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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1894)
wfo ruorrat. - Wbkkly Democrat. $.75 per year in advance. $.'.00 at end of year. A Fokmkr Cokkan. Hon O N Denny Ex-railroad Counsellor o th King of Corea, senator elect from Multnomah county, was in the city this noon on his way to his brothers near Lebanon. Judge Denny considers that China has the advantage in the war w'.th Japan, though the Japs are the betterand most plucky fighters and better soldiers gen erally. His sympathies are with Corea, the bone of contention. China claims Corea, as it vassalage, and is entirely ig noring a treaty of a few- years ago. Japan has taken up Coreas cause. Mr Denny said to a Portland reporter: "While 1 was in the service of the king of Corea there was hardly a week passed that the 'ii'ain'sr luuusici uiu nut uiii anjr audi tion to clear violations of the treaties, directly traceable to the intim'dating in fluence of the Chinese minister to Corea, and on numerous occasions did I lend my personal and official efforts to smooth ing down the irri'atlon between the two governments from the cause. I dis covered and exposed two plots of the Chinese minister which had for their ob ject the overthiow and destruction of the king. The Japanese well understood the desire of the Chinese to get rid of all government in Corea, and if there H truth in the dispatch that they have carried the king off to Japan, it is for the purpose of having a live king to restore to the throne after the war is over, if there is a throne leit.'' An Immense Daiv. -The largest drive j of logs ever made in Lane county and ! perhaps in Oregon is now being made from the 7.1e and Mohawk nv?rs, I says ine journa . n consists, ail told, of nearly six million feet of log? and the real work of driving was commenced at the Dodeon place, 25 miles east of En. gene, last Monday. For ten miles along . ar . . e the Mctvenzie below the starting pcint logs nave been roiled in and the river is literally choked with floating timber. Eighteen or twenty men started in 4ast Monday to wade down the McKenzie and keep this immense drive of logs floating. Two teams are employed to aid in getting b:g logs over shallow places. Mr Vm Bogart. of Coburg is foreman of the drive and it will probably be 40 or 60 days' work to get all the logs in the mill pond at Coburg. Ordinary workmen or drivers only get 12 a day this year, whereas they formerly got 3 a day. Many more men have applied for work this year than could be piven places notwithstanding the feet that wages are low and work of wading in the McKenzie is dangerous and very laborious. A Former Albaxv Woa. Mrs Horatio Nelson, nee Mrs Ryan, nee Mrs Davenport , nee . a former weli known resident of Albany, but now residing in Portland, is again cbtainin some noto riety in the newspapers. When she ob tamed a divorce from Ryan and married Aelaon, an old school mate, she thought she had obtained just the husband de sired ; but it seems otherwise. Accord ing to her story told the prosecuting 1 attorney her property valued at 92000 near Albany, was mortgaged for $700 1 and the money wasted by Nelson, who then deserted her. She had Nelson and a Miss Fenton arrested for adultery; but j upon examination they proved their innocence and were discharged. Mrs Nelson is said to have been married six 1 times, thongh she says three times, and j certainly has had an enormous amount j of matrimonial trouble. Mrs Nelson was 1 afterwards examined for insanity, but was not committed. YVedern Electric Clocks Several Union men are coming through the valley from the South putting in electric clocks. They are in Eugene and will be in Albany probably this week. The clocks are con nected by electric wires with the head of- A Bbokex Arm. One of the excursion- ists to the Bay yesterday was Mr Bert Van j Gleve, editor of the Corvollis Informer. He was riding a bicycle near Toledo when the machine bucked' ami threw him off, breaking one of his arms, which was set. and Bert returned home as if nothing had happened. To Night. A man will give a wonder ful exhibition near ihe Revere House ti night. Beginning at about 6;3o o'c ock h will display a nrarvellons capacity for water and pins, drinking six gallons of water and sticking several hundred pins in-o his body, sewing up his lips ama other things. On Mart's Peak. Miss Bertha Ellis returned this noon from a trip to the sum mit of Mary's Peak. With a party of nearly thirty organized by Prof Horner. she viewed the Willamette valley yesterday. The sight is a grand one. It was the in tention to illuminate the peak last night, but owing to a threatening appearance of tbe clouds, the descent was made before dark. The trip up the Mountain is a tiresome one; but it weil repays the trou ble. Last week Mr Pat.ick Callahan, fa ther ot James and Pete Callahan, ar rived in Albany after an absence of twenty years, during which time be re sided in different pa-ts of the coast, the last few years near Lafayette, where be run a farm. It was thought he wa dead. He is now visiting at the Bay for a few weeks Mr and Mrs Harry Sacry and daugh ter left Eugene at 11 o'clock this fore noon on their bicycles and will be home tonight. I.Mr Al Senders will then go to Salem to give the pcetal agent there a rest. The Dr Grier Cascade mountain party will leave tomorrow morning ; also the family ol K M Robertson; on Wednesday morning F M French and family, Frank McClung and Miss Mildred Burmester will leave for the Socae. Prof O C Maxwell, of Crook county rriv?d in Albany yesterday by way of tbe wagon road. He reports a great many campers along the route, and fine fishing particularly cn the MttoUr. st is v:ry doubtful if there is another grocery store in the Willamette valley where so much pains Is taken to give satis faction as at Parker Bros, in this el'y. They keep a first class stcck of goods and sell at prices suitable to the times. It is peculiarly the place for etonomizeri to go. Their produce, fruits Ac are always fresh and from the best gardens. Their baked goods are of a big var'ety and are unequalled for excellency in luallty. Get your camping goods of Ihem and anchea for picr.lca and excursions. They nave a fine vartrty of plckels, canned goods, baked goods, Ac, for such affairs. Wili & Stark keep up with the timesln the latest styles of jewelry. You will not mist it If you call on them for anything In the jewelry line. The Magic Touch OF Hood's Sarsaparilla You smile at the idea. But ii you are a sufferer from Dyspepsia And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be fore you have taken half a dozen doses, you will involuntarily think, and no doubt exclaim, "That Just Hits It!" "That toothing effect Is a magic touch 1" Hood's Sarsaparilla gently tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organ, invigorates tbe liver, creates a natural, healthy desire for food, gives refreshing sleep, and in short, raise the health tone of the entire lyitem. Remember hce in Sanr rancisco, and are so arranged I Ur a R Ww;n'. ! Moor, who was in a very cnUtl condition liunore. jr. sjK nt that thev can be