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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1894)
lit eiuorat Wkkkly Democrat. $1.75 per year In advance. $J .00 at end of year. A Hkboic Hcrs- This morning as 'J1 O P R R train was coming in from 1 aquina City, a horee took his place on the railroad track about 15 .niles this aids of aquitia City and galloped along ahed of the train. V hen the train ap proached near the horse the engineer Pt on brakes and slowed op, thinking the horse would sion leave the track but he declined to do so. Whether he was there to contest the speed of the iron horse or whether he'was too frightened to enve me track ig not certainly known. At all euents the horse kept the track in front of the iron horse. Cattle suards and small culvert bridges were no ob stacles in his way. When the train wonld slow up the horse would slow up and gather wind. It was not very long until the passengers were made snare of the exciting routes" going on. Heads were soon protrude.! crane-like out of the windows all along the line of the train, every one wrought op to the highest pitch of excitement. At every turn of the road the exclamation "there he is" was heard from scores of persons. But the horse Casabianca like still kept his place. But alter a run of six miles he came to a long bridge over which he could not vault. A farmer standing near by drove him from the track and gave engineer Simpson the right of way again. his Whole form vai in a violent lr.mnr W5 "n On account of the hot weather the Cor vallis Informer spells It Frydsy, The tidal wave csme.but It was !n the heavens and was more than sixty feet high. Regular meeting of the Ladles Aid Society tomorrow at 2 o'clock at ' Mrs L E Blains. at Earl Race hat been Interviewed by the calem Statesman and tells how to avoll being drowned in surf bathing. He says "I myself was In and contended wiih the same cm rent which undoubtedly took Judge WUwslI to his death." Free religious mass meeting at Baptht Church Tuesday Aug 21. Evanveli&ttc Nunn's illustrated Sermons on ths Life of Jesus. Nutneious Urge srd beaotifnl pictures. Everybody welcome. Col lection toward expenses. And now comer the new that the mon ey for the proposed extension of the O F Is ready. ThU to a chestnut. The money is probably not ready as much a we would like to have it. Those false rumors get ey tiresome. Some pretty northern lights were seen last night. Covering a wide surface, in mild toned streaks somewhat resembling the reflection of an arc light, melting into a tinge of red, slowly cuanging front. There was nothing dashing about it like tome borealis; but it presented features that always command one respect. About 8 o'clock Saturday evening Mrs Dr Davis had somewhat of a thrilling experience with a keresene lamp. Catch ing fire Mis Davis threw it out the back window. It fell on Hopkins Bros steps and set lire to them, the Hopkins Hros extinguished the dames before any da A WONDERFUL fc.90OVF.RY. Henry Steele, and William Howell, of Washington claim to have discovered a cave In tha Cascades which surpasses anything ever reported. Mr Steel said to a Tf I eg ram reporter that on last Monday night, while camp ing in the Cascades, they saw brilliant rays of light shoot out from the aide of an almost perpendicular mountain.and after watching this phenominal illumination ami satisfying themselves that it was not an optical illusion, they set about to investigate its causes and origin. They found a uige boulder partly covering what at the first glance appeared to be a isrge crevice in the mountain side, from which the rays were emitted, and it re quired their combined strength for 20 minutes or more to remove the ponder ous rock, tjpon the completion of that work they saw an aperture in the moun tain just large enough to comfortably admit two well-developed men. Mrateei continued: "When we affected an en'rance the light that struck us was so bril'iantly piercing that it destroyed our vision fully a minute. When we recovered our sight we partly explored the cave, and at a rough guess, we estimated it to be 150 feet wide. 70 feet high anu half a mile in length. The interior of this immense grotto is arched like an old liothic church, supporter! by large alabaster pillars, entwined with native silver wire like ivy, of toe dimensions ot a man's linger, and in a ri'.yle of grandeur and j magnificence such its never could have ) The Albany Charivari Band was out In full force last night. The delinquent tax roll In Marion coun y foots up to 120,500.77. The residence of Henry B Sprenger, of Shedd. was entirely consumed by fir.' a few nt;hf ago. Bill Raynond, of Astoria, Lata water blcyde, o'hlch he rides on the river, and it won lip over. In few days the manv A loan v p'eas--ure seeseis will be home, risking things look lively for awhile. F E Allen Clerk of district 5 was hand -ed a check for $3816 80 for that dl.l: lets' thare of the r.cent apKrtionm?ni. Home tine Chinook salmon fresh fron the Bay at M Hydes. Mr Hyde expect to have Yaqulna By sal m. in right along. Ih- county cam imtionert went 10 Altogether it was one of the most excit ing horse races that ever took place on the O V race course. A Cascade Bear Story. Mr Herbert Ames, of this cityhas been working at the Santiam mines for sometime. Around the mines a good many bear and deer have been seen. Mr Amea la a very mild, innocent kind of a yojng man, -who, as a matter of fact has never done any hunting or even fishing to amount to anything , so that when a few days ago he happen d to be a short distance away from the mining camp with a sun for safety he was considerably surprised when he was faced by a good sized bruin ; bet he did not get bear strove. In fact being a cool headed young man, he kept cool and pointing the gen in the direc tion of the bear, fired. The bullet went crashing into a vital spot, and the bear dropped dead. Mr Ames bad heard; about bears, and he didn't know but the j fellow was playing op-issum, he kept shoo'.iug into the animal ?r several minutes until his ammunition was about gone. The bear never stirrer). (Jetting closer he threw rocks at Ou bear for some time. Re aid not propose to take any risks. Then securing a long pole he poked the animal, and there being no response he was certain the bear was dead, and of course it was. He took it to camp, and feels jubillant over his first big kill. Tux V M C A Convkxuoji The eleventh annual convention of Yonng Men's Christian Associations of the northwest will meat in Seattle Wash, on the 30th inst and continue over Sabbath Sept 2nd. Prof Lee of this city appears on the program conspicuously. The music of the convention is to be in his charge assisted by Mr Wm Wadha ns of Portland. "Our College Work" by Prof Wallace H Lee, of Albany, Oregon, ap pears lor xnursaay at 11 a iu, and day at 4 p in Prof Lee is to discuss ''The Inter-col !egiate Movement; How can it lie extended through the northwest." Besides Prof Lee, it is probable that the secretary and a few others from the local We make oar best bo to Mrs Geo Warner, of Albany, for a lovelv boquet of flowers, the finest we have seen for many days. Mrs Winer takes great pleasure in having