercise yesterday afternoon two of them. Mary Vaaaberg and Or Walls meandered out to Philomath and back Tl,e distance covered is fifteen miles and l,,e ramble occurred between two aad half past ix Corvallia Times. Referring to the organization of a valley foot tail league in Albany, with which the Albany College had nothing to do, the 1 orvams iiawtie waxes up trom tne deep sleep in which it Lives, and hits the Ocxo- i ha r Iik tms: The meeting occurred only three blocks distant from tha Demo crat office, that paper tailed to give an ac count of the matter, until three days later. L. : L : 1 .1 . a "rt. .'t". T.. We are having plenty of entertain i menu these days, verifying tha old say I iog that it never rain bat it poors. The recent meet me of the adiLortal aasociat on was a good thing for I'endle- I swat, is, papers rur an oeen saying jiTOo. so si years imprisonment lor a crime against nature. He was pardoned on the condition that be leaf California and never return. Frohabiy he will come to Oregon. Sock man should never be pardoned ; but it pardoned they ebon Id be exiled to the North pole or the Sahara desert. It is estimated that $3000 is distribut ed every month among the farmer by the Tillamook creamery. It is qnrta a tight to se the farmers standins in line s at the bank the 1st of every month easti- , ,ne auIk cDreks and matins deposit -,Ex. ThU sounds big. bet as a matter of ( mo ertMn.riea do not pay and ,rw tonUnj, waning behind. Another story of eastern verdancy . con nected with the tsttta.sta; of the Presbyter ian Gexseral Assssmoiy three sears ago. ts that a minaateriad delesate. todjriesT with a cultured fantily. got no one moraine aad 1 looked out on U snowv g'ories of Mt Hood, rearing itself X'ifm feet in the sky, aad having a la? area as larse as an entire ; county in a New England State, one of the j meat nsajeatic spectacle on the earth, and calmly inquired of his host. "Dors uiy body osvu that mountain?'' TcDogh strnsrt: half dumb by the query, his host managed ' to say. "Yes, several men own it; bat titer ! haven't fenced it vet"' And the guest did not see the point. Mt Hood is a govern moot reservation of mat y mile area I Sr Grier in tie United lVr bjterian. Yot An Au. Rioar If yon take your washing to ' tht Albany Steam Laundry. If yon 1 don't you are not. Something is tho i matter of too. Ho can yon go to a j Chinese establishment with a tirst i steam laundry in the city. Don't do it. ne alt right by quitting ;;. Suppose yon do make a few cents; what does H profit Son, with the Chinese smell and lurking isease around. Patronise the Albany steam Laundrv. A G!r complexion is a joy forever, if yorjr slater Or roomer is not olesaed wlifi a smooth skin recommend Pramn's f swder; recommenced bv tl ihe lead' ng physicians and druggists everywhere The CmcKERiNo as"d?thk H arpm ax Piasos. The Wiley P Allen t. 211 Fir St. Portland, bare the exclusive agency fo the sale of the above high grade piano? Why no', buy tee best t Write for pri-es Cash or installments. Whesi Baby via sick, ste ctb her Oaitrc av Whea aa wa a Cnili, saw cried for ca.oria. wltan the Became atlas, she clung to Castors. HTa al had Claklrwa. she gavw Uacot Casterta, Revival services in lhe Evangetca church evry night this week. Or- Prist' Crun Baking Powder VrWs Palf rCewawt Awrard. Bcts Woot, and'Graix Mr A Sender announces to the public that he is in the field to bay wool, grain, hides, potatoes, etc. Call on him at his headquarters at the store of M Sternburg. corner First and Uroadalbin streets. Albany. TiteSt tim Liunjry 11 a nam: institu tlon. ttisafgaod one. It does belt? srork than I- done at the washee house In the long run it is cheaper than the washer house. The money paid to the Steam laundry is aprnt In Albany among white people. t? you patronise the Steam Laundry? Oysters, oysters, oyter. Where? At f H Pfetffer. Uroadalbin St. Eastern and Olymp'a, erved in tyle. at all hours any The matter of a date for the O P sale w " u? before Judge Fullerton at Corvalti to day and it was yet under discussion