The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 24, 1894, Image 4

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Blood Purifier
WHY SUFFER with that chronic
disease? Do you want to die? Sul
phur Bitters will cure you as it has
Why do you suffer with that
You noed not If you use Sulphur
Bitters. They never fait to cure.
Operatives who are closely confined
in the mills and workshops; clerks
who do not have sufficient exercise,
and all who are confined indoors.
should use Sulphur Bitters. They
will not then be
Ia vour Breath impure. Your
Stomach is out of order. Sulphur
Bitter3 is the best medicine to take.
Sulphur Bitters will build you up
and make you
At the dawn of womanhood, Sul-
3phur Bitters should be used.
Will Hill PWI1.
Send S ..-cent stamp to A. P. 0WCn
ftjttOP.MMf ,rtwhat medical work published
FromTerminalor In Points th
ITnntknnn Rnrnfin Dnil
ib line to lasta
To all Points EAST and SOUTH
iu the tear to
nm mm nnA
at. l AUL ttUU IjUlVjftUl
Composed of Dfcin Cars Umnrpnaad wrawmz km aiwp w s
Of bUt EquiDdfnt
rtit. I
til .' 1 t
ve i ti 1 in
! t-h free
rf Ktct 'tr
I -l I l
t I . I f
hi. uiii tin jjiujiurith
al liais, affording Direct an d
Pullman a'eeper reservations ca. b
vecured In advance through any
gent of the road,
i H ROUGH rtcKKTS to and from ail
points iss Amorics England and
Kurope can ta parchaawd at ay
ticket office or this cotrpany,
Full irf-rmaU n eonearnlng rates.time
1 trains routes an I other iz Turn
IshAd ou applicatjjn to any agent, or
.iranl arwl PMiier Agent.
No !2l rrst St. ctr. Washington.
P .rl'and. ie;oc.
Rev HI iufrttil.
i f Drs M-ines, Iowa,
'.March 23,
t:tss underjdale "I
3 B
Man. Mm Co.,
Onfor, Oregon.
Op arrivitta h .me Usr w,el, 1 ttmrrlal
well and at xinnsly a t.ltinv. Our little
gill, etshi and ooe-b- If year, old, who bad
wa ted a. ay io 38 pounds, is r.-w well,
strong and vigtiroe, and wrll lleshed op.
S. B. Congh Tore hssdne it wttr'a weS.
Goth of tbe chidden like it. Your S It.
Coogh Care baa cured and kept sway all
hoarseness from me . So give it to vey
one, with gre-tiues for sllj Wiahing ft
proatrsii y, we ar
Yoore, Mr A Mas J P Cord.
II yon wiau feel iieao and chaerlo and nad
lor thaSprine'. work, eleanK jiri)SM with th.
Headache am. Uer Oarr., br takin two or Utrae
loaraeanh -tek.
611 cetits per bottlo by all liracimU.
Si jndsr pcwltlve rwaraata. Lf
ricutbern Pacific Co.
Bspraai T rat mi tSSWS ajllseil tl'
C: Ur. a. I bv
l:tSr s I br
10.46a a I Ar
Taos jcm I, I,
P rtlail
Hail fran -iai j
I HnrV
i - t a
' t:S
; if'
, , i . , t st at 'i from
t ui' "t ! ni J i tls t fan
It ,y H trrltb i-g .fiitirtion
i (
ley. li
i(,-i. ' I I i-.iiona
. i ran I it !"t4i..
atis i u
lftSSrs I L
:tj"ca I A,
Ar' a"r
br I tfcSti a
Lr 1 7 0:
:in a I be
a no. a 1 sr
I ft a l b
-OU t a K-
Its. f
i -; in ..
In: 1 AS
Diiina- Cars on Ogd-n Ryute.
ti.ii-ite.l la all Thn ash Tralw.
Weal 4tr srltlslaw.
nr-Tst kf. rwarLAMit and isbiaih
Halt ai dah t (Bxoept Suii't.j
wi ' a I
s.!6 r a I
Or .III.
l tt r
rraaa.Tta baii.t rRxcjfitSui.daj.
4 H
lea I
I br
Ar I a
t ! r,o a v
tn all i-oiit in the P.turn Sute. Otnarla t
rnroe" cat l ! in I at mat rse. Irom '
rraeb, Arent Albany.
. KOKHbftr ft 9. KOOBR
sn.if.r ta'lO T. n.t
orttsr.d 0rit
1'i.itliiil. oreton. A. J Armttronf, Prtn.
hr ad. SrlKHil: t'aetTAl bu.. Cot. 't galeiii.Orerta
-liior couice. of Bluily. uin. iiae. of tuitio.
Itusiness, Short hanii,
Se-lii nation ibroinjlioui the veal'. Student son
, at sat Urn.- fUtlw't. xm !lbr school, ft.
! I U , .
Food - - -
Digestion- -Complexion
are all intimattly connected j
S nracticallv inseparable.
I hough the tact s oucns :
ismored. it is neverthcle 2-
2 true that a good complex- tgiS--:
ion is aniia.Ktssibiiiiy with- -
; out good digestion, wmcn ;
in turn depends on gooo .
There is no more common
cause of Indigestion than
:rd. lt the bright house
keeper use
Th New Vegetable Shortening
; a and substitute for lard, an.l
Si i her cheeks, with those ol sjs
ner iniutiy, n iu rv . " , j
, more unciy to uc A.tac a r
- rose in the snow."
" is CoTTOLKN ic clean, deli
r" cate, healthful and popu- -
, lar. Try it for yoursell. a..x
m- Send three cents In tump to '.
handsome Cottolcnr Cook BooV.
5 containing si hundred recipe , 11 .'
233 prtpantdby nine eir'ncat author- ajiS
r -I-"'""" cooking.
rWt only by
N. K. Fail-bank & Co.,
tift a if nrtp
fcr ncfiiv men so by too ckM riUcUon jobolnsss m-
re meouu strain, . b "u"
H lire, or Ttdoa. siMU oontrmcted In vouih.
CVSSlAJRL KJUf arsvtcUm.toBI.ovwM
eMHSjr or btowrlM, Ww-SSMT Weak.
im, lTnr-trT w'tk BarlT
mr ta Tmwjt and If iMIe At; lack of vigor
nd strargth, v in aaxaal Impurad and
.-atened nrnaaMral In awnohlns old aim.
nn vb air eras spsaa rr.m
nwted or mmtM in manr tboaaaad eaaes
xaatad and rorad IntbspaaS Sflsaa ranu i
tMTOMJmciUAvTllJ 1
I paraona for ta rsaaca Was w atrnprr i
Tar ot axpenao bejood a poatal eard and a two
rent laxtaira stamp taasked. Thr postal cird tor
a in aandlua ns tbeir fuK address sad the noav
spun ibelr JuOirtuentor unm. watntnaia
an stamp (orUie letter reiornlne the statsassM
of Uteir esse tor wbteh wo aopplr thtts .with qne
tlun blank, to be Bllso 0.-- and a ir
en re tope for oae tn returning II wben '
JS Wwen we laoatte tbe
U XBCoo blank we prepare et?bt dij
K . treatment and forward 1 . by tuali
M I WI!. pre paring pintaao. Akm lib 1 1 ..
,'.a not oeerent attanOoo to boslnees.
We lesve the aaatter ot acraUm ordan entlratT
wttathiawi eelis the fteetrta: Isaatssewa, Uav
tna sattssad Uraae seudlna for trial pertacea
ot oar saUity to beneat Own we feel teat titer
are mere tenjetr taiareatad tbaa og telro. la
unttnatng the aseof the Passu lea.
Dm prloas as !.:. posatbie, ana the
They are as follows: aaso for one a
WAS Vail.
They are as follows: aaSO for one moats; UJJ0
tartwemoatba; riforarae aaoetba.
We ask all peraon nesdlne treatment te send
tberr tddrw nn poatal or by letter, all yasa a
1 be i
nooan oa auiiiuaw 11 to
latxarive and NZX7S Tosrm
its or sect br mail. Sc. 60a.
per packajre.
tfA The Favorite Z0CT1 HJZXi
JrU nJ for tbe Teeth and Breata.Se.
' Ott-'Uw Swoeney, tAJL, Sen Metro, 3sL,
rrs: ChUoh's Catarrh Remedy hs the ant
medlctoe I have ever found that would do me
anygood." Price SO eta. Bold by rniswJata.
Thb Gbkat Coooh Cmat wotanQr sweat
whereall others fall. For Cooanopnoo tt has
ao rival: has i
l cored tnonsanaa. and wiu mi
too. If ta t en is time.
