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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1894)
1 : iMe f igfttj Bemocmt- it,; , - VOL XXX. ALBANY.ORKGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17. 1894. atereaat Ike Post II -r at Albany. r . as Bream' - Ia Mali Kallrii TITE at Rt'TTIX-.P4iuker:a rfrlefersi for infants " Caatorla l ao veil odaptad to chiMn that I recomownd it as superior to anjr prwscriptioa Nowa te m" n. A. Aacvar, It D., 1H To. Osfcrd Era , IroaU a . y. cTha use of 'OsattSBi U so universal and ' a merits so well known . feci It seems a werk f ripererogaUoo to tntlorso it. Few are the IW' (amilios who W not keep Casioria r-ttala sary ixoch." Caslos SUirrts, D. ;., Xc7 York CUty. Tax CssTAra HAVE V Ml TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO TI5D A CURB FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, U. D.. inn hank "TRUCK rl. O.S1.CS MliJlUMj . 1 a u) t .mm. tM. as wo hao restored thooaandato robost health and etaor. after aB other tiuali iiatlt fstla.aaeaakw shown by hundred, of asm throJahont this and other Stale,wb weald sladl. teaufy.aadtxcaakaa, 01 wnom we uaTestrouc letters tseanEg lestinuraj to taeir recoaerj aiier usuu; our . art. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURS YCU! ' GENERAL DEBILITY CVKZO. in (r uiito .... a !.-. n. na I .bum. Ci; . Aucudtll. t89C TW I T. flaaHia. Ijaar Sir i Be ora I aaad vaar kwia t was troebled with leat rtror. rital woak nee, and - airirrrfr 1- in tmid cat op with a let J sired feaHaa boeei aabine, et : ; einee aataa raorbeltIh..haaaaawlea el iif . Inoeeojoj life betterthaa I baea for r.7i pert. I baa. the ataftoat eoaadeooa la roar treata 'nt- Yea can pwb bah this etatetaeatalao baea other, or rail on me. 'ralljonn, H. A. BOES at and Turk St. RHEUMATISM AiEME I CURE Dr. A. T. Sendee. Uear Sirr-I rot oao . f roar balu two weaas saw for rheiisiat jpei. frost whira 1 .naared farssearal laera Fortbepat- ii mot.tba I bad not i able to w rk. Y -or belt baa placed aie la almost set health la the two weeks I haw aaa.1 It. 1 can all eosslertehlf . and feel like i.a ou reaerallr. M. K. HTJtaHES. Prpri-aor taiersstleasl HoteL HERVOUS DtBlW-L OFjnCOR, Dr.A.T Pas See. Dear fair 1 bare bree oatas roar Kleetrte aen xor cecerai aereoeai centuty. aae te-ea feel better then I here tar See ran. I baea la racer aaitr. and am stiwaa ia eesrr Pen Y-iur. sratafallr. CTLAS LCTTKA. THE DR. SANDEMteLECTR.C BELT ' tea aalranic battery, asade Into a belt so . BlTas aoothttur. pr leased carreBta wtooh are Itwrlaatly fast lhinabnl all weak j,sss. it nr. an twarerra strecarac pwayoaaei J. taeaiaaitat paontf we warrant rtu core any of the aborj wassTisnss. tod t aniartra shrunken lim arefaaded. Tbey are cradad rn strwnctb to meet sttan. and wm cure tao worst essaam two or tanwo esnnabe Address tor tail 1-ijri SAN DEN ELECTRIC COa-' FORTMILLER tlndertakcrs - and -: WT KfeEr fOfiMaiUlvcn I rrd a fu'l V oimrts. Aleo MMtal loirs r'i ethich will be old at The l.o-rl 1 .tlnu I'roflla. EMBALMING nJ I""" mi the dead a (--clrlty. 0 EXTRAr tf.tttl FCRHEARSECR SERVICE ALBANY MASONIC The Oregon tVI'.n it home s-ai,c:m: - - " wVjcL, v,i Liberty and A KKS a specialty of HurnysiHe fi uit tract; pear Salem Will sell r,. 10 or 0 tj ?mall cah payment 1it or particulaB. NEW : FURNITURE, M V .STOKE iSNOW l-UIri. 1)K I lhT 1 f I eti room seta, chsiie, Irufcgfa, ele., BOTTOM ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY JOntiPn. Proprietors Dm ST. JACOBS OIL PAINS nod svU toe ami Children. Castor la ourt; Colic, Contipartoi, Sour Gtcoch, riarrhBa, r.ruetalior. Kill.. tYorpis, .ones sleep, ud f t:a. .t.n dl cesUoa, Without injurious raotllct.: "For revenU reara I have rwcornraeatlet your 'Oirtorit,' and shall atwa.-r-t contiaue : do a as It has invariably -roCueeCt buuefl-i-i 1 (Mill ki." Enwnr F. Paxil rr. M. D i CiCM! asd Th aUrAa :;nr Ytn-k Cat? Compan - v, 77 Mt aaav Simaxr, Kw Yoaa Crrr. DR. SAKDKNS ELECTRIC BELT viiist Electro IHaeartlc S.epess umrj win care wttaeet saeaicn ruiureaeaDOVfciroabaBS. ID inner iroro Krmu Q sassaasa. Dralni. I asr Ma XirwiaiMi. stleealenaai j'eor Slemsrr. all KewtaleCeae ita'dta. and a-e-eral 111 health. iheeaect.of abostfa. exceaaaa, vorry orr-4iara,wtli tad relief sad nnrns core In oar marrelao Inrentloa. wh rb reqmres hat a trial to conTtnca The most skep'iei. lo ignorance of as. loots yoa but ba-e ana air draloal yi.ur'ter- or nerve fores and Tttaliif -which ta elec:rlclj and thrij csue.i your weakness or lack ot fore If yoa replace into your sratssn tut eieacenta thas drained, wMca are re and Tttft r art. I follow at once. ir car un and Uaataaaat, sad w snaianiee a cure or refund striate. IS WTS aboahl he - anruiltl Mi mail BT fr. Rsadra'fl STJerfrie Belt la r. LAME SACK ANO RHEUMATISM. pr, t. j rvtMM a s t MSK Dr A T. ftaedn. llurSirVuiailumr.ul naraworK.eoKDia-a .luutsnui :r or .1 enaue, & raa a arm from waickl aoJIrrW 'or amw mi that 1 oolf wot bead a 7 back. maaalldoJ wita U- i boofat on or roar twite. month., beins- tarfWt'v cured. That was a o. and I eat aa wel to4ar as 1 eer was ia in km ex tw - aaja. ara i continue i to fr It for tomr iow rmr be mull . d I kn .w lota of ira heat, wares br I'. Mai r.i taar woo d tr it taae wwaK .'lad U tha BOBEBT BCRRFL End near Hatal Perflakal D-. A. T. Raade . rear Bir iaeTwearlaa Teal b it Ihsaebeaa area rbeaaOted. I feel mreiesa. ri'ewyro-r as? si? saaawaw ia aow aaailr ; arfeet, sad eeeh ear laaaM. for the better. I I 1 ssoeh atieeatet the' befera aaiac t'a -alt. Years u a.r HEhBT I as to be east!? worn during wort or tdaXAl t54 staa weak rneri.ss4 an staatas or wwakaee. In y.ina 5ro3 S MING lvmbnlii.era Mm of rrrla Ic. 1 if r n r t rdrailrlt ha !ts. to lifsr't':l TEMPLE - OREGOf JLand Co office at - oriGtO t State street, branch office in Portlano" acre lots at 50 to $60 on baian?e per time - CIJlS8 FURN1TUKK, O NSIS1IN0 ahich I will sell at PRICES. Thos Brink. World Knouua ha CUBJ9 U STJlUs. l Two Darkish Arrertkd. Twodarities, a .r! aUoul 00 an j 25 rears went to the moe bliop of Clmrles "Prochnow yester day afternoon, where one of 'hem had it uaii of shoes half soied, for which he paid. Later a pair of shoes was missed by Mr I'rochnow. The two darkies were mi p. cud, when they where hunted up