The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 26, 1894, Image 3

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Weekly Democrat. $i 75 per year
n advance. $j.oo at end ct year.
Two Men Sec the Spirit at Work.
Probably the mcst interested spectators
of the Waite performance last night were
E A Schiffler and Ed Blodgett. Looking
down through the scuttle hole on the top
. of the building with an umbrella over
them they were free from observation;
lieing directly over the cabinet could see
every movement of the medium. Bow
Harry Waite operated will be of interest to
our readers . Of course he had been ex
mined, but the examination was very in
complete. Immediately upon the curtui&Y
eing closed before him he looked all
round above him to see whether any .one
as watching him. Then he deftly pulled
me ropes from a secret place at his neck,
d quickly tied himself in such a way
at while every thing seemed firm at his
nees and hands he had complete use of
is riht hand su"h is the peculiar cora
ination of the ronea. He does not bib..
the hand out ; but the entire rope at his
wrist goes with the movement. Vhen com
pletely tied, his accomplice, the loctor.
hands in the bag of ropes, tied ami sealed.
This is interesting. The Doctor had deft
tv fastened one bac around annthrr an
Arranged that the bai? sealed is thn omniv !
one. Upon its being handed over the cur
tain the "medium" pnlls the bag of ropes
from ont the bag in the Doctor's hand and
bides it on his person ;the Doctor drops the
bag. it is placed in young Waite's lap, his
hands come together and the curtain flies
open, fhe bell ringing is sample. The
"medium" has complete us of his right
hand and uses it at will. He is quicker
than greased lightning in his movements.
Dr layne's handkerchief dropped in was
dettly tied oy young Waite with the full
use of both hands. Th dark handkerchief
on his head was simply a duplicate, the
same as the one coming out twisted. The
horn was blown by the "medium" with
his mouth ful I of water by a separate piece
in his mouth, hence was not wet, and the
mouth organ was not payed at all, but the
piece in his mouth lightly. Every cabinet
trick done waa with the same simplicity.
He had plenty of time to untie himself, it
was an easy job, though appearing to be
done rapid y. The slate writing waa done
at first in the cabinet by Wite of course.
The four big slates were prepared in the
basement. He could be seen to take them
mere, ine envelopes ROHM when ar
ranged in the right light could be easily
seen through and the writing read. The
figures of Mr Crawford on the late were
read by the motion of his hand by Dr
Waite and communicated to the "medium"
by secret signs . One bell thrown in the
air went so high as to nearly reach the
observers above.
The wigwam act, though not seen very
well was as simple. The "mi tiuiu, '
though tied to the stake absolut ii I id
complete use of his arms, och is the ar
rangemeat, his hands leaving the stake
instantly on the curtains closing, and
hence the ease with which the coat waa
removed and a larger coat put on, as well
as the other tricks. The arrangement of
the rope is of course a secret. Before the
handcuff act young Waite went behind the
scenes and was observed to take out and
examine Lis handcuff keys, one a peculiar
arrangement evidently for different kinds
of handcuffs. Sheriff MeFo-on. Marshal
Lee and D B Monteith plac 1 five hand
cuffs on two chairs Three of them Waite
handled very easily; but the others he
could not manipulate for the reason that
the holes had been filled with sealing wax
after being locked . A good joke on the
The table moving needs no explanat ion .
The whole thing is seen to be very
simple and merely very clever work, en
tirely devoid of any spirit except the spirit
for making money The show is a good
one; but for two men to pass themselves
off as mediums who are simply sleight of
hand performers, no comment is necessary
It is pnabiy simply in the line of Mr
Bamum and most other showmen . Most
of the public understand it and readily
accept it as a part of the business.
Mrs Talt is lying eerionsly ill at he
home in this city.
- Mr Arthur Porter, deputy P M, is
eriously ill with appendicitis.
Mr Mart Miller, of Knox Butte, is re
ported dangerously with pneumonia.
Hon Til Ford and Geo Bingham, of
Salem. District Attorney McCain and O
H Irvine, of McMinnville. are attending
Mrs Leinenger, mother of Dr II A
Leinenger, who has been in Albany six
weeks on a visit left this noon for her
home in Illinois.
The farewell concert of the Swedish
quartet was another success and showed
he great appreciation of out citizens for
heir cultured singing.
Mr George Bruckman went to New
port today, where he has the contract
for erecting a cottage for Mr J M Ralston
of this city, which promises to b one
of the prettiest there. Mr Louis Brack
man and Ed R M Carter will also go over
this week and assist Mr Brack man.
Miss Addle Schiffler's eleventh birth
day was celele'orated at the home o! her
lather, E A Schiffler, Saturday afternoon
in a very pleasant young people's party.
Besides the usual children's p ays a de
licious lunch was served, when each
guett was also favorrd with a basket of
candy and bag of popcorn. On the other
hand the visitors had brought their re
membrances to the yonng boat. Those
present were Misses Edith Smick, Mary
Stewart, Vida Mas ton. Lottie Layton,
- Frankie and Grace Payne, ttav Toole,
Inez and Nellie Miller. Flossie Kuecht,
Lena Viereck, Ora Harknets. Necia
Chamberlain, Carrie Pricbard, Addle
Bchiffler and Flo Nutting, and Mater
Carl Schiffler.
Mr Perry Conn is moving his ?iocerv
tock one door west of hi? oid location. '
1 1 1 Salem Y M C A foolb.ll team
aturday, again defeited the rnirer
boyt, 6 to o
Upon the tale of the OP teteen Dee
i5in i.uuin, me iitue to be n-t by the
tnerinoi Benton county, a ipotlt of
$100,000 will be required. Thrre teems
little douu now that the sale will tike
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment, when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
leas expenditure, by mero promptly
adapting the world's best products t
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principle embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Ita excellenco is due to its prescntins
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
aua permanently curing constipation.
