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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1894)
flfmofrot. mmm VOL XXX. ALBANY,ORLGON, FRIDAY OCTOBER 5, 1894 Knterr i at Be Vot at Albany. Or., as Becaad.f'lass Mali Malleri )TIT t VTTIi,FaMUfeer .ad Praprletarit SO 9 W. L. Douglas $3 SHOE IS THC BET. NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOVAN, r Ktncna tnemcuxv wmj. VFINEGAlf&IOUKAm 3. V FOLIC E, 3 Soles. , EXTRA FINE. 2.L3SBOYSCH0dSH0ES. LADIES w2 Ml BesTC SEND FOR CATALOGUE l-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. YM no Tf MnfT fcv pnwhaBiu W , we lire liie largest manufacturer of advertised shoe hi the world, and guarantee the value by stamping: the name and price on ttoe bottom which protects vou aeainst hieh prices ana tne mioaicman s proms eoual custom work in style, easi Our shoes easy fitting and wvarinr qualities. We have them sold every where at lower price for the value (riven than any other make. Take no substitute. IT your dealer cannot supply you, we cau. Sold by THE t . E BLAIN CLOTHING CO Otis, Mass., Jam-jrv 1st, 194. Messrs . 8. C. Wells A Co., Le Rot, N Y.: O KjrrLaTfKN I have tried many d; Be re n t ki iida of medicine without receiving any benefit, and had given np all hopes of any cure or even re lief. I was troubled with constipation for years antil I was a total wreck. Finally it ran Into rheumatism and other trouble, and have been, confined to the house (was in bed for eight Booths) for two years. I have been using your Karl's C'loveb Root Tka, and find that it has Bone me more good than anything I have ever tried. You are perfectly at liberty to use my name as a testimonial, as I am glad to know that I have been the means of relieving others. Very respectfully, Mrs. W. P- Wubdsx. for Infants " Castoria is so well adapted to children that Vyomfrfcsarl it as superior to any prescription rn t Bsw" H. A. JLacar, TS. D., Ill So. Osford St,, Srooklyn, K T. i of 'Castcrla U so universal and tg merits so well known I hat it seems a work X aripererogation to endorse it. Few are the It families who do not keep Castoria I easy reach.' TSeVT York City. The CxsTAra Va The Oregon ".vVUfi it; home BJk3J3fflMt.- - - ue Gray BlocL, corner Liberty and 3flBs, .asswBaV MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 0 acre lota at $50 to $60 per ere small cah payment long tinic? on balance or particulas FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers -:- and - Enibalmers. WE KEEP constantly on hand a fu!l llr.e of rr.etaitc. clMtJ snci wood caskets at coffins. Also burial robrs and suits, in Hcadclctb, -s'ii t tr,tts which will be old at The I.owom I. .sine ProStn. EMBALMING nd tne rwopwear of the dead a specialty K0 EXTRA, CMRCfc FOR ALBANY - - MASONIC As Many Pounds of Sugar. or a Dollar, and every thing else as cheap, as at any sU. in Albany , at Julius Gradwohls New Store. -vtthe corner of Second and Ferry strjetp. Call Hi r our groceries and crockery ware. ulsnls, wblcb lead to y overexertion, vou . ,i,cre,eruifn. vousbidi errors, exec., ve m .J--, poetei. si per dox,s ror wo, by mall pripuM i,vr wrlttea suarantrr to eure sir refund tin TSToas asd irf all IslauT Kor sale In A I han r tir-j,. by J r A . t i ; m m I ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOISEPH, Proprietor. ' "As oirt m thobilla"aM never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f million. Simmons Livr Kogu- - wv , bttor 13 t l;tor i3 the luev jodicino t o which you can pi.i your faith for a cure. A mild laxa n ian tive, purely etable. a n veg-uet- Pills ing di reetiy on tlio Liver D n d Kid- Try it by all Sold ' imiU in Liquid, or ia Towde. : taken dry or made into a re. Tlie Kin- uf tj.rr Mi-dtcne. -1 ame u-.-d vn:irim mints l.i r HesTtt isw sjiO ran nUOsnty say It Is lb MtBvBfafl sr -r BMdMnaa. 1 consider It a BMtHNBati 1 'I. H-vU.--UBO. W. Jaobv ux 2iMi'i.. WuKliinelon. swavaai PACKAGE nm -s-rwupsru. u. x. c wss?'s ravx airs naDx tssatvxs? is sold under positive written guarantee, by authorised agents only, to cure weak Memory ; Loss of Brain and Nerve Power. Lost Manhood: Quickness: Night Losses; Evil Dreams: Lack of Confidence: Nervousness. Lassitude: all Drains; Loss of Power of the Generative Organs in either sex. caused by over-exertion. Youthful Errors, or Exeeaiiva Dse of Tobacco. Opium or Liquor, which leads U Misery. Consumption. !tii and Death. By mail, II a box; six for JS; with written sroarantee to cure or refund money. Ham pie package, containing five days' treai with ran instructions, x cants. One only sold to each person by mail J A Cummlng, sole "gent, Albany. and Children. Castoria tours Colic, One. Jtpsrton. Socr 5tcnck, IHarrhcea, Emctstton. Kills Worms, gives sleep, ejr j-rotnntrw tf Without injurious TancJAiSos. Tor revoral years I have your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue u do t as it baa Invariably rroCooed rsnsflrla results." Ebwix F. Paanax, M. D ISKi Uact tsd 7th SBSW TsrV Csty Costist, 77 Mcbbat Sew Yobe Crrt. Land Co office at. - OliltSOO. T State stteet, branch in Port' HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE - - OREGOf fin NEW aa, MANHOOD RESTORED t guaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, such as Wi-au Memory, Ixws of brala rower, Heedaebo, Wakefulness, Lost Manhood . Nliilitlr Kailsslous, Nervous. ueBB,ailuralnsand!osof power in (ieuerulive i trtr.' of either Hex call d InHrmlt?, Consumption or llmunll opium or sum y. Can tin carried In With a order we J or refund Hsa money. iiirusKists. Ai-k for it, take no other. Wrlie ror free Mertli al Hook sent sealed In plain wranner. Iddmu W eHVESKKni:ii.. M,,.. r.mni. I'm. Bold by all ni : and by UOIKIKH a Mc AHI M). Urunglsss. jL?ECTTRST3.:rr Lkrakon. A largo blitck bear jassed through the Swan brothers' born yard, nt Rock Hill, Tuesday, The men were not it home, but