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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1894)
w Eights lemcfrat. VOL XXX. Entered at Ike ! om.-r at Mbii. Or., aa Sffcoi'-t l. Mull Mailt! : ALBANY.OREGON, FRIDAY. AUGUST 31. 1894. 4TITK A l rTI.. I'attilsb-rrs' and rVoprlel.rst m mi imnmiin . mm m mu , , , mitmil for Infants " Cutor I a Is so well adapted to children that recommend it as superior to any prescription owa to tie." IT. A Asmnr, Jt D., Ill Sc. Cford Gv, rtrooklyu, N. T. 'The of fi54cria Li so universal and is Cicrita so v. ell known l hct It seems a work t r ij wreroptt ion to endorse it. Pew are the I tscSyaO: families who do not keep Castoria I rteJD, oaqr reach." Canute Mir,r, r. Tit, JCevr York City. Thb CxOTara HAVE MU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED ' TO FiD A CUM FOR RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY. LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, 4c wwr -nirir- "fSJmmk BBK sOWflBtfC .ylfcsssssssssssssssssssssi .aSjsrSBsvr .natsEfissssssssssnessssssr nHvHv I SwBST at as wa hat. restored thousands to robots health and shown be faaadreds of Of whom we hat. strung letters lisai In, tmroaawoat ibis ana outer en at oe.woi. wnnai vnui; mowit. oimm,m, ten bearins teetlmocj to tbeir recoTerr alior uncx our : elt. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE "CU1 GENERAL DEBILITY CUREO. A no M. Ms- Dr. A. T Sendee. Ll-erhlri-Be oral I wea troubled with low tinr. ritsl t Mnlr ncisco. ii.. ausat nteeyoeroett t a oomplole lees of power. I weald sa ap with and a tan tired reeliaa. t,nsi achl.s. etc.; rlsn aslac MOT belt I k-t. Bads sow be of I if . liotaun Ills betlatthita i bete frta jsr wet. Ikawttha eSaeeet tiiaaiieete la rear lisolti tat. Yoa can oue- Iwa sals ttaamaeaLalso baveocaare write or eaJl eel aw Trulrxoon. H.A. BOrTES. atoadaJTarkSt. RHEUMATISM AD.I I CJI Dr. A T. Sende. Hear Sirr-I ro ooe . I roar balm tarn tawdmamt far iht.mtliiia. trees walrhl eeRaiad kanl imn Tor I aa aamt ail mantka I bad not Lata able te w. rfc. Tear belt aaaaUcad me la slat sat settaAaoalukUtaotwoweeksIaatemwd:.. lcaa It (mntnrtAhW and flael like a aew uu r M. Km HnOittd, Proprietor lavaraaUeaal nervous otnisrt-on prwicott. r A. T Raa Is. . Dear Hir. I hat, beaa tits fear ti aartoat dauutr. aad te-aa la tksor daily, IJ1 KTmtefa7lrT"SlABV UCTTKX. THE DR. SANDENELECTR.C BELT a n'jintltfs .titanic battery, made into a belt so as tree tool mar, pr uinxea earrmus watca are metamuy I ait t Ib.www. It kas an Imrroted Electric tls.aro.swry. ike we warrant it to care an7 of theabor 3 weakneetes. and tocnls Ketanrled. aaan. and wd SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO 3.J FORTMILLER Undertakers - and - UuiDiilmers. I TE KfcEP constsntly rn hrd full Re VV cnftins. Also burial lohts and snl, -which will be old at The Lawest l.icini: P refit. EMBALMING nd pr"P-'re of the dead 0 EXTRA, UlMl FCR ALBANY - - MASONIC The Oregon tVltn it home -A-l'i3fl: - - .lie Gray BioeL. rorqer LIHertv anj M"A KES a .specialty of SunnysiHe fruit tract peat Salem JIM. will sell 5, 10 or 0 acre lots at $50 tr. f?fl per ore fmall carfh p -ynif nt lope tirno on ba'aicje or particulas. NEW : FURNITURE, MY STORE iSNOW 9VU. OP HKST-CI.AK8 FURNITURE, C( NSIST1N0 f Led room tela, ilitiir. IcaKfts. etc., which I will tell at BOTTOM PRICES. Tiros. Brink. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY JOSKPfl, MANHOOD umu-Wcre..7; !.,... wC, V by orer exertion, vnutfefei -rror. excess.. v bni" ita, ttstiLM ,. tu A II IsuuiuwraDiKr. Addrun iiii,Ki.i.. af. iur iw, 'o: taieli Aloani.Ore .br J. A. CL'MkiNli am 17 ff ."i 1 1 t'liauuiuiii in ijr jw . vert pocket 1 per liat, for 4. by mall prei, Jiri ve n wrlttea Bnaraatee ta rare or mKibc' . sBokkaTu tniutttiMj. and Children. C as tort, curt 2 Colic, Constipation, Sour Stotuach, roarrhaea, Eructatioo, ' Kills Worms, gives sleep, atrt rromotes di gostion, Without injurious roedtccilori "For rovers! years I ham recommended your 'OVoria,' and shall always continue u do a as it has invariably rrouueed beneucia Jesuits." Ccwix F. Pari.". B. IX, ISUh U-ct et life N'wr York City OoarrA.vr, rr aft rjuy Snuorr, Ksw York Crrr. DR. SANDKN'S ElRCTRIO BKLT wit. electee innirsi wry will ear. without me. Ida. all of tbe abote troubles. Tkoeewk suffer from Krm liability. Poor Memory, all Ceo olaiata. and er-eral 111 heasJh. the enact of ah .i n. excesses, worri or t -p. euro, wtll tad relief and prom pi euro in oar marvelous Intention, oh eh reqnirea bat a trial to coatine. est la el caused Tonrweaknessor laciof forte. If to. repisce into your system tat element! thu drained, which are re. its lass arainea, waica are re. tor 'it-orooastretirtb, yoa wtll atbe oaata awl hjaWh.ati inmlh ior a: I follow at once. Thtt n.irea for ei remove in, and Ti -. r 15 oar pian and ti l.fml, and w .-aalaniee a car. or maraniee a car. or mom .oMt. wkror, after ail other ti tat instils tailed as eaa afl vr CAME BACK AMD RHEUMATISM. Pon.d o Dr. A.T.I hard aerk. eombm-d witk the strata eataka trow r saT-vmoe atwaraeaaaal as t from which! taaVrtd far naa rears, fame . user Sir -1 tare of that I oa-M act baa I air baak. amiDsMMtl m wita it. l aoettat eaa ox rear Balls, is iiyt mo la ida af wj dart, aad I ootuuil to waor Hfar swar moatas, aata. ponact'T catws. Test was two real ate. aad I am at wa! ' todar ta I tw tea la Bar Hlfv knew rear bt't walL aadl knew lemef at ijll .1 i Beec eve. or I- sianr stasis seed K. aad I wawld In it that wak' .Sad it tka aame at Tit t, the best reaWria the world. I a loeatad here riauoui, aad will be staUtatalk with aajaaa i to tag.' resell.' i , BOBEBT BCBReL LOST mAtJtfglt Dr. A. T. Beade-. Sear fUr---S Ki. Jtaal sueaita. a aasl'iaaal Lba It I bate bean ana npMmsnbB eats I Bo at myaau twice ea t coroas sa batata, stf la hew atatlr perfect, aad each dar shsmt Mtter. 