The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 20, 1894, Image 4

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    BeYL'RB. Svdfltfsl,
Of Dd M ;, tnr:, t I-h nn.i.r',lal,i I
I March 23, 1803:
8. B. Mbd. Mfo. Co.,
Dufar, Oregon
On arriving hime last w ck, 1 fouudal
well and anxiously . raiting. Oar little
girl, e gh and one-hlf year old, who had
wa ted away to 88 pounds, ia now well.
strong anrl vigorous, and well Uehd up
8. B. Couh Cure haadine itt work well.
Both of the oaihlren like it. Yoar S B.
Cough Cure has cured and kept away all
hoaraeiioa from inc. So give it to every
one, with gro"tioR8 for allj Wishing you
prosfceti y, wo aro
Yours, Mr t Mr J F Ford.
It . wisu ltfMn and choerfu and read
tor tho Spring's work, cltunse yoursyslora with the
tia 1 1 :i i i . uvjtl'uro, or ana ess or inrs
loses o.-h week;
60 cents p--r i t . by all drucjnita.
it I d -jn-ler'a positive cnaraatee br
".v; rs Yantkd on Salary and Commi-sion
By Gail Hamilton, his literary executor,
with the co-operation of hia family, and for
Mr. tilaine' Complete Woikr, ''TwEm
Years of Congress," and his later book,
"Toliticai. Disopssioss." One prospectus
tor theae 3 rest selling books ia the mar
ket. A K P Jordan of Me., took 1 12 order
from first 110 calls; agent's profit $19S 50
Mrs Ballard of 0. took 15 orders, 13 Sea!
Rasaia, in I day; profit $26.25. E S Rice
of Maaa. took 27 ordera in 2 day; profit
$47.25 J Patridge of Me. took 43 order
from 36 calls; profit $75.25. E A Palmer
N. Dak. took 53 orders in 3 day; p.oti
5.2.". Fxi LrsiVE Terkitort civ en. I
a wish to make LARGE M ON. Y writ
. nediately for term to
I f Oenrv Bill Pub. Co. ,Sorwieh.Cnn
Easily. OBlckly,
Permansnllj Bettored.
and all the train as svna
rratn early error or laaar
aotam. u result of
overwork, slckaess,
wonr.ete. VuU strength,
d.-clcpment and ton
given o every organ aaa
portion of the body.
Sim pie. natural metaole.
Iiamerllate Improvement
arra. Failure Unpoatlble.
S. retarence. Bonk,
ejrptaaaMo i an 1 pi,3 -mailed
,aeak)) tee.
An a-rreeabte Laxative and Nun Tteana
rrugwisxs or sent dj man g
per packap?. Samples Ireo.
fm WO Th favorite 70KB F0V8XI
Car '-ain Sweeney, V San Dieso, Cat
er rr,: "Eiiloh'a Catarrh BftrmMr k Aa 573
medicine I have ever found that would dona
WBTgOOO." mcoaicta. Bold by PryrrrT,
SKILOH'S cure:
Ttrrs Gskat Co car Ctm aiamOfsa
whtreall others fait. For Coaiunpuonitha
so rival.- hss cored thousands, and will eras
xutj, ir ta-cn lntnnc wijTl.w
Truths Sick.
For tlirBA nrsrui v on aha
s,KtL'-S depend on Sulphur Bit
ters; it never fails to cure.
DO YOU SUFFER wi!h that
ti.-ed and all-gone feeling? If so use
Sulphur Bitters; it will cure yon-
Don1 t be without a bot
tle. Ton. will not roTot. it
of a fair face Is a beauti
ful skin. Sulnhur Hitter.
If v.,,. d.-sw .-... I make both.
suffer from RHEUMATISM, use a
DO' of Snlnbnr ttiit- i.
iiiu to cure.
Are yog constipated? u so,
Snlphor Bitter.- U j-gvt what yon need
Poor, weak- nul v-. O v-rr v 1 u
1 Raise Puny, Pindlinq chUdren.
asjulphur Bitters will make them
"aii.i, aim neaimy.
Cleanse the vitiated blood ahm.
von are. ita !,..,.,..:,;. i
I, 7 . , uursting
throti2h the sk n in I it
PlMDf a-e
BitlT .-ind l..'....K
will follow.
Ser,-I 3 2-ccnt stamps to A. P. Ordwar & Co ,
Bot.toa,A.,forbestniedical work published
BBeaaaaaaaaaavaaaBT BBaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbI BBBf aBBBBBBja j
t! 5" who have had uearlfaftr real
eaperl. too in the patent boatnesa. .iin. linici-tlDn.-laV-tlTOmfldentlal.
A Handbook of lu.
teraeUeo epnwruinit 1'aceeta and bow to ob.
talntm-'uaentfree. Alaoa eaulogoeof lasSftS
seal andj soKrotlflo books seat freeT macDta-
Patent, taken tbrot -h Mann A Co. mniv
pccil notieeUithc riintteAertlTfZi
Si..1" 1 '.t,J3. 'nvennir. This splendid paper
CEi'jKSfi? Joaxaantly lilostratedbSfiSSe
woi .1. a rear.
1 -1 " V. Kienuw work In
ISulldliui kditloa. nj.inlhlr. fHlT-.. o,"w
eoplea, cents. Kvutj number contains beao-
bouses, wjtb plana. en,,.iinRballder tosbow tk 5
..... "U.. . -, 111 . ..P., HU.U
anil rJu.n.Mk. ... ..
assajp bssbbj ami w;urc contracte. Addreaa
a..v.v a. v. at, iwita. itUl BUQADWA'
P' ttlcn!, Orecon. A. r. Anntronirt l'rin.
vnch Hchc.i : Gi pita l If ui. Col it;, Hoiera. Orrgea
9m courf- of (tud, Ku.Q ii4MOf (uUlO
IJusinss, Shorthand.
Tyfwri:n. ffti'ittt.t.tltj, and Emglitk i)ef mef
aftfl" Jrt m r Ua tli'J;.ot' the vr.. Studrnia vlir.
.U li.T' ' '''l)laJP ftfafM It.tHJP Mbool IV
1 tm JZa fa
(Caveats andTrade.Markt&buInid,aniall Pat-1
Jem r-.ieia conauciea ior Moc.rate rrt.
.our orricr is Opposite O. s. paVent omct
J and v.-e can secure patent in less Umc Uiao luese
aremole fro-n Wastnneton.
l Send m jdel, drawing; or photo., wits descrlp-
Jtion. Ik ad' ise, it patentable or not, tree o(i
..... .: i i . . i w
r L-" , VU. I..1IUIUII, Ull ), ,.111. IB M.VU I CUi
t A Famv'hltt, "How toObb l Patenta," with
!ccr.t of arjje in the U. S. and jorcigu countries
aer.c free. Address,
7 er r-ft
SAK'f rs THE TVOm.2.
itjv- rjrl rjcnKtirsa. e anaurpazsed, tc.uallw
uritlnp'.i.-ii; lwi tuxfH uf anyather b-nr-u No
bttccUd by rout. ir KT THl E L I. B.
M mA Y ASlal JSVaLjiawA TlaT3ywa7aBwl
3 Tub
J Secret
Oottdeaethe new shortening th
only pure and healthful and perfectly
digestible frying and shortening mate
rial In the market is now to be had at
all first-clasa grocers throughout the
United States and Canada.
HAW 10
to :
In using Cottolene for shortening,
it is of the greatest importance to use
oulr about one-half or two-thirds as
much as would be used of lard. This
is essential to success in the cooking.
as well as an important feature for
one s pocket book.
Cottolene, like all other good tilings,
has found several imitators, all of very
inferior quality, and sure to cause dis
satisfaction. To be sure of getting the
genuine Cottolene, the best way to
buy it is in the tin pails bearing tho
name ana irade-Mark.
only by
Chirac, JTew Y.rk. Bewteav
-Or THh.