Webster Wight informed a neigh bor, Mr Arehart, who got out his gun and dogs and .won overhauled Bruin and ended his journey. J B Thonipkon received a telegram Wed nesday stating that his brother, Jas Thomp son, was seriously ill at his home near (ioldendalo, VI ash., and requesting him to come and bring h is mother. M r Thompson and mother left yesterday morning for the home of that sick brother and son. Jas. Thompson formerly resided in this vicinity, and his old friends .vill be pained to hear of his serious illness. The following passed a given point oa Bridge avenue Friday of last week: Wa gons. I :!ti; loaded with lumbet 4, sand and grivel 4. wood 17, grain 14, straw 6, hay 6, flour and feed 2, shingles 1, melons 1, movers -. balance empties and general markets; hacks 12. buggies 21, meat hack T, delivery hack 10; milk wigon2, carts 5, whwIlKMTOWs 5, dray 1, bicycle 6, road wa son 1, baby buggy 1, doll buggy 4, babies 3, passed on foot, men 156, women :IS, girls 53, boys 4li. children 19: horseback, men 26, ladies 3; also horses led 6, cows 21, calves 1, colts 3, dogs 54, pack horse 1, steam engine and wood saw 1. Uuserva tion of Ona Kstes. AttawcB. Moxbv m Th km. Hugh Finler, who wag down this morning, reports prone drving on hit farm as progressing favor ably. The two dryers are running day and ntftit, and beginning last Monday morning and ending last Saturday night , 1,000 bushels were dried; 2,5t0 bushels are yet to be taken care of. and Mr Fin ley believes the dryers will be able to handle the crop without loss from over ripeness. Seven persons are employed about the drrers. and to at picking. lried, M' Fin'ey believes bis crop will be 70,000 poauds, of which something over two thirds are petite and the rest are Italian The crop of the latter is short. Two or .three weeks alter the fruit is dried It goes into a sweat that continues about four weeks, which will render the product marketable aboat November 15th. Quotations at present for petite are four and Ila'.ians six ,'onts, which would in?ke Mr K.nley's fruit crop oring more than $3,000 Mr .Stone does the drvinc and takes one-tliiid of the croo. Corvallia Times. Thb Orngm Sidk. Mr FrankCampbell says the tersiou of the assault case with Mr tieorge Harris is incorrect, and gives his version of it, which as the Democrat prefers to give a 1 sides of affairs, we publish : "Mr Harris followed me from the school ho'sssa to my house, which I -an prove, ami in my molhe-'adooryard called me a liar and drew hack as though to strike me. I slapped him; bis foot caught on the walk and be fell Re then offered to take hush money and not settle in a court of justice, which I -fused to piy, but paid a fine in the re corder's court. I can prove my asser tions aod he cannot his. I am now ,readv for any further result." Tub Samk Mclcaht. The following from the Salem S La teaman is interesting reacting: rt t Muicaby, well nown in Kalerj society, is now a member the "Slicing and brokeiinst firm of Mu!rnhv Townaend&Co, of San Francisco. A circular letter issued by the firm an nounces its personnel, and speaks of Mr Mulcahyas follows: "Mr Richard E Mulcahy, late general superintendent of the Oregon Pacific Railroad company, was for many years identified with the New York Stock exchange, and the Chi cago board of trade, of which he is now a member.'' It is the general expectation that Mr Mulcahy will become connected with a prominent Salem family in the near laiure. Was it Osk. As we have net given a Lane county stand un for three or four days we pnolish the following apolcrv for one: Will Keeney, of Uosheo. claims to have been held up last eveninit about 6 :30 o'clock, iost north of the Dav block. near Willamette g'.reet, where he had his team hitched, and robbed of two Plied case gold watches and between $0 and 10 in silver. He says the man bad a paper sack over his face for a mask and was quite tall. The officers bad very little confidence in the story, as it would seem impossible lor such an oc currence to happen at such a public place and at such an early hour in the evening, when the slightest outcry ould attract a crow of people The yoangman was e.iinewiial under the in- nuenre of liquor. A Bio Item in wheat raising is storage and sacks, hence the following from the Dalles T M will be of interest: Judge Ruby, one of the most extensive farmers in Washington, cultivating over SOOO acres and having 2100 in wheat this year lias abandoned the use of sacks entirely He will have bis grain carried by ma chmery directly from the thresher to bins containing 1500 bushels, wi'hout hauling. It will there remain until winter, when it will be taken to Colfax and shipped loose in box cars. Hie crop win be about 50.UUO bushels. The Testimcn v is The testimony in ' the case of George M Clark, contestant agt Charles I Tncker, Martin K Tucker and the O Si C B K Co, hasab been taken and consists of 187 pages of type written legal cap. County Clerk Needham will send it to Oregon City where it will be beard by the Register on October 20th. The Pendleton K O continues to shout Debt and laws which encourage debt and sustain the credit system are responsible for the present condition of things. If there were no debts there would be pros perity and progress. The people out of debt at the present time are comnara tively happy and contented. AH laws tor the collection of debts should be re pealed and abolished. Bht V AOA'N.