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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1894)
1 lift,,,, , rif, ffl . Method In Their Madness. Hedging. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. MISFITS. XBLBORaithxc ! ---- nfjiLrpk, if he lr mil rtat vm PWMMvSf 5ft A VIWWVVH Tbe Kansa l'opufists' demand for the Th Oregonian says: "It begins to Ex-Sheriff Jackson waa doing Albany tc- W "ItpMkflotoutofWMkMirmisM, J JiNaB.. TL 7 I i Government ownership of railroads Is join- look as if the settlement of Die tariff iues- lay- ' :..V. ,J??f,nx..Mn ', t t .,.! r... f but from proof aj Wi urn i . -w SWT LAKE, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS, EASTERN CfflES. DAYd TO CHICAGO hours mmr ROUPS )IIHXHA PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. S H H Clark, Oliver W Ml.ik, E EUer Anderson, Receivers. For raves and general tnfoi mation call on or address Curran & Mootelth, Albany Oregon, or "VY K IIUR I.BUR.T, Asst.Gcn'l. Pass. Agt, at Wash'.agton St., Portland, Oregon .1 EAST AND SOUTH, THE SHiTAOUT Southern Pacific Co. KxpreJa Trains liave Portland llaily South I 6:16. Sk f Lv I0:tt r u L 10:45a ! Ar JtTkT 1. lS9i, Nor Ar Sisb Lv 4:H a a Portland Alr.ny San Franuca e,,-, tv H stum ii from l t v b i -it "i I'nlve, slsoTan bil .Si V.Hrrlsbarg, Junction lrtu. rJigin ail all stations iti irg M vvi'ai.1 iajiusie osncaa an.T J'i a Lt lf:4bra 1 Lt :60ra I At Portlar! Ar i . SO r Lt I Itfiii a ;Lt Ti Albany :10 a a l:SCra .09a a Lv Ar Lt Ar lbaiy Lebanon Mbany Lebanon Ar Lt Ar Lt 10 1 aa SOa I :2&r Sir 1 PULLMAr BUFFFT SLEEPERS. AVT Di.iinsr Cars on 0gi?n Route. SECOND-CUSS SlEtPINB CARS AltaelMMl taall Thrcautai Trat TTr !! r.lll. (KTSKH rwKTLAXB AD CStTAt.IB Man saitu ( Kscrpt Sonaay I:Si a a I Lv lfclSral Ar rmaaa raaia in.T 'tic r". Sotiay a I L tn I Ar rtrils. a,.d Burw. can b. obaiisad a oweat n e. from C in.b, Areat A.ibanj. . Kf.EHLir r. r. boe VlMrtr ts'lO r. aJ ? rt' v.u t r Fro.Tirerminal or in arior PjiUs kill It it" 11 ie to talis To all Points ST ai SOUTH i His the DIJilMli AB BtllTTK. It ran Throagh VK1TIBU KOTBAIIISJ t'VKlti Iu Ibe lesr to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO HO CHANGEVOF CARS.) CoraposeI of Di-iiis Cars Unsnrjussd Pill -.nan Drawing Ream S!fl?rs Of Latest Eqaiinfit TOURIST SLEEPING CIW. Hie tta Will M n ailfi'i S ,! I I I :u )i ! i:;e , :'e I MM in (I n s I s I s iri b Sth 'tea till I ll lra f KirV -ir m '.I : Mf d ELEGANT OAY COACHES. K In; iititVu .niiiViKhli al lia.-, affordini Direst 3 n ft 3ni.ti3r?apu.d S'.rica. Pnlimai a'eeper rwse.-irati.Hii - l MSMsl I" advHiicn Ihron. i any agent of tbe road. HI ROUGH r'CKETS to an i from ai! points Amoriea Eng and and Europe can be purchased at nry ticket otrlen of this cou-pany. Full irf rma'i m !one9rn'.ns ralos.tlms jf trains rnft es an I othor ttttUbtfmtm iah'l on app'.ieatjgp to any agent or A I) CHARI.TON. AS. latant Gereral Paasengnr Agent. No !2t V'T St. oor. V.'aaiiington, Portland. 4!rezorJ, i R i i lonal agon'. J3Tt. a-i-irTgs ;:'IE0TH1 WITH EIECTmO- MACHE1IC S'JSPENSCRY !..;:iiVtMrna :. l:i frithntit Mi rcfiiltliig f- .ea , i. i, at bt-l ii - ry- f' or I r,-' ; r r -i : a mi'a dra.t -. IMVML - rOM 4bUUf, tiff- i. Murr. ia-i"r, rf tvjmatl -o. kHMfi IIf u4 bltad4r , aiuta. Ia bk. l.K-g-, Mltytlya, ffM(sl III bUli .r T t e'trla b!t MriNM CM-n'l HfPMMfM f ati L'.hri .ul lN i c.rrcut ibftt U lftitotlr flt !jv v irgr oa - (f :, .'"(!. god will rwr all of f c r i iss -t r nj. 1 bn-astu-a gV TsrTi tsjrI b I' Is rar 'imS is -.-lion fu-r all olbcr ra m4l falia4, IV buti'ircda or laaUatMalal. lo tbfa and -vrr otber a'ala a IIMUMUl H. -' r' . . ( I u--r..- V nsMrjer HiKVbldi il l, tl ; I. hlCtl I vig rtuf III IMI 'l 4kSsH'.ifi(i't.,.'l'a - . ' f..r i uatiaLc I i', iail?rt. araUd. frea. AJd'-a' .AlMXKPff KXiXJCTltlO CO. (r llliai niSBBBSsasstiiiii 1 Mill aa 111 11 a 11 a tr.vmts annTrade-Marksrh'ajd.aatsI! Pat- Sent h"S.,es conducted fur mocratc rcrs. Oun drr'it is CreosiTE U.S. patcnt Orrii J and we can secure puient m lta Ume Uiau thoin S remote frva Wahingion. . a m tiifi Hi.wmc n' nhoifi.. ,vi,.t nrjaerrD- Sr'on. VV'e adise, ii f-ton'c&'a or not, tree of t n..rlM,nMi!il.tllr It ft IS SCCIltCd. i a ra neMtrr. "Row to Oi l I Pateuts,' with 'cost of sr-uo in the V. S ana ioreigu cuuoixws Jser.c tree. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. a am BirniT Amer. VJaaHiNC.TON. & C MSMSIW.M , V- -fc.-V. T,V-.A. - VS Pwt'and Ar 1 1 f r I Orrallls av txv) I PorUa. J ar I : j m-m.-. ' uilsaaaa , TicUfoti S BEL I Kl Pli Wrtl BAD COMPLEXIONS Dark, yellow, oily, naothy skin, pim ples, blackheads, roughness, redness, dry, thin.and falling hair, and sinipla baby blemishes prevented and cured by the celebrated The most effect ive skin purifying and beautifying soap in tho world, as well as purest aad sweetest tor toilet, hath, and nursery. 1; is so becausa It strikes at th? cacse of most cora plexional disfigurations, viz.: tho CLOGGED, Drn.AMKP, IXIUTATET, overwore ZD, or sixootsH rORE. Sold throafhoct die world. Pott r. a Daro 1KB Cnv- Cow., aole proprietors. Boston. Jr- MAU about the Blood,Skia,Solp,andUalr, "mailed tree. f ! Cleanse J J The Vitiated Blood 1 When you see J Its impurities Bursting through 3 The Skin Pi 1 In Pimples, Blotches 2 And Sores. Rely on Sulphur Bit ters and Health will follow. as MW:V9'9.1 V Sawaarl 1 -rant (Lamtst tn A. P. Omw-tT A fsfk. JScmttMA, Mitaw.. for best msrsilscmi work j uhlUItrd Dlff" ft U ftftfrM men wan so 9y too close ar piseauoo to in mid- ! le lite, rr TleSooa habits oonumeud tn ttmhIi. ' aebiiitr or IikaaMSia, Waattaa- Wtak- .CM, I B SS) With Ijtrlr . rlnTaaafiKianasieAtnl: ot rtcor nd stneavh. aexaai n.ana Impaired and eahrnoa iniimsnirely to aeraoaebins old am. ,A' HtX WBil.iy CrSK n speak fr.m aiowleda ot rtaalsa ha many thonaanrl rains xeated and ctrreo in usa pass OTteea OarmeUsodot tntroducioa Vrr. 11AIIIS' SOltBLE MKDIUTED PAHTI1.1.F i ii .1 lamil la Dm wblHs ennmenda tfaelf tn al emabss parsona fortfaaraaacaUsatireaupplru upon thairjods-mentortts value. Katbinatn Baa way et expense beyond a costal card and a two cent oatace sump m aaaea. l aq paatai rvra lor nae tn seodinst na Useir fnK addieaa aad Use port am stamp (or tbe letter return i tar tbe ataienvnt of Ihetr ease tor wbicb wvs supply tbCm With amsa. tlon blank, lobe Slled aod a aaltddreauid esjeiopa lor nae tn returning it when mind. Wrsen we reeelre the Wilement 1 LKBon blank we prepare et:ht daya, Tmiai treatment arid forward I". Lt tunii I'aL prepaylnnpiasassi Alona attb the treatment we rnd lulldirectaonc for nalisc The treatment cauM-s do pain or liiownaahaiiMl aad Coea not prerroi altenUoa to bmSasss. We leave tbe matter ot send ins