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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1894)
tit numt Wckki.v UkmocHAT. $i 75 per In advance. $j .00 at end cl year. year Misscda Cvclosc. A woman writing from Renville, Minn., to a Salem friend tells how she just missed a cyclone. "It missed us only ten rods. Ii was an awful moment. My husband was in the yard with the children picking up hailstones, when he saw it coming. He grabbed up the babies and rushed into the house say inn: 'Go to the cellar with the children quick.' I knew what that meant for he nevf r said cellar before. I took one look as I passed the kitchen window and saw it in all its magnificence just, as ii sirucK tne Orst house. It was coning in a bee line for us when we rushed down stairs. I huddled the child ren under my wing in the southeast comer of the cellar. My husband lay on the cellar steps and had a nerfect view of all thiough the cellar window. About ten rods from our house h raised and moved out ef its course to the east, and then came to the ground again, taking everything in its wav, dwellings, church and school house, t arns and outbuildings too numerous to mention . One old lady and her son weie in their house and did not see the cyclone coming, and the two were found afterwards some rods from the plce badlyhrfaed and broken up." CnttOM Answers. The count v board of examiners tj piss upon the papers of the applicants for teach sra certificates finished their labors yesterday and have the general averages yet to figure out. 1 ney nau a big lot ot answers to perns' this time and q-iite a number of them were most ridiculous displaying ignor ance on the part of the applicant. For instance, on the subject of modern his tory anch responses were given to ques tions as follows : y Name three forms of government that existed ajiong the colonies prior to the revolution. A. French, English and Spanish. Q. What caused the civil war. A. Annexation without rep.esentation. Q. Name two American poeta; A. Shakespeare and Bryon. The Peqnot and Sioux wars were given as among the battle ot the French and Indian war. Ten nj son and Burns were named as prominent Anier lean statesmen. The art of printing was named as an important American inven tion. One of the answers to the onestion 'wha. and where is Lima," (referring to the capita' of Peru) was that "it was a large bird found in the Ancles moun tains." Out of a possible 100 one paper in modern history received nine per cent. Statesnir n. MaasiKD ax Fiiday's Ex aminer contains an article that will be of general interest to Oregonians. Lieu tenant Milton F Dvia Is an army officer whoformeily resided in Polk county, where his parents now reside. He went from there to West Point, graduating at the head of his clasa. For some time he haa been stationed near San Francisco. He fell desperately in love with Hlanche Bates, an actress, and they were married in March Blanche, whose picture is given in the Examiner, soon tired of living in barracks and decided to return to the stage ; so she left young Davis, refusing to come to Po'k connty and vis it with bis parents while he took a trip for hia health to Alaska. She has bean act ing in Kansas City and will go farther east soon. Lieutenant Davis savs he will receive her hack w henever she i wishes to return, but her friends declare that she win never return to army life. As their life together had been a happy one, the affair has created considerable of a social breeze. A Lxbob Savkb. Baxter Howard has constructed a near labor saving device as an attachment for a threshing machine. It ia a self-feeding arrangement and does the work of four men. Tlte grain ia placed on an eniless draper or carrier and knives are so arranged that the hand is cnt and the grain spread and fed to the machine without the he'p of any one With a tew improvements in manufac ture it will be a great success. The at tachment has b ea in rpera'ion on K V Howard's machine near town end pro nounced a success by all the machine men Junction City Times. A few more inventions like th's will result in all the men being out of work. The truth is there have been so many 100 man machines invented already that it takes rustling to get something to do. The Past Guarantees The Future The fact that Hood's Sarsapa rilla has cured thousands of others is certainly sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. it makes pure, rich, healthy blood, tones and strengthens the nerves, and builds up the whole system. Remember Hood's aywrrVava Sarsa parilla Cures Be Sure to get HOOD'S and Only HOOD'S. Hood's Pills are especially prepared to b taken with Hood's Sarsaparllla. 25e. per box. LACKBURN & SOMERS ATTOKNETS JLT All legal matter) will receive prompt at tention. Office, First Xvtional Bank building, up stairs. FOUND: A pair cf kM tan kid glove', r'ze 6'A - Caratr will find them his office. i. nfjrH, jPaintss. llr J. A. Ciiinniiitp ALBANY, OREfr Street Railway Time Card The w will leave corner of Firtt and W ashington street at follows: 7:40 m for Lebanon train. S:1.S " " Orohan's Home . 11:50 " " Noo.i trsln going north. 12:15 p m for noon trsin going south. I " '' Lebanon train . 1 .30 " " Orphant Home. . t rr nj 9:55 " " Overland train goir on For Orphan't Home on Sunday car leave at 2 -30, 3 OJo and 4.30 pm The carwill alto meet all inc tralnt on thg Oregon PaclBc railroa C G Bl'RKHAKT ICaveut tndTrade-Markt obtained, and all Pal. E nt biaibe-d conducted lr jfloc:sTt Ftrs. I nmcr ia Opeosrrc U.S. PircNT Orret remote from W.shinKton. , Send nrjaei, arswuia "i - 5don. We adie, 1 patentablrr or notjree ol i . " . . j... ,.i r.inissecnred. 1 . ! . sanrmOhs. i Patent, wits ieow of trie Irl the U. S. and jiweigocoi Caasaww fr AdaTrefifL 1 C.A.SNOW&CO. i Oee. (TtMT omct. wMiaTvi .ft. C Wall Paper,! w The Steamer Hornet arrived at the Bay at 10 o'clock last night with a good csrgo cf freight. Regular meetin ; of the W C T U ! their hxll toworrow alternoon . nu mem bers are requested to De pie.ent. At will be seen by our County Court proceedings the deputy county cleik will receive $S3 a month, or approximately 1 1000 a year, and the deputy sheriff, $66 a month or spproxlmately $Sjo a yeai . Three ladles entered a church in an eatt ern city and, adaresslig ihe usher, asked him 10 give them a pew by themselves and to please not pt anv one else In it They explained that they die not want their big sleeves crushed. The Caps Foulweatrter lighthouse at Van ulna Bav. was built in 18?J at a cost of Mr V F Crosby, of tills city was the first keener, retiring In iS7. S L Was was keeper from lhe.i to 1887, and F M r rummer since then. A letter from Ora states ihat the vessel he Is on, the Louts UUen, was overhauled by a government parol ves set and all iheirguni seized and sealed up, and they were oidered not to hunt any more seal with (ire-arms. They then started In pursuit of seals whh s"ers and clubs. Toledo Leader. Frank Mcey, of this city, while up at Elk poatoffice, accident I v shot himself through ihe hand while hunting. He was sitting on a stump and went to raise i the gun when the trigger taught on the side cf the stump and set the gun off. it tore the side of his hand pretty badly, and he may lose Ihe lltt'e finger. Sal?m Independent. Hey theie, vo-i song of-the-plow! Here ; Is a record breaker for 1S94: Oecrge Ward had 75 acres of his land sown in I oats. The 75 acres made 4.000 bushels, j which It 53 bushel to the acre- This by far knock. .