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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1894)
Wrkkly Dkmocrat. $t.7S per year n advance. $2.00 at end of year. BUY JEWEL STOVES AND RANGS OF MATHEWS & WASHBURN Can R.msk Corn. The fact ia being divulged (hat t ia ia considerable of a corn country and that instead of -its be ing impossible to raise it at all, it can be produced with considerable certainty ana of a superior quality. Mr Bruck man rias handed the Democrat several ears of as fino lookint; corn as one can find m the center of the great corn belt. i rce cars aie about thirteen inches long filled with plump kernels. The Bruck man Bros raised eight acres of it. A corn held will soon be a part of evry farm run on the diversified plan in this state. Mr E A Barrett has also sent the Dem ocrat several ears of corn, of which he has four acres that will make 40 bushels per acre. Hon R A Irvine, an old Ken tuckian, who examined it sajs it shows up well for Oregon. Mr Barret raises it in the old style, working it well, which is the principal thing for making corn do well here. An ExPEywYK Fubxoccb. Mr Johne warbade, an inmate of the SoldiersHome at Kosebnrg, came to Albany oa a for lough and put np at the Rues House e oecame acquainted with a Swede named ergnos.acook traveling through the valley. Together they did Albany, taking on a cargo of liquor at stations along the streets. Garbade became quite tipsy and was put in a room occupied the previous night bv Vergnoi. Vergnos was seen in his room while he was tak ing a sleep, and afterwards disappeared. Gabade on awakening claimed t have been robbed of $35, and it was surmised Verenos did it, an effort wa made to find the t ede ; but be had disappeared. The Soldiers Home was notified and Gabade w ill return to it tomorrow, much sooner than be had intended, bat proba bly no wiper. Some ptoole never learn by experience. The Income Tax. Though the incom tax law spreads out over Oregon the fol lowing item will not be of much personal interest to Albany people : though there are men in Linn county who undoubted ly have considerable of a larger income than 4000, for instance Jacob Kees. But here is the item. On personal incomes it is a tax of 2 per cent on all amounts above $4OD0. The Ux is to be levied on and after January 1, 1C95, and is to be payable on or before the tirst day of July 1895. It is to be assessed on the income received "in the preceeding calender year,'' that is. for the first levy the cal ender year of 1894. If the tax ia net paid on or before July I, a penalty of ft per 1 cent on the amount unpaid, w ith inter est at 1 per cent a month, shall be levied it a addition. Men Specially Invited. The lecture of Mrs Xarcissa White Kinney, at the TJnited l'reebvterian church, Tuesday evening, will be of interest to men, and the men of Albany, both old and young, are earnestly urged to be present and hear her. Mrs Kinney ia an enthusiastic, eloquent speaker and holds her audience as few speakers cau. Her lectures are highly complimented by the press where ever she has been, which shows that she has lost none of her former vigor and ability. She is worthy of a good house. Let us give her one. Lecture to begin promptly at 8 o'clock. A collection will be taken. A Novel Wat. The hop growers in the vicinity of Btownsville adopted a novel plan of harvesting their crop this year. Not being able to pick their hops on account of the low prices they gave the use of their dry houses to the pickers and furni'htd wood for drying. The price of sulphur, burlap and other nec ceseariea for drying and packing wid be deducted from the money received for the hops, and if any balance remains above 40 cents per box for picking it will be the property of the owner of the yard, otherwise he makes no profit. North Yamhill Record. Will Slkvby it Up. The survey o "the Willamette for its improvement was to begin this morning. It is probable the entire appropriation will be used up in the survey. That ia the usual atyle. The survey ia a fake and unnecessary. The pilots of tbe river steamers know the channel completely and just where improvements should be made. Let the government take off its coat and go to work and not spend its time in making surveys in absolutely anneeded places "The river has already been surveyed too tmxti. ihia kind of foolishness makes one weary. BcsawEsa. Astoria merchants toll a 1 reporter that business in that burg is about twice what it was a year ago. A Portland man in Albany eaya business ; has picked up wonderfully in that city, and is in fact rushing except in two cr three lines. Like report come from other parts of the state. People gener ally are adapting themselves to the present condition of affairs and making the beat of things. Died is the Asylum. Several months ago Fred Hess, a blacksmith, was taken to the insane asylum from Albany. He gradually grew worse, and became so wild and unmanageable as to require his being placed in a straight jacket, in which be waa kept five months. Last week he died. Strong drink had played an important pait in bis downfall. The Peninsniar Stove, Cook and Heating, the Best on Earth, For Sale by Stewart & Sox Hardware Co, H F MERRILL INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany, Or. City and county warranta bought and ao'd. oat s us ms. Cusick Block Al y,0r. Filling and extracting ol teeth withou pain a specialty. K. 0. T. M tr..Aiu verv Haturday .ven ntT in K. O. T. MHall. Vlsl'lng Knight inv ted to attend. a i. Lam D, ucm. Mr Frank Watson has returned fiom Portland. Mr Robert Foster, of Portland, an old time resident of Albany, is in the city on a short visit. Jhdge Hewitt returned on Saturday night from McMinnville, where ho hna been holding Circuit Court. Rev G M Weimer, formerly pastor of the Christian church of thia city will soon remove to Kansas. Kugene Guard. Prof 7. M Parvin retnred yesterday from Albany, where he goes once a wee' to attend to a large class in music Salem Statesman. George Caldwell, of Portland, 4k Sunday with Albany friends. Thia city has considerable attraction for Albany's former citizen in more waya than one". Nellie Bly in the New York World ex poses Mrs Abbott, the Georgia Wondei, who was in Albany at one time. Miss Bly did Mrs Abbott's tricks and shows how any one can do tho same thing. Even Sandow couldn't lift her. A M Smith, a prominent Portland bus iness man, who died at his home in that city Friday, joined Protection Lodge No. 2, A 0 U W, of this city 6ome doaen years ago.while engaged putting in a mill here, and has retained his membership in tnat lodge continuously. His family will get 2,0C0 accordingly. Salem Statesman. H W Cottle, who has been for 16 years the secretary-manager of ihe State In surance Company, resigned Friday ou account of the condition of his health, which forces him to live in a drier cli mate, where he hopes to recuperate. Kdmund C Giltner, assistant secretary of state, was elected in Mr Cottle's place A Uiesy waa elected assistant. Col R W Mitchell, of Portland, Maj Jackson, of the V S A and Weahol the W V fc C M R Co, came in from Albany a few days ago, and have been making some observations of the country in this valley. A grand ball will be "given in Burns -hit evening in honor ef the dis tinguished guests.