EATHEKFOKI) BtiltlAal. t HAW Attorneys at Law. Will practlc in all court ot the slat. Speotat atUntion given to matters In probite and to selections. OFFICE In the Flinn bloc K BS1LVKV Attorney at Law and Solicitor In Chancery. Coil Mons made on all point. Lcona negotiated on rable terms. Albany, Oregon G EO. W. WRIOHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Pubdc. Will practiced all the courts of this state Spe-.ial attention riven to collections and matters in prebate - Ofllre: Next doar Xo Postomce, Albany. Ojrn . t. tl S. 11 Al 1 I I B ti II legal oaatters will race Iv promp attention. Hoe n Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, T, J WH1TNBV, Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. M ONTANVE fc HACKLEHAlf, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. -QR. J. L. HILl, Phycician and dorfwn. OFFICE Corn 1 ' FrT streets, Albany, Oreiron.J Dr H E Beer. D. o; K. Beers Physicians and Surgeon s SpicUl attention given to diseases o women. llou-s 10 to 12 A M, J to 4 aad 7ioSPM and reddince Blum berg Building, First Street, between Lyon and Eis worth. C. RACKET, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, OScs-UpsUlrs over" the Bank of Oregon. Rosid.nce. corner 10th and Calapooia si. FIRST NATIONAL BARK, OF Al.BAST, ORBOOrt resident L FLINN 71c President . S, B,TOtTNO Oxahier E, B. LANG DON TRANSACTS A OSJiKRAL banking hattatm ACCOUNTS KKPT sub jet I to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and 11 Taphic vranel r, ton New York, San Francisco, Chicago and PnUand aTMa CO jURmOM aADKon txvorxbte run. Torse K ,W Buu, L. run Kbwjm I . Sox. CVSICK V CO..R4.X&EBS OF ALBANY, ORKOON. TRANSACT a treneral Rankin; asintss . DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS 00 New Yurt, San Ft sco and Portland, Oregwn. LOAN MONEY on approved security . RECEIVE deposit subject to check. COLLBCTIOXS made on tarorarwe INTEREST.oaid on time deoosi B AMK OF Mt'lO, CIO, OREGON. a tint , alltr i Mist .A J Job case it wiLt-weT-cunt, j An arreeabte laxative and Nnrr Towra, EoW by Drogrista or sent try mail. &0-, Wo. ncuu.wper pacaaae. UTO VA The Favorite TORI Kf fill A.V 11.11 for the Teeth and Brestfbfcv. Carinln lwwny, tT-S-A., San Dleiro, Cab, 'EhUofa'a Catarrh Bemedr re toe am medic-toe I have ever fonmd that would do me any good." Price 50 eta. Soldby.Dnigxtjara, SHILOH'S CURE. Tans Great Cough Ctm yiompUyw Where all ethers fail. For Coosnoption it ha SO rival; baa cured thonaaads, and will cftra Too.ittaLeninttme. nesKeta.60eta.CUa V COPYRIGHTS. OA I OBTAIN A PATDTTf For a lTNtv2S&S penence In the patent Iinlniiss Comr-jmloa- tlons strictly format ion 00 Jnuai. A nssisesk oz la la Pa tea I. and bow to ok Also a catalogua of "- .? 'rJfSJElJ!0 m loin. of ; Patents taken through Maim Co. nearra special notice lathe ScfcatISc AsirtcsIsZand WW before thebte wttK pat mat to the Inventor. This sntendM saner, ifaad wsaUv. tatanuy illtntrated. has by fnrtaa laiyest gradation of any sdentlOc work In tbS eoplea, IS ceuts. Every number contains betto- nooee. witn plana. enaLltnc bonders to show th j iwwm 111 wnn, wm aosoBBBBsaa xw waa. UZKHt tXA, Kaw York. 3i BikSudwa- OF Eatlhr, Oslekr, Psrmanenll, Restores. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY and an tb train oa svOs from early errors or later excesses, th result of overwork, sickness, worrr.eto. FuUstrengta, development and Con gMaa 2o every organ ana elon of the body, pie. nataralnwtnoda. Immediate lnurovement seen, fsllure fin possible. 2.00U references. Book, explanation an 4 prop j nulled (sealed) tee. ERIE MEDfftAL K' aorr; . n. - HUM G0LLE8JATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON 1391, Term wpeaed seat saber f tk A Is. 1 corps of inatrDctcra, ..AoSiCAL, SCIENTIFIC LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. taaraca of study arranged tw mnai all grcdes of students, Sfeiai inducement 1 of trad to tludtn from abroad. The Hogged Old is largely an "outdoor" product. Fresh air and exercise usually pro dre sound appetite and sound sleep. Sickly chil dren obtain great benefit from Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypo phosphites, a fat-food rapid of assimilation and almost as palatable as milk. Beared h, Scott A Bowne. N V Ail dn,l. w VI60R MEN TT This is it. This is the new shortening or cooking fat which is so fast taking the place of lard. It is an entirely new food product composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re fined beef snet. Yon can see that Is dean, delicate, wholesome, appetizing, andeconomical-asfar superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow dip. It asks only a lair trial, and a fair trial will convince yoa of its value. t m .ml Mt th eenutne. Bold In three and 4ve pound pails by all grocers, swhwi THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and Chicago, Hew Vark, Beatea. EAST AND-SOUTH. VIA THE 8HASTAKOUTe Southern Pacific Co. apnea Tiins laave Portland Dallr fiosrtiti, 1, : I Lv a I Lv 10:45 a 1 Ar Portland Albaav Sau Praaaaoo Ar 1 &it) a Lv I iM a a LvT?r , , 1. 1 -. p . all aUtlota from vbsar iooloslve, alsoTan h il i.ailasy.HurUburg. Jnnction Irviag. 5 igym iI all stations .i!)irj;n isilanJ molosle. ar.. saitr JO a ILs Ar' .-r Lv 1 131 a 3vl TJ li-Ai r a I L Albany :S0ra I Ar 10 a ILv .'Ibaiy bebanoa Albany Lebanon Ar I 1C:HA av Ma Ar I :r Lv flr Mil Ar l:stra ILv a I At PULLMAr BOFgT SLEEPERS, Diaine Ours on Ogdan Koute. SECOND-CLKSS SLEEPING CARS Attaehea la all lhrm-. Train sTeal aisle Mvtlea. irrWEE NllfUII AM t'Slllls" Man. .aAiaaaur (EutptSaaoay :SU a a Idlra w Portland Ar I i tS r ! , Oorvaln Lv I ls rs rsAts aanv 'KzetSimday. Ponland Ar 1 :ti aa KckfcanvU. ELi' J? t:si'r Ls T5ral Ar Vtrotsrl Ticlcetfs to all poiat in the B,strn Stites. finaas tJ" fan ft can b otralawl at owest swbas from C B Break, Arat Aibanj. . KOCBLBI a P. BOOBB-. Wanasrar VWt O P. nJ rorfttJ FromTrminalor Intjrior Points th Men Pad UM Is the Hue lo lake Ts all Points EAST anil SOUTH It IB the DIHItaO CAB KOI7TB. It ran Through VKSTIBI'I. EDTBAIMS EVEBt DA V Id Ike Year to ST. PAUL aad CHICAGO NO CHANGE OF CARS CoBposetl or DisiB-' Cars Unsor;'fJ Pillman Draw in um Sleepers Of Latent Efjuioiurnt T0URIST SLEEPING CARS. Bf, ttv. cttbt rt-.i'.ri tabI nd la whi ji 1 a n 1 1 im 1 -! i " ti 1 1 fir lis 11I fir a Iir) of Firet or )Hi. tinket. ab.l ELE6ANT DAY COACHES. A Ol ii 11111 LI 11 JiawUsii; Itl al linss, affordln; Direct an d UDinlr9rrapt3ii Senrica. Pullman sleeper reservation cat. n secured In ad vanos through any agent of tbe road. HI ROUGH rWKETfM In ano from ai: points a Amorlca Kuglaod and Europe can tos) porchannd at ar y UeKetotnoe or inia on-paoy ; Fall information connerning rates.tiine f trains, route and otbor i c tils Turn labed on application to any or A D CrlABLTOK, Vaaiatant General Passenger Age:;?., No 121 First at. oor. Washington. Portland. Otozoe, CO Barkhirt, losai;agsnt. fo? FR 5 Mir ; i Of Des Moines, lows, wist under late 1 "March 23. 