1 I 1 math atromrar thai baser. tot the better, aalaa the bets. Yswntra.i hknb: to be easilr M t pr V or l iwaatmaB.sag wnisina lira om. or parts aVo3 raw in yocn rr.toL m fm afutt UilotTnRikmtk. - ' . I) Vi'i I J "J & IRVING of rrel.Mc. fit in rtn r crd r.sku s in I ir jrr'cl Pel ft t t i 11 HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE - - OR.EGOI Land uo office - ORUGO 7 State street, branch Hfice M Porll lano Proprietor, RESTOPP: I . ve . utiiu v ;;:ik .i -morr. LdOMrtf either iezots.. es ..opium or sum' . -in tie csrr.rd la iti . order wtt - Sold br i U rOI I L T t Ollstu 111 Dt I ( I II tir : iB.e no otner. wrttarori. i . . i t.uji sen, j( iindkr UOIXIEs ' I uuij)ie,t;i . THTTESTDA X" All Right on Fkcit. In a "fruit" eJ- itorial in the Rural Pres. Mr Holniin a?: "!f it be true that California ran outsell Oregon in her home markets in the mideommer season, it is due H their greater experience and io better methods of production and .uaiketting. In the earlier and later varieties and in the more delicate fruit;. California mnst al ways have the advantage of Oregon; but in plums and other such sorts Oreaon ought to produce quantity and quality eqfal to ours. No California, grower could think of driving all night to get a little jag of fiftv boxes of fruit to market, especially when line of railroad lay alongside his route. Oregon has in spite of teu thousand slanders, a fine climate and a soil finely adapted to production, but her people have a good deal to learn before they can make he most of these advantages." Thk Pou latios From the abstract of the eleventh census, recently received it is learnod that the tot it population of Oregon at the time the last census was taken was 313,767, while in 1880 it was 174,708 and in 1870 90,02a Of the 313, 767, 1S1.K40 were males and 131,928 fe males. Of the males 118,827 were single, 56,262 married, 4,853 widowed. 752 di vorced and the conjugal condition of 1.146 was unknow. Of the females 73.- 123 were single, 52,312 married, 6,874 widowed, 537 divorced and the conjugal condition of 75 was unknown. The ioreign born population was 57,317 aa follows: Norway, 2,271, Sweden 3,774. Denmark 1.288, France 842, Italy :.', Greece 78, Russia 2.583, Hungary 73, Bohemia 79, Poknd 96, Spain 24, Portu gal 115, China 9,540, Japan 29. The ne gro population was 1,1 Sti. while the number of Indian? waa 4,97 1. The num ber of dwellings in Oregon was 11,83, making the average number of pertons to a dwelling 5.07. ATiitKVixo Commi nity. For all kind of thieving this vicinity will rank con tpicuona this week. While G J Calkins, who lives near D.-xter. vas going home from this city late last evening, he be came the victim ff foot pads. He was riding on his wood rack an J while going along the highway at McVev point, mar where the lailroad crosses, just the other side of SprtngDeld on the Go.hen road, two men appeared from the brush and stopped his team. Calkius was ordered to "shell out," but be made ans wer that he bad no money. Be waa thereupon ordered to alight from his wagon by one of the men w ho held a pistol aimed at hicj- He did so and the robber, relieved him of nearly $1C in money and then allowed him to proceed on hia way. Eugene Guard. Lots or Ejh-ebesck.. Percy Nah and hia brother had quite a time on their trip to Yach.t. One f their horse, fell ovcr a bluff and was killed and they had to send to the valley for another and this animal cut a tsndon in his leg by stepping on a piece of glass, causing Percy ti proceed on foot to Yaquina, leaving Pes and Gifford to find their way out the beat ihey could, lie sara that ranchers in that part of the country do not hesitate to charge for anything. Only $1.10 to ferry yoa across the Alsea Day, about 100 yard, and MOD lor bring ing you down the river ten miles. The cany killed 17 deer and caught tons of nsn Informer. P.scn KiKi. Tho examination of George Mrer. resulted in his being dis charged yesterday evening The only evidence tending to convict waa that of the prosecuting witness; and the court waa of the opinion, after hear-ng the other testimony that Snolti was too badly under t e influence of intoxicants. at the t'.me the monev was taken. to know what raa going on about him. Guard. Squill is the man who went from Albany to Eugene and claimed to be robbed of 100 ia gold. BtsisKsa IstrBovnco. The Southern Pacific agent here, Mr Adair, informs us that the business of the road at this point ia very encouraging this month. Up to yesterday noon the receipt, of the office for the freight business bad amounted to i early 3,500. which is very much Better than the roau was doing a year ago. Comparative figures on the business of two year, ao can not yet be made, bnt it would not be at all surpris ing if the business for Ihe month should foot up greater than that of the corre sponding month in 182 Eugene Kte- ter. A Good Turxo.-Capt Jones, of Ihe steamer Eugene has a force of men at the month of ih- Santiam river, near Buena Vista, building a wing dam so as to enah'e the steamer to run daring ex treme low water. The cost of this iji proveuient to the channel will be about 4250 acd when done the boat can run to CorvaPis when there Is water to get to iilem. The government should fool the bill though. It is work like this that the appropriation should be used for as weil as lor listing for snags. Still Sibalwo. Helfrich, the champ ion horse-thief, has again been heard from. He stole another horse belong ing to Ike Taylor, at the Divide J onday nigbt, and made goo 1 hi, escape into Douglas county early Tuesday morning. truard. 1 Ins make, the fourth or filth steal from different p'acea. The nip of a poisonous snake I but a tlightremov from being more dangerous than the poiton of Scrofula In the blood. Aver's Sarsapanlik ounhet the vital fluid, expeit all poisonous tub3lance-,tipp!lesthe elements of life, health, and strength. Mrs. J. H. Horsxyder, 152 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal., writes: " When a girl at school, in Reading, Ohio, I bad a severe attack of brain fever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I feared I should be permanently no. Friends urged me to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, on doing so; my hair Began to Grow, and J now nave aa fine a head of hair as one could wish for, being changed, how ever, from blonde to dark brown." " After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in eombfuiis. I nsed two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy. X have recom snended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Cavr, 1460 Regina at, HtrrUburg, Pa. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know it is the best preparation for the hair that is made." C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ay tr Co., Lowell, Use. The brick hat a 1 been lr id on the Cuskk blcck. Wheat is neaily fo ecu a btithel less in E O than in vv o. Government work a' Yquina was re sumed Tuesday morning. Tht Grand Army encampment opeiud at Mvhama to day to last three day. Some line Oregon peaches )tlt rrcelvrd at C- nn Bros. Rest of theAes,on. Try some. A tent b?!onglng to VV W Rowel!, tpreatl near the Kusi House was stolen latt night . Fre.h Oregon patch S, giapes pca', muhm:lons &c at Parker Bfrs. Cll on them the bet in the market. The steamer Home arrived al Yaquina yestetdav, not having been damaged much by Its reccrt collU'on will a schooner. The governor yenerjiiy pardonrd ;he fol lowing named "men from prison Frank O'Nell, of Lake t:oun'y, tcntenceii June 1894, tix months for sasult. Zeno Denny H J Harrit, of Union county, Ihe former sent up In Merch 1894, for two tear., for larceny anJ the latier In 1891, " frr five year., for assult . The pretent bjnk building of J W Cu tick & Cu will be vacated to moriow and fitted up for Will & tark, mak'ng one of the finest jeweliy store. In the u lev Win Hyde is ethibi ing In the Salt marsh building one door east of the Revere Ik use what he c airns to be a petriikd wo.nan. He charges but u cents to see it ami money refunded in cate -c' on aie not satisfied. Who tay money is scarce. A few days ago a Ihtle three fear o d tlrl plcktd up a five dollar bid onFirst a"reet,and this morn I tip a Reveic Home boarder run upon a sSwtt dollar near he hotel, per haps omen of b-ttcr imes. E P Rogers, the G F k P A of the S P, waa on this noon's train. Mr Vmphlett, the printer, has returned from California. Mr Charlea Metxgar has just returned from a trip to Belknap springs License has been issued for the mar riage of Thoma Atchison, of Butte county, Calif., and Miss Fannie Titus, of Albany. C M Kikins and wife, of Prineville. ar rived in the city last evening, having made the trip over the mountains in a wagon. W C Pohte and wife left on the south bound local ihis morning. Mr Poh'e w ill go to Ashland and his wife will remain In Albany visiting friends. Ssiem In dependent. Miss Hattie Gaines, accompanied by Miss Mollie Lnper and mother of Al bany, drove over from that city yester day morning. After remaining the guea's of Mrs J A Spang'er dating the day, Mr Luper and daughter returned home in th, evening Corvjllis Informer. The Lr Grier C ii- le mountain fish ing party returned from Fib Like this morning They left there Tuesday morn ing and camped at W.-erlno la nicht. TI.ey had seme fine sport tithing in Fish and were welt recaid for their trip Thev report that there was nothing at all in the report of the poisoning of the spring at l.-jwer oda e lar as they could learn. DiBrixtii'tK.-.iui Gt ekts. - Cnder this head the Salem Journal gives the follow -in. about some people recently in Al bany on a short visit with their ronsin Mr S N Steele: A few days since Salem wa. visited by M J Richards, with hi wife and son. Mr Richards ia bu.ineo. manager of t'ie Indianapolis Evening News, one of ihe'f reattst newspaper, in the Hoosier state. The family slopped at Salem for tne purpose of visitinr. Nor man Gwin. of North Salem, an old pio neer, who is Mrs Itichatds' uncle, but unfortunately that gentleman was absent from the city, la a short interview with a Journal reporter Mr Richards spoke in the highest terms of the resources and beauty of the Willamette valler- He has grown to be an enthusiast oa Ihe subject of evening daily newspapers, and hia own efforts have been in a large de gree responsible for the fact that every where the evening dailies are takinn the place of the morning ediliona in the hearts of the people. He was pleased o note the fact 1 hat even in the west the big morning dailies, which have alway condemned the evening papers, are com pelled to establish evening editions in order to compete. A Forest Fibr. Under the bead 'Mebama Endangered. "ihe Salem States man of this morning sat s "A report was current in this city last nigbt that the timber around Mehama was on fire and. consequently, fierca loresl fires were raging endangering Ibat mountain on to a considerable extent. No other news coald be ascertained." Mr John Haley. ot Gales, who is in the city, eays that there is a fire several miles north of Me hama: but it Is not a serious one yet Mehama is no where near in danger, and in fact, is not near enough the timber to be in danger were it burni-g as close as it might. sfm FmiA Cans. Tb, beat piune crop in Benton or Linn coantirs this season will be picked on Rush Finley's place, eleven mi'es sooth of Corvallis. The orchaid lias been leased this season to H M Stone, who is now building on the place a Kertz dryer, with a capacitv of 2C0 busbelf every twenty-four hours. The Kerlz dryer is made at h'alem. and contain, 150 trays when (ill. Mr Stone has four men employed on the wors and expects to be ready for drying by the last of thi, month. It is expected that the amount of prunes picked from the Finley orcharu will reach 3 600 bushels. Corvallis Times. Am Obeoon l.YjicuiNo City Marshal Heminger, of Lakeview, actinjs as a night watch, was held up Mon lay morn ing las' about I o'clock by a mob of masked men, who lemanded ihe key to the county tail, from which tbev took W S Thompson, hanging lr.xu to the court- hotsse steps, ihoinpscn waa c-ontined in jail charged with drawing a gun on par ties. He lieu uvea in warner v aney, where he had a host of ene.nies, v ho claim that Thompson did pretty much as he pleaseVi, horses and cattle and abasing people, at one time aimost nllinii his wife and child. The veroirt of the coroner's jury war, he came to his death by strangulation by unknown land,. Jons Lesdy's Stcit. In the civil suit of J II Mi'.ler, against John Leedy, a lumberman at Minto on the Santiam, was tried before Justice H A Johnson Tuesday. The platntiffsued to recover the amount of o.-er flOO and the defend ant set up a counter claim that he ia en titled to money from the plaintiff in a sum greater than that A verdict for $11.75 wa. tendered in favor of J H Miller. There were sixteen witnesses examined and the costs will amount to quite a sum, besides the attorneys' feet. Salem Journal. Killed by Liuiitmmo. Last Sunday afternoon at Lem Castle's place on Camp creek hay hauling was interferred with by the sudden appearance of a thunder storm. The teams were unhitched and led to the barn. The hindmost horse was in the barn door, when a flash of lightning a!ni k ihe animal, killing it instantly. It singed '.he hair all off Ihe horse and set the straw afire, and it was with difficulty tint', the barn was kept from burning. Prineviile News. Cost of Electric Lights. -The fol lowing appears in the council proceed ings of Salem : Answers from different cities were received and read in answer to inquiry from this city, as to how much they were paying for electric lights, 2000 candle power, and were aa follows: Albany, $10; Portland, $3.40; Oration City, f8.3o; Ihe Dalles, S12; Spokane, 98; Seattle, $12. The letters were ordered placed on file. lr. Price's CramDakinK Powder A Furs Qrapo Cessna of Tartar Powder. Ti1 TtTTDjZLTST Patent Caii Pdsmkb. E W Bosaua, aad old Oregon f'aciiic conductor and a railrcad man of many years expe'ienco, now of Albany, left W cdue-day for Denver, Col. where he expects to orullllle ti Mm. I pany to engage in the manufacture of a ear pusher, a device it en ted by Mr .