Southern Pacific Oo.
Kxpreas Ti-dn leave Portland Daily
Sooth 1
rroM juit 1, 1S,
Ar I mM a a
Lv I : a a
Lv I 7fi0 r
Clar. n.
3au Pran-isca
10 .2S r a
10:45. a
o,.i.-i ; sp a. all sUtio is from
1 1 . vi'iiir inilutlva, also Tan
nl ,1i sir.iltrriibirg, Junction
Irrtaf, 4tjni ant all stations
nmrf.i n 1 1 I ta lusi.
aur., Daar
:'jam U
tfctb r I Lv
:i -k I Ar
Fori lan J
Ax' ir
Lt I li;J.i a
tLfl r tit
:10 a
9:00 4
'. :Xra
.-OS A
Mbai J
Leban n
Ar I 10: flat
Lv SO a
ar I :r
Lv I tF
Dininsr Cars on 0fjd:n Rsute.
Attaehed la alt Tbraagh Trains
Teal SI 4. Mrliia.
aaa rosfusB as csktaum
Han. .BAissaiti ( Except Sanoay
:S0 a I Lv
Ids r I At
Ar ' f rS r
Lv' 1:00
atraaav rait saav rXxc:p. Sa'.daf .
r ra '
! t.M A
ra'ti-ovxvra Tielcet:-
to all (evtnt ia lb Rvvtarn St it, ran vis
Bar eat bs cbtained at owest e'e-j from B
Fraah, Artot Albany.
. KOKHLXi E P. dOtiER'
Uacsnr VsatO P. r.i
Vwt'st' Orarors
" ' '
I Qf ftsP (? L L i m S
I mW DEO fMAfM'ariJ
feWwIw I fl
made easily and honorably, wltbcat capl-
tal, daring your spare hours. Any man
woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand
ily, without experience. Talking un
necessary. Nothing like It for mor
making ever offered before. Our worxer
always prosper. No time wasted in
learning the business. We teach yea lc
a night bow to succeed from the fir-'
boar. Toa can make a trial wl'hout a
pen to yourself. We start you, turnisV
everything needed to carry on tbe buV
DC3s successfully, and guarantee v.
against failure if yon bat follow bur
simple, plain instructions. Reader, ir
yon are In need of ready money, am
want to know all about the best paylnt
business befora tbe public, send as yo'
audress, and we will mail yon a cU--.
mut giving yon all the panic aiar
TRUE & CO., Box 400.
Augusta. Maine.
FromTermirmi or Intarior Pjir.ts
Mkn Ml Bailroai!
Ia the line to (sk
To all Points EAST and SOUTH
It Is the aHMIMG CAB K in -It
rnns Throagh V'CS I IKI .
la tbe Year ts
Cmposed of Dicing Cars Uiisflraisefl
Pullman Drawinr Room Sloepvs
Of laltxi Rfiuiortent
Bis. tlx: j 1 . 'i 1 :;i,r.' n I i.t
S7 it I 1 1 1 - , 1 1 tit 1 111 tr 1 I) , , rVv.
t lift-Usui f.- I A ,f ('-, ,,r
1 11 1 I liw ,i i c i ,. -i I
i.iti rut, tj'ii iiwvMiTi'h
al linss, affordin? Diraotai il
Jaiarrapted Sarvica.
Pullmai a'eopor reservations car. I
ecurod In adtxnee tlirougb any
agent of the road.
rUROUQEl rrciCETS to and from all
Eints l America England and
urope can bs) purchaa at aay
ticket etnoe of this corr pany;
FullinfvrmatiDn conoernlnK rates.time
f trains, roatos an 1 othor Jetui rum
labnd on applloat jn to aay agnt, or
Assistant Gnneral FasaenKer Agent,
No 121 rira; at, cor. Washington,
Portland, Oiezon,
0 i 8a-lc'nrt, louallagent. , - - -
Send for
Address, REV. E, 3. COJfDIT,
Albany, Oregon
OOO fir sale at bard tim
oak, ash, inaph, pine, (ir.
C 0 Hootri.
k Jcniottttt
Defense Of the Income Tnx.
Frankln Mac Vea-h the democratic
candidate lor Un'.'ed Sm es arnatorlrom
Illinois expresses his views on tlie Income
tax as follows:
Let me now ;ek of 'he income ta.
Taxaiion Is a prime interest of government
and neonle. but as a pianica' sclenc tt it
very little advanced or understood. Our
lax systems are.crude and discreditable in
practical device, and scien'inc taxation
hardly exists. Our taxation is a mere rude
scramble (or revenue. Now, lowaids this
great queaticn t'le the Democratic
oartv is oren. and towaiis it the mind ot
the Republican pirtv Is closed. The Re
pnblican party looks at all questions of tax
ation from the point of view of protection,
and the Dcmocra'ic pirty 1 -ne has an
open aud hospitable mind lo all ideas and
suggestions of the science, it Is not ham
pered by c'lenls. It freely acknowledges
that it has something lo learn
Its tariff attitude Is one instance ol :his
Aaet'ier Instance is Us income tax. 1 do
not lav that tnis ia the beU conceivable 'ax.
I do not kni what Is the best conceivable
tlx. Possibly the Djrno ratic ary may
throw the income tax sway for lo.nelhlng
belter as it. .dm as it took it up in place or
something worse. What I do say Is that
tbe incevne lax and the reve ue part of the
sugar tax, taken together, make the best
ard fairest method of gefing necessary
revenue-, and th r cans' apprca:h toecien-
I tific taxation tbat waj open to the Denro
j critic party this year.
The reason urged against the Income
j tsx will not grow ia favor. The tessoo
toi It will surly gain greater and greater
acceptanc. Indeed, the only profound
objection to n income tax that i know of
is the fact that I shall have to pay some of
It myself. And i'. seems to me that this is sen ion of the former can or.'.y be maintain
the sort c4 objection - which constitutes the I -d by legislation. But coasidetlng how
cbisf opposition to U. Very few who small a part of our exports consists of man
have not taxable incomes object, and very uUctured goods, and that England i the
inny who have taxable incomes connot ate meat advanced manufacturing country ia
the'r way to object to a tax bated oa a cor- !
reel theory, and ht:b it wdl be our duty
lo protect. In practlte, against the only im
portant objection ever raised to It the
objection that certain of the
number of taxpayers who sr.
rather small i
rich enough
to know better will leled to lie about Iheir ;
The abjection that 1 1 class legisVton
lies agains: real ssttats Uses as ell, and
liceaae and every thing else; and is swal
owod up in the fact tiat an Income tax is
paid br these who can afford it, oat ol in
comes and properties whose piotectlon and
guarantee ate a Istge part oi tbe Covcra
rr Oct's work and care.
That the tax is seciional li only the
charge cf New York, whoie chief diraicu'.t;
in life li Ka Incapacity to nnderttand that I:
is no, well icfoimed. .
It U a wonder to me that the Republican
party is willing to ar-ay itself against :b
tax, an! to leave It again to ihe d.mocratic
party to champion t'uc rights if science and
the tihti of the p p'e. Csa t his party,
1 lha once wa twayed by n -b":e iaapalaes,
1 never r:se rgtir, in a strg e instance, shove
) ft sci6hnes cf its lich raeo? Mast il al
ways sepsrale rse.I lur'hrr aad iurther from
tbe ; oj; I ', and oe ome more and mote '.be
party f money getting snd pure pride and
tte unxor-hin:s. o' leglatcd ruhrt.'
Ruiu in Tiic Far East.