-H.irney Items. Moral if you want to be "distinguished" and have a dance given in your go to Harney county. Welcome. The fall term of U e Supreme Court opened in Salem todav. No is engine has been repaired and i now ready for !us::ie BR, Costs on delinquent taxes were not add ed in Marion county until today. Blind Tom will 'twin Albanv on Oct 19, when our citizens will be given a treat in the musical line rarely enjoyed here. The fact that geese have not yet legan moving south is taken as a good s'gn that we will have some mere clear weather. The city of lacoroa has brought suit against the Tacoma Light & Water Com pany to recover $1,000,000 damages tor false repr sentations. The Albany social club's annua! ball taken place at the Armory next friday rlr;f McLvman's orchestra, of Salem. will furnish the inusle. Ticket only $1. Ti e foot ball season begin in the east 'ait Saturday. Yale beat Trinity, Prince- too Lafayette, Harvard Dartmouth, and Amherst A'orcester, the ciactc colleges having an easy th'ng of it. Will Stark areno-v in tneir new store in the Cuiick Block, one ot the first jewel ry stores in Oregon. They have a big Stock of goods, and sell at popular prices. Ladies Aid. society will meet to-morrow at J :3o o'clock it the residence of Mrs Henry Hopkins The advisory board will meet'at the tame place at 1 o'clock. A meeting of the Oregon Association of Nurserymen will be he'd at Portland, Oregon. on Wednesday, Cctob;r trd,lSo4, at 2 p m in ihe parlor of the Hotel Perkins corner jth Washington Sis. Mr A brownell of this city is President. The University athletic associai'on has elected officers ta follows: Harry Temple tin. president; H Davis, vice president; R H Hurlew cetretary ; H Davl-,1 Tem pletoti and Bryson.execntive committee. A football team will re organized at once. Euger.e Guard. The 'contract for builoing the new grand stand for the Mechanic Band, has been let to Wm S Richard. Sufficient money has not been raised for it, and an effort will be made to secure more. Stand in with the band. Prof C F How 'a: . will meet all the young men who desire to enter the even ing classes !n book-keeping anH arithrce tic at fie Y M C A room to-night ra S-30. All young men in the c'at Interested in this wotk arc cordially invited to come out. Jktrs. Entlgn IL Smith Etaa, Cat Like Other Women I have suffered tot xs years with a complication ot troubles, with continuous, almost unbeara ble pain ia my back. The Grip also pros tra H il s Sarsa parilla ted me. Bat Hood's c ures S&rsaparllla has cured me of all my troubles, and I cannot speak too rtvtaVV hlghly of it Mas. E. B. Smith, Box ta Etna, Cat, Heod'S) Pills cure headache snd indigestion. INSURANCE AND MONEi BROKER. Conrlv Warrants Bought an Hold. Office, Mastoti Blofk, Albany OrcgOB. J C LITTLER Good work a fpec'alty. ALBANY, OREGON. tlEO E FISH THE PLUMBER. Tin rooGing and plumbing. OppoiU the opera house. P0MPLE1S0 J POWDER. POZZONIS Ccmbines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when riehtlv used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection 1 to the face in thia climate. 1 Insist upon having tho genuine. IT 13 FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. K a C MOOS, opposite. Rum hi me, I'etd, biai, thorU, Orm in-, , bun, liuc-wheat rye fliur, h j, .r-v. potatoa', etc. Hour a. Fa LADY'S TOILET U Is not complete without an ideal TUESD aTS? How Ham. Wah Appointed. Mr W H Parker, of this city, one of the candi dates for collector of customs nt Yaquina, publishes the following letter in tho Ore gpnian : As it might be of interest to some of the disappointed othce-seokers of Ore gon to know how J W Ball secured the ap pointment of collector of customs at Ya quina, a statement of the facts is here with given. 1 received a letter from Sec retary Carlisle, dated May 12, 1S94, in which he informed me that "Mr Bali waa the only applicant for Jhe position," when, in tact, Meagre 1) Carlisle and M M Ilavis of Corvallis and myself all forwarded ap plications for the position, two of tho ap plications tcing in registered letters, the receipts for which were received in due time. J R Markley haa boasted since Mr Bail received the appointment that ho got one of the clerks of the department intoxi cate! and while in that condition exacted a promise from him that Ball should receive the appointment, and how well ho kept that promise may he inferred from tho fact that, wiien the time for making the ap pointment came. Mr Ball's was the on'y application on file. If some of the disap pointed office-seekers that did not stand La with Markley & Co would make an invest igation, they too might find that they had no applications on bio for the positions allien they sought. A Cook Book Fbkb. "Table and Kitchen" is the titk of a new cook bock -published by the Price Baking Powder 1 ompany, Chicago. Just at this tiiuo it will be sent free if you write a postal men tioning the Dkmocrat. Hesidt contain ing over 400 receipts for all kinds of pastry and home cookery, there are many hints for the table and kitchen, showing how to set a table, bow to enter the dining room, etc; a hundred snd one hints m corv branr.h of the culinary art. Cookery of the very finest and richest as well as of the most economical and home like, is prov id ea tor, ttemember "table and Kitchen " will be sent, postage prepaid, to and lady j sending her address (name, town and state) plainly given. A copy in German or Scan-1 dinavian will be sent if desired. Postal j card is as good as a letter. Address Price ! Halting fowder Co, Chicago, HI. . t HP - m . i iv -.m. 1 Kami , me iemociiat re cently mentioned a 500 mile walk begun by two Portland men. The Prineville Review says: K H Collis. of the firm of Corbett. Failing ft Roberts, and W S Love, of Love Rushong. druggists, of Portland, Oregon, arrived in Prineville Sunday evening. 