-ee-man and upon which i recently secured a 1 . . .1-1 . . at : : . a . patent, ine aiwir iMue a Miiipie con trivance, being a piete of tteel so construct ed its to fit the HaiiKB of a car wheel is attached to a lever thataffords great paww. Unlike the pinch bar, whose use in starting a car requires the stiength of a Samson and which evidences a tendency to lift the car miliar tknn turn ihe wheel Thu I ........ , - - - wmuna ' ,-ar pusher causes the wheel to turn with out much outlay of strength to the operat or. At eacn siruse oi too ieer the . Bangs slip backward on the revolving wheel thus affording a new leverage and increasing the momentum as tho car n ivancee. It ha a capacity sufficient to move from fire lo ten otilimirv cars anil i. ilcMci.vl amia.1uIl. J for use on siding here no loootuotivo is .u baud, hiulroail men in this city who have seen tho iar- itbn say that there has been not hint,' '.ntivtrtt it ever p'aced on the market. It fiilx a long felt want and the comiun7 that 'undeftake its nianafac-tu-s ought to meet with sjcoess. Gazette. CtiKKtDBKT or Success. Hon John Daly came out from the Hay Tuexday ana will represent Linrcln coanty on the board ot ion in the tax matter. In con versati'. n with a Gazette reporter relative to bis proposed extension of the Oregon Pa citic. Mr Paly eiprested himself as being confident of ultimate suet. He as all the necesary funds can bo had for 'com pleting the work if I be ttrties who advance the money can be secured en the tute-.-n miles of newly built roadbed on Uack. there would probably be m trouble on this score as th: company making t extension would be entitled to a statutory lien upon the read built by them. Ihe sticking point seems to be. n:l so mnch in semii,g the Leresary fund-, a in gettirg Ihe matte. in tangible shape for the organization of a company tc complete the work . Tb road bed for a distance of four mile it already completed and is a part of tne martgaged premises now in the hand cf the eoart This is alto true of the right of way over the entire sixteen mile-. The question that confronts Mr I v. and his cu worker. u: lias the ccurt the l-gn right lo rua an order in the premise that wtll no br laden with cond-ti ns u'thcient to rend t , consummation of the project impoasiUe. CorvalUs Uazetle. Rt'jSAWkT kceataet. Mitt Nanna Baehor met with quite an accident whia visiting with her sister. Vn V.atry. i. Marion county. Miss Bath r acomptnirt; by her little mev started for beir . i iuesday in a boggy and when f-ring . team the horse became frightened t a ttacs cf wood laying by the ;oadsidV. and b- gai kicking and ttartel to nn. upaetlii.g Sjas l oggy in a dttchaU-ut tjie. feet deep. tin. brokt the top an I seal from the boggj- a!, throwing Mho Bather and nieoe out at tj farm time. Ihe . r - ran on with the re mainder of the buggy and overtook Miss Sunie Bhr and tmtey.Mrt P J Baltimore, ia another 1-ujgy M hen Sadie saw the ireiguwn-Hl Dorse cniutng the caoe t if to ran in a ditcn .tne B fret deep and the litter ueroaiin tangled around . teWrranh i ,-J, caosed the bone to stop. The ycung iadic were pretty nauiy lmijt.1 tail it t hor,i nothing teriou. After gaSheriug ap the fragranu and taking them back about six miles they proceed.! on their journey bat they prrferre,! the cart and left the buggy SodavLle Review Mi KcmiC Fkt.tJ -The reti raing toar ittt from the Coara are enthattattic over at least one scetks in the mountains, the McKenziefalu IririeT tUted lo lbs Man about Towa that tbey were aecoa i to Niagara far grandeur among thooe be baa erer seen in tae I S. itaxted in a pi-tur-eaque plsct with great mountain tcrnery sarroanding then:, tbey pretrnt a tight on migbt well go a long way. to witness. About 12.'. feet wide, ther leap in a beautiful ldy of water 7r fret to the rocks Mow. A Dall-s lawyer was in the mocntains at the time, and having a kodak took a tine snap al the falls, .aid to l the first tl:o.nrtat.'i ever taken of them, presenting a picture not oneretl by any other scenery in the Ca trades. Some of the picture, as well as hw of Clear and " Kith lake and other tigh's, will be in Albany in a tew days. There is a big fijld for the photograph around Fish lake, and a great man; have a tdriofity to see on card board the tight threw. Now In Jail. C onstable Morgan ar rived front Piloi; Sund.T with tSe two bits, John tiamiiion sail 'laalsj Robinson. thr."d wiih Itorae ,tea'.tng. The trial was held before Juttice Lovelee Tueaday and tc.ulied In the hot being held to appear befoie the next grar.d jury Bonds were fixed at fioo each, which they were unable ,o furnish and iher were plated In Ihe county jai: The Ka'mlltcn bow Is a son oi Mrs )ulla Hamilton, near Sodavi!e. The Rob'nton boy's pxre-tts moted away from Sodavil'c precinct some time ago and left the oor to r-istle for himself. Advance. A LeiNK Maxkii Horsk W A Ratber ferd, of Marion, of Oregon Beauty tbak, writes to the state fair nianacers coni-em- ing the matter of exhibiting one of the ceie-jratei Corses .u the coming fair. He ..i i . ,. . sujs: i nave a ven tine i cte ana he in longer hair at the age i about 4 years i than the old horse. He is a pretty specimen of horse-flesh but I could't show mm cut of doors as his tail lies on the grouud about two and one half feet." The mane of this horse reaches almost to the hoofs and when spread over the animal back together with the flowing ta:.l completely envelopes uira is inmigti by a blanket Statesman. Lifk Limb Brokf.. The hreakirs hare been n.Hicg high at Nye Creek for several days. Yesterday aftemion there was a live cross current. A tout six were out at the end of the life line, having a good time ricing tne Heavy breaker when the Ire line broke and an exciting time occurred it being feared for awhile that several would lie drowned. All suoMcded in get Al . . I l 1 . a ... , ung to me ieicti. on-- tyoo i.en