- It is rvmorcd fiom reliable sources that Bert Van Cleve, Coi vaMis informer, a small evening paper is about to star! a dally at Oregon fC'v in partnership with Walter fc. Lyon, the joys sre go jd rustlers and Oregon City with l's laree manufacturing Interests ought to be able to support a liv: little (Jail . Take My Advice. and look out for vour health. Prtven tion is better than cm re, but cures depend largely on r.avlr.a prescriptions correctly compounded and prepared of absolutely fresh and pure drugs. Our prcscrlniiyn department is unsupascd In this country praised by all local physicians an J esteem ea hy the public. We carry a fill line of the standard remedies and medicines and the hundred and one little preparations mat are needed, at the most reasonable prices. J A Camming, Manifold Disorders Are occasioned by an Impure and Im poverished condition of the blood. Slight impurities, if not corrected, develop into 1 5-i iviu nuiMKl, SUi.ll S SCROFULA, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM an other troublesome diseases. To eure these is reaulred a safe anH r.lihl eay iree trom any harmful Ingredients, an-j purely vegetable. Much i It i e moves all imnuritie from the blood and thorough-' ly cleanses the system. Thousands of , cases of the worst forms of blood dis eases nave seen Cured by 8. S. 8. Send for our TreaUta mailed fra to any addict 1 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. FOUND. A ladles hand bag, probably dropped from a wsgon, in this city , Call at Democrat office for the same. Brownsville Happenings. Items are like gold dollars, scarce and long ways from one to the other. Husiness is livening up and merchants piesent a smiling appearance. We think he life is not coming any too goon as the old body of trade uould eoou be mortified The new pastor of the M K Church is expected here next week. A W lllnc's bum and wife went to Al bany Monday. Geo Cox, the nine year old son of l)r Oeo vY Cox, had the misfortune to tall from a hop wagon ' uturd.iv and break is right arm. About a year ago lie leu and broke his left arm. Hop nickinn is about over for this year aid the growers are now wondering nere the profits are to come trom ; a rather difficult and 'serious problem to solve. The Brownsville public schools opened Monday with a full attendance. It is probable that lirownsville will have another saloon in the near future. Before our items find a place iu vour valuable paper we resunie ttiere will be weddiug in our citv, fie licence having been procured. A very pleasant dnce was given in the Brownsville opera house last Friday evening, frot w w Crawford, ul iail- mr.n, was present with hie superb or chestra and furnished excellent music. He is at home in the ball room and makes things lively. Miss Maude Howe returned from Tort- land Monday evening, where she had been for the past week. Some Albanv par.ics are in this city for the purpose of buying the Browns ville hotel. The building is an excellent one and was erected about two years ago at a coet of several :boaaand dollars. Kph Cameron, Brownsville's profes sional sprinter did the state fair, .but toot racers there Peered shy of him. A very Oountiio! and beneficial tain all in this local it v Monday, which cheer; the farmeis, as the plows will soon he running for he fall plowing and the grass will make an early start Born, to the wife of J N Cosbow on Sunday morning a son. Mayor Pilisbnrys wife has been on the sick list for the past wees. M I. tiaroutte is having his residence rroperty raised and an addition built to ie house. Justices P Barger returned from the state fair Sunday, where he had been io the intereit of J K Knapp'a patent gate hich received second award. Mr Knapp without doubt a man of wonderful mechanical genius and has now a gate Inch will in the future make him a snug fortune. A. Capt Denny, of Yaiiuina Hay, was in the city yesterday rs Sina Cummius returned this noon rom a several weeks viti; in Portland. License has been issued for the mar riage of Marion Needham and Miss M I. Bland. Married, on September 25, 1"W. in Al bany by Judge J N l'ur.can, J M Peebles. of Safem, and R M Norton, of Linn county. One of the judges for the special city lec ion from the second ward is Cal Burkhartand notCtj Turkhartaantated by the Dsxockat yesterday. Mrs Naomi Webster, it Bandoo. Coos countv, Oregon, sister to B E I arrisb, o! his city, went through cn the overland this morning in charge of thesherifl bar ing been adjudged insane and crdered taken to the asylum. Mr and Mr E D Sloan and Miss Rum- baugh of Alcanv, Miss Brandenburg, of Salem, and Miss Compson, daughter of General Compson, leave on tonights overland for a tr - to Klatnatn Palis, Klamath Agency and Crater Lake. Mr Krank t'onrklin and Miss Lizzia tar buck, formerly ofthis cut. were united in marriage on Tueeday evening, cpt 25, at San Leandro. Calif. Mr Concklin has rented a fiuit farm near that city and they intend residing there permanently. A worthy couple who have many friends here who will unite in ex tending them best wishes for happiness and ptosperity. A pioneer lady with an interesting history died at Eugene a few days ago. he was Mrs A A skinner, and was one of five lady school teachers sent here from Vermont by the governor of that state in 1S51 with the self-sacrificing aim of civilizing this far-away barbarous region. IJr name was Lincoln, and after teaching school a few years she married Judge A A Skinner, then a territorial judge, who died some years ago. leaving her a widow, which she faithfully remained. Please remember the ansual V M C A meeting tomorrow evening at T:3'Pra and be there If vou are an active member. There are two assessments in tne A O W for October making thirteen assess - xients for ten months Cheap insurance. The Pendleton E ()"s taxes for 189; will be $$6446, when paid, which has not occured yet, the editois sadly admit. J S Cone, a wealthy Red W.uB citllen who recently died.has left a will by which he bequeaths $1000 to each of the eight churches of Red Biuff. The Ladies Auxilarv wilt meet in the T HO A moras on Fridav the a9th at 3 p m. The studies will be of interest this year aod the members are cordially invited to come. The public schools of Eugene opened the second wees with 125 new pupils. which