It has riven satisfaction to mil lions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup ef Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 60 cent bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
1 Ji mamrT ..j
Following is the semi-annual summary
statement of the financial condition of
the county of Linn, in the state of Ore
gon, on the 30th day of September, A D,
1894 :
Warrants drawn, cn Co treas
urer, and outstanding and
unpaid $ 4338 03
Amt interest thereon 60 00
State taxes due and unpaid. . . 6070 00
Total ,
.$"fWfe4 G3
Funds in hands Co Tread ap
plicable to payment Co
warrants and state tax $ 8686 26
In hands Co sheriff for pay
ment Co warrants and state
550 40
Estimated unpaid current
taxes for payment of Co
309: 85
Total $46171 60
Of the county clerk of Linn county,
state of Oregon, showing the amount
and number of claims allowed by the
county court of said county, for what
allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and
amount of warrants outstanding and un
paid, from the 1st day of April, 1894, to
the 30th day of September, 1894, both
inclusive :
County judge, salary
Treasurer, salary
Co clerk, fees and salary ....
Sheriff, fees
Co com mi s, per diem
Acct assessor
Acct school sapt
Acct coroner
Acct district attorney
Acct surveyor
Acct paupers and poor
WX) 00
501 06
1359 30
:248 23
176 35
MM .x
695 25
27 70
158 70
82 50
158 39
300 00
6637 63
Recorder, sal 2 mouths
Koads and bridges
Ceurt house and jail
Stat'y and printing
Acct insurance
Incidental expenses
Witnesses in criminal cases. .
Petit jurors
Grand jurors
Witnesses before grand jury.
Acct bailiffs
cct elections
Viewing and surveying roads
Road supervisors
Acct bounty
Preliminary exam
525 75
672 97
21 00
613 58
424 40
225 85
70 40
522 70
30 00
1051 52
9 25
44 00
174 00
832 13
Outstanding unpaid Co war
rants Sept 30, 1894
Interest thereon
t 22826 78
I 4938 03
50 00
Total unpaid warrants $ 4988 03
State t Orkgox, ,
Col sty of Linn. J- ss
I. Nathan Needham, county clerk of
the county of Linn, state of Oregon, do
hereby :ertify that the foregoing is a
true and correct statement of the num
ber and amount of claims allowed by the
county couit of said county, for the six
months ending on the 30th day of Sep
tember, 1894, on what account the same
were allowed, and the amount of war
rants drawn, and the amount of warrants
outstanding and unpaid as the same ap
pear upon the records of my office and iii
my official custody.
itness my hand and the seal of the
county court of said county, this l'Jtti
day of October, 1 D, 1894.
(seal) N Needham.
County Clerk.
Of the amount of money and warrant 1
received for taxes and money paid to the
county treasurer oy the sheriff of Llnxt
county, Oregon, for the six months end
ing an the 30th day ol September, A D,
In coin and currency e 541 53
In countv warrants 8 20
.-.49 58
In coin and currency . .
In county warrants'..
5547 33
172 83
Total S
3730 16
3270 16
176 37
In coin and currency
In county warrants
Total $ 3446 73
July-Cash $ 412 45
Angus:-Cash 133S In
In countv warrants 1052
September Cash t
In county warrants
505b 26
188 39
5246 5
State of Ocegos, )
CouxTV of Lixjt . J
I, J A McFeron, sheriff of said count v,
do hereby certify that the foregoug
statement is correct and true
Witness my hand this 20'h day of
October, A D. 184.
J A McFexon.
Sheriff of Linn County.
Of the county treasurer of Linn coonty,
Oregon, for the six months ending est
the 30th day of September, A D, 194, oi
money received and paid out, froaa
whom received and from what source,
and on what account paid out :
Gen fund Sch'I fund
Amt on hand $19445.08 $12532.42
General funds 56294.32
Taxes 190.00
Redemption of lands 181.40
Taxes for 1893 33383.99
$76110.80 $45916.41
Amt nf creneral funds in Linn Co. Na
tional Bank not turned over to P 0 Mor
ris. S7431.ll.
Amt of school lands in Linn Co Na
tional Bank not turned over to P (i Mor
ris' $7965.07.
Rec ex-treasurer
Linn Co bank
C C Jackaon tax 1893.
J A Mrleron,tex 1893
JN Duncan, Marion Co
2739 04
323 9V
Vjda .Springs
Redemption of 1;
l.icen'ts from circa.
Public roads
N Needham, clerk feea
D F Hardmar.. re
corder fees
J A McFeron, sheriff
Clerk, trial feis
State treasurer
C C Jacksonx-sberiff
J A McFeron, sheriff
Ex-treas, Linn Co.
Dis school fund
Bond, Dis. No. 5
Institute Dis. 5
15918 33
Total 1P17G95.73 i,t48390.69
Co. warrants and in't.$23517.14
School warrants $19433.40
On hand 41149.62
On hand July 1, 1804. 11434.94
On band July 1, 1804. i 6483.01
976110.60 $4. 5916.41
Co. warrants 9143.60
Int. on same 61.30
State treasurer 1661.00
Public road fund 1599.79
Soda springs 690 00
City 1783.48
School warrants fi6V.71.27
District funds 2125 70
Hond inndadia No. .v nsofl as
Institute funds 78 00
dm. geaeral lund. .
Public roads
Bond fund dis. No. 5
176' 45.78 473lX).59
The turn of $138.82 bo old be added to
the amount of 743I -li,, general Tuna, in
L'jm County National Bank and the same
amount deducted from amount of
i9(5.i7 school fund, as shown In state
ment to July 1, 1894, of Brice Wallace.
Statk ok Orkoon,
Cot' nt y of Linn.
I, P O Morris, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is a true and correct 'state
ment of the amounts received, paid out,
and remaining on had in the county
treasury of said county for the six months
ending on the 3lst day of October, A. D.,
Witness my hand this 18th day of Oct
ober, A. D., 1894.