1893: 3. B Man. Mfc. Co., Da for, Oregon. Gentlemen t On arriving heme last week well and anxiously a vaitint;. 1 found al Our little girl, eight and one-half yoar old, who had waited away to 3S pounds, 1 now well, ttrong and vigorous, and wall Qethtd ap. S. B. Cough Cure has dine its work welt. Both of the children like it. Your S It.) Cough Core ha cured and kept uway all , hnin.n... fri,,i m. Qa r.l.-.. . , I . . au m. I one, with greeting for allj Wishing yoe prosaeri y, we are Your, Mi: A Hsu J F Kouu 11 on .! r -sn 1 1 irfu and wad lyst.n with th' lor UwSia'i ciiuiim jro ar sBM j'n wrtta tlis I'm t a am. I.ii ueaaacue sue i.iv.,r uuri.. by taking to or three ioassssrh .seek. 60 cent pr bottlo by all ilrmcipst. Hi i under' poaitlvn euaranlee by J ACUATMING. 4W-ANTED..-. Livory ulahlo st Tt a line corner let tvlil bn uiver r.i any person who butUs and orwrBtB stable for thi purport). Address tstatMsy tnoare of Albany OlSstocrtAT. ciuoctai. Shows Its Hoary Head. , dispatch from OranU Itlnml, Neb., quoict Henry J Oxnard as scnilhii; (he fol lowing dispatch to the manner of his beet sugar factory at Urand Island: "Owing to tariff legislation it is more than probab!o that only one of the Ne braska factories will be operated this sea son, it being absolute')- necessary to prac tice the strictest economy, iteguiaie mat ters accordingly." This is a brazen Imposition. Tho truth is that the Sugar Trust, and not tariff leg islation, is what makes "probab'ethe oper ation o only one factory." The Globe knows whereof it speaks when it says that the Oxnard beet sugar factories at Grand Island are controlled by the Sugar Trust. The Globe has obtained this information from a source that leaves do room for doubt as to its truthfulness. The Sugar Trust has decided to reduce the volume of production of domestic sugars in older that it aiay unload its MO.C00 tons of raw sugar imported raw and free under the old law, and to he reGned from time to time, upon the people at a tremendous profit. The sooner the Trust unloads its great cargo the sooner it ill realize fully upon its enormous speculation and to this en the Trust will hold down the production of domestic uga( to the lowest possib'e limit. When Mr Oxnard attempts to make the people believe that the present tariff Uw is inimical to domestic sugar produc tion he undenakss a ta-k infinitely great and can only hope to deceive where ignor ance has not g'ven away to intelligence. The old law gave the beet sugar producers 2 cents a pound subsidy. The new law removes this subsidy but imposes a duty on all competitive si-gars which averages above 40 per cent. This duty U almost equivolent to the '2 cent subsidy, in fact in the matter of shutting out competition and giving a monopoly of the home busi ness it will be found even a better servant. It is no doubt true that the best sugar manufacture.! at Grand Island is not a good as the average article- Its sac' ha rinic qualities are inferior and it neither sweetens nor dissolves to the extent of the higher grade sugar. This may have some thing to do with "the operation of only one factory," bat the real cause is that the Sugar Trust controls these factories and would not operate that one until it un loaded its big stock, were it not for fear of being found out and for fear of outraged public opinion. Council Bluffs Globe. Right Judgment. Jndge Buioftt has decided (hat no woman can bold the office of county school super Inteadcat . That is a narrow view of thf coosii'ulioo. But then Judge Burnett is 'lerains'" the wamen everyiiroe. Thtv shall no, vole; they shall not boid office; tltey shall ant be divorced; they shall hold their peace. Sa!em Journal. Notwithstanding the brusque cri'icisrn of the foirnaV Judge Bume't's devition I solidly based on ibe cnslilutioo of the state. It is hich lime people were learn ing iht rotisiitations wirre made tobeeb'nr- e l. Section 8 of ar-.iele 6 pioviJe that, "No person s! aM l-c elected or appointed lo a ccun'y effire ho t hall not be an elector ol the county.' As eo woman in this stSVa is sn e'erlor of any county, this should rct'ei. Errn If the Republicans s'ou'i in No-veaib-r capture a -r . ; tV of the sett la the r.xt Hoas; of Rrprcsesta'i'e the re aalt woul I not tuia lite Dearuiratlc par y. Tbe Congress eleciians coming midway be tween Presidential terms are, a a rule, aa 'avorable to the party coctro'iimg the exe cutive btancU of the Gavcinmen-. In 1874, tn the mijd of PresiJen: Grant' leevsad term, a Democratic maijrity oi sixty ere was elected to taae the place of a Kopcbll can majority of lot in the H julc that wa clecttd wl-.h Grant in 1S72. When the sts publicans elected Gar6eid ic 18S0 they also carried the Hoo:e by a small majority, but two yea's later ibe Democrat elected Cleveland (n 1SS4, they also caplm ed the House by a majority of eigh'y four. Two years later this majcri'r was reduced to Sf tetn In .he House tSji was elected with ijarrison in 188S ibe Kepablicans bad a majoiity of seven, bat this gave way to a Democratic majority of I4S in I89;, Waslilngtoa. the first Ptlder.t eVc'.td. wa the first to die, and be wa the cn'y President to die in Ibe eighteenth ctntary, with only icvtnteen days to go on. At M dea'h Adam, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adim, Jr. Jackson, Van Busen, Hairlson 1, Tvier, Polk, Taylor and Bacbanan, were living. It was tacrty six and a half years ontil the next died, nod then Adams and Jefferson died on lb: same day OS26); In that year two died, and two have not died in any year since; two died in the ihinies, five in the for:le, none in tbe fit tie. lrur In the sixties, twoia the seventies, tLree in the eighties, snd one (Hayes) so fsr in the nineties. No President .lied be tween 1849 and 1862, the rtxt longest time after Washington '. death. One buadred nd five yea: elapsed between the birth of Wasbi'-gton and that of Cleveland (1732 '837 ) In 1S00 Louisiana was retroceded to Fiance, which, In 1833, told it to tne Unit ed States for is,joj,ooo. The region comprehended in this purchase included all tbe country ist of the Mitsissippi River not occupied by Spain, as for north a Brit ish territory, and comprises the whole or part of the present S ates of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Oregon. Colorado, Dakota, Mon tana, Washington, the Icdla, Tenitory, and the terrt'.orlfs of Idaho and Wyoming. 