Gladstone has
A clear Head
"VHY? Becanse he It Bows these
rules: "Keip the head cool, the feet
t .aiui. and me bowels apen." Yon
can have a clear head and live to be
ninety if you r?3 the same thing.
When the bowels (ail to nwve dur
ing tbe day take on retiring two
Smith's Small Bile Deans. Their
action is to mild lhat yon are sot
aware of it. A'l diy your mind will
be clew pi. joo! "Not a gripe ir
barrel of them." Ask for email site.
Take n- schstimte for SMITH'S
Beans I
& wBwwawNKwBwawaS(Jmw m
.ft .mwBmwP-TTV PniftaTTTweA. -wB
lor s
tjompt. apawer and an tnwt optnlon. wrtte to
MUNN ar. CO.. who have had neartr aftv Tears'
experlenoe tn tbe patent hnaineaa. Com -timlca-tloo.
utrlctlr oooSdentlal. A II of In
formation concerning Fn tenia and bow to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of awehao,
leal and acSantlOe book. Mint fre.
Pateet taken tbronah Mann It Co. teesrrs
fee Si notice in tbe Meie.tlSe Amerlenn. and
iw "w hrooffat wtdely before tbe pebllewrth.
pot coat to th. tnrentor. This splendid naper.
jsswed.wesaly. elesantlr lllostraled. has br larthe
larmt rtrealation of anraeientiac work tn the
world. S3 a rear. Sample, enpte earn free.
llaiwirw KdlUatLmonthly, BJoarear. fingls
-O Ml vm.,tm ... w uvam &
oontalna bnan
uiii piatea, m ootora, ana
or, and DOotoaraph. oft,,
enaLling buildurs to abow :c .
noaesa. wits plana,
lateat daatarrt. and I
, Kaw Voitn. 31
".Din VI anted on Salary and Commltsion
By ('AM. Hamilton, his literary cxecuto-,
with the ct-ii ration of hiafami'y, snd fr
Mr. maine'a Compl-te Woik', ' Twi:ST
Vbaks or fosoRKHs," and bit later bonk,
'PnLiTICAb Dlsf.'UHriiojiH " One prospectna
Utr there 3 r.K-r seixino boks in the nar
set. A K P.I rdan ( Me..took 112 order
from tl rat 1 10 cal la; .Kent's profit 819S50.
VI, a B-Hsrd fO. tnt.k 15 orders. . esl
Russia, in t dat ; profit $2.25. R N Rice
of Maaa. took 27 order, in 2 da-..; profit
(47.25 J Patndjro of Me took 43 orders
from 36 oslkjl profit $75.25 K A Pa'mer
N. Dsk. tool 53 orders in 3di; p.-ofi
!J.25. Exclds'vb Tr.biT0By tivrn. I
j wish tomske LARGE MO' Y rit
nadiately for term t
1 1 llenrv Dill Pnb. Co. ,!,orwifili,Coii
A 3 1
Send for
Address, RKV. E 3 CO.VDIT,
Albany, Llragos
S5.00 to'5.u PEU DAY at noine
selliiiif l.ik-htninii Pla er and platintr iew
e!ry, watches, tsu'eware, etc. Every
house has gootls needing plating. .40 ex !
perlence; no c.plul; no talking. Sime i
agenis are ir.ak'ng $2C at'ay. Permanent!
.mtion. Address U K Delno & Co., Co-
n bus, Onio.
nnnrl SSII! IWII
J pilll.UUUlltllllllllMIIUIlilinauiincBB
1 iTW Jit... n nnif
Already At It.
The Oregouian says:
"Mr McMiHin repeals the sta'e fiction
that the senate sugar du'y carries less pro
tection for the trust than the McKlnley
law. This never once should be let pass
uncontradicted. Tbe juggle of the senate
duty covers nearly i cett more protection
for the trust tlun the present Hat duty of
H cent. This means an annual revenue ot
JtloGO.OOO or $7,000,000 on 32,000.000
pounds of sugar importeu
J An investigation of the above state
ment shows that the repubUcsn organs of
the country will continue their long-followed
course of misrepresentation in order
to deceive the public on the tariff question.
This statement of the Portland organ
should not on.) new be let to pass uncon
tradicted, but morally it should never have
been made at all It i3 so far from the
truth that a decent respect far its voracity
should have restrained the Oegoninn from
making it. Now the present hat duty of .
,4 n cent a psund is the protection given j
the trust by the republican party. The;
senate tariff bill which has just passed tho
house iivev a duty of s of a cent per
pound protection to the trust, and in ad-
I dition to that it is provided that there shall
' be an additional duly of one tenth of one
' cent' a pourd duty on U sugars above 16
uuicn stanuara laiponeu irom counines
that by law pay an export duty. Now all )
countries that export sugar ttnhiscoun'ry j
do notjpay an export dn'y. but. if t did, i
then the total protection givea the trust 1
. . . . , . . m 1
under tie law just passeo woum oe pius ,
one-lontli ot a cent wnicn tuais nine- ,
fortieths of a cest per pound, while the ;
McKinlev law gives twenty fort'e hs of a
cent per pounu wdicu is eitucn-iurttciu. u, 1
a cent ( er round more than the senate tariff
bill gives. Hence, th-; Oregonian's state
meot tba "the juggle of Ibe senate duty
covers nearly '4 cent more pro'eciion for
the tn'st than the present tltldutyof X
cent" Is wi bout the semblance of trn'b
and sbruld be contradicted by every one j
who loves lih' Mther than datkness. '
V"e are do" sure -bst 'heOrenonian nisde
! Itself understood ben it says; Ttis j
mr nn mr.Hl r,vniip nf S6 IKW Oil) r.r
1 1
$7,0C0.(K0 on U2.000000 pounds of mjrar
lmpor.eo u u rueans mat unqrr i
senate bid jus! passed the government will
rjceive $6,(100.000 o' 97.OCO.0O0 revenue ;
on 32.0CO.000 pounds of refined scgar re-!
1 . . 1
sul ieg from the lifferen ial duty a'one. it
i?dly wideoflbe mark. Tbe fact is j
ibat if we iuioort 32 000 000 of refined
ogar the coming tear, all from countries i
that nav un eiDo-t du'v he total amount
of revenue received therefrom by Ihe gov
ernmeut would be, so far a lhe dtfferen
tial duly h tncroed. 72001 The 40 '
per cent adva'oem du y would 1 about
A Sixteenth Amendment'
There is a h-w of opposition !! .k. .lec
tion cf Senators by populir t e since the
recent sctUn tf tbe House cf Repteseeta
tivea In a Jo,, irg bv ao ovetwhelmir ma
jority -Irf" bjll iou rrdt
t the States a 1
r-iecdtwrnt. The i
.opceition i rrc:icallt conr,neJ, however
to tLe Republican ifj N'jwbte.oo,i, j
apor.ior, of '.he dcuocrtik press of Xtw j
V., It an.l the K attain S". al r it there an
- a. a a " , . t . .V . , J W, JW m . . I . 1 , -
D.-n oc-atia: prott-f jg in the House ac- j , oms officia s of the treat J-y es a !,,T " 10
tioo. TheR-paMkoppodtioatotbe s-1 a.!ked lacreas. la cust-m. reeeip., Irj j T.t.-hswr v.-7 prop.-rly .e!oatl ta, .ree
menJa..r.i is oe ae iiaital io .ne nse. bs.1 ',,- , ,.i Puticalar. d4ri e ,: H'l Srstle .tetleea ... the N-tnJr,
U found it. the East .. welt a. .he West. ! M. Ltrgequaattnes U goods eo. ! W bid. prcsW.-J 'ha. tip.
sn.l in the Sou h a. -.11 a. the No th. , v V tt,. I ,,. , ooo be p?rop.l tied f ..- r-"cb-.r of
h.x-benstor U-ve, ol MstsachsjeHs is jpot1., wilt le wl hnrj.n s soon as posst
one of the tminmt Republicans who tare . after te bill btcomea a 'aw. to meet i
wouche.t a lnce against the smeidont. th demand-of 'be fali trad,. Hry gal. '
Tte MiatschuK tits Seoj.or is hardly a an noli -OS tf all ktvda will f3raa a large '
compe-.ear witness as h-- caanot b:eapcctei ! Xrm lhrie .j hfraes's The ilhl.a- .
to discredit the csecas sysrem which kept j al of 5 cenU per pound In d t tn cigtrs is J
fcm fo- 4 coniec:ve te'tns la He; sena'e ol cp-cted to e trade b' some esteot
the United Slates, when it was a mallet
of inquiry to msny prop'e why be t'toaei
ever have served one.