and the shoes found in their possession. They were examined before Justice Freeksen this afternoon. The principal evidence against them was their pres ence in the shop and the possession of the shoes, which they were not seen to take. The older our stated that they bought the shoes of a tramp about 4:30 c'clocV, for $l.t0, describing the trans action minutely. The justice ordered the men held under $150 bonds for the grand jury. Deputv attorney Kelley ap peared for i lie slave aud the older darkey ab defended the ens in an interesting manner. Thev irave ihe names of Henry Jackson, and Heory Jackaoa, Uol'i the same, claiming to be half brothers, and rtated that they were on their way to Tacoma to work in a hotel. A Suit for Fbai'd. The Oregonian Is giving the particulars of an exciting suit in which Fiankand Bertha V.'ieland charge F. M Sirointon, D Palmer and F W Graves, forming a well known real eftate fim with fraud. Mr Wieland was recently baker for Parker Brothers of this city, residing here several months, and henrethe case is of particu'ar inter est here. Wieland, through the real es tate agents, bought a bakery forftjC0, it being represented that it was entirely free from encumbrance and doing a $50 daily business. Everyihiug proved to be encumbered except two horses, and tickets, which lad been given in trade for difierei things came in o fast that Wieland did not nearly make expenses. It was thought the preliminary exami nation would last all day. The Wielands were evidently badlv I unco.', but whether they can prove it is another thing. Dollar Apmi.-mn. -The price of admission to the circus has been reduced to bO cents, but it costs about $1 ail :he same : at least that is what r cost an old Uerman of this city. After eniering, he saw people going toward the reserved seats, and, thinking it was the proper i lung, upon demand handed ont u. cents Then the popcorn boy came along yelling, '"Popcorn , onlv 10 em's, everybody eats popcorn at the circus." Of course he took the popcorn as well as other things, until he had paid a dollar, when he declared that was the limit, he thought he had done tbe square thing He Will Si e.-E H Fiagg is about to begin suit against Marion coomy for hich he alleges is doe him as a balance cn printing the county ticitts lor itie recent election. Mr Flag.- was given iha printing by the conn y clerk of SO.OaO election ballots. and he presented a bill for tt e ttue in the amount of SG00. The county court considered the bill unreasonable and cut it down to fwlo, and it is for t hi rea son that the ex editor of the '.ale Demo crat brings suit. Independent. The jjb in Linn ixranty for 50.040 tickets wonld have been ial 23T..VJ The cost of 40.00J was flJW. A Picclk Factory, At Middle tun. Yamhill county, there ia a pickle and sauerkraut factory. The stockholders are the neighboring farmer, who rai:e cucumbers and cabbage for the business. I he s'ock subscribed a as S5000. and tttai" (.' ;tiis went for engine aud fixtures. The main building is 66x50. besides the engine rtSoru and cooper shop. There are 40 acre in cucumbers- Picking has just commenced, and furnish, s employ ments the young people of the borhdod. The barrels and kegs are made in the coper shop, and the lim ber Cat ic the immediate neighborhood. Altogether, it is quite a flourishing home industry. Will Be Sold. United States Die trie Judge Morrow ieeued an order Mon day at Hmn Francisco commanding the United States marshal to sell the steamer Willamette Vader, to satisfy a claim of R D Chandhr for coal furnished her owners, the Oregon Development comp any. The order ia made under a libel filed against the steamer December 19 last. 1 he steamer is lying in the stream then uucared lor, and Judge Monow de cided that it would be injurious to the pro erty to longer keep the vessel in the hands of the receiver, Charles Clark. M ARRixn. At the Presbyterian church in Corvallirt on Wednesday, August 8th, as 11 :30 o'clock a. Rev. E. J. Totnp son. D. D., officiating. Mr. Joseph H. WilKin, son of B. W. Wilson, and Miss Effa M. Handy, both of Corvallis. Card or Tuasrs. We desire to ex press our heartfelt thanks to the friends that ehowed as so much kindness in oar bereavement in the death of, oar little Willie. Mr and Miw Geo L Thompson. President Brownton, of McMinnville College, was in the city today. Conductor Edward Huston end family returned last evening from the Metoles. Prof Adams, the new principal of the Woobburn echo -Is aas in the city to- dav. "Only the Scars Remain," Says IIekry Hudson, of the J.'-mes Smith Woolen Machinery Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows; " Among tbe many testimoni als which I see in regard to cer tain medicines performing cures, cleansing the blood, etc., none impress me more than my own case . Twenty years ago, at the age ot 18 years, I had swellings coma on my legs, which broke and became run ning sores . Our family phy sician could do ine no good, and it was feared that the bpnes would be affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, tbe sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I- row weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar saparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer s Co., Lowell, lias. Cures others, will cure you Buys Wool and Gbaik Mr A Senders announces to the public that he is in the i fi?ld to buy wool, grain, hides, potatoes, I etc. Call on him at his headquarters at I the store of M Sternburg, corner First and Broadalbin streets, Albany. M Ii Ml H COUNTY COURT. (J. N. Duncan, county judge; J at. Waters and J. W. Puxh, 0oniiulslin.r. ) Matter ol application ol t V Jones et al for aid in turning Hear slough into the Siinliani, continued. Bill of John Cox, $11.00, continued. HILLS ALLOWED. H W Miller, bocnty f Richrrd Kholer, miscellaneous.. O P Cosbow, aid Hails li C Cooley, aid Mrs Clark W E (ravage, aid Cox U F Crawford, aid Mrs Robert. . . H White, aid Matilda Kenworthy KC Kemp, aid self Sarah Hines, aid eelf John Usher, janitor Mat'.ie F Taylor, aid Foster Mill Co., roads 5 00 74 28 5 00 6 00 10 00 8 oO in w 5 0o 5 00 10 00 12 00 10 50 10(1 6$ J A McFeron, salary J A McFeron, board prisoners. I A McFeron, ex Enright El Light Co Oregon aglEnright Oregon agt VeYnon Warner RW Moses, roads N Neehatn, salary 41! 