nice flower garden and in fact has one of the finest in th state. Thanks, awfully. Corval Is Informer. A Lebanon paper with a very glao nv face said that the bottom wra out of the price of hops and they were only worth 7 or 8 cents; but a New" York paper says; "The first consignment cf hops has been lecelved and so d for 35 cenis a pound, nearly three t'mes the pri-e obtain ;d for the best of last year's crop. Hops em to have 1 finai.ciat as writ as a natural upward tendency." Here i the way the Welcjme looks at a very serious matter at Albany: With a s i iie that might almost be construed as malicious, the Albany Detnociat copies' "A good O P Item" fro-n a 1 ignorant paper nearly a thousand miles awav. These "go-d O P items' have become' a j s anding joke down here in Oregon . Yet 1 wait and behold! There may be one) some dav. They joked in almost the same fashion fifteen or twenty years ago abDnt a bridge across the Willamette, and now we have more bridges than are good for us. Mr and Vrs Sam May were in the city today. Mrs Ida Brush Buell is in the citv on a visit. Hon R A Irvine and family will leave tomorrow for the Sodas. Miss Lida Oalbraith haj returned ( from a several weeks visit in Roaeburg. Mr Edwin Scott writes up the summer . resorts for the Oregonian. D. G W Mas'on, physician and surgeon. I Calls answered promptly in eh or j country. Mrs C Brown!! and familv. and Yr. Miss L'xxte Carothers wen' to the Bay this noon. Licenses have been issued for the mar riage of M Ackerman and Maggie Kenner, Fred Krotge.- and Mary Koendel. -; been produced: by the most artistic hu- , man hands, even in generation. These pillars seem to have been placed pi pos ition by provident nature to support the heavy vault of the grotto incrusted with thousands of tons of pure silver. "Besides this incalculable treasure of silver, the vast cave contains chambers and donis of the most grotesque archi teet ural designs, marvelous assenues and I' tie lakes, the latter alive witit fish of every hue in the rainbow a gorgeous and indescribable eight indeed. One of the most unaccountable features of th cave it the unnatural light at ntgfit which, 1 am sure, is nhosDhoreareat- i and its impenetrable darkness daring lite : .1 j it is safe to predict that this story wMI not be believed, i'he men thongh as sert thaw this is a fact and will Le verified as soon as they have made the nece tilings anived In Prinevll took charge of the Hamilton ar.d Stan! Robinson, heU there for some t'me f.n horse stealing, besides the war teHreen China and Tltfe ALnANT Coixeu k will begin its next year with prospects of a good year. Its faculty is not surpassed by any institu tion of learning in Oregon. Here it is: Rev Elbert N Condit, A M, president, mental, moral and natural science; Wallace H Lee, A M. Latin and Ancient, history; Rev Alexander Scott, A M, Latin and (Ireek; David Torbet, A M, Mathematics and English; Charles F Howland, a B, Commercial department; Eugenie: M Earl, A b, literature, history and elocution; N Adda Hart, primary department: Tennie Ktliel Davis, shorthand and type writing. The courses of study show a liigh grade, one gradually increasing. The normal department gives the graduate all the ad vantages of any of the s'jite Normal schools, and deserves recognition among those am bitious to teach. All the departments are in good hands. There are now seventy graduates, including those from the Normal department, who will be found in success ful business fields or the wives of prosper ous men where married. There are 157 names of the roll besides the retiring senior class. There will be six members of the class of t5. Olive Baltimore, Abbie Jane Fry, Mary Williams, in the regular course and Edna Breckenridge. Orville Ihnsriddie and Roma McCully in the Normal de; art men t. YaortNA iMPKOVEMKxrs. Yaijuina Bay will have $59,000 for use upon the work to be done there in deepening the channel. 0110,000 was asked for. but this was reduced to S50.001. There was $'.0O on hand. An Ex says: In conversation with Lieut Holcomb. engineer in charge of the works, a few days airo, be stated that it was the purpose of the department to Skinner and Mr Blair, se.tled on the adopt a new project for improvement of present site of Kjene. and in i8;o he the bar. As yet this project is unknown ! sold his Interest to Blair and moved to and will not become public property until ! Winchester, where he owned a ferry on after the secretary of the navy has appoint- the Cm (-qua for several ears fits arc ed a board to draft and put into effect the 1 ond wife and two sons survive him. same. The o!d and prent method is yet An ex-han5e say that ihe latter pan 01 incomplete, but will be finished before the tht month Receiver C'ark l I lake a winter storms set in. It was the intention ! r,rtr to lhe fron, who are ,nU.reted fn of Mr Holcomb to commence work as soon j ,he future prosrerty of Ms vallev.'o show as the billbecame a law and lie ei mated ihe wbat grar.d possibilities are to bs that $15,000 nl finish the wor5 that he' achieved by he building jf lhe road can turn over to the department the old through the ttountaina. He will welcome project as complete, this fa'l. Then in the , anvjne to the parts who wishes to Inve. pnu iun i-uu ui umv raiur u( hit- t w tlgate lhe rrlbttcr project with a fund of $41,000 for the sum ' , , " . Trie case of J H aid cr against O "VIS- , ... , p- .. UCXU, .ill on tri t . I'll. IT 10 pemtieil be ir'ed oe ore Justice H A Johnson 10 NoTiiu t; In It. -The. Salem Independ nt has the following sensational ilein: One of the most dastardly and inhuman crimes capable of being committed by a human being, was commited at lhe Lower Soda mineral springs a few days ago, and as a result about twenty camprrs are suffer ing from tho effects of the poison. It ap pears that for some time there has been considerable; strife ltween tlin li owners of springs along the Kantiam, buti this is the find ease where the lives of ihr. ' campers has been placed in danger by tho j deeds of enemias. The most serious case of ' ver poisoning is mat ot wirs John Savage, of this city, she being taken with violentpains in uie ktoinacii ftHiuruay morning, and DM HOME AND ABROAD Sanderson's bridge 10 day to meet several I KaUf9 almost constantly since. All relief conlractors. The bridge Is to be repaired : Possible has lieen administered to the suf- last niesday and P W Mxaran.a con tabic from Lebanon ' "Fl : a "attJ aT" ?'U 'e i V.i.. ... n I... . uair is a saa one ana will irrentlv iniurn St.. I , r, 7 f E : t wo bovs, lohnnie n 'I'5"" vl ,tj spnnps, mil I wm ' "n- o vasuv ajsjpsa asi I " it -t J" Ireated, and a thorough examination of Lhe water is being made. .V search for the .... ..r .1 I . I I J - . 1 . 1 , Japan bloodless wars .ire also I -i progress 1 willlie made. In Salem and Astoria The Hudelt In j Mr LC Mar . hall and . omiiany pasr-l Jhe lattar place Is haelng lot. olfu.i call-j through L,)wer Soda Monday and Mr Ing C J Curtis 6 liar and (Upper. ' then-u nothing in theretwrt. 