- the eve out of anything we have heard of this year. C'nspe, Davis A btevepsc-n threshed the their fim pb of the crop, tt being season H-diey Kt, Mr lake Fleischner, of Portland, a resident of Albany years ago, is in the city todav. Assessor Ted Parker, of Lincoln coun ty, is in the ciy, making some assess ments. The Misses Torter, Mr.fohn Morrison, Mre Cross and Mrs Overman went to the Say this noon. M Charles Burns recently went east on a trip, and it is said mar he heard from in base Lall fields. Frank Wheeler will leave in a few days for Humboldt conntr, California, with h:s family, where they wilt reside in the fu'ure. Collins Flkins and Charles Sea' s will leave this week on a bicycle trip to Ash land. They will take along a camera and capture some of the scenery on the way. J W QuaMlebautn, late of Mississippi, but now of Albany, was in the city yes terday. Mr Quattlebauni is looking for a loca'ion to engage in the clothing: business, but found the field in Corvallis well filled. Corvallis Informer. Mrs HallieParrish Hing-- has returned from Portland to Salem to reside per manently. An item in t'le Statesman would lead one to infer that her husban 1 remains in Portland. Mrs Hinges is one of the beat vocalists in Oregon. A Yaqnina Bav correspondent says that Miss Maud Elkins haa proven hei self to be the mat skillful lady swimmer of the season. She swims with ease and grace and often vent ares beyond the general line of bathing. She feels confi dent in her ability as a swimmer and courts no danger. Mrs Dr Wriifht, of McMi-nville, a cousin of Mr A J Hodges, of this city. ; was in Albany yesterday on t er way to ' Frineville. where her mother i lying dangerously ill. Her brother, County Clerk Hodges, of Crook county, was in Eugene waiting for her, and will take her across the Cascades by wagon. On account of this trip Dr Wright did not take his long bicycle ride rutntioned re cently. T Murray Spencr, the accomplished drum ner who made the brilliant speech published In the Democrat last year, at the National Traveling Men s asocia tion, which resulted in Portland's being I sec a red as the meeting place for 1K94, ia in the city Though the association did not meet here on account of the business depression cf ihe country, Mr Spencer's speech will remain es a monument to his forensic genius. l'he Tariff Bill. Washington- D. C. Aug. 13, 2 Meetine houe leaders held in Spvaker ' i Oriiim -mnm thia mnrninir fnr th rair- r- I poee deciding action be taker, in caucus ' i f i u i . . . i I ioaay. ti nen ui: nouse caucus mn ,u . one o'clock 1 13 members were present. I Holman in chair. Wilson took noor: in I a long statement he explained embarrass- menu under which house conferrees had labored, declared it was not their fault that satisfactory conclusion was not I reached. Hohomble alike to house and j democratic party he declared house con ferrees had stoutly con'ended for special i duties on sugar which he said would ! show precise benefits lo trust. lie then made the starting statement upon authority of the leading democratic ' senators that trust had puichased a foreign raw sugar to the amount of one hundred and twelve million doliars in anticipation of sugar schedule receiving approval of the president. Wilson de dared the sugar trust bad the people by the throat, and added, it was uoi a fight of the people against this great monop oly. W ilson concluded by saying flic-re was no propsect of tariff legislation un less the sens e bill was accepted. On TnE Sidb cp Japan. The .Sunday Oregonian gives aeco-nt of an affair in which Frnnk Blodgett. a former resident of Albany, figured. While going along the street he attached a Chinese gardener knocking him down and again hitting him several 'lines, when the (celestial used a siekel in defense snd bit Blodgett a hard blow on one of his wrists, nearly cu'ting it off. It bled so profusely that the young man fainted from loss of blood. He was taken to the Good Sam aritan Hospital for treatment. The Chinaman disappeared. A dispatch re ceived at Albany says Mr Blodgett is get ting a'ng all right. 8ES Hr i'ru ker Bros, grooara. How cream obeese just received at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Flioo Bloek, docs Hi-at class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 oent oigai at Jalms Joseph's, Dr M H K.Ih. physieua and surgeon Allytry, Orem. ('all mat In oity'or ooontry. l a.ronise home industry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by lu'ius Jseph. Buyb Wool asd Gkaik Mr A Senders announces to the public that he is in the fiid to buy wool, grain, nmcs, potatoes, etc. Call on him at his headquarters at the store of M Sternburg, corner First and Broadalbin streets, Albany. Go lo Tarker Pros for your groceries - UNIVERSITY OF OREGON- Ulil.XI. Xert Isession Irejrins the 17th of ber, 1894. eptem- Tuition. free. Board, 2.6D a week. Five Courses: Classical, Scientific, Lit erary, English and Business. DOBMITORY. The Boarding? Hall for young ladies and the Boarding Hall for young gentlemen will Ire under the personal supervision of Mrs Mucra, a lady of refinement and largo experience. For catalogues, address J J Walton, 3ecy Regents. tjiesd trxr Os Tramps. An article on "tramps" recently appeared in the Washington Post. It was written by Mr Allan B Slauson, son-in-law of Hon H A Irvine, of this city, and attracted considerable attention, as it struck directly at the root. Ho begins oy saying that it is with a feeling of disgust akin to pity that one visits the so culled industrial camp. Filthy and lazy beasts in the semblance of man, covered with layers of dirt, although the Potomac flows within a hundred yards; impervious to the rees mg ouors mat arise irom their own bodies as uwine wallowing in a barnyard; content with food that only hungry dogs would eat; this is a picture of the array of tramps that have marched to this city from all paita of the North and West, some of them coming from as far away ax from the states of the Pacific coast. Then hejreats ably of the industrial situ ation generally, giving the real animus of tho tramp, or member of the so called in dustrial