But while it is impossible o boj-e that
an ex Senator who has never had the pop
ular indorsement cf his Sta'e will lk
with favor upon a change proposing
be'.ter method than the one under which be
was cboAen, there is one part of the Hawes
argument which is worth, of serious con-
.ideration now. because we sha.l donbtlea.
bear a great deal more abcut it as Ibe dis-
cusaion over Ibe proposed amendment pro-
Tbe present si'uatio" at Wasiiiogton
Pace more wno worn j oppow a consmu-
tional amendment making Senators e' - ec -
tive bv the Sa'es in the attitude of deciar -
inlk,Ml,Aii.lA aa at r.reaet.1 aaaaatl .
rwtaal t. . beat. ik. e-r.V a wl mil
responsible to them. The opponents of
the amendment cannot ecape the logic of
their posi ijD. And such a postion and
asrrtin constitute a challenge which the
coun'ry will not he slow to accept. The testation of violence and mob spirit; de
sixteenth araancment will come. jclares McKinlev ism is the cause of tbe
... . , ... . I The Cti;osiA 1,-ejainc c jf
Dnaccial deprestiOD; favors arbitra'ion be- I .... .
I. . . I bill iui pard ,a:
I.MA ,fflnki,a in I am n n-mrm nnnntiM '
What Free Osal Means.
b'ntler tw bove c,,ilon ihe Or
pubil-besa lt.r.K tmi Pitt whh Wektey
Jfilsne. iaanae,rr nf ta Itsttf'i Iron com
rany. VV.I. ii si : "Th- ailop Ion of the
viisoi t .nfT bt I, n-inased "y the b.wer j
house "i . . n;r- --.'ii- ii" tb- tiemoraliiaticn
of ihe eat mining ndu.tiy cl ihe sti'e
Wa hltigtea " This is tbe same old cry
that fttes 'wa soasiekd in Has ers of tite
peop e lt tears b) t.'iose ptolccted tribute
sucker, thai lure i cen living off iie hard
earning! of he pecp'e for rar. Wha
weight stiould Wi o ia woid have lo tl.tb
mintug what congrei abojld do? js he
no' a teneficMtv if ih protictive lawt of the
conn- ry? Is he not so much interested that
in tqut y lc sl ould hav nothing to ssy t
bout li e mailer at ail ' Put all lid- aalde
ton.a'tc room fur a few facl. iha are w i a It
cimt to upet every thing Wbaon say in
behalf of a pr j'tc'lve iRtifT ) oral. If
Canadian can Ire sliippcd into this
countty sn 1 scid for le s h -n coal can be
pro Etvced he e, then ine coal mine owner
.hoold bve a protrClion tariff law.providrd
l U sriinittrtl th.l the jtto'ectlve theoty Is
riglii, which tbe iiter drnls. on all proper
occasions- Cotycriifel)', if coal can Ire ship
ped the L'nl eJ.S a es o Biltish Amer ca
and sold iu competition wiih the coal tf
that country, then our cotl mine ownn-
ned no ,tr t-c loi a-'iibis1 the competition
of rol " educed in the former country.
Now s lo thr fsc's on these points: For Hit.
twelve- months ending June 189$ there
w,r imporied into 'hi. country 1,148437
tout of cod while we i-spuned 3,616167
tjr.s, 1 436,870 Ions initio biu'nlnous coal,
ihe kind upen which we bVii a m.ty now
of 75 c:n.s per t..n. I' pht-ti! I he bo-n In
uiind ihat (J .n .tl. hue a 11 y on lort,ign
co.l of 67 cents per ton and me further
fact should be kept in mind Hist nf ihe'
3 619,167 ions of coal which we exp.ti'ed
Ian' vert' 2.816,275 tons were shipP' d Imo !
; tbe British North Amercjn Pussesslu-.s
: very country whose conije'i'on In
Pet Irid Mr Wi's.oti sc. 111. 'it feitr mu. ,
i Mr Wilson tilks at ihouh he ieal bt.
! Ileves no one is cic-ne l lo tills q te lua
: of a priteillve duly Oit C'! bat thj mine
own?rs and and hit employ ;a, t iut totally
gnotinj; th: in .ch larger ela-s of people
w con,uroe lne COli, p-,,.. ( (,
, , ,. , ,
ssrne old spirit of seifinn.-.s and gtme of
A dispatch from Pittsburg.Psnniylvinla,
sayst -The pasaage ol the Ui iff bill hss ul
resdy made itself felt here by a marked
revival of business. Stockt In all lines of
manufacture have bren reduced to a mini
mum, especially iron, rtoel and glas. To
day large orders weio received bv local
manufactures snd mote arc expected .''
Postmas'er Bonham, of Salem, has se
lected J A Seilwood as his nssUtant posl
master. Mr Uonham and the people of
Salem ur-j to be congratulated on securing
the services of so e'ean and competent a
man as Mr Seilwood.
The Shanghia correspondent of tut Lon.
don Times says 50,000 Japanese troops are
already In Cores, and otheis are constantly
landing. The Chines; fleet ia patsive.
The correspondent sdds: "The war fever
In Jspan Is Intense. The presi snd popular
orators are advocating themes for the
conquest of Msnchutia Tnere is a sttlct
censorship over the news. l-erytbirg
reported concerning ihe wir it ex rrmelv
partisan. '
The Cent it-1 News' SUunghai coirViod-
eutsays."A fleet of 8 vessels are reporttd to
have passad Chee Foo August 14 I wi d
wss w,rJ "
Burinrss men in Bdtlmore expreis salts
faction over the liinsl settlement of tbetsriff
bill. Coniervatire demrcraU, lie Mi)
Latrcbe, City B agister John T R bb, City
Louecto' Hopkins, J LrswIorJ li sck, one
ol ,he iB t lb ppen , the Sou h Mr
,lirry xunl;,, C1e f ,he leading coal men,
jolm N .itu, and Mr Himbieton, the
bariker y u,,, ,he. a-e t,x,(ie 1 .j,!, the
bI as hp beM ,h,t hjve hetn fr,mcd
MnC ,; lrurg4 conl.'ere
snd com-
mcnti Senator Got mm lor
his work, "lor
lhe ;0,ere,t & ln, countri in Senerl.
,nd ,,,e ref ni Mar.atld )8 mnieoUti'
Chtltm.n Willilro F ILrPv.-l ih; irm
ocratic natiunri committee, was asked
vles a to the pa-ss(e o' the lsrifl bill
'Under all cir euros ancc I rrgarJ ike
action aken br the hoieot r-pr.-scntstUes
as wise anJ patriotic, a I do not
thar in ti e beJelth.t he senaie auuld
have ttfuvCi or o'hetwi e Uiud io p a
'stiff bill.
What tt.e BM y rrrjs, ts,e:-
Ul'v af er a protiactt d t um Vi r s.ion
t!ei res
is .o hivehe t ttr q i?. tin ; tlrd. Its
"inumi mn ixmiu hmi ruj
impiovrraeui io MsSrl I do not look
lor bttslnrst b oir. but 1 do espect s gen- i
era! i-nproveoaent in hurinesa ecu tdijos. j
... ... . I
yoite nimri.11,,1 taped ibe Hctno-rsl.; pjr- :
iy will be helpid by lhe actios taen What- t
"ex heL- tl e country. ..most ol necrssitt
teaefits ih iar y in power. You can pet !
me dow? a' vrrv well satisfied with the :
. I outco-ne, even ihougb the tariff bii s '
passed ai.d i a'mcnt certain to bexme s )
". a,ia I that cotdd be dewed fom
deaocrstc sttndpojnt.
. . - . ..,..
ID 't.w in nc-ipls frcm incml levctue
s MM ithla the on: ten j. .. in cae
the ptrsidont allows the tariff hill to becoasa
a law. At Pekin (II, recetp: yes erday
retched ii .... and rv the district of
Mary tana amounted to $tio,oo.
a.nouotsoi whiskey ai.d split s at
gre'. diatillery centers have bten rrg..ase.. .
again. I; wtl! I an-umed th l prscti.aliy all
0 It will be dtawa II posalbie bef rr the
tsiil becomes a lw. Dariij the atst ten
days the interna! rercnoe receipts are ea.
- i . . -m v. e, . . .1 .
1 1 ihat dhecion
Tbe platform adop cd by the democrats
" of Indiana, affirm opoosi ion Io the vl -
k I ciou. system of class legUlat'-oo called pre-
tec-ion; approvea tbe effort, of President
Cleveland and Senators Yonrbee and l or.