w.i nearly drowned in the tffort, while Prof W If Lee and Kev I ndian!, who were at the cod of the line were exhausted and all were terribly frightened. Rev Priebard returned home thi noon and report a very ciose call. heat. Mr Stockman, of the Red Crown Roller Mills, n-ports the wheat coining in to lie of excellent quality, and judges ironi riqxiris mat the crop is about 2- per cent short. .! cents in lie- mg paid. Unit small quantities are le- intiHold. The mill is receivinir nil the orders it can till for flour. It takes rust ling to secure old wheat enough for grinding. Local Invention . Marion county has an inventor in the person of C E Brown of Stavton, w.,o ha had pateuted a sleam motor or pump which is highly spoken of I. . I o . . , : I. : I. l i uy tne ccieniiuc American, mucu uetiTliMW it as "a motor designed to be worked ad vantageously by either steam or water, and which may bo readily converted mto a powerful pump.". The description given shows an conouiic arrangement of shafts, cylinder, rings, pulleys and valve.: for the accumulation and uses of tho forces naeot sory to pet form the intended functions. The A loany Social Club wld me:t al toelr hall on next Vloudav evening, when the regular election o officers will occur. Witir.t Yol Akk At It von ad belter qui', bring a clam and take j our laundry to toe Aioany aicurn i.atinnrv. unit white labor it employed, the c lollies are done up neat and clean, there Is no luik ing Chinese diseast leftln the goodt, a fine looking wsgon driven by a gentleman and not a Mongolian, del'vers ar.d collects goods, you help support an Albany In tltution that spends all Its money at noine betid: cheap rates and first class work. Perhaps you area clam; then quit it . You cant offord to be one f jr a w cents. tr. tv ice's creuoi bAklng Powder Meat Perfect Matte. ATTEMPTED JAIL BREAK. The Inmates of the County Jail Try to Saw Out. Enright, lietter known ns Tex i Jack, who is in the countv jail on the charge r.f horse stealing, coniautted a year ago, aad j Wright, hij pt.l, who is held on account of j huving given him ssiStsiliT thst wo-ild j lead to hi incapf , evidently do not. prop'..e I to continue their residence behind pnon bar longer than po-sible. M elne-lay M.etiti oieferon. who ha tieen saMteaons of the men's actions, found several saw:: and files Lad a board in tho floor of one of the cell., but no evidence of their Baa could be found. Hseeins that tbey bad been using them, though, lo good effect Last night Sheriff McFeron and bis family were away for about half an hour, return ing home about eight o clock Un gin;; Wright and the two Heury Jacksons spend the dav. the sheriff was surprised to see four of tho rials in ?h lower iur: of the door bent down. The men, were just ready to bend the othir rods iu a little, when they could have squeezed through an I inwk' their escape through the front door, i h-y ban sawed the rods ia the lower part of lira door at a pla e where it coald ox t be teen except by bending down nearly to the floor. It was probably the intention to have made the break on Wedresday night if the coast hail seented to be clear, hut for touie reason it was postponed until the next nigbt The two darkies uichujafd any connection with the affair at alfaViiigli ";t ls j Tobable they woo Id have taken advantage oi the opening 1 be wor . was umioubtediy that f Enright and right, who had received their saws through Uie window from a source that is easily turnuteJ. a frequent visitor at the window offering plenty of opuonunite. The men were all placed in their cells, and will not he given many iibertie hereafter. SUFFOCATED I?i A WELL. Another Victim of Fire Damp. Mr Jon Norris while digging a well on the farm of Mr Looney near Jefferson ester-Jay kftemoon met with a somewhat unilar death o that of Baker Mara el I. recently at Knox Butte. Norns was pros .rated with the gas. but managed t get mto the bucket and ma e the erudition of affairs nown t the men at the t p who -.'an hauling him out. When up about 'orty feet he fell out ot th - bucket to ti hottoai. expiiing from the effevt of the .1 i Li, .a sat. i . i iiuiji un uii Hm aier. nis uouy was tfot-ea from the well too late for any ataitl- Mr Galdart. of the CorvallU Tinges .n tbe city todai . A R Mc'"oy atnd re:urn.J bat tighl fr .m Lower Sida. sffia, Heu cf" Solera, re'arned baas, this n.n from a trip to tbe Bay. Col Pofe-. of Saieta. went to Mehama this aoon to attend the ti k encampment. Revs Little and IKod. Mr Maurice Sen Jert aad Fred Re is end family went to toe Bay this today. tadow While of P.wt.anJ rsno of uWs. a "strly pi-wavrt. it in the c-.ty tbe gue.t of Mi Asfaby I earce. Born, oo TuettUy. Augu- 31. '91. the wife of Geo BSsWaat, in SodavilV. itaughlrr. CtJ Will Ii Blot, and Qcarterniaster L W (.iren. of the S iA V. went t.ter to look after theSor. of Veteran eimp there. In former. Mr Bert Van CSeve is now sole propri-W l ine terrains ! tit inner. bt "TZr r'raP ,3anP,rMl,- a ill health. j J udgr Lean ami Wo'verton of Ibe So- i pretne court and IVU W Mas ton left today ; n a mp lo Mt JeffcTww. iner will l-c piloted by Nrt sWarsaaa. A P Klorv and w if? were railed to Aibanr llinai I 1 I.. .tla ik. .Lskl-rl .J ... ! Vlory s father. Rev D Lefdy, who i very! low. Sodatille f'eview. I Miss Heia Gilbert has rHorned froea tbe! mountain and i Drenarc-l to receive new aod old ttodenU in mask rt Pie boaw of Mr Arch Hammer, next to f P Church. . Mr John he.i. tlie famous onion raiser -a .i . . , . , ., . I us no -wee: uo:e country, wnnae soil i s" fertile it make an impreetion oa it toiba-l and Bed toward the eatrn part of Kk at it almost, wa in the titT todav. Ro ar' Bnrkitan and I ha. Y.vtoor ftlbaay. paated through oa wtee s Moodav on tceir return from Cpwr Sjsla where tbey bed be3 spending a week -Review Bcsaral distircuifbed tcurist retame.1 1 from Yaqaina Bay this noon, amonar Ibeoi I being Col Parker, of the. Walla WalU , !at,sruaa. Cot Eddy, tbe overwoyke.1 R K ' C.imtlliesiooer and uperinlen,ten: Ik'.wa- ing. of the p?nitentiary. i Miss Fanny Titos jos wetldtng wa ' xnnounced in the Draocaer. is a resilient ' of California, and has been Tssi'iag at the ; revideru-e of Mr I-ae!!e. a few mi!e from j tbi city, trbe is not the emp'oye in the , woolen mill of the same name. Rev L A Banks, at one time a meniis?r of tbe police force in this city, later a Metho- I n,t minister, and more recently the prohi-' bition tandi.late for govmorof Masa.