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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1894)
State Eights D cm o f va t . VOL XXX. Entered at Ike Post omrc at Albany. Or , ai aestond-Ciasa Hall Hatter t ALBANYsORKGON, FRIDA, SEPTEMBER 50. 1894 TlTE at JTETTixti.rablUhers'aa rr.nrtel.rsi 8 .L. Douglas 3 SHOE IS THE BUT. NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOVAN, rnruMi nuun mmi t " rnLnhnncnmcuxuwu. 3.5? P0UCE.3 Soles. 2.1.9BoySchMlShoes. LADIES- .SEND TOR CATALOGUE DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. e money W. l WC IIC 1 11 ( lll,l.l IUBUUIILIUIC1I M advertised shoe in the world, and auarautee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high rices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by THE I. E BLAIIM CLOTHING-CO Von can i IJITAS V V home. TED ..ADIKS to do writing at Pay 115 00 to Per nk end self addresnatl e tamped snvslnn forrepyl. MAKER FONTAINE, geenerl wsu-'itor, 324 Dearhnrn -X Chicago. 111. P08HAY & MASON Druggists and Bookseller?. fei.ts for John B, Alden'a publlrsUooa Joh we sell at publisher' e prion wtf LBT. OBEOO" "As oW the hills" ami , never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu 7 lator is to fp TlP 0 n 1 7 Liver joedicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid- ueys. Try it Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry ormadeintoa tea. Tt.e King of Liver Medicines. ' 1 taeva aasd ycursiinmons Liver Item lat" as) van const i ntlously say it la use kinv of ail liv t nubilities. I consider It tadkeiws tf. t mi itself. ejao. w. Jaos o. Tm.miiis. Washington. . 11 EKI PACKAGE'S ar tl B st.--.up la red w an Pills for Infants and Children. " Caatoria is ao wen adapted to chflcbesi that UfajganaMBd It aa anpartar to any preacriptlon Mra t m." IX A. Aacaae, X. D., Ill So. Oxford SA, BraaUrn, Wl T. HTba was of 'Oastcrla k) ao unrest! and a. raerita ao well knovm . bat It .warns a work , to until, ai It, Twm or. taw I famine who do not kaop Caatoria i easy roach. " Carlo JUsrrx, T. FA. KevrVarkCRy. Caatoria cores Cauc, OnftAipaHow. Soar Stop-aca, Pburrboaa, Eructating, Kills Worn, fives steep, sad rcoraotca dt gaatioD, Without Injurious rwdlccficB. "Far fvraral yean I hare 1 1 1 ililllf lai your ' Otetaria,' and abaU always continue, u do go a. It baa lnvariahty praCacou bonefieka Earns F. Paansrc, M. P.. i acd th Kf York Ciry Vci Tara Csnrrara Oostpaxv, TT airaaav Srsunrr, Kw Toaz Crrr. THTJRSDAY Cuors. Following is the report of the D S Department of Agriculture, Weather Bu- of the Oregon State Weather Service, for the week t nil ing Monday, Septemlier 10th. 1894. The attention of all ia being directed to hop picking and to securing the fruit crop. Hop picking was delayed several days by the rains the first of the month. At Lafayette, Yamhill county, com menced on the 5th ; the crop is reported to be heavy in this section but owing to the reduced compensation for picking the necessary labor lias not been se cured. The crop is beiug secured in goop condition ; lice have done) some damage in a few yaads and mould is re ported from a few fields. Farm ;js have completed threshing. Grain is being hauled io the warehouses. It is esti mated by our correspondent at Carlton that the warehouses of that place will receive only half as much grain as was stored from the crop of 1891. This fall ing off is due to attention being given to raiBing oi oilier produce, principally hops, amy iu railing on in yield, ihe SLIPPERY ENRIGHT Best Work Promptness PRINTING Office Stationery A Specialty Give us yoar Patronage. P. J. SMILEY ALBANY, OREGON. The Oregon Land Co C2 tVltn its horns office at S-AL.3.BJVa: - - - OBI-GrO. T ,ns Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch effice tn Portia. 'HTAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract rear Salem) A- Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per -ere small caah payment loDg timo on balance or particular. and earner as lavorao.e tor all crops rotatoea have been benefitted by the rains and pastures have noticeably im proved. The curing of prunes will be gin '.his week. The prune crop is not an average except in the southern sections where particular mention is made of the silver and golden varieties. The trees are heavily laden, The p'um and prune crops of Clackamas county are medium as to quantity and of good quality. A Foolish Farmer. Some men don't know what to do with money if they get It. The Telegram tells of a case : Joseph Wiggins, a farmer from Butteville, came to Oregon City Monday with a quantity of grain, which tie sold for $240 in hard coin. That night he nut dd at Mr. Saw. some's boarding house. Wiggins took the money, and. niacins' it in in. nf hi. socks, took it to bed with him. As the night proved very warm, he moved to another room, forgetting his money. He left a lamp, however, burning in his room, l he next morninL when Wiming went back to his room, the laxon had been put out and the sock and its golden contents gone. Wiggins veiy naturally made a great "roar" about his lose. Subsequently Mrs Newsome and John Ranke. a runner for the house, w ere arrested charged with the larceny of the money. Ihe case will o investigated. Wiggins has returned to Butteville sockless and moneyless, to meet the hop pickers whom the tost soin was intended to pay. PoTL.osn Lots n Iowa. Several ministers sold 175,000 worth of Portland ' lota in low, and now that the bottom is out of Portland lots the ministers are getting :t right and left. The Iowa Reg ister gets mad aa follows : Preachers are being generally utilized to work busi ness and political schemes of deception and deceive many of the "elect" The '$75,000" placed in that Portland plot may be worth $75 or 75 cents, but there is very little probability that those who were duped ty the sharpers, who preached hke archangels) nj between time placed lota among the brethren," will ever recsive ten cents on the dollar for their investment. It is we I to be aware of preachers who come to yon wit- noney in tneir mouth to advocate bust ness and political schemes. The devil always haa a strong bold upou thatrlass ot preaci.era. Another Stasd Up It is a scarce week that parses without a stand np in Lane county. 