army. He says; Go out to Frve camp at Kosslyn or the Coxey camp at Bla denslurg and talk with these men. You will be surprised lit what they consider "fair wages. Very few. indeed, are there but that will scorn the thought of working at less than $2. SO a day. More want $3, 3.50, or even $4, and every man in camp is in favor of a universal lght hour law. They read the papers and keep ported about labor troubles all over the United States. "I came away from Cripple Creek, Colo," said one "because they cut our wages down to 13.25!" Another man who boasted tint he had teen in the United States penitentiary at McNeil's Island, in the state of Washington, for taking part in a riot against Chinamen at Tacotna. said he had a "soft job," as he expressed it, bossing a g&ntr in the mines at $4 a day, but the men struck for higher wages and the mines closed down. "Couldn't you get any sort of work out there?" was 'asked . "Nothing but street work at $2 day, and only Chinamen would work for that." These arc the men whom society on the 1 acitic coast realizing how dangerous they i were tn any community, aided to come Fast. The railroads carried them without recompense, fearful that unless they did their property would be destroyed. And these are the men who came to Washing ton, boldly announcing that they must be supported. Mr Slauson gives the true remedy to be the absolute refusal to offer these men charity, or even government support. "When thousands of honest men with fam ilies can scarce y earn enough to feed them- selvc. their wives and children, it is enough to anger any one to hear these lazy . . 1 r 1: ,1 -. increase the already heavy burdens of the people by giving them "work at fair wages.' ' The closing paragraph clinches ti.- mat ter, and is also suggestive nf ihe remedy to be aapaed here as weil as there: ihe ex ii-iencr at uiesc camps ss tvaartfwi is ueurnu- , ent mirlv n,. ihi r,,! . f l,na. ' i 1 J M a - 1 1 I . . J r . 1 r . . ton and the surrounding counlry. teed them and they remain. Shut off supplies or demand that each individual shall do a reasonable amount of work for a meal, and there will not be enough of the "industri als" left in a week for a corporal's guard, i fhe Democrat regrets that it lacks space to publish the entire article. It is one that will have a marked effect wherever read. A GbOBior CtH'STav. A Newport ; Oregon, letter to Colman's Riral World! contains the following : "As I have spent ; one of the wettest winters and one of the dryest ones here they ever bad, i so they j say l now if so, it certainly is the finest cit-1 mate on earth, and right her.- ia one of the j mrst rhlrminir iiWs tn rdk& the t i .ti.. winter or summer. The mutton nf these ' kills is the best in the world. Ail this le gion needs to make it the garden spot of the earth is population, and when our' rail ways begin to carry passengers at the same rate as freight, which they should be compelled to do. atl will be well. Why not r Almost three-fourths of their net profits are from freight. If tbev were to carry us as freight it would add another three-fourths to their net profits. Remem ber that some six-sevenths of us never travel because of high charges, am) . i ia. i the 1'iuei r?euiu saw as uiue a. psiuic. Torse iIos-k Thisves. Two litCe waifs, one bv the name of loon Hamilton the other, Stanley Robinson, aged respect iTely l:! and 14 years, are now in charge of Sheriff Combs1 who has arrested an.1 is , holding them waiting for an offiivr from -Linn county to arrive and tak j charge of them The charge alleged air.un.-t them is larceny, it being said that they stole a pony and saddle apiece and struck out from their homes uear Waterloo in Linn county. 1 he bovs while ragged and dirty, seem to be ordinarily briirht li'.tle fellows, and claim that they dit not intend to steal tne outfits, cut merei but merely t.ok them from the luMnre of a relative andes we talked the matter ever with .1 ;i i. . ilui )!, mMi k... 1 them, it appeared to us that they must havw thought it no barm to do so. It is scarcely credible thai stjcb children should Ire full- ' fledged horse thieve. Prineviile New. Aptkb a Sheriff. In the county OOtart proceedings of Lane county the fol-; lowinvf appears: It appears from tne re turns of tax warrants filed with the clerk of : said county on the :ta day of Aagust, l'.4. j that be has collected taxes in the sum of (1031. 37 which he refuses to pay over to I the treasurer of county in the time prescribed by law and that be claims to be I noldinir the tame for fees or charces not al- j lowed by law; it it therefore ordered that' lieorire B Dorris. Esq. be appointed to as- J sist the district attorney of the district in the collection of any and all sums of money fennd to be doe the county from bim. and if not paid on demand, that they commence action against him and his bondsmen to collect the same. Big Catch. Later reports from New port go to show thrt Henry Kundxet, H A Thomas and E B Kendall two of these being Independent Ws were in big luck yesterday. They actually caught 159) pounds of cod fish 230 pounds came todsy to Davison's market and 22) pounds to Steiner s marset, where they are now for sale, sime having bnen sent to Corvallis. Albany and other point. Salem Inde pendent. Mr Kendall is an Albany man. HcrK Yet. With lower wheat rates on the 0 R & N. and higher price due to the Asiatic war, there seems to be hope for the Oregon Farmer yet. Oregonian Give us Union Pacific connection with th? Oregon Pacific and then zealously guard our Corean interests and Oregon will be more all right than ever. Statesman. Marion fJlletle, sn old man.wa recent ly sttacked bl two Indians at hia home three mllet from Newport, who robbed him ol $10 in cas'l, besides cutting him badly. They thought he had f6oo in money in his house. Miss Jestie Hunter returned on the steamer Homer from a several months visit in San Francitco. COUNTY COURT. (J. N. and J. W. Duncan, county Judge; Puich, Commissi' inert. ) J at. Wstert The County court adjourned Saturday evening after transacting the following additional business: Bill of W B Gilson 5.00, rontined, also bill of C F Wrwhr. h-20. and bill D Mc- C lain ,5 .00. Joseph F Bethtine drew free scholar ship to State Agricultural college. BILLS ALLOWED. A S Powell, stock inspector . . $ 6 25 F M Bedfield, salary as Deputy County Clerk for July 83 00 C W Watts, printing.... 112 25 J B Tillotson, bridge 103 00 Stewart it Sox, hardware 68 33 Trites fc Muller , 4 00 J W Clemens, miscellaneous .. . 1 CO Glass & Budhomme, books 9 00 P ii Moon, aid McPhirton 43 00 Read, Peacock & Co 11 35 Geo Ridinger, acct bridges 1 14 24 M J Cameron, roads 13 72 J N Duncan, judge 100 00 John Waters, commissioner 16 05. Q K Propst, deputy abend's salary for July 0600 Isabel Wood, acct poor CO 00 Wnen Baby waa sick, we gave ber Castorfa. 