makes the enrollment to date 542. This Is 14S more pupils then were enro leci the second Monday last year. Leroy Kl!ar, a 14 year old bov at Roslyn, pointed a gun at a daughter of R If Martin just for lun. It went off as auns frequently do snd the girl died in a few moments. Mr W (iifforJ Nash proposes to resume giving lessons on ths piauOiartc,in Albany on Thursday afternoon, and Friday morn ing ot eac" week. He will be found at the residence of Mrs Willis Nash, corner of Fourth and Montgomery streets, where terms can be ascertained and arrange ments made. Mr W Gilford Nash has recently returned from a course of nearly four years study at Leipzig, Germany; one vear in tr.e conservatory, and the rest of the time as a private pupil of Herr Pro lessor Krause. Money To Loan. 1 have mo::;y to loan on j good farm land In Linn and Beaton counties In sums not over $3000. No delays in fur nishing the coin . Call on C G Burkhart Albany, Oregon. Also money to loan on city property in ar.y amount. A Temporary Removal. J W Cusick & Co will hereafter be found in the Oregon Bank building nntil their new brick is ready for cccupancy All patrons are requested to call there during their temporary cccupancy of that place. Or. Price' cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Peculiar to Itself. Hood's Ssraanaillll is peculiar to itself In a strictly medicinal sense, In three im portant particulars, viz: first, In the com bination of remedial agents used; second, In the proportion in which they are mixed ; third, In the process by which the active curative properties of the preparation aro secured These threi Important points make Hood's SarsaparlHa peculiar In Its medicinal merit, as It accomplishes curet hitherto nnknown, But It is not what' we say but what Hood's SarsaparlHa does, that tells the story. What Hood's Saasapaiilla has done for others Is reason fir confidence that it Is the medicine for you. JJ a FEIDAT Stii.l Anotheii Onk. Lane county stops its stand ups for a day to give the gun fiends a chance. The (iuanl says: Wm Naylor, who resides at Coburg, was visiting; at the residence if Mr A Wilson, on the Mohawk, about 12 mites above this city. He was out shooting birds, with a double barreled shotgun, jestenluy about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Ho discharged one Inure! at some gnn.e and set the gun on the ground, while nrrunging some thing about the piece, he hus not a very distinct remembrance of just what it was, the other barrel discharged itriking him in the breast. The shot t ruck him near the lower end of the sternum and plowed along through the muscles of the chest across over tin heart and lodg-d in the muscles in front of tbe left shoulder. I.tlckily not a shot penetrated the cavity of the chest. The charge of shot, the two gun wads and eonsideruVe powder was extracted from the muscles and the wound dressed. Mr Naylor will require careful nursing for some time, but he is exceeding ly fortunate not to have been more serious ly hurt. EasKixa TiigiB Monet. The Wells ror go me.- scngsjri On the Southern Pacific have been considerably interested recently in the report that a general order bad been isuied making c'ircagb 'on between San Francisco and Port! ana. At present the runs are from Portland to Ashland and re turn, and from San Francisco to Ashland and return, with a 36-hour' layover at either end of the run. Superintendent Shelby told an Oregon ian reporter that the company has decided not to make the change, but, in order to reduce expense, will, after October 1st. combine wilu the lailroad company to handle all baggaire. Tbe baggage and expresi will be carried in one car. and attended to by the express messenger, who will have an assistant near termini! points. Then the assistant will run as far as Albany. The Ntrtbern Pa cific and I'm -u Pacific have been using this system for some time. T .e messengers 00 the local train have been handling tbe luggaje during the past year, besides assisting in the switching and doing e ther train work. Oniot CoMrjiKtsON. - Of all silly twaddle the worst is that for one city in mis raises to claim to te so lunch more lively than others. Practical y we are all In the same boat, and it tak-s little brains to appreciate this fat. Albany i as welt off and is getting along as well as any town in western Oregon. The following from the Oreg-m City Courier is very slushy at first, though it ends well enough : regon City is lively and full of business in comparison with Salem. Albany and Corral lis. which seem half as'fep The complaint has been made so long and sc. often in these towns that money is scarce that the complaint has become itale by repetition, but it will not .cease until they manufacture more and send 'ess of their earnings to the surfeited Yaakeeland for the thousand and one things they consume Oregon will never become permanently prosperous until it becomes a manufactur ing no less than an agricultural stata. Looks Weu.. In Portland a r.trTcsrpor -dent cf the Times met Messrs Stone and B.