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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1894)
Ilit cmorrat. The Democrats Redeem Their Pledges. While it is too true that in tariff and some other matters the democrat failed to redeem their pledges, yet in the matter of economy in public expenditures they have kept futh with the peop'e. Congressman Dockery, of Missouri, who is a membor of the appropriation's committee of the house, makes the following summary of appro priations of this congress, and compares them with former appropriations: I will begin with a summary of the ap propriations of the present session and also give a statement of some of the most im portant legislation enacted. The Secre tary of the Treasury estimates that under the new tariff bill (be total income of the Government, inc'uding postal receipts tcr the present fiscal year, will be $462,427,- 748. The appropriations of the present session, including the sinking fund re quiremcnts. amount to 8490,668,369. 51. Deducting from this total of appropriations the $48,000,000 required by the sinking fund, which will not be met. as it has not been for several years, it appears that the liabilities of the Government, for the fiscal year of J 895 will be W-42,668,393 51. thus leaving an estimated surplus in the Treas ury of 119,759,349.49. It appears that tho total appropriations of the Fifty-firrt. Congress (Republican) were $1, 035.686,92 1, and the total appro priations of the Fifty-second Congress (Senate and Executive, Republican) were $1, 026,822,049. 72, or a difference in favor of the Fifty-recond Congress of $8,864, 871.48. It is proper to state in this connection that the legislation of the Fifty-first Con gress imposed upon that Congress increased liabilities of $127,309,11168: upon the Fifty-second Congress $175,736,618.79, and upon the first session of this Congress $65,548,441.92. This entailed liability of 165,548,441 93 Is included in the total ap propriations, which aggregate.Jas 'hereto fore stated, $490,66S.369.51. It is also proper to state that during the present session of Congress the roll of Government employes has been reduced by more than 609 at an annual reduction in cost of exceeding $700,000, and that there has been a greater number of reductions of salaries than increases. This statement is significant when it is remembered that the Fifty-fi i st Congress made a net add i t'on to the roll of 1,705 new offices and in creased 1 ,214 salaries at a total increased coV. of $2,296,075.64. It is but justice to the House to say that the appropriations of the presant session huve been increase by the Senate in the sum of $9,370,140.89. An analysis of the 14 regular ippropria- t'on bill warrants the following summary : The estimates submitted by the depart ment exceed the appropriations of the present session by $29,994,4:1 20; the ap propriations of the first session of the Fifty-first Congress exceed the appropria tions of the present session by $3,757,879 -14; the appropriations of the second sess ion of the Fifty-first Congress exceed the The Income Tax. Tbtt income-tax provision in tho Tariff bill begins to operate on Jan. 1, 1895. and continues until Jan. 1, 1900. The tax (2 percent) is to be levied on all incomes above $4,000. It is to be paid not only by all who reside within the country, cn in come derived from any source, but by citi zens of the United States residing abroad, and by all residents of foreign countries on incomes derived from property situated in the United States'or from business car ried on here. The tax is on tho income of the year previous to that for which It is levied. Therefore the first tax will be levied on incomes received in 1894. There are two classes of incomes recog nized jy the bill the incomes of individ uals and the incomes of corporations. The taxable Income of a corporation is all its income above its operating expenses, in cluding the sums paid to shareholders. The tax of 2 per cent is paid by the corpo ration. Therefore that part of an Individ uals income which is derived from divi dends on the shares of a corporation that has paid the tax is deducted, on hie return, from his own taxable income. There are exemptions allowed by the bill in computing an individual's income be sides the $4,000. They are as follows: Th6 necessary expenses of conducting a ClcvelrndOn The Tariff Bill. The president allowed the tariff bllllo become a law without signing it. He took occasion, nowever, to explain his views in a letter to Congressman of C'atohinis Mis sissippi as follows: Since the conversation I bad wi'.h you slid Mr C'ark.of A'abama, .t few days ago, in regard toiny action upcr. the tariff bill, now before rnc, I i.nve given the subject full and meit serious consideration. "1 be result is, 1 am more settled than ev.-r in the determination to allaw thel-i I to become a law without my signature. Whenjthe formulation of legislation, wl.ich it was hoped would embody democratic ideas of tariff reform, was lately entered upon by congress, nothing was further from my anticipation than a result which I could not promptly and enthusiastically endorse. It is, therefore, with a feeling of the utmost disappointment that I submit to a denial of i his privilege. I do not claim to be belter the masaes of my pirty, nor do I wish to avuld any responsibility which on account of the page of this law, I ought to bear, a a member of the demo cratic o-jranizstton, neither will I permit myself to be separated fiom my party to such an extent as might be implied by my Hitslnesw Reviving. At th; regular dry goods auction sales yesterday there was n sale of 78,000 yards of low grade cassinieies. The mark(-t held firm throughout fair prices weie obtained This sale Is ".he lurgtat of its klr.d on rec ord, and was bailed wlih do'iaht by the trade as an Indication of the improved con dition of buslnra. A month ago such an amount put out would :rave demoralized the market. Withdrawals of woelen and dress gocdB were heavier at the Custom House yeiter day than for more than a year past. The bonded warehouses are being rapidly emp tied of this ciast of goods. A strange fact Is the withdrawal of all kinds of staple Im ports, dispite the prospective reduction of tariff. Merchant reported that they were (,,! ...1 ;.. I In (ill nrr'ar nil were rrmible to teel !... ill I.. ........ r ... I of ...... Alt await for the bill to became law. The fact J ctte,d MMA ol s:ltlemen was enough to start business J artists' display, the French "display, and going again. j 200 foreign attractions have lieen secured Receipts from duties in tne wunoiawai tdjunmrd division are f s heavy as during brisk bud. j Wamiinotox, Aug. 28. The galleries ne.,s year, amounting to over $300,000 a , ) tne KIlate were jacked today with day, of which an average of not more "(.an i visitors. On the Hour were exactly a aWmfmaa whiskey Tne a score ol senators. Alter s snort enirv division is no: doing more tnan $loo,- czo. Wilson' Poalllon. Wahiunotox, Aug. 28. Chairman Wil son left today for Went Virginia to be present at this Oongrxmloml convention of hie district tomorrow. 1 1 ih renomi nution is conceded without opposition, lie will aililrerH the convention, and his speech will boh in first utterance outside of congress. Mr JV'ilson Haid today; "Tho outlook for genuine tariff reform ft very bright. We have taken the first stem ami that is always the hardest; ami having done that much, and done it perfectly, it will be easy to proceed to a full realization of tariff reform." Aaatkrr Expoalilan. LM, Aug. 28. It won defi nitely settled today that an international exposition will beheld herefrom Oct olrcr 16 to January 15, It will ! held in Agricultural Park, and :t number of building, including the mam hall, 400 Waller Arrested. Denvkk, Aug. 28. A warrant was is sued today for tho arrest of Governor v nitt! on the serious charge of opening and reading a letter addressed to Mrs I. inkcns, formerly matron at the nolice headquarters. The warrant was issued by United States Commissioner Windale, who also issued warrants for the arrest of President Dennis Mtillins, of the po lice board, Chief of police Hamilton Armstrong and Kate Dwyer, matron at lcicc ueuuiiuariers. SEft II SMS Wbba&ieak.Sobd A HAM Attorney : Law Will pi-artus In all court ot tha OmiJI -In th rtlnn block Mate. Kmc 11 (!vm f matter In nrob-xe ana vj i.tectioru. yy u biii.yki; Attorney at taw vnt Solicitor In niiancsry. Coll Uorta ruad on all point. Lotje neuotraUd on ratile urmn. Albany, Oregon But there provisions In this bill which are in line with honest tariff reform, and it ctn'ains inceealstencict and crudities which Paiker llrria, grocer-. U-.w oraam ehwm iecoivd at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job prist, Klinn Block, do. Iirst class work. Smok the celebrated Havana. filled 5 cm oigai at Julius Joanph's. 1 a ronixo homo m.luatry by sax leg Ills celebrated white labor cigar, miiwfartnred by lojiu J ore ph. If voa want a lini amuke Ball f..r Joai ph.t white labor cigar. Merchants hatog no cal! for the goods The yeio ot tariff legis'ation, tshich, though dis- butiness, all interest paid or due within appointing, is still chargeable to democrat the year, local taxes, losses In trade or j , . from hres, storms or shipwreck, not com pensated for by insurance or otherwise; worthless debts, and income on which the tax has been paid by corporations. As to corporations, charitable, religious I and educational corporations are exempted, lhe willUrawals of building and loan associations, savlugs j former h whi!e influences lurrouoded ; """'aclured woclens x:eed at present all banks having no stockholders, receiving no , . , inJ in,eifered wi,h Its ! oU,er " 6oods combined more than 1,000 in a year from any one fiM, tons.,uctic.n which ought not tone depositor, and dividing all the Jm1 re;ogciledor located in democratic larlff re profits among the depositors except a con-! for:n c. unciu And jet notthstanding tributlontoalOpercectsuridus. Mu.ual i M ,u vicef ,nj ,u the bad treatment It companies, including insurance companies, j racelvtd ,e hind, 0i pte,ended friends. are all exempt. , nreaeHa a vast improvement on exittrce r - To n.ske th: hair grow a nt'.ural color prevent baldn'ss.and keep the scalp healhty : Hail's Hair Renewer waa invented, and recesses, resolutions of thanks to Vice- i Prt'siilent Stnvemmii and Se!i:t..r llarri. Hood'i PIIU are purrlv vrnal,l. n.t ooo of business daily. Usually it exceed president pro U-m, were adopted, and , nt purge pain i krlpr. Sold by all the withthawa'. I the senate was declared adjourned sine ' dri-ggUia. Very few of the goods in botn! awe t 2 P . The House also adjournetl. j brought over In direct anticipation tf li e The Balrk Defeat. redaction of tariff duties. Deputy Collect-, r j AusTiamAJi, Aug. 28. The defeat oi Kine stated that the -at accumulation as ! lhe Dutch troops sent to punish the rav- mainly the reiu't of sUcnan: bunlne-s. J"" l"L' smrxia, not iar irom 1 KO. W. VtltM.HT AtVirney at law, ar.l Notary Pub.le Will practice ;ln all the oourte of thra etato Special atteut'.oo -ten to roiler.-Mom ;,.! matter la pre hue ():- Next doer t , PoMofflce, Albany. Osrn . r t. II ' I I i Kii I tt v. v n i M lel natter, will receive promo a on N '-' Temple, Albany, O tlHITNKt Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. M OMIANVK w. HACMLKSIAW, Attirneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. Wall Paper, vnfgm9 JPaintw. Oil- JL A. fiwinitig ALBANY, 0REC0 Oregon Pacific Railroad. rata a clack, ;. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates o Homer letee-n Ta 0. B. & N. CO. B. McKEILL, EectT. TO THE EAST OlVti THE CHfJtCl or TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS VIA DENVER OMAHA qnioa wd Sao Fud'-wy.. ST. PAUL KANSAS CN Y miah nnt In nmiftr in lar fl law i r law t O ki.l nL-L. il-ere a ,ou well ! ere compelled toleaxe them in bond know, incutenti accompanvinc the DMNMI r 1 . - . 1 - - I ..A . I. A -- leL. 1 as are states, counties rum niunicipamies. . . ,. , .;!, ... sincere re- i -""- Every person having an income of $3.- i ... p,lUin,v lighle. 500 mast report It to the Collector of In- oQw hMvUy upon he ternal Revenue for h's distHct, or his dep- nnU mUtrier against t ' -w In general business circUs the matter of details ot tiro tariff is lest amid the great utlsfac'-ion that affairs are st fled. Hanker Java, -nin, to iiavc boon more wrioun than at first stipirosetl. It is now assert ctl 164 Dutch KoMiiTg and 14 oAoera, in- ! eluding ticneral Van Ham. were klUed, and manv :nJetl. The Dutch rei-' dents at l.atnlk succcetletl in escaping. ivrrAvioss. Wooden, Tin, Kilver, tioldeu t'-ommon every day. ir.