'Ihev.lrank The Jvans ano Sontag troup fcave re- j out of the spring with the campers, an! re-; turned to San Francisco, and the Kxaml- j crt meeting Mrs Savage There were no ner gives a couple columns of illustrations. sick people from jroisonous water at all. In j They somewhat sorn Oregon. The j t"ct the report is erroneous. Several ladiea troupstrs.ided In Hepner. tshere they j there were ill with cramp from drinking remained two mirths before bting able ! too much water, one Albany lady being on I to get back htne. j the sick list for three days; but nothing! John Aiken, an Oregon nioneer of 1847. " leirned of a wholesale pfliaYttilW. I died last evenina? t 7 b clock, as-ed 1 ln .fact tl,er,s no iealon-y between I Ik I tuarly 77 yeara at S-a'era. Be alth Eugene . "Prmga, such as stiUerl. Comix.; This Wav. "A THE SOLDIERS HOME. woman was on exhibition in this city last . ' piarmin sue to 'ocr roney murk. Tie exhibitor said the figure had lo tie amount of over $-o and lhe de ' been found in Mexico, but the features I fendent sets up a counter motion claimng wei sjot Mexican or Indian, but Caucas- j "e ' entitled 10 money lrm ih- plnntiH riaa. The affair had evidently been manu- n "m areatcr than the atovr. Mite- Considerable has i. Soldier's Home. ihe said about the Dkmik-bat has given nuoerous articles on tLe subject, cn j Crops. Following u Uie report of the L" S Department of Agr culture. Weather Bc ' reau. of tnetjrefron State Weather 'erviitt j for the weekending Monday, Aug 13, ISSM. Huring the past week the attention of the farmers was earnestly given to thresh . ing and harvesting operations. Farrorr ' have made rapid progress since the weatb-r conditiona were entirely fa vo table for tbe handling of irrain. Early rown wheat and j oatt have been harvested and somi has been threshed Late sown gr in is still standing; but the character of the weather throughout the week was stu b as to rirn ,, i it rapidly so that within another week har- --- j" w .1. . it- a. an "it'i . ah ue counties of the illamette va'ley with ex 'eption of Yamhill and Washington report a failing off in the yield of grain, especially fall-sown; but they have diarorertd that tbe berry, though shriveVd. is not littht. but of good weight; the abuse of the jrnun 1 Corvallfs will send a teani 10 the tourna:nent at Oregon Cl'y. Linn county has six good summer retorts, Sodaviile, Wa'erloo, Eiwer oda, U-iper Soda, Flsli Lake and IMrolt. We have io cur citv a good C-cnnan teacher on piano anil voLe culture Miss Emily Werner, call at residence ut T Wandel. The Linn county court refused 'o er mit Oe Merhatdi:' Batd to e-(:Ct thcli stand on the corner of the court I louse IIV. Alfred Holmat.'s naper.the Rural "res Ifies the statem:n; recent y tnaje in the Oe mock AT that J T liirggs report of r.ign price in V-aiuorma T01 har was un true. ( alifornla baa pfrnly of bay at home, and low prices nil pn '.-all. A j 1 1 it..- the sheriff salea in lien'on coun'y is one aga!t George , Waggo nerfor j69 33 and crs's: one agairsl Charlea lUibcrt Nash for $5:53 (U -nd costa, and one against Casrlc t d H K Read for $3 yjj and cos's. Rev I of Portland, who lect- ured at he Baptist chutch last evening j 24 will lecture attain to-nlg' on "The ropes . Pals' ee," I'lustrating ihe same with fine atereop'lcon views. Admission 15 rents It will be vortti hearing. Drop in and se; the new I'hoios i Tinkle. Baby Photos and apecial-y at Tink'es. Ice cream c and 10 rents a di-h at Mrs I Vierick's ice crrarn nar:ors, cor yd A ( Hroadalhin. So langerrns t niesthetic given by! Littler the Dentist. J C tiatMf, DcrlUt. la gUing the public as near painlea dentistry as artcme. Five teats practice in Albsr.s mesms that Littler the dentist is here lo s'ay. If yon sa-.t a photo, just as well have a ; 44 good one whi jou are at It. to have 45 Tinkle try hi skill, and jou may be ar-' -', prised to fee what a fin- loiking subject : 47 you are, on ppr, "link's don't believe In .lng!e bleaed rtc'' cr rather sing'e ruunlsnt'' to bring tour stife along and have your photo taker, and the baby too Mrs Ashbv wlbi to announce ihe op ening of her Ml'linery and Sotion tore j on Jnlv jCih Call and see her In ihe Maton building o;-;cti'r Dfmccrat effice for bi'galnt The August Apportionment. Below we give tbe apportionment in detail of the $28,577.16, at 3.67 per capita for tbe 7,225 school children of the district of tbe county, heretofore referred to Hist. 1 : Family Group a I t 9 10 11 12 ir. 14 lb 16 17 IH I!) 20 21 22 2$ lit; r, n Ml 29 SO :il KNOWLEDGE 32 S3 :t4 3- 36 3H 39 40 41 42 43 Amt. I 165 15 212 , '.m 30 190 84 :jsi8o: 176 16 161 48 : I4: IS 29-27 242 22 161 4 ; 135 79 16 1 S8 Brings comfort and improvement r.nci ?Sf?l tends to personal enjoyment when H- ris'litlv nsort Tho manv U ii tw,,. ter than others and eujoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products t the needs of physical being, will atU-si the value to health of the pore liquid laxative nrincio'es embrar-ed in tiw remedy, Syrnp of Figs. us excellence is doe to its nresentin? in the form most acceptable and ilea- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect Lut- 91 75 ! ative ; effectually cleansing the system. 194 57 dispelling colds, headaches and fevers 139 46 and permanently coring constipation, if ''J It has given satisfaction to millions and 1 1 3 ; met with the approval of the medical 'i3 1:5 profession, becan.; it acts on the Kid fj ' ; neys, Liver and Bowels without weak 2 ? ening them and it is perfectly free from S ' every objectionable substance. 4J j Syrnp of Figs is for talc- by all drog K? il P48 m 50 cent bottles, bat it is man 't j nfactored bj the California Fig Syrnp j.) I Co. only, whose muse is printed on every 'fj, package, also the name, Syrnp of Figs auu uring wen iniormeo. you will no! accept any substitute if offered. 'It-', Hi 172 49 115 02 ! 135 79, 256 90 165 15 282 r,9 249 R6 AX i : ttrttt ... 1 16S S2 121 II SOCIAL AM) I'LRSONAL. 1 1 lll It. UtTmTllKl III (II 1111 nilllll' Ulflsa I a . Pass Conner world a blood-purifier that cure. UicawAT KoarBEHY. Jos Clavton. who! Mi Maggie Barker is drinking spring is employed on tbe McKenxie stork farm. ! T6Mo f,,r few J eu-ilint es- i-icense nas oeen isueJ lor the marriage M, ..n.l M va V... tV ; 1 . : . : -1 , .. . ,, , i auu u . iu . iisuii .auir uusu fmm " "Z from Eugene this noon. They wi'J board . SSS ,vl.,T,M!IonlMatMr8Burmester8forwhile inclusive entrance tickets to the Inter, . n. . , .... state fair in session in the latter city at1 . M ' hoe Rhodes, of Albany, is the same time, will be $10 35. No re- i v,1,ln8 t the residence of J W Pollock duced rates will be secured over the I WMt of wn. Eugene Juard. Southern Pacific ; to any one going it will Wm M Hoag has moved hi house be of advantage if he will so report to bold effects to Albany and will reside Sec Williams at the YMC'A rooms. I there in the future. Corvallis Informer. Thk Homes Lvjtmd. Last Saturday I , M Thomas lones, the harber. of Pon 5 s.n Fi h.. tu.. - land, spent Sunday in A bany with Ma . . : ' :J . . " wire and son who have hwn Urrt- mer tiad just arrived from Yaquina, when she collided with the schooner James Townsend. The bow of the schooner caught the Homer on the star board quarter, giving the steamer a glancing blow, hot with sufficient force to smash in some of her timbers above the water line, and