P G Morkis,
County Treasurer.
The grand jury found true bills against
A D Kverton for burglary, and C H
White for assisting a prisoner to escape.
The following grand pin- was enipan
neled :
C T Goin, R D Calavan, W S Church
00, John Pearl, E A Evans, N M Follis,
Marion Downing. John Pearl was ap
pointed foreman.
Dar-AivrsiEKTl. j. H. Bitrxbtt, Judoe.
M M Morris
Insurance Co.
vs Farmers & Merchants
Recovery of money. Set-
J O Pout hit A Sons vs A R Norwood.
Recovery of money .
Christian Bleish vs Gus and Lizzie
K ranger. Recovervof monev, attachment.
Christian Bleish vs John and B F Bur
nett. Recovery of money; attachment. Stt
tied. Thomas Taylor & Co vs H L Cranor.
Recovery of money: attachment. Default
and judgement with order te sell attached
Phillip Cohen vs Rachel and Geo W i'urs
ifull. Recovery of money; attachment.
Nonsuit on motion of plff .
Smith tc Jonea vs Rachel and Gej W
Pursifull. Recovery of money; attach
ment. Default and Judgment with order to
sell attached propenty.
K B Anderson vs Geo W Luper. Re
covery of money: attachment. Settled.
F Chevalier Co vs IJ L Cranor. Re
covery of money; attachment. Settled
John Robson vs A L Douglas and G W
Luper. Recovery of money; attachuent.
Samuel E Young vs M K and Mary E
Burmester. Recovery of money. Default
and judgment.
Knapp, Burrell & Co vs A U Patterson.
Recovery of money. Settled.
S E Young vs J E Liles. Recovery of
money. Settled.
P A Cochran vs The Farmers Ins Co. Re
coven- of money. Default and judgment
Stewart & Sox vs J S Lylea. Recovery
of money ; attachment. Settled .
D H James, as Assignee of Bank of Ore
gon vs E J Lanniug. Recovery of money.
Judgment in vacation.
D H James, as Assignee of Bank of O.e
gon vs H F Merrill. Recovery of money.
Judgment for plff as demanded in com
plaint D 11 James, as Assignee of Bank of Ore
gon vs Ceas & J E Cooper. Recovery of
money. Default and judgment.
D H James, as Assignee of Bank of Ore
gon vs C H Li .ug head. Recovery of
money. Judgment of vacation.
U n ,n2'?.r As3J?te 01 Lanf Ur !
gon vs C B Watson. Recovery of money
Continued for service.
D H James, as Assignee of Bank of Ore
gon vs J W Blain. Recovery ot money.
Judgment in vacation.
D M Osborne & Co. a -rporation, vs
Alanzo Grant and Man- J W igle. Recov
ery of money; attach meat. Default and
judgment with order to sell attached prop
erty.: 6 B Haigfat vs Geo W Luper and S L
Luper. Recovery of money ; attachment.
Judgment for plff with oidex to sell at
tacned property.
Stewart & Sox v J A Zvsett. Becoverv
of money; attachment. Default and judg
ment with order to sell attached property.
Will A- Link vs W II A M I Maple et al.
Recovery of monev: attachment. Con-
tinned for service.
J L Hill vs J L Liles. Recovery of
money; attachment. Settled.
Ella Talbot us The F k M Ins Co. Re
covery of money. Default And judgment.
J P Schooling vs J W Ling, Ida M Ling
et al. Recovery of money; attachment.
Default and judgment as to Ida and 1 W
Ling with order to sell attached property.
Suit abates as to deft Butter, he being dead.
Department 2. II H Hewitt. Jrnoa.
State of Oregon va James Bannon Bur
glary. Continued.
State of Oregon vs J J Brannin. Ubtain
taining money undei false pretenar. Con
tinued. P J Porter vs John O Elder, et iJ. Par
tition. Continued.
J M Brown vs A F Gooch. Foreclosure
of i hat tie Mtg- Nonsuit on motion of plff.
J L Cowan, trustee vs 8erepta M Han
sard. Foreclosure of lein. Settled.
Linn Co National Bank a corporation va
M Hyde. Francis Hyde and Sophia Joteph.
Fore of mtg. Default and decree.
E P McCornack vs Waterloo Develop
ment Co. Confirmation. Sale confirmed.
Lane Lumber League vs F A Burkhart
and W H Ooitra. Confirm ition. Hale con
firmed. - Linn County National Bank vs H L
Cranor. Confirmation. Transferred to
dept No 1.
Linn County National Bank vs O and
Cornelia Jennings. Confirmation. Sale
T C Smith vs J H Bridges and M A
Bridges, et al. Confirmation. Sale con
firmed. R H Wright vs J L and Rosa E Han
sard. Fore of mtg. Decree rendered.
Jacob Kee vs Lavina McCul lough. Con
firmation Sale confirmed.
Laura A Caldwell vs Ella C Caldwell et
1. Partition. Continued pending refer
ence S A Nicker on vs Frank Jenning et al.
Foreclosure of lien . Judgment n to Min
nie fanning and J B Hudelson and contin
ued for serdice as to Frank Jennings.
John W Althouse vs II J Maple et al
Foreclosure of Mtg- Decree on p'eadings
Sarah M Shields vs P C Harper t Co.
Leave to issue execution.
LJHoucketal, vs W J Vernon et al.
Partition. Continued.
ba.ah i Elder, et al vs I A McBride, et
al. Partition Con pending reference.
J W Browm vs J Wirtet al. Foresl se-
ure ot lien . Continued
Fred A Brown vs J B Wirt et al . Fiire-
ciosure of Lien . Continued.
James Nanny ct al vs Lousa I) Settlemfre
etal. Partition, Con pending reference
In the matter of the Aisignment of Louis
Vierick. Continued.
Medders Vanderpoo! vs H C Kleeper et
at. Confirmation. Sale confirmed.