'When she waa a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she china; to Castorla, WS.en alio had Children, she gavetliem Castorla. Moire iiUfr tr mAin, ia the staple and uw 1 hairs, joat rre lived at S E YotiDii'r, The Keeley Institute Is to be moved from Forest Grove to Salem. Marshal Petit, of Indiana, hat been appointed Indian agent at Kl&mali. R G Thomas was arrested for shooting near Turner on the highway and fined $(5 and cotti on each of two charges Pay day will come on the O P as uiual this month, with an Increased butlnegs 10 report. All t iirplusi will be spent In betterments. Mr E L Power has purchased the O M McFarland harntss shop nn Flist street, and will hereafter run it. Mi Powei is through workman nnj a leltab'c business man. Vesterday afternoon at Oak'and, Oregon In an altercation over a yoiir.rr lady on the streets of the ci'v, Sam Rrown was shot and instantly killed by Alt Klncald, excitement prevailed and there were fears of a lynching bee Yes'erc'av two boys stole a chicken and gave It to a tramp. They were taken In tow by the marshal and s'eered towards the calaboose . After being well fright ened they were allowed to go upoti mak ing tome warm promises to do better. The Oregon Ingtitu'e for the blind, at Salem, will open on October 1. J8O4, with K ." Holilnger at superintendent. It de serves the hearty suppoit of the public. A new building has been erectrd and the I school is well equipped to do good work. ! At 1 o'clock ye-terday, at Woodland, Calif, Judge Fisher rendered a decision , in the train-wrecking case. He refused to allow the motion of dismissal, and said the evidence warranted the holding of a1! five defendents 10 appear before the super ior court. W K Crosby, of the steamer Homer, ar med this noon Loin San Francis?. License has been issued for the marriage of J A Bowman and Kllu Anderson. U S Marshal Grady passed through Al bany this morning for Port'and, after a Air aim .'im souuw wrni to i auuimi u... u: rV. ci K3 I.OV.l 101 1. 11- u.-i t.iin- .110-1 lilt. I 1 . . ... 1 long residence in Oregon. Mr George Hart, of Grant's Pass, stopped off in Albany this noon on his way home from a trip to Sa'em. He is the guest of hit brother, A S Hart. Mrs Dr Hendricks and daughter, Mrs Dr Davis, returned from the Bav this noon. coming to the vallev earlier than was ex- ! peeled, on account of the illness of Mr Hendncks' hrotuer r. .1, , . 1 . th- this noon in rssronse to ti Halsey a telepoone message from Dr ueary for a consul- tat ion in the case of Mr Earl, affe.-ted with 1 certainly lay claim to some of the most en , obstruction of the bowe!s. 1 terprbinir vounir ladies in OMattMi: at least i Maj. Kichanls.editer of the Indianapolis, ; .rw5, a lea.unir raper 01 tne west, arrived in Albany this 11 'U jpnni- - nanitvl K I la wife. mil will rema.n until l. - " , the OTerland. Ihe guests of their couain. Mr I o V i. I - Ti i . . " .-reeie. iih-j ar.- mill ill I war a. pan ucw uunig tue i-Masi, ami win join m .m to night. Married, on Sunday evening, Aug 11. lSist. i.i Albanv. bv Rev t',mlev. of the Evangelical church. Mr K It Tinkle, the popular and rustling photographer, and alias tttra E Westbrvuk. one ol Albany s bright young ladies, f hey hare tne b-vt wishes of many friends. G W Runt, the railroad contractor, who spent Sunday in Albany tne guest of Judge Strahan. left this morning for Portland, from which place be will go by st earner to Southern California. where bis men are run ning the preliminary survey for a railroad that may be built. Mr Wm Hannon arrived in Allunv last n'aht from Nebraska, on a visit ith hi i Alliany relatives, the Purdonu. He it a ' brrther of Mrs Purdom. who has been in ; Jregon t itv with tier son Joe. who came up on the noon train to meet him. At they bad ien parted forty years, the oeca- j S1f 1 1011' ?"f , ! . Walker left today for New ork ta ' Cn the M ard James company, with whom ha secured an engagement. It is rot : often that an amateur has tne giwd fortune that "or Jack ha Bad. and we know that I be will take advantage of it. and expect to ) , st at use top 01 toe lauurr. -v..ria..: Informer. Perhan a misfortune. al i one actor in a hundred bat would do better I uu i ue sute. j , . . j Real Estate Sale. H Brvant to Rabv Wver. 30 acre. $ Wm li Roach t- H s? Webtier. 16 rod ailjoining Harrtsburg . Peter Black to Tberesis.Tanker. tot I. bl 15.. IV t 4th ad. Albany M H Klli. to A B Mcllwatn. lots 7 330 COO and 8. bl 4. I A Albanv I SCO 1000 :C5 lb Michael Hngan to Kliza I Wash Imrn. 40 acre. H w I W V. Jenna to John Larkin, 2 pieces land J J Oubroille to W M Eat small 'hum. S' interest in lets 1. 2. ft bl 130. H ad and 45x100 feet bl I EA. Ella L and J J Dnbruille to Laun. Ketcbum. lot 3. bi 19. Albajiv C W Sypher to Elizabeth Hale, lot 7 and 9. bl 1. tioltra's ad. Al bany (Jus Krauger to Chistian Bleiscb. 40 acre. 13 E 1 K. H J and Julia A Peterson to H C Hardman. 2 acre).. 11 w 3 Jaa:e Miller to Viola C Bell, I acre. 11 w 2 J J Sawyer to Oregon T and T Co, rieht of wav 1C swf 2200 200 8501 I I 1 ; J M Mover to Oregon T -ml T O. right of way T T Rxmcli to 0 T and T Co O A C R R Co to J H (ieddet. 40 acres. 10 E3 200 46 C K Wolverton to David hearer, 24.80 acres. 12 w 4 She J' 1 . August 14. UJM. Mrs M b haver and son Mrs A Souther land and two daughter. Miss Maud Carter, of Halsey. have juat returned from a trip in the mountains and report an enjoyable time and a large number of camper at Lower foda ail seeming to enjoy them- 1 selves. Thresheis; nd bavlers are very busy in this vicinity and are doin? good work. F Adams' blacksmith shop is crowded with work. The fact that Mood's Sarsapardla, once fairly tried, becomes the family medicine, speaks volumes for its excellence and medicinal merit. Hood's Sartaparilla It Nature's oo worker. Hard's Pill become the favorite cathartic with every one who trie them. 5. Kid Gloyb. I have juat received the new soring shades of the celebrated Centemeri kid glove and also those with the large pearl buttons. I expect to carry these in colors to match the suitings. I r-srry also lines of the Biar ritx, chamois and gauntlet gloves. SE Yot;na. Cabbage. Green P as, Celerv, Sweet Potitoe. Sw Potatoes, & Cheriie At C E Rrownell. Anoiher Invoice of Gilbert attrens in plain and brocaded. fast black Also (er- callnc In tart black end colors and latt black orsrandirs just received at Samuel Young's. Huh. at Vierecks :n tioK parlor. ahaving and hair Clean towels to every cuatomer at Viereck tbaving parlnra. Have Viereck shave bow. ycu. Ik-kpows 1 have jutt received another Invoice tbote popular priced un umbrella. Samuki. E Young. of Wll. Ai Stark keep up with the time tin the latett style of jewelry. You will not ml it If you call on them for anything in tne jewelry line. Talk