41 10 60 22 50 32 75 62 20 -'i. -Ji 106 G5 7 95 7 30 10 00 17 44 6 75 3 10 129 28 Km oo 7 50 83 80 10 00 12 00 50 00 1 25 12 11 91 00 8 00 5 00 7 oO lo 16 10 00 30 75 6 00 6 00 2 66 IS T6 3 Oo :2 oo 6 80 15 04 n 37 75 10 bO 24 60 ti B Weddle. roads I J Kilison, lees Mary V. Davis, poor acct P i-pinks, sect coat's Stitea & Nutting, printing E T T Fisher T W Oilmen, roads o t Hardman, salary D F Hardman, expenses Pti Morris, salary R Class, aid Barnard family. . . . Tritet A Miller, acct poor A R Rutherford, eupt 8 C Clark, sect jail Frank Deakins, assessor A C Gaines, bridges H C Watson, acct poor J L Uolcome. bounty Oliver Chesney, aid rees, prel ex, district - P M Smith, aid Watson Graham a- Shaw, roads Dis Beers, examination forter J D Burkhsrt, aid J A Albert. . . w R Kay, lumber Berrixan A Humphrey, lumber. r"e?e las'. ice Hairie J C Cox, aid Barnard family . . Matthews & Washburn, act t I! Tatnm A Bowen, roads Harrisburg Lumber Co, roads. - - R W Fisher, roads Hodges A McFailand, acct poor. Vaughn X Downing, Jumber O P Coshow, election k 1 Cam ran, lumber ..... M Pontaen, acct C II Ella H Mendenha), electiojs... W C MHIer A Son, lember Oregon agt Robert Foren el al Oregon agt Robert Foren Oregon agt L E Morgan J B Tillotaon, bricges Santism Lumber Co Geo F Fish, acct jail . J W Reee, acct jai Conn A Raettner, sect jail J L Irvine, sect jaii W E Baker, acct jail A H Woodin, acct C H 4 U0 IK 71 2J 50 7 60 53 89 9 65 46 81) 65 70 IV 00 54 16 10 80 15 75 18 50 09 -HI 12 v 67 50 19 10 50 1. U 3 83 1 SO 10 00 30 45 6 00 50 5 J A Camming, acct poor. Mr our, acct poor Glass Bros, aeel poor H Meranda. acct tour ... L Coleman, roads - H Baker, aid Mrs Vail Fee. "Ttvn v Botrir Mrs Elizabeth 0born. aid Oresoa agt Geo I.npt.m. peel ex . H M Stone, avert road J S Van Winkle, irki-lcntal . . 14 2 hO 42 50 19 85 I 00 6 00 K W AnuatrosaT. acct poor Warm Spring Johnny, arxt jail. Fred I Hi ton. acct poor cla e o( 7t U brine cainlncd in jilt n lor teacher's LCniflcate An i.ntnrnit! ot riout was made fom Port and o China Yesterdav. T Mf Mi'. , r Cundifl has thv .Mnls of ihe Mai about Town for s-iir.c fine strawliertlec raised in the garden cf her ifttaWf, and IhK 9th day cf Auguu. There U ore redeeming feature aUiul the woo) The woo! Is all sold at once and the money, though not much here 1 pt-t into I'r'uiatiun. A toung ladv of Eugene ha in! mar- mi-A , . 1 .... .. i . ii.lm. a jioeed 10 that p'sce. Lore mu-t be from Oregon to lonf that wi 1 taee o Dakcta farm. wi'l taie o- e The newspapers from everv the count rv report timet rnanutac.orie. are racing no over ana Idle men are going 10 work Money In Ets'ern stjf: I plenty at a interest. low ra'e Yesterday afternoon Mr Charles liar nih, while st work 011 il.e roof ol J J Graham hot.e, slipped anJ fell to the grou-.d. resulting in hi. tel. ar st being dtsloca'ed and a bone broken. Drs Davis :n-J Irvine attended him The editor of th t An'.el ape Herald E M S -.utt is f jot ia r. Recen'iy be was defeated by a professional named Stevens wnen a bet ol $500 was m de that he couldn't give him filteen feci and do it, to ano'.ncr coolest it to follow. Considers le coattrcnt l.i been mtd atout ihe tower adjoining the Cusick brtclr . The fan about Town is informed that it wa erected lor th: architect D C Sch-ll to s'. tn-l up in and oversee the work below. In Umatilla county tl.e rtccip s ol the rect rJer lor uly were Si33.a5.tne reco-d er doirg Ids own work . Toe receipts ol thet'ou.ity Jlcik ate given hv the E O as 627.45, wh'ch is called a sms'l volume of budnesa, rcce'p's ol ihe sheriff, 1 IS So. A much bei'cr showing than that if thi county. The Vigilant ha won fif races and ost en In hrr CSSstesl. al b ihe tin x '. She h. sheen en'ered in eetiteen more, and 1 he hss wind and an open ea will tin most cf them ; but the Urinar ia beat I er without a brecx '. Hence the Vigilant Is much tie better craft Mr D'Arcv statrd lata repnr'er of this paper todav that wherever he traveled he saw Ihe same cvldrncc and heaid ike same complaints of hard rimes as he sees here in Oregon. Dot he tf.i iks the esst Is beginr lng lo recover from the drpre. si n, end he Ihinkc there Is ro doubt but they will experience a revival in busi ness there lefore e do bete halem In dependent. Teachers' examination began yester day afternoon, with the following appli cants for reitiflcate: A J Bnrneson, Shelhurn ; Matlle Cross, Halsey; Miss (iay Case, Detroit; W A Calder, Browns ville ; Alice Caiy, Scin : Mrs Km ma Cole man, Foster; Hattie DeAnr.and. Ha'sey; Cera L Hudson, Tangent; C F I In in oh tt-y, Portland; Luitie D Jackson, Sweet Homo ; Robert W King, Holley; May 0 Lew is, Detroit; J K Love, Alba ny; Win Miller, Slielburn ; T J McClsry, (iatee; Rosa L Newton, Crawfordsville ; Flora Overholix, 8helburn; Marv E Pot ter, Shedd; Kstelia Parrish. Sodsvi.le; Clara E PerVett, Detroit; Mrs K B Pegg, Albany; Frank Robinson, Rosa; I S Smith, Tangent; Urace Stafford. Halsey : Eugenia Shelly, Fortland; Krnet C Thurston, Monmouth; Sam D Titus, Shelburn ; Cora I) Venn, Tat gent; Allie Wilson, Halsey; Maggie Woodcock. 1 Monroe ; John A Welts, Detroit ; Eva C 1 White, Laccmb; Richard Wheeler, Al- 1 .. ssaeta Geo. Kiilingcr, the bridge contractor, Came over from Alriea this morning after some Hupplien. Ho reports work mov ing alon;; nicely, although sonic delay hurl been fxperiencod ou account of lln- inability to secure tl Corvallis Informer. the proper lumber. Judge H H Hewittrame over f.o-n the Kay i. us noon, ami tt Alien ana r. in Condit went there. Mrs C K Maxwell, of Tacoma, is in the citv. the Kuest of Mrs H J Hopkins, a former Wisconsin neighbor. Lieut E C Brooks, an Oregon boy, who graduated from West Point in 18so, is now commander of a batalHon of Cadets, 640, at Glrard collese.and is meeting with distinction. TheOregon boy against the world. Miss Iva Turner, of Portland, a former res'dent of Albany, is in the city visiting friends. FEIDAY Two EDrroB.