' ,0 , lDt pledges of tbe last dem-
CODTeo,io.: m. tb-
U, republican party .d ,be . I
-coterie ' of aenatom who are mas.iurrad
. lag M rJeavtcrals, who. by threaU to defeat
1. . .... -.1
all tariff letrijion. have tcmporariiv pre-
, TeBte lhe drmocral c prty from earning
j 0Qt ,u pledges: indotse Ihe income lax
. ,w. the tasatioa of greenback
. and th. rt elae'mn law. la in farce
I - .1 m .
1 .a .. , .. ... .a , . .
the A P A nnwiae. unnerfriolir under.10-
Icratic and un-American; dec! ires la favor
I . ,.
01 every lawiui euon to secure lor toilers
a better condition; denoanoe every man.-
-r tTT ,77 .
jsomptaary laws; re affirms the bell that
is a
t""r wsuiisiv, ntA w u uioett -I't.
huh.' 111,111 1-'ti wiiDoui cnarire lor
mintage; hails with delight the ign of gonlan entirely ahm.le? l-f ra ion
the resiora'itn of the bitue'allic system; ) al pers t . know tba-e,ry chcf:u'e in the
in lorse the admini.tration of fievt land,
nl especially bis codrs,; ia maintaining law
and order.
. ,. . 7T".
a uispaicn irom At ania weorgt.i sats: i
"A coffin stood in the doorway of a bag
gage car of the At art j k West Point tru'n
yester-ay. It was filled with eorncolts.
and seut by the democrat of Denton. Alu.
o Senator Hoar, who helped to raise Ihe
t-i000 subscription of Ihe Home Market
Club, of Boston, to defeat Ctmgrecsnian
Oates. of Alabami, in Ibe rrcent race for
the governorship. The cob inside repre
sented the toll i' tl remains of Heu'-en
K..I.. who ran against Oate. 1 'e collin 1
wa- brought in jurt at a tun ? when te
station is most crowded. There was a
large crowd lo greet it. It wis has'laa
upon a pair f trucLs and rolled to the sea
board train which s'ood vaitin for it
The crowd followed It. and stw this In
scription :
"0 F Uoar. Wbintrton, O. C : I'aid
Home Market Club t5000. He ein bury
your hopes of splitting the solid South.
Compliments of Uen'on, Aia., deinocrnls.
Pallbearers: W H Scraggs, AT Good
win, 3 W PitU, P G Lowman, S V Mc
Eiwatn, S T Troy, S M Adim. .1 C Fen
ville. Attes'.''
On one side of the coffin, in I irjc whi'e
letters, was has'ily hat plainly painted,
"Uy the Home Market Club. 5C00. " On
theoppoahe side was the oHicisI ballot of
the Jeffersonlan democracy, headed by the
name of Reuben Ko!b, for governor, and
followed by a complete list of the cand
l"fes. On tbe sioie side were the words:
Further fat-ors solicife'l for campaign
purposes" Tbe influx of ihe Hour fund
Jin 0 A lab una was a great stimulus o ibe
I deinocrnts, and because gooJ politic tl csp-
ital for she defeat of tbe man whoso effigy
was seut in tbe form of corncob to Mr
11 'in Tbe coffin whs six feet long. Up
on the lid wa' a single coh bereft of all
corn, arc imd which was lied a piece ofl
crape. Within, tbe sobs rattled about
like bones. Tho coffin will be delivered
prepaid to tbe Massachusetts senator.
Washington Letter.
From cur regular CorresKnil.iii.
Wasiiinoton, Aug. l.'l,1894.
When Senator Faulkner, in response to
a characteristic slur of "little Billy" Chan
der's about the tariff bill being at the
White House ssid: ' I will say to tho
Senator from New Hampshire that al
though the tariff It'll is not at the White
House now, it will be there very soon to
receive the signature of the President,"
there wai a deafening round of appliuse
from the crowded galleries of the Senate
which showed in a manner not to be mis-
. , , m ii . ,1
uarn tue treii. 01 puu , senumem. ami ,
which should not have been lost on cer -1 gullup down a smelt at one swoop and j have slept enoupb. It them get an elec
tain denocratic Senators whose actions 1 3 big cormorants lawyer birds I call j trie move on and place regon beside Cal
have brought the tariff bill to the most -lemT7tbpy n'"'' '- wlmon every j ifornia in tl,e market advantages.
. , ,. , 1 time they open their mouth,
critica s'aee of its existence. It is now. ' i .1. . j 1 ..J u
acconling to the ideas cf some of the best i
demoera'K in I onttre-jn no omrer a tines-
uciuucr.1 in t-onjiro, nu iuhjjv, u.i
, : r .l 1 , r ,.;, 1 01 ... , . ' ,h .
but wbhcr we shall get any tariff hill at
1 will not rereat the scandalous charges
a, j. j 1. 1 ,
v, unu wiu mam; uj muivi. .
democra' s in connection with the la! ure
of the conferees to reah an airreeuient.
but if the at'r mots to defeat all tariff leg- ' . W iM Mg immensely. I swim
. , . : ; .7 1 durk fasnioj entirely. 1 oti hold your head
is.atton, now being either directly made bjr ; ,ike , ,urt,e aBll je.d vonr ,wt np
democrats or indirectly assls ed by them, hind at th knees, and paddle with your
shall tucceed heie charges will h? sbout- bands, so your neck and feet stick out of
ed from the h,.. tops in every sec' ion of ' ,wa,f ou ride '"I?
. , ,.. . , ., tbat come. Iletveen Newport and the
the country uott: they become so fawiUar Monterey hotel yon can alwavs see some-tt-ut
cctta'a men will fiu 1 it d fiicu't to , thing new. It never tires,
.knr ikiuin. i h., un.i. "While we were at Seal Rocks in comes
. , - "'!,..., , . r. !!,,., gl
countty spot without bsing pointed out a
traasitor. to their ar y. It is impossible
for the present criis to continue muth
ri, . r,T hi I i 1 .ttu.r mu
longer. 1 he tariff bl ..! either oe pass
ed or permanently h-ing up this week
Had the sction taken during 'lie pasl ,
ka i .. i ; r r.f Mini, i I and '
Viriia in l.rkin., an ti,. r.rn .J ,i ,
. .
Cciejite tramt, m he.r re.ictivc state,,
been usm kf Ho MtKinley ?at March
'he for nillfM would never have Nn
stared. The llou,e ceis'-ely putitte'f
on record as fsTcrinir the appro-tat ion o(
SSie.OOOtOA'dibe evposii at AtUnta
' lia.. ard it i- now certaio Ibat the apprc-
nriiK.n thrjuvh all rirht It
1. .1-
rte i-'UiKJIiri, , yj
find ueprentatie l'eoce. ol Clo . aed
Kverett, ot Ma-s . aroonc 'he mos-e.r.tetl
dvocau . .f ihe appropriation.
. rv .
In so.IiIko to term a common nuisance.
eaa'or t Immlier, .. ew llaoipsbite. win
ge: biui. If ide y known at a fool if be
i . . i.i -i '
m-e a .- n.o-e reiUt.... ...e ...e
one propping Ibr Hie S-nate commu'ee 1
on r.'ec io a-xl rnvliegrs saoultl invesli
gat 'be recent A'aUanii Slate election, so
a. to iseer ain wbe:ner it was lull. ire.
fair aad hr,net. snJ whet he' it resulted
'a the cbricj of a legislature entitled to
' elect a U S Seo'lc. It is general! ai-
mllled , 'be new A'abasia law. under
ah tit ihe Sts'e ete-tion was h -Id. makes
ftaud very d flio'.lt, if not abso ule'y im-
poasille. a-dt tt there is no rronger
aaawaaa fnr llr.v of "fraud' ratted bv the
ES ' !: ! ,.! WZ ,Z
" " " " " " " '
esstero republicans who coo'ribu e.1 their
I money o the c.tniptun fi-. 1 Hut even
laPowiog Ibat tbe t bit heea as fall
of fraad as C taadter is of "gab." there
woo d s ill Im si a j'hjnty 'or an icvesti-
I gatica by a coir mittee of the D S Seoatot
I It was a s ate e t-oa aad b?!; hit 1
I no more to d wih it t' a with an election
for tee r irt of tVltameat ia any part of
hit i known at thr Mthct-'e hM.owned by
et-er; M. I V, tt i a e lor a
new Gortrr nt n P:tttin O See 1h:rc
are two .d ml aaro tet letkisi f jr tht
actiMcf ibe lloo-e 'br M.horte "ot It
inufEc:eo! for a ne ant NM jl:e asked
Is ticesaivr.
PuttU: priater ff.t-dic'. 1- cut ta another
a?pesi to con,ies tmistlng that K-inethlng
tie djne toaardt tewn eg tb dsnge. wht:h
tutrwni ih runrni'otn cl im d;is-
u,rjon3 ,,!e je oi the oov.r.