set from the head office. I ... ' . . . . ; hnt the lir thinks he can set him on his ' mit of the snow -peak. which wib be done every dav at noon which . Mr and -Ur? w K arbough returned ! w wish von success Doc ! all night Mr M will insure the correct" time at all times, j i81 evening rrom an outing al aterloo. , in the world who has The clocks are owned by the telccraoh LlDn county Xhey report a pleasant ' , JTU, - . ; a night on Mt Hood. comoanv and are ren.e.1 at nne A.,r a me and a ia-ee number of campers: " r.rT" " I a cave in the snow month. Sarsa- The Linn county Teacher's Institute was called to order at 1 :30 o'clock today inthe chapel of the public school build ing by the County Superintendent A R Rutherford. There was a good attend ance. The total enrollment is seventy-five, which will be greatly increased during the week. The institute will be conducted on a new plan. Instead of the usual super abundance of oratory cIbbs exeiciges will be held daily in four different rooms, extending over this week, and during the two days of the distiict institute next week. Recitations will occur as follows ; daily : 8:30 to 9:30 Trot Torbett will instruct a class in A Arithmetic ;Irof G H Willie, one in orthography ; Prof R K M'chener, one in A Grammar; Prof 1) W .larvis of Portland, one in A History. :30 to 10 .30 Prof Torbett, in B Arith metic; Prof Wilkes, in Phyaology ; Prof M L Pratt, of Portland, in A heading; prof Jatvie, A Geography 10:30 to 11:30: Prof Michener, B Grammar ; Prof C F Rowland, book keeping; Prof M I. Pratt, Witting ; Trof Jarvis, B History. 1 to 2 p m : Mrs Nellie Lambson, in language ; Miss Clara Gard, composition ; Prof, organization end manage ment ; Prof, A Mental .Arith metic. 1 2 to 3 p ni : Prof Torbett, Physical Geography ; Prof Michener, B Mental Arithmetic; Prof I'ratt, B Reading ; Pro Jarvis, B Geography. There will be assistance from other instructors. On Friday, Monday and Tuesday even ings there will be public entertainments at the opera house, consisting of lectures, not vet arranged, assisted bv local talent Twenty five men a-e at work in the PIj- neer stor.e quarrv of Toledo, prtjes golntf t' the Mountains should j be verv careful about setting fires. A lit- , tle fldrne ign, bet ,he m0un'ains afire ' , , , ., : , 5rt w,en: ,( le hfrday on the excu.Mon. The rain r j uina 11 12 0 clock nJ afr atvlnt ft r, m leit about 6 p m. Quiet a number rf Midwinter tair con cessions are befog taken to the interstate fair at Tao-na Some are going slowly exhibiting on the wa, for instance the muscle dancers, palace of illusions, Acc. The pay of the California n.ilitia while In aciut1 service is as fo'iows Privates 4; cents a day, corporals 50 cents, line sers eants 60 cei.ts, first and second ileu- tenan's f4.1t, captains $5, battalion ad- , juttnts $4 44, reglmenta, adjutants $5.55, majors $6.95, beutei ants $8.30, colonels' $9.10, brigadier general $l5.26,and gener- 1 al Jjo.Ss. Mrs Dorris and fami'y are taking their vacation at Hal-tea, i. Wm M Hoag is expected back from San Francisco this week. Ca sey, the engineer, and his monkey, j , passed through Albany this noon. Mrs W R Bi'.yeu has gone to San Fran- ciso for a couple months sojojrn. Consideaable complaint is made at Ya quina Bay at the scarcity of the men. C B Irvine of the State-man recently caught a 50 poubd codf-h at Yaqoina Bay. Mies IJettie Miller retained home this week from a two weeks visit with Rev and MrsT J 'Wilson, of Engene. Judge J ) Murphy, of Salem, has let the contract for building a new residence at the contact price ot $ti,146. Jce Meyers and family have returned i from the Beliknap Springs, and report a ' large amount of out door epoit there. Postmaster Montelth and John Isom i have returned from their trip to the j mountains, where they had plenty of sport Mr and Mrs L E tsiain returned tiiia n0on from the Bay, with their pockets I full of water agates, and reports of a fine ! time. i Miss Woodin, of the 'facotna public schools, arrived in Albany Saturday- there. -Eueene Guard. ' Mr George Hocbstedier, of this citv. will airain renrswnt fh Can, I I ,!. nf Oregon. K of P at the National Grand ; Lodge, which meets this year at Wash- j ington. D C, on August 27. Telescope. I isa Ina McCulloch is among the ' teachers attendins the institute. A few days ago while riding a pony from school ; she was thrown and came near being ' killed ; but fortunately escaped much in jury. A letter received from George Cohen states that be has reaiened his position ' in Friedman's hotel in Honolulu and is . i now working in a government office. He is just recovering trom a month s sick Mel of fever, during which he lost 30 pounds i weight. Telescope. Two PoRTi.AJtn Walkers. WallaceMc Camaut and T J Ross, two Portland iw yerr . wore in the city today on a 2oo mile damp. On their way from Portland they have been doing tbe foothills some, cross ing over on foot to Mehama,going il miles one day. thence to Albany by the O P. From here they rode to Lebanon on the . branch and will immediately start on foot for tbe Metoles, expecting to return by way of the McKenzie, .stopping as they please on their way. A Proclamation-. The following proc lamation was issued by Governor Pen noyer yesterday : "In accordance with the provisions of an act of the legislative assembly of the state uf Oregon, passed at its seventeenth regular session, entitled 'An act to pro tect timber and other properly from fire,' I do hereby make proclamation calling the attention of the people of the state to its provisions and warning all persons against violating the same." Tbe violation of the law is liable to a fine of 20 to 31.000. Tbe Eugene reached Albany last night and returned this morning, carrying al good sized cargo of freight. The boat proposes to run tbe entire season. 'Ihe Modoc already only comes as far as Salim. V.'fcof- HI :tward fuf k tau-c oi . . . . be cured by flairs Ci'.iri a are. I .J.i.H ; SI I O., Props.. Toledo, O. XV o lie u:mi-'.-'':'-i, -I, Iijvb knowa F. Jff Cheney for IM la ,t IS yeais, and believe him perfectly Ifeaoacawa in all businesstraosactlons end financially afcta to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WestThcax, V . ".t!e DrejHnsts.Toledo.O. Wauiiso, Kixn-an k Mauvin, wholesale Drug- alsls. Toledo. . Half's Catarrh Curt is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- races or me system, i-nce .tc. per Doiue. Bote by all DruKk':. Teatltaonlala free. Received this week from Jlew York, by express, r osiers genuine lace gloves, oiack nd colored, also Jennings silk mills ami Ucer, In b ack and colored. . l OCKG. Kid Gloves. I have just received the new spring shades of the celebrated Centemeri kid gloves and aluo those with the large pearl buttons. 1 expect lo cairy these in colors to match the suitingc. 1 rarry also noes oi tne uiar- ntz, chamois and gauntlet moves. l E Yoiiko. 