1 tie Ouard tells ot tber : As Mr Swaggart. who runs a beef peddling wagon, waa traveling along the road a abort distance above opringfield, Monday evening, be was a'.opped by two masked men, one of whom bad a shot gun. and searched to; money. He bad notmng on bis person but an old poc-et mie which the nignwaymen took. One or the ro-n called Mr Swaggart by name indicating they belonged to the neighbor hood. Mr braggart bad lost delivered a considerable quantity of beef at the Neis . i . , , , , . . . nop yaraano iuev prouauiy moggm ne had some money. Rbxarkablb Suoomo Aoiong the most noted Salem bird hunters might be mentioned Mel Hamilton and Col Olm- stead. Hamilton alone killed thirty-six birds yesterday and Ol instead w as not fa- behind. Tbe other day Mr Hamilton killed a bird and caught it in bis band before it ttrnck the ground witxout mov ing from bia tracks. Independent. How easy it la to prevaricate in this great world ot ours. A Txst Cass We are reliably formed that the sheriffs of Oiegon will test that portion of tbe ew fee law, aa to whether or not tbey are entitled to mileage. The case, however, will not be trcuglit until the next legislature ad journ. our iniormant, who lives in the northern part oi the state, says that it is the opinion oi leading fort. and attor neya that tbe supreme court will decide in their favor. Engens Guard. K minted IT At Once. A man was in Brownsville yesterday for the first time in five years. He aaet an acquaintance in a soloon, and having an old grudge against him called hi r a name against the social code of that citv. A rough and tumble fight followed at the drop of the tongue and the name ra ler was given a live thrashing. An Accident -One day this week Mrs Rillar, residing tn the southern suburbs of tttti city, climbed into the loft of the ba.n to get seme hay down, Mr Pillar being hi at the time. In some manner she jell through the hole to the floor be low bruising and injuring her considerably though no braking any bone:.. Makes Another Attempt to Break Jail. Sheriff McFerou has in his keeping one or two as slippery feKows as ever bore tbe solitude of an Oregon priaon ceU. Charles Enright, or Texas J.tck, ia par ticularly a cunuing niece of humanity It ia only recently Unit he nearly suc ceeded in sawing his way out. Since then he has been watched constantly, and yet became within a few hours of liberty again Tuesday evening t .e sheriff heard a auspicious noise, and hastening in found Wright and the two Henry Jarksons in tbe corridor. En right, who was absent soon put in an ap pearance. They were placed in their cells when it was found that two bars, in the wa'er closet had been aawed off, and t'exaa Jack had been reconnoi tering overhead after the fashion of Lewie last wlnttr. The bars, though, had been cut in a different place. Aa tbe aouth side is now ooi-npied and locked, it waa undoubtedly the inteution to dig a hole through the bricks in the rear of the building which could have been done in a few moments, when the whole crowd would have made their escape. The Sheriff and his deputy b?gau hunt ing lor the tools, which proved an inter estiug operation. A well made saw man ufactured ont of clock spring was found fastened to the inaide of Texas Jack's suspender, and another one under a board in the floor. A long wan h was made for the file with which the saws bad been made; but without success, un til finally Wright agreed to DUt the Sheriff on t :e right track for some to bacco, . which was agreed '. and the old jail broom was mentioned as the hiding place. After quite a search the file waa found driven into the lower end of the broom, so as to be entirety con ceiled. It had to be broken off in order to get it ont. The rods of the frame surrounding the corridor are so soft and rotten that cawing a bar off ia a small job. Enright seems bound to get on', if there la such a thing; but he will b? watched constantly. Exauinin'Q tub Willamette. Cap tain Cleveland Rockwell, United States Engineer located at Portland, and Captain O 8 Wand, of the steamer Eugene arrived here last night, and will leave down the Willamette Friday forenoon in a small boat to make an initial reconnousiincc of this artery of commerce. At (he recent session of congress an ap propria tion of tl'.i 000 was made to make a nurvey ami form ulate a plan for the permanent improve ment of the river. .Mr Rockwell will i,ot the condition of tberriver at the present low stage, so that when the river raises he will have n good general idea of its con dition. At the pressing iuvitation of the U S Board of Engineers Captain Waud. who L familiar with the river, consented to accompany Mr Rockwell and give his idea concerning the beet means for it im provement. Captain Rockwell informed a (iuard reporter this morning, that from reliable information, he felt assured that tbe ricer to this point could be mode safely navigable the greater portion of the year. Guaid What if needed is actual work. There has always been toe much monkey business in preliminary and unnecessary surveys and work. Now is the time to work, not after tbe water raises. A Fine Thing. -Geo