Russia's aioverueal- in the
daily growing in in:eret.
far East are
A powerful
"4quadrcn b at anchor in the neighborhood
I f tbe disputed ports a navy great enough
j to master the si'uation in a single ba'tle
" baa been announced unofficially that
I t"JrlKe ' kv'nif i3CB a force at hand
j is to see that Russia's interests are fnllv
pro'-e'e-.!, but it is nonsense to suppose
tna' lhe tlovernmect of lhs Oar be'.ievea
mat a; ot the ractoc net-t m necessary :o
that end.
Rusiia bat not tried lo
conceal its desire
for a 'aUon furtler soutn on tbe Siberian
coast, and when the !est excuse for inter
ference is offered Alexander's treat ships
wit: be deep is the movement against tbe
half civilized nation". How long Eng
land would tolerate such interference is a
mere matter of corjectura. based wholly
upon the provocation leading to a Russian
A Earopean military authority who has
spent several years in China, studying the
soldiery of tbat country, says that 50,000
trained white soldiers, with plenty of pro
visions and arms, could dissolve the Ctji
nese Empire and march at will from ne
to tbe other If 'be cwdi'ion of the Chi
nese Emperor's troops u indeed as bad as
this, it MMM only a ma'ier of a few years,
even if the preseut oppor uuity Passe, un
til llus'ia will extend her dominions south
ward. The bid ding of the Siberian rail
road and le'egrapb waa n- ver intended to
serve only ibe bleak coun'ry through which
that, ... Tka I't 1 , u . lwilrinn . 1. An .1 I
when he conceived the master scheme that
it now being pushed as tapidly a tbe
ready ruble can make K go
From Trtary to Canton the yellow race
is in danger.
Now .hat John nnamsker i running
'!-: instead of m mc be is in no
douh' that tbe tariff ia a -..x and ihat the
c i.!-umer pay it In a flaring adveriise
mcnt in the Philadelphia papers be an
nounces tbat his firm keit 619 cases of
fo'eign g jod In bond, "in view of the
tariff changes," an-i now offer them at re
duced rrices As a c i" point he ad
vertises "F. W " blankets "on a free
wool basis. "B crawllm; in," says the
sbewd John; "on plunge and have it
over." And he cites: ' -400 pairs hand
some all-wool ctmch. tod or wrapper
blanket, precisely likn 'hem regularly $5
up to a week ago; our price $2.75 tbe
pair " In vierv of tte approaching cold
weather we give Wanamaker the benefit of
this free advertisement of bis free-wool
Tho English pe-jple have been Ulking a
good deal lately about their thyroid glands,
a small, reddish crgan, weighing one or
two ounces, at the front of the tbroat.
The scientific men at Oxford have added
to tbe taliitii by calling attention to this
'mportaat but Mttlo understood organ,
which has functions necessary to life itself.
Its injury or Inflammation is likely to be
followed by a serious disturbance of the
nervous and muscular system
Sir Henry Bessemer reviews the steel
business. Thirty years ago Sheffield steel
made from Swedish iron cost 9250 a ton.
Now it costs lens than $25 a ton, owing to
tbe Kegfemer process. Steel is adapted to
a thousand purposes of which our ances
tor.! bad no conception. One year's pro
duction af Bessemer steel would make a
wall five feet thick, twenty-five feet high,
enclosing an are of 795 square miles and
Iwniirhincr 10.500.000 ton.
Tanderbilt paid $75,000 fur Ron Bon -heur's
masterpiece "The Horse Fair," now
In the Metropolitan Museum at New York.
The artist hertelf received $5,000 font .
Our Trade With Knglaud.
The total of our domestic and foreign ex
ports last year was $892,143,574, and o
thi theie went lo Kngland $431,063,587;
this is veiy nearly one half o( tho total, and
It does not take account of merchandise that
went to England hy way of Canada,
Knglind buys from us jugt about as much
as all the lest of the oM. In the fast
six fiscal years the aggravate of our domes
tic and foreign expoits was 9$, 234,787,758,
of which our exports lo the United King
dom were $2,627,804,932. This trade Is the
more striking because during these six years
our total Impoits have been considerably
.ivet four and a half billion dollars and our
Imports from England have but little ex
ceeded one billion. There as not a year
of this peiicd when our imports from Ihe
United Kingdom nmountel toonehalfo'
our exports thither; in 1S92
amount to one third, and in
they did not
1894 they did
not amount 13 one fourth.
Our trade with Englannd iioieupieme, on account of Its volume, and
lt is of some special Interest, be
cause it is so extremely one tided. If Ihe
purpose of foreign trade be It git Into
the country as much money as possible and
par: with ss little, then tnls trade with
England is almos: ideal. It I Hue that
these balances ate not tcltUd directly in
coin, but the international credit amcun'a
to the same thing, and if ine balsnc.-a are
paid in securities they are paid ia nnnry
that was seat befrre the balance was err a' ed.
It la true ihat the expor's from this coun
try 10 Eng'snd are mainly food, product
and raw raateilalf, but the farmers of tee
United Slates are certainly enlitU-l to ss
much consideration as any other class.
We canuot expect to be large expnitert of
manufactured goods ti l we cease to fa
foreign competition at home. The manu
factures have chosen the home market be
cause It is wcrtn far more than the fore'gn
marke', and they can hardly expect "o iiold
much of a place In the latter if their pot-
the world, It U not to be overlooked tnst
in the 6scal year of 1893 e capoittd to
EngUnl a ml lion dollar, wonb of gr'-
cultural tti-.p'.enitn t and cart and carnages.
tktec and a half tof 'i n dollars' mortU of
the manufacturers ot wood. We have
e.n seadinj wood pulp, sbd we art now
sending paper, -o Eogiand. Ex ,
Hti.incss And Politics.
udc 01 inc mvsi noiiceaote et aui uic
thing republic? organ say of the tariff
question is tbe ever prevalent string of
inconsistencies. One of the latest Is that
, tbe new tariff taw will not be of any bene
fit to consumers for the price ol articles on
which tbe tariff hat, been reduced will re
main tbe same. In tbe face of this they
will say that manufacturer must reduce
wages in order to meet the lower prices
at which they will have to sell their pro
ducts in order lo compete with Use foreim
imported articles. Then many manufac
turers, they say, will be rained, and driven
from business because they will not be able
to meet the reduced price in conseqaences
of ihe heavy importations . All of which
show ihat these organs are driven to tbe
C . , 1 V . . a " ir ' 1 -1 r - II.
(fire necessity of clutching at ny try straight away an orvJer was issued abo'.ish
1 'raw that may be drifting along. As an I iag the offiee, which by tbe way, pheasant
illustration of what is here said. e refer ' new paper man witii a fad for mesmerism.
to the great and good io'ua W ana maker,
who was in Harriso.i's cabinet, and who
was always full and loaded with the above
inconsistencies, and who. recently, has
j been saying that the consumers will not
receive any beaeS's
tbe late iar-ff law .
from the paaaage of
John is se'licg dry
good now. He ronsooe of the largest
botines booses In Philadelphia. Ue is
unique advertiser of bis business ard has a
keen eve ta -jroSt. Here i what be said
j in one of his advertisements when it was
j known the house would pass the bill:
i We accept toe situation ascbeerfutir as
we can and a lap'div as possible sink
' "erjioing 10 me price level maoe uy ine
i MDoruuruiDar uw. Ldinf 11111 nuiu
lDina establithea at rnce (ate srrouod under
our customers' feel, l'o pare prices off a
litte here and there aad crowd on our ens-
-vii.ris, as icstat iua to us. tne larwr
sure to to on band with a bnsineas as im -t
atni . it comrmvy u, our naectdu-y
e pecket Uie lo witcrer it u, ana
Pahlfl srvlr Wti.m B wiuMBW Tlsia aa-aaav--..,awl It.. $ A -Jl- rsriaa
" : wi uvwu laiixu a,' . ' v
includes many t!.lnj hard knocked by
uosinrss difficulties.