: araX r,i""" 0t btl"t: "W""-
j He rew.!d,Corr,, itt ,ve. if .he .c.s.
I ,etc n'"tl'" ' 1
tne ne a
f o weie se-.iel at : . .?ton
( whxh l"1 ,Ue,y lo b?
i' wield ., quire
to-r or five ,e. o b.ibj . new o.Tice.while
-ereli-l. He that mis mar te
ktn t niii.hi.lfii t . ann an.l erertietf a
- -.- r a -
buildiug a'otgvide I the preheat oft e
will meet the ro untd t.t- tnte
luildins; i el up. wbi-b m :t be
the neat fa'ure.
! TbSena'o-a-e cad nut i. t-t-irtete
! trCStT. W hxh has I tl lief Jt the ScBS'e tO
Ion;, hi st !! tvaett .1 ,DOe I of. T ter e
h b-en OOU,J
at act time eil
,ht f,"! "al' "U f
S ill it 1.
' w
LB, .
bfae'len to th.- dmrra't:'nl-
a' ion
! '"d ,h' s' h" i: ' ,fi: '
I Nl 1 i"1'" ' '
' , ' ,nil
1 mo .eftr. ., opo j ever p. sarii 11..
j - -
i .. . - i ,
j McKiniv;. "arifT laa teem, wuh the er.dence
of the influenc : of uurt. an l cjotbin. s.
, The prnredure of the forma, nn of
lhe M -vt lev in fl
.- at a .vatn
on.. 1 i trast nn I -oml'liifs i re r
in to ny whs' its,., wasted and
if lhm. T e w Is manot .
and n.en 11 ad tip tl
dale, ihr sajar ru!- tt
and so on.
In the formatio 1 ol f b 1
pejaed He
malle.t hand ol ti e tvgef
true' arc cleat Ir -eet., s
one dem . :it in I km wll
of Cangr., bat t I all! r
, i nn urc aid coal
rd a tn tin te not
! end"ie the -ctlon
giee that i: was
much bjtter lo ttke the lanrl ia es on ugr,
coil an I iron ore With ill the loiter features
of tne bill t'ta-i ft retalr. thi McKinley
tariffla which i the sraernatles. presen'
ed to lli.-rr. 11be M Kinlry Uw is a
trust lawt 1 a o; t
tons n w il e he new
law hts b it thr
f ittf fea tirer.
Nolle: hat being vC" thai Iha rrvUbn
of the trea'l" Japin an.t t'.- for
eign p.metA will I e tikta in hand f.. 1. wl'b.
An eaentlil Ifiitute of Ihe reviAion w l b
tbat forelgntts will not hsve the rii.' rd
trial in their own consitlsr courls. For
rlgn?rs are ttreiily cuncetnc.l, htlng B''ti' g
ly of lhe opinion that the time has i.ot si
tived alien their Intetests can be left to .he
Japsnate government.
A dispatch from Woonsocket Kbode
Island sat :
Cot'on nd woolen niiinnf.ictiirers here
express satisfaction with the settlement 01
the tariff, on the theory thatarything i
better than uncertainly. Bo'lt cotton and
woolen men expect tiiey will have n miirke.l
increase of orders for gootls soon a. result
of thesettletnent. One of tbe superintend
ants of tbe largest plant bef does not ex
pect a reduction in wages, however.
At the city elec ion he!d st Portsmouth,
New lUn.ptliire, last weekChsrlrs P 1 rry
wa elrctetl mayor by 630 majority, snd ihe
enilie democrst'e 'icket wa e'ecttd.
Or. Price's cream baking; Powder
World's Pal 1' Highest Medal and Dlolota -
The Sulem Lawyer heuU
Nye In Story Telling.
Bill '
The Salem Juiirnal given ILe following
very livo interview with Hon Til Ford
about his recent trip to Yattuinit Hay:
"Thvre were two thousand visitors at
Newport hist Sunday by actual count," said
he. "It is the greatest natural senside
summer resort in the world. There is bay
tixhing, deep sea fishing, oyters, clams and
oralis. I went out twice over the bar to get
sick but could not get what 1 war. ted.
"Tho sardines or smelt come into the
buy and by merely punching holes in the .
bottom or u tin pail you can dip
,111 1,1,11 , i,n m mil uii Hi
qnanlity off the wharf. The sea-gulls
and ran all ovsr Kugene Hn-vuian'i camp !
" went uown anu rooa a nam. v niie mjy .
, . ., . ,. 1
an Km ti.eir gun iim ttxr swain a mne ur
j lands r0pe WVe to be put Bp to kwp the
crowd back so they can operate the cargo.
; Uo UP to1K,k 8T if, J'0" wal trut-
'"''' went up Saturday am! got .5 o.- 100
hv niwlit liM Vii no iifiiu mitii.r
r leeway, but I hail to tu.h tim to
dm k fashion.
.,.:, r. , ' .- . . ' ,,, ".rll!Ford saw wonderful thin.s ther-. Till
l:a wouj ipont like a member of the
legislature over bis pet measure, his tail
would fly up in th? air and down lie goes
jo,t ,ita ,ur of tbe ,ower 1)ou fter
,he (U,: throaiih with him.
S'ewnort neonle an- the lvt natured and :
most obliirinir in the wor.d to accomrno- !
e U vuitors. They will leave their
worktiar and huntfcip -:iuc.nlfr you. It
murt cllma,jW tUm that way.
You can go right np in the inountains arid
voti can kill lar and de-r any time.
Krcrv Saturtlav mgnt they have a big;
dante a baling fine darKe. The dancers
are so thiek ven can't move with vcur airl '
eicept to hold cno right tight and rteer ;
along with her edgeways. Nobody ever ,
ijgww s nsryjw
kIWjr accident.
Sam Cae has livel
ttert fir
I for over a bumlml yers. so the In- i Comply .U-ol in -s
K,y. and is a younger man t-tday than j jjj
tyyeari ago . 4 (Jos.l. - theai
iweni jeari ago w
J.' w'.1 " 2 f" ? "
n-tire. It t the l-t iMa.e to go to heaven
fnm becauw vou are the slowest ifettmg
there, yet it it is the neare-d like it of any- j
thing I can imagine on earth If lV re-,
son Ia lhe ever elVn l.-sl to r-at.-rrt ,
( Ta a rf i-s-s- .j :
1 J, . sWfWrt .ill have a bundre.1 tboua .
and euilor. every summer, where tb-?y have
thousands now.
What Tttn East Walkcr Saw.
Ttte l'ortlajl Teiesrram wives a kwaW ac-
count of the recent 300 mile walk of J Dior-1
born Roes, secretarr ol the Title IjuJXAj-tye
aod Trust Co, and Waliaco McCamant.
, f .U...U a-a -.L- Im tUm. ll ....
' PIi. "yy???,!
mg nine, tn ten aiaUBK a. ntfu
as 6 mtiea m a day. gticg from Beknap
to nmtty mostly oy torcotignt. oeiw
we .re the account of tho trip rr-.m Alua -
ny to the Metoies: a
The following day the Iramper walked
to Mehama. nine mi distant, an ..thence
there to Lebanon
luting 1-eb.r.on on foot. Ibe . pase.l
through Waterloo, stopping to view aod
drink from tbe Sne wU pnag tbere-
. . . i , , . , i , , . , )
WilUmetU, Valley wagvn rovl mca, ol the
.ur, uw t.:
war up tile antiam to Sweet Home, aad
. ' .... , i, u -rv.. .
a-nt a nibt at canyon crtek ranch. Inist
' the abode of the !cKinrB. a noted ;
homing familv. A 12 year-aid boy ia the
IJ- It ... .)..t ,t ,k, ..r,
ellomaat ll. m..t ti. arwl
. -. ...
uurtttlt sms nrti taw .-r-a- uvn,i -a-a i
pie article of food.
Frcm bete they went ! I pper Soda, and
thence to 'he Mountain Houe. about 14
mile frvm McKinnon'i-. where ther peat
he .tearing tbe next morning far
Kih Lake
1 aMa -aa.a.aa .a
iter ciimwn the long aceitt a "sown as
SeVen-.Mile hill and after a hard walk
;0f 16 ,
mite, readied Fish lake. The lake i
remarkaT,lo for ii cmplete disappearance
short space of titne dering the -amme'
, ,
jvavt nn iae c-ne morning wnen u was
, , eWal eve -
nitu haa f it drauwl enurWandt
' tJSLg'L?. a fa'thal
or three liar atfre-tuent tiIS)
within two or three dar. al frequent times.
j the lake has been entirely drained tf water
I After a f-?w hours' rest thev prrytedetl lo
tiaa lake tia iam enrtrele tlmiml rl water
.. .. . " . , . -
fUlear lak". a vert w mliTt U MFJ ot wjter.