cam? away about thirty feet of her rail. The schooner's jibboon waa broken off and all her for ward gear thrown trailing in the water. The momentum of the schooner was checked and the steamer managed to again get a few yards in the lead before the wind drove the schooner ahead. The steamer attempted to tnrn around the end of the wharf to get clear of the sail- ' or, but She had turned, presenting her broadside when the schooner struck her '. again, this time just aft the forerigging. j me clanks of the steamer were stove in and another section of the rail broken I to splinters. A lifeboat waa stove in ana outer damage ot leaser importance waa done. Both vessels are now la.:d op for repairs. A New Fit Tbaf. Salem Journal : A Sa'em man has invented a fly trap. No ticing that flies would not move off a blow-moving towel, spread over dsh at Steiner's fsh market, the ingenious shipping clerk of that establishment ap plied a clock work to an endless aprou of cloth which slowly progress intj a hopper from which tbe flies fall into a recspta ble filled with water. Tbe ribbon is a foot wide and while it travels slowly reales in a thousand flies an hour, if they are to be bad. Editors with big beads w ho cannot keep the flies off even by flopping their ears, will hail this inven tion as a blessing. The Fish Ladder Last Fiiiay the governor and other members of the com mission appointed to supervise the build ing of the fisb Udder were in the city se lecting a site for it says the Oregon City Enter pi ise. They found a 'ocation a'ong Moore's Island which was deemed suita ble, and the first of the week under the supervision of Mr McCoy of Salem the work of b'aeting oat the rock to make an easy grade was begun. It i thought 'hat at an expense of about 1 1 .000 a fish way can be made tbat will be fasting and suf ficient. The governor was in Oregon City again on Wednesday looking alter the progress of the work. MM .i me. Charles Fullei. S.-man Meyer, li-n Cle'an and Will Emerick rode Licyclesi to vVa-erloo yesterday, returning in the evening. Collins Elkins reached AshUnd at utday evening on his oicycle. ami will ernes the Cascades returning by way of McKenxie. account of its being a public institution, and because it likes to publish readable items. We shall always do this in refer ence to public institutions. That is one of tho things a paper is for.. We are as will ing to publish a favorable item for the Home as ons against it. One in the Tele- grant is particularly a fair one- It is ' j . i - . t riauurmae aim we can only gie a selection . , Isi n at- i Maddux and Laura E W eland tending church in Eugvne and started home Frank Power.the nir.k haired t" P acent The for- ! " hi hnsrgy about 10 o clock When at : at Albany, went t; tbe Bay this oooti. avj ixvi x. i ii- ynjm s uist.-"- kaasrii iiuc upi llUWUiri. him one getting held of the bones' bits. ! Mb, Hu Wrwtl. tiMa of Mr A R M -wnile the ethers one on eh s,-le of tSe Coj anil UmtJmKH Sannv. is in tbe rtlv buggy. re.,ne.ted him to ahht. Cbrtoa I Uu, Wrfaa u f trook csMnty. It no time in doing so. and was without Khool cereinnnv relieved of 95. 4o ail the mooev t , , - , in his ' rotKion. a pair of gold cuff, ..Mr 1,lTJ of Eo,t- ,w button and a pocket kntfc The men then ' St . U,! Hi! 55 If 'la jte to tmo warned Clayton to ahead, and not look ,,nk to iT'd 1 ' the near future, back MT return, which admonition be fol- Oavid Huston, tbe S P overland con towed. We did not learn if he could give doctor went to the Bar this noon with rr a desmpboa of the robbers. Guard . j era! friends. M r H udon is too fat already. John Long i in Albany with bis pile Justice I.von. of Lton. was in the city today Mr L:i West and daughter, of Ta coma, are in the citv. Miss Wheeler, formerl) ,v L" operate 41 49 ) 52 54 55 V, :r, m 59 60 CI 02 63 64 6.". 6fi 67 121 11 72 1W.43 135 79; 203 52 SB K fee 950 5H 143 nl 135 79 ; 378 01 ' 172 49 : 322 99 128 4.5 154 14 mm new B&rjtcrtrTarw LIFE a. z. z. vers nm us bus it sold under poairirR wzststat Bararue. br aarthoriawd scents ml, to cur Wk HnBory: Iaoati of Beats aadBerra Power-. LutM Masbood: Qauekaen: Jkudtt Lo: Evil Dream. : Lack at Confidence: Tfiii iiiin n T ilaili rjt Drain; is ettber it to be pleasantly located, and workings and routine business are well conducted and of a good order. lowing in reference to the commadder. a former Alk.nv man, is of particular in teract: There are many things about an institu tion - conduct that are quite beyond tbe understanding of those persona who have never passed any lenylh of time within the walla of one of them.' ln a superintendent there must be varied abilities, and it is not often a man can be found who is suited in every way to most satisfactorily discharge the duties of snch a station in such a way as to contribute to the "best niece- of tbe place. As a manager of such an institu tion as the Soldier's Home, for example, a man must be a practical business man : be -tiki,'. ..t.i.n ,.. it.:, r... i t - . . -. . . I - - . - . 111, iu .,11, ll dliU 1 .11 1 .1 tarur-?t by casting from a mould produceri j man , efJ ia, to te more aiwrf ul. ov moifl ciay m wnicn a living wemaa nan I he Wor d I-air Director have settled . remained long enough to have a perfect ! It lor all time, that Ayes' Sartaparilia I Lxaimeo He WAsR,,UBtI). Who i the mould of her nude figure made. The an- a scientific rreara:ion. and oorhr of ! hub Usld about by Urf Eoeene tiuard : L atomy was perfectly formed of sand and . public cooSdence. Ru'e 15, which gave A Sbulu arore out a warrant before Justice j iviniMt mrA ,.V.1. 1 tvuinill 'PllM .h. ,H.I t ..l.iknU. ,A k ....-. 1 . . n V 1 Ikt. . l . f J ! ownr was traveling by team from town to ! rllla and prevented the aJmlstlon of rat- George Miers with larceny. He claimed I 01 ln.u c"r,D P 'rou Portland !at? Ins-n siwt kit fimin- vi I rmUl h not himlmi tn .,r ... ihstLJ,,. ... ' evening and will rema-n until tomorrow 09 a rjood iirinsr at I0c-?nts a hand.' Graatsl the simnie me hod of n-Anxine out to ih- !v 70 vears old. were" iWninir iusfih-r in ! morning. toe loom juh on toe tuaoon in niodeman J aypsi iarji-ron, 01 turvams, wm in iw brewer)-. He had five $30 gold pieces in ' eity yesterday on his way from Califor his pocket which he claims was taken by ; " "here he ran three foot races, win Myer. Rhultz was in an intoxicated con- j n,nK awl of them. dition and afti r the warrant waa issued be Mrs C O Lee. Mrs Albert Hunt, toe continued imbibing spirit so frexjuently Mie Minnie and Ora IcFarland. Mi that ConstaJ.U l.ict.jn l.-ke.l him in the ; Maud Berl. U C Mcr'arSand and Mrs "f I county jail to scber up for the examina lion which sra set for tfcts aftemoM at 2oVork. tie ha only been here for a few day, ba ing come from Albany. Sj far a the examination had proceeded' op to the time of going lo press no criminating nideor"? had been offered by tbe prosecu Uoo. 2 1 rj 53 IatMof Poww f tfc Gtoratre Orgac . in 1 ,., , aex. caused by orer-exertaoo, ToBtkfci Ett '-- I - Exeeauve Cast of Tabaeea. Onasm nr L J si tar si. frui lautina. 