-hu- tetu. it now remitedto pastof of one of the wealthittt , lurches in Brooklyn. N. Y. -Times. A daughter of Mr Banks is said to reside at thikvilie ii. tliit countv. Mrs Safab BaStimore and daughter ,0 M Mcfarland. IWiirett. Mis- Man Cundiff. and Miss Simpson. ranied last evening from Uiwer Nxla. coming earlier, loan wk. mtenoex: on ai-cotint ci tne nan -ge rons illness of Mrs Baltimore's father. Mr Daniel Leeilv. who has Le-n gradually declinir g sicee hi. paralytic stroke. C Vf Elkins's of the Blain Cloth -house at' Albany, started from that place last Saturday on a bicycle for an excursion through Southern Oregon He arrived ia Ashland Monthy afternoon, and left ye terday for Klamath county, in company with W W Nickeitiin. who was returning home oo hit wheel from thi- place. Mrs Nickerron. Mi-s iUkie Matthews and S K OglcaK 0.1 horbacK. ttarteil with tiiem on the tri:, ov.r the mountain Ashland Tidings. A S Henderson who recently won the 100 yard foot race in Denver, beating the crack .printers of the world, and who is arrang ing for a four cornered race in 'ass Angles was in Albany several days last year, a well as in other valley to.vns. Amonr other Oresron races be run young Rev, of Corvallis. of courte def. aling; bins. He is perhaps the fastest sprinter in t'e worlii. lie went under the name of Sampson. A W'alla Walla paper says that George, W Hunt passed through Walla Walla Sun day, enronte from Portland to Spokane and the l'alouse conntrv, where he will make arrangement for the shipment of a large number of hordes to b used in the con struction of the railroad in Mendocino county, Calif, the contract for which was awarded to Mr Hunt. There are qeitt , number in Walla Walla who hope to se cure podlions on the new road, and Mr Hunt's arrival is anxiously awaited. Will there be any one In Albany who will be affected by the Income tan, which taxes an income of ftooo. A coopertilv, association a sort ot a socialistic t, was being c.cin'zeJ at the fcarce church this afternoon. Bv uquett Wm Hvdc has scv special hours for ladles on ly on Saturday from 3 to 5 p m to tee the petrihed vtctntn, at corner of First and E'tworti t'eets. Admission 10 cents. While J S Pu,th and Wm S: luhn weie driving to hhrdd one night thit week the'r learn ran off a Culvert, tipping the wagon over snd throwing ihe men out, resulting In Mr it John having one uf his legs broken. The ' two boys recent'y arrested In Prlnvitle, charged w'th stea lng a horse near L'banon have been brought to Al bany and place I In the jul.tvery pioperly belt'g p'aced on the south side away from the hardened characters on the other side. A son oi Mrs Springer bad a serious accident Wednesday. The boy, who it 14 years old, foil out of a fruit tree onto a picket fence, stilktng tan ni bieast. Ah hoago the skin wai not even broken his lungs were burst snd he Is In a critical 1 condition. Lebanon Advance. Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Ro ABSOlJUTEiy PURE S -A. T? TJ TI 3D .A. 5T I tn. I iirnll T. '' Cash tor h W Laagd Bank, h . - Ui li t I.' tec i... r r rta Cmeron, .f rTeanaytvautsi a king; fer a hi-tory of the ngoii tn crriag tarkad pbeasant in Oregon bow Butnv ti:e.e re. and how the v ha.-; thr r.d it it ieaireil to sgt tome loose iu i-'jorida The sabjeef is ceiUinh- an inleretlicg or,- :: t - Celes tial is probably- the U-t game bird in the fj S. Bet weeo eight and nine jt tr ago Hon O N Deat y. Uien Consal gsr.e.-al at '"nioa sent twelve pairs cf the bird to bis brother Johi Denny of this county who let them loose in this county. A law was passed protecting them for five years, which was extended two year, expiring about a year and a half ago. The x fieri meet was a great turves, the birds thriving in the mild climate of the valley. Hew many there are now n one know.. Th f .ot that Ilxey may be loutd in every griu BaH in iur .i..'.i 1 loi llf :. :.. 111. ; birds can only be trapped from the ttate I from Gctole.T lo to Ncveiuber If. Tuost: t-.oktKVTT ADs. Mr Parke, gov-j Ex-treasurer Brace, wife, who is the well err. merit infractor, returned this noon from known nsediurr. and two cons, came up the front, where be hds been inspecting from Portland thi noon on their way to homettoad property. It has been claimed their former home at Waterloo, hat a good menv . f th bonuat ends are not; Gea Lith A pp'egate is to take a band in l om-steadt at al. : I -v bavo been tasen up the coia campaign in CalifornU in the by men ta aaiem. Albany sik" other place jDterett of the tMpulirU. Batter rnnzzie in nnltf to evad- pat mint for the e,-rerty jjlu aj timber lam. What Mr Parka ill re-!., .-. n e j . port it cot known for certain, bat it it raid' ej- ",Vh 0tliey letorned to her he doe. notoonri.Li ', of the-iatat, ' yJ&y "lter Vi?Pt-'l?A stead propertv agricultural land a: a:!. The Ili" , bl"mh- tf thu -opmion u that theg -v-mmeat aril! be in , a!eUi J-arns,' fav-r of permiaing .hue who legally! A pleasant e-et this week among tLe homestead tnetr pmryrty to retain it: ai.d i In irtikt lianas wan ln,,t llw t.r .i.-t: I ... : . . rr.v -r i witaoot i-tiy Idea CI Using it for I laSstlsssca, but for speculation. 1 he tuatier of iLe n rfrt w !i I Tbat Wei l ArriDi st Further par I tkuUrv of the rf' tcridert jj JeCoaca. ! by whiah S en A NoU was lulled, show , the fo lowti.g. A man n j-ivf-1 - ate wa Oigg.Lg a - ' : A i. r: A j Matt was at in th weil, then down toot .ait it filsl t.i - , -F ( sick loba K Kais said be w. uUt ka Case's , place JO-i taid he would go iVtn and tee j if th? beast rikeied. it be knew b wool t I be tilled, aad that be would s'ide d.wa if j let doto in fasfSt. !!e waa let , down, an I caUaVI to be dritrn a hen i UP i ny lert i. tl oat. nndo.bted y frrr. ' faint :cg lr .... F.,l,n, 1 1 ' !(.-..,. j went down after tee hc-ly t at cot ctiti! laftaar toftr atteiiiLils. N sera travs ur ken j in the fall iu it wa lirot: , tvntideraU work ItUrsn r:-K -Tae con! R bert Mm a as po-taKrr . eras Btaiie in r. . ex-utjve e Cnited Statew Sca-teou the lit f toe i cat f or ansae re -t . an vr -oistbt. la-Hlai tee fai t w.i . Trt Irteiftapt'ed a- o-ual coa t !T T t)e ncr p, a topr .f tfce mm-resaicin: 1 ,-wd last s-jturdat eve-iiu- Bob's c:i-- b - banc tire in Ibe r t ofjkv osat snd ,r ,. r.-.-i.