1 have just received ano her invoice of Ladies, Misses and children's tan Gaord Ties hi all sizes and width . Samuel K You no. I have just received another invoice those popular priced sun umbrella. Samuel E Young of Ki'ji Ci-k'. A oeriet dress form Dresses fit perfectly over tntm. Appro ve 1 by all d'emaker. s E Young Ano'hcr l ioico of Gilberts fast black ss.leens In plain and brocaded. Also per callnei In lart black end color and last black orgrandieR just received at Samuel Young's. Cabtage. Green P as, Celery, Swttet I'otitoc, S w Potatoes, & f'herile At - E Brownell. Bath at Vicie :ks ' shavin.l ami hair 3U ting pallors. If you want a tine imokf callfor J jsepl t wh'te labor cigars. ' nial.l a n r , o ,-,&it,n. . t ha. pit I , a r 1 JOIIN JUNTO REPORTS. Mr John Minlo makes nrepart on Ihe O. P. extension, part of which is as fol lows : At present the eastern most rail of the Oregon Pacific is at Idanha, 56 miles from Salem, or counting the moutsins to begin at Stay ton and end at the Matolias. the distance across the chain is '-V ., miles, and of this distance 38 miles of permanent, safe and cheaply operated railroad is laid, through by far the roughest portion of the range. Beyond that, there i- 8 miles graded ready for the ties except two breaks by washouts. To lay the rails down on that would take the railroad 4J miles neartr to the com merce of Central Eastern Oregon than the Southern Pacific road is at Lebanon, which I believe is even further from the eastside of the Cascades, than is Stayton, and from which the wagon road con st tuoted at great cost is laid to cross a double summit, 20 miles apart, each of which were more difficult for road pur poses than the sing V dividing ridge over which the O. P. line is laid. These statements are made in no spirit of rivalry or envy, toward the citizens or towns of Linn county. Her citizens never entered on, or consummated a more worthy undertaking than the open ing of t le W. V. & C. road. In that thev go one step in advance of Marion county men. Now.the entire YV illaniette valley and a large area of Eastern Oregon is virtually interested in seeing this O. P. line completed, or failing that, by reason of the lack of confidence amongst men of means at present, the interest is still so general and vital as to make it our duty to our own interests to make the road now in operation au honestly paying property, by constructing a good wagon road from the end of tho rail to Eastern Oregon. It is now 20 years since the route was viewed out and surveyed at a r-.iat In ika Mnntu ,,f l. l.n ..( ...... $1,GC0. The duplicate of that sum ju-f dieinnslv evnended wonlri within nna ! mon h enable wagons from Prineville to receive their freight from the end of the O. P. rail, 1 verily believe. To preserve the life of that road as a paying property is worth twenty times the sum aboved . named, annually, to the commercial in terests of Western Oregon alone ; and to day men are leaving their location in ; Eastern Oregon sick from the hope de ' ferred of its completion. The question then is: What shall be done in this : matter? Whi'e the county of Marion ' and her several towns has the nearest ic : terest in making that route a perman ent paesway lor commerce, other adjoin ing counties (Crook and Linn) have nearly equal interests the former com paratively more. There are homes, and many of them, in all these counties which have been located and improved in the belief in that road as a living en terprise. Many of these borne builders would loose years of time and all their', j means if forced to seek another loralion , by the death of this road. There were j I 6 votes cast at the last election at the single precinct of Detroit in Marion conn- j : tv Many of these are willing to give their laborfree in aid of the construction ' of a common road as herein suggested as a means of getting the commerce of Lastern Oregon to fUw that way Oakvillc. The whistle of the steam thresher is heard: and the farmers will soon know bow much gram they have. The bridge on Muddy near Geo Barton's is almost impassably. This bridge was re paired in June by Mr Tiliotson. but this loag continued dry spell has; caused the braces to fail out. Mr Charles Pat ti son and family of Exira Iowa and Mr Claude Jayne of the same place arrived here last week. Mr P will probably locate Lere. H M Stone is busily encased p-itting up ! a fruit drier on the farm of Mr Kin ley in Benton county. Dr Hamilton is attending on Charlie , I , , - s uraa-v morning looting nappy. . Mr A D Morrison, of Coivallis. town Saturday. R G Junkin has returned from an ex-, tensive tour. He nas been in Independence, Salem. Oregon City. PortUmd and many ! UlOT smaller places; but O-akfille suits hi? las" 'er than anytnmg ne n;s seen vei- Awicrs. j Orfat Reduetiou Sale. The gra'est reduction sale on ladles shoes that has ever taken pace in Albany is going on at Klci .V Dub.-uil:e s shoe "ore. Tney are selling off witboul reserve all their omens and misses plain toe. Commonsene and Opera toes, lre! and Spr-ng Heel, Hand and Machine sewed shoes at just 4 r-gutar price. Ladies needing shoes trill dt well by calling be fore sires aie broken, a ibi i a chance togeta first-c'sss 'hoe f r very little money . .Sale Ijatt ui'ii August Ittfc. V,ry Trvly Vouis. Klein & Dubruille. oatEtev ..r,. jT-ir.1 : t .::ir. Summary. Sta'ion, Alban) , Or. Month July. 1894. Elevation above sea level, 217.7 feet. Mian tempera' ure, W 6 Departure from normal, 0 7 Maximum temperature, 96; date, 18. Minimum temperature, 40; date, !, 10, ?S Mean of maximum temterature, 82 5 Mean of min mmn temperature, 51 No. times naiimum temper.ture 30" or above, 4. No. times minimum temperature 32 or below, 0. No. times minimum temperature 10' ot below, 0 Totsl precipitation 0 21 inches. Departure trom normal. 0 31 Oieetua. precipitation in 24 consecutive hoars, avldate, 0.2i ZAh. Total depth ot unnittted snowfall, 0 inches. Prevailing direction of tho wind. N, No. of clesr days. 22 No. of pa. tly cluody days, 7. No. of cloudy days, 2. JNo. of days on which .01 or , more of precipitatii n fell, 1. fto of dav sou whiuh 04 or more pi-c.pi-tatiou fe 1, 1. Dalesoo h cb hail fell, 0. Date on which arow fell, 0. Data of thooder storms. 0. Dates of light frost, 0. Date of killing or in jarioua froal , 0. Dates of solar baios,, 5, 29. Dates of lunar baloa, 5. Remsrks: In conseqamci of the coo nights ths month hag appears 1 cooler to or dinary obrtrrerr, than usual for July but it win seen irom tlio ar.ove Hi? t it has been a ciote average. Job II h k. i.-. Volunteer Observer. The fact thai Hood's SarsDar,lla. once 'airly tried, becomes the family medicine, speaks volumes lor its excellence and medicinal merit. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is Nature's oo worker. Hood's Pills become ihe favorite cathartic wiih every one who trie them That llreil feeling which is so com.yion and so overpowering, is entirely driven off by Ilooc's Sarsapaii la, the !et blood purmer. i ioou, sat saparll a oveicomtt, weakness Hood's Pills are the be6t pills, assist digestion, cure ueadache. 