The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 31, 1894, Image 4

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    Trios F O.tlen, II 0 Pajne, H C Hens', Receivers.
Pullman Sleeping Oars,
Elegant Dining Oars,
Tourist Sleeping Oars
St Paul
TO Grand Forks
Helena and
New York
Boston and all
Points East and South
For information, time cards, maps and
tickets call on or write C G Rurkhart,
Agent, Albany, Or.
Or A D Cha'rlton, Asst Gen Fass Agt,
Portland, Oregon,
EfiT P 3RD, imiililt,
(: Dv Hoinn, Iowa, writas uoiler'.late cf
;Mrch 23, 1S93:
Med. Mrc. Co.,
Dufnr, Oregon.
On arriving home laat week, 1 toned al
well and anxiously a-vaiting. Oar little
irl, e aht and one-hll year old, who had
wa tod away to 38 pounds, is now wall.
rtr TLt SSTJt
Both of the children like it Your S B
loogn cure naa evreo sua irpi away
hoarseness trom me. So give it to every
one, with greriogs for all W ubing yen
proseeu y, we are
Mr. Mats J F Ford.
It oa wian tsel uan and cheerio and read
tor tawSprinx work, deanae voor syaifm with the
Headache ao3 Livar Core, by taku two or Uirt
4oseseaeh -eek.
M cents per botUo by all draccwaa.
8 i jikSw pneitive rwsrautee L
Blood Purifier
WHY SUFFER with that chronic
disease? Do yon want to die ? Sul
phur Bitters 'will cure you as it has
tT; ands.
yfur do yon suffer with that
You need not If you use Sulphur
Bitters. They never fail to cure.
Ojicrati ves who are closely confined
in the mills and workshops: clerks
who do not have sufficient exercise.
ana aii wno are connned indoors,
should use Sulphur Bitters. They
will not then be
Is your Breath impure. Your
Stomach is out of order. Sulphur
Bitters is the best medicine to take.
Sulphur Bitters will build you up
and make you
At the dawn of womanhood, Sul
phur Bitters should be used.
&cn 3 2-cent stamps to Ar. Ordwav & Co
Boston. Mass., fur best medical work puhliheU
VI60R of MEN
Essily. Oolekly,
Persaaaerrtiy Sestored.
ami all ihet.alnp. s-rlla
from early errors or laser
eaeeasea, tbc malts ot
overwork, sickness,
worry .etc. FulUtrenflb.
oereiopmeot and ton-
friren oavary organ aaft
Cloa of the body,
awn. r-iinre fmposalbla. referoneea. Bnnt
explaoatlo an I pre
nailed peaked) ree.
P..rtlnufl. Oriiron. A. V Armstrong, Ms
lsr.trich H. i 1 1 earlTAL Lus. ti.1.. It :. Sairm. Osrwa
sarue surs study, wum .'Ua of taitloa
Bnnitiftss. Slior.hand,
Irfrwrilimg, I'm 'itn .ulttf,nmrtt. tgli'sk 9
drln win OhiuJaIioik Hi xrt:-. studsiei a-ln
, al smi tint. I itn. wo. ,'hsw .Itui-r srljooi tr
An sgreeable Laxative and Nravx Towwi
hy DTlU or sent broalL 2Sc-,6Qa.
sou J1.00 per packs pe. Samples free.
IT A HA .The Favorite iWI fOTOtt
awa.ww aav i or xeetn ana iireath,io.
medicine I have ever found that would do me
y jwu. a-npewcta. Boiq Dy jrugasts.
Tna On sat Oouon Omn promptly eure
where all others falL For Coaa-.itn Itha5
no rival; has cared thousende, kndwlU omtg
TOO. IttaLantn time. fflMttets. Wsts-,11.05
Send for
Addreno, REV. , U. COJJDIT,
Albany. Oregon
sin ? V
The Only Preventive
Mothy Oily Skin
It Strikes
At the Cause
The Clogged
Irritated Inflamed
hair, and lby blemishes I
yhi.tou-h umao .-...a, -
it ta wonderful.
Sold Uuoaghout U world. mt Omm
t Ca. Coar., Sol Props.. Boston, ilaa..
FromTarminal or Itr.jrior Potuts -h
Pacific Railroafi
la lit It ne to litUe
To aU Points KAST aotl SOUTH
fa Ibe Year to
Vwm of msm
p-ll--- hrawinf RCOB SlffDrrS
a)i.. i P-.Umant
' n . .. i. .- ....... ...- . a I in I In
U. ' ' .-w.
w it 1 1 i s a a slut m sra n ' h free
1 1 1 ft- ti ti i I f r i 1 1 it Kirst or
4ltl iln.Umx I
I Jihi unit.'. i J3iua,idu.h
al linw, affording Direct ? n d
UainprapHfl ServiC3.
Pollman a'eeper reservations as-. t
secured In advance through any
gent of the road.
rHROCQH '"'CKfcrH to sni frm
Amoiless Knit' -nj
Ca ' m prx-.-' a. n, j
ticket otdoa of ihi e wr .siy.
Kulllrf raiati n issWii rstwa.tluis
Itraios "it's. i i it-'ij" jMtvi fnrn
iabd o i apo . i Stt J agent ot
A D caRt.Tv!,
s.v-'tsnt Uerwal Passenger Agent.
No !St rtrat . r. Washington.
Pjrl'and. f.oc,
U) 1 ti.r ,oi
Southern Pacific Co.
Cipraaa Tiatna U0m Portland Ually
7F0S iCIV t, lOi,
3au rrsr.r.a. j
I Sort
Ar SaU a
L I SrJS a
Li I TW r
:lSr. a. 1 L
lOiSr L
llhtt I Ar
, -t i. -. tt ,'! stitio from
1 1 -. v'is-ie i .''. also Tan -h
!'oy.H rr.j i g. Jnnetioo
Irrin? iin i I station
tsrsargto i. i' io ! lajlati'S
a-ja a I U
tsutsm I L
:S0ra Ar
Purl la DO
fx ' . WI
L I into
:19 s
1' I
Di.iine Cars on 0g;j'n Route.
AMSMMi loan Twr.sursi Tralws
0tl Mr Mrhlss.
IITSKKS rKfUs Mt tll
an ssiSssht (CxjeptSanoay
C r .Ills
ias r !
sxraswsrssi sil Rxr .pa.Sm.'U
l:4iira Ls
! rs I Ar
Ar I :tt a a
L v S.!4 A
so all potiit In the Essteri 8t't.. 'flirts a
enrop can bs '.b ine 1 at ! s - lrm f '
Fraab. Aeent Albany.
. KO-nLcr r. r. orv?R
Wanatar A-a't O rtf. sJ
Portv.J Oraso"
'"OBI rs VT a VTRi) on Salary and Com mi aion
By Gail Hamilton, his literary executor,
with the co-op ration of bat fami'V. and fm
Mr. '' aioe'a ComplatH Wmk-, ' Twi;STV
Vbarm of Cosoaitss," and hi U'er o.ik,
"Political Discussion ifi(ec'u
for these 3 na-r sellino lo ka in th nt
set. AKM rdau of Me.. took 1 'l nerfan
from first ll a!; aeiit'a p'lllit ICS 50
M rs H. 1 ard . f i ) 15 order'. I.'l -a
Russia, in 1 da ; proht ?. 2"). K N li ci
o Mass, took 27 orders in i da-.: profit
$17.25 J P.tudiie of Me took 43 i.rden
from 36 oalla; profit $75.2 K A Pa mm
V Dak. no 5.1 old.-rs io 3 I r ; P'ofi
5.26. laWMWTt Mis en, 1
oairh tiinske LAitiiE MO' Vsri
n.-l.a elv for terms tn
i llenrv Rill Pub. C..Xrwih.oiin
M rer u opeaert Seplembrr ttk
A I I oorps of Inatructcra,
l jural ol study crranged c- tt.n
s( grades of students.
b'yWsWi inducement! tftred to ttudt n
from abroad.
v. blbi-t n canstiT
f Of4T.Sine wher In A bst y , Tuns
tjday ulgh
nlo el watch
." e ise
return to I f.moo
T ,Sca
What Congress Has Done For The
Refiners During Thirty Years.