Js; but when you come to j facts every body knows that Crawford A Paxion take better photograph than any j other gallery in Oregon and at as low prices ss the lowest, r rtl slree adjoining Masonic Hail. Did you know that Tinkls msde the finest photos, tee the new ( samples snd get his prices. "WE Chops. Following is tho report of the U S Department of Agriculture, Weather Bu reau, of the Oregon State Weather Service for the weekending Mondav, Aug 18, 1894. Threshing fall grain is biing advanced rapidly and spring sown grain is being harvested. Now tnat threshing haa been done the amount of damage which was dono by the grain aphis is known. All t f the counties in the Willamette valley re port a fulling off from the average, except in Yamhill and Washington. Fall orraui is not reacning iue .. oouuiern "",.""" " " -j--. v. ..ib coast counties. Oats are yielding nearer an cron of wheat promises to yield better re-! suits than the other grains. In the conn-; ties where an average is not realized the : sole cause is attributed to the grain aphis, I since in these sectirns the quality of the grain is also lacking tireat quantities of j fruit was packed during the wecK to he! sent eist. There seems to be a ready I market for fruit. Apples, pears, plums and I prunes arc plentiful. River ok Bixwn. Settlers along the. North Santiam in the mountains the fi.t ! of the week were thrown into wonder ami excitement bv the peculiar cf j the stream, which Mowed lor hours, I river 1 i of apparent blood. But it had a natural ; 1 explanation. A heavy thunder storm had 1 raged in tho mountains above Detroit and i a bolt of lightning had struck the Lank . j overhanging the rivet causing an immense ; landslide of the rnl clay formation, which ' completely dammed up tie stream for some , hours and left it dry for a mile or two be I low. After a time the impeded water ! , broke through the enbankment with a ; mighty roar, carrying the red solution with 1 I it and coloring the river for several miles 1 as first spoken of. State man. Pan k 0 Vv HKAT Wheat is 38 cents j at Albany, which is really above the mar ket: 06 at Chicago; at New York; and . . f ,. , , at least b-4 at Liverpool. Ihe diSareBCe 1 , , j . - 1 et ween Liverpool and Chicago is about ISU rents. A mwr ha- figured cut that Ha nilTerence goes as follows, per liundre bushels: $7.j5 was the cost of freight and insurance, the remaining $4.30 being for elevator etorage, weighing, inspection, commission, and other legitimate charge Tliit made actual cost of 100 bushels. laid nown at Liverpool, amount to t 73 ieiuciing tnis irum fb 00. ice Liverpool setli..g price, and there is but 77 cents profit, only three fourths of a cent a bush el, which H what the middle men gt. A KrsTi.ixi. t.ittL. Crook couarr ran haJ' thol" taught by young ..' 'V ' "L' " - - i uvu.a wwim ajw-. .... uiruiiuu. uur frugal sclel last fail an.l winter, nmnl , - .. , ... . ln m!ul fron Bnneville to W arm bpnng jammer tnrrulirh (nunc .in. I rarlv ti!mmr agency tnrougti sp'ing and tariy tummer months, overhauled her mother' reapT and cut sixty acres of grain, and has a con- ! tiact to teach a six months term of school beginning next niontn. Her name it Miss j Lou Campbell. Certainly there it an op portunity of a life time" to some young I man of steady habits. News. DtBD Another pioneer cf Linn county I j at his home, at Halsey. on Tneday night. Aug. 14. 1S4. of obstruction of tbe bowels, i Rev Joseph Pearl, at the age of H yart : Mr Beari was born in Ohio in 1J, and j ' came to rrgrn in 1 -52. He 6rjt ran a ! ! farm for several years, until 176 when he nove.1 into Halsey Atui went into tne user- ! ! cantile basine-. being a member of the iirm of Blafk. f'n.rl a- On with which ho . was connected for eeten yean, afterward j ! running the planing mill witt bis son James. Mr rear! had eleven cLildren. He was a man of genuine worth and leaves a good rev of d at a citinen and neighbor. Lase Corsrr Siyatn? Tire Linn county commiasicoert court, vesterday. in semaion at Albany, placed the salary of dep-' uty clerk at 1X1 per month and one deputy i tberiff at $86. In Lane county, which has fewer voters and less taxab'e property, the denote clerk is allowed ! ner innnm - and the first deputy sheriff fXO per annum. wnii.t a wvnl ltity . thrill was alltwel 1. mnnik mi fnr hi. W'- u,.k ' the above merely to allow car cilinea an opportunity to make a comparun -itoard. Ir Yur Wast Shoes. -Call on A B Mcllwain. He ha jnt rwviye.1 a large and choice tw of ladhs' fine shc. Some elegant IVjngoU rboea, with palen Icatha- s lock a well a iront. and neiil-:? .ien. j are attracting attention, ot men' I wot- and shoes A Is... a. fine line . The Salem Statesman saw the conclusion . was entirely unwarranted from its itrm that Mrs Haliie Parruh Hiigm woatd reside in ' Salem ail her husband in Portland; but that Mr Hinges will join brr in Sakm a 1 s ion as hit business will permit, a tact the Democrat is gUd to learn. At th; same ; time the item in the Statesman would lead I one to believe jnt at stated. Mr Barnard Moatanye. who met with a senooa accident several wew aao. was ota f the atmeta today for tlie I both arm in ling. He I better as of bi arm than wa at first an ' ticipated. Mr L Lane, representing Pealee Bn. of Portland, is in the city introducing the I I ortianu nood souvenir, a hneir gotten up wor. to be given away on tbecoup.-n plan. It -ry doubtf ii ii I here is another j I i.rfe to much psina It aken 10 give '.--. faction a at Parker Bros, in this ci'r. I Tney keep a first ciaat ttcck of good and tell at price suitable to the time. I it peculiarly the place for etonoTtxert to co. Their proriuce, fruit Ac. are alaavt freh and fr'm the best girderi. 1 heir Dated goot are of a big variety and are luallty. unequalled lor excellent iet your csmpi:ia; good id Ibem and anches for plci.lcs and excursion Thet nave fine varlrty of picket. cannrd good, baked go- ds. Ac, fur such affaira. Deafness Cannot be Cured r local application aa ther runot rvacU Ins ircucd portion of lie car. Thi re 1 only ens 1 4 way to core dcafn. and that I br taNSstttn" tlOPl remedie. Deafness iscausrd by an in- nir.-id condition of tlie nrcetiu l.nlue of ihe Eustachian Tube. WheatH: tube I ed voa have a real' ; - r- sir t cr Imperfect hear ing, and when It I entirely closed. lVafnr i ths result, anil ewtewa the Inf animation esn be taken oat and th'-r tnM. rT;torcl to It ttomal enndition, awaring u :i bu d--troved forever: nine cases it : tea ara ctawtl by cr.tarrh, ntek is BOtblnc L tan IsCaiacd cocdition or the in jr. i rur . We wile' - C -rwlrwl 'loilars for any ure of ficn'-if i aw u 1 by cnt.trrhl that can not b rtrl by Hull s . uariii Curs, fceiul for circular .; !.-e. r. J. cii.TNKY SI to-. Tolclo, U JUT 81J IW SSMBtf Ka . Ti.. Great Keduction Sale. The ar.