Then follows announcements of goods
that sold at f 12, $10 and fS to wou'd now
S.-il at b2.50.
I) her goods that sold a'. 12.4 cent per
yard reduced to 8 cent. These are but
illustration of a long list of reduc'ioos.
In fact, the new Up! bii'. according to the
Wanamaker advertisement, will prove an
inestimable blessing to the n-acses of people
throughout tbe country .
Tennyson could take a worthless sheet of
paper, write a poem upon it, and make it
worth $05.000-that's genius.
bUt can write a few words on a sheet of
piper and make it worth $5,000,000
that' capital. Tbe Untied Slate can take
an ounce and a quarter of gold and stamp !
upon it an "esgle bird" a)d make it aortb
$20 that's money. A mechanic can lake ;
material worth $5 and make it into watch ;
spring wor.h$1000-lht. skill. A mer-
chant can take an arucle worth 7 nt.
aad a.11,1 for $1 -that, business. A lady
can pu. chase a seventy five cent bat, but
she prefers one thtt cost $27 -that's fool-
it ui-cu uigger wor.s .en uours
s J : . -1 j: I . 1
a day and bandies several tons of earth for
$3 that's labor
Henry C Work, the author gf "March
ing Through Georgia," wus n printer, ho
brought bit first song, "Kingdom Com
ing," lo Dr. George F Rot, tiien a mem
tor of a music publishing firm in Chicago,
lt pleased the latter so well that he in
duced the composer to give up hi trade
and devote a'l bis 'ime to writing soagt.
He became a prosperous business man In
Chicago, but lost a'l he hsd in the great
tire and never recovered bis prosperity.
He live! the last years of his life in Hart
ford, and died tbee.
(t is staled that 2 jo women are now act
ing as station msgter in Australia. TI12
railway commission of Victoria have thus
effected staving of oven 10.000 per anutn.
The commissioners say Ihat wouun per
form the duties al the small nations satis
factorily .
Secretary Carlisle ha.i dlrec'od that here
after tbe United Slates flag shall ha hoist-
i ed over all public buildings under the con
trol of tbe Treasury Department during
the hours of business, unless stormy
weather prevents its display. Tbe reve
nue flag Is also to be displayed ove. cus
tom house?.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
851b birthday, August 29.
celebrated hio
The widow of Senator Hearst, of Cali
fornia, is sal' to be ihe'most heavily insured
woman in this country. She hat policies
amounting to$3oo,oooon her life.
Washington Letter.
Krcra eur regular Correspondent.
Washington, Sept. 3, I894.
OSecretary Carlisle has left no doubt as to
wlieie be and President Cleveland stand on
the sugar question . He told Representa
tive Meyer, of La., Ibt the administra
tion would oppose sny attempt to put
sugar on the free list, bnt would aid in
the passage of the mhstttute proposed by
dig Senate Finance committee, striking
out tho difference in duty of one-eiKbth of
a cent a pound on refined sugar, leaving
all sugar dutiable ut a flat rate of 40 per
C3nt ad valorem and Unit hu has no author
ity to pay out a dollar for bounty on sugar,
but he told Mr. Meyer that he and Presi
dent Cleve'and were both in favor of legis
lation providing not only for the payment
of tbe bounty upon all sugar made previous
to the taking effect of the new tariff bu
for the pavment of this year s entire crop
of the difference between the boqnty and
toe duty on foreign sugar. IIu this in
formation been in the possession of the
La., sugar planters it is probable thai
they might have adopted a different
sort of resolution at their meeting last
week. He aleo told Mr. Meyer tbat bis
letter lo Senator Harris, showing the nec
cessity for the revenue that the sugar duty
wi,l bting In was submitted to President
Cleveland and was approved by him be
fore it was sent. It was 30 stated in this
correspondeaie at the time, although the
know-it all asserted that the letter was
sent without Mm. Cleveland's knowledge
snd against bit wishes
The true inwardness of the alleged flop
of Senator Jones, of Nevada, from the
republicans lo the populiau is now known.
It was merely s republican trick. Jones is
no more a populist than be ever was and
bis pretecded flop is but ihe bnt moe in
a game which was to have been secret and
which has for its final object the nomina
tion atd election to the presidency of Sena
tor Cameron of Pennsylvania. Jones is
the father of the Cameron boom and when
he found that the suggestion was very
coldly received by the silver men of tb
northwest, on account of Cameron's well-
known connection with railroad aad other
corpora' ion t, notwithstanding tbe free ;
coinage of silver, which wa to be the j
.irner stone of bis canvass, he was diaatr-
nointed. Then it wa tUa! Jones evolved
the scheme of jvinicg tbe populists and
turning their organization into a purely 1
silver party, eliminating every thing
from their platform, and having them en-
dorse tbe Cameron boom, which be calcu-
! 1 ated wculd induce the republican conven
' fliti In nAmtnnb t'lmMAti on a free . i
pla'form. Toe Kheme would not have
; uu one uoi vi a taiMute udc
I....JHJ ... : ;, L..1 IvM lr. uri.l mm
.ui.u. v., tic. . u-u a
intenUed, hot now that it bat been ea-
pcaed it simp'y bad no c bancs a' all . Men
of Ion Came'tn's ca'ibre have been
e'ected president, but ni man o! his asso
ciations ever bas been or ever will be. al
though, of course, he may buy a nomina
tion if he wilt pay the price
In is ten 1 a good adminidraitoo Ior
sinecures. SecreUry Uokt Smith axe
ha just fallen upon ano-her. L ke a great ! imte pponenient of these warrant would
many other ,ope Secretary Smith art. . lw!lt?. l
. give rue to liUgahon. He therefore sab
puriwd wbea he first hea'd of the editor of j mitt whether it it not to tbe interest of the
the Um S. Geological Surrey. A little in- ; city to issue bonds to pay off tbe floating
vestigatioa convinced him that the said 'debt. If this meet approval an ordinance
edtrw drawings a year -'bout ; VXttjL
rendenngaa fraivalent to L ne'e Sam. and , of rsxeipts, tuthat bonis cU be sold at a
which be cals hypnotifat . Mr. LWsMa
otim worked ail right on a republi-
cam (ecreUry. but it was a dismal failure
,. . . 1 i. 1 1 .
when applied to a hard 'be democrat
like Hoke HM.
Ex-Cer-t-rcssmaa ' Breca inbi idge, of Ark
. .
bow miritVr to Russia, it sti 1 In Wash -
Ingtoa, and s ill ve.y marl, iotnested
j politic C He ! in the cou e ogeseraI
I ror.verta'ijes oa S-jalhetn poji'ios: "My
. St:, taa iast .vb an tcc
heavy democrat its nr. stksisiwi.
indication of aha Use Siuth may to ex -
reeled to du in November. I wbh.lsoweser,
tt-athsa-a hadbee-a IM. lighter
11-3 P'tH0ra III- r?Vt aQsaSSasr
ventjo i little br'te-. Tao much
e MHV. l inuct. was
, conceded ihe r, i.i is'j on the haa at : .;
lioB i ,. r m had a oad moretaiv
p aik tha to bate gaia d a few ihoutand
iojF" " ''7'
vn- Wish ,h ..vival of
fun rLere cann be tsuch fear rd coatinsed
I dcmOt ZiC aCtJOCT
I feel certain that
j we s'ntll control Use next lloaae.''
Of the ibrralene ! te:esioa of tie scgarj
p'ai'eri from the detaocra-k ra'tr, Mr
Brccklnbridgc a.d. "p Is natural far ibe i-lira . nrr grcwirt to stand ty their
! cme prodoc. they h stoat done v.