25c a box. loiter list. Koilowirg is tho list of letters retraining in the p"t oflicu at Albany, Iann county Oreuot), July Jo, 1894. Persona calling for these letters must give the date on which thev were advertise,!. Bur.owH, M S (duster, R Jones, H I, Lt!win, Minnie McNeil, John Nicolosn, Kva Stewart, Ann R lliornton, 8 T Beaumont, T J Ford, Clarence II King, Jessie Mich ner, U E McKinney, Frunk A t'toiits, Mary Thorp, Lillie Warner, W f Thos. MoNTRrrn, P. M. sr. t Ice Cre&m tUMnz Powder s Most Perfect Mnde. A Chapter ok Likm. The following from the Salem Statesman contains noth ing but falsehoods. Ihe DufOCBAT never sneered r.t its street car projects or woolen mill, nor anything else that has been suc cessful there. It lias had lots of 'fun with its visionaiy railroad projects and like schemes. Wo give the papers comment us a sample of "nuiko mo tired:" Tho A v Democrat makes light of the Statesman's urgent advocacy of the construction of a railroad into the Santiani country. It is rather a sure sign of early success to find the Demx-rat in its present mood. Six yeirs ago, when the Statesman talked street car lines in Baietn, it will lie remem bered the Democrat wee rod loudly and facetiously, yet a good line was completed past the state house when its editor came down the following winter to see the legis lature convene, and today we have in Salem about a dozen miles of well built well equipped electric street railway. loiter, ; wnen the Mates-man talked woolen mill, I The strikes are no involving a gift of $20,000 by Salem, the j has just occurred in I Democrat made light of the matter, hut j tanner Instg'ed on be,, the bonus was raised, the mill was built ; m and working unit and Salem has now one of tho most pros perous woolen mills in the whole country . Several other projects advocated by the Statesman the past six years have nut with the sneerinir cheap wit of the Democrat, i i... u ...::.! i . ti 1 -, ...C, wCIC I. UTO.U. lUlltNt feasible p.-oject has ever received the tap- port Qf this paper than the Santiam road ! wilding scheme, and a few years will sec uuti 1U..1 ine hhibi aim no wiht or ni'iir it developed into a fact, the mossback l'ein to the contrary notwithstanding. Cnors. Following i.? the report of the D S Itepartment of Agr culture. Weather Bu reau, of the Orejron State Weather Service for the weekending Monday. July 'it), 1894. Harvesting i progressing under favora ble conditions Harvesting of fall sown grain is being completed in some sections. Much winter oats, rye and barley have also been harvested. Spring sown grains are 1 ripening rapidly. Ihe showers which oc l curred during the fore jiari of the week ; proved of considerable benefit to late oat j and wheat. Fall wheat is being submitted , to a careful examination in the effort to dis ; cover the extent of damage done by the grain aphis. The weight cf opinion in clines to the belief that the damage mm slight. Several correspondents are of the impression the berry was fhrivelod notice , ably and further, that the greatest defect I will be shown in the weight. The latter j opinion i a matter ot conjecture. Ihe; ; grain is reported plump by most corre , ; pondente, showing that if there be damage . I it is not general The spring-sown crop of cereals is superior, promising to be above ' I the average. So far.very little threshingba oven Done, navingus neannir completion ', a cr.P laJ l'fnt "5 dition Timothy hav is lighter than usual while clover is heavier. During the warm weather corn mode good growth in the southern counties. The early potato crop is j u Ming excellently. Hops are U.v.ming. There is a tine prospect for a large yield. Is the MirvsT or tue Strike.-Mn B L Arnold, who ha just returne.1 to Corval- ! lis from the east was in the midst of the strike. The other side of Chicago, eight een miles her train was ttoptd bv striker, when a verv dramatic ren lot ! lowed, the strikers taking possession of Ihe ; 1 I uilman m which she was ndink, capiur- ing all the eatables. Sue rvxle to Chicago i in an open car in the rain, and would have j again started that night; but upon advice j remained in Chicagc. Fortunately she did j not, for the train was ditched in a ravine i Mrs Arnold and her two sons remained I there six weeks, during the most tragic , period of the strike, familiar to all our I- readers. Some fellow passengers were there moneyless and almost starving. When they left it was cn a train -.urd.-l by regulars. An attempt was made to j wreck it. but failed. Their actual extra expense was $. a .sigst ai t noi. in? r-aie . - ,f . Tt Salem ! Journal savs: A number of this lartv. in cluding Prof Campbell. Eldon Halsv. Irof Hmvho-in Mr I..;. Mr. M.-llvain S R one night on the sum- sleepinif in the sn?w llvuin is thenriU- wnman biBved tbe terrors of This partv excavated t and slept three abreast. packed like sardines. The north wall of i tne cave was about a loot thick and was , rlanked by a precipice of snow. At sunrie J the temperature on tbe was 26 de- grees. or six below freezing. All spent tbe i night comfortably and slept some. The ex-, pcrience was a novel one. the entire party wnnesjing we sunrise ano supset Irom tae peifc. W in. Have Court Tiue. Tlie wirk ! of nutting in the electric docks for Al bany by the Western Caion men, men tion of which was made yesterday, be gan this mxniini;. I ndt-r tins system absolutely correct time is secured, the , Hamilton. Mis Mildrwl an ! Kthel Lin clock atlache.1 to the spilcm '-nrt cor- ; T,U Mr , ; . Wasroner. reeeea every aay aiun. iiu- ISM KM win itt" ill wir rssit.-ui hi mis csiy . -,, , . , , Krx-ncli. jeweler: Will A Stark. jeweier;mV" "hu; juiiu jo- eph. w holesale and retail cigar store :J A Cumming, druggist ; Henry Williams, saloon; Fred Ht-is, saloon : M lUumttart, saloon. Virv Uld. Vwo old men walked op the street yesterday. One wa AdamBnm and the other an old Frenchman. Bum ssa arrayed in his Sunday euat.and be looked proud as he said to Id friend "I bought thi coat -1 years ago; fine coat yet " He was dujutled when the Frenchmen glanced It th garmett and replied: -Iat's nottiog : I have a coot coat at home vat I buy in Liverpool 43 years ago; it a better coat a dt ' CorvaHis Times. A Rj DaT Ridk Caleb Ihivia and Albert Weaver rode to Ftnle7 Sprines ani returned yeaterday.a distance of 112 mile in thirteen hour. Taking into consider-ion that i0 mile of this is over a rough mountain road, and a very rocky one, this is vood traveling. Cor vallij Informer. Were a wan to drive a horse that distance he would deserve being arrested for cruelly lo animals; but a man can do it wi'ho-it injury. The horse must take a back stall. Maiikied. In ltoseborg. on Sunday. July 29, 1M. Mr Will Merriman. S l agent at tierrai. and brother of Mrs C F Fronk, of this city, and Miss K"se Lucy, an ac complished vonmr lady of Kosehuru-. Tl-.ev have the best wishes of many Albany friends of the groom. Soldiers Kecnio:,', A reunion of all the soldi ?rs of Oregon, including veterans of the civil, Indian and Mcxicau wars, will be held at Forest Grove three dav next week Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. Eor-s. On Monday, July 30, 1S94, in Albany, to Mr and Mn Otto C Clelan a girl. Shttdi. Mr Fred Warner, of Roseburg. is visit ing his mother at Shedd. He is 011 his way to locate in r.ajtern Oregon. Reck Davis, of Salem, is vinitinir his relatives here. Mr Halverson's folks and Mr Coon are recreating at Waterloo