RoweP. of Sweet Home, yesterday received an endowment and disability certiticate in the order of the Knights of the Maccabees. Mr Rowel joined Linn Tent No 7 soon after it was first organized, about two years ago.'aking a beneficiary certificate for" A30U0. A tew months since he became unable to do any work, so applied for an endowment and disability certificate, uvording to the laws of the order, which he has now received. This certificate entitle him to draw $309 D2T year for ten years, and be is exempt rrom ail uues and assessment. Tbe vr- ( tifirate was accompanied by a check for $300. the payment for this "year. Thi is a ! tine thing for Mr Roweil. and shows that the K O 1 M will do more for its members jaaa any ether onter. It will i"oubtles have the effect of increaing the member hip of tbe tents in this state. Mr Roa-ell ha1 paid into the crder about $n0 Leba non Advance. A Cbazt Man. Georgt SrL-ltexr caxre to town Thursday, and as Le had a Win chester ride in his possession and was act ing in a wild nerTous rjrt of way, several of our citizens were considerably alarmed, fearing that he might do somebady harm . Evidently his mind is unt..i!.n-,-l R I chance he set his gun against tbe door of 7 the post-office while be was doing some 11 mung. and J S Morris lock charge ofethe gun. Later .Smeltzer went borne, but it is feared that be will have to be restrained. lie. at a previous period in hi life, bad to be treated insanity, and be nrohablv ill have to t taken to the asvlum for N all receipts for cooking: re- quiring a leavening agent ROYAL BAKING because it is an POWDER, absolutely pure cream of tartar powder and of 33 leavening per cent, greater strength than other powders, will give the best results. It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, and more wholesome. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALT- ST., NEW YORK. "Teaching is tne noblest art sorriest trade." bat TENTH ANNUAL SESSION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL The Poniard exposition pioprr'r h-.s been said for $62,000 at public aale. It costs to get war news from China to England $1 7 a word from C ina and $3 60 a word from Japan . The man with a push cart and all his worldly effect has passed Ashland. Every paper south ot here hi no. iced hi arriv and departure. W S Baird, who met with an acciJcnt by a nsd biidge In Umatilla county, has been allowed tj?3 for darr.a-e. Be only claimed $509 50. Nearly a tear ago at an Examiner drawing oi premiums Dr' of this city, fell heir to a 10 acre fruit tract worth $1000. He nas not ye, secured his deed to it (or some reason. The Albany College opened testetdav with a larger that, a scar ago and witft bright prospects. The new president takes hold of the helm in manner to indicate his capacity for the important work before him The rrope-"U ot the scnool aie bright. "he dog tax lias been Increased ir Port land and there Is a general kick amcjg the dog owners. If a man will Indulge in the l.-xurr of a dog he should be made to pay lor tt. A dog in a city U itautol as I where tbe prti-s ride much use as a tail to a ravblt. If peop'e I of this cite, aad Iteooty aaaaastaeal A school Teaches Fi jted. After be ing ont 50 hours tbe jury in tbe c of the stale agt a L Mcr addrn. school tea.her arrested for whipping Ralph an Cleve came in with a verdict ot 10 and ost. nearly Sou. The friends of the hcv claim that he was whipped, or rathr jerked and oangeu against seals, because the bors father put Mel adden oat of his office, and there ros to hare been tome politics mixed up in it. It was a hot case and has caujed oonsid-raUe feeling around Toledo 1 v ngnu At: rr.. v (V- r. will Insist on keeping auci, antms. they I prosecuted the case and the defendant should be well taxed for doing so. lode- brother. Judge McFadden. of CorvaJlU, de- P-ru-nr. tended Use case. As audi cases generally Tb ha been a bid year for raliiasd. go m aw ot toe detendaat the result is and if ihs.y had many more such rears I considerable of a legal feather n tbe side hey wousd at. have to get out ol bunes. " ne psi bushksb Mrs ti L. Thompson went to Ralsey to day on a visit. Marshal Leo went to Independence last evening for a couple day's visit. Mrand MrVHegele returned to Portland today after a visit with Albany relatives Licenses have been issued for the mar riage of M Ieutrh and Elizabeth Bender, and C J- Bunnell and L M Mitchell Rev E C Fry. brother of the Fry brothers of this city, left t'lis wts-k for J a ran when. ; be will be located a a missionary at Tokio. treatment again. eeio Press. Smeltzer! Mr and Mrs Frank t"mw azni son, Clar waa brought to Albany today ana exaici-ied ' "f Albany, visited with fen Geo this afternoon with chances' in favor cf his j .,r1 ,n ttw I4" Saturday. -Sodaville iter tew. SOCIAL AND PKRSONAL. FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers and Embalmers. w E KEEP constantly on hand a full line of metaMc, cloth and wood caskets ai burial lobes and suits, in broadcloth, alln,rl rrte,lr coffins. Also which will be old at The Lowest Living I'rofltn. EMBALMING nd the proper care of the dead a specialty KO EXTRA CHAR CI: FOR HEARSE OR SERVICES ALBANY - - MASONIC TEMPLE - - OREGOf ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, Tvben Baby was sick, we cava her Caatoria. 