SAI T LUKE. OMAHA. KANSAS CITY ST.L EASTERN CITIES. k I DATd TO J2 CHICAGO hours mmr hours mix PULLMAN AND TOUWJ SLEEPERS, FREE FECLIN.HU Urwr. DINING CARS. S II H Clark, Oliver W Wall, E Eller Anderson, Recovers. For r,es nJ general Infer mation call on or address Curran & Mo.iteUh, Albany Oregon, or W H HURI.BlRT,Asst.Genl.Ps. Agt, 054 '.Vash'-.igton St., Portland, Oregon EAST AND SOUTH. THE SHASTA ROU7 OK THE. Scutiiern Pacific Co. KxprcM Trains tmm Portland laily Soa'-h 1 :lr. . I Lt 1' . .1 P Lt 10:4is I Ar nos JCLT 1, l -, PirUand Albany Sa.i PMMisea I North Art MO a Lt I :iS a Lt I 7;00 r a ,,, ' stslio m from tibia m t.siva. also Tan -.tIi'iv.K tr.-ibarg. Jnnction ii i4 t;i . anl all station ii A- 1 injlnsto I I h.l Irs- aosac.'ES aaf , PAU.T X'n a I Lv IK4S T I Lt : Ar Portlsn.l Albany Rc?bir Lt I 1x0 ;L i T.OC :10 a S'OOAX l:Srra 0 y Lv I Ar Lt ML: J U-bano lbnr Leban.m AT Lt Ar Lv SOa :25 r SUFFFT SLEEPERS. AVD Di.iine Cars on Ogam Route. SECONO-CLikSS SlEfcPINS CARS Atlafked I all Trains rTesI le ltlUa. GTtlKCs POKTLAH 4 M ci tills Mail aAiaaanT (Kxcep. 3nnoy. '. 1 j Ifclj r I Port, and '--..- Ar T I 1:C0 Ar nriBH rAr n.T 'Kc;?r Sowir. 4:40 r u T3S m Lt Ar Portland NcXlnnTtle At M:2S s a Lv I S 'i 1 Thronph Ticlstet to ll Int in the Exstsrn 3tts, ruud nd Enrnpe can hs obtained t owest r"c-j trc.m C at Froi.k, Ai-ent Albany. . K0SHL5I E P. aOOER Wuiaear V"t O F. nJ rorVxtd Creiroi Fro.-nrerminal or In mar Pjit-ts th Wmi Pact WM la ih- line to tube To all Points EAST aoi SOUTH Et 1st the DIKING f'AK BOI TE. runs Throagli V Ki I I Bl I -Kit I It I "s EVEKI IUV lu tbe Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO' fjO CHANGE OF CARS CorajKiseil of Dir.iii', Cars llmmfmiti Pullman L-rawin? Rcfira Httfyi (r Latest EqniDment I TOURIST StEEPiNG CARS. Bh. Wil'- ail' 4.1,1 t Li I . --a I in I la t ill, ill iDDi'li fiv .1 fur t s4 it i'lfHl 'tr , ill I .:t. l ELEGANT DAY COACHES. i Jit. muli ii ijmj.Uttt al iins, afforuini Direct ?n d Tj!:iua'i s ocper paasrvatliMM aa. satanasj in adrwae tlirosiga any aaaw ,' tho roa l. rHIVrCatl ' 'CKKrs to ao i from at! poima ' AnoncH fCii'and and K.'it'ipf, c:i la porefsawwH at wny ticket ntrlr!! of ib i eoirttny, . till Irf rmal n oon.isrii'.nn rau,tiine .'firtim .,t. i-t ml " her kmU f.irn lhf. ! o-, appSleat r"i b any 'Kent or a". CaaRLTON, isjtistatsl UKi-ftrtl faxaeuienr Anent. Ha !il l-r i , .-r. WabingUti, Portland. Ora;on. c- . in kasr i,t int. BKtsmisuw for wf-AA men Mr.'ic so t.y too close a ' plication to business so cio Mental strain, Sexus.1 Exeesse la mid- 10 life, or vicious biblt. contracted In toutb. inrXstVK 3X34T arevlctinisto JS-tou (rblllty Of ehautlun, l u.llnii Wk- In vol il lory I.o.Kr T. it li S'.arly I- 11 v In Yonna and Middle Aacd. lack of visor nd fin" th, t..tb sexual tan Impaired and -eskened jiruniuturelv In nrproaebinu old aae. iVUEN V H t.ATf CCUE we speak from .nowledse ol result in many tbonBand cases joated undcurod In the part flfiee sears. Our metboC of liitioduclns Vtat tiARBIS' HOI VBI.E FASTILLB treatment Is one wnlcb coinroenda Itself to ai! sensible persons lor the reasc.i Ibat -e supply It in " ti tbelr JudKnientof it value. Ntblns In tho way ct expense beyond postal card and a two cent pontage ntjtmp is aaknd. The postal - xrd for use In scndlr.usthclr fun UMWtMfrw tb pot tramp for tbe I. Lter returning iho tatctnent cf tbeircuscforwbicb we Hupply dsn rrltb ques tion blank, to be nlleo out, and a self-add reauxl envelope tor use In returning It wben SJJod. "rjs Wnen we receive tbe vtatement, H wBtt0" blank we prepare el :ht dya P XoiA I treatment and forward I' I t mil Ol ' KiA4 pr..:iyiiii iM.dtOk'O. Alonat.itli t li. treatwiit we snd full directloni for uaiua. The treaUuent cauBcs do pain or Inconvenience nd ."oas not prevent attention to business. We leave tbe matter ot Bending orders entirely with those using tbe free trla'. trc-tment. Hav ing .attaUed those sendlns for trial parknge of our ability to benefit tbem we feel was tbey pro more mrsl7 Interested than otr wl-cs In ...jntlnulng fio uneof tl. i Pastilles. We make tbe prices as lot. us, araJ tbe 'lame ro all. They are as follows: VMS) for one roi.utb; t."' fur two months: $7 .00 for 'Jlree months. WobkIc all person needing treatment It send their address on postal or byletter. Alloimmu nlcaUonscnnfldentuil nnd should be addresaed to THEHARKIS REMEICO.,nta.ChaMisU na BCTu-;Ay KTTfyr, m!v,- rCm. Mt-r7r-nrrawT I-.') Ii DlKs I . o wriitiiK S i . ne. 1'ay W to 3 .xW per Woafe et. I k It a ltlres'.od stampmt envelop . . ropvl. Ma It EH FONI'AINE. geenarl inaui K-r, 324 Dearborn 8c, Chicago, 111. GIVEN UP ALL HOPE Eczema, Turning to lllood Poison. Treated by Specialists Seven Months without One Particle of Success. BODY RUNNING SORES. Condition Terrible. Life a Burden. Tried CUTTCUR A. In Three Days At tends to Business. Cure l'crmiincnt. In tlio sprinn of 18U I took that dreadful skin disease, Boassna, sratoa txuued into blood polaoa. 1 consulted the best known specialists 111 this cuy. 1 lie;, ttvjavM ineior MTOQ months but I never derived a arttele of good f mill an of them. They had e;iven it up as a hopeless onto. 1 was 001 end v ith sores from head to foot ; I had run ning sores nil over inc. some of thein ;;s lare as n box of your CunciTBA. It cost ine hundreds of dollars with these so called specialists. My condition wis terrible, life was almost u burden to lue. 1 eould not e it . drink, or sleep. I was unaoletovnUlcandhad given myself up as dead. I tried all medicines imaginable, until a friend who had cot relief advised mi- to try ft ri rit.v RsaCUISS. I Seat out and cot them, and when I took 'he first doso of your CCIKOTU BjBOl -vknt I felt a littla better; with three lioxes of lOUl laoslnlu dilr ft nrini and one Inittle of Cm. i 1. v RBBOLVBST I was a new man. In tlin'e .lavs I was up walking around and attend tnir to MM Imshicss. a-'.d it U the OUMUUaU and OYti.tiia Resolvent tliat saved ine from the jaws of death. This is two years ago- 1 wanted to see if it had been driven out of my system, and I can say 1 have never had any trouhlesiuco for two vers. 00. f. llRltillT, S325 renn. At e.. llttsburvch, fa. Bold Ihroochost the world. Price, CiTTicnta, 60c ; 8njr, 24c ; Hotter DsMM and Cue, tour.. Sole l'n prlctors, Boston. ay" Dow to Cure Skin Diseases," mailed free. PIM I'LVS, blackhf.i.l. red, rotifh, chapped, and illy iikin curvj ty t imet ua Mur. NervOUS iBStaBtty relieved by a 47utl eur Plaster, bocauso It vl- MuSCtllar tallies the nerve forces and hence cures nervous pains WtakneSS weakness, r.nd uumbDara. Cleanse The Vitiated Blood 1 When you see Its impurities Bursting through The Skin In Pimples, Blotches And Sores. Rely on Sulphur Bit ters and Health win follow. Send 3 ;-,-ent stamps to A. P. Ordw-ir A i , lor uesr meUHai wori ; u!