Milton Hale vs The Bank of Oregon.;
Confirmation. Sale confirmed.
David Swank vs Elizabeth F and S A
Landis. ConfirmaUoo. Sale c m tinned .
J M Waters vs E D and Vashia Johnuon.
Motion for sheriff to make deed. Trans-fern-1
to dept No 1.
The grand jury found true bills against
ine two Henry Jackson arretted for tteal-
lng a pair ot shoes trom the rcny stre:t
shoe maker.
Goldsmith & Kunkle vs Farmers and
Merchants Insurance Co. Itecovery of
money. Nonsuit on motion of deft and
judgment entered therein.
Ulover & Berry, repts vs W O Brown,
appel. Recovery 'of money; attachment.
Herbert Ames vs M W Murray. Re
covery of money; attach n, en!. Judgment
and order to sen attacneu property.
S E First vs Farmers and Merchants In
s 11 race Co. Recovery of money. Settled
In the matter of the Assignment of Isaac
Beam . Order as prayed for granted und
cause continued.
II M Heal, rec-iver, vs James E Clark
and C Clark. Confirmation. Transferred
to debt No. 1.
The Albany B & L A vs Lizzie and G vV
Eels. Confirmation. Sale confirmed.
James McCartney vs Board of trustees of
the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
Sodaville. Fore of mtg. Decree granted.
btimson k Hebblewhito vs Farmers and
Merchants Insurance Co. Recovery of
money. Nonsuit on motion of deft, riff
to serve bill of exceptions on deft by Nov
lO.same to be settled ut Chandlers at Salem
Nov 16.
Hiller ft Hoffman vs Farmers and Mer -chant
1 Insurance Co. Recovery of money.
Continued on application ef plff.
Phillip Collischorm vs J P Simpson. Re
covery of money. Nonsuit 011 motion of
J W Ralls vs V & M Ins Co. Recovery
of money. Continued by CDiisuut.
Jos G Keeley vs The Harrisburg Water
Power Co, a corporation. Recovery of
money. Referred to Wallis Nash. Con
tinued. Sara Carroll reap vs L II Lasclleapp. Ap
peal. Dismissed.
Enoch Cyrus ct al vi Warren B Cyrus et
al. Partition. Recalled reference and
cause dismissed .
In the matter of the Assignment of A F
Hamilton. Order as prayed for in petition
and cause continued.
In the matter of the Assignment of F L
Kenton. Final account approved. Distri
bution ordered as prayed for in account and
assignee discharged upon filing receipts of
Stale of Oregon vs Henry and II Jackson.
Larceny from a store. Plead guilty and
sentenced each to 1 year in penitentiary. O
State vs Henry Robinson and John Dun
can. - Committed to reform school.
Mrs Humphrey Ward's "Marcella."
Afters Dtmtcrat:
Everybody has read, or it reading now
adays, Mrs Humphrey Ward's "Marcella''
and most people pronounce it the best of
her remarkable trio of books. One in
which she has caught the "spirit in the
air." Every one is more or less interested
in social subjects, forced to be from the
trend of events, every one is therefore pre
pared to be interested in "Marcella. "' The
heroine's sympathies with the poor, her
grief at their sorrows, and her enthusias
tic experiments for helping them are
charming. One feels angry with her how
ever for throwing over her lover, because
his maturer judgment prevented bit see
ing evervthinsr with her eyes, and
making a good man miserable
There was much sense in what her little I
matter-of-fact friend Mary said to her one j
day after she had been unfolding her ;
scuemes to ner : dm is me goou oi n
all, my dear, if you don't prevent the peo- j
p'e from wasting more than half their
money at the public house?" j
"Alary" would have occasion to make i
the tame remark over here to our populist j
friends. Seeing the facts, statisticians ;
tells n. are these: That if the billion ;
dollars that it takes to run the saloons each
year were set free today, within one month j hard currency. This idea i as impractibte
there would be a call for a million more j aa it i new. What is wanted is tree coin
workmen than are emploved now. j sgeof silver of our own production. Let
Mabt. , the United States take ttt stand and the
I silver question will be settled It U strong
tough to regulate the currency quest ion and
hould do it within lUelf and do it at once.
cleaiei about .500 on
............ , w. -1'
hi ihU
' '
The trial of "Bunco" Kelly Ix the
murder of Sajers at Portland has been
set for December 3, and Jnat of N
Sleeves for December 5
The Salem S talesman says he S P I
arranging fcr the ettablishmcu! of its
shop at tome other place than Portland.
Should H do ihis Albany U eminently the
proper location.
Mr J R Douglas left at the DssincaaT
oCce a couple of Immense table turnip
the varietv. Ther are wonderfui tum'n
not on'.y In eie but s veil in nuailty
being solid and twee'.. Hi cauUnowcr
and cabbage are also attracting attention.
The show latt night hat bern a main
topic of convettatlon to-cay. Everybody
though: It was a wonderful performance
and worth wl; netting; but the Man about
Town hat nardlt met anv one who
thought the tpfrlt did it. "the almost
universal opinion is that it i remarkably
e'erer legerdemain work.
Judge Wolverton and wife
from .SaJexit thi noon.
came up
Mr Ingalk. brother 'if the famous
IngaiU. is in the city today.
License wat issued today for the mar
riage of Mr F L Snyder and Mis Lulu
Neeiand, two of Albany's popular young
people. The ceremony is to take place to
morrow. A Gifted FAjtn.T. the fame of Marion
county will be pread abroad in t pleasant
manner during the coining winter. J C
imeruwm. toe miller at larwr. bis wife
and three bovt are nnenari n a to stjrt nnt
rortnwitn in a hack or caravan of their own,
to travel and give entertain men t through
out the states and territories south and east
of here clear to Mexico. The Robertson
. . ...... . " W . .
family is a marvel in the accomplishments
of its members. The voumrett bov is but
four years old and is already an orator and
singer of remarkable power, vhile the re
mainder are thorough master of voice and
instrument. In fact, they are an orchestra,
brats band thertrical company all by them
selves. Statesman.