orders entirely with tfcoae neinx the free ina: trtMnieciU II. r rng aaUrtled tboee eerxllnf for trial perkasee of oor abuiry to benefit tbem we feel that Ussy are man largely Interested than wr.selre In Lontlnnlna tie use of U PaatUlec. We make tbe prJoe as krrr aa poan'ale, ana the Tame o all. They are aa fulloa-s: 140 for one mouU KJ SC0 fortwo months: fT.OOforree month. We aak all Deraons need ina treatment tn send their addreaa on postal or by letter. nlronaeonadentl and should be All oanrco I be addreaaed to THE HARrtlS REMELtfCO., MfsCisaajsta JRflfJa 1 Manifold Disorders Are occasioned by an impure and im porerished condition of the blood. Sliarht impurities, if not corrected, develop into serious itu ran its, aucn as SCROFULA. ECZEMA. RHEUMATISM an other troublesome diseases. To cure these is required a safe and reliable rem- ( edy free from any harmful eats, and purely vegetable, buch It temovesall imnn fro-" the blood and thorourb" lv cleanses tbe system. Thousands of . cases of the worst forms of blood dis eases nave been Cured by 8. 8. 8. Send for our Treatiie tuiiled free to lay adtif SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Gladstone has A clear Head ' -. . 1VHY? Because he fellows ifcese rules: "Ke;p the head cool, theft-el rrarm, and the bowel open." You can have a clear bead and live to Lc ninety if you r? the same thiiig. When the boweis fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring iwo Smith's Small Bile Dear.;. Th-ir action is so mild that you are i.ot aware of it. All d?.y your mind will be clear ex. cool . "Not a gripe ic barret of them." Ask for tmail size. Take n'- substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans! I.MRNT X 1TIO.. t I. KA VIi. I Of At.nANT. miltanx r.sljont yii Proaiaeni .... Wiler ..I Kl l.Nh K.ViiUNC LA.Vl.IHja K W rRAffsACTM A OEM.Kai.ii.ii- 11 ACCOUNTS KKPr ail I, jet to n.icl 'aiOKT gyctlANflE ami le ranhl I'llS,,' V .rt. 11,1 t OLtfniOSf SAIlKi,,, fi,-,,.,, ', DIRSUTOa. r. w Tonso Hi.tir. j r f , r r. 1 L I -Cr j r S I V " w - 1'i.rtlillKl I ill HIS. A S-.ili.:l; S, h ..I ; I , . l.i I'. Ani.itti'.iii' I In.; cwurrfc af sludy, aiiu.e . i.-s or luitiua ...... Business. Stioi-iliaiio, peiur tttttf, S'.n "i.i . ait. glSJfSaW r n t mf aV!ii .-.,.i.iii thmtiit'iui' tits rear. Htudriiie a-li, at sui tiiu i .ral-Nei. imsa .Hlmr ....... uiin.nt-sHl to cuic niilous Attaclisas 1 iiioti. Small Uiie lis. mf. No Union Of Church And State. It has been lustomary to refer to Ameri ca as tho "'land of liberty,'' and the home of freedom, an nsyluin for the oppressed of all nations, a country whose constitution and laws grant the fullest liberty of con science to all its subjects of whatever re ligious persuasion or belief. People have generally supposed that religious persecu tion was a thing of the past; and that the spirit of bigotrv and intolerance that have characterized other ages and other lands, would never be seen here. Hut that is al together a mistaken idea. The following item from the Sin Francisco Examiner snows unmismKao.y ...e (of penecu-ionisnot vet dead tn th,s fair . "Dow. in Maryland, an Adyentist i .li ::i preacher whose conscience and creed die tated that he should observe Saturday as a day of rest, hat been put in jail for wotk- j 1 ino. in hi Sn.irlar. Marvland. ! it seems necessary to remark, is one of the : United States, and the present date i 1894." It may be necessary to remark further that Maryland has on her statute book a Sunday law dating from colonial days; and, although long since a dead letter, it has been revived of late, and is being used in the interest of religious intolerance. Under this infamous statute, peaceable and law abiding reople are being arrested. ' tried uud fined, and. in default, commit-, I led to jail, simply, because, in obedience ! to the 4th commandment of the decalogue. ' they devote the seventh day to rest and i worship, and t'uen go about their usual avocations on the first day of the week, or sunlaJ'- j Kev Myrau Keed. whom tiie populists of But Maryland is not tbe only ttate where Colorado propose to elect to the United these cruel outrages have been perpetrated j States Senate provided they elect a majorl under cover of law. Arkansas. Tennessee, j ty of the legislature of that slate this fall. snd Georgia have each bai a hand in this barbarous prxedur. In Tennessee, a fanner named Capps, ha just been sent to the jail to serve a sentence of fifteen monihs for the crime (?) of plowing in his corn- j n I a .-a rTa I" . IL . case, and that which stamp it. at once, as; religious persecution is tbe fact that Lapps ; is a Seven Day Adventist, and while others' travel, work, hunt, and fish on Sunday, they ire not molested- A few months since, three men of the Adventist sect were imprisoned tor Sunday wcrk and made to work on the streets of Paris. Tennessee, in the cha:n gang with common criminals. There things emphasue the fotiy and wickedness of atteutr- ing to regulate re Hgion by civil law. Sunday lws ar im- p y re ics of the church and tttte-ns of the ; past, and shou'd have no place in the civil , codes ol the ninieeolh cerstuy A Lout all ' thejr raw amount 10 is lo afford religious bigots an opportanltv to weak tfxir spite on those whr hold and .ractice opinions , I different from tt.eiroan. Employing the j civil power to religion roc t ine always means perstcu ion ol tlu-se who c'aim the right io think f M iLemt:vcs in . mat era of rel'gim. Evtrr ,atr. excepiir.g Californi-, has nmr to nis ot Sund.jr !a. tut the T are in roost of the states a dead let ar, sircj ly be- j cav rublsc aenim:a' doe not demand ' their enforcrin raw. It would be to the i everlasting good of die aho'e people if . iScy were jivcr sud.