-...n URST MTiOltl. lit If Or AI.tlANT, OaBOOH " l KL1NN . w. LANxiliON ' TTosPTtSST riLASSACTS TSAOis BRAl.bnkiu'bai anas ACCOUNTS KEPT aublest to Jmo 5UOHT EXCHANGE and tel raphle trsf r, sold New York, Saa Praiielea. Chicago and P :Ur ..O.r.ECTIOXS ADS ii. la.urahl Tocsw E v . L. Pu ! f . Sol. Gladstone h&s A clear Head! , "VHV ? Because he follows J:ese ruies: "Kcip tbe head cool, the feet farm, and tbe bowels open." 'cu can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you ?? the same thing. When tbe bowels fail to more dur ing the day take on leming two Smith's Stall Biie Leans. Thir action is so mild that you are not aware of it. .VI day your mind win be clor p-r. jool "Not a gripe ic s barrel of them. " Ask for r mall size. Take nc substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans lWDEH'B IEGTRIC BELT : s-rcTDaTrstTe WITH EttCTnO HACNEllO SL'SPIKSORY BEST V. nmraitiTS Witt'Wt Max r ail Wratatssa rtwuitlnf fre-v rtaat HcM of r.. n i;-rf frfss ' I'-iici or t r . r - . ... iwii.tsi rtkas4ti.''o, MK ltai u rou 44.1 lit 7, al4- . lakivtr, rl x.mali"Ti. mWmf4 !! ttl I.!ad1r MkkWl. 1 Iwk. laBbrt, acit.-tm, (tr) t a.' Ill besitk tic T . - 1- - I e- r -U.I!.. . aw-af-i ril lrf MasMajafj .t' rr- eurmt that la lr,.t-.i , '. rarer tr forfit j- . au-l tsUI - all it th-ra'.c t 1 ' ' 1 I.;. ' 1 I 'Sfjeyie-li.f t' 1, .-.r ' auo ir i'i- after all Mhsr rrn. -di - '.'.. -. aad ' bOBr4 of tsMtissssolaU la thl feui rtwf mtf tt ataic r , ' rf..l I 1 1' I. 1 i i i M.MIiil' ' I'MlM IH. "'"ll. t-'f", wfilr:..' M HITII II I 1KI IS I a'th and) t Ij )r.t.f .ti,-f is I AR tSTKI" linCOU . Ta. Dd for I'l Jitjattvl Tasaipblau, trailed. se.Wd, frva. . 1-1 re fr. - .POUTl-AND. 0 BKUT MM TJSt; . "t" Si t S HOtttSl anmirpK. cJuth.-itinir two box" cf any ttet : - d by beat. OT ii BITlUk 4 IC:cSALEH7DEAjnt80e:,l.,. , Caveats xnd Trade-Marks obtained, an tall Pat ient p-a.r.e conducted lor mocjustc Ftt. voiia Srnrr is Apposite U. S. Pstcnt Orrer. (and we can secure patent in less Ume than Laos I remote Ufa Washington, i Send mvdel, drawing ot photo., wita desenp J"on. We ad-ise, ii palec'ab'e or not. free of .rSir7 f,ni fee not due to! r '.L-n: is '.red. t A Pxtsi'MLET. "Row to Obi I Patent, ''tvithS SeoM of r n in the Li. S nn r:ig ccuntmt J (sent tree. Address, urp. FUTLNT un.ct. "I.' a.iiTiGT jn r. i VVSv--.-s " vww v v m EP EG kit i yV Llin S km J'1 r raMrwnm . 11 iiiiai n i mi i - ... i mm mm Easily, Quickly, Psrminently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of tI1s from early errors or later ' ii' tke renults ot overwork, sfrkjiess, worry.ew. FullstreiiaTh, deTelopment arid ton, given every organ t . . portion of tho body. lfiiniedlatlmprovenint necn. 2,11X1 references. !. explanatln-l an 1 f- mailed sealed) ree. ERIE KCDffiAL C BUFFft , N," Wht ilcuiocrat. Washington Letter. Prom our regular t'..rrssnnidtit. Washlagton, July '2, 1894. Chairman Wilson, of the House Ways and Means committee, is on hand, appar ently completely restored to health, ready to take charge of the tariff bill as soon as it gets back to tho House. Like the skill ful commander he has shown himself to be Mr Wilson declines to publicly express his own opinion of the Senate amendments to the bill or to say what bethinks will be the result of the conference on these amend ments. Whatever position taken by the conferees on the part of the House, who will, of course, be headed by Chairman Wilfon, will be the result of mature con sideration on the part of Speaker Crisp and the leading democrats of the House, with whom Mr Wilson has been in almost con stant consultation since his return to ington. The one prominent democra who has lieen entirelv left out of these con sulfations is President Cleveland, and he has been left out in accordance with his own wishes. He does not wish to have it ; said that he took sides with either the House or Senate in what may be a quickly settled friendly controversy or may develop ; into a bitter wrangle. However, no one j who is at ail familiar with President Cleve I land's public u terances. not to mention his private conversations, cu the tariff luestien, can have any doubt as to which of the two the original Wilson bill or tto amended Senate bill he prefer3. There are good reasons for the belief that the democrats of the House will stand up for the original t ilsan bill, and it can be set down as certain that the protection amend ments of the Senate wil'. never be accepted in their present tkape. There is no longer any talk of even an attempt being nude to have the House agree to all ot ibeSna'e amendments in bulk. Th. was never i ary foundation for such talk, beyond the j imaginations of son.e people who would like to see the niat'er disposeil of in this wiv The tieorgians in Congress are begin- nine to mt somewhtt worked uo over the election of a Senator to succeed Mr Walsh. ' When Speaker Crisp declinel the proffered appointmcnt to fi'l the unexpired term of : the late Senator Colquitt, it was general y uppjsed that he thereby secured what the j boys call "a lead pipe cinch" on the full . term, although it was then known tjt KepresentaUve Turner would probably be acandidate. Several days ago. however Senator Walsh made a manly announce-' , ment of his candidacy. Speaker Crisp has not inuicated whether he i ill be acandi- date or not. and one of his closest personal friends has just assured me that Mr Crisp hs. nr.! ret de.-i,b.l the mater X. V- V.i, hl.r ml - ' . -" '. h.J ,n experience V athmg or. several years .go that wtll pr .b.t ly make them more csrefultn the (atore sbrut i.t.icving , ,h ... . ... M th. rl, -Sir!, mx, tssstokss Qf r.,ln'. Ing he sensa ion first and .s.ertainlng it. iru'hfu'n- at'trw.rt. A newspaper oi hi c a had a .'o'v I lie effect that the President would g'ajij bsue another $5ov s 000,000, of ton.' if be weie ceitala they ! would be placed without trouble. These r. wo banker filled with patriotism and a desire to ptofitab'y invest the mon;y of iheir ; customers canoe at once to Wftihtnet jn and i went to the Wtite House, whrethey pro- ceeded to sorptise Praideet Cleveland by offering to take that entire bond issue. Mr Cleveland assured them that th:re ssas not the s'.ightes' lo.-ndslion fcr tbe hoed storT: tLatthe administration had not c iand : contetnpntc'j any mrmn iwk ui uuum bat there aa no reason in anything i now known to expect thai '.here would fea I anv necessity for the qoestkn tobe consider- ed at any litre in the fuf . r Surely that I . . . . . ought to be sufficiea: to .ett e '.he matter but a tne name that bond issue s'orv wil: crr.ttn -e to be orir.te-l in or.e form or an- other, as it has been Item lire to time those who Lnow its la sity. Senator ilairis's pstsgissa Us so of- ten been ur set aad ci ar get y thcamitan- '. v . ,onimi i,-. deserves great c'pdi' (r rot havlrg lost hesr: entirely be'cie row. It is his present inte.v ion if the final vo'e on the taiif! bill be not reached on Tuerday to com pel the Senate to hold a session on the Fourth of Julv, but. cl H eepeods on the vote of the Senate as to whe'her his inten tion cm be carried out. In "he ab;nce of a unamiious agrie-nent as o whtn the fins vote sh.ll he taxtn there is nothing in the rule of lhe Senate o prevent a Senator getting tilt flj?r aid sietking for therrst ol the we:k, if sodispoic.'