In i 't water is clear as rryotai. ami
! is now where there was formerly
the lake
, ,,,ul
valley covered with a thick forest.
- outlet to this valley lias evitlentlr
outlet to this valley ha eyulenUy l-een
dammed by molten lava flowing- around it,
' " w K .t,aA.a..r..
! wnico UK tortnea. 1 nroutm tne
! . 1 . a. 1 1- nt 11 lur ,na, iwwt
hyu tbe srr.-at
I ...II . a . L .... ,
tu:i AinnuiRK at i. iKjniom. nuu j, uw
! rows in a boat over the lake he is tempted
t ; to put oot ni oar loci tourn tne toiet w me
!.trp' tree?, a-nicii to the eye appear ci-
b;e. It is not pw.ible, however, as the
- The water cf tbe lake are cold as ice and
....... ...... - .va. - ...a . a-v .
: wed stocked with Jarit' trotu
Ibe folbtwinrf mr-rowf thev ft tried bv ponnds - at :S.
I It. U .!. l... I.: lm.L U.ll lunlL a . a
lb.. U .,'aaa , I ..,.:,.. a . I... AM. U.ll Vnnwnl
a .-vtn-i m.viniJin. triti t iear iaae to iik
lake. This bronsht tuein to the summit of
the Front llig 'ake a ruaguih -
rent view was bud of j nurniaT id nttw-
1 t-Unl mountain peaks, inc udma Three
i Kinaered Ja:k. an imping mountain
. lahlu IS- ., . ..... f. ... tka. . i ir . .. nf its
t JTjL i 1 1 III Mi thr-e tinc.-n' Mo;int
j JeftVnon was ,tm.'g the others.
To athl to the tli'iruft of th.- isteaia for
the 1' S senate, we gite tlie following
which Ihe Hopl have to pay for: In a sin
' Site year over forty cases o Apvl in.tris is
i .irank after it is mix-d with the j.tice of
I iliirty-five boxes of lemons and sweetened
; ith l'AO pounds of granulatetl mptr. To
ifet tni oien they were fnniithetl twelve
ilny -n ix.rk nws. 1 Hey eontiimoil i (tv.i
Ions of the linest ttvlogne, 18 gallons of I av
nun. H gallons of alcohol, three dtwn liot
ties ot p -tid lily wash, two bn'tles of bril
liahtiiie. four o'ltices of bergao.ot oil. one
ountv of oil of rose, three toltles of yucca
balsa", three ttottle of herbaniuru, ten
pt.inds of vaseline ami costly toilet soaps
by the gross, and yet with all that J6t
funierv the senate is a stench in the nos
trils of honest men. They also used t'
gallons of castor ofl, 4400 quinine pills. 24
Ooxen of the best palm leaf fans. 52 MM
iMX-ket Imnks. roitl 17 dozen nocket knives.
I thcte are only a few of the items selected
out of it long list of extravagances ol the
sena'e the people are called upon fo piy fur.
Mr Julius Gradwohl hao begttn moving
his store into the old pOsaitBfcee rtwm, re
eently lilted up for his use. where he
be located in a few days.
tt 1 Mtar
ftaiUer Bros, grocer..
H.-w oreatn oheeae juat ieotvoel at ' en rid
P J Smiley job printer, liiea Block, dots
'. at cla work.
Siaoha tliecalabrateil Havana tilled 5 oont
eigai at Julius Jtwepb'r,
Or M H K in. physioivn ami .urAteon
Albtry, ).. 1.1. lT.ll na 1 1 I 1 nit, 'or
ooantr) .
I ronixj homo tn.lastry by smoking tb
. ell brat mi white labor eigar, manafantored
by lo'iu Jo eph.
To 11. tlte thi hslr irr.i a n ttur ti c.l r
prevent baldiirss,and keep the sea p healhty
Hall's llslr Beuewer was invented, and
ha proved Itself successful.
Mood'i Pills are purely vegetab, and
rlo not purge pain or gripe. Sold bv all
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Ooldeiit
Common every day.
elVHtfiLSY .
A writer declare that Pullman is a lineal
' 1 ll OA, '11 w.f . if l.i.) 1 1
1 l.e New York World publishes a page
wide picture of the feet and ankles of
prominent U S senators. About the home
liest ones are those of Oregon's icycle Sena
tor J N Holph.
The editors, bummers and Indians will
make the state fair a bowling success this
year. Journal Not much inducement for
tho editors to shoat outside of 8ilem.
The price of wheat Ibuttfd be r.s much in
PortMM as in fcan Francisco
Portland 1
dealers need to 01m their eyes They
, "PWX county
alaries the Rose-
, .-. t . , , ,1
w In. 1 h u fewer neoide and ess taxaole
BRKMrtf than
. ' ,r I
-. i 1
salariui of the officials are still higher -and I
Lie' e-juniy m 01 uiggvr
Having obtained a practical monopoly of
li. ' I i,l...l
of iieiron assMualfT. the alitor of the Ore-
gonia-i wanu to run the rresident of the
United States. A big man at home it is
probable Cleveland never heard of Harvey
The Salem Independent evidently
w :
" W' m'f
an eveon the Til ford article rei-oblished by
the Dkmocbat yester.lay .says: Till Ford
has tsen to Newport. Till lord has re-
lurneu. nil ford says
Newport is tte
greatest seaside resort on
the coast. Till
; r orl tHiiht the jple how to swim lliere.
p"" 1 " For!.
; Voo an, invited to attend the men's
metiog tomorrow at 4 p m at the V M
A rooms. Kev Kdward Kc:ion. f the
San Francisco Thaolojfica I seniiiur'.
ireent and speak Thr subject will be
- I c . i :
j ue 1 rwii(ii .Tun. nirwaieu in a omr- ( tiavs, as ituptinani itusineiw w.aiia coin
what different line of thought than usual. his return to Washington,
a genuine gospel aeruke. Mr Fecleston i : .
a lirilliant noeaker. and vou will be rwnsid i nawsiag
for coming
tl .l- a. i . . , t a
Kran-i a iad'y waibeitig esar. Toed w bm
tbe f0owi01f imtlukterial testimony oc-
mmwmm j.
What do tlte Itlat-k Hiamood Coal
a-b-' DeJmas satiric-
O!.' was the answer witliool a staile
VVhere d j they get itV"
Erotn VVashingtoo.'
' Washington i erritorj f
VTa diiogtun State."
A l
A Pnetl.e.l .i.l ,n.,ll' met ber
' - -
v.i a imsiiuir hJ,r! iu uiv win wuw
Tl " . ,. i!!," . 'j
eawf ' . . V" -
..( summer's engagemeat -Ea.
Santo murdered Piesident Carnot, of
i hut, ud juueii.u. was triett, coo -
I , a . . a m m - t - . r a
icuro. an'i na-ireu on atu tain, lust 01 ;
davs alter, that ia Erenrh style. In
the I'nited States w'nen the r.reaulent
was murdered it eras fire or six times aa
long before the murderer wa. puniabed.
' . ... .....
A Wlljtal wtltt SIX kittens
covered ha -he park at Sprwgoe daring .
s Monday tcbool f icnic, by several small
JOT- sh,, bad gone distance from the
hxajy ct pica lexers The old cat
, llOTd figbt.w hereupon one ol the toys.
f agvd IS, 'pai)d'" a revolver and killed
u.eanuial. This is not exacUv' mnscu-
Ur CrUtUnitv. bot quite as sense
.LL L1:
ean ia
It saav. -The nroajeml .ilea-
: ,tZil : -- t. Z
. uw . iuiiiiviiue a i ui ri .tic cvu"tit.
imnrovina all ver the country.
" , ...Tu. rrnrb. ST 1
,.. , ,,.,. Mim., , .vrl
r, - . -.
ts ago.
.' : : , " ' "
r inanctai panics, wnerebr t be purse
. . .,7. 1 if w
I"" t f
r .. 1 1 . j i : . . i -a .
' r..'.T'. . . ,,. ",' .".
at money ..;l be. tan
anl n" ' the next lew
OlOBtbS. O-eH. ha. line rrODSl
scd these
wiui the t. e
,ta tl liomeseekers a onW
i give us a rair.1 -i prosperity .
It aeemt almost incredible that within
the t fetime of a middle aged man. tlte
! Csar of Rot
the I n-td
H. . . . I
Rnia t ISS1 two le-:dents of
Stales i lSS5 and IhS2t :
.u ...w .