But I do not see what ther hare
bolting th!r part .- affiliations.
to gain by
For verv
vo-e la: br socS a deief.iun it
wo ; I be i
gafne-l. On 1-rf-gr-r rr fleet ior", II ihef wil
Ku over to the political parly whk'i they
bstiiii! sr-sintt all tbeir lives
H.-.incss Growing Better.
A il-p -bform Braidock ivania
Buin. n pronerlly it assured here
throuj-i-t.Jt Ihe winter. Siace the ur cer
tain' ever the lar.ff ended. Item rifiecn
i to tsro v inonsann woiamcn, who luil teen
Idle far t' e tea mo) hs previous, have been
ffiv.11 rmplnvmrnl All rr,rlm.iil.
of ,ra ,c hlTC 9Coiftfaiu. ,ivr0.
, Ul ufacto , ,n :hU vi.,Bit cptn
! to ,., (u r2ph.Uf Wr
mtnufic,ure nave no -Cir of the fleet of
,h ...iw hl!i ,ml h .,,,, .
; Uel ,he ... , , .... ,
voted to those provide.
In the pstt ten days work st (hose estab-li-hnirn's
ha been Isaataidi Cirnejie'
Doqoesre Steel Woik,twel c liundiad men;
Duquesne Tube Wcrks, l hun.lnrd; How
arJ Pla-e Glat, Wotk, nine hundred:
Westlngh uat Air B.ske Plsnt al Wilmer
ding, foriy five hundred; Carnegie' Edgar
Thomson S'leetRtll Mills, six foundries,
niae blast furnaces, five thousand men;
Fittsbarg Wiie Wo'ks, seven hundred;
Bradilock Wire Works, eleven hundred;
Carrie Hint Furnaces, two hundred and
lifiy;Coke Oven, eight hur.ditd employees
Miller Fore, two bundled; Chess & Co'.
Expanded Metst Woiks, one hundred snd
fifty; McVay Si Walker's Foundry and Car
Works, three hundred besides ttna'V.- fac
tories, plaining mills, &c.
A Democratic Governor, $1,000
to $00. discussion became beatad in one of ihe Stock Exchange trading room
yestetdsv, and suddenly ihe voice of M C
Bouvler was heard exclaiming:
"I will bet Ihe next Governor of
New York will be a Oemocrjt!"
"How much will jou bs'?'' atked Will
iam Kitchen.
"On: thousand dillsrs to gj03,'' replied
Mi Houvier
"I will take you," said Mr Kitchen.
The men shoolc hands on It, an I deposit
ed a loifcit. N Y Times.
Wooden, Tin,
silver, Goldettfj
Common every day.
Ilcrmnnn Writes
the Willamette.
Binger Hermann has written to Mayor
Friendly of Eugene tho following letter,
which indicates that tbe recent appropria
tion for tho improvement of the Willamette
will be spent mostly in surveys and pre
uuun.ii wurs, and some iime we win get
the actual work done: 1 tke pleasure in
saying that in the congress just adjourned.
we securftit legislation proviuing for a sur
vey by tho War Kepartment and iU engin
eer corps of that portion of tlw Willamette
river, uur object is to secure the adoption
of a project by tbe engineer corT'!, which
will not only deepen that waterway but
which will, at the same time, maintain a
navigablu depth at all seasons of the year,
by sucti protection of the Sank and shore
line, as will prevent the filling np of the
channel, and the formation of oars and
shoals. The project heretofore has been
confined to tbe removal of snags and shoals
and heuce the estimates of tbe department
have been limited, and our efforts to pro
cure more liberal appropriations have been
correspondingly handicapped.
With one project for the entire river,
and involving a great and substantial
system of permanent improvement, large
estimates must be recommended to cjngre
upon which we can hope to reward and
fecare large appropriations and thereafter
maintain operations of magnitude, until
the great improvement desired, shall be
fully and hnalJy completed. We feel that
our state has now reached that stage in its
development and importance that we can
I'ustly demand more liberal recoyniiion for
he 172 miles of the great Willamette
waterway. The report of the local engineer
will be accompanied by statistics as 10 tbe
commerce which will seek the Willamette
outlet from the interior. Such matters so
reported have weight with congress and
the committees. It is therefore highly
essential that our people, and panicu arlr
our organized Itodiea, should correspond
with Major Post, the distinguished engi
neer now stationed at Portland, and snould
remit to him the shipment and resources
of the sections in which they are interested,
and generally point out t him the public
need for the improvement of the entire new
navigation. May 1 ask you gentlemen to
co-operate officially to this end.
Cat Council.
Present All bat Mayor Klinn ami Coun-
- ck.ll 1- , t... 1 ( ,:,.. vi , .....
; Murkhl,rt . eln , ',or
pro tern.
n. following bilU were ordered paid:
J S Hoffman 00 W It lUrr f7 .'rf): C
! W WatU. riS.2"; Frank Purdom. H.5;
fS-AZ: cystt city agt Mum-
I .V . JiPfUQ
T II . .
. on a,irtii.t of d.fortive work of several
11111 or e i-v n - i,tfftii mmmnr ivinij nnii
Retnotstrance of John Conner by agir.t
: atrainst building of walk adjoining property
on Ellsworth street continued.
u:.l , L. -,u .1 stv- - . . .. .
f r-y T s..
! 1
rVkmmitfM, on health and noiioa nsnorf,!
I . - P '
. mat agent wont 1 remeoy nuisance on " 11-
Lert property.
A message was read from Mayor Flinn.
of which the following it a trnopsis :
Tbe bonded debt of the city is $75,000,
(taring G per cent interest : floating debt
$30.01 0. bearing $ per cent interest, now
practically unsaleable on account of ordi -nano
making time of payment uncertain
The revenue of the city is not sufficient to
make navments on these wairanU
' not over 10 "0 to tXs3 a vear. An indef
j low rate.
As the people of the tity are the ones
1 interested be recommend an election be
. calbtat to vole on IK o.vo.tio.1 nf .K.'l.r
j bonds shall be iaed not exceeding
i 000 to pay off the city floating told.
wlftb the charter .hall to amended pro-
riding f r tae pavment of bonded interest
, J ot to amer.d,Nl
to provide taat the road work now atavwsed
. on property and m 1 wans ia the city limits
I -V - - t . .: It M . ... -
, - " -ri-' ""1'" r'"r
ritr under tto dirvtic and control of the
j city council instead of toing r pphe-i to the
improvement of tbe county roads ouUide ..f
.-..- . . , . .11... Ik.
ctwprjraiwo a is now the pracUce. h
f erred to committee on Mfi and moan.
The recorder. urvn reolatioa wa J
1 uk- ivoauei. up.'a
1 Utoriaed to iawne hve city warrant (4
date April 27. 1S92 in lieu of one $5000
j Z
The er r. tract for excavating dirt on Thin!
; Caluoo- ia an i I cirth -!rv:. a let to
I'ete Riley 4 Co. at 10 cents per vard to
. pot nver gravel on the street al "0 cent
- I . . .. i . i . J : .-, a
j "V , "7. " - '
. If "'vtur., ai wvu a.
; Jrferss aad 6th aad Thartoi. Referred
A f,.,iana c,i I mi!
in block 14
j Referred.
Am tsv, 'Jregon. Sept 14th. 104.
To the Patrons of Albany Public Schools.
Announcement is hereby made that the
Public School of Pint No. o will open
Monday Sept 24th. This district has been
I "hyided into two wards by a line coinciding
ith R R strsvt. All that portion west of
" , , . - . " YmB
inai portion 01 aitriot east 01 saia line is
nnn as iseccmi vtaiM. au tne pupus in
I irt Ward and those of Second Ward in
tto Grammar 1 Vpartment will convene at
the Central Building at 8:55 a ra. Those
of tbe Seeood Ward in tbe Primary de
partment iHrst four grade i will convene at
the Madison Street Schocl (new building)
at I o'clock p Ba. Transfers will be made
as the interests of pupils demand.