. Srnator Al bich, who ha fcaill lh 'S litflr al th i republicans in the larin fight, said this morning that so far as lis anew no republican Stnstor ou!d make another set speech on the hill and that he saw no reason wry a vote con'd not t,j reaciel sime time Yuc.iay. No goo 1 reasin exis'ed 'hat i hasn'a been cached. The depression in tmsines is fully shown in the salaries of presidential poit masters. Tries- are r.-golaied by th; amount ol the receip's if the ofTice Of the foil, nine presidential pos; master in Kansas tiie sa aties of forty have been re-dun-i fin th? year commencing July i 1S94. Of tne vx'y three in T.-i th-: tataiit. of tenty have tietn r rluctd. Of foity six sue n office, in Mis-otiri ihe salaries of twenty lloee bave been reduce-). V 0 Fifls, tbe Democratic nominee for Attorney ifneral in A'abama, and VV S Reese, the Jeffersonian ("r Kolb) nominee, are 'joth less th 'n it J years of age. Tbey were lnrn within two days of each other, entered he Sta e L'niv -rtity on the same day, and go' their law diplomas or. the siine day. Dab has ordered 'he strike oil tn the Siu'ltero I'acifu provided fir company will agr-e 10 tak a I 'he m ol tin union wk.o 11 joejuihie. Of course He corn'anv will HSafce wt roc'i a.rrcn. nl s the strike I ah ead) pa icslly off J (J Arnold, of Pettttte on has been a: poiulel Surveyor of Oregon. Jl 1 Arnold is i d lo i.; a hiiii well fitted tot th. place, hfing ho h competent ard hon est. The prrs'deat has slgsed Ihq bill adtnil tii; U'aii 1 s a sta'e Jc:ius GlMlWoHl. INK iKMS i: till his branch stole ci. Section Si I eel wi I be o i ..".in il I- d s ii. (.1 n;t ll .rio of njsiiH-s.. 'I be sasne ujll o a cash store Come anil tr anil - l(, yuurs'-lvcK that the casti ..sit-in K the onlv true one in business if ion tak" bis advh.e ioii will never rtPV.r anv Laid :iines. J (iRAIlWOIII.. i Is imr fruit j i r - at p and r ! h r arkstf Uro. Kx f li run i, J"" 1 h Htapl i S E v. or. Price's Cream Baking "owder Vorld's Pr' i tilghcst Meda, and Dlslota - K tii hi Vniecka shaving and hair a its s o.rlora, if y ti .ut a a ii smoke call for,s white labor cigars, Mr Cleveland Talks. The attitude assumed by lia'f a Coitn senators towards the tat iff bill has been the course of much worriment to conscien tious democrats all over the country. No one has been moto annoyod at the coutse of Qorman.Uiice, Murphy aad O tact, than j has the president. He has written a letter to Wilson, the author tiriil bill In which he Indulges in tome very plain talk. The fol lowing Is the main part of the letter: "It must be admitted no tariff measure can accord with democratic principles and promises or bear the genuine democratic bailee that does not provide for free raw materials. In these circumstances it may well excite oar wonder that demccrats are willing to depart from this most democratic of aH tariff principles an j the Inconsistent absurdity of such a proposed departure should be emphasized by the suggestion that the wool of the farmer lie put on the free list, ani the protection of taiiff taxa tion be placed aiounl the iiou of the corporations and cplt3r,its. How ctn we tiCe iue people after indulging in SUl.n outrageous discriminations and viola' tions of principle? It is .mite apparent ihig question cf fiee taw ma'.etia) dei not admit of adjustment on any mlJAlegroun is. since their subjection to any tale of tariH Uxilicn, gieat or small, is a'ikc a violation j ol democratic principle and 'democratic ' good faith. 1 hope youwiB not consld- j ,.r 1, intrusive if I av somhln in reia- i ; m anchor tuhiert. whtA can hardly 1 fail lo be troublesome to thl confeience. j I refer to the sdiustment of lirHff taxation on augar. Ur.der our party (ilatform, and j in accoidance with our declared party pur- poaes, ugsr Is a legitimate anj loglral ; article of revenae taxation, i nfoitunaiely. i however. Incident bae fcoropanled cet- tain stage of lhe lijjisflfl, hicn woulJ b-fubmhtedta the coeice Hut have aroused. In connection MhtWs sulject. a national democtatic aniu;osity to the met h- ods and msnlpalattun ol the trust and combination. I conies, to sharing i. this , feeling, and yet it em 10 me we ought, if pcs.ible. sufficiently to fiee otmelv- i ,'.ilr, i, -enahVu lo ..kjIv w c itb i the consletatioa whic, lo f.rmltllog j t,i,T l.u:iior ou.ii.ttj Bnide our '.rest- m.i rl ,,., v alax.l.i article While no tenderness should be entertained for tiutls, and white 1 am decidedly apposed to gelling them, uner cane ol tiriil lax- .m . ation. any opponuni'y to fjrther their par'iiu'ar methods, 1 ssggett we oaght nol to be driven away from the democratic, principle and policy when led to the tax- ,iio of sugar, by lhe f.e ex- In carrying out this Pri- dpV anl polioy we msy indirectly and or- d.ns.r.y encoarage x combination oftog.r- ; refining irderes t. I Woo in the ;'reteut coodiuoa ihis is deiica'e sutn-C. aid I a. t:eciate fie depth an,' Jw, mht of the frlioi. wfcirll Its tteat . , ,r men. ha. .roused. I do not bcieve 4W shoald co evil that good may come, but f .terns to me we should not forget our sim . .v. - n ,,l M.. mJ in la. in.. .., Icr nrcr rurroset and wi bin reawn.ble toands, wha'evcr else may be said of our action, we .ie in aa dinger ol ; runnir.g counter lo democratic principles. There most be in the treatmtnt bf this article the same ground upon which we i are ail wiliioj to stand ben to'eea-iai . and coacittllon may b allowed to solve ; the probiem without detaand'lng the entire turrcoJrr of Jons.'' fixed coi-c:entiou convic A Onch. Eh.' m.tim..i the lien !d IWnJ that ... (o cinch income ISI bin was a ; ij,e ncb j, . jt not It is a fair hor.- e.t nian of lesrislation lo cc-moel a cl of ; n i.nle who for vear und.-r the lenuhli- ' c, beme of taxation, have escaped the l . ' . ' p,Tmet 0f taxes, to now come forward , ,un r.t tV-j. lm.. jeM v0 better illustratiJn of the work- . ings ol the income Ux ccuid be ci ed than tho ra of William W Aster nominal'r of jiew York, but actually ol London. Here ,. man who owns more than a thouind . ta - l Tt - The navy of . the L nited Stales is mainUined to protect that citv and Mr Aster's iLouintl houwfs from bombardment. There are at least ... .. on ihnns-an 1 r...