11 j By KaU.fl a box: si 1 U,r ii:wHh Mr- D.vcstsiriso Fabwixs. Prof H L Talkington. of Weston D'tiii! school, was in Pendleton yetarday. nd left in the afternoon fa: Pilot Rock, is the interests most be a good hotel-keeper: ho must have ; of the tntitution witii wbicn be u con found judgment and clear ideas aa to farm- j nected. He is of the opinion that the low ing: he mi st toii good haancier. and. mort 1 price ol wbeu this year wil! tave one gov! enect. at wayti necessary of all. be must possess those juaJ itxes. only gained by proper experience, that will enable him to control men tact, ability and experience. These qnaiitie are nearly equally blended in Conunsmdiuant Baldwin, and although that geotl mian by no means has perfected the management of : this inxututioD. tbe statetneat that better man could not have been found in the state f or tbe i lace is hardly to be disputed. : Commandant Baldwin impreaaes one on i first sight as being earnest, scrupulous and . zealous in the discharge of nis dutiev He ' is a man to uupira respect, and this is Tobaly doe in a great measure to hits sold- A ?BSLIM15aSiV Sl'KVET. Wm Meekin an i Kncx Huston trake a report in tbe rTineville Near of a preliminary survey made by tbem far a wagon road from Prineville to the Oregon Pacific. The lrivinir machine driving pilimr fr the route w.m!d gu through Ihe old 'Jenne t Woztcfimill and Farmer's Warehouse. and Hunt caxup. up the W V and C M Informer. I road to this side of the summit of the Mr Allen Chamberlin. recent ) of this Che creek bill, to the head of snow creek, city, who has been in San Lsaadro, Calif. 1 ,u- r-i ' -r '-- nu loined ana ataaarataa at imrus in the Petadence pratne. is nines from Trinei Ilk. southern put of the date. wher. reside. Otto , .gler. of San Joe. n icyditt of the 1" by rnaaoa of hit per. f JTuanc- at Denver i- IV jears of ag. 5 fee. 7 ir tei tall and weigh 145 pounds f-tit? were among tho e who returned fr.m the Bav tutLtr. : 79 t he still A C"1 roal coma be iailt lor f lO.SJ". A ' road could alto be made over the Minto ( trail, which it fifteen t twenty miles near er: but it 1 nearly 3J00 feet higher, and ' there was tnowsn it Aug 8. They eiosider the former the better route. Ai oisiT vsenerai I I ill II I ana : ierl. xarinv, Aruon tbe - , I4IM up irom rorU.nd ,3Vei, ,itt fkm, Kridence of this was M .s uoori.,n si r; manifest when the pataml among tbe men with the telegram reptv- .Mrs i-twis nrucaman ana two tisngh- sentative. ters, airs t.eorge j-.rucaman ana two Mr Baldwin treated the bovs well, ans- : wered by srasping the commar.tUnt's ! hand in bis double fists and reverentially i murmurinsr: "He's one of tbe best men j living " Tbe commandant command the lUth. at Vierecka ioa parlor. sbaviDg and hair ft, Ice s Cre&tn ttakiug Powder MaMrt Perfect Mwgs. Hood's" Is Wonderful . "At harvesting time I took a severs cold which settled ln my limbs, and In a short time developed Into lav ataaa aanlary Rheu matism. After spend ing a good sum ot mon ey for different reme dies and suffering all winter, I became so crippled that I had to walk with tbe aid of . crutches. Isy the kind 5 advice of a friend I was t prevailed upon to bay I six bottles of Hood's ISarsapartlla. I took the medicine and It has fui- at r. a. W. Cooler, jy restored me to healt Clifford. S.D. and I flunk it Batrad r Xife. I will cheerfully answer all who may wish to correspond about my affliction or state ment" A. W. Cooley, Clifford, North Dakota. Hood's Sar9a" M. JaLvr par ilia Be Sure to Get Hrwl't Hood's l.'llls cure nausea, and blliousoesa j. At. aitSTojsr. INSURANCE AND M0NE BROKER. County Warrants Bought an Sold. Office, Maston Block, Albany Oregon. tr. Price's Crsam Oaklng Powder A Pare Qnge Cream of Tartar Powder. daughters and Mrs John Brocxman and son have started tor Illinois to visit their parents and friends. There was quite an exodus fron the Bay today, several Albany familiea re turning. The tidal wave propheer it is safe to cay, thongh, has nothing to do with it. J A Comming and Anderson Cannon have returned from their trip to the j Pacific by way of the Nehalem, and re-1 port a pleasant time : but as vet tell none ' of the big stories that were anticipated. Saturday afternoon Miss Maggie Meyer gave a pleasant party at the home of her parents near the Masonic cemetry in honor of her eleventh birthday. A fine time was had. A lunch of icecream, cake, candy and nuts was enjoyed. Twelve or fifteen girl were present. Mr Kheridan, a Colorado miner, came down from the Santiam mines on Satur day. He waa greatly pleased with tlr outlook, and believes the Santiam dis trict bas a bright fotnre. All it needs is to be worked in the right manner. It is full of gold that will some day reach the public eye. As it ij now thongh in other parts of the U S mention an Ore gon mine and it has no weight with men having money. Montana and California are the states receiving most attention. Some day though all eyes will be on Oregon, and the Santiam mines will be strictly in it in a mining senae. Isaac and GrantTFioman, w K Baker and Robert Wjlgon, returned yeaterday from their trip to the Metoles, bringing home two or three cans of trout and re port a fine time. Fish are not bi'.ing with the usual voracity in tbe Metoles. The company consisting ef DaveFroraan. W Langdon, A B Mathews and John Althouse, wbocroseed the mountains by the Belknap Springs and the McKenz'e had reached Fish Lake and had ar ranged to Cftmn tli.r. several Amva f r Dave Froman superintenpent ol thej, .... company stated that tlwv would be in I toUl deli.iquent tax tjbany on next Friday at just 4:30 o'clock pm. Mr C H Stewart who is at I Itish Lake will also arrive home on Fri- i day, The remainder of the flrier party ) will not leave until nert week. although perhaps m a mundalrout way. It will perhaps lead to diversified farming, which in hi opinion, will benefit the farmer and do winder toward making them pro'Tvat and happy. Pendleton Tribune. Mr Talking ton 1 a son-ia-Uw of Rev F II ttwyoae of this city. Statesman. Thi i a d. td:'. different opinion fran that of the Pol county man recently gi'ea and is undoubt edly the correct one. Rwrecrs His Bosds. Thursday night ' conductor. Cap! Conner, olv auditor of good theatrical attraction for Corvalli John Thompson and Ned Simmon made Portland, and Soperintndent Downing of 1 and town of any size on both si le of th? merry in Woldt s saloon. Ben i under I " pen. river, going a f ar wmth a lUseburg. A bond to keep an orderly bouse, and a the A B Seal. tSmlru turner. no" w-wking ' ;7 ""Je m, n"V P'-rrornaers. in hilarity heighteoe.1 prxceedel eject Thorn p. : Northern Caiifcnia and SwOrn reron. ; hand and orrijetrau to I oriran- 1 son. Mimmon- undertook to interfere and irrung into theC- hav country, liar Rose-, - " tassm burg Review pablisbe. an interview with fl"a montn woduoing HMw popu- him about llae condition of the road to that f lbw tJ?old .te . o Ik- j those who enjoy witnessing a clean ' show, torvallts anil 1? the "home tn K. if the scheme work. L C Vawhail E W I-angdon. John Ait bonte. A B Xafhewa. M Mitchell and lavid Froman .-etU'tied last evening fTvui their trip across the 1 ascades by way of ; H4 the McKenxie and Lebanon routes, and j 85 report an enjoy able and healthy Tip. 