-r.ner. who inspected the O P with a view to a purchase last week. To him they said that tney were surprised to Snd tne road in as gl condition and the prospects as faroraUe for a future MKeeasful business as it is. 1 ben are only three men in the syndicate and the correspondent learned that either of tbe three was alone ab'e to purchase and extend tbe road beyond the mountains. They already own a line in Montana. Corrallis Times ou. Acong the exhibitions at the late state fair, that was visited by the curious, was a sort of side show affair, la beled ' The I)wnfaJl cf Man." Wnen be of the curious mind reached the inner sue of the uaiuanglv advertised "Downfall." all that he could discover, we are told, was 'a broken whisky bottle, a deck of cards and two or three pitUires. They do say that m Brenner and Al Moore were among the visitors aod take great delight in telling about it Scio Pn-s. Pbouablt Tot A Lie. Last Friday Thomas Moisan. a young nun SO rears at age living near Brc-ok. went to Safem and drew 9300 from the bank. On his way home, when near the old Gilbert place near Lake Ltbish be was he d np by a man with a doable barreled shotgun. The robber gained nothing, as the money was secreted under tbe baggy seat. It gave Tom a scare, but otherwise he is all right. Gervais Star. From a private eitef from N 0 Myers to his relative in this city, we learn that be is at Kingman, Arizona, and tliat Oie climate is agreeing with his health first rate. It is his intention to remain all winter and perhaps longer in this south ern climate. Jsc-.o t'ress. Frank Fisher, cf alto has a O'd saving machine Fhe non-part . i". ticket has renominat ed L R ElJert for roavcr ol Sir, Francisco. A mar. has been around Meoama taking orders for enlarging picture for $t, which ne takes in adance. The Toledo BSade mm. the Oreecn fair was a blooming success financially tnis year even If times are card Two car-!oaJs of tlax seed were shipped to t'ortland cterdav, b J A a-.d Robert Bllveu. flenrv Ouielev. R l.he!t"n and otners, J A Biheu going In charge of tne consignment bcio Tress. A meeting will te held at the residence of r P utilng tonight st 7:30 o'clock Io consider kindergarten matter Members of the kindergarten association and others interested arc requested to be present A man in Fairfield. Washington, has Invented an attachment to be used on an ordinary bicycle by a hich he may travel whb ease on ihe rail ol a railroad track. The Inventor recently rode over w tnl'es 1.1 tnree Hours. Ex. A motor line Is bclnc talked of between s-coanon ana sodavllle. It would te line thing; but is probably only talk. These four or five mile motor lines gener ally pay. the one from Medlord to Jacksonville pays expenses aod a dividend of good interest, to the stockholders E E McKinney Co have te.000 bush et ot oats stored in the Vance block on second ssieet, and will store over .ooo moie bushc f.' Jo to 22 cents is now being paid. The firm will also run a retail feed and commission store during the winter. Tsiri, 565J, or the Je wish New Year occuis next Monday, ar.d the business houses owned by the believers In that faith will remain closed from Sunday evening at o o ciock until Monday even Ing at 0 o'clock. The fast of expiation occurs vveanesaay, uctober 10. C L tireen, a btlca, N i, man, has Invented a machine for picking hops tne nops arc picaea one oy one and are ciesn and free from stems and leaves. The Inventor found that with his five-section he-can pick a pint a second. This would equal seven and one-half boxes an hour or seventy-five boxes In a day of ten hours. When rravellnc. W.i :'.her oi pljuuro bi.l', o." bo sin -is take 0.1 every trip a bittteof Syru; Flz, a It aits miit p'e,stntly and e fectually cn the kidneys, livet and bowels preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. Fur sale In 50c and t bottles bv all leading druggists. Manu factured by the C&iUor.nla F!g Syrup Co only. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hilr Renewer has restored gray httlr 10 lbs original col. or and prevents baldness in thousand', of caves. It will do so to you. W; DU1NU NUT AVION. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden! Common every day. avjaV" SltiLkY . A fair complexion Is a jay forever. If your slater or mother lg not blessed wltli a smooth skin recommend Pozzon's Powder; recommended by all the leading; physicians and druggists everywhere. BAKING POWDER AWARDS. (Data from the latest Official U. S. Gov't Report on Baking Powders, Deft of Agriculture, Bulletin 13, page 599. From tests made by the Chief of the Chemical Division, who acted as Judge of Awards at the IVorld's Columbian Exposition.) Royal is placed first of the cream of tartar powders; actual strength, 160.6 cubic inches of leavening gas per ounce of powder. Every other powder tested exhibited a much lower strength than the Royal, the average being 33 per cent. less. Every other powder likewise showed the presence of alum, lime or sulphuric acid. Royal Baking Powder has been found by every examina tionofficial or competitive to be the highest of ALL in leavening power, and of absolute purity and wholesomeness. ROYAL Mr Ch Monteith, of Spc-kane, is in the city Casper V.uidran spent last night in Eu gete. Miss Margeria Brink went to Portknl this noon. Miss Ora McFr!and went to Corrallis today to enter the 0 A C. , s. , ... ..... .-irs neorge i-anurem and children have retimed from California Mr George Piper, of the local staff, of the "rcg nian, came up on tbe noon train. Mr It fi I'olton. the insurants man at Portland, one of Albany's sons in law. is in tbe citv. Mrs Logan left this noon on a three month visit with her son Sam, now in bus iness at Trcatdale. Mr li P MtGnire. state game warden. n in the city to.Lv on his war to Pert- land frjui a business trip to the Siuaiaw !': B k. of Albany, who has been a guest of H J Harding tne past wee, re turned to her borne Tuesday morning. Gervais Star. John Minto wa art used uf being the or ator at the first Oregon Mate Fair, thirty five year ago. Mr Minto comes forward and denies it, an exhibition of honesty rarely witnessed. W G Zimmermsn. of Albany, has located a second hand store in this city in the old poatoffice building 1 n 1 street. A hosi er: this kino hat Umg nern needed in this city.