1 heee gentlemen are enjoying a novel out ing during their holiday from business. They art making a 500-mile walk from the city, via Eugene. Prineville and Tbe Dalles. hile crossing the Cascade mountains thev were caught in a starui which rendered one day of their journey very unpleasant, and I defeated their intention of making the as- i cent of the higher peak of the Three Sisters. Their trin has nlaiUi a ,Wn nhntA upon their cheeks, which corresponds very neatly with tbe whiskers they have with them. The young men carry a gun and fishing tackle, and are enjoying all the ' X?Ut? fwf- 3! W'Mon- fir rZ ll I 1 arm Springs Agency tor The Palles. and wnl return to Portland over old emiirrant trail on the North si.'.eof i the Columbia. To Keep tue i-eac e jut and airs Charles J Danta were married in 1S76. and I nave lived together eighteen years, and have five children. Thev now reside in Haa Third Ward. According to the story of Mrs Danta. a Dale, hardworking woman of about forty, Mr Danta has drank for a geed many years, often threatening her life as well as her children's Mrs Danta is tired of it. and this morning swore cut a warrant for his arrest asking that be be held to keep the peace. Last night he went borne intoxicated, afterward admitting that he drank seventeen glasses of liquor during the day, and when mad rushed for a case knife he had hid. and which he had ground to to a very sharp point making a very dangerous weapon, wet h be said be had made to kill a Lebanon man. sirs Danta went for the Doiice and when Mar shal Lee and Nigntwatch McClain arrived oe nad hid under tbe aide I T I taken to the calaboose, and todav tamed i i.ei uil'iri lac ;'ie -ft.!. lie W:1S , over to Justice Freerksen' care. Mrs Danta wcrks in the steam laundry. Os CmsA.-Tbe lecture of Rev Sunder land at the Santist Church, last sisrht. on China was of particular interest on account ot tbe present war. .Several of the nt.-re- opt tean views were timeiy. Ihe speaker presented one idea that in a measure ac- . ...... l . 1: -n L. . uuuw tva ; 1. v ..,--.-..-...-. . l."t e no raiiroaos ana ao evary thing by hand, even the getting out coal, and hence their supply for war vessels is rJwavs ina.lem.ite and some of tMe vessels failed' entirely to work. This war will do one thing, that is. make the Chinamen Lnild railroads and get out of their old nit. Two or three cf the views presented were cf Sui Fui, where Lev ...n.t Mrs Hill are located, and several of tbe Yawgtse Kiang. on which they nav igated to that distant inland city. The address was entertaining and was apprai- N oy an Busd Tom. He is the criminal ad the I , , , , , 1 f! US .l!ornCuUe I electrified audience thr.Kigbotit the world ; by his phenomenal piano playing. Hu - ..uin..M.t- Hi'- uui nvuuriiuiiiuu 1U- msh an evening of pefltct entertainment. UUnd Tern has never been equalled. His imitations and perfect renditions of the '. most diflitclt mmositinnti an et-er.ti.-n. i and stand with the effotts cf the grandest j performers. He will sorely appear at the upera Mouse tn one night only. Thursday , Oct Wth- T he price has been arranged to , suit the times, having been placed at "5. ' 50 and 33 cents, which are now on s?.le at j nooges a jicf arianu Drug store. Ax Appe.u, Takkx. The civil suit of J H Miller va John Leeds for the sum of $110.20 recently tried in tbe juatice'a j rt. Qt auZi.a .. i VWMIHVI SIIC Ulilt Ulwll(,Vt i .'-"I) I appealed to the circuit court by tbe plaintiff. He was awarded a judgment , against Leedy for $11.75 and for the possession ol certain personal property. ' The transcript waa fi'.ed with tbe clerk j yesterday. Statesman. j J A Gross, of t!ii citv , has purehased of j H D Parker the Ashland Depot hotel and will take charge of it in a few days. Mr Gross is sn old hand at the business and one of the bet on tbe coast. The Modern Beauty Thrive on good food and sunshine, ith plenty of cxerds in the open air. Her form glow with health sod her face bloom with it beauty. It her system needs tue cleansing ac Ion of a laxative remedy, the uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxative Syrup ot Fig. Money To Loan. I have money to loan on eood farm land in Linn and Be.iton counties in sums not over $3000. Ko delay in fur nishing the coin. Call on C G Burkhan, Alhanv Orcyrtn A U.i, mflnt In Inan r n city property in any amount on long time hi it low raic 01 i.ucicsi. How Abe Yock Eves. Prof A Stark, of Will A Stark, ia nowprepared to ex amine scientifically and accurately by the latest impoved methods ol modern science all who desire to have their eyea tested. Prof Stark haa recently graduat ed Irom the Opthalmic College at Chica- 0, and ia thoroughly equipped for the elicate and important work of fitting the.eyes ao as to be relieved of atrain ana the vision assisted. l)o vou need ilaaaea? Call on Prof Stark and learn about your eyes. Do your old glassea lire you? Call and secure aome that will rest you and help your eyeaight- To make the hair grow a natural color prevent baldn-ss.and keep the scalp healhty Hall's Hair Renewer was invented, and has proved It6elf successful. flood' Pill are purely vegetable, and do not purge pain cr gripe. Sold by all druggists. See those stylUh "Qjee-i' 2.00 per dozen at Tinkes. photoi only If you wm. t a li-j smo u calljfor. J. .-, (.h whit) labor (igr. Mrs H J Sowers vlll hold reception Thin gday, Fridiy and Saturday this week in the Millinery ptrlor ol the Ladies Bazaar. All the ladies of Albany and vicinity are cordially invi'ed. Mrs A -hby invites the Ladies oi Albany to come to her Millinery p-irlor, to view her stock of fine millinery. Prices cant be beat. Born, on Monday, Oct 1, 1894, to Mr nnd Mrs Henry Sueaena.ln Albany, a boy. The Corvallis Maeons will visit the Albany lodge In a body on the night of the 19th. The regular meeting of the Rathbone Sisters will be held at their ha'.l tonight. A full attendance Is destred. Baltimore won the National leagur pen nant, New York second, Boston third, then Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Chicago, (Jlnclnnattl, St Louis, Washington, Louisville. Yesterday afternoon Grace Hardman, daughter of I he county recorder, was playing sec-saw when she fell from the board breaking both bones of one of htr legs. Br Ellis was called and set the bone. The Ladies of the Maccaboe are prepar ing the live drama, "The Deacon, ' and will present It at the opera house with a good cast of local talent In two or