'ioe be would look lor ine vtrv big hsar stories ; HI fmtn this ci.Mupany: iut they are all quite mild in th. ir staieuen!. What L Justice? "J 90 91 92 A man wa rree'l here las' wek for H selling wbidcey t Indiaat. we find no fault so ftr; but the (joe! ten is this, why ' r2 should our law prohibit tbe red insn frvm Zi He tbe whitA man f And again, wben smtaeortgisalasd ?Kt... sat. tasbteenrv on tbe na-' f Pr -Tf Ilia. . OecciDe aoid J A Cnn-.mir.g. to'e sger.l. A He i a law sluient ?nd ccilher snidtes nor drink - Among the guests at the hotel Deyoe. at Klk ity last week were D H Jsaiie and wile, of Aibatv - '', . . ; ... i "(iooo News.''-To following from the C-wval'i Informer indicate that Mr Bert VanCleve i again to launh out on a th.trical venture: A scheme is leing worked up for the parpoMS ot famishing two blew from Ben's club frescoed tbe we- 1 , r 1.:. i..i ..i u -n, . An old vft-ran. tr!n a, kt if . ' ,. -,.,., ., '1 Ti urea a w canon, and was arrested and fined ten dollar for carrying a concealed weapon . respect and regard of the old rets and em ployes ante. He certainly baa the best m-t?rv-ts of the home at heart. Withal, be is very moded and retiring, txtmmaidant Baldwin has seen much active service in the I field. He was a member of Company I), lOlld Ohio Infantry, also of Company H. '.50th O'jio Infantry. DELINQUENT TAX ROLL. The delinquent tax roll just completed by 'he county officials shoes the follow ing: State, connty and school tax. 3TV.) Folia 1161 .00 A Mr Kinecastcr arrived in Toledo all tbe way from Otoe county. Nebraska. He lie waa without money, an t alter boarding n, ,h-.,.,K ,ti, . tv,..t a day or two with Chief Taylor was set at j country last April. He came oer the Ca liberty. Tbe clubs behind salocon bars a,roatrh the Barlow pa. Be ha need an occasional sxaamg up to seep hi. eve on tfaa S.W., T.An I j-.Ur TitRKi: But axo a Hi s. Gives eetal boy k gun and the chance are in favor cf the gun. Tbe Ashland Tidings says Thiee bow. Wm Mroud. Jav Tavkr and Corset them from getttng dusty .-Corvalli Times, f fc p Jrf Mri R s wJlw Miller nate been camped in Asnhxnd creek a c.aoi. ii. v. v,. r 11 v Vniuit I an! Urv v it ni - .e.ntai i rsLuyoo tor kmi Um cuttinir ur Hi ten KME The demand for teachers with Normal committee to arrange a IIIHIII lirliy "Mi; .IawBfjtr Wiiy jmm training i growing rapidly in tbe state. Tbe Mate Normal school at Monmouth re ports that out of the 46 memliers of tbe graduating clam of 193 all but one were employed as teachers during the past year. Of iU 217 graduate, exe'usive of this yean class of 51 members, 161 are reported as at present engaged in teaching. The first class was gnsdoeted eleven veirs aero. The demand for teachers with training and 3$ .550.69 Albany city tax Brownsville Halsey Lebanon Sodaville 5923.71 5.b9 81.01 305.61 22.6S 'Woman' Day" at the com in state fair It is existed that Abigail Nxttl Dunniway and Mrs Narcitwa White Kinney will de- I liver addresses on that day. Statesman. A party of jooug ladie consisting of M Us Abbie W'light, Ida Wright, Anie Martin. I.u'.u Burnett and W innie Avery ; were taken to the Waterloo Soda springs , esterday morning by W J Moore s'he! party were champeroncd 1 y Mrs Man- experience l , ' X f - . . - UITM11 supply 01 unrraineu ann uneaperienoei iwmp at tnat place lor atxul ten - aJ,n act Bowen. ' 'tl lur UIUO liail. 141 WTUU'I V-Ol ISlltlS 1 linCB. Colonel Olmsted, of the Salem laundrv. thought it would be a nrotvr thing for him to go over to Newpor. and Stroud wa Iiing in bed and the three had ln scuttling or tumbling alsxit the bed; the other two had just stepped outside tbe tent, leaving Stroud on tbe bed. when a ioatled rifle lying on tbe bed was discharged and tbe bullet passed through Stroud's left foot, entering on top and in front of the testep and passing cut at the bottom of the bet I. It then pasted through tbe ankle i'oinv of tbe right f Jot . The boy wai irougt:t to town at onee and Dr r-ontrer : 1 10r 5 101 '102 103 . 104 1 Kft jlOU I 107 .110 112 113 1114 ,HS 119 I I JO 121 122 uua pay a license to stall good wby thoohl j use law ay who be shall or shall not set! to? If wbUkey is a good thing wnv not sell it to a!l men alike If it is unit Ur the j Indian am! f.rr toys why should it be sold t to ataSJaf These qjedi-n. are before the ; pec-pSe today and we mutt take one side or tee other, if tbe liquor l nunc is ngfct, let the red man and the hoys have the same rights tht tbe grotn up wh.te man has But if it is wrong let o as a christian nation arise in our might axd put it down, and then we can deal justly with our brother the rd man. We a a christian nation are ncp-niL-le 'or tbe degraded position of Ihe Indian, we boast of our civilization and send misicnariea to the heathen and regfeet our own poo pi-. How . long can this continue? iakville. Aug 21. AYSwrrtt. ' x HisroaiCAt Boitrat The old; ergine boiler used br Mr M Johnson in i hi saw milt on Drift creek several vsars I 1 OJT. oins wher between P Oand ago. was brought lo this cilv, toia week i Id Mrs McBrjdsse, a lob chain Return by Mr Koer. Mr W Potter of this cilr 55 121 11 3 04 ti 2D5 52 135 79, 16 82 m 77 07 ; 35 70 216 53 j 233 60 95 42 2792 62 90, 73 40! 157 SI i 95 42! 132 12i 99 09; 172 49 267 91 ; 4-5 89 1 1 10 10 1-2 80 73 46 12"! 4j 106 43 165 75 139 46 102 76 j 91 75 ! e4 4I , 117 44: n m 146 ) 102 76 4- J2-. -7 S9 09 201 75 i 69 73 ta 73 33 ca' 117 44 25tl 66 05! i24 n 264 24 99 06 157 71; 124 7 99 09! 44 04 77 t'7 l 'a) 47 wtueh lead. and Death. 1. I nckace. c wttb full tnatrat tjoIj sold tot J A Cumming, sole ae nt, Ai'.-ar a niKis six. nt. , astar ' t aSTl 1 rr LE BRON'S H XjPV sH tf ec!-r Mi A3 A PPEVEHTIYE : kt awiayaetksebft l:ka,tU J A Cusiinicg, sole agtr.t. A LADIES L-i YOC KS )1t OR. FELIX L EUN " i v . . ... . .. . . THE ARHO'-O CHESiCAL CO. 151 S. S Site re Sold by all druggists. rsa esta'e T K P KG IN- i i; r eU cc itmrsVV t'ardwe!! id re I ara , LAGKBU N & S0MEHS ATTORNEYS J.T X.A."W, AH leg-al matters wiilreTcive prompt at tention. Office. Tirst Xvtional Bank building, up stairs. New Advertisements. Star Baken f arffr 4a bia sswd Finst Total.. Dist 3 $ 638963 DCBOOL T.4X. 3 $ 57.00 5 :45fUW 16 xmjt 17 .6 19 . . , MSk 22 10.24 A'l 83 M 52 737.06 57 75.91 74 69.17 75 4030 104 43.36 114 iW.06 Vi 48.67 3116 70 the demand. Both for the irood of the teacher and the good of the schools, a thorough Normal course should be taken by thorn who expect to seek positions in the public school of tbe state it pays to prepare to compete for tha bvA places. Is a I'kkiik AjtExr. A few days ago Dr Bowen Letter, and Miss Anna Allen of Corvallis. and Kdgar Martin and stiend Sunday with his wife, and accord ingly took the II :I7 train for Albany and immediately transferred to trie Uregon Ba c:.fic, which left in a few minute for the Bar. Now, Mrs Olnisted thought the ought to spend Sunday at home, and she i: i t , .r . . x. : steam- I Fackd A Ot) at. An Aiaany grocer, a drummer an J a son ol J J lirahtm went out hinting Chinese pheasant last Henry Ma-k aye. of Portland, got caught accordingly boarded the train at Yaquina . i,037.22 Died. On Aug. 19, 1894, of cholera in formation, after an illness of four or five Knt,M ttlO T04T arm of Mr .mil fra IIVUlOl JV V... uv.. V. .... 