-atett reduction tale on ladle shoe that ha ever taken place in Albany it going on al Klein & Dnbruille t shoe store. They ate selling oR without reserve all their women and rottse plain toe. Commonsente and Opera loes, Urel and Spring Reel, Hand and Machine tewed shoe at jut regular price. Ladies needing shoes will do well by culling be fore size are broken, a lhl I a chance togeta firt-clag thoe fjr very tittle money . Sale laU until August icih. Very Truly Yom. Klein & Dubruille. You Axi All Rioirr II you take your washing lo the Albany Steam Laundry. If you don't you are not. Something is the matter of ou. How can you go to a Chinese establishment with a lirst-clsss steam laundry in tho city. Don't do it. Be all right by quitting it. Suppose you do make a few cents; what does it profit you. with the Chinese smell and lurking disease around. Patronise tlte Albany steam Laundry. Julius Gxadwohi. informs us ths this branch store ot. Second street will be open Irom tbl day on in regular form of business. The same will be a cash store'. Come and try and talltf yourselves Ihst the cash temlsthe only true one In Wine. If you take hi advlie tou wit! never have anv hard time. J Uradwohl. Ia e alive.-sword corsage plna ut Will Stsrkt. Elodgastt McK.nanc, gists, Aibacy, Cr. ;hr,ldiiit drag- Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Frandtco. HOME AND ABROAD Grasshopper have been doing damage In parts of Eastern Oregon. Ths Modoc struck a roc' at Oregon City and sunk a little, but lh; darruge was not great. The exodus from the summer resorts has begun; at th.i same time a good many nave juat begun to go, A large lot of fresh Yaqulna Bay cod- j fish jutt received at M flydes 11 market J on Flrtt etreet. Fine fisb I Paymaster Adams, of ihe Oregon Pacific, went over the road to-day llqui- dating for July. Receiver Clark Ibua ' head ' conlln jes his tplcndld record as the official of the road The examination of ti e paper. of Ihe rectnt applicants for teacher's certificates was completed last evening. Three see on j grades and twelve third grades arete Istucd, ai d there were evenlcen failure-. A dispatch cays that Ado' pit Sutro In an interview last night, sa'd he won d acept the nominal am of inncj. of San if offered by the populists, who are, iheiefore, jubilant. What 1 flrtt ihe reduction in railway rate: on c reftlt will have on the local markets, .icyord Ir. creasing business, can no: bete 11. The farmer wi.l r?ap the benefit of the lower rate and It wiil be oothing in Ihe pocket 'f tne local shipper. C'atsop Beach has to have at least one drowning a year. That of Judge Wiswail t no surprise. He went in when the tide was rbblnK.and rvhiie Clatsop will get the benefit It was reiiy a foolhardy piece of business. Tblrty-eigbl cemt is being paid in Al bany for wheat. There i slight Im provement In the cittern market, but ihe b'ds for futures are loo low to Indicate muh of an Increase. The Cb'.nere ar will not cut much of a figure in the wheat traffic. A very complete and correct affair are Ihe records at kept by the Albany Ab ttrtct company ' Under the Thorn'e yt tem o perfect It il.j arrangement a com rlelc chain of titles it at once revealed. Thettudyof the company's lokt and , ln nteretlng one. Davit Si Rudd I ave built s property that it nat only . Interesting, hu' i' of great value to acom ' munily . A dltpatch from Roseburg aa) thit Protec-tiinr; Attorney Brown ar.d Coroner sillier went to Oakland this morning to . h Vd sn inquest on the remains of Alfred Klncaid, who wts shot and killed by Q S Brown yesterday af-ernoon. After hearing j the testimony In the case. -he coroner's ju ry returned 'a verd!ct charKlng Brown wi'h muriV in the. first degiee . The wit- nettes far lite frosecuikm arc among the most prominent men In Doug'av countv See Tfnke for Photon. Drop In and e the new. Pbcto at Tinkle. Baby Phofot and Family Groups a j specialty at Tint's. Ice cream , and lo cent a dib at Mr Vierick' Ice cream nartor. cor j-d A Broadalbin Ail kind f colored sprcuce at r'-en-j ch' Jewelry stores j No c'angeroo aiiseihetk given by ! Littler the Dentist J CUrtler. Deri!.', i. gUlng the public at near painless den-lstry a aryone. Five i M-a rrsc-fce In Albany asWattat hat Li't r ihe d ntisf is here to ts. liny c-ur speciic'jss and ee clstse st r retch' Jee'r tor. Pilce in kerning wiin the limes. tacle'and"ee vt ny psy a lane; price I j- jour spec else when vou ctn ge inrthlcgiou want al French" Jewelry ttotc at price that are just and right and fair. Every pair warranted. Mt .jhby wish to announce the op ening of her Ifiltlnrry snd Notion store un ;:h. Ca'.l and see her in the Matron building opfctite IVmcKiat effice for birgaint Dor "t be an ol fog and imagine an Artist ha :o be in buinrs in Albany to sea.-s. befoe he ran make a (.end -t . o. Tinkle hat liad tt vearm exneiience and pt.i'lvey cuarau-ees fine and atittic work a can l had unhnr The Fleam Laundry tt a ho Tne 5team I.sundry it a home it.'.f-- llon. It tt a food one. It doe bett?. ork than I done at (he washer hote. In the iong run t C cheaper :. the the liout- Tee moner paid t3 the Steam Laundr y it spent In Albany among white peonle. .V yu patronUe the . i I i - J . t itv (Uitmcil. Taettlay evening. Aug 14. In the a-wence of the sfayor C andlmin i-urkhart presided. Action on several street improvements ; oe.K-ie-1 was ontinued until the nest reg i alar meeting. A remonamni i , f H F Merrill, aoent of first time with wn " "tnnev. to trie uoii.iing or a rew snie rill have much 1 walk ssljoining block T:J was read. , i 1 , . -1 , - t -, The matter of a bridse 00 7th streH over the canal was dicued. It wa report-rd that the Water Works people bad offered assistance with a view to obtain i a better water. The matter of water generally was discus W. Two irus bedsteads were onler.d par chared for the city jail at cost of $4.oO (tstlt. The following bills were crdered paid: M I Henton ItLST: Dvgert A Co. $12.60; Geo Bur hart, f 16 50; Foshav ft MamsB, tl .50: Portland Gas Co. 60.40: B F Pu'dom. J00i Peter Filey Co. 81 .M); OPDannais.ll.W; CO Lee, SJft; .