- McMinnville T K Mr in I Mrs E E Parris'i runaed from Salem last night and report Mrs Webster. M was taken to tbe asrlum as being much improved and will proUahiy ! dis cbarprHi within a week, when she will come to Albany Mr Daniel Wilson, of Michigan, arrived in Albany this wwk and will remain dur ing: he winter. Mr Wilson is a brother cf Mr Elisabeth Plain, and at least once be fore spent several months in Allsanv. W M llvde. is now in Scio with his pet rified woman. He now carries along with him piece of reck looking lilt the compo sition of the woman, which he shows as having come from the same place iu Mex- 00 it the woman. J A Dammit, traveling secretary of the M C A, arrived in Albany this noon, and will be present to night at a business meet ing at tne nail, at which all tbe members as well as others interested are requested to be present. u isonday air Oumsnit will ed dress a mass meeting of our citizens at "he l 1 church. Richard Rhampvand Hat tie May Broth ers were to be married in Con all is: tbe niarriitge license wr?s secured; but a live. energetic Corrallis woman, who deserves a medal 'raced the matter up. proved that the affiidavit was false, the girl being only fifteen, and Rbampy skipped quickly. Tte Mascnk fraternity will have a high. old time Friday night. Besides the grand officer expected from Portland, the Albany lodg) has chartered a special train and will be here io numbers. Other visitors are ex pected from Monroe, and from the wesLand Indepemlence. A banquet will be serve.! al the i.KxuienUI Hotel. IW covers are IO 1 laiiL Corrallis. Miss LiUie Robertson has returned to her home in Taeoma, where she has been a teacher in the public schools for tbe past year and was re-elected for the coming year at an increase.! salary, laooraa teach era are among the best paid on the coast. the assistant lady teachers receiving as high as T5, the amount received by Robertson. Harlctt, the pilgrim printer, is editing the Tillamook Advocate, while its editor, T B Handler, is in this city attending court. At least the pilgrim's mark appears at the bottom o' the editorial columns. Hazlctt has had much experience and ought to make a success of the paper. McMinnvilleTR. Barney May, a son of Mr Sam May. of HarriUinr. is now traveling for Ditteu- hoffer. H ass A Co. of Portland, having succeeded Doc Hamburger recently deceae ed. barney is said to be the youngest com mercial traveler on the coast; but pie is a bright young man and wi'l make it all right. Dr Thomas E Tynan, of Modesto, physi cian and capitalist, whom the court had declared to be dead ani whose r.w.ow estate had been distributed among his relatives, arrived in San Francisco y ester- lav from Reno He was met at the Oak land ferry by numerous friends, and busi ness associates. He said that ho hail been in Boston all the time since his strange dis'sappearance. Bert Van Cleve returned from Oregon City, wheie he had spent some days sound izssT the nosibilitiesof life for a daily paper. as spoken of in these colums yesterday. He didn't meet with any taugible encourage ment and the enterprise has lieen abandoned. Hetutd Mrs Van Cleve expect a to make their home in Salem during the winter, and he is open to engagements in th enewspaper field. He says Salem ia the liveliest town he has seen in the valley anywhere. Statesman . Notice to Farmers. Having rented the Magnolia Mills and warehouse we are prepared to store lOOOtH.) bushels of wheat and oats. We also have a first class chopper in the house and are making special inducements t- secure storage. See us before making arrange ments for storing . Geo F Simpson G W Simpson Railroad Notice. Ponn.AND. Oregon, Aug. 4, 1894 "Travelers must not fcirget that the O. R. & N. line ia thoroughly repaired and till trains are running without tran.8' fer or delay. Through service to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago; Pullman eleeperfl, fret reclining chair cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and modem day coaches. Call on O. R. A N. agent before pur chasing tickets, or address W. H. Hurl burt, general passenger agent, Portland, Oregon." Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World s Fair rllgbsst MedaS and Diploaa- BAKING rOW OCR CO., 1M WALL ST., NEW-YORK. WILL PAR DO X SAUNDERS. Ihe Oregonian to Uv sap: It can be definitely stated that before be retires from office. Governor Pmnoyer will grant a par don to Captain William Wirt Saunders, sentenced to life imprisonment for the kill ing of Charles Campbell, at Albany, in 1889. Mr George W Belt, district attor ney at the time of Saunders' second trial . has joined, it is understood, in recommend ing executive clemency for Saunders. 1 he pardon will be granted with the express undertanding that Captain Saunders wilt leave the stale and not return Saunders I www ... n ... ....... 1. .c 1 1 1 .t ' i r m. murdering Campbell, claiming be did the shooting in self-defense. Campbell as he lay dying, made his ante-mortem declara tion in the presence of Mr Ceorge Chamber lain, the district attorney, and Dr Maston. saying he had beer.' 'shot down like a dog.' Mr Chamberlain has always refused to co operate with th-se seeking the release of Saunders. He his no id feeling toward the prisoner, and he sijs that when Sann des was convicted and sentenced bis duty as a prosecuting officer ended j but he could not cotucientiousiy join with others in ask iog climency. Daring his term of prison life no inmate of the penitentiary has attracted more at tention among visitor than Captain Saun ders. During tbe entire period he has been a model prisoner I hi ring the sessions of the legislature many of the members and scores of others visited him. nearly all of whom signed the petition for hi pardon, which be would present " ihe pardon will not meet witc favor in Albany. The redruing feature will be tint he is to leave toe stato. Y M C A BrusEss Meettso. Last night tie regular quarterly meeting cf the Young Men's Chr. -:..