'When aha waa a Child, aba criod for Castor!. When she became Miss, she clung to Caatoria. VTuen th e bad Cbiluran. tiiv jravo Um ( Boys Wool and.Gbais Mr A Senders announces to the public that he is in the field to buy wool, grain, mdes, potatoes. etc. Call on him at his headquarters at the store of M Bternburg, corner r irst and Broadalbin streets. Alban-. ek aastr The last njmber of tbe Commercial and Financial Chronicle print a tab!e howin- the srro earnings of the United Suies raiiaay lor the tir. mjnth, ot this year, and compared with tbe earnings to r the same period n isatit shows an a grega".e loss of $l03,ooo,ouoin six msntbs Mrs Tbos Monteith, Ir.. is st Soda ville for a months sojourn. Hr 1' liarger, ol Broanaville, was in the city today on his way to Salem. Prcf Pollock and J oe Mevere were In Corvallia yesterday, according to the In- tormer. Married at tbe borne ot the groom a parents, in torrallia, tsept II, 1804, John Kiger and Kha v ells, Squire Holgat officiating. 1 he happy couple were in Albany on their bridal trip. Mr Carey and Mr Adams and several other men of Crook county, are in tbe city, nine wagon loads in all, having brought ,000 pounds ol wool to Albany. which was purchased by S E Young for Tom Kay at C' rents per pound. Dr Gutss, of Woodbaro, was in town one day last week looking for an opening to engage In some kind of bnsinese. He did not make any definite arrangements but we did learn that thete are prettr lair prospects lor him to become a citi uti of Newburg -Independent. I rank Mider and family arrived here yesterday afternoon from Albany to viait relatives and Irienda. Every member of the J G Gray family waa present at the family residence last evening, and a very pleasant time was spent. - Eugene ouard. Mr navtd Link's trouble with Ma eye baa proved to be quite a serious one. A letter received Irom 1'ortland 'his morn ing s'ates that be has bad to be kept in a dark room for tbe past week, and will not be able to get away from Portland for at least another week . Dr Wood who is a tending him, thinks he will effect a complete cure of the trouble in due time. Eugene Register. Will sfcClure, who recently went to Annapolis, Maryland, to undergo exam nation for admttaion to the military academy, failed to pass the required ex animation and will return home in a few days. He waa ancceaaful in everything but Arithmetic. The examination is very rigid one, and of ten appointments made by Congressman Hermann, but one so far baa succeeded in passing the examination and gaining admission to the academy. Will will attend the University again thia winter, but next year will be too old to again seek ad mission to the academy, the Itnv.t of age being twenty 7ears. Eugene Register Paikcr Bros, grocers. N"W cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers, P J Smiley job printer, Pliau Block, does first class work. Smoke fhe celehrsted Havana filled S oent cigar at Julias Joseph's. Fa.ronize home industry by smoking the celebrated white labor oigars, manufactured by jaHus Joseph. Those. J0$9K. V MANHOOD REftTORTi"' ' '(ve szzbs." ule in Al,iuij.uro..b.y J. A. CUMfclNii antf by UODGBti A fV Ai tfn: ,1:1 J lie Tttua p 10, GaiCe. Pimples Are tell-tale symptoms that your blood is not right full of impurities, causing a sluggish and unsightly complexion. A few bottles of H. &. a. wilt remove all foreign ana impure matter, cleanse the blood thoroughly, and give a clear and rosy complexion. It is most effect ual, ana entirely harmless. Chss. Heaton, 78 Laurel Street, Phlla., says: ' 1 nave nan lor years a numor in my diooq pimples would be cut, thus causing shav be a great annoyance. After taking three which made me dread to shave, as small boils or imples would be cut, thus causing shaving to noyance. alter taunginreeDonies my face Is all clear and smooth as it should he anoetifas snlendid. alaen well and feel like running a foot race all for the use of S. 3.S. Treatise 0.1 bktod and skin diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. Rudyard Kipling's seven words for 81. him bv his asrilitv . . : .1 ... 1 . 1 - l : i . . 1 I " rum u, ire me uigiieei price paiu any lit erary man of our times, reads very small in comparison with what waa paid Judge raxton lor a n:eisry article. Until Mc- Eeod came on the scene the Reading railroad nad used an old aisn at tbe crossings, "Beware of the engine and cars, with a mass of further inatmc A Hton Pairs 1, Cut Artoria, far down on tbe Columbia, off anv railroad. away from tbe rest of the world. i a peculiar city, a frontier town yet. Tbe following from tbe Budgett gives the situa tiof: Eggs in Portland are quoted at 12 eeavta and 15 cents . in A.tona 25 and 30 cents only doable. Hams 14 and 15 cents in 1'ortland; 16 and 1 cent in Astoria. Chickens in Portland from $2 to $3 W; in Astoria $5. Petal oes in Portland 50 cent per sack ; in Astoria 96 cents and l per sack. And so it is all along tbe line IT' o in A-:-r..i 1 iv ( r what they set than thev do in anv other city cn the coast. This is aa outrage and a swindle on tbe citizens of Astoria, and the city ciin never I prosperous so long as men rates arekent dd. It is little w. mier that people go away from home to trade. Whks PsU-kes Pat. Mr McClure, of the S lad dec fruit farm near Eugene, says the Grjard. ta loading a lame refri-eratr car at the depot with nnines. which goes to c: :. r irf 1 . , , r . uiuus cuj, io a. 1 ne car win noiu i.ssu boxes, and they wetsrh 20 rounds each Tbey sell in Sioux City, at who! tale for $1.25 per box, netting the shipper about W cents per oox. 1 ne trees in tbe orchard are yielding about two and one-half bushel of the product each. McClure axcects to re ceive abont $1050 net for the car. Italian prunes, green, are in excellent demand east, but other varieties are very slow seders and at frem cnly 65 ta 0 o-nts per oox. Easilt Silked. About three months ago a stranger was around taking orders for enlarging pit-tans. His price was very low i tor a lile-size crayon portrait an-1 ne got quite a number of orders, re ceiving the pay in advance, but has de- iiyertu no picture t ne family palroniAl ( '?) him to tbe amount of $5. This "game" baa been worked all over the West during me past t,.w year. Had these citizen patronized our local photographer tbey would not have been Li' hut wnnld have got good, honest work at a low figure it is always oet to patronize home institu tions. Advance- A Hi-stiko IsciDEKT.