A copy of tbe Revised Rules, Regulations
aad Course of Study can to procured at tlie
office of the lit Clerk. A list of books
and supplies will be furnished each pupil
after enrollment in classes. Hoping to re-
1 ceire your earnest cooperation in the nian
1 agetiK-nt of ycur schools and that our mu
j tual relation will to both pleasant and
! profitable, 1 am voir.
Very R-Mpeotfuliy.
HlltAM Tvbki:,
The Brserve lrrrsln
Washington, Sept. H. The net cash
in the troanurr at the cIcsk- of twjJa-j
w-aa$U7,18t,sHl, of which $",8,.V14
represented the gold reserve. The gold
reserve hnti been steadilly climbing ur
ward for the past month. August A, it
reached its lowest point in the record of
the de-Kirmeiit, $52,189,500. Since
that date it has increased almost $5,000,
000, and the increase has largelv aiurjped
the fears of the treasury officials.
Weir Thejr shot.
London, Sept. 14 Officials of tlie Bra
zilian legation declared the Montevideo
dispatch, published by a news agency,
-laving Admiral Da (Jams and other
officers were shot, without tri l, by order
of President Peixoto, of Brazil, in Fort
ress Santa Crux, April 24, is false.
A Temporary Removal.
JWCusickifc Co will hereafter be
found in the Oregon Bank building until
their new brick is ready for occupancy.
All patrons are requested to call there
during their temporary cccupancy ol
that place.
Money To Loan.
I have money to lo&noti good farm
land In Linn and Be.iton counties In
sums tut. over $3000. No delay In fur
nishing the coin. Call on CO Bin khan,
Albany, Oregon. Also monet to loan on
city property in any amount.
Notice to Farmers. '
Having rented the Magnolia Mills and
warehouse we are prepared to store 100000
bushels of wheat and oats. We also have
a first class chopper in the house and are
making special inducements to secure
storage. Bee us before making arrange
ments for storing.
Geo F StxtrsoK.
G W Simpson.
The umbrella treat ban
important item in Oregon.
boated, so
An exchange wants a gold care for the
gum shewing haWt. Why not.
A bachelor says if you hand a lady a
newspaper with a paragraph cut out of
it, not a line of it will be read, but ever?
bit of interest felt in tbe paper will
center in finding out what the missing
paragraph contained. Kx.
Ah 11 1 as good a campaign story as we
ve fin across lately happened not a
I'onsand miles away, recently. A Pop
ulist candidate cacie up to a dwelling and
after talking a little asked for the habiea
as he would like to kiss them before he
ef "Well," eald the lady, "the baby I
1,1 tills hull... u, a tmfl n. la.l. I ......
... -"'ur. aw n ,--.-.,, 1 J CI A IMU
years old, and she allows no man d any
party to kits her. If you fe-l that some
kissing mast be done, I'll have to offer
mrself up on the alter of my country, if
that's in the plattorm. as I am a good
republican abd alwav go the whole
ticket." The candidate lelt whhont
embiacing the opportunity or tne Kdy.
For the benefit of the Portland Tele
grain, tne r,air. ore.ornan oemee tbat 11
said tbat it was a crime to be in debt
It said debt is a crime against justice,
and laws lor the collection of debts simply
added to the aggravation, as well as in
created criminality. The East Oregon
iaa belie ves tbat all laws for tbe collec
tion of debts snonid be repealed and abol
ished In no other way can tbe volume
of debt be kept within the danger line
and the common people kept from be
coming tbe serfs and slaves of he Shy-
locie and money devils. E. O. This is i
one ol the K O man's peculiar bobbies
DUBiness wiwioui inue"ieonee is im
possible. D-j away
chaos would follow.
with the law and
&iiu n.l, nwiiwl l.r an tlLim firm
a few dav ago from the eat coat f 10. The : lur the past two days has seriously dam
frmioUt nwt iiu-, ... ; Si" m9 tkan tb ' aired the hor vards and delaved the
cost of the goods. Soch' charges is Mtnply
highway rubbery.
Astoria ha received anotlier railroad
proposition, the first for a number of weeks.
If all of Astoria's railroad propositions
were dumped together they would make a
mountain of wind.
The San Francisco Waip says:
voa see a man. wno u we i Known ior his
sobriety, entering hu home loaded innde
anu out, it is a sate proposition mat nis
wife lias adopted that new and painful
style of walk known as tbe "Oregon Loots "
About every six months the society ladies
,h;ir w u votn make a man sstw4
that he was born of woman. They tip
slightly forward, extend their arms stiffly
in front, take long strides and drag their
net as though heavily weignted. i oa is
flhawW sit 1 i a-sf mtm-itmfri'kF- !!"'.
happened to take tbe name of the Oregon
An item in a paper of The Ddles eivicg
oaiem ami ner state fair a live nit was re-
pablunext in a -ew lore Lity joamat.
So Salem has the distinction of being call
ed the most swinish town in Oregon in the
metropolis ot the C S.
Mr Scott, of Scut's EmaUion fame is a
candidate for mayor of New York. He is
a good advertiser and if ejected will for
once have a good petition, top of column
next to reading matter.
A big discussion is on in the San Fran
cisco Examiner over woman's position in
the world. Tne pros and coos are numerous
otoe straight aad some crooked, come
savoring ot sense and some as vacant a a
vuvsuvwsu sv as -wiw. jj . . . j .
Our exchanges believe in advertisin?.
aad some are using svure very mu-tilar
epithets ia urging their debtors' to pay up.
aad, really, it is well t remember that the
editor is entitled to oonsi ieraMe financial
consideration ir. timet tto public ha been
'oanding enou.-S bo make bard.
Tbe rVtidietan K tl is makiac. tw titt
hard hit on the s-abjert of deb:, and while
it goes to pxtreme. in some diiextioa.
there i a healthy ring to a fw of iu
sa-n'ettce. liet at of debt and oat of
debt is good advice.
IY. ad.ei-isins. rsav ' - "
. .
ing -iet.otts and judge I r yoanrive
1. to makes 3.uu o r
2. What do ''r-hiklren tt for "
S. What i ."absolutely parey"
I. What do "Millions cow BSjef
Violinist to publisher of j ximal for art
and literature) 1 told your reporter Ihat
the violin 00 which I played was a gen nine
Stradivari ut and k- af the very best in
existence. Why did j-mi cut that oot of
..'.-' " ; " -
I-uUistor-Tbat all right. If Mr
Stradi varius wane- to get puffed up in oar
paper, be must advertit-e with us. that's all
there is aboat it.
''Hard times,'' said the man from
Marion. Marion roontv. these aint
hard ti.-aes. several times a hanl when 1
wa a boy; why 1 remember when we were
so f-ar.l up that I had to go without anr
pant, only wore a shirt.
and he grinned
1 oeoaaiy. trie grocer standing near
raroadly. I he rwur standing
l chuckled, and tbe batcher winked
ny war, - coounnea we farmer, splic
ing in with tome four cornered oath,
"they aint hard enoogh for some men 1 j
some men ought to have hard time. hae
lived too high and extravagant ; buy thresh- j
ers aad binders and leave them out in tto
rin. and they are ruined in a year or two.
Steam engiar and bicycles nave 1. riven the
hcr. out until they aant wortn a dollar.
"Wheat, nothing in it at all. raised
wheat until it male me poor. Now 1 raise
oaL. potatoes and U-ans and hate a hop
vard ftartovi." There i diversified farm
tug for you. The man after tenting hitu
v!f gen 'rally, including .1 dal at the
Chinamen, walked awavas if he had done
a service for hit countrv: not a nassimist.
but a peculiar wecies of optimist, a nro -
fane, rytical optimist, who believes things
are good enough lcaue totter than when
he was a bov.