--Newpa()(r m'n need to be thick skinned. Tim ity editor of the Salem Independent took a vacation, and an exchange ay he carried along a lightning rod witti which to evch electric eels. Edi tor Guild, of Sherid.i . took a trip to the mountains, end a D Alius editor who hap pened at the same plate del lareh t'nut "be canned one of our hore. stole and ate two pounds of honey, 'swiped' u iSt belonging to Bro Parker, chewed up one of Bro Mor rison's dirty sucks, filled one of Bro TeuU' shoes full of clam chowder and eat ti.e ropes of Bro Stiles' lent besides other things too numerous to mention. The Ut we saw of him he was hugging a black boltlo and yelling 'Yip. yer belcher (hie) life! I'm goinif to ilsic) eakh a nedro with a deuce! and don't 'yer hic forgit it.' The people of the nice little town he calls home-Sheridan had best call him in be fore someone damps his measly can-ass in to the creek roerer it belongs," A Hop liitowiNo Centss. Le!anon ta a big bop center, there being 233 acres of bearing nops in this vicinity, besides a good many acr? of new yards. The hops are growing cicly, and it is estimated that the ield will average 15C0 pounds to the acre. If they turn out this well, the yield mil amount to the grand total of 'C9.500 pounds, or about 2000 bales . At 10 cent a pound they wculd bring t&.'.iiO. Abjnt 17,997 will be pid to picktrs alone. To pick, drv and bale the crop will coat about e2-'.165. Following is a complete list of the growers in this district and the num ber of acres of bearing hopa owned by each : E L Ibew. 16; Kelso A UUa. 15; W B Donaca. 13: Jobn Mavheld. IS; P I Wa lace. 10: J U Moist, 10; Eucene I'him. 10: J D Bilyeu. 10: S M Pennington. 10; G Horning. 10; Taylor Evans, 9; 8 O I-ong, 9; Geo Boss. 9: Ed Alter.. 9; J Houk. 8; C 0 Gentry, 8; am Mullen. $: Jo Buhl. 7; A J Fox, 6: I Hart. S; D Andrews, 5; J Whither. Si W T Ufliurrouab. 5: Thos Lewis. 5; G W 4: Thomas. 4: Scott Wallace. !: John rckren. 3; 1! P Hargett 3. Total. 233- 40 cents a bo: will be paid for picking. Advance. SoDAVtixK. kr tlarkneas. of AlUany. u putting in a new hexier ct the bath house. It will be completed today. The telegraph line between Sodaville aud Albany is again in working- mder and dis patcher! can be sent at at time. JamM Pourd went to Albany today. Mi Fena Flory re tamed Crom Albmy yesterday. 0 C McFarland and Maud Beard, cl Al bany, took dinner at tbe Brigg bMtdtng bouse today. Tbe carpeoter work on the new Hotel ia complete J and as soon as tbe plasierinir i done it will be ready for ocmiauK-r It ia tiuite a slructure. Laving? rooms ami a hail dows stair and seven large room, up stairs, all being plastered wails and ceil mg. Tbe main building i thirty be forty ssat, twtTity teet high, and then to this u added a kitchen and dining room, oje . l - 1 . I a . . . Mory uign. twelve oy lonr six lee in dimension. Ihe Uiildmg wben complsSl will cast $:500 Review. Mb Deyos L tV Deyoe. Tbe popHiar prc-jmetor cf the Elk ity hotel, returned yeaterdaj fit-tn Monroe where be purchased from S ti Thomn.jn bt stnrJt ot general nTrhandi. netinu threfor the mm cf S3W. Tbe stork will be parked imme . diately and abipped to Kk Cllv. where it i ' ate ......... al ,1 . I a iiiKiiuvu ji t.: iutt ita.-z ti large general mere ban. U ing eatablisb "'eot. air Deyoe Lai had several year of rtu ssaful hBi--SSa expertetve and the rest 1 tlenu ot uvai viuoo of L:nn . -inty are to be cngraluUtei upon the fact of having so large and well seierted a rtork broaght to ich a sparely settUI ixnghliofhiiod by one so tb'-rougfc'y posted on all tue tnt and'oot. of nieyrhanUle life and who i aleo well ac- '(cainted witn the ltk and disLkes of hi. patron. Gazette. Oscab BiJt nt-F tin r Tbe tore of 11 Blount was rloeed one day lat week by aLtachroenU aggregating S44iO levied by an Albany man and by Portland credi tors. Mr Blount was emtajjrssaed by losae a year or more ago ami could have' clo-ed r-ut or ma le a settlemeat with bi cre-iitor. J1 ! "tage of what be owed them but lflr be woak! pay I fit) rents on the dollar, and be w:t inrvn an extension tf j time. Mr Blount is one of the entet pris .ec n 01 i ins basinet men of the communitv. and mntoving , hu bope lo see bim have "a fair , htnee to Come tbrt uah hi diftc jltv all rigid. Ashland Tiding Tne OarHA.Vs Home now contains nine inmates, two of whom are absent on a vit iation Under Hie tnanagemant of Mrs how it it neatly keyt, ami it a very pleas ant place to visit The Man about Town was shown through tbe building this morning and was greatly pleased at Ihe arrangement of things. The use of the upper story, though, will not be needed for seme time Street cars leave First street for it at 8:lf. 1 :.10 and 4 o'clock and remain long enough for any one to go through the building. Tbe trip is an enjoyable one. A Bio Job. An Oiegon City minister haa undertaken a big job. The Enterprise says: Rev W Cowan wishes to know why the churches of tLis city are not at tended by tbe men. and to get'at the reason as near a be can. has addressed a letter to a number of tbe business men asking them their own reason, and to obtain from other men their reason fcr not aUcnding church. i tie tuoject win tie the theme ot his - r u:on next Sunday evening and he hopes lo secure and throw some light on the subject, without howeve. . uaing anyone's name. SnorLD Go. J G Wright, the well r.own pioneer of Salem, has received the following invitation, which will at least be interesting to old timers: "Hvas I'otlatch Mock a muck Clams Tyeslj M Rosen berg, Klahnwia So-an: Xei.ka tickey mika pee konoway mika clootchman chahko ko notnaxt neisjta kopa Pish Ship tieorge E Star tenas sun Sundav Stotckin moon kwinnam sun matie chuck mamook hyas potlatcii Hyu hee-hee. pee niuck-a-mttck nyu clams. C oshe mia lolo tenas opc uan kopa sapolill ictas. i'r. halo ipsoot Kloshe miica potlatch sitkum dollar , ce momook closhe tumtuni copa Capt Wil'iam aon. Mika Tilliciims, Ikn Mill.T. tieorge Stetson. Dikd.- Mr Addie Calherino Howard, daughter of Mr and Mrs P M Smith, died at her parents' home in this cily, August li, IisiM. aged Si years B lnontiis and 'il tlays. Mrs Howard was bom near Iaba non on November IS, 1870, nn.l continued ba reside here until a little over two rears a go when her marriage occtirrtHl e.nd she took up her residence in Portliind. She was widely known, ami her social qualities were such as to endiar her to all who came within the circle of her acquaintance. Lebanon Advance. A CiiALi.ENOK. Lincoln county has a resident who ia 74 years of age who has never sued a man, nor been sued; who has never been in a court room on oath, and who does not owe a man a dollar in t he world. His name is J H II vi raft, mid lie lives in the upper Alsea val'ey. We don't believe there is a county in the state that can boat this record. Leader. Takkn Fob (Jhekniks.