- Association was held in tbe rooms. In absence of President Crawford and Vice President Foj trailer. Mr E F Sox was seiecteJ as chairman of Ihe meeting. After the devotional exercises the regular basin ass of the association wa taken up and dispcsssxi or. Inis consisted chiefly in the election of new active mem bers, eight in number, and the election of five directors to fill vacancies in the board. Tbe election of directors resulted in the fol lowing choice as tbe class of lSC: Wm Fcrtmiller. Geo S Acbeson. E M H art on. E E Goff and F J Miller The board wilt hold its first meeting and constitute for tbe year, electing proper official? next Friday at 4 o'clock. The week of the association for the past year io many re -poets has been discouraging, but the pjospects fcr the coming year are moth brighter. Clas'ra in gymnasium work will probably be form ed next month, the entertainment com mittee will furnish us with something good in their line, educational classes in book keeping, arithmetic, etc are possible, and in all the coming year is bright with promise in all lines of the work. !.-: -.'.. people of Albany rally to the support of this worthy institution, encourage their boys and young men to make these pleas ant rooms their place of entertainment and improvement. A Pout Holo l. Mr A J Byers was held up by an unknown higriwayman near tbe Dice bridge on the Independeoce and Salem road about 10 o'cioc last Thursday niglit. Tbe foot-na-1 tepied out into the road and stopped Mr livers' team, at the siroe time demanding his money. Mr livers, thinking that he might escape by dodging iato the brush, leaped from his wagon, but before reaching the brush be stumble-1 and fell, and the highwayman was upon him at once, again demanding his money and threatening bim with a revolver, fclr Bvers surrendered twodoilcrs. all the money be had with bim, and ?) hop hecks winch be Usui recently casbsxt. Ihe robber then retreated into the brush, and no clew to nis identity has boon discovered up to tnis writing. Enterprise. Religious Services. The following program will l rendered at the L 1 church tomorrow evening at 7:80 p ui in honor of the jubileo of tht Y MCA: Song service Scriptme Reading Res J T Abbctt. Quartette. PrayiT Rev A B t' pley. Singing. Address, "The Y M C X Idea' - Mr I A Pummitt. Ouartete. Five minute speeches on the Distinctive Features of Y M C A Work. "Body" -Prof W H Lee. "Mind" -Rev R Little. "Spirit" Rev E K Priehard. Singing. Neeelsofthe Work in &lbsnv Bel F. N Condit. J A Dummott. Singing. Benediction. Preaching at the Baptist clum-h in Ihe morning by Rev Jas Sunderland of Oak land, Calif. Tomorrow at 4 i m. Mr .1 A Dnmuiitt of Portland, will addre-s the mens meeting at 1 M C A rooms. All nu-u are weUxime. The gospel meetings now in prognss at the Universal iH cbapei and oondsoled by the Christian church uro progtsting with excellent interet, .lecii inten'st per vades the entire uuvtitig. There have been additions. The subject for tonight will lie "Was Jeus Only a Man?'' Sunday morning the topic will lie. 'Tin- Poverty of the Christ " These topics will be dis coursed on by Rev B F Morris of Portland. On Sunday evening the mbjeet will be. "Who aro we, and why are we bare?" The pastor will preach this service, and conduct the meetings during the coming week. Come and near the kasikI in its purity. We have tracts ami a question box. I'so theui. Several inqutites have been mide about a livery stable advertisement In the Dem ocrat! As It seems to be mlsurkleraooit as published we off -1 an explanation. A gentleman at Aumsville wishes a livery stable at that city, and as an Inducement will donate a good lotjto any one who will establish one there. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Joe Purdom, S P agent at Oregon City is in the city. Mr Frank Campbell went to Brownsville this noon and will reside there this winter. Mr E A Parker a-rxmipacied her daughter and new un-ic law to Mc-Minn-ville today. FH Power, agent of tbe O B A- N Co zt Albany, is visit htsbrotber G M Powers in Salem. About twenty-five Maaoos went to Cor valiu last night and report a great time at th Masonic banquet, an elegant sstead of at least one hundred plates tney treated royalty. lbe Ladies Auxiliary of the T MCA bead a detisrhtfal met-Uu? yesterday after- rsoon 1 a ras M:..-r sras tbe BswBsW BBsl he was thoroughly done by tbe accomplish ed ladies A tbe auxiliary .even his original writing being introduced Some assistan:e was otstained frjm Mr Miller's brother, G M Mifer. of Eugene. Mr WLesr B Alien, the nuaJing and lead- .-. - ' .. ". 5 :rJas5. was ::. tie city tcday on his war home from a visit with his urxte. Mr Settkmier. of Tangent- Mr Alien wiK atart a branch store in Albany in a few weeks. He is a former resident of Albany, ha nag statse business here about twelve years ag. The Eugene Gsustd speaks of Mrs Kinney who will lecture in Albany Tuesday night as follow?; Mr$ Nascaaa Vthite Kinney state rrerident of tbe Woman's Christian Temperance Union, tectased at the M E church last evening to a large and appre ciative audience. Jars Kinney enumsi bsbb in tbe saBaB sAe rsti ssasassnad with rare gifts for speaking, wiwkes her one of the strongest exponents of tensperasKe in tie stale- Mr BSsd Mr Frei Ieno. of Ce.Taffe. srho wen married in this city on tbe 1st bast by I ev J Fred Jenkins, gave the Enterprise c5ce a pleasant call on Wednesday of this week while on their return to Corral! The young couple immediately after their nodding had tne practi -al good sense to en gage employment in tbe Merrill bop yards nrar this puce, lneir honeymoon was passe rl among the aromatic vines where they first made each other's acquaintance one vear ago. Tbe bride was Miss Maud Noef. cf Corvallis. The bridegroom is a resident of Eastern Washington. Inde- pendene; Enterprise. UOME AND ABROAD Willamette University has organ-red a foot bail team srbh Chester Murphy as caplata. A bicycle tournament begins in Po-t-land next Monday night at the exposition building. Oregon CSty te to have a srxje factory. It will give