-j ,y h. .... Isassea ttss latfoe- m , f Us-a lait there is no doult .t the -ojrtg man w.ll owt hit . . : ) .v. ..teilb. Time. ionasin 1ii:.nt. r rha-W l!i, .v, sr.. u i ... . t laii a torar- .yl too : , . - , -LZ I . '.oa. harniened tier 'tis memory' wat tanJ tod to aosist tuvt waskorssstaattVa4 U ffn r.n it. laiiidini --r. wa'k yr ii .T slenred s . away a row test w::en vumwi - a . . . , . . . i , a row iv- wnen aowi t-sos teirt the I city at eier ric car speed, arvl ii i prob- j ie will t.ot return I his wa a good j " ,u0!:0" ""J- lb3 w'' l .t!1 - - :! r,e return, mn-agn. t. - rv ' r' w l 1 T A Nacko Lecrt a. Dr Ca! M ' V. ibrnt. of Peat:!.', a negro orator cf erable fame, a tin-. sa iriag pvn leaica. tsnssoaaittrs ttan and rattle will Wtltie to nlffT,t at s r,vock at lite Bstti-t Chunh ou lVtcripti.-n of Life" tkrean an! I be Ships." Mr Wi!iiara is said to be a fluent talker of good sate Hie Dt.aoca.yT man ha read vine ot hi l.:ure a bright affair. full of onginal thoi.r""-t Hear him. tniy 10 cents admission 1 r .,. .-11 , v,,. r Ho,iifc ; ,- - " . , , ..i n - "f to tbe Davi T Kt' . "t ,IIZZ ' J isZ. .TU7 V"? . jZFTiJ&L Ti, 5 f "V. Tr- Thi , " "W! .' "'"i . V'i " "' TT. ' . !aIn, TV "T1 V" Kk" i sn.-w aa-tl! Inc' Wf as .-. a.' a. irl rl ir.'P J amount of Mppliw wii! U. ga, ni The 1 s n " 1 11 , , a..,:if .-1 n.. .Ha to p(CkiDrT net Moolav - j t;X2n A llyxn Ixjrar.iv Mr A I.Ltnio, rasa agwr for the Mitchell A: Lewi Co. was at Miller Morgans helping t Mail a hay ires when his left hand got assrbt in one ot tie i-og wheel.':, and two tf the fingers were badly smatheil. so that Mr Laaib now tlie hand in a slin. The press aaa running slowly or else he undoubtedly would have lost tlie whete Boar lingers ot J the hand. I Nob yen. Qnan. atis The taitlog cf the lafe Normal of Wonmcutn is a credi table production, and sft-vks for tha' wvi! manageil institution. Its list. of graduate shows some of ti.e est teaciiers in the state The following are tin Linn county gra lu ates: Clara iiard, "8-1: Ualwll tlr.y. 'SS; Jean McDaniel. "88; Kate M limnpliv 'S9: Edwin 1! Ihu,fn. ;:: Ida E Max well. 'S9; lWtlw ' Vv r.:;r.e. 1; JtsanM ami arv Kim :.t, "Wj Ida Portrl lisd K Shedd. Eiir-.'ia-.U t an-the-s. M; II C Jordan. '.e; tdive Long, '.l-.': Rev till! 'SrJ; Binlie Anslyn. W W Cartas, M N Richardson. K L Carey, N M t lem. I U Gain-. C S Bbadd, ttt; J X Milveu. ltha Chcadle. tw. Bt'RNixa TimukR. A gentleman who ha jutt come In from Eatcrn Oregon, ovei the loti'e teota I'rircvi le h Albar.v, slate thst tires .re burnlrg in vhe timber On the east side of tbe Mountains for mlict. It l CI aimed that these fi-es hav hrea s-t on be ihe sheep m-n to burn off the country arc! so mske better pasture for their lloc - Tnere Is a -providing la'her 'evere penalties for a artteg such firts, and it it Cin be proven that a it i nr lias done to purposely or oegigently, he will be likelv to tuflcr. Oregoiilae. A LaBAMoa Jokk. A good jjke is tolk on -a Hde-, ohhh is about as fol- lONVR. at ths Wh:' coa-t. hi fj'l tr and -riother ieie th i Is -log staved with him i i!r anted tome one was ii r. and In his dream Unik totter. J umpliig o.. hbn he h -- In a ivelv mannsi of 11 tht trying John t began and to )f .vim Ms tcen,le.iv -is arm lb ' p .i'-ly fas resiortd, lio vrm ed In gcltio,; Asa ing an Imprint or vttolleyet. Pea. as to., n as h" su a a a s.- r.tpress. A CliAitKNtik Olng ta i be fatt that the Silverton boys have Indulge1 n considerable loud talk rrgstdlng the p d of one George Qltfaas, E U CVme in, a Brownsville "boi-.V rtques'a t,s to a e thst he will make Mr Ulveua a rate, rrovldcd they will come to tht pi - BroaosvUle Time. Mr Ca"' well nown CorvallU sprinter ly won three tacss In Culfoina h Or. Price's cream Bcblaa Powder World's Fab- Highest Award. Baking Powder SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. ifn W E Chandler, of is in the r:. Re I B tisnr-t. P. E., came up '. rem r.oott. berton has retimed from a k tai in Ponland W E M seifora' w C L Back aad i rank Kefchnm have re turned ftsMu a trip to fish Lake. JaJges Hewitt and Burnett hare gone to TiKaincok nuy lo bold conrt Prof Omdon and wife returned from the Bay today and Prof Hawthorne went there. J McCbetcey and Mr Fred Bruce-Tan went fo the frott today on a trip to their claims there. C nrad Merer. Moses Sternburc a&l A -i r- r :tu- 1 i tst night from Betkcipp , Spring. Prof and Mrs Leo. l'rof Scott and Misses Vesta Mason and Hattie Galbraith returned from the Bay csUy. Mr hb T iteyen, of Yaqu'na, is in the city the guart of her sister Mrs Jerome ! Wiiliams. couuren ex in rirse warn wa a 'irtliilav partv given l-V -:s Orate -.. --rat - nursnay aiteT-.ooc. i Atavba'. K nrojiiaen owner of the '"Letaneo Mtaatain V. agen R.ssd." will be in Allicny atcompvnisd by three protnt net.1 f armors in abtait a week, on a trip acrot tie utLoctsic to Boise City. -- r J -3-ie Mcses retsirced yesterday frctn j atrip to Oakland. He made the joor-i l-v jo hi bicycle. do-n a btii the ehai- broke aad Mr Motes was precipitated I la the grcund bruising him somewhat. 8 F Young and L E Blain na.e been near I Waterloo looking op their interests in Ihe ! aw mtit ot Uerngra A Humphrey Iwiatwl on Aug li Every thng was list except U.iier and engine Total hats aaoct :', Tut are was uodcuUedto ineca- diary is there had been no fire in tbe en gine for two days. T Brace, cf St Lcui. trasiee of tbe orraK.s i'ariiafe and Wagon compan anivtai is .wa this weak and will remain "Vrul assya ' kiair after his extensite .. a.'ert-sta. tie says that within be si rixt ifeys a markesl improvrrttxt in tro. La-- I i-n note-it Gaxettc. Prof lav-k-sin of the ikavton. Yaohtli ooottty .public scbwolt, baa been in tbe city Jchsn is a lon-ia law o W Parrisb of odavilkr He was one of the ' I people who recent'v n-ach -! tb? top 4 Mt Hood, being abcat the f '.L rerson la tlas tip He rrT-:ir a cottier lt, non, I than he er r re to go thro-ij.-? very hen. - the reil! re?a: UI ta? - ' d- OO. F H Bryant, ot the reform scLssol. waa fin Aibanv :oIav on a hmt af er voGnsr Wright, who h 1 e-caped froi the raool. j v rbu I U "V) 1 ' sb- 7?: i' rw. sc'l, troatoes. a-Kl ,s on-1 i 3 t-anl character. r Brian: I as siicv ful in bentit g ran? war yOU Eg W Tgfct . HOAli AND ABROAD T.'.-cnc h.s betn isurd fny he --n.ntage I of re Liwery and Loerel If, Brig-. A tlr-mii MsBskSasat sl.r-ed wi-h a ' ir.Jcart tins mornitg ;.