- A man, j?om an and seven children from one to two years apnrt in age attracted attention cn First street today, though a few j.vrs ago such a Bight would have caused no com ment, while in n store the Man about Town was induced by a butcher to assist in gaping at them, when the mother remarked. "Those men who ore staring at us must think we ore curiosities." CGo to "aiker Bios for your groceries Talk Is Chxap: but when you cme to facts 'very body knowt that Crawford A Ptxton take better photograph than any other gallery In Oregon and at as low price s the lowest. Frtl tire?' adjoining Masonic Hail. or Price's Cresun Baxtng Powder Porty Years the aVtanCard. At a ball In Sewport there were HH women and only JO gentlemen. Jesse Spencer hat served in the Corval i riie department 21 continuous years. The Silem Flouring md't hate the conlra,:t for fainUhh g flour for ! e Chem- aa Indian schoo', t $1 17- pcr bun-j tirej pour.da. Notwithstanding t' e f; ct iht j at 1 n the sslarlcs ol bc .own'y 1 fficers iie nvirclhan ihe rrcrlots, the entue i rar will show a big sat log The salaries of po icemen in Wsl a Walls been ml. iced from 8Sj to $65 a month ; engineers, $80 to $"a; drivers, $00 to $ 5: scavengers, $75 10 S65 The Pics e"i. of il.c fo.lovtin- hlghaav robLery : p'otne data ago three men stopped a boy who wa coming to Scio wtth produce, an robbed him of a roll of butter. There is just one EnglUh lord alio Is an American citizen. Lord Ksiitax, ol Mary land, wio Is a piacticlng pnytlcian. Al though entitled 10 a seat in the house of lord., he has never taken advantage of the wistlagutshed honor. The circus ii Albany this week was very sllmly attended not avx-ve joo people being pretest . The cirrus la one of the luxuries ol lile and hard tin t strike It pietty severely Pres.. Pr-ibsb'y 1, 000 people attended both cxhibf'ions. '1 he pslr of Chinese pheasant turned out last May bv Joe Million have been teen Islrlv In W C Mter's fle d on Bear creek It i supposed they had netted In Mii'lon' field early in Ihe season and Iha their net was det-roved by the high water. It Is hoped they wld no't be disturbed sgsin and t'.at ihey wPl taUe a gotsd Lrge fam ily. Ashland Tidirur. Straw i now arriving at ihe paper mill at the rate ol about 100 ton dally . A bout loo tram nt hau'ine, at,d each team hauls from 3000 10 6501 pounds at a load Farmer are paid 50 cer.u a 'cad lot the straw, ,,! teams'ei receive 10 certs a bundled for hading. The com pany uve -d "o grt fire or six thousand ton this t.-xr, which ill cost them be tween $10.00, and f 15,000. Lebar. on Ad vance. State Superintendent McE rov ha re ceived nolle from man Thatcher, of the committee ol rewards at ihe aw Id's lair, ol the awards given Oregon on ac cveant of the educational exhibits made at the fair !jt tear. Tncy were In favor ol '.hi tia'efort,.e leuera; ethfbit in that country, pttmarv, grammar and h!gh schook; to the Willamette onlvetdly st Sslero ; the ata-e university, al Engene, and lo the public schoo! of Satem, Port and and A . O C McFarland went to the Bay today Mr Tbonua Kay. of the Salem Woolen mills, was ia the city today. It was Rialto ami not ! red Weilberford. who returned from San Jose. Mr L Bilyeu of Fagene. wa in .Albany today 00 hi. way home from a legl trip to Jefferson. Mias Annie iHimond. forrneriy of this city, and Mis Nellie Loary. of Alex-decc. . i - -. - -. ao.. are in roe citv on a vj.n Among SaUesi pec pie bound for the lUv today were SopmntciidVnt Downing and Book-keejser Thomp.-n. of tbe pettitestia -ry. ami Hon Til Ford. Mr 0 D hennejy left loday for P.rtlaad. to ercept a position on the Onion Pacific. In about two weeks he will begin running out of The Dalle a condortor. Mr Adolph Sender and .'easie Mosets have rsarchased a gwaeral roerc hand is store at Alara. and will begin business ther- at once. Mr Moses left for there today. A M Dalrymple. of the asylum corps M at'eodsnls. retnrne,! from Alnany this af ternotwa. where he has hrteti visiting hi brcher fjr the rust two weeks S.ti.m Journal. has teen in ctrsakane a rear, was in Albanv ..u.. . , . va.' . ' , . i .-tuaui. WHO today on his way lo Cot valU. his isetotacr nd be cat ine disposed of their furni'ure stote in Spokane. Next Suniv IV Geo G Wright, of McMinnville. will make a century run. Leavizg McMinnville early in toe morn ing, he will run lo Corvallis, three to Al bany, arriving here at about 2 o'clock, aad continuing to Salem ami t berate heme. I pon brgnnatng active riding Dr W right weighed 1 230 pound. He tas sinew re iucssl hi. Serii S an-t if one ..f Uhe fastest rider in Oregon. Mr August Stark, of W ill A Stark, who recently returned from Chicago, where he took a full course in ophthalmy. will make a srsxialty of tbe optical business in con nection with tbe arm's jrwelry trade. Be sides keeping a good stock of optica! goods, he will make special order, having glasses ground to order so a to lit special cases, tbe proper way to ev u e a perfect adjust ment. Albany will thus have a permanent optician, a young man who may be relied upjn. Ccl J B Eddy, of R R commission fame, wa in Albany yesterday ud hi way to re sume tbe arduous and troublesome duties of his unappreciated office, after a sojourn at the hay. Mr Eddy wa a great favorite at the seaside, hi winsome ways making friends on eiecy hand. Among the excur sions of which be was a party was one in the tug over the I tar. While outside tbe colonel it said to hare lawn boasting how he would soon he 'anding the fish in fish erman s'vie. nnd was emphasizing- It with a Highland Hiitg. when ho lost his ccrai It'srium and fell into the briny deep. Be -ing heavy, be went down several fathom, but aa promptly rescued on reaching the Sdrface. COL K BLEAT'S pBKttir.tMSNT. 