New Si-rrs.- fhe state of Oregon by the
District attorney has commenced suite
againtt all the banks in the countv in the
nature of a bill of discovery. This is for
the purpose of ascertaining whether any of
these banks Jare custodians of any funds
deposited in such bank by persons who hae
died leaving no heirs. Such funds belong
to the state and it it for the purnose of re
covering these funds, if any, that the suits
are sVMgBS,
Tub Put Foi sd. Several months ago
considerable was raid about the swal
lowing of a bat pin by a child of Mr
Charles Cannon, five mile from Salem.
On Snndav the pin wat removed by Dr
bmitb and iSyrd nf Salem. The pins
was working out ol the stomach, into
which an incision was in ide. The glass
head had fallen off. The pin was just
four and a half inches long. It was dis
covered by a protuberance on the left
side, at firs thought to be an abcess.
Work of the Fish Ladder. A spot
ted seal was recently seen in the Willam
ette at Butteville, this side of Oregon City,
it evidently having come up thsough the
new fish ladder, said 1 to be a sign that
there are also salmon this tide of the lad
der. In Ciapsop county the fees of the
sheriff last year for levying and collect
isttrdelinquen t taxes were 114,355.33 and
ttte printers fees 2,317.72 They evi
dently want the world.
la many esses, the firtt work of Aver'
Ssraaparilla is to' expel the effects of the
other medicines that havs been tried In
vain. It wonld be a saving of time and
money if experimenters took Aver's 8ar
taparflla at tiirtt Instesd of Isst.
The most remarkable cures of scrofula
on record have been accomplished by
Hood's Sarstparllla, This medicine It
unequalled lor diseases of the blood. Take
only Hood 'a.
Hood's I'lllt are hand made, and per
fect In prcporllon and appearance, 25c.
We know whereof we affirm when we
state that Ayer't Plllt, taken promptly, at
the first symptons of co.ds and fevers,
arrest further pi ogress of these disorders,
and speedily restore the stomach, liver, and
bowels, to their normal and regular ac
the formula for making Scott's
Emulsion has been endorsed by
physicians of the whole world. No
secret about it. This is one of its
strongest endorsements. But the
strongest endorsement possible is
in the vital strength it gives.
nourishes. It does more for weak
Babies and Growing Children
than any other kind of nourish
ment. It strengthens Weak
Mothers and restores health to
all suffering from Emaciation
and General Debility.
For Coughs, Colds, Son Throat, Bron
chitis.Weak Lungs, Consumption, Blood
Diseases and Loss of Flesh.
Scott&Bowne.N.Y. All Omogitti. SOc.tndff.
Colkax, Washington, Oct 18,lKi4.
Editors Democrat: (
The more one becomes acquainted here
he is convinced that this country migh
have remained the sporting ground of
Indians had it not been for the immigra
tion from Western Oregon; old Linn has her
slate of representation covering the fertile
soil of the Palouse. Whitman county
raised this year eight million bushels of the
finest quality of wheat. Last year this
county lost by injury from unceasing rain
between eight and ten million bushels of
whet. This year the wheat is saved, but
the market for it amounts to nothing. The
price, 22 cents with sacks is below cost of
production where everything done, is by
hired labor. The great loss of 1893, could
be easily made up in 1894 if wheat was 40
cents per bushel . I'mler this dark cloud
there is a very strong and commendable
spirit of determination to fight the battle
until living prices are restored. This de
pression cannot last another year. Some
farmers have stacked their wheat and will
not thresh it until prices are better; some
will not sell at present who have threshod,
while there are some who have to sell to
meet pressing demands. Many are fatten
ing hogs, claiming that wheat thus used is
equal to forty cents per bushels. This will
become a leading industiy for Palouse has
no superior as a hog raising country. In
dustries may be varied, and already atten
tion is turned that way. It is a famous
apple country. Tons of grapes have been
in uiarKCt mis year, out. some varieties are
superior to the same raised in California.
fhs Muscat here is much lartrer and mure
uniform in flavor Uuut the California Mus
cat and sells for 40 rent for a larger box.
ln,n , u tkn,. ni U-i
regon. though the Bavor is good. That I
craze will hardly reach this country. The :
sod nf tlu HalMMlMSl is an asjiiranro
.uminst failure of this country becomimr !
vastly wealthy in time. Bettor managment
... . . - w i
1 '(.-reater 1
iirh luanv '
4 ven g I
Will follow this Imam-ia. crisis an
economy will be obeerved. Thougl
are in debt one crop with old prtcea
40 cents would square ut every tbirir. It
is not a bad country that willdo this. The
price is sure to come as anon as the back of
the bears in the wheat market of the werld
is broken The statement that this low
price of wheat is caused by over production
ii ajt uosh. nener ani morexeuaoie eii-
mate make the production 49.WO OWJkbort !
of the quantity necessary for consumption. !
It is the money question and the bears have
- uuim ruu mum wukti.
1 he deuttcrats here have the lt ti. ket
in the field, legislative and other !v, ai.d
should esBBt it. While the populists have
some good orr positions all of which that
are essential may be found in democratic
platforms, they are crazy on Snacee They
now want gold and silver relegated to the
arts and paper money u?d instead of the
tl-1 - - . , - , 1 1
elf reliance
of Frame on the ansncial .iue-
turn. Why ihoald the I'nited Stales want
to play nvond tiddle to other power when
prosperity w.-uld return to our tasople if the
, . .:i : .1.
vuvumuuu iii vviniitlUU 1 CIUHCt - I
j Thomas Catcn. of the early firm of Catoo '
' A Kurl of Salem i running for coogre
: and i making a vigorous canvas, and it i
' it not impossible fur bim to sift in at thi
IrilRrfnUr mm i ,t i...f W... , k..
j are republican candidates for the senate in
this state who differ on the silver question. '
- j .... , , . . i. , , u in vacvu .u i
tpuUr and will be elected ithoot douU. I
Of the republican candidate I i Ankeny. ; b provided- We still s;y that our ring it
a very clean man. of Wala Walla, forme;- j open to all comers, bar noe; that all ex
I V ol Oregon, it quite prominent. He it a poser are deliberate fraud. So come and
banker sriih a bjirrel. and may need it. and ' tike i.ur soilps just fo: fun. and we will
will if be overcomes the free coinage of ' agree to make it interesting for you.
silver feeling that now prevail in this stale, j Da and HaakT W'ajte.