three weeks. Oct 19 was tt for ti but the date will nrobaplv be changed on account of I the Blind Tom, also down for thai day. The Eugene Register tay that of lasi year' junior, sophomoie and fieihmen clatsea of the University of Oregon, all have returned excepting five students, and two of these are expected very soon. There re now 103 stitdenisln the college classe '. A match footrace ha been made be tween "Whiskers'" or Trine, of Snilng field and J B Cooley of Brownville fur $400 a side. The distance is 75 jard and the race was 10 be run on the Stewart track at Eugene this afternoon between 2 and 3 o'clock. The Psh ladder at Oregon City is com pleted. It plan of consiruction consists of poo's blasted in the so:id rock so that the fish can pas from one 10 the other, and (bus ascend the cataract. New let the salmon come; but will they. The report Is bcln;? circulated that within a few days the Oregon Pacific Railway will have a line of river steam er plying between this place and Cor valds.thus giving to Salem another direct line of transportation with San Francisco. Saiem Journal. Robert "iteptoe was tried for cn offenae committed last May, befote Recorder Henton. He had ridden though the city at an illegal speed and used profane and vulgar language. Fined f$ Alter being fined for driving hi horse taster than was allowed, Robert Steptoe hunted up a friend and the two mer,af:er son.o convi vialty went to the corner of Second and Thurston streets, where they weie refuted admittance on account of plenty of com pany ahead of them. Some profane and odscene language fo. lowed, and the retu.t was that nighwatchman McCUUn. whowaa in the viclniiy took the men l;i charge ar.d steered tbem Into the calabcose. Both plead guilt v and were fined 95 ar-icce ar.d cots, which they psid. T'," lust af,T " John Webber, of Corvallis. has pegged j 5tr -,obn Br-KS 'jing dangerously ill at -1-5 horn near this city, Mr Moore served only two and a half Years as P. M. of Corvallis Mr Semen Mever went t Salem today mlM,re he wi work in oigar sSore . , . , . . , . , J a-T1' n Albany to day from EMensbnrg. ah., and will spend the arinter here- ni 11 i.,-i,,i day to attend a meetiug of the State Nnr- aoraaen's association. Rev P A Moses went to Oregon City to-4 ilav to attend the Annual Conference ct the M E Church South. E H Bryant, of tbe reform chil. was in Albany today after two escaped boys, both from Portland, John W Minto took charge of tbe Police force of Portland as chief this movuing. An appointment that will result in pJeaty of dissension. Mr S M Daniel. Scio's progrewive nser cbant. was in the city today. Mr Daniel believes in printers ink. and uses it liber ally, tie report a good business. Mr ,'ohn Cart wright. who has Ufa on the Populist for a couple years, recently as editor, went to Salem today, and will go to o m T00 " a ,ew . -n.,f 01 r bsj received a letter of E H Burn ham. in which it wa staled that Mr L urn ham had resided then.- two monCis before coming to Albany, and it was desir ed to know the parttcalars of tbe affair. Crawfordsv illc. CuwnBDvtLLE, Or. Oct. 1st 1M. The fall rains appear to have l-us mk for bad roads . Many changes are Wing made here. Three or four families, are moving out but double fhat cumber are moving in. Mr Wina from Virginia ha bought a tract of land from Mr Ireland and is moving on it. Mr Miles Craig and Mr J B Cox nave moved back from Southern Oregon to spend he winder and enjoy our moist clinjrte. J it Wi?nian. tbe Uaiksmith. ha oveti w t-aiw wu.atMi Wt an openinff fcr a otacksmith. This is a ew.1 lcteation nI a large extent rrf country wanting work of that kind done and a rood nnith would ,i0 we v , . ,1" It Lif. 8 Hoajr had tbe misfortune to be badly hart by a horne fallinir on him di- locating bis ankle, and otherwise honing hi"", wnich will confine him for awhile It VV Meecs who ha Iwen sick for o leng a lime propotes to visit Albany and other portions of tbe valley this week "for a change. Fire at Cira-nt's Vass. r-..., .. , , . ...... Graxts Pa. Oct 2. A fire hnjui cut ... . , - . a J,'- ock lat nighl, rtarted m the recr f ?tetleer's old harneiw hop. and prob ablv of incendiary origin, in an unoccupied room. Several liuildiBgs, all cheap ones. burned, and the personal losses were light. Only one building was insured, be- luujfiug m n iiHgr-. aastsai I no iiii?t. log, waa damaKe in movinir Mr Stone household good, and ilrog from use drug store. Six store room were btuxed. five beinir occunied. 1 as a 1 taken. 1 lumber. 1 a restaurant, 1 meat market and ta dental office- Total los not heavy. What's The Matter With S :Io. Ve hear that S M Daniel's cash -store is doing a lively business. He certain!, y must be selling goods at ven low prices, other wise people would not buy no libera Hy as we near tiiey are doing. We notice also that be is not afraid to advertise and U people know he has something to sell wants tbeir tnde. tthe and 50 CSTa Isn't Much But It I a gt kkI deal these days. Two of theoa make $i and ten $5. That's more. Go to Parker Bros with these 50 cent pice et when you arc after groceries produt and baked goods and you will find tr .e investment the best to be secured ;in the cltv. Blest be the ties that bind The people to this store. Good ireatrnent, tresh good. a6." an expert bak'.r doe the business. My firt invoice of Jackets has arrived. l.adic coatK. and S K You mo W 0 iVisley, piano tuner, from Portland will bo in the city for several days. Orders for tuning may lie left at Hodgus & Mc Farland's drug store. v WILL & STARK, the jeweler. Ladles cheap shoes. Good wearera and v.-ry nest. Atft E Ytwso'i. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Cold Mtdal MlrWriattr Fair. San Ir'r.ndsca. Don't fall to attend thegTand display of millinery at tne Ladle Bazaar thlt week. Everything new and veiy latest stylea. Aiitua, Marlter. ''Vneat. Sle Oata, 22e Flour, 13.00. Hatter, 20a. EggB, 18c, laird, 12 to V.: Pork-hamM,tS(iifi. ;ahonldt un,!l;io lOej rnnr. II to 18c. ' " Hay, baled, 97 o atoea, 25'. Apple , 4T Sknsiulk LjAWYkhs The lawyers asso ciation of Salem met yesterday, among those present lioing Judges Burnett and Hewitt- They discussed legal matters and Wisir discussions will bo a surprise to somo who Ihirk lawyers want to cinch every body. Ihe Journal says: Tho general trend of the discussion was to reach the most feasible way of making litigation less expensive to the parties and criminal trials loss expensive to the taxpayers. Both judges expressed the determination to set trials at positive dates so that witnesses would know whon to be present, and to see to it that cases are tried at the times for ', which they ore set. This will probably do away with continuances for llimsy excuses and will make lawyer and client certain to lto ready with their testimony. A Live Place. Accounts of live places are refreshing thse nuiet times. The Marshtield Mail tells of one: Capt Dun ham came over from llamlon on Monday and reports the town as lively Iteyond ho lier On Friday night id W H Thomas' hotel one hundred and seven took supper, and on Monday aiout 40 itersona came up on the Anteloiie. The black sand mine men are m'ttini? readv for onerntion. nnd it t. reported that the private secretary of James 1 inn, inc ruiiroau uiuuuitie, was m iiandon last week. The woolen mill jmt receiied a new order for 1000 blankets. Dibciiamgkd. I'pon examination by Justice rreerlisen Mias 1 1 anta wa- dis charged. It was said to I- a family affair. rautiiy anoint ;.receeu uj seventeen gjaeses of liquor are not gendly pleaant ones Mr Danta is probably all right when sober; but according To the stop; ; of Mrs Danta, heard by the Man about loan, not when ginned up, and tbe man who pay 5 and 10 cents each for 17 glasses of liquor in a day will not have much left for hi family these hard times. . a iiixiw tut it OUTKK -11 il Stones drye? near Cotvallis, is proving a success. Mr Stone writes the Di.mim at that he has already dried 1800 bushels of, run ning three out of ten days, and haa about 1000 bushels yet to dry. The dryer works with great success, doing even work. It will pay interested parties to M how it works. The process producas splendid re sults in the quality of tbe fruit. The Man about Town baa received a Spring- Valley, Minn., paper wbirh tells how the cyclone atrnck that city recent ly. The cone-shaped c'oud came from the eouthwet,and without warning struck the north part of the city and demolished exeryuung nth which it came in con taei 1 t'e moved Witts llarnt- nmg rapidity and had come and gone be- j Since 1S80 the Paten'. OJSce ha zrai.icd fore people conld realize what had bap-! J.$oo patents towonen,. and in New York pened. It waa heard two minutes before City 37,000 women support their hus it atrnck the city, but people mistook it ! bands. for a freight train and batd no attention to the r.oise. They wece therefore Ulen practically unawares and no one had time to think of seeking safety. 1 ne lottags on tbe tr-?s i duipperin g. but L- Hie. are fc-re in profase abundance "' a;ouS ' Introduce more of the Other things may die, but they bold on ( ongter. Forty pairs of nightin with a pertinacity worthy a better cause. I le hve already beea oroered from The Chinese should study their habit and j Europe, and will arrive nere within a imitate their other qualities if they wnt They were cogr.t to It fall In to whip the Jap. Salem Journal. The ! ,he Harts mountains. The society has flies left Albany ome time ago. Sorwn ! made arrangement ta receive 35 are no larger of any use. There are ao i pair of rrxcklng bbd from Chicago ia fie on ut. W are clean. Pague wesuber fiag said rain today and we have had tie best weather of the season, a lovely day. If Mr Pague would predict at tbe end of tbe Jay far the preriou day be would hit it ofteoer. As it is. any one watching the wind and barometer wruid strike it oftener. Hoax. On Sun. lay Sept. 30tb. in Pen- dletoo, to Mr and Mrs Omar Hendricson a boy. The lact that 1 iocs :'i ,ar;ai:.i a. once 'airly tried, becomes the family medicine, j speak volume lor It excellence and 1 medicinal merl:. Hood' Saraparila I Nature' or.'-worker. Hoxad' l!i becotse the favorite cathartic with ever y one whotrlcs them rva'i; frM Oct. 2. The J HANOI! VI ar.ti-ion.-ign feeling at Peking is increasinsr houriv. and the a-rtlivtritics? find it difficult to re- i press outbreaks of the Chim-se popula- lion. leading Chinese rrproentatives ; at Peking fear if tbe Japanese march up- j on Peking, the capital will bo captured, j as the Chinese soldiers gathered Ut d- i fend it are duwatistie! and unre liable. . It is reported l.i Hurt t hane bast re ceived orders not to proceed to Cores. wfcai m in mu as? New Yosac, Oct. 2. Senator Hill held a conference todav with tii-orgv B. M Ciellan, E. L. Kidjreway. Oeneral Wiley and Clerk De Forest. At the close of tbe conference Hill ami Pe r'orcst left tbe hotel tcsethcr. To reporters Hill said: "I must decline i- say anything of a political nature." Da F'orest, how ever, remarked -. '-Tlie senator has not yet acrejttcd Cie mtiiiination." Klicumatism :J !)p-pi.i licved. Kc- Bi-otxjarT, Q -, Spt i0, 1S94 - I ave tken llJOd'a Srpsri!la sn 1 it fghMt me a good appetite and enabic me 10 l.-ep w1. I have xxa troublrd witk rheuma tKm and djaoepaia E.iJ Hood' ai, ba rilla relieves me. At-RRt Fucaufcca. Hood's pill cure ick iieadschc. M r W (,i fiord Nash!roive to resu-ne giving lessons on th Albany on Thursday afternoon, and pi-idsv morn- ingoteac1- week. H" wi l be lounoat thtreiMtti:eol Mr Willi Nalt. corner of Fourth and Montgomery rct. where term can be aacerwuned and arTS-ijc ments made. Mr .V Gifford Nah has recently reterned from a coure of nearly lour years tady at Ilpaig. Germany ; one ver in l! conservatory, sno me rest 01 the time as a private pupil ol Herr Pro fessor Krautc. School Shoes. My :ock of sltoe in medium and cheap grd? wa never bet ter. 1 have added eotr.e new lines and Invite inspect-. ". Every pair (fuaianteed and wilt be repaired free of charge i they rip or are Imperfect in any way. S E Vet; so Winter Is coming and jou noild have some rl,t,s taken before the rainy weather set in. See the new photos at Tinkle . Knit ' Mv stock ht com plete In fine, medium and cheap grace The belt value 1 have ever nsd for the prices. S E Young. Look out for Mr Ashbyt fall stock of millinery Wil; At Stark keep up with the ttmesln the latest styles ol jewelry. Vou wili not mi it If you call on tbem for anything n the jewelry tne. See my novelties in mens fine shoes. S E Yocng. Bartielt pears at the Pot Office grocery Choice Crawford peach :s by the box at the Post Office grocery. Clean towels to ovary customer at Viereok shaving parlorr. Baths at Viorecks shaving snd hair i nttinn parlors. The bec'.lrasat oo!Io in the oitv st C nal Iayer a Hot Bath and warm rooms at Veilck' (afrwiving psilor. ft lot bsths st Verick's shaving parlor. Steam Laundry t a nome la atltu Mini ft I a pood one. It doe bctte Kovi. than I done at the washee houcs In l. limn inn it is rheaucr ihan ihe a aatit.i. linnit. THa m,iiiv rt&ld In the Steotx laundry ia spent In Albany among .. . ' -. . ... 