-n, whv Mr Astor should contribute mere to tiie support of the lien-e--al Governnient than the ordinary pros perous man with one house But Mr Ast r live i in Eng'and and spends his th'ee or four million a year there. He does not e en contribute to tbe income of this 1 1 .v. rnment by statins? here, importing his coats from Loadon or .mokinS American cigars. Heton'ribu . -!.. i ih..v hin,,-.. , li, .1 , h is thousand house", to uphold tbe laws -Km i.i- l.;m m n-n , il,,n.l house, than the poorest of tbe thousand families that pay his rents. I. it "wciali.m" or justice to ask that Mr Astor contribute ,mething lo the sup- port of tbe tioyernment of Ibe I'nlfed State t The Man With A KiickboMc. Now that the smoke of the'nke contlict , ")' and called for sucn a letter. Snivel is lifting up and peopleare V'nninK o 1 '' rcaspspcrs tt II us that it Is see more clesrly, there seems to'W univer-! n onprwedented step, and that i rowred sal approbation of the course puVsued by President Cleveland. It Is tru be only performed a plain const itulionikftfot) , but he did it In such a vigorous way and with such decided promptness as to win the ad miration of all persons who ara loyal to our American institution. In our iliffe'cnces with the president on many of his admin istration policies some of us have, bad oc casion to speak Ursely and harshly of biro and his acts, but the same spirit tsXrand'r which act US led us on such occasions, "ow prompts us to speak as boldly and t) nes' ly '.n his praise. Fortunately he had a Ha sor of the Andrew Jackson ipialitv which made him Ihe man for the hour V hen it came lo a question of upholding the au- tbonty of lhe federal Kovprnuiett hetlidn 1 stop to split hairs on iecbnita!itif or to qttesliou his own duly in the premises, but he went right ahead with a vigor und promptness thst manifest?d bit earnest ness. We think we know whereof we speak wben we ay ibnt if Mr Cleveland bad hesitated in the performance of histltiiy or hud manifested a disposition lo temporize with the situation. Uie country would now have been in the Unties of it revolution 1 It was a crisis in the nffairs of 1 In-nation i that called for u display f spinal vigor, and it was forthcoming. Asa r suit lb., cjiintry i settling back to peate'til condi lion, and in gocd time there will be it.i active resti in ption of industrial pursuits. Mr I'leveland has earned the Uibulo of piaise the country is now pslcwiag. upon b'ui. Kvoning Telegram The nip of a poisonous snake I. but a llghtremovS from helri tnore dangeious than tiie poison of Scrofula In the blood. Ayfcr' 8arsaparil a ouritie ihe vital rluld, etpels al! p.ns'iuous siibjlaiicesiipplies the ek litems of lif;, hesltb, and strength. Happv days nod restful nights result from using Ayei' Sarsaparil'a. It so regulate all the bodily function slid s icngiheni the nervous svstem that wor ry and fatigue are comparatively unknown and life Is truly enjoyed. It Is certainly a most wondtrful medicine. Mc Kinley And Debs. 'I be lAuiocta'i': doctrine oi imllviiiualitm lias been so far lost signt of during a gener ation of Republican psrty government that such movements as that of the American Railway Union are mote epidemic than sportJic. Xhe doctrine tint the tights of the mass if subordinate t.i the real or supposed interest of the individual Is not finding its first affirmation in the Debs pro clamation of "ons f r all and all for one." The policy which uses the taxing power of the Govern. nent to compel the great ma jority of people to maintain the profits of ceitain classes of employers umUr a pre tense of maintaining the wages of rcrtain classes of employ c 1 te.pondb'e for the spiiit which no insists ihat becsue there are twelve or filleen hundted wotkingmen at Pullman whose wages have been teduced the labor organ isation to which they belong has lhe right ro impose burdens upon the Pfoductiji'fviwdustrv of 1 he country to main- nrK4 ciavjAatti their jvages at lht old fiute. I' Ms is tut casuistry . Hut it It C''iis try of thtrverlett sort for journals wnlcb have aJvjKatei protective tariffs as a meant of main'ut, g svages to condemn Hie lL'bg inethci! ojtcvying tariff; or to attempt to draw dls'ln-" Ions which d not exist be tween his n-.r l ods and thone of Mckinley. The dlflarence only cne of ettiou,oeyona ihfctth: the I--b tariff system is not OJBlatjsAsjljji; ot McKtaldjI is. Hoili ,m t5 mslnteaanceof -.1. roBortty by 'eying tribute upon Ihe majojrty. ltjth in alt that it is the duty of siety to make a . saciilice for the supposrj advanUgc of. remnant. Bjth dec arcs) the do nine of "all tt one." Mel, means, with both, that, gr. tlu? ocr to enfoice embargoes upon cororreice and obttiuction to iraftic de teimen'al ;o aM in the interest ut a tew, th eteiclse of tl at (oer Ucsuseadu-. lo lime like these we fiai the Repuh:tcan ie"uen'. which have advo.ated He doc- ume ci a.i ior one in ever ci.mpaikn , of 1" politics.tetuintng to the Democrat- ic p.lncipleof iadiv .. one on whicu our system cf government is l.uilt. Such candor would be admirab'e were It not to c erl, force I by the, les of the tituaiioi. tJjTtrnmer.t. according to Democratic Iaici: rct.-U . ', c s HuttJ ' for 'he pjipotc of lo etiy cilixrn eqaal opporjuaity. Bash govcirsaent can- not contemplate tu- .xerci.e of ;,. ,.,.ers i : . . a i.. ..iaii. s i.. , cmc- w ... p; .u. ...c protection or rxtterm.nt ol any other e:e- men . H carnal Isx one in cucry lor the beneti! ol ano her. U c.noot under !o eithei wages or BSxwgaj ht Wrwss ol sny cne class by tax-, ; U .roduet.te energies of the en ire : conn ry. u... a i.. timt o: gov.mmen.. Lnjcr a i?ca xr uc isOw-eitiireai ;-.- lhe growth of the Debs spirit would oo. e pstsasa,;. sikwws 'bat "ghts cf t'l tr.e People rima'cTI toihe.ifhtsof a fr. ncouIJneye-i.aye I "IFa- 1 t ') 'r - adzing of th:j Issi.SwJUt-O itCUfM I tbti eoirrrai-n-. t as t.-se rign- u i'1 t hfTJ " Di "P01 'br laWBSUI-s ol fx peo- P ,of d in;age cf .pecial Utercstl otcwirthy Fortltwiuiiiii Ii:ii?.itii. Ic the forthcoming August) cumber cf The Ktrnitn, there will be three s'rikicg article treating of the three recent slar' liog manifes'atlcD cf crime -lhe Creat Itailroad Strike and il. Cause; the Asin alion ol CartK4 . and the Police Kerela- tions in Xew York. Difcusaions of these objects are grouped under Ibe gene-.l title, "The Sentimental . . . . . . I Sealing with Crimeand its Incnase: and f W wicg ! thssM is a fairly ktartlicg review cf the re - 1 ce0 wo'ld-wide inrrease of crime, by Mr """7 Charles ia. of PbiiadclphU. These make one of lhe mot no'eworthy -rooP r(!K and "u'e"y ,b i,m . , .-rinjv. !ii- fv appeaml m cur teriod cs. uler- aiure. Another subject tan Will be treated is i-e AttguM rorum oy two writer, i. uu-, 1 rl! 1 -Miod-tudy I ci? i-wfjcinnio of New Sct'cc'" I'resident t'. Stanley H" rp'- hy tbe new j ttholaai. or miad-studv. t. the necessary aad eattre'J . revolutionary b.s.s of the education of tbe I 'u : d i'rofesor B W crip ure. of ' Va. seU forth in detail the method, ol ii.,l i.;. Perinient and ratning followed in own laboratory for t.iiad study. In the August nun.ber of Tiie Koium 1 will appear an article showing "How the Bili of Socialism will be I'aid.'' by Mr Sylvester Has cr. In reply to the article in It recent number of The Korum on "Who will 1'av the Bill of Socialism f" ' "The V? o( 1 reacn'" of m11 ,b "nt ssels, and in every- ss-tioo conn ry is the subject of an article The I'ayof Preachers" of all lh. diff- ol tbe .n the I forthcoming C Angus i number of The Ko . " , i ""a, l H h t arroll. the superintendent I tne cneciioo ot cnurca s-.,..H-s lor the , ,m5 ce",L" -n ar,,de tnat ho', ,he ,n- . come of d.fferent grades ol preacher, as cmP ith men ot o tuer calling I The U-:ter of rresidcnt Clsnload lo Caoiiataa Wiion is an extraordinary one. I Hut tbfii tl ci-cuiniances are eitraordi- heads :n Kurope would not dare to asrme such an attitude toward their parliaments The secret of this d ffernce is fouud in Ihe fart that the presi lent b,lTeve this Is yet a free republic, and that be has a right 0 make puuMc in vows, an,i snosyiog mis rlivttt, be lffc the vigor and courtage to ex ercise it. No wonder the trust burdened Senators wince. -!