Of all question the financial it leading, i r r .. ..
No one can predict the result of thi else-
,tioo. It u confidently stated bv long
headed politician other than republicans
that tnedemoctaU and populitU will have
a lanrrr n-wwenUtin
enUtion in th House of the
, LegudaUve Assembly of this state than the
:r -. im .i . .
; grand scale.
The Waitcs' PcrformaiK
The nam net of the otra bouse wt well
, fiile.1 lat night at the performance of the
. Waite. No one was nermttted to enter
the galierv. and prolab.y over fiftv went
away because they could not tee the enter-
j uie. .iuvih mm iciuai&CM I'J vubcx
1 taunmens ror tenra. Altera ccn au-
I dra bv Dr aite a comraitlee consistent?
i ... .T ..n. .
of Dr itari F Y. Allen A L Iml, .n3
the Man about Town took their seats on
the stage to watch proceeding at dote
quarter: but until such cr-mmr.tee"
' permitted to be in a position where ti-y
can watch toe inter. r ct the caoinet their j
work will be oteles. After being "hypeo-:
Used " by Dr Waite. young Waite the;
medium, was placed in the cabinet, and '.
when the curtain was throwji aside be wat ;
bound fast th. rope around hi. neck and
buds siaArng into his fleth. and the bag
u isw r,
M r
the curtain wa empty. He periormed
many mystifying things. He afterward
Irated in wigwam. brt hound, and
lastly fastened with handcuff furnished by
Chat Metzgar, ending the seance with ap
pearing liberated with the handcuff
fattened to the chair. His work daring
the time was of an uneiplainaUe nature.
to at least the novice, and at times would
nearly take ones breath away. "Every
man at his own game' it an old saring.
and of all foolithne the worst is the' at -
tempted exposure of such performance.-!
a w.ondenui as many ot the thing done
are. the Man about Town believes they are
easy enough when you know how and are
ouui tor such wort, l'urmg the caimct
work of young Waite as scan as the cur
tain was drawn be was, a evidenced by
the noue and movements, in constant mo-
on and there is net the least d jubt in the
writers mind that he doe all manifesting
with bit own hand, and yet so quickly and
mVKttrint:Jv nn tuma t..tnm ,wrfrtn,T.vl
for instance the tying of tL handkerchief
to the chair, it is beyond ones comprehen
sion. Some people beliee it is Mirits and
many, probably a biir rr centaire. do not.
each class are entitled to their belief: but
all alike get the worth of their money in a
performance that is certainly a marvel.
The slate writing and envelope work were
good exhibitions in these lines, and what
ever people say, no one can accuse the
warns ot not giving an iiilljiislf lively and
Interesting entertainment. Tonight an
other performance will lie given with new
v as mere ever a dirtier liar or a more
contemptible coward than the editor of the
Journal? After chailenirinir us as a fraud.
we hire the opera house and invito the citv
in to show who the deliberate fraud u
and to sit still when the whole house time
after time called for him to stand up like a
man and make his charges good, stamps
bim as a vile slanderer, u tilthy liar and 1
cowardly puppy; as such we pot him be
fore all game mer. and sensible ladies o
fsaltiu. Dr A A Waite.
H.viirv Waiti.
The Fxact Facts.
EdUotM Democrat !
At the session of Circuit Court, at Cor
vallis, on Saturday, 20tli instant. Judge
rullerton, ordered the Ureaon t'acitic rail
road sold to the highest bidder for cash.
The order requires a deposit of $100,000, so mnniint is the lowbst that can . bid.
It was also ordered that all taxes due ond I
: : . t i. 01 ion -i u t . '
owing prior 10 man-u , -;, siiuuiu oe
paid from the proceeds of the sale and that
the purchaser ahi1! be liable for the tixes
for 1894. This does not make tho taxes a
prior lien, nor in any way chancre their
status as reported in some papers but siaiplj
says who shall pay them.
It tho road is allowed to deduct its in
debtedness in each county, tho receiver will
have very few taxes to pay. a
day, Cct 24, 1894, at the residence of the
bride's parents, in Albany, by Rev J T
Abbett, Mr 1 L Snyder and Miss Lulu
FtNTON. On tSunday morning Oct
si, 1894 In Albany to Mr and Mrs J L
Fenton a girl.
Mr Motris Senders is in Sun FfSBCiseo
on business and Mrs Senders is visiting
with her father in Ilo&eburg.
Mr Charles Sears has received his gold
medal, the prize for winning the half mile
bicycle race at state fair, it h an elegant
Sheriff McFeron took the two Henry
Jaiksonj to ; alum today. Ihev will re
main a year by order of the court.
fhe Society of Eighteen met with Miss
Velie Irving yesterday evening and spent a
ucngnirui lime as only young muies snow
how when freed from the conventionalities
required by the presence of men.
Junior entertainment of Cumlierland
Presbyterian church at Becker's hall Fri
day evening. Vocal and instrumental mu
sic. The Woods brothers of Blodgett Val
ley, known as "The Big Four" will render
some of those inimitable comic songs, for
which they are noted. Recitations, dia
logues, etc. Refreshments at close of pro
gram. Admission at door at 10 centseach.
Come one and all and aid a worthy cauxt.