Under the tariff act of 1864 the duty on
raw sugar not above No. 12 Hutch stand
ard was 3 cents a pound, and on raw sugar
above No. 12 and not above No. 15 the
duty was 3J4 cents a pound. On refined
sugar the duty was 5 cents a pound. Re
duced to ad valorem, the duties on riw
sugar under that tariff were above 70 per
cent. Although these duties yielded con
siderable public revenue, the main object
of legislation was to protect the sugar re
finers by making a discrimination of up
ward of one cent a pound in their favor.
The tariff of 1872 fixed the duty on raw
sugar above No. 7 and not above No. 10
(the main importation) at 2 cents a pound;
and on refined sugar at 'tl4 a pound mak
ing a discrimination of 1 1 cents a pound
in favor of the refiners.
This proving not quite satisfactory to
the refiners, the duty on raw sugar was
raised in 1875 to 2 cents a pound plus 25
per cent ad valorem, and the duty on re
fined sugar was raised to 4 cents a pound
plus 25 per cent ad valorem. There was
no Sugar Trust in those days, but mani
festly the trust has shown none of the
power that the sugar lobby then possessed
in the halls of Congress.
In the tariff of ISSo another twist was
given to the sugar duties, always keeping
tbe interest of die refiners in frott. The
I duty on raw sugar was reduced to 2 cents
a pound, and the duly on refined sugar
j was reduced to A , cents a pound making
I a discrimination of 1 H cents a pound in
i favcr of the refiners. Under that tariff the
average duty of refineil sur was upward J cellaneous, $2t.5u0. Total increase, $19.
of 72 per cent ad valorem-so great was ' 78S.229. The Mc etary of the treasury in
the fear of Senator Sherinan. Senator Alii-i
a .1 . .1 . V DaUIa. aIa.
wBiuaimrirovii.iK iuun
men lest the manufacturers of sugar should
be subjected to the minou competition ol
the "pauper labor" of Europe. It need
not be said that dndag the operation of ,
the tariff tf 1S&J hardly a pound of refined
sugar was imported over i he high tariff
wall. The sngar refiners were the peculiar
objects of the solicitude and favor of Its
Republican authors.
Then came the McKin'ey tariff of 190.
which, while nominally putting raw sugar
on the free '1st, fixed a tax of half a cent
pound on the entire consumption of re-
fined sugar ar.d gave a boun'v oi 2 cents a
pound to domestic producers. The effect
of this operation is to take upward of VJ0.
000.000 a year ont of the pockets of A mer
ican consumers for the sole benefit of the
: Sugar Trust, and 112,000,000 besides in
: bounties When this ilagi ions measure
' was devised for despoiling the pub ic
Treasury of it? revenues and tieeciog con
sumers the Sugar Trust was represented
, by a powerful lobby in Washington. Bni
' a scheme of plunder which gives the trust
I its rcw sugar free of tax and a subsidy of
' half a cent on every pound d refines was
! more than the most sanguine of its agents
aad reason to amicipate.
Con'tatt wi'b this ser'e of Kepublican
sugar duties from 164 to I'-'A) te sugar
I --fcfdulc of the new law iust paised.
schedue. with Hs 40 per cent duty on raw
! sugar, would put upward of $40,000,000
I of revenue into the Treasury and save $12.-
000.000 in boontie. while reducing tSe dis
I crimination in favor of refined sugar to
! one-e;fthth of a ceot per pound. If corrupt
influences prevailed in 'he adjutn.ent of j
this schedule. bst sinister Influences!
j prompted the Republican legUbstion on
sugar for the 'ast 30 year t If the Demo
! cratic members of the Se-ate Finance
Committee were und'w the sway of Use
' Sugar Trust, what insidious power was
behind Senator Sherman, Senator Atdricb
and the other Repabiiran members of the
Senate Finante Cammittee when tbey
framed the sugar schedule of the McK in
leyact? The tincple truth is that this it
the only example of leg! slat on in Congress
in the laat 30 years in which the demands
of the sugar rr6ners have been subordi
nated to considerations ot public revenue
and to the interest of the consumer.
Vie With Each Other.
Tae evening Telegram and he Oregp
nian vie ita other la mlsrepresentirg the
new tariff bi I This is especially the case
with reference to Ihet uzsr s:liedule. The
! Demccrat h-s no defense to make for con-
j gresg in placirg a differential dnfy of one
eighth cent a pound on ukar to bt ntfit the
I . . .. ..... . i .i
trust, i ne one nu crnt a pcun given ioe
trust by the McKialev law should hsve
wsir-ed rongress thai none should hsve
bees given in ihe nebill. Bat the taiiff
reform democrats in the smite were in a
minority, and they were ccmpel ed tctake
what the repub leans snd sugar tiust
senators wou'd gtv: ihem. Bat the
Telegram haP faroanatripped the Orrgoniaa
in i s euiiref resentitions cf ihe new law.
A fe das ago it ssgt-1 irifoimed 1's rtsd
ers that it l.a I card a ly m.t '.c an stlma e of
the increase in the Cist ol luear lo the reo-
( nfa nf Ihe ITnifad -i saaS in niniratimce of
the pars iga of tlie ne tariff bill, which it
found I- b; $600,000, soo. Sis a li lie ex
amination an I Inve.iiat on atll show how
absur 1 such a statement is. Tne amooni o'
snir.r ini.vjr et from abroad for the )ear
endmg June 3 I894 was 4,344.4$6,9y7
pounds. The hvtst estimates show that
there are about 500,00.000 of sugar piO
dnctd in 1 bis counlry. Tbis would iudi
cate that this cou- try during the list year
contumed about 4844,456,917 pounds.
Estimating that the people paid on an
aversge six and a quarter cents per pound
making nj allowance for tlie lots suffered
ia refining) it will ht seen that tbeat ole
cost nf ihe sugar consumed Ihe last year
was $271,518,556. T'.e Tstsgiasi ssys
substantially that Die pe ip!e will have to
piv ihls sum for iheii sSJgSf next yrsr Snd
in id li'lcMI llirtrrio the sJm of 66 j.oo 1,100
ss the necess iy iu'T as in the e-st on 10
Coun' ol the new tirtff bib. This i too air
surd ft seiious consul siai'o-i Th re
weie imported duiing the year indirg dunr
Jo 1894 3,2S6,2J,6 755 fiour.ds of raw suga
and it an valued at 1126,619,800. T
ne law ou a duly of 4 per tent on ra
sugar. T' is won. d increase ihe cost of tits
Nagnf $5 ',sasri.raf ), This amount will b.
pat I in'o tne treasury an I become IhsFsin
the penp'e'a money. Ihe vj.ue of ihe re.
ftasd aslgsr IsspttTtsd d.iilii;the year end
ingjune3i 1894 wan $2, 2;, 151. (There
weie 58,2:1 1,241 Is o' this 'iiuloi
sugar impirtril during the 1 ci o I intn'ion
ed.) Tt-eJaHd'tlonal iiniv isntMs classol
SaiaJSI Will h less tiia'i a akitod "O !k'S
Frou llieSe facts, (nd Ihev are nlhvial) sn
lessonaole person can sea ho v ah-urd I- tbe
Telegram's statement.