1 . . 1. -wtillc people. iu ptittuiiiAc .Stcasr.l-aiinorv r A two large stove for sate, inquire at vencat oaroer anop. Toskine for the blood. Take Toskine liver pllla. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Oystere, oysters, oysters. Where 'r At V H Pfeiffers, Hroadtvlbin St, I'iastem and Qlympla, served in atyle, at all hours. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dr H E Beers left this noon for Waueo on a buLiness trip of a few days. Mrs Lottie Hunter has begun a suit for divorce against her hu.-Land. A K Hunter. Miss Nona Irvine returned tlr.s noon from a trip to Cunby, where her step-mother has been suffering from a serious burn. Col Frank Parker, of tho Walla Walla Statesman, was in Albeny today on hio wav to his goat ranch near Toledo. Married, at the United Presbyterian parsonage, Oakville, Oct Snd. 1894, by Rev A M Acheson. Mr Josiah LeLn and Mrs Flora B Rtitledge, all of Linn county. Or. . . ' Judge O M Denny, who is at the Hotel I'end leton, i the gentleman who biought to this country the Mongoliaa pheaw.nt wiiieh has been called after bun and is known as (he "Denny pheasants." By resolution at the last Mate editorial Asso ciation, the editora with one acord agreed henceforth to call it after Judge Iienny. cndleton fc O. I hev all broke their word. for not a paper in the state chIIs them the Denny pneaeant regularly, though Mr Denny is certainty entitled to the honor. HOME AND ABROAD Blind Tom Oct 18 Teacher of vocal and Instrumental mtiilc. Mi Untie M Warner, corner 4th ar.d Elhtwonh stieet. Blind lorn Oct 18. -Tho Deacon" will ' be presented by the Ladies of the Macra- nee jci 19 intended at nrt. j 493 men in Portland have already pld ! $, s ,nd each foi their dou under tl e ) r ew w, e,ry a 0f ,,cm ktcring. ! 1 t,e tcmer Scotia tailed from Yaquina ! a '''K '""d f Pioneer stone, P" fteamer Pac!6; Oast will arrive In a ,ew "d sail on the 9th with a big I IoJ- Late advices from Australia tell of the discovery of a nugget at Coolgaidie which weighs 1 ounce and Is worth 3o, 000. it Is atS to have been taken from a reef, tr.e whole face of which glitters with gold. The wonderful find ha crested In excitement and attiacted a tumult uou rush to the rtch digging. Jim C.rbett at least has tot of sand. He offers to fight all the big heavy weights of the country, Fiml-nmons. Jackson, Smith, Maher A-c one at a time lor a week, and will quit then for sood. Women continue to be heard from, fo thta country 1 500 women ate piacttng medWne, 175 presetting the so Del. more ) than 6,oso managing post-cfficcs.and oirer M.nao.00.1 rirn ltuani. lnrnn,.. The socVty for the importation of song bird Into the 'te, whkh espendtd about faioo in :Sqi-03 in Introducing birds here, ks been ro much gratified at the success which attended iti firt effort Fejmsrv or Mar' Jury List. FoLisrui U the ptnel of the names of pe son drawn a Juror for the October term A D 19. tbe Circuit Court of tbe state of Oregoo. for the County of Linn, to meet on tbe "J2tx! instant together with j lhair refidc-ncc and occtpaliou: ami: occrrsTtos Matt Scott. SUxkuun. J kicKonkie Fanner. Kta;lalC!.-tK Albany I rta Le banco Maj Seio Shedd Huriaborg liaise lfamburg terkv. Kcio ttLx-lbara Albany J C Hiiye-J. ' Nelsot Capitalist. Farmer. M Cretan!, i -Faixstr. Nelson, 0 E Holdredge. II M Ugstett. K J Wirioughl v. TVesntw Brandoo, Farmar. E K I ptaever. Capttabk'. J M indiev. Farmaw. JI V Bilyeu. Fsraer M M Ander. Farmer. F B Allen Merchant. J G Boyle. Carpenter. l-lanan Jordan l-elsmoa Uaisey Miller Browner Lie I . ... Lebanon Albanv A . Albany Bow land Albany She! burn Ifalsey Waterloo Scto Sbeibarn Madi.n Calavan. Farmer N M Folli. laborer, Marion Smith. Farmer, VVilUm Hale. Fanner, E A Eran. Farmer, Marion IVtwning. Fanner. w T I MmajajsjajL Fanuer Ali Mathews Merchant. Farmer. Favmcr. Farmer. Clert Farmer. Fanner. F'armer, Men oant. vartuer. J W Wtl-on. W S Churchill. 1 ll Psarce. LC Marshall. B F Titu. John Pearl. C H W hitnev. R HCalavan, C T floin. Here'i- a new tray to draw butine. The Boot ami Shoe Keo rtW tell aUmt it I wa more than struck l-r a simple at:vertiiiienf of a retail ihoe de-i!vr bich i noticed the other day He pend what pcr time he geSs in the doorway of hi ttjre ami to eery possible i-utJottw-r he mile and bow. The recip- i.'nt of tbi courtey. retrarkaUl? in tioee degenerale day, is genet ally as much aur- prueu a wa your numi.te enraai. ami uiy surprise l-d to intTet and interest to careful toottght, and a I allrwanls learn ed it had the same effect on many other, for tbe dealer in question informed me that he had gained many customer by it. It I reported here amor.g the rail-road boy tltat the Roseburg local will be di -cr.:iaced on the firit proa It ts cla'med bv the management that the overland can take care ot all the rssteneers. Thi change wil! , av off quite a number of dc- servl-ig men. Junction lily limes Probahiv nothing in it. Tom VlcNarv. after one lone year of abstinence Irom the "flowing bowl" and he transitorv pleasures thereby egcl:ep. put in an appearance before Record ;r r.ccs venerdsy morning or a charge ot drur.k.whlch ptoved beyond Tom's power ol denial, and hence he languishes In the Libertv street fortress for a period ol ten dav. Statesman. John Schmeer has closed his saloon at the corner oi Second and Liliworth street ; hi license having expired last night. BIaaaSrSaSCSlaaSalaBaF Dr. Price's Baking Powder California, empire of the Pacific, salutes the world. Her Midwinter Fair closed in a midsummer blaze of glory. Second only to the Columbian Exposition in extent, variety and splendor, the coast display was a veritable triumph. Out of her abundance the state poured her treasuresand the nations of tho earth came to aid her in her noble exhibition. Memorable wero the exhibits of gold and silver, of wheat and oil, of fruit and wine, of silk and wool of all that man and nature could combine to produce. And no exhibit attracted more attention or excited warmer approval than that of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Official tests showed it to be highest in leavening power, purest in quality, and most efficient in results of all baking powders made. ; Accordingly, the Highest Award and Gold I Medal were conferred on Dr. Price's at the Midwinter Fair. Thenuphat San JFrancisco confirms thevictory at ChlcaffoThe Midwlnt-tfadrverflrt cites the bestowal of highest honors on Dr. Price's by the Jury of awards at tho World's