'J'lie Wall-Stree. Journal says: "A carvnss of wbolesalfi houses indicated that lhpre have not been so many nut-of-town . buyers here for two yeart as are in the city 1 this week. The hotels are crowded v-Ub them. All report stocks very low, and they are anxious to place their order. A representative of II U Claflio says bis com pany Is doing a larger but'ness at present than they didin tbe fall boom of 1892. There art now over 250,000 wordt In the Higllth language acknowledged by the belt authorities or about sev:nly thousand mors than in the German, French, Spanish and Italian languages combined. I w Ratkk 1 ).v Hops . TheSouthcrn Paciaic company annonnces that they wil issue effective, September 1 1891, a specia tariff on ho,-. in car loadt minimum weigh of 12.000 lbs ot 81.70 per 100 pounds, from Oregon terminal and intermediate points to Missouri river, Mississippi river, Chi cago and points common therewith, Cincin nati, Lletroit und common points, Pittj burg. Buffalo and common points, and New York, Boston and Atlantic seaboard common points. This is nearly a twenty five per cent reduction and will lie of groat lienefit to the hop growers of Oregon . The Southern Pacific company the fact of the present low prices being offered for hopt and is willing to help the situation by reducing freight rates. K P Rouers, A (i t & P A. (lolo Parker Bros for your gioceries. mt Wheat Crops And Prices. Though the price of wheat is lower than ever before on account of tho largely In creased area devoted to its production all over the world, it is possible that the bad fort u r e which has overtaken the growers of India and Argentina may have It com pensating influences on tho fortune of those in other parts of tho world. The de mand for wheat being practically unvary ing, the price depends to a considerable extent upon the supply, and when that I materially shortened tiie price is quite likely to advance. The crop of India it reported to be a very poor one this year, and thus one for midable competitor for the trade of the countries of Europe is placed at n disad vantage. The crop of Argentina is a very large one, but it has been greatly damaged by unseasonable rains, so that the exports are not regarded as likely to be anywhere near what they were last year. In that country, a in California, the weather is usually so reliable that the grain is left in the fields until ready to take to market, there being no su".h method of protecting as that used in Wisconsin and the great wheat states of the northwest. This year there has been n very wet sea -son in Argent ina in place of the dry one which almost invariably follows the wheat harvest, and one of the results is the com- piete uestruction or millions ot uusneis, most of it after it had been sacked and ; made ready for market. The consequen ces will be most dlsastious for the farmers, for wheat raising is their only resource, j acdwith the destruction of their crop 1 they will be left without suUistence. The wheat export, of the country from the la ' crop approximated 60,000,000 bushel, bat j if the reports are correct as to the fate of : the present crop they will shrink to a ; small amount this vear. Southern Kussia is menanced with an- 1 Olher form of the problem, the growers of large sections being indifferent to the fate ! ai .a I oi tne crop oecause. as mey say. toe cost or , getting It to market is greater than tbe price which can be obtained . Tl is U be-' cruse the transportation system is not equal . . , .. . j-, to the demands upon it, and the distance from the outside market is so great that the freights are enormous. Hence tjje farmers of those sections are in doubt i whether it i. not betlrf nolicv to let their ! flock, and nerd, in upon tbe field, of unripe grain than to be to the expen-e of harvest- u ura:lsl "l 1" " ""u , Railroad street.jud east ot the Albany Iron ing and shipping. t. ndcr the c!d law a cheap shawl bought j Works. This will aptJy to all grades ex As in ArgenUna. there is a wonderful I i Hermany fcr 50 cent would bave cost cept t be Tth and !h. student in these at a -r. i.. j--.-,.:i .. 1.25 with the duties added. CndV ibe tending the Centra! school. a ; Ik- . i;.. i, from It to pay the expanse ol getting it to ' market. Russia could easily supply a large pari of Europe If the price were such a to make it an object, and still there are sections of the country where i here is great distress, and where the whole product of tbe wheat province would bi welcome. Tuns Russian wheat i.scsr at borne where it i needed and up to this year it baa beea pUmtif al abroad ' r unJ" 'h B' -where the lack of it could be eaUy tup- chJ,ft' t8 1 plied. Ttut, however, is no', tbe concern j ik w i f ..A is -..-l 1 the same la' rs of trade which govern tbe rest of the world. If tbe wheat buyers of the country will pay more for tbe wheat than those abroad they can have it, other wise it goes with everytLinr else to the highest bidder, regardless of r i -li-c M I r nationality. Tr-.e indleaii-.ns aCw are that the Ameri- cas wheat cwp will be largely in txcts, of most eslhuaiattic estimaTes. tbe diou'h cntaing te Uie aa to have ll-.tle eftsvt upoa il. TChe-inew c-op it now at the Iheshdl of the-markel aad there i. no reason lo L-ar thai i. will bt tuhjrced to any such late a that ot Argentina. The price Is low now an:! it may not be much higter, bet their dica:ioo are that way at present. A iarge crop ol wheat at ev;n the low p.i.-e of the present means a targe ansa of money in the sggiegate for the (stmers of the couo'y. bat even a small advance in (he price wou'd be ve.y welcome in these i:rrtes. MH wauk?e(WU) ontaa!. -a-tinu Stone-. av 1 01 tne republican piper, ot Oregon j are dep'oring ibe degeneracy tf the ti.v.e j tent. ia which even a probabili'y of the nctrl- j L'ndcr the McKtalry law 1 he price of 10 aatioa an i e'ection ol such a man at BreCA- ya. Js J. coram 00 print clo'b for a dress coat ioridge shout i exist. Yjt the stke of iog So ccn: ia toe aim or Fraare was n- good morals and tte exalted reputaiisn cl the people of the ISiue grast region of Ken tacky, it is to be he ped that M' Breckra. rldge may aot be rnt tuca to cottgret. Moat of ihet: rajBtlWt-la Afers attempt to give the mattei a partisan icm 13 the dis parajement of the demacrallc party, tut these organ would do well lo learn that the democratic party tt not cspookihle for the jersooal conduct of Mr Bteckenridee. Thev donot'co-.dooe his conduct. But it is an old adage worthy of frequent repetition that men who live in g latt aot throw, and then houses should that scriptural injunction, "He that it without sin among you, let him fir', catt a stoaa at her." very peculiarly and forcibly applies o the pret est conduct of these organ. To illustrate; About thirty year tg;, mo-e or less, a young man in Pennsylvania' became en tangled with a woman mors deep'y, and with lei excuse for his very terlou offene, than