a press time. Later Date set between 15 and 10 'of December. OAY JT erry Conn. OoItolParkerJBros for your groceries- Late silver sword Starks. corsage pins at Will My first Invoice of Jackets has arrived. Ladles coal and S E Young Hot baths at Verick's shaving parlor. Bsths at Vtsrejk (having ttiug ptilar. and hai Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A wanted Gokl Medal Midwinter Fair, San Fraodsca. Mast be Slopped Washisctox, Oct. 19. The inspectors I of sealskins at San Francisco, appointed j by the secretary of the treasury, have re-1 ported to the department the number of 1 skins taken by pelagic sealers during the last season and brought to San Francis eo. The whole numherof skins examin- I cd was 14,794, and, of this number 8239 MM taken from females, 1295 from j males, 4260 from pupa and 6 unknown. These figures only confirm the treasury officials in their opinion that vigorous measures will have to be adopted to pre vent the total destruction of the sealing industry. Fear Atteaa ala. Halkm, Oct. 19. Four attempts at burglary were made in this city during 1 last night. An entrance was affected to the hardware stores of Gray Brothers, and Brown & Smith. The cash register in each place was opened. In the former no money was obtained ; in the latter, perhaps $2 in change. An entrance was also attempted to Osbom' racket store and Dearborn's bookstore, side by side, out without success. All of these store are in the heart of the business center. Tho successful entrance was made from the alley. There is no cine to the per petrators. a Crash's Prist. Niw Yokjc, Oct. 19. A crank entered the Clinton place bank, on As tor place, at 1 :30 o'clock this afternoon and de manded $1000 from Paying-Teller Hind. Hind turned away, and told the man to wait, whereupon the latter fired a re volver at Hind's bead, but missed him by an inch. Other employes of the bank ! eiezel the crank, and handed him over to the police. Train Stahtserr Goat, Tex., Oct. 19. No. 3 west bound pssssenger train on the Texas A Pacific arrived at Gordon on time at 12 :U P. M. No'.witbinUnding it was on time, it was robbed by four men today, a few minutes before noon, three miles west of Gordon. The amount secured runs any where between $500 and $5000. Tomor row being pay day at Thurberfor a large number of men at the mines, there was in the combination-safe $30,030 consum ed to the Texas A Pacific Coal Company. ' Crast law Ua. New Yoaa-, Oct. 19. Hugh J. Grant was named as Tammany's candidate for mayor, vice Nathan Stfaos, withdrawn, at the meeting of the executive commit tee this afternoon. The mayor said this morning that he would not accept the nomination, but changed his mind after a long conference. a aUc sssravetT- New Yoaa, Oct, 19. Steele, a Moot clair geologist, discovered in the Mont clair mountains this morning a box con taining old gold nuggets valued at $15, 000, and a letter crumbling with age sign ed by Israel Van Gison, who diseapeared from West Bloom field in 1838. He sub sequently died in Cadifornia. ryVatty a est , Talk Pobt Town bend, Wash., Oct.- 18. The Issrkentine Amelia. from Honolalu.brings news that tueen LiliuokaLani's emissary in Washington, Widexraann. bad return ed with personal assurances from Secre tary of state Gresham that in the event of a revolution in Hawaii, the United states government would remain neu tral. Captain Ward, of the Amelia, was totally nsvmaei rarter that emu 13 r aav- s'j ranees had been given bv Admiral aiker. of the Phihuielphia. This news has been eenerallr circulated throawh the island and caused a feeling thai hos- aaasaa a.