-Mr Bert Smith who was in the citv today tells of an inter- etingintnese pheasant hunting incident. te era a menu were hunting on the Lb anon lorvalhs road a few miles from tangent, when the friend went upon fanners place after a celestial While gone the farmer came ;out after Mr Smith in a very red hot non-trespass kind of a style A pugilistr: contest followed in short metre, and Mr smith bowed a very black eye as a result, canouuy admitting that he came out eecond !est, thoutrh hr trot in s t 1 . i 1 r " one goon mi ui iu: riirtner, woo surprises! Mr an-.l Mr McConky.of Onio, who have been visiting their old time friend. Prof Torbet, of this city, left for their eastern home yesterday. law Lanning and v iurr have r- tansed from the Sodas and candidly admit that tbey didn't kill many deer. Tbey re port venison scarce. L T Robinson went to Solera today with hi dancing floor and wiil operate it daring tne siaie rair. ne nas oeen running it among the bop fields. 1 Mr and Mrs Bert an Cleve aent to Salem today to join tbe Sccnland Comedy Lorn pony which will rehear -e there far tour of the valley . Tbey trill piav the first nsgnt at Aioaay in aioui two weeks. Doc and Perry Conn and Pete Roettner left today for Canyon Creek after dewr and bear. Last year tbey got fifteen deer and one bear and expect to duplicate the record this year. Fisher Bros have established a store at Sen I H oaa -ai.: b will be tin -r the ruin agement cf Hugh Kuber, formerly of this place. Mr Kisher is well known here an.l we ventuie to v the iweet Home people will and nim an excellent business man SodanUe Review. Tbe foliowsnir members of Bealah Ke- lkai; Lodire I O O F of this city will visit tbe Kebekah Lodge at carvallis to night Mr and Mrs I D Burkhart. Mr and Mrs I G BurkUart.Mr and Mrs A M Holt Mr and Mr A J Hodges, Mr and Mrs H Barnes. Mi- Josephine Barnes. Mr K-ndrick. A A (Jordan. Miss Jennie: Gordan. Mr and Mrs Me-r-wda. Mrs John Jones. Miss Hat tie Drsis. JoeJTesky. W Uiilett. Mr and Mrs C K Kronk.Mr and Mrs Fred Brackman.Mis Emma Brnckman. Mrs Merrill, Mr and Mrs T I Stiles. Mr R Veal and wife. Mr C Sears and wife. J M Allphin and a number ot otters Haiirisbcro Hop iaud. E C Smith informs us that the picking is prococeling at a lively rate in nil hop van! near liar risburg, and that he expects the work to be completed by the middle of next week. He has already 100,000 pounds of dried hops in the warehouse and expects Uie more. Some mould is found in the vurd but hope thus anectea are not picked Guard. lions in small print. In some suits for j yard to yield from 40,000 to 50.000 pound uauiages it was ciauueti mat the warn ings were not clear. McLeod went to Judge raxton, who composed thieadmir tots notice: "Kailroad crossing Stop. look and Listen I" Eor this little com position he received the modeat sum of W7S0 or over $796.06 a word. When it cornea to emoluments the poets aro not in it with lawyera. The follow was hied yestertla v : WillCovkr the State. ing articles of incorporation the office of secretary of state Articles incorporating Ihe Lawyers Ab- tract company, for the purpose of making nrenarinir. or obtaining ana furnishimr nl Vebt Delibkratf:. One of the most I streets of any property within tbe state deliberate suicides on record occurred at Pf Oregon. Ihe principal place of busi Ulympia yesterday morning. Houtwell 5KV,3r5S 'piwi is tw.ouu was a regiuent 01 me west aide and a i, . sans 11, bachelor. A neiehbor visited Ida house IT'he incorixirators of tto company are S t Dd found written on a small blackboard opencer, Aiex oernstein aim v a as jones outside, "Look within." On entering a Emmons Hel. Lyman Emmons,who shed the visitor found the dead bodv of wm arrested lor stealing the horss of I0I1 couiweii, ana evidence! 01 a well planned Buicide. Before committing the aeeu, tne aeceaseu had erected a bench 111 one corner, in me opposite corner waa fixed a gun, carefully leveled at a target placed on one end of the bench A string ran from the gun trigger to the bench, being placed in carefully arrninr- eci miapies. uoutweil attired himself in his beat rait of clothes, laid himself down on the bench in the abed, carefully pincmg mo iitjau in range 01 li e gun anil target and pulled the trigger. The ball penetrated the head at the ear on one aiuu ana passed through. There were noevidencea of a struggle Go to Parker Bros for your groceries. 11 racunee, ine murocrea Assyrian, was ex arntneu at souaviue y esieruay aiternoon and held ander $500 bonds to the action of the grand jury. He was brought 10 Aioany, in aeiauir, or oau ana pis coil In tne (county jsit unui ire grand jury meets. In the mean time every thing possiuio win oe aone to aiecovcr the mur deter of McQhee. The Latest Isewb is that Julius tirad wolil is doing business 111 his new quart eru, the oui I'ost unioe ana ueld l-ellow building and l)jHra House, and to giv an introduction to Inn new store, ho will sell the following goods for not cost only, I box full woiirnt Savon soan 85 ebe i boxes French sordines 25 els. Oysters 10 eta per can, Arnancie and m coneo 25 eta K , . 1 1 . 