Late explorations havt est end) the
bmgih of ihefainom Adeisberg Cive, in
Aus'ila, losls mil s, i i. aa tmee fourths
of a mile great:r -.han the cive of Agg'eiek,
in Hungary, until now r-, del us ii,e
arue't of the European ravta.
The I'tt rdioro (N II) public library
numbering foui thousand volume?, Isknown
a t tbe oldest free library in the United
Pledge Redeemed
Chairman Sayrej of the house committee
on appropriations has completed an offi
cial statement of the amount appropriated
by the session of congas just closing, as
compared with pnst sessions . The state
ment represents the views of the Democrat
ic majority in the committee and in the
house on the economy of government ex
penses. Mr Sayres statement reada as
follows: The appropriations made during
( the extraordinary sessions of the present
congress, including permanent appropria
tions shows a reduction of $28,285,38!)
under the appropriations made at the last
session of the last congress and deducting
the amount of the river and liarbor bill,
$11,373,180, which should be done for the
purpose of comparison, innsmuchas no river
and harbor b'll was passed by the last con
gress at its !a-t session, the reduction is
As compared vita the appropria'ions
passed at tie last session of the last con
gress the following reductions are shown
in the table: Agricultural bill, $101,476-,;
army bill, $632,755; legislative, etc , bill. ;
which carries In the main the great salary
list of the government. $557,507; mi'itary
academy bill, $56,033; pensioa appropna
Kill ili am -in. 1 :;i i.:il
, ', ' ' . , , 1
,.suo,ooo; on account 01 u?nciencies,
1 tin j r.n jja. t - ! .
1 v,iw,-v, uu Juuun. Ul l"' u -
propnanons, including $u,uuu,bju tor
sugar bounty which is abolished and $450
uuu expenses i unuer eiec. ion taw-, nu : f ;
repealed, ?i4,av.e!W; total rruucnons, .
.. . , , .
The bills showing increases over the last
la, are a. lo ln. llir.'nmntie and -on
laws are as fo.lows. Dip oma'lc and con-
sular bill, $6,473; District of Columbia
bill. $132,309; fortifications bill. $1-8.-949;
Indian bill, $1.4:5.40; naval bill,
$3,223,065; pos-office bill, $3,232 88&;j
river and harbor bll'. $11,473,180; mis-
the annual estimates lo congress in Iee-:
An, ... ..t .a. Ka U..1 inrlti.lA.1 IWaaa
. -
in no amount for the payment of the boun
ty on sugar, but that if the law aulhorit
og Us payment shou'd not be repealed. It
sold be neceeaarj to add t- the estimn'ea
for 1S95, for permanent appropriations
the sum of $1 1.OCO.OCO But in July last
the comrtissione-' of internal revenue esti
mated the sum req-ired to pay Ibis boon-
ty, if not repealed, would be 15.2:.0u0
for ihe fiscal year 1695 and $17,0(0000 for
the fiscal year 1896.
The expenditures made lor bounty on
sugars have been as follows: Fiscal jear
lsi2. l7.-wi0.02f: 1893
tv.: :.:!2; l-vi.
The post office bill makes the usual in
crease incident to the jrow'.h of the coun
iry ana lis cominercitti i"ieie , immin-
oer of poitoffices havirg increased during
'he period between Jane 30tb. and
June :tb, 1V4. by 7,404; toe e umber oi
postroutes by 4.514: the length of post-
route-- by 38.737 mile ; the annual reve
nues from the service by II 5.098.055. ad
metoui annual expendu - resoyi.. -
I'uring tne present m ssion oi congress
the salaried list of the government ha
usen red Laced by more man oou in numo-r
a d over ITiW.OOO in annual cost and mre
sals' ies have been reduced lb n inrrased
Democrats Protest.
The Ba'timore News has col.ected a
series of in'.rts-icws with the leading irtt-
ocra of afarvland. represeatia; everj
sertto-. o! the State ard nesriy evesy shade
of o, non. and hn'a that -n are a mos! '
unanimOAsly agaiasl hr s'aad ukeu b?
Senators Gorman and Gitton od ia fav&r
i Of President Clcvelaa.'. TVeats are made t
, in Ihe literei-ws that aeither ut the Sena
: tors can be re-e'eded. ard the lore is free
; y expressed thst ihey will h-te the grate
tu resign. The enthusiasl-c utninr ir.
i mbich ,tCcnt n,:.,, ,,- Mm io, in
' W.-si Virginia have pronoitrceJ lo fate of
ihe Wilson til ard denouncrJ s-uaio.lal
, recilcitraats indicates thst one f the West
Vugiaia sceaur 1 likely to espeiieecr Ue
1 same pjpul.-r 'cwntaneot lbs: is Lein; di-
reefed against the Maryland Sena'o-s.
TLelarges' republican stale convention
! eer held In Nebraska met Wednesday at
Omaha, Captain K A Jasns. of Su; erio-.
was chairman. There wrrJ only two en a
In the race fur gr.vertor l.'eutenaot Gov-erno-
Thcma, Lt Ms joss, of Peru, and John
H MscColl, of I.-sington. Os an Infor
ma! bailn M.) hs licked but half a vo'e of
recetvinj the nominal i an, and on the first
formalballot was nui. 11 itct'.
Mayors made a . c- i of thanks, sating
be toped for the unite! suppjit of
ihepaity. Tie n i.t niion tl en took a
recess. At the coe ol ihe
session Edxard Rtewatsr prefiand a
scathing letter, residing a a member
of tbe national committee, ani t if
10 tbe csairmai ot Ihe coaver.-ion to be
acted upon ibis afternoon. Tin .oeans
Rosewater't piper, the Bee, and Die anti
monopoly element of tho party will figh'
Main's .
Tne cb lisk of Orsotasen, one of ihe
earliest and finest of Ihe Kgyp'ian obelisk',
is still standing a' Hellopoii It Is in-
cribrd with the name of Orsotasen, one of
the greaieu rulers of the Iwelfih dynasty .
It l sixty seven Let four Inches in I eight.
without the pyramidi n which crow ns it.
snd la a splendid block ot granne wclghirg
ai7 tons. It mill' have required Immense
ski. I to quarry it.ic itnnap rt It Iron S;ene,
an I finally, alicr finishing d. t erect it
where 't now atan-ls and ha stood f ir 4500
Trie Revolutionary A'ar, I775 1 7S3
cost the United State I135.I9J.703 re
cob nii s furni'hel 395,064 troop". The
War of 18l2 cost $107,15,003. the numhrr
of troo,)s estlmvei a' 471,622. The M;xl
csn War cot loo,ooi,ooo; Ihe number of
tro'pi engaged ai ioi,282. Therlvii war,
1861 1865, co-t $6, 189,929 9 ki, acco-ding
to officia' records; the numbered troops
engaged on the Union side was 2,859,142,
he to nl lose. 46.1,533.
Tlie asiiclea eii enictrnen'. ol t'ie new
tarilT hill h ts , aecording to a repoit to ihe
itate deoartinent Lorn United .Sta'c" Cumu!
VIeeker. at Bradford, Kijin.l, caused
quicker wojI sales tn m eer mn hefnse.
Prices sliowel an average advmce of $ to
1 cent a pound over last year.
II 11 Warner, ol Rochester, the patent
medicine man, who miide $7.000,0.10 out
of the "Log Cab'n" remedies whicli were
40 extensively advcni.d everywhere, ha
ffi'urned home from Europe pennilos.
He left Ihe last of bis fortune at Monle
lljeiles have other defrnes Ihetr
cuirass, such as nauseous or caustic liiu'ds
which tbey exprl on provocation, an. I.
strange to say, Mr Cuen t has found Out
certain beetles actually exude their bl ml,
hsrge I with nox'ous products.
The first United states pcstil cards were
Isiued In May, 187), ami duiing the first
two months of their existence 31, 0.0 no
i' led.