-etItT. uty. Salaries received from corporations are reported by the corporations to the col lector ot the recipient's district. The tax on the salaries of officials of ths I mteu States is to be deducted by the paymaster. The collector may require a return to be verified bv oath. The collector or bisj deputy may increase tbe amount of income the return of mad piotectica.but It futnUhes a vantage ground from hc'!r mukt be waged further aggressive operations againtl protected monopoly and governmental fa voritism . I taaemy place with the rank aod 6le of j ' the democratic oar t who be-iexe In tariff , oaur anal Atarax 1 1 is ti.e cuty of eveyone, wbeihrr a home or traveling for pleasure or buittes AltaTheFfrnh r c",rv' wmc r win o keep up strength and prevent ilinets. and 1 akis, Aug. According to a roj-jrt cure such Ills a are liable lo come upon received at m I-onis, the French garri- ' ,n r'-rjda life. Kor Hood' Bon at Tinilmctoo, after three days' den- Sa'aapatllia aa a general tonic, and to keep Dtmta tiulilini; with the) Tnn nn.l ,he blood pure and let liable lo abanrb tlenry Claws aid yeslcrdry. "Alter tr other hoetiie tnhea, which had 'xen Ix- !"c ecrm. ol dleease, will be weli nign bitter and costly experience growing out meging mat mty, utatle a sortie, lliebel- oftheiff3.ts to change the tariff taw, now ! """S forros. ' overwhelming N ....... , . , . ' . I Iwrs. fell upon the some partv, fairlv that it baa been accomplished at such a annihi-mting it. This newhaa' erattfj tremendous atrain apon the people of the ctmMe-nation in army circles. nation the feeling will be n xe! in faror ire4 Tkrr Una, ol letting the queatlen rest as It is. F ' a i Kosebi'ru, Or., Aug. '17. About 6 joiili(.ian rreiflllicr it, ijvx,rc rc n; , . f. rue lerui iki.ii will ur ..J tne eaewar, eTemnsT a partv. rmaiaHnai t i ra ..l . , - : - . ' . , , . , !. i.r.. iv.ti . i ,1 .ji.ii. .imvu4,ira.ircm, .'in j .ii 'lorri- f.i.i. - i . 7. . Jf V.,1 T'l".: n, Mr. Alii. .Sheridan and three t hil- teM;rtltercTYlir ..' in bathing in the UrMua Prfretly natural and regui.r MISFITS. ' reform, and who kcow what it is; who ie ' wivirtAl if "'he has rflsnn lo hplleeo tbnl the same is underestimated." If there is ,u e to ,ccept ,h r,aU 'rabodicJ ,n UlU ' New York City hat not yet been a neglect or a refusal to make a return, or if a return is fraudulent. his deputy shall himself the collector or make a list, by le- bitlaalhe close of the war; whe are not gtroyed, as predicted b Faib : but Fa!b b'inded to the fact that the liery of the ! baa aeveral more da a yet. democratic tarirl reform has been Uoten and ; .i : . - 1. 1 1. ..-.-. I . .1 rutM Imein tieen lw-l1 i.n i rn eiaminaUoa of the person taxed, or other ; , . , " t. . ,L i r of Alabama the Dapera are lakinf ad- and recue! Mrs Mrr,., nn.l .l.n.irl - ,. . , i ina vnuiuvc n&iiei rue piacc la nere tne I . .. . . . i . - . jo per cent penally is 10 ue , . . . .. . . vantage ot ine name ana many ar- inr srlett or refusal, and 100 per oea D ,8nt ot l"'to" '"lea. Pnn that a. i river. alit a mile north of town. A ; daughter ol Mr Sheridan was wading and went into deep water. .Mrs Morri son rushed in after the girl, who threw her anna around Mrs Morrison's neck and loth went lo the bottom in deep water. Mrs Sheri.lan and Mrs Graham also went U-yond their depths, when Cash Trask, a yuunc man, hapicned to ' , pass near by and hearl the ladies screaming, na nishe.1 into the water "i' uaurc naripe I urtnfclug xa'n olten causrs serioua trouble, eaprci illy if one ha veetj used to nrinL water in the counlrr. Krom a few drop lo a teaspoon fu! of Hood' Sarsiparilla in a umbler of water wi.l pre- ent the watea having anx Injuriotr effect. Hood's Vegeub'e Til . as a ce'lnrtic, cauae no discotnl . no dUlurbance. no , .- o: alcep. bur : Ibej Ji;ei.rle organ aoirat aaritiaciory result are effected in Homer !' Feby Mir, March 2, 1 tt, ar.) Slut, D it. j. i.. if 1 1,-.. rfciiitain and irnrranri OFFICE Com (tar-7 tret, Alhaay, Onaroo.) r- t sacra. Homer ai:. Fib !Stl. Mu1, 7, ai t IT h. Ur H E Beem. DO PhysicianaaTK? burgeons Spicis'. aneeuloa g ven d'aeates o women. Hou- 10 to i j A M, a to 4 aad 7 to S P VI OIB:e4 and rc.i-icnx Blum berg Building, First .Street, between Lyon and Elswcrtti. ; The Com pan ra tyca in- rtgai i """"" ; ange aailing dwbaa w'tboot notice. K Beera I For freight and paavenger r le apply o any agent. LOWRATBd TO ALL eastern it hie. OCEAN LEAVE FORTLABD EVERY S DATS .. roc .. SAN FRANCISCO Chart J HtSrt. fn fc Cat, Si 1 o 8 Market St kail Franeiaeo Cal ' 1 ,1 111 Cr 1 For ; 01 ammttm: SIAl'KKV, S.D.. Street Railway Time Card fait d tails call ' W K HUBLBCRT. Qea'L Pass- aocbt PORTLANO, OB. aad Fkraxaai -. 1 -. . .. 0x-VfLiin " Ua Baeik ot OreaTva- e aasw ; r.r, a 1 t... evidence. A 5 charged for neglect or cent penalty for fraud. A person may declare that be has not $4,000 of income liable to be assessed or that he has paid his income lax elsewhere. If the collector or depu-y is convinced that the declaration is true he T.ay grant an exemption. If a return it increased by the collector or deputy tne person taxed may offer proof that the increase is nnjust, but tbe officer will not be oblieed to take the facta shown as conclusive, and it is within his discretion to refuse relief. An appeal from his decision rr.ay be taken lo the made co'iucll oi the brae 'a their oar o mlgh The tras-.saji lcjrobiBatioBs-:h.. cwomun-1 The iiariker Investor quote the Ism of peif whoae macbinatiens have pre-. county warranit of only one coonty a be venteJ us from r-sch ntr the ucces e de- ' ing worth 100 cents on the dollar. Line i a. . j . ui i : A, . . .juuie av. w,, "it". - " down to SJ lor jackn nev warran'f tnetr exhioiion, of poaer, aod ti then tne t qaes-ioa it forced ojn trs whether they j A man wa ou- arreted in the shall submit to the free tgis'atlxe will of east for using profane language. V pun the people's representative-, or shall dictate j iU being proven that he only said- damn the law which lhe peo-l must obey. .erve, should not be forgotten or Krgixen. aaS Jf ?not ' , , , " . . Nearly all at lea We sl-a!l recoter from hour astcoishenrnt at uj ainev wair annrorrrifltiora nf th nrneml aocain.i hw I n . . . . . ; ' - r ' commissioner ol Internal Kevenue. not file its state- oO,555,49I.78; tbe appropriations