-- lhe democrats in congress are laying the foundation for an cverwbeluiing republi can victory this fall. The attitude of cer tain Senators on the tariff question is ab solutely Inexcusable from any standpoint 1 tiie matter may be viewed. The abject subserviency of Brios, tiorman Co. to corporations and trusts, is humiliating to every hot r t democrat in thecount'y. The alacrity with whicj they rush about to do the bidding of their master is u crime, moral and political, us una as which beclouded the name of Benedict Arno'd. Nj honest man can esvr trust tbem ugaiti Very Hat. Nksv Yukk, July 20, The heat to la y was it recortl-brcaki'r. Oa the streets IKS degrees was registered. Sovcral paraoni succuiiiImhI to the boat in the city during tho day, and a number of cases, of proa tnition wore rt'ported in Brooklyn. Boi in .:n nionts ior Catarrh that ctntain Metcitry, lk nie.cury wlil sr.rrly destrcr tht :J smell sad cometotei; deraitgsths whole system when catering ttUirougb the mucous surfaces. Buck articles shoa lit sever bo usl execnt on Iircscrljitiotis from reputable physicians, an tbe clamase they vrlll do Is ten fold to the good you can posadbly de. Ire from them, ilal.'a Catar-a t'tire, niunufaelnred by K. J.Cheney Co.. Toledo, O. , contain no me.cury, and is taken hitrrnahy, acting directly upon the blood and inucoii.i iirfiici soft!.-svwf. in. In buying Hall's Catarrh .tare be Mm-v. -i a.-t the genuine. It Is taken inli-rtialiy auil fs made in Toledo, Ohio, by K. .1. I'liencv t t'i . T-it!i"onlaln Iw. . Mtf t I by i)r"ui;;i. ts, an a Ho. kt bottle. C K Uioanelisrocery store is lrscras n ; in iiopulsrltv lle carries a fin: stock In a light room, easily accesslb'e and gives bargains. Next door to the P O. The strike has subsided papers to again anounce that Jackson will fight. ToTxtt The Marion county Record gets sai cas tle as follows : The Cur va. lis News, which wag by far the rockiest paper in appear ance published in the state and next to the worst editorially has drawn its last : be the next step taken to supply the up breath. I per Willamette and ita tributaries with . , , . . , . . . . uiwii i . kiuuiiu iiiab Jie will XJijfc aajiu PKHinMTCLKVaLA!n has coined a flsh that is warth the anglera effort to a with tfie ny that officially allit-H ther phrase which will live. During j11, , '' mount-In ' iuelf with an organized attempt to lie late strike, when he was being ar I lr?,ut. f roul far hack toward the ttead of j .-ipitaie civil war. ued with to remove the troops from Kold, ,,rooka fed 7 .pert.aal now-. la . m, uu oth the tTiiAd with tn ramriva tlm irnrmi Illinois, he replied: "This is a time for u' "f "B r "vv UI 1110 " iiiameiie river action, not for discussion." This closed ! runnmgfor 200 miles through the most the interview i 'erlile valley in the union cf states there I is not a fish that invites the palate of the ...... ,r. a . . i i epicuie or attracts the attention of the I he famous Hot raring of Arkansas ! , lhe f lhM arB found are !1p.t '.'P Vy the Ttove"""1 rlV,0Ua'suck and chubs, with an occasional ?. W"T "" r" dollars Hiiniiallv I he a ml L i r "f PJ fla,lit5r a ! rnmorn cannot 1 authentic for II e Podav! Vl. sprmgs U all Tnd l',e lwo ,tioned. Those mentioned tel. It is simply known that the strik J f .i p I M."a". anu i sluggish that to depend on catch- I erH at Oakland wired to I'rt-sidont Deb? some of the papers whose sections have ! j,,,. .,";,. . ... i , F wirea to i reaiaeoi ULm, recfcivetl the mo-1 assistance from the i IV . !,' JfTSS. I akln? .were.auth?'?d state do the most kicaina in nmmsnts r "" '" ut-gotiate witn tlie railroart officials, ana state uo ine iiiobi aitaiDg, in com.ueiiis , boD-,sd It lela source of annoyance and I that Debs answerer! r.rar ticallv intruct thatare sometimes rattier humorous, . ' .lamreTtn ttr.mnt tr, r h.m l answered, practically hnh aud which as i i a'l such cases the Im- tlanger to attempt to eat Uiem. , ,ng the California unions to act as they auti wuici as it a.i pticn cases me H pra,.llcft y there is no edible fish above Uhould deem advisable MSAT mid endeavor to give as they are , f t Willamette while telo ' hOUW deem auvuiaWe turned loose upon the public (J,, rirer and creek, are full of them. . An attempt was made some years ago i New York, July 20. J S Coxey reach- i U1W" nr.- aiw.ijn wnuu, th- l.,-t one Usitinir l!- r.- ord. There is , undoubtedly something the tuath-r the industrial lungs of the country, treatment is nerded just now. with lillOil A man ut The Ualles froduced a ran ioin)of tttfL Another man n-iuiirked that he Ead a much rarer coin, and showed up a twenty dollar piece, wiitii eictted con ideruUe comment. 'lhS incident display M th.. spirit of the pr nt hard times era. ' r , , . . . Z . .. , An 1 .r-grm lady in lloston writes horn,-: ;-The woather U terribly hot aad the fnut is mall and tasteless. Tins auy paid 25 cent fpr thr. small plums and he langs to bt batk to ebf..t wh -re she could get !me fruit and pure aimate and water. Waterloo rim to Ik atHicted willi some very sarca.stic cotrespjndenU. One to tlu Ki-view ajv-: WsMTMJ WCkS taMBJ Ot UM 1 licary mljuncts of a town, that NkU- j j,.per, a doctor, drug store, lonrd of tra.le and a few men with push" this sink hok i i of iniquity might amount to something. Mr- W F Uei.!. who left nearly a month ago for the east !ut sras caught in the tieup at iHinsmuir. California. returred home yesterrlsy evening on the first overland thi way , the -stn ke. U in..- in 1 ,::, :.r. sa uw ic mauuu. tnziu. ir: ciri "i - ii . . the car where me-.'s and a- conlmodation were by the r-il- road nompanv. Mrs He;d s M-ter whom she had skirted f see ii now greatly im- I i. t. ,mA i r gj,, " ' TJsynsm iM mm hut tmi saasjis wrnoui norse enae in ttii. w.-n-J i.e ..ue,,, u, ,ouCC ; ' t , r J , ' l a t, irlr 11..