this week. Miss Nellie Puch. Miss (truce Htirdick. Miss l,-l,i Davis and Miss Ida and Mary Porter are attendins the teachers institute in Albany this week. Mr John I'uch will start his steam thresher this week. There was a temperance lecture in the Presbyterian church lut .Monday evening. The friends of Mr Thomas Morgan, of Halacy. who was run over by the train some weeks ago, will regret to .'earn that he has had to undego a second amputation of his injured leg. Mrs Jonas Davis has 11 stormkinif ftiscliiit two years old that has 104 blooms upon it. Also a common red geranium with C2 blooms. Now beat that if you can. On Monday Mr Wm Power while in his barn stepped into p. ladder hole wrenching his body so iu to injure one of his ribs, which was attended to by an Albany doctor. Takk Notick. After this dale, we, the undersigned, agree to saw oak vood for Ml cents and fir, ush and maple for 40 cents per coni. Juiyiuth. (EO. At'IIKSON. Wm. Nkki.ev. J. N. Com 11s. Have Vicreck shave bow. you. He know Clean town la to every unavemer at Viereok shaving parlor, i A war between China and Japun means r -m T-nvr -mca -r- a -r-a line market for our flour. j W j3U -LJ S J-A. T An Exchange says fifteen hundred peo ple arc sojourning at the Bay. 'J he exact numd r of ticWg sold on Sunday excurtion to the Bay via 215. The infant diughter of Vr and Mrs McCoy ' i d at their home In Lit Angeles on July j6. Or Low, the graduate oitticlan, leaves Wednesday. Call at Dr Littler' office and have vour eves tested free. A meeting was 10 be held in Prinesyille list night to consider Ihe matter of a wagon road ccnntclion with the U P. The Ocoho Rcvelw and Priaevitle New have been consolidated under the head Pri-icvillc Revriw. Pilneville 1!1 thus have on.'v or.e paper. A nlgh or two ago some one Mole Mr Henry Taylors roist hur.g out on his htck porch at night to keep cool for ihe next day. l'hese arc ttci- when it U not ( 'o leave eatsble arou d. 'II over jet. matlila county Mlng work at One! A! 4:3o The hands struck. Chai ' , Mum nery was vaggej last evening. Be bad been tarnd to retire from our streets ; but fa'lcd to do so. Mummery plead not g ni tj and wlllbe ,ricJ (o ,n0rroW al p in. ,CoKe ' ,r,P He ' Coae Bilreu made verv eckl ibn- an to McKni-e Bridge on borsetark i rted from here about 4 :jo o'clock and arrived at 310 111 the afternoon.: The boy stood the trip much be'ter than " 1 the family horse he rode. K-geneGuard. ! I labey can.e very r.ear having a funeral : for one of its all radons Monday. Percy Howell was drawn into an oat hiot at ihe I K P e'avitoranc was nearly suffocated by the oats, when discovered hy Geo prrter : who-yanked die kid out in Georgr. onlv eupeib mannfy. Vews. J M Arthur Si Co, a hardware firm of j Portland, has brou ;l,t ult in ihe circuit j court to re.-over $4oX piincipa;.$:oo dan.. age and cost on a chat'el mortgage oi a , portable engine and boiler aoid by lhen ' to J Sand . M Martin, owners of a saw mill on the John Wiles farm on Soap' 1 Creek. Cortallis Times. The CorvaHit Infoimcr s;eak cut In ti.e folloaing ;(ve manner: The actio-s I of some cf the wo-cen of ihe town , who wr.-e on the eicursbm eterday. wsre stmnlv diivracful and imethfiw should be done to see that this does not occur agsin. Decent peop'e will refrain from attending ihese Sunday lri 'f such scenes i. 'ook place jesterdav are repea' ed. A di'-i of gold nugets pan of cornmcal. and va tea on exhibition at a Orants ! hardware siore last week. Tl.e bullion was Ihe te sult of a two eeks run wlib pick and pin mo mill) on Davidson brothers' placer near Mioari Hat. The soya have struck a r ch pocket in their ledge ard there is no s'en of lis giving ou'. There are pie-ly of just su.h rich pockets in Jt-sephinr, but it takes work and so Tie privation 10 unearth them. Pla.ndealer. Kev f'riihard ani fauiiir and Mai H M rhortoo went to the Bay todai . Misa Myrtle Miller, who has been qaite ill. is rejsjTted to be improving wiih pros pects of recovery . Mr 0 C McFariand wat taken swiously ill this foren-xm with kidney cell.-, but is greatly improved this evening. Chaa Redfield and F. J O'Coaner. loth formerly of this city, are worldlier for w Hunt on the railioa.1 be is buildinar in 1 southern California. Ilr WG A Itonwill, of Peiladelphia . one of the best known authors on drnriairy. in the I' S. is in Salem on a visit win ' Governor elect lord and Col Knight, school mates of hit toy hood days. Mrs Miller, who recently came fr-m Michigan to reside with her daughter Mrs Hudson, of Tangent, is tbe wife of one of the soldiers, who under GU. Pnchard cap tured the ft nasi Jeff Dai. Mr Miber is noben r oren. oi gate bimaelt up an 1 ubing a litewry meet- ta"d hi Sne was un- pwu aiiii nnuiuwnii w uira ifcc a year ap. and ta.d his ine. wa im mediately arrestel for assault at the aiue Gme, and "ili le tried tomorrow. He far- nisLed hail. Will Mc1me W-: Ikis arcing :or er two Walt-r. attie wh.iv he will spend a day visiting bis brotivrs Harare ani Krora tbes he rill go directly to Annapo- lis, M.I. la take tbe SeptemW examination for a cadeUhip in the I" 8 Naval Aca He received the ai'tMR'ment two weeks ' airo upon the reoom.-nditi n of Hoc Binger ' Hermann Kogetse iJuard. frollowuig is x ht of the rarty who stocd ; on the summit 'A Man's Peak last Wn : Mr and Mrs Alex Ker.oi. Mr -in I Mrs Prank Lulv. Miss Je-s Wajafoner. M Benha Kllis, of Allsasy. Miss Looia Weir II.. I . SI' . I I .11. tkni intwni n. aiun u. .' ' " - ,, ........ - - , rcirt, ii, l...,r , ll .m- t .- i.i " m;-Ki;,.t-j-f ,il .J it,. llk, Pnblic.sbool. wo appointed secretary of the institute. From brr neatlr kfpt regis ter the Is.umolt gets the follow i ng list of attendants : Albany Morv Sedarwich, Kilen Sslg wich, Nettie H Iirnlrsr-n. Clara (iard. Jennie Blount. Vrt Anna 0 Williams Simpson. Mary (,'andiff. Mrs Sarah 'iam ber. Ius K Dyer. Clara lavi. Mae I'ol- lock. Ara Italtimore. Anna Yantis. Kliza beth Carothers. Linnie Rasa sey, W A Mc- ibee. N M Clem. H 0 J. rvlanilM V Brink. Jane Morris. Mrs It f IVsTg. UaVM Torbett. Zella K Woo.1. J F. Love, t' F llowland, Hiram Tyrw. A R KatberfonL IthaCbeadle. Nina'li.vlbr.-.ith. bertlie An syln. Arthur Uamber. Mary Blount . . - Mareraia II Dunham. Ia?banon Fannie irurg. ti H WiOtea, Con Cox. Hattie Cot. J ti Swann. W II now a "neuon 11 ft "' Temple. Luther 1 iley. rt wm Ol la t 1 If ! - Brownsville Mti Lara M i!-l.