for the first session of the last Congress exceed the appropriations of tbe present session by 16,931,819 20, and the appropriations of the last session of the last C ingress exceed t." .i impropriations of the present session by $28,835,989.70. H is obvious, therefore, that the billion dollar Congress is no more, this Congress having by economic provisions for tbe public serr ice made appropriations which. in their aggregate, can be expressed in; millions. I congratulate the country that j the milltcrj. dollar Congress has come to stay, at least so long as the administration of national affairs is conduced by the Demociaiic party. Iarl.! review some cf the import ml legis la:ioa which has received the approval of ''..t House or been enacted into law. The Mouse passed a bill to forfeit 54.32:1,996 acres of certain land hereto'ore granted lor the purpose of aiding in the construction of railioadr. This wticlesome measare for in: purpose of restoring I? the public dumalo for actual settlers thii vast body of land uoetrred by railroad corporation has not jet been considered by tbe Striate. The House has att 1 a btl I proposing aa amendment to tbe Constitution providing that hereafter Sena ors shall be elected by the people of the reveral States. This be nch er.t measure has th: sanction of almost the entire body of the people, but as yet it ha . not a favorable report from any com mit te of the Senate, neith r has it been given a day of consideration by that tody. The llouae also paased the Hatch antl option bill, whic it is claimed, will pre vent declaring in options aod theconseqaent depression in the values of farm products. This mra ire hag not bren considertd by the Sjnate. This Congress repealed the Federal elicion iaws, widen relieves th: S ates from the roer.a.e of Federal interference in the conduct ! rltctiono. '1 his vicious legislation no lontrer Intimidates he people, ana its repeal rel.eve- the taxpayers from at annual burden of about half a million dollar. If a corporation does ment a fine of $1,000 is to be levied on it, and 2 per cent a month is to be charged on the amount of tax dne until it is paid . The tax is payable on July 1, in each year. If it is not paid within ten days after that a penalty of 5 per cent is to be charged, together with interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month Curious Facts. THE WEAKEST SPOT in your wholi; system, perhaps, is the liver. If that doesn't do ita work of purifying the blood, more troubles come from it than you can remember. Dr. Pierce'n Golden Medical Dis covery acts upon this weak spot u nothing else can. It rouses it up to healthy, natural action. By thoroughly purifying the blood, it reaches, builds up, and invigorates every part of the system. For all diseases that depend on the liver or the blood Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness ; every form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages ; and tho most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases, the " Discovery w ia the only remedy so unfailing and efFeclivo that it can be guar anteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. On these terms, it's an insult to your intelligence to have something else offered as " just as good." The building with the greatest altitude is the Alpine C ub bouse on Mt Rota, in the Alps. Its f jundu'ion stonr ire exactly 11,000 feet above the sea levrl. It Is estimated .by a tatis'ician with a penchant for the odd that all the people that have died ttsksa Adam's day could be buried in s cemetery try, 000 miles rqaare. The number of !aes wtd from Africa during toe eighteenth ream y is calculated at 6,000,000. In 174S nearly 100,000 were shipped from the Writ coast alone. Excluding about 6j 000 small craft, the commerce of the wur:d it carried on by 45,. 000 vessels of 2 , 500.000 rcgi .ered tons, with a carrt ing capar fy of 48.00. A burglar cornea lorard with a remedy for sneezing. UvMya: "Close your eye and open your intuit ; keep opening and and shutting yoor mouth 'ill the doire to saeeze has stopped. '' Tbe discovery has been a scien tific Frenchman, that pu'a Oct planted near an electric w;re grow :o be very large, and that lomatoei in contact sith an e'actric wire ripen eiht days eirlier !hn tisoal. wno wen- at me bottom ol the nvcr. Mrs Sheridan s-ved herself by climbing upon some nicks. frs ,raham went: over the rapids into deep water, feet below. Trask took a boot and brought Mrs tirahain safety ashore. tJaiek I n tvaiat Yokohama, Aug. 27. Tne war feeling U growing more intense every day, and tbtre is a popular demand for the' trans fer of warlike operations from Corea to China. It is suuexted that Jaran unite all her availaUe truope and march upon Whew Haby was fck. we cst ter Castor?. VTbrtl aS iu & Cluid, L me.J for tutarta. When she became Vis. cl-it; t- .'aatori. Wua ate had CbCdren. the gaie Useia Caataraa, V. Price': Cream 3aking Ponder AFmnVfmeCm ef Teir I tV Preaadeat 1.-SIKNT N4TIO.IAL ftt.lK, ' or aLtsxT, niaMt t Li N.N S. E,tOCXG B. W. LAJIUOOS SGCXKaVaLi accocirrs s.eer as;.-t to SlGHTUaiAS .L act ii Jtw Tort, Sas eVaacaaca. Ctr moA t -iuu,. ajaxt . o xaxnovt avM a.-mw fm T a L. futi . Set The ear will leave corner of Kltt Washington ctreeta at fbtlowt: 7140 a m for Lebanor. train. b:l5 " " Orohar.'s Home. 1 1 :jo " " Noo 1 train going north. 12:15 p m for noon train going aorjth. 1 " " Lebanon train. 1 .30 " " Orphans Home. ' It M t ff 9:55 " Overlsnd train goinc ice For Ophan't Home on Soeday car leave at 1:30, 3Slo aod 4 30 p m The car will alto meet all inc trains on the Oregon pacific railrox C G ; ' BKHART FOR SAN FRANCISCO rIO, ,hui Red Crown Boiler Hills. ( acorporattxi Bt Soar jk family aad baier aa. BEST STOPsAGE FACILITIES. U C Wataon Lather Bkirat, WATSON & ELKIRS ATTORNEYS JT LAW. OSes Fin4 National Bank boiiding. Business eabrnsted to as r prompt and carefnl attention. J Ursa .A.J Joa The Steamsh:p HOMEJR will ply between San Fran cisco and Willamette Vallsn j points via the Oreeoti an3 . -. .onthern Facirc railroads F!aintiff Best Work Promptness ! PRINTING SUMMONS. 'a Ike CircxM Court for JJmm Com!9.StaU Oregon: ,niiarr, IoriFr rrjilrr.Ofla I O Bothner. "li , . i & sv. vt v. -a a - - wmmmm sailing with freight and pas- s Frank d wood, if w Mjp SengerS On OT abOUt the Ol- Sara E Murry. Herbert . . . -, T, Ames, L W Dexoe and John lowing dates: r rom an r ran-; Rob, copaitcers doing - Wf ts w..ajx mrnmmwwm f i vwjt milliflWUi l . lilt O tQSUlvrvUtl i at .