'Ihe other day Obi Kelsay got locket! in W K Yatss' lw offine. After an amusing time of it in climbing throufh windows and over roofs lie got out. when the . Gazette gives tbe folbwing characteristic scene: 'Fine day," the Judge began. "Ye;, ye! went into" Wit Yates' office this morning Fine hoy, fine boy. by the way. don't you see!' the scribe was just massing his force for a reply, when tbe Colonel pro ceeded: "Was looking up a litt'e clean law, don't yea see! lies, indeed! A good library in there, don't you know! Just got interested in a case in 10th Oregon, dtin't you see! Will went off ami locked me in Dam careless fellow! Oh, yes! -Know him well; ves. indeed. After icceivinz some stutistici; on the demoralizing influence of swear words, the Judge continued: "Pretty Rtirv for an old man! Oh. ves! Handle a dumt-boll like a vonncster. Yts. ves! Ask lim Flett lim will tell von the same thing. Fine bov. Jim. Oh. ves." Having thanked Uic man with the petkcil for his valuable services, the Colonel departed. A few minutes later he buttonholed Will Yates on a street corner and Will had to bring into play all the trick he hod acquiied in his years of practice, to convince the Colo nel that ho was innocent ot the charge ot having ierpetrated a joke upon him. Whrn Travel's Wh.'ihe' o't pleasure bent, or buinea, taae on every trip a bottle ol Syrup of Flat, a it acts mast p'eusntly and el, fectuallv on tbe kidneys, livet and bowe.s nreventlnir fevers. Iieadtchet and other form of slcknets. For 'e In 5oc and $i bottles br sll leadins! druggists. Mann factured bv the California F'g Syrup Co only. Notice to Farmers!. Having rented the Magnolia Mills and warehouse we are prepared io store lCOOtiO bushel.! of wheat and oats. We also have a first clivss chopper in the houso iiutl ore making special inducements tl secure storage. See us before making arrange ossota foi storing. Gko F Simpson. G W Simpson. The fact that Hood's Sarsa-jtrilla. once lalrly tried, become the family medicine, speaks vo'ume lor Us excellence and medicinal merit. Hood's Sarsaparilla I Nature's oo-worker. Hood' Pill become the favorite cathartic with every one whotrlc them, as- t" Ice's Creajn tialili-g Powder Most Perfect Mnci. Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report I 1 .f ABSOIXTTELY PURE S-A.TTjrRT3TT A.torHER Bkaii Story. Bear stories are always enjoyed. Here is one told by (to KNSSlara Reriew : I in last Satunlay J inr jassawi iMiDDitan, ot myrtle t reea, was hnnting for big near his home when. bear ing a noise in the broth, be forced his way through the thicket an-1 came face to face with a large cinnamon bear rhich was de vouring a sheep it bad killed Tbe bear nrTim.'.tlr rai ! itself nnnn ila 1,, and advanced with ouUtretrhed arms to welcome ilk r.nsnrpected vi.itor. it r Dunniran concluded that he hadn t lost anv bear. and heat a hasty retreat wit'j old bruin close at bis heels 'I be race was n. and no doutt very interesting to both- man and bear, but tbe former got the better of it by ipiickiy ascending .- small white oak tree, where, gasping for breath, be heaped a tirade of abuse upon tbe bead of hit baffiet pumurvr. The liear walked around tbe tree for awhile and then started for the moun tains, while Mr Danivan. with steps that ecvmomlzed in the wear and tear of shoe leather, started for borne where be secured a rifle and some dog, and in a short time had the tables turned witii the bear up the tree. A well directed shot put an end to tbe excitement, and mw Mr f 'mini van ha. a dollar bounty, a nice I rear skin, and a real true bear flory to tell bis frand children. Collector Black ox Like Co. Hon T J Black, collector of customs, has re turned from three days' trip to liaise. Linn county, where for -ime year be has engaged in bonne. His brief visit was one of pleasure and butinets combined. "All the fanner arv - very ba.y just now," aiu Mr Blabk. "in tbreahuiir out th;r grain. Tbe yield is not as Urge at was an- iKipaie.1. owing to toe wort ot toe grain aoht. Tbe grain leok fine at it ttand. but the head are not fully filled ouL The yield of fall wheat will not be more than two-thirds of what it was last year. Grain i beginning to come in pretty lively n-jw at the ware nouses, i be berry is full and p ump, ami look See. It is the general opinion among farmers that the yield of pring grain is not affected lo any extent br th at-bl. Will!, the vieid of run ia not to large as last season, yet the increase in aevetagv will m -re than make of tbe dif teretxe 1 be r-.ay and oat crops are verr alundant Though times at a little de- : nresaeal now. jk tbe farmers are in:lined to take a hopeful view of the future IIbabd Fftow In 'Jregon's section f tie world's fai. tt Chicago las, year many three onnce sample sacks of Oregon Spr jrise wheat were given away to visitors from all sections of the United States, and just now returns are beginnicg to come in as to the results Fn,m A A lnb. of Conkiin. Mich, comes a letter to W H isavage, who tan charge of Or-g't 3ll cultural exhibit al the exraj-iuon. Mr Irish says: "Tie three poomis three ounce of ' rret jo Surpri wiuter wheat yon let me have at the world" fa'r I sowed September I tan ami txarrested July otb lis poaod of aaw .'. -at- Me.,. -K., r I . - -e. much cf the Hd 5oul wheat we iaied ' 1 wa t mn h r-, 1, w. . . . ' e., .1 , t .ita.1 . n -i. aad white head. K:ain satslatf Haas lenrrsh anC would bar? ave- agel about fat isishett I per acre 1 beiiere it srill be a valuable aciuisition I often think '4 the pleasant hour spent at th- world s fair ar.d alwavs take in tbe fegn cxbii it." Staiesman. BrBSED to Death. M aggie Scott, seven years old. a daughter of Win Scott, who lives on be Scott's Mills read, five mile from SUvertor.. was dmdfulty burned on Mondiy morning. The little one was alone a a "distance from the house and it i .apposed the was handling matches In some wav her apron took Sue aad she started, set earning, toward the bouso. I sat being overcome by the beat she fell face down and was unable to rise. When help reached her the lire bed badly 'ourned her back and lost r extremities. A pbysian from this city was summoned a quickly as possible, but little could b- done for " the sufferer save to alleviate her agony aad death came to her relief on Tuesday in dependent Sti;ili That Cor jet. tt is said that lie rae Klli. who .rks a placer mine on Starveont. picket up a nugget a few days ago valued at S. ami that he a.i.i his partner washed out $100 in one week, it is also report el that Pat t ':'-hc-a- who owns the old Dwelley claim near Green Moun tain. Is taking out f 100 a day. Strikes of thi kind pay much beUer than raiiroad strikes. Rosebtirg Review. Died. At hi home in Hi'tcy, Wed nesday nigh'. August 8, 'Pe Mr Thomas Morgan Mr Morgan is tlee gcnt.