1.11.1 .1,10 John Hammell. D ar - Cures it try duublft'l it tnete U another grocery fctoreln tne vvil'amette valley where so much pains is taken to give satis faction at Parker Bros, in thin city. They keep a first class stcck of goods and sell at prices suitable to tire times. It is peculiarly the place for etonr nizert It go. Their produce, fruits Ac are a I vays freah and frm the best gineiis. Their baked goof's are oi a big varietr and are unequalled for excellency in raiHty. Get your camping goods of them and jnche for and excursions. They nave a fine varlrty of pfckels, canned goods, baked goods, .vc, for such affairs, Kabo Corec. A net'ect dress form Oretres (it perfectly over mem. Appro vel by all dreesinsker. S E Vottwc You Agi Am. Right If you take your washing lo the Llrrany Steam Laundry. It you don't you are hot. Something ta the mat fur of too. How can you go to a Chinese establishment with a nrst-vlass steam lauudry in tho city. Don't do it. lie all right bv otiittine it. Hnuitose von do make a few cents; what does it profit ' you, with the Chinese smell and lurking disease around. Patronize the Albany i steam Laundrv. Several newspapers bav-. heea drying to ontlie each other. H ire arc some samples: firasshoppers ere m numerous in Door county, Wis, tbat the ctttzans have to wear goggles over their eves to prevent being blinded while Mey are walking along the counta-y roads. Tiiie is stated on the authority of a Wisconsin newspaper. Michigan makes a strong bid for first p'ace with this whopper: A Blue creek mule tore a t plinter off n stable timber, picked the loca with it. walked out. picket! up a piece of charcoal and scrawl ed on tbe stable door :"( ione to loiicb; be back when the haying is otrer," and disappeared. Farmers in the Grand Traverse sec tion of the Wolverine state awe seeking a method of cultivating red Bee. Why ? Well, they say tbe lioa tickle the hacks of the grasshoppers and ntkre these peats fly away. 1 ret ween tbe two points of rocks at tbe cave about a mile above Nye Creek, and it was otly after a close chlf tbat they got out of : tbe difficulty by climbing up Uie r ... k. a man with a fish pole cn top belpicg them out. One of the men, IV Lester, was com pletely covered with the breakers- The many who nave visited tne place win ap preciate tbe situation. Declared Insane. Mrs Mansfield, an old resident of Harrisburg. was brought to Albany this morning and examined for icsamty. She was found to be of unsound mind and was committed to the insane asylum. Hhe bas been ill for some time, and her mind runs towards suicide. Mr Mansfield is said to be a brot'jer of Mr Dominic Mansfield, one of Linn county's first county clerks. Pabalytic Stroke. Mr Daniel Leedy, of this city, was taken with a stroke of paralysis on Sunday.and has been gradual ly growing worse, until be is considered in a critical condition. Mr Leedy is one of the pioneers of this county a man universally respected for his sterling worth, and many will regret hearing of his present condition. Anotiikh dividend of 10 per cent has been declared by the controller of the treasury on the Linn County National Bank, making a total of 6ri per cent. It will be several weeka before the checks will be received for it. Ing, when they csme very near being hunted tncmselve. They thought tnev were on Mr Graham's place, but Instead were on he farm cf Mr Cole, and were prepared to fight China when Mr Cote appeared and orde'ed them off. On their refusa' he drew a shot gun and look aim this morning and arrived at Albany, about j at the o mpanr, thres ening to shoot if cut tbe boiler in two and will make it ' into hop stoves. This old boiler hasi ntte a history. At one time it was on a Mississippi tiver alee m boat and baa been in several mills in this state The old boi'.er will be taken to Browutviile and use I for drying hope and after its lime baa been served as a hop dryer the Lord only knows what it will be used for next. Siver'ou Appeal. Deafness t'-nnot be Cored or local application a they cannot reach tbe diseased per. ton of tlx car. Tbt re U only one wjy to oire dcaJitM. that is br ccas:c- itorai mnedtes. lastaXMtai is caum try an ln aaa condition of the tnacous lining of tr.e Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed yoa nave a rambling toasti or imperfect bear ing, and wben it is entirety e'.ocevl . Deafness is the result, and untco the inflammation m be tAken oat and this tub? restored to its normal condition . bearing will t-o destroyed forever; nine case out of ten are cansed by catarrh, which I nothinc bet an tenanted condition ot tbe mucous sari acta. We ill rrive One Murtdrcl rsollars ror any ease of Deafness earned tv catarrh tbat can not be c-jred by Kail's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars: frre. t . j. cKK.vt.1 & tj., itueco, MT Sold br DrutrU-.j. 75c. LOST Some where la Albary, Toea day nigb: a nickel watch fll 1 return to 1 EXtccaaT tffic. I CCH RAD I VflB, FRGPF f s CR the same time the Colonel did anil immel- lately transferred to the Southern I'acih-; train for Salem, at which place she arrived at 1 :40 much surprised to find the Colonel bad departed for tbe Bay. - Salem Independent. Shed i. Ueorge Push has been down .th severe at ack of fever bot is now s'owly recovering. The residence of Mr Ilenrv Sprenger a mile and a half north ot town was burn ed late Saturday night. Very little ol the furniture wa saved. It wai insured Kcal Estate Stale. The fact that Hood's Sarsapirdla, once fairly tried, becomes the faintly medicine, speaks volume lor Its excellence and medicinal merit. Hood's Sar&aparilla is Nature's oo worker. Hood's Pills become the favorite cathartic wlih every one who tries them 1 A and Carrie Landers to Sarah O Henness, 80 acreB,9 K .' 1003 W M Ketchum to Klla M DjbroiUe, lot 6, hi 10, Albany 10 W A Dowing to N C Myers, lOtots its Scio 1 D Myers to N (J Moyers, acre. and several lots in Scio IJ 000 8 L and Mary Haydento M W Hunt, S Ij and Mary Hayden to M W Uant, 68 acres, 10 wl 750 Chan K Wolverton to David Shearer. 24.80 acres, 12 w 4 sk'6 U S to C T Craft, 160 acres, II w 1 ...1dkn.t I have just received soother Invoice those popular priced sun umbrellas. SAMesi. E Young, of Late silver sword At Starks. corsage pins at Will If You Want Shoes.- Call on A B Mc 1 1 wain. He bas just received a large and choice stock of ladies' tine shoes. Some elegant Dongola shoes, with patent, leather backs as well ax fronts, and flexible soie.t. are attracting attention. Also a fine line ot men's boots and shoes. Th'j nssijroMt norlrain.tns oity u.,t V jniad rluyer a. Takb Notice. After this date, we, the undersigned, agree to saw oak vootl for 50 tents and fir, ash and maple for 40 cents per cord. July illtn. Obo. Aciikson. Wm., J.N. Combs. they dtdn"' move. Thev moved and soon learned f their mittgke in location Contract Let. The County Court opened the bids for repairing the San derson bridge last evening. Thev were as follows: Win St John. two$l:C." and 1275; J BTdloteon, $84; W B Barr, 1510; James Shahan, t7oo. The con tract was ordered let to James Shaban uiion timling sufficient 5onds. The work to be done is mostlv on the east pier which will be reiiir.l by piling and otherwise in altout the same manner as the Green's ferry bridge was repaired. Thk First Melon. The threshing in this vicinity is about cotk 8 t,1! 