-t it ia Mrtainl ta Vrr Ilftrl LiHtl III fttviff If.:..:.. I 1 1 . . . . uui attxa assatat - - - - .- t 1 1 x 11 " - ' . t 1 . .t , . 1 .lit wlll.tani stjtletu iue at one m- j , W0d was raliiicl Salur-bv. 1 vo'vin ihe lategi'.tr an.l talety of Amerj. j ... II l Saw A Law ' It has bwen learned that Saratoga i W wiiixctmn, Au-. 27. At 12 tonight 1 love tbe principle of true denvocracy , h wickedest rommer retort to the K. MfKill,,.v Uw whiril had bc-n in because they are founded on palriotism tnited btatea. It has become a regular rjneralion sinci rirt!erM 1890. tra. - XSUUill)( UUir, aaJJ mJt b eiivu c ttt tl , f . 1 TJ x, x-3k IF. tli (.w 1 t J 1 til;- at5Jr, I w j ;i a i itK9 under the mm nipt ot ci!0 on iv eunejuay jx yi aa a & RaUorli xnd !he Defendant. To M W Murr and Sarah E Mtrrrr, two of the aiwre named deft ndantt : 1 2 -- 1 t 1 . . 1 n "" ", ' Teople used 10 go there to drink vcr. interests. 1 am proud of my party organ- ( Dom to whiskey and bock Ihe liter. Ization because it i conservatively sturdy and persistent in the enforcement of its j boot and the new democratic tariff bill passed try tlie itd cxngress. became a law without the pignatuiv if rreai.lent ' 1 married " t'levelaml. Tim conslituti.wal 10 .lav. principle. Therefore. I do not despair Yee, the man gives it away." ', allowed the president to consider the l.-l! of the eff 01 1 made by the bonse of reprc- Yon can tell a newly marneJ couple expired then, tentativet to tunp'ement tbe bill already nine mea pot ol en. The man is al- A.ea4iw - , , .... ., . . ' wavs very devo-l and will he'p his wife patted by further legislation, anu to have ; po on t, e f iJew.,k Tierr ,M Low u -. Mas,... Ang. .T.-Tt.e Tn- engrafted upon it such roodiScationa aa ioch a couple in Albany today . nnt and Suffolk mills up todav will more nearly meet iVmorratic hopes ' ' in all departments except the rotor and and insnira-lon . I cannot l mitakn aa - . . . ... i "f"6" MWalaa tvnui ' 1 t u jones never 10m a ue in rus to the necessity of free raw materials aa the t fo He ho da trumps over t; Watb as foundation of logical and seusiVe tariff re-1 a truthful man. His paper tay a man down at Tillamook has a pair 01 tattnon trotter, which he put in a harness, hitches them to a fish boat and drlv,e them all over the bav. And that is no lie. Ex. Office Stationery A Specially Give us yoar Patronage. P. J. SMILEY form. Tbe extent to which tbii is recog nized in the legis'ation already secured is one of its encouraging and redeeming features; but it is vexations to rejctll taat wbi'e free coal and iron ore have been de nied, a letter from tr secretary of the ! When the Populist gets to Congress and treasury discloses the fact thai both might ' u, hoocn begins to boom. , . . .. . I Ail the hucklelerrv boahe with blood have been made free by tbe annual .ur-, urlnKefl wil, bloom. render of only about $7i.0O0 of dnnecet- xni the leaves upon the mrple in o-tr aary revenue. valley, on oar hill, , ,. , ... , Will all be greenrack currency and lam sure there is a common habit of all len-dollar bUls; underestimating the importance of free for he'll ret'r the government and raw materials in tariff lotrulation. and cf i mend the crash 01 doom mill in the carding and spinners" and in a aortion of the weaving rooms also re sumed, an did the Appleton mills in all detiartroent. Tho total numlwr oi orwr attvee set to work is 3000. ALBANY OREGON, Feeding Value Of Wheat. i have been ex"em(ntiLga Hill-- in wheat feeding tl i season, not wit b .terra, but with pigs. Early in May 1 commenced feeding 42 he d cf pig', weighing about 85 pounds, giv'ng thru, atom all the wheat they cou!d ea-, up clen, in addition 10 about 50 gallora per Ha) of skim milk and bu'termilk, ml IhJ run of a clovtr field. Tbe wheat wa awaked until oft, and very often had begun lo sprout. All ing rhe milk nnd grass ro produce 15 ),ounds per day of gain, I had 12 10 13 pjund of gain for each buahel of wheat fern. Finding that cong'd rable t f lhe wheat passed through ihe pigs without b ing digested I conc'uded to try having it ground. Commenced feeding grour,tl wheat, In con nection with skim mlik and d.y com, on Jur.e SI. U,e pigs having at rla- date reached an average weight ofl3c! pounds. In tl.e 28 'ajs fjrvln Ihey ate 53 usbels groun I h;a', 45 bu,he I i;n and 4 , l .j 5.0 gilloti- p. r day of nUim milk and buttermilk. !n thi lin.r the lot made agon of 1720 pounds. 1 credit the milk Vtilb 450 pouor's, the. or,, wrth 450 pounds, leaving 730 poun 's to .-o for ha 53 bushels whea', or about 14 pound per bushel. The p'gs are m t excttaively fat, but plump, active and v'g'.iou, and in splendid con-Ji" Ion la lull re frroirg fl am continuing tbe nme ia ion, except that the amount of crn i Inu ec.iJ Jrdkalt Hill, to K'ockmkn and Parme . ; regarding tbem as 'only related to conces sions to lie made to our manufac urert. Tbe truth is Ibeir influence it so far-reaching tha'. if disregarded, a omplete and beneficial scheme of tariff reform ca.inot be successfully inaugurated. When we give to our manufacturer free raw niate rialt, we unshackle American enterprise and ingenuity, and these wi I open the doors of foreign markets to tbe reception of oar ware, and give opportunity for tbe continuous and remunerative employment of American labor With materials cheap ened by their freedom from tariff charges, Ihe cost of their product must be corre pjndingly cheapened . Thereupon, jistice and fairness to the consumer would de mand that the'nun'ifacturers be ob'iged to submit such a readjustment and modifi er i .n of tbe tariff upon their finished goods a would secure (o the people the benefit o' the reduced cost o! iheir manu facture, and shield the consumer against '.be exac ipns of inordinate profits. U trill thus be seen that free raw ma terials and a just an.' fearless regulation and reduction of (he tariff to meet (be changed conditions will carry to every humb'e home in tbe land the blessings of increased comfort aod cheaper living. The millions of our countritnen who have fought bravely and well for tariff reform hould be exhorted to con'inue tbe strug gle, yearly challenging to open warfare and constantly guarding againat treachery and bilf-heartedoess in their camp. Tariff re form will not be settled unH it is honestly and fair y set'led in the irterest and to the bene.'