Washington Letter.
F rum i ur regular l'orrvioiiiliit.
Wasiiixotos, Aug. 20, I89L
President C'eveland will not, according
to those who ought to know, definitely de
cide what action bo will tuke on the tariff
bill until he returns from Gray (iables,
whither he wus driven by a troublesome
attack of mnliiia; but that only relates to
detail", as it is regarded a fully settled
that the bill shall become u law . In fart,
certified topiea of the bill are now on the
way to every tollec'or of custoais, so tiiat
when it becomes a law it will only be nec
i&tiiry to telegraph the collectors to have it
put right into effect. The President will
return this week.
In some ouarters there is a disposition to I
believe that 11.. f..rr.hv rranl.itwvn .. 1 i
ion , 'gains:
,!-. , , .. , , 1 , . .
fur her consideration of mriff leg,, a-ion.
which was adopted by a vote of 27 to 16
a bare quojum by the Senate, mnv be the '
cause of Ihe taijff bill being voted. It is,
of cour-e, well-known that President Cleve
land is much interested in the separate
placing of oal, iron ore and barbed wire on
the free list, and desliei to see them be
come laws, and it is equally well-known j
I that the Murphy resolution was intended
kill tti-a l.;ita fi, t t.r....n
... wti.. r.v-.
It was stated when the House democratic
caucus which resulted in the passage of the
Seniie priff blU
waf in session that ibe
democraiic stetring committee of the Sen-S
l-.-i . . . i , .
a - 1 i
ait? uan i'ivpa a inj
bll. and that providing for free sugar,
(tuXA be voted upon by the Senate before
adiournment. if the Hou-e would a.-eent the
o,,,. amerdmenta lo tV-e Yiln bill
vUe "" dmcnU taUe w "n L'"1
. u , . , ,;,hout thai o'lae
the Hou'e would not have acted. lLesc
things were all known lo Mr Cleveland, bu (
those whose opinions would carry weight
will not at Ibi time express them, as to
what, if any. effect the Senate resolution
may have on 0 e late of the tariff bill.
An cffinal statement made by the du-
pur,itlg cjr,k 0f ,be iVrrimem of Agri
" . ....
cu(ure hcws that 'be revlu.tton in the t x
, penditures of 'hat department for the fiscal
' ear ending June 3rd, lt. was s'ightly
in excess of 14 per cent, and :hat neirly
, $5W,(H0 ot toe annual appropriation trade
for the department a unexienileJ and
wou d by covered batk into the Treasury.
That Ihe kind et democrat retarv
Mo1 too is
In Ihi.
connection f is well
ano'her official fact
to ca attention to
CaJcu ated to impress people with the idea
lh-A tlie dmcta's in Corgresa are living I
un to (be nartv pledge of eroooniv in nub-
j ijc expenditure, if they haven't gone a fi
ls niiir other dimctions as hn mieh- h
The total amoant appropriated st
this session of Coogrei s. according to the
hirures of Chairman Ssyer. ot th House
ipWM:Jifn com ml fee
t u.o
; i, ,i, Jn ,j.
.; lht 1t,t uon Cwjmt.
W .nan .uv i" a aropna ons n.aoe ai
In other
words. e gove'nmen' has been saved just
i ,n4 mu.b
ltepresenta'ive itlaad perentel the
. bimetallic league endorsing the popu'is's
l,Af.n(.wWihAAA.1,,. wrek. ilt
simp'y told t other m?mber( of the com-;
mittee, that when MssWH o Ihe pop-
ulist na ional emmittee asked that bis
,,,,1-. ,njlt if tu- a
to be turned into a populist machine be
and a art ilemoeraJ cu'd draw ou" .
Tbe commifee decided to endorse nothing
but s'lvt rand to use its en-ire efforts to
secure Ihe elec im of silver men to the
' &vb O ngresv and issued an a.l.ln-ss in
sccjrdatnce wdb thst decision.
The oil rum -r ;ia; Ssxre'ary Carlisle
ats about o red'S Ko-t. ifie csbme- came
out as spry ss IhoMffh ft I ad no: been killed .
. a iotn o: isrre limes, daring the la4
Ithaca) aar four i"ay. It was proceded by
the ramo- ihti Secretary Carii.)c's letter
' to Senator Harris, win i acttag .hairman
of tlas Seas'r Snaace coaini:ee oa accouni t
; cf sickness of senator Vysrt-e.s. c-sarernmg
the fleet Hie bills passed by ibe BKttSst, I
' placing on i lief list sugar, cos', iron ore,
'aodbaib'd win'. d base npon be :
rerenues cf tbe gOTemarent U favoraVy !
acted upot b ihe S:ce, bad btea w.itten
wi bout Pre tdcr.t C'eveUnd's keoakdge
and ir it had cassrt a coolness between '
th two 3-u Never was a siory bulli upjn
' foundation, AllUoh Secretary
j Ca; li.'.-'a letter was written In accordance
wifi tbe routine ens-oaa. In snw, 1 to te
- u ur irqniry made l-y fie chsirmin of the
finanre ci.mrr.itiie ct c - ; r.rj ol tte
Tr.asory corrrrninf ron'empl .ted leg's
I taon, it can te po-! .v.iy Slat-d ttat t"re- I
sdent 0 "evrl.nd wa fully laformrd ol its
, con'en's before I' was sen'. It contained.
by lae way. not a word of argument for or
- again'l any la I; user. ly aa e i.r.atr cf Ibe
1 revcuue Iha" woald be ictalned or lout. It 1
is doubtless wheile any Presiicn tvrr
enjoyd cloar lelsliott wit" his Sesr.-'ary I
of the Treasory than Mr Cleve-ar.l itoea ;
wito Mr Car! s. and all t-ik"! a loes ;
,b;tw.rn-hrm is simply rt n1 .!'. nine
.1 r , t drralicn.
Some Mure Stsgahbstry.
Nev York Times st-ows i:at f r the
.. . . - .
year end' g Jane 30 itn. (no'. iNjt as
the Momi ig Meiald pub'Uh.a the date.l
', the van
iron kaV
.f.itcn ore and roanufsclnres ol
led into Ill's ruaturv was t:
id tlie value I similar pro'uc s
.. ir...i I and uld n compe:iii n
j shipped
j '-h ,ie cheP P'"i'-r 'b r of
29..U. -. ij The SanKrancls.
' asks the q irtlion
st f tl.e 1. ! Ion of (tie i-nn am!
dudiy Is such In ihe Unii.d Sta'is tha .
can and do undersell (he fortlgner, t. .
inteiest has the consumer in fnrc'ng e
due ion ol ihr laiKT?"
The question wou'd be mure psrtswcwl
and logical If put n lire fulhwing shape:
"If the condiilnn ol the iion .nd steel
In lu try is such o tt'e Cnlled Slates ihat
we can and i0 unjeriell !. e lor.lgn- r. what
interest has ibe nianufcclJ'cr in rtsistieg
a 1 educiicm of the slimi'v high Hat 0M I
iron prcxtucis?"'
None wha'evtr. The uaon Itsat the I
iron manufacturer in the first place akecl
a .
tcngie't to place a duty on fomgn irnii
products was tl al he mih1 kw a'le 10 com
neii wl h tn .-ln I .her. Anl, as we now
.- a
sell more lr.,n pioiuc's al road than do j
foreigners nbII In cujiim y. e nave
tnl- iirefragahle e nlence that American
iron manufacturers ran compete wi h the
foreign iron manufac urers, ard .cfor
the reason foi ihe Itnpcsi ion cl 0 . ' io
longer eals-t. Tien, tsht rhoil 1 tl.e
American nisnufai tuit r issiat 1 1 e tedu i -n
cf the taiiff tsx? Tt.tre it a ciark shade . I
U'Plc on on his motives when be ilor ii
The spirit of selfishness nd ol advan'
sge Is very highly ili-ve'oped in thrss pro
tectod gen'ry and their moties are open to
cuip dam.