-min who wa rttn over by the errs a month orj so sgo. lleha una rg ,e twY s-jrgu-i oreration t, ar.d being almost 75 sear ol age, he wa conttitutionally lo i weak to stand Ihe shock. Times. The time oi the count v court was taken up this forenoon in considering i plans and bids for building and reiMir ing several cttunty bridges. The etintract lor building a hndge at akvillc was let to J. R.Tillotson at SltH: Oso for building a bridge at Pauisat $120 aid one on the Crabtrvc at $170. Tbe an tract for II pall MIS tbe Lebanon conge was MB to w in. as. John at SJllt. Rcligitius Services. The fiist of a series of sermons will lie de livered at the Christian church Sunday. Aug 12, entitled. "Sin. and its Punish ment."' in the evening the subject will be Mattin Luther." Tins is the styond in a ceries ot sermans lor the etemngs en- titled "The Fourt 'rent Lights of the Kef- imlMISI nil Restoration. iiie sucwvtl - int two will Is. "John rtiley "and "Alex Campbell."' You are personally invitcl to attoiul All men ore invited to be present at the gos(el meeting tomorrow at 4 p m, for one hour only. Kev a s Copley, ot me r.vau gelical church, will addie-s the meeting at Y M C A hall from 4 to 5pm At the M E church tomorrow at 10 :30 a in. the pastor will prearii ou "Christ's Tes timony of John the Baptist."' The subject for the 7 :45 p m service is "Choice of the True Life." All the other services as usi at. All will be luadt welcome to these services. J T I 'tutor. At the U P Church there will lay preach ing in the evening by Rev A M AiSnB. No service in the morning. S S nntl C K as usual. No preaching at the Baptl.t ch ircu. S S ami Young peiiples serviivs ns usual. RallrtKtd Notice PiJBn.ANtt, Oregon, Aug. 4, 18S4. "Travelers must not f-Tgvt that the O. R. & N. line is thorotitriilv retiaired and all trains arc running without trans fer or delay. Through service to Omaha , Kansas t'Hv, St. Lotus utui t lucagtt Pullinitii riUvptM-s, tree reclining chair cars, upholstered tourist sleencr8 and modem day coaches. Call on o. K. . agent lielort pur chasing tickets, or address W. II. llurl burt, general passenger agent, Portland, Oregon." Hall' Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer ha. res'.ored gray hair to U original col or and prevents ba'd-iess in thousand-, ol caves. It will do so to yoa, tr. Price's cream Bchlag Powder WorM's Fair ttlghtst Award. Bevkirig Powder HOME AXD ABROAD A Jr-immeri dav wi ; feature cf the Mate' fair. probabir be White shoe are new lad White a good co or but there is no sense in for out d or shoe The Al -any Social Club will hold a busint a meeting Monday to whleJ. all member are invited. Excursion train lor Silverton leave Ailitny at a A u Keturnirg leaves ,tre"on 5 P " Fair for round trip 1 ne river steamer Wrn M Horg hss been chartered br the Union Pacific and wii jc Uken down the river the first of n xt week. Oo to Silverton jn the excursion Loroor ro r, take your luMh basket. The Ma rine Band and the Portland citv band will be lhre. Take tour best g'r' and go on the con ductor Ex:urrn tomorrow. Tbe eham pion Base Ball of the season trill be Kfayed there tomo-row. Judge Bellinger ha beid that telling iouor t- an lacitn wlio it in charge of a United State Iras an agent is not punish able undet the United State tututes. Tae decition wi!) have the effect of -ere materially lessening the incomes of Eatt cn Oregon devuy U S martha's. Senator A J Johnson, of Scio, authoriz e us to state that be I prepared to beat any o'-h-r senator in Oregon in a game cf - while Riley Shcltun, depoty poctmasser of that burg, cava be can beat any defeated candidate in "the county at the umt: game. Jeffertov, Reriew. Among the entries made for the rta'e fair race are Dr Smith's Altago roll jo the 3 minute c'as , McKnight Bros Flora G. by Alteeo. ard Mr Allie Brers' rn' lie B, bv A! wood tree re. in tbe i-2y c'as McKr.ight Bro Carry Shirry, by Alfajo, ia the - . c ass. The Pend etoo Tribune eslimale ihe wheat crop of Umatilla, Or, for this tea ron si 4,oSo,ooo bushel. The average yield I placed at 17 bathe t per acre. It will require more than $125,000 worth ol a -kt to hold the wheat. Probable too ' f" estimate of the amount of wheat in ins: counts, giving it at lea a fourth of the crop of ;he entire state Hunting Celestial in Marion count v it evirtectly t luxury, judging from that fol lowing in he Independent: Mr EJsrin Jory nd Mr Willis were out han'ing on -tin day and happened to get on someone iand who had to ne objec-kms to it, and loth toung gen -Semen were arrested and fi-ied $1 1 each before fudge Edes lor tres pass. The hop bd u try will pu- $3000 or $4 .r.- in circu arson arstbud Lei anon la c-ne. lake the abnernimi inrl h ai'J I sPP'oach $100,000. The Express : In crsnveiaalhxt yeaterdav art h W B Don aca. he said that hs bop woa'd bear near'v twice at much a last year, that he had rot had o spray any and there were w en. r isjrsca iu re imJ a-veri other. ad areadv con'rai.'ec i ,i..i. t r, . .1 . " J SOCIAL AND FKRSOVxl i " i Uau DOOn Judge Strahaa came cp from Portiand ! County Treasur drown, ol Kali eoTnty. is in the cn v visiting Albanv fr.ends. Newport A Whitney have rented the rrcnt offices on tbe second floor of the Cu sick brick being eres-ted. u W Dans is ni sole owner of the F qaarry. having irchad hu part tiers interests in it Mr Ichn Ross and Miss Alice Hayes, were uhited in marriage.on AogS. 1894. at the ctBce of and by Justice J C PoweiL Married, on Wednesdav erecing. Aug S. IS9t at Brownsville. Mr ft K Jacks yn and Mrs M E Wilson. Rev C C Sperrv. otScat- ing. Married, on Amrost S, at the nonri of the bride" parents in Eogene. by Rev 1 J Wil son, Cecil W Dority. of Spritigfisld, and MUs Marguerite E Blairt, of Eogene. Elmer Dannals and Fred Senders, of Al bany, returned borne this morning trota the Bay. The boys say th: t all the old maids of Oregon axe at Newport