- t r. m , yv. 1 that z'irrc'i ;ci : . " - r:j rrr. . he had hid the nionev ii was placed. .v. . ju fjlaced hvery coransinity lias peo- us mis wuo jump at txmammm ana are ly toj iWy to acxu tt.r iightors of all sasS f etik. wmtkm at PulimaiJ. Wah. last , ift.t- w. ImmM tn an nntimelv en i l.r an irxiUent out ot the twdiriary. Th iu-- j ttooeer had ;ast receivrd an opening hid of , gpj. when tbe s.jbs of a woman interrupted I proontxlicgs. Tbe wife cf th man kw .iNm.,Vni. mi.ii nn.W a niontn- ' had risen from a tk lsl. Wak." and car.x!v able to stand, she forbade tbe sa. She aud lbs her husbmnd was awav to tbe mcmutiins ss hen the bon. were taken; that their crow roust be cared for. tlial lhe horses were the onlv means of trainine a livelihvxxi. and that the deM, which tbe horses were being sold to ati?v, was already secute.1 bv a cj. rtirace on this j year's crop. f course, tbe auctioneer and ewybody else lt interest in the proved- .u " -7, -TiT ii i., ,TA 1 inttw ifiii th ttaui r rs.-wt pvauss.! Umh. . ' J . j taking the horses from eer 1 The mpej.titiins people of lnditt-a are Kreatlv SSCaTaSed over fike tad that entire Seids of oats have the letter it' rf--tiy w . . . . .lin- on .u 1,1.1, ThJ reduious think that it mtns bl y1 I 1 1 2- th- Mi..m war and ti war ..f the m,, B ud.ji.Jrt.lT iUnu fllr timid, or ! letter times: perhap V hoodie not tor blood K. ii:. Come great, come small. '' Were the wonts written in hiue chalk that irres'ti er.rv one Lat Moc lav eveninir a- ) , the liat. lt , and ras . m . their way home from going to was tiie hr-t ot the n. ccvs in everv wav. 1 a-iaina l ere i Mr I Ks in a nulsbell: 1 oni ... i- ). . ivrrv ri.iute. in.i. rarent" natm- of Alsane, Uermanr. ( Father a Terre Haute srr,'r. Is married. No children. Fine house at j Thre w as a reminder ol ti.e palmy toc unjon called on General Man Terra Haute. Stands 6 fe-H. hsik like 'dats' adout the Itisw Pacific wharf v-nw, ,,.i .ivWi . ,..:' I Kill Nye aad chutu with James V itrorab ttilCSr. -o'-itK-ure breman from 1 t.. 1 , 4. Served foot years as City clerk of Terre Haute- Va'U IK-oniotivo Firvnieo's Magazine. In IS-4 el'vh'sl to the Indiana Iegida- bare. I Iro-atiizrti th Aierir--,n lk.i!wnv I'nion iJnne." Iv.ct. In polities. .1 ropnlLt In every fniiliaooilj ther." an- people pre tending to lie what they are not. covered up by powder or hiding behind some cloak of ileceotion. Tne incident, is interesting in thi connection. It recently ort'iired at a town 111 the south of France, during the j visit or a cirvu. 'ne of the cirva. 'ne of the chief attrac tions of the show was a troupe of lierfonu- ; i -.i .,. l.J '.i L ink .mil. anil HIM .. 1 I ...... 1'; various feats, their trains ano, thtu Awr. the most accomplish.-d of them all. as mm WOCIG ravor Uie amitenof mi a piano forte rtlrt a ....op.ii.b. i , . .Ji .i u:- "-w.w. . i uinijii . . lil"UIU"t llir lliilll and stnick up tho Marseillaise.'' At this iimment some on? in the audience shouted i ...... ,. .., ,,i : im, i ...r .,,.., . , .. iw i I direction of the cry. This irv.lted i?nvit Tf.T'.:.""" oen ti wa no- in-i in .1 n oiaiin wi'iu on ri iiviiiiT iiiii : . v ., . , . re esling the tnck ihat had been ,vrpet- rateil. The rising generation should of all 'hinifs U. Uught obedience to law. Arith metic is good, grammar is a tine thing, laagaagas till tln-ir plana; but a high mornl idea of ones position as a law abiding ciUzen. is a. great it not g'tter. Th tailoring men of the world need a better Education in morals and religion, and the rici men of the country need broader ideas of fairness and equality. No man can obtain immense wealth, w ith rare excep tions, unless he pursues a selfish and dis honorable course, ore of robbery under some other name: both the laboring man and the rich man need to turn over a BOSS leaf. The host citizens and the happiest ones are the fourgeotis or middle classes: tbey live and let live, obey the law, pay their debts, own their homes, live within their means nt all haztrds. in matters of income he'.ng governed by the law of supply and demand. , Speaking of the item in the Graata I'ass Courier about the Soldier's home the Salem I dependent says : Wo would infer that the Courier knows "what it is talking about. A short time ago Marion county sent a man named Adams, who has since died, from the MOT house to tin homo. Bis fact was nearly eaten away by a cancer, and ho was an awful sight. Afior arriving there he was sent buck to Sulem with a statement Unit hi paper weto not properly raada nut. His papers wererevieed, and Major I) Q Sherman arranged proper impers and sent them on Again Adams was refused a place in the homo, lioeauso Uie olhcers he bad u contagious diseaso. Now Adams was an old soldier who fought in many a buttle for tho pieservaUon of the Union. If there was ever a worthy case his was one Ho is now dead and his homo is in the other world, hut there has lieen nn injustice done him and we feel thnt the officers of Uiat institution are tbe responsible intrties. Wu never knew be ) fore that the soldiers' home olhcers had a right to discriminate in the matter of rs cciving indigent soldiers. WE WANT FISH. From recent issues of th valley papers I nol e appeali for the construction of a fish Udder at Oregon City, for which the last session of the legislature made an appropriation. There is not much hope of it Being done while the state's money is locked up, as now. Then what should edible fish '.' Above the falls there is not , 1 a U .1 it. sir . 1 1 - - ; to tlUIKl a Usll It'lUer at Iie lallS. a gfKKl m, ,hr.,.nd dollars were ssafa&aS or stiuamteret! in ine enterprise, uie tat- teiiing qualities of a soft job slew the unAA.n 1 l.ivi.rlbl nf a feu- fa V I.r. 1.. 1,1.. ri ""' - trii.nflirnts anil a nondeBerinlfifettmA nut up which some ot,e jocosely jafd t imitation of a fish ladder. fii was the fish ever succceceti tp aecenuu iougi. many , . . . . . ii.iu i. u. .v,.-,.. .i. loo steep ana dangerous oi ascent mey iiiemse es w,r , more i posa.ble, and since that time fish of in- 1 quiring minds climb a greased pole ' recte1 near bv for thei- benefit or tboadeT their ca'mring outfit and take a lralI around ,ie cliff, when t-iey want to j Ms rjver boe Uie famotl8 cauract j sjnce t(l8 cour,a bave faid ..Keep off the ; nrtm- the 4tur rpat of pelvstrianitm ! has not been eager'.y sought by the fes- I tive salmon and sportive ?turseon and j 1 1. is legal ostracism has effectua' ly closed i he g ties of the Taiiey water against ti,oe scaley refugees from the "salt teas e " .'r?4rw called a fi.l. ladder went out w ith the first r;se in the rirer and i was feared, for a time, the sight of it while floating in the baxous of the lower W iiauitle would breed d-lormity the unhatched finny minnows to in- l W?" current ate , D0,J.awara ot it. Zio-t the rreai . . . . -. i tershed ol liie central valley tniiaoitea . b? ot utility wtu.e SMM lor I 1 '"Jl" ' ' " ' "" " "" ' ' pr'8 , ,, ri,r ' Why not arrange to have tiie r.ver shove the falls and many of the streams ( putting into it snpplied wi h carp and cat- gw"x!!!!pZ uurn waters a few years ago and put in ( tr wter below Portland and now I tie marei cx .m? naeirGpoiis mru iun v .. -.a , t,em ? .ver mau eIoe.n.,. lDe i i.i , t,rtfx nr i:n mum nmv. tippt4 from Portiand enough of these. j 0j btheT dtjible soon have the olber eUe,ms soiled to their propagation alive with them If JJJ ggj Udders we will continue l to pay tribute to oiher waters perhaps lor rear to come tor our Dsn. a tniail rye i outlay would In a few years make , the Calipooia. from month to sooner, a j pe''1 paradise for Ashing paties. Tbe ' leng-h of the stream in its serptn- tiae wanerifs throuiih the country. number of irihotaries reaching in ! opposite direetiont.tbat now contain none "t fint y f.mily worth notice wouK ' freqaer tsd by scenes of p.eau re seek I r thereafter. ttsprctnil, i J J. L. Hill ' X - S Tired. X cak, j Meant imrnire blood, and over wo: k or too 1 tw - k i i 1 sc"-" .T'l-, VkI VII: . . . -J I -.1. . IVI " i . ! nrtvrt Vn pi'ir l-lood. Thousands of peo e ceryi, . at trv bet bMod punner. i the be.t eerv n - " a icnE'i- n i 5 Uood S,.awril a. Wnat h ha done 1 . . - ... , foe othei I i . tliodo fjr tcu Hood's i C ores - TV--rrirT. r when Il:wl ."sai . ,.kt;.. ,nj .