SK ii::k s
I'aikcr Hrus, grocers.
.s..w oraam ohcesa jast reoeived at ( no rax)
P .1 Smiley Job printer, Flion Block, dors
first class work.
Sinoka the oslebrated Havana filled 5 oent
Ur M H K.lw, physioisn and .uru-e.u.
Albary, Uren. Calls mat in oitv er
Fa.ronixa home indnatrv bv amokinn tha
celebrated white labor oicara, manafaotured
by Julias Josepk.
If you want a tine amo u oall.for Joseph,! 1
wnue laoor cigars,
A Wild Animal Storv,
The Hrownt;ville Times is evidently try
ing to tell a whopper. A Brownsville man
was at Bellknap recently. He was most
desirous of capturing or shooting a fine
large deer. Thoroughly equipped for the
fray, he sallied forth to slay a monatch of
the forest. Cautiously he crept through the
dense growth of shrubbery and in a short
time his search was rewarded by finding a
fine "six pointer" who was quietly nipping
the succulent bunch grass. Drawing a
bead our hunter shot, und unfortunately
only creased the game, who, not taking the
matter us a joke, madj a plunge in the
direction of the hunter, who threw away
his pin nnd attempted to peek safety i
flight. Away ran the hunter, closely pur
sued by tho deer; it was nin and fnelr
j Kouml and round tbey went nntil just as
me man ucugtxl uetiin.l a large fir tree, tho
llu0T nmue a sudden p'unge, but failing to
P,r" M.e pursued, struct: the tree and
pinion the pursued, strucl-. the tree nnd
' 1.1 . . r. : , -, , 7 y-
iiiiiuniixi iiuius ucchij mui we ,
bark where he remained firmli "held. The
hunter now became brave, und as he was !
ahout to approach the deer. w.m startled to '
oc, nuimnnv ywwpmwu ssuwagn ins air,
the body of a huge cougar, who had been
j concealed within the tree branches than,
' out now pounced upon the helpless deer.
1 Unfortunately fcr the cougar in his borry
j he ovr jumrl and faliinir forwaril wedir-
v 1 his heailiietwivn tha deer horns and
tree, when-he in turn remained firmlv
held. The fortunate hurter now bethought
himself of his gun, which he had, in his
mad fiigut. thrown away. The weapon
was not to be 'ound, and after much re
flection he decided to return lo eamo. nro
cure an ux and chop down the tree. This
Pfoce-ded to do, and as the tree fell
- ear, and protecling a few feet io the j
'brush he discovered an immense bear, i
whifh had Ijeen killet by the falling tree.
a aeriea or imvii and gnarie
(rreeted nu
, ,np n,mrod carefully plw ,
the isidies of the deer, courar bear,
aid- h. 6A s.U to .,m.. e...,rl
I he a-sistanv of his comrades who helped
,nm "nn3 'he game home.
ProbatC Record.
In estate of llaabrouik
heAiing set f'.r Ottl.
In gjanlianshipof Fred Harris invent. .rv
hied. Cab, lt.4 :'.l Alluwed 10 per
FinsJ accounting in etale of T A We4-
erveit ret few I S I 1 .1
Instate of Wonm AflsH in.. -i.t.irv Sled;
! iersonal property. $T-57 ft'.
In estate of AbarilU Meizir.
i ion to appraiser issued Invu"iry ;i!e-i
Real e-'.ate fMlj
In guardianship of Agu-ta WiCert et ai.
2nd account tiled and resignation of J' hn
liffi:i.;n us guardian was acre.lted. Julius
(tradwh'M anpointe.1 itiardun
Hon I
' $1000.
Will Sdjaara Tarla.
Wasniso-pis, Aug .2J. Pre. Cleve-
' hind's purpuee on the tariff bill was th
(jr g-j . ,.- , .
f 2 o'clock next tueedav. Representative
Catchings had called on Mr Cleveland
tfclav. and, oa rvachine the capital, con
m(DU Th, -Juti w thereup.,n
framed and introduced with the authori
ty of the rules committee.
B44 laamt .
S vn Fa vscMCO, Aug. 2i. Tle denio-
, cratic state convention accomplished tlie .ir..,; ta.-k K-..r-
wleclion of a nominee for
Itiiil.t iii an il!,.rrie-
congmssman. ting uominatol on the
i thirl sMtUt.
saw asnl
It is ti.e tlalr of rrtifofir, whether a
home or traveling for p ti.rf or bush cs
to evuip hl-nrelf with remdse . wi.l
keep up strength and present iliners. .r.d ,
cure such ills a sic liabV 10 cwr upon'
all in e'-rydav life. Kir nsa- ue. Mood's
1 OOO t
0 keep
Sa'sapariiia aa a gerseial tonic, and 1
tne blooi pure snd less liable to absor
the rrrvr. ai diwa.r- will I a a.l' r.l.n
tlnva'uable Chanpe cf drinktug a
often causes serious trouble, especi.lls If
one has n used io spring waier in ihe
coantrv. Krotn a lew d: ops to a teasaoon -
... ..a, . . ... T . .
fu! of liood's SarssrssritU in a tumbler of
water wi I pte-eit the walea having any
injurioQt effect
liood's Vegetab e Til t. as a ca'hirtlc. I
cause no discomfort, no disturbance, no
loss of sleep, but asaast Ifv dageu l - r.asa
so tha sarmactorr results ate effrccd in
a pert ex 1 1 . nstural ar.d guiar manner.
be Baby was sick, w rasw ratsar5a.
W"beo she was a OuL ate c.-std f.- tavaoraa,
ttV sec berarw Xba, fbe cr-4rv M M.vta.
stn ate Lad OsiUrat. she saieLaaa Csatorfcv
Ro Easi vi Tor. t'xi-js TaCific
, AM are iw c.rmir o I and the
The I'r.ion J'ar. ' train are running
! hrs-gh wi'hjur coat p';i ng Portland
I oaulw at 7 " c'ock r M. carrying Ftllmi
I and tonri-t sieepc.a 'e.'lin 'g chair ca
e'C Cheapest anJ shortest roue 'oal
points east, rcw ra'eS ae.d b-f ru,a i -
, ca I uan
li'mav Woarrsuna.
Local Ager- a.
Ha! ' VegetaS:e S." liin Hair Renewer
ha. rcs'ored gray t.air ie it original rot
or a sd orevcoa ba O leas i i thousand . of
cas. It wi ' do so is o-a.
to I'arki-r Rio
groceries .
K n i In snd Notice
lVit.i.sxr. Oregon, Aug. 4. 18SM.
j ' 'Tru:ltr ,,,ust n,t trrf? t the
III. Mm as Is. ttksy m thoroitu'tilv nnaiaasd
ami an trams are running without trans
a . . w -a --r
feror delay. Throllihiai.rvici. til llmnlia
; Kansas City. St. Louis and Chicago;
P tiilman aJeenen, fnv reclining chair
' cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and
. mmleni dav coaches.
Call on 0. H. t N. agent bmi pur- 1
chasing ticket, ot addnss W, 11. Hurl-1
; hurt, general patsstmger apent. Portland. !
Ano'ber I voire of Gilberts tut black
a teen in plain anJ brocaded. Also cser
1 1 aline. In la-t black end colon and last
i black orgrandirs just r-ceived ai Samuel
1 Young's
. (ii,v )o iM t tvis ra tha
lore 01. Second street wi I be
1 b.JhUtr The Mmc i, J
0ee tr.-n ihU dar on in regular form ot
Come and try and satisfy yourselves that
the cash system b the only true one In
hustoes-. if you tak his advice 1 ou sab!
neeer have anv hard time.