-r. W A Calder. Lornie 1 Lulu IVweil, Linnie row-oil, K lUefMBer, Mrs Minnie Wright. Sodaville riarnct' I..gT.r:i. Charles New-land. Kstella tmkk. Mr. M V. lack- son, C I Brown. Shedd-Ella J Maxwell. Mary I'orter. Nellie Pugh, Eila Dunlap. Maggie D.inlap. Wm Achuson. Ilalspy Mattie t'ros-. Hattie Geary. M Maxwell, Viola Urambn, Ina McCulloch. Tangent J S Smith. A W Mese. Cora Vonn, Cora Hudson Crawfonlsvillo V C Swann, Mrs Ida h wan 11. Shelburn Kll.i Washburn. J J Kllyscn. Jordan D Cliffonl, O K Goodman, lacomb- F M Girard. ti W Glrard. Hates T J McClarey, B C Neal. Scio Luella Carey. V B Ouin. I-irwood F.lla M Downing. Pendleton F II Chrisinger. Jefferson -Mrs M J Steele. Shelburn Samuel D Titus. Harrisburg -K S Hughes. Mill City- Fred Horner. Plainvie'w-H II White. Irving Alice Wiminer. Portland-M L Pratt. Spicer G L Culitvan, Lyons -C F Swank. Detroit Hay Case. Corvallis-S I Pratt. Santiam J B Dow. Yoc Ak Au. RiaJir If vou take your washing lo the Albany isteatn Laundry. If you don't vou are not. Something is the matter of sou. How can you go to a Chinese establishment with a llrst-class sieam lauudry in the city. Don't do it. Be all rmht by miming it. Suppose vmi do make a few cents ; what does it profit you, with the Chinese smell and lurking disease around. Patronize the Albany team I-aundry. Moire si'k f u 1 it I uw sliodn VoiDg's. trimming, in He -t n I. , jo- ri e lived si S E Talk Is Ciikap; but when you come tc (acts every body knowa that Crawford A Paxlon lake better photographs than any oilier gallery In Oregon and at as low prices as the lowet. r rst siree. ailjofctng Masonic Hail. Ready Fob Bckinksh. The Union Pn cilic lines are now open, and tickets on sale to all iminta F2ast. For rates or information call upon Ct'BKAK it MONTKITII. Local Agents. It's A Dundy Circus. Talk about your circuses, the one given by the (irrtat Syndicate and Paris Hippo drome has certainly broken the record ho far us Butte is concerned. Such a jam as wits attracted to the citcus grounds on the afternoon of the Fourth wan never KM here liefore and doubtless was never seen in any cuy ot Its size, it Suite tiO claim to lie a good judge of an ; particular thing it can certainly claim to be a good judge of ft circus, and the judgment of thf. people who went to the circus was that if was a show that to miss was to mis an event, and that it was a mighty g , ( show to xee twice. So great was the crowd in the afternoon that two performances had to be given in stead of one. The circus tent was filled plumb to the ajiex at the first iierformaiice. Not only was every seat occupied hut stand ing room was all taken and boys tliruly.d up on the tent pole Ijecuuse there was no place else to get. The maiiigement had liecn foned to stop selling tickets for the first performance, but ano'iier was given at 4 o'clock, when the big tent whs again filled . There was an other crowded house al die evening per formance. The combination of performers ami ar tists in the lireat Syndicate Show and Paris Hippodrome is one that is hard to surpass in any tin-is. MiUe Monette, the : mm-jdwcii woman, won tuunuer ot ap Inlause. Jimmy McKlroy. the bareWk hurdle rider, i-rfonned daring fesits with ' an cae ami agility that stamps him with out a peer in his line Mis Lillie Parsons, the pretty and grac. fill 10-year-old liCer, ride right intr the hearts cf all there. King and 1 let ine. the Hying trapeze per formers, made leaps through the air that ent thrills down several tbouund spiral ohimns. Miss MiMrexi Mtirray. queen of (he side saddle, created a semation on her thorough bred Kentucky horse. Clark D'Alma's , fxrfomnng monkeys and the trained ponies were ver- interesting, while the D Alma familv. including Harry, John. Mis May. and the child D'Alma. prcved novel and entertaining acrobats, as did the four Divine acrotats, Paul. King, lames and Bed, who were divino in their line of busi ness. The lace were rell carried out, and proved very exriting. The circus will go to Oreat Kails for a show oa Monday, an 1 the people of lireat ; I all; are to I congratulated on the Toppor ' tunity aff 'rtbti them of seeing a show whie 1 is ex.llent in -very feature, which fulfills il promise and which gives satis rc- mb ma a ,sui"n kH Butte Corresndence An-a- I50 were aconJa Sandard. Real Eetetc Sales. J Y (iaxaber to Anna Peterson. loU I and sec 17. 13 w 1 $ Elizabeth Brook-iare to J C Hardin. 4 acre. It K 1 C S Mullen to Diet tl4. 1 are. II w 2 S I Shore to Norman T Higgim. 56-100 acr?. Scio Herman Kuehn to Augusta Keen. I00 acre. It I 1 C B inn to K W Langdon. 160 acres. 10 E Oregon to W m N Snow. l.'.jO acres. J5 w wm N Snow le S A Puter. tame S A D Puter. to lhn A MfWWj. 6 acres. !." w 1 ... V L Kenton by K M Relaeld.&ignee to H R aixl Kreit Shulti. lot 1 . bl 6. Blick man's ad Albacy Alexander Muir to W i McPherton. 1C0 acre-. 10 K I Hu'jert M Mulier to F.fc Spellinger. '00 acres. 1C w : Newman Goodman to 'cs K Tura- ridge. I '4 acre, II w I 10 0 M CO 13 1 10 too ."0 C-txiDr.UAnL Aui:m - Ha., been cre l ated among the settler arouj.i Iseiroit by ; the appt-arence eJ Special Agent Parke, of lrsoDai inswetioa ct all the claim in toro.-ip and 10-6 S. cast, to de4er- - mine the character ol tbe land, with a vn-tr. 1 it is -uppoacd. of ca-vceilation. They townships are within tbe limits of the Cas cade rmerTo. and the bvad was classed by tbe government sti'veyor a; timber land, and umtt for cultivation, bat locators r- I ceived word from tbe register of tbe Oregon 'City land utsthct. lfore settlement, who. in rep'y to the itiesticn. "If a person Bee ... :. ; -n a .luarter action ol tim's r land tliat is more vaioai4e for timber thin ; it is for cultivation, can another man 5!e a timber claim on tbe same by proving that it i more valuable for it timtwr than for cultivation'?" "A homesteader who files on a piece of timber land aid complies with ire rv-iuin-asentj ot tho uotn-tead law can hold UV land ami lake title or paifct therefor, notwithstanding it may lie ' more valuable for its tiraW than it is for ' ugriirulUiral icrposis." This advice wa , n..' numlvr of person. notwithstaniling the opposite decisions of I the interiiw department and the supreme ,V. t" , Urt ami hafsKhin.will etistw il the !a 11 stnctiy construed. many of the lum.teaJer liaye maile vafuawo tnipro.- . - auM isiuiiuin siaMai mmmm all tbe roquireraents of thV law as to resi dence, cultivation, etc. Oregoiiian. Ax Kxrlt Oovr.RSoa. Tbe Salem In dependent give tbe following siet?h of regoii' second governrr. John P Jaime ! n imiuiry we inttwviewl ex-iiod Chad a ick. to whom we are indebted for oor principal information: and by the way Mr Im..j:.i. i j ;L . -. t uausus aj-.ini" 'Jt-s-r t-. use wr-vti for tbe excellet.t likeness of iSov Uaines hanging upon the wall of Oregon capitol todav . W e taxe this opportunity of throwing some light uta one f l.rre- fm grat men of early days. John ruaine. was th mbm governor of 'regn after her recognition a an or- canied tcrntory l.y the I nite-l itat l il'ls illsl.-VI Ifv' fj 11' ,. 1 'II'VI II III 11. . . ..,.... ,.- . . ... .; SeptemUV 1S49. Iv President Zackarv Tawlor. and sailed fee San Francisco via C-.w. Morn. J:.nuarv :!. 1x50. in the Cnited ) states shore hio SuddIv . then tittiwr out t the Brooklyn navv vard to transport supplies to ihe Pacific sijuadron. Cpon or 1 riving at San Francisco, Governor liaines ; and party sailed for ?tori.i on the United i Mali's sloop r olmoutli. arriving there I August 14. 1S.V). On the 19th of August at ; iregon City Mr Gaines assumed the duties of governor, and remained in office until relieved by tJvernor I A Davis in April. I8.'