had BrerkentlJge for hit conduct. To get ridjof the heavy load of liouble he had brought upon himtelf, he not only changed hit res'deucc, but fciij name, likewise, tnd cam: and took upfhii a'xde whhln thccon finet of the commonwealth of Orceon. Here he pursued a Hu h fotwaid course a a citizen, and became popular among republicans. In I872 he was elected to tbe United States senate and served his term. He wo renominated by a republican caucus of tbe members of the legislature in iSSj. but wat finally beaten in joipt con vent ion by Mr Dolph. This gentleman was elected in 1885 and again In 1891 . Without speak ing he least disparagingly of other tna tori which the slate ha.;sent;to Washincton and barring his politics, Mr Mill hell hat taaae one of Ihe vert best teiiatoi the state hat ever had, A Russian investigator send to makers of flying machines information which he gained by observing the ordinary house fly. This Insect, he say, beats its wings l,iny time a second and travels forty mi'.c an hour. Swallows fly low before u a!a because the Inctntt they pursue are thin neamr the ground to escape tho moisture of the upper air. Pishes of Northern seas have more verte brae th tn those that swim In tropical wa ert. The Koteburg Plaindeaier boast at fol ows : A ten cent barber (hop has struck Ihe town. That mows the Importance of Koteburg, for ten cent shops are seen In large and prosperous towns and cltieiand never In ama'l villages like .hla:id and Eugene. Will Si Stark keep up with the tlmesln the latet styles of jewelry. Yon wlh not miss It If you call on them for anything In the jewelry line. Lats silver tword) corsage pins at Will V ittrks. Some Cheapened Necessaries. Among the benefits of the new Tariff law is the reduction in duties on hats, flan nels, shawls and blankets. These necess aries ol life were enormously (axed under the McKinley act. Cheap foreign flannels, has, shawls and blankets were practically prohibited, the tax on that) being heavier, according to their value, than the tux on the more expensive articles of the same classes. In 189:1 the tax on flannels vf.lued at 30 cent a pound was 85 per cent. Only $52 worth of these cheap goods was Imported. Flannels worth on the average '!2 cents a pound paid a tax at the rate of 10.V , per cent. The value of the imports of tbeM flannels in that year wa $561. Tho tax on tlannels at 4i cents was 103'., r er cent. Flannels worth 95 cents a pound paid a tax ofUO.'j percent and the imports were worth $75,323. The cheapest blanket, worth 28, 34 and , 48 cents a pound, paid taxes at tne rates of 88W 100 Bad 104 tr cent respectively ! , " 1 , ., , , . Blankets worth 9.. cents paid a tax-rate of ni per cent. The cbearest shawls Imported, worth 35 ' cents a pound, wire taxed st loO1., per cent; the djires", worth 81 14, paid 88t, percent. The tx on Uie cheapest bat was 86, 106'j an 'W'i Fer cent. ( if tho .LeaDett , or t :... ,. l ; iwn t r --i anu on l'Jf& a ,ax OI wa l'al'1' ,oc i deatcat hats paid a lax ol o, '4 per cent. This inequality ol taxation- a due to t,je e pound, meait- Kin,er hcc article, was mixed, P"1 "I"6 and l5 ad valrm- lor example, the tax on the cheapest .bal, imported was 38'i cents a pound aad 40 P?r f l oa lbe vaUe Tbe iax 00 ,be high price-pricrd tbawls was 44 cent a pound and 50 per cent. The very cheap- "l bawl were absolutely prohibited by the McKinley act. Tbe tax on shawls worth 3s cents a pound was heavier in nffArvirt irtfl t.1 lKir VftilM tiiAn th tax nn i-t-- - ; - ' ' ' poma. the new law. which goes into effect Jan. j I1-'-''- a ia gxh. corrects this ineouaiitv The dutv on these ar'ic'e Is 1 nc on mese ar k e .. enure., uc. .uw ; new ia na s. suawis, iiAnnei ana ouna- . lhat cc'1 mc' wl" W ,'i0 big,let rat.-, of duly . 1 he cheapest will I taxed the next at : pvr cent and : new Uw it will os 67S ceL, or'a li'tie "ore than cne-hdf The Tariff On Att.n. Theco'ton scheio'e is one ol the wol Ui ' t Senate bill. Bid as N is however. 1 .. . . - m . 1 . , - J . re ,n "Qln lul 1 McKi.leyt-. pcc ally 'o ,eor. who the cf these ha are in moderate cjcaa.,'.accr. .c slit! taxed beavi.y, ho, coarse co'.'oa tlalh oagbt lo l much cbeap- e unier the aew iban a under law. fa. 0! j Co.tow cloth is di tided cirti several c:av - Hs taviag lewer , . Tl mm. . .., . r-. BO"' - " Then we hive at- ; b'eached, tlesrheJ and r rir.ted dotbs in , j ch c1, ' In ibe fir-t cUia tht average price rer I TT ol tSe sxostl qaaalit) I cx- s import- j , j i. , i. ..! .,.k.,i st; v u .yj --- ' tec's lor Veiched. and between S and 9 cer.:t for pHntt. Tn- r:et oi da y were 4a, 30 ai d 7 per cent . I cder toe new law i e taic are 31, 15 aed 33. a '-durton of aboa' so pet cent. The prises were aboa tbe same la the second class, but :be icdoxtlont of daly 00 bleached sol pint ciy.h are le. ranging froec 25 to 42 per cecl. la ibe third c'.asa tbe .ices ranged from 9 to 17 ccets atari1, and the reaction of duly made by tae new law from 1 1 to 25S, per tent. In 'he creaieJ br I he la'tt tax 10 tU 13 Cnier the aew law the tatilT will make it 97 cents, and o ihosr who ate otdlced o wear sach pria't 17 cent meant a good deal. M Reed, too, apology's for ibe one hall cent a pound protection on retir.e ! sujar lo trve McKinley bjl bt asserting IllAI tbi ; pr'W' was accorded it, 1 91 for be bes ! -fi-o! awBiB Phtltde'pKit .clineiii ibat were c jlsiue the .rutt This ' a very !rant patent a(tc:thooght . Mr keel kooat, or 1 ougb! t snow, tia. thj p'o'.ec'lon i'.ten to refined ugr in 'he McKin!-y bul wa put lh?r: olel through te iall irn:. of thsSuar Iratt, if not at ihe d'.eutlon cf that monito r. If Mr Reed J:, ires ar.t C0i6rmi jtj i ) ai 1 : , . os thjl subject, let him confer with Senator A'dtlch. of Rttcde 1 land, who knows a'l about tt. Sir Howard Crutb, the iaglllk l uihler of telescopes, proposes that the great tel tcopcs of Ihe future shall be raoun'e.' so as 1 radically lo float cn a liquid tupport. In this way even the greatest reflector, and refractors wou'd move with 1 smoothness and steadiness not attainable with o-di nary supports, and would Le U-yer adapt- ed for photoHramiinat the heavens In the ordinary visual ue cf the sl'gbt ir.-egularitie in movement are merely In convenient, but fir photography the want of absolute precision results In represent ing each star its a I'lta iitttenil of a roucd sharp dot. One Tobias Hobson was the first la Kngland to Lire out back horse When a customer appesred he was led into the stable, where fhe'e was u goodly array of beast, but wa obliged to hike the cne standing neirest to the door, so that every customer wa alike well served, according tohiachtnee. Si it been me a byword, when what ought to have beea onp's elec tion was forced upon one, to say ' II .'