-te I lo remain a dead Idler, But ii i- '.he mtfrr! of the cour- j try that there kta ia it now mint dangerous lots of hberlv . A ceitaln class ol misguided Pro'estan' R-smsn'iera srs working lo oct tbrow ll.e constitullin and inaaguiale a;a:n a churcn a d sate siatrtn. The Ni ion! Refoim A'TJatlon anrf trse Ameri can Sabbath Union esitt icrao other pur pose I: is lhe purpose of U.e former organ- "l 5 stcuir sui Stated ia I s -t . tr, "lo secute such an a-wnrtairiil to lhe contiim- lion of the L'niied 5'ate. a will de-tare the ! na-ion. si egiance to Jcsos Chn.?, and Its j acceptsn:e of the morat law of ihe Cfciit- tian religion, and so irdbate tha; lhis ia a Cbiistlan nation, ard flate all Christian I 'aw, institution and osjrr on an uedura- bie legal tasi in Ibe lun'famen'al law of the land " Ite'e . . . t . i utteraocts: "Oir re-nedv fr aU these maleBc infi'irnre'. U to have the msnt simply set uj tne las Govern and rec oniz-tiod's authority behind i', and lay its hand on any religion that does not con - firm.'' Lai tbe poader well what hege things mcan.and then decide whether he is ready to see arrturn to church snd state, the inquisition and tbe dark eyes. F J Dya. According to observa'ions commanica ted by M Gilbert to the French Biological Society, a milk diet occasions a diminu tion in tbe number of microbes contained in the digestive tube. Tbe diminution was considerable in Ibe case of a dog sub mitted to eiperimcnt. The fact is ted to lo constant, and may, it is tugges ted, supply an explanation of tbe good eCects of milk diet in gas'ritis and urae mi i, the milk acting as an antiseptic, and re'ieving tbe digestive tube of tbe toxical matter cop'ously secreted by microbes. Dr George Bonavia finds that orange have a power rareiy, bnt slightly, possess ed by (1 her fruits, of absorbing odors from the atmosphere, and that tbe blood orange seems to possess this power in a greater degree than other varieties. This ha ref erence to tbe pulp particularly and not to the rind merely. Illood oranges confined in a room with onions for ten days will have tbe taste of otions. Tbe experiments were made near London. The great pilch lane of Trinidad covers niiiety nine acres an I contains million of on of o called ;i'c'i. Tt.ll is In reality s mix'.uie of ashali md ol', w'ich Is ton timidly oozing ap 'tuo'jgh crtck snd tcrevices beneath the pressuieof lhe stra'a of rock above. Tl.e firt,t lailrojd constructed in Ameri ca was prtijictrd by Gridley Bryait a civil engirMer, in 1S25, and was cariied through by himself and Col I II Perkins it 1826. It was designed to carry graii'e from q iarries ol tulncy, Mas, to I be nearest lilewiier, and was known aire Qulncy Rillrosd. Ac.or 1111 to a rrcent repirt of the B jl glan Miniit'y of finance the cjnsumption of alcehol per inhibltan'. in the variou countries of the world ! ns follows: Ger many, eleven quir's per Inlia'ibant; Great Britlan. 5.42, Amtro 1 1 ui gary , 6.39; Bel gium, 8 86; Uni ed S a'e, 5; France, 8.o7; I aly, 1 97; ll.illand, y; K issia, d t; Si z erUn.l, 6, The Indian of Guiana have a queef ays tem of numeration. 1 hey count by the hand and it four fingers. Thus, when ihey reach five, im ead of laying so, they call it a "hand."' S is, '.herefme, a ''hand and one finger"; seven a 'nand ant ircunil ti o;. er." Ten i to han-i' ; but iwenty In stead of being "four hamls." is a "man.'' Forty is "two rrien,:' and ihu ihey goon by twenties. Forty six Is expressel ss "two men, a hand and first lii.ger. ir Price's Creain Baaag Powder Pert Vuirs v, ftandara. The Kansas Popufists' demand for the Government ownership of railroads Is join ed with the demand that the Government shall issue no more of its bonds. To those who may be curious to know how the Government is to raise the money for the purchase of railroad lines without a bond issue, it is enough to say that they do not kno the Kansas Populist, ho never leaves any holes In the fence when be starts out to surround a situation. His plan is to issue greenbacks. No mat ter how many. The more the better. If $10,000,000,000 would 1 required the Kansas Populist would be happy. But if $20,000,000,000 would be needed be would be happier. The truth is, the Populist is ' riot impressed with Government ownership of railroads so much for the mere fact of the ownenhip Itself, or because he believes ,uch ownehip wouij work any material "f in tbe of wbich he com- j It is the realization of tbe fart that such - " - - Ll I al . a a """"""P ue ot rons I"" u,unc-v ,v 00 u!- n lue purcuase Ticb m0V?s him ,0 Battefclbn l bat he i ii:. . 1 : t , .! 'tr, iu uv u ,uiriug ,criim; iu mvuroi . sucli a purchase- the J'opuhst is not without method. He understands well that public sentiment ' would never justify an increase of bonded i indebtedness to the point of purchasing the i railways of the country. He argues 1 . 1 11 . .... u r Biuouij iu uuj uruwiu ui opinion in i.Turoi uuiwqtooi purcuase may oe-1 come in time a growth of opinion in favor , ul oi paper money the only mean of m"klDS ,h"t P"":tiasc possible Start linn Talk. telivtred an BiIiIiwh enm 1 r im lw.fnn ! , i , ... .. . . i a large meetiag held under the auspices of , the American lUilwsy union, in declared be was an anarch is!. which be He con- eluded by saying: 1 but was killed by tbe representative of the baW (he church, and ata'e for daring to ! nrsdice humanitv. Jesii Chriat a : ! anarchist and a socialist l.i I i ... . - , " , ; of his being a deputy sheriff. K beers. i ; NVhiag bss dlscooraged me so much in tne past lew weed as to see so many men amicus to take a gun and offer to go out and shoot their fellow men for the mere pittance of per day. I look a: this effort now being made by such men as Pullman as an effor". to break up all organizations of laboring men. so ' that they can deal with the working man J one by one and gradually get them down to pauperism snd serfdom, "I bare been criticised for saving that j any man bad the right lo take his labor away from any employer, but bad not tbe right to interfere with any other man fur taking Ms place. I say now that he has a right to interfere if be does it in a peace- ab'e war HU rigbtand just for every i . , . ., .. , I man to protect his wages and bis job. I a union and stands readv man a place at less wages, is an enemy, a spy and an obstruction, and orgh. ia ,te peaceable way, to be removed." Mr Keed predicted that unlets something was speedily done for the laboring r'asar ' tbe courtry would be plunged in'o oca of . the grea'ast revolution tbe world ha ever seen. An Imperative Duty. -one ol the KerU!,lcan all ,-.n- ol Ibis j . 7 r placing H-e part on recoid a In " connnnante os nc'i pro-rtnon ' . The "t'erenceof t'e Kansas Rrpublicana: I almost r'onounce- thai of the f Republican of and on'v rsja thai they favor a rontinusnce of ilse Re uV.ican I policy oa fae tariff question. It ba been e'etr lor m .iae that the 1 Republican party l.a Ue- preparing to I artanrlMi 9 ls ,lr r, a j r-r.anil nn I fia fl a i iff i question to ahicb It was carikd bjllie' sdop-.ion of the Mc KioJey bus. Its leaders have recognized that the posi tion in which the defease of that law placid the party in the campaigns of 1890 and I893 was untenable, aad thai no matter what the f res-ml G ingress -nay do wilh tie tariff question, lhe tountnr will Insist oa radical reduction In a)', ihc leading 1- tied ales. This RepuMican smtimeat was voiced by Genera If jnjer ol Ohio rfccctl er day tc 1 iasislingthst ibe K.