That Buowxlke Boy. The Crerweil
correspondent of the Eugene Cuard
ine rjrowniee
lov who killed Malinda
(irobe ut the Horfwburg hop vard. has
lately lieeri wen prowling around in this
I vicinity carrying a Spencer rifle. He stop
i ped a few days at J B Cruzan's. and Iwtuie
there accidentally discharged his gun so
near a little girl's feel that the flying
i gravel cut the blood from the child's lare
.legs. If the loy is onlv eleven vcais old
as was represented at his trial, it
strange that no inouirie ore I etasr
Ms In-real .tits and
"ho unng up boy i
am,on er eh.Jn should be compelled
''"Tr tne,n. no'ueor send uiem
" "u"c ''; """c ".
( lo thP hat their parent
.,,.,,,1,1 M I-,. I .. L .
If this boy coro
1,1 u anoti:er ld of that kind he will
n? ""J a in tBt' Cr,t H
t,ie a I'laranee of being at leat 14 year
ears of
age, but is too young still to I allowed to
run at larg with a gun.
See those $i.jj andti.50 Photo at
Unk'e leads in
anli iow price
Fine Artistic fho'o
Only ti.15 a dozen at Tinklkrt.
eatra arl-to finish ManteMo Photo
The ihriff of Umatilla
taken elgh prisoner to Ihe
recent! .
While ai dimer to dtv
called al the Ijzmocbat's
county hai
Cm Waite
room ano reau ihe article in manuac.ipt,
which apprir elaewhere. and left an invi
te! ksn to -'to rome lo Corvali't tonight
and tee u make a monkey of ;ou.
There will te work In the Fin! Degree
in Albany Lodge No a IOOF thi even
ing. A'l member and w journirg breth
ren are requeued to be present. Bv orcer
of NO,
J O Long of Amllr, formed r proprie
tor of the Amity popgun, the Eugene
Broadae and anuher popdUtt paper at
""J "
Albany hi made n tulgnreerct tor toe
benefi: of hu credit.. Ii is rurJ
-at- .-1st m ,
.. ..
The mediums are at CorralU' touight.
to 1 present and free hole in the roof wiii
?5 'JTe Jl "T "
' 2 2 ft2S evening .Jet 31, at tie
P' We gie a jo-c. batke: social
! "d itrtalo l t-ach ladv will put an
i r . "j J TT ,:
ur, su1 liuni , ipse win nc I'tcseu
: out by the gentiemaa biocing highe
t for
me batket. There wilt be ,o:t o: tun.
I C Mcther, the well known hcneniar
i and traltte. ha mov;d lo Albany w.-.h hit
l fast ttriog ut horse. And will n-.ake this
i cat hi home. He hat t the fair g'Our.d
j tone of the beti trotters P theNottuwest,
iioe S.a :i8; Combination Gecrge.i :is a ;
' -uer At.MV d Alene, ; ;i
. Ann Alene, 3:19 4 ; King Patchen, ard
I , 7 - "
MrCra-fard't Velveteen. J:SL bel
4hcr known norse acd col it
Knii '.icwr.A Mv tiock : crm-
- , t . . a l
. lr'M,ra ana cneap graiet
The be:
t va'uet I have
ever nad lor ihe
' prices
S E Yotso.
J A fine large stove for
sale, inquireat
enck't Uarbrr shop.
Tur. Chukebis.. aits the H arum ax
p,1!lt .Th, ffii-v B Alo Co. ill Firs
s, pl)rUan1. have the ex-lative agency to
ttk of ttU! ,.wr piano,
why no: buy ti best ? Write f IC fSm
,,r inui!meats.
DmV Rtsiux. -The retignation of
Wallace Baldwin as commandant ol the
Oregon soldiers' home was not acted up
on by the board of trustees last Monday.
It was not presented, as he had been pre
vailed upon to reconsidor bis deterrxi
: .1 ;i Jacksonville Times.
Ksrl't Clever Root wi: purify votr
blood, dear yoi r complexion, regula'e
your bowel att make your heac clear
at a belt. 25c. 50c, and fi.oa
Shlloh'f Cure, the great cough and
croup cure, it in great demand. Pocket
tfxe contain twemv-five dotes only 15c.,
Children love it. So'd by druggists.
Caplain Sweeney. V S A. San Diego
i Cal tavt: "Shilob't Caunh Remedy la
j the firtt medicine 1 hive ever found that
I would do me any o xl." Price 5-c
America Leadsrthe World
ThelCrowning Glory of the Age.
Man's enterprise culminated at the World's Columbian
Exposition. The memory of it will be a marvel for all time.
The fame there acquired will live for years. The manufact
urers of
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
appreciate the award to them of highest honors at the
Exposition. The significance of the compliment, the splendid
character of the indorsement, cannot be underrated. It
stamps Dr. Price's as without a peer among the baking pow
ders. The jury of awards, an exceptionally intelligent body,
was headed by the Chief Chemist of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture. They found Dr. Price's Cream Baking
Powder strongest in leavening power, perfect in purity, and
of uniform excellence.
Foremost Baking Powder in all the World.
We are going out of
business in Albany
Can Save You
Not so Bull mists' Some years ago
there lived in the southwest part of thi
precuict a man named Vineyard, who was
arretted for threatening the live of tome of
bit neighbors, but wat turned loose and i
bighlv endorsed by some persons at a very j
barmlcH sort of a nuu. We learn that he I
was ahot and killed lately in Lake county
while trying to kill a man over a tritial
matter. Cretwell Oat Guard.
The mn who taw the cabinet tcene at
tSe opera home last night are reliable men
Dr and Harry Waite eftewbere say they
are fraud. Our citizens are almcct a
unit in reference to whether the W'aitet are
spiritualistic mediums or legerlemains .
The two men on the root told the truth.
The Democr t ha treated this matter
fairly without any ugfy name, and hat
given more space to it than wat intended
when the ma't-T started, for a a matter of
faet exposure are what advert ie them.