6r" on Mr William watermelons Tea this finished except tbe spring grain. The jie'd in most cases has been somewhat less than was expected. Mr M N Richardson, of Scio was in town Sunday visiting friends. Mrs Butdick and daughter, (trace and Misses Cara and Lela Davis and there have gone with :ainping outfit to Water loo lor a lew days outing. Misses Mary Coats and Nellie Murphv, of Monmouth, ar? visiting Mrs Lib Davidson. Notice to Farmer. Having rented the Magnolia Mills and warehouse we arc prepared to store lOOOOO bushels of wheat and oats. We also have a first class chopper in tbo house and are making special inducements t) secure storage. Hte us before making arrange ments for storing.- tiKo t Hntnoic. ta VV SlMI'SoN. year. Une left nt a grocery store, wun tne word Nut on it found its way into the IiKsiiit R.iT office. It is a savory riecc of fruit, and tbe nomiUr llt-nton cotmtv gartl ner will nlease receive loud thanks f?r the remembrance. fin Easi via Thk Union Pacific All repairs are now completed and the The Union Pacific trains are running ihrough without change, leaving Portland dally at 7 o'clock r as, carrying Pullman and toorlt tieepcr recllntrg. chair car etc. Cheapest and shortest route to al points east. For rates and Information call upon Ci'RRAS MoNTKiril Local Agents Red Crow n Boiler Mil's. : ccorpc rated) Boat floor .or fatatlv and bakers us--, storage facilities. DlLINQUENT taxes. n delirqeeav tax ro'-l ia now in mv hand with a warrant for tbe collection of . th cams. An carlv tettlemtot of the i : same isdeird. J A McFsros, Sheriff. ', ssts si in: u, ' ware. tried Frsitsst. Tsbt-eo, "tar, oalee, Et- laaatx1 t . tarrasaai Vege a ble Icairta wple, lets. ' te.. as, rerttlk.t tkat ia kept ia a im 1 r..-.i ui pnsrr tors, lajbss nrket pne-f pud lor il.l KINDS OF PRODUCE How Aek of Will dt S amine ecientihcally Yocr Eves. -Prof A Stark, ir. is now orepa-eil to ex-1 and accurately hv i the latest impoverl methods ol modern , science all who desire to have their eyes .....! P...I ).rk Ilia r,.,.,,nl f ffrlfilitt' ' ed from the OpUialmic College at Chica go, and is thoroughly equipped for the delicate and important wora ot ntiing the eves to as to tie relieved ot strain ami the vision assisted. Do you need glasses? Call 00 Prof Stark and learn about your eyes. lk your old glasses lire you? Call and secure some that ill rest you and help your eyesight Km GU'Vbs. I have jusJ received the new spring shades of the celehratri Centemeri kid gloves and alw Uiose with the large pearl buttons. I expect to carry these in colors to match ihe suitings. I 'arry also lines of the Biar ritx, chamois arid gauntlet gloves. S K Yot'Ko. Received this week frot.i New York, bv express. Fosters genuine lace gloves, u'ack arid colored, also Jennings silk ml ts and lacc, in black and colored. S E Yofso. IOST. On Saturday evenir g in or j uear Albany the boot or oil cloth j . cover to lb hack of a boggy. Ieave at : Democrat , ctse and receive pay for trcn ! Die. TS -Highest market price i d for oats by M senders, Albany Or. Hodges A m.'Kji iMitu, Athacy, Cr. Ut leading drttg- Moirs ail it fir trim mm, 10 the staplr and new shades, just, received l S K You rut's. Halt's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer hat restored gray hair to lt original col or and prevents bn.'daess in thousand-, ol cases. D will do to to ou, (io lo Parker Bros for your " jtocerie Money to Loan. I have mon'iy to loin on gru d farm land in Linn and Bentco countie io aams nt.t overt30O0. Nodslata in faruishiog the "'.in. Call on C O B skhart, Alta.v, Oregon. If yoa want a llis.amo if oall,for Joseph a whits labor cigar, Cahtage. t; reen P an. Celery. Sweet Pot'toe, Nw Potatoes, Jk t'heriles At C E Browneil. t lean towsls tu vrv cutvnir at Viereok thoving parlor. Wit: & Stark keep up with the timesln I the latest stiles ol jsvelry. You will not mist It If you call on them for any thing in the Jewelry line. The Steam Laundry I a home institu . 1 tlon. It it a good one. It does bette ' work than It done at the wathre houses 1 In the lonir run it (a cheaner than the He knot-re washee house. The money paid to the Steam Laundry ia spent In Albany among nr Prl,..'.rT..T. n.i,t-n a white people. Do you patronize the W ILL A STARK, the jeweter f Have Visreck suave hiw. you. Awsrdcd Gold Medal MU winter Fair. San Fraf tdsca. Steam Laundry? 1 hate just received another Invoice o Ladles, Misses end children's tan Ovfo'd '''tea In all sixes and widths. Samurl E Young. Dr. Price's Cream Bchlag; Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Highest Honors at'World's Fair D-PRSCE'S The only Pure Creat? of Tartar Powder.- No Anunonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard NOTICE rtsBiBaaHHiBaW itfllMTl ' ti bi at. Cusick Block -TO- 1 1 IS! " For the Season of 1894 we will chop screenings and (dean seed wheat for our pat cons free of charge. ALBANY FARMERS fcC0. N F MERRILL. Seal Estate,CoUect on i las. Aft Alban3. Or. Ocunty Warrants Bought ssd Sold. H C Watson Luther Elkins. WATSON & ELKINS ATTORNEXS' .T LAW. Office First National Dank httildinr;. Husincss entrusted to us ; - prompt and careful attention. J FRE0 YATES, -A.TT03R3S3"El"Sr A.T 'LAW. Rooms 25 and 26, Strahau Block, Alhany, Oregon WALLIS NASH, ATTOHNST AT LAW. Will practice ia all the courts of the state. Office First Nal'l Bank building.Albany, Oregon. y.O r. rillinsr and extracting of teeth without pain a specialty. KOTtCE. Orsgos Citt. iax. Aug i. t4. Notice is hereby given that the -approved plat of surbey of Township 12 Sooth. Kanajre S East has been rsceivetl f.otu tin; Surveyor iieneral of Urgon. and on OcTOBXAt It), 1S4. at 9 o'clock a tu of said day. said plat will lie tiled in thi office and the land thervtn embraced will be subject to cr.tiy on and after said date. Tp t) K 6 K will be sub ject to entry on October l, at S a in, and Tp 9 K 5 E on October iS, at 9 a m. Robxrt A Mi . 1 1:. Register. Pi-tkb Pai-kt. Koceiver. EXEtiUTRIX KOiiCE. Notice it hereby given that the nid-r-sigced has thi day lo. u duty rp. i . . t , d executrix f the last will and tettiae..t of Sophia Van Wmdle Braver, dtcease'. b the Coout, Court of T in cvnutv, i tttsss. All peraors having t'trtm gai-Mi aid deceased are required to pre-ent them tu the anderaignod at Portland, Oreison. or la Weatherfortt & Wvatt attorneys at Albany within six months from thi date. This Slt day of Jane. iS94. Miksik Baucuut, Kxvoutilx of the last will of -.opt. i Van Wtndle Bruggr, deceased. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed executrix ol the last wilt and testament of Wl'.liarr H Henderson deceased ate of Linn county Oregon. All parties having claims against said estate are notified to present thetn duly verified to the said cxecuttix t her residence two miles south east of Holley, Linn county Oregon within aix months from the dale hereof. June 15. 1S04. PhokbkAkn Hk.ndkrsov Executr ost. A bunch ol aei s four or five io number either laid down some where or rott. Return to thtt office, buuaoic reward. V