...sun's choice." ller.belon, the Fiench cnemist, s0'csi that the next generation of engineers may profitably give their attention tu the substi tution of the heat of the sun, or the central heat, as a source of energy for that cerived from coal. A uhafi three or four kilo meters deep would reach Ihe water having a temperature of i6j to 2000 C, which would develop a large amount of power, available In any part of the globe Many thousand of year would pass away before tills tore of eneigy would appreciably dl knlik, The nioon is bcllcvrd o be Ihe only mem ber of the planetary system nhicb is with out anntmosphere. Bali Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewcr hat restored gray hair to lit original rot or and prevents baldocts in thousand.'! of cates. 1 1 wi II do to to you, Or. PiIt8 Cniain Baxtng Powder Pert Year tbs iianOarC. T ' , , " .fthelnioo. There will be mncb desutn - thtn 5, threads o ihe.quare Inch; tecor-d, 1 lton thi, wioler in !h, JJ.Jdk slates, having 'roan So to icothteid. :h:rj, 100 Those renting farms pay cash, and now threads f af th, loi t y 1 50; 6'-h. -50 to 20c . bere are no crops. Iowa, tbe great corn la.-x.x x 0f,i,i,. .x--h, ,.-B aaihornont here, thus tLe North I that snrpas-e-I anything that wa IZrT V, " . - ' .. . weal farmers to bo-from the Eastern tb cf Lodior on the plain of , high a. 3S ceats a jard, and the .e ac. cn f . . , f , or j-j Austerlita. saved his preciens cargo of v .-- vs ai, i-ew ss a - I - - r - ' r 1 Itsr m fin It 1 3 rsW W .shtenl K ISsTFaBla. SBT a B B The rules and regulation of the Albany public schools have been revised by the Ijoard of director.' assisted by Prof Tyroe, and are just from the press. The rules are up with the tiniCK, and are reasonable. The course of study is tho Ijest that can 13 se cured. Seme, pointed and parti Tin! ug goslions to teachers are inc'uded in the pamphlet. The following to the patrons of the school explains the situation and outlines tho policy of the school: Owing to the increase in population of our schools in the last few years, the ueces-1 sllv i.f tun hi I ti.r n.i,l f . i .. i . I . ; .. i T T i TV- b,l i"T ire idji- Angeicx lias a legal unosity in the " "icycie genes was run mi? scticol building, the employment of more ! form of a suit lor damages brought bv Miss ! evening. Murphy, Winters and Shipp tea. hi re and the consequent division of i Kelso, tiio Librarian of the publi. library I entered. Murphy won in 31 4tt; last grade into more classes, it hash. on nec- agaimd a preather named Campbell who quarter, 35 seconds, flat; beat mile, essary to reviw tlm rules and course of j recently prayed in church that "the Lord i :4ft,4- The referee may withhold the to more fully meet tho requirements , would vouchsafe his saving grace to the I medal from Murphy on account of trail of our new conditions. librarian of the ls Angcle citv library. ! inK- H Murphy is given the race, the We recognize alio the progress and j I medal is his, as this will be the fifth ingner development ol ma ational n-ethodn 1 j and systems, and have therefore made anea changes in the regulation nml rtuira nf atudy as were necessary to a favorable com- i partson with the Ix-st system? of our conn- j ,r' - ; We have recommended the uw of sun-1 t-k in all the Trade, and I have designated some books for both i tea her and pupil and have left others to Uie scie, li'in or orini n.a an. tiwlier. It U endact that pnpihl tihouM have more MMOld have more ' r.-ading m ilter thun is furni-hed in the or- dinarv text Itooks. I In making these suggestions we think we : w we nave imposed no nard-mrM upon "". oiw, oiu uuic aepi in mimi me wei- ned: and -e ask your in ail our efforts to au- i of our school. Vou can fare ot all comrermi hearty cooperation vance the interets aid us and the teachers and further the ad vancement of your children in many ways lt. It is necessary that parents prompt ly purchase al! Looks and necessary sup plies to be ud in school. 'Jnd. You should visit the school often and thereby encourage your children by by your presence, and the teaclier by your sympathy and appreciation. 3rd. If at any time you are dissatisfied with the treatiumt of your children at; school, please go to the teacher aad inves tigate in a kindly way. It is a bod policy to criticise the teachers or school authori ties in the presence of children. 4 til. JaUte'progree can be made witii Mt r-mlAr?attenda. If noasible. even r pupil should sl the first .Uy of school and i atUtoj punctnally every day. If pupils are kept home by skkness cr other sufficient ! cause, a writien excute hould l sent, ex- i ... . ..TTT 5th -Wh(W tesu.-txn wn1 Wanks. tardy noturs. reports, etc., for y .ur ngiiature. plea ign and return jirritc'ptlv. Kxatnine . "- " t?- rf - y OREGON WILL BOOM. Mr Albert Toxicr, who left here last t. ...,!.!,. .r. iha natinn.i editcr- :al convention, held at aeuury ar., .1 J, leturned yesterday, after traveling 11,000 miles since then. Mr Toxier is very enthusiastic in bis description of the banquet -tendered the "newspaper felloas " Tbera were 10XJ covers, costing $5 per cover. At tbe clambake given in their honor at Long j City.Or.,lemocrat,was awarded tbe priae i-ranci., atr vreorge D -ian,oi toa iaaer , mr oetng itia cnampion ciameater as toe -IBM air ieiit.rau.ieo- rnrt ar in -wu a inlial Ui.nM ir, the rr - - - .surtt.cru atascs, uui resi -u lussrs sue I beat showing on tbe New York stock ex- ctiange. being credited a itn 96 per cent oj" a crop.whicb txceli ssy other sute in ; thelnion. There will be mncb desutn - .ae aoi uaira wuu u. a vrvu, sou ..rurttis w;i. ; mmm msu na;. rarmert atre cut toeir euro tor fodder, sold every hool that it marAaoie. tviogt to aee ...c t a . fc 1 ."., ,'tr.a. J"" " I T -i t.S i.- IB I 1A1W7 1 B 11 II II vUI 1M It HLI BrS I Al XUI AJ (ajnis wvtuus ujnriwi iwu. c-uiuv ot these ranches have had five failures in ' J . . , ' . . . Farms have been a' sr..! jned i. Maine. ' Vermont, New Hampshire. Kanaa and Neiiratka, sBM the deteruon has been so great in many .ocaHtiea that railroad ..v shal up their Stations ,here; Hundred, cf wagon, can dai y be . . . .... as toe sun, vrrBO" sin usir ilw smiMi Va,, ilnilssa .le n.rt years she has ever bad.' Mr Toaier says if the Washirgton transportation a - lines wi'I give a low rate tor th: shipment ot fl when turncl U.10 pork, in addition IOIM a:ovf. Mr loner 9T9: .sn. ... . . wl aiVS senlng at per 10V ( ire.on cherries reached New Wk; before the ttrie, and retailed steadily al 16 cents per pound 1 iladelphia com mission l ooses are anxiously awaiting O-egon prone shipments, for which pro duct Mr S A Clarke has established a good trad in that city." Telegram. Mat Scott tin litigs. j learns trotn all the larger towns in the state from the north are to the effect that Kx-Slieriff Mat Scott, of Linn cooatv. ,w v W d comrjtte in tbe rrtceH i Oarlton, Kerrick. and Barnom are in was in tbe city yetenlav. stys tbe lregc.n-! 