J (iR ADWollI.
The (Act thai Hood's Sarsa-jar.lla. ones
fairly tried, becomes the family medicine,
I speaks vo'ume for lis excellence and
medicinal inirl: liood's Sarsanariila la
I Nature's cc worker.
I Hind' Pills become the favorite
Jcatt.srllc wl h every one whotrlea them.
The Ladies.
Th.-pieasa-it elli.-ctand perfe !,' safety
: with witc'i ladies may use the CVffornla
! liquid lag t dee, Syeuaof Kigi, under al
! c mdlt'ons, make It their favorhe remedy
: To get the true and g nulne article, look
! for the name of the California Fig Syrup
xu, p'l uci n-i.r me uouom oi the pack
rJr- Prlce'8 C-reaui Baacsag Powder
Pert V ear gag UmattoM.
Darl be an old logy, and Imagine an
Arii-t has :o be in business In Albany 40
ei:s, befo e he can make a itooA tskntn
1 tinkle has had 12 years expeiience and
pnaiUvely guarau'ees as fine and feetlstfe
, work cn had anywhere,
1 -po p Sfl ELF
' P"c es-i.nationryou wi.l Cnd
Parker liros. It has taken var. of hon.
est dealing, a s'ore lull ol the best D,.oHr
, a continuous round of trut'i telling and,
: above all. the rhcht nrfce. for ih- .1.1,1
: goods to h ad Palter Bros to their rssi
j proud position. Their groceries are stand-
ard, their produce fresh, and their baked
goods the best tn the .market, and of a
splendid variety.
Mrs Hetty Green, a miserly old woman of
A citjr wno Terv nco- w py
40,0 0 a year to the government through
the p- visions of the income tat. Serves
her iia-ht.
as 141 rlureriii? Pnllman 1,, ...,. ., I
Austrian princo.and the money Pullman haa !
mmmm y c.nargingexhorbitant hotel rates
on his ears will go to :i titled dude across
tn.' Atlantic.
Newspaper men will appreciate tbis from
The Dalle Chronicle: We have staled two
or three times in these columns that we will
not print obituary poetrv. No matter
whether it is good, bad or indifferent, if it
is sent to this shop it not into the waste
basket. We don't like lo make this re
fllltAl I: -I .. , .. ' I11.A . I L
rnw'. fa!!,.,. w ...I. t it- 2Z
- """"; '; aasw awaswai 10 reiuse
trie i.uat rl'vme in order to at mi off
thJ-.who ri, w;V. ,.,tSS rhvme or
ema v.
.. the followinir from the JunHirn t'itv; was written by a member of the next i
state legislature it will be read with inter-1
est. It U a (rood thimr tbcnirh that the
Hon. did not give such a policy before his
election: One way to be prospeross is,!
when yon get out of debt, keep out. Were
all lawn for the collection of debt repealed,
we would soon have good tiroes, ihe ex -
perience of Lane county people for
year ha demonstratea this fact.
the past
An Oregon girl in an exchange a?ys in a
very sound kind of a way: "Why do the
young men do so much loafing? Go to
young girl; I have clothed myself and got
money m the luk. and only sixteen years;
old. 1 lay up more money every year than j
worn : run ahead: I am notlupir 'iut a
any tjo or )onng man within a radius of
three miles of ray home. ben they get a
dollar th,-.- to a .1. ,.l .... i.,... ..
' oouar out. iy tallier is able to smm
! me. but I chcoae to support mywlf. I ad-
; naa all girl to cu. clear of loafing biya.
j tiive them a wide berth, and never marry
: a man unless he is able to support yon.
i j And never put your arm tbrouirn the kssad-
leofammW -
So Ur tne war i- very tame The
!ar?e.t nnml ' rrr irl.l IrillA At ..r.A
time in nn't. inco "Hi- n,.t,,-
tsvs Jim Wes'fall ."lots of rhicamen.
many.pienty m.-Chinamen. "
A speculative New Yorker tried to
: collect damages from various accident in-
su ranee companies for the lose of no l-es
than seven toes trom his left loot. From
the u st account we hae received, he
appears to have put bis foot in it.
. . ....
WkJril" introduce.U resolution
no one knows wto wnips. in fact nardiy
- "a-. " iunuweu uy ir.i cud-
radictorv accounts.
T'-e tecent action of the Catholics at
, Minneapo'is has breocht out the follow-
'n H' ln.l. Word : If. therefore.
it is asked a hat is the one great prolific:
source of sin and crime and misery in !
this count ry. what ir it mora than any-,
thing else, or over and above all thinri I
e!e, that is the ot ruiaed homes. !
wife-bealingf, and
has availed himseif of authentic stasis-
tics must be drink, the Ir.sii U orld
rejoices at the iudatmen; rendered. Tbe
word has gone forth, and it shall not re
turn void. Tlie Church has repudiated
and almost anathematized the Hum
An old fossil savs vcu can r.-.ul anv paper
- - '.ah . m tuiuutc .i.i a nail. I C1
hP: bnt do jou know that a paper alls its
Place, though small, as mu. h . if not more.
in Albany in a minnte an-i a half. Per-
Drutat Quarrels, mnrders. uicidr. the ; snenn ol liaison mnntr and hv
it ttav in the , ...,. .. ..! ia. r.t i I. it 0
eovernor. J r. ... n,., ... . Iaa.j r-a. -v: 1.
rue nmn i i 1 1 i i si si 1 1 1 1 aansn ii n I I 1 1 n -f sarisn Irani t n iiarmwa arwi r i.n
'than the cooasuiof the citr surcharged 1
A . .. . .'a . ..11
1,u sensation anc rot of the world,
I The unpretentions paper in ihe city like
Albany is as much as Hamlet is to Hamlet;
! it one of the arteries in the life of a city,
VI . L . :. a .a ; a II I I : 1
W ithout it a might as well be buried
in a mountain. An elepnact is .inly gc est
iT-n.'-. . i : w -r.;; a ! ren
elephants f.r r.ra -tt.-aj rarr"es
si raurposes. Stemen
inrUted with he wind
that thevarw iuanwhle
hae Uiir Masaa .
' of their own coavesl tbat they are incapable
. ot a serssi.tise remark or a iP-nerous tboaghL.
ml BT
On The Southern BounJarv.
i. oU, .
Mrs liattie Taylor and children .-re
camping near tTarence layl
sake of an outing.
for the
Mrs tmtm smi Mm Miggie Butler, of
Monmouth, visiting fr endj here the
nrs; ot tee aeek
j Miss Lincoln Caosevl a eery su.N-y-ssfu! term
I of school at the Ward school huse on
Tuesday cf D-is w.ek Th; cloi-ig er-
cue were very interesting and .mite a
nuirber of wsirs were p-eseat. Mjss
I.m.- wit! no to ha r home at Cottasn
d ilrvve the last of tbis week and expect to
- attend school at Mojn.outh next year.
James Gore is again in the neighliorhcod
after an ala-ence of several year in Eastern
regon and asluDgton Did not learn
! bjw long be expected to remain here.
Messrs Taylor and Banger have taken
i their threshing outfit over the lis-sw this
, week. They will return
j Saturday.
Ed Allingtum retu.-ne ! fioma two weeks
, snjourn on 1-ike Creek, Saturday.
I --rAsKTr t aSD naa krcn it t, mi
severe at ack of lever but is now s'owlv
The residence of Mr Hnry Sprenger a
mile and a half north oi town was burn
ed late Saturday night, terv little of i
' J?!
1 Ihe fnmiltlr. wa. s aI 1 1 or., ir,...
I Tha thresb'ng in this vhinity is about
, finish d except the spring grain. The
t j ie d in most cases s
been somewhat
less tncu was expecteil.