- gt io Aa' in.!. His cart :u vercd acd contat cd l.t j catp octa1. bfa cV.thiog and MNi cnj- r.n. A liird bay. trg enough it walk! ar t a'o-ig batel to;. Toev wtt..: south' i S:ji a m, the man puUing ttv. i Journal. Tte Soul! ern Ore on ptper bo'sted tvf the youngest taxpayer in the s ao, a by oi seven vests who paid taxrson ;C; in the asttseor's effice here they sat fJmatfP c-tunty can lower the record- li te CJCk, too of W T Coot, descsnd, is seven leers old and rats taxes on 5 ooo. white hts brother u bjt io t years oi age and his assessment i$:iis. Panic from the Bay wbo came over todav who witnessed the balhia - accident Thursday repoit il a v,-y exciting affair lor few minute.. Wnen the life line broke instead of d roping the line they hed on lo il and were being carried oui bv a hijjh cross current. Mr Moss, daughter af Mrs WoVma came nearest being d-owned anrf Rev Pti.hard next, Mr Ba I and Van: Bridgeford d -i good wcik in helping them tut. Rs-ligioies Services. S.i'iiject of tennon at the Christian cbtuvh Sassdaf Aug J6th at morning stfrvsce. Redemption in Christ." Tn:s is the third in a ;eries. In the evening the sub ject will be 'Alexander Campbell.' Ibis is tbe last i.t an evening series on tbe Four Qree! Liphts of the Keloruiation. Ceme. oj will t made welcome. Rev vV R Slevenscn. of Portland, will pre. 1:1 at the I'nitfd Pres-byterian church in tbe ui.aning. X- ser"ic- in the even ing. S S at '.:;; C E at 6:45. Come out tomorrow at 4 p m to the Y M C V rcouis ainl beat the gospel- Tr.f W H Lee will conduct the nierting. All men and i. specially strangers are welcome. M E Church South, servkes as ti.-ual. Preaching inornitig acd evening by the pator. The public are cordially invited. VVhra fratrlla,-. Va e' o i p.:iiu-.r b.'n-, or bj.ioe no n i rvert tri, a bt'.tleot Svruoo Kis. a-it act m : p! and et vc'ni lv on tb; klJneys, live: and prevpn ing levers, oeadaches and other form of sickness. For tale in 50c and $1 bottles bv all leading druggists. Manu factured by ihe Cctiio. oia Pig Si rup Co only. J Your t J Heart's Biood J is the most important part of W your organism. Three-fourths oi tB ihe complaints to which the sys- f tern is subject are due to impuri- 'iQm fore, realize how vital it is to Wm W sv sa rt f m OS ' s OlOOO. sim. an hiw-iw lies in tne 01000. 1 ou can, mere-. rveep it rure For which purpose nothing can 0 equal ?infSi It effectually re- W ' movcsCaaUCai a ) I impurities, ' af cleanses the blood thoroughly af w 1 u..:U .1 1 I. 1 . i sso. ana tiuiiua up 111c gcuciau ucaain Trait vie on U w! and Skis WmmWrnt ea.:.- '. J- tec ts- any a.wifm. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlint3, 81. V j Low Bats On Hops The Southern j PaciSc company annonnces that they wil j issue effective September 1 1894, a 'special i tar'ff on hors in cor load minimum -l J of 12,000 lbs of $1.70 per 100 ponm"' m Orego'i terminal aini urtenm h ' to Missouri riv-r. --1 -;- , i j cago and ritnt common tnenr.vit' j nati. Detroit and crrmmoc f '-r.' Iiarg. Buffalo aj "i coa i ; New York. Boston and Uttrp i common points. This is ad i five per cent rel j'-tion urn wi! 4 benefit to ihe bop gitaau of (J i Southern Vacific uin-.paBy ru . e : fact of the preten low prues - n. d . for hopt and is willing to kef . ; by reducing freignt rati . E fi F k P A. Talk Is Cantar; oa . . fac's every ood .r.ois "" V other gallery In Ctragaa d I prtees as the lowest. tm ny j Masonic Hail UA Girl tiiohiiLt"and rieVur eiceit ed, "Tiiaa and proven" ia the vcrtJict o f miihe a?. S i iu tn o a it 1 Better ot is the alv l ire: ad KlieY je-iieine tc w-ii'ch yoa s3 pi.i yoar faith f Hi a cure. A 1 ban mild tive, purely sssssU t mixXOr and Vvg- ae- isg .Lnrc uy on tl?3 Liver si n d Kid Hills .rev Trrit bold hf h : Ljm"d,orin PowiJes- .."nusdeii." teak. ar kic. ' a ftt W. L. Douclas fjej C? faJs C ISTHEBCST Vafsa, VflWLsosasUKIKS, 5 CORDOVAN, fm snsAfi r-j e rr :is H.4 FsCiAfiA'fiieTJ 3.5?rJCE.3SoLfs. osa2-W0tJKllsBy $2.!L?S0tSOant3nrSi LADIES - fSataf. SCSS3 FOB Ct-JUK-E L-DOUGLAS. BROCKTON. MASS. 1 oa cu tasre saeaer by .arrfcassas t. 1 Doottlas Rfcoco. Bocassae, we arc lh.r 1 irgest wtwwwfortaw et s ot advertised shoes ia tae world, and rti-i.- - tne s.:e by sttpia tie waste awl price t it " i.-.v ws:;l pr-rtecrt eva ar ia f::oli::;;.:l::-i:.-: eaal cssasa srvrk ia style, easy finr and wearing qaiWirs. We hare thea sold ewery wsere al tower prices tor the nlst g-.m tka. any cater seake. Take BO ttxbsitntr. If Jtrar dealer r-tr waw. st BSSS Sold try THE I . E CLAi CLOTHING C NEW Li FE 13. S- 1 "iTTS Sm lit IlaaaST snsd troder peastrr. an I test Barastee. by OrfttasBK ssSBsK .".! Lock of Loss , f F.wsrssftaneeasSssaiwS Onrts-is lilttst j tox. ri.W by oret liirlu.i, lueakftu Krroes, or ' Ezeoastoe Use of Toooreo. Opus, or I- ,ooe. ; wtock lead, .o Ifjeer. Instchy Bj mail. 1 a box. ex fs r Si; wisu -aatte id care ea- - otcags-aoo etHitaaainottTottavs witi f-:l S cotes Oa , oc-ij sold to flees person by saail J A C'ummiiTg, tiJeaen'. Albany . TXo oa ill I 1J ia. oaacf sole gent. A b;ni LAD.E3 DO IOU RXOW OR. FELIX LE BRUM'S STEEL BHD PEHHYHOYBL PILLS are the orurinal and ocly FRENCH, safe id re. tiabie cure on the market. Price aXU), sect bj L trenaiae acid oulj by J A Cumtting. tole agent, Alnany, mtfTs liToiiiirftisrQ. HscOsske. Pt-.-n i tk L-: er ceoersi Xeer -,i' ..-a. taatt. aaaaer l :.i.. Aasrstia. Aati sua itkrr SBssssBk I'll. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL SO. tSl S. Iteaac. CttrcACO. d bv a' I druggitts. NOTICE OF APTOIHTMEfiT. Notice t hereby given that ihe under signed has been duly spfolaled executrix of tr-e last wI! and ietment of Wi wit H il-. -.. i - deceased ae ot Linn oooto ill ssoka i... i - - - ! .ntM said ct'ste are actHfard ie sr'rs-nt i b'm vluly verified lo ihe said i xecu lix ?t her re-idence two n lis tuuih east nt Hotter, Linn county Gregcn within ttx months ftom the date be tof. June I5, tSo4. PllOkakAxx llrxnaasos Exicotr tUrArEP ..AIIKS t o writing at I? home. Paj $15.00 b -".0i per week "end self a !dre-.l ttamied envelop forrnpvt. M aRKR PON r klNK. geemtrl ma.itger. SM 1 " cr. t fhtcagc. Ill raw,) LOAN. We have few hundred I del, sua 1 1 loan on good real es'ale seeurity S N Sir elk A Co, Albany v re. , $5.00 PER DAY at nom selling Lightning Pla'er and platJaf' j"" e!ry, watches, tab'evvare, etc. Tv j house has goods needing plating, .ft j ;tio capital; no talkii g. I snents are ir.ak!n- SJs a i'v. Pero osition Address It K Co mous Onio. T osr. i nui A bunch of sevs to ureber et'.bet la:ddc -. , 01 nit Return to this crcce. re it aid. FOSHAY & KAsON -"gists and Booksellers, t-ei ts for John B. Alder 's panlVt 1opb , :ch we still at publisher's pitec f ihtra.dda' Sf - wa7 isooosr a av rsjeckactona w4Smm fi'Br'll ti"ruLaKi. InV Ok insl S A LKTIVE CURS aisoroauorSsono J A Cc:n-.!DC, A C tscrSi.-k ns 5SS