-publscsn party is not only In favor ol tarlir revision, but of "re vision downward." The Republic has already cal'ed tH at tentioa of Democrat in Congrrss and par ticularjy In the Senate to tbe significance of ihl situation. There can be 10 doubt of the intention of the country to have a eoni tent and intelligent reform vf thctar- Iff. The Repobtlcans realUe the fuel enough tc have already determined upon a change of front on the question. !t is the inipera- iv; doty of Demo:rat 10 pa a n.easure which will meet public expectation and leave the Republican in lhe position in which they placed themselves in iSSS. Curious Facts. Milan Cathedral soaa. rill contain 37,000 per- Rt!n fall in :he An lea .ib iut once in even yesr. Tbe elevation of l.vke Krle shout tide wster i 573 feel. In lhe Royal Aquarium of S' Peleriburg aie fish which have been n etbibition for 150 year. Fullon (i Berry of Centervi'.le. CaJ, has On hi plantation a tree which last nesson prrduced 4000 oranges. There are ebjit women co'one!s In the German army: Tne empress of Germany, the dowager empress, lhe Prir.cess FreJer iek Charles of Prussia, the ljueen Urgent Sophia, Queen Wllbelinia of the Nether and's. the duchet of Cennaught, the duch etsof Edinburg an IQu.-ea Victoria of Kng land. A lobster's skin, wnen shedding, apllts down the back and Cowes off in two eiurl parts. The tail slips out of the shell like a finger out of a glove. The Mexican War cost the L'.iiicd States $100,000,000. The number of troops en rrnged was 101,281. The annual salary of the Qxeea of I'.ng lind it $1,925,000. The Prince oaf Walei gels faoo.'Joo, snd the rest of the royal fan.- ily , mewhat smaller amounts. It would require elht hundred thousand full moons to produce a day as brilliant aa one of cloudless sunshine. An agricultural laborer in India is sup posed to receive five cents a day, bat In gen eral hit wages arc not so large . The Oregonian says: "It begins to look as if the settlement of the tariff ques tion wot to be left to the republican party.' Well, well. People had been led to be lieve that, from a republican standpoint, at least, the tariff question had been set tled by the pssfago of the McKinley lw. Again it says: "Hut since all tin that we use in iraking tin plates must be import ed, we have not the advantage here that we have in protection of manufacturers from ores and metals of native production." What a change we have here. Every ono ho read the Oregonian during the cam paign of 192 remembers how devotedly and enthusiastically that piper endorsed and defended the .McKinley policy of plac- ing a heavy duly on tin. Now, what has ram m iha ...Iril n iK.lrea-.i - ll winli tom over the t pint ot it droaai . It wants a tRnff placed on tin mercy for revenue. ; How sensible nd how sound this propcti-1 lion is, uml withal how democratic j T, , ' , 1 ,..i.i : i ! Ihatpaper is to be congratulated ,n thus moving mto the column of tariff reformers. Here is what it says on this poiut : "Tin , plate is one of the commodities that will ! bear a revenue duty, for our country uses a . j, . j 1 Kriutiuui it; sou iiuw wcucro ic,;uuo: and had co tin industry to protect, the duty on tin plate onght not to be prohtbi-' 'ive, or ali od so, as now. but should be ' adjusted so as to produce the largest reve- I nue possible." Good sound democratic reasoning, and we only regret tint the , : 1 1 t 1 1 ili : - ' VRKtOHSUI uuu "l louuiii iu iiai ill uie chuk o. .arm reiwaiere mu. .ow hear this from that staunch republican, paper: bv tbeeaptta. mistakeof repub ican i legislation cn tbe ta'iff arai ... i . i made when sugar was put on the free list and a boun tv offered for it. manufacture In the I nl- r.. . , . , , . led states. Thi has been one of the causes ( of the depletion of the treasury- The ' greatest ol nil revenue paying tommodi'.let is sugar. We do not produce ore-tenth of our consumption, and shall not, unlet the I . . .... . . . ,, . ! olow as to ena'o'e u to make beat sugar, . . , ... aa hlllOffM. . ! . .. I I ., ... 1 1 1 ,. , r , ll-.. revenue sugar; the .urns it pays in sugar j " a hrtl,-T dn,io ne treasury. Srill llll -r.lil II ! -.1 t ! ! jr .111 1 f-n ..r I IsT 1 Vaa : ' ... VT. . . ... . ... ! T , ,., . ,n: Vs ibere 1,ou!J l? B0 aot' ; l0 "n-" " o " uiscnminaie in favor cf the surar lrut. That scunds . v. .... .... , .. , . I. " . , T . , -j-.-.v .- -i- tbe year ot IN1 .1 and 4 Airain it lsM- .t and tariff for revenua backs up its tariff for revenua only doc- t'lne by la) ing down Ibe following as the true idea of tariff reform : "Tbe revenue, moreover, could be and should be reinforced by reiuiposi' ion of duties cn etasVl and tea. Modera'.e dutis ' on lartf wmraoui'ies wouia oring a targe and steady revenue It was a great mis- ! , Uke to pot them on tbe free lat. a mistake ! . . . . ' ,hal m,Je ,-'n,y f0- Tbc,r . cot to consumers m the t oiled U was ... lit- 1 j not made appnxiablr less, for moderate ' ' . LUI- '- . : felt or not feU at all ; ye: -be consumption i , - .,Za, 7 -- - that lae government o itnas a large rtrt aae, collectable with eae. and a' most We b-iv? len gsKiinar away uur-cg rmi mar. ir m io rue priarip e of a tar.ff Itoiiing Meats. . Bailine is a i ranch -f cu.inar s a-i that althow-h h i. gea.U. auprd -obc.K most sim. frrr. tf caokn known . It' is a fact that m ki'chens wkere tie cook ; ideraiand her Imsiaras acsaal bui-iag as applied io meat serf ine v ex , cejsiirg lot a few ' a ume. ar.d IT . . . . . .... i then st lhe teginnirg . f rw,r. Mn these few minutes ate over the aim of the ea:ienc'd trk i lo seep meats 'aae to be Vited f rum boil me. a.d i !rt thrm simmer nntd don?, f r a screly a the met boils it wui be poi eJ. A good rule ' - ,w. rii, i. t.-u .. ... W.,,.K - ' ,-- I ... . - . . - -1 . -..!-, J fresh pju'.srf. fresh hsit, ail aUke. shotth be . !:-vi s.' "w ).. t e..-i.K -a;i jr- I ..-. . i -v am rv r. - a i BjsI .ui;L'T three or four mtnu'.c in the cje of mea' one min.K m thecasc cf fif : thta diaw tne telle lack, add a litile cold water to reduce the heal, - and keep it covered an: let the contents sim mer cny nnt'l done. Tiie ijuu't boillnc. '-els'' t'e SSHlsCti ol the me at, wl kit . eeps in U etUsof and jgooJnei. while UM inner ixticn I gsr.tty Cooked until done; ibr : ali ttc bol'lne," needed. Wlea really toiled fresh rt e:t Is 7 :o"jh and llaTorlea. so that lo "w- meat succetaluly it shoah: rot be toiled at all. I That fiesh meat sh -uld invribl I,- ps I into boi'dn g water, ai.d salt meat i cold lisarother tulewrih rrmemhii..g Sttt j -ho. 1 1 alwi he tuded :o :te.irfoi I ("nli meat. In tie cast- f (ieh piecn vegelabes quick boiling in s lenty ol sailed water in necessary to peesevva Ifeab r.ljr. j and the lid should be lett Ow t - f r- and new po I Peas. sp ragut. cacliflo j t,,oe, ,h.u!