. !overnor Ihivis resigned theeffb the following August, tiovernor Gaine ran fot conirresa in l,5, on the whig ticket and was defeatesl by Genera! Lane, n dem ocrat. Governor Guinea died about 1S5V ami his remain ate buried in the Odd Fel lows cs-metery at this city. During his of ficial iife in Oregon. Governor Gaines pro-t.vti-d the Ivst interests of the territory with unreiuittinir care. It was at a tune before the Indians at large had become fully reconciled to the rapid flow ot inimi irruntii into the territory, her.ce Indian disturbances and treaties engaged much of Inn attention but witn good results. A a ritiren he was ordia! itnd ever ready to lo his nnrt. Ho was highly respected in his sever il stations of life. Dii.vx.viu- Kr.vuv ay. Saturday after noon J C Moht's horse took fright nnd dashed down main street with a buggy at tiKhed. Several weeks ago Mr Mohr figured in a runaway in w hich his team was drowned, mid he was laid up for three weeks for repair to his damaged ribs. Forewarned by past experience, wheu hi horse dashed off Saturday Mr Mohr did did not follow. He simply struck an auc tioneer's attitude and sung out. "How mnel am 1 offered for the rig?" A by stander shouted out, "150, and Mohr thundered back "Sold." Meantime the horse continued his tiight, and never halted till the buggy was reduced to kindling wood, lli't bystander got tho vjlncle. Corvallis Times. Highest Honor aCAHlBakin USQB The only Pure Creac of Tartar Powder.- ICo Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. HOME AND ABROAD The open season for gainf birds and buck deer b?gln3 to day. The Kugene tlur,rd boasts that r.nt a sin gle one of the preurnt counly offic'als of Lane county smokes, Thg First National bank of A illusion Orepon closed i's doors Tuesday. Ihe cashier savs the depo-bois will be pnid In full' The K iiks l uise off and now Ibc p; bus has been taken ular street car service Is used. Chatles Mummery, arresicd Ux vagran cy, was released on bail; but has not yet , been tritd. He will fight the case. This weeks weekly I) K worn at is the ; beglning of lis thirtieth year making it tile oldest 'i;mocralIc paper In Oregon. Mr Henry Taylor has closed hi saloon j just east of the Revere House. The li cense expired a. midr,:Kl,t last nigl.t and was not reissued. Aicbie McKlllon wa assisting in rolling lojs six miles from .Salem yester- day morning when a log rolled over hlni. kit ing a' moat Inafnill When It gets doarn to fact, and cold, substantial facts, just compare Tinkle , with other. a'd If you are an ' judge of fin work you will ce Tinkle Is away ahead. Some fine samples cf the Pioneer s'cre may be seen a' lb pew Cu-ick brick it is a pretty stone and a taken with great favor Id .SanKrancisc", ' well a' wher evci seen nd used. Yes, la'U is cheap, so are photo and everybody knows Ti"kic positively guar ante's ihe 8saJ work, which means that no une ! cxpecte! -oactfrtt on that! not oet'trr ihan can he had e!ewhere Try him once and e. Among toe dl'ltion supciio-er.den's for ihe slate fair will be A f feh- Pon on cattle, MrsO P Cotncw, of McMinnviile ) formerly of this ci'v, on dimrs-lc -soolen J manufactures, ml Mti J K We. herfoidj on division J clati 4. O G Berry, the truckman. 100k 10 A' banv today six fine buggies from fhe car- ' riage facto.-y . Mr t.;ieix. find It Is much ' cheaper to h-p ttsl short b j team ihan to crate and sl ip br rail and it saves lo's of wori. at well. C-wva' 1 In former. Penumbra Kel'et .sheriff cf Multnomah ! county, and hit bor.ds.-nen, Geo B liarkle Jkd C B McKarlapd. l-.ave beeo sued for $470,000 money collected by Keller of taxe of IS91 and nnt fj'ned over to' the tieaurer T)e actual amount coPecied and njt turned over wa 3:.649.c. John Ke'iiher, of Grant' Pa, one of the raiiroad tcction men. wa bitten bv a ' ral'iesr.ake lat week while pullirg- weed from the track near Vr Fork. The rattier wit a fellow. about iS inches long and was lying coiltd under the ii!. As Kelliher reached dowr. to puil up a big weed the snxke struck him in the thumb without warning. A.o'oer man killed be snake. K-lliher did hi best :o suck the paion o' of the wound, b -jl the arm brgi.i to saeU at once. He wa lan to the section houc and filled w'uh whitke ar.d then ent to the lHpf',l at tie ha about riovered now. Ice cream 5 and M cents a dj-h a; Mr Vieriek' fee cream narlors, cor 3'd 4 Broadalbin. Ail kinds f colored spectrc'.e at Tren ch' Jewelry 'ore No Cange-ct-s rwsMkeMei given bv , Littler ihe Dentist J C Littler. Ivrti.:. g:icg the public a near pain'e den-lsiry as arior.e. Five ;ea ric iceln Albany meaa thai E4UIM the dentist I here to stay. Buy yonr specticJe and eye glasses at Frerc'.' Jeweiry store. ' Price n kcrpir.g wiirt the time. Why pay a farcy price io yot pe taclea nr.-J rye glae when you can ge anv thing yo-j want at French" Jcwclrv tore at pt ice that are just and right and lair, fcvcrv pi:r warrmted Mrs Ashby aiihcs to announce the op ening of her Millinery ar.d Notion store un Jn'iv j6h. Call and see her In the Maston building oprcs.te Democrat offi-r for b'gi! r.s SfK TAL AM) I'l RSO.NAI. M is hu!,.. came tip from Portian.1 thi noon. Strahac is b-me from a trip to the Bav. W Garrrtt . T Pcrtlind was in tbe cits Uus fon-nc- :s An toimense crowd of Salem people west j WB the Isav ti h cocn. Mr and Mrs Pet'tT S.-h1orr will leave le morrow for Ixiwer SoLi I" S District Attorney Dan Murjby is ne ol tbe sojourners at lie Bay. Vr- John Brush ret this noon from a visit in regon City w its her daughter. Prof Bios?, of the AarriculhanJ College, j went le Eugene today to a'tnd the county institute. EE Ooff and family. Miss Georgia: Powit and Miss McFariand wect to the I Bar May. I r Lowe, the optician, wil'. go to Ea- gene tomorrow, and will be in Alliany , again about the holiday mmm . Mr A I Sender went to Sal.-ai this noon to take the place of the Postal agent during 1 hi months summer va.-ation Mrs lieorge Lang, of Portland, returned home this noon after a visit of several davs ' the guest of Mr D '.' Maion. Mr Noel H Jak has resigned as Secre- ' t.iry ot the Y M C A cf Portland and ai--oepted that of the Y M C A of iakland. UalK. L C CI ine. of Dipsch-ates. Crook county . j is probably tbe youngest graudfather in lire- , gon. if not in ti,e 0 S. At the ag. of only t 34 years lie has a gr.mdda-ighter. Miss Nettie Whitnev. of Eigene. ar-: livet in Alliany this noon and w ill go with Ur 8 8 Train and family, and Mr Trains ' brother, to the Bay this wees, where they Wto occupy the b.ain cottage. The five year old son of Mr Thomas Jones, of Portland, who has been visiting at Mr Jolm Brigg- was playing in Mr irigg-. tsrii ,it evening, nnen ne w.i kickel on one of his legs bv a horse. breaking one of the txines. The bone was sol ar.d the little fellcw is now doing well The lacksonvilie correspondent of the Ashland Tidings says: MrWilliam Merri man. telegraph operator and station agent at liervais. and Miss Kose uy. who has been residing at Oervais the past year w ith her sister, Mrs Will Clark, were married yesterday r.t th- home of the bride's "parents, in Jacksonville, by Rev Boot Funis. The young people were both for mer residents of this county, and many friends join in extending congratulations and good wishes They left by the even ing train for their future home in Ciervais. Where is 11k. Yesterday forenoon our attention was called to a letter received by Postmaster Gilbert regarding the where abouts of one Abner 1 1 ndlcton Oames. The letter was written by a Mrs Peter Hanger, residing at No l20OBa4 Ninth street. Little Kock, Arkansas. A sister and brother joins her in the search of pome intelligence of the brother that has lieen lost to them lor many years. Thev are all the children of Major John P Haines, oi early Oregon fume, and the one inquired for. I, Abner V Gaines 1 is now a prosperous farmer of Linn county. He was born in Eentiicky, in the month of March, 1 s-". over 59 years ago, and is still enjoying robust health under the favored climate of Oregon. Salem Independent. Mr Gaines was at one time a lesident of this county; but has not been for several years. We do not know his present residence. Hodges It McFailsun, jlsls, Albacy, Cr. the I- a l.t. . 