Prior cmtl cgro ; the
rrsaweM ttie he, euiic ot ranee
! ''W. two or or more j.iiswa wa inr.ey
Hi' and IR7M; lb- rniers ot Kgrpt,
. " i T:,; "
"- '-"- -,."e n
1 a't ropr. ,ve been made upn the hie
N Vh ll-SP
' UK?. h? Fror of
, Ita'v 1S7!. Ktnaol : paint l7.' : Qoeen
v ' e ' " - - 'r ur-i.
I a. a . ., ,. I ... I. . . . . 1 .
higb official of roan'rtes in F.nrope.
icclod nc Bismarpk, Lortl Lytton. I'rtspt
' lsvl 1
The editor ol the Hepner Gazette was
peronaUvacmiainted willi John Hansen
j CrmjK wno ,ecenilv did in the east, with
,ne recor.l ol lis tne heaviest man in
the world, and says the follow ing state
1 made br Mr Craig is correct : "I
weiah W7 ponnds, and am now 36
wears old.
Al Urlh I weiebed 11 ponnds.
; at 1 1 niont : I weighed 77 poumi
!-. and
l time I
Vesr vY. rounds. AS that
. took $1000 premium at Barnum'a
: (ga ln IIHK LilT 1 tl JCVa
Al 5
resr I weighed 31-2 ponnds : at 20, 551
' nounds: at ?2.
. .... la at OV -O.I
Si nounds. wi'h the!
1 a -A , . .. J.
leet S indies
iintli. measure S leet 4
inches around Ibe hips, IS it ch- around
al a t I an - ra mam a ST el. aa lb V
1 t,e antles. 49 inches around the thiah
next to ine tody, and require 41 yards
for a suit of clothes and 3 pounds of yan
lor a pair of stockings."
Iim" Sa em JtHirntl has a new use
some of itegon's ofliciais. It !iy: Our
governtvf and reilroad cemmtsston ure not
takintr anr hand in securing an extension1
of the . trti-on IVific. That is what they i
tATt.' ivrr, tt ptiu tite nitiiiv inten-ai.
The it jarl UwsU as follows: Kugeue is
the best city in .'he stale. anl ba twen less
affect! by the tin., depretoion than
any other phue in t regtn.
H take- a rid, man to draw a check, a
Srv'.ly girl to dr..w attention, a horso to
raw a csii r, a v-or.nis plaster to draw the
skin, a lofel lo draw a cork, a free lunch
to draw a crowd, and an advertisement in
a 9wpaper to draw tho trade.
Mr I.ewi. nradfonl, a lineal descendAnt
of the old Hrn.tford family of the old .Mav
Hower outsit, who now lives in Salem, will
exhibit at the state fair a lot of relics which
came out in th Mayflower lo this country
One of Mr Bradford's ancestors was the first
governor of Massachusetts, lhe relics are
said to be well preserved. A part of these
same relics was exhibited at toe New Orle
iins exposition several vears arm. nnd at.
j traeted a good deal of i-ttention. This will
j las one of the most attractive features of the
tair. Independent.
Iliu-dly any one believes in Prof Kalb's
prtHlictions; yet nearly everylxvly is talk
ing nbout them, and inauv are being in
tluenceu ic a MMn bv them The ide.i
of a tulal wave GO feet high sweepintr
across tho Pacific iscf itnlfa staggerer j the
itiea ot .New 1 org city lie:ng submergvtt by
a submarine upbeat .1! is more startling yet,
and however ridiculous the statement, one
pauses. The conjunction of two planets
may have an influence on theoarth and sort
of sluike the htlnnte; but there is little
likelihood of anything very serious. At the
same time many will feel like being on the
safe side, and it may be predicted visitors
at the Hay will watch the wave a little
more closely People owning property at
Nye Creek need not be concerned. Tbe
bank is at lea4t ninety feet high, probably
one hundred. A sixty foot wave of course
would dash up against tbe bank and send
its foam clear over into the lira. Along
Nye Creek itself it would undoubtedly
tear things and Mr liltan, S 0 Irvine, Prof
Condon and several others would only have
tbeir lots left, while in Newport First street
would be cleaned out, and tho government
would have to make another appropriation
for repairing the jetties. But will the
wave come.
rswwlag Hour;
Losimis, Aug. 17. A Shanghai dis
patch says the Japanese government haa
authorized a loan of tTiO.OOO.OOO. The
Japanese government haa promised Brit- i
iah Admiral Fremantle to give 48 houra' i
notice in case the Japaneae fleet bom
lianla Wei-Ifai-Wei or Chee Foo west
ward bound, August 14, where the Chi
nese fleet, which was fleeing from the
Japanese cruisers. The fleet went to
Itii Kuug Tao, where it haa be n left
undisturbed by the Japanese.
rasasallted SsileMe.
Casvo.vvii.le, Or., Aug. 17. D. D.
1-evcns, the Douglas coantr ex-sheriff.
snoi iiimseii ttirough the head aih - a
this morning and died a few nn'm-.tes
afterward at his mother's residence.
This act removes one of the best-known
business men in this country, as well as
a man very popular socially with all who
knew hhn. Mr tavens was elected sher
r, . . imi
' ,. .( ,. K.,, ,.! . 1 -
iff on the republican ticket at the last
"J-l n-ci biidh iiuic,
im ne reaignett lug orhce in !a'or of
his deputy, owing to sickness
Mt mr a Uuik
Whatcom, Aug. 17. A Spees, a hotel- ;
keeper at Iteming, this connty, had a
mm escape from death yesterdav I
afternoon at the bands of Daniel Adams,
a young farmer, who was examined for
insanity last June, bat was discharged, j
Spees was sitting on his porch when
Adams passed and turning suddenly. !
nrei nve snots m raput succession, one
of which struck Speea in the arm. An-
iOi wmcn stnxic .-wu in the arm. An-
j other passed through his left liand and ! through hU necktie. None of ;
, the wounds are eriou.
Vswatassa as
BnmJUm'M Rax, Aug. 17. President
Cleveland arrivol at iray Gables today
anl was affectionately greeted by Mrs
Clevebxnd and the children. He appear- j
ed to be in gtxid health an1 delighted to j
see his family. Mrs Cleveland said she '
had talked to the preside at very little
and could not say what his plans were, i
II..,. ...I I ...... :.. 1 ...!.. - I I
j r . - -. . I
asM-WTox, Aug. 16. After IMph ;
had given notice of an amendment tliat
I he should offer to the (muiiwir l.ill t.
' f1 McKinkT dntie c wool, the
j vice-president laid before the senate the
unnnisnea wifiness. me noose Dill to
I? ??r' renned, on the tret
.. . .
' r . Pouiit motion was mat M
Harris to refer to the couiniiUee on fi-
j nance. Aldncb gave notice of an amend
ment that he would offer to tbe bill to
repeal the tariff bill now in the hands of
the president. Manderon gave notice
i of an amendment to continue in force tin
I til 18tV tbe bonntv provision of tbe Mc-
t . . .- 1 T - . ,
"'"'V -.7.: . I'"aJ "V.P??" rar"
lenttl. linntit a ir,m ..I ii.-idte
; mm , i . .
I th the committee on finance, and i
tbf motion was carried 32 to 18. In
,u,ion the other three bills were also j
i the senate adjooraed
, 1 Trui ran
1a luas. Tex.. Aug. 1.
-At II o'clock
this mominsr the t'teve'and demneeaex-
j headed by George Clark, jumped into j
j the saddle in Texas and rode over the!
free-silver 16-to-l ratio plank bv a vote 1
' J itl A 1 X ft . Z l I
I " 7''-. "" wWmjmmmij awameawawei ,
1wf ofL Had the j
"j"s rvpo n i or tree stiver at 10 to i
n adopted, there is a protbiUtT the!
I suaignt uevemia men would oave bolt-
! f1 and it is said mar.v
l'Ter men vod against their con -
victions in the interest of harmony.
eiM. i. aaaaa.
.-Adncea date.1
i Samoa. Aoirnw 10. sat vs several thousand
I rmednaUTe cc-ntinue in encampment
wiUiin nne-ahot of too foreign forces.;
Nosenotis ennT.ji a,, r.; i,af liken r4ace
; ana
. , , .