(1 fcowwr b- N Y Ttl unc. r eseu. eoi min.i in n-ttl ilirtrr 1. a it d-trKer is a f rtre ail it ute, and b u.uallv a;conianie i byextremequicknetaioappieciitc all polat in.siluation. NHups the ,o.i remark- ab'e instance of coo'net une'er .lancer and when l danger wa, avert"!. Is .old of .he! , , " Karl of Berkeley, who aroused in hi carriage at night by a hlgbwayn-sn tu suddenly presented a pitl sl Ids bead and demandei of him the tm .ne remarking that he ha I heard bis lordsliip noaat that no single highwayman would ever lie able lo rob bias, but he as. r.ow to be taoght dlfforemlv. Ill lordldp put hi hand in hi pecket and ruoly replied "Neither should I now beioblird not for that fellow 1 lokl'ig over tour shi uMer." Tl.ehihwayman involuntarily turned Ins tiea'l, ard that Ustsaia Ird Baike'.cy ho him, so 1 hat he sst once una hie to do any rtassaa,. FeaS men would have thought quitk'y enough toge' fiemselvi out of uch s danctriiius position s tats. Th- ro wss a reminder of tut ealmy day"' adout the '.'nio.a Pacific wharf yestardav when tlir California steamer arrived, hundiees of people, monlv eat of curiosity, being congregated on lb dock. The phenger llt w the Urges; hat ha been known In tear, and besides the usual heavy cat go of freight, she t)'rld ir,oo sacks of mall, principally destined 'o Eattern cities. Astorian. Uarld. Colaraulan IKxpaalltna. Wl'l he of value to the world by Illustrat ing tne Improvements In the mechanical arls snd e.ninent physicians will tell you fiat the progress In 'medicinal agents, has been of equal Impona-ire, and at. oa strengthening laxative lhas Bvrup of Figs Is far In advance of all others. The Ladies. The pleasant eflL-ct and perfect safety with which ladles may use lhe California liquid laxative, 8y0 of Figs, under a! j condlt'on. make It their favorite letnedy ; To get the true snd gt nuine article, look ror tne nutne 01 me ianiuriu rig jjnip Co, pilntcl near the bottom ol the pack- age. . .ion'ibuy a blooil purifier because U is cheitp." The bed 'he Superior Medl- clue Ayer's tsrsaparllli, Is, in the end, the cheapest blood purifier In the market . The Ingredients of which It in composed are the most expensive and mediclnal'y fiicaclous lhat can be obtained. Kx Sheriff Jackson waa doing Albany to day. Mr and Mrs Harry Chipman of New port, have lieen in Albany today. .Indue Duncan went to Turner this noon to Bend Sunday with his parents. Mr W It Ifishop, of the Brownsville woolen mills, is doing Albany this afternoon. Miss Mert Miller, daughter of Mr B 8 Miller, is lying dangerously ill with in flammation of the bowels. J M Ralston, E N Condit and Mrs M ' Haumgart and daughter were among those ! who went to Vaquina Bay this noon. C D Kennedy airivod in Albany tester-1 day, joining his wife and two sons, already j here. They will make Albany their home, j E W 1wirdon, David Kroman, L Ci nnir-nau. .lonn Aiumnse. n DBaiwwiwH ; A B Mathews una V l Mitrhell left totlav for the Matoles bv ! all Si tr " way of tne Mckenzie. j Al and Joe Sternberg, Clyde Hit! and . John Conklin returned tins noon fnen un outing among the Mansfield hot springs i thia stU of Mt Jefferson. Jr f Q Mackev, who bos formed a part-; 9mfa with Dr Courtney, of U-banon, I will idso run his Albany oflice aid his family wUl teside in UiU city. I A J nodgts and ltm vanuei reiurnea this noon irom tne roountaint. mucn . ,ertI.aneMted.oacxounto, navinglnilde lhe oM piaUt in th SSMMto 1 i,;, .ku, .,,,.1 ,.,t;,.,,, in lheir efforts to catch a trout, and some one says n running from a black ls ir. BoeW anJ. wife. whJ bate snt g"J onU? Mr js j M Marks. Rov and Mr ixcleson 1 r.n.l. Wam um ..!..! t,. llie imuj lucum '-- thm in our 111 idst.-L?lriuton . y - , . . . , . ' " A tUBJaOl n'.uni u'ti "rof Kl .. ,, 1 1 . . V. . . V. . I ...... the i-uiteiitiary. He is man in the tailoring department. !r Snnnntrle botilel He was seen with his arms full of bottles. - ih tlw. m-Jir,.l ileuartnvnt. I i. wwi... . ,. , , . :.; At the a lum he met YA long. ot tuis aty, who U not improving. Tcac'icr's Kxamination. Notice i hereby given that for tle ir pose of making an examination of ai! per sons, who may offer themselve as SMsisi- I Inr . ,n r.i t it whrk,l nt this ... .1... ... kJ :...unn...rnt wi llo!ll a public examinaUon in iL . . . a.. A k U .- n V h mill. - i-..t and to continue twj days. Ad applicant f .r state ertificate. state di- plonias and irtOe life diploraaa will prx-vnt themselves and nle o at plicant will be admitted to tne exanun- at,0n who is not present at iu opening. Teacbers who intend naming tbe exami-, naJl0n w,u hn,i regular auen.ianoe at inr intitnte pruS table. Hated this 25th day of July. I-I. A Is RrTnEaroan. School Supt Linn Co. mm m ivm ut Cisut-s.--WLcrever UsslWaVMU At ail tne pruseipal (lues and " ., ... ",, . . New Oreat Syndicate Shows and Pans Hippodrome has exhibited this year it nas drawn crjwde.1 tints, thus proving that the ne- organiiaxion na sccarexi tur puusu: . fullest aprrova.. rbe new organization is compose.1 of tbe best and Mat widely ex- perienced snow men of bttk Kurcpe and AZrica. an.1 i, ondrtb c-arable dion of sir I N Kentfrow. a mana-r of exten- . , w a .a .11. site expensive and preeminent ability. As : ner ureas notices of ell cities where It has j . wl" blianed retf- V4.iUld W .nrm,y r!,"11 1U . tatM to (ivaw w tar m deacett er,:ertainm'-nt. Ine tircos is (riven simultane..ult in three nng. ana on a . 1 , .. s ... I . - I Kaa I a ills hi 1 1 Slstlasi . , ' ' ' i " T , i! ........ , .... ... ... . - enrircies use nngs i" ue: .wv tur its ... olympian sport Tbe Mecagerte depart- i-.wnt is very fine, emoracutg a large ana .-ostly variety of wild beas's. roe of iu eor intereating lesuui i a r.t vt auge African otricn-. whicn the manarroent j pas-im i yd taaaaay aOir a easy ct- lar. The tatwat S.sdicaa. Sow is the only AHT- Tuesday Aug. T DaaNfe ra M vastLos. July 27. Jacob Coxcy de ,.,, charp. ,14a. jK. deserted hi army, and says he is sanding them all the money he can spare. He said : "I to tbem Uiat titer it ar- j,,, plvtnimcn, . ,. ..... to provide for them." mmm ArrtJI Yta Atvot a year sgi meeting was disturbed in the Forts by three young men. Two of tbem were . arrei'-ed and paid their fine The third j - It ' ja, n ung man named toren, erapo m rame to Alhanr ears hunaelf npand..6..edbyJo.liceJC To. el. t'poo pavment of tine and eoata ". TT , l a young man was d.H-harg&l: having learned a le-son th worth a good deal t h'.in. no ,,.ou.'" ' ' S t Iraa Itraa kea nearly all the washing in Al- tny I Why. the Albany Steam Laundry. Whv lrsiitt, llu.r d.s firt-r!i wr.,rL- at low prices. " ho patronizes the Chinamen ? On'y a verv fe-v. lKin't mentin it. SaMba seen the new vrartn. It's mwiem an 1 utnus a siata 01 tiottit . 