! of the patient and long-suCering people n k 1 in- rntd ex rat ljrk Dr. Sage' Catarrh Remedy by ita mild, soothing, cleansing and heal ing properties, perfectly and perma nently cures Catarrh in tho Head. -A bunch ol aevs fou- or five jmber either lu'tl down ,me whert .r iot-t. Return totni office. Sm.ahle svaid. Losr.-nur The peOfie of . in MKtatfl are- i year. Tbe (t.llrt 'e v . State treasurer ta: a goo 1 tbttiy to res ore to th-1 State inter-, 1 which the! had Co lecle'l on Stare bindM rOmT.iMr d '0 their c a a ij ijii . ( , l , .uj.po-ed wa a pciqubi e of Iheir ,fH x, l'..e courl hold that the treasurer's m'j ill he canclalrnand tba if fin.'- to the State have earn jd any 1. nre.i i !, 'o. to the State, lis m u..i rurne;l i t3o,oo. Ilece Wis o ilir S a,e rr Will thb )tMr hi- 75 ,'. r ..em It might not !.' 011 of tl ic -thi all com - f ' v:n : minltirati'in in that me 1 tun .1 -u ras.y ptal 10 1 i d- A prominent Salem nun wag pla"ed in an emtiarrasnin position by grabbing a lady's ankle in.tead of a balustrade lie was reaching for. He hat had hit hands rull explaining niatters. When the Topnlist get lo congress and the boom begins to boom. Kx o.r..ii. t r.i:. j llHunii, Kan., Aug. 27. A com-, nany of ex-employe of Ihillman. backe.1 by capitalLt. has len .jprar.-i to build car and manufacturiti).- s.h.. - here. I Browne county citizen hav.- taken .",- j MO in stock, and tliicago capitalir.ts I t500.000. Iouis Meyer, president, and , li O Allen, (Hxrretarv. will tie in Iliawa : ... 1 ;-': .v f O AI-i len is the inventor of a new alav slee-i-ing--ar. for which Pullman offem him . ami a N v York companv $t0.- ' 000 and a royalty. Arretted far liar Wooimt ax, Or.. Aug. tTT. K G Jones, ! a iiiarricd man. agrd 4-. was arrcstcl to- ' ; day. charged with rape upon hi adopt- ? ea uwniuj a gin 1., year old. The Albany College Begins ilie fal! term Wednesday, Sept 12,1894. eml t lU v K N Coadit , rresjdi-iit, for particulars. avin.and MB, in dc. Mis Emma later. candidate for elate superintendent of public schools in Minne sota, has set politician to talking over the nMl arhirh Khe miiilH cith hir ini'Kr rr.rnrr.l. t . .1 . :rz " y...i i.zr. -i.v..v . ; w mtmr..vm enw wa ,1. . . . , "w leu about thixx months ago. Ji stump the state in her favor, aod in th cxarninl before Justice li T Hi I l, jrievwon i w ucwuiir ,.,)lmultln o jaj lauit 01 .'.' ir. A at. .Ian ielar. The Poitland Sportsman and Cyclist of last Saturxlay says: Harry Holden and C i I trrewaraxj, Aug. . Word C Matlock rodi from Kugene to Port'and, not -If.-, ribe Use wind that swept across a dutance of 135 mile, last Thursday, the Sa of Aiof yestenlay. It U impn leaving Kugene at 5:30 in tbe morning, ar- sible for days yet to compute th.- damage riving in thia city at 9 o'clock in tbe even- done, but it i. certain that 1 XX bat ing Actual ridinf time IS hours and 35 ! perishex!. some by drowning, others by minutes. The boys, although feeling ore, I being cr iduxl under fa'.litij: boooeo. The are all right, and will be at the racer, this . excitement is great among the American afternoon. colony in this city, for it Lt feared that ai i least two parties of American totirir t w n- .hi the ea of Azof at tho tin.,- th.. As Many (Pounds of Sugar. nd every thing te a? cheap, a at any stoie .- i !).!. a in .Hi iv Julius Gradwohls New Store. al 6 p IU. r rom 1 atlUina: On ftiam Lumbering Company next Tuefdav. A t i i J U jFare from Albany anc Pnei.allle In Son Froneiceo 7, a - ,. - " ' IX lhe NAVE OF THE STATE OK Cabin, f 12; bU-erage, ?9. ;oREGOX: You are herebv required to appear aaJ ansxeer the cxMnpbiinl oi the Round trip tickets inelud- j .rol'lbt ine meals and Ierth5, goO ; above entitled cowrt on orb-fore the tVr li 1 ,- i j mm cUt ot the next regular term ol the lur .TV i.a . , v ' ! above en-ided court next the ex- , pi ration of Se time prescribed in thia order tor the publication ol sumrron-, to alt: On or be lore the 22od Jr of October. A. , O.. 1S94. and tou are hereby notified that if tou tali 'o appear and answer said com ; plaint, at herebv required, the plaintiff will lake a judgment and decee atraintt scu as prayed lor in his cxKuolamt row it : For a j jdement agairwt the above named iWeooant, Frank D Wood, for trr- sura of $104 1. 7 with latere: t I hereon from the ' itt u of August. 1894, and for the for- titer turn cf $:oo. oo as attorney, feet, atd for a decree of the above entitled court . fori c ocing tbe mortgage executed by the drtcnoan. r raa U Wood in favor ot ti.e ' piaintHf above named upon the loiloj i rkscribeo real ptopertv. toxn : Lot - ber Three in B ock Number Sexto . in the city of Albany, Linn county, Sl . of O.eaon. as toe same appears upen mars and plats of said citv now on fit the office of the Recorder in said count . Oregon, ard for an order drr i irg that toe said premHet aiove detcribee I be crtld. as by law directed, and me pro- ceedt arising from such sale I e applied. jFirU: To ne payment os t -e costs and disbursemcn:s herein, and lhe atto. ! ney's fee. Second : To ihe payment of the ?'.'f"' i.lim, principal and inreretx In full. nd the over-plu, if , any there be tm . .o be applied as may be ; directed by th crut, ami that th; defen - dact Frank D Word and att persons hold- ?rg unaer Mai be forevxr barred and fore coed of all riithl of redempion in cr to the taki lands above docibcJ. This summons i- pub.shed in the State : Rights Democrat by order of the Hon H tt Hewitt, iuJe ot the aDoxe enuued K'Zi g1 - Jjd-lT-tadri- bersw Albany., exeewsor cUm ku iit -d trariiiam ' i f i titui in Oregon, on Xe 9th diy of Aagus', A. P.,, Hertrer. re il, try rhe CoobIt Cswrt at luom j 1S94 ,n,r Ji2 lLchl!r' fM" ' WEATHERFORD A WT ATT.. 5 iw. rFety veeuVed 10 eoelmfcewev mU. ! Attorneys tor 7 amiSS. I near ol WeaAhertonl a ru. alaanv. Oe i'has I Haxoav, A Tv, Aau. X 2 to SHarket i.e-'. Sea r. rr-ee, Star Baker rs r Sitla ataat Kirwi Ki CO K RAD IHiP, FflFRiriCl. . as r lea. ( , Sale! rwlte,. Keif. , -. Ml) t Brra my . teeelakle- Ctcata. rle-. I . i I.. a. ereri lAw Uaai ia keM ia riej aatd gsecwr (tan, BerlMB aarkes pew r fv ' I . L RINDS OV PRODUCE ExrcoT:r:i nptice c-o. eiiAia tur eacaUM Ircea tkea aa'e Ware,! traimtKtj.t