1, , 1 , , 11 mi an oiner goous soiti as 10 w as anv house on this coast. A Solvation army ha located at Cor eaiua. Rev 1 D Driver has a hi I of $Soo before tbe county court ol Lane county for dam age to nts farm . Ex-Jthenff ot f.sne county has ett;ed with Ihe countv court bv the pay men. 01 si a (a. After living in the same residence since S63 Bush Wilson, of CorvalUs has moved nto the residence o Col Hoee. B'ind Tom. the wonderful pianist. Is ex hibitmg through Oregon and will probably oe 10 Aioany ine nrst part ot October Mr Jack Adams. O P paymaster, went over ihe rode today paying off for August. The good record of Receiver C'ark Is thus kept up. O M Curl boasts of a bran new sien from the brush of F Dannals of Albarv. which is a daisv an don't you forget It. It Is a very piect of work. Sclo Prese. td airen, bar keeper at the Leo.Cor- vatlia, utd Ernest Case had a fight on the street on Wedocs.iav. Warren wsa de clared to be to blame and was fined $10 ana cost. Hon O N Denny pars tax on $! in Yarn bill county. The heaviest resident tax payer in that county is J W Coves, of McMinvl e. who pavs on$17.llo, Ladd cV Reid of Portland pay on $69,435. The sale of round trio tickets to the lair will begin tomorrow. They Wtd be good uniil the z4th. Price fl .60. The Kosel-.urj local alii remain in ialem dur ing ihe tail week until 5 o'clock dally. A foot race 75 yards at CorvalUs for fun between Fted Oberer, who won the fire men race at Oregon City, and Bob John son, the new M resulted In favor ol Johnson, who by (he way used to be a rcgutar sprinter. M E Folsom, ex- county treasurer of Umatilla county, will be sued for taS,- 806.61 money received by him and de- waited tn the bark at that city which afterward failed and has never paid its debts. Wyatt Wilson, so eight year old girl wh'le playing t.i a hop yard near Cregwell last Monday, was attacked by a dog in a vicious manner and nearly killed. Her face waa terribly lacerated, three teeth being torn out. The dog was shot. On last Friday Dis Lamberson and Courtnev amputated one finger of the left band of Harry Watkins, cf Sweet Home. The bulle and ramrod of the gun had blown through the hand, making a very painful wound.- Express. Ed Umphrev snd Henry Smith killed filtv four Chicese pheunts Saturday, The Idrds were killed In about one hour and a half's shooting. Advance, That may be good shooting ; but there is nothing remarkably commendable In slaughter ing pheasants. The citv authorities of Athena get some practical Benefit from the inmates of the lockun. Recently, says an exchange two prisoners chained to each other were seen driving down protruding nal'a and sn'kes In th: sidewalks. They made a nood job of it and seemed to prefer the outdoor work to confinement In jail. A BtaoLAK Caicht. Monday night tbe O P depot waa robbed, as heretofore re ported. a bo I- in a pane of glass being made A new pane was pat in, tbe potty not vet having hardened. Last night about mid night Policeman McClain disewered a man in the building and t roceedad to take him into custody . Tbe man claimed to have toe consent of Agent H aldec. who waa hunted up. rnd of course kcew nothing about it. John Doe was then placed in tbe county jail for safe keeping, and will be held there bv order of Justice 1 resisen an - til til. grand jury meets, investigation at the depot reveaied the fact that the man bad entered by takir.g the newly puttied pause of glass out. and replacing it. upon finding that there was iiotjiing inside that he want,: Tbe policeman happened around jnst in time. hen taken to Mr Walcbjm be was examined and a mean look- in' ana a very vig revolver touaci in ni coat pocket. H a Lad hi hand upon it and acted very much as if be mrgst use it. It was taken away Irom htm alter some resistance. A CoxrEar will be siren at the First Presbyterian church. Tuesslay evening. Sept letfa. by Prof J M ood. tbe Mind musician assisted by Albany best local taJ-nt. Following is tbe proeram : Part I. irr.rture. Poet and Ptasant. Violin and piano. Prof Wood and Miss Eva Cowan. Vocal solo, selected. Miss Lihian rrei!. Yi;.i:n :. ife-sai '. Pr-f 1 M Wood. Vocal solo, ierted. Mr F P Sitting. Piano solo, selected, prcf Louis Blakrlr. !vng. serio cjmic. Irof Wd Violin and piano duett. La Koch del Destino. rroTs Wood and fclavkelv. Part Snd. ervertare. Le Barbier De Seville. Prof '.xaj an 1 Miss Eva Cowan. Vocal solo Mrs. C. O. Lee. Violin solo, selection from the Opera Norma Prof. Wood. ocal duett. Come with Me Minnie Van Horn and LiUie Farrell. Piano Solo. Selected Prof. Louis Blakely. The entertainment will conclude with an olio bv Prof. Wood. Admission 25 cents, ciiiWrcn under twelve 15 cents. Doors open at . :lo, couccrt Cc-nimene-es at 8:15. Dr C O Kei ley 's birtiidajr. probably TO years, was celebrated Thursday evening, when the Dr. was remembered with several handsome presents, such as a gold watch chain, souvenir spoon and spectacle case. W J Ribelan and Tbos Brandon, two of Halsey's solid citizens, were in Albany to day. Tbey report this to have beenaVreat runaway week in and around Halsey. There were fber on one day- The team of Lon Bredweil took a run resulting in the death of one of th; horses Tbe team of SjJoo Taylor's did considerable damage to the wagon. The names of the others were not known. Mr Ribelan continues to send his butter to Portland and never mentioned hard times. Mrs G F Russell, of Halsey. ia in the eity. Mr Ralph Knapp, of Brownsville, was doing Albany today. Lotus and Will Galbrsith have retained from the Cascades. G A Wilson, a San Jose jeweler, passed through Albany yesterday on a bicycle. Charles Sears went to Salens this noon. 1 and witi enter the state fair races next , week. Hon L Btlyen and family of Eugene, re turned home today from their summers citing at Newroxt- Licertse were issued today for the mar riage of E C Sim and Mrs E M Cooper, and