Colurnbiao' Exposition. , , any WOLVES AT LARGE. Mrs Narcissa White Kinney, president of the State W C T U.dellivered her lectore last nighl, at the U P church to a good sized audience, notwithstanding tbe in eNmeney of the weather. After some pre liminary exercises consisting of scripture reading by Dr Ollie Beers, prayer by Rev Little and a wing by .1 quartet, Mesia Thompson, Hart, Meeie, Sears, Mr Kinney was introduced and soke for un hour in an eloquent und impressive manner. A syn opsis will show tho tenor of Let); address: There aras a time when it'witfbl be de moralizing for women to Lelosiato W C T 1 C's and other organization I T! . t organizations: pat that lime is past. The story of AstofsVbv Washing ton Irving, f he picture of a toother de fending her children with a luusttet from the Indians. Her father bad said: "Juat like u woman." She bad asked as a child "Will nobody come to help the woman." The speaker turned the idea to nso in con- j sideration of the temperance cause. The W CT C for Ihe home- Alcohol on the sj-1 tern; it eats the tissues, poisons the whole; body und demoralizes the lirain. Tho least j child knows the effet of alcohol on the hu- man svitten:. Total abstinence is the only line of safety; tho first glass is the line of tnger. 1 he :sew ork lribuno once said mnkennes liis at the center of all social i ;m I national mischief. A war betneen capital anil labor must always bring disaster. I ue lab rrr, today he 11 at work, tomorrow , on a strike, the next day a tramp, always ! homeless. Above all the drink habit is at ! the bottom. Let every wage earner have a home and be will be law abiding citizen. Why i it that though he receive te highest wage in the I" 8, in the world the wae eainS in live year has not a cent to nhow for it; ' simply on account of the enemy of the lalior-; ntr man, stroBsr drink, bu nsoat deadtv foe. Thousands last winter without bread to eat, j and wheat cheaper than the cost of pro -; unction hy. U- ause of whike-. You 1 can't regulate most lay a bounty on their scalps. Tjday Oregcn is abso- j 1'iteiy asl.j-ri 011 the tem iterance Question ' Have vou heard the news. In nointei lan-1 guzge the speaker told how prohibition was getting a hold in tbe world from Canada to Norfolk Vfl Ti e !w1!nut vaa elrapd l.v I the recitation of a poem full of prohibition J MOB Oakville. Mr Wilsou White of Newport parsed through here it week, be is sellitg fish. T C Jone and famCy and Charlie llavis and family left yesterday. The for mer goes to Neliraska and the latter f o Iowa. The will probably come back a soon a they ran nkke enough to get back. d nniri, ,L , Rev P B ilium, of Philomath preach- ed here last Saubath: his subject was' Infi- debty" Mr W is a very able lecturer. 1 ne oeuntv cters ami nt lamuy attemica senice at the I f CLnrth Oakviile last SabbA. Dr R A Jayne passed through here hut wcec. He is doing well, has a large prac tice and drives a five hundred dollar horse. Doc is Coroue . J W Barton waa hare tbe fore put cf tbe week on business. Prof Smith the "Anarchist" puts on style; he drives a fine horse and covered oi.ggy and wear, blacked shoes: but be should be more careful bow be tie hit horse, last Monday be was compelled to walk home in tbe mud. Smith tbe merchant has a pet frog, of which be is very prood. Anicts. Dont tail 10 attend fie grand ditplay oi milliacry a: Mr John N Urfrran. Tueay sod Wednesday October a srd 3. Pr.ces to suit hard lme. See the new tslajan enamel photos at $1 and 3 50 per dozen at Tinkles. Are you good looMasj ( If not go 10 Tinkle sod h Hit irake a good looking pnoto 01 yc-c. and rr.isc ,t iikc you 100. Wlat is the uic ol paving S4 Sc $5 for photograpris thecs hard litres, when vou can get .he best for gi A - 50 at lir.kics. ! Mr Pariith has her fa!! doe cf Isll mluinery and kindly invite the ladies ol i A-taapy and vicinity to csl! and inspect the aaine ntvt Mondar a Tuesdav Oct first and second. Mr A Ercckatsv, artlriluai tet medium j , vl c.i. ,u between 3'd snd 4th. irtngs from 9 am, to 6 p 13 dai'y, go and bear from nar ,r!i Ir'e-J. . The M BaU i 1 ! avc tr-eSr dlsnlay I olfal winter ml inerv cn Frtday n,l Si. n'tr , All lhr - nd btrdy. as acd jyh. A.t the isdle a.e inv, ei to caD. ' , Every body likes the new P M at Cor raliia, but tbe t.e? a; :-rs can't btlp giving bim a lies because he is not band some. The Pendleton E O batches tbe following: With Bob Johnson aa post master of Corva lis tbe people of tbat town will run some risk in determining whether they are standing before the de livery window or Bob Johnson' mouth. Bob haa a big mouth and along with it a great big heart and a gen cross eon!. T"ber3 ! aaaea Ctt: in ccetira ot the eoantrr tfcaa a!! ofhrr daKSH put tofsSlMr, aad uat :1 tbe last ! tun wa nppod to be lEvc-creble. For a jr". it r ao.v yearsdocor pro- na local t waaae. -J prcnb t.vai reran! if local tre . nd H cwaa.t-.:v faiUnclo crre wiia tmra". . pa-oposmocd it utearable. Sci ence baa proven cslajrh us b a comtttatioaal itiaeaae. aad. thrr' 5.- . --n'm t-caatitutx-sal tuatiiHiit. Bali Cau.-rt, Car., asaatatscssrvd by F. J. Cbener Co..TcWd.Ohkt. inbe on!y coDstitntioaad cure 00 the mertut. It I la tea internally ia amt frota lOdrrs 10 a learpof tnl. 11 sc. dircetty cu. - surface ot tbe tr.icr:. They. C-r osc fcun !mi dktllr for acre a- to car. Send tor ctrealart aad Mstisaeniat. A-ktrtss. F. at. CHE: :. SUhiUMtiW at-geid try Drai.. s. Tiie I.stb-t Nrws is that Julitia Grad wobl is doinc Itm-ine; in his new quart ers, the old Post Office and Odd Fellow's building and Opera House, ami to give an introduction to his new store, he will sell tbe following goods for net cost only. 1 box full weitrht Savon soap S3 et. '2 boxes French -sardines 25 ct- Oysters lOcts per can. Arbancle and M coffee 25 cts t, and all otb -r goods sold as low as. any house on tnis coart. Tue CnicKSBist' and tbk Harpmax Piaxos Tlte m&m B Allen Co. 2U Fimt St. Portland, have the exclusive agency for the sale ef the above high grade piaros. Whv ntit buy tee beat? Write for pri-t-s. Cash or installments. Dr G W Mas'on, physician and surgeon. Calls answered prumptly In city or countiv. Golden Honors from the Golden Coast ...for... KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment, when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting; tbe world's best prod nets V the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of tbe pure liquid laxative principles embraced in tbe ; remedy. 