Mr M N Richardson, if S-io as in
town Sunday visaing friends.
Mrs Hindu k and daughter. 6mm and
Misses Cars and jr lhivis and ethers
have gone w lib :aiu,.:ng outfi; to Water
loo for a fe days outing.
Misses Maty I'oatsand Nellie Murphy
of Monmou'h, ar. visMing Mrs Lib
Chaltes Mumm.ry, who recenly lef.
Albany after being convicted of vagrancy
returned !ast nigh from Corvaliis, and
was im nv.liaielv reyi rested.
I'ronai peaiiig before R.Cirdcr lien
ton Mumn.ry was given 10 days in the
city jail. He claimed lo have come over,
after some ..xd-r:nlt toolt ; but the IVm
ocrat ts knfsrn e i that he has been in the
city sever! D'ghil comlntr across the 0 P
A Hut Sa:.k. Yesteniay Frasijr &
Slarverud the real estate brokers, sold the
R 0 Corson farm containing 683 ac.-es at
Cloverdale to Wro T Hallidkv, of Califor
nia. The consideihlion was $17,000. They
also sold to the same gentleman, the Frank
II Watson, fruit farm, containing 45 acres
all in, locate! between Eugene and
SprtnfcGeld txu-fciOW). Guard
Oikk Work. The McMtoneWe
Register savs; -Jorin Hlmnn ha lost
his cook. On Sunday last he in'ro.tucsd
herioTH Srra I, an old -emle-nan of
Marion county, aged S3, the acquaintance
soon ilpening love. Tdat somedv
they were married. "
1 !i.a'e the hail gro a n aural col r
prevent haldns,and keeplhescatp heaibly
lull's Hair Renewer was invented und
has proved Itself successful.
Mood' Pills are purely vegetable, and
do not pure pain or gri(-e. S.ild by all
Wooden, Un,
IBilver, Goldeu
Common every day.
W GifforU Nash '
i 1 now prewirtHl to receive a limited nuiu
i her of pupils. He will be at the residence
of rj? Christine Monteith, corner of 9th
ami rerry streets, on v exlnesday after-;
oons and tbursday mornings in each
1 . 1 1 1 r 1 n 1 1 1 1 V 1 1 s 1 1 1 v 1 1 I
A TerrtMe AteUrmt.
8eatti.ii, Aug. 24. A special from
Franklin, Wash., says: At 15 minutes
to 12 o'clock, a fire wan noticed by some
of the drivers on the sixth level, north.
hw nonce was at once given to the men
who were workine in different !
places, some in the breast above the
level and others along the gangway.
Many of the men in the gangways ruah-'
cd baci; to notify the miners further in,
while others rushed and reached the
main shaft. In all, about 70 men were
at work in the sixth level, north, and of I
that numlier, about 40 lingered at the
breast, where the fire originated, and
made an attempt to put out the fire, i
The breast was burning fiercely, and las
ton the miners knew it, the fire had j
communicated to breasts 60 and 61, and j
smoke began to issue from breast 62, in )
the immediate vicinitv. Several of those
Who lingered t the burning breast took I
""'"'"H au'-i ni, rmi an wno remained !
were overcome and asphyxiated. Atoot
''- in all.
A i klaesc VleUij.
BbUXgiiai, Aug. 24. A letter from
I Chemulpo,
rweived at Choo Footodav,
reported that 19 Japanese
warships and '
' i - transports arrived on the Ta
nver August 18. Six thousand
; wlo proceeded to land, were attacked by
; if i-iiine cavalry, who succeeded in
fllVultnif Ik. l.MMAA. lnMM 1. I L
...... ..a ...v njwui: .uitcn HI 1WV nS,
The Japanese were compelled to retreat
Ut the seashore, where the protection of
SSaA ... I .1 . A nci. .iiricMkcj turiiicr riursuu. ir.e
Jajanese loss is reported at :0 men.
Eacapeal Fiwsst Jail.
T a a. mL m a ..
jisBjjiiu, jt., Aug. raui on-,
mer male his escape last niaht. There i
were two prisoners in the jail, and, dar
ing the day, on account of the excessive
heat, they were not locked in their cells. I
Late last night Hheriff Keegan went to
the jail to lock the prisoners op for the '.
night. He came to the first cell and ask
M the man if Vollmcr was in the cell. J
Just then he beard a noise in the cell. !
and thinking evervthhig su all right
locked the cage. This morning Vollmer
was gone.
4 B x Pane
Pabsosk, Kan., Aug. 23. A parse of i
' $25,000 has been offered 1v Kansas. In
'"an lernion- and Texas citizens lor the
j E"rYIi?".! piaT al.
, -' AJt ..V . , . a., IHC1C C UV USI
! to prevent such a contest. Richard K
Fox tonight telegraphed Jackson's and j
j Corbet! 's acceptances of the offer, pro-
viding the money was deposited. The
money was gathered tonight and will be
lorwaraea Monday, it is oljo.
Twa rlis mtf.'
S WasHisocrox, Aug. 23. Mr Hudson.
, a-. a..i, j:.:i ... -
5, .J ; A.. .
" a a.j-. ... iaflL&
1 "aj . .uuiu uaiuc. uuusuu aij
; introduced a bill for a coinine of all the
silver of American mines into standard ;
ft. Ev-SsSaeriSTarre-4eS
Atrronia, Or., Aug. 23. Deputy mar-
shal H A Smith was arrested at Ilwaco
W"edneiav. charged with kidnaping.
The trouble grows out of several arrests
' made by Smith at the time when he was
' 1' ,
Vseuig ser -
nen being
I brought to this side for trial.
Wan istgain.
Wasiusgimn, Aug. 2S. Tlie president
remains nnu in his t.urraosv to let the
tariff bill become a law without- his fig- ;
nature, alth. .il. manv consrreaeman I
i luive represente.1 very stronglv that i
1 should it not have the presidential an
' -a--. .. aj. ..a... .,.-7 icsiuruuai ap
proval their position on the stump will
' be emtaarraaed. Speaker Crisp present
i tliis view. The bill cannot become a
-. . . . .....
j law without the presidential autograph
until next Moodtv, and an avdjou-nmeat
; congress will hardly take place before ;
i next Tueolay.
aM.inr. Aug. 23. All foreiajners
, liave been forbidden to approach or enter
ibe Kianc Nai arsenal or tbe imperial
factory without sraeeial normit If tha.--
; sF : M - M sa-aaaw. w
i pm those places by the river they must
kp in the middle of the stream, and
si a. ;-, ik.. ,a.i
i -a ,k. .i .k -u "
....a.. . a iiv ... . .A . " 11.1UM1 . V'.ifTTl
-sat-.. m Ia: ir.ii. . .
. . - v . -... iuu rs-.i-
' '-diet onlenng 100.00) men to
; isared for active service.
New aetaaal
Uawtss, dr.. Aug. 23. The state laoanl
o.' lias ordered the issuance of
' the regular circular called for by law, ap-
plicaUe to the adoption of tevt-books for
use in the public schools of tbe state, j
j The circular has been f-wwarded to ISO
! publishers in all parts of th United)
tates, and sets forth the terms of adop- i
tion. It incfudea all the rules and reeu- ;
; la tion under the law. maximum prices,
j etc.. and has been sent under sJ. All
' IwjwisBsers competing are rciuired to for- j
: ward seahil proposals to the state board I
of tlie current vear.
VaNcocvaat, Wash.. Aug. 22. Nego-
to Un side next ; uuons lor ltl sle the out-estabbah-;
ed newsiiarer plant, tin- Vancouver In-
S dependent, which have been pending for
seweraJ wevK. are jtr-sctiealiv comp'eted. :
The purchosA-rs are Meesers t M Kamis. ;
; ot Uregou City, ex -postmaster, and also
editor of the " Orwnn CSlw Fnlvrnnw
j and Lloyd Y Pubuis, of this city. The
ancouver independent is one oi tlie
. . , ;
KHfiEfli U1 8tt- havln?
been establhilicil 20 vears ago.