Ail Piper and Sarah M Talli. I Miss Ida Black, st the public schools, ar ' ried in Albany front Portland this nocn 1 '1 fin lioiimea isi Ihr "elli A teacbers meetinir is to beheld Meavday esssauag. M S Height, advance agent tar Blind j Tom. has been in the city making azrange ! ments for the appearance of the ceJefcrated pianst the nrst part of October, j Miss Lettie Wicks, salnUtoriaja of the O A Cclas of "94. beeaa a three months' term of school in tbe Badir district, about ; -.wo miles east of Corral! is in Linn cosanty tact Moniay. Gazette. Rev peer. of the Warm Sprinss Agexscy, arrived in Albany yesterday with bis two sons Lyle and Clayton, who will attend the coilege. the fbnner already having been one ;ear. W P Weiss passed through Monday flora Los Azuteies to Albany. His brother Abe Weis. and 'amity were st the depot visiting his. Ashland Kecord. Ibey got a- c-x wacteu at nkliaaikiai X nrarnaee license was issued today bv tbe county clerk to W F Looney and H sitae noemaker.boU of Jefferson, ine nnpi'.a. knot will be tied next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the borne of tbe bride's parents. Salem Indssnendent. Mrs David Clark went to Albany Tues day to visit her daughter before she resnoves to Los Annie where Dr E N Con dit has been elected assesidetit of the Pres srykerian aniversitT. Aaciand Record. A training school for teacbers, theory and practice combined. Strong professional coarse and wel equipped model school. Thorough preparatory and academic eaaaaa, Normal. Advanced Normal, Business, Music and Art Departments. Light expenses. Board and lodsring, books and tuition not above $150" per year. The town of Monmouth has a beautiful and healthful location in the ve-rv heart of the Willamette Vallev twelve miles south west of the State CapitaL It has no saloons. The Normal School diploma entitle one to teach in anv county in the ate without any further exaniir. uates command irood txdtior.. ssWw j Expenses. Tuition per lenu oi i-u 1 weeks ; Normal 6.25 : Sub-Nornial $5: J Commercial $6s25. Board and tcdadzsg : Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.75 per week; furnished rooms, with fire and light, from $1.00 to $1.25 per week. Board and lodging in private families from $3.00 to $.1.50 per week. Mtality and growth have always char terized the work of the Normaf SchooL ache coming year promises to be one ot iue oesi lb its oitiorr. Catalogues chetn'allv sent on applica tion. Address P L Caxfbzxl. Preader - or W A Wasjc, Secretary of Faculty m NEW at: is said ir"s 1 , iJA2a3ST positive wiillsss aSBSSsstee, by :-s SBStai a. asssat rk Vi ssssssri Lose of Bnto and Serve Power: Laws. Mashoasi; fntiikeess- KA- Lo ... EvQ Dreasx; Leek of La. ol rVic. of tzeliwn'i I Onrs -.: astwsrssrtaan, xasnzmi mors, or of Tbbseoa. Optca or JUssssw. wsucJt sssns .o jaxsefT. e sssssassssasa. asssaacy asd Death. Bj tcaiL fl a box: six tor $Z,-wii WTttzssi aaaarasvee So cssre or sssasssst sassassa, taampl- psjrkastP- co-talc ir r iiss' treazassssa. with rail tassrwesaoaa. B esssta. Ox sstsawie oxstr eekt to each pexson bj sssuT. J A-Cumming, sole agent, Albany LE BBDN'S GIG ica asanas sxx. as a p$ztnrwrivE SyigMi atsl . Ti li mil m HOME. AND ABROAD The enrollment in the Ashland school is 4J0. Fred Brown and Charles Smith escaped from the covnty jail at Dallas Thursday nighL A tman at Corrailia refused to nay a $1.90 bill. Cost $6.2C. Hr refusal cost him$St5. Spokane will pay 5 V mill tax this year to pay the iaterett'on bonds alone. The result of the boom. -There were just forty members of Beu !ah Rebckah Lodge I O O F ot ihis city that visited the Rebek vn Lodge at Cor valHs last night. It was at Til Glaze's saloon in Prine 1SS0 that Hank Vaughn and Long fough: their famous dual at the ends of a kandkercaief . E C Smith of Harri burg, has sold 15, 000 (rounds ot hops to a Montana brewery. He receives fT them o cents per poand de ivered. Tbe hope wi.l net him about 7la cents a pound. Trie necessity for a welter Interior t t h j county jsil has become o certain that tbe county court ha decided to investigate the matter, and countv jwage uuncan ana Escheat Mxev. Tbe district attor neys of Oretjvm have received instructions from Gov Pennoyer to file a bill in equity against every banking institution in his district, called a discovery. Vow bill com pels tee bank to answer under oath, certain interTOgatives. prepared and furnished by tbe Attorney General of Oregon . The pro ceeding is or tto purpose of ascertaining whether or not tbe banks hold any funcU of deceased persons, who have died without heirs, ia their possession. If such a fund e Kt.l in IKa Ivint ,t H-,ll Iw tr-l nfri " -v 1 rriacicr, .nuuwntr jhkc yuuc.ii '"v. the sUte treasury into tbe Escheat Fund, to I commissioner Push wilt go to McMin- whlc h it belongs. Tbe interest of this v. u Tacoma and other .laces to examine Whea Travella;. W11 ".He" on pleature bint, or businea take on every trip a bottle of Syrup Figs, as It acts most pletsantly and e fectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale In 50c and $1 bottles bv all leading druggists. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co only. aaOnea is a part ot the st.ite acMQI mnd. 11 is said there is considerable of such money in Oregon banks. A Hkst.'n Co Bat. "'Tne pioneers of Benton will I SEW ml Iff a boy who in early days made his home with Major Bruce. near Monroe. H's name was Alex Scott . He drifted into tbe southern part of the state, where be engaged in the s.'ock rais ing business for some years. Afterward, he engaged in a seafaring life along the coast near Coos Bay. Fortune favors not only tbe brave, but tbe worthy, also. 1 oung OOOU rose step bv step, until he wsas titlexl captain, and Uvanie tne keejier of tbe lifesaving station at Bandon, Coos county, where he has one of the finest train ed crews in the U S service. tSazette. Cuicken Thief Shot. For some tiroa tiast S P Barger bus lost many young chickens, the disappearnce of which could not be accounted fcr. and although traps were set, and strict watch kept, the mystery' was not solved until Saturday last wpe'n a large hawk as detected appropriating a fat young fryer. A charge of No l sliot brought the marauder fluttering to the ground. The biid was one of the largest of his species and measured from tip to tip of his wings, four feet and three inches Brownsville limes. Decidedly Crazy. George Smelter, the crazy man. committed last evening, wsa kept in the county jail last niyT. He used his lungs the last half of tl-e night continuously, keeping people in the neigh borhood awake for several hours. Sheriff McFeron took hint to Salem this noon, be ing obliged to shackle him on account of his wild demeanor. The house of Mrs ti W Kendrick was burglarived one night this week. A piush coat, pair of blankets. some sugar and other things were taken. Mr and Mrs Hendrick were at their Benton county farm. $250 Reward. The County Court yes terday met and authorized ths Sheriff to offer a toward of $250 for the arrest and conviction of the murderer or uuirderers of John McGhee. I $1 ;r in, r S Scan mt (i. j A Cummiag, so'e ager.t, Albany-. LADIES DO IOU ssow OH. FEUX UE BRUM'S she m mum m are tie oriial sad ssi aj FKr"S'"H. snti s I se bablecwre 00 the sarcec. Price EL-, sent b L MBSice b. . J A Camming, sole agent, Albany, A B C Imcifl ; IWli laluB I. Bra. I Sniffi'HSeisnj. ItMaaK s&t DM HUH OTasZX rill Isawzlsswnl. ITlsM ptsBeJsnW aCaX ntaaa t-. THE ARNOLD CKEBiCAi. CC 1 St S. Westen Atesss, Sold by all dnijg's s. Clean towala to everv customer at Visreck shaviog parlors. It you want a tine amoks ')allfor Joaepha white labor oigars. the different systems . A grand harvest ball will be given ir. the opera house at Hr risburg, Oregon on Friday evening September list 1S96, by the Harrisburg Cornet Band. Music bv Prof Sibbet't Orchestra . Suppe r at Hotel Hai risburg. Ticket for dance $1,00, spectators 15 cents. A big deed has been filled ia oeveial counties 23 pages of ciosely written matter and is a patent from ihe Unhed States government conveying to the Oct C R R Co, the title to u375.S3 acres of band situated io Lane, Linn, Clackarcas, Doatg las. Polk. Marion, Coos, Tillamook. Yssa hill, Washington, Lincoln and Benoa counties. The Oxly Place.- G L Blackman, the well-known druggist, formerly of the firm of Blackman & Good, of this city, has re turned to Portland after having given tbe sunkisscd hills and balmy breezes of Oali foroia a fair trial. Mr Biackman sold his interests in Portland abaut a year ago,'and, with his family, removed to San Luis ObfBe in Scuthern California, where he engaged in the drug business. Like all Oregonians fully acclimated, he is glad to get back Sotithern California ia not what it is cracked up" to be," said be to a reporter this morning, "and I consider tbe time 1 have spent there, as far as business goes, worse than wasted. Here 1 nave lost almost a whole year, and you have no idea how glad 1 am to get back to Oregon. Oregon, after all, is the only place to live on the Pacibc coast, and every one who leaves the state finds it out sooner or later." Mr Blackmail's family vre at Albany visit iting friends, and it is his intention to perhaps locate there permanently. Inde peinleut - Mr and Mrs Blackman are in Portland and wilt probably locate on the east side. A Splkxdid Concert. Speaking of Pro Woods entertainment at Roseburg the Re view says: Prot J M Wood, the celebrated blind musician, assisted by local talent gave a splendid concert at the Roseburg treat re last evening A fair sized au dience was present and the applause was frequent and hearty. The professor does not confine himself exclusively to classical music, although he rendered some very d i trice It selections during the evening. His guitar and vocal solos were excellent, At the Presbyterian church next Tuesday night, assisted by our beet local talent. Ad-1 mission 25 and 15 cents. Savanxab, N.Y., March iSth, 1S94. Messrs. S. C Wells & Co.. Le stow, X. Y. Gentlemen I was pronounced by my home physician as having teberoosoa and I went South without any apparent benefiL I was recommended to use Ski lob's Consumption Cure. . its results have been wonderful. I cheerfully recommend it to suffering from lung trouble. Javks W. Gosj:. EXECUTOR'S HPT1CE NOTICE IS KERSEY GIVEN THAT THE IN Atnijrneu baa Ibis day been duty arnvinted warsttar ot the last ill ard testament st IkksriiSl Mettcwr. deeeaaed, by the Cssssh CSaw d l.iao i-oaatr. Oregon. All wscwu bavins cUiaw acaiast tafct are herchj miu;red v present tansa sassysrrv veriSed to the umiirsisnev at the oOlcc ol ereaUwrtord a Aleauc. Ore gon, within tt roctiUu tn ra this date. Dated thi. fe lith day of Auserst, 1S84. c iKi ! ' v.. WsjcraaaruKTa Wy err. Executor Attoraera tor Eaeeutw TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that I hive- the funds on hand and i i pay all conn'y warrants stamped previous to Sept a 1MM, interest oath sto.e closing at thia datr, the 6th day of Sept, 1 -W. I- G Mo cis. Cuatr Trtaaurer. ILPT GQLLEBIATE IHSflTTJTS ALBANY, OREGON 1S91, 3.89a3 rat Tertw eseaeii aveattessiker etfe A It. I corps of lnslruetcra, .JsiSICAL, SCIENTIFIC LITERARl COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coarse, ol stuoly arranged t- o all giadea of students Xfmdat tuattcamtnts tftnd ta aadi from abroad. fT, elbcit e r.aeiT