Wtatt, taJ be VAM dar vt A osn , IS. I Ewusor NOTICE. AtAonwrt tar BBaeMsr- wind did it deadlv work. T Uaard asaeHraa lt. rr.i V AUXJO, Cal., Aug. 26. The t'liarli Throe or four mile down the beach south of Newport lie a tract of 240 acre of land, and adjoining thi tract on the south is another con'runing 420 acres. The first used to be the property of the late lfpu dent Arnold and tne second was owned by ti 1 ; rant. Several years ago each of the! tract were purchased by persons connected with Ihe Hogg faction of tbo0 V at about 118.000 each. The irrowiiiK wnikr is, what did they want with this property re mote from water frontaire. and how are ; they coming out with the investment. ! SaXRLLO, Mexico, Aus. 23 v nai were me inio van ing in Cor.ul.Ui;v :l fi(llt uik. f.inii, ,'-.11 iiiir.iL iii.iii..!. til.,, failed to materialize':' Corvnllis Times. at the eornerCof oecond and Ferry vour grooeries and oroekerv ware. sti M'l. Call there EXECUTRIX NOTICE T:e parlnr rship bus net here oCoe ' ton iiUi from the yard direct for t'iri- exiting between Drt Mat on and Dartia ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Notice r hrrnv risen ihat the at de- 'beretore xll persons having claims against na ut ! v. Tlie ship touches at Mono- has been mniulv dito'ved. P-nies ow 111111 1 1 . r 1 ... ., . 1 1 . 11... .1 . ... -1 . . ... 1 .... i , : 1 11 . a . , . ... . . . ...... ,,.,. i.viuu-iri 111 un-ri "a: ' v, m ci 1 111..-. w ., i rijzar.i a .ir 1 i.ira ... i;i ine e ia or ex r have taken the places of all smimoii J -liber Dr Mar-ton or Or Oavi. ar.d iho.e ' v d,e bxhI h, h rd hi. hi a insmii i quired Notice is herebv given to all whom rr.ay concern that 1 have been duly ap- pomiea executrix 01 ine last will and et- tale o! Coon jOooa Crrr. Ou, Aug , 1394. j Notice is herebv given that tbe approved . plat of sarbey cf Township IS South. Range ; 3 East has been received f.otu the Surveyor tt i Genera! oi Ore iron, and on OrroBA- 10, 1S94. 4 Michael Croisant, debated, bv the 1 f ra siU1J.a1-T- ?iJipl?Llin ty Court of Linn countT, Oregon. I1 J511 JP th.l.,,offic ,berel lemorarea win rre suoieci 10 reii; said whoso nest tertirs expire Kebru.irv I He Urn MM.I.eil. ving claim nitr pieaeft them to either I with tfce rieik I the c. on y m a r for l.oa . ' "si will coniln-.e ihe pra-tice of coauie (J raon. od :hv voarl ba nxed i prof.s'on at the od o.Tce whi e Or , Mordtv th3 d v f Set 'errrarr. 1S94. at eatate are hrbv notified to prtent the same lo me Paved The Way For Defeat. Congroa oas adjourned and thi people are glad t'uereat. Nevertheless congiess has done many thiogs for the benefit of the public Tlie reduction of public ex p-n'es " ill meet the bear'y endorsement of tbe tax payer. The set back given the sweMntr tide of pennion fraud will meet the In-arty approval of ah honest men. But tbe continual bickerin b tweenfHC tions of the denio-rattc v t y. coupbd with the sbauie and dtagrac of (be sell out bv a few rpiegHd" ..uocra's to tls sugar trj'l Ii.k payed he wny for demo cratic defe i' ut tbe ilections this fall. The tariff bill passed is not what eiirne.t tariff reformers h id it r'gh' to expect. In many places rate ars loo hig. The Migar schedule, though not a helnoca as he McKin'ey schedule, is entirely 'oo vicious to ask a I ing suffering people lo submit to. Had the differential duly been omitted, the bill could well huve been bo.-no. Uut tlie In I, a a whole, 's ao much better thin the McKlnley law, that all friends of fair dea'lng in taxation sbou'd be coi -.lent . Rath at Visreokt abasing and oatting parlor. hair One letter intkes lots of difference some times. At fealem I U Stimpsoa was itr resteil for being drunk and disorderly. The compositoi on the Independent left ot t the t Now there is a J B Simpsc.n n'so in Sal. mu anrl the Independent man bod to make short work in explaining uuttteis. Douglas and Josephine counties H.V0 two big men Geo Dement of Myrtl? creek and bou lleberile ot Orauts Pass and the scales were brought into requisition one day Has weak to decide who was the b.'ggest. Icu did his best and tipped the beam at over 300 pounds, but (ieorgfl wen, him 4I nounds better atd now wears the medal. Times. -At a cock took nlaci' which resulted in live men beinir Klali- lel to death and several others serious- alltsl lvli wiil occupy ano.fice ttt trie Mason & Fosbnv nul dln up Melr. li " M ssi on W H Dan is Dur'ng th'M! times, when biiHinrss hns to be forced, the rewards of trade go to those who have the energy and enterprise to reach after them and deserve them. It is during such a condition of affairs that the sagacious business ma i perceive the advantage of making frequent appeals to the public. He reaaor well that when trade is slack what there is of it goes to those who have the courage and energy to ihi for it. Ex. It has betn a cause of wonder, says un ar hange, why the penitentiary Hlore foun dry of Lowenburg A Co. was sold to the state of Oregon for ,000 when its actual value was not over $10,000. The mystery ia explained by the suit instituted by Mrs Irais Kuhn. in Portland, against Julius Lowenburg for $10,:K50 due for eemces performed by her lute husband in securing the passage of a bill by the legislature providing fo. the purchaser of the North west Foundry t'omyany'a plant at the state penitentiary. - Ico'o Creajn baking Powder Moot Perfect Mntto. iy injured. Uurnl gtitirtls wen upon to quell the disturbance. A Taw a norm il Santa Koha, Cal., Aug. 2-". Hcport ! reached here trslay that the town of! itiernvillc hns In-'cn destroyerl by lire. Toilay wa the warmest of the ycai, and everything burned like tinder, (itu-rn-ville is o lmnlMT town in the heart of the forest, and has n population of 500. All the buildings burned, except McCon ncU't) livery stable and the mbUc Oehool boooe. Dr J A Burnt and Oocar M.--Ken were killed by falling walls, Whal A riaaftr or 1 1 litnlns Itlrf Atlantic City, Aug. 2. A single llnsh of lightning CMM from an almost cloud leas sky this afternoon ami killeil Wil liam Carr, agerl 20, of thin citv, who wan bathing near the foot of Georgia avenue, and so shocked Mrs! liaehael I'eiiuet , who was bathing with him, that her condition is extremely critical. The same Hush rang tho tire' alarm, Ittapped a telegraph pole anil tied up trallie on the electric road. Will tin la !). Oau'M.o, Aug. 20. A meeting of alnitit j 40 l'ullinuii inochatiica was helil this af- Notice for Publication tbe h or ol 10 W ck a ni f-.r the h-anng f oh ecii.Mi if ny to said and f e tbe eettiVmeui ot enid estste. Th a Ja y Hi. 1S!M. Hknkt G Nvc Vlni ni r"o f th estate of A P Nye. rle:-e.