5? comPaa'7 01 Albany and danger. Pierce fires now surround these ion, ha ing just disposed of a carload of ha"w a"1 McMinnvtlle and everl others J places, and so dense is the smoke it is r. r.::-,-! ..:i-i f,tt.r..,i. .-ti ;!.. kvt .ni:,l- uni'-f !.-t;, :. .:, :,. :vy.. Mill latWil tB H srassl saTstj street. All iU of wheat his Albam pniine farm pro- ' 'heir expentes. their town being j last night citixens of Barnom and Moose Mr Scott believes that rauW ! rlin,lr 'i1. nigAardly to deserve a good I-ake. about 50 or 30 miles oat from Da porker" will 1? one of the greatest in- , at " Bse in it. luth. on the St Paul A DolntH road, were ct. nf n, w;n,-.aita 'be Albany fere company is amoturthe lst out hghfinit ntvs, and todav thev kei a a enlS-ient d.w.aail i. m'n.'le nml a market OMncd a . . . .x - V. e exul t get 19 cents a t.ubel for wh. At." -aid MrSsxitt, by fe-diag it to IT1"- most art-.e, uniess tne wind cbanges back hop. if we had a big ,K.rfc-pickinI estab- f 8g"? the his ory of the association. ! to the northeast. litnuHnt here somewliere. At this time. A Witaeaa BlllsiB however, there is market only for local! . .. , . -! r,,vmv o. . . .r . consntnpUoB. Some pork is hin &Ht, R'n! , AtBWio wro'e an aoxnt of -MN,Or., ttepl. o.-Monday mom btit. comivaraUvelv. terv little. 1 have "l?!"' N ' -"'loo xn ing ;at 10 AO Myron Hamilton was shot btt . -xi-nmenliBir in pVk raising, and I . l ? prcferenc :f. Nalaj viui ktlled at this plact. by James Bar- am convincetl we can produce u-rk cmal to anv in Amenca with our wheat, and sis I said Ltrfore. get as high as .5 cent a bushel in tds wny for the wh-mt. "Several old time fanners living inar me stootl watcbirg me pour my whe.f. to tbe 'pigs' and at once eonchided I ought to ire sent to jail tor cxlrsvagani-e. 1 timn t say anything, tut went right SB sawing wood, ut-.d when the time c.11110 for taking my fat hogs to market, you couldn't put one of theta in a wool after it was killed. I go' $1 :10 jier hundrcl for my jsjrk cn pool. This jmyti mc better than selling wheat at 4ft tents a bushel -Hut. until there is a big pork-pact, ing bouse jn this vicinity, we can't all raise por. I hope some such establishment will be founded and we csn go into the business of furnish ing it with material to work on. Pork is now shipped from Kastern Oregon to the Eastern marVet. and curetl into Lams. shoulders and bacon to be returned to Tort- land and 'be Willamette valley for con- iimption. This is not ritrht, and some thing ought to be done to keep this busi ness at home, and, also to give a sufficient market to infuse the pork-packing industry with new life.'' A (lean Ilea. Who does nearly all tLe washing in Al bany? Why, tho Albany Steam Laundry. Why, because they do first-class work at low prices. Who patronizes tho HiilltlllMiT On'y a very frrrr, lXm't mention it. Have yon seen tho new- wanton. It's modem and holds a stack of clothe. Their 1'ig business demands it. Kichiutls & Phillips rattle it. They know how, as well as tow to di superior washing. The Steai.i Laundry washes for rit'n and poor and does good work for all alike. Try it, try it. ON THE TOP SHELF of public estimation you will find Parker Bro. It has taken year of hon est dealing, a store full ot the best goods, a continuous round of truth telilmx n.( above All, the right prices for ihe right goods to it-ad Parker Broa to their piesent proud position. Their groceries are stand- ard, their produce fresh, and their baked goods the best In the market, and oi a plendid variety. Or. Price's cream" iktMniA Powder WerU s Fair ttitrbtst Award. MISFITS. An exchange says that Albany girls have din arded the yellow garter and the pillow stnffi I with letters, and have resorted to woaiing the small bow which fastens the lining of a man's hat in their shoes. It guarantees a proposal in a month. The 0 P will be all right. When the transcontinental .mosHon T A,a U ; seen to be almost a necessity . It is bound I to go forward. The railroad situation de- mands it. While this means more for Al- ' bany, it means much for Oregon (renerally. j i , , , . . i ' Not long nen. a r-.r iili. livin. ' tin - ci'y bad occasion to Vek medical aid ' of a leading doctor in this city. When i he came to pay the bill, she had nothing j to "ffer ,ne "actor but two and one half i ' of wol-just half the quantity she '. on the generous doctor replied: i ou nrl the wooI worse than 1 do mad-! "" i can gi along ",lu"ul " J"u are ever ame to ptiy "u are ever auie to pa mc' ""'l K00' ' not all right." Such whole h-artedne deserves commendation. n" we wwh we were at liberty to give toe ; K .aiem iwiimuhibsi, are lke u nan and continually give their p without any ex- rW of ever being paid. , -., rr --. ii,ji-h.iiu. bave ' For several years young ladies been called "daisies.' This word is now pronounced obsolete bd"She is a peach" is the expression that has superseded 't in the east and no doubt will in Oregon. A fear days ago two men at Spring field were overheard talking about the dull times, and one suggested to the olher that thev commit some deviltry ; to be sent to Halem (or a few months ; but tbe other replied it waa of no use to : do that, as the governor would pardon ' them and they would have to come back. Keg ;ter. The statement waa published recentiv ; that a man tried to buv 5 cents worth of ! hay on tbe Netarts. Upon investigation it was learned that he was a Dallas edit- or. He said that was all he had. baving : loaned D.e rest of his money tl. 1-5 to the editor who gave him away. baiem and ISacer VttJ papers are rick-. ing at Itolph terriucany because he, didn't secure appropriations for public ' buildings at those cities. Now, really, notwithstanding Mr Oolpb was very lax , in not making thii matter his entire business, whv are t-'aleru and iJaxer City ; entitled to public buildings anv more tnan Albany, CorraiUs aud Eugene ' These towns should kick -co. Neariy everybody will kirk it Dolph tot th : rlsX i es v a M 1 rnrt m rt tf-l ear 1 1 1 rd .B lattasay lDe man wLo never smile. i SHAXc.rt.u,Sept. A strong Japanese A First street man helps as -wit today j force occupies a large island 10 miles by giving us the following three items north west of Port Arthur, and a ill make clipped from an eastern paper, whieb it a bane of operations. Food and cloth are considered reaoabie : It is said that j ing are being stored and houses erected a goose or a dock has never been ran in preparation for a long aeeeon the AVr fit a v-fi - TiiA . i WaaJ I . t : on .ihibit the biaareat hoar in ' - ' I " - v V awiM I UBU ' ne ItxJ1a five feet