To men giving the name of McO'enn
and Haley were arretted this morning by
Martnal L for breaking a Chicago
Mitauke&St Paul Railroad car. It
wat loaded wiih furniture.
Several imii' thir.g were taken. The
gracd jary !.! examine the cate.
That Joyful Feeling.
With the exh!teratrng tente of renewed
health and ttrenght and internal .
re, which Colowt :he ute of Syrup of
Fig, it unkown 10 the few who hare not
progretted bevonj the o'd time medicine
and the cheap substitutes sometime off
ered but never accepted by the wetl ia-
Wi!.' Stark keep up wnn the timetin
the latest attle of jewelry. You will not
mt it If you call on them for anything
n the jewelry iac.
UrANTED.-e'undertfgnec' wan't
tn tuv iooo pounds of good pop
corn. Ca'l on or addre.
Faascia PrE'rrea, A'.any.
Millinarv stock ftr Sale.
A I am about U give up mv Millin-
err department, I will s-!I the entire
stock without rvserve at creatlv reduced
pri-s. This will be an excellent oppor
tunity to secure stylih tnmmed hats at
your own fijrarv. Ma. II. J. Sowee,
Ladk-s Bazaar.
Six Beautiful 03 Cnrotno size 17x14 In
che. roitivelr given awar frte. In
quire at Tinkle Photo Oal.ery.
School Snot-. My vock of i oe-io
ajdi m and cheap grade was never bet
ter. I have added tome new line and
Invite lr.pection. Every pair guaranteed
and wtd be repaired tree ot charge 1 they
tip or are imprrrrci sn anv wit
1 ctnra
Late tilvtr'tword
co'vtge pins at Wilt
My firtt Invoice ot
Jacket hat arrivtd.
L.idte coals 1
S E Toartra
1. err onn
You can get Ert ctasa nhoiot for fi.s
Hard lime prleta at Crawford a Paxiort.
-Ylahu Arltto.'' finett Photo made
only tl.50 per dcr.-n at Crawford A Pax
tent. Oct yoar rrillinery at Mr Atb.
See the Cabinet Photo at Tinkles.
Hodge .V McFailind maket a specialty
pi pretcr'pl.ont
For painless dental work Cill on Dr
Ada-nt. AH work guaranteed.
fexclleac a
Some Money On
Every Purchase
Read, Peacock & Co,
Why Was It
Ins Ajwr't SartipanlU. cs: of the great
nsoaber ot atssfssr preparations asaaafae
tored throughout the world, was the only
rowtictne of Uk kind admitted at th
World Fair, Chicago And why was tt
that. In spite of the muted efforts of the
msmifartorers of other preparations. th
tfeeiatonjor the World's Fair Directors waa
sot reversed?
Aeeordinff n Bclc is Article
that are In any way dasa-eroos cr
ottenatT. alto patent medicines. O!
Bottroait, and empirical prepara-
tloaa, whose ina-redlesta are con- oj
esaUad. wfli not be "i-" to the O
Exposition," aiad. therefore
ffr&onur Ayer't Sarsapsrtfla It not a
patent medicine, not a aoatram, and net
were; preparauon. qJ
A n M s proprietor had Borhinxto
conceal when q-jeniooed at to the tor
m 'i Trnsn aTilili 11 1 iwnstliiil
it It a3 that It H e'stmeit to be
Osaaeavtrated Kxtraet of
fartapariltt. and ta ererr sense, worthr
the indoraemeot of this most hapiai 1 I 3
committee, called together for pnaamg
cpon the massractured prod acts of the
eatire world.
i uftr'o The
ftJGI OOniy
a Admitted tor Exhibition Oj
The Peninsnlar
Move, Cook and
Heating, the
Best on Earth.
For Sale by
Stewart & Sox
Hardware Co,
Freah Br ai Erer? Dty. Pies,
Cakes, etc Special orders
C D VANDYKE, Proprietoi
Rooms 25 and 26, Stnibau Block. Albany,
Good work a specialty.
Sm. Cusick Block
rillinp and extracting of teeth vritliout
pain it siHvialty.
AH Siods if kame, fith, poultry, clams,
crabs, jsteit, letc. Opposite Revara
Horse. En ScuatiKS.
0. B, & I GO.
E McNEILL. Eexirer.
fall . -.. - call oa
OB ArDRh.S3:
Ges'l Pass. A-.cst
Qiep Pacific Mui
nU 1 1AC&, Keeciter
Direct Line
Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates-
trrth fmr
a rwct.
amar hrtveta Ta
rasa atx rusaico
r mi:a Ttbj JO, lUrxfc 1, IT ii, ul St
ra-ai Trcrt.
Oocrrnij F.b if.; Jtj.- h 7. B
, aad sih.
The Ootspaav isassxTcs th ngat ;
I ufR sailing: dutea bot notice.
For freight aa ! pavecitr rttes app'j
to any acest.
rhtretJ n. r dn. Mi Co. K. J at
Mark St Su jc Ol
del Ccxr.a Orccca
8aUiBfre BKxk. - Albany. Ore.
complete line of
in all its broncbes.
er ;bil and CaLtpoota
1 1 1
Will & Stark
Are now in their new store in the Cusick
Block, where they are prepared to meet the
wants ol the public with the finest line of
jewelery, silver ware, clocks, watches, etc,
in this part of the state.
Fitting: eyes with glasses and spectacles
by Prof A Stark, graduate of the Chicago
Opthalmy College, u specialty.
Countv Warrants iton-iir at
Sold. Ofhe.Maton BkHk Albany
Albany, Or.
City and county warrants bought acd
LOST. vA package of papara cental
ing a copy of complaint in ttt t
Lrousht by Salotu Water Co against D
M Cooper and olbtrs to correct deed.
Ala some otner papers. Finder wilj re
tarn to this office and receive reasocable