- , - . - - mine uetBeea rovaiLscs ana rr3vision- I alists might be resumed at any time. v. ha Tassk It CaxvtcsxE. Wye., Oct. IS. It has just leaked oat that there trae a clever ex press robbery on the U nion Pact tic . some where between Cheyenne and Ogden, about two weeks ago. A tnckage con taining 3000. in $20 zold raiacsv was opened, and 20 lead dollars put in their place to nu up. A racine r.xpress Com- Sny's mesBertger, who made the trip the te the robbery is supposed to have been committed," is suspected. Weal la rteees Sax FaAXCiaco, Oct. IS. All doubts as 4o the fate of the bis losr raft which re cently left Astoria for this port in tow of the tut' Monarch were settled this morn ing by tke arrival in port of the tog mi nus her tow. Immediately upon enter ing trie naroor uus morn me. the At on arch went to her berth. According to the captain's story, he bad one of the roughest voyages ever experienced. KoouE-Txm, N. 1 ., Oct. IS. More than SfJPO people heard Snat-r Hill at the Lv- ceuni tonight. lie spoke about an hour and a half. His reference to "our pa- iriovic preeiaent was louday cheered, but the greatest enthusiasm was evoked when he referred to the democrats as hrmly opposed to religious intolerance, anniversary a SaUeaa. Sajjesi, Or., Oct. 18. John M into and wife celebrated today the 50th anniver sary of their landing' in the Willamette valley by a family reunion and dinner. All of the living children and grandchil dren were present, except Chief Minto. of Portland, and his. cianehter Mrs Ron. j jiovan C. Irwin, also of Portland. A BUrrlare Strath. as Francisco, Oct. IS. Alfred W. Robinson, a negro cook. 45 years of age, met with a horrible death today. While in a semi-sirukken condition, be jumped from a second-story window of a lodging house at the corner of Pacific and San some streets, tell 35 feet, struck on his neck and was instantly killed. Sat All Str Mded. Loxnox, Oct. 17. The Tunes will pub lish a dispatch from Tien-Tsin that the Japanese papers rweived at that place afford negative evident that the report circulated three weeks ago of the dis patch of an army cotps from Hiroshima lor the invasion oi China was untrue. Any such expedition is rendered impos sible by the shattered condition of the Japanese lieet. Japan, perhaps, begins to reflect on the problem of the eventual extrication of her troops from Corea, where they remain on sufferance of the maritime power. A Caw aery Baraed MtKMiKiEi.ii, Or. Oct, 17. The Gil strap salmon cannery, on the Coquille river, was destroyed by fire this morn ing. The fire broke out in the office at tached to the cannerv, and Kfore water could be applied the dames had control, and the whole building, with its con tents, was soon swetvt from th face of the earth. Mr Gilstrap was in the can nery at the time the fire occurred. The loss is said to be $9000 partly eovercl by insurance. Am I mater e Crawst. PuiLLin, W. V.. Oct. 17. This place was captured by storm todav bv the con stituents of the'Hon. W. 1.. Vilson. from Harbour, Tavlor, Tucker and Randolph counties, "the attendance was about 50W. In the column which escorted Wilson to his hotel were 25 young ladies, attired in white and on horseback, fol lowed by about 500 policeman and these by 300 voters. No such demonstration h'as been seen here for SO years. sarins l llhi Kobaery . Syractu, N. Y., Oct. 17 Two well dressed men entered Becker A, Lathrop's jewelry store at noon today, and while they engaged the attention' of Mr l.ath rop, one of the proprietors, a confederate entered and stole a trav of diamond rings from tho showcase. The diamonds were valued at from $2500 to $6000. The men escaped, A Kepubtleaa Saw. St. Iah-is, Oct. 17. A fight broke out in one of the polling-places in the seven t h ward, where the republican primaries were held for tho selection of delegates to the republican city and twelfth dis trict congre8aionol conventions. Knives wore drawn, and for a time it looked as if there might be bloodshed, but nobody was more than bruised. Fifty or more police officers appeared on the "scene and quelled the riot. GIVEN UP ALL HOPE Eczema, Turning to Blood Poison. Treated by .Specialists Seven Mont hs without One Particle of Sacceas. BODY RUNNING SORES. Condition Terrible. Life a Burden. Tried CtTTICTJKA. In Three Days At tends to Business. Care Permanent- In the spring of tsol I took that dreadfid skin disease, Eczema, which luna d into blood poison. I consulted the best known specialists in this cuy. 1 nrj