8vrur of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, tbe refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and! permanently caring constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on tbe Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable subetoice. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drng giu la CO cent bottles, but it is man ufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not t any substitute if offered. New Advertisements. FLOUR. Red Crown,6j cent per sack Jeff-n son, 60 CenU per sack, Red Crown Graham flour, o lbs, 15 cents, Jefferson Germea, 10 bs, 20 cents, at A B Mcllwains.,,.- , , : A I ?J 7 &I ,D th iV next twenty ds, st s nsrg is. my, , begey Da harce. Eoqoire cf A it ; Ac.. n, OAvi'.le, Oregon Time will h 1 glveo with spprcved psrer. REMOVAL NOTICE. Will & Stark Are now in their new store in tbe Cuaek Block, where they are prepared to meet the want of tbe public with the finest line of jeweiery. silver ware, clocks, watches, etc, in this part of tbe state. Fitting eves with glasses and spectacle: oy r-rot a fctars, graduate ot the Chicag r .1 t y,t - vpinaimy wouege, a specialty. WARNiKC- A I peruos ind !3ied to Wid Bros sad Wilt ft Link, whose nrts and accoaata are : doe, are requested to call at Will's Mnic Stwe jai tt. Your acccntt t have besa carried over a reaaoaab'e leaatfc cf time sad w shall deaiaad car jart da. ; ANTED. To exchange nursery V V stock for a t xrt v oua - work bone lo weigh from ISO to 136 lbs. vpplv to Browne'! d Morrison at tbe" slbany Ner-erieij. POTATOES-- . n.iv , . 11 ij in I-i aaeii wmlB o'T centa per bushel. I r"Ss i .i.ub Kwaan. We will give Jk f10 srd ti whosrer will ast give fma-e 04 iK-a- rr a ptanoorj -e la-i'DBJ t w Daw woo a ta." u R,a-.mor vour name will not ! t menv-oned lo the custom. r. Who takes the neat reward The Wilkt B Aunt C. j 211 t int St Port and Or J ASTED.A Livery stable ! once nee corner MS wt'l bo given to any person wbo but is and operates s nab o f r ibi purpwe. Addns Stab!, in care ef A.baay DBXOcaaT t trnnsa. . iwvi-ti, rtP Best ivwwroF Decora The Truth cf the matter is that our stock is simply immense. You see design in Nature, but you tee positively the largest number of new. striking and artistic designs in our display of seasonable wall papers to be found anywhere in this part of the State of Oregon. Every succeeding season brings our patterns worth seeing and designs worth throwing away. We skim the cream in choodni-f our stock, and the result of the siriniming for this season is 16.000 rolls in different designs. It's as easy as picking a quarrel with a crank to strike exactly what will suit your room and furniture from such an aggregation of novelties as we are show ing at 15 cents a roll and up. J A Cvxxixo. 11 C Watson. Laither ITliiei WATSON & ELKINS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office First National Hank building Bu 1 i:s ii?;i'i 1 1 :il ne prompt and careful attention. J F.RFO YATFS, ATTORNEY AT LAW"- Rooms 25 and 26. Strahau Block. Albany, ', Ungon w ale at n t' t bard' times pioe.ltir. price Mas vramED with $150 t lm- a business and travel which will pay . f.-om ? s to . 8 pet dvy. A good thi ng tof he right roan; good rest n given for selling. Call at room l Mrs Beatty'a Kl!w.rth St betweeu SrtJ and 4th B ANK Or Hit'lO, OIO, ORK03.N. 1 1 It aa l ... . . J MI'S . A '.' Jon llrvJ, Weak. Nervous. Mcansjhrtp ire blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The only way to cure 1 to feed to feed the nerves on pure blocd. Thousand of people certify that th best blood purifier, the best nerve tonic and s'rength builder Is Hood Sarsaparilia. W:iat it ha done for oiheis tt will also do for you. Hood's Cures. Nervousness, loss of sleep, loss ot ap petite and general deb-ltty all disappear when Hood's Sarsaparilia Is persistently taken, and strong nerves, tweet sleep, stron;; body, sharp appetite, and In a word. heaV.u and happiness follow the use ot Hooi's Sarsaparilia. The str.iMsr point ab jut Mood's Sarsa parllla Is that they a e permanent, becaus phev start from the solid foundation o turi'ned, vitalised and enriched blood. Albanylnsararjce Ape) We have had over even year exper lence In the Home office and local inur ance butinet,and can guaranteed suranc written by u to be properly looked tiler. The following la a partial it of comptnie represented by ut; Foreign No-lh Brill1. Si Mercan'.ilt Norwich Union Phoenii, London, Man chester, Guardan, Sun, Caledonian, Lon don & Lancashire. American Continental of New York, Westchester of New Yojk. The Cor,t! nental of New York and Manchester of Englsnd, write farm business, taking note lor the premium, with ample time la payment. We reapeclluily solicit anj good butine. Office opposite old pcb ofEce. j j M SENDERS 0. R. k I CO. E. McNEILL, Becriver. TO THE E A'ST . : v e : nix 1 tioicz or TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY low kates to all eastern; kitie OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DiTS SAN FRANCISCO For OB AIiltEfcaS: fali dctait call ca W H BCRLBUBT. Ges'l Pas. Accsl PORTLAND, OR. Oregon Pacific Bailed rat as clakk. Kcier Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Ta qasaw uc 8aa Fiwin. ncm s runn mil Ft by a, Jbrtsi S. 12 is. aaa ft nvaa Ts'irti. HwtB.a Fti Sua. tin i The Company reserves Uie njrnt w ante saUic dates without ztoUce. For freigfc: and passenjper vies srpiy o any gept. , Ctua J Heecn. C . . c-5 zwtct sc Sss FraaetsceOI t1 Onpr Star Baker f nad First .- CGKGA5 hv.b, mmi er, on. it a1' rat lit. v'ntsar, re3 'rsit. Tcfcacts, ttjtsr, efler. Ma. (tcr-a-at H. itaiessaai-. VrKe.! (l;i spiee . Tr tte.. VWTtk.a -t ls k- pi is ctr niinj uhI (vcry Kan, Bh cuts pnee pfat (or i I . L KINDS OF PRODUCE a. K. BIDS. W. 1!.IS sn. d. h. jasii; ALBANY FDB1T01 GO, CO Miimrt litxk. FURNITURE complete line of UNlE&TAKIMti in all its InMkpi EMBALMING ty Residence cc Sr-.l ar.d Calaroeia MttKKV, U.K. l-hykian aJ Sa?s,!. OfiSki-CftSaiis awr tkt Baatk at Onqa-tta. RaSKlaocu. wrmr lh -U OaiaK- LACKBURN & SOWERS ATTOENEXS AT I-.AW, All legal matters will re-.teive jaomnt at tention. Oltiiv, First.Xi'tlSnal Baik building, tip stairs. POULTRY MARKET All kinds cf game, fish, poultry, clams, crab, cyueta, etc. Opposite Keveio Hoes. Ei St-Hitssa. Red Grown Roller His. (incorporated) Bot flour .oir" use BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. WALLIS NASH, ATTOHNET AT LAW. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Office First Nat'l Bank building.AlbaDj-. Oregon. F)R BAKU A INs lr-al atate a I Irs or e ill on James W C -r dwell A 0 1 fleison.