-.n'iain Lumliering Co. W.92: Matthews a Washburn. $2025; Walter East. IMOj C W W esti-rook. f4.C0; Cost bill vr H White. r2 ": Electric Light Co. '.29.00. Probate Record. In ihe estate of Wm Montgomcrr Dual account set for Kept 5th. at 10 a tu. In estate of A P Nye final account set for S. pt 3rd . In -state of James Knox allowed until Aug 10th to tiie inventory. In guardianship of N Y McClure, W R Bisbop appointed guardian. Hester Ann Ames appointed adminis tratrix of estate ol Alooxo Ames. Bond, (2000, approved. In estate of Abarilla Melxgar will ad mitted to prcbate and Charles Metsgar appointed executor Iti estateof 7. B Moss inventory filed; real property, 251r.50; personol. $20. Tbyino to Beat rr. Already several sheriffs in the state are trying to get ahead of the salary law, not content with a good salary- The Roseburg Re view savs: "The question of paying the expenses of the sheriff and allowing him mileage was brought up before the coast by the presentation ol the following bills by Sheriff Cat heart: Stable rent and horse feed, $8.00; livery bill, $10.00: mileage in various civil cases, $20.00. After giving considerable attention to the matter, the bills were laid over until the next regular term of court without action being taken. Should it be dedid eu to ignore the salary law and pay the expenses o( sheriff, besides allowing him mileage, he will be euabled to clear probably from 15000 to ftOOO a year out o( the office more than under the old fee system. The tax payers of the county will be interested by the final decision oi' the board. Commissioner Maupin is outspoken against any more than the hare salary ol $2s00, but the other mem- i berg are non-committed on the suDject. The b atjrnait oodee in the mty al U nrrd ,1 r . Kabo Corset. A nerfect dress form Oresse lit perfectly over tnesa. Appio ve i by all d'eesmaker. S E Young Highest Honors at "World's Fair DPRICE'S The only Pure C re air of Tartar Powder.--No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr Fred I''ort miller returned to Portland this noon. Misses Emma and Aura I'feiffer n tiirru d this noon from Yaqnina Bay. Mrs Alonzo Gray, who has Ireen quiV ill for some time wer.t tc the Bay this noo;. Frank 'raw went to the Bay this norm to join his mother who has been there several days. Mr Walter Peacock and mother, Mrs I p.,t.-rf . .: t, v.... 11,.. ,1 .: n00D j , ', , , , , . ' ..... .. ,,., ,.1.-... tw7-1 'urnet today from their summer sojonrn at i me "ay. Judge Pipir has been renominated for superior judge of the Second judicial dis j trict of Idaho. Mrs Rev M ) Brink and daughter, of ! Southern Oregon arrived in Albany this j noon on a visit. Minn Stella Fisher, formerly of this city, ' was jrrar.te.l a second grade certificate at I the recent examination in Salem. Ed Quinn, of Allrany, went to Newport ! todsy to attend the dance given there by' the 2nd Regiment Land, Infornrcr. Mrs E Thrall, w ho hat lieen making an ; extended visit to Halsey. has returned ! hiroe on account of the f'erious illness of j her child. Mrs J K Wectberfnrd. Mrs Dr Kellev I and Mrs John Alth.aise went to McMinn- ville yesterday to organize a chapter of the. Eastern Star. Mis Tillie Dorris. cf Albany, returned' to her home yesterday after sp-nding sev-; eral -.'ays in hi-t city, the gnest of Miss) Euitua Young Informer. r. 1: xxi t-.i : 1 - a.:. ,J "!'"ii 1 -i'. '"i a .' nrniju irns j foreman asking him to ( to lu'imna to attend tioruan Kbert.m. who h-I been injured teiioosly by a timber falling on bim. The Itocior left on the noon train. Judge lionharu assumes charge rf the Salem postofhee tonight. There are many applicants for the position of deputy, among the number given by a local paper being 1) J Holmey. the democratic war horse: A P (iordon, chairman of fhe Mari on county democratic ventral committee: Joseph Sellwood, an ex-rcboot teacher of Salem and now a rapitalist : rJert Brewer, a former bank clerk; and Kdward McAfee, late rieputy county clerk m - - OakvlHc. Work baa begun on ' he exbrnsion to the tcbool bouse. Mr Williamson is contractor. R U Junkin starts today fee- a isit to Lincoln county. Mr C Stone made up bis mind this spring that an aide bodieu man could make more working in the mines than working on a term in tb valley. He etprested himself that to Mr 1 K Junkin and in a short time the two were on their way lo the gold field of Southern Oregon. Mr Junkin re turned after -n absence of a month with t orac tite sample of gold After remain ing at hr me a week he went back and toed his claim He sav he made more in two month than be could have made on the farm in six. Since hi return Stone writes that be took out $K0 worth of gold in one ' day. ana be say the man that bought the Junkin chum wouldn't take f50C) for it Mr Stone it an old miner. Postmaster Smith was awakened one night hut week by the loud outcries i as he tbouirht) of a populist orator. Thinking that the campaign of "96 bad commenced. be hastily air atvl dressed himself, to find CHI that Uic dtfrurtonce was canted by two Thomas est retiearving t..e discussion be tween T.gv- and Nmith. Wh A Y found oat what they were doing be brooght the meeting to a close before they bad got throoira- Dr Hamiitc-t. will start 'or Yaqaina to morrow. He wit be accompanied by hi mother and fitter AD Morrison of Orvailts. recently ' c.ide a barne.1 visit ID fcs- rirenl? :- to his oarents at thi place. lb- R A .fame and mother made a bur ried visit to fr.enO here ysteriay. . Aittcts. SolUicns' Reunion. -Vtt.ns.1. Ok. Aag 1.1. lgS4. All the airangemett are completed for the to'dters' reunioa here on the 2rd. 24th and 25th int. Ihe speaker will be pre ent to respond as per publisbad prrogram. 1 At 2 p m on the 23rd. after the bugle call ) for the artemiJT. all will le invited to join the singing aliy around tne flag, after which an ad-ire- of welcome will be deliv- i ered arith the fjllowicg repce: On be- ! half of the o-cirade. IVpartment Com-, mamier S B Ortnsby; of the citiaen. Prof vt m L uisitnini In tte evening campfire will I held bv Sexlgwick Post X 10. of s-alem. 1 tsev WiH make it a ern l and enjoyable affair. Each day Meowing toe program will Ue annoucce.1 frora time to time a occasion ruav require. The O P aLi' R R Co has rwluced it rate to one one baif tare f t the round trip. J K Rskri. Chairman of Committee V Hovsa, t;rs Wat The jawbone fal the great 9) foot whale which was cat upon the beau-h at Newport last winter) are now being bleached in the sand, and are to bo used to form an archway to the hotel Momerev near Big Creek. It will be one of the roost onique entrances to a j hostelry that was ever teen Everybody who goes to Nw;ort now has a great curiosity to tee the bones of the monster ' that was found there. It will be re meni be red it: this animal produced; some $00 gallons of oil when it was worked up. Each of the whale's jaw-! banes it twenty feet long. Ks As Ea Accident. J E Cross came vary near losing one of his ears last week ia a peculiar manner, lie was lifting a ; ark of grain and in one hand w as an , open pocket knife. His hand slipped from the sack and new up high enough . . V-1 1. .. .,,,1. ,l.,vn in r ..... t mM 1, ta ear, laving open quae a gash. Dr tieary dreised the wound and Jess i! all right now. except that he carries a patch on one side of his head, and on the other j he carries t'ie knowledjte to be more) , , . . II . , v careiui in ine .ce. Notice to Farmers. Having renbvl tho Magnolia Mills and i warehouse we are prepared to store lCOutst j bushels of wheat and oats. Wp also have I a first class chopper in the house and are making special inducement t- secure 1 storage. St ens before making arrange ments for storing. CiKo F Suirsox. O W Slatntnt. Task Xotics:. After this date, we, the undersigneil. agrw to saw oak wood for 0 cents and fir. ah and maple for 40 cents per cord. July 10th. 0fMa AcllKMIN. W m Nkklkv. J. N. Oorstm Mhn) Market Vhesv'.W.