employment to 20 or 30 sen and the monthly output will be $5,000. The tax lew for next year nas been placed at 23 raitls by tbe county court of Douglas countv, an increase of thiee mills and S mills more than the Linn cocntf levy for last year. Dont tail to attend the grand display ot millUerr at Mrs John N Hoffman. Tuesday and Wednesday October 2 and 3. Prices to suit hard times. The Democrat i informed that the Magnolia mil' wLl be repaired and put ia good condition and run regularly, bv Mr Gamber and Mr Simpson, a move that will be an advantageous one for Albany. Last Friday afternoon the special tralr, carrying the R R com miss tortcis, ran into a large band of fine sheep belonging to W W Crawfoid, tnis side of TaHman.killing 21 tns:antiv and wounding 6 mire Time. I II Logan, of Weston, got up or e dark night last week and by the light cf a lamp ms w:te aeid tor tne purpose killed with his rifle a wildcat, which had been making havoc in his chicken house. At a meeting of the Kindergarten Asso ciation ncio ,at evening Kev Little. Mrs Wains ash acd Mrs Wi.liar?. Vance were elected director o succeed vacan cies caused by departure from the cliy. Arrangements are being made for Miss Mabel Brouner. of Olympla, to come to Aloany and take charge of a fcind.Tgaiten school during the winter. J H Fields, of Comstock, Or, advertises lathe Eugene Guard for a wife. Hesavs. '-Ladies, please w rite to me, an honest sincere and rs.pectable young man. 1 am 26 years old, height s feet and in-hes, weight 100 lba, dark nair and b'.ue ey cs I do not use tobacco or liquor . Ladles please write and you will leirn more." Woodburn item in Saiem Statesman : "Liens to the amount of $121626 hae been fried against the brick block ot Ford. Cochran & Mack for material. J C Good ale, the bondsman, will be held for the shortage. W H Johnson of Woodburn and Geo Q Bingham of Salem have been employed by the defendants, aod ihe case will be fought to the bitter end." Mr Cochran, (Pert e) is a former icsldent of tt is countv . Nink St'iTs. P H James, assignee of tbe Bank of Oregon. WbIsxsB jr Elfiins a torneys, hist n;ght tikHl nine complaints, with the county clerk. There is a warm dispute in reference to some of thse axd a vigorous 'Jefence will probably be tnad The defendants in the several suits are : E J Lanning: F ll Merrill; Charles F Cooper and J K Cooper; C II I.aughead; J W Blain and II F Merrill; C 11 W.itson; J W Blain; C II Stewnrt; J:ty W Blain, John laoin, E J Linning and S Barrows. Mr Thomas, the widower who would like . a snitabsB wife, has returned from a trip to ! California mid declares tha Willac.iete valley good enough for him. The Riownsvllle Times protests em - phatlca'lv against any paidon being granted W W Saunders, the murder.'r of 1 Char.cs Campbell. A new Ui oof .choo oats for boy a. and i .iris at the Lad es Bazaar, price 35 cen'a and upward. NOTICE. jOBBoos City, Obk, Aug 8, 1394. Notice is hereby given that the approved plat of surbey of Township 12 South, i'ange 5 Eaet has ljen received from tie Survrsyrr ', oeneral t regon. ar id i n Or tube 10, 1894, at 9 o'clock a m of said day, rai l plat will I be filed in this ':,.. and the Sard therein embraced will be scbiect to ; . fra t n and j after said dafx- f ; 9 8 8 B will be esb i y-ct to entry on fhMU.W 0, at & a io, and Tp 9 R 5 K fi fjcUAjer ia. at 3 a m. k A MlaXfcJi. Kegistei. ! I-aTC Paqcet. Receiver. TREASURE J NOTICE. So', ce is hw;t v givrn that I hsve ih funds nt, taod and wit . ;. all tost'j warrants .-turpe : s-ttv.ooj tn Sep: 6, 1SSM, lafa est onthe ,a.e c tsicg it th-a d-te, the 6 b nay of Sep, 1694. I' O ''Bf.r.-. C9BI t i Trc ssartr. FOSHAY MASON -snstiui an sssirt - DrtiggistHand Bookseller?, i-ei ts for John B. Aldec'a pooiks 'iopa B-jtrfa wa soil at p-bllaker'a prists, w LB A BIT. OKEtsO Care&u sd7raie-MAs cAeai3ed,d-! Paa ) est b-wsess co&iocted 1st MccrnsTr rr-s. 'Ooa tmct is CPPOsm u. a. Pj'tot crvct J k&4 we an secure ; ziez.i is yaa uac iaai laese Son. We sa u" pat&tib or tja. Utx off r.fM'M.Al.llil.lMtlHII'K'L a a Fswtrr, "Bow toObc i Patcea.' w COSX C : U "C : a ... r . - . y-s. wnij sent tree, i t C.A.SNOW&CO. Orr. ssATrsry Osr;er. sVssnnKrrew ft C I Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked 6c Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, Ail Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jirfy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conensers Pain, Makes Has or Beast w0 LE BRUM'S I Smios rrwS. 7 . w:SC S- i-- :a."S". J A Cumming, saie agent, A'hany, DR. FEUX LC BRUM'S STEEL 81 PEHWBl FILLS rirsJind osbj E1ENC1L safeandrw 00 the market. Price LSB: sen; bs (K'suice sold oaiy b J A Cumming. so!e agent. Albany, A B C Brooid s Bfemc-Gsiertj- elsssilfa fars'iw 1 Hwsiscfce. Unus E Lspecss! x inml Nessasu aassl sssssssa. uoa'.auas; ll-wMets. . mM, saais 4snsan w ;.d otW.Ti 1 11, THE ARNOLD CHEaHCAL CO. tSt S. Wester Aveeae, CHlCJtSO- Sold by all druggrtt. B AUK OF sit'lO. SCIO, ORKSON. s 1 1 it . Sllsr . . J Xrst . A J Job L0 Hoot V s IBM USBJssf.lU-J. ! . 11. 1- 5Q.rdi An agreeable iars'iro acd NraiB Tasm SoM by DrugfTisij or rt t- nail o-.ak. BQfi LOQperparka.- gaicplee free. V A wVafn bs iavonte s.VT3 rWSU CBfialn Sweny, rS - Sen ISSSfC,0L, BETS: "Sbiloh'a Caiarrh KenscOj- is the arat medicine 1 nave evor found that would do ass any good." Trice 0 eta. Sold by - rua-sBta, SHILOH'S Cliftf. Tens Obhat Cvruo t Ctrb nror,ptv rv Where alt oi uors . -i- FccCc v nortval; basccred tlwosaeia, r - '1 ."tsj tov.u raceniatune. arts? J ' I CllSIC'a . V Or ALBAM, C TaUMsACTajteu.-- Is W DliaWSl-.HT BV'-' -sea and Po'sj-' Or :...- -i T i aVtVc. uspuubl . OOLLKCTtOS 8 mauu a ttsesssMs . fTKaV3Tjaid en time deoess Wvm rrrTCs - rs. rmnm i --s rwaygMst ttis-ratsi srf 4h m I1!. & n AS PHrv'ENTTVE bv-s-ss- r r vc-w: .m .ttMXtcm!r Cure .cTT- :,r-; cr-sists iiaaat. 4 SaasffllTI