1 ueir lg business demands it. Kicnartls I'hillip nu de it They know how. as well a tow to d snriir washing. lheMr-1.1 lainndry watie lor ru.i and I po.r and Ac good work for all alike. 1 rt ii. try 11. mm A Get man painter, who ha been aork-l ins in lhe countrv. came 10 Ali any Vhh t . a . a . . . -. i 1 Hime money .nno vcairroay oougnt a iita- j et for I'or:'...;. hut he got btas'lv drunk ' -r j anj Itioug paxa o-! tne cat .in noon m wisi M.- t at. ym o ine got off, 1. at Ing hi beggage. and a a re , Ijtget; and best shows in Ameri.-i Is ad 1 '! was put In lhe cltv itli ihl af er scon to evhibi' I" Albanv. Aug 7. No The ni.t of a poiaonou nakelbut a I ' n,,, ... , i 1.1. ,l,n.,,ni,. slightreinov ; than lhe poion of Scrofula Inlhe blood. Ayer'a Sansapanlla purine ths vita! nuu, oT,, ! ; 1 T.rcj Wcnk Nervous 1 irsAl. vs ctlh, ....I tins. Mean Impure blood, and overwork or Ico much strain on brain and body. The only way to cure 1 to feed to feed the nerve nn pure Mood. Thousand of pcop'e rrrtilv lhat the tiet blood purifier, UsSJ best r.erve lenic snd s'reng'h builder , I Hmxl Sarararilla. W ist i. ha done , for othei.i will also do for 1 cu . Hood's' Cure. Net vousne, lost of sleep, loss of ap- ' petite and general deb'lity all disappear' when llooi's SarsaparKla is persltentlv ; take:?, and trong nerves, sweet sleep, strong body, sharp appetite, and In a word, health and happiness follow the use of . Hood's Sarsaparlila. The strong noln: about Hood's Sarsa pari'la I thatthiy a e permanen'. becaus they start from the solid foundation o puiiflerl, vitaHatd and enriched blood. To 11. .ike th: hair grow a natural color prevent baldn'ss.and keepthescalp healbty Hall's Hair Renewer was invented, and has proved Itself successful. Hood's Pills are purely vegeisbl. and Ho not purge pain or gripe. Sold by all dri-ggUls. AcicowLKiioan h v all that M Senders while defeated for the office of J I' is still n the lead in the fire Insurance business, representing the lea Jng companies writ ing city business and the old CONTI NENTAL ol New York, the ONLY first class company writing farm business in the sln'e. Ke uem'ier lhat Avn's Siratia'i la i x. 1 acted from the Honduras root, which nly el Srsaparilla ha the tni n'teratvo p.oper.le. Also, that it I-. a highly con ccntratrd and powerful ineJicme, anc1 hence its wndeilul tesull In all forms of blood di. ease Parker Broa lead In baked goods, as , weil as in srocciles. This j s C truth, a can be easily learned by j atrial. When trading with them, you get wnat you call for. Io nol hesitate to , pjaee vour cash with them. It buys J guanttty, quality and first class treatment every day In the week Mr C P Huntington is reported M ray ing that if our railroad were managed by Cli'iiarnen, there would be no strikes Win', this may lie an honest exnrcseion ; of opinion, the time chosen to throw it j out is not promtuoaa. ha. Hantinuton probably never made the remark. "For Komant in Home's quarrel, Spared neither land nor gold, Nor man nor wife, nor limb nor life In the brave days of old ! Then, none were for a party But all were for the State, And the rich man helped the poor. And the poor man loved the great." An oldaentlemsn on hi way !o church Kundav morning, tells tins story on him u Rasmlu ,nt a .rir. ,ne' 1 Jl .1 """.. j . koiur in me uppuaie oir- tctl0t w )ien bottlf by mj,ukei UrUHl towards 'he outside of the walk ; then y,t, slatted for the other side, then back, whe.i she remarked, ' See here old boy, hat U this going to be. a schotiische or wlZ?'-Kugene (inard. Iet1' 5,''' Toevelando cT fclian Wilson is "chasiog the devil i - ,,,,,, . 1 shake ; it made the schemers of that body j manv qnit work before being completely tremble, and the fellows mho hoped to j knocked out, crippling the mills n.aten profit at the expense of the people, ; aiV- -through tbe passage of tbe senate bill, ; cease "coun'ing their chickens before : they are hatched." j . ..111.. l.;...Ui. '-n j i . , , ,7,T -pcang 01 u.e rectni soca::eu uicycie tween China and Japan, actual nostiu tournament at Independence, the In- ( former of torvallis says: The whole - nAl 1mm !u.r nn nff tn 2f .m ii. i .,j ' ' ' - . .-. . . , hj " " . cl"n ut lh" "1,ole ,own.b't w" talked onl J J ne ooy. .re ,ouu in .ne.r ae- nunciation oi tne anair, ana una oi ming it Interesting for the ring leaders, w, were not in attendance but received oor lniormalun Irom a reliable source and snow that it is trne. I'eople should nerer auveruee a insng mat tney anow will not do. A has inv itl one of the emrJo e of I he i u jj-- i oOi ; t atiena a 1 ... .. t. 1 : ft t.iT 'nl1 anil fl,e .-m- ploye thinks he has got a laugh on tbe ed- f i.r U hii 1 t.ill f ttfT lan 1 ft IT t T 'A 7 Iran 1 ftaT at I tbe celebration of that lady. 22nd birth- dav ten years ao. Kogene Uuanl. Kranciaco s asseaament roll, just romnietsd ahows a net decreese. savs the foruawl ttmRMuaa. of 17.t 17.321 in tbe toul valuation of property a,' com pare. 1 I with last year. Nearly tbe whoi I decrease is in the valuation of city lots. . wtjj a vfar. Ijasarf uVrease is in the valuation of city lobs fbe improvements show a sliirat Lacrease. but personal property falls off nearly j t towns on this coast there is a decline of raW TT III I 1 nil ll ill 111 I I I'll. , ie (ifJ , ,. . -. i , .j Umi KJI VJi t.l i U 11 laasV? jm I JCa A . aanaf vear .it Valuation moat QOW tJ artoaTvalrjes . 1 The I rreganian got caught in a pretty the ofiser dar. ar. the Kims, t.uard. ; When the papers were brought cn tbe , taller on Lii-fle it bad a Inner TainoHOrioo? ! SSTa r j 2S 1 T". for. JPaying socli enterprae- and : be Mates- naan did not brifeve that the rregonian wmt enutle.1 to anv cre.lil. and called t - : . a. " a. at AT a a, t a al - - a iacx uiat saaaaaa -ex rae. unime.1 w. - ; tucen.a a copy, laooote toe regular pnoe. ( Then the trregonian had ly admit that it j,j not - out tbe that they purehaaed tbe papers on 'peculation and rnade the trip on their own o. count A , sr-t (! indeed for a joornal that knows j ,fl M-wt ianiijl, tasaaT. ?uQmtmmara9mti aBg national .aei ion aad never be-iUte in I r. v. . ui.l .v.- a - :j .s. Ktsmir tne paueTit or ix.i:srt i. advice. A very diss-reditoUe thing for a bisr toornal lite tbe rresrooian to allow iu ai i. it. i -.-,--;--. rt .iLw ; reiritar aobstriler. lo be rtl out in the eafcL and sd be ti rd to pay double price, a we!! i lhe iroc'i piece in lhe but "arper ' , T" . i i. a lui'i ust mi inna . ni auvr.u men " Atgeld. Waite. Pfeffer and 1'ennoy er are carrving Ivbs. crowned, ia front of m banner lahesed ana'chv. mointed by v a a ; cms bores. Tbe whole is inscribed. Tbe I VrtBnard cf Artxrchy people should at leat s: , , - , ai'i imrsa. A farmer from near tnb plt-e in wn the Mber dar. a ai in tiverion 1".. t. t-t'L..,.' " rT" a -- . . ........ , ; . M;s.iw-i-- a iK.r ,h r-. t,!. ,f-.r-tM, ' wh-n he di-xirere.1 a rril I-. Iins, ' .k i .... s... l -si i aaasaia 1 lesr Aim: njost M--.... i , I 1 1 11.. ..l.i;. .1., r? v.' - rr.- : pett on tiie newspaper tor Iwsines in- frtaalion. and if a basirsexs man cannot at ! left keer hi ntme before tbe people be ought to loose trcde j The Salem Statesman and tut .-1. a... ' Plr are havinir tuite a war of word as ) to which of the to cities tbe Santiam ; . -i - iiwuimii uiuuiaij to, mn aiwa, me tus-unce oy wagon roa.i rrom eitner place to Scio. Sajt in. brethren. If there ' i any l.iiug in this world that ?vio lires. (it l to be taitcl about: wrote aiot. or. 1 even sung aUsut. In the mean time we 1 11a . e uv. iik. iiitt s t'j.-.s.u e i.-4 j all the year round wagon toad t. one ori book al tiie cities, ua. no. way: would net object to a motor line. Scio i , I I ' ' show ha ver en j ss ed a better i cputation Syndicate onus had ' than the (i-eat Sy everysshere earned. It i no " " . . . ..... i .... - ... . -c f n. r, 1 , r, , . i . , . n . , ' ! q' ,7' . es'erv rthiOtiion. wo perfor.narcr will given The matinee at Jo'c.ock and the eveains performance at S o clock, the doora openlne one hour earlier. Ha!!' Vegeta'j'e Sicliin Hair Renewer hat restored gray hair 10 it, original col originti co I or and -reveals ba'd .ess n thousand Jof cus-s. It wi i do so 10 sou Go to Parker Bros for your grocerie. ON TI1F, TOPSHRl.F of public estimation you will find Parker Broa. It has taken year of hon est dealing, s'ore full of lhe best goods', a contlnuo is round of truth telling and, above all, the right price for lhe right goods to lead Parker Bros to their pieseet proud position. Their grocerie are stand ard, their produce fresh, and their baked goods the beat in the market, and 01 a tplendid variety, W1111. t You ark At It you ad belter quit being a clam and take your lanndry to the Albany Steam Laundry. Only white labor is employed, the clo:hes are done up neat and clean, there is no lurk ing Chinese disease lefttn the goods, a fine looking wagon driven by a gentleman and not a Mongolian, del'vers and collects goods, a ou help support an Albany In slitu'ton that spend ali Its money at liome besides cheap rates and first class work. Perhaps you area clam; then quit It. You cant offard to be one far a few ctnfs. When Baby was sick, arc, gar her Castorta. When aha was a Child, she cried for tUstoria. When she became atlas, she clung to Castors, WUen aho bad OiUdran, she gave theui distorts. Happr daya and restful nights result from using Ayei's Sariaparilia. It so regulates all the bodily functions and strengthen the nervous svitem lhat wor ry and fatigue are comparative I v unknown and life Is truly enjoyed. It Is certaialy a most wonderful medicine. A Brstraetltr l ire Spokane, Waeh., July 27. A Sr,ku man - Uet - leu. 1,,1 -,.... r n says the losses so far retorted Irnm'th awful forest fire -.rrin- ... , mountains of this section aggregate about IJliVOOO. The people of Slonan are left destitute, without shelter or food. A relief party has left here, bnt it is feared there will be trreat siifTerirur before it i pushes iu way through the burning for- i ! est. The fires had been burning around i ; the ill-fated towns for several days, but j ! while there were apprehensions, no one '. expected the total annihilation that came on the stricken camps. After A President New Yokk, July 27. Hie eteai.ier 1 Sairinaa- ,rino 1. t Zi ZZZTtT . '".. unnu 01 an auempt to assassinate rres- Went Heureanx. Twelve or more per- ; sons are implicated. Their plans became i known to the president, who arrested i the conspirators. Bobadelle, who thric j "previously attemptwl the president's life, 1 was shot July 14. One conspirator was' 1 imprisoned ami the rest allowed to go. VrrrUl i Jntv BH ti,,. , .nl, ,.t i il rT7 " y ?? HS-;..i..., , ZZ TLa 7i2nJZ-'T5 War em Vom.SD jnv 7 VhiI there , been no official declaration of war lie- ties were begun last Wednesday bv the Japanese attacking transports loaded -:.. 1 rav -.l.:JT . h fcajg. ft: , ' . ... . -r - m 1 -. mi,. r-1.' . ji i r-j j j i ny. miinr f: ium, auu, ii is aiu, ivju vninese were ; killed. The Japanese have also made a prisoner ot the king of lrea. and, it is . said, have sent him to Japan. A ratal Aeciateajt .-ale, ur., jury v. nue crossing ; the river on tbe ferry at Woods, Till- mook county, veeteruay .Mrs TermI, of New berg, her four children, and another lady were capsized from the boggv, in : which they were seated, into the. stream t . , - 1 r . . . , I bv their horse becoming frightened and l.-t-ir,r. rff V V -.-l , fm .TotmII ... irOS ntll. TH1L UK OUim TPTS reSPHftl. j , hr dignant delegations from the industrial armies camped at Sooth Washington ap- j.lie.1 at the room of the hooaecommitt - ee on iaoor toaay, not to urge weir oiim, "J Heo oi aaauiLaH.. i,k eajit- led lias liappeiied. Their leaders have deserted them, and they haye sought i eongrionaJ aid to return to the locaU- 1 'Jes from whence tiiey came. I can Kaiaerf TofExa, July 36. Reports from Cen bra and Western Kansas are very diss. ! couraginj. In half of the Western part ; the crop is rained, while in the central a fair crop will be raised only in sections where local rains hare fallen. The corn in many of the fields is borned np, and daring the past three days, hot winds have swept over the western half of Kan- sos. leaving destruction in their path. The temperature was over 100 degrees in many places. ' St PArL- l portu from various points in Mtnn..ota, , NorJl j,, rHkoU and j j- h-, U-en she hottest dar ever re- ! corded in tbe Northwest. Reports from I , orthern Iowa say corn is injare-l be- j vond ttie power ot ram to restore. Vila mrra tiatmu Wasauccrrox, Jury 36. Senator Vilas, , who was serretanr of the interior and ij,ter poetrt-tster-eeneral d urine Cteve-' Ursdsfrirat tmirfitr-ti.w, -nLt t..l.r i nnt r, the nd Ur.i I r .L-li,- hi. -. LSS -T . . p Marvland senator. He denounced Gor- assault aa wanton, reckless and ur,juitiable, and though' he dec-bred MrCWveland needed no defease at his ' hands, be took np seriatim the charges , made by t.orman and met them with I niasterly skill and logic A Bay Roeas btbc, Or., July 36. Word reach- .i i. .i ,i .: i ,i,,n ,j j.l .u sU'p.m ot l.eonre lavia. ot vs libar itepwin ol treorge Davia. I.. ,ng:are and An tone McKay, a boy of about the same age, were ""llng on "the "vor -. t ! quarreJiiw. when artnethey U4 was discharged shootina youne Ia . . , . , . , . . . , ' in tne ioweis. McKay uuwesi tne 1 rolled Longstare on bore and no- Mntt! the peighlwrs. but when thev ar- ! nvesl the Ivy ws dead McKav claims 1 .1 IxMigstare shot lumsvlf. The "coroner , . , . : 1 ' war are la red i r a 1 1... , , , has this dispatch from Bttaagbff: War has been declared between Japan and I "Kin. TV., IMn, ik. Kirw.1 I'.iwn sn. him Kleven Chinease steamers are on their r,r ,,r- : wax- to DM, Most ot the troops; atittaru them are coolies, armed with , taiws and arroa s Some Chinese steam- 1 p-, whkh have arrived at Core, have lasen t.rewnttd bv the Jananeae frore ! i landing trwp. lt is reported that the ; jari!UMe artillery sank several of them. Will Tkete Be rig.llac Tanast. July 25. It is reported that the 12,000 Chines.' troops which left Taku July 20 for Core, conveyed by eight gunboats, have landed in Cores". The gunboats esrating the transports had instructions to fire upon the Japan ese if the latter obstructed the landing of tliic sirniv TJur .