highrmeasores three s fe aerate the shoniders and eight feet from snout lo Uil. He is a iitOMUr. tl , . t , . ... noe target! norse m tne wono ciosea its career a snort time ago in Chesterton. led. His na nt waa Kins William, his I weight was 3.02T r--and, and his height .7 hjuld.. ; : i , A departure in lanndry work is made by a firm in New York that offers to call iur auitue4ittr aors, saju anu iron ail uv pieeem, socn as Slieeis. p.nowsiips. taoiectoins, ueaspreaos, etc., reaay tor use. and 10 was': and dry otbr articles I ft a . tj - . . , - j r:arr:,eo . ironea at lejme at I. Jll'i'ir.,1 l,nr P,ec" 1 a IKJUFU II It sa ralP BIT I ft np riOBIB IhI SB I."" . - - ixrc iiuprus,.; n.atiK.e,ao cunsirucieu - ibat it U gna-snteed that aodt ironed i J" ir ?g last f rom one-lbird lo one-half - m w. a ...; 4 . WBBsr.u t AS A i7 uTUBI .!, 1 Lngineer Rt, the hero of Hinckley, . tu use saaaanaa tat tTBOir. to B! vf xr . j : . . . n . . . --- is me DarninB lo: 5". ire man in "hoddonerav held on lo the ihrottl .1 of hiaenrine'.bil. lis. fl.. , ,T ... , . .a--.-a. ' arouoanim ana tne cio-tses on ns ttack were bumirg ad by an act of heroism ' ISXTS done WW . a . . " K -v"". now nrroism was mmm- mmm cm m man ao si... . . ' a. J ir a a r fellow j - Tfxti " . h ' a.!, " The lOatform of tic Coloratlo populist ntains only 15) wonb. Thi i. Ir. ex- contain- ample that si.oul.l he followed in tine. The heaon Citv Knterurise inm Ha following bar.i hit-' It aas expected that ! in Oregon: iit it was learne.1 several years 1 0.,1)'t ,h,r, tn hiring pro- : fe..i 1111' V. i r ruvrc i rt . ,r ).i r f. trin f. 111 wi anxati f I Z ".' " " ";"-""7" J "-n.w i"nrj..r.u.-ol or me tet .,noti r.xiiress -.m-t.Uie.- lnni lor a Sodavillo mm recently married and goes for him after this fashion: Krieud "Aga mus," in the Itmocrat, writtv ti us like one who is writing for pay and don't care for quality, it is uantit "he is after. We do not like to advance an opinion unasked. but verily believe "Aganins" lives in or near the town of Soda vine His descrip tion of Waterloo is truly touching, espec ially wherein he refers to the "hugging set to music.'' In this alone he gives ns prestige over Soda. Thanks, dear friend, for your kindness, the girls say those "out ers" are u class hard to satisfy with hug ging. They just seem to hunt around fr oppottmvties whi'e here to show off their accomplishments in that line, h?nee the tri-weekiy hugs to satisfy the pressing 6V uiond. l'lit waters of this spring cannot cure bile complaints, hence 111 v friend on outing No 2. yon need not climb Pisgah's Mount and descend upon this harmless (but not armless) communitv. Sparc us your eulogies and theprayW of at least one will amply repay you for your kindness, out go to Soda and do your "hugging" without music, unless it be attended with a charivari crowd as on a former occasion. W Caiflford Nash is now pa-jwixed to receive a limited nuiu ir of pumls. He will lie at f h. of Mrs Christine MonteiUi, corner of 0th and rerry streets, on Wednoailnv ..flee. oons and Thursday morninirs m each r, tt I X ilt l ( ti , . , . tf nat. Tlrta-d, Weak, Nervous. Means.lmp ire blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The only way to cure Is to feed to feed the nerve on pure blood. Thousand of people certify Ibat the best blood purifier, the best aerveaionlc and strength builder Is Hood Sarsaparilla. Wnat H hat done for others It will also do for you . Hood' Cures. Nervousness, loss of sleep, loss of ap petite and general dcb'llty all disappear 1 when Hood' Sarsaparilla Is persistently taken, and strong nerves, sweet sleep, strong body, sharp appetite, and tn a word. health and happiness follow the ute of Hooo's Sarsaparhla. The strong point about Hood's Saraa pari'la Is that th'iy a-e permanent, becaus phev start from the solid foundation o turlfied, vitalised and enriched blood. tg win New Yok, Sept. 7. The Time will say tomorrow that Chairman William Brookfleld. of the rermhlii-an atatn mm. mittee, made the following declaration at the if ilth Avenue hotel tonight : "l am re,"hly informed that a cable message has been received from Mr. Ie- in "hich he "ays he will accept the minatio lor governor if he tendered m" a Trailing Pleaee. BALBX, Or. Sept. 7. The seventh race t il. w, II , S . . , ' time he has won. r Trettiag. Isimaxapoms rq. ine xounn Indianapolis meeting was favored with a fast track, good weather an1 an attendance of 4000. Directly, the 2-y-old pacing '74t lowerea the mark by na" a !- " t"e f 'inarters 0JS - " saaiw. uv. n: sulu were. T rBlh rad Mii.wai kee, Hept, '.The remarkable drouth throughout the West of more than two months was effectually broken last night. The rain area included all ia" ' . e JS-aJrf mt ZZSLSzJL 1 inois, most of Mkhi isconein. excrt the nonbwest portion. It is feared the fire region received little rain, but it may get a soaking tonight. A Big Altrarfaarr. Brxnomo u'sivekkitv. Cal. s-r. t. The fourth year of Leland Stanford jr., I university opened today. Eight bun drol and twentv-five students have al ready registered, exclusive of about 100 poet-gTaduateai, an increase of 150 over the number of students present last year. The total registration for the year will exceed 1200. Obaxce, N. J., .Sept., 7. James J. Cor belt, the world's champion pugilist I'-ugm to a luusfi a six-roona rjattie witn I'ete Courtney, of Trenton, todav. in fcdison's laboratorv, in front of the kinetiscope. Four-ounce gloves were ' used. CorU-tt starred with bis man during tbe first five rounds, bat in tbe sixth he landed several harl blows, one of which apparently knocked out Courtney-, he failing to respond to time. a B Set terser T.,ar, n c . e , irI80s"Ll.. Or., bept. 6.-Wtlham Jxre. " atgro who aaeanlted A T JIol?an' bratenan on the Southern sc'e railrcod near WoodvilJe several w , yesterday morning in- 'hcte.1 by the grand jury for assault with :'J,l":l iokui. in ttie attemoon he plead - S ,tr lh.e Jf and today was t1 & Joge fiannato 10 year. t aaa msc LStlUltUULUI . win IJaxal 1 JI fl -1 JgrkfM Fl sg saT Xrr Yobjc, Sept, 6. After a suspen aitm of nearly five years, work is to be resumed on the colossal Panama canal project some time next month. French and American capitalists have been qmetty piepannu' the war during the last lew months, and now are nearly; ready til .muni . T . . . t . , S, . to bexin operations. One of the first nC -nr TrTfhT MjT. nfT lT I empting the propel v mT the canal from ' seixurel-y its creditors. New Yobx, Sept, 6. The ambrella trust which w nmn;l .A. ,1 I fa. ai lw wjout Vtll tT tears ago under the name of the Urn - I V1 Pnr- ui $8.00,000 capital, n o - Kasaai.k i . Z 1 tl . t i "k.xi uuusrajr. neany ail tee larg-cities, went mx the hands of a receiver Julv 16 T.xnorrow the trust will pay its entire list of creditors at the rate of 100 cents on the dollar. Bt-tujxcTO.v, Vt., Sept. tL Additional rssjrssa fuui jll In-. - SZX,? s--i 1 t. ,vkk.