irra:.i lueror seven months t.ut I never derived a Article of pood tttmt any of them. Tb?v tin,! g:tn it Bp aa a b-! cUrsw cure. I was covered with sores from heart to foot . I bad nn nlng aorea all over me, aom-' of ihem as lars:e aa a box of j'ir 1 1 Ti' 1 ua . It c 'it use ttarsflreda of dollars with ibesa ao callcl spec al ala. My (on.i.tton v:s urnible. life was aJmoai a hunpn to me. I could not eat, drir:'.. or sftr-p. I wa SsasMl'l lTTlTl-' r' a myseii Mcaao. I tn. d I mr:.! irfun iMiajllgg, juttf afrvend wh-. I. 201 r. t i. iviaed me to try CrnctEA Kkbi. as. I .". out a-'.d t?m thera. and when I took ha tin: 3 ut yoor frna as Kikol VEST 1 festal Is better; with three boxes frf yonr n . . ra! ;,us CtrncciiA and one bottle of CcTJ'-ra.i Kzs'vEtr I v.a a new man. In three lavs I was up aoitin around and attend In so mr lmai.ess.and U is Use CnifCEA and Curse aa Kaatil I tl' aaiedmeirom tne ja-xsot death. Thi la tw o years ago. Ismated to w if it had bee a driven out of my system, and 1 can ear I tae never had Bay trowbae sinew for ta-o care. tSW. W. taum, 2325 Pcnn. Ase-, rlttbargh, Pa. ttiroocboct tho xrorU. Prlee, ClTltxaa, te ; Hcisr, tie.; KteBvrnr. $1. fwni Ubc axa Cna.-'. cob.-, fc--c l-rpdesora, Loatoa. SSr ' Usr to Cava iiiia Diac-aawa," laid tra- PiM n.vs. . . -.. red. , nsrl, ebi?td, mad ot:y sun raraO cy t-CTiccsva coir. Ias'cii.tly relieved by car. Plaster, becaasw it vi Muscuiat' tahiea the nerve foreea and Uenee ceres nerrocs Weakness weakness,, atd FromTerminal or laurior Pjiicts ;h mm Mi BaiM Is tbellac t take To 13 N EAST ait SOUTH Kg la tke DlSIStt CKU CTE. II rss.a Tltrasavrt raTIPia l i rKtlWi KVEBt omn ia tke Year to ST. PAOL aod CHIC1G0 NO CHANGE OF CARS.; omch. of Waif Can lisirjintw T00RiST SLEEPING tm. Itatf.C. :, tall a 1 ' 1 . , . a 1 1 t t r 1 aalfarstak! rarW i ,s 1 1 I :i sssBkEtsss, Btat ELEGANT DAY COACHES. 1 hi, ium -.111 .3ii38iifix l Mw, affopdiiig Direct & 0aiiirpap-3sl Ssrrisa. Pulima-J 4epr reaervatkms eat. t warseJ la ad vane throes; h any agent of trae road. rHBOCGH TICKETS to and fromaC oointa tai Aaaorieas England and Europe can ba porchaawi at say ueket office of this eonrpssr. Fall information cotaessrning rjieaaim trains, routes aai chec UkuIs far tjhBi on appaseatioct n any asraat, or, A D CtJABLTO", JOB't Gec-jra! Paoar Agent, So i21 Frat St. w. WsaEgtoo. 0 Q Barkktri, lavi:aot. EAST AND SOUTH. VIS THE SHASTA KOUTt iir mt Southern Pacific Oo. Tcm av PorUass bai:? avU I trlae. - i L Mflr I Lv !: B Ar AT SB SB Ls SrStA B li Ubssrj IbbTisb bus .'i -.-si 1 !- i; stttsos from 1 1 - , v me it'itf!. alsoTan- H1 3 s r. H -''.-;. Jnoetion 1-, j, g,( 1 mI all stations laarsV ,11 a il ltulast. si.. L rortraa-i -r- aSWr sirs lit ssbsbb-itt lt tSLASCB. tttilltv Jba-J aa tar LshaawB 1-' P r?r tv Mbaav Ar 1 MaalAr Usassw. tI PULLMAK BUFFH SLEEPERS. Dimne Cars on Ofjdsn Route. SECWO-CLKSS StEEPtMS CABS Attaahea taall TheaMsrat Trwta Teat ate attsia. rsa ravTLAi is an laaistaat lKxf.t8Biay r raL Pvin'.aal C -r:a;is S.r tete t fclS BiniBss tbais bail Hxcipi Staaay. fcsOral Lv v if s rra I Ar stcWtaBvtl: LtI ?trowKrh TioUeti to all point In tts ttvyteeB SIsLB a Earesw can b ebustn! at osrest rsre. rross V mt rraak. Arwat Aibaay. . KotHLSt r. aooE stanajrar Vast O V. aJ Port'sca Or UNIVERSITY OF OREGON- ECfBENar. Next Session begins the lth of Septem ber. 1S94. Tuition, free- Board, $.50 a week- Kive Courses: Classical, Scientific, erary. English and Business. noKMtTonv. The Bi anting Hall for young ladies and tbi Boanlins; Hall for voune evnUeaaea will las under the personal supervision of Mrs .n ur.ra. a laity of refinement ami argw experience, t or catalogues, address J J Waltos, Secy Regents. Caveats and -Trade-Marks cttia. nd ait ra ect b-sstess canducted lor B'ocrBaTc rtr. and we cbji secure patent ui -ess tuae taaa ia remote trom Washington. . . Send model, drawicg or r t-. wrta doenp ,1 iiMniuhta or not. tne of aaaaas, watwat a- gr ,,,a5 cost af scaie in the U. & ana sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO.! OM. tVlTCSrr UeVIUB. wssawawB. B. v.