-r, oetritty an ursappesr !sarspan..a i- persistent v rrrvet, sweet sleep, " ' :xrr?Vr! IIckx. SarsaprarTila Tf .tlOSSSI tj:nt ab it HjJ's Sarsa pari'ia Is 'hxt they a-e prmsnent. be:us the .tsr; from the o!IJ I midtiun o purined, vitalised and errlched blood. io n.ate ins hair rerow a naiurai color. pre .er- u ;n- ,in.! keep li.e -a p nea.nty 11 I 11 "r tteurwer was inrcnteu. ar.a ra provevl ilseil uccerul . ., ,. ... , . Huod i are purely vceetab!-. kad !o not purge pain or gripe. So d bv ail . . a. i yestards when the (Califocnia t earner arrived. hund.eC, of people mo:H or.t ol CLrio;iy. oeing congregated on tne dock I Tle psngtr Its; was the larcew that ha be-.1 known in year, and beside the ! usual heavy cai go of 1'eirht. she cu Uoo sacks of mai'. principally destbiei rtesl ed to tastern cities. Astorian. . - tsri4rwlaasw4aa iCxiila. j oiiibeoi r,.ue !o ,,le ,orId br,i. is. is. in,s. i ,1,- 'i it aru ami eninent physician will tell vou Piat the progress in '-ne-bcin I agent. "has been ol Tqual and as oa .tienc-hetiing laxative that S,ruP of Figs pot up Is far in advance of all oihers. The l.adw. . . i with Thv pleas Sat etTi -ct and periect safetv lic'i I idies may ue the California -,, . . f . ' ,1J r "Pder al S?ndiVT- m,ke ",,hdr s-orlte iiemeviv. 1 I . Iha f risa in. sasa ntitnast artsAU T.-x- i 4V " T.J M! 1 -7 . tor th? of the California Fit Svrup i a . ... . . p"n,,? ' '"'r u,e oo :om "' t!V rck Ackowi.ei oen uv w. lhatj nders , w,ie defeate.1 for the office of J P still . , . . in tne ien in ine are insurance oaalness, representing the leadtaa companie?writ: I ing city business and the old COfNTl- NSftTAXi of New York, ihe ONLT first class OOBtpanj writing the sta'e. farm businVaa in Re-nem'K'i that Ayer's Sirsaparlila it at! acted from the Honduras root, which nly ot isrsapartlia ha the true alteratvc p.operiies. Also, that It Is a highly con centrated an '. poweiful medicine, and hence its wmteiful result In all forms of blood dl. ease. Don'i buy a b'ood purifier because il is cheap. "' The bet the Superior Medi cine Ayer's J .irs.ip.ui-. t. Is, In the end, the cheapest blood purifier in ihe market. The Ingredient of which It is composed are the most experts! ve and medtctnal'y tttiefcetotts ihat can he obtained. Parker Hros lead in baked goods, a. well as In groceries. This Is the truth, as can be easily learned by a trial. Wben trading with them, you get wnat you call for. IK not hesitate to Place your cash with them It buy. guanlily, quality and first class treatment every day In the week et A (.ii man painter, who has been work ing In Ihe country, came t Allany with some money.and yestetdey bought a tick et for Portland; but he got beastly drunk and though placed o'l ine cats this noon got off, having his beggage, and as a re mit was put In ihe city jab ihls after. loon. All Tnota residents of the city of Al dairy, who wish to furnish board and root., a to teachers, while the latter are in the city during the county institute, which Is to b held from July 80th to Aug 7th, inclusive, will confer a favor by communicating with the county super intendent. A R Hi tirfsFORD. County Superintendent, W- Price's Cream Basojg pOW(jeJ, mm m Forty Years UM I left The Popnilsu. Spokane, Wash., July 20. Ex-United States Attorney Patrick H Winston, who last May withdrew from the republican party and joined the people's party, in an open letter to the Hpokesman-Keview has declined an in vita' ion to represent the people's party in a joint delate in v? unman county. lie puis rns reitiaai upon the ground that he will not aJfiliii. Sax VnutaMC, July 20. It in prophe Bied on all hands that the Southern Pa cific strike is to be settled by Monday next. It is rumored that negotiations of some sort are pending between the strike leaders and the railroad officials, f.,l .,.. tr,nilit t. nilMiil thi. rvnr.nlist I ?1 Te.Vmift 'J at.t?,d L,th? P01' m ti,..;,i ; ;lt..o. . ..j lave v.,, through the Xorthwert. 1 . . . . . . ... . ultZTZ is no uae ol talking, the popnJisu ( mi ... ., . . will win in the West and Northwest next November. Minnesota is as good as car ried, and the strike assures us Illinois. i i.-.i, uii'i uie rni Thi troaWe, on the top of the in- iijiairiuaBinsMMi, was all that was needed for oursuccegg ." a BsereJe Baee. Hales, Or., July 20. A large crowd witnessed the 10-mile bicycle race at Lone Oak track this evening. It was the third race of the series of ten. There were five starters, all holding out to the finish. Chester Murphy, son of Judge Murphy, was the winner. This is the sec ond time he has won. Card, who won the first race, broke bis wheel and was campelled to make two changes and then came home secoad. Time of the race, U M: best mile, 2:54. . la ITarmJa ax Keancjsco, July 2D. An official of the Southern Pacific said Udav : . ,i ,y, . i;wi . , ltii-rc- are a number m men still oat. j lher,. ig no gigniCcanoe in that j as regards the operation of the road Host ii meetni&ers wno nave nrt re turned to work were formerly emploves. in the shops. New men have taken the place of Use mass of th J&e who were employed in the train service. Trains Sail.t Sacwamexto, July 19. General Super in ten dent Fillmore wag asked tonigh aljout the business done bv the railroad here today, and replied : "We sent out from here today 154 cart of freight. Thirtv-seren cars were ot fruit, east-bound, and the remainder were mostly freight north and west-bound. We received from the East today 59 cars of ice. Two east-bound passenger train.' went out. All the main line locals ic and out of here are running on schedule time. Tomorrow we expect to send ou six east-bound freight trains, about hal of them fruit. Tr I" r . Earalac. Eostos, July 19. The receivers of tbe Union Pacific system this aitemot.n issn- ed their statement of tbe condition of the rxsad tor Mav. The showing is ross earnings f ryBai.TTlJD Expenses 2,loi9.Wb.ll . urplu 373.S15.3j rmrm oS7,M4.83 SH Tae 4 atw racsSe Tacoma, July 19. The Xorthera Pa cine has shitmed 560 isrs of frebzht tnm ' Tacoma Eastward since Monday, and ' will ship 300 more tomorrow. Order are on die for 1100 empties on this divis ion, hut thev cannot be supplied until .. . - r . . 