-. f ni X. " " , , 1 -- M v 1 111. 1 wtu tap xtewjts , u not DUite H1 () TKn will V .x.. ' , ,- . . rr"e-'" ; J?" "J'r.IaF,K?a Dajooty ot IfW). ibe otnciai election of over oOOO votes. I he next house of reprereentative will aX.-k X a - . .nil-I xjCT' u'e ' wPuica except nine. TWrtim Bassats- Coxnos. Or.. Sent. t Jim. K,m,-I 1 -a - . ,1. Vi.-I an.l - ' 1 W - v- -TT " venire unon one of hut uvnsun r 'I him fj 22 ! -heruTs t-jwe a Uganddii- 7 cha7 M od all day Tues- .- 71 " a.i i... ll una IKXXXSXT US Hie ' mountains Tuesdar evenirur ahnnt ft o'clock, and there committed suickie. I raw as la Baaser ; Pait., Minn.. Sept. 5. Reports 1 aid from Puluth. Dututh" sent " a crew 1 j with 200 feet of hose, and reports from (waf nl B rn aa s M-LJa -s ail I " xu-xxuajut ony me towns naru. notn are resadents of th. oan.1. end of this county. lUrnsnl n,hixj and convicted here last spring for cattle, r sswxsktsaaxa autu seaieticea to two years in saac ixa-iuienuan-. .ttcr bemg there a tew days he was released bv the supreme court for a new trial at "Condon this month. Hamilton was a witness against him. la satasrrlwOaas. St Pait., Sept. .Subscriptions for the fire sufferers jumped up rapidly to day. The first was from President Jamt J Hill, of the Great Northern, for JpOTO. Aceomnttnying this was another .or tovuv iroru i-resment llilt s associa tes in the Great Northern. Altogether me monev conininitions will aggregate about tkS.t.000. Minneapolis has already raisesl f 12.AH). and is rapidly increasing the amount, and Ibiluth has a fund ol $10,000. Taw a Stuth. laOFTY, Penn., Sept. o. The little min ing town of Seoteh Valley, near here, was swallowed up tonight in one of the most complete mine cave-ins ever known in this region . The scene of the disaster is 011 the Hope of Mount Lookout, and a score of houses comprise the hamlet at the mouth of we shaft from Mount Look out colliery. The wildest excitement prevails through tho region. An aagrj Vt eettan. San Kraxobco, Sept. 5. Just as Judge CoftVry doclarvd a recess in the Martin will ones today, Mrs John Martin threw a volume 01 uie civil coue st Attorney Peliuas, who, during the trial, has sub jeeted her to a most unpleasant examin ation. She missed her mark, but the missile hit Attorney Heyneniann, an. other of the opposing counsel. The Tetal BcsmL St Paul, Sept. 5. A special to the llomvr Press from Pine City, Minn. ......... TV...:.... -,. . at . oaro . auutgut a vuttva.s llgures ar Ot a character calculated to lower, rather than raise, the total number of dead. There lias been an increase over the pi vious estimates at Hinckley, but the pi-cspect of any considerable number remaining still in the woods is decreas ing. The estimate loss of life is now placed between 375 and 400. Mustc Lessons. Miss Hattk Warner will be prepared to resume her class in vocal and instrumental muale after Sep IS. Torturing Disfiguring Skin Diseases Instantly Relieved by CDTICDRA the Great SKIN CURE CcnecaA, tin grext sida cor, inatantlr allars tkenost inu-m iu-hing, burning, aaxt lastasa uniiim, permit ret aad skep. heals law aad irritated viiiit-. clcaases Ike scalp of nasi aad scales, aad restores Use hair. Citw cba t,r. the only m!icatad unlet soap, is iadas peaaaM in cka.-u.iag diuesr I mrtaees. Ccn ecaA BaaoLVOT, the new bioul ami skta nrri fier and create I of humor nsMiilk'S, rlraaara the Wood of all imparities, and thus remove the cause. Hence tbeCcriecaA Kcbtdum cure eserr humor of th skin, scalp, and HM, with baa of hair, rrom pimple to aciTrfttla, from infancy to age. 8c4d throoahost the world. Prtc. Cmcirai. Ssst. ; nop, 2Ue. ; staaos.vsjrr. Si. PomsDscs abt Carat. Coar.. Bos Piiasf lsass, Biain. A-" How to Care 3Ja Dlataas." aaatka1 tn. "Teaching is tre noblest art bat the sorriest trade." TENTH ANNUAL SESSION STATE nQBUL SCHOOL wmnmmm A training school for teachers, theory and practice crimbined. StiYifxg profi.'txfaonal coarse and wei equipped model school. TbKXtrogh preparatory and aeadeaaie Normal. Advanced Normal, Basinet, Music and Art Depajtxnenta. - " ... " .... Lsgtit expenses, coam and lodging, books and tuition not above $1-10 per year. The IBVB a Mxiai'--il. Las a :eai:iiul and healthful location in the verv heart oi the Willamette YaDer twelve mDea sooth wngsjt of the Sute Capital. It has 1 . j JJV OtmJnjmMlO-. j The Normal gehool diploma entitles one to teach in anv coontr in the state - a r . - - j- a Witnoot anv mrmer examination, oraa- nates command trood porritioti?. Expenses. Tuition per term of ten weeks; Not-trial $rLX: Sub-Normal $0 ; Commercial $tl. Board and k-Jging : Board at Normal Dining Hall $l..o pa week ; frirnisbed rooms, with fire and light, from $1.00. to $lJ-5 per week. rTL j tt-" '..--.i .,.:-:.- . gtS tSSfpS wSkT I X . la X .X. I 1 1 5 s isausv sii'i sruaui aa.vatsxi? 1 - teriaed the work of the Normal SebooL ache coming year promises to be one af Ibe best in its liistorv. CtalogneB cheeritilly sent on applka- . . - . ,lon- AMw. 1 x. v wreajz, xrrejurui, or W A W .x, Secretary of Faculty. ;T.roAas.HCfaje. B c N ORTHFRN PACIFIC R. R. 11 V X s Pullman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Gars. Tourist Sleeping Cars St Paul Mmneapolie Puluth Fargo, TO Grand Porks Crookston Winnipeg Selena and.' Butte THROUGH TICKETS (in. TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia New York Bsston and all Points East and South T For Information, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write C G Hurkhart, Agent. Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton, Ast Gen Fass Agt, Portland, Oregon, v13tt re V ast kd on Salary and Commission rTHE ONLY AUTHORIZED iixatwinliy nf TiWPO H BT ITttV J.BBin IHI III .IHBIBsilT nitBlrSB By Gail Hamilton , hit literary executor, with tbe co-opratjaio of hi family, and fat Mr. Blaine's Complete Wotkr, ' TwnNTt YsUttS or Cosoaiss," and hU later booa, "Political Disccshiosa" One pruapvcla for these 3 assr saxuxu books in the mar ket. A K P Jordan of Ms.. took 112 order from tirat UOoalU; ageot". profit $t9S50 Mrs Ballard of O. took 15 orders. IS xtaf Russia, in I day; protit S36.25. E N Rice of Mass, took 27 aider in 2 devs: nrotit $47.25. J Patridge of Ma. took 43 orders from 36 calls; protit $75.25. S A Pa mer N. Dak. took 53 otdtrs in 3 days; p ofi '5.25. KxcLl'Slvi TatKRlTixaT given. I lawiah tomaks LARGE MOV. Vans .Mediately for terms to I f Benrv til! Fib. Co. ,'rwicli.Cio soi.LG. Purtlaad. Ostwoa. toa. A P Annatroec. Prio. nut at CaLL - ai , , Ssaaats Brsxtal : CaattaA 0 stadr sxxo rxs f twirl n Business, Shorthand, jSVam iAt, ndSmgiui Dtfartmn ItxtK 7 AW s . at aar u;