-. Onta, SO;' i lour, t3. 10 I'uthsr, 133. I'Vb 12,'. 1 .i .1, IX to IftC. Fork-:iaimcI2to I:'... ahoubiorw.9 to lOcc ie .11 to 13c Day. halou. (7 & moea, 4r -. Applwo , 4 op 12 rled r.uli -ol uui, let applaa 9c hiokena. l 0.1 ar doaan. eef. on f aw 1 H". ogs, dr ad, rSi tv Ice' a Cretan tsaftiug; Powder Most Perfect Mntta. aaaajf KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment, when rightly used. The many 'who live bet ter than others and eL, joy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products v the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it i- rwrfocf!v f rti. fmm T. . I. rr" every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drue- guu in 50 cent bottlea, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, arid being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. New Adveriisemenis. B ERHIEJ Blackberries, may be crow me WliiamsCe, tor only 2 cen j a pound. Call early. OATS Higbest market price paid for oats by M Senders, Albany, Or. LAWTON BLACKBERRIES. I cents per boa. Coma an I pick them yourselves. BARN En 4 PARKER. Losr. A bunch of aeys fou- or fivein I number ei'.her laid down tome where j or rott Retorn '.oini office. Sui:sb!e reward. QBO E FI-H u THE PLLMBER. ! Tin rootling and plumbing, the opera house. Opposite : II7GOD f r sale at hard time price " oak, ash pW.t.rre, fir. CC He- . NOTICE -TO- i it ii t: it s! - For the Season of 1894 we will chop fscreenincs and 1 ...l r c" wawsjssa iui uui pat icons Iree ol charge. I ALBANY FARMERS CO. aiaH. 0 rsi k assosJx l y.O r. rilling and extracting of teeth without pain a specialty. H F MERRILL. - Real Estale.Cieet e i lit Act Albany, Or. Plinth Warrants Eoaghs ;nd fold. J. 1. j3.IiSTOT. INSURANCE ANDM0NE1 BROKER. Co.rtr Wan-ants P dif u m. tof.iai wo Ait., VTf0l. k. II. T. M mee-t sverv Saturdav even:" in K. O T. MHaii. V.stiinf, Knight "icvited to attead. A L Lamb, Cera, Albanylnsuiarce Agency We have had over seven years exper ience in the Home office and loci! insur- ! a nee bu-iness,and can guarantee It surance ntten bv ut to be propenv looked j-fter. I The following is a partial list of com ps met represented by ut : ( FOP.gnNo-th British & Mercsn.ilt, Norwich t nton. Photo u, London, Man I Chester, Guardan, Son, Caledonian, Lon don & Lancashire. American Vonlinenlal oi New York, Westchester oi New Yojk. The Could nental of New York and ManchesUr of England, write farm business, 'asing noe for the premium, with ample time ia payment. We respectfully solicit anj good business. Ofrue opposite old pott office. M SENDERS J FRF0 YATFS, ATTORNEY A.T t,a."W- Rooius 25 and 'X'. Strabau Block. Allanv. J Oregon EXECUTRIX NOKCE. Notice it hereby given that the undr sigesd haa thi day been duly appointed aecntrix of the lt will and tsstawaeot ot Sophia Van Windla Hrng.,er. deceaiet, by the Count Court of Lin c -unt v. Oregow, All prraors having claims again! taid deceased are required to present them to the undorsigued at Portland, Oretioo. or to Westherfora Wvatt attorney at Albany withlu six nmnth from this date. Thi Sltt day of Juoe. iS94. M'vmi Brucgkr, Kxecutiix of the last will of Sophia Van Windle Biuggr, deceatcd. EXECUTOR'S NPTICE avtiiTUK SS BBHtSI IUVEX THAI THE Clt Iw derail: iw.1 BSS this lay tstn duly spx4nMd executor uf Um ImI HI si d testuueat f AbbarUla Vttiftr. d 1 twastiL by ihe tAmaty Court of Una county. Ottawa, All pa sons hsviue daimt aawtrtat sid deceased are hereby iequ!rwl to preteni 1 hem proirrlr eritl.d to the uisleraiueC at ihe oMet 4 Weatbtrfurd a Wyiti. AUany. Of run, within iix luSBth trata this dr. Dated this he lMh day ot Atwuw, 1SW. rMfUci MtnTCER, Watyenrcaoat .rr, lUecutor A.&mwysfor Executor- Wbdoimo SVITAVIOS8. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden? Common every day. afasVSMIlJKV . a. n. nvDE. w. n.DiSDixcEB. d. n. jam k MIAN! F M IK OPORATEU rlallinorf (lofk, - JHKHU, Ore. FU HITURE complete line of IAEKT4KI. in all its bntiM-hei.. EMBALMING a. penalty r 3rd ar.d CuU pooia Star Baken on r 1. iii ttntl tvirwt hi- COKRAD I IYIP, FECFFIE IB flue 't - . t rarewiB - -V rgf ii t,'. tca pl. i - Tr. Us. Ufjaata stater, r)cs rrartsr. Tdbslfd. egssr, 'Oer. Else.. tltajlt that ta kept ia snd zfTj at, ttlgtMS n-tpt fl-. I r tU.L RINDS OF PRODUCE DRUGS Stationery, Toilet itiJe. Intrutpen-3, Etc. Hodges & McFarland, The Cornet Dice Slote," A hn i tied CrownMil1 m ,SflM P6jP8IET0- w rssseawa rLoca crsi.. : Oregon Pacific Raitac. Cat AS SLACJi. KrYlr Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates wr Eor tct.e Ta jaasa ari Sax rw-en I Horn asi Swr, yun 1 sad 51. tatsraaffsi F.t3fc at.-: Company rvtsairc tr t-.cnt to Kwngostuiina datea -"tbBt notice. For freicbt ar d pws-cejer r e fpy o ry sftr! ikar nJ n r tr s 5r A CV. 3f- 2 to S I assart st iao F, Mmt ctl Nllj l - ; Z NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given the under signed ha been duly appctcsed t ircuttix of the last wHI and testament of Wt aarr H Henderson deceased ate of Linn county Oregon. All parties having c'ai.r. aga;nst said estate are notified to preserjr z::,: xecu:ttx el cf Hotley, Lin" cocntv Oregon wi.hic six montrs horn the date hescof. June 1$. 1S94, PHOEBfcAKV HrsDCRSON Eveca.r PIANOFORTE LESSONS. W Gifford Nash is now prepared to receive a limitevl num ber of popiis. He will be at the residence of Mrs Christine Monteitb. corner cf 9th and Ferry street, on Wednesday after noons and Thursday mornings in each t-. J n ! t 1 1 . i ft inst. WALLIS NASH, ATTOR3STEY Will practice ia all the courts of tie state. Office Firs Nat'! Bank building-. Albany, Oregon. U S BAKEEY, Fresh Br ad lyarf D y, Pwi. Cake., etc spatial orders solicited. C D VANDYKE, Propric tor. 2nd s'reet, between EiK;i.-ih & L.on FOR ore. Ira Pastas. . we 1 It Aitnaili EnveloiMN ot etttter WHITE, FLESn r BRl ETTS Pozzorars OWDER. Ton have seen It advertised tor many year, but have yon ever toted Its Q not. you Oo not know what uaMwal POZZONI'S beatde betng an ackow!ed,.rd tttsiUBti, haa many refreaolntr uses. 1 1 tweyonts chaf htf . iMitourn. w tod-tun . Ioammm, MMurk etc.: InfactltUansMdellcMvaoddeairalats u pmxtcttvu to Us laeo durtna hut naiasn . 7 It la Sold Every w berth Pdt aaople, aOdreas 7 A. POZZON I CO. St. Louie, Mo, -s-ntiox tuis rtrst H C Watson Luther Elkin?. WATSON & ELKINS ATTORNKY8TAT LAW. Office First National liank building. Business entrusted to us U r.-e prompt and careful attention.