. Kraggiers nave oeen XIH-
i - eeno criyty is impending, as tbe f
, hrtr
uuje ta.- iwu uettiectea.
niarnts of robberv are frequently I
i i - - - t
spondent rsthat the gorernor of For-
mca otter Wt taete for tbe destruction
, of any lg Japanese warship. 4000 for a 1
', smalf warehio. 300 for the head oi a Jan-
a nese officer and 100 for the lie d of a
I-ovnos. Aug. 16. In the internal son-'
1 five-mile bk-rde contest for pro-
i e:ortals Ualar at Leicester. Zimmer-
t uau wi msmmj ia it :,i , Dealing ttte
i recon!.
i Her rir.i
, . r? VZT j T aZ5T1
a.v 't, ... f i -f
-.- - -a., -uip
t 1 nion iron works to Hunter ? point. I
' nT iwJto, T blT.hTp nTov IwaV 1
! stowl fimeant earifv t !
startnji point. ETery hearing" of her j
.- a..ara.. n, . ... vvlu- .
marhlnarr araa riiaMjv a. I V .a.M !
pet'nt enimeers. Only ataw-t half a
head of steam was used, am! ;he entjines
worsttn siow ana easily, (.aptatn Miner t
,tnini si? m eouimanu. ano ne ssv?
tite working of the lag ship was perfect
in evcrv detail, as far as the test went !
i " '
Lvoxs. Atrtc. 16- Tlt
republic of)
: France avenge,! the death of her beloved j
? president at o'clork this Thursday) j
! morning, a, whkh hour santo was guil-
i lotined in the prblic square. With the j
i ery of "Vive l'anarehie on his lips, the
head was severed from his bod v by the
keen blade, and another anarchist had
M lor a mistaken cause.
A Wa
V t ...a A ..1 1
1 w as received at lb. Jmn. lea-rat;..,, at
j 4 o'clock this afternoon, that Aocoet 7
1 mm. w ia" a I
it Japanese men-of-war left torean
waters for Wei-Hai-Wei, whkh thev ap- f
proached at midnight oa the 9th. A tor
ttetlo tiolilla was sent oat, and on tlte tol- I
lowing morning shots were exchanged I
with the Chinese forts, but as thev aid i
not tintl any of the Chinese fleet, the !
JajAanese men-of-war returned to Cotva. '
v .
... . 7 -n-, . , ...
-- -v... , .... 1 ur iiuiaLeuut
! b piact sugar on the free list was taken.
tin Id the senaie estrK- in Inalaii. f
coedings, and it occupied all the time up
to adjournment. In connection with it !
a communication was read to the senate
from Secretary Carlisle to Harris, acting
chairman of the finance committee, giv
ing tiga'vw to show that with the suirar
on the free list there would be a treasury-
deticiemy of from $ to $30,
000.000. Despite thai communication, a
motion was maile bv Berrv that the sen
ate proceed to the 'cotisitleratioa of the
The t'eaa! ateeatt
Omaha, Aug. lo. Ttie Soutli Omaha
tacking house employes' strike is off.
After holding out Uirve weeks, the men
lose all, and are bow trying to return on
the old terms. This decision was gener
al, with the exception of 130, who de
clare thev will not return to work.
Manvofthe old men applied for their
former jobs this morning, and all who
could Ih used were accepted. Others
w ere told as soon as business picked up
their applications would le considertHl,
Marsl.X.t Ceealew.
Ban Josa, .ug. 16, Proitwsor Ctmp
bcll, of tlie Lick ohservatov'. lias dem
onstrated with the spectrosio that the
planet Mare presents no evidence of hav
ing an atmosphere. Professor H olden
savs it any atmospheric pressure exists
it is not as great as on our highest moun
tains and urns popular tancies concern
ing the planet are overdrawn.
The Tarta Bill.
V.suiMrrox, Auj. 17. Copies of tlie
new tariff bill have not yet been mailed
to customs collectors, but they are being
printed and will lie sent out as fast as
received at the treasury department, the
Pacific coast being served first. To in
sure accuracy, the print will be made to
conform to the engrossed copy in the
minutest particulars.
ttteod Thtisijr t aureh! v
P akis, Aug. I". AccorvUiig to Lo Petit
Journal, a plot to assassinate Premier
Dupuy has been discovered. Tho pre
mier is in Vemet lee Bains, not far from
the Soanish border, accompanied by
three dettx'tiveB,
the great
ln.antly Relieves
Skin Diseases
And the most distressing forms
of itching, burning, bleeding,
and scaly Js.-n. scalp, and blood
humors, zr.d will ta a majority
cf per. -nit rcct sleep
cr.d point to a speedy, perma
r'J ccc r.r.r.-:Jcnre when
j:!;ysician, batfrpitals, and all
o.he: methoc'j ru.. CLTJCURA
VO rCS WOPOERS, and its
r-jr-. o? t-rtar;. ', '.zii yriag,
jumi!iiti:; ; l&ZKiCZ crz the
moot wor.dsrfu: c v. r recorded.
Bald trmoTbaat Ow woK '.. IMer.r tTicrsi,
1C.; rH,p.:.: liiMWi . t'. I vrrTl. laro
Ux., r...
' '
km . mrjwmm ritssswawssMs, Mm
.KHumAKhxri." c. rngt. auilad Era.
kta. filBna kit, toad uapla aafcy ra.Sn awe
teated ml ci-ml l Co lean f
aad wtafcaaas, hack KSt, weak kfct
mm. itna till, and tfci patss
revered la aaianue tj th Cc
Uou Anlt I'alM I r.
mm. m&tm
mm, st. i
Dili TO
2 1111 AtiO
fIIffwr HUIPI F T T."5 PBIP lffl
HlwllH Jw. irr.rr.iT
j wwwsrai w MU I DC CnO I
-.. ,,
; l I I DO Blfnsltl TO OMAHA
WILLMI AM -"aJw-iJ fFi
; rt . 'tCUIIiU IfAM lMH-,
S H H Car, Oliver W Mt..t. E EI er
m . 1 - - -
For 'I O and geueta' inlu. s'tWrCTca 1
n. or address Curran ft Mcttcith. Albanv
Oregon, or
W h IIIJRIa.BURT.Aswt-Gtr.-t.Paaw Agti.
Its 'JVash'ajgtort St..
PonTUSwit, Oaaccw
ilSlnnn aasw PnH
f H IRl I K 111 SRH W M
iiuvii Iflbll
;i-a ard
One cent a
Tttts fluT.r
wberw all mawi i fail Praia he Crou-. Sere
Throat, Heemnsea, Weeesales; Cccf h and
Astbraa, For Cooaantctian tt has ao rival;
bis cured thocaanda. n4 wiU ctraa T . U If
taken ia time. IfoM by Inisswrs oa a guar
antee. Tor a Lasae Bscs or Cheat, new
lave rrni
Till I 11 14 ill Ii" III
teed to cure ysu.
Price. Vcta. Iniectarfree-
; -
1391, 189
w Teres weeeeat eWsJI jaah.e e
A f- 1 eorpe of ittarArxrs -
( -mrers oi etiKty sJ-rangeO u
all gratia of student
SSaeaVi rarranaaraj rrrec? to Aa r
rrws eJ-iowaf.
war. lum ct 1
" .-,1, Wltkaai .';. aTWiiUni milStt ewa.
o.iii-Bof tt.ia.t.r-. Steaataei wmm ar ta..., taa
a.aai .maun, ewsea
iwrA r,.
-atato.'e WA., aataaA AHalaA. a.
. i,
t Hack.
. wa i'.: AAa
'icri Aait aaala aaaAal aa.
An AAd atva a rvrraat ttaA St tauaaU? SH Aa At,
T mr a. tvt 1 ail, aa aS alt w A, '-..
.-."AAwwrAl. TA. j.a. ... braa A.rm4 A. I' a aw-
aaa le , Htoa at., all ah, raawatlr. -I a. a.
- v Saaane. t.iila null ta tka, aad .,r, -Aar re.
.1 ra.,.,1.1 i.ravtAB ttAiraw wrj.i. .
-..wat.a-rieA A ir IU "t
I., 1 A ab4 1 1, irvoa ... t- al tat t A A tt.i.'..
tar IllA.UAirvt raa iSWia wist Maka. frr AJ l'ia.
luuvacain e: eit--x- r. a. a v.... -.
ra. Dr. Jt-atteranat Wallare
Th NuSed Ctalrvojraiit a-d US. Rmdae, ia km.
haa. and w Vfauial at her raWiler, seat tkmt
Cotum- h tell about all mhiecta wa
wwwrjt ami ratura; lua trouhlei, attaeiit trwaj and
You cau bear rrooi Tour ot itwa.
)R BARGAINS in real eauie addrea
r or call on Jainei v C'ar.Iweli a C v
Tj M A IO VwTwfyoipag
affc'. f ii BpHBewwl I I i--.? a.'Jy.
JMr an ljapirmAtazaiwiAjaa
jjlt3sC -DttAL t
l-tocuerwasm C -Am
dose. M
-ma mmjmjmmssssSBBSSW
fvat Brer.
. NaS&aaaassWWr