Informs. L R Train and wif wLo hae been in Albany several wess the guests of S S Train, left this noon for their home at Fort Dodge, Iowa. Dr Perao; was called to Granger yester day to consul with Dr Wallace, of Albany, it, the Miss Logsden case. I reform sr. Miss Logsxlen died yesterday. Mr Frank Wood is in the city. He re cently leased a quarry at the Bay and has uncovered a seven foot ledge of stone con siderable !ik -:':.. Pioneer only with a blo ish tint to it. Auiojg thos who went to the Bay this noon were lit Adams. Assessor IVakins, i Marshal le. John Froshay and daughter, j Miss Rislev. Mrs Train and daughter, Ed jJasick, C B W inn ami T J Stitea. . Rev A White returned today from Al bany, accompanied by Rev Metayer of that f lace ant) Chancellor Archambaott. of the Uocrse of Montreal. Canada. Salem Journal. Hon Phil Metsrhun left today for Oregon City. He was accompanied by J E Mc Coy, who with a crew of men will blast out the rish ladder for tbe state. Mr McCoy 's crew of six men will follow tomorrow ind they ail! camp on the river. Saltan Jour nal. Lawvt rs Met ..mailt anI lnss were in Albany today on their way home from a long tramp across the Cascades- t"Tossing by wav of the Lebanon road thev went as far as the Metoles. re uitiing by way of the MrKenz'c. Both looked healtliv and rugged. Thev wslkeel X) miles in ten tiavs. and received stiiendid treatment everv wtiere. Only in one case were they refused entertainment. Thev found an intelligent. hospitable peopfe aiong the route. At the Metoles tiarticularlv thev foand splendid accoinmodatiotn with Mr Allingham. They de-. lar.- the experience to be a good one. tnd art" sure of a great beDeut it ON THE TOP SHELF oi public t stint at 'on you will i.nd Parker Bro. It has lakin year, ot hon est dealing, a store lull ol the best goods, a continuous round ot truth telling and, above all, the right price for the right goods to It-ad Parker Bros to their piesert proud position. Their grrcerie are stand ard, their produce fresh, ami their baked goods the best In the mailer, and or a iplendid vai'.eiy A Geiman painter, who has been aork ing in the country, came to All any with some money .and yettriday bought a tick et for Portland; but he got beastly drunk and though placed on toe cat '.his noon got off, leaving his begaie. and as a re suit wa pu' in the city j tb this after t con OiE si via The I'm on Pacific. All repa'r are now complete! and the The Union Pacific trains are running hroagb without change, leaving Portland dal y at 7 o'clock p m, carrying Pullman and tourist sleeper reclinirg chair car etc Cheapest and shortest route to al'. points east. For rates and informal loa call upon Cvbban MoNTSirn. Local Agents. "As oH sa thehUla''and nerer excei- U a I .Ol an 1 proven " is the verd;C. b f mUliooii. i '. m c :. -Liver Eeira- Better Ixior ia the a 1 y T ivet -ad Kiducy solicit w tc which 70a can pi.i yonr faith for a cure. A mild laxa an tive. and purely etablf, veg- aot- Pills xn Jirecviy on the Liver s n d Kid- Trv it. a4i DrusujaM to Irri tak n it 7 or marie mtO; itis. TVeK Ir -f l.ivr M .-ic'ae.. at 1 iiave n- htue-arai Ban kiat, of ail ateu'leinee 1 do. 1:,--..,:i..i. f n-.-Jii;;mr.LlTerBt;i'-- - i,tiuciir savy it is lim 1 nwdieiriea. 1 ecneUer it St r o Itseit. Ciao. Mf. J ACT 'S, ai.ii iiijru.o. S2-EY-KT1 PACE.AGE-aa tie 2. era 3 (a rts cw The Hugged Gi is largeiy an "outdoor" product. Fresh air and exercise usually pro dv. c sound appetite and sound sleep. Sickly chil dren obtain mm gTeat benefit from Scuffs Emulsion of cod-iiver oil with Hypb phosphites, a fat-food rapid of assimilation and almost as palatable as milk. 1-41- e-l r. Jtr 5 Y W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE O SOU CAKING. 5. CORDOVAN .FltrlUuTla1BM 3.? POLtCE.3 Soles. fZXTSA FUtET t2.L8rrrScKit5r53es. LADIES- .StSOFMCXrALOriUE W-L-DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. knr wwrrsaeias W. L. aetata Satwara. e t-c large Euuialatlarcrs ol advertised shoe in tbe world, and the raise by stamping the name aad price oa tlse 'en,, watch protects yea agaisss higtt pr-.ret asd eae aaddleT-raTr's profits. Ocrssors evaal castoas work ia str. easy :vac and weariaa; cualities- W7e tare tie m sold every where at lower price for ihe ealee giro tawa int otner mace, l e sc ssssttnste. u we dealer cart rot sapp-r woe. we can. Scad by THE L E BLAItw CLOTHING CO "Tearthing is tiv noWest art but tees sorriest trade." TEXTH ANNTAL SEnSImN STATE iSOHMAL SCHOOL ee stew-nwa A training school lor teachers-, theory and practice combined. . Strong professional course ami vsrel equipped model school. l Uorvuigh preparatory ar. l academic course. Normal. Advanceel Nonual, Busiit Music and .trt IVpartments. Licht expensee. Board and lotliritur. books and tuition not above $lo0 per year. The tevwn of Motinioittli has a beautiful and healthfnl location in the very heart of the Willamette Valley twelve miles south west of the State Capital. It has no saloons. The Normal School entitles one to teach in any county in the state without any further exaniinaticin. Grad uates command good positions. Expenses. Tuition per term oi tea weeks: Normal $o.2o: Sub-Normal $"; Commercial $t5.2". ltoard and lo-Jging : Board at Normal Dining Hall $l.?o per week; furnished rootus. with tire aitd light, from $1.00 to $1.2 per week. Boartl and lotiicing in private families from $o.00 to $3.50 pcr wevk. Vitality and grow th have always char acterised the work of the Normal School . The coming year promises to K one of the best in its history. Catalogues cheerfully sent on applica tion. Address P L CAMrnma., President, or W A Waatx, Secretary oi Faculty. aaaaaaBaasa ss sTl wa M:illSJiK1 Met, ard $100 per BottteC One cent a tioes. This O.bat Corrcu Caaa promptly rrarsa where all others faiL Cjughs, Crou; , Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Wl oOfiiag Cough and Asthma, for Consumntun It has no rtvai; has cured thousands, nd will CURE YOU If taken ultima, SoUl by Drnggl- on a guar antee. Tor a Lata Back or Chest, esse SHILOH'S BELLA DON 'IA PLASTEK J6c t CATARRH REMEDY are you Catarrh? rnu n nkxir ia ruaratv. Stwdtuourajrou. rrice.i ct. Iuiecterfrea. 'VMu'eA. saam! Teas rata nave saai D SaSa J aaat aaavuia nu'e M B t iao W si wj I B