-s d VKATi:i:imi.f A Wvait tt for tdmr i oarce of V R Bllyeu In tie citv of Albany '.ireson, with ihe vouchers trfcbla six months I rem the date thereof. Dated jur.e I5, IS. KI.IZA Ckoisant. W. R. Bilvkl', Executrix. A'torney for KeecutiiA. on and I - r. : 1 aav n r... i. and re 1 aaer ru ruuir. ip9Avr.iui w ii r k : lyv t tp eniry on ucioner o. at ? a ui, . 1 iv a - r. 1 .. .1, . ! To 9 R 5 S on October A at 9 a . RoBsa-e A Muik. Register. Tktm P.oi rr. Receiver. V S Lax D 0m s, at Oasc.oN uv, Ok Acgoat IS. I SIM. Nolice i hrreby kivn tht the f Moting -d ett'er ha b'ed notice o' his later. tion to make ti-al pionf in upport of h's olaim and that anl proof will lie made befoia C.'Oht Ct -f l.-nn coonry, -Vbinv. OrefcOr , on October 10 ISfM, t: lameVNt'amobell. h E N TSis, IW th S W t4 tt teetion 2S, Tp 10 S k 1 B H tamn ihe following witnt.-i to prove hi eont nuoo r. siderce uioi and cu llv.tion f fa'd laid, via: J Hurchina. ol t Or; J inw a t'rft,of f.t od. O ; h Griv. otjrrd", Oi ; f) Moatgxktaary, ot lotdjn. Or. B A Mlti.tR, H-,i.i,i. Notice for U s i.anii fjwvpetv Fuolication Ohec-on t irv. Or. Auuet, IS, I8N, Notic i herebv it'ven that the filloAiti. lamed swtllrf h H tiled noMce cf Id i'ltert- 11 1 ' null' nnal ,ri" 1 Hi tl 'i rr o. t.l l I that said p .! ' Iwf.ue . . iirity Cork of Lmn lbai V.0 KiiiHI, "n .)'b e 0 be nrxde e U'lii, al IS'.M, vx . , . , . .III.4I 1 . O I'ta.l'l, 11 ... 1 i 1 r;r va; tV projirt ot i.ioy- . t( , K N , -,f., ,r ,ha ; login a body ,tO Kansas W K ro, it is i 0!1. 30 Tp 10 S R 1 I. U. n,4 eWmd, work toe bow oared them. It thr Mk w, .Vtl.0lM). ,0 M,t0 hll , ta-liU k'nli.. li.r.ill. ut tl... r In tli.i i " r. . was statetl again at the meeting that the men lielicved they would he given em ployment in the "ear works to lie built OOpecially for them by a eapitalint at Hiawatha, Kan. Buy Wool and Chain Mr A Bwdan announces to the public that he is iu the li-iil to buy wool, grain, hides, potatoes, etc. Call on him at his huuilqnarttrs at tbe store of M Sternburg, corner First and Broadalbin streets, Albany. a- 11s resin-!"' up 'ir a i oui'tvatio 1 t taut land, vr: J llu'ohrns, ..( I.xrw.itd, Oij Jam s N ( ampbsl'.tf Jordan, O i E tr'git, of JonUn. O ; Krank Wln, of I, ro.i l. Or I' A M I LKKR, Rsgiater. VV - If It A I .. rt V i KH or MSSST, OHKO FXEbUTRIX KOiiCE. X,, m. 1. Keivhv rivor, lk,l titm OM XT.. , , . stgctd has thia day t d!y appriattd in otice for Pu oh cat ion. i aaoooua of th ut win r,d teta. t of Sophia Van Wind' Bmger, dtcea-el. by US Ijtod office at Oregon City r. j rbeCoaat) Court of Lin ccants t.-ego. Ju y 7. 1S94. : AH penots having claim? aii-i aid NOliee It nwe y given that the ro low j lev-eased are reiqoired to pre-aat thtm ta Ing nsinesl settlor has filed notice of his I the andrigtrd at Portland Orrro. er to inenUon to make final proof In support ! Weatherfor.t tt Wyatt atroroevtat Albaov TRASS AlT a .-Merai oau.iux iut.i( URAW sliiHT URAeT on Sew Yv.rk. San co aiiU IN.rrJaiiU, Oregon . LOAN MON'RY Pii r.pumvaxl irearitjr HKOKl n deuaiu uti si lo check. CObLScriONstuwle .u lUenrarC lenra. INTKRKfr I 00 '.hus .lewwi tOctsapd SbOOpev IJotO.? Due couta dose, Tnr Onatr Cncan Throat, Hoarsen, whooiog Ccugh and naiom. nir .onumptron it nss no mar: USS cured Ihouaanda. nd will CI Its TOU if taken In time. PoM by l)mgls on a guar antee. !'ur a Laue Back or Chest, its SHILOH 3 BELLADON'IA PLASTKRJSo. Sore tt 1 j ti e jam CATARRH REMEDY. ? Thi remedy Is aua ran. 'of bis claim, md lha: satd proof will b- t made before Racister and Keeeiver U s ! Land Officvv. at Oregon Citv, Cr no Aug S8, IK04 via. JVsepb Rinssarwr H K Mo ! 7921. for ihe K ' of s w . and ot S and I ef See l T hi s K J K Ha nauirx the : fo lowing wttiHSe to prove his cent In I nous nwni upon and cultivation of said land, via: John RsnJer, Daniel Neal, John t K ilts and John Kite", all of JordaB.or. KUBs'Rr AMILLKR Rgtr. N otic 3 for Publication TT8 Land Offlc. at ireg n Ct y. Or, Notice I hareb? givii t II log named set las nv. inteinlien to in a . p of his olalm, aad that said proof will be ma e lrfor lh Keglstor ami Keceiver U S Land Oftbe, t o ou Cny.Or. on auk 1 8, IS!, via: J b. B-noer, U E :929 for i is ri of see 18 r b R 2 K. Ua . 114111M lea fot lowing' Unease to prove I hi oontinuoua resulene urnui and cum ivattonol said u mi, via: Jss Riesterer, j Iwutvi Neal. Jhn C t oil John Kifert, all uf J. irtau ur ROBERT A MILLER, Kegaer.i r C SHAY A MASON MOMN aa aatait- withlo aix mmiru from thi dare. bis Sltt day of Jane, iS94. MtKNIC Bxccooa. Ex. cuUix ef the Itat will ef Seebi Va Windle Bruggr, declared tr AN I Kl) .. MKS v o writing at It home. Pay 115 00 10 ai.f per week s-ond attlC a ldraid starnjd envelop for repyl. MARKK PON I'. INE. geenarl maaaaer, S24 Doarhorn :t. C'blnago. 111. ave voiiCatarrlt teed to cur you. lTicciOcta. Injector tree. WOOD f r tale at bard timta prkt oak , ash mapli , pire, fir. C O Hovsra. Drnftcistsand Booksellers. AireiiUfor John B, Aiden'a pabJlaiooai ifore said 28th dav alch we aell at po&Uahee'a prieoo wit , " MOM. IsBAlT. Notice for Publication TJ S Land Obfick, Ouoon City, Ok. . . Juiv 3rd, 1883. Jnotice is hetvby given that in com- Bliance with the provisions of the act of ongrees of June 3, 1878, entitled "An. act for the sale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada., and Washington Territorv," a extender! to all the Public Land States bv act of August 4, 1SH:'. Allen Smith, of'Xiagara. county of Marion, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this orHce his sworn statement No 2910, for the purchase of the W ,k, of S W tV of sec 10 and W X of N W of Stvtkin AO 15 in Township Xo 10 S, Range Xo 4 E, and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of thi office at Oregon City,. Ore on Tuesday , the 28th day of August, 18SJ4, He names as witnesses: J s Myers. B T George, W J Smith and C J HhU, all of Niagara, Marion Co, Ore gon. Any and idl persons claiming ad the above-described lands are rs- i nuested to file their claims in this office " , ..umiiI 9iter, Av a , on or iw,r ui -luguax, 1 Wil ROBEBT A MILLER. Register,