1 '. delaved cars arrive from the East and an unloaded ' Will C4w ail see S. FstANTii4-D. Jalv 19. John Dag- ; , - . i . f c x.- ". I . V-TV y co mint, reeeitped orders todav from the ssxretarr of tbe treasunr to cow an un- limited number of silver dollars I ,h.. .maininwrlwrw of Jnlv mod. durimr : f - - ' I . irir. full rnw,-irv rrf ;:. 0 C0B1 rv of the . t-. . : -- ., . . 1 . - . ...... X cim.i.r .....I iiMwtf.. h.ra .Itti mint. Ai similar instructions have also ; t-fn nt to the mint otncials at New been sent to the mint otncials at New Orleans, Superintendent Daggers says ; that fully t3.000.lW0 dollars will be turn-t-vl out by August 1st. The Tariff Sti, WaauaaiOK, July 19.The democrats : of the bouse today without a division of sentiment, so tar as surface indications were concerned, and amid a scene of un- isi"ii-cix-u ruiuucissm, f"" 4,t uses 10 xxirrx-uir wim nuuiaiiuus 1 to tne oomerrees to stant arm agatns whi.-h rnV ...t'.. 1,-t.l placed upon the bill. A aaaatxte."tox. Julv 19. Todav a commit' : XV6ton brancli had held a meeting and J-Urvd the strike off : that it had also aissolved the organiiation. and would be . i-,i in j,- nt trM. mM1 r.intate.l 1 ,,. nlac-s had n.nlwii till..!. Mr V,i.-rtn i,I lh,-ir ! w.ultl V. j .vmaiif r-pt bv tho oonirranv TartST B41U Washisgtos, Julv 1. The tariff con- I decidedaftera 15 minutes' session tins atternoon to report a disagreement I y" "'.f '-"" -l"'r f.W .' I aisagreernsjnt wtiei Portca to. hoUSe ,t0m0rr,x?-, dftantially agreed on, WS liauuiuiK lilv uifi'CX-tu'cu w ucu i , ia iv- was also : 1 1 1 7 ? Tri x 1 . .s , . 71 ivnvenes. vaicnings, irom roe comma ti-s on rules, will present a special rule allowing two hours for debate, at the end of which .time a vote will betaken I . ,. , , on again sending the bill to conference. i a O i ' k fi.Nnw Julv IS. lt mav he I a twMw, JUiy it. ma w? stated absolutely this evening that over tures have boon made to the strikers on behalf of the railway company, which, if accepted by them, will bring the long ootid in u strike to a close. The terms of- fered as a basis of compromise are that Uie company will take the strikers back to work, except those who have been guilty of crimes. It is just barely pos sible, however, that the propooed calling off ot the strike may be defeated by ttis latter condition, the strikers being averse to its acceptance. The matter is said to have been submitted to Dobs for his de cision. Ow The X r. Sauna, July 18. The strike situation in this vicinity is more favorable than it has been at anv time for three weeks. The Northern Pacific announces that it will start its branch lines from this city in the morning with the old crews, AH engineers and conductors have applied for work, and were it not ior the destruc tion of bridges west of this city, there would be no difficulty in operating trains OB time. The Tras Leave. Cmc.uiO, July 18. At 8o'clock tonight tienora 1 Miles appended his signature to the general order removing the federal troops from Chicago. The infantry will take trains for their respective posts, while the cavalry and artillery will march to Fort Sheridan and remain there until such time as General Miles thinks best that they may lie sent to their posts. A Mat Trtal lwSBlaest. WcKiH.s, July 18. The trial of Knox and Worden, charged with com plicity in the trestle tragedy, promisee to be very sensational. The prosecu tion has summoned 44 witnesses and the defense S7. The preliminary examina tions will last several days. The array of counsel has probably never been be fore equaled in a justice court in the state. An earthquake Oobx, July 18. At 8:30 this after noon distinct earthquake shocks were folt. Dishes were shaken from the tables, the walls of some of the large blocks were cracked, and a general shaking up occurred. Many people wore frightened into leaving their homes. BJOHOLENE What U It - It s- the new shorten ing -tak ing the place of lard, -or cooking butter, or I both. Costs less, goes, farther, and is easily' by anyone. AT ALL GROCERS. Refese AH Ssbstitttts. N. i. FAiRBANK & CO., Of ST. LOUIS and k cMicaoo, new tobk, .aa saoarron. w EtlttEKFURO BCK1 4l3f in 4narTt La - - iimi i.l auDtwn nen V. BSUen is pr 1 adV (a wuiss. OfFlCt-In th r.a MoeJ I !.T Ml uwvy s taw SatMtMr fat CVamry. C Ainaj, Orwaww j(E. f . WRItSHT, iw, , at lav. rA !f jearr Pwlse wot i . lineatMarUof tArs Wat. S?i txwt:oQ -ii snwn iil arasxem-i rr.-ua i:- mm tj TrmuO. Alauy. cxr . IV t a. ii. I M 8 I (i i . ." - 4 li leni nuir- i i r- tw Maxim. iimfui'.''tes.. slaw J J WHITHC1, Attorney at Law, AlbawT r. otittiti: mrtLi AttorntrfS at Law. Aibacj. Pre 0 It. J. I.. HILL. Payosawa S Jaiiii. OFTTCf: far-7 Btiwrta, Aftaar, 0tof. Or H E Beers. Dr o Physic iaas anc Surge Sial attention etven to d:s women. Hon- 10 to 12 AM, a 7 to S P M 0-":- and residence berg Building, First Street, bet we lndEKssTTth. D KM. XtlTOv A 4Vls orrtca- B. rraaibia anu Aln, Cv. OaDat 1 qtT aci eawwxry- T. C.HACKKT, M.t. twjstriaa aad Sannraa, OSce-C stairs j x utxyr.'W Bosaatsr. corner IStk aad Caiawus st- tv ccicKce..w;5iicK 0 ALBAKT, oasSOl. TSAXSACT a tt iiiac ansa DSAW SIGHT D4t vrTS on Bass Vrk. Sa UAX MOSET xfn r i waintj aaCtUTK wraosit tabjert to ssmsti. 0OiXCTKi aw-t oa Ut sKt xw OrrXRE3T.Did ee Uta iMm B ARK OP M IO. clo, OXtKOO. -1 SI H . J a A 1 bv rs V ' anted on Suiary aadCcaumi rTHE ONLY AUTHORIZED jkl of JAMES B. BLAME By Gail Hamilton", his literary executor, with tbe co-op -ration of hi family, axt-l Soe sir. Qiawv Conrdwte Wotkr, ' TWHxrt Ytuas or Coxoaass," and hU later boo, "Political Dtsccsjsroxa " On pro pectus for Iwm 3 bbst srajjso book ia the av act. ART Jordaa of Me., took 112 ortUa from drat I !i) calls; ageot's pnjfit flgvjft Mrs Ballard of 0. took 15 orders. 13 tsxd Russia, in 1 day; profit $2i.25. $i X Vc. of Maaa, took 27 order in S da'. s: j.rxosi $47.35. J Patndge of Me. to Jt 3 o:45 from 36 calls; profit $75.. S A rVmer N. Dak. took 53 order in 3 davs; r or )i.25. Kxcirsava TkESlToav givse. ! lawith to make LARGE MOK Y rit . nadiately for terms to 1 jgn m ijfe Co- .XorwifiiX umi OQLiiieim issfirfc ALBANY, OREGON 1991, 1892 t Twrra s?t4 Stwsxer Ssk A ft 1 corps of inatroctcca. - .JtsiSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, UTUUlT COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Cooraca ot study trranjreJ t - w . .. all grade of student SfAcimi iHiiwctments cftrm. t .. v. KLBser w rsiT UN I OBTAIN A t A TEST Tn ' ana an booms opto km. welt wxparsaara tiaa strtctrr t book mmi tnm.' xaratwa wsaa a oa, ismsc ie iseawai ,,ASv.33a'vwrfnS, T Ot. Priced Croani Bskls Psm tata I i aws. ft Soai lisi Pauats takast Wtr Fair Ittghtst Aw