8 at'World's Fair PRICE'S Powder. - - mmm rmsm TEACHER'S INSTITUTE. The new order of exercises for the county Institute is meeting with Linn great ntvor. under this system, normal :n it makeup, the day 1 divided into five jieriods, and four ( lame are held at a time, twenty ctesee being held in a day. The. teacher use their judgment aa to which : they Khali enter. The Man alwut Town j hod tue pleasure of facing one of the in structors, nd is pleased with the brotrreas evidently being marie. The idea is bound to oltain in future institutes, and certainly the mbM il a great relief In conbatt to the old oratorical style of general Jicu-i-ions and illimitable debates not rtven be ginning' at the end. 1 he following additional teachers regi -tered today: Alltny Anna Worrell. R H 8 wink, Belle Bodine. Daiaie D Geiaendofer. Khedd Iva Templeton, bla Porter. I;banon V K Carlton. H I sey -Bertha Mr.Danicl, A M Rentes', Hattie D Arnold. Soio Ora Crabtree. Larwood R 0 Margaxon. Total enrollment. 111. KNOWLEDGE Bring comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly naed. The many, who live bet ter thin others and life more, with ls expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world' beat products u the need of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Fig. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently caring constipation. Il has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without wezk ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Byrap of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50 cent bottle, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed ou every package, also the name. Syrup of Fig", and being well informed, yon will not accept any substitute if offered. New Advertisements. T os--J , nun utr ber ei'.her la;d down some where I or tost Retarn lotnb office. Suitable I rewaid. ti .V giz to ds s'eiral h ark ... oa D O W-Mdwarth t ster T" Ia?. -We have a few hundred d-Cars to loan on good real estate security 9 N SXEEl. Co. Albany Or. k. O. T. M meet evswv torday In K. T. M Hail. Vuing KnigbU Invited attend. A L Lamb, C m. O. le PIANOFORTE LESSONS. V (sifford Nash is now prepared to receive a limited num ber of pnpils. He wdl be at tbe residence if Mrs Chn-tine Monteitb. corner of 9th and Ferry street, en Wednesday after noons and Thursday mornings in each I ul turit ;l ins'. ism . Cusick Block j v.O r. Filling and extracting ol teet pain a specialty. without 11C WaUon WA7S0K& ATTORNEYS Office First National Business entrusted to Lt tber Elkins. EIKIKS jfVr LAW. Bank building, us will receive prompt and careful attentat n. LACKBURN & SOWERS ATTORNEYS AT LAW, All legal ma'ters will re-eive prompt at tention. Office. First Neticnal Bank building, up stairs. 'iEO E Fl-H I11 THE f LI MBER. Tin rootling and dumbing ! the opera house. Opposite 1J F surjiiia Heal stale.Collect on "S s. Albany. Or. Wai-rants Eonght nd Sold. riant INSURANCE ANDMONEi BROKER. Coo; tv Warranls Boaght an Sold. Office, Mastvn Hftk, Albany J FRF.D YATFS, ATTORNEY A.T T.AW, Rooms KiJ X Stmhiu; Blivk. Altany, Oecffw Red CrownMiLU JOHN ISOM, PRjPRtETPS. w ea..- tcouH e "Mine roa ana aK9 aaKCWH eaa EST STORA OR PACIUriv UNIVERSITY OF OREGON III GEMr . Next Si-ssion begins the 17th of Septem- ber. IM. Tuition, free- BoanL a week. Five Course: Classical, Scientific, Lit erary, Knjriish and Business. dormitory. The Boarding Hull for young ladies and the Boarding Hull for young gentlemen will be under the personal supervision of Mrs SJucra, a lady of refinement and large experience. For catalogue, address J J Walton, Secy Regents. NOTICE Tf)- For the Season of 1894 we yll chop screenings and c ean seed wheat forourpat cons free of charge. ALBANY FARMERS CO. Star Baker) orrtr -...tts iilu and Viral Si' CONRf.9 iVlYCR. PROPRIEIXR s at rroslai, l.'i!arc, I'rled roll-. Tobarru, Ir, wltee, sWata, laanr He . tlarea.wavr. Vege'.alijs" tlajaf si pie". Ten. tie.. at etr)'..'.. .,- '.I--. . in s sevar rsrvrtj tut f -) stora, Ulihttt srj ssora, i I n pal fer earfcil f r aj.L KINDS OF FKOBUCE Wall Paper, o i nfztf, IainvuH, Oil. Call.-.!-, KtC J. A. ALBAfxY. (Mi n ii c HEAP f KCEIES At Wo. Frscii a tne WiKam lt. bi.a c i U4l rail raapbtcrics may r pick. -a fm rely 3 Csct er p ci i. IITAJFTED A resptctai le si I waita V a reapectaole tle :o work I - qairc at tt s t-S .t. TTOL'ND: A rtair of lich- tan kid ner will find them JL ftlove, t hi effke nrOOD fir awlc at hard oak, ash, aaapU,, t.nei fir. CC He. Albanylnsaraice Ageocy We have had over seven veara expr ! ience in the Horce cfCcc and loci : insur- ance business, and can guarantee It scranee written by u to be properly looked alter. , The following is a partial lis; oi cc-r js I represented by us: Foreign Xo-th British i Nerxant-lt, Norwich Union. Pheenia, London, Man chester. Guar dan. San, Caledosiias, Lon don & I jeeathirc. American Continental of New York, WesSchetter ol New Yc. The Cor t: cental cl New York and Marcherftrcf England, write farm busiceseaking note for the premium, with ample time lb payment. We repectfuil soIScU an good botnes. offer. Office Off trstte old post il SENDERS TV r Oile. II C Pi' if. 11 1 Be2 -. Etsa N ORTHFRN PACIFIC R. R. Ii X s PuLIman Sleeping usxs, Elegant Din'.ig Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars St Paul :: - i-.dis ruiuth Fargo, TO Grand forks Crooks' on Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS, ,, TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia New York Boston and all Points East and South For information, time cards tickets call on or write C G msp and Bmkhart, Airent. Aihan-, Or. Or A D Cha'rlton. Portland, Oregon, Asi Gen ?ass Aft, FOR SAS FRANCISCO j The SteunsMp HOMER i will ply between iun Fran I cisco and Willamette Valltn .,. a points via the Uregoti auvi Sonthern Patife railroads, sailing with freight and pas- j senders on or about the fol- lowing dates: From San Fran- ciseo on Wednesday April 4 iat G p in. From Yatpuna: on next Tuesday. AuL 11 Fare from "Albany and jCorvallis to San Franciwo: I Cabin. $12; Steerage, $9. Kound trip tickets, includ ing meals and berths, gCtdd for 30 days, $18. Chas 1 IiKNiar, f?os A Co. A,jent. Ko 2 toS Martit Etrt, Ssu f raa.-ui o WALLIS NASH, ATTOENKY .T JuJW- Will practice in ail tbe courts of ti e state. Office First Xat'l Bank buildiag.Aiwuiv. Oregon. J IIEIS! Hood , paniia