Ox the WiLutsnsn-K. -From food
authority cornea tbe information that at
least two ot the river steamers bclong-
ing to the Oregon Facitfc company will
ply the waters of the CDner
during the coming season. These boats
have been moored at the djeka at Cor
vallia lor s'ime months, with the excep
tion of the Hoag which is at present be
ing run by the OR4S Co on the Portland-Yamhill
route- Should the O P
company decide positively to start their
boats this will make navigation livelv
during the winter. The Elwood, Modoc.
Eugene, ltona and Kamona will also
make regular trips which with the two
O P boats will hustle the freight in
every direction. Just now but two boats
are running--the Eugene and Modoc.
Hunting For Monev. The Revere
House walk was taken up this morning for
the new cement walk to be laid. Several
boys followed in the wake ot the work
men hunting for money. Ed Davidson,
one of the workmen found $t :ao; one boy
33 cents, o-ie 10 Cints and one 5 cents.
They earned the money
Juuua GtDwonj. i,i-vtii Jt- ia
his branch store on Second street wltl be
open Irom thl dv on in regular form of
budness. The sami- will be a cash store .
Come and try and satisfy yourselves ihat
the cash system Is the otilv true one in
business. If you take hi advke rou will
never have anv hard times.
J Oradwoiil.
You Ark Au. Rmar
II you take your washing to
me Aioanv si earn Lutimlrv t v.m
don't yon are not. Something is "the
matter of von. How can you go to a
Chinese establishment with a Qrst-class
team laundry in tho city. Pon't do it. I
lie all right by quitting it. Suppose yon
do make a few cents: what does it profit
you, with the Chinese smell and lurking
disease around. Patronise the Albany
steam Laundry.
. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pur drape Otam of Tartar Powder,
Remarkable erd.
Tkrbk IIacte, Sept. 11. World's re
cords' went glimnieriiiic over the Terre
Haute track, which tonight holds all bnt
two the fastest three heats and the fast
est 2-year-old pacing records. There
were hung np tonight to the credit of
this track:
The fastest mile ever gone by a horse
in harness, Jobert J., 2 -.01 ; the miles
of Nancy Hanks and Alix, each in 2 KM;
the world, a record for 4-year-old trotters,
Fantasy, 2:06; the fastest six-heat race
ever gone by a 3-year-old. Expressive's
great race three weeks ago ; the fastest
2-year-old trottiug-race record, Oakland's
liaron, 2:10: Whirlizie's .Vvear old trac
ing record of 2:Vi, by John B. Gentry. !
ano trie second heat stallion record ol
2 KM, by Joe Patchea; tbe marvelous
mile made by a two-year old pacer, done
by Carbonate today in
I . . - ..
Z-m, and hut
previous, record of 1 -lft tiI hr Tir-tlv
That is why the town is wild with en
thusiasm tonight.
Sax Fbikcusgo. Somebody stands to
lose a million dollars on wheat, and San
Francisco grain men are wondering who
the victm is. For months L. F. Mc-
tviaunin bought wneat tor some un-
. known specu'ator until he had acenmu-
lated between 17o,JiJ and 200,000 tons o!
, wheat ior wmcn ne pawl an average
pnee 01 si zu per cental. At the present
prices he cannot realize within 3-j cents
of as much as he paid p-r cental for this
immense quantity.
Where Are The laic.
Sasta Rosa, Cal., Sept. 14. The hop
picking season is fairly opened in Sonoma
county. The yield is a marked increase
over last year, reaching nearly 20.000
bales. Almost all of the yards are short
of bickers, and in some localities nart of
the crop will be lost if sufficient laborers
.cannot be Sound to etnti the vines.
About r)00 alditional oickem would be '
immediately employed in this vicinity. I
AWa ssaasasral by Bala .
BatowsviixE. Or. Sent. 14. The rain
! ptckers. The nioold seems to be spread- j
and there wril be many
hops that
Until the
not t wortn picking.
rain, however, tlie hops were of good
Will h.- Mopped
WASHtxoToa-, Sept. 13, The custom
of publishing in the newspapers through
out tbe count rv, the list of unclaimed
' letters at
will be abandoned.
but the lists will be bulletined in the
varsotficea as heretofore. Acting Postmaster-General
Jones lias decided to
stop tbe old custom as congress has
failed to make sufficient appropriation
for the usual amount of advertising.
The expense of publishing tbe list last
ear was $19,000.
A aUs; Fire.
MiAXGHAi, Sept. 13. A great con Sa
ltation is reported to have occurred at
m Chung King August 23. About 30 per-
; are known to have perished, and it
ia jiiuusmv uisi uic lUl ut ucssu wtu
prove much heavier. Tbe property loss
as estimated at 10.000.000 taels.' Two
I thousand buildings were dwtroved : in-
, c lading tnree -.
S.lwttasaaasUaa; alarsl
Saw York, Sept. 13. The Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway Company directors
have declared the regular semi-annual
dividend of 3 per cent oo the pre
ferred and 2 per cent on the common
Th s. a. a truss.
PrrrsBrao. Sept. 13. The battle for
honors for the coming rear is over
among the old boys of tbe Grand Army,
ana me wuining ucxei is :
Colonel 7 nomas G. Lawier. of Rock-
lord. 111, commander-in-chief: Major A.
i p. Birehhekl, of this city
tor vice- ;
tWaWaawasjfjfer: ::.r..ieS. O. V.--k. of
Manon, O.. was unanimooslv elected
surgeon-general : Chaplain T. H. Hag-
gjar, of St Louis, wa unanimoasTy
elects chapburi-mhH-i. his only oppo-
wuiarii wiiatiTwsruaZ
before a ballot was taken.
Lcxixotox. Sept. 13. At Fort Spring,
in this counts todav. Colonel Brickin- nia,is nn. ni rlw- nwsse smarusu!
speecbeaof the campaign, denouncing
the newspaper-: as being edited by liars
' and tlaixlerers. Tonignt he gave' oat an
i interview, in which he quoted affidavits
that W. C. Owens was a gambler in Chi-
caev last year, and intended to star
P"- R? ' Prtnts an anwavit st ow
! . ; . ...
i 1,,; MV'r,:;"'K:
I woman.
" ' y
was put oat of a LonisvilW
I fry I arr -tat. .tt. Sept. IS. Rumors have
rvached Ik? re that a battle wa iouxht
j tot ween Chines.- and Japanese near
j Kair Cheng, Cores, about September 2.
; Native newspapers of September 10 say
, the right lasted two days and was MB
s-.ndcvi-led when the news waaforwarded
the native press. Chinese tapers of
SeDTembcr 12 announce ihn tisnml
Yen. Chinese commander, repr-rt haviniT;
caincd a Victory over the Japanese. It
ia supposed here, however, that the
Chinese have met with a reverse at Ping
A Bank Eaataaa Mvtsteswt.
London, Sept. 13. The governors ot
the hank oi England, at the half vearty
i tueetmp tooar, declare! a divuiend ot 4
j is a deerease of nrvtiits, said to to doe to
the unprecedented increase in the re -
tscrve and the low value of money.
Since February 28 one result of the Bar-
ing liquidation has been a reduction of
1 .075.000. making the liabililv .2,481 ,.
9ST, and the debt due the bank 2.409,-!
Ware Btxaaxiea.
WtsaiNOTON, Sept. 12. Secretary
Carlisle authorised the official announce
ment today that he would not pay anv
sugar bounty earned, but unpaid, when
the new tariff bill went into effect. Au
gust 29. The secretary s refusal to par
me siurcr oounty claims is well baaed
i UP?? the eiause of the new tariff bill re
. lealmg t ie sugar bounty
ory visions of
the McKtnlov law
start l4 at friar Ule.