Tw. Wra (antarew.
M vkshfikuj. Or.. Aug. 22. This com-
j munity was throwji into a fever of ex.
i 1 .1 r,i t vAetanlar dmniM, I ... .aa a
.. w. viuiuf hi m'ni u
the cawuni of C K hnm and J 11 f
; ning. who have been suspected for some
r time of being implicated in the bumine
inc implicahxi in the burnim.
and robbery- of the Southern Oregon
Company'9tore. at Sumner, July 13.
a Bag stare
Psxver. Aug. Pulley, Morris, Cuppie
and Henderson, the sprinters who par
ticipated in the races last Sunday for
the national 100-yard chamnionahin
have arranged for another match in Ixe
amn, wiitun tne next W aavs, lor
f 1 ,000 a corner. The race is open to all
the world.
A rtnlkle 4eeMent
Paws, Tenn., Aug. 22. A terrible ac
cident happened on the Padncab, Tenn
essee & Alabama railway this evening.
As the northbound train was ncaring
Hazel. Kv., about 15 miles north of Paris,
in passing a crossing it struck a wagon
loaded with people, and five of the oceu
pants met their death. The killed are:
blisses Jennie and Lillie Kay, aged 18
aud 20. daughters of J T Rax-; his son.
1 000 Kay and two young ladies, .viisses :
Hannon A young" man named Ray was j
badly injured". There is no blame at- j
tached to the railway. T.'ie company j
rendered all relief possible. j
steady Far Tke Sew Law.
WlaswlsKWfiWa Aug. --. Prt parat ions
for carrying into effect the new tariff bill
are going forwartl at Hie treasury de
partnient with all poesible speed." Sec
retary Carlisle has already prepared a
blank form ol license for custom house
brokers, provided for in the bill, and it
is now in the hands of the printer. Sev
eral clerks are hard at work preparing
an index for the new tariff. The tariff
volume of the hill for Uie convenience of
customs oriicers will contain both the
new laws and the McKinley law of 1890.
Beeldedly Wlxed, Aug. 22. The Central News
is am horn v for the statement that offi
cials of Hie Japanese legation here deny
that there has been an engagement re-
oently, either on land or sea, between'
the forces of Japan and China. Officials
declare, also, that the dispatch to the
Standard from lriin, referring to Count j
lto's remarks concerning the interests of
J a pan ana Russia 111 the completion of
the Siberian railway, was the invention
of the Chinese embassy in the tierman
Kabo Corset. A oeifect dress form
Dresses fit perfectly over mens. Appro
ve I by all dretamakers; S E Vovno
cS " How good digestion wait on i ;
g9 appttite. j
cij And htalth on botk." ,j
Conoim Coooln Cictol-iw CoroUm CmuIsm
To assure both the above ends.
goed, wholesome, palatable food is
demanded. It is next to impossible
to present a sufficient arieH of apoe-
tmng bills of fare for our meals with
out a liberal allowance of pastry and '
other food in watch shortening
rtqairea. now to make crap,
h-althful, digestible pastry has i
pulled the cocks. A difficulty in
an noo cooicmg .r. tne past has m ,
lard. Always fi :kle. never aniform. ,
most tmwhowsome lard has always )m
len the bane ct the cook and !..
obstacle to "BBod darestion."
I t.. :: -rrf
Cast SSM '
t Cotiokov OxioIom
"ortolco f analm f G tsslii
oriulur Vtmmm Uxtntj, i..
c.nies now into pojrr.lar
favor as the new shorten-
ing better than tn'en the
j Oh) ot . . a . "? nollc
b t of lard WnH none oi
' " laru oojecuuaaowi 4u -i
f CX
( -
I Cat
' S".
1 Ctrf
ties. Arc!
comes attended by both
O - Tt 'a. a
1 Cnt
' :
I Cot
vnwx.8 bcii ail aoouu
nsruac all uBTTTUTt.
Cotcsicme CjatujKMe tntmo ctuarc '
ct LOUIS B.-.4 .--
Tenching is toe noblest art but the
sorriest traoe.
J "
. A training scivxd for teacher . theorx
and nrvfiss Mur.ianA.1
: Strong iwofassjonal coarse and wei
! equipped model school.
Thorough preparatory and acacem ie
rs- .
Normal. Advanced Normal, Business,
Mufk and Art Departments.
Liarht exnenses. Board and lorkriwv
t books and tuition not above $150 pear-
The town of Monmouth ha? a beautiful
and healthful location in the verv heart
. , . . , . i -1
; o the iliAunett 1 aulev twelve mil
I gOTth, oi the Mate Cnpttal. It h
no saJf nos.
The Normal School diploma entitles
one to teach in ar.v county in the state
without any examination. Grad
uates command good position-?.
Expenses. Tuition per term of ten
meei; Normal eiis : Sub-Normal $5;
Commercial $6K. Board and Wiring :
iLiT ' ' i
i1"-. LTOm.
roara at a ormal inning iiail sj.7 per
roosne. with tire and
O) to $iJ25 per week.
a-Tcsaaa aa-w aw.s lal. . .
. 00 tTSSS sJw
ron?.$?-00 to f3"00
Board and lodging in private families
' ltamry ana growth
growth have always char-
actemea tne work ot the Normal .School.
ta a.; ,: , w.
'he Ut in its luiion-
ne uesss m its mstorv.
aiancua cinrasiin seal "a apnacs- .
tion. Address '
P L Cisrvmi, President,
or v a an, -trctary ot t acuity.
Pla-3lwBRssiwasl At
CAI IOBTAnt a fsa.
EW.sfswn tad mrx ,
Oi-rTrrS?,''.?' tas aaasia iTara
eS? SrvJLViSw2
work aa Haa
Big pegged CI
15 ia.rjrc: v an
I r c s h air
ar.d exercise
usual iy pro
ds ts sound
apf etite and
sound sleep
mcUv chtl-
! dfcTI
' . ., .
is ' 1
benefit from
Scott's Emulsion
of cod-iiver oil with Hypo
phosthites. a fat-food rapid
of assimilation and almost
.? palatable as milk.
J . . r- , r ; -v,-.., . rvi.if -1 , ..1 iirttjCTwrta,
wrm RKTr.:-
wiswr VSUSHH Ik."
.s.uUaatSa-Sa.awa Smm
.Mir. w.r
i' . w,i tan aaaaaBfa'tlaaaai wl li. ..u
S"S" ssaalra. a ..rr.... Val I. WiS'ISa.
mrr ar a. larSatt SS.SSSSS aa4 ra. all af tSas..
Mllii liaraaav. naMaaUnhmrvsltiiM. aw
ou Is .artM .Aar all atkaa nwiWia Cx.d, aaS aa
ti.r tsaaraa, at lavtwaanl la 1S aa4 s.r
. i larauvaa atsitasr si ts
.'ratrutaac -MaSS y aw aua KXt WITH Ul SSI In
.Ivans .aJ .! .raaa ir!- ut yTaSi.iaaa IVa'v
s.J isr miuuaaasVSAaaaFsswEi. saaa-a. n-a. aaSS:
6SAiajwxaSxw aiiaiiCT.ic ocx,
- .lorTt-JD. O-u.
Frssdi BradSrar): Dj, Pies,
Gales, etc Special ordBrs
C D VANDYKE Pronr.ftts.
JJ?iAs X E.LZjt aTaOpriCtOr,
2nd street, between Rih worth & Lyon,
ush, was aav wan i ilia i i
rasaaaj Ulaan throwh MaS a rw. ----w