-vt Kav f rwr n-rit.s,, Lfi Foo chow--or Loo Cho Elands, are ,l b..-. xa !,.;. i uon safely. It is stated if the report of t ""wv -r " -aw.avv wit.ll Ut?liUa- . , the landing ot the t htnese troops unoj . . ... . . . . rsosed is correct, the prospects of a peace- ! iui coiiiuon ot uie nispuiea oetween t m na and Japan are improved. VasiiRirtox, July 25. The senate w ill accede to the request of the house for another conterence tan the tar.ff bill, and -:n . .1 . wifh .,. of sv. h Ll S any specific instructions whatea-er. This aaa the conclusion of the democratic senatorial caucus, which adjourned sine die a few minutes after S o'clock today after a two days' sitting. Twa Taw a BVa Ira jest N ki sox, B C July 25. Reports from the Sloc&n country, just received, state that the forest tires which have been rag ing for the mst fortnight in that region were fanned to uncontrollable furv by a heavy gale yesterdav noon, and' swept eastward from New iYnver. Tbe towns of Three Forks and Watson were com pletely destroyed, not a single building Iveing left. The loess's cannot vet be as certained, but as estimated arill reach nto large figures. Mat Rweatca. Wasiunoton, July 25.vretar- Her lert today ordered the naval battalion from the cruiser Charleston, which has been on duty at Oakland during the rail road disturbances, to return toits proper poet on the vessel, General Rugar," in command of the United States ban .w in California, not requiring their presence any longe. The Charleston is expected to do reaay tor sea in a tew days. A Waahtsujlea FU-. WAsiiixaTos, July 25. Three fireman wvn killed, a doxen persons injured, and i over . ju norses ourneu to death in the tire which swept the block at B and Sec- . oiul streets, in which were the Knox j stables and warehouses, early this niorn 1 ine. Besides tbe Knox ami a.?.,w press stables, 10 houses were bumetl. One hundred ami fifty horses in Adams' stables were rescued. The loss will ex ceed fl'oo.UW. Sssar Maaalaatiaa. Washington, July 25. The president sent the following nominations to the senate today : Postmasters Noma Webber, Virginia City, New; John I) Tyrrell, Pomerov, Wash. Albert T Spools waa named for coiner of the mint at San Francisco. 1 In m IP H0 M IP ! 'iu "I pk net out of weak vmtAim, 3 but from proof." 3 B I A Dr. 3 p . " a I since lOTTOLENF has come to "J take its place. The satisfaction Utth (k. U k S,iU S m the advent of the New bhorteninc 1 Cottolene evidenced by the rapidly increas ing enormous sales is PROOF POSi riVE not only of its great vanie as e. new article ot diet but is also sufficient proof of the general desire to be rid of indi gestible, unwholesome, unappe tizing lard, and of ail ills that lard promotes. Try KATHEKFOBD l HAM. sr. 7 at a " aw ; " 7" . . j T.g,1 ai" r.iio riam to aaaaan a araVS : MdtoiatacOaaa. omcE-iatM raaa U BIILTBD J at Law .ad SoOeriar is Chvxrj. Ca g 'Mas aaada oa an pna, raUasarass. ATbacy, Eli. W. M RIGHT. j 1 . atMrrr x xary rMtvu: ; -.ym-. MSW:- ftx: , k-. tjFWame an.y. Or it II B !ra waster. i I Mcataa SSTjana tl rt&, rjuj . sJaaar, O j I j ! ; wit mn Attorney at Law. A!bn s rr SjOmiTE aft II omiTK A HtCMLESM. Af.irnejs at U. Albany. Oregon. HILL. " maaamaa a Or H E Beers. Dr U K B a Physicia.sanf3 Srargaons. " V?? women. Hou- to io - A d .sate o M, 2 to 4 aad to S P M Office and rrirace Bias - Building. Firat Stree.. bat -ere Ltos. ; -j rureh lnd EHwcrth rKw. ' f i v.roa jt vtw. rw s n At Rr Y. n.D.. M. a HasMs 1 aad Sarxa. OSv-l'vn near tha t ca u Batiste eerasa-MU 1 I Carsfwws - W. CFwICK at CO.IsXaKK oa aaar, oasso. TBIsllfTi iisiiiT nisi In aaata V HAW SIGHT DKAFTs aa Sew T.rt. aa aaa a Hal-ail. Oraewa. L" AN OXET oaapan saadw RXCrv Aeeosits astbsKt Is I COU.aL-nO.VS oa tarur iNTxaazrraU r -a.- iK- B aVMK Of M IO, cio, OKseia. Jim ..A JUt ... , .... -n-Trrr ! ILP k&l G0LLS6UT& IISliTuTI ALBANY, OREGON 1391, 1803 fa Teeaa sasaasssat t her as I A tL 1 eorpa ot lnuuvc.t. - .JaiStCAL, SClEKTIFiC, LiTERART comkekcial m nomai CLASSES. (auraca 01 tudy Lrrajijrad - a -all grades of students Sfrrim iwatatarara.'s efrrat tm ra. Jrwa sVvwaf. war, ciirsT a cst- IXKis V axtkd on Saiary andCoemi io -THE ONLY AUTHORIZED mf of JAMK G. BLAWS By CatL Hamilton, hi literary exeeator, with the co-operation of his fasaily, aad far Mr. Blaiaa's Coaaplet Works, ' TwKITT Years or Cosoaxss," aad bis later baaa. "Pouth al DisccssiONa" Oa prospeetas tor these S ssxt SIXUNO books ia the ciar ket. A K P Jordan of Me..took 1 12 orders, from ti rat 110 calls: ageot'a profit $193.50. 1 Mrs Ballard ol U. took 13 orders. 13 -ti Russia, ia 1 day; profit 26.25. B N Rtee of Mas, took 27 orders ia 2 d; profit 147.25- J Patrtdge ef Me. took 43 rders rom 36 calls; profit $75.35. K A Paliner N. Dak. too 53 cader in 3dy; p-"ofi 'S.95. ExcLrsjva TaRRrroaT air en, I 3 with to make LARUE MOV Y n . tadia tely for terms to l-cHenrT till rib. Co. .JsraitkCni Dr. ;tater ainAUies ' h J B Tha Keted Ctairvovaut a-d lilt tare, aad can he tinaad at her re Reader, sa aaw i B Cotwilla. She tails abottl all sall.cta. " lrwem aii futurs, lo trouble, absent tYleaslssatl biuinma. You can war Irotu vuur v!d is-1 tUHYKlaJirll S. ,rSeM? lZTl"?Zl Jt It'lsN at; CtX, wkwlTri tJaarrr aftr year' ata pataat tsntw. oearauar Pa tea la and SOS sastwian books saajl&aa. la ula I,,. .Ii a a m Oa. taaaraw ansa asaaBaasswaaaaiiiiM ii ssMtaststtaticai to t SeSaattire AaasssMew aad eaaTeS rfrw.1 siiaaaoTrarusa wore m taa srwftsav rear. rt. n re, and nrsiw, ,,... 5 ssaabliatlsjiias Cottolene B at once and waste no time in m K uivi.'. enng like thousands of V others that you have now eEiatAL? SUtTTt5TB , Ctioiai aaada ah by 2 N. K. FAIRBANKS CO.,4 9 ST. LOUIS and J W CHICaCO. WT.W YORg- sm ; Tag. J. I u rwrdanamat Jassjaaa. OrTtCX Oan raf- siaa Ataaar. Oror 1 A !