I'RiNcvit.i.E, Or., Sept. 8. At 11 o'clock
tonight the corpse of "Till" Glaze, pro
prietor of Glaae opera hall, at this place,
reached here, having been brought troni
""" ""vir ue was snot ana instantly
i wiled on last ednesdav night bv a man
naniel "Bud" Howard.'
last As Wa C peeled
Washington, Sept.
1-. tiemocratic
politician? in 11115 city are neither cast
down nor perturbed in consequence of
the news from Maine. Thev sav it
amounts to the same thing as Fikial
capturing the South Sea islands. A sen
ator summed up the whole situation as
it appeared to lum as follows :
"It is just as senseless for the repub
licans to sing hallelujbas over their suc
cess in Maine as it is for the democrats
to hug themselves to death in ecstasv of
joy over their vietory in Arkansas. The
one state always goes republican, the
other democratic."
A Train Wreck
Chakijkton, Mo., Sept. 12. Two men
were killed and a score injured, half of
them fatally, in a cyclone todav, during
which a train was blown from the track.
It was 3 o'clock today when the west
bound express on the Iron Mountain
road was struck by a cyclone, and the re
sult was one of the most serious wrecks
ever known on the system. Several
were killed.
IkolBh's !.
McMiNsvti.uc, Or., Sept. 12. There
will le a mass meeting of tho citizens 01"
this city and vicinity at the opera house
here Friday evening, on the occasion of
j tho visit of Senator J X loluh, and in
the interest of the improvement of the
Yamhill river of all-the-year-round nav
igation. aaaier 4'haatpt.a
SrKiNGKiRu, Mass., Sept. 12. The
second day's races of the Springfield bi
cycle tournament were very Butrve-aM
auu urc ruiruusate waa goou. isanger Rouse has goods needing rlatlng, .o ex
won all the big races he entered in. ax- j perience; no capital; no talking. Some
cept the i handicap, in which he was third, agents are mak'ng is day. Permanen
and broke the unpaced recortl for a rnila, I oeition. Address H K Delno & Co Co
makuig the distance in 2 -07 1-5, J mbut, Onio
Head and Scalp Raw wfth
Places Size of Silver Dollar. Va
rious Bemedies only caused Fresh,
Eruptions Applied CXTICVHA.
Change in 7 v. -nty-foor Hoars.
Perfect Care In Two Sceia.
K.. 'I'.tie bob. ce.i three, was very each
tr-.u!.: :d vrkh a r raking out on fcta tralp
and Lrtiind his tar. Ine places ifTer -x wens
sVjot as as a sliver dollar; tbe ttaik
t-m raw atvi covered with liule biiate.
fbe i W nerel txmaideraldjr, and ru aatt
oral: very fretlul. I trio I aevatal minUlu
anlbutti obtainina any Ix rrtirial n-salu; ia
tact i:.e ernptioua tmoni to be apnadlaw
cr.'i nr-m yLvx-1 1 rr-akln- out. I coactaaeal to
31 Use .t.TU.i ka its.sEbiEa. I waxbetl taw
eeterl arts w,ib iUk CrncrxA SAr, tak
ln cue not to .rrute the Smb. awl applied
CtTiccaA. I rf. : fl a chzufrc for the better
m tbe appeanux e of Use ernptton ia twentv
ltmt boors, xsuX in two weeks tbe eruptions
ent irely diaa;iered. lerrteg the skfa awaooth
and Qm scalp dean; ia faet a perfect can,
a I have not a-en any mdicabona of any
ernpttoa or break ins; oat cince. I save das
ebiM only a few dotes of tbe fmcxaa Ks
soi.vxst. ! comider your frru.t ka REarav
BIE very valuable. I believe Crnrru
wonld I exeeflec t f or ajitJytTic to insect bites,
which are very annoy ins; na that country.
C. A. ARM.-TR.lNo, Swift liUnd.y.C -
Boii .krrjozbtytrl ib world. Price, CcTlCtraa,
ttc.; x.:.', KcaoLVTBT, tl. PorrxaDxca
isd Cats, ".'one , Sole IHssaa, Eoam.
- SLam to Cat Ewary dato ttmtm? tea.
to FOake. B CPiyu, BCtwi, anifas.
Pullman Sleeping 'Jars,
Elegant Dimg Cars.
Tourist Sleeping Gars
St Paal
Grand forks
Helena and
new lork
B aton and all
Paints East and South 3
FoT inlormaiioo, time card?, mapa and
! tfekeU call on or write C G Barkhart,
i int Albans IV
Or A D Charlton, Ast Gen rasa Agt,
on. tana, vrrgoa,
fm. tie CVcsu, Comrt for Li Count f. Stat tf
J O BoshneU,
Frank D Wood, M W Uamv
! Mrry. Herbert
Amr-a I. W IV...-. .nA lt.
Sm W Devoe and lohn
copartners doiau bas-
ner under she aaTa aaw ,;t
Dejoe & Bobson, and the San-
: tlam Lsmberlnr
To M V Mbit and &araft E Mcrrr.
two of the above as reed deft ndants :
OREGON: You are herebv required to
appear aad anssvr the corn:; aim of the
above named piainuff in the aVve entitled
esuse now on file with the clerk of tbe
j above entitled cour' on or before the
nrM day of the nex- regular term of the
J above entitled our: next (allowing the ex-
I piration of he time presciibed in this order
far the pobHcation of sumtrons to alt:
I OT before the Jiid day of October. A.
j 'Sf. and you are her by notified that
appear ana atswer saw com-
k )udrtnctit and decree against
1 Z.01- " P raved tor in bis com-.Utnt tosnt"
or judgment against the above named
defendant, Frank D Wood, for tne sum of
! $IO-l ' c7 with Interest thereon from the
itt day of August. iSi. tad for the fur
ther sum cf $:oo 00 as attorneys ftes, ard
far a decree ol the above entitled court
foreclosing the mortgage executed by ire
defendant. Frank D Wood in favor of the
plaintiff above named upon the following
described real ptoperty. towli : Lot Num
ber Three In B'oct " Number Seventeen
in the city of Albany. Llna county, SWe
of Organ, as the same appears upon the
maps and plats of said city now on file ia
the office of the Recorder in said Linn
county. Oregon, and for an order direct
t ,n8 ""1 u'e tmta premises aoove descnaaa
( M.U M I- 1 . J. . 1 1
wm. as o MW UtrCt'.CU, BIW ItSV pro
ceed arising' from such sale be applied.
First; To the payment of the costs and
disbursements herein, and the attor
ney s ftes. Second: To the payment
of the plaintiS's claim, principal
and interest tn full, and the over-pin, if
any there to any, lo be applied as may be
directed by thw'court, and that the defen -dant
Frank D Wood and all persons hold
ing under him be forever barred and fore
c',oed of all rhrht of redemption in cr to-
j me said lands above described.
This summons I published in the State-
Rights Democrat by order of the Hon H
U Hewitt, judge of the above entitled
court, duly made in Chamber at Albany,
Oregon, on the 9th d-.y of August, A. D.,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
DR. ?AiVX3-Elr-a
wrra euctug
.-..p'taBt.. '-a. sms. lutes rrjm iiTwiTiii LvitT
. ' I4VU iT,1.'!! ."rr" la tastaaur r., s tb
Urt.TLTJ!'" TtsukU Vr tea rar4 S. tSte -r-
J5EBE!?! aasB lumif siruat. us
CSRiSSS! " " .. wrta su. bbh
ySBSSSa rsaipawts, BaS, aiM, IM. Sildras
e-ajrx-